Siberian cedar - reproduction, planting and care. Siberian cedar

Growing cedar from seeds

During the passage of the next autumn exhibition in Koska "Russia", very large cones and cedar seeds were demonstrated at one of the stands. A number of visitors turned to me with questions about the possibility of inheritance by seedlings grown from such large seeds, similar large-seededness, and in general about the features of growing cedar from seeds. At the same time, they asked to quickly answer these questions in the "US", motivating the request with the possibility of sowing seeds this fall. And I agreed to a quick response and I am doing it below.

In principle, my article about the peculiarities of growing cedar - Siberian cedar pine from seeds was published in "US" in 2001. But almost a decade has passed since then, and the generation of gardeners has changed. In addition, there appeared Additional Information about the features of growing cedar from seeds and about its genetics and selection. I will start with the features of Siberian pine selection for seed productivity and large seeds. Selection of Siberian pine is a rather lengthy process due to its many years of development and late entry into the fruiting phase (on average, 15-25 years). Nevertheless, the long folk experience of the formation of cedar forests (cedar gardens) in the Urals and Siberia in the 17-19 centuries indicates great opportunities for a noticeable acceleration and increase in the seed production of cedar forests. Such cedar orchards, which were located, for example, at one time on the modern territory of our Sverdlovsk region, were 4-5 times superior to the best natural ones in terms of nut productivity. cedar forests. At present, a number of high-yielding and large-seeded clone varieties of stone pine based on the Altai population of Siberian stone pine and on the basis of hybridization of such pine with European stone pine were obtained by E. V. Titov. But it seems to me almost impossible to get seed material or cuttings from the mother trees of these clone varieties for propagation. Therefore, gardeners in our region should try to find for sowing seeds obtained from plus cedar trees, identified by total seed productivity. And such plus trees of cedar are allocated in all forestry enterprises of the region.

Among the plus trees of cedar, individuals with larger cones and larger seeds have the best hereditary qualities. Such plus individuals are also the most appropriate for seed and vegetative propagation. Large cone forms, as a rule, are distinguished among fast-growing trees with increased needle sizes. A sign of seed strength is wide cones with large wide scales. The main generalized indicator of the current and future fruitfulness of the cedar pine is the degree of development of the upper (female) tier of the crown. It is quite well expressed in the crown, differing from the middle part of the crown by powerful fruit-bearing branches of the first order with ends bent upwards. High-yielding trees exceed the average length of the fruiting layer by at least 60%, and it is very desirable to take seed material for propagation from such trees.

If gardeners do not have the opportunity to purchase cedar seeds directly from plus trees and they can only buy them on the market, then, naturally, it is most expedient to purchase seeds only in cones. In this case, as noted above, the largest wide cones with large scales should be selected. But if the gardener does not have the opportunity to purchase seeds in cones, then seeds extracted from cones can also be purchased. True, at the same time there is a high probability of buying seeds from low-productive ordinary cedar trees. In addition, before buying, you should make sure that the seeds are not susceptible to fire drying at a significant temperature, when the embryo dies. It is correct to dry harvested cedar seeds in the sun with a layer of 10-15 cm or in grain dryers at a temperature of 20-25 ° C with constant air blowing.

Cedar seeds purchased in autumn can be sown immediately. Autumn sowing of seeds has certain advantages. For this purpose, freshly acquired seeds are best sown in late September - early October, that is, a month and a half before the onset of stable frosts. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for 3-4 days. Sown on ridges, which contributes to better aeration. The sowing method is wide-row, the distance between rows is 10-15 cm. m, especially considering the upcoming picking of seedlings. The seeding depth is 3-4 cm. After sowing, for better contact with the soil, the planting site on the bed is rolled up and then covered with a 1 cm thick layer of mulch. In order to avoid damage by rodents or birds, the crops are covered with spruce branches. This protects the soil from excessive freezing and protects the seeds from mice. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, the bed with sown cedar seeds is covered with plastic wrap. Usually, after warming up and thawing the soil, friendly shoots appear.

Studies by scientists have shown that soil germination with autumn crops is 91%, and with stratified seeds in spring - only 76%. The use of plastic film allows you to protect the tender, not yet strengthened seedlings of cedar that have just come out of the soil from pecking by birds. Autumn crops of cedar seeds have the following advantages. Seeds sown in autumn undergo a kind of biological preparation for sowing, since the conditions for their seed dormancy during autumn sowing are close to natural. Freshly harvested seeds sown in autumn have great vitality and in the spring they give friendly and uniform shoots. From the point of view of pre-sowing methods of seed preparation, autumn sowing is much more economical.

