How to print on clothes. How to make a print on a T-shirt: step by step instructions, necessary materials, tips, photos

Life modern man firmly connected with the diverse and colorful world of fabrics. We choose clothes, interior items and upholstered furniture according to our taste, their design and colors are, as it were, an external continuation of our “I”. Fashionable, stylish clothes or interior design of an apartment is not only a way of self-expression of a person, a comfortable living environment, but also a kind of “message” about his personality to other people. Not always our tastes can be satisfied finished products from the shop. In this case, special paints for fabrics come to the aid of a person. Modern coloring means allow you to realize your most daring fantasies.

Do-it-yourself drawing on fabric has long ceased to be exotic. Often, for dyeing fabrics, aqueous solutions of dyes are used with the involvement of a variety of chemicals, heat treatment, and so on. However, at home this is not always convenient. We believe that the best solution for doing fabric dyeing at home, especially for beginners who want to try their hand at this kind of creativity, would be to use indelible dyes on acrylic base with ease of use, bright, saturated shades and excellent fade resistance. Combining fabric dyes such as acrylic spray paint, spray paint on water based, liners for contour drawings, pastel on fabric, for coloring, will help create a truly interesting, fashion design for your clothes, interior items or upholstered furniture. Creativity will help you to make a real masterpiece of creativity out of a faded T-shirt or an ottoman that has lost its original appearance.

How to draw on a T-shirt?

In the first part of our article, we will tell you how, using the simplest tools and dyes for fabrics, and even without special skills, you can fantastically change your clothes, giving it a unique, individual style!

Consider the process of applying a pattern to a fabric with aerosol dyes using the example of a regular T-shirt of a uniform color. We will tell you how to give an interesting texture to the fabric of a T-shirt using the so-called "knot technique", and how to apply an original pattern to it using a stencil. Note that these two methods of working with fabric can be used both separately and perfectly combined with each other.
The T-shirt may be new or used, it is only important that it be made from natural textiles (cotton, silk, etc.) or, in the case of mixed fabrics, include no more than 20% synthetics. We recommend washing a new T-shirt before dyeing to remove softening additives.

What do you need to dye a T-shirt at home?

Step_3 Lay out the T-shirt horizontally on a level surface. Carefully cover the area around the painting with old newspapers or a special covering film, fix the covering material with masking tape.

Step_4 Carefully attach the stencil to the T-shirt with double sided tape, or spray adhesive for temporary fixation . Try to ensure that the stencil fits as closely as possible to the fabric. Note that it is aerosol glue that provides the maximum tightness.

Step_5 Before starting work, shake the paint in the aerosol can well; shake it for at least 30 seconds. Apply spray paint smoothly, in a circular motion. For better coloring material, it is desirable to apply the paint at least 2 times, allowing the previous layer to dry for 10 minutes.

Step_7 Just like in the “knot technique”, you can apply patterns, ornaments or inscriptions in the form of clear, dense lines to the drawing created using a stencil using colored liners containing water-based textile paint.

Now that you've got the basics of working with fabric dyes at home using a simple t-shirt as an example, you can start experimenting with your clothes to give them an unusual, dressy look. We are sure that your imagination, multiplied by the almost limitless possibilities of a multi-color palette of paints for fabrics, will surely create interesting samples of creative thought.

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Visitors to this page most often choose in the online store:

You can buy a cool t-shirt. If you want a T-shirt that is also original, you can order it from a designer shop, such as ours. AS T-shirts, where each T-shirt is treated individually and even offers special VIP services for the development of prints. However, if you want a particularly exclusive T-shirt that looks like a second skin on you, you should design it yourself. That is, to come up with and prepare for printing a layout (drawing, image), which will then be applied to a T-shirt.

Impossible? Nonsense! You can do it very well.

Modern graphic editors and the abundance of visual material that the Internet is full of allow you to draw almost everything, even for those who are deprived of any abilities. All you need is patience, desire, perseverance and a little imagination. Let's get right down to business and start drawing our pattern on a T-shirt.

