Brunner large-leaved roots crawled out of the ground. Brunner: types, varieties, planting and care in the open field

Brunnera large-leaved or, in another way, forget-me-not is an ornamental plant that is sure to become the main decoration of your shady garden. The indisputable advantage of a flower is shade tolerance and frost resistance, because the plant can withstand winter with frosts up to 30 degrees. Brunner will not give you trouble, because caring for her is not at all painstaking. In addition, this flower can grow in one place for up to 15 years without transplants.


Brunner is a decorative perennial shrub, reaching a height of 50 cm. In the wild, forget-me-not prefers forest zones, river banks.

The shrub belongs to the borage family. The leaves of the plant grow on long, slightly drooping petioles. The leaves are very large, may have a different intensity and tone of green color. Mostly in various varieties of brunners, the leaves are heart-shaped.
Brunner can be found in the Caucasus, Asia Minor, in the Siberian region. Spreading brunner bushes bloom with dark blue small flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. Flowering occurs in April and lasts a little over a month. In the middle of summer, the plant produces fruits - a few black seeds.

Types of brunners

The borage family has only three types of brunner:

  1. The large-leaved brunner lives mainly in the Caucasus. It is also called the Caucasian forget-me-not. It is the most valuable and decorative look. On its basis, various varieties have already been bred - this is Jack Frost ("JackFrost"), « Millenniumsilber » ("Millenium silver"),« Variegata » ("Variegeta")
  2. AT Western Siberia in vivo the Siberian Brunner lives, but this species is not as popular among flower growers as the large-leaved Brunner.
  3. In Turkey and the Middle East, Brunner orientalis lives under natural conditions, but it is not grown in culture.


Varieties of this plant are quite common in our gardens. Jack Frost varieties were especially fond of our flower growers. ("Jack Frost"), « Variegata » ("Variegeta").

  • Jack Frost ("Jack Frost") differs in the original color of the leaves - the silver foliage of this variety is decorated with dark green veins. Plants of this variety will decorate your garden from early spring until frost. The plant grows at its maximum by mid-summer. Next to the Jack Frost brunner ("Jack Frost") it is best to plant a fern, geykhera or bergenia.
  • Variegata differs from other varieties in luxurious large dark green leaves with a white, wide border, in some places reaching onto the leaf plate. But this variety has one drawback - by August, juicy foliage can burn in the sun, as a result of which the plant loses its decorative effect. This variety should be planted only in the shade.
  • Another popular variety is Looking Glass. This variety has almost white leaves, on which there are practically no blotches of green. This variety is very undersized - the height of the bush can be about 30 cm. The flower of this variety can be planted even in the sun, as it does not lose its decorative effect even under scorching rays. But watering in this case will have to be increased.
  • Beautiful, bluish-silvery foliage has a variety of Kings Ransome. This variety has very large decorative leaves, which are sure to become the main decoration of the garden. The variety does not lose its decorative effect throughout the season, and until the deepest autumn it will delight you with its beauty. The flowering of plants of this variety is very plentiful. It is advisable to plant a flower in the shade.
  • A very beautiful, highly decorative variety is the Millennium Zilber. The surface of the foliage of plants of this variety is strewn with large spots that have a silvery-whitish color. The variety is preferably planted in the shade. It may seem that this plant needs painstaking care, although in fact it needs minimal care.
  • Low bushes of the Silver Hat variety attract a lot of attention. Their leaves are in the form of large hearts of silver color with thin dark green veins look very decorative. Unlike other varieties, this flower is very demanding on the ground, needs care - frequent watering, weeding, protection against pests. This variety can grow even in the sun, but still prefers light partial shade.

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Growing brunners in the garden

Site selection

It is advisable to plant this flower in a site that is illuminated by the sun early in the morning, and in the midday heat is in the shade. Although the brunner is a large-leaved and shade-tolerant plant, it cannot do without sunlight at all. In full shade, the flower loses its decorative effect.

