Homemade mini bath. Comfortable mini-steam room in a private house and in the country with your own hands: a phased arrangement technology

Almost any owner of a personal plot would like to build a bathhouse there. However, its area may be small and it is not possible to build a full-fledged structure. In such a situation, you can build a mini-bath for a summer residence. It will be just as functional and comfortable as the traditional one, but its construction will require less materials and effort. Even a novice home master will be able to cope with this task.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage does not exceed 10 acres, then a small-sized bath will be the best solution. It is quite obvious that the dimensions of the building must also be ergonomic and not exceed 4x6 meters. There are several designs that meet these requirements:

  • Frame - the simplest structure of this type is installed on a lightweight base and has a wear-resistant wood frame, sheathed with high-quality material. Also, to minimize the negative impact of temperature changes and moisture, the structure should be insulated and waterproofed.
  • Monolithic - wood concrete, which is a mixture of sand, chemical additives, cement and aggregate, can be used as a material.
  • Mobile - there are several variants of this design, for example, an awning tent.
  • Ergonomic - the most popular here is a barrel bath made of wood.

Design features

Bars are laid on top, which are then covered with waterproof material such as bitumen. If the soil is soft or wet, then it is better to use a strip foundation.

The prepared trench should be covered with a layer of sand and gravel, after which it should be well compacted. Then you have to make a cement mortar and pour it into the pit. As a waterproofing material, it is worth using roofing material.

Walls can be built in a variety of ways. For a small bath, the best option would be a frame structure. To create it, the home master will need the following materials:

  • Wooden beam 5x5 cm.
  • Boards with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm.
  • Polyethylene film for waterproofing.
  • Thermal insulation material.

The frame is assembled from timber in accordance with the draft. The inside of the structure must be sheathed with a board. Anchors or self-tapping screws can be used as fasteners. Then it is necessary to provide the building with reliable thermal protection. To solve this problem, it is worth using expanded clay or sawdust. As a waterproofing material, bituminous mastic is perfect. The last step in the construction of the walls will be the interior decoration with a board.

Agree, it is very convenient to have a mini-steam room right in your house or in your country house, and not just in your backyard? The ability to take bath procedures at any time of the day or night, the reduction in energy costs, the speed of heating - this is only a small part of the advantages of a compact bath over a traditional one. But most importantly, it is much easier to equip it with your own hands. If you are more and more thinking about a mini-steam room, to your attention is the phased technology of its construction with detailed photos and useful videos.

Steam room project and assembly

The first stage of the device mini-steam room in the house or in the country - drawing up a project. It will save you from mistakes at all subsequent stages of construction. The project must contain:

  • general drawing of the steam room;
  • frame dimensions;
  • location and connection diagram of the heating device and ventilation;
  • internal filling of the steam room.

Determine the size of the mini steam room at your discretion: depending on your needs and the available space. Practice shows that the optimal dimensions for a home bath are 2x2 or 2x1.6 m. As for the location, most often the steam room is equipped in the bathroom, since all the necessary communications are already there. Although, if square meters allow, you can allocate a loggia or even a separate room for it.

Steam room in the bathroom

The second stage is the installation of a steam room:

  1. Pour the floating concrete floor into the marked work area.
  2. Assemble the frame of the bath from vertical bars. Install the elements in increments of 60 cm and fix them with self-tapping screws and corners.
  3. Install a door between a pair of bars: a compartment, a hinged or Velcro canvas, a structure - everything that your budget and imagination allow.
  4. Lay ceramic tiles on the concrete floor. Subsequently, it will need to be closed with wooden bars.
  5. Sheathe the frame from the outside with wooden panels. It can be boards made of coniferous or hardwood, or. Install the panels horizontally and fasten to the frame with screws and dowels.

Advice. To prevent the penetration of moisture into the skin, mount the wooden panels with a slight overlap.

Wall insulation

Advice. It is better to refuse foamed polymers - they are very flammable, therefore, at high temperatures, they can not only begin to decompose or emit an unpleasant odor, but also catch fire.

The recommended layer of mineral wool is at least 5 cm. It is laid on the inside of the frame between the bars. But pre-wooden cladding sheets are covered with aluminum foil - it will serve as an intermediate layer between the thermal insulation and the outer skin and protect the wood from condensation.

Mineral wool is overlapped on the foil. A layer of waterproofing is again arranged on top of the insulation - aluminum foil can also be used here. In this case, the reflective layer of the material should not be directed towards the mineral wool, but towards the steam room. The foil should be fixed with a construction stapler on frame bars. And between themselves, the sheets of the waterproofing must be connected with adhesive tape.

After laying the thermal insulation, sew up the walls of the mini-steam room from the inside. You can use the same wood materials as for the exterior walls.

Electric oven for mini-bath

Heating and ventilation

To heat a mini-steam room in the house, it is easiest to use an electric heater stove. Its power is calculated according to a simple scheme: 1.5 kW per 1 sq.m. area. That is, for a home bath 2x2 m, a device with a power of 4-6 kW will suffice. It can even be connected to a standard single-phase power supply.

The electric furnace is located either on the wall or on the floor, but always near the door - this is necessary so that the cold air coming from outside is immediately captured and warmed up by hot air currents. The stove is equipped with a compartment for stones - when poured with water, they form steam, which increases the humidity in the mini-steam room.

Also, the electric furnace is equipped with a thermostat, thanks to which the required comfortable temperature is maintained in the steam room.

Another mandatory stage in the arrangement of a mini-bath in the house is the organization of ventilation:

  1. At the bottom of the floor near the stove in one of the walls of the steam room, make an air inlet.
  2. Make an exhaust hole as far as possible from the air inlet and from the door in the wall.

Both openings must lead to the same room, which, in turn, must have a ventilation exhaust duct facing the street. An electric fan should be installed in the hood.

Interior arrangement

Finally, the final stage of creating a mini-steam room is its internal content. For the convenience of using the bath you will need:

  • benches;
  • footrests;
  • headrests;
  • shelves.

To finish the steam room, it is better to choose natural wood.

This is the minimum set, which, with the correct calculation of the dimensions, will fit perfectly in a mini-steam room. In order not to miscalculate with the dimensions, all filling elements must be included in the drawing at the stage of creating the steam room project.

All bath components must be made of wood that does not contain resin and is characterized by low thermal conductivity: linden, spruce, aspen. You can make benches and shelves with your own hands, but it is better to buy footrests and headrests in special stores.

Also an important component of filling a mini-steam room is lighting fixtures. It should be only heat and moisture resistant lamps. To ensure safety, switches must be placed exclusively on the outside of the bath.

Thus, a mini-steam room in a private house or in the country is not at all a hard-to-reach exotic, but a completely feasible idea. For its successful implementation, you need to think through every moment: design, size, decoration, heating, ventilation, interior design - paying maximum attention to each of these moments, you will get a functional and comfortable mini-bath that will give you a lot of pleasant moments.

Steam room in the house: video

Mini steam room in the house: photo

Everyone who has a suburban area wants to make the most of its space. And to break up a garden and plant a vegetable garden and to have a house. And for rest and relaxation, of course, you definitely need a bath.

Trailer mobile bath - ideal mini-tower

There is absolutely no reason to be upset and upset if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site is not large enough to build a bath of standard sizes. You can consider the project of a compact mini bath in the country. A small do-it-yourself bathhouse meets the needs of steam lovers to the same extent as a standard one. And in terms of saving free space and material costs, its construction will certainly interest a zealous owner.

How to determine the size of the mini-bath?