In this article we will tell you how to draw a cool print on a T-shirt using the example of a specific drawing created by Aaron Schnorbitz - Sex Kamikaze

So our task was:

  • Get a cool and original print for a series of hooligan t-shirts "Red ball"where a red gag ball would appear.

The resources we have at our disposal:

  • The unique drawing technique of Aaron Schnorbitz
  • Patience, desire, perseverance and imagination
  • Computer with graphics editor Illustrator CS3
  • Internet access

Solution and implementation:

The first step was to come up with an idea. The idea, as always, came to us from associations. We simply went over in our minds all the objects, words and images that we associate with the red ball, and chose the direction that seemed to us the most interesting for further development.

Red ball: round, red, ball, circle, apple, clown nose, lollipop, snooker, ball, red giant, god Ra, rising Sun, East, Japan, kamikaze…

Before us appeared the image of a kamikaze with a bandage in the form of a Japanese flag with a symbolic image of the rising red sun. This already led to interesting thoughts! But just drawing a samurai with a bandana is at least stupid. After all, we needed a cool image for an original and at the same time hooligan T-shirt. And what is the originality of a t-shirt with a samurai? Nothing.

Therefore, the knight's move was made here. It was decided to replace the image of the sun with a gag ball. From a distance, it was supposed to look like a flat image of the sun, and close up it was supposed to be transformed into a three-dimensional gag. Accordingly, the samurai must have been preoccupied. How? Boobs, of course. It is boobs that are the primary object of attention of all sick bastards. Well, as expected, the facial expression had to match.

Thus, the idea was found. It only remained to implement it. It was necessary to do the simplest thing - to realize it purely technically. "Simple"? you ask. Yeah, simple, since Aaron Schnorbitz had already fully worked out his unique drawing technique at that time.

In short, it can be formulated by the motto of Aaron Schnorbitz, which he uses in the framework of rubber art "I came, I saw, I did" and sequentially implement in two stages: collage and tracing

Following our motto and the instructions of Aaron Schnorbitz, we simply loaded the browser, where in the search bar we typed the query “kamikaze”, which is quite logical for our task, and went to the image search section.

Thus, we have begun the preparatory stage for the implementation of a T-shirt print - the search for the necessary visual material, or, more simply, images, photographs, drawings that we will use in our subsequent work.

Material search. Preparatory stage.

So, we started looking for pictures of kamikaze. We already have a very specific idea and an approximate composition of the future T-shirt print. The composition is concretized as soon as we find a suitable material.

At this stage, there are a few rules to follow if you want to make your work easier:

  • It is better to choose high-resolution pictures and without extensive shadows. They show more details. Accordingly, you can also make your image more detailed when stroking. It is always easier to miss some details than to finish them yourself.
  • The picture itself must be large. We are looking for a picture for a T-shirt, and large pictures look good on a T-shirt. So we need big plans.
  • It is better to use photographs and not to use copyright graphic works, which in execution are already close to what you want to get. By taking the author's drawing, you can violate copyrights and initially make your picture secondary and unoriginal.
  • When choosing a picture, immediately figure out how it will fit into a given area. Our picture will be located on the T-shirt, on the chest. Accordingly, the print on the T-shirt will be A4 or A3. Set up vertically.
  • Use several search engine browsers and several search phrases at once, in particular English ones. You will find more suitable pictures.

After half an hour of searching in accordance with the above rules, we found a suitable photograph of a real kamikaze, as well as the characters for "kamikaze" (Divine wind) and "banzai" that we could come in handy. For "ball gag" we also found a clear photo of the gag to give a better idea of ​​how to draw it.

Almost all the necessary pictures were found by us. However, there was one thing left - the expression on the face. According to our idea, the kamikaze was supposed to be preoccupied and excited. He must have screamed with excitement at the sight of a woman's breasts.