Brunner prefers well-moistened clay soils. Great if you choose a place to plant a plant on north side area behind buildings so that water flows from the roof during rain.

You should not plant this flower on too rich soils, in which a lot of manure has been introduced. Too fertile land will cause an active growth of green mass by the bush, which will lead to a violation of the natural growth rhythm of the plant. On fertile land, a brunner will develop incorrectly.


As a rule, simultaneously with the division of an adult bush, brunners are also planted. When the bush fades, it must be dug up, cut off the ground green part. The roots are washed from the soil, and divided into parts with a sharp knife. When cutting it is necessary to follow the natural collapse of the rhizomes. Make sure that each division has a kidney for the next year.
In the selected area, holes are dug up to the size of the roots of the divisions, the plants are lowered into the holes and covered with earth. After planting, it is necessary to shed the bushes abundantly and mulch, which will help retain moisture in the soil. You can mulch the ground around the plants with peat, sawdust, limestone or ash. Some growers mulch the ground around the plants with dead coffee grounds.


Caring for the plant is very simple - it does not even need to be constantly watered if the planting site has been chosen correctly. Due to the wide leaf plate under the bushes, the ground remains wet for a long time. The plant should be watered only during the dry season. If you plant a brunner in a sunny area, then you will have to water the bushes very often. Many varieties of brunners are quite satisfied with natural rainfall.

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The flower needs regular weeding. As root system plants are too close to the ground, it is best to select weeds by hand. It is not necessary to loosen the soil due to the proximity of the roots to the surface of the soil.
Caring for the plant is really very simple - the brunner does not need to be fed.

Growing problems

Problems in growing brunners most often arise when planting the plant in the sun. Brunnera leaves can burn out and even die from the scorching sun.

Of the diseases, most often the bushes are affected by powdery mildew and also brown spot. Brunner large-leaved can get sick with these fungal diseases primarily due to excessively moist soil. Diseased parts of the plant must be removed, and healthy shoots and leaves should be treated with fungicides.
Of the insect pests, aphids and whiteflies most often attack the plant. As soon as you notice insects on the bushes, they must be treated with an insecticide.

Brunner after flowering

Planting and caring for a flower is not difficult even for beginner flower growers. Will not cause any problems and care in preparation for the winter. The leaves of the plant do not die off with cold weather - they must be cut off with the onset of frost. The flower will winter well without shelter, however, in order to avoid possible freezing of the roots in a region with a harsh climate, they must be mulched with fallen leaves, compost, peat or straw.

Use in garden design

Brunner is great for creating decorative compositions. It can be used to decorate living borders, as it keeps its shape perfectly and does not grow much over the entire season. You can also use bushes for planting in rockeries in the shade. Another variety, Siberian Brunner, is less valuable for flower growers, as it loses its decorative effect by the middle of summer. But it's not moody oh very beautiful plant can be used for landscaping shady areas in the garden.

Excellent partners are primrose, hellebore, bear onion, fern, hosta.

Be sure to plant on your site, if you have empty shady corners, several varieties of this original flower. This plant is truly unpretentious, and you will not need to surround it with troublesome care throughout the season. The plant is very decorative and can compete with hostas in originality of foliage, and at the same time require much less maintenance. Brunnera is the real queen of the shady garden, which will be its main decoration throughout the season - from April until the frost.

Gardeners know how difficult it is to choose a flower arrangement for their site. Bruner is a popular plant in landscape design, photo and description of the flower will allow you to make a choice in its favor. It is important to know how to care for a bruner depending on the season. This will create beautiful flower bed in your landscape.

General information about Bruner

On the this moment, most designers prefer perennial and unpretentious plants. One of these is the Bruner flower (Brunnera). This flower belongs to the Burachnikov family. In Russia, such types of brunera are grown as: large-leaved (B. macrophylla) and Siberian (B. sibirica).