If the ground is dry and hard enough, then you can use a simplified version of the arrangement of the foundation. First, flat stones are laid out around the perimeter of the future structure, then with the same stones - the inner space of the foundation. The empty spaces between the stones are filled with clay and carefully rammed. A layer of wooden beams is placed on top, treated over the entire surface with hot bitumen.


Arrangement of supply and discharge of water

heating system

Ventilation and lighting mini baths

Single mini sauna outdoors

Mini bath - barrel without foundation

To assemble such a bath, you will need light insulated panels, which are a frame of wooden beams sheathed with thin boards. The size of one frame is 185x60 cm, and in its manufacture, a bar with a section of 3x6 cm and boards 1-1.5 cm thick are used. To insulate and provide heat and vapor barrier, the panels are filled with foam or mineral wool, covering it from the inside with plastic wrap or aluminum foil . The outer side is covered with glassine or roofing paper. Then the panels are sheathed with clapboard.

Mini sauna indoors

Cabin - mini sauna single

Portable compact mini steam room in a city apartment

Steam cabin in an ordinary small bathroom

  • How to build a mini-bath with your own hands in the country or at home

    If the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site is not large enough for the construction of a bath of standard sizes, then you can consider the project of a compact mini bath in the country.

A small do-it-yourself sauna in a country house or in the country

It is difficult to imagine modern country or country houses without a bathhouse, which has become an obligatory component of country rest. But what if there are not enough funds for the construction of a full-fledged steam room or a very small plot of land on which it will not be possible to place a separate building? For those who experience similar problems, there is only one way out - a do-it-yourself mini-sauna in the country.

Choosing a place in a country house for the construction of a mini-sauna

As a rule, a steam room is equipped in one of the rooms of the house, the main thing is that it is suitable in size, and it is possible to organize power supply and ventilation in it. For example, a do-it-yourself mini-sauna in the country house can be placed in the attic, in the basement or on the balcony, if the house is two-story. An ideal option if it is possible to make a direct exit from the sauna to the shore of an artificial or natural reservoir.

Choosing a place for a mini-sauna

By equipping a mini-bath in a country house, it is possible to save significant funds on the installation of communications: sewerage, water supply, electrical wiring, but at the same time not to lose square meters of internal space.

The layout and dimensions of the mini-san in the country house

Do-it-yourself sauna installation at the first stages includes the development of a scheme and determination of the dimensions of a future home bath. The size of a small steam room is designed on the basis that one or two people will steam in it. Each booth should have a volume of at least 2 m 3. At the same time, the ceiling height must be at least 2 m. The most successful minimum size is 2 x 1.8 m, when a bench can be installed on each side.

The layout and dimensions of the mini-sauna

Do-it-yourself mini-sauna in the country, the drawings of which include the minimum allowable height and area, can significantly save on electricity and time for heating the steam room. Because the larger the cabin, the more electricity is required for its operation.

Sauna flooring

We begin the construction of a home bath with finishing the floors. For their basis, concrete is used, lined with natural or artificial stones. Also, you can lay out the floor with tiles in the steam room - a practical, inexpensive and common option.

According to its characteristics, a terrace board (thermal wood) is perfect for arranging a floor in a sauna, which perfectly tolerates high temperatures, changes in humidity, dynamic loads and has a corrugated surface, beautiful texture and lasting shade.

Wooden frame installation

Before making a frame, you need to make sure that the room is square by measuring and comparing its diagonals - they should be the same. If necessary, make adjustments with the bars of the frame, retreating to the desired distance from the walls.

The elements of the frame are dry pine beams, with a section of 5x5 cm. Depending on how the lining of the walls will be done with clapboard, they are placed vertically or horizontally, in increments of 400 mm. The thickness of the heat-insulating material is indented from the main wall (50 - 100 mm).

In order to subsequently carry out the correct installation of an electric heater, which is installed on a finished wall, embedded elements (additional frame bars) should be provided.

Organization of ventilation in the mini-sauna

For the correct operation of the steam room, a well-executed do-it-yourself ventilation scheme in the sauna is required, capable of providing at least six changes of air in the cabin per hour.

For this purpose, a supply hole is made near the heater and the floor for fresh air to enter the bath. On the opposite wall, closer to the ceiling, there is an exhaust opening through which hot air will enter the common duct. Another vent is made in the ceiling, closed with a damper, designed to quickly and completely ventilate the sauna between sessions. This variant of the organization of ventilation is the most common.

Depending on the design of the steam room and the features of its location, the ventilation scheme may vary.

Power supply of the mini-bath

Since the steam room is a room with increased danger and high temperatures, special attention must be paid to the arrangement of the power supply. For hidden electrical wiring, you must use wires with reliable heat-resistant insulation that can withstand up to 170 - 180 0 C. Inside the bath, it is not allowed to connect wires, install electrical sockets and switches, as well as control devices.

Lamps should be used only specialized - heat-resistant (protection class IP 65). Practical is their placement under the benches.

All electrical equipment of the home bath must be connected through high-quality circuit breakers that protect the electrical circuits from short circuits.

Organization of thermal insulation of a mini-bath

Warming the sauna from the inside with your own hands is necessary to ensure rapid heating of the steam room and save on energy resources, and, accordingly, on the power of the heater. Thermal insulation made of basalt-based mineral wool has become widespread, since it does not absorb moisture and has vapor-permeable and non-combustible properties.

Mineral wool is embedded in the wall frames with mats from 5 cm thick. Pay special attention to the thermal insulation of the ceiling, as large heat losses occur through it. The thickness of the mineral wool should be at least 10 cm. The wool should be attached to the rough wooden ceiling using long self-tapping screws.

After completing the installation of mineral wool, the entire frame must be covered with special foil paper. It has excellent reflective properties, and also perfectly retains radiant energy and creates a "thermos effect".

After the end of the process of warming the home steam room, it must be sheathed with clapboard.

Choosing and assembling a do-it-yourself stove for a mini-sauna

An electric heater for a sauna, made with your own hands, will help to significantly save money on arranging a mini-steam room, and it would be more correct to entrust the connection of the finished device to professional electricians. It is very compact, so it is ideal for small steam rooms. In addition, the heater is quite simple to install and does not require the purchase of expensive materials.

Electric sauna heater

In order to assemble an electric sauna stove with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

  • draw up a drawing of the future stove, taking into account the size of the stone cage;
  • we calculate the number of heating elements, depending on the required power;
  • we assemble the furnace - we fix the heating elements on the frame, connect them with jumpers. We use a 3 mm thick steel sheet as a base, we attach the rest of the parts to it using bolts and welding;
  • in the finished frame, we lay the stones as tightly as possible on top;
  • install a protective casing made of steel sheet;
  • we connect the electric furnace using a serial, parallel connection of heating elements;
  • check the operation of the oven.

Also, you can make a do-it-yourself wood-fired sauna stove, which is a classic option. It has universal properties that allow you to maintain the temperature in the bath at the required level with minimal cost.

A do-it-yourself wood-fired sauna stove can be assembled in the following options:

  • the frame of the stove is welded from sheet steel with a thickness of 4 - 5 mm, and having installed it at the installation site, it is covered with refractory bricks;
  • the stove is laid out from a special refractory brick.

Installation of benches

Do-it-yourself shelves in the sauna can be built from planed timber with a section of 5x5 cm or more. Its design will depend entirely on the dimensions and type of benches. If the ceiling height is 2 m, the upper shelf should be made at 1 m. The width of such a lounger should be at least 70 cm. The lower shelf is installed at a height of 60 - 70 cm, its width can be 40 - 50 cm, since it is intended for sitting.

