Description of the life of a toucan bird with a large beak. toucans


View: toucan

Family: toucans

Squad: woodpeckers

Class: birds

Type: chordates

Subtype: vertebrates

Dimensions: body length: up to 65 cm; body weight: up to 300 g

Lifespan: in captivity - up to 50 years, in the wild - 10 - 15 years

A good family man, a devoted and caring friend - all this is embodied in a toucan, whose photo simply breathes exoticism.

Its bright, incredibly large beak attracts the eye like a magnet.

A sharp mind, sociability and unpretentiousness in maintenance allow the bird to become a favorite pet.


Toucans are found throughout South and Central America.

The bird loves to nest in groves, on light forest edges.

The bird especially likes to settle in the immediate vicinity of human habitation, to sit on the tops of palm trees.

Interesting! The toucan feels good living in the mountains at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level.


The toucan family is divided into the following genera:

  • Andigens
  • toucanets
  • Arasari
  • toucans
  • Seleniders

Within these genera, there are 37 species.

However, the most popular is the big toucan, also called toko.


A massive, luxurious, strong beak is what immediately catches the eye when a toucan appears before us.

The bird, the photo of which no longer surprises anyone, attracts with some unrealistic charm.

The yellow-orange beak of a large toucan is slightly reddish above, and is marked with a black spot at the end.

Its length reaches 20 cm, this is a third of the body of the toko bird.

The plumage of a large toucan is not particularly variegated, but it delights with contrast: a black body with a clear white collar, chest and top tail.

The underside of the tail is red. The skin immediately around the eyes is thin, blue color, then it becomes rougher and has an orange tint.

Other species of these birds may flaunt different colors, decorating their outstanding appearance.

However, they remain unchanged:

  • impressive beak size;
  • bright, contrasting plumage.

Key Features

Think it's hard for a toucan to control its beak? But no!

His internal structure strikes with engineering genius, because inside it is full of pneumatic cavities. Eventually:

  • the beak is very light, almost weightless.
  • it is very strong, the design of the internal air micro-chambers gives it extraordinary strength.

The fact is that these birds are very fond of eating berries and fruits that grow high on the ends of thin branches.

On the fly, Toko does not know how to cut them off, and it will also not work to sit on a flimsy twig.

Therefore, the toucan sits more comfortably closer to the tree trunk and with its large beak carefully takes out the desired fruits.

The toucan knows how to deftly control the tail, if necessary, jerking it sharply or raising it above the back.

But Toko flies badly, he does not like this business. Of course, in order to climb a tree, he has to fly high.

However, the bird is gaining altitude with the expectation that now it will simply glide from branch to branch, not particularly zealous in flapping its wings.

Toucan is a flocking bird. He not only feels comfortable among a dozen of his relatives, but is also ready to help a relative in trouble.

Interesting! If someone attacked Toko, a flock of big beaks will immediately rush to save him, even if the enemy is a predator. And his relatives will try to provide all possible assistance to a wounded bird, bringing food and driving away ill-wishers.

The "singing" of the toucan is, to put it mildly, not impressive. His cry is like a frequently repeated croak.

He can also click his beak, which Toko does quite loudly.


In the wild, the toucan mainly feeds on fruits. However, if you manage to catch it, you will gladly eat a lizard like a small snake.

Toko can destroy other people's nests by eating eggs or chicks.

Insects are also no exception, a small one or for lunch is just right.

In captivity, the diet of a toucan is somewhat reminiscent of a human menu:

  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • a variety of fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • fish;
  • small mammals, invertebrates, reptiles;
  • succulent herbs and seeds;
  • eggs.

However, there are some rules here:

  • Food should be mostly soft, that is, dry, hard nuts and seeds should be excluded.
  • Preference should be given to foods low in iron. From an excess of this element, a toucan can be intoxicated. Fruits and vegetables high in citric acid also provoke hemotoxicosis, this includes pineapples, tomatoes, oranges and so on.
  • If the toucan is fed with granulated food, make sure that the iron in it is no more than 100 ppm, it is even better to set it to a maximum of 70 ppm.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be finely chopped, because the toucan, like any other bird, does not know how to chew, but swallows food whole.
  • During the period of rearing offspring, Toko needs more protein food. Let it be insects and boiled egg white. It is better not to abuse meat and mice, otherwise diseases caused by bacterial infections may occur.


To make a hollow on your own, gouging a tree trunk, a toucan will not.

