What troops to go to serve. Where is it better to serve under a contract in the army in Russia

Each future conscript, before joining the army, asks himself two questions, where is it better to serve in the army and how to get into the right unit. To answer this question, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve by going to serve in the army. It is worth deciding on the presence of some specific skills and acquired knowledge in civilian life.

Passing the draft board, each conscript will be asked where the conscript would like to serve. The draft office will make a note about the preferences of the conscript, where it is better to send him, taking into account his medical characteristics and abilities.

True, often this mark does not play a special role. The distribution at the recruiting station takes place according to the needs of the "buyers" who came for the young replenishment. However, in some cases, the wishes of the conscript are taken into account, and the region in which the conscript lives is also taken into account. In some cases, he may be left to serve near the house, if there are certain reasons for that. Then, the conscript should take care of this issue in advance and choose for service those troops that are in his home region.

Types of troops

What are the troops and what skills do you need to have in order to get into these troops. All troops can be divided into three types: land, fleet, aviation. It is impossible to single out any type of troops in the category of elite. Each type of troops performs certain tasks and has its own goals. Therefore, it is better to worry in advance and decide where it is better to go to serve in the army.


  • Tank forces. They are the main attacking force of the ground forces. The tasks of defense and offensive in battle are carried out. For these troops, recruits are selected no more than 174 centimeters tall, preferably of a strong physique, with no significant visual problems.

  • Motorized rifle. They have versatility and the ability to perform any combat missions in any weather and in any terrain. There is no special selection for these troops. The health category goes from A1 to B4. The troops include many units, so everyone will be assigned to the service.
  • Railway troops. Participation in hostilities conducted with the participation of trains, as well as the elimination of the consequences natural Disasters on the railroad tracks. A conscript who does not have much good health, has every chance of being in this type of troops.
  • Special Forces. Performing special tasks that are beyond the power of any military unit. Recruitment to this unit is conducted from candidates who have already served military service. The strictest selection and testing is carried out.


  • Airborne troops. Conducting special operations on enemy territory. Organization of sabotage activities and disruption of control and communications, as well as the capture of enemy facilities. A candidate for these troops must meet very high requirements. Health category not lower than A1, physical endurance and psychological stability.

  • Aerospace Forces (VKS, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense). Air protection and control outer space Russian Federation and repulse enemy attacks from the air. Conscripts of technical and engineering specialties are more likely to get into these units. When selecting, the emphasis is on the psychological qualities and mental abilities of the conscript.


  • Navy. Performing combat missions on sea and ocean waters, repelling enemy attacks on the water and conducting offensive operations from the sea. Includes surface, submarine troops, as well as naval aviation and marines. In order to be called up for military service in the Navy, you must have a height of at least 180 centimeters, a health category of at least A3 and good mental stability.

Where to go

If one or another branch of the armed forces is considered prestigious, then this issue is very controversial. Any army has its own elite units, such as intelligence and special forces. It is honorable and prestigious to serve in such units, but you will also have to work decently. not an easy task. For service in these units, some recruits initially need to be in good physical shape and mental stability. In such a platoon, it is more likely to learn useful skills, such as hand-to-hand combat, weapons and other types of special skills.

But at the same time, as practice shows, the selection of recruits takes place without the knowledge of the conscript. At the recruiting station, "buyers" usually say that the best troops are exactly where they came from, their task is to take the best with them. If a recruit goes to the recruiting station with certain knowledge, then there will be fewer problems with him in the combat unit. But after the oath is taken, a second distribution is carried out. At this point, in most cases, attention is paid to what virtues a young soldier has. In accordance with his skills, there is a division into divisions of the unit.

In order to get into good troops Before joining the army, you must take the following steps:

  1. Raise physical exercise. Good physical shape is appreciated everywhere.
  2. To raise organization and independence, you need to learn self-discipline.
  3. Get a profession. In the army, soldiers with any skills are in demand.

