Useful skills and abilities for success in life. Life skills for your child

Resume (CV)- it's yours business card, on the correct compilation of which depends whether you get the desired job or not. It is very important to approach writing a resume responsibly, because it can be a decisive factor in hiring you.

In this article, we will look at specific skills and abilities for a resume, as well as give you tips and advice on how to correctly fill out these sections of a resume. At the end of the article, you can download a standard resume template.

If you are interested in the question, you can read more about it in the article.

Education, experience, positions held in previous positions are mandatory parts of a CV. Good resume it is unacceptable to draw up without describing the most important skills of a specialist. You need to describe these skills in such a way that a potential boss has an irresistible desire to hire not someone, but you.

1. Key skills and abilities for a resume

Those key skills that are reflected in your resume will definitely become the object of attention from the employer. Previous work experience and education will not always be able to reveal information about the skills that you possess.

The correct approach to filling out this resume block will enable the employer to understand even without personal communication that you are exactly the one he needs.

There are no such general key skills that would be suitable for any of the positions and professions. For those who cannot formulate their own professional merits, the following skills and abilities can be indicated:

  • ability to interpersonal business communication;
  • organization and planning of working time;
  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills necessary to find solutions to problem situations;
  • manifestation of flexibility;
  • managerial skills
  • business leadership skills.

Keep in mind that an employer may only require a subset of these skills, which is usually stated in their own job offer. It's much easier to reframe the employer's requirements into your core skills.

2. Skills and abilities for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bankers…

Applicants for positions of salespeople, managers and consultants, as well as other positions that require regular communication with people, can indicate as their own skills and abilities:

  • successful experience in sales;
  • time management skills;
  • competent speech, the ability to convince;
  • effective communication skills;
  • finding an approach to the client and reaching compromises;
  • ability to learn and perceive information;
  • the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;
  • manifestation of tact and tolerance;
  • creativity.

If you have information that the employer cooperates with foreign clients, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be your advantage. Be sure to include this on your resume.

Service workers need to be skilled in the communication, analysis and decision making required to provide assistance. Any activity of such employees should be aimed at satisfying the interests of the client, which requires the applicant to be result-oriented, able to work in the presence of personal pressure and initiative.

Also, the employer will certainly attract a resume of the candidate who will have knowledge of foreign languages, own a PC, conduct business correspondence, to be attentive and interested in the overall result of the company's work.

3. Leadership skills and abilities: manager, manager, director, administrator…

It is worth starting work on a resume by identifying those skills that are of fundamental importance for a particular position.

Employers check managers with particular care, often making excessive demands on them. Those who wish to take a managerial position should indicate as skills:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • optimal organization of the workflow;
  • independent decision-making and responsibility for them;
  • the presence of critical thinking;
  • efficient management of time and labor resources;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • strategic thinking;
  • effective negotiation;
  • communication skills and the ability to gain trust.

The applicant can add to this group those professional features that he considers his strengths.

Professional skills and personal qualities in this case should have a clear distinction, because the question about the personal qualities of the applicant will certainly come from the employer, and their identity with professional skills will not allow creating a positive impression of themselves.

The list of skills can be supplemented by the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control their execution.

4. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings…

Slightly different skills and abilities should be characteristic of teachers leading seminars. Such people should be:

  • capable of motivation;
  • highly initiative and energetic;
  • masters in concentrating people's attention on certain phenomena for the required time;
  • flexible and patient;
  • capable of organizing the work process.

In addition, you can specify teachers must have competent speech and clear pronunciation, to be good interlocutors in personal communication.

The main task of this category of workers is to establish contacts.

5. Skills and abilities for technical specialists: programmers, system administrators…

The skills that technicians should have are completely individual.

For example, system administrators are required to monitor the operation of all computers in the company, which requires them to:

  • carrying out diagnostic measures regarding subordinate equipment;
  • constant monitoring of possible risks;
  • proficiency in English at a technical level;
  • ease of perception of information flows.

6. Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors…

Professionals who are aiming for jobs related to accounting should have a clear understanding of the requirements of the employer. The accountant must have:

  • analytical thinking;
  • organizational skills to create a work algorithm;
  • constant analysis;
  • competent planning;
  • increased attention to details and trifles;
  • the ability to determine the degree of priorities;
  • definition of priority tasks;
  • skills to work with representatives of regulatory authorities.