Usually it occupies other people's nesting places located high enough.

Sometimes Toko has to work a little with its beak, adjusting the found dwelling to fit its rather big dimensions.

The wood dust covering the bottom of the hollow is quite enough for laying the bird.

Interesting! It happens that a toucan chooses an empty termite mound or a hole on the river bank as a nest.


After mating, just a few days later, the female lays 1 - 4 eggs. Now comes the incubation period, lasting about three weeks.

Not only parents, but also other members of the group can participate in this process.

Perhaps these are single individuals or mothers who, for some reason, have lost their masonry.

The hatched chicks are also fed not only by the mother with a folder, but also by the same “uncles” and “aunts” who helped to incubate them.

All that a toucan needs to be happy is a tall aviary with large branches in the upper corners.

Toko is a bird that needs movement.

The large beak calmly gets along with other birds: chicken, pigeon, medium parrots or turaco.

That is, if you have brought home or - Toko will get along with them.

In addition, the toucan has a high intelligence, it is easy to tame.

Toucan: there is never a lot of beak, that's what the bird is striking!

Toucan. Luxurious, bright beak and contrasting plumage of the toucan will never let it go unnoticed. This handsome - welcome guest for many cages.

Filled with unique facets, these birds have some of the most amazing and incredible beaks in the entire world. When mother nature decides to endow an animal special features she does it with style! We are ready to present you 15 birds with incredible beaks.

Malay kalao

(Buceros rhinoceros) has a name as impressive as its incredible beak. On top of his beak is the so-called helmet, which bears a striking resemblance to the horn of a rhinoceros. A strong beak helps the Malay kalao to extract fruits from thin branches of trees. And the impressive helmet is used as a resonating chamber to create loud sounds with it.

Spruce crossbill or common crossbill

Spruce crossbill(Loxia curvirostra) has the most amazing beak of its entire family of finches. But for him, this is the perfect way to get to the main source of nutrition, the seeds that are in the buds. coniferous trees. Even from tightly closed cones, a crossbill can get its own favorite treat thanks to unusual shape beak.

Black water cutter

Black water cutter(lat. Rynchops) has a truly unique beak among waders, and indeed among all North American birds. Although the beak is large, it is very thin, and its lower part is longer than the upper one. These features of the beak make it ideal for the type of feeding that the black water cutter uses. During the flight, he lowers the lower part of the beak into the water, and when he feels a fish in it, he snaps the upper part of the beak. Black water cutters are the only bird species in the North and South America with the technique of such nutrition.

rose spoonbill

Looking at rose spoon(lat. Platalea ajaja) it is not difficult to guess how this bird got its name. The roseate spoonbill is one of several species of spoonbill, all of which have this unique bill shape. It feeds in shallow fresh and coastal waters. Walking from side to side, the pink spoonbill uses its beak to get crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fish out of the water.

The beak that looks like a wooden shoe makes shoebill a skilled master of fishing and of course is the bird's greatest attraction. The same beak prevents the bird from getting any other food, and if it becomes difficult with the usual food, it is threatened with starvation. The shoebill is a fierce predator that easily and quickly kills its prey with its sharp beak.


Curlew(lat. Numenius) is a North American coastal bird that spends the winter on the coast, and hatches its chicks in the grass in pastures. Its long beak is ideal for both habitats: in winter period- to catch shrimps and crabs living in deep holes, and during the nesting period - to pick up earthworms. Its beak is one of the longest among waders and competes only with the beak of the Far Eastern curlew. The female has a longer beak than the male, and a slightly different shape. When the male's bill is symmetrically rounded along its entire length, the female's bill is slightly rounded at the base and more pronouncedly curved at the tip.

sword-billed hummingbird

Among the 15 birds with incredible beaks, we could not pass by the hummingbird family and its representative. sword-billed hummingbird(lat. Ensifera ensifera) has the longest beak of any bird in the world in relation to its body size. Indeed, it is the only bird that sometimes has a beak longer than its body. Such an amazing beak helps to feed on the nectar of flowers with especially long corollas, which is not available to other species of hummingbirds.

