Which of the Russian billionaires served in the army (5 photos). Army service of Russian stars (21 photos)

Yes, it’s interesting: which of them did not “mow down” from the army, but honestly repaid their debt to their homeland.

In 1983, Prokhorov entered the Moscow Financial Institute. With preparation for entrance exams to the prestigious Moscow Financial Institute, to the Faculty of International economic relations(IEO), Prokhorov had no problems. Moreover, in addition to the certificate with honors from the English special school, Prokhorov was able to acquire recommendations from the district committee of the Komsomol. But after the first course, own will the future billionaire went to serve in the armed forces. Prokhorov still fondly recalls the years military service: “I myself served in the army, being a student Financial Academy. I went there immediately after the first year and spent an unforgettable two years of my young life there. In general, I know firsthand what it is, our army, with all its pluses and minuses.” Prokhorov sincerely believes that military service must be made a prestigious occupation, then there will be order in it. Here is what the oligarch writes in his blog: “My opinion is that everyone should serve in the army. Until the children of the elite go there, there will be no order. It should become fashionable, cool and prestigious. A guy who cannot (does not want) to defend his country will not be able to defend his relatives – mother, wife, children.”

Served from 1984 to 1986 in the artillery unit of the town of Kirzhach, Vladimir Region. Roman was taken into the army from the first year of Ukhtinsky industrial institute. Roma's duties were simple: he sat at the checkpoint and noted who entered and who left the territory of the unit. In order not to fall under the "grandfathers" hot hand, in his free time off duty, the future oligarch was hanging out in the car park, pretending to help mechanics and drivers repair vehicles. The officers did not drill Abramovich much, thanks to the frequent visits to the regiment by his uncle Abram with huge bags full of alcohol and delicacies. All this was intended for the authorities of his beloved nephew. Roma himself did not drink or smoke in the army - he carefully monitored his health. In winter, he often pretended to be sick so as not to stand in the cold wind at the morning divorce and not participate in forced marches. Abramovich's passion for leading, in particular, football, was already evident at that time. In the second year of service, he assembled a football team of the unit, organized amateur performances. True, he never rose to the rank of sergeant.

At the beginning of the “humpback” era, there was a short period when even full-time students were taken into the army. In 1986, after graduating from the first year of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, Oleg Deripaska had to put on a soldier's overcoat and boots. He did not have any connections in those days, and he was sent to serve in the missile troops of the Trans-Baikal Military District. In Chita, Deripaska was assigned to the “training school”, where sergeants were trained. Oleg was very upset by the demobilization bullying and fought with all his might. Former colleagues recall that a rare scuffle on the part of old-timers did without a report from the principled junior sergeant Deripaska. As a result, the truth seeker was constantly transferred from unit to unit in order to get rid of revenge. Now Deripaska, remembering the service, likes to brag. For example, the oligarch's favorite army tale in table conversations with ignorant women: “I remember, an armored personnel carrier, well, this is an armored personnel carrier, it died out during the exercises. I am the squad leader. We are in the forest. Forty degrees below zero. We need to sleep somewhere. They slept in the snow under the trees, huddled together. Fortunately, everyone woke up normally ... At least I taught the guys some basic things for a soldier.

Leonid Fedun is one of the few Russian billionaires whose fate was also closely connected with the army. Leonid's father, Arnold Antonovich Fedun, was a military officer, behind him - the military medical faculty of Kharkov medical institute and the Kirov Military Medical Academy. Perhaps that is why Leonid learned from an early age what military discipline is. From childhood, the father instilled in his son qualities that in the future helped Leonid to climb career ladder in Lukoil: pedantry, devotion to corporate interests, precise execution of orders. The example of his father and strict military education in general became decisive for Leonid Fedun, who at the moment was able to earn over 5 billion rubles. It would seem that the fate of Leonid Fedun was predetermined from the very beginning: he decided to become a military man following the example of his father, who in 1976 was already the chief surgeon of the strategic missile forces. In 1972, Leonid Fedun entered the Rostov Higher Military School of the Strategic Missile Forces. But Fedun Jr. did not dare to continue the dynasty of military doctors. I chose the military-political faculty. In 1977, after graduating from a military school, Leonid Fedun continued to serve in the Strategic Missile Forces. But he did not stay in the army for a long time: he decided to continue his education and entered the postgraduate course at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky Military Academy. By the way, Leonid Fedun turned out to be a real lucky one - changes in the country and society in the late 80s and early 90s often broke the fate of many officers, but he, formally remaining a military man, was away from the destructive processes that struck the army.

