Proper table setting: photo. Proper table setting: instructions for use Properly set the table

Table setting implies the correct arrangement of dishes, appliances and its decoration. Its design directly depends on the target area, it can be an ordinary feast, a solemn event or a business lunch. But some rules must be observed in any event.

Naturally, in order to arrange a real celebration, you need a large cozy hall where you can accommodate all the invited guests, and you should also take care of beautiful dishes, tablecloths, cutlery and a variety of festive dishes. Near each plate are knives, forks, spoons, glasses and glasses. As a rule, all devices are usually divided into individual and auxiliary. The latter are used to take food from common dishes, they include spoons, forks, tongs, scoops and more. With auxiliary forks and spoons, they put food from a common dish on their plate, while the spoon is in right hand, and the fork in the left. Sauces and hot soups are placed in ladles very carefully, so as not to drip onto the tablecloth. If this nevertheless happened, you can, without attracting everyone's attention, blot the soiled place with a napkin.

Traditional design implies a certain order of arrangement of dishes on the table. First, items made of porcelain or faience are placed, cutlery is laid, and then glasses, glasses, glassware and crystal.

A photo of the table setting is presented below:

Of considerable importance when decorating are fabric and paper napkins. Fabric harmoniously can complement general design They look sophisticated and elegant. According to etiquette, guests put them on their knees so as not to stain their clothes. Paper napkins wipe lips and hands during or after a meal.

Table setting for a birthday and a lot of photos

Name day is one of the most favorite holidays for both adults and children, so the table setting for a birthday should be elegant, original and even bright.

A large role in the design is given to tablecloths. It can be plain white or vice versa, colorful. And lace patterns on it will give the table a solemn look. In order to prevent the appearance of stains, an oilcloth is placed on top of the tablecloth.

Table setting for a birthday is not complete without tableware such as wicker fruit baskets, crystal vases for sweets and salads, china plates and elegant glasses.

It is very important to think over the number of invited guests in advance, so that there are enough devices for everyone present in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

A vase of flowers is placed near the birthday boy, but in such a way that it does not interfere and does not block the view. Fruit baskets are placed on both sides of the table, it is desirable that they be the same.

After that, several coasters with bread and sandwiches are placed at the same distance from one another and drinks. As for the plates, there is a generally accepted rule - to put them half a meter apart, and from the edge of the table they should be one centimeter. Using assorted cups and plates to solemn occasion It is considered bad form, so it is best to take dishes from the service, because they are not only beautiful, but also the same.

It is arranged as follows: first, shallow plates are placed for the second, larger ones are placed on them for first courses, and on top are the smallest ones, which are used for snacks.

The arrangement of cutlery has its own characteristics: a fork is placed on the left, and a spoon and a table knife are placed on the right, and the spoon and fork should lie with the concave side up. Paper napkins are laid out on the left side. Glasses, glasses and glasses are arranged in descending order from left to right, starting with the largest capacity.

It is customary to start the holiday with cold dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, then hot and dessert are served. Hot usually consists of the first and second. The hostess must definitely check the presence of a spoon in each salad bowl so that it is convenient for guests to put it on.

For kids festive table served in the same way as for adults, but now many parents prefer to use plastic utensils, in order to prevent possible injury and breakage of expensive services. In addition, today plastic glasses and plates delight with their bright and original appearance, which allows you to make a children's table elegant and colorful.

As you know, children have a big sweet tooth, so you should pay special attention to sweets: cakes, cookies, sweets, ice cream, which should be served in beautiful vases and other desserts. Fruit can be unusually cut and spread out.

Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea or coffee are suitable as drinks for children. And of course, the main attribute of the celebration will be a beautiful birthday cake.

Do-it-yourself festive table setting

Each hostess, preparing for any solemn event, tries to decorate the festive table as best as possible. But, before covering, it is worth considering in what style it will be decorated.

First of all, the choice depends on the design and colors of dishes and tablecloths, and it is much easier to choose a tablecloth for dishes than dishes for a tablecloth. If the home arsenal has a service made of delicate, exquisite crystal, a snow-white tablecloth and starched, perfectly white napkins will perfectly match with it. Bouquets of flowers in crystal vases will be a wonderful decoration. It is much easier to choose a canvas for porcelain dishes, because any combinations and accessories will look good on it.

The setting of the festive table will become more refined if you add an additional zest to it in the form of colored or plain napkins folded into various figures. Most importantly, the tablecloth, dishes and napkins should be combined with each other.

A plain tablecloth is very practical, on which you can place dishes of any color. To give a more solemn look, it is decorated with a silk ribbon. If there is an elegant coffee service on the table, a tablecloth and napkins with lace will be an excellent addition to it.

