About quality control in production. Using two sample Student's t-test to determine the possibility of statistical comparison of these samples and combining them into one common sample to obtain generalized statistical data for the day. comparative

In the first decades of the 20th century, many countries began to embark on the path of intensive economic development; accordingly, the attitude towards the quality of manufactured products changed. Engineering science also began to develop, developing quality standards in production. In addition, quality control began to be carried out at the workplaces by collecting statistical data on the work of each employee, which were entered into control charts.

Since then, much has changed, and in the 80s, Japanese scientists developed the basic principles of quality control in production, which are based on the responsibility of workers for the goods produced, as well as on the functioning of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Thus, it is easy to understand that in modern world in conditions of fierce competition, the quality of manufactured goods is the most effective method maintaining high competitiveness.

But in order for the products to be of high quality, constant monitoring in production is necessary, as well as quality management. production activities. The activity of the enterprise will be successful only if the manager implements an effective quality control system.

There are several basic principles of quality control in production.

The first principle is consumer orientation. All enterprises function only at the expense of their consumers, which is why they must produce such a product that will meet all consumer requirements, exceed consumer expectations and be of high quality.

The second principle is the leadership qualities of a leader. The manager is the main link that guarantees the production of quality products. His task is to competently coordinate the work of all employees, as well as to think over an incentive system to improve the quality and productivity of the employees of the entire enterprise.

The next principle is the distribution of powers. Each employee should do what he does best. The task of the manager in this case is to correctly distribute the powers according to the skills and experience that each employee has.

Another principle is the constant striving to improve quality by attracting new technologies. The scientific and technological process in the world does not stand still, and therefore, with the advent of new technologies, new and higher quality standards appear. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the timely modernization of production equipment.

In addition, the quality of manufactured products directly depends on the quality of the raw materials that were accepted from the supplier during the sale. Therefore, it is important to buy not cheap, but high-quality raw materials.

The next principle is quality control in production. It's not a secret for anyone that often some employees of the enterprise are not entirely responsible in their work. It is very important to identify such people in a timely manner. However, no one is insured against technological defects either, and therefore it is necessary to carry out a technical inspection of the equipment before starting work, as well as to carry out full control for the entire technological process.

Any self-respecting enterprise is obliged to adhere to the standards established by the state. However, those enterprises that strive for the highest level of quality must use the highest European and world standards.

The presence of a quality control department and a group of specially trained employees will allow timely weeding out a defective product or a product with low quality. At the same time, not batches, but each individual product should be tested. The release of goods in small batches will facilitate the identification of defective products.

As a matter of fact, the presence of a quality control department will help to introduce new technologies to improve the quality of goods, eliminate the causes of defects that have appeared, and monitor the implementation of all standards. state standards. However, it should be noted that this department is not engaged in sorting and identifying defective goods. However, it is within his competence to conduct laboratory tests, different kind tests, etc. to identify an entire product line with a reduced level of quality, which may be hidden from the naked eye, but at the same time has a very strong impact on performance products.

Remember that the quality control department is not fully responsible for the quality of production, this function lies on the shoulders of the production workers. The department only directs and helps, and also trains new personnel to monitor the quality of products.

Another type of work of the quality control department (or QCD) is the so-called "incoming control". It means checking all incoming raw materials, components, materials, etc., which allows you to detect deviations from the norm already in the early stages of production.

Quality control often begins with safety and order. Order in the workshop or workplace always improves the quality of manufactured goods, improves the actions of employees, helps them organize and increase productivity. But the disorder, on the contrary, leads to negligence in work, and, as a result, a drop in the level of product quality.

It will be useful to constantly monitor the condition of the equipment. It is easy to identify a pattern: the better the condition of the machines, the higher the quality of the product they will produce. Spare no expense for the best and modern equipment, as well as the introduction of new technologies and regular inspection of working equipment - this will definitely become a guarantee high level the quality of your goods.

Recently, a very effective innovation has appeared in the quality control system in production - automatic error prevention tools. These devices were developed in Japan. They equip machines that produce goods. When errors are detected, these devices emit a signal that indicates any failure, and production automatically stops, giving you the opportunity to identify the causes of deviations from the norm. Such a system is especially needed in large-scale production, when it is simply not possible to check products manually. The only problem automatic system control is its high price.

It should also be noted that American and Japanese companies have achieved the highest success in establishing a quality control system in production, so it would be quite useful to exchange experience with foreign colleagues. It will also be of great help to contact a consulting firm that will help you optimally adjust

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Task #1

For the carriage of goods in a railway container, an overpack with external design dimensions a, b and c is used.

Required: 1. Justify and assign the geometric dimensions of the transport package for the carriage of goods based on the series of preferred numbers, R a 5, R a 10, R a 20 and R a 40 (GOST 8032-84).