Oleg Tinkov, a famous Russian banker, being a budding young athlete, was very reluctant to join the army. At school age, Oleg Tinkov was quite seriously interested in road cycling and reached serious heights, the multiple Champion of Kuzbass, won more than 30 races! “In 1986, working at a mine (Oleg Tinkov comes from Kemerovo region- FP), I lived in anticipation of spring, because I really hoped that they would take me to SKA, sport Club army. Otherwise, the call shone for me. And then my coach Ivan Stepanovich was the only one, probably, once set me up - now I don’t take offense at him anymore: whatever is done is for the better. He promised me to get into SKA, but there was only one place. Another athlete born in 1967 was in the spring draft. The son of the head of the Novosibirsk SKA. And instead of me, Oleg Tinkov, the champion of Kuzbass, the multiple winner of the competition, this son was taken to the Novosibirsk SKA. Although I “wrapped it with one foot,” the banker recalls. Therefore, in 1986, Tinkov was taken to serve in the border troops. After serving in Nakhodka for a year, he was transferred to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, where he understood what mosquitoes meant, and -55 degrees below zero. Due to the fact that Oleg Tinkov was an excellent athlete, he “got” more than once in the army. Here is what the millionaire recalls about the years of service: “One Kalashnikov machine gun was relied on for one platoon in the border troops, it was like four machine guns in weight, and two in size. Accordingly, running and crawling with him was much more difficult and uncomfortable. Of the 25 people, no one wanted the machine gun to go to him. Our commander, Captain Salakhov, came up to me and said: “Tinkov, you are a master of sports, 190 cm tall, so you will run with a machine gun.” So, instead of another cycling race in Novorossiysk, I ended up in the army at the school for sergeants of the KGB border troops of the USSR. I had to defend your peaceful sleep and our borders for two years and two months.” By the way, Tinkov believes that rumors about hazing in the army are greatly exaggerated, since everything was calm in his regiment. “Yes, the army has its own hierarchy. Yes, I washed the floors, but the “grandfather” did not, but I have never been beaten in two years. They could push, give a kick in the ass, but there were no beatings, ”recalls Tinkov.

In their younger years, many of our famous people served in the army. You will be surprised to know who famous people passed military service and who is not.

Leonid Agutin
He served in the border troops on the Karelian-Finnish border. For the ability to sing, he was transferred to a song and dance ensemble, and for "AWOL" - back to the border.

Oleg Gazmanov
He received the profession of a mine engineer (!) At the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Engineering School, then served near Riga in mine and torpedo depots. Reserve officer.

Sergey Garmash
For a fight with the "grandfather", the actor was sent to the disbat, to the construction troops, to the Arkhangelsk region. For shock service, they were returned to their former unit, to Moscow.

Vladimir Vinokur
Private Vinokur served in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District, where Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov and others came from.

Sergey Zverev
Zverev served not just in the army, but in the air defense forces in Poland. The artist commanded a whole platoon and rose to the rank of senior sergeant.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky
For two years he "turned over" as a special propaganda officer at the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District, even then honing his oratorical skills.

Valery Kipelov
The future star of the rock scene Valery Kipelov preferred military service to a honeymoon. The 19-year-old conscript played a wedding in May 1978, and already in June he went to pay his debt to the Motherland.

Grigory Leps
After serving in the army in Khabarovsk, he worked on a dance floor, in Sochi's Riviera Park, sang in restaurants in Sochi, and played in rock bands. In the late 80s he was a soloist of the Index-398 group.

Lev Leshchenko
In 1961, near Tambov, he completed the course of a young soldier, then he was sent to serve in Germany, in the 62nd tank regiment. A year later, they were transferred to the Song and Dance Ensemble.