Paper napkins folded in a special way will help complete the look. Thanks to great variety of these products, they can be easily selected for any event, whether it be a wedding, New Year, Valentine's Day and other holidays. Special holders, which are now included in the set of services, will help to fix the napkins.

Candles and candlesticks on the festive table create a special unique atmosphere in the room and decorate the event. These attributes will be appropriate at any celebration, the main thing is not to replace lighting with them, since the festive table should be well lit. The color of the candles must be chosen in a single color scheme with napkins or a tablecloth, dishes or glasses.

The New Year and Christmas table will convey the whole atmosphere of the holiday if you decorate it with white or red candles in candlesticks with fir branches. You can arrange them in a flower arrangement or between bouquets, or screw them to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets. You can see a photo of what such a table setting looks like here.

Table setting for the holiday can be complemented by all sorts of things and objects, for example, silk ribbons that match the tone of the dishes. They make up patterns, or skip from bouquets to cutlery, thereby creating smooth lines and rings.

Various silver figurines are also not uncommon on a modern ceremonial table. And finally, flowers serve as an indispensable element of serving. Properly decorated and arranged bouquets help cheer up, create coziness in the room where the holiday takes place, and also add a touch of charm and charm to the table setting.

Home table setting

As a rule, serving home table falls on weekends when the family has the opportunity to gather at the dinner table in full force. For this occasion, prepare delicious food, loved by family members, leisurely conversations are held, the time at such a dinner passes very pleasantly and sincerely.

A well-laid, beautifully decorated table teaches children how to properly use cutlery, promotes a good appetite, and gives pleasure to household members who are behind it.

Table setting for breakfast

Aesthetic table setting for breakfast cheers up the whole day, but it also has its own characteristics. First, plates for snacks are placed, and then cups or glasses on saucers. The handle of the cup and the spoon on the saucer should be on the right side so that they are easy to use. Eggs boiled "soft-boiled" or "in a bag" are served in a special stand with a long leg, which is placed on a plate for snacks along with an egg spoon (it is better to use a plastic device for this, since a metal spoon will acquire bad smell). Porridge is poured into a deep plate, which is also placed on the diner. Hot drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa are poured into cups from a teapot or coffee pot, which are placed in the middle of the table or on the side, so that they can be easily taken out. Pastries and sandwiches are laid out on a wide dish, butter, a plate with honey, jam or jam, a sugar bowl and a salt shaker are also placed on the table.

A small set of several napkins and a heater for a teapot (coffee pot) will decorate the table and create coziness. This set must be made in the same style from the same material. A classic option is a set of products in a cage that will suit any kitchen interior. It is very practical and inexpensive to use paper napkins, which are placed under the appliance or on a plate of bread. It is useful to involve older children in setting the home table, and gradually they will learn this interesting, simple duty.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner requires compliance with several rules. Usually, it is customary to serve cold and hot dishes for lunch, and dessert at the end of the meal. Such serving will require the presence of several devices (spoons and forks) for laying out food into individual plates from common dishes. Snack plates are served for each member of the family, along with a fork and knife. A snack knife is used for butter.

First courses (hot soups) are served in bouillon cups and deep bowls. Both of them are put on the table in a special substitution plate in order to make it easier to clean these dishes and then so that the table and tablecloth do not heat up. Tablespoons are served with broths and soups, and knives and forks for meat.

The main dishes are laid out in small, pre-served plates. If this is a fish dish, the table is served with a fork and a spatula knife, which separates the fish fillet from the bones. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, omelettes, casseroles and similar dishes are divided into pieces with a fork. Dessert is served at the end of a meal, when all used dishes after the first and second meals are removed.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch setting, with the only difference being that there are no hot appliances. A casserole, pancakes, pancakes, or a sweet pie are prepared for the evening meal.

Dessert plates are preliminarily placed on the table, dessert forks are laid out to the left of them, and dessert knives are laid out to the right. Cups for hot drinks are placed to the right of the plate, or closer to the center of the table.

A very useful acquisition for the kitchen will be a utility table, which perfectly helps out the hostess while eating. Additional plates, cups, cutlery and other items that may be required for meals are placed on it.

Table setting at home is painstaking, but at the same time pleasant and interesting activity which will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the whole family.

Of course, the beauty and originality of the design depend on the imagination and diligence of the hostess. In this case, it is important to take into account a lot: the choice of dishes and cutlery, the color of the tablecloth, napkins, as well as correct location all items and decorative elements. But besides this, there are generally accepted and long-established rules for table setting, they must be taken into account when designing it.

