How to properly clean stainless steel.

Stainless steel is very commonly used in the kitchen. Dishes (pots, spoons, etc.), sinks, interior elements (bars, coasters), hoods, stoves, etc. are made from it. This is due to the fact that the metal is very strong, durable and has good performance characteristics. Stainless steel thanks to the chrome coating is very resistant to various adverse effects and corrosion. It looks great, the shine is pleasing to the eye. However, it easily loses its appearance with improper care. How to remove stains from stainless steel if it has lost its appearance?

General rules of care

Careful care is required for any stainless steel products, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance. Also because of this, corrosion resistance and wear resistance can be significantly reduced. However, care products must be selected carefully so as not to harm the products. How to remove stains on stainless steel without damaging it? For cleaning you can use:

  • soft foam sponge;
  • soft cloth;
  • special tools for cleaning stainless steel;
  • citric acid or hand-pressed juice;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • dishwashing detergents.

When washing dishes and other stainless steel products, do not use coarse abrasives, such as pastes or powders, as well as hard washcloths and brushes, as they scratch the surface. Is not best idea how to clean stainless steel from dark spots. As a result, gloss is lost, and the integrity of the coating is also violated, which worsens performance products.

Wash stainless steel dishes after each use, without leaving them dirty for a long time. Accumulations of fat are detrimental to chrome film. Do not leave pots and spoons wet, otherwise, as a result, ugly, cloudy water stains appear on the surface. Such traces are left by salts of iron and calcium. Be sure to dry the dishes with a soft towel, only in this case it will shine evenly beautifully.

Soda for stainless steel

Plain baking soda- one of the best means for washing dishes and removing dirt and stains. She is especially good at dealing with fat. To clean the dishes with it, you must first wash the product, wipe it and sprinkle with a thick layer of soda. Leave pots and pans for 1-2 hours, then rub thoroughly with a soft sponge and rinse.

You can make a slurry from soda: mix the product with a small amount of water so that you get a pasty mass. Coat the dishes with the resulting slurry, let stand for a couple of hours, and then wash.

Dishwashing liquid

Ideal for regular product care. One of the simplest and available options than to wash stainless steel from stains. Soft gels will not harm the surface, but will do an excellent job with food debris. Dishwashing detergent can also be used to remove the remains of burnt food. To do this, the pot or pan is heated to hot water, and then the problem areas are moistened with gel and left for 15 minutes. After this time, the dishes are washed. The burn should come off easily.

Window cleaner

One of the most simple ways how to remove stains on stainless steel from water drops and fingers - window cleaner. It is sprayed onto the surface and wiped with a dry soft cloth. Then they are washed, wiped again and additionally polished with a dry soft towel.

Activated carbon

It also works well on burnt spots. Tablets are crushed (can be crushed with a crush, knife or otherwise) to a powder state. Then the burnt places are sprinkled with coal, water is poured into the pan and left for ¼ hours. Then thoroughly wash and dry the product. Activated charcoal is especially effective in combating burnt milk stains.

Lemon juice, acid or vinegar

All these 3 agents are used in a similar way, as they have almost the same effect on stainless steel. Most often, with their help, darkening, stains are removed and the dishes return to their former shine.

Vinegar is applied to a sponge, wiped the dishes with it, and then rinsed thoroughly and wiped. Also remove dark spots from stainless steel, you can, if you leave it soaked in vinegar for 10 minutes. Then the dishes need to be washed clean water and wipe thoroughly. The sinks are wiped with the same tool to refresh them, clean them of accumulated dirt and remove traces of water.

A similar effect on steel has lemon juice or citric acid solution. However, less concentration is required. For 200 ml of water you need 1 tbsp. l. juice. This solution is used for washing and wiping dishes. After treatment with lemon juice, the dishes must be washed and wiped dry so that water stains do not remain.

You can get rid of plaque by moistening a woolen cloth with lemon juice or a solution and rubbing the surface.


Ammonium chloride is one of better ways how to clean stainless steel from stains and restore its shine. For this, a solution is prepared: up to 10 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Products are wiped with this solution. The dishes will start to sparkle.

Stainless steel cleaners

There are many of these now. In the hardware store you can find drugs for the most different surfaces and pollution. Be sure to look for what this or that tool is used for, and read the instructions for use. They must be used strictly in accordance with the recommendations, otherwise there is a high risk of damage to the shiny surface. Modern means easily handle the most various pollution: oxidation, stains from water, grease, food residue, etc. Also, many of them can be used in the dishwasher.

In contact with

How to clean stainless steel

For any modern kitchen there is sure to be something made of stainless steel: if not a sink, then spoons, forks, knives and saucepans are a must. The practicality of such products does not need comments: it is really aesthetic, durable and does not require special care. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to wash or clean stainless steel - such utensils get dirty at least as often as others, and stains and darkening sometimes appear on stainless steel. The only consolation is that stainless steel is much easier to clean and clean than ceramic, for example, or aluminum.

So, what we need: a double-sided sponge (with a regular side and a cleaning one); baking soda; citric acid solution (or lemon juice); a little ammonia; ordinary detergent and cleaning agent; soft cloth.

Dilute half a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of room water (if using lemon juice, you will need a tablespoon). Dip a sponge into the solution and wipe stains, blemishes, or the dirtiest spots. Then wash with the soft side of the sponge in soapy water and rinse well.

