Garden cottage landscape design. Gardening: a kaleidoscope of budget ideas

A small plot is your opportunity to prove in practice the correctness of the words of A.P. Chekhov, who, as you know, compared brevity with the sister of talent. After the implementation of your plans, the plot will not increase in size, but it can be completely transformed. And even increase visually. All in your hands!

Three basic rules

The meaning of the three basic rules that are used when creating landscape design small plot, comes down to declaring war on gigantomania and saying: “Giants, you are not welcome here!”:

Style selection

Get started with landscape design detailed plan. In the absence of skills to work with specially designed computer programs, draw a plan on paper. On the plan indicate the location of the house and erected outbuildings, designate the future recreation area, the proposed places for planting trees, shrubs, and a garden.

Decide on the design style of the site - it will be regular or natural (landscape). The regular style provides for the presence of the main axis of the composition, in relation to which landings are made symmetrically.

Advice. Registration in a regular style is more suitable for areas with a large area. However, that doesn't mean you can't use this style on yours.

The paths in this area are laid straight. Compliance with strict geometric shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles is required. The choice of geometric shape depends on the configuration of your site. So, for a narrow and elongated shape, a rectangular shape is more suitable. Squares will look natural on a plot whose sides are approximately equal.

Registration in landscape style provides more freedom in the placement of landings and decorative elements. It is better to refuse direct tracks with this design.

The existing uneven terrain is played up or a mini-relief is created in one or two zones with your own hands. It may be a small reservoir with a humpbacked bridge, retaining wall, alpine hill. Don't want to practice earthworks? Create volume by arranging a flower garden with plants different shapes, coloring and height. The solution is simple, and the flower garden will look amazing.

Techniques for visual expansion of the plot area

To visually expand the boundaries, designers use several techniques, the main of which is to focus on smooth, smooth shapes and lines. garden path, slightly bending or looping between plantings, will visually make the site larger. Inclusions flower arrangements and decorative elements also successfully solve this problem.

Advice. Take as a basis a composition from a well-known landscape design magazine, or find interesting examples in the Internet. Evaluate what you can apply for yourself. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and try to develop an idea you like.

Do not chase the number of flower beds and shrubs. Using culinary terminology, there is a risk of "oversalting the dish." Better less is better. Choose flower compositions and shrubs for planting so that they delight you with flowers and greenery as much as possible - from spring to late autumn. The decoration of the site will become a dry stream, miniature pond, decorative well.

Arrange "lightening" the far corners with plants with yellow or white flowers. This simple technique will visually "push" them away.

Landscaping of a suburban area of ​​​​small size

When gardening, follow the well-known rules:

  • Consider the lighting requirements of plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Plant plants and trees so that their height increases from south to north. The lowest place is in the southern part of the site, the highest (apple, pear) - in the northern and northeastern.
  • Bring fertile land to your site if your soil is poor. Compost and manure will not immediately fix the situation.
  • think over color scheme your site. With the right choice color solution the boundaries of a small area can be visually significantly expanded.
  • Don't go for a wide variety of colors. A lot doesn't mean good. Choose a basic color theme and create variations of it in different areas of the site. So you will be able to achieve harmony in the design of your little "latifundia".

Very important! Measure seven times, cut one. Folk wisdom has not been canceled. Learn what and how best to plant in your area, find out what problems neighbors face, delve into all the nuances. And only then proceed to the landscaping of the site. The pleasure that you get from communicating with flowers and plants, the joy of contemplating how handsome and beauties your “pets” grow up, is difficult to compare with anything.


Start with flower beds. Experts advise to break the flower beds on the sides of the entrance. Just don't make them symmetrical. For the design of flower beds, you can use literally everything that is on the farm.

With the help of flowers, arrange a “stream” in a small summer cottage, frame a small reservoir with flowers. Well-known themes will sound in your landscape design in a new way.