One of the main requirements is the presence of a spotlessly clean and ironed tablecloth. Its ends should hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 30 cm, and the corners should cover its legs.

When arranging the dishes, you need to start with the plates, cleanly washed, wiped with a towel and polished to a shine with a napkin. Snack plates are located opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. A pie plate is placed to the left of the snack bar. Only the necessary appliances should be on the table, you should not overload it with extra dishes, firstly, it spoils general form, and secondly, it creates certain inconveniences for guests.

To make it easier to seat a large number of guests, you can pre-make cards with the names of all those present and place them near the glasses.

The distance between the chairs should be approximately 50 cm, this will ensure a comfortable pastime at the table.

Despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, do-it-yourself table setting will be successful if you put maximum effort and patience into this work, show ingenuity and imagination as much as possible, and, of course, bring a piece of your soul into it. Then any event will be held with a bang and will be appreciated.

Lunches, friendly dinners and just tea parties with friends - so you want to do everything right and beautiful, so that everyone is comfortable, so that
the time spent was truly enjoyable for everyone. But surprising guests with culinary talent or entertaining with an interesting conversation is far from everything.
No matter how tasty and original the treats are, it is important to serve them correctly, to present them in accordance with the rules and etiquette. Perhaps for some it seems like an unimportant "tribute to tradition", but think about it, this "science" of table setting is more than one hundred years old.

The art of table setting has been formed over thousands of years, improving with each new generation. It represents a multifaceted and interesting feast culture. Just think how many peoples and nationalities are on our Earth! Each and every one of them has not only their own cuisine and their own way of life, but also their own principles of serving dishes and table setting rules. This science can be studied endlessly, without ceasing to be surprised and look for something new.

Of course, today we will not be able to cover the entire scope of existing traditions and features, but it is quite possible to “slightly open the door” to this interesting World and give several answers to the question of how to lay the table. I offer you a few rules of the generally accepted, "European" table setting, used in many countries, including Russia.

Simple Secrets table setting, which we sometimes tend to forget

Firstly, I want to clarify right away that the decision on how to set the table is made by each hostess independently. There are many options that meet the basic rules. The main thing to remember is that this "art" is more dependent on the taste and wishes of the person setting the table. It doesn't have to be about financial possibilities. Believe me, a simple tablecloth with paper napkins can look very beautiful and sophisticated.

When setting the table, try to take into account the number and type of dishes, take care of the availability of the necessary utensils, cutlery and other items in advance. For example, if there are dishes on the menu that you need to eat with your hands, stock up on enough napkins or prepare a bowl for washing your hands.

When setting the table, be guided by the circle of guests (close friends, colleagues, relatives with children, etc.). It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for each of the guests. If you plan to have small children at the table, most likely you will need to replace the fork and knife with a tablespoon or dessert spoon.

It is important that the table setting matches the type and occasion of the feast.
If it's a business or formal dinner (such as an introduction dinner), it's best to stick to a more restrained, neutral style. If only friends and close people are among those invited, the serving may be more free, using additional table decorations and other things.
It is also important to remember that all elements of the table setting should be combined not only with each other, but also organically fit into the overall interior of the room. Classics are transparent glass goblets and white plates, which are universal for almost any table, if there are none, then try to choose the most suitable service from the available ones.

The main “favorites” of table setting, as already partially mentioned earlier, are: tablecloth, napkins, crockery, cutlery and various decoration items. In order to correctly and quickly arrange the numerous items involved in setting the table, a certain sequence of actions is provided, guided by it, we will try to set the table.

Answering the question "how
set the table", it would be appropriate to say about the tablecloth

Naturally, before setting the festive table with dishes and cutlery, it must be covered with a tablecloth. Today in stores you can find plastic and oilcloth tablecloths. different colors and drawings. They are certainly beautiful, but more suitable for everyday use.

A linen (fabric) tablecloth is considered truly festive and “homemade”. It can be colored, plain or with a pattern around the edges. Her choice depends on the type of feast, the color of the dishes used, the general interior of the room. Ideally, it should go well with curtains and furniture upholstery (if there is one in the room).

The best option a tablecloth with a plain, preferably light, central part is considered. Bright and colorful canvases can not only distract from dishes, but also quickly tire due to the saturation of colors and the contrast of the pattern. If you decide to use a dark-colored tablecloth, try to match it with light-colored dishes, this will appearance the table more harmonious and pleasant.

And, the main thing. Whatever tablecloth is preferred, it must be spotlessly clean and well ironed. If you are afraid for its quality and appearance, in some cases you can cover the tablecloth with a thin transparent oilcloth or unfold a beautiful matching napkin under each plate.