2. Indicate the optimal (i.e. the most expedient) layout of the transport package in the container (according to economic indicators).

Initial data:

The estimated minimum geometric dimensions of the transport package for the carriage of goods are:

a = 515 mm,

b = 835 mm,

c = 650 mm

Used container - UK-5


A transport package is an enlarged package formed from individual pieces of cargo in containers (for example, boxes, bags, barrels, specialized containers) or without containers, fastened together using universal, special one-time use or reusable packaging means, on pallets or without them. .

The dimensions and design of the container shall ensure best use carrying capacity and capacity of wagons (containers).

Based on the series of preferred numbers R a 5, R a 10, R a 20 and R a 40, we will justify the geometric dimensions of the transport package for the carriage of goods. In the manufacture of the transport package according to a number of preferred numbers R a 5, the dimensions of the transport package will be equal to:

a = 630 mm,

b = 1000 mm,

c = 1000 mm

In the manufacture of the transport package according to a number of preferred numbers R a 10, the dimensions of the transport package will be equal to:

a = 630 mm,

b = 1000 mm,

c = 800 mm

When manufacturing an overpack according to a number of preferred numbers R a 20, the dimensions of the overpack will be equal to:

a = 560 mm,

b = 900 mm,

c = 710 mm

When manufacturing an overpack according to a number of preferred numbers R a 40, the dimensions of the overpack will be equal to:

a = 530 mm,

b = 850 mm,

c = 670 mm

According to the instructions, the UK-5 container is used, for which the length is 2050 mm, the width is 2504 mm and the height is 2128 mm.

When manufactured according to the R a 5 series, these packages will fit:

in height 2128/1000 = 2.128? 2 tiers

In total, in the manufacture of transport packages for a number of R a 5, their total number will be: 3 * 2 * 2 \u003d 12 packages.

When manufactured according to the R a 10 series, these packages will fit:

in length 2050/630 = 3.254? 3 packs

wide 2504/1000 = 2.504? 2 packs

in height 2128/800 = 2.66? 2 tiers

In total, in the manufacture of transport packages in the row R a 10, their total number will be equal to:

3*2*2=12 bags.

When manufactured according to the R a 20 series, these packages will fit:

in length 2050/560 = 3.661? 3 packs

wide 2504/900 = 2.782? 2 packs

in height 2128/710 = 2.997? 2 tiers

In total, in the manufacture of transport packages for a number of R a 20, their total number will be: 3 * 2 * 2 = 12 packages.

When manufactured according to the R a 40 series, these packages will fit:

in length 2050/530 = 3.868? 3 packs

wide 2504/850 = 2.946? 2 packs

in height 2128/670 = 3.176? 3 tiers

In total, in the manufacture of transport packages in the row R a 40, their total number will be: 3 * 2 * 3 = 18 packages

Transport package

Layout of transport packages in a container

Task #2

A certification system is defined as a system that has its own rules of procedure and management for the certification of conformity. the federal law"O technical regulation"defines it as a set of rules for performing certification work, its participants and the rules for the functioning of the certification system as a whole. Thus, it becomes clear that certification is possible only within the certification system, which must be recognized by all its participants and registered in the prescribed manner . AT Russian Federation registration of the certification system is carried out by the state standard, which is the national certification body. Its task is to check the compliance of the rules of independent certification systems Russian legislation and regulatory documents and maintaining a register of registered systems.

The most common in the field of mandatory certification is the GOST R certification system. The main goal of mandatory certification systems is to protect consumers (physical and legal entities) from the acquisition (use) of goods, works and services that are dangerous for their life, health and property, as well as for environment. Other purposes for which a system of mandatory and voluntary certification, are to improve the quality of products and services, increase competitiveness in the domestic market and promote exports, if the system is recognized abroad.

The certification system should provide free access to manufacturers, consumers, public organizations, certification bodies, testing laboratories, as well as all other interested enterprises, organizations and individuals to information about its activities, including the rules, participants, the results of accreditation, which is a commercial secret.

Certification Scheme.

Certification is carried out according to the schemes established in the certification system. The certification scheme is the composition and sequence of actions of a third party in assessing the conformity of products, services, quality systems and personnel. As a rule, the certification system provides for several schemes. When choosing a scheme, the features of production, testing, supply and use of specific products, the required level of evidence, and the possible costs of the applicant should be taken into account. The certification scheme should provide the necessary proof of certification.

Task #3

In the production of a part, it is necessary to control the quality of its manufacture.


Determine the error in measuring the size of the part from thermal deformation if the temperature of the measuring instrument and the air temperature in the workshop, and the part is measured immediately after the finishing operation. Coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the measuring instrument (alloyed steel).


The size of the measured part L = 36mm, the temperature of the part, the temperature of the measuring instrument and the air temperature in the workshop. Coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the measuring tool (alloyed steel), coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the part (steel).