Pre-conscription training

It is worth mentioning the pre-conscription training of a conscript, because it is advisable to think in advance about where to go to serve. If there great desire go to serve as a driver or in the airborne brigade, it would be nice to take care of this in advance. In Russia, in every major city there are DOSAAF branches that are engaged in pre-conscription training. Through this training system, you can not only get rights, but also increase the chances of serving at the wheel of any military equipment.

In order to significantly increase the probability, you need to take care of getting skydiving skills. Now this is pretty easy to do. You need to contact the nearest parachute club and pay a certain amount to make a few jumps. At the distribution point, this fact will go into the conscript's personal file. This, of course, does not guarantee that they will be taken to serve in these troops, but the chances will increase.

Whatever troops a soldier finds himself in, it must be remembered that the task of serving in the army is to gain the experience and knowledge that are necessary for service in this type of troops. Life in the male team will have an impact on the formation of the personality of the conscript.

Launched October 1 the autumn draft campaign, which will last until December 31, 2012, will decide the fate of 140 thousand recruits for a year. Most will have to leave, some - for the first time in their lives far from home, find themselves in a new environment, trust in an unfamiliar and rather tough army system.

Many people remember that earlier they served in the Navy for 3 years, and in other branches and types of troops for a year less. This injustice has long been eliminated, now the service life of all conscripts is the same and is 12 months. Other indulgences appeared: if earlier serving close to home was a pipe dream, now it is within the framework of humanization army service and on the advice of psychologists, they decided that it was more comfortable and calmer to serve a soldier in his own city. True, the desired runs into Russian reality, and fully translate Russian army on the territorial principle of service does not work, because the country is too large and unevenly populated.

In addition, they began to listen more to the opinion of the conscripts themselves about where they want to serve. It is possible that the wishes about the place of service will be heard and taken into account. It is important that recently it is forbidden by law to send conscript soldiers to hot spots. Although when it occurs emergency this cannot be completely ruled out; during the war with Georgia, among the dead Russian servicemen were conscripted soldiers.

The choice of duty stations has recently become small - conscripts serve only in units and divisions of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Most big number conscripts are sent to Ground troops, which have recently experienced a wave of large transformations and reductions. The ground army consists of motorized rifle and tank and air assault brigades, formations of missile troops and artillery, army air defense, communications units, and electronic warfare.

At the moment, about 100 brigades are scattered throughout Russia, each requiring up to 4 thousand soldiers.

Ground troopsthis is a classic service in the army with constant alerts, formations, field exits, forced marches, outfits, guards, enhanced physical training. It should be noted that earlier many soldiers were seconded from their units to " warm places"- various headquarters, prosecutor's offices or could be sent to work that is not at all legal. Now, due to a catastrophic shortage (according to some reports, it reaches 30%), regular checks are carried out in the troops, so commanders do not risk distracting their subordinates from combat training.

In the most difficult situation today are those soldiers who are engaged in the disposal of ammunition. Now mines and shells are being destroyed in mass quantities in all military districts, several thousand soldiers are employed in this work. Many guys complain about the almost slavish working conditions and the constant danger they are exposed to. Fighters from morning until late at night drag, carry boxes of ammunition, which can explode at any second. Wherein living conditions terrible: soldiers live for several months in an open field in canvas tents for 40-60 people without normal food.

Every year the probability of getting to serve as conscripts in aviation decreases.. The Air Force is quite consistently withdrawing conscripts from its staff: first, conscripts were expelled from flight crews, then junior specialists were deleted from the states of technical and operational units. At the same time, the number of conscript soldiers was reduced to 2 thousand people, who will serve mainly as apprentices for contractors.

So far, conscripts are widely represented in the Strategic Missile Forces, where up to 10 thousand people are called up every year. Their selection is very scrupulous, everyone is checked for addiction to alcohol and drugs. In special cases, recruits are interrogated even with the help of a lie detector, which helps to identify the criminal elements of the biography.