Crockery and cutlery

After setting the table with a tablecloth, arrange plates, glasses and cutlery. At the same time, it is recommended not only to wash and wipe them thoroughly, but also, if possible, polish them to a shine. Multi-layer paper napkins or stiff cotton towels that do not leave lint work well for this.

On the eve of the feast, do not be too lazy to clean the cutlery, they should not have stains and water stains. Moreover, this is not acceptable in the case of glassware for drinking: wine glasses, glasses, glasses and glasses must be perfectly transparent, which is easy to check by light.
After bringing the serving items to the required state, we begin to arrange them:

    1. a snack plate (medium-sized plate) is located at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table strictly opposite each chair;
    2. to the left of the snack plate (at a distance of 5-15 cm) a bread plate (pie) is placed. However, in a home, even a festive, feast, it is rarely used;
    3. in case several dishes are provided, a small dining room is placed under the snack plate.

During the meal, a timely change of plates is provided, in accordance with the dishes served.

Next, we move on to cutlery. The knife and tablespoon are always placed on the right side, the fork on the left. The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate, the handle in right side. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that, according to the rules, a person begins to use the utensils lying at the outer edge, then, as the dishes change, he takes the utensils towards the plate. The distance between adjacent appliances, as well as between appliances and a plate, should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

Wine glasses, glasses, glasses, etc., are also calculated for only one type of drink. The wine glass is placed on the right, the water glass on the left. More often they are displayed in one line, but it is not customary to display more than three items in a row. When the table is fully set, items for drinks are placed in two rows.


About how to set the table with napkins, or rather how to serve napkins - a special conversation. Someday it is necessary to devote a separate article to him, to talk about

addition options and the possibilities of decorating the table with them. Now let's talk about some basic rules.

This important serving attribute is used at all feasts without exception. For important festive celebrations, linen (linen, cotton) napkins are more often used, sometimes they can be replaced with paper ones. A folded napkin is placed on each guest's snack plate. If paper napkins are used, they can be placed under the right edge of the plate.

Arrangement of devices with spices

Appliances with spices are placed at the end of the serving. They are installed in the middle of the table on special stands. Salt and pepper must be required; mustard, table vinegar, vegetable and other seasonings - as needed (in accordance with the menu).

How to lay a festive table and
everyday with jewelry

The main decoration of any table is, of course, flowers. They are pleasing to the eye and pleasant to almost everyone. But, at the same time, using them for serving, try to take into account a few nuances:

    1. Most importantly, make sure that none of the invited guests are allergic to this type of plant.
    2. Do not use flowers with a strong smell for a table bouquet. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can become cloying and produce an undesirable effect.
    3. Place the vase at an appropriate distance from dishes and cutlery so that pollen or accidentally fallen petals cannot get into the food.

In addition to flowers, figurines, various figurines and souvenirs are also used to decorate the table. So, if any holiday or family celebration served as a reason for the feast, you can use the appropriate paraphernalia to decorate the table.

For example, for Christmas or New Year, make beautiful composition from candles, tinsel, Christmas decorations or souvenirs (observing safety measures when lighting candles); for a wedding celebration, use small figurines of doves, figurines of the bride and groom, flowers; when preparing a youth or children's birthday - focus on bright colors, for children - pick up images of your favorite characters; decorating the table for colleagues for a professional holiday, good decision will be the use of small items associated with professional activity etc. The main thing, remember, in everything a reasonable measure is important.

And yet, whatever decoration you choose, be it flower bouquet or a figurine, it should be such a height that all guests can freely see each other.

A few words about etiquette
Try to create comfortable conditions for each of the invitees. Remember that the hostess can offer guests certain places, or let them choose their own.
A sign of the end of the feast can be a used linen napkin left by the hostess on the table. Otherwise, even when temporarily leaving the table, both guests and hosts in no case put a napkin on the table (only on a chair).
When inviting guests, the hostess should make sure that the menu contains dishes for all guests. If for some reason the guest does not eat any food, it is important to notice this in time and, without focusing attention, offer him an appropriate replacement.

Enjoy your feasts and happy holidays with your family, friends and loved ones!

Tatiana Raduga

- meals that have become commonplace for every family, where dishes only replace each other day after day, as if in a kaleidoscope of a cookbook. In a homely way cozy atmosphere, already familiar to us to every drop on the walls coffee cups, little, and sometimes no attention is paid to table setting. There is an opinion that beautiful table- a matter that requires a lot of time, skills, an excellent sense of taste, and, of course, a lot of special accessories and various dishes. In this article, we will dispel the myth of complexity and talk about how to properly set the table and easily make it elegant, cozy and beautiful.