Cozy and secluded seating area

Choose a place for a small recreation area, 5-6 m² is enough. Make two small pergolas out of timber and slats. Dig the timber into the ground so that the pergolas form an angle or place them opposite each other. Fasten the pergolas together at the top with long slats. Put a bench, plant near the pergolas climbing plants(bindweed, wild grapes, climbing roses) and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

container landings

Be sure to use container plantings for landscape design in a small summer cottage. Moreover, almost any plants and flowers can be grown in them. Even small trees grow well in them.

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Garden design and landscaping household territory directly depends not only on the number of acres at your disposal, but also on the shape of the site. For example, ideas for arranging a garden on a strictly square plot will be unacceptable for the territory. irregular shape, and the design of an elongated suburban area does not fit into the spherical landscape at all.

The choice of style is dictated by many components: the initial size and configuration of the site, the terrain, the features of the natural environment and, of course, your own taste preferences. The amount of investment plays a role, as well as their own practical skills in the implementation of construction and landscaping work.

This material is devoted to the arrangement of the garden and do-it-yourself landscape design in areas of various shapes.

It is better to plan a rectangular or square summer cottage in a regular style. This style came from France, where it became very widespread in the 18th century. Imitation of the world-famous gardens of Versailles swept across Europe, and in Russia the regular style became popular during the time of Peter the Great. Suffice it to recall our world-famous Peterhof, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin or the Summer Garden. The courtiers of Peter, of course, also rebuilt their estates in a regular style, and some of them have survived, albeit in a deplorable state, to this day.

With the landscape design of a rectangular or square plot, straight paths are laid, plantings are made in rows, which, of course, greatly facilitates the care of plants. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site, stepping back, as expected, from the neighboring one by three to four meters. And so that the land does not go to waste, berry bushes are planted between the trees and the neighboring border - raspberries or blackcurrants, with a distance of one to one and a half meters from the border. Raspberries and apple trees with pears are friendly plants. When arranging such a garden in a country house in the landscape design of a rectangular plot, blackcurrants also coexist well with pome crops. In addition, the depth of the roots of these trees and shrubs is different, so their roots will not oppress each other.

Apple and pear trees prefer neutral soil, which is very suitable for raspberries, and blackcurrant, although it prefers slightly acidic soils, feels quite good on neutral ones. Over time, the trees will grow strongly and can cover the bushes with their shade, but this is not scary, because both raspberries and blackcurrants endure partial shade without problems.

This arrangement of the garden will immediately dictate to you its artistic design.

As shown in the photo, in the design of a square or rectangular plot, a central, through, straight path should run along a row of trees, running no closer than 2.5–3 meters from the tree trunks:

In addition, it must have a width sufficient for the passage of a wheelbarrow. And then there is nothing left but to plant perennial flowers along it, when choosing an assortment of which, only two points should be taken into account. They should prefer slightly acidic or neutral soils and bloom well in partial shade. When arranging such a garden, planning the design of a square or rectangular plot, plant a border of undersized or ground cover plants along the very edge along the path.

It will be great to grow and bear fruit remontant beardless strawberries, whose elegant bushes are strewn with bright white flowers and red berries all season long. This strawberry, which also feels good on soil with a neutral reaction, although it prefers slightly acidic, will have to be taken care of. Bushes must be divided and seated every three years, otherwise it will wither.

In the landscape design of a summer cottage of a square or rectangular shape, the space under the trees should also not be empty, because open to the sun and the wind dries up and destroys the soil, in addition, a holy place is never empty, it is immediately occupied by weeds, and we cannot afford such a luxury as empty land on six acres. So, contrary to generally accepted recommendations, do not keep the tree trunks fallow, do not dig the soil under them, but plant them with earthworms (hybrid garden strawberries with strawberries) or sow bent grass, and even better - white clover.

The earthworm and bent grass love moisture, do not forget about it, and therefore water your plantings abundantly. All of these plants for arranging a garden with their own hands have approximately the same requirements for soil conditions, in addition, they are all moisture-loving, and therefore caring for them is approximately the same, which greatly facilitates the work.