The measurement error from temperature deformation is found by the formula:

m, where

- measured size, m;

- correction for part temperature:


- correction for the temperature of the measuring instrument:


With this in mind, the amendment

Measurement error:


Task #4

As a result of the work of the technical inspection point (PTO) of freight cars, samples were obtained and the probabilities of the appearance of defects in running gear were identified, obeying the normal distribution law. Samples have different indicators for shifts working at night and daytime, and are characterized by their arithmetic mean values, as well as standard deviations. At the same time, the accumulated data for the presented samples were obtained for a different number of shifts n.


Using two sample Student's t-test to determine the possibility of statistical comparison of these samples and combining them into one common sample to obtain generalized statistical data for the day.


As a result of the work of the technical inspection point (PTO) of freight cars, samples were obtained and the probabilities of the appearance of defects in running gear were identified, obeying the normal distribution law.

At the same time, the sample for shifts working at night was obtained per shift, and it is characterized by the arithmetic mean value of the probability of detecting defects, as well as the standard deviation.

The data for the obtained sample of the work of the day shift are characterized by the arithmetic mean of the probability of detecting defects, the standard deviation, and they are accumulated over the shift.

Two-sample Student's t-test is used in the case when the compared samples obey the normal distribution law and at the same time the condition of equality of their variances is ensured. The hypothesis of equality of variances in the samples is tested by comparing private unbiased values ​​of the general population, as follows:

, where

-degree of freedom for the value in the numerator;

- degree of freedom for the value in the denominator;

-critical area of ​​significance for the distribution under study.

In our case, for shifts and shifts, according to the F-distribution table, we find the value:


The condition is met, which indicates that significant difference there are no differences between the variances in the studied samples and they can be compared using the two-sample Student's t-test.

Finding the t-test is the most commonly used method for finding similarities between the means of two samples. The value of this criterion is found from the condition:

, where

- a comparative indicator, which depends on the condition of significance.


From the application

Then the value of Student's t-test:

Since the condition t=1.7751 is met, the compared samples are equal, and the difference between them is random, and its causes are not significant. Accordingly, it is possible to statistically compare data from samples of the work of the Technical Inspection Station (PTO) in the night and day shifts. It is also possible to combine the accumulated data into one common sample, which will provide reliable data on the probability of detecting defects in the running gear of freight cars during the operation of the PTO during the day.

certification quality control detail

Task number 5

Two parts (hole and shaft) are connected to each other by fit, the nature of which is determined by the purpose and design features details.


1. Determine the limit (largest and smallest) dimensions of the hole and shaft;

2. Determine the nature of the connection of two parts (with a gap, with an interference fit or transitional);

3. Determine the probable limiting gaps and tightness;

4. Calculate the percentage of connections with a gap, based on the normal law of distribution of the dimensions of parts during their manufacture. After scattering for the hole and shaft, take the tolerance field (,).

5. Make a drawing of the connection between the shaft and the hole to scale.

Initial data:

ES = +0.018mm

EI = 0mm

es = +0.009mm

ei = - 0.009mm


Calculate limit dimensions bore and shaft diameters.

We determine the tolerances for the dimensions of the diameters of the hole and shaft.

Calculate the values ​​of the largest gap and the largest interference.


Since mm, then in the connection there will be a landing with a gap.

Determine landing tolerance

We calculate the percentage of connections with a gap, based on the normal law of distribution of the dimensions of parts during their manufacture. After scattering for the hole and the shaft, take equal to the tolerance field (,).

Normalized Laplace formula


According to the table of the values ​​of the Laplace function:

Ф (2.14) = 0.4838 mm

Ф (3) = 0.49865

The relative number of joints with a gap will be equal to

The relative number of connections with interference will be equal to

The percentage of connection with a gap will be equal to

The percentage of connection with interference will be equal to

Let's find the probable limiting gaps and tightness:

Used Books

1. Sergeev A.G., Latyshev M.V., Teregerya V.V. "Metrology, standardization, certification" - M.: Logos, 2004 - 326 pages;

2. Belkin I.M., "Tolerances and landings" - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1992 - 420 pages;

3. A. I. Aristov, L. I. Karpov, V. M. Prikhod’ko, and T. M. Rakovshchik, Russ. "Metrology, standardization and certification": a textbook for higher educational institutions- M.: Academy, 2006-459 pages;

4. Federal Law No. 27 December 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation" - M .: Onega-L, 2006-48;

5. Paley M.A. and others. "Unified system of tolerances and landings of the CMEA in mechanical engineering and instrument making", Handbook in 2 volumes. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1989 - 648 pages.

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Federal Agency for Education
State educational institution
Higher professional education
State University of Management


in the discipline "Quality Management"

on the topic: "Quality control in production"


3rd year student of the 2nd group


Moscow 2009.