Mini-sauna in the country: how to do it yourself

If you want your vacation in the country to be fully and with health benefits, then start building a small sauna in a country house, which will take up a minimum of space.

Comfortable mini-steam room in a private house and in the country with your own hands: a phased arrangement technology

Agree, it is very convenient to have a mini-steam room right in your house or in your country house, and not just in your backyard? The ability to take bath procedures at any time of the day or night, the reduction in energy costs, the speed of heating - this is only a small part of the advantages of a compact bath over a traditional one. But most importantly, it is much easier to equip it with your own hands. If you are more and more thinking about a mini-steam room, to your attention is the phased technology of its construction with detailed photos and useful videos.

Steam room project and assembly

The first stage of the device mini-steam room in the house or in the country - drawing up a project. It will save you from mistakes at all subsequent stages of construction. The project must contain:

  • general drawing of the steam room;
  • frame dimensions;
  • location and connection diagram of the heating device and ventilation;
  • internal filling of the steam room.

Determine the size of the mini steam room at your discretion: depending on your needs and the available space. Practice shows that the optimal dimensions for a home bath are 2x2 or 2x1.6 m. As for the location, most often the steam room is equipped in the bathroom, since all the necessary communications are already there. Although, if square meters allow, you can allocate a loggia or even a separate room for it.

The second stage is the installation of a steam room:

  1. Pour the floating concrete floor into the marked work area.
  2. Assemble the frame of the bath from vertical bars. Install the elements in increments of 60 cm and fix them with self-tapping screws and corners.
  3. Install a door between a pair of bars: a compartment, a canvas with hinges or Velcro, a glass structure - everything that your budget and imagination allow.
  4. Lay ceramic tiles on the concrete floor. Subsequently, it will need to be closed with wooden bars.
  5. Sheathe the frame from the outside with wooden panels. It can be boards made of coniferous or hardwood, or lining. Install the panels horizontally and fasten to the frame with screws and dowels.

Advice. To prevent the penetration of moisture into the skin, mount the wooden panels with a slight overlap.

Wall insulation

The recommended layer of mineral wool is at least 5 cm. It is laid on the inside of the frame between the bars. But pre-wooden cladding sheets are covered with aluminum foil - it will serve as an intermediate layer between the thermal insulation and the outer skin and protect the wood from condensation.

Mineral wool is overlapped on the foil. A layer of waterproofing is again arranged on top of the insulation - aluminum foil can also be used here. In this case, the reflective layer of the material should not be directed towards the mineral wool, but towards the steam room. The foil should be fixed with a construction stapler on frame bars. And between themselves, the sheets of the waterproofing must be connected with adhesive tape.

After laying the thermal insulation, sew up the walls of the mini-steam room from the inside. You can use the same wood materials as for the exterior walls.

Heating and ventilation

To heat a mini-steam room in the house, it is easiest to use an electric heater stove. Its power is calculated according to a simple scheme: 1.5 kW per 1 sq.m. area. That is, for a home bath 2x2 m, a device with a power of 4-6 kW will suffice. It can even be connected to a standard single-phase power supply.

The electric furnace is located either on the wall or on the floor, but always near the door - this is necessary so that the cold air coming from outside is immediately captured and warmed up by hot air currents. The stove is equipped with a compartment for stones - when poured with water, they form steam, which increases the humidity in the mini-steam room.

Also, the electric furnace is equipped with a thermostat, thanks to which the required comfortable temperature is maintained in the steam room.

Another mandatory stage in the arrangement of a mini-bath in the house is the organization of ventilation:

  1. At the bottom of the floor near the stove in one of the walls of the steam room, make an air inlet.
  2. Make an exhaust hole as far as possible from the air inlet and from the door in the wall.

Both openings must lead to the same room, which, in turn, must have a ventilation exhaust duct facing the street. An electric fan should be installed in the hood.

Interior arrangement

Finally, the final stage of creating a mini-steam room is its internal content. For the convenience of using the bath you will need:

This is the minimum set, which, with the correct calculation of the dimensions, will fit perfectly in a mini-steam room. In order not to miscalculate with the dimensions, all filling elements must be included in the drawing at the stage of creating the steam room project.

All bath components must be made of wood that does not contain resin and is characterized by low thermal conductivity: linden, spruce, aspen. You can make benches and shelves with your own hands, but it is better to buy footrests and headrests in special stores.

Also an important component of filling a mini-steam room is lighting fixtures. It should be only heat and moisture resistant lamps. To ensure safety, switches must be placed exclusively on the outside of the bath.

Thus, a mini-steam room in a private house or in the country is not at all a hard-to-reach exotic, but a completely feasible idea. For its successful implementation, you need to think through every moment: design, size, decoration, heating, ventilation, interior design - paying maximum attention to each of these moments, you will get a functional and comfortable mini-bath that will give you a lot of pleasant moments.

Do-it-yourself mini-steam room in the country and in a private house: photo, video

If you are more and more thinking about a mini-steam room, to your attention is the phased technology of its construction with detailed photos and useful videos.

Mini bath for a summer residence: how does it differ from the usual one and is it difficult to build it with your own hands

If you pay attention to summer cottages that were allocated to ordinary citizens in Soviet times, then the thought immediately arises only of planting vegetables. After all, there is no room left for anything but a small house. But spending summer time in the country, I want to take a steam bath in the bathhouse after a hard day's work on the site. Few people know, but even in a small area it is possible to put a steam room. Moreover, it will be a purely budget option that does not require special investments. Surely some have already guessed that today we will talk about such a building as a mini-bath for a summer residence, as well as how to do all the work with your own hands.

A mini bath in the country is really very necessary

Mobile bath in a country house made of wood - simple and tasteful

Mini bath in a country house of 6 acres - myth or reality?

What are the usual reasons why a summer resident does not dare to build a bathhouse on his site? Of course, this is the lack of funds for its construction and the necessary space on the site. As for the mini-bath in the country, it can be an ideal solution to these two issues. Let's try to figure out whether it is worth starting such a construction or it may be easier to purchase a ready-made one and install it on the site.

Let's start with the fact that buying a ready-made room for a bath is an easier way out, but at the same time, another problem arises for the summer resident - after all, you really need a budget option. And it can not be attributed to the acquisition of a finished building. It is for this reason that today we will consider the construction of a bath with our own hands. Although we will definitely dwell on the cost of ready-made ones, but a little later.

Everyone invests in the concept of "a small bathhouse in the country" a different meaning. Indeed, for some, the territory of a plot of 20 acres is considered small. But we will consider exactly the average garden plots of 6-8 acres. This means that the bath on them should not take more than 4-6 m in length and 2-3 m in width. First of all, we will analyze what baths can be in a summer cottage, what they can be built from, and after that we will decide how to do all the necessary work.

Materials from which you can make a small bath at their summer cottage

First you need to understand what the structure will consist of. It could be:

  • Wooden beam;
  • Edged board;
  • Metal frame lined with wood;
  • Plastic corrugated board (not suitable for oven kindling - only steam);
  • Brick or foam block.

Of course, the most common material for such a building was and remains wood. After all, if you think about it, what kind of bath made of plastic and similar materials. Naturally, there can be no talk of metal at all, although some recommend it for the frame of a structure. And yet, not everyone in the yard has the opportunity to process and weld metal, and therefore we will focus on the option consisting entirely of wood.