When planning the design of a rectangular or square plot, one should take into account the almost complete lack of decorativeness in plums. These plants tend to be unprepossessing and rarely bear fruit in the Northwest, so don't put them in the foreground. But cherries are very decorative, so they can not be hidden in the background. At the time of flowering, both plums and cherries are very elegant. It should be noted that cherries greatly inhibit raspberries, so it is better to place them in different parts of the garden. In addition, pome fruits (apples, pears) and stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums) do not coexist well with each other. Therefore, in the landscape design of a square or rectangular area, it is also better to place them in different parts garden.

When arranging a garden for a vegetable garden, leave west side, separating the economic zone with a row of ornamental tall shrubs or pergolas entwined with climbing roses, clematis and other lianas, arches or apple trees and pears. And on the east side, create a recreation area in a landscape style.

Look at examples of beautiful landscape design of a square or rectangular area in these photos:

Ideas for arranging a flower bed on a square or rectangular plot

Flower beds on a square or rectangular area the easiest to place.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden on the territory of such a form for flower beds, you can choose any configuration:

In the landscape design of a summer cottage of a rectangular or square shape, the following plants are usually used:

Look at the photo of flower beds in the design of a rectangular and square plot:

Landscaping of an elongated area: do-it-yourself gardening and gardening

In the landscape of an elongated area, with such initial data, it is more convenient to place a vegetable garden and a garden on one half of the territory, and plan them in a purely regular style (this way more plants are placed), and use the second to build a house, places for recreation, sow a lawn and give this part a natural (landscape) view. Visually, when arranging a garden with your own hands, the garden can be separated from the rest of the site by covering it with a neat row of fruit trees.

Fruit trees can be formed in the form of a palmette, then their crown will not give excessive shade. Trees will take much less space under the sun.

Across the plot, approximately in the middle, plant trees 3 meters apart, placing them in a line. A vegetable garden will be located on the south side of the landing line. Leave space in the landscape design of the elongated area for passage to the economic zone. Now your task is to grow trees with a flattened crown. To do this, leave (or reject, or transfer fruiting) only those branches that lie in the desired plane, that is, across the site, and remove all those growing perpendicular to this plane, that is, along the site, as early as possible.

The crown will be pruned annually in the fall. This will cause new shoots to appear on the trunk near the top. They will also be formed in the plane of the crown. Along the trees from the south, you can plant a row of black currants across the site, then a row of gooseberries, then a row of red currants, or place greenhouses or greenhouses in the center.

When planning a design when arranging such a garden, on both sides of the bushes, you can make two garden beds (4 beds may well feed a small family), and in front of them from the south you need to leave a place either for potatoes or for garden strawberries.

In one of the corners, away from the apple trees, you can plant a group of cherries, and in the other - a couple of plums, but the shadow from them should not fall on greenhouses and garden beds. You can also plant red currants, raspberries or honeysuckle along the southern border.

In the design of an elongated area near the wattle fence, you can plant the following plants:

These photos show the arrangement of the garden with their own hands on an elongated plot:

Landscaping when arranging a garden near a house on an irregularly shaped plot

For landscape design of an irregularly shaped area, a landscape style is more suitable. This style came to Russia from England, and in the reign of Catherine II, instead of regular parks and gardens, the creation of landscape park ensembles, in which the authors strive to arrange plants as naturally as possible, imitating nature.

Of course, such parks have nothing to do with the natural landscape, but still they are much more natural in appearance. An example of such a park is Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg. And here gardeners are in danger of cluttering up their site so that in a couple of decades it will become an impenetrable thicket, so many plantings will have to be cut down. There is one more feature of arranging such a garden near the house: unlike regular French gardens, they are not located on a flat area. Well, if you imitate nature, then in everything, you have to form bulk hills, reservoirs natural forms reminiscent of forest lakes, cascades, rocks and cliffs. An example of such a significant change in the terrain is the world-famous estate of the Potocki nobles Sofiyivka near Uman in Ukraine.