Back in 2009 it was stated that the entire sailing staff of the Navy will become contractual, conscripts will be left only to carry out household work on the shore. But it suddenly turned out that there were conscript sailors in the crews of Russian warships sent to the shores of war-torn Syria. Later, the Ministry of Defense had to state the indisputable fact that on the surface ships of the Russian Navy, a third are sailors on conscription. But it must be admitted that every year there are fewer of them and they are given secondary tasks, and on submarines, according to the military, all sailor positions are completely given to contract soldiers.

Those who decide to connect their service with the sea are more likely to get to serve in the Marine Corps, which, by the way, along with the Airborne Forces, reconnaissance companies and various special forces, are in demand among conscripts, since they increase the chances of getting a job after being transferred to the reserve any power structure.

The command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia each call asks the General Staff to send about 30 thousand recruits. But military registration and enlistment offices have not been able to provide this type of troops even with 20 thousand for several years now. Nevertheless, the Internal Troops do not plan to completely switch to contract service in the near future. There remains a mixed way of picking. Now in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, about 60 thousand soldiers and sergeants-conscripts serve as soldiers. On the positive side, recently only contract soldiers have been serving in unstable regions, for example, in the North Caucasus, as well as in special forces units.

Internal troops duplicate army and police functions. There are operational, special motorized units and divisions engaged in the protection of important life support facilities and hazardous industries, including nuclear power plants and petrochemical enterprises. In addition, special motorized units of explosives in large cities carry out patrol service. Conscript soldiers are also involved in all these tasks.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always created more comfortable living conditions for its conscripts than the Ministry of Defense, the benefit is always in close contact with local administrations. However, things are not going well with hazing. An illustrative example is an operational division in Balashikha near Moscow, better known as the division named after. Dzerzhinsky. This supposedly elite military unit of the VV under the noses of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become the leader in the number of criminal cases relating to hazing. Nevertheless, young people who have served in the internal troops are eagerly taken to work in the police.

Formations and military units of troops are preserved in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations civil defense where conscripts serve. On the this moment 8 rescue military formations of regional subordination and two - central. Total population the personnel of these formations is 7.23 thousand people. Rescuers really rely on contractors, so the proportion of conscripts is small and ranges from 10 to 20%.

The life of soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations differs little from their colleagues in army units. Also, cases of hazing are not uncommon here, the situation is aggravated by the fact that soldiers from the Caucasian republics come here en masse to serve. The duties of conscript soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are quite specific, they are actively involved in the elimination of major man-made disasters, for example, they had to put out peat bogs near Moscow. This year, the units eliminated the consequences during the tragedy in Krymsk. Service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is an opportunity to get a sought-after civilian profession or continue to serve or work in this not the poorest organization.

The unique structure that managed to keep the military service is federal Service protection (FSO). According to various sources, about a thousand conscripts serve in this secret organization. To get here, a soldier has to undergo a comprehensive check by the competent authorities. Parts of the FSO are distinguished by strong discipline, they ask very strictly, for example, for compliance with the rules for wearing uniforms - in general, the charter here is the law.

Many contract soldiers serve in the FSO, the barracks are equipped with video surveillance, and this has the best effect on the behavior of conscripts. The main divisions of the FSO, where conscripts serve, are special communications centers.

Also, the FSO includes, probably, the most public military unit in Russia - the Presidential Regiment, where about 240 conscripts come to serve in each call. In addition to the usual selection in the FSO for service in these units, there are special requirements for candidates, including their external data: they must all be between 175 and 190 cm tall, have a normal height-to-weight ratio, and should not have tattoos on their bodies. Competition - several people per place.

In the Presidential Regiment there is a cult of drill training, the soldiers are engaged in stepping almost all their free time, the physical loads are colossal, only the most resilient can withstand them.

The conscripts of the Presidential Regiment guard the Kremlin, participate in protocol events at the highest state level, serve in the guard of honor at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those who have served in the Presidential Regiment receive a kind of quality certificate that allows them to get jobs in such power structures as the FSO and the FSB, many enter military schools and become officers.