7. Skills and abilities - examples for lawyers

Workers in the field of jurisprudence can indicate in the resume:

  • knowledge of the law;
  • skills in drafting contracts and documentation;
  • use of legal electronic databases;
  • ability to work with regulatory authorities;
  • search for compromise solutions;
  • setting goals and striving to achieve them.

8. Special skills and abilities for a resume

Ability to establish oral and written contact with contractors, high achievements in the field of service, organization of the work process, the presence of speaker skills and many other skills, will be mandatory assessed by the employer.

Each of them is looking for such an employee who will be motivated for a common result, will show initiative and high energy in solving emerging issues, will be a pleasant and competent interlocutor, able to immediately make a decision, give an answer and be responsible for every word.

Applicants can include in their resumes:

  • the presence of leadership qualities;
  • technical knowledge;
  • project organization and management skills;
  • marketing abilities.

9. General skills and abilities

There are a number of general skills that professionals may have. Their list is generalized and not suitable for all specialties.

However, I think this list will be useful for you, perhaps you will find exactly those skills and abilities that you want to indicate in your resume. These include:

  • possession foreign language(language and degree of proficiency in it);
  • programming ability;
  • budgeting;
  • competent business communication (oral and written);
  • work with customer databases, including from the level of their creation;
  • efficiency regarding the search for information;
  • development of plans;
  • analyzer actions upon sales (including those performed by competitive organizations);
  • purchasing skills;
  • skills in conducting inventory processes;
  • ability in merchandising;
  • work with commercial proposals;
  • negotiation skills;
  • training and motivation of colleagues;
  • forecasting;
  • pricing skills;
  • skills in direct sales;
  • persuasion skills;
  • telephone sales skills
  • skills to work with individual computer programs: Excel, Word, Photoshop, 1C, etc. ;
  • the ability to object;
  • use of primary data;
  • handling office equipment;
  • development and implementation of advertising and market research campaigns;
  • legal expertise;
  • scrupulousness in the preparation of reporting materials;
  • collection and preparation of statistical information;
  • ability to organize processes;
  • readiness for team work;
  • independence of decisions;
  • organization skills;
  • ability to apply methods of persuasion.

Each individual specialty is characterized by certain abilities. Among the presented, there will certainly be exactly those that will suit you and the position that has become your choice. These skills can be used for inclusion in a resume.

10. Correct compilation of a basic list of skills and abilities

Tip: when searching for the desired position, you should not limit yourself to a single resume, it is better to constantly modify it in relation to the vacancy. The skills representations on the main resume and the one you create for a specific position should be different.

In the main version of the CV, suitable for most positions, you need to describe the skills as follows: the “Skills and Achievements” column is the end of the “Work Experience” column, i.e. skills are the result of professional experience.

Let's say you worked as a marketer and are now looking for a vacancy for this position, you need to write a list of benefits that the new boss will receive by hiring you for this position.

Professional skills and abilities for a resume example for a marketer:

  • conducting marketing research;
  • analysis of the market situation and consumer desires;
  • ability to develop product ideas.

The list should not be very long and detailed - the main points will suffice. The recruiter reading your CV needs to understand that your core competencies come from experience, so don't make it up. Imagine that you were a simple employee, and write that you know how to organize work. No one will believe you and the recruiter will simply ignore you.

11. Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

About punctuality, sociability and responsibility should be indicated in the column "About myself". The "Skills and Achievements" column is needed only for information related to official obligations.

In the section "Professional skills" it is necessary to indicate the main skills acquired at the last workplace or at the university. Here you can also list your achievements. The section should reveal you as a specialist. In other words, this section should describe your "Qualification".

If you describe your skills, you will make your CV more attractive. After reading this section, a potential boss should clearly understand that the company needs you and you should definitely be called for an interview. He must be attracted by his knowledge and abilities. If you want this to happen more often, heed our advice:

  • The "Qualifications" item should be placed exactly after the "Education" item. This is at least logical.
  • This section needs to be changed for any new vacancy. You only need to write down the abilities that are suitable for the position you are looking for.
  • Don't make yourself man-orchestra, carefully indicating the entire list of their pluses. Specify a few (4-8) key ones, this is enough. If you want to express some skills, you will have to sacrifice others.
  • Initially, write down those abilities that are most consistent with the position you are looking for.
  • Write the list in a way that is easy to read.
  • You need to use those definitions and phrases used by the potential boss in the ad.
  • When describing skills and abilities, you need to start phrases with the words “I have experience”, “I know”, “I own”, etc.
  • No need to write about your traits, there is a special section in the resume for them.