When sown in spring, cedar seeds require mandatory stratification. In most cases, the seeds spring sowing acquired after the soil has frozen. The methods of their presowing preparation also depend on the time of their acquisition. If time permits, then the seeds are laid for stratification for 80-90 days before sowing. Before stratification, the seeds are soaked for 3-4 days in a solution citric acid(0.02%), heteroauxin and gibberellin (0.005-0.02%), and then stratified in boxes with sawdust or sand under snow. But it also happens that the seeds are purchased in February-March. Then they can immediately be subjected to accelerated stratification. For this purpose, they are soaked in warm water within 6-8 days. The water is changed every two days. Then the seeds are mixed with well-washed river sand or peat chips and aged at room temperature. The mixture is periodically stirred and moistened. With this stratification, the seeds peck in 30-40 days. The seeds that have hatched are taken out into a glacier or refrigerator and stored until sowing at a temperature close to 0 ° C. I want to note that there are quite a lot of ways to stratify the seeds of Siberian cedar, and related European cedar, Korean cedar and dwarf pine.

If for some reason it is not possible to sow cedar seeds in the fall, they can be stratified in the fall in the following way. For this purpose, in a high place with dry soil, they dig a hole to the impermeable soil (1.4-1.5 m deep). For better aeration, crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pit for better aeration, on which a layer of sand is poured of the same thickness. Cedar seeds are mixed with sand approximately 1:3 or 1:4 (by volume). The mixture is poured into the bottom of the pit and covered with boards to separate the stratified mixture from the ground. Earth is poured on top of the boards. At the same time, cedar seeds undergo stratification until spring. In the spring they are removed and sown.

Sowing of stratified seeds is carried out in late April - early May (depending on weather conditions) in the same wide-row way as in autumn. Before the emergence of seedlings, the crops are covered with a plastic film, which is removed only after the shell has fallen off the seedlings. This prevents seedlings from being pecked by birds. Often, in order to protect seedlings from being destroyed by birds, when even a film does not help, seeds are sown in greenhouses or nurseries. To improve the root system of cedar seedlings, it is subjected to picking. Special studies of the survival rate of seedlings after picking (with proper observance of agricultural technology) have shown that it can be very high and reach 95-96%. Cedar plants take root especially well when picking them in the cotyledon state, and even better in the state of "keys", when the cotyledons have not yet opened. The good survival rate of seedlings of cedar when picking with “keys” makes it possible to grow them in greenhouses or nurseries in thickened crops, and then pick. The picking technology boils down to the following. As soon as cedar seedlings appear in the form of a curved knee, they are dug up, sorted, rooted and dived (planted under a peg) to the same depth as they were when they sprouted. It is best to carry out picking on specially prepared ridges. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 20x15 or 20x20 cm. The pickled seedlings are carefully watered. After picks get planting material with a well-developed root system, which contributes to its better survival after planting on permanent place.

To obtain large-sized cedar seedlings with a well-formed crown and root system, grown on ridges after picking, they are transplanted into separate formations (the first, and maybe the second school of the nursery). Usually cedar seedlings are planted in the first school three years of age(rarely two years). Considering that the cedar reacts positively to soil fertility and fertilization, the soil is well prepared before planting and organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, since cedar does not like dry sandy soil, for planting use places with sandy or loamy moist drained soils. The same requirements are imposed on the soil at the early stages of Siberian pine propagation discussed above. Mandatory element at the same time, soil or litter from under forest stands of Siberian cedar or Scots pine should be introduced into all soils under seedlings of Siberian pine for mandatory infection of the root system of seedlings with "mycorrhiza". The fact is that the Siberian pine and its other species are mycotrophic nutrition species that do not have root hairs. Without mycorrhiza, the cedar dies or develops poorly.

Seedlings in the first school are planted in rows, the distance between which is 80-100 cm. Plants are placed in a row every 30-35 cm. In this school, cedar is grown for 3-5 years. Then the seedlings can be transplanted into the second school of the nursery for further growth and formation of the crown and root system. In the second school, a 1x1 m seedling placement scheme was adopted. best term planting cedar is considered in our conditions the end of April- first half of May. You can also plant cedar in the second half of the year - from mid-August to the end of September. But spring plantings provide better survival of seedlings compared to autumn. When litter or soil is introduced into the soil from under pine or cedar forest stands, the growth of seedlings noticeably increases, and the trees reach a height of 1.3-1.5 m by the age of 10.