A mini bath can also be on such a metal frame

Frame baths as the simplest type of construction

Surely in childhood everyone built "headquarters" in the forest between the trees. Something similar happens in this case as well. The initial stage is the assembly of the skeleton, as it were, the skeleton of the future structure. It is interesting to build a frame mini-bath with your own hands in that you can even do without a foundation, as such. Of course, it will not be worse from the fact that a solid foundation is made, but the main task is the dense settlement of the frame on the soil. Now we will try to explain in stages how the construction should take place. To make it clearer and more voluminous, for an example of a frame, let's take a larger bath, but there will be no changes in the algorithm of actions, and therefore there should be no problems during construction.

Immediately make a reservation that all work is done on a computer, this is a complete project. But this applies only to the frame of the bath. Everything related to finishing and plating will be observed in the photo examples.

At first glance it seems that everything is very complicated. But having started work, you can understand - the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. With your own hands, it is difficult to assemble a frame mini-bath, although it is quite possible.

Bath from the boards - is its construction much more difficult?

In fact, it is a little more difficult to assemble a bath from boards with your own hands than a frame one. The algorithm of work looks something like this. To begin with, just like for the frame, a plinth trim is assembled from a bar, which is laid on the foundation. Floor joists are attached. In this case, the floor can even be assembled immediately - it will be more convenient. The next steps are the raising of the walls, which is made from boards connected “into a spike”.

Thus, the walls rise to the required height. After that, you can strengthen them from the inside, lay a heater, a vapor barrier film and sheathe them with clapboard. The roof rises similarly to the previous version. But if how to build a bathhouse from boards with your own hands is more or less clear, then you just have to figure it out with an even more complex option.

Barrel bath - what is it and how to build it

A barrel mini bath is a rather interesting structure that will decorate the landscape of any site. If we make comparisons, then the most suitable here would be a small cistern with carved windows and a door. Let's try to understand how it is going.

Of the advantages, in addition to the appearance, one can indicate the absence of a foundation for such a building, which means that the structure will be mobile. Of course, provided that it is firmly assembled. For the walls, you will need an edged board (it is better to use spruce or larch), which is connected using the “thorn in the groove” method, like a lining. But the board should be much thicker. The base is made of 5-6 boards at least 5 cm thick, standing on an edge with a semicircular notch.

Bath barrel is difficult to build, but it looks one hundred percent

Further along, on the supports, boards prepared for the walls are laid. After assembling the lower part of the walls, round partitions are assembled in the same way with recesses for the door. Well, after that, you can already assemble the walls to the end in a circle. As for the interior decoration, there is a complete expanse of fantasy. We offer several examples that will help explain how to build a barrel bath with your own hands.

That's pretty much how it all happens. But no matter how the bath is built, it is very important what it will have inside.

Components and equipment - what needs to be installed inside

Of course, everyone knows that the stove is the main thing in the bath. But in addition to the mandatory elements, you can think of what else it can be supplemented with. And yet, to start with the main thing.

Mini stove for a bath - buy or make?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. If a home craftsman has experience in making such equipment, then of course a do-it-yourself mini oven for a wood-fired bath will be preferable. If not, then you will have to purchase a similar heat generator. In this case, a good and relatively inexpensive solution would be to purchase a Varvara mini sauna stove.

The stove for the bath "Varvara mini" is a very good choice

Do I need a pool in a mini bath and how to arrange it

It makes sense to purchase a pool for mini-baths only if the size of the building allows. Although sometimes it is installed directly near the building. Of course, this is a pretty good way to relax after a steam room, but if the area is small, it can be overkill.

Sauna inside the bath - what is good about this option

A mini sauna in the country will be very useful for those in whose family not everyone likes a fairly hot steam room. Then, having made a firebox on the back of the door, you can fence off a small room inside. The temperature in it will be much higher than in the washing room. Thus, those who like strong heat will be able to relax with a good steam. Others will be in the next room, where the heat is not so strong.

Bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace. In a separate publication, you will learn about the most successful layouts of baths with an extension in the form of a veranda or terrace.

The advantages of a small do-it-yourself bath in the country

Before building a mini-bath for a summer cottage with your own hands, the project is the first thing to think about. Without it, nothing sensible will work.

You can make such a bath if there are no neighbors nearby and there is nothing to be ashamed of

Of course, a small bathhouse in the country is a necessary thing, and therefore it is worth starting such a construction, despite the apparent complexity. Well, with a complete lack of desire and craving for construction, you can purchase a ready-made steam room, which will be delivered to you right in the yard. The only thing that needs to be done is to prepare a flat area for her.

Bath decoration inside. Photos and examples. In a separate publication, you will find interesting ideas for finishing steam rooms and rest rooms, as well as learn the main installation steps.

Where can I buy a mini-bath for a summer residence inexpensively

Nowadays, you can order a finished building quite easily - the Internet is full of such ads. The question is that the cost of such a building is quite high. But at what price you can buy a mini-bath for a summer residence, now let's try to figure it out.

Thus, it can be understood that it is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase a turnkey bath for a summer residence inexpensively. That is why it is worth thinking about your own construction. In this case, you can meet less than half of the market price, or even a third. Of course, you can buy a sauna for a summer residence inexpensively, but in this case you will receive only a box without interior decoration and a stove. And this will already be a barn, not a steam room.

Examples of do-it-yourself small baths in the country - a photo review of interesting solutions

Perhaps someone else doubts whether it is worth starting construction. We offer you to see a few photos of mini baths for summer cottages with your own hands.

This is how home-made, quite beautiful pairs are obtained. Agree that small bathhouses for summer cottages in the photo look just lovely.


Summarizing the above material, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • If you decide to start building a bath with your own hands, the first step is to draw up a project;
  • Next, think through everything thoroughly and purchase the necessary material;
  • Work must be approached carefully and carefully, but at the same time creatively;
  • You should not hurry in this matter, but you should not leave an unfinished bathhouse for the winter either.

And if you follow these simple rules, then a mini-bath in the country will not only please the eye, but also soothe the soul, and give health and joy to you and your loved ones.

Do-it-yourself mini bath to give: materials, components, models

Mini bath for a summer residence: materials from which it can be made, components and equipment, advantages, an overview of purchased models, useful tips and recommendations from specialists.

Construction portal Samodelkin

Mini baths in the country: how to do it yourself. Device description location of mini baths in garden and summer cottages

Surely every lucky owner of the notorious 6 acres outside the city tries to make the most of his small plot of land. And plant fruit trees, and organize a small garden, and build a house, albeit only for two rooms, but build a two-story one. And where there is a house, there is a desire to build a bathhouse, so that if you have a rest, then to the fullest.

There is absolutely no reason to be upset and upset if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site is not large enough to build a bath of standard sizes. You can consider the project of a compact mini baths in the country. A small do-it-yourself bathhouse meets the needs of steam lovers to the same extent as a standard one. And in terms of saving free space and material costs, its construction will certainly interest a zealous owner.

The size of your future bath must be calculated based on the number of people who will use it. For a small family consisting of 2, 4 people, the budget version of a small building is quite suitable. The height of the bath in such a project will be 2 m, length - 6 m, and width - only 2 m 20 cm.

The internal space of the mini-bath must be divided into 4 separate rooms, each of which has its own purpose. The dressing room is included in the project of any bath, and for a small bathhouse its area can be no more than 1.5x2 m. Of course, you can’t do without a rest room, the parameters of which in this case will be 2x2 meters. For two or three people to stay in such a room will be quite realistic. The remaining room of the mini-bath is allocated for a tiny shower room, with an area of ​​​​1x1 m and, in fact, a steam room, with the same dimensions as the dressing room - 1.5x2 meters. For a shower corner and a steam room, it will be necessary to make additional calculations of the area, taking into account the arrangement in the shower tray, and in the steam room - the placement of shelves.