Yury Nikulin
In 1939, Yuri Nikulin, after graduating from the tenth grade, was drafted into the army, into the anti-aircraft troops. Later, recalling his army years, he said: “At first, some treated me with irony. Most of all got during drill training. When I marched separately, everyone rolled with laughter. On my awkward figure, the overcoat hung ridiculously, the boots dangled ridiculously on thin legs ... ”

Sergei Mironov
At the age of 18, he volunteered for the army, being a student at a technical school. Passed the "real male service" in 1971-1973. in the airborne troops

Joseph Kobzon
He thundered into the army after graduating from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College, in the second year he was called to the song and dance ensemble, but for a year he honestly “wound footcloths”.

Timur Batrutdinov
"I served in the army, which, by the way, I am very proud of. I remember the service itself well, but the farewell is very vague. I was terribly worried, everything was in some kind of haze."

But these celebrities did not serve in the army, although some position themselves as military people.

Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai Valuev

Timati, known to the military registration and enlistment office as Timur Yunusov, considers spending time in the army useless: “You can’t find fault with me, I have a military ID. And I know how to use weapons."

Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan tells a touching story about how he prefers to serve his Motherland on stage rather than in the armed forces.

Prokhor Chaliapin
“I am absolutely fit for service,” Prokhor Chaliapin admits. “But my father is a disabled person of the second group, and I am the only breadwinner in the family.”

Maksim Galkin
Galkin does not consider himself a deviationist. He assures that he is ready to repay his debt to the Motherland at any moment.

Philip Kirkorov
When Kirkorov needed to serve, he first studied, and then began to work. In one of the interviews, the singer said that he would gladly go to the military band.

Oleg Yakovlev
The medical board rejected the future artist due to heart problems. “I didn’t have a special desire to serve,” Yakovlev admits. - Therefore, I reacted calmly to the verdict of the doctors.

Nikolay Baskov
“I would go into the infantry if the need arose,” says the singer. And now I'm out of draft age.

Previously, military personnel were congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day, but now - all men. This day has become an unspoken men's holiday, from which today they are most expected ... a day off. And of all the men honored on this day, 60 percent did not serve in the military. Our actors have all played the military more than once. Many sang army songs. But did they serve in the army in real life?

"The locomotive will rush straight to the border"

Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin's song about a locomotive that "will rush straight to the border" is autobiographical - its author served in the border troops, on the Karelian-Finnish border. Upon learning that the new soldier could sing and play the guitar, the authorities transferred him to the garrison song and dance ensemble, but then returned him back for regular violations of discipline (Agutin ran away without permission all the time). So the musician had to serve "just like everyone else." Leonid is still proud of the fact that once he had the opportunity to detain a border violator.
“I can’t say that I was eager to serve, but I didn’t really try to hang back either. He got on directly from the courtyard, where he bawled songs with the guys. They frightened me with hazing, but on the contrary, I decided to prove my worth. There was a case, I once personally detained the violator. Now all this seems ridiculous, but then I shone with pride, it seems like a polished penny, ”says the singer.

"The cavalry guards are short-lived"

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk paid his debt to his homeland in the cavalry regiment at the Taman division, which in the early 60s of the last century was created specifically for the filming of the film "War and Peace", directed by Fyodor's father, Sergei Bondarchuk. True, due to his obstinate nature and categorical unwillingness to observe subordination, Fedor often sat in the guardhouse - he did not get along with his father commanders and all the time strove to tell them something across.
- For me, the service in the army was crucial. In 1986, I was sent to serve in Krasnoyarsk, from where very soon I was transferred to Moscow, to the cavalry regiment of the Taman division. Once I seriously injured my leg and ended up in the hospital for a long time.
So, one fine day, lying in a hospital bed and spitting at the ceiling, I remembered a pretty girl whom I met shortly before the service. The next day I asked my friends to find her as soon as possible and bring her to me. The guys worked quickly - a few days later my Svetlana appeared on the threshold of the ward. Since then, we began to see each other more and more often, and after a short period of time we got married.

Egor Konchalovsky

In this regiment served and another star child, film director Yegor Konchalovsky is the son of Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Natalia Arinbasarova.

"Over the seas, over the waves"

From the stars who served in the Navy, one could put together a good team. It may not be enough for a Lincoln or a cruiser, but for a yacht it is quite enough.