Big Indian kalao

Another owner of a bright beak from the family of hornbills is big indian kalao(lat. Buceros bicornis). This is one of the largest representatives of the family. On top of its already amazing bright yellow with black beak, the Indian kalao has an additional helmet. Although at first glance it seems to serve no purpose, the hollow helmet can be used for sexual selection.

big toucan

We could not leave aside a bird with an incredible beak - big toucan(lat. Ramphastos toco). Its amazing beak is well-suited for peeling fruit skin, intimidating other birds, and scaring off predators. The beak is made of honeycombs of keratin, so it is not very heavy. This structure also helps it regulate body temperature. Recent research suggests that by regulating blood flow to the beak, a large toucan can release more heat without overheating.

rainbow toucan

Another type of toucan with a particularly amazing beak is rainbow toucan(lat. Ramphastos sulfuratus). Its beak has the same features as the great toucan but adds more bright colors. That's why he gets his rainbow name.

American white pelican

All pelicans have a truly amazing beak, with a pouch of skin called a throat pouch that connects to the underside of the beak. This unique structure acts as a fish net and water filter. During the breeding season american white pelican(lat. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) uses its beak for its screaming sounds. This is the only species of pelican with a horn on the top of its beak.


Flamingo(lat. phoenicopterus)- These are quite popular and well-known birds, but we very rarely pay attention to their amazing beak. The underside of the beak has a hairy filter-like structure that helps separate food from dirt and water.


Kiwi(lat. Apteryx) is the only bird that has nostrils at the tip of its beak. In all other birds, the nostrils are located higher, usually at the base of the face. But not the kiwi. The bird has an exceptional sense of smell and, along with specially placed nostrils, uses it to find food in the forest floor.

The flashy red and black stripes on its beak are the source of the different nicknames for this colorful bird: "sea clown" and "sea parrot". But the bold colors on the Atlantic puffin's beak are just the beginning of what makes this beak so special. The teeth on the upper jaw of the beak help the bird carry more than 10 fish in it at the same time.

American Avocet

American Avocet(Recurvirostra americana) has an elegant, delicate appearance that extends all the way to its long, remarkably thin, and slightly upcurved beak. Walking from side to side in shallow water, she catches crustaceans and insects. Although the beak of the American Avocet looks too thin and delicate, it serves as an excellent weapon in the fight against opponents.

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Many people wish to have a pet in their home. Most often choose dogs, cats, rodents, aquarium fish, parrots. However, there is a category of people who want to acquire an exotic animal or bird, an inhabitant of the wild. Few people know that of the birds, except for rare species of parrots, at home you can keep the largest woodpeckers - toucans. It is about them and their content that we will discuss in this article.

What does it look like

At the sight of this bird with bright plumage, it is hard to resist admiration and surprise. The first question that may arise when looking at a toucan is how such a small bird manages to take off with such a huge beak. However, nature turned out to be, as always, wise and endowed this feathered beak, which, despite its apparent massiveness, is very light. Its lightness is explained by the fact that it consists of air chambers and layers of keratin plates. The beak does not cause any inconvenience to these birds either during flight or when obtaining food. On the contrary, it is very convenient for picking the main dish of birds - fruits. Also, its purpose is to scare away enemies, thermoregulation and use during mating games.

Did you know? Toucans are the owners of the largest feathered beak in the world in relation to body size. In some individuals, these parameters are even the same in length. And the beak has many functions: getting food, attracting a "second half", instilling fear in enemies, for cooling and heating the body.

The shape of the beak changes depending on the age of the individual. So, in babies it is flat, the upper half is longer than the bottom. Thus, it is designed to make it more convenient for parents to put food in it. In the parents themselves, the beak is flattened on the sides. Its length reaches about 20-35 cm - about a third of the body length. The edge is equipped with serrations that help the bird to hold the fruits of the trees and peel their skin. The color of the beak is usually bright rich colors- yellow, red, orange, green. Although it may be black.

The body of a toucan reaches a size of 30-50 cm. The most large view- toko - has a length of 75 cm. The body is strong, dense, painted black and white colors, some of its parts - in bright, contrasting colors.

The beaked head rests on a short neck. Around the eyes there is a thin skin of bright colors. Wings - medium in length, consist of 11 flight feathers. The tail is short, with a straight cut. Consists of 10 tail feathers. The limbs are large, strong, bright colors, with their help, the toucan can deftly climb trees.

Distribution and habitat

Toucans live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Also found in mountain woodlands at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. They can also live near human dwellings, in city parks and gardens. In places of residence, they rightfully bear the title of the loudest and noisiest inhabitants - their sounds can hardly be shouted out by anyone else in the jungle. They constantly shout one word, similar to "tokano". That is why they are so called. They also like to click their beaks loudly.