Planting self-grown seedlings, seedlings grown in forest nurseries, grafted seedlings, it is advisable to do a large size (height 80-100 cm and above). Landing is carried out in pre-dug holes larger than for fruit trees size. This is caused by the more powerful root system of cedars. Usually diameter landing pit is 1.0-1.5 m, the depth is also 1.0-1.5 m. At least 3-5 buckets of humus and at least 2 buckets of forest litter or soil from under a cedar or pine stand are added to the pit. To ensure good fruiting, the distance between the trees is made at least 6-8 m, and preferably 10-12 m. For normal mutual pollination, at least two cedar trees should be planted, since when single landings during self-pollination, if cones are formed, they are usually deformed and small with small, often empty seeds with low germination. The fruiting of cedar grown from seeds begins most often after 20 years.

During my horticultural activities, I went through all the stages of Siberian cedar culture in the garden. He grew seedlings from seeds, planted seedlings grown in forest nurseries, grew seedlings grafted on pine and cedar. At present, in my garden, three fruit-bearing trees 42-44 years old and one tree 29 years old have been growing for many years. I periodically grow cedar seedlings from my seeds. In my opinion, any gardener at any age is simply obliged to plant this tree, which the famous forestry scientist M.F. Petrov called the green giant. For gardeners of the older generation, his plantings will be given to children and grandchildren. Grow cedars in your gardens, you won't regret it.

V. N. Shalamov

Siberian cedar (Siberian cedar pine, Pinus sibirica) is a coniferous tree from the Pine family, belonging to valuable evergreen perennial crops. Its fruits (they are also seeds), pine nuts, have numerous useful and healing properties. The most favorable conditions for growing Siberian pine are in the taiga regions. In the wild, a tree begins to bear its first fruits only at the age of 40, and with a cultivated planting and proper care this can happen much earlier, at about 15-20 years.

For landing, it is advisable to purchase proven varietal seeds. The most favorable time for sowing is the last week of April or the first week of May.

Preparation of seeds for planting begins about ninety days before they are sown. Stratification is one of the main points in the preparation of seed material, without which seedlings may not appear at all in the first year. Pre-sowing treatment includes sorting, culling, hardening and protection against diseases.

Seed processing begins with three soaks.

  • The first is in cold water, for approximately three hours to identify empty nuts and damaged ones. The highest quality seeds will be saturated with moisture and sink to the bottom of the container, while empty and unsuitable for planting will float to the surface (they are not used for sowing).
  • The second soaking is in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (light Pink colour), for about two hours in order to prevent various fungal and infectious diseases.
  • Third - in hot water with a temperature of about 50 degrees for a period - up to three days. Every day, the water must be drained and replaced with fresh water.

After " water procedures» seeds (one part) must be mixed with river sand or moistened peat chips (three parts). The finished mixture is placed in a wooden container with holes at the bottom and on each side. The thickness of the layer of seeds with sand is about 20 cm. The container should be placed on wooden bars in a darkened and cool room with a temperature of 4 to 6 degrees Celsius.

For each square meter land area will require about 30 g of seeds and mandatory fertilizer. It will prepare the soil and enrich it with the necessary nutrients. Nutrient top dressing consists of superphosphate (1 g), potassium (0.5 g), wood ash (2 g) and peat soil.

The soil in the selected area should be dry sandy or wet loamy.

Sowing seeds

First, the seeds must be separated from soil mixture, stand them for some time in a manganese solution, and then dry and plant in the soil. Sowing depth - 2-3 centimeters. It is recommended to cover the surface of the soil with a small layer of small sawdust. Such a mulch will protect the soil from drying out and compaction after heavy rainfall.

Protection of crops from birds is carried out with the help of special shields. You can build them from willow twigs laid on wooden bars, approximately at a height of 6-7 cm from the surface of the earth.

Preventive treatment of crops from fungal and infectious diseases is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate, which needs to be watered with grooves with planted pine nuts.

Seven or eight-year-old seedlings are transferred to a permanent place along with an earthy clod wrapped in a damp cloth. The distance between the holes is from 4 to 8 meters. The size of the planting hole should not be much larger than the size of the root of the seedling. The tree is planted in soil mixed with humus or manure.

Disease control

White plaque on the stem of the seedling must be treated twice with soapy foam obtained by foaming a small amount of water and liquid laundry soap.