Nikita Mikhalkov

The sailor of the Pacific Fleet was the meter of Soviet and Russian cinema Nikita Mikhalkov. Nikita Sergeevich is proud that he asked to join the fleet himself.

The writer and playwright Yevgeny Grishkovets also served here, about which he repeatedly wrote in his works. True, judging by them, Yevgeny Valeryevich’s memories of that period are not the most rosy (the service was overshadowed by heavy physical exertion, hazing and homesickness), but he treats them with his inherent humor.

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko, the frontman of the Mumiy Troll group, also served in the Pacific Fleet - on Russky Island. Unlike Grishkovets, he recalls his service with pleasure: there was no hazing in his unit, and besides, during night shifts he composed songs.

Alexander Serov

In the Navy - on the torpedo cruiser "Dzerzhinsky" - the singer Alexander Serov served. And he made a good career there - he became the commander of the electric torpedo squad.

"Keys to Heaven"

Sergey Zverev

Who would have thought that stylist Sergei Zverev also served in the army, and not in some construction battalion, but in the elite air defense forces stationed in Poland. Sergey is very proud of this fact, however, as well as the fact that he did not sag from the army, although he could.

“I served in the army. I really liked the military uniform, and I still adore hats - caps, caps. He served in Poland and saw Western fashion. The star was shocked! And from the life there, but especially from the clothes of the townspeople. Service in the army even somewhere determined my future creative way”, Zverev admits.
Zvezda commanded a platoon and rose from private to senior sergeant. The service, Zverev recalls, was by no means sugary, the most difficult thing was to survive the 20-degree frost, which in those two years tested Europe for strength, but the future stylist overcame all the tests with honor.

"Gentlemen officers"

There are among the stars and those who could well become a regular military man.

Mikhail Porechenkov

After school, Mikhail Porechenkov entered the Tallinn Higher Military-Political Construction School: he followed in the footsteps of his father, an officer - the actor's mother insisted on this. But just a few days before graduation, cadet Porechenkov was expelled from the school "for repeated violations of discipline", but in fact - for fights and AWOLs.
- I dreamed about military affairs since childhood. At that time, perhaps, no one thought to mow down. After leaving school, as I wanted, I entered the Higher Military-Political School in Tallinn. From the first days, the service did not seem difficult to me, but, on the contrary, very interesting.
I also learned to understand weapons, and seriously took up martial arts. However, at some point he began to feel out of place, out of place. And, imagine, not having reached only two weeks before graduation, I left the walls of the military commissariat. So, one day, I completely changed my life. Who knows, maybe if not for this case, you would not have recognized Porechenkov as an actor.

Vadim Galygin

After school, the Comedy Club resident Vadim Galygin entered the Minsk Higher Military Command School, then studied at the Military Academy - he was supposed to become an artillery officer. But he began to play in KVN and the military career faded into the background, Vadim retired to the reserve with the rank of senior lieutenant.

Singer Alexander Marshal studied at the Stavropol Higher School of Air Defense Forces, but - who would have thought! - Was expelled for poor academic performance.

Another career military man is Natasha Koroleva's husband Tarzan, aka Sergey Glushko. His childhood and youth were spent in a military camp, so after school the young man had only one way - to a military school. True, he failed to serve, but he became a striptease star.

soldier actors

Vladimir Goryansky

Vladimir Goryansky served in the Sevastopol Theater Black Sea Fleet in which he asked himself - so as not to lose creative form. True, it was not without a curiosity: when enrolling the actor in the service, they put a stamp on the military ticket, according to which he had to serve in the Navy for three years. When Vladimir Viktorovich saw this, he was terribly frightened.
There was only one way out - to go to the authorities and seek to correct the mistake. At first, he was afraid that no one would listen to the shaved boy there. But then he pulled himself together and went. Unbelievable, but true: the authorities figured everything out and corrected the old stamp for a new one: now it was written there that Goryansky should serve as a sailor in the theater for two years.

Another creative duty station for actors is the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District. It was here that David Tukhmanov, Igor Nikolaev, Vladimir Vinokur, Lev Leshchenko served in their time. True, the stars complain that hazing was there too - at the behest of the "grandfathers" they had to wash the toilets and floors in the barracks. And Igor Nikolaev still recalls with horror that before taking the oath, he had to shave off his mustache.