This plant is winter-hardy, calmly withstands frost. In spring, flowering begins early, thanks to this, Brunera will make your garden beautiful even at the very beginning of spring. The flower looks great because of its large and beautiful leaves. In the people, this plant is called Forget-Me-Not, because Brunera and Forget-Me-Not belong to the same family.

What to plant a brunner with? It can be combined with different flowers for creating beautiful composition. Popular varieties include:

  • ferns;
  • rogersia;
  • Volzhanka.

In landscape design, brunner looks good in different compositions. Therefore, you can choose one or two plant varieties to create an interesting flower bed.

The plant is planted in separate areas for flowers, next to the house. Some owners decorate the paths along which the flower grows.

Bruner flower - planting and care in the open field

Brunera is absolutely unpretentious to the place of future landing. But if you want to further decorate your garden with this flower, then it is better to plant it in a shady place, only occasionally illuminated by direct sunlight, in clay, moist soil. In this case, the plant will grow faster.

Under such conditions, it will be possible for Bruner not to be watered for a long time, unless a drought sets in. If the flower is in full shade, then growth will be noticeably worse.

When planted in the sun, Bruner can dry out even with abundant watering. If after that transplant it into a more appropriate place and continue abundant watering, then most likely the flower will soon return to its normal state and grow its leaves back.

Brunera can be planted near the house, because she is not afraid of water flowing from the roof. Also near the house, there is almost never very fertile land. Brunera is not too fond of very fertile land and overly abundant food (such as fresh manure). At right place planting the plant can grow more than 15 years.

Usually there are no difficulties with caring for a bruner. At proper fit, the plant grows very quickly, and after a while it begins to oppress not only weeds, but also neighboring cultivated plants. In order to prevent this from happening, when planting, a very large area is allocated for its growth. When the long flowering brunera (just over 3 weeks) ends, you need to remove the flower stalks and withered leaves. At the end of summer they will grow back. In the photo of the bruner in landscape design, it is interesting to combine with other plants.

If you planted a large-leaved bruner, then at the end of flowering the foliage does not fall off and the flower has a very attractive appearance until late autumn. But unlike other varieties, it grows more slowly and in connection with this, it is not necessary to loosen the ground around it very much.

In winter, if the flower is not completely covered with snow, it is worth covering with mulch. As soon as snow falls or warm weather sets in, remove the mulch and loosen the ground around the brunner a little.

These flowers rarely get sick. But if the flower is watered too abundantly, or there will be heavy rains, then the plant may be affected. powdery mildew or brown spotting.

Of the pests, Brunnera is only occasionally attacked by aphids, slugs and whiteflies.

A shady corner of the garden is not yet a sentence; by choosing the appropriate plants correctly, you can make it bright and attractive. One of my favorites shade-tolerant plants is a brunner. She deserves many compliments for her exquisite beauty, unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. But first things first…

The plant received its Latin generic name - Brunnera - in honor of the Swiss botanist Samuel Brunner, and the second name - forget-me-not - because of the similarity with forget-me-not flowers. However, there are still differences with forget-me-not - this is a larger flower size, the presence of a white rather than yellow spot in the middle and the absence of a smell.

Brunner has a second name - forget-me-not - because of the similarity with forget-me-not flowers. However, there are still differences with forget-me-not - this is a larger flower size, the presence of a white rather than yellow spot in the middle and the absence of a smell.

Brunner belongs to the borage family (Boraginaceae), the genus has only 3 species, of which only 2 are used in floriculture. This is a large-leaved brunner and a Siberian brunner. The favorite is the first kind, especially its wonderful decorative varieties, which we will discuss below.

Brunnera macrophylla (Brunnera macrophylla)

Perennial rhizomatous plant native to the Caucasus. In one place, without a brunner transplant, the large-leaved can live up to 15 years, which makes it a profitable plant for the garden.

The height of the large-leaved brunner reaches 40–60 cm, the stems are erect, pubescent, and the leaves are green, rather large, about 20 cm long, heart-shaped with a sharp tip, rough to the touch. The flowers are small sky-blue with a white center, in loose paniculate inflorescences. Brunner blooms in May - June for about 25 days. Seeds ripen in mid - late June.