Dishes are the queen of the table.

Of course, the most important element in the question of how to properly set the table is the dishes. Her choice should be taken especially carefully, because food always looks more appetizing on a beautiful dish, and the table with her participation looks more stylish and harmonious. When choosing various plates, saucers, tureens and other paraphernalia for serving main courses, you should give preference to plain collections or dishes with a minimalist ornament. For daily serving, dishes of delicate pastel shades (white, beige, powdery, etc.) are perfect. Those who like dark colors should pay attention to monochromatic options in black and gray. If monochromatic dishes seem too boring for you, choose options with large drawings, however, do not forget to take into account the fact that plates of the same tone, for the most part, look more advantageous when served. An exception here are dishes with a border of classic geometric symbols (cage, rhombuses, etc.), solid dark colors (deep green, rich blue, noble red), or classic lines of silver or gold hues.

Not less than important aspect when choosing dishes for eating is its shape. Pay attention to the classic round and oval dishes - with their help, table setting becomes easier and faster, and in view of the shapes already familiar to the eye, add fresh ideas any housewife can easily! Crockery non-standard geometric shapes looks no less elegant and, of course, more original than the classics. However, with such a serving, you should be more careful - too many dishes of an outstanding shape on one table will not always look stylish and comfortable. That is why, if you prefer dishes unusual shapes, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the sets (services) - as a rule, they contain all the necessary dishes for a daily meal, which will save you from extra hassle and add style to the overall decoration of the table.

As for the main meal utensils, the standard set of three components - a fork, a spoon and a knife - remains unchanged. Try to follow a single stylistic line - laconic silver color or beautiful patterns on the handles, flat or voluminous at the base - all appliances must certainly be designed in the same style. For everyday lunches and dinners, it is not necessary to set the table with the participation of separate devices for hot and salad, but do not forget about the obligatory presence of one set of knife and fork along the edges of the plate. If a tablespoon is used when serving, its place is always on the right, with outside from a knife. Beautifully placed cutlery on the table makes the table more harmonious, so we advise you to always pay attention to this small but such a useful detail.

Don’t forget about serving main courses and appetizers – always separate cooking and serving utensils. You should not mix the salad in a salad bowl that is planned to be placed on the table - the edges stained with sauce will not add appetizingness to the dish and will not add elegance to the serving. For hot dishes, large-volume dishes are well suited. If soup or porridge is planned on the menu, you should make sure that each of those sitting at the table has their own plate, designed for this kind of dishes. Pots on the table rarely look advantageous and are a decoration, unless we are talking about any themed meals. For cold and hot snacks, it is better to choose small beautiful dishes. Here you can give vent to courage and add dishes with original ornaments, interesting textures and shapes to the table. However, do not forget about a single gamut of the table - when serving snacks, you should also consider color tones main plates and dishes.

And what about drinks?

Next, let's turn to the dishes for drinks, it is also very important in the question of how to properly set the table. Cups, glasses, glasses - each of the items is selected in accordance with the time of eating and drinking, respectively. Now on the market there is a huge variety of tea and coffee cups and mugs with all kinds of prints, glasses and goblets of unusual shapes, different designs and colors. However, if we are talking about table setting, this kind of dishes should be chosen based on the colors of the plates and saucers served with drinks. Speaking of glasses, it is worth noting that universal option classic glass remains for everyday serving - if desired, the color and shape can be selected according to general style table, but such a choice will always remain a win-win.

Depending on the planned drinks, complete the serving with small accessories - smart straws will stylishly complement milk drinks and juices, a dessert cherry on a creamy hat of a hot drink will make it more festive, and a cinnamon stick in a glass will decorate the drink and cheer you up with its aroma. Turning to the issue of choosing glasses, it must be remembered that each drink is supposed to have its own special form of those. Of course, it would be nice to have in your arsenal different kinds glasses, but for everyday use, it is enough to choose several variations based on your favorite drinks. For example, to serve wine, it is enough to have one classic set of wine glasses, they will look great in beautiful glass glasses of an unusual shape, and for stronger drinks, you can use universal glasses. When serving alcoholic beverages also do not forget to complement them with small details - an apple or citrus slice on the rim of a glass, a sprig of mint or ice cubes will make the drink much prettier.

Tea? Ladies and Gentlemen!