    Product quality is one of the main factors for the successful operation of enterprises in a market economy………….4

    Principles of quality assurance and product quality management..7

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List of used literature…………………………………………...23


The most important source of growth in production efficiency is the constant improvement of the technical level and quality of products. The development of a market economy in Russia has determined new priorities for the development of national production: increasing the competitiveness of the national product; implementation of the transition from the raw materials industry to the processing industry; meeting the growing needs of the population; creation of a national system for ensuring the safety and high quality of consumed products.

Experienced practitioners in manufacturing know exactly what it takes to achieve high quality products. If all this is systematized and generalized, then it can be argued that in order to ensure the required level of quality, not only an appropriate material base and interested, qualified personnel are needed, but also a well-functioning organization of work, including precise quality management. Hence such an increased interest in quality management on the part of enterprises that have realized the truth: even with a modern technological base and skilled workers, one cannot count on stable product quality without introducing a clear quality system that meets the modern level.

The purpose of this essay is to consolidate the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of quality management and practical methods for organizing work to ensure product quality in enterprises.

    Product quality is one of the main factors for the successful operation of enterprises in a market economy

Quality- this is an objectively existing set of properties and characteristics of the product, which determines its suitability for its intended use. These properties and characteristics are formed during the creation of products and, depending on the requirements of customers, can be very diverse both in terms of level and combination. Therefore, it is logical to understand quality assurance as the process of forming the necessary properties and characteristics of products. And not only the process, but also the result, when they say that the required quality is provided.

The quality of both products and services is a standardized category. Quality requirements are established and fixed in regulatory and regulatory and technical documents: state, industry, company standards, technical specifications for products, in technical specifications for the design or modernization of products, in drawings, technological maps and technological regulations, in quality control cards, etc. We can also note such a characteristic of quality as instability, variability in product quality, which manifests itself not only in two general tendencies of physical and moral aging. There are so-called partial quality deviations from the established requirements. They are extremely diverse and are no longer caused by economic and technological nature, but by external conditions: violations of the rules and operating conditions, errors of developers and manufacturers, violations of production discipline, defects in equipment with which products are manufactured and used, etc. One factor that influences the volatility of quality assessments is the volatility and volatility of needs. Product parameters can strictly comply with regulatory and technical documentation, but consumer requirements change and quality deteriorates or is completely lost with unchanged parameters. It can be stated that the quality of products is in constant motion. Therefore, quality defines a chronically unstable object. This is an objective reality that you have to deal with.

Determining the needs and drawing up a plan

Implementation of the plan, quality program

Quality control

Elimination of deviations (feedback)

ri organization rational and effective work in terms of quality, regardless of its scale, forms and methods of implementation, they operate approximately according to this scheme (see Fig. 1).


is. one Quality Work Scheme

But before proceeding with the development of activities, it is necessary to have the relevant information. The reaction of consumers to product quality is the feedback that dictates the need for quality management. Sources of information that evaluates the quality of products by consumers are diverse.

In general, quality documentation is divided into planning and directive, regulatory and technological, technical control, legal and reporting and information.

    Planning and directive documents perform the most important function in quality management - the function of designing and predicting quality improvement in all its aspects.

    Regulatory and technological documents are state standards for raw materials and finished products, production methods, product passports, technological maps and prescriptions, footwear certification documents, labor quality standards.

    A technical control document is a relationship between employees who control quality.

    Legally, legal documents are divided by quality into documents of national importance, departmental and created directly at enterprises.

    Reporting and information documents - provide the necessary information for decision-making in the leading areas:

    Implementation of the plan in terms of quality indicators;

    Technological research and study of defects;

    Stimulation of workers for good quality work;

    Bringing to financial responsibility for the admitted marriage;

    Financial relationships with buyers and suppliers;

    Economic evaluation of the enterprise in terms of product quality.

Thus, summing up the above, we can note the following: the globalization of the economy and the development of international trade and industrial relations increase the requirements that consumers place on product quality. The consumer has the opportunity to choose from a large number suppliers and dictate their requirements for the quality of the goods that he is ready to purchase. And if earlier the consumer was content with confirming the quality of the goods and services themselves, now he wants to have confirmation that the production of goods for which he is going to pay money is organized in such a way that it really provides the declared quality.

Quality has become one of the most popular slogans of the late twentieth - early twenty-first century. The quality of goods and services. Quality in technologies and business processes related to the production of goods and services. Quality that exists and can be proven because it is documented.

    Principles of Quality Assurance and Product Quality Management

As noted above, quality is a standardized category, the international quality standard is the ISO standard. On January 1, 2001, the ISO 9000/2000 version came into effect. This version no longer includes alternative models quality assurance subject to certification. Since 2001, only a full-scale quality system can be certified according to ISO 9000. The update of international standards in the field of quality management ISO 9000 series is based on eight key principles of system quality management, mastered by leading international companies.