Brunner large-leaved has long been used in horticulture, it has been known in culture since 1827. Received a lot interesting varieties, differing mainly in the color of the leaves and the shade of the flowers. Of course, this plant is very impressive during flowering, but the beauty of the leaves is valued more. Large, dense, textured, they are consistently decorative throughout the season. By choosing the variety you like, and even better several at once, you can create a wonderful composition.

Varieties by groups

Varieties with, in which on a green background there is a border of various widths and colors:

- a well-known and popular variety with large dark green heart-shaped leaves and uneven cream border. The embossed texture of the leaf looks very decorative. The bush is tall and about 50 cm wide;

- leaves are light green with a wide white border around the edge. Bush up to 40 cm high;

- the leaves are large, rough and embossed, light green in color with an uneven narrow cream border around the edge. Bush up to 45 cm high and about 50 cm wide.

Varieties with silver leaves:

- a very popular variety, its leaves seem to be silvered with hoarfrost, only the veins and border along the edge of the sheet remain green. Bush about 50 cm high;
Looking glass- a variety similar to Jack Frost, but the silveriness of the leaves is even more intense. They look very light, like steel, green veins are much smaller. Bushes about 30 cm high and wide;
kings ranson- one of the new original varieties. Silvery-green leaves with dark green veins and a wide creamy yellow border. The height and width of the bush is about 50 cm;
- on a dark green background of the leaf, closer to its edge, several rows of silver specks. The height and width of the bush is 30–45 cm;
modern variety Belarusian breeder Alexander Zuykevich is characterized by very large silvery leaves with green veins. The bush is powerful, up to 40–50 cm high and up to 70 cm wide;

Millennium Silver- leaves are dark green with large silvery spots;
- on a green background, small silvery specks along the edge of the sheet;
new variety(2010) with silvery spots on a green background, which are located symmetrically with respect to the central vein.

Varieties with yellow leaves , for example, - the variety is interesting for the yellow-green color of the leaves. Forms a compact bush 20 cm high.

Varieties with original flower color:

- an original variety with white flowers and plain green leaves. Bush up to 40 cm high and up to 45 cm wide;
- a new variety (2008), combining silvery leaves with white flowers, which makes it especially attractive;
- a variety with a two-color color of flowers, white with a blue stripe;
Henry's Eyes- a variety with a bicolor color of flowers, blue with a white stripe along the edge.

Siberian Brunner (Brunnera sibirica)

A perennial plant native to the forests of Siberia. Its horizontal rhizome is up to 1 m long and about 1 cm thick. The height of the plant is 40–60 cm, the stems are erect, the leaves are large, heart-shaped, pubescent. Flowers in racemose inflorescences, blue with a white center, 0.5 cm in diameter. It blooms in the first decade of May and blooms until early July. During flowering, it looks very decorative, grows rapidly, forming thickets. Used in horticulture, valued for its unpretentiousness and wonderful flowering.

Features of the growth of brunner species

Despite the outward similarity of the large-leaved and Siberian brunners, the plants have significant differences that must be taken into account so that there are no misunderstandings later. I will highlight the features of each type.

So, large-leaved brunner forms fairly compact bushes, does not spread over the site, can grow in one place for a long time without transplanting and dividing the bush. It retains its decorative effect throughout the season, thanks to the formation of new leaves. While the Siberian Brunner, which has powerful surface rhizomes, grows in a continuous array and quickly spreads over the site. Her growth must be limited! In addition, in the middle of summer, the leaves often turn brown and dry, the plant loses its attractiveness. It is better to cut them off so that the foliage recovers over time.

flowers brunners siberian

How to grow brunner

Site selection and soil. As we have already said, brunner is a shade-tolerant plant, therefore it can and should be placed in shady areas of the garden. But still, she needs the sun, better not direct, but scattered. In full shade, the plants stretch and their decorative effect is reduced. A good place will be illuminated in the morning, and at noon and in the afternoon falling into the shade.