All young people who have reached military age sooner or later think about the question of where to go to serve when going to the army, as well as what qualities you need to have in order to get into the desired unit. It all depends not only on desire, but also on physical fitness, existing skills and health status. The information presented in the article will help you figure out which troops it is advisable for a potential fighter to go to, given his preferences and medical characteristics.

Is it possible to choose the direction of military service yourself?

According to generally accepted rules, during the draft campaign, young man, of course, they will take an interest in his wishes regarding the troops in which he would like to do military service, and based on his answer, they will make a note about his preferences. However, the distribution of newly minted soldiers does not really depend on their personal desires, mainly chosen by the so-called "buyers" who come to pick up the fighters. Of course, there are times when recruits' preferences are taken into account, due to good reasons or the guy's place of residence.

Another way to get sent to serve exactly in those units that you want is to present weighty arguments to the military commissariat. For example, if a young man wants to repay his debt to the Motherland, having served as a military transport driver, it would be quite useful to take care of presenting a car license. It does not matter whether the conscript manages to get into the military unit that he has noticed or not, it is still worth trying.

Unofficial troop ratings

The inhabitants of Russia have formed a special rating of military units. Of course, he does not have an official status, but, in most cases, he influences the choice of potential recruits. So, according to this list, at the very top are Marines and fleet, troops special purpose, reconnaissance, as well as border military units. These areas are used in great demand and are considered elite. There are men with excellent health and excellent physical shape.

Far fewer people want to go to serve in the army - this is in the units of the construction battalion or internal troops. This is due to the specific conditions of military service in these military units, they are not suitable for everyone.

Often the choice is influenced by the geographical location of the duty station. Many do not want or are afraid to go far from home, but there are those who do not pay attention to the location of the unit and are guided by their dream, these young people liable for military service make every effort to achieve the goal.

When deciding where to send a newly minted fighter, the employees of the military commissariat are guided not only by the assigned category of suitability, but also by the possession of certain skills of the conscript, his physical data. If a guy is seasick, he certainly won't be in the Navy. And guys tall they will not be able to give their civic duty as tankers or submariners.

Before voicing wishes regarding the direction of the army service, it is recommended to soberly assess your physical characteristics and make sure you are in good health.

Varieties of military directions

The variety of troops where you can go to serve is quite large, and before going to the army, every future conscript must understand military areas. Besides useful information there will be knowledge of the characteristics that the conscript must have in order to go to the desired unit. In general, the available Russian troops are divided into three types: aviation, ground armed forces and the navy.

air direction

Airborne troops. It is considered one of the most prestigious branches of the Armed Forces. The military personnel belonging to this direction are engaged in conducting special operations in enemy territory. They capture strategically important enemy targets, disable enemy communications and controls.

Perform sabotage missions. To get into the ranks of the Airborne Forces soldiers, a potential recruit must meet the highest requirements regarding physical endurance and health. Only if, after passing through the military medical commission during the recruiting events, the candidate is assigned the category of fitness for the service "A1", he can apply for being sent to the airborne troops.

Aerospace divisions. This includes service in the ranks of the military space forces, in air defense units, as well as in the strategic missile forces. These guys are engaged in the protection and control of the airspace of the Russian state. If necessary, the soldiers of these platoons must identify and repel an enemy attack from the air.

The most likely to go to military service in one of the units of the Aerospace Armed Forces are young people who have degrees in engineering or technical professions. When distributing conscripts, they rely on psychological characteristics and intellectual abilities of children. The fitness modification required to be sent to the Aerospace Forces, Air Defense and Missile Forces must be at least grade “A” and its subcategories.

Maritime armed forces

Navy. The fighters of this military direction carry out their combat duties on the territory of the seas and oceans under the control of the Russian Federation. The task of the Navy is to repel possible enemy attacks, as well as, if necessary, to conduct offensive operations from sea waters.