As you can see, our real samurai in the photo is the epitome of restraint, purposefulness and calmness - the exact opposite of what we desired. We needed to change the emotions on his face, besides, we did not want to defame the memory of the hero of the Second World War by attributing our perverted thoughts to him. We are sick in the head, but sometimes we still act within the framework, albeit abstract, but still decency.

We had two options. Try to redraw the facial expression yourself, using photographs of screaming and squealing people as examples, which is not very easy, or try to accurately select the appropriate expression and then superimpose it on the face of our samurai, that is, resort to collage.

We chose the second way, since our methodology implies minimal amateur performance and maximum use of ready-made third-party materials.

When choosing the second photo, we had to consider two things:

  • existing angle. The head of our kamikaze is deployed ¾. Accordingly, a photograph with a new facial expression should be taken from the same angle. Size doesn't matter - we can fit it, just like we do mirror reflection Pictures.
  • Try to find a photo with similar lighting. That is, so that the light source is located approximately in the same area as in the first photo. This avoids a lot of the hassle of mismatched collage shadows.

After quite a long search and variations of search queries (this is where patience came in handy), we found a perfectly matching picture through Google for the query “scream asian” (asian cry).

The foreshortening coincided, the shadows too. The facial expression was excellent. A sick freak who should have looked great on our T-shirt close-up.

On this our preparatory stage to collect material to create a pattern on a T-shirt was completed. We collected all the necessary photos and could proceed to the first stage of the realization of our idea - a collage.


You can print your own T-shirt.

How to print on a T-shirt with a printer

About 20 years ago, drawings on clothes at home were applied only with special stickers that were produced in China. But they did not translate well and quickly peeled off after washing, and also limited the choice of pictures.

Today, any pattern can be applied to a T-shirt. For this you will need:

  • color printer;
  • T-shirt;
  • Thermal transfer paper;
  • iron.

In order for the print to be printed, use clothing that contains at least 80% cotton, otherwise the synthetic fabric will deteriorate from the iron and the pattern will be distorted.

Find on the Internet or create any drawing yourself. In the image editor, mirror it, especially if there are captions. Print the design on thermal transfer paper using a printer. Before buying it, pay attention to the look, it differs for dark and light fabrics, as well as for inkjet and laser printers.

Smooth out the t-shirt and attach the paper to it, with the image to the fabric. Iron the sheet with the most heated iron without steam for 1–1.5 minutes. Carefully remove upper layer thermal transfer paper, the design will remain on the fabric.

Stylist Tips: How to Wear a Floral Print

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How to print on a T-shirt with acrylic paint

If you don't have a printer, you can get by with acrylic paint. A drawing or an inscription is applied by hand or through a stencil, so if you do not know how to draw, you will not be able to make a complex print. You need to use special acrylic paint for fabric.

Drawing steps:

  • cut out a stencil with a pattern or inscription from paper;
  • iron the T-shirt;
  • put something solid under it;
  • fill the stencil with paint with a sponge;
  • trim irregularities with a brush;
  • after a day, iron the print through a thin fabric.

Or, without a stencil, draw any pattern with a brush.

You need to work with paint quickly, it dries in 15 minutes. Apply a thin layer, otherwise it will smudge or not dry.

The most important thing to remember when creating a print is that you are not making an illustration on the fabric, but the clothes. In this case, you are a stylist and fashion designer. And this means that no matter how beautiful your drawing is, it should not be in the first place. It should emphasize and / or create an image of the person who will wear it. Prints now appear most often on T-shirts, tank tops or sweatshirts. Clothing for youth, semi-sports, often summer. This is important for the theme and style.

Based on these features, techniques for working with prints are built.

First. Message.

Or a print theme. For a print to be actively bought, its theme must be close and understandable to many. But do not go into banality. Ideally, the message should be close to a certain circle of people. Then it will reflect the character. For example, lovers of photography or yoga.

Second. The size.

No need to grind. Of the two options: make it too small or too large - it's better to go to the second extreme. Moreover, neither the size of the print nor the graphics inside it need to be reduced. The print is perceived at a distance and in the constant movement of a person, which means that its graphics should be easy to read in such field conditions.