Seedling vaccinations

A grafted cedar seedling begins to bear fruit already in the fifth or seventh year of life, unlike an ordinary seedling, which will bear the first fruits only at the age of 15-20 years.

You can get tasty and healthy cedar fruits only with great patience and daily care for a coniferous plant. The full development of cedar and the abundance of the harvest depends on quality care and good conditions content.

How to grow a cedar from a nut at home (video)

Cedar forests are healing for humans. The air there is surprisingly clean, and this is natural, because the cedar actively releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria. But is it really possible to grow a resident of the taiga forests in our gardens? Let's try to solve this "terrible" secret.

Let's start with a clarification: Siberian cedar pine is called Siberian, which belongs to the genus Pine, and is very distantly related to real cedars.

Under natural conditions, the Siberian cedar is a powerful tree up to 40 m high with a spreading multi-stage crown, and not everyone will wrap their arms around the trunk, because its diameter can reach 2 m. Imagine what size it should be suburban area to make the cedar feel at ease? But for those who cannot boast of country estates of such an area, there is an alternative: undersized varieties Siberian cedar, which will not take up much space, but will bring considerable benefits.

For what advantages did we fall in love with the Siberian cedar? Firstly, it is unusually decorative throughout the year and looks great not only in summer, but also in winter - turning green over snow-white snowdrifts. Secondly, for its tasty and healthy seeds - nuts (they are often mistakenly considered fruits), from which healing cedar oil is produced.

Thirdly, for the gum resin, which has a wound-healing effect, for the healing needles, from which they are made to help with various ailments, and even for the nutshell, which has been used in medicine for many years. In addition, cedar wood is highly valued (due to beautiful texture, ease of processing, resonant properties) and is widely used in making and musical instruments.

Siberian cedar differs in high winter hardiness - maintains frosts below -60 °C, is steady against the polluted city environment. AT favorable conditions cedar is able to live up to 500-800 years, is well adapted to the harsh climate of Siberia and central Russia.

Siberian cedar cones. Photo from the site

If Siberian cedar is already growing in your country house, be sure to equip a place for it in its shade. Spending under a tree even 1 hour a day, it is quite possible to recover from some diseases, because the cedar is able to accumulate healing energy and give it to people. And if you don’t have a decorative healer yet, let’s look at how you can settle a cedar pine in a summer cottage.

Planting a seedling

At a young age (up to 16 years old), seedlings are shade-tolerant, but then they need good lighting, consider this feature when choosing a permanent landing site.

If possible, purchase seedlings with a (closed root system). In this case, the roots will not be damaged during transplantation. If there are none in the nursery, and you have to take a plant with an open root system, pay attention to compliance with important requirements:

  • the seedling should be planted in a permanent place as soon as possible; therefore it is highly desirable that it be dug up in your presence;
  • a clod of earth on the roots must be: for plants 1.5-2 m high, about 40-60 cm in diameter;
  • an earthen ball should be carefully packed in burlap, in addition, you can (and preferably) place it in a plastic bag or wrap it with wet burlap.

Siberian cedar seedlings. Photo from the site

In good nurseries, root pruning is used when digging seedlings, while root system minimally damaged, but still the plant will need time and effort to take root in a new place. To help him get comfortable, it is important to create optimal conditions. According to experts, the best survival rate is in Siberian cedar seedlings aged 6-8 years.

Boarding order

  • They dig up the entire area where they plan to plant cedars (if the seedling is 1, then they dig up the ground within a radius of 1 m around the planting hole).
  • Withstand the distance between the pits up to 8 m (for dwarf varieties- up to 3 m).
  • The size of the planting hole should be 30% larger than the size of the earthen coma of the seedling.
  • If the soil is sandy or sandy, then cedar seedlings can be planted directly into it. And if, then mix the earth taken out of the hole with and in a ratio of 2: 1: 2.
  • Then fertilizers are added to the excavated soil: rotted, woody, 2-3 handfuls of coniferous soil from the forest, peat (for loamy and sandy loam). The soil is well mixed with the added ingredients, poured into the hole.
  • Strengthen a support (peg) in the landing hole, put a seedling in its center ( root collar should be at ground level). If it is lower, the seedling is carefully removed, and a little more soil mixture is poured into the hole.
  • If the seedling was with ZKS, after it was taken out of the container, the roots should be well straightened so that they are located freely in the hole, without bending.