Tea cups with or without saucers are perfect for serving. Do not forget to complement tea and coffee sets with spoons specially designed for them - in addition to practicality, these seemingly ordinary devices perfectly complement the overall look of the table, making the overall picture more complete. As for cups with large patterns, various prints and inscriptions, it is better to leave them for special occasions. Every evening it is extremely pleasant to drink a hot cup of your favorite drink from a mug dear to your soul, so why deprive yourself of such pleasure? remove all unnecessary utensils from the table.

Replace large hot dishes with beautiful decorative fruit baskets or pastries, place desserts on a beautiful cake stand, and replace salad bowls with elegant vases with dried fruits or jam. Do not forget to complement each dish with a device with which you can put food on your plate - for this it is not necessary to use all kinds of devices, for an everyday meal, an ordinary spoon, fork or a small spatula will be enough when it comes to cake.

When serving, be sure to take into account the nature of the dishes served - if there is jam, honey and similar additions on the table, it is necessary for everyone sitting at the table to put a socket, a bowl, or another small dish in which you can put topping, and also do not forget to take into account the need for appliances for each from desserts. If there is butter on the table, do not forget to put a separate knife to it; for everyday serving, it can be replaced with a regular knife with a rounded corner. In general, for everyday serving, there is no need to set the table using special dessert forks and knives, however, it is when serving sweet dishes that you can safely use elegant devices - spoons of unusual shapes, small forks with original design and similar decorative items. In general, the elegant look of the table is made up of just such trifles. And what accessories can be added to everyday table setting to make it stylish and beautiful, let's talk further.

Beauty is in the details.

In the question of how to properly set the table, all the details are important, including the decor! Anything can be used as a table decoration. Accessories for table decor must be chosen depending on the overall style of serving. For more charm, consider, for example, variations of cloth napkins. Now on the market their choice is huge - color, texture, material - all this is chosen individually by each hostess. Do not get carried away with paper counterparts - they will not make the table more comfortable, while fabric ones will do an excellent job of this task. Classic plain napkins, especially those made from natural fabrics, are the perfect addition to any table.

To make your meal more festive, complement them with beautiful ribbons and place them on the main dish plate, or place them under it, beautifully unfolding on the table. If you are not afraid of difficulties, fold various shapes from napkins - this decor option will not leave indifferent either household members or guests. In the case of serving using fabric napkins with a bright, catchy pattern, additional details should be added with caution. Such napkins will perfectly complement the overall picture of the table on their own, and it is better to place them on top of the plates - it was not in vain that an elegant pattern was chosen.

An equally pleasant detail of table decoration will be flowers - certainly lively and fresh. When choosing plants for decoration, be guided by the time of year: in the spring and summer, you can easily pick up a small bouquet of wildflowers that will be fresh for a long time and will not require much worries. In the fall, replace flowers with herbarium, vases of dried leaves and flowers, bunches of beautifully dried herbs (like lavender), or decorative vase fills. In winter, spruce branches are perfect for decoration. Smartly decorated or simply green, in vases or decorative bottles from glass - they will not only decorate the table, but also fill the house with an amazing aroma. Unleash your imagination, choose beautiful miniature or voluminous glass vases, paint acrylic paints glass bottles or decorate them in another way to your liking.

You should not put huge bouquets from festive events on the table, especially if they are in a package. In addition, we advise against plants with a too intrusive smell (lilies, etc.) - our main character there is food on the table, and therefore to catch better flavors fragrant spices and sweets rather than floral notes. Candles are another heroes of the decorative component of a harmonious serving. This decoration option, of course, is better for dinner. Gather your small collection of candles and change them according to your mood. Small, large, colored, white, in glass, tall and voluminous - their choice is infinitely huge. Complement the candles with candlesticks of extraordinary shapes, create your own cozy, but always a little new dinner atmosphere.

Don't be afraid to experiment and let your imagination run wild! Gather your basic set for a beautiful everyday serving, bring fresh colors and ideas, enjoy not only the taste of breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but also the harmonious decoration of the table, beautiful presentation. When serving, use the same ideas as for a festive celebration, but in a lightweight version: a beautiful napkin, beautiful dish, a bouquet of flowers and a glass of wine. The mood is created by trifles, and beauty invariably remains in the details. - it's easy, fast and cozy, and each of us knows the art of beauty - you just need to try a little, and we hope that now you know exactly how to set the table!