Third. Silhouette.

A print is an addition to clothes, which means that the points of contact with which the illustration touches the surface are very important. The silhouette for prints should be expressive, clear, not breaking the surface. And the best way is to be as simple as possible. Since the readability of the picture depends on the shape of the silhouette. If you neglect the work with the contour, then the illustration on the clothes may be completely lost, just the impression of some kind of colorful fabric will remain.

If the source file of your print is a pattern, then you can fill it with a simple, appropriate shape. But usually it is not just filling with a pattern that looks more advantageous, but manually arranging one of its forms from its elements. This avoids the unfortunate and inevitable, in the case of mechanical filling, trimming of some pattern shapes:

Another option is to select a few characteristic elements and make a composition out of them:

Fourth. Colour.

It is better to make the color of the print, if not bright, then definitely clear. This means that if the shades are bright and juicy, then it is really strong and bright. If it's vintage, it's really a very dusty pastel color. And of course black and white graphics always effective. It will suit any color of fabric, with each new shade getting a little new sound. In any case, it is always worth remembering that the print - when it is bought - is always an increase in the expressiveness of the image, its most powerful stroke, which means that it must be noticeable and clearly and quickly read. After all, in fact, the print is a poster, only on a person.

Fifth. Font.

Since the print is similar to the poster, the messages on it work very effectively. And here the main thing is not to spoil everything with an unsuccessful font. The author's lettering works very well. If you use a typeface, then be sure to study the history of the font with which you are typing. If there is absolutely no desire and time for this, then it is better to take a typeface that is universal for posters - some simple grotesque. Like Helvetica or pragmatics. In addition, they have many options for styles, and you can choose them for the richness of your work.

We publish a note about the methods of printing on T-shirts in general and about silk-screen printing in particular.

To begin with, we will tell you what methods of printing on textiles generally exist.

Thermal transfer and sublimation- as you can understand from the name of the method, this is image transfer when exposed to heat. The image itself can be created different ways. For example, the most popular for one-color printing of images without fine detail is cutting with a plotter from a special film. The cut image is placed on the product and, under the influence of high temperature, with the help of a thermal press, is “pinned” to the textile surface. But in the same way, you can transfer a full-color image or even a photograph. To do this, the required pattern is printed (usually mirrored) on a sheet of special paper, with which it is then transferred under the action of a thermal press and fixed on a T-shirt. Here other nuances already come into play: for example, if a T-shirt is fully or half synthetic, then the fiber itself will hold the paint and sublimation ink is used. If the textile is not suitable for sublimation, then before transferring or in the process of transferring the image to the textile, it is necessary to apply a separate layer that will hold the paint. Pictures printed in this way on T-shirts do not withstand intense mechanical stress and are very durable. But photo quality and all that.

Here, with the help of such a heat press, a film or an image is “glued” to the surface of a T-shirt.

Direct digital printing- the easiest and most understandable way: a T-shirt is placed in a special test printer with textile ink! And the printer prints the necessary image on it just like on a white sheet of paper. There is nothing easier! But what if the T-shirt is colored - red, green or even black ?! Here we are faced with the disadvantages of this printing method. In order to print on a colored T-shirt, you need to print on it White color. Yes exactly. The silhouette of the whole drawing is sealed with white paint. Drying. And already a color image is applied to a layer of white paint. Thus, there are two layers of paint on the T-shirt. And you also need to smooth the pile and eliminate the absorption of white paint by the fibers, that is, apply a special primer. It turns out that all three layers of paint are applied to the product with direct digital printing on color T-shirts. Alas, the properties of inks for such printers do not allow them to withstand more than 10 strong washes. It must be added that there are huge printers that do not print on finished goods, and immediately on canvases in rolls. Patterns and large images are printed. And later this material with the applied image will be cut and sewn into products.

Printers for direct digital printing on textiles: popular i-dot for individual T-shirts and an industrial wide-format printer for patterning uncut fabrics.