For varieties with variegated foliage, as well as yellow-leaved, openwork penumbra is suitable, subject to regular watering.
Brunnera large-leaved prefers moderately rich and moderately moist soils. Siberian loves clay and moist soils.

Care. When growing a brunner, you should always remember about regular watering, especially in hot and dry weather. If the brunner grows in areas where the sun is too much for her, then watering needs to be increased. Otherwise, the leaves quickly lose turgor, and the plant will lose its decorative effect.

Brunner large-leaved must be periodically weeded. Bushes are recommended to be mulched to retain moisture and reduce the frequency of weeding.

Siberian Brunner does not need weeding, its dense thickets will not give weeds a chance to grow. Both types of brunners have excellent frost resistance, so there will be no problems with wintering. The only thing required is to cut late autumn leaves and lightly mulch the bushes.

Plants are resistant to diseases and pests. Sometimes, in conditions of too wet and cool summers, powdery mildew and brown spotting can become ill.

Reproduction. The large-leaved brunner species is usually propagated by dividing the bush, and Siberian by dividing the rhizome. In addition, the species brunner can be propagated by seeds. As for varieties, they need to be propagated only vegetatively.
Thus, cultivation will not be difficult. And this is another reason to have a forget-me-not in your garden!

Application in garden design

Such wonderful plant, like a brunner, with its beautiful leaves and flowers, like a forget-me-not, is widely used in the garden. As already mentioned, various varieties of large-leaved brunners are most often grown. It is suitable for creating borders and mixborders. I grow several varieties at once, selecting them to my liking. I especially like the combination of varieties with different flower colors. By placing the bushes alternately, in May - June, you can enjoy light blue, white and blue-white clouds hovering over the bushes. Combinations of varieties with different leaf colors are also good. In addition, it is easy to find partners for brunners - these are ferns, and others. Siberian Brunner can be used to fill empty spaces with clay soils, as well as to frame water bodies.

If you like decorative leafy perennials, you will definitely like Brunnera. A plant with large beautiful leaves that retain their freshness and elegant appearance from April to late autumn can become a real decoration of the garden. In early spring, the bush is covered with a blue cloud of small flowers with a pleasant honey aroma. Perennial is often confused with its relative forget-me-not, as evidenced by its popular name - forget-me-not.

Thickets of brunnera large-leaved during the flowering period

Lost in time decorative and deciduous perennial

Brunner is a real herbaceous perennial that can grow in one place for more than 10 years, forming dense thickets, without degenerating, without crushing the leaves. Perhaps the powerful energy of growth and self-preservation is due to the fact that it belongs to the relic representatives of the flora. This is a speck of the past, which has come down to our days and remembers what the vegetation of the planet was like more than 5 million years ago.

Science knows only a few species of this plant, two are of interest to flower growers.

  1. Brunner large-leaved is common in the Caucasus. It forms a short rhizome, from which basal leaves grow on high petioles and stems up to 60 cm high, forming a sprawling bush. Rosette leaves are large, on lateral shoots - smaller, sheet plate- elongated heart-shaped, green, somewhat wrinkled, pubescent with small hairs on both sides.
  2. Brunner Siberian is similar to its Caucasian relative, but does not form bushes, but continuous thickets. Its leaves are even larger and more spectacular, it is distinguished by early flowering and cold resistance - the Siberian character affects. The only drawback that reduces the popularity of culture in floriculture is the loss of decorativeness after flowering. In this way, the Siberian variety differs from the large-leaved variety, which produces fresh foliage throughout the growing season.

The perennial blooms from the end of April, throwing out paniculate inflorescences covered with blue flowers like forget-me-nots. The only difference is the color of the pharynx (eye): in the flower of the brunner it is white, while in the forget-me-not it is yellow.