On six acres, of course, it is impossible to radically change the terrain, but what can be done is to change the visual perception of a flat surface by planting dominant plants with a vertical conical or columnar crown shape. Fruit trees for the design of an irregularly shaped plot are not suitable because of the sprawling domed shape of the crown.

And what is it, dominant (accent) plants? These are singly planted fairly tall or textured trees that immediately attract attention. Coniferous plants such as arborvitae, junipers, blue or gray spruces are often suitable for this purpose. All of them grow rather slowly, but in ten years they will grow significantly, and therefore, when planting, keep in mind that they will need a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition and there will be a fairly dense shadow under them, in which not all plants can grow.

And vice versa, creeping forms coniferous plants, as well as weeping forms of trees and shrubs will emphasize all the features of the existing relief. If you do not like straight lines and prefer the landscape (landscape) design of your site, then a decorative tree group should be planted in one corner.

The planting area is usually at least three to four meters - usually more - so the plants will take up quite a lot of space. For this reason, one should not take southern part garden, otherwise most of the territory will be in the shade. If you plant trees with north side, then immediately there is a problem with the protection of fruit trees from cold north and northeast winds. When arranging a garden in a country house with your own hands, on an irregularly shaped plot, you will have to plant rocker plants, stepping back from fruit plants 3-4 meters.

Of the rock plants, those that have a more or less deep-lying compact root system or, conversely, a superficial one, are preferable. It can be: mountain ash, shadberry, sea buckthorn or chokeberry (chokeberry). Aronia, of course, is a low plant, but even apple trees can reduce the crown to two and a half meters annually autumn pruning both the central conductor and the pruning of the ends of the remaining skeletal branches, which, by the way, benefits the trees, and makes it easier for you to harvest.

What are the benefits of such trees? compact root system and compact crown, more large fruits and early fruiting (3–4 years after planting).

What are the disadvantages? Just because of the small root system, they are easily turned out of the soil strong wind, and therefore they must be tied not to stakes, but to three hammered to a great depth metal pipes. Yields, of course, are low on dwarfs. It is much better to plant trees with an insert from a dwarf. That is, first, a stalk from a dwarf tree is grafted onto the stock of a vigorous tree with a powerful root system. Then a year later, another stalk of the variety you need is grafted onto it. There are no problems with such a tree, a powerful root system will keep it in the soil in any wind and provide high yields, but the growth of the tree will be limited to 3–3.5 meters.

As a protective backdrop, you can plant spruces, but only outside the boundaries of your site behind a ditch, on the side of the road, so that the roots of the fir trees do not destroy the apple trees. There is one caveat when planting rock cultures. The wind flows around a dense barrier on top, but then the cold air descends to the ground at the so-called "cold point", which is at a distance equal to three barrier heights. So, if the height of the chokeberry bush is 2–2.5 m, then at a distance of 6–7.5 m from its plantings in the direction of the cold wind it is impossible to plant thermophilic crops, because they will constantly freeze slightly.

So that there is no space between the trees planted by the group, it can be recommended to surround each apple tree with a “corolla” of raspberries, placing bushes 50 cm apart from each other in a circumference of 1–1.5 meters from the trunk. Or plant blackcurrants or gooseberries between the trees.

It is possible, as mentioned above, to fill the entire place under the apple trees with earthworms. This strawberry-strawberry hybrid has adopted resistance to penumbra from the parent forest strawberry variety, as it grows under natural conditions under the forest canopy. Let it grow like a solid carpet, like in a forest, without special care. With a decrease in yield, the plantation should be updated.

In the case of a landscape (or rather, landscape) garden design, the paths should be made winding and narrower than straight ones. They should flow around the trees, winding between them to seem like paths in a park or forest. This arrangement of plantings and paths, as noted earlier, visually increases the space of the garden.