The stages of building a mini bath in the country are carried out in the usual sequence. Despite the fact that our bath will be quite small, the construction rules for it are the same as for all other buildings.

You should start with the construction of the foundation. At this stage, an extremely important point is the type of soil on which the bath will be located.

If the ground is dry and hard enough, then you can use a simplified version of the arrangement of the foundation. First, flat stones are laid out around the perimeter of the future structure, then with the same stones - the inner space of the foundation. The empty spaces between the stones are filled with clay and carefully rammed. A layer of wooden beams is placed on top, treated over the entire surface with hot bitumen.

You can not use clay, but lay out the foundation of a mini-bath from stones alone - “solid”. In this case, it will be necessary to cover the stone foundation with a layer of waterproofing.

Most often, a columnar foundation is made for a bath, using brick, stone, ready-made asbestos-concrete or concrete pipes filled with the same concrete. You can install the structure on metal, wooden or concrete piles. But then you will need to take care of additional thermal insulation of the bath floor.

The most reliable and common is the strip foundation. To make it, they dig a trench, which is filled in layers with wet compacted sand and gravel. Then the reinforcement is knitted and poured with concrete. As a waterproofing, roofing material is used, as usual.

If the soil on your site consists of sand and is filled with groundwater, then concrete blocks can be used to create a foundation for a mini bath. For a small lightweight structure, 10 blocks with standard dimensions of 20x20x40 cm are enough.

First of all, the frame of the future bathhouse is installed and the walls are erected. After that, the walls of the waiting room, rest rooms and showers are insulated with a mixture of expanded clay and sawdust. Sheets of polystyrene cover the insulation mixture and sheathe the walls of the mini-bath with clapboard. You can add broken glass to the sawdust and expanded clay, which will protect your bath from the penetration of rodents into the interstitial space.

The walls of the steam room require special treatment. Therefore, about 5 cm of free space is left behind the lining, a heat and vapor barrier film is placed there, and then the air gap is filled with mineral wool. It is rational to make the walls inside the shower room of galvanized steel or polystyrene, which are much better than wood to withstand frequent contact with water.

If there is no pressurized water supply in your area, it is easy to make the water supply to the mini-bath by gravity. To do this, you need to build a structure of two galvanized tanks, each with a volume of 50 liters, hoses and a mixer.

The hot water tank is set at a level half a meter lower than the installation level of the cold water tank. One end of the connecting hose is fixed at the bottom of the "cold" tank, and the other is brought to the top of the "hot" one. The temperature difference will ensure the independent circulation of water through the pipes. To supply water to the shower, both tanks are connected by a separate pipe, at the end of which a mixer is installed.

To equip a water drain, a few drainage pipes and a drain pit will suffice. The pipes are placed at the right angle, and the water flows by gravity into the pit.

Heating of water in a mini-bath is carried out using a stove installed in the steam room. Also for these purposes, you can use a heating element, which is easy to purchase at the store.

If you are heating water with a stove, then you need to install a U-shaped pipe in the hottest part of the stove, going around the base of the chimney. In this case, the water supply end of the pipe should be located on the body, and the outlet end should be located 5 cm higher from it.

The heating element is placed under the cold water tank and connected to the system with stainless steel hoses and pipes.

It is not difficult to provide ventilation for a small bath. You don't need to buy any additional accessories for this. It is enough to make a small hole in the wall opposite the entrance door, which will be easy to open or close with a damper.

To illuminate the mini-bath, several halogen lamps with a heat-resistant housing are quite enough. With a small transformer, you can easily reduce the voltage from 220 to 12V.

As you can see, building a mini-bath with your own hands is not so difficult.

Let's look at an example of a compact mini bath for one person.

To assemble such a bath, you will need light insulated panels, which are a frame of wooden beams sheathed with thin boards. The size of one frame is 185x60 cm, and in its manufacture, a beam with a section of 3x6 cm and boards 1-1.5 cm thick are used. To insulate and provide heat - vapor barrier, the panels are filled with foam or mineral wool, covering it from the inside with plastic wrap or aluminum foil . The outer side is covered with glassine or roofing paper. Then the panels are sheathed with clapboard.

In one of the panels, a door is made, measuring 160x60 cm, in which a small window with double glass is provided. Door locks at the top and bottom of the doorway ensure the tightness of the bath. At the bottom of the panel, near which the heater will stand, a small ventilation hole with a plug is made.

How to build a mini bath for one person on the street? Very simple. It is necessary to assemble a structure of the required size and provide it with hydro and thermal insulation.

For a single steam room with an internal area of ​​​​180x130 cm, 10 panels are enough for the walls and two for the roof. The seams of the structure are filled with batting and closed on both sides with wooden planks. The ceiling of the mini-bath will be protected from precipitation by a triple layer of roofing material.

If you intend to use the bathhouse only in the warm season, then the floor of the structure does not need to be insulated. For year-round use, a strip foundation with insulating jumpers is poured.

To warm up a single steam room to 80-90 degrees C, use a closed-type electric stove with a power of 3 kW. A metal bucket or box with stones is placed on the stove and turned on for several hours. After that, you can proceed to the bath procedures.

In an apartment, in your bathroom, a small do-it-yourself bath can also be arranged quickly and easily. There are two ways to arrange a mini bath with electric heating in the bathroom.

The first option involves the installation of a removable shelf at a height of 1 meter from the floor on two bars. The bars must be securely fastened to the walls with strong pins. The height of the shelf above the bath is 40-60 cm.

To climb the shelves make a small ladder with rubber pads. To avoid injury, the ladder must be tied to the shelf with twine. The width of the shelf is 60 cm. The steam room is heated with an electric stove, which is placed on a reinforced stand above the sink. The heater in this version is a metal basin or bucket, which is filled with stones and placed directly on the stove.

In the second option, they make a sitting steam room on the bath, covering it with removable wooden shields. In this case, the shelf serves as a seat, and you can not only lean on your feet on strong shields, but also stand on them. At a short distance from the shelf, a wooden block is hung and legs are thrown onto it.

To achieve maximum similarity with the bath, the walls and ceiling above the bathroom are sheathed with wooden slats or removable boards are mounted from boards. If necessary, such shields are easily installed and removed.

The heating of the mini-bath is also performed using an electric stove with a container of hot stones placed on it.

Do not forget about safety precautions and enjoy the mini-bath built by yourself!

Do-it-yourself compact mini baths

Today, a private house or cottage is unthinkable without a bath, which has become an obligatory component of country life. But what if there is not enough money to build a full-fledged bathhouse with all the attributes? Or is the site so small that it is impossible to place an overall building on it? For those who experience similar problems, there is one way out - a mini bath for a summer residence.

What is better to choose - ready-made or home-made mini-bath?

Anyone who has a certain amount of money, but at the same time does not want to waste time and energy, can safely buy a miniature bath that is completely ready for use. Otherwise, you will have to do the construction of a mini-bath with your own hands. In the Russian market, ready-made projects of mini-baths are presented in a wide variety. Unfortunately, not all of them are of acceptable quality, so you need to be especially careful when choosing.

Products of this kind must meet the following requirements:

Small dimensions and weight

Ease of installation - the ability to do without the installation of a capital foundation or laying additional communications

Quick readiness for use

Functionality combined with ease of use

Beautiful appearance (optional).