But still, most of the stars served in the Theater of the Soviet - now Russian - Army. Alexander Baluev, Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Domogarov, Sergey Chonishvili played and served on its stage at the same time. True, according to the memoirs of the actors, at that time they had not so much to play a role as to carry the scenery on themselves and go out in the crowd. But the army is an army, no one in it promises that it will be easy.

Bari Alibasov (producer)

“In 1969, the new soloist Aza came to the Integral group, where I sang. I immediately fell in love with her, and my fellow musician also liked her. The group began a tense relationship due to a love showdown. Aza paid no attention to me. Then I spit on everything - I took a ticket at my own expense and left for the army, ”says Bari.

Valery Syutkin

- Wonderful army years will remain in my memory forever. From 1978 to 1979 I served in Far East, in the training part on aviation equipment. For the first six months, by the sweat of his brow, he mastered military affairs and studied aviation, and then found out about the recruitment of the “Flight” unit into the musical ensemble. I think: “Why not try?
Music is my life!" Fortunately, I managed to enter the top five soloists. But that didn't make my job any easier. In the morning we worked "from and to" at the airfield, and in the evening we performed at a club for the families of officers and civilians.

Andrey Fedortsov

“I never even thought about avoiding military service. A summons came - I went to the military registration and enlistment office - I ended up in a unit. This, sorry for the big words, is a duty to the Motherland.
He rose to the rank of senior sergeant, commanded a mine-blasting platoon. By the way, it was in the Soviet army that I realized that I wanted to be an actor. Colleagues were putting on a performance, and suddenly one actor fell ill. I was asked to play in his place. Well, I played. I don’t even remember what role it was, but all the spectators rolled on the floor with laughter. So I became a star of the military unit, and then ... a star at all! (Laughs.)

Ivan Usachev

- Although by education I am a pure humanist, serious physical activity was not afraid and did not run from the army. And I don’t regret it at all, because I was sent to serve in Ethiopia! For three years I served as a lieutenant-translator for the military adviser to the commander of an anti-aircraft brigade.
The best souvenir I have of Ethiopia is a dried turtle. We fished it out of the lake to cook according to a local recipe that the natives shared with us. Turtle meat is green, but when fried, it becomes white, like chicken. I dried the remains of this delicacy, polished it, brought it to Moscow and hung it on the wall in my apartment. It's still hanging!
A lot happened to me during that time. funny stories which I will someday tell in my program.

Igor Lifanov

- It so happened that immediately after school I went to serve in the fleet in the Far East. To be honest, those were the worst years of my life. Perhaps you will be surprised at this, because, as a rule, Lifanov appears before the audience in the form of a brave policeman, military man or superman. But in fact, everything is different.
I'm incredible creative person, and the army kept distracting me from professional acting growth. There was no "poetry" there! On the other hand, over the years I have acquired valuable knowledge that helps me now get used to the role.

Anton Makarsky

- I got into the army straight from the stage. I have no regrets about serving. Moreover, as such, the service did not last long. Two months later, the platoon commander decided to send me to the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was then that a funny story happened to me.
One lieutenant, noticing my excellent physical characteristics, at all costs wanted to have me among the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon. And when they came for me from the ensemble, I had to leave almost in the gardens: I was afraid to run into that officer.

Yuri Galtsev

- My army years are full funny stories. Do you know, for example, how cigarette butts are solemnly buried? During the exercises, we lived in special military tents, and many guys were afraid to go far from them at night, so they smoked right next to them. The cigarette butts were thrown right away. It was customary for us that if you see them on the ground, you need to trample them down instantly.
Once someone smoked at night, and the major noticed this cigarette butt. I woke up two tents - and at attention. We took shovels, a cigarette on a tray and carried it for 5 kilometers to “bury”. Twenty people are like fools! They dug a hole. A moment of silence. They dug it, and on the hillock they wrote: “We will never forget you.” In general, the army is good. Probably, I gave half my life to military affairs. And now I often play a military commissar.