Attention: the so-called "headhunters" are looking for rare employees. They are generally not interested in the experience of the candidate, they want the specific benefits provided to them.

12. Skills and abilities for a resume example for an HR director:

Ability to build communication within the company. Ability to effectively manage departments and projects. Organization of consultations and business training.

The new skill can be written with a red line, this will make your text easier to read, although it will take up more space. If you correctly describe your skills and abilities, this will significantly increase the chance that you will be called for an interview.

Education and experience, though a very important part of the resume, but they cannot create an impression of the right employee.

It is not enough for the hirer to know where you studied and received your professional experience. He needs to know exactly what you can do and how you can be useful to his firm. So correctly painted basic skills greatly increase the likelihood of getting the coveted job.

Core Skills are the combination of your skills and abilities needed to do well with the tasks presented to you. job requirements. So carefully chosen and well-formulated phrases can help your resume stand out from a lot of similar documents.

While working, try to gain skills, study extra and get certificates. In this case, you will be able to really arouse the interest of the hirer and get a higher probability of being hired.

We hope that examples of skills and abilities for resume will help you.

13. We indicate specific skills and abilities in the resume

Now let's imagine that you are writing a CV for a specific position in which you have an increased interest. Then the list of core skills should be treated as a list of specific rather than general skills.

Read the ad very carefully. What do you need to know to be hired for this position? Do these requests match your skills and experience? This must be indicated in the "Skills" column.

However, simply transcribing the requirements on your resume and framing them as your own skills is a bad idea. The recruiter will immediately guess that you have decided to treat the resume as “get rid of it”. Change this information, make it more specific, add something that was not specified by the employer, but may benefit this company.

For example, if you see a requirement - Fluency in English, then mention the ability to organize a visa for the boss (unless of course this is the case). After all, if the employer and his henchmen correspond to English language, this may indicate that there are business partners from other countries, and in this case, the ability to organize a visa will arouse the interest of a possible boss.

Also remember that in our time, a recruiter will most likely search for candidates by keywords, so it is necessary to write a description of skills in such a way that it contains phrases that are in the text of the job description.

1. Oratory. Extremely important factor success is needed by every person who wants to succeed. Sooner or later you will have to speak in public, and it will be very bad if you cannot clearly explain to the people looking at you what you want and why. Constantly develop your art of speaking, if you are too shy, try to speak for yourself, then make a speech in front of acquaintances, and then you can already launch heavy artillery and orate in front of an unfamiliar audience;

2. Writing skills. In order to clearly express your thoughts on paper, you need to think logically. But if you express your thoughts in an accessible and beautiful way, then all the same, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to read what is written normally if you have a "doctor's" handwriting. Logic and calligraphy are the components of this skill.

3. Self-discipline. In other words, willpower. In order to work, you need to be a fairly disciplined person, and save less for later. Then there will be nothing but disappointment if you do not do your job here and now.

4. Ability to work in a team. This does not necessarily mean any office. Even if you are a lone pro, you still need to be able to attract customers, employees, colleagues and just acquaintances who can help you realize your ideas.

5. Critical thinking. Optimism is a very good trait, but optimism should not be confused with rose-colored glasses. Soberly evaluate your ideas - and you can become successful person. Otherwise, you run the risk of overstraining at the beginning of the journey.

6. Decision making. Everything that is described above is relevant only in one case - if you know how to make decisions and implement them. You can plan a bunch of things for the day or for the year. All of them will remain on paper if you do not know how to carry out what you have planned.

7. Mathematical mindset. You do not need to be able to calculate matrices or triple integrals in your head, but you need to be able to work quickly with numbers if you want to achieve anything in this life.

8. Search. New ideas will never come unless you are looking for new information that is useful to your current business. You have to look for something new and creative ideas will appear at the same time.

9. Relaxation. A successful person must be able to relax. You can be successful for five years, and then overstrain and “burn out” at work. Does that suit you? It is unlikely, because success is very pleasant, and it can be enjoyed indefinitely. A person who knows how to work must also be able to relax.

10. Basic financial skills. No one is forcing you to calculate Microsoft's annual budget in three seconds, but you still need to know the basics of economics if you want to succeed.