1. Orientation to the consumer. Strategic customer orientation methodically and technically is vital for every organization and every enterprise operating in a competitive market.

2. The role of leadership. In accordance with it, the manager must create the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of all the principles of system quality management.

3. Employee involvement. This is one of key points, according to which each employee should be involved in quality management activities. It is necessary to ensure that everyone has an internal need for improvement.

4. Process approach. Process- this is an activity aimed at achieving an established goal, which has a quantitative expression - the result. Therefore, in order to implement the process approach, the organizational system must be reoriented from functional management to management of results, the totality of which should ensure an increase in the efficiency of the system and the competitiveness of the enterprise.

5. System approach to management. In accordance with these principles, the production of goods, services and management is considered as a set of interrelated processes, and each process is considered as a system that has input and output, its "suppliers" and "consumers" to management, which is based on a hierarchical organizational structure.

6. Continuous improvement. Twenty years ago, the quality strategy was based on the concept of optimal quality. The experience of Japanese, and then American and European industry showed that it is unacceptable to set limits for improvement, the improvement itself must be a system and an integral part of the management system.

7. Making decisions based on facts. The implementation of this principle is designed to exclude unreasonable decisions, which are usually called strong-willed. It is necessary to collect and analyze evidence and make decisions based on it. The most common now are statistical methods of control, analysis and regulation.

8. Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. This principle, the essence of which is obvious in the simplest cases, must be implemented in relation to both external and internal suppliers.

When quality problems are discussed at enterprises, a wide variety of factors are cited that impede the solution of these problems: this is the quality of design, and the level of technology, and the quality of purchased products and materials, wages and qualifications of workers, working conditions, etc. Now, with the development of management science, it can be said that quality assurance is required.

China's factories occupy an important niche in the field of production, as well as both world relations and trade. Production in China does not stand still and is constantly evolving, which has led to the fact that China has become one of the most developed countries that can produce any desired product. Products made in Chinese factories are always popular in all countries of the world and you can hardly find a store where there would be no Chinese goods. At the same time, and only the production that has withstood the control can count on the demand for its products.

At present, there are about half a million in China. various industries, which specialize in the production of a wide variety of products, ranging from the latest developments in technology to children's toys. It should not be overlooked that in this country there is no industry that has not been developed, so production methods are constantly being improved and controlled. China's factories can boast not only a highly skilled workforce, but also the most modern and high-quality equipment that allows you to fully or partially automate the process of manufacturing goods.

A distinctive feature of Chinese production is that for relatively little money you can buy any product, while in Europe you would have to pay much more money for the same product. It is worth mentioning that many well-known brands that do not have their own own production, cooperate with Chinese companies, which produce, for example, tailoring or assembling cars, which then go on sale in countries such as America, Asia, Europe, etc. At the same time, the quality of products is usually quite high, although this depends on the manufacturer. It is to ensure that the goods meet the quality standards and production of factories in China.

But before we talk about ways to check the quality of manufactured goods and Chinese production, it is necessary to determine the types of these productions and determine their features, as well as differences from each other, in connection with which the quality control methodology may vary.

Chinese made types:

It should be said that even if among themselves in terms of the type of products produced, however, they can differ greatly, at least in terms of the types of production and quality control of products of this production. Such differences include not only the size of the factory, but also its production capacity, manufacturing methodology, work experience and time in the service market, as well as the type of production process and even business culture.

The greatest demand, of course, is for the products of large-scale production companies, which have a large weight in the country's economy. Such companies are usually recognizable, have a certain reputation, and their product has established itself as the highest quality, so they have an impressive turnover and carefully control the quality of their products. After all, it is not profitable for such companies to produce products of insufficient quality that will not pass control, and to suffer significant losses that may affect the work of the entire production in the future.

It should be noted that large-scale factories are interested in attracting highly qualified personnel who will perform their work competently and competently, receiving appropriate remuneration for this. Therefore, such productions usually have their own laboratories and research centers, which, of course, are looking for new developments, technological solutions, and at the same time they test new products and control the quality of already created products, checking the quality before sending it for export. At the same time, the company's specialists constantly monitor the quality of production at different stages.

Thus, large-scale productions are focused on foreign customers and are ready to be responsible for the quality of their products and for their control, as well as standards. Quality control of the production of such an enterprise can be carried out both by the company itself and by government agencies.

Next in importance are the middle-class industries, which usually do not have such an impressive turnover and most often specialize in a small line of goods. Such companies do not have much experience, but strive to produce quality products at the best prices, due to which they have a certain fame in the market and a good reputation. In the future, such factories have every chance to grow to large-scale production.