With this design of the garden, the traditional rectilinear garden beds are far from the best way.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden in such a garden, small mini-beds the size of just one will look much more elegant. square meter, placed here and there throughout the site, wherever there is a place for them under the sun:

Such compact beds are much easier to care for. In addition, they can be made decorative if you combine planting greens and vegetables on them with such useful and elegant flowers as nasturtium (of course, only bush form), calendula or marigolds.

Apple and pear trees should not be planted singly in different angles garden. This does not create a single composition, besides, apple trees and especially pears are cross-pollinated plants, so a group of at least two apple trees or two pears is needed. For their placement, a site of at least 16-20 square meters is required. m. You can, of course, plant apple and pear trees separately, but then it will be difficult to place stone fruit crops, which, I emphasize again, do not tolerate the proximity of pome fruits.

As mentioned above, a regular garden for a landscape-style plot is not suitable. The arrangement of flower beds should be well thought out, since planting perennials in rows, as is usually done in garden plots, is also not good. ornamental plants best placed in groups or singly in different places garden, so as not to disturb its overall composition "under the landscape."

In addition to rabatok or mixborders, you can arrange rockeries, that is, rocky slides, and also use solitary plantings on lawns. By the way, a lawn or at least a small lawn or lawn is an indispensable element landscape garden, so make sure to reserve a spot for them in advance. Lawns look best in front of the house.

Instead of ordinary flower beds with different perennials and annuals, monochrome flower beds look better. In such plantings, different types are used flower plants the same color, but different tones.

An elegant white flower bed can be created by planting perennial daisies different types, white peonies different term flowering, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf variety mock orange, black cohosh, low white delphinium "Galahad", shrub small-flowered relict clematis, white-flowered Japanese anemone, white-flowered daylily, cornflower and aquilegia, a group of white tulips and small-bulbous with white flowers as a lining to a flower border, autumn aster, white polyanthus roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

To favorites

The layout of the garden and vegetable garden will help to solve many problems for its competent arrangement and obtaining the required amount of crop. Inexperienced summer residents and gardeners, having planted their own comfortable garden, complain that there is not the required abundance of fruits and fruits that they counted on.

Option 3D layout of a plot of 15 acres with the location of the garden, house and vegetable garden

The layout of the site is considered the most important stage in its arrangement. The layout of the summer cottage and garden plot directly begins with a preliminary study of the soil where horticultural and garden crops are to be grown, and climatic conditions that affect the number of fruits. If the soil is excessively clayey or with sand impurities, then you need to additionally add peat to it, feed it with black soil, other substances and fertilizers, on which the proper nutrition of the roots will directly depend.

In the climate, the fundamental factor that negatively affects the fruiting process is:

  • excess moisture;
  • frosty winters;
  • spring frosts.

Therefore, it is important to select trees and crops that are most suitable for a particular region.

Sketch and layout of the garden, garden and the entire plot of 10 acres

Important aspects are the layout of the garden and the competent selection of trees. The most frost-resistant trees are locally bred. They perfectly adapt to any climatic conditions and give a good result, if not annually, then after a year. The hardiest trees are cherries, pears, apples, and plums. Apricots and peaches are considered the least resistant to frost and high humidity.

Sweet cherry does not tolerate closely located groundwater at all, and if reclamation is not carried out in time, then in just a few years it will dry up.

Layout of the arrangement of a small suburban area

There are a variety of gardens, therefore, when choosing the required assortment of trees and plants, it is necessary to take into account their future productivity.

An example of planning a vegetable garden and a garden on a small plot

To determine how many trees you need to plant on a garden plot, you must first mark up the summer cottage, taking into account the existing buildings. This must be done because each object casts a shadow, so when planting bushes, trees and other crops in the shade of buildings, they will not bear fruit, but will be drawn into the natural light area. This will continue until the top of the plants is slightly above the barrier that restricts access to natural light.