Margarita Mareeva

Hello to all lovers of good food and delicious reading! My name is Margarita and I am a big fan of confectionery art and baking skills. a little more than a year how my life is closely intertwined with desserts and the aromas of fresh pastries. I'm in love with classic combinations, and at the same time I am absolutely delighted with extraordinary taste solutions. Baking is my big love. The hot aroma of freshly baked bread, the lightness of the rich crumb - you can work with the dough endlessly. As part of this project, I will be happy not only to share my knowledge with you, but also to take new steps together into the vast world of delicious art. In addition to sweets, I have very warm feelings for Indian cuisine. I love all kinds of spices! The colors and flavors of Indian dishes amaze the imagination and excite the taste buds. Let's plunge into the depths of world tastes! I am always glad to wishes and suggestions, and you can always contact me by mail [email protected] And I invite lovers of delicious pictures to my instagram mareeva_m!

Table setting at home is a whole set of laws of etiquette. Every housewife should be able to maneuver in this creative sea and distinguish between aesthetic nuances. Not everyone can afford to have a butler in their personal staff. Therefore, you need to learn how to receive guests on your own.

Holidays differ in the level of perception by society of this event. Let's start with small domestic joys: name days, homelands, christenings, dates from family history. Serving a festive table at home depends on the number of guests.

family celebration

Such events can involve both a large number of guests and a quiet family dinner. If you plan to arrange just tea gatherings, warn guests about this in advance. An invitation "for tea" implies the absence of a strict dress code.

The hostess is the heroine of the festive table, regardless of who is the hero of the occasion. On the table you can lay a bright colored tablecloth. From personal appliances, you can only arrange plates for pies and dessert accessories.

The hostess, sitting at the head of the table, pours tea and passes it to the guests. In the center you can serve various desserts: berries and fruits, cakes, pastries, cookies or sweets. In the middle there are also pots with jam and honey.

The decoration of the table are fresh flowers. You can put in the middle a small low vase with a bouquet or a flower arrangement on a wide dish. original decoration tea table is a traditional samovar. Don't forget brightly painted paper napkins. From alcohol, you can offer guests dessert wine or liquor.

Children holidays

Children have a lot of events that can be celebrated: a birthday, the first time in first grade, sports achievements - you can’t list everything. How to please the youngest household members?

Serving a children's table at home implies maximum comfort and a minimum of shackling traditions. Children must laugh! Offer them lots of colors and sweets.

Everyone loves sweets. Therefore, it is better to make a children's table dessert. Everything is very similar to "tea gatherings". Just don't offer hot drinks. It is better to serve the table with juices or compotes.

For the children's table, you can prepare bright colored jellies. It is undesirable to lay out fruits in large crystal vases. You can make individual chocolate baskets and put berry-fruit platter there: strawberries, apricots, grapes, raspberries, plums. Don't forget the cakes and sweets!

daily beauty

If you want your household to be charged with cheerfulness and good mood every day, delight them with gastronomic delights. Everyday table setting for dinner, lunch and breakfast is not much different from a democratic tea party. Only individual devices will be more. For breakfast, it is quite acceptable to serve the table “in tea”. But a family lunch or dinner is already a small event.

The tablecloth should be changed from multi-colored to plain. Ideally - a snow-white starch cloth. A tablecloth for dinner can be decorated with an ornament in the form of a wide strip around the edge.

The dining tablecloth should not hang more than 50-60 centimeters from the edge of the table. For lunch and dinner, linen napkins can be served with each appliance. If you are practicing traditional family meals, you can use table accessories such as napkin rings, silver and gold-plated cutlery.

The main dishes are placed in the middle of the table. You can immediately put cold snacks and hot. If the dinner is solemn, then an aperitif and appetizers are served first, then the hostess's signature dish.

The hostess is the queen of dinner. She must know with all the nuances how to properly set the table for dinner or for a birthday. Soup tureens and deep plates are placed on an additional table. Only small wide plates, cutlery, glasses and glasses are personally placed on the table. The hostess pours a hot dish and passes it to the household.

This traditional option can be replaced by a more democratic one: put the tureen in the middle of the table, and deep plates - personally. Everyone serves himself.

Don't forget to decorate dinner table fresh flowers. From alcoholic drinks, you can offer table wine, sherry, vodka. Cognac is not drunk at dinner. Port wine and beer are also excluded. Such drinks can be served with afternoon coffee or pleasant conversation at fireplace .

Dinner is served in the same strict manner as lunch. Only fresh flowers can be replaced candles in high candlesticks. Instead of crystal, you can put silver dishes on the table: common dishes, gravy boats, salad bowls. Evening is the time of soft shadows. Table setting must match.

Be sure to place paper napkins on the table. But do not forget about linen! The guests unfold the napkin and place it on their laps.

If the wedding table setting at home is very dense, you should not put fresh flowers. Better decorate garlands room. It is desirable to invite to the wedding service staff who will change dishes. It is difficult for the hostess to keep track of all the guests alone.