These are really basic skills, essential skills. By owning them all, no doubt, you can become a successful person. When is more complex issue, since luck, unfortunately, is not a skill.


Many of us daily wonder why we need to constantly move, develop and learn something new. Despite the fact that we repeat the same actions day after day, still some people strive to change something in themselves and in their daily plans. Learn the 7 most useful knowledge for a successful life!

Only after we manage to at least partially change our essence, it will turn out in better side influence the course of events in our lives. Action - key moment. We offer you the most effective directions of self-development.

1. Master financial literacy

Apply the rules of working with money in your life. Learn how to start your own business and manage your money.

First of all, read the books:
- Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
- Yuri Moroz "Business. Manual for geniuses";
— Robert Allen, Multiple Sources of Income.

2. Learn to think

There are special techniques of thinking. Learn them from books:
- Edward de Bono
— and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ).

Learn how the human memory works.
Read the book by Vladimir Kozarenko "Textbook of mnemonics". If you have children, then they will become excellent students in school simply by applying memorization techniques.

3. Learn to read quickly

4. Master touch typing

Practice 2 weeks for 15 minutes a day with the Stamina program. And you can surprise your friends by touch typing. And most importantly, save yourself time in the future on typing.

5. Manage your dreams

By learning to control dreams, you will open access to your creativity. Take the Lucid Dreaming in 7 Days course or read books on dreams. Lucid dreams are exciting adventures, they are like 3D films with your own participation.

6. Learn the Laws of Success

Successful people know things that others don't. There are secrets of success, applying which, you can achieve what you want. The most complete collection of working materials about success is collected in the collection "Magic of Success".

7. Work through your emotions. Manage sexual energy

Most milestone development. Namely, unrealized emotions create an obstacle in self-development. Read books:
- Alexander Lowen "Psychology of the body";
- Stanislav Grof "Holotropic consciousness";
- Mantek Chia books.

Learn to read body language and recognize other people's emotions. People often do not say what they think and think without saying anything. Read literature on the topic. And remember that with the help of the Internet you can find a lot of useful material!

Where to start self-development

Our life is arranged in such a way that each of us sooner or later comes to understanding and realization that the time has come to change something in ourselves, in our professional life, in their activities.

Hence the question arises: Where to start self-development?". Here I would like to quote the words of John Newman, which for some will become key:
“Don't be afraid that your life will end. Be afraid it won't start."
There is a lot of meaning in these words, because in our far from ideal world it is difficult to live without preparation. Therefore, many of us prefer to just go with the flow.

We change ourselves

As for "preparation" - this is what we need to do on our own and additionally. It's no secret that the process of changing oneself can take a lot of time. But, the more you learn, analyze, find, the more interesting it becomes to live, agree?

Where to start self-development? If you have a desire to change, decide what you want to achieve? What peaks? What wealth? Also, don't forget to take a closer look at your talents and your strengths.
Note that each person has them.

The most important thing that you need to start doing right away is to treat life in such a way that you receive from it maximum benefit. Yes, it's so simple and selfish on the one hand and very practical on the other. One of the options is described here. Choose any way for yourself by reading a few worthwhile books on self-development beforehand and persistently change your attitude towards life.

Hang out with people who have a lot to learn from. Get rid of whiners and other people who are dragging you down from your life. If you can’t find worthy people yet… look for them and don’t say that there are no such people.

To feel great and look normal in ANY occasion, you need to confidently swim on three pillars - healthy eating, exercise stress and mental self-regulation. But the details may already be different and your task is to choose exactly those methods and techniques that will work for you 100%, taking a minimum of time.

You can’t do it yourself, find a specialist who will coach you in these topics for money, and then let you free float. You can master everything yourself, but why should you waste time and energy on making mistakes that can be avoided.

Keep a diary. But not a simple fixation of your life - ate, called, slept, but a real diary of self-development. This topic is interesting and will not fit in a couple of lines, but in short, then ... find on the Internet what the “wheel of life balance” is and, based on it, break the diary into topics according to this “wheel”.

Find yourself convenient way planning for the day and week. At the end of the day, ALWAYS record 2-3 of your successes in your diary. It's even better if you do a short debriefing in the evenings.

For example, in the afternoon there was a situation in which you behaved incorrectly. "Review" it in the diary in the correct perspective. "Chandler, what should we do?" — Joe, what would we do if we were smart?