Because of the beauty of plumage and tasty meat toucans often become prey during the hunting of local residents. They are eaten, and the feathers are used to make jewelry. Also, these woodpeckers are caught by poachers.

Important! No need to buy toucans from the hands. Perhaps in this way you support the poaching business. You should buy exotic birds only in trusted pet stores, nurseries and breeders who provide everything Required documents. The bird must be ringed.

What do they eat in the wild

In the wild, toucans prefer to eat plant food- fruits and berries. However, occasionally, when it is not possible to find plant food, they can also eat insects, lizards, spiders, invertebrates, snakes, eggs and chicks of other birds.

Birds use their solid beak to carefully remove the fruit from the tree and split it if it has a hard shell. Then they throw the fruit up and, opening their beak wide, swallow it. Toucans prefer to eat bright juicy fruits.

By the way, these woodpeckers are very clean. After a meal of eating fruits, their beak becomes sticky from the juice, so the birds have to clean it for a long time and carefully, wiping it on the trunks and branches of trees and wiping it with their paws.

Nesting and mating

Toucans live in hollows that remain from other birds, having equipped them to suit their needs. Although there are cases when nesting was carried out in holes on the shore or in termite mounds. Birds like to settle in groups in order to fend off the few enemies that they have in flocks.

Toucans are diurnal, settling on branches. They spend most of their time on trees, rarely descend to the ground, with reluctance. They also try to fly infrequently, because they are not too dexterous in this matter. It is difficult for them to soar, so they do not spend much time in the air.
Toucans breed once a year. AT mating season they break up in pairs and live with their “half” until the end of their lives, that is, they are characterized by monogamy. Having mated, the female in a couple of days lays from 1 to 4 eggs in one clutch, both parents incubate them. Incubation lasts about 2 weeks, for Toko - a little longer. Toucans are wonderful, caring parents. The chicks leave the nest after 1.5-2 months.

Did you know? The toucan's head can turn 180 degrees. Turning it and putting its beak in the middle of the back, the bird sleeps. At the same time, she folds her tail on her chest. Thus, the toucan in the process of sleep looks like a motley ball.


In the wild, toucans live from 10 to 15 years. In captivity, their life expectancy increases three times and is up to 50 years.

Since toucans are naturally gullible and curious, they are easily accustomed to, so it is quite possible to keep them at home. However, it will require the equipment of a spacious enclosure and the creation of conditions close to those in which they live in nature.

Cage or aviary

So, to live, a toucan needs a very large cage, or better, an aviary. By the way, you can launch any feathered neighbor into it, since the toucan gets along well with other birds, for example, parrots. The size of the housing will depend on the species, size and number of birds, but remember that it must be spacious. Cage bars are usually made from high quality stainless steel.

The cage or aviary must be equipped with branches, ladders, slats, along which the bird can move, and on which it will sleep. If you keep a pair, then you need to equip them with a hollow where they can make a nest for chicks. Two-three-year-old individuals can breed without problems in captivity.

Important! Usually cages for toucans are sold in the same stores where the birds themselves are. Sales consultants help you choose the best option. If you are planning to build an aviary with my own hands, then you can consult with the sellers regarding what exactly is needed for a representative of the type that you are purchasing to live.

To recreate natural conditions it is also necessary to equip the aviary with a humidifier to maintain a tropical level of humidity.

Feeding ration

In captivity, the bird eats a variety of foods. Her diet may include

  • porridge (from rice);
  • fruits (bananas, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, persimmons);
  • berries (grapes, blueberries, cherries);
  • vegetables (carrots);
  • gourds (melons);
  • dog food (must be pre-soaked in water);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • insects (worms, martyrs, crickets).

An example daily menu might look like this:
  • rice porridge - 300 g;
  • banana - one piece;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • dog food - 100 g

When feeding a toucan in captivity, you should follow some rules:

  1. Only add to diet soft foods excluding seeds and nuts.
  2. Make sure that the bird consumes foods that contain a small amount of iron (up to 70 ppm) - toucans are prone to hemotoxicosis, a form of intoxication that occurs with an excess of this trace element. Citrus fruits, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes should be avoided.
  3. During the breeding season, it is desirable to replenish the diet with protein foods, for example, insects, mice, egg white in boiled form.
  4. Before feeding, the fruit will need to be cut into small pieces.
Don't forget to change daily drinking water. Water must be settled. It needs to be poured into a large container - the bird will be able to drink and swim there.