On the left is the root system of a seedling taken out of the container. On the right is the same seedling with straightened roots. Photo from
  • The aerial part of the seedling is tied to a support with twine. The empty space around the earthen clod is filled with prepared soil mixture, compacted, watered (at least 6 liters of water per plant).
  • Pristvolny circle with coniferous litter, bark and sawdust of trees.
  • Within 2 weeks, watering is continued at intervals of once every 2-3 days (if there is no rain, of course).
  • top dressing in the first year after planting is not made.

Growing from seeds

You can go a longer way: grow a cedar from a seed - a nut. In the fall, collect ripe cones and select the most solid vigorous nuts.

  • put the seeds in a cup of water, soak them for 3 days, changing the water daily. During this time, high-quality seeds will swell and sink to the bottom, while empty ones will remain on the surface of the water;
  • benign seeds withstand 2-3 hours in a strong solution of potassium permanganate;
  • then the nuts are placed in a moist substrate (, peat,) and at least 3 months;
  • before sowing, the seeds are re-soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 24 hours, then dried;
  • sown in protected ground (film cover) in well-prepared soil: a mixture of wood ash and peat is applied per 1 m of the seed furrow in a ratio of 1:2:20. The depth of seed placement is 2.5-3 cm. Crops are mulched (with a layer of 0.5-1 cm) with peat, sawdust;
  • before germination, crops are regularly watered, in order to prevent fungal diseases, you can alternate ordinary water for irrigation with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Shoots of cedar. Photo from the

In protected ground, seedlings of Siberian cedar grow up to 2 years of age. Then the cover is removed. At the age of 6-8 years, seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place.

On our website you can purchase. Check out the relevant section.

General characteristics of the Siberian cedar, tips for growing Siberian pine in open ground, recommendations for propagation, pest and disease control methods, interesting notes, varieties.

Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica) can be found in scientific sources as Siberian cedar pine. The plant is a member of the Pine genus, Pine family (Pinaceae). This representative of the flora in nature is most often found on the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia, on the lands of Kazakhstan and China, as well as in the northern regions of Mongolia. To date, a large number of varieties have been bred that differ in size, crown shape and the presence of edible fruits.

family name Pine
growth cycle perennial
Growth form Wood
Type of reproduction By seed or grafting
Transplant time to garden October
Landing scheme Between seedlings leave 20x20 cm or 20x10 cm
substrate Well-moistened loamy or sandy loam
Soil acidity indicators, pH 5–6 (slightly acidic)
Light level open lighted place
Recommended Humidity Abundant watering for young plants and in the heat for adults
Special Requirements Undemanding
Height indicators 20–25 m, occasionally up to 40 m
fruit color Dark brown
fruit shape Oblique obovate
fruiting time Autumn
decorative period year-round
Places of application As a single tree or alpine planting for landscaping alleys
USDA zone 2–6

According to one of the legends, these plants bear the generic name thanks to the nymph Pitis. This mythological creature blazed strong love to the god Pan, famous for fun and mischief. In addition, this god was the patron of not only fishermen, but also hunters. However, according to the nymph, another god burned out of jealousy - the ruler of the cold and northern winds of Boreas. Because of his jealousy, he turned the beauty into an evergreen majestic tree, which they began to call Pinus. It should be noted that the Siberian cedar pine has nothing to do with real cedars (Lebanese, Atlas and Himalayan), since the above plants do not produce fruits suitable for food. The difference between Pinus sibirica is in very useful nuts.

The Siberian cedar is an evergreen tree, the height of which can vary between 20–25 m, often reaching 40 meters in size. The crown of this representative of the flora is formed by thickened branches and may have several peaks. Siberian trunk cedar pine straight and even. It is covered with light brown bark, which becomes fissured as the tree matures. Such cracks take the form of scales. Branching is distinguished by whorled outlines. Shoot color last year- beautiful brown, their surface is covered with elongated hairs of red color.

On shortened branches, dark green needles are formed with a bluish bloom. The needles vary in length from 6–41 cm. The needles are soft to the touch, with small notches, and when cut they have three edges. Pine needles grow in bunches of 5 pieces.

The root system of the Siberian cedar is powerful - root shoots extend from the shortened rod-shaped root on the sides. On them are small hairs that contribute to the development of mycorrhiza. If the soil composition is suitable, then the length of the taproot reaches half a meter, and the so-called “anchor roots” begin to form, lying at a depth of 2–3 m. It is this root system that allows a tall tree to withstand winds.