Use the most productive 5-10 minutes before falling asleep in the evening for self-hypnosis, “recapitulation” (on Google!), recovery (I improved my vision significantly in 3 months) and ... much more can be done at this time.

We now bring to your attention some of the most effective ways to improve your qualities:

  • Get up as early as possible, do exercises or jog.
  • Try to compose daily plan things to be done.
  • Strive to become a disciplined person.
  • In your free time, go in for sports or spiritual development, that is, the thing that gives you pleasure.
  • Don't get mad at people and don't expect more from them than they can.
  • Treat yourself as a successful and wise person.
  • Open new horizons and learn languages.
  • Avoid feelings of fear and guilt.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and be grateful.

Founder and director of Youth Consulting, who has worked with Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Microsoft, and Chief Editor blog about personal growth "Zero To Skill" Zdravko Cvijetic wrote an article about what useful skills each of us should acquire the sooner the better. We have translated the material and selected key points, preserving the unusual author's style.

Super Mario. A little mustachioed plumber, without whom my childhood would not have been so happy. I was ready to spend hours helping this good fellow save the princess from the company of bad guys.

If you also played Mario, then, of course, you could not help but notice how difficult it was to move from level to level without a sufficient amount of mushrooms - those that helped to become bigger and endowed the hero with useful skills like throwing fireballs.

So, our life is like a game. Playing Mario Plumber.

In real life, you are Mario. And you need to find your "mushrooms" that will help you grow, improve, move from level to level, develop as a person and as a professional.

When I ask my readers to name the reason that prevents them from learning new skills, I get a lot of different answers. One of them especially well shows what, perhaps, each of us goes through:

“There are too many things to study around. Too much big choice… And time is limited.”

This thought prompted me to create this article. Communicating with people and analyzing own experience I did a little research and this is what I came up with. 15 valuable skills that will help you become more successful and develop more dynamically. The sooner you get them, the better.

1. Finding your own philosophy

The internal compass tells us whether everything is going according to plan or if something has gone wrong. But it’s not enough to feel it - you need to soberly assess the situation in accordance with your own system values.

To identify this value system, ask yourself:

“What do I appreciate about _______ (work, relationships, friendships, life, etc.)?”

The listed set will be the system of your value coordinates.

Then ask yourself:

“What good and what bad do I see in this world?”

Once you focus on the good, “Oh shit, it’s Monday again…” miraculously turns into “Oh yes, Monday! Let's start?"

Feel the difference?

2. Finding your calling

No, I do not believe that we all came to this earth with some great purpose. But I am sure that life gives us the opportunity to find out what we are strong in and what we like to do.

Your calling is your talents (what are you especially good at?), your passion (what do you really love to do?), and the opportunities around you.

Look around and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

3. Goal setting

In a 1979 Harvard MBA lecture, students were asked, "Do you have clear goals for the future and plans to achieve them?"

Only 3% of students answered that they had written goals and plans. Another 13% admitted that they have goals, but not in writing. The vast majority, 84%, had no clear goals at all.

Ten years later, the graduates were brought together again. They were asked how much they earn, and found the incredible.

The 13% of graduates who had goals earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals. And the 3% whose goals were clearly articulated ten years ago were earning ten times more than the other 97% combined!

Targets work like a camera lens. If you focus correctly, you get a clear picture. If the focus is not set, the image will be blurry.

4. Visualization

Goal setting is something you can do consciously. Your brain is great at generating ideas and thinking about them, but it is powerless when it comes to putting them into action because it is constantly distracted by various external events.

The subconscious mind works differently: it is able to see the whole picture.

When the conscious and unconscious go hand in hand, they help you achieve your goals.

Visualization works best right after waking up and a few minutes before bedtime. By imagining the smallest details, sensations and emotions as if you have already achieved your goal, you make yourself believe that it is possible in principle to achieve the goal.

But be careful!

This is not the law of attraction, which says that it is enough to imagine a Ferrari, and the next day a brand new car will be waiting for you under the window.

It doesn't work like that.

Visualization is only one side of the coin. Hard work and dedication is the other side of it.

5. Forming habits

By habits we often mean something negative, so I prefer to call good habits personal rituals.

When I think about what I MUST go to gym, this is difficult for me.

But when I think about the fact that I am a healthy person, and going to the gym is an important part of anyone's life healthy person becomes easier. Try it!

6. Healthy lifestyle

Everyone wants to be healthy. Correctly?