Therefore, on the developed plan, it is necessary to indicate the height of each existing building and the cardinal points. It should be noted that the shadow, most likely, will be located from the east and west, somewhat narrowing towards the south. It is necessary to shade the places on the diagram where the shadow is more than half a day. These places are not suitable for planting plants.

In shady places, you can lay decorative paths, equip lawns, a pond, make flower beds. In order for the trees to provide a good harvest, the shade area must be excluded from the planting plan.

How to combine a garden and a vegetable garden

The layout of the garden and the garden is considered to be quite an important stage, because it is necessary to correctly distribute usable area. starts with the idea of ​​​​the direct arrangement of the beds, which must be perfect. If you need a garden and garden layout, then you need to make two separate schemes that will display a summer cottage at different times of the year. Thus, it is possible to achieve a more competent distribution of free space. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage itself, but also take into account the fact that planted crops can grow over time.

Drawing and layout of a plot of 6 acres with a combination of a garden and a vegetable garden

In addition, it is worth remembering that the planting of vegetable and horticultural crops should not be done too tightly. It is necessary to consider where the garden will be located on the equipped summer cottage. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to plant all crops on the south side, however, if this is not possible, then it is worth picking up sunny areas, but with some periods of shading.

Be sure to take into account the rules for planting each plant, its compatibility with neighboring crops, the need for natural sunshine and fertilizer, frequency of watering.

It is carried out taking into account the periods of fruiting of all available trees and shrubs. It is best to place all crops in the garden and in the garden, taking into account the periods of their full ripening. The scheme for planting all crops in the country must certainly be planned very competently. In order to think everything over correctly, you need to prepare a photo of your dacha with adjacent land.

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Outdoor fireplace for a summer residence

The scheme of planting plants in the garden and vegetable garden on a plot of 20 acres

Initially, on the diagram, you need to draw the location of the house, and if the site is not yet fully equipped, then you need to indicate its estimated location and size. It is necessary to designate not only the size of the garden and garden itself, but also their distance from the boundaries of a certain area. Thinking over the design of the cottage, you can diversify the site with flowers. This will give him a beautiful decorative look, will help you look at your garden and vegetable garden in a completely new way.

What can be models for planning a garden and a vegetable garden

may be the most various options carrying out the planning of the garden and vegetable garden, but with each of them it is necessary to take into account:

  • the number of marked acres;
  • feature of the soil of the garden;
  • the required number of equipped beds.

Layout and placement of beds in a garden of 4 acres

Ideal for those who prefer furnishing quite unpretentious garden and garden, implying the use of mainly ornamental crops and green spaces. Often such a model is a circle shape. Inside it should be exquisite beautiful flowers and other plants to fully show all their beauty.

Outside, a certain design is created, consisting of green spaces. It is best if these are low shrubs so that you can fully demonstrate the beauty of the planted flowers. If the dimensions of the summer cottage are quite impressive, then they sit in a semicircle behind fruit trees, the number of which directly depends on the area of ​​the proposed model. Enough interesting option is a rectangular shape.

Drawing and layout of the site

The peculiarity of this model implies that in this case it is necessary to plan the garden and the garden together. Often, the design of such a suburban area involves the use of a square shape. The peculiarity of such a plot is that it is possible to plant as many beds of vegetables as the size of the plot allows.

Near garden crops, you can place a little berry bushes. For best view suburban area costs extra, but place them a little far from all other cultures. A feature of this layout is that with all the abundance of species, the original form remains.

Sketch and layout of landings on a plot of 5 acres

interesting and unusual option is the free planning of the available land. The shape and size of such a plot depend directly on the available acres. When developing such a scheme, one must take into account whether it is possible to combine several different cultures with fruit trees.

If the area of ​​​​land for the garden remains quite small, then it is best to use the arrangement method vertical beds. Tall vegetables and legumes will feel great on grids and various supports. When organizing a garden, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of crops, the need for a well-arranged natural light. In addition, it is worth considering that you do not need to plant old trees for. In this case, young seedlings are quite suitable.