Most medium-sized factories have certificates and licenses for the manufacture of goods, as well as for their export. Quality control of the production of products is usually carried out in laboratories owned by such enterprises, or by special employees of these enterprises. It should be noted that the process of manufacturing goods is most often only partially automated, and a significant part of the work is performed by workers who have undergone specialized training, which improves the quality of manufactured goods. At different stages of work, a special quality control department checks the production.

An assembly shop is considered a separate subspecies, which does not produce any products, but assembles finished components into a whole product, for example, it can be stationery, lanterns, etc. Typically, workshops are located in a small area and use manual labor workers, so that the goods are assembled with the highest quality. At the same time, such productions do not have special quality control.

Quite common in China is the practice of creating companies and industries with foreign investment, which is explained by more favorable conditions and significant savings than when creating such enterprises in other countries. At the same time, quality control of production at such enterprises is carried out through their own department.

In connection with the list of types of production in China, we should also mention intermediary companies that provide assistance in finding the necessary and high-quality products to buyers, and in concluding transactions at the most favorable conditions paying attention to quality control of found products. There are also specialized import-export enterprises that are focused on working with buyers from other countries, as well as concluding deals with foreign companies. These enterprises have the opportunity to control the production of goods for quality in their own control laboratories and quality departments.

Why is quality control needed in China?

Quality control of production in China is an indispensable part of almost all deliveries of goods. Most often, production quality control is carried out by the person ordering the goods, who is interested in ensuring that the entire production batch arrives without any defects and defects, and is of the highest quality, which is revealed during production quality control. We should not forget that Chinese manufacturers fulfill multimillion-dollar orders and therefore marriage comes across here quite often, so quality control is highly recommended.

Quality control of production is also necessary because many small industries of this country do not have well-defined standards of quality and control, as they are aimed at meeting the requirements and desires of their customers. But at the same time, customers want to purchase products as cheaply as possible, and the factory goes to meet them, making cheap goods, which, of course, have the appropriate quality, because no enterprise will work at a loss, using high-quality components and selling them at unprofitable prices. cost for yourself. At the same time, such production does not carry out quality control.

Still, production quality control is necessary so that the enterprise does not forget about the requirements of quality standards and the organization of production. Based on practice, many industries that are not subject to at least periodic control gradually treat the quality of their products too leniently.

How to organize control and quality control of production in China?

If the customer wants to be 100% sure of the quality of the ordered products that will be produced and then it is advisable to organize its control. Since, if this measure is not taken, and the goods that arrive do not meet all the requirements of the customer, then it will be very problematic to return or exchange it, and it will also require an additional investment of funds that could be spent more usefully, for example, on production quality control.

So, in order to organize production quality control, it is first necessary to discuss the specification and reference samples with the factory from which the goods are ordered, which will be used in the implementation of quality control. The customer should clearly formulate his requirements and wishes for the party. It is recommended to draw up a document with the prescribed characteristics of each product and the expected results of quality control. In most cases, the factory operates according to these characteristics, controlling all production parameters.

Next, before approving the reference sample sent from the production, it should be carefully checked. After all, it is this element that will be the most significant when carrying out quality control of the finished product and will be a weighty argument in case of marriage in the direction of the customer. By the way, the customer is recommended to writing prepare requirements not only for the characteristics of the product, but also for the packaging, as well as the inscriptions on it, including the smallest details, such as color or font.

To eliminate the possibility of creating a batch that, due to misunderstanding or omissions, may not meet customer expectations, quality control of production should be carried out by inspecting product samples before they are put into production. As a result, the inspector will be able to verify the correctness of the samples or immediately make adjustments, because it is much easier and more economical to fix several samples than the entire batch put into production. Moreover, it is not a fact that production will create a second batch at its own expense.

It is recommended to carry out quality control of the batch and during the production itself. But here it is necessary to choose the right time of control. For example, the very first samples produced by the production from the customer's batch may not be of excellent quality, due to which the inspector may form a false impression of the quality control carried out. Therefore, it is advisable to either constantly be in production or visit production when about 10% of the total number of goods has been produced. In order not to miss this moment, you can ask the factory manager to notify the inspector. Usually from the beginning of production to this moment, when it is necessary to perform quality control of production, it takes 5-7 days, depending on the type of product.

At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that if quality control is carried out too late, then it will be impossible to make adjustments to production. It is also worth noting that testing the quality of goods that have not passed all stages of production is, in principle, meaningless. For example, an inspector can check how the fabric is dyed and its quality, but even with a positive result of the control, a defective product may result.

After the batch is ready, one more quality control of production should be carried out. To do this, the inspector can total control quality or sampling. Total quality control is that each unit will be carefully examined and tested for compliance with the quality of the reference sample. But such a check takes a lot of time, especially if the party has a large number of goods. Therefore, selective quality control is most often carried out, that is, only a certain number of goods are tested. different kind, chosen in a random and chaotic order. Since if you take a product only from the first row, then you cannot be sure that the product of the same quality is in the second row, third, etc.