For me, for example, the goal is not just to be healthy, but also to have enough energy. Plus look good.

For 11 years I played football, and then I abandoned this business. My weight went from 65 to 86 kilos in less than 9 months.

I became fat. For anyone who once boasted excellent abs, this is frustrating.

So I decided to do two things:

    find a suitable diet that would help me return to normal weight, and stick to it;

    in addition to nutrition, exercise regularly.

It took me about a couple of years to find the right diet and sports activities to your liking. But now I am satisfied with my body, healthy and energetic during the day.

7. The art of learning

I'm sure it's one of the key skills on the list.

Everything we are and everything we have achieved is made possible by our ability to learn.

People who have reached the heights are just people who are able to quickly and effectively learn new skills and apply them where it is required.

8. Searching and filtering information

We are all overloaded with information.

Wherever you go, you will stumble upon streams of information that will constantly distract you from your goals. Spend your time online wisely.

9. Time management and productivity

I constantly think about time, because this is the only resource that we will never renew.

Where to get more time?

Optimize your sleep time. Perhaps, instead of the standard nine hours, seven or eight is enough for you to feel healthy. Check it out!

How to use time more efficiently?

    Make good use of the so-called "dead" time (at the computer or in front of the TV).

    Focus on high-impact activities (remember the 80/20 rule: 20% of the tasks bring 80% of the result).

    Focus on what will help you grow (reading, talking to inspiring people, working on goals).

10. The Art of Meditation

We are constantly working, interacting with people, spending a fair amount of time on the Internet. Sometimes you need to stop, relax and enjoy the time spent alone with yourself.

There are no rules here. Meditate the way you feel comfortable. Two minutes, fifteen minutes, sitting, lying, thinking or, on the contrary, moving away from thoughts ... Find what suits you and constantly practice it.

11. Recording with pleasure

You don't have to become a writer. Just make it a habit to write down your thoughts on paper. A bunch of incredible ideas just waiting to be brought to life through ink.

12. Public speaking

This is perhaps one of the most useful skills that I have been able to acquire and develop.

Again, you don't need to be a professional speaker. But it is worth learning how to express your ideas.

There are many techniques and tips, but there are Golden Rule: "People don't know what you're going to talk about."

13. Ability to say NO

Sometimes we need to say NO.

Look at this situation from an unusual angle: “You don't say NO to others. You say YES to yourself and to what is important to you.”

Of the two options, always try to choose what you like.

14. How to create your own brand

Personal growth is one of the main goals in my life.

It is curious: everything I did, in one way or another, turned out to be connected with this topic. My degree in adult education, my work at the Mindvalley Academy as Director of Education, my blog (Zero to Skill) launch, all to help people learn faster and gain useful skills.

People often talk about me like I'm a learning freak.

This once again shows how values ​​(in this case personal growth) can influence your life and point the way.

It takes very little to create your brand: just start developing your strengths and let them go on a big swim.

15. How to manage personal finances

Everything is simple here.

Rule #1: Spend less than you earn.

Rule #2: Find additional source income (possibly passive).

Rule #3: Invest in assets (things that generate income).

And finally

It turned out a lot. And if you're still reading this, congratulations! Growth is not empty words for you.

You must be wondering where to start?

Choose one of the items and get started. Some things take a few hours, others take much longer. But remember that mastering at least one of these skills will help you take a step to a new level and bring impressive results in every area of ​​your life.

  • Career, Work, Study

Developing these useful skills and abilities will be one of the best investment that you could ever make for yourself.

It is believed that the most beautiful things in life are free, but this does not mean that they do not require time, dedication and commitment. When it comes to learning important life skills, we understand that they are difficult to acquire, but they are useful enough to learn.

10 useful skills that will make a huge difference in your life

  1. Manage your time (time management)

  2. No matter how many time management methods you try, you only have 24 hours a day. When you learn time management, you will learn to take control of your time, which will increase your ability to focus. When you focus, your efficiency increases because you don't slow down. You will notice that you will start moving through tasks much faster, and it will seem to you that your working day flies by. It's always a plus, right? Once you master time management, you will eliminate that awful feeling that you haven't done enough in a day. You will feel more calm, relaxed, and in control of your life. When it comes to decision making, this skill will give you the ability to carefully examine each option, and it's likely that you'll make the best decision.
  3. Show compassion (empathy)