Flex- This is the application of images with textile films. It's like an industrial application. It is used for applying an inscription or logo in 1-3 colors for small runs (1-10 pcs). An image, most often an inscription or parts of a logo, is cut out of a special textile film and fixed on the product under pressure at high temperature using a heat press. Textile films come in a variety of colors and effects: gold, silver, imitation foil, glitter, neon. The name "Flex" - from the English "flexible", "stretching". These textile films adhere well to the fabric and stretch with it.

This is how the application of the logo from textile films looks like.

Screen printing (silk screen printing)- a method of applying images using a stencil - a printing plate through which the ink penetrates the textile in places corresponding to the image. With silkscreen printing suitable paints can be carried out on an almost infinite number of materials - on textiles, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metals, etc. Paints are also different - water-based, solvent (solvent-based), ultraviolet curing, plastisol (they require temperature fixing). Silk-screen printing also prints decals - these are decals on glass or ceramics. Screen printing is also used to apply an erasable scratch layer for lottery tickets and payment cards.

Here on such a machine they print using the silk-screen printing method. We will meet him later in the story.

Each of these methods is good in its own way and ideally applied in a suitable case.

TEESHKA T-shirts - for everyday wear. They are 100% their cotton. T-shirt colors vary. Quality and durability must be maximum. Hence, our choice is silk screen printing. Let's talk more about screen printing with plastisol inks on T-shirts. So:

. Every print starts with a layout. Of course, the image must be of high quality, so we will not consider the opposite option. In a vector or in a raster - it does not matter, the main thing is that the quality of the print allows you to turn it into print quality. The first procedure that is assigned to the picture is the color separation procedure. The image must be divided by color. Paints different colors are applied in turn, so several pictures are obtained from the picture - each of its own color. This is the task of color separation. For clarity, let's give an example of division in the CMYK color model, which is used in printing: a color picture can be represented as the result of overlaying four single-color images (see figure). Similarly, when preparing for screen printing, the image is divided into several colors - their number depends on the model of the printing machine and the need to apply special colors.

Color separation in CMYK model

. Film output. Further, for each color, a separate layout is made on a special plastic film. These films are printed in black with the image responsible for each composite color in the finished layout. Therefore, on the film with the signature "blue" the area that should be filled in will be printed blue color to get the desired color image. If the print is printed not on a white, but on a colored T-shirt, then an additional film with a general outline of the print is displayed - this area will be filled with white paint as a background. All films are also printed with marks for precise alignment with other films and printing plates.

Finished films for each color.

. What are stencils for printing made of. The films are ready and now it is necessary to prepare the actual stencils, because screen printing is screen printing. Stencils are otherwise called printing plates. These forms are also made each for its own color. Stencils are made on special frames resembling a sieve - a fine mesh is stretched over the frames, through which the paint will be applied to the T-shirt. The cells of the grid can be of different calibers, because there are a great many colors, and they have different properties, and some simply "do not crawl" through a very fine grid. For each type of karski and colors are selected required mesh and prepare the stencil.

Various colors. Both in color and properties.

For example, there are paints like "gold powder" or "stardust".

. Creation of printed forms. How does a stencil come out of a frame? On the grid thin layer a photosensitive emulsion is applied. The properties of the emulsion are such that when exposed to bright light, the emulsion solidifies. This is where the very ones are needed plastic films! The frame with the mesh and the emulsion applied to the mesh is connected to the film using specially designed marks. The idea is that the black-printed area on the film to be printed certain color, will not let bright light through when irradiated. Light will not fall on the emulsion, and it will then be washed off with water in the right areas.

An emulsion is applied to the frame. Subsequently, a stencil will be obtained from the frame, emulsion and film.