Nikolai Rastorguev

It turned out that the singer Nikolai Rastorguev, who had appeared on stage in a tunic and breeches for many years, actually did not serve in the army.
"Combat" Russian show business repaid his debt to the country only at the military department of the Moscow Institute of Technology light industry!


Vitaly Kozlovsky

Among those who did not serve in the army at all, Vitaly Kozlovsky (the singer considers his army ... performances on stage: you never know what awaits you - victory or defeat).

Maxim Galkin (received a deferment, and then release, as a student),

Nikolai Baskov (he was always too immersed in creativity to exchange for such trifles as military service), Dima Bilan (also purely for creative reasons).

Aleksey Kortnev, according to rumors, generally “mowed down” in the clinic of neuroses ... While their comrades on the stage honestly played 2 years of “army tours”, most, however, in special “song and dance” parts.

"Mowers", at attention, alignment with the stars in uniform!

Service in the army, although mandatory, is not always desirable for young men. I wonder which of the modern male stars still went through hazing, and through all the other charms of army life, and who, maybe, mowed down?

There has been a joke circulating on the Internet for a long time, based entirely on true facts: glamorous and outrageous Sergey Zverev who served in the army, and brave Nikolai Rastorguev from the Lube group, who almost never takes off his military uniform, but he actually did not serve, but limited himself to only a military department.

So here it is Sergey Zverev served not just in the army, but in the air defense forces in Poland. The artist commanded a whole platoon and rose to the rank of senior sergeant.

And here Leonid Agutin not just sang about "Aty-baty" and the locomotive, which rushes straight to the border. The artist just served in the border troops on the Karelian-Finnish border. By the way, he even managed to once detain the violator of the border. Like all musical guys Agutin first sent to the garrison song and dance ensemble. But because of the constant AWOL, he was returned back, let's say, to the strict regime detachment, without music, so that he served "just like everyone else."

It’s also not just that he sings military songs and yesaul domestic show business Oleg Gazmanov- a reserve officer, by the way. He studied at the naval school of Kaliningrad and received the profession of a mining engineer. After that, he served in mine and torpedo depots near Riga. Another lover of performing military songs at least tried to become a military man: Alexander Marshal was a student at the Higher School of the Air Defense Forces of Stavropol, but was expelled for poor performance.

Fedor Bondarchuk even found a movie in the army. In the early 60s of the 20th century, especially for the filming of the film "War and Peace", which was shot just Sergey Bondarchuk, a cavalry regiment was created under the Taman division. That's where he went to serve. Fedor. Due to constant violations, in particular, unwillingness to obey superiors in rank, Bondarchuk Jr. often sat in the guardhouse. Another well-known director also served in the same regiment. Egor Konchalovsky. Apparently, indeed, the regiment was created specifically for star children.

Nikita Mikhalkov he himself once asked to serve in the navy and became a sailor in the Pacific Fleet, which he is still proud of. The famous satirist, playwright and writer also served at sea. Evgeny Grishkov c. He managed to compose songs while serving in the Navy and the leader of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko. Alexander Serov was the commander of the electric torpedo squad on the Dzerzhinsky cruiser.

Actor Mikhail Porechenkov he just couldn't get away from the army, because his father was an officer. Therefore, the artist entered the Higher Military-Political Construction School of Tallinn, however, for violations of discipline, AWOL and fights, the cadet was expelled a few days before graduation.

Famous Russian actor Sergey Garmash even risked going against the army "grandfather", for which he was sent to the disbat, to the construction troops. And the singer Alexey Glyzin served in the Air Force in the Far East - preparing aircraft for departure. Not far from him, he served as a junior aviation specialist at the airfield and Valery Syutkin.

Comedian, resident of Comedy Club Vadim Galygin- senior lieutenant of the reserve. He studied at the Minsk Higher Military Command School and at the military academy. However, KVN nevertheless pushed into the background the prospect of a career as an artillery officer.

Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur, Ilya Oleinikov and Igor Nikolaev found a creative place for themselves in the army - they served in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District. Nikolaev still recalls with horror how he was forced to shave off his mustache there.

Even more famous creative people served in the theater Soviet army: this and Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Baluev, Alexander Domogarov.

Alexander Buyno in served in the missile forces in Altai. For constant AWOL to his beloved girl in a neighboring village, he often had to sit in a guardhouse.