Delicate flowers that look like forget-me-nots

It is interesting! Perennial is a real thunderstorm for mice. Rodents, like a moth to a fire, go to the rhizome of brunners, and, like moths, they die from its poisonous composition.

Popular varieties

For breeders, large-leaved brunner is of interest - it is on its basis that unusual variegated varieties are bred. Their main advantage is that even after flowering they do not lose their attractiveness, and in some garden forms it is the leaves that are the main decoration for which the culture is actually grown.

  • Brunner large-leaved Jack Frost is an elegant and beloved variety by flower growers. From a distance, the leaves seem to be covered with frost - the silvery leaf blade, speckled with green veins, looks so unusual. It blooms profusely and for a long time (May - June), has a neat bush that holds its shape well.

    Recognizable variety Jack Frost

  • Brunner's large-leaved variety Variegata is named so because of the variegated color - the leaf plate has an unusual white border, which goes into the dark green canvas with tongues. The leaves are large, slightly wrinkled, heart-shaped in shape. The bush is compact (up to 30 cm in height), does not fall apart, looks good in flower borders.

    Variegated cultivar Variegata

  • Brunner Hadspen Cream is similar in description to Variegata, only the border along the edge of the sheet is not white, but cream. The bushes are low (up to 25 cm) and neat, during flowering, paniculate peduncles covered with pale blue flowers rise 10–15 cm above the leaf mass. perennial culture grows up to 60 cm in diameter.

    garden form with variegated leaves Hadspen Cream

  • Brunnera Looking Glass is another variegated and very elegant variety. On a silver leaf blade, light green veins are almost invisible, they are slightly pressed into a wrinkled leaf, which gives the impression of a marble surface. blooming plant in early spring, with favorable weather - again in the fall. The variety grows a compact bush, not exceeding 25-30 cm, has excellent winter hardiness.

    Silver-marbled Looking Glass leaves

  • Variety Millennium Zilber is recognizable by large heart-shaped leaves of rich green color, covered with silvery spots.

    In the photo, the bush Millennium Zilber

decorative application

Gardeners love brunner for unpretentiousness, decorativeness, it looks interesting as a green background for flowering plants. What are the options for using perennials?

  • In the curbs. Based on the fact that the bush is compact, grows quickly, keeps its shape well, it is planted along the edge garden paths and flower beds, as the lower tier on raised flower beds.
  • In mixborders. Juicy greenery serves as a good background for tall flowering perennials, used in group plantings with other decorative leafy plants (fern, Goryanka, wild garlic). Like hosta, it grows well in shady flower beds.
  • In rockeries, relief gardens. A subalpine type culture is planted as groundcover in low moist places, next to an artificial reservoir.

Brunner Siberian is not so decorative, but the shade-tolerant culture is indispensable for the northern and shaded areas of the garden. Growing, it densely covers the soil, displaces weeds, forming a continuous green carpet.

Elegant border (variety Jack Frost)

Growing features

Brunner large-leaved one of the most undemanding plants garden, planting and care of which, with proper agricultural technology, is minimized. Resistance to growing many years in a row in the same place, as well as a tendency to grow rapidly, forces growers to keep plantings under control, preventing them from capturing larger and larger areas.

Note! The species Brunner is more resistant to adverse conditions than the varietal. In regions with wet summers, it does not need watering and top dressing.

Location selection

The natural habitat of the culture is forest edges, river valleys, subalpine meadows. Perennial loves wet clay soils, well retaining moisture and light penumbra. Although the plant is considered shade-tolerant, it is better that it receives its portion of the sun in the morning hours, otherwise the stems will stretch and the color of the leaves will turn pale. You can also plant a brunner in a well-lit flower bed, but in this case, you should worry about watering.

Landing and care

After planting brunners, caring for it consists in the timely removal of weeds, loosening, if necessary, watering and removing leaves and flower stalks that have lost their decorative effect.