. Exhibiting printed forms. So, an emulsion is applied to the frame, a film is glued to create a stencil shape, and this whole company must be exposed, and in other words, irradiated. This takes place in a special closet. Such a special cabinet-table for exhibiting. Table - because there is a countertop. Transparent, glass. And under it is a very bright lamp - it is better not to look at its light. And the closet - because the tabletop is closed from above with a door made of very elastic rubber. It turns out that the presence of the door protects the eyes of the printer from the bright light of the lamp, and the elasticity of the door allows the pump to pump out air, since the emulsion loves a vacuum and is exposed faster in it. It takes a couple of minutes to irradiate the future stencil. In general, those who are richer buy more modern tables with more powerful lamps, and the process is accelerated, but we are not so interested.

Wardrobe-table and lamp. The lamp is down and off, otherwise we would not be able to remove it, but we could go blind.

. Excess emulsion is washed off with water. Teak! The sensor on the exposure chamber (namely, this is how the cabinet-table for irradiation is cleverly called) gives a signal, which means that the emulsion has hardened in right places. Then the stencil is sent to the shower, where everything is simple: that part of the emulsion that was not hit by bright light is washed off with water. Remember, it was not missed by a film with a black coating? After the unhardened emulsion is washed off with water, the stencil is ready! In the same way, stencils are made for other colors in this print. When the circulation with this print is printed, the stencils will be washed off the grids on the frames - they will be placed in a special solution and there the hardened emulsion will "leak out". Store the finished stencils no special meaning, since the frames are quite expensive, mesh tension is also an expensive pleasure. It is easier if necessary to make the same stencils again - therefore, when ordering silk-screen printing, you almost always need to pay extra for the production of printing plates.

Shower for stencil. The unhardened emulsion, which was covered with a film, is washed off with a jet of water.

. Installing stencils on a printing press. The stencils are ready to print, that is, they are ready to pass the paint on the T-shirt in the right places! As mentioned above, silk is printed using special so-called. carousel machines. They really are like a carousel (there was already a picture above carousel machine) - tables are attached to the rotating platform in the center, and fasteners for stencils already familiar to us are attached to the fixed part of the machine. T-shirts are placed or put on tables. Stencils are inserted into the mounts. Then the attraction of the screen printing itself begins.

Mounts for stencils on a printing press.

The stencil fixed on the machine.

. Screen printing process directly. The attraction consists in this - stencils are lowered onto the tables with T-shirts, the corresponding paint is applied to each of them; it is smeared and pressed through the printing plate with a piece called a squeegee - it is plastic or rubber. Through the stencil, the ink gets onto the T-shirt exactly where it is needed. Then the carousel spins, and the table with the T-shirt arrives under the next stencil, where a different color will be applied.

Stencil over the table on which the T-shirt lies.

. intermediate drying. After visiting each stencil, the T-shirt on its table drives under a special stove in order to dry the newly applied paint. So, with intermediate drying, the T-shirt on its table will visit all the necessary stencils and receive the necessary portions of paints.

Here is a modest dryer that dries the paint on T-shirts after each turn of the carousel.

. final drying. After all the colors have been applied, the T-shirts from all the tables are sent to a special "tunnel" dryer for fixing drying. I leave the T-shirt tunnel ready to wear.

Tunnel drying takes place in such a device. At the exit from it has a ready-to-wear T-shirt!

. Everything is ready! It remains only to pack. Ready T-shirts to come The final stage adventures at the factory - packaging, where T-shirts are sorted by size and placed in individual bags.

So we briefly talked about how the picture created by the designer ends up on TEESHKA T-shirts.
Wait for the next posts!

In the appendage - a story about one trick. This trick can be useful for those who print silk for themselves or on business.
Silk-screen printing on special sheets with subsequent thermal transfer. Such a move allows you to save products - T-shirts. Let's imagine that there is no certainty that the print is successful, and there is a risk of making a batch of T-shirts that "do not work". So, you can print this print not immediately on products, but on special sheets of paper, which are then covered with a special adhesive layer. If you have a heat press, you can easily transfer the image to one, five, or as many T-shirts as you need. And if the print is really successful, then transfer the entire circulation from sheets to T-shirts through a heat press. Otherwise (if the print "did not enter") the sheets with prints will remain, yes. But t-shirts will not be printed and it will be possible to apply a different image on them.