The most successful example is the mini-bath project called Emelya. It meets the requirements listed above. Due to the low weight (only 500 kg), there are no problems with transportation and no major foundation is required. Despite its compactness, the Emelya mini-bath is equipped with everything you need and includes all the traditional rooms of a Russian bath: dressing room, shower room and steam room. To start the bath, a simple extension cord is enough, through which it is connected to the home electrical network. At the same time, the electric furnace is made in a safe version, so that you can safely use it even during washing (see photo).

Inflatable bath models

Among the finished projects, there are options for the lazy ones (see photo below). These are portable inflatable models. They are a soft elastic case made of heavy-duty and lightweight polymers. To prepare such a bath, a few minutes and 2-3 simple operations are enough:

Connected to a pump and filled with air

After that, it remains only to pour water into the steam generator.

After use, the case is freed from air, rolled up and can be stored in a regular sports bag. The complete set weighs only a few kilograms, so you can carry an inflatable bath with you anywhere. An inflatable mini-bath is especially good in the country, where there is no running water, sewerage and other benefits, without which it is impossible to build an ordinary bath.

Do-it-yourself mini bath is a small frame structure, divided into functional zones by light partitions, the interior space of which is filled with insulation and waterproofing. To save volume, as a rule, modern materials are used that combine both of these properties. For example, roll insulation, on both sides (or one) covered with a layer of foil or membrane vapor barrier.

Building your own - where to start?

On clay soils, a concrete pit will be required to collect and then drain water into the gutter. Since a pipe of small diameter is used for this, the drain hole in the floor must be protected with a fine mesh filter.

Then a frame is erected from a vertically installed beam and a horizontal strapping system. On both sides, the frame is sewn up with clapboard, and the internal space is filled with reliable insulation, resistant to water, or protected by hydro and vapor barrier.

When operating a bath of small size, the question of saving free space becomes acute. This imposes certain requirements on the design of shelves and ovens. On the one hand, the stove must be powerful enough to warm up the steam room well and quickly. On the other hand, maximum compactness is required.

You can buy ready-made mini stoves for a bath or make them yourself. Naturally, the first option is simpler, but at the same time expensive, since the price of quality samples today ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. depending on the country of manufacture and configuration. In general, factory models are a metal case-furnace, on top of which there is a platform for a heater. The water tank can be:

hinged, when it is mounted on the side surface of the body and heating occurs due to heat transfer directly from the furnace

separate, in this case it is installed at a height, and the chimney acts as a coolant, through which combustion products are removed from the furnace.

You can assemble a mini stove for a bath yourself. Moreover, this will not require special skills and abilities, but the savings will be significant. For those who are interested, we will briefly describe the technological process for creating the simplest version of a stove for a small bath.

A simple version of a homemade stove for a mini steam room

The main element is an ordinary cast-iron sink. Previously, its surface must be completely cleaned of enamel, when burned out, an unpleasant odor spreads.

Then the body of the firebox is prepared - it is made up of bricks laid in 9 rows, as shown in the figure. In order to comply with fire safety measures, at the place where the furnace is planned, a flat asbestos-cement slate is first laid, on top of which a sheet of metal about 1 mm thick is attached.

Next, the bottom three rows of solid masonry are made. Bricks are laid on a clay-sand mortar with a joint thickness of 3 to 5 mm. After that, three walls are erected in one brick. One wall is missing, since instead of it there will be an open firebox, that is, a hole for loading firewood, devoid of a door. To make it easier to form a firebox, you can use a special frame welded from the corners. Bricks are laid in its grooves using the “poke” method.

The dimensions of the oven are selected in such a way as to ensure the possibility of a dense installation of the sink on the side stiffeners, as shown in the figure above. The drain hole should be located near the wall opposite the open firebox. This is a prerequisite, since this hole is used to remove flue gases. For this purpose, a pipe of suitable diameter and a length of at least 2.5 m is inserted into it.

Water in a bath equipped with such a stove can be heated in several buckets installed next to the heater, but it is still better to make a 40-50 l tank, which is placed directly on the stones. In summer, you can do without a container on the roof, the water in which is heated by sunlight. It is desirable to make shelves in a small bath removable or folding, with fastening to the wall through a hinged device. This allows more rational use of the limited footage of the steam room.

The device of a mini-bath in garden and summer cottages

The need of people for bath procedures is so high that the possibilities of improving the bath are sought with great ingenuity.

It is known that baths are equipped on car trailers, ships, submarines and even in spacecraft. Temporary baths are arranged at the campsites of tourists, prospectors, and field camps.

It is quite natural that in summer cottages and garden plots, and even in apartments, simple bathhouses are also arranged, allowing you to bathe and wash. They call them mini baths.

Consider two options for a mini-bath, arranged in the bathroom using electric heating.

The first version of the device mini-bath

In the first version of the bath, at a height of 1-1.3 m from the floor (0.4-0.6 m above the bathroom), a removable shelf is mounted on two bars nailed to the walls with strong pins.

The width of the shelf is 55-60 cm. To climb it, use a ladder with rubber pads. The ladder is tied to the shelf with a rope.

An electric stove with stones is installed on a stand above the sink.

The stand must have its support on the floor to protect the sink from destruction.

The second version of the bath device

In the second version, the shelves are made seated, and the bath is covered with removable wooden shields that you can stand on.

To put the legs in a raised position, a planed bar or stick is hung at a distance of an outstretched leg from the shelf. To climb onto the bath, you can use a low bench or stool.

To assemble a bath in the open air, instead of shields, it is necessary to make insulated lightweight panels.

To do this, frames 185 × 65 cm in size are made from beams with a section of 3 × 6 cm and sheathed with boards 1-1.2 cm thick.

Before sheathing, the panels are filled with foam, mineral wool or straw, covering them from the inside with aluminum foil or polyethylene film (moisture and vapor barrier), and from the outside with roofing paper or glassine.

The number of shields depends on the required dimensions of the steam room.

In one panel, a door with a built-in window is made. At the same time, the height of the threshold is 20 cm, the dimensions of the door are 160 × 60 cm, the dimensions of the window are 36 × 25 cm.

The window must have double glazing.

To ensure the tightness of the closure, constipation on the door is made in two places: from below and from above. In the lower part of the panel, at which the electric stove is installed, a vent is made, closed by a valve or a plug.

From 12 panels (10 for walls and 2 for the ceiling), a steam room with internal dimensions of 130 × 180 cm is assembled, in which a bench can be equipped.

For a steam room with internal dimensions of 130x110 cm with a shelf-bench, it is enough to have 10 panels or 8 panels measuring 185x56 cm (for walls) and 1 panel measuring 130x150 cm for the ceiling.

The seams of the panel are closed with batting and closed on both sides with wooden slats.

The ceiling is covered from the outside with 2-3 layers of roofing material.

Bath floor design

The design of the floor depends on the location of the mini-bath. If it is placed in an open area and is intended for use only in summer, then the floor can be made of boards without additional insulation.

For use in winter, the foundation must be tape or have insulated jumpers that protect against blowing from below. If a mini-bath is arranged indoors, then the main requirement for the floor is to ensure proper isolation from leakage, collection and direction of wastewater into the sewer.

Heating devices in the bath

As a heating device, a closed-type electric stove with a power of 2-3 kW is used, on which a metal box, bucket or jar of stones is placed.

To warm up the steam room to 80-90 ° C, the tile is turned on for several hours, and before bathing procedures it is turned off for safety. Before heating the room, all metal, plastic and flammable objects, curtains, curtains are removed from it.

Metal objects heat up quickly and can cause burns if touched.

Plastic objects deform at high temperatures.

Curtains and curtains make it difficult to heat the room and are a fire hazard.