How to make the best choice for arranging an orchard

Given various kinds of landscape tricks, you can competently equip your plot of land, taking into account all the norms and requirements. To organize a site with your own hands, you must first correctly select the place for arranging the future orchard, select the types and varieties of trees, while taking into account the available natural and climatic conditions in the country.

equipping orchard and a garden, you need to remember that the depth of groundwater should be no more than 1.5 m. Otherwise, to significantly lower the level of groundwater, you will have to make certain channels or lay drainage pipes. Trees located on a plot of land with high groundwater, will be:

  • grow poorly;
  • give a rather low yield;
  • do not tolerate winter frosts;
  • be subject to fungal diseases.

Project and layout of the garden on a plot of 10 acres

Plants located in the country will help determine the acidity of the earth. Areas where cereals and legumes thrive are ideal for gardening. If there is a lot of sorrel on the ground in the country house, this means that the soil is quite acidic, which can adversely affect the normal fruiting of trees. You can reduce the acidity of the soil by adding lime to it. The program for arranging a garden and vegetable garden implies a preliminary study of the relief of the site.

The best option for arranging a garden are considered south sides, and the worst are the northern sides.

No need to place the garden at the lowest point land plot, since it is there that cold air will be concentrated, which can cause serious harm to many plants. When deciding on the location of the garden, it is necessary to take into account the orientation of the cardinal points.

Psychologists say that a person's well-being, his psyche and mood are strongly influenced by the smell and color that he perceives through the appropriate analyzers. In this regard, to solve the problem of color design of a summer cottage, you can be guided by your individual psycho-emotional sphere. But at the same time, one should not forget that there is also an artistic and design taste. Beautiful design suburban area 45 photo ideas.

Almost all colors are characterized by saturation, hue and lightness. The exceptions are gray, black and white colors. They are deprived color tone and are characterized by exceptional lightness. The most difficult task when choosing a color scheme for a site is to maintain harmony when choosing options for combining different colors.

There is a scientifically based color combination system. It was developed by the French physiologist E. Delacroix. The primary colors are blue, yellow and red. Additional (secondary) colors here are purple, green and orange. There are three types color combinations: characteristic, contrasting and disharmonious, landscape design of a summer cottage photo:

Beautiful decoration of the suburban area

Consider the color wheel formed by the primary colors of the optical spectrum. In such a circle, contrasting colors are opposite each other in diametrically opposite positions. Based on this combination, they achieve the effect of maximum color saturation. Making a summer cottage with your own hands - for combinations of a characteristic type, the colors that are in color wheel through one zone.

A disharmonious type is formed by combining colors of an adjacent type. It must be remembered that if you place colors that are tonally similar next to each other, their saturation is lost.
By choosing a color, you can adjust the degree of visualization of the perspective. The space visually seems closer and wider if light tones are used. On the contrary, dark tones narrow and lengthen the space. Beautiful design of a summer cottage from improvised materials photo:

If we form a flower garden, then the choice of shape and color is crucial. From the whole set of plants, plants of black, gray and white shades (for example, basil, wormwood, edelweiss) should form the basis. The use of a dark background improves the color perception of light and warm tones - a beautiful design of a summer cottage is easy to pick up. A light background emphasizes dark and cold colors. It should be noted that from the point of view of the psychology of color, an excessive number of plants colored in bright colours cause irritation. If the flower garden has a small area, it should be planted with brightly colored plants.

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

When there is a small area in the yard that is completely unused, you want to find a use for it and at least make it “pleasant to the eye”, but at the same time there is no desire to spend a lot of time and effort - you can make a front garden. Either these are flower beds, between which there will be paths, or install a gazebo, decorating it with fresh flowers or climbing plants, decorating a summer cottage with your own hands is within the power of everyone.