But, nevertheless, total quality control is recommended for mandatory implementation in production if the cargo consists of expensive and fragile goods, the marriage of which even one unit can cause loss to the customer, and also if the transaction with this factory was made for the first time . Such quality control will evaluate the work of production and decide whether it is worth concluding other deals in the future.

It is worth saying that the inspector sent to production by the customer must clearly understand what defects and what percentage of defects the customer does not intend to tolerate in order to make a decision after quality control and verification that corresponds to the desire of the customer.

The last stage of such quality control can, at the request of the customer, be a check of the container where the goods will be loaded, as well as the loading process.

Implementation of quality control during the shipment of the container from production:

This production quality control procedure is very important, because it is important to deliver the goods safe and sound to the customer, but at the same time, it should be checked that the product was initially loaded into the container without defects and breakages. To do this, a special quality control is carried out in two stages:

  1. inspection and quality control of the goods before they are loaded into the container;
  2. inspection and quality control of the container and verification of its loading.

Let's consider both stages in more detail. This type of production quality control is carried out by an authorized inspector who, upon arrival at the production site, must remember to make special notes:

  • date and time of your arrival at the enterprise;
  • company name (recommended with an address to avoid possible errors);
  • the number of special equipment and the number of the trailer where the container is installed;
  • container number;
  • dimensions and type of container;
  • type of product in the container;
  • place of control;
  • date and time of the end of the quality control inspection.

By the way, for a more accurate assessment of the condition of the cargo, the inspector should also record data on climatic conditions and the weather. Since the air temperature can be quite important in the quality control of production.

So, at the first stage, when the quality of the goods is checked in the warehouse, the inspector must carry out a number of actions before allowing loading into the prepared container. To begin with, the goods are counted and the quantity is compared with the one that was declared. During quality control, there should be no inconsistencies in the documentation, otherwise this may negatively affect the reputation of the supplier production.

By the way, the initial calculation of the goods is very important, since some not very conscientious manufacturers can hide part of the goods that were produced with a defect so as not to incur losses, and after control and verification of the quality of the goods, quietly attach it to the approved cargo. Therefore, the total number of goods must clearly match the number indicated in the order, and fluctuations are not allowed in one direction or the other.

If the goods are placed in special packaging or most often in boxes, then the inspector must measure all dimensions of the box, including weight. This parameter can be measured on scales that are available from any production. At the same time, one should not forget to make special photo-marks - photographs of boxes standing on the scales indicating their weight. Next, the percentage of selection of the number of boxes for each individual product for quality control is calculated, which is usually selective, since large quantities of goods cannot be completely checked. At the same time, the control of the boxes is carried out by a special method - the goods are removed not only from the front row, but also from the center and from the most distant end, so that the manufacturer cannot export defective goods.

After all the boxes are selected, the inspector takes over the quality control of the internal contents of each of them. In the course of this work, the condition of the inner packaging is checked, the methods used to ensure the safety of the goods in the box are taken into account, the count of inner packages, show boxes, individual packages, as well as individual packages in each box, etc. is made.

Then the inspector compares the product with the customer's product quality control reference sample, and makes appropriate notes. This is followed by photographing and weighing each type of packaging from those in the box. Moreover, this procedure must be carried out both on the front side and on the back, as well as all the texts that are available. The inspector does not forget about the quality control of the correctness and conformity of the writing of texts on the packages and the box itself, which should contain the name of the production, as well as its address, which does not allow errors or inaccuracies. The address of the importer or customer must also be indicated, depending on which cargo is being checked, incoming or outgoing.

A special device reads the barcode of each of the goods and enters the information received into the report. The report also indicates the name of the cargo, the name of the goods, their barcodes and detailed description according to previous measurements.

If during the quality control of production, the inspector finds a damaged box or packaging, but the product itself meets all the requirements, then the production will only need to replace the box or packaging with a new one. If the cargo also turns out to be defective, then the inspector decides to replace it, but if there is no replacement, then such cargo is not allowed to be loaded into the container. In this regard, the inspector makes an entry in the report, where he indicates why this item was rejected and indicates the exact number of defective items that did not pass the quality control.

By the way, if during the sampling control any defect was found, then the inspector is obliged to check all the goods of this type without exception. Since the entire production batch may be defective. In most cases, production quality control is carried out not only for a single defective product, but also for the entire cargo.