How to speed up the heating of the bath

To speed up heating, you can use an additionally installed electric heater.

By creating artificial air circulation, it provides more uniform heating of all parts of the room. In this case, the power of the electric stove with stones can be reduced to 1.2 kW.

It is even better to heat the stones on a gas stove in the kitchen, placing them in a mesh container made of thick steel wire, then put them in a metal bucket with a lid and bring them into the steam room.

If there is a source of hot water, for example, a gas water heater located in the adjacent room (kitchen), you can speed up the heating of the mini-bath by filling the bath with hot water. In this case, the bath should be closed with a wooden shield or grate covered with a film (oilcloth) in order to reduce water evaporation and prevent high air humidity.

Mini-bath - economy option

In order to make a bathhouse in the shortest possible time, a small mini-bathhouse is offered, which can be built in one month and immediately begin to use it. This is an important factor, since a log bath for shrinkage of its walls must be maintained for about a year before operation.

The dimensions of the mini-bath may well suit a family of two or three people (Fig. 12). In the steam room, combined with the washing room, a two-level shelf is equipped. There is a shower, the water tank of which is located on the roof of the bath.

The device of the mini-bath frame is similar to that described above, therefore, during its construction, the same structural units and elements can be used. The main feature of the proposed mini-bath is a small stove-heater, which can be made without much cost and difficulty.

It is based on an old cast-iron kitchen sink, which is installed with ribs around the perimeter on brickwork, that is, the brickwork encloses the sink on three sides, and on the side opposite the drain hole, an open (without a door) heater firebox is arranged. The lower double row of bricks is laid out on a metal sheet 1 mm thick, which in turn is laid on a flat sheet of asbestos slate.

This protects the floor from fire. To improve the heat transfer of the stove stones, as well as to eliminate unpleasant odors in the bath from enamel burnout, the sink must be cleaned of it before being placed in the stove. For the flue gas trunk, a sink drain hole is used, into which it is necessary to install a metal section of the chimney with a diameter of 60-80 mm and a length of 2.5 m, on which to fix the upper part of the chimney, individual sections of which can be made independently from sheet steel 0.8- 1 mm.

The small dimensions of the heater (Fig. 13) (750 x 500 x 720 mm) make it possible to arrange half a quarter in the steam room. Brick laying of the stove-heater should be carried out on a clay-sand mortar with a joint thickness of 3-5 mm. To form a firebox, a frame is welded from a corner of 65 * 65 mm, into the grooves of which bricks are laid around the perimeter on a poke. Thus, the cast-iron sink, resting on these bricks, forms the combustion chamber of the stove. Stones placed on top of the sink heat up very quickly both from the walls of the sink and from the metal chimney, which makes it possible to heat up a small volume of the steam room (5.5 m3) in a short time.

Water for bathing procedures can be heated either in several buckets installed on the side of the heater, or in a tank with a capacity of 40-50 liters. In the summer, a small tank (80-100 l) for a shower will be placed on the roof of the bathhouse. Drainage of water must be done in the area of ​​​​the second shelf of the shelf, arranging a drainage pit and water drainage even before the floor is installed.

Starting the construction of both a capital family bath and a small bathhouse, the owner of a rural farmstead must also perform some work on its external and internal arrangement, which are directly related to the operation of the bath. Such works include a drainage system to remove used water, a shelf in the steam room and laying out the chimney of the heater.

A drainage hole is made before laying the logs and boards of the bath floor. This is a serious matter, as poor water drainage can damage the bath.

If the soil in the area is sandy or sandy-gravelly, that is, it easily absorbs water, then it is enough to dig an ordinary drainage hole under the bathhouse, the dimensions of which usually depend on the size of the structure and water flow. For example, if a family of 3-4 people will use the bath, it is enough to make a pit 70 x 70 cm and a depth of 60 cm. The drainage pit is filled with broken bricks, large gravel or gravel. Around the pit, the soil is compacted with a wooden tamper and covered with roofing material with a slight slope from all sides towards the pit.

In the case of clay soil, the removal of used water from the bath will require much more work and expense. Instead of a drainage pit, a concrete pit measuring 50 x 50 is required; 60 x 60 cm, depth 50-60 cm and wall thickness 10-12 cm. To drain water from the pit, you can use a drain pipe with a diameter of 50-70 cm. It must be located at a distance of about 10 cm from the bottom of the pit. It is necessary to arrange a float water seal in it so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate into the bath. A fine-mesh filter should be installed in the drain hole of the bath floor, located above the pit, to prevent debris from clogging the drain pipe.

Shelves are arranged after laying the floor and installing a stove-heater on it. In a small steam room (especially in a mini-bath), it is desirable to make the shelves either hinged (on hinges) or completely removable, which will ensure more rational use of the limited footage of the steam room. In addition, removable shelves can be removed for cleaning and drying.

Only perfectly smooth boards and planks are suitable for the shelf device. Boards must not be impregnated or coated with any varnishes, mortars, paints. All edges, especially the outer ones, must be rounded. It is desirable to arrange shelves from wood species with soft and non-resinous wood (linden, aspen, poplar), since boards made of them heat up less.

In a small steam room, you can build two-tier shelves (Fig. 14), and for large family baths - three-tier ones. Shelves are usually arranged along a wall in which there is no window, while the size of the upper tier should be taken based on the average height of a person, that is, 175-185 cm long and 65-70 cm wide.

The upper shelf should be placed approximately on the same level with the stones of the stove, so that the space around it warms up faster and better. The height between the upper shelf and the ceiling of the bath should be sufficient to make it convenient to bathe with a broom, that is, 100-110 cm.

The second shelf should be located at about 70-80 cm from the floor, its width should be 45-50 cm. Portable wide and stable benches are located near the two-tier shelf, so that it is easy to go down and climb to the desired tier. For the same purpose, sometimes they arrange a small reliable staircase.

On the shelves for fastening boards, it is necessary to use copper-plated or galvanized nails and screws, the heads of which must be sunk into the tree. The thickness of the boards depends on the distance between the supports on which they rest. The greater this distance, the thicker the board should be. For example, a board with a thickness of 20 mm is used at a distance between supports of 500 mm, 25 mm - respectively at 900 mm, and boards with a thickness of 40 mm can be used at a distance of 1200-1300 mm.

Mini baths in the country: how to do it yourself

Heating of water in a mini-bath is carried out using a stove installed in the steam room. Also for these purposes, you can use a heating element, which is easy to purchase at the store.

The standard bath building has dimensions of 6 by 6 meters. Naturally, not every household plot is large enough to accommodate such a bath.

Therefore, the only way out of the situation is to reduce the size. And if, at the same time, all the features of bath construction are taken into account, then the result can meet all your expectations.

In this article we will consider the main aspects of planning and building mini-baths.

About mini-baths

A mini bath for a summer residence can be built for several reasons:

  1. With a lack of free space.
  2. In order to save money, because the price of such buildings will be much lower than standard ones.
  3. Based on practicality. Miniature buildings have less load on the foundation, are easier to maintain. And for a small family or single people there is no need to build a large building.

A mini bath in the country should have the functionality of a full-fledged bath building.

Therefore, when starting planning, you should consider a few nuances:

  1. If you plan to use the bathhouse in the winter, then a dressing room should be provided here.

  1. If seasonal use of the building is planned, and there is very little space on the site, then you can build a one-room steam room, which will include only a steam room. This is a great option if there is a natural reservoir nearby, where you can rinse in cool water after steam procedures.
  2. If there is no reservoir nearby, then it is advisable to provide at least two rooms in the bath: a steam room and a washing room, where a font is installed.