The fleet includes submarine and surface troops, as well as marines and aviation. The characteristics of candidates for service in the ranks of the naval forces must also be high. One of the requirements for soldiers is growth, it should start from 1.80 meters, and the fitness level should be at least category “A3”.

Ground troops

Motorized divisions. The soldiers of these units are distinguished by their ability to repel an enemy attack on any territory or terrain, regardless of weather. Besides, one more hallmark This direction is that serious requirements for conscripts to serve in these troops are not put forward.

Newly minted fighters can be sent there, with categories starting from “A1” and ending with “B4”, that is, all fitness categories that give the right to go to military service. This is due to the fact that in the motorized rifle troops there are many military crafts that absolutely all conscripts can handle.

tank forces. This unit is rightfully considered the basic attacking armament of the land army. Servants excel in combat missions relating to defense against enemy advances, and, if necessary, coordinated attacks. As is clear from the name of the direction, most of the fighters will be part of the crews of tank vehicles. Therefore, recruits no more than 1.75 meters tall are selected into the ranks of these forces. The recruit must be in good physical shape and not have serious visual impairments.

Railway. These units are not considered prestigious, they perform combat missions, with the participation of railway and their responsibilities include maintaining railway tracks after natural disasters or other incidents. Often, children who do not have good health and endurance are sent here to fulfill their civic duty.

Special Forces. The members of these units handle the kind of tactical and combat operations that only the best of the best can be trusted with. Enlisted soldiers do not fall into the ranks of these armed forces. To become a special forces officer, you must already have served in the army. Plus, certain tests are carried out among the candidates and they are subjected to a rigorous selection.

What to choose?

When wondering where it is better to go to serve after receiving a summons to the army, it is necessary to decide what goals are being pursued. In all the available troops of Russia there are prestigious units. Those who served there are honored and respected, but you will have to give all your strength to withstand not only moral, but also physical stress during the training of fighters.

In addition, it is not always easy to get into the ranks of these troops. During the selection, the presence of good physical data, the absence of health disorders, the presence of endurance and a strong psyche are welcomed.

The big advantage of prestigious divisions is the ability to get quite useful skills. Learn to control weapons, master martial arts and other skills.

However, on the basis of observations, it can be concluded that conscripts are distributed among various types of troops, without taking into account their personal wishes. Each serviceman who came to the military enlistment office for distribution will praise his unit, since any unit needs good soldiers.

In the event that a potential recruit has any specialties or useful skills, during military service there will be no problems with him in terms of education and training. Following the fact that the newly minted fighter is sent to one of the military units, after the oath, he will be re-distributed among the platoons of the unit. During this event, much attention is paid to the abilities of a young person.

Until the moment you receive the notification, it is better to prepare in advance in order to increase the chances of getting into a good unit. Recommended:

  1. Get your physical shape in order. Conscripts capable of withstanding considerable physical exertion are in demand in any army;
  2. Train endurance, discipline, emotional stability;
  3. Have a special education. A soldier who has a profession is valued above the rest.

Preparation before the onset of the draft company

When a young man sets out to get into the ranks of certain Armed Forces, pre-conscription training of the future soldier will not be superfluous. In every major city in the region, there are DOSAAF branches, whose task is to prepare children for conscription. Those wishing to serve in the military, driving military equipment or in the airborne detachment, will need a driver's license. Passing draft training at DOSAAF, it is possible not only to obtain the right to drive vehicles, but also to increase your chances of serving a term, for example, driving an armored personnel carrier.

Those who want to go to the Airborne Forces can learn the art of parachuting before being drafted. To date, it is not difficult to complete a course of such training. Especially if there is a parachute club in the city where the young man lives. One has only to pay for training and perform a few jumps.

At the time of distribution at the recruiting station, such information is entered into the personal file of the future soldier. Of course, this does not guarantee one hundred percent sending to the Airborne Forces, but it will be possible to compete with other candidates.