Siberian cedar is a slow-growing plant, since its growing season does not exceed 45 days per year. Like all pines, Pinus sibirica is monoecious and dioecious, as it produces male and female cones. Cones begin to dust at the beginning of summer, by means of the wind, pollen is transferred from male cones to female ones. When fully ripe, their shape takes on an elongated ovoid shape. The size of the cones is large. Their color is purple at first, but gradually turns brown. The cones vary in width in the range of 5–8 cm with a length of up to 13 cm. The scales in the cones are dense, adjacent to each other, their surface is covered with shortened stiff hairs.

The shields in the cones are thickened, their shape is rhomboid, the size is enlarged. The width is about 2 cm, a slight whitish elevation is visible on the surface. Ripening of Siberian cedar cones takes from 14 to 15 months. They begin to fall off with the advent of the autumn of next year, while remaining unopened. Each cone contains 15–30 seeds, which in Siberian pine look like small nuts. The shape of pine nuts is ovoid with an oblique outline. Their color is dark brown, there are no wings, therefore, spread in natural conditions chipmunks and nutcrackers are engaged. Fruiting in plants begins only after 60 years from their planting. Biggest yields pine nuts are possible with an alternation of 3-10 years. Cedar pine can produce up to 12 kg of very useful fruits.

Tips for growing Siberian cedar in the country - planting and care in the open field

  1. Place for landing.Since the plant is large and only some varieties are short (only about a meter), it is recommended to initially select a place on the basis that each tree should be up to 3-5 meters. Siberian cedar pine prefers well-lit open areas. However, until the age of 10, it will be necessary to provide shading of seedlings.
  2. soil for growingSiberian cedar is preferable fresh and well-moistened, suitable sandy and loamy substrate, which is found in coniferous or mixed forests. Best growth observed only on fertile gray forest soil.
  3. Planting Siberian cedar.For successful cultivation For Siberian cedar pine, it is better to use 7-8-year-old seedlings that are purchased in a nursery or dug up in the forest. The main thing is that the earthen clod should not be destroyed, and if the plant is from the forest, then it is wrapped in a damp cloth, preventing it from drying out, or seedlings with a closed root system (in boxes) are purchased. Important! The planting of the Siberian cedar is carried out as quickly as possible, so that the earthen coma does not dry out. Cedar pine is planted in the fall, until the ground is frozen. Holes for seedlings are dug at a distance of 4–8 m, but not closer than 3 m from buildings or fences. Since the root system of the plant is powerful, it can destroy any foundation over time. The size of the pit for planting should be 1.5 times the parameters of the earthen coma of the seedling. It is recommended to prepare the soil in advance by mixing the soil taken out of the pit with humus and fertilizers. You should not plant only one plant, as it will not be able to form ovaries, and therefore no fruits will appear. A peg is placed in the hole along with a cedar seedling, to which the trunk is then tied. It is recommended to straighten the roots of the seedling, as they can be very twisted. After planting, the Siberian cedar should be well watered, and the trunk circle should be mulched with peat or sawdust.
  4. Watering.Young Siberian cedars especially suffer from drying out of the coma, but if the summer turned out to be hot, then adult specimens will be uncomfortable. The soil should be constantly moist, but without stagnant moisture.
  5. Fertilizers for Siberian cedar.It is important that the plant receives a large amount of potassium preparations, but the nitrogen content in top dressing is preferably reduced, since it will reduce the ability of the development of the root system of the Siberian cedar pine. You can also use a large amount of humus.
  6. General care tips.Since the growth rate of cedar pines at a young age is not fast, they can be overgrown with other representatives of the flora that reproduce by self-seeding (for example, birch, spruce, aspen or pine). Therefore, in the first few years of caring for the Siberian cedar, it is necessary to carry out weeding of other tree species that have been “clucked” into cedar plantations.
  7. Application in landscape design.When landscaping garden plot Siberian cedar will look good next to a birch, but only in this case the plants are planted at some distance. All due to the fact that birch trees are distinguished by the property of "sucking" moisture from the soil. This will have a negative impact on the Siberian pine. It is also possible that birch thickets will whip the cedar crown and the shoots will begin to stray. Undersized varieties can form alleys and group plantings.

You can grow a new plant of Siberian cedar pine by germinating nuts or by grafting.