Building layout

Any project must begin with a building plan.

Consider what nuances the planning of a mini-bath should take into account:

  1. First of all, you need to know about the layout features of traditional Russian baths.

They include the following premises:

  • , which serves as a locker room and a place to store firewood.
  • Lounge with table and chairs for tea parties.

Advice! The furniture in the rest room should be wooden and devoid of any upholstery. Otherwise, under the influence of high humidity, upholstered furniture will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

  • Steam room, which is the main bath room, including an oven and a bench for taking procedures.
  • Washing room, where a contrast shower is held.
  1. More often, bath projects involve combining an entrance hall and a rest room.

For example, the layout of a building 2.5 by 6 meters provides for the presence of such rooms:

  • The rest room is 2.5 by 2.5 meters, which is quite enough to accommodate a small table for four.
  • Their rest rooms along the left wall of the building is a narrow corridor, 0.5 meters wide. From it you can enter the steam room and washing room.
  • The steam room occupies 2 by 2 meters, which is quite enough for one person to take procedures.
  • Washing, respectively, has an area of ​​1.5 by 2 meters. A wooden barrel with water is installed here for taking cooling procedures.
  1. If you abandon the hallway in the bath of such a layout, you get a building with an area of ​​​​3.5 by 2.5 meters, which is very compact and at the same time has the full functionality of a bath building.

Advice! Baths without rest rooms are a great option for an extension to the house. Then tea parties and gatherings can be held in the living room.


For any, even a miniature building, a reliable foundation is needed.

It can be of two types:

  1. Columnar.
  2. Tape.

Since our building is miniature, we can safely build it on a columnar foundation.

Advice! Columnar foundations cannot be erected on unstable soils. Therefore, before starting work, order a soil analysis in a specialized office.

Instructions for installing a columnar base with your own hands:

  1. We mark the territory so that the supports are under the outer walls and the furnace of the building.
  2. We drill wells, a depth of about one and a half meters.
  3. We fill each of the wells with a mixture of sand and gravel (1: 1), with a layer of 15 cm.
  4. We install asbestos-cement pipes.

  1. We insert 2-4 reinforcing bars into each pipe to increase strength.
  2. We fill the pipes and the wells themselves with concrete (cement, gravel, sand - 1: 3: 5).
  3. A week after pouring, we install a wooden formwork on the pipes to form a grillage.
  4. We knit a frame of reinforcing bars and lay it in the formwork.
  5. We fill the grillage with concrete mortar.

Construction of a bath

The most environmentally friendly, cheap and traditional material for the construction of baths is wood. Finished projects of mini-baths are most often made of wood.

Such buildings are built of logs or timber. The beam is easier to work with, which is why we will use it for our project.

So, we build timber walls:

  1. A month after pouring the grillage, we lay two layers of roofing material on top of it.
  2. We lay the first beam, checking its verticality by level.
  3. We roll out on the surface of the timber (jute, flax, moss).
  4. We lay the second beam.
  5. Further construction proceeds according to the same scheme.


We examined the features of planning and building miniature bath buildings. As you can see, the process of creating such buildings is not complicated, the main thing is to correctly calculate the layout (). More information on this topic can be found in the video in this article.

Do you want to get a bath, but your summer cottage is so small that it does not allow you to build a steam room of standard dimensions? The best way out of the situation is a mini-bath. In terms of functionality and comfort, it is in no way inferior to traditional structures, but it takes up much less space and does not require serious costs. In addition, you can easily make a small steam room for a summer residence with your own hands - then we will tell you how to bring such an idea to life.

Design and foundation

Even a small bath cannot be built without at least the simplest project, so the first stage of work is drawing up a plan. Here you need to indicate the location of the main objects and their dimensions.

As a rule, four zones are distinguished in the bath:

  • dressing room - enough space with an area of ​​​​1.5 x 2 m;
  • rest room - about 2 x 2 m;
  • shower room - at least 1 x 1 m;
  • steam room - no more than 1.5 x 2 m.

Thus, we obtain the minimum dimensions of the bath: length - 6 m, height - 2 m, width - 2.5 m. This is quite enough to equip a comfortable and practical steam room.

The second stage of work is pouring the foundation. When deciding on the type of foundation, be guided by the type of soil of the site.

If the mini-bath is being built on hard and dry ground, you can limit yourself to a lightweight foundation: lay flat stones over the entire area of ​​​​the future bath, cover them with clay, tamp, and arrange a dense layer of wooden beams on top and treat them with waterproofing bitumen.

If your site has soft soil, lay a strip foundation: dig a trench, alternately fill it with layers of sand and gravel, tamp the base and fix the reinforcing mesh on top, and then fill the pit with cement mortar.

Important! The strip foundation must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. The easiest option is sheets of roofing material.

On soil with a high content of sand, a foundation of concrete blocks can be laid under a miniature bath. For a lightweight design, 10 blocks of standard dimensions of 20 x 20 x 40 cm are enough.

Bath frame construction

The best method of building a mini-bath is frame. It is light, fast and economical. To build the frame you will need:

  • bars 5 x 5 cm;
  • boards 2.5 cm thick;
  • waterproofing film or foil;
  • thermal insulation material.

First, a frame is assembled from the bars, corresponding in size and configuration to a previously developed project. From the inside, the frame is sheathed with boards. To connect the elements to each other, use all kinds of anchors and multi-format screws. Insulating materials are mounted on top of the boards: mineral wool, expanded clay or sawdust can be used as waterproofing, and bitumen or polymer mastics can be used as waterproofing. It is necessary to isolate not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling.

Advice. It is advisable to additionally close the heat and waterproofing of the ceiling with roll-up shields - next to wooden boards.

After the insulation procedures, you need to take care of the roof. As a coating, you can use slate or metal tiles: first mount the truss system on the frame, and fix the roof on it with self-tapping screws. When constructing the roof, leave an opening for the chimney.

Outside, a mini-bath can be sheathed with a block house or clapboard - these materials will give the structure an aesthetic look.

Arrangement of communications

The final stage of work on the mini-bath is the arrangement of the necessary communication systems.

Supply and discharge of water. The feed can be made self-flowing:

  1. Prepare two tanks of 50 liters each, a hose and a pipe with a mixer.
  2. Install the hot water tank 0.5 m lower than the cold water tank.
  3. Connect the tanks to each other with a hose: fix one end in the lower zone of the “cold” tank, the other in the upper zone of the “hot” one.
  4. Additionally, connect the tanks with a pipe with a mixer at the end.

To ensure the drainage of water, you will need a drainage system:

  1. Dig a drainage well near the steam room.
  2. Make drain holes in the bath floor.
  3. Bring the pipes to the holes, mounting them with a slight slope.
  4. Guide the pipe into the drain well.

Water heating system. To heat water, you can use a mini-stove or heating elements. In the first case, you must first install the device, and then in its hottest place, rounding the base of the chimney, mount a U-shaped metal pipe: the inlet end of the pipe should be placed on the body, and the outlet should be 5 cm higher. In the second case, it is necessary to install heating elements under the "cold" tank and connect them to the water supply system with hoses and pipes.

Ventilation system. To ensure ventilation in a small bath, it is enough to make holes with a damper in the wall opposite the entrance.

A mini-bath is the choice of those who do not want to give up a full-fledged steam room due to the modest dimensions of their summer cottage. As you can see, building it with your own hands is not difficult: foundation, frame, communications - you will successfully cope with these tasks if you follow simple recommendations and rules.

Do-it-yourself mini-bath: video