Before the end of the quality control of the cargo in the warehouse, the inspector calculates the percentage of detected defects. If this was not found, then the cargo is freely loaded into the container. If the defective rate is no more than 10% of the total number of goods, then further actions are discussed with the customer of this cargo. In most cases, the goods are also skipped for loading. But if the reject rate is above 10%, then the loading of the goods stops. The current situation is discussed with the customer. There are cases when the customer needs the cargo, and he turns a blind eye to such a quantity of marriage, allowing the goods to be loaded. But most often, the inspector writes a special letter to the production-supplier of the cargo, which expresses protest to the manufacturer for low quality and gives the number of goods with defects, and the corresponding excerpts from the quality control report compiled.

The factory gives a minimum period to eliminate this problem, for example, by replacing the damaged product. It should be borne in mind that throughout this period, production will suffer losses, since you will have to pay for container downtime, for renting special equipment, etc. After replacing the goods, quality control is again carried out and, in case of a satisfactory result, the goods are sent for loading. If the production cannot replace the goods with defects in fixed time or does not withstand repeated control, then the transaction may be canceled, but it all depends on the terms of the contract between the factory and the customer.

It should be noted that the quality control report filled out by the inspector should also reflect all significant incidents that occurred at the production site during the control.

At the second stage of quality control, when the loading of the container and the goods already ready for shipment are monitored, the inspector must verify the integrity of the container, its cleanliness, dryness and suitability for loading. During the filling of the container with cargo, the checking person counts the loaded boxes of each separate species goods and enters the result in the report. Together with the report, the so-called packing list is filled out, which indicates both the total number of goods in the container and the quantity of an individual product. This packing list is sent to the customer.

The process of loading goods is also photographed. At the final stage of the production quality control, the inspector verifies that the container does not contain foreign and prohibited items, as well as empty boxes and packages. After that, the inspector has the right to allow sealing of the container and indicates the number of the seal and the time of loading and closing of the container in the report.

On the this stage production quality control ends with the fact that the inspector sends the customer a report sheet compiled during the work with all additions, photographs and corrections, if any.

It is worth saying that specialists are strongly advised not to neglect the quality control of loading, as many customers do, in order to save their money. In fact, if the customer is not sure about the manufacturer, but at the same time the production has passed the quality control of the goods, then this is not a guarantee that it is the quality tested goods that will be loaded into the container for shipment. That is why the presence of the inspector will help to identify a possible substitution.

Urgent quality control of production goods:

There are situations when it is required to make an urgent shipment of goods and there is almost no time left for a thorough quality control of production. Such a situation can arise both due to the fault of the production, which did not meet the deadlines, or because of the customer, who, for example, did not send an inspector on time to conduct quality control.

Thus, quality control of production is carried out at an accelerated pace, literally a few hours before the goods are loaded and sent. Unfortunately, this quality control has some drawbacks, for example, the customer will not have time to study the report of the inspector, as well as the packing list, so the inspector will have to decide on the shipment himself, which is not always the same as the decision that the customer would make. Also, if the detected defects can be easily corrected or defective products can be replaced, then the production does not have time for this. It should be taken into account that such quality control of production will be superficial and will not give a 100% guarantee of the quality of the goods, but nevertheless, it is better to carry out at least an urgent control than to leave the goods without inspection at all.

Ideally, production quality control should be carried out at least two days before the goods leave the factory warehouse. In comparison, the traditional thorough quality control of production is carried out within a month, or at least within two weeks, and in any case before the cargo is loaded into the container.

In order for the urgent quality control to pass in accordance with the wishes of the customer and the inspector took correct solution, the customer must provide in advance to the verifier invited by him a document describing the permissible errors of the goods and the maximum possible number of defective products in the batch.

Some important features of quality control in the production of goods:

It should be noted that quality control of production various types goods may have a different result. For example, if an inspector in the course of quality control finds a minor defect in the design or shape of a ballpoint pen, then the customer will most likely still purchase the batch and not pay attention to it.

If quality control of equipment is carried out, for example, toasters or hair dryers, then a set of measures for production control should include mandatory testing of work this device. The inspector must make sure that the device performs its function and at the same time works in all indicated modes. Since if the toaster will serve the same temperature for all three different modes, then such a device should not and requires replacement. At the same time, if at least one defective unit out of three is found in a batch of a certain product, then a decision is made that the production batch did not pass the quality control.

The same decision may follow for such a seemingly insignificant reason as a detected scratch on the surface, but such a scratch, if left on the car body, cannot possibly fit into the customer's expectations.

It should be mentioned that the production customer may require the services of not only an inspector, but also a specialist with a narrow focus, for example, a technical specialist who will check all the settings finished products equipment, or will control the debugging of devices used for production in the factory.

Moreover, when purchasing a large batch of goods, the customer may need the services of several inspectors to control the quality of production. Do not lose sight of the fact that batch production can be carried out simultaneously at different factories located in different cities, so one inspector will not be able to efficiently and effectively cope with the task assigned to him.

If you need to organize quality control of production, feel free to contact us, call or write.

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