Seed propagation of Siberian cedar

Quality varietal seeds should be planted in the last days of April or during the first week of May. However, three months in advance, you need to start pre-sowing preparation of the material. It is necessary to carry out its stratification, that is, to withstand low temperatures(4-6 degrees) for several months. To process pine nuts, three soaks are performed:

  • In cold water.The seeds are placed in it for 3 hours so that hollow and damaged ones emerge. Those that are useful for sowing will pick up moisture and sink to the bottom of the container.
  • In a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink).Nuts are placed in it for 2 hours to prevent diseases caused by fungi or infections.
  • AT hot water(50 degrees).In this state, the seeds should spend 3 days. In this case, the fluid must be drained daily and replaced with a new one.

Then the prepared material is mixed with moistened river sand or peat chips in a ratio of 1:3. The entire mixture is recommended to be placed in a container that has holes on the sides and in the bottom. The thickness of such a layer (with seeds) should not exceed 20 cm. The container is placed in shading on wooden blocks. Such a place can be the basement or the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

After 90 days, the seeds can be sown as in seedling boxes as well as in open ground. Nuts are carefully separated from the soil mixture and again kept in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. The field of this is dried a little and sown. The soil is mixed with fertilizers: peat, wood ash(2 grams), potassium (0.5 grams) and superphosphate (1 gram) - parameters based on 1 m2. The depth of the cut should be 2-3 cm. The surface of the container or bed is covered with a small layer of crushed sawdust.

When leaving, regular airing and moistening of the soil are necessary. After the sprouts are visible, the film is usually removed. If the seedlings are very thick, then you need to dive. As soon as the sprouts begin to look like a bent knee, they are immediately recommended to be dug up and re-sorted. The root shoots are cut, and landing is carried out on the beds under the peg with the same depth as before. A distance of 20x20 cm or 20x10 cm is maintained between seedlings. Some gardeners are engaged in diving seedlings of Siberian cedar pine already in the second year. Young plants are planted in a permanent place for 3-4 years from the moment of sowing.

Grafting of seedlings of the Siberian cedar

When such a procedure is carried out, the harvest can be expected for 5–7 years of plant life. This method compares favorably with the previous one, since seedlings will please with fruits only when they reach the age of 15–20 years. However, there is also a minus - the grafting of seedlings can be overwhelming for beginner gardeners, most often it is done in nurseries.

Methods for controlling pests and diseases of Siberian cedar pine

Although the Siberian cedar is a powerful plant, if agricultural practices are violated, it can be affected by diseases or pests.

When cedar seedlings are still very young, they often fall prey to bark beetles -chalcographers, they are also called the common engraver (Pityogenes chalcographus). With the advent of spring, they gnaw many passages in the trunks of weakened plants. In the same place, the female pest will subsequently lay their eggs. With such an impact, the wood tissues begin to die, which leads to the loss of the tree. A sign of the appearance of this insect is the appearance of resin drops on the trunks of the Siberian cedar, resembling teardrops. Counter the attack of the chalcographer it is possible if treated with insecticidal preparations ("Iskra", "Inta-vir" or with a similar spectrum of action).

Next harmful insects, which creates problems when growing Siberian cedar pine, isHermes Siberian, sucking out useful juices, due to which the slow growth rate is further reduced, and the decorative effect decreases. Not only young seedlings are affected, but also adult specimens. A sign of the appearance of a pest are places on the needles and bark, resembling fluff. Since this formation protects the insect itself from chemicals, it is recommended to use funds not only for external processing, but also acting through the juice of Siberian cedar. To do this, spray insecticides, for example, Fitoverm, Aktara, Fufan. They also make micro-injections into the wood of the trunk.

In addition to pests, the plant is susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. needle rust, which may appear due to high humidity in the warm season. At the same time, orange-yellow bubbles form on the needles. Over time, such a formation becomes a powder, and the fungus spreads to uninfected parts of the Siberian cedar. The affected needles begin to die and crumble. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to carry out weeding in the near-trunk circle and the surrounding area from coltsfoot and thistle. To treat infected trees, treatment with fungicidal agents is needed, for example, Topaz or Skor. In addition, drugs are administered in the form of micro-injections under the cortex.
  2. Blister rust (resinous crayfish or seryanka), which occurs due to fungal spores that feed on the juices of Siberian cedar. Signs of the disease are cushion-shaped formations on the trunks or branches of the plant, which have a brown or yellowish-orange color. For the fight, "Arceride" is used, it is taken in an amount of 50 g and diluted in 10 liters of water. Processing is performed 4 times with a 10 day break.
  3. shoot cancer,at which the needles begin to sag and fall off. The plant dries up.