Whatever celebration would be celebrated in your home, remember: the main thing is good mood and smile!

Table setting according to all existing rules is always a sign of attention from the owner of the house to his guests. Unfortunately, a properly laid table is not so often seen today, especially at home. However, table setting is a true art, once mastered, you bring beauty into your life. That is why it is so important to know the rules of table setting - in order to be able to create a festive atmosphere in your home every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in holidays Surprise your guests with fantasy decorations, intricately folded napkins and sumptuous crockery.

Table setting sequence

The table should be served according to the following plan: tablecloth; plates; cutlery; glasses, wine glasses, glasses; napkins; table decoration. At first, table setting may seem like a really complicated science to someone, but after some time, when table setting according to the rules becomes a habit, it will seem to you that this task is easier than ever!

Table setting begins with spreading tablecloths on the table. It would seem, what could be easier? Threw the tablecloth over the table - and it's ready. Actually there are certain rules on this account.

First, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and presentable. There is nothing good in setting the table with a crumpled tablecloth or oilcloth. The smoothed tablecloth, or rather its corners, should fall opposite the table legs, covering them evenly. There are also requirements for lowering the tablecloth from all sides - at least 25 cm and, in no case, not lower than the seat of the chair.

Such requirements were not introduced by chance, since too small a tablecloth descent on the table looks ugly, and too large - it causes inconvenience to guests. After you have covered the table with a tablecloth, it's time to start arranging the plates.

Types of plates

The purpose of most of the plates from the table above can be easily guessed by their name, however, there are also dishes that are not entirely obvious. The patty plate is used to serve croutons, patties or bread. The chill plate is used to serve various appetizer dishes such as oysters, salads or stews. The bowl plate, as you can easily guess from its shape, is used to serve several types of salads or side dishes at once. It is also used to serve fondue. Fried eggs are served in an egg plate, jam, jam or honey is placed in a socket, and a bowl is intended for serving fresh berries, jelly and fruit salads.

What kind of plates you put on the table on a festive or weekday evening depends on the number of dishes served. Serving for a two-course dinner involves one plate, for a four-course dinner - another.

Naturally, the plates on your table should be perfectly clean and dry. It is advisable to polish them to a shine before serving.

According to the rules, a snack plate (see the table above) is located in front of each chair. Do not put it on the very edge of the table, it does not look very presentable! The patty plate is placed to the left of the diner, as you can see in the photo above.

If you set a table with several dishes, in this case you place small canteens under the snack plates, etc.

Types of cutlery

  • 1,2,3,4,6,31 - spoons: coffee, tea, dessert, table, for making coffee, for ice cream;
  • 5, 7, 8, 9 - tongs: large confectionery, for asparagus, for ice, small confectionery;
  • 10 - a device for trimming cigars;
  • 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 - forks: for lemon, lemon, cocotte, fish, dessert, dessert, snack bar, snack bar, dinner fork for second courses;
  • 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 - knives: for the second fish dishes, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table knife for main courses;
  • 24 - ladle;
  • 27, 28, 29, 30 - blades: confectionery, for pate, for fish, caviar;

After arranging the plates, you should immediately lay out all the necessary cutlery. Knives are placed to the right of the plates, forks to the left. A tablespoon is placed near the knife. For a festive dinner of several dishes, the cutlery should be laid out as follows, starting to the right of the plate: a table knife, a fish knife and a snack knife. You put a butter knife on a pie plate. If it is supposed to serve first courses, a soup spoon is placed between the snack and fish knives. If fish is not provided on the festive table, a tablespoon is placed instead of a fish one. To the left of the plates are forks corresponding to the knives in the same order in which the knives are laid out: canteen, fish, diner.

Also, cutlery should not be piled one on top of the other; the distance between forks and spoons should be about 1 cm.

Table setting: glasses, wine glasses, glasses

To the right, behind the plates, we put the glasses from largest to smallest. Depending on what drinks will be served on the table, glasses for water, white / red wine, champagne, a glass for juice, a glass for spirits and glasses are sequentially displayed. When placing glasses, hold them by the stem so as not to leave fingerprints on the glasses themselves.

Table setting: napkins

What is a festive table without napkins? Napkins are not only a wonderful table decoration, but also a very practical thing. Napkins are linen and paper. Cloth napkins are not intended for wiping hands or face, there are disposable paper napkins for this purpose. Cloth napkins good housewives usually beautifully decorated so that guests can put them on their laps.

Table decor

Regardless of whether you have a festive dinner or a daily breakfast, a properly served table involves decorating it with flower arrangements, fruit vases, the same cloth napkins, dishes with colorful vegetables etc.