It takes a lot of time to plant flowers and care for them, but not always and not all flowers. In this case, the most time-consuming will be to prepare the soil by eliminating weeds and loosening the soil. Next, you can choose perennial flowers: lilies, dahlias. Roses are very beautiful, but also whimsical. If they are not treated properly, they will begin to fade, give little pleasure in flowers, and eventually either die completely or transform into a dog rose, which is not very good. Whereas lilies and dahlias, multiplying by tubers, gradually grow and are not picky about growing conditions. Registration of a summer cottage photo:

The only thing that is mandatory for them, as for all plants, is watering. Under normal circumstances, they should be dug up after they have faded and withered, but for those who can't afford that much free time, this isn't a problem. This procedure can be done every few years, despite the fact that they grow so that there is practically no place for weeds, and this issue does not arise throughout the warm season. Making a summer cottage from improvised materials photo:

Watch the video: Making a summer cottage from improvised materials

You can also plant other perennials or annual plants samoseyki. Among the perennials, the most suitable are aquilegia, aster, periwinkle, veronica, kupena, lily of the valley, mountain cornflower, daylily, dicentra, hosta, goldenrod, monarda, stonecrop, meadowsweet, polypepal, lupine, etc. Landscaping summer cottage photo, see below. Among the annuals: marigolds, calendula, escholzia, Snapdragon iberis, anhuza, kosmeya, poppy, verbena, etc. They are extremely beautiful and unpretentious to care for. In the fall, wilted remains should be removed, but this can be done for many days and even done in winter, which does not oblige you to set aside time for urgent cleaning.

A much better option, if possible, is to install a gazebo and plant climbing plants within it. They will give shelter from the sun in the hot season and will delight with flowers. The only thing to do when growing them is to set the direction for their growth. Among these plants: clematis, hydrangea, nasturtium, sweet pea, wood pliers, honeysuckle, ivy, actinidia, wisteria, etc. These plants will decorate the yard throughout the season and will be happy with a small amount of fertilizer, thanking for it with greater splendor. Beautiful design of the summer cottage photos:

The Japanese, suffering from a lack of free space, perceive nature as a gift from above. They “see a huge world in small things” and try to make their garden perfect. Why don't we take their example? In our time, a person is surrounded by a mass of everything artificial and fake. That is why it is extremely important not to lose touch with nature, to remain one with it. To have, albeit quite small, but its own territory, where you can relax, unwind and recuperate after a hard day's work. Therefore, the landscape design of a summer cottage excites many.

landscape design is a subtle art that allows you to turn an ordinary piece of land into a real one paradise with its own character and personality, filled with a special calmness and harmony. Everyone can comprehend all the subtleties of the landscape design of a summer cottage, making it beautiful and comfortable. For this, only your desire and the necessary information, which you can always find in this section, is enough.

Here you will learn about various styles landscape architecture see photos and examples different solutions landscape design. You can discuss issues such as vertical gardening and design, arrangement of flower beds, ponds, fountains, lawns and everything else related to landscaping and landscaping. The articles in this section will help make your work easier and cope with challenging task- designing a summer cottage with your own hands.

Very soon, new subsections will appear in the section: “Water facilities”, “ decorative elements garden", "Paths in the garden", etc. In them you can find all the necessary information to create not just beautiful garden, flower bed and properly equip alpine slide, but also different garden decorations, real works of landscape gardening art.

You will gain a lot non-standard ideas, rate the work of other users and, of course, get necessary advice professionals who will make your garden area unique. You can share with others useful information, talking about their victories and failures, achievements and options for landscape design of a summer cottage with their own hands. This will help other users of the site to avoid stupid mistakes when arranging their summer cottage. And their advice, in turn, will help you.

Creating a unique design for a country house plot is, of course, a difficult multi-stage process. But by sharing the necessary information and secrets with each other, prompting and advising each other, you will undoubtedly be able to create a high-quality and beautiful landscape design with your own hands. And we will definitely help you with this!

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