These diseases can be treated only if detected at an early stage. Prevention of Siberian cedar pine is recommended in the form of drugs that stimulate the strengthening of the root system and have anti-stress properties.

The life span of the Siberian cedar pine is 300 years, and sometimes half a millennium. Fruiting begins only when the plant reaches the age of 30, but sometimes it can give a harvest for the first time only at 70 years old.

At northern peoples, on the territory of which Siberian cedars grow, the plants have always been revered and considered sacred. That is why the ritual staffs of shamans were decorated with cedars. Cedar branches were used as home amulets.

Since the middle of the 19th century, Pinus sibirica has been used for landscaping park and garden areas, not only in noble estates, but also in cities.

The benefits of pine nuts are very great, they have long been given by folk healers to patients to improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis and anemia. Cedar resin, which is called "resin" is distinguished by the properties of embalming, so the healers of Siberia and the Ural lands healed wounds, cuts and burns with the help of this substance, and treated abscesses.

Since the wood of the Siberian cedar pine has unique properties, it is used in furniture and construction. In addition, it has resonant properties, which is why it is customary to make musical instruments (harps, pianos and guitars) from it.

Varieties of Siberian cedar

Since in nature the height of the Siberian cedar pine can reach 40 meters with a trunk diameter of about 2 m, not a small cottage, but Vacation home with a large enough area for the plant to feel comfortable. However, for those who want to have such a rarity, varieties are bred that do not take up much space. Among them, the following are popular:

  1. The president.Adult plants of this variety do not exceed three meters in height, fruiting is high, but ripening cones are large. With a high decorative effect, the crown is not too dense, its shape is cone-shaped. The needles are elongated, green in color. The growth rate is good. The variety was bred for the anniversary of Putin.
  2. Narcissusis a short garden form. The size of the plant does not exceed a meter in height. The needles are velvety to the touch, painted in a pale green hue. The outlines of the crown are spherical, the density is high. The growth rate is low, no fruit is formed, since small cones do not fully ripen. Grains in food are not applicable. Used exclusively for landscaping.
  3. Ideal.A variety that does not bear fruit. The plant has an almost perfect crown in the shape of a ball. The needles are long green color. Small cones flaunt on the ropes. It is used in decorating garden plots.
  4. Biosphere.The plant is similar in outline to the Narcissus variety, but its growth rate is higher. Fruiting is low. Compacted crown in the form of a ball, on the branches there are needles of a green hue, the cones are not large.
  5. Subalpinehas high speed growth. A loose crown with cone outlines is formed. The needles are elongated, bluish tone. The cones are large, but the fertility is reduced.
  6. record holderis a miniature tree, its height does not exceed 3 m. Density spherical crown- average. The needles are beautiful, rich green color. Differs in abundant fruiting, while nuts in full cones of large sizes, have good taste and aroma. Fruit ripening is fast, although the growth rate is low.
  7. Oligarch.The variety was bred by breeders for M. B. Khodorkovsky as a gift. The intensity of growth is slow, but fruiting is plentiful. The resulting cones have small nuts with a flattened shape. The crown of a plant with a low density and ovoid outlines.
  8. Emeraldit has a fairly dense crown with cone contours, the growth rate is medium. The color of the needles is bright green. Ripe buds with medium size.
  9. Tamagotchistands out among other varieties with sterility (fruits do not ripen) and a very slow growth rate. The crown is formed by strongly branched shoots. The needles are shortened, with a bluish tint. The size of the cones is miniature.
  10. He and sherepresented by a tree with a loose crown, taking on a spherical shape. Needles of the usual type, green hue. Large cones are formed on the branches, bringing nuts. The intensity of growth is average.
  11. Highlanderhas an egg-shaped crown with a high density. The growth rate is slow. Needles of normal appearance and average length, their color is green. The size of the ripening cones is small. The fruiting of the variety is poor. Recommended for bonsai cultivation.
  12. plantationhas a high growth rate. It can also please with a wonderful taste of nuts. The qualities of this variety are somewhat similar to the "President". The loose crown takes on a spherical shape, elongated needles with green tint. On the branches, ripening of large sizes of full-fledged cones occurs.

Video about growing Siberian pine:

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Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a “supplier” of delicious pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then watered apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. emerald needles various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Country rising sun. Financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent sakura blossoms. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

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We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

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