Toucan can be purchased at a price of 2-5.5 thousand dollars in pet stores, including online stores. The price below one and a half thousand should alert, most likely, this is a contraband product.

The attitude towards people in toucans is formed in the first months of life, therefore, it is necessary to purchase individuals only in reputable pet stores - this way you will be sure that your pet will be healthy and calm.

In conclusion, we want to note that the toucan is not only an attractive bird, but also interesting in terms of behavior. It is a great pleasure to watch how she eats, sleeps, and communicates. Smart, sociable, calm, flexible, unpretentious in content, she will undoubtedly become an original and beloved pet. If the owner provides everything the necessary conditions for the “big woodpecker” to live in the house, including a balanced diet, then they will be able to live side by side together almost all their lives.

Video: toucan bird

(Ramphastos toco)

scientific classification International scientific name

Ramphastidae Vigors, 1825

Toucans(lat. Ramphastidae) - a family of birds of the woodpecker order. Toucans have a disproportionately large, laterally compressed, brightly colored beak. However, the beak itself, despite its size, is relatively light, due to its porous structure. The largest representatives of the woodpecker order. There are 37 species of birds, united in 6 genera.

Toucans inhabit the plains and mountain (up to 3000 m) tropical forests of America from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. They nest in natural or woodpecker hollows.

These birds got their name due to the fact that representatives of one of their species shout something like “tokano!”

Description [ | ]

Noisy bird living in the rainforest. It is easily recognizable by its huge and very light yellow beak, the length of which reaches almost half the length of the body. This bird does not know how to fly well and far, so it spends most of its time in hollow trees. Notable for its appearance. The first thing that catches your eye is a disproportionately large, brightly colored beak. The large beak does not cause inconvenience to the bird: it is very light due to the presence of pneumatic cavities in it. The inside of the beak is made up of porous, foamy bone tissue, while the outside is made up of keratin. The beak is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, since it plays an important role in the thermoregulation of toucans. The beak of a toucan differs sharply from the beak of adult birds. In chicks, it is flat, and the lower jaw is somewhat longer and wider than the upper one; this makes it easier to grasp the food thrown by adult birds. The tongue of toucans is long, the front part of it and the edges are fringed, which gives it a feathery appearance. The skin near the corners of the mouth and around the eyes is not feathered and is brightly colored. Contrasting plumage coloration. Usually, on the main black background of most of the plumage, there are various bright areas. The legs and eyes of these birds are painted in bright colors. There are toucans, colored so colorfully that they are in this respect not inferior to the brightest parrots. Toucans are hardly noticeable among the forest greenery, especially when they sit quietly in the crowns of trees after feeding: you might think that a large bright butterfly peeps out of the foliage. The tail of toucans, as a rule, is not long, straight cut, consists of 10 tail feathers. In some species, it is quite long and stepped, that is, the outer tail feathers are the shortest, the ones following them are longer, etc., and the middle pair of tail feathers is the longest. Short and wide wings have 11 primary flight feathers. The legs are strong and large, four-toed, adapted for climbing trees.

Due to their clumsy large body and huge beak, toucans fly quite heavily. Having taken off, the bird gains altitude, and then glides into the right direction, describing wide circles in the air. These birds avoid flying over long distances. Toucans spend all the time in crowns big trees where they feed on fruits. The birds are curious, jointly pursue birds of prey and gather in large flocks, trying to help a wounded or captured by a predator brother.

reproduction [ | ]

Toucans are monogamous birds. They nest in the hollows of trees. The clutch consists of 1-4 brilliant white eggs, equally rounded at both ends. The clutch is incubated by both parents. In small species, incubation lasts 2 weeks, in large ones a little longer. The chicks hatch completely helpless, naked and blind. In the hollow they are from 6 to 8 weeks.

Nutrition [ | ]

By type of food, toucans are herbivorous birds that feed almost exclusively on juicy fruits(for example, bananas) and berries. Notches on the beak help the bird hold and open the fruit. However, they can also eat spiders, some invertebrates, occasionally lizards, and even small snakes. Sometimes they drag chicks and eggs from the nests of other birds.

Sound communication of birds[ | ]

Relationship with the local population[ | ]

They are heavily hunted by the locals because of the delicious meat that is commonly eaten. The beautiful feathers of these birds, as well as the orange skin with small plumage, removed from the chest in many species, are used as decoration.