  4. Sympathy by definition means "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another". People often confuse empathy (empathy) and compassion. In fact, these two feelings are quite different from each other. Compassion is, for example, feeling sorry for someone who has lost a loved one. An example of empathy would be when someone loses their job; You can ask open-ended questions and really strive to get a feel for how this person feels about losing their job and what it really means to them. Empathy is the key to success, and it has the ability to change the way we think, work, and manage. In order to acquire this useful skill, one should Make and Not to do:


  • ask open questions
  • get used to silence
  • often ask "why"
  • look for stories and emotions

Not to do

  • ask leading questions
  • judge
  • assume
  • only hear what you want
  • Ask for help

  • Often, we think that this is a sign of weakness, so we try to do everything ourselves. The truth is that asking for help is a sign of strength.

    Assumption 1: This is a sign of weakness. If I can't do it myself, then I don't know how to do it, or I don't have the skills or resources to do it.

    Assumption 2: To let someone else help me is to lose control of the situation.

    Assumption 3: If I get support, then I must reciprocate. What if I can't return the favor? What if I don't want to repay the debt?

    Assumption 4: If I ask others for support, I burden them. They are just as busy as I am, so how can they find time to help me?

    Assumption 5: I'm the only one who can do it my way. It's easier and faster for me to do it myself than to teach someone else to help me.

    When you ask for help you give other people the opportunity to show you their abilities and talents and also, you are more likely to learn something new for yourself. This skill of yours makes it possible for others to show off and feel useful, and you, in turn, feel the excitement. When you ask for help, it shows that you are not perfect, just like everyone else. Strength is in being vulnerable.

  • Be Consistent

  • People set a goal for themselves, but because they can be inconsistent, they lose sight of that goal. Or, when we set a goal and achieve what we want, we sometimes forget that we have to stay consistent in order to keep it. The ability to be consistent is very important when we are talking about achieving success in any field.

  • Listening skills

  • Listening is important because it prevents misunderstandings. This skill can make the conversation clearer and help avoid disappointment for the speaker. Listening is a skill that is required for all types of communication. The ability to listen has importance in personal life, daily activities, career and the environment in which you are employed. Many employers spend money to ensure their employees are able to listen effectively.
  • Don't meddle in other people's business

  • This is probably one of the most difficult cultivation skills. By different reasons It's hard for people not to meddle in things that don't concern them. When you learn to mind your own business, you will let others mind theirs. Don't put your nose where it doesn't apply unless you've been specifically asked for advice. We often meddle in the affairs of others because we think we know better. When you take care of your own business, you will feel lighter; you are not a charge for the universe. You will become more useful in the world by being only interested in your own life. free from expectations and disappointments.

  • Resist Gossip

  • I know it's hard, but it's important to resist the temptation to gossip or listen to the gossip of others. Gossip comes from a lot of lies and can cause quite a bit of drama. I'm sure we've all been in a situation where we gossip about people behind their backs. Most of us do it without thinking. Acquiring the skill not to gossip is difficult, because then it means that we may be missing out on some information that we may not find out later. Gossiping about others behind their backs we prove we can't be trusted. So when someone starts gossiping about someone with you, you should kindly ask them to talk about something else.

  • Stay in the present

  • This is a difficult and at the same time useful skill. Especially for those of us who think too much. We catch ourselves analyzing the past like we can somehow go back in time and change what we want that we didn't do or say. Or, we thinking about the future so much that we often destroy the present. When you spend a lot of time thinking about things that haven't even happened yet, you destroy your ability to fully enjoy the present for what it is and what it has to offer.

  • Refine your thoughts

  • It is very important to remain in charge of your thoughts. We are products of our past experiences and choices but that doesn't mean our past reflects our future. Start every day with a clean slate. Remember that every day you grow and become the person you are meant to be. The skill of self-improvement will give you a lot of new and useful information which is necessary for success in life.

  • speak up

  • One of the biggest fears of many of us is the fear of communicating with strangers. The reason is that all people are different and some of these behaviors can be diagnosed as types of social phobias. However, the main and fundamental reason is that we are afraid of being judged by those who watch and listen to us. The ability to speak up greatly increases your self-confidence, and this contributes to the fact that you will feel more comfortable around other people.
    If you want to be a leader, you must acquire this useful skill.

    Develop these useful skills and you will feel ready to do everything in the world!

    Brian Tracy. Knowledge, skills and abilities.