Of course, the desire of young guys to go to serve in the prestigious troops is commendable. But do not forget that, first of all, military service is gaining invaluable experience, testing the strength of any man, in conditions of discipline and an exclusively male team. Being in the army, a soldier receives new knowledge, learns special skills that will be useful to him in the future in life or at work.

When deciding where it is better to go to serve, before being sent to the army, you should think carefully about how this will affect or help a man in the future. Perhaps, after the service, his worldview will change dramatically and the experience gained will help to realize himself in civilian life. In any case, it is not recommended to strive to achieve the goal to the detriment of your health, exhausting yourself with training or hiding the presence of any diseases during the medical examination.

The future place of service depends on several criteria: health, fitness, education, acquired profession, skills and abilities.

The information collected by the military commissariat in the process of forming a personal file will be used in the distribution to a specific branch of the military. For example, having a driver's license (the more categories, the better) and understanding the repair of automotive equipment, you can count on the driver's seat. Based on these and other data (your desire), you can be assigned to the Airborne Forces, special forces, fleet, motorized rifle and other parts of the RF Armed Forces.

Previously, of course, a conversation is held with the recruit, during which they will be asked where he would like to serve. They will even offer to choose a specific place of future service. Then, according to the results of the first medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office will announce the type of troops (ground units, Navy, VKS ...). And during the passage of the second medical commission in the district military registration and enlistment office, specific troops and the place of service (city) will be announced to you.

So, let's try to figure out if there is an opportunity for a recruit to get into one or another part of his chosen?

law this opportunity not provided. Which means there are no guarantees.

A certain category of conscripts mentioned in the Federal Law “On military service and military service. In this normative act it says: “Conscripts with children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), but not falling under the requirements of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1 of Article 24 federal law dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", if possible, they are sent for military service to military units of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within established norms call for citizens to military service for relevant municipalities. In this case, the citizen is obliged to document the presence of these relatives. The whole thing is complicated by the phrase "if possible". But if the military commissar has such an opportunity in your locality If he doesn’t see it, then he will have to go “where they send him.”

Many believe that training in DOSAAF will serve as a panacea in this matter. Since Soviet times, this organization has been preparing young guys for military service. More than 100,000 conscripts are trained annually within the walls of DOSAAF. All of them receive one or another military registration specialty and can claim to be assigned to the selected branch of the military. In principle, graduates of this military training organization have little privilege compared to the rest, since they are considered to be more prepared for service. But, again, this does not guarantee that the recruit will end up in a specific part of a particular region.

There is also an opinion that an application addressed to the military commissar will help. To do this, you need to come to the military commissariat, clarify the application form (they should prompt) and state your request in it. In the appeal, you must indicate in which troops and for what reason you want to serve (you can write about family traditions, the desire to serve, etc.). If you correctly approach the solution of this issue, you can get lucky.

It must be understood that much depends on the actions of the conscript himself, as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. You will have to move and very intensively. Here, eloquence, the ability to negotiate with people and the presence of a “sane” opponent are important. Below are a couple of options you can try.

  1. 1. Contact your military commissar or the person responsible for recruiting and sending young recruits at the place of registration. These are the people who have an exact schedule for calling up and sending all the teams that are being formed to a specific unit. The bottom line is that you must write out a summons to the collection point on the day of departure to the part you need. Immediately upon arrival at the assembly point, make the same request to the head of the assembly point, who is responsible for the formation and dispatch of all teams to their place of deployment; it is also necessary to contact the representative of the military unit who recruits to this team and accompanies to the place of service. Then the probability of getting into the part you have chosen increases significantly.
  2. 2. You can go from the opposite and agree directly to the part. Yes, to come to the unit, get an appointment with the commander and tell about yourself and your desire to serve in this particular unit. If they meet you halfway, then go straight to the military enlistment office and according to the previous "scenario".

It is important to remember that everything depends on many factors, and whether you have a chance to serve in the unit of your choice or not depends on the ability to manage them.