In early spring, in order to stimulate vegetation and the growth of large succulent leaves with intense color, the perennial is fed with a complete fertilizer containing the NPK complex in balanced amounts. Granules (100 g / m²) are scattered over melting snow so that they dissolve and soak into the ground with moisture.

Note! In a dry summer without watering, the leaves can dry out and turn brown. In this case, it is better to cut and water them. By the end of summer, the flower will give young shoots.

Young plants of the first-second year of vegetation in spring


The main method of perennial propagation is vegetative, by pieces of rhizome. It is best to divide the bush in August, when the plant not only fades, but also lays renewal shoots and flower stalks on next year. The bush is dug up, the leaf mass is cut off, leaving a stump of stems and basal petioles (10–12 cm), divided into parts according to the collapse of the rhizome. In a new place, they dig a hole, water it with water, after absorbing moisture, plant a delenka without falling asleep the root neck.

Plants come out in spring after transplanting pieces of rhizome

Brunner Siberian can be propagated by pieces of rhizome without the aerial part, the main thing is that there is a kidney of future growth.

If necessary, young plants can be transplanted in the spring, but only with big ball earth, if possible without injuring the root system.

Brunner large-leaved:

Every year, many gardeners grow decorative perennials in them to maintain the attractive appearance of their gardens. And most often, they prefer unpretentious plants.

Many experienced flower growers are familiar with the brunner, which not only does not create problems in care, but also effectively decorates problem areas in the garden under the shady crowns of trees. The land is especially transformed in spring, when many other ornamental plants are at rest: at this time, the site acquires a special charm due to delicate blue flowers.

Description of the brunner plant

The main representatives of the genus Brunners are herbaceous perennials belonging to the borage family. Its characteristic features are whole leaves of large sizes.

Many note that Brunner strongly reminiscent of forget-me-not, therefore, its old name - “forget-me-not” will also be appropriate.

But still Brunner has larger flowers devoid of characteristic aroma. At the same time, they show an equally amazing hue that allows you to enjoy the blue cloud that adorns the decorative, lush greenery.

Inflorescences in adults paniculate or corymbose. At the ripening stage, a fruit grows, which contains four nuts.

Flowering brunnera begins in early May. But this lasts no longer than a month, and then the active formation of leaves begins. AT favorable years when a warm autumn is issued, brunners can be expected to bloom again.

Decorative types and varieties of brunners

The genus Brunner includes three species, of which only two have been used in landscape design. Brunner large-leaved(lat. B. macrophylla). In the wild, this plant is found in the Caucasus. Adult specimens form a branched stem, which has a powerful surface root.

By June, when the brunner practically stops blooming, its sprawling, leafy stems begin to increase in length, reaching 40 cm. characteristic feature plants - the presence of pubescence, roughness is felt to the touch.

Deciduous mass is formed at the base of the root, has oblong, oval-heart-shaped with pointed tip shape.

The decorative character provides the leaves with two colors, since on top they have dark green color, and below - grayish. Brunner flowers are paniculate-corymbose. Decorate the site from April until the first severe frosts.

During the growing season, the plant retains its elegant appearance, as new leaves are formed regularly. Look especially attractive garden varieties brunners, thanks to the wide decorative heart-shaped leaves that have a variegated color.

brunner sibirica

This perennial is common in Altai. It differs not only in larger sizes, but also in the most spectacular view. In the process of growth, a long rhizome is formed in it, the stems are single, in some places there is pubescence. It can reach 60 cm in height.

This plant is presented not in the form of a shrub, but in dense deciduous thickets. With the latest withered flowers leaves begin to dry out, acquiring a nondescript appearance due to dark spots forming on their surface.

At the end of summer, the Siberian brunnera develops new leaves that adorn the thickets of this variety until the first frosts. In the wild, this variety of brunners can most often be found in shady places with high humidity.

Growing and caring for brunnera

A photo of a plant can charm everyone, but to acquire such beauty, you will have to work hard.

Before landing brunners need to choose a place taking into account humidity and shading. Then subsequently the plant will not require much time and effort to care for it.