Among the so-called "garrison mowers" - Maksim Galkin, who received first a deferment, and then release as a student, according to the same scheme, he sagged and Sergey Shnurov; Dima Bilan, Nikolai Baskov and Vitalik Kozlovsky slacked off from the army, considering creativity to be more useful, but the actor Alexey Kortnev, as they say, tried to evade service by hiding in a mental hospital.

Ukrainian journalists claim that this service was in Vinnitsa - in the grandfather's house

The newly-minted deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, the son of President Poroshenko Alexei, told fellow citizens about how he served in the ATO zone. Judging by the comments in the local media, the story about the exploits of the "heir" did not cause due awe in Ukrainians. On the contrary, it's a slight annoyance.

At first, Poroshenko Jr. modestly admitted: “Yes, he served.” However, slightly confused journalists. He told one TV channel that he served near Dnepropetrovsk (that is, in the deep rear). And a day later, in an interview with the 1 + 1 channel, he said that he served near Kramatorsk. Kramatorsk is still closer to the front line, although it also did not belong to the zone of active hostilities in August. However, Alexei did not hide the fact that he did not climb into the "hot spots". “I am not some commando who climbed the front line and did secret operations. I was in a mortar unit... We were shooting there and helping our others fight,” Alexey said. The president's son also admitted that for the purposes of conspiracy he served under a false name. “Of course, there were such moments, for example, that I went there under a different name. My surname there was Anisenko. Beautiful Ukrainian surname. I took the one they gave me."

It is clear that the Ukrainian public was irritated not by the very fact of the president’s son serving far from the front line (many children of politicians did not come close to the ATO zone at all, but preferred to sit out in Italy or the French Riviera), but a frank, poorly made PR on the “military prowess” of the heir . Here, for example, was the first mention that Oleksiy Poroshenko served in the ATO zone. “The head of the negotiating group of the Anti-Terrorist Center, Yuri Tandit, said on the air of Channel 5: “In one of the military units, we came to a common tent. The face of one of the soldiers seemed very familiar to me ... The comrade said that this was Alexei Poroshenko. I was impressed that there is no pathos. And the president never mentioned his son’s service anywhere.” This message is about the "humble son of a humble father" in the midst of election campaign for some reason aroused the wrath of the commander of the commandant's platoon of the 11th battalion " Kievan Rus» Vasily Shcherbakov. Well, and more about “modesty”: many noticed that the president’s son in the army was “accidentally” discovered by Channel 5, which belongs to Petro Poroshenko.

But Vinnytsia journalists did not believe at all that Aleksey was in the ATO zone. To begin with, they sent a request to the Vinnitsa Regional Council, where Oleksiy Poroshenko worked then. There, the reporters were told that “Aleksei Petrovich did not submit any applications to the regional council. He continues to work, attending sessions that take place every few months. Everything else is his own business.” Then the journalists went to the house of Petro Poroshenko's father, Alexei Poroshenko, to find out the details about his grandson.

Here are the details of that report: cozy house near Vinnitsa. Beautiful nature, everything you need for life. When the journalists just approached the house, they heard a child crying, which they were very surprised, because Alexei Ivanovich does not take care of his grandchildren. A well-fed woman came out to meet them, who introduced herself as the housekeeper Valentina and invited them to the table. When the journalist entered, Alexei Ivanovich, without thinking twice, told her “how much is life in Ukraine”, laid out all the cards and family secrets on a silver platter. It turns out that now his eldest grandson Alexei went to the city for groceries with his wife, and he, the housekeeper and little grandson are the owners of the house. Alexei Ivanovich, probably, can be forgiven for such a blunder, because a person is still of Soviet hardening, for whom untruth is a terrible sin. Further, the reporters write that they waited for Aleksey Petrovich, who at that time, according to Channel 5 and Papa Peter, was diligently serving in the ATO zone. “Alexey, laughing it off, replied: “Probably another double! I’m not going to fight yet, because my wife and I are raising our son!”

Interesting, right? In August, Alexey, caught in his grandfather's house, joked about the "double". And in November, having become a deputy, he talks about the service “where exactly I won’t tell, because there are still a lot of guys there,” under a fictitious name.