The most problematic areas in the garden, covered with tree crowns, are perfect for growing brunners.

If planted correctly, in a few weeks they will form dense thickets, suppressing not only weeds, but also closely growing cultivated plants. Therefore, when growing brunners, it is necessary control her bushes.

  1. For brunners, it is recommended to allocate a place that is illuminated by the sun. In conditions of strong shading, the brunner does not look so attractive, it begins to stretch.
  2. With open access to the sun's rays, it is imperative to monitor the humidity of the air and soil. Therefore, a good solution would be to plant it next to a pond.
  3. In summer, when daytime temperatures can often rise to + 30 and above, when grown on sunny areas the plant often dies. Therefore, it is best to plant it in moist soils.

Features of caring for the Siberian brunner

More whimsical in this regard is the Siberian brunner, which can grow in conditions of moderate humidity. If you grow a brunner in areas rich in organic matter, then this provokes a long growth of foliage, which is completely disrupts its seasonal rhythm life.

The perennial feels uncomfortable if there is too much nutrients. Therefore, during the growing process, exclude additional feeding, because otherwise, this can lead to a rapid set of deciduous mass, which is not beneficial to the plant.

This applies to all fertilizers without exception, and especially fresh manure. In the process of development of the brunner rhizome, the Siberian forms dense plexuses, thereby preventing weeds from growing.

Therefore, it saves the gardener from weeding. It remains only prune, which have lost their attractive appearance, leaves. Subject to the agricultural technology of planting a Siberian brunner, it greatly simplifies its care.

A slightly different growing approach should be used in relation to large-leaved brunners.

While creating favorable conditions for a perennial, a transplant may be required for him no earlier than after 15 years.

Brunnera macrophylla is one of those perennials that has a high cold resistance, therefore, it tolerates frosts down to − 30 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, the leaves die.

Therefore, during a snowy winter the plant needs shelter. With the advent of spring, they can be removed when a stable positive temperature is established. At the same time, the surface layer of the soil begins to loosen.

Reproduction methods

To obtain new bushes, large-leaved brunners, you can use the method seed sowing and vegetative, involving the division of a bush or rhizomes.

The least difficulty arises when using the vegetative propagation method, for which root cuttings are used with growth buds. After preparation, large-leaved brunner seedlings are placed in the ground at a shallow depth, trying to keep them on the surface.

In some cases, it is allowed to propagate brunner and sow seeds, but this can lead to the fact that certain types and primarily variegated, may lose their original signs mother plant. Therefore, such forms of brunners can only be propagated using the vegetative method.

Propagation of brunners by dividing the rhizome

Brunner can be propagated by dividing the rhizome only after they have formed flower buds future period, and this is happening only at the end of summer.

Young seedlings take root until autumn and proper preparation tolerate winter well. With the onset of spring, with favorable weather, they begin to bloom.

For breeding large-leaved brunners most often used bush division method, which is due to the structure of its rhizome, which has a small length and vertical arrangement.

These works are planned for the last month of summer:

  • having dug up a bush, care must be taken to ensure that the earthen lump remains intact, after which it is necessary to remove the aerial part, and rinse the roots in water;
  • further, a clean bush is divided with a sharp knife, the place for cutting is selected taking into account the natural divergence of the roots;
  • after preparation planting material it is recommended to land on permanent place if it stays in the air for a long time, then the root system may dry out;
  • in some cases, it is allowed to plant in the spring, however, then all summer it is necessary to maintain optimal soil moisture;
  • on hot days, young seedlings need to be provided with shade using suitable materials.

Brunner is deservedly considered one of the suitable ornamental plants for growing in the garden.

Many gardeners appreciate it not only because of its decorative qualities, but also unpretentiousness in care. After all, it can be planted in places where all other cultivated plants cannot develop normally.

Therefore, with the help of brunners, you can perfectly fill the areas under the crowns of trees, and here, they can bring additional benefits, since they can effectively fight weeds.