For cleaning stainless steel greasy spots Plain baking soda works well. Sprinkle some baking soda on the cleaning side of a damp sponge and lightly scrub the stain or dirt. Leave for a few minutes and then scrub vigorously. Rinse stainless steel running water and place on a paper towel to dry.

Wash stainless steel with normal dishwashing detergent and rinse. Then dip into room water, where a few drops of ammonia are dissolved (5-10 drops per liter of water is enough). Wipe clean stainless steel with this solution and rinse again.

Heavy artillery for burnt dishes. Most often, porridge burns, but never try to scrape off the burnt from the bottom. Stainless steel, of course, will not chip or crack, but it will definitely lose its former appearance. Yes, and there will be no uniform shine.

Sprinkle a layer of coarse salt on the bottom of the saucepan to completely cover the soot. Leave for an hour or two, and then wash in the usual way. If not everything is washed off, crush the package of activated carbon and sprinkle the remaining soot with powder.

After half an hour, you can wipe the bottom of the saucepan with a solution of citric acid and rinse. The stainless steel will sparkle with an even brilliance, as if fresh from the store.

How to clean a stainless steel pot

Stainless steel pans have recently entered our everyday life, but have already won the love and respect of housewives around the world. But there are subtleties in caring for them. In order to qualitatively, without damaging, clean a stainless steel pan from burnt food and other contaminants, you need to know a few important rules.

Most of us cook for gas stove. In this case, the bottom of the pan is often covered with black soot and burnt spots. Every housewife, no doubt, faced such problems in her kitchen. For some reason, we do not always have enough time immediately after we prepare and eat food, wash and clean the walls and bottom of the pot well. And postponing the thorough cleaning process for "later", we do not notice how quickly our saucepan smoked.

Only when the bottom is completely blackened, and our pan screams “help!” to us, we grab our heads and begin to act. But such soot is not so easy to clean, so it’s better not to “run” our dishes to a critical state.

But if you still overlooked, and the pan is burnt, do not be discouraged, you can always correct the situation.

How to properly clean stainless steel pots

Do not rush to pick up iron scrapers or sharp objects for cleaning, such objects will only damage the surface of the pan. It is necessary to use more sparing means for your stainless utensils.

There are many ready-made products for the care of stainless steel dishes in stores. But after all, according to the law of meanness, at the most necessary moment they will not be at hand. And not all pollution they can handle easily and quickly.

To wash a stainless steel pan, you can use natural products that are at hand. Here are a few options for cleaning the pan with improvised tools that everyone has in the kitchen.

How to clean a burnt bottom of a pot

To completely clean the bottom of the burnt dishes, you need to take an additional wide pan and pour warm water into it in combination with vinegar (table, not essence!) 1: 1, then bring to a boil. And already in this boiling liquid put the pan that you want to wash. Let the dish cool down a bit.

While our pots are cooling, we will prepare raw materials for cleaning. Separately, mix one large spoonful of salt and two tablespoons of baking soda.

When the pots have cooled down a bit, put the prepared mixture of baking soda and salt on the bottom. Rub with a soft sponge. If needed, you can add vinegar diluted in water to keep the cleansing mixture from being dry.

Another option for cleaning stainless steel pots is with activated carbon. He is in any home first aid kit. Take a couple of tablets and crush them. Sprinkle this powder on the contaminated blackened places near the pan. Wait a while and wash the dishes well with detergent. This is no less effective than the previous one for removing burns at home.

You can also take vinegar or lemon juice to eliminate a terrible burnt spot. Separate the spoon table vinegar in a glass of water and go over the dirty surface with a soft sponge. After each cleaning procedure, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the entire pan with soapy water under a stream of clean water.

Few people know that such complex burnt spots from the pan can be removed with coffee grounds. If you are a lover of a coffee drink, then every time you brew coffee, do not write off throwing unnecessary grounds into the trash can, collect it in separate dishes. You will need this mixture. Simply apply coffee grounds to the bottom and sides of dirty dishes and rub well. This method will not only clean the surface of soot, but also give the original shine to your pan.

Of course, in our time it will be easier to go down to the hardware store and buy all kinds of chemicals for cleaning any kind of dirt from various surfaces, including burnt spots on a stainless steel pan. But for those who save their cash, such simple “grandmother's advice”, which are presented above, is better suited. After all, such components are safe, compared with chemicals.

One of the quality and safe materials suitable for making utensils is stainless steel. Such pans are distinguished by their unsurpassed appearance, as well as low thermal conductivity, which allows you to cook food in a short period of time. Cracks do not form on steel, it does not enter into chemical reactions and does not have pores in which many harmful bacteria accumulate. However, like any other cookware, stainless steel pots are subject to various types pollution. Wash burnt dishes, remove carbon deposits, grease, stains from its surface under the power of any housewife.

Types of dirt on a stainless steel pan

No one is immune from annoying oversights that occur during food preparation. Almost every housewife faced situations in her life when, due to her own carelessness, the contents of the pan burned, spoiling the aesthetic appeal of the product both inside and out.

Burnt pot is the most common type of stainless steel contamination.

In such cases, you can use simple and reliable ways efficient dish cleaning. They will help to provide her with a truly sparkling look.

The main contaminants that most people who use stainless steel products have to deal with include:

  • burnt food remnants;
  • old fat;
  • soot on the walls of the pan from the outside and inside;
  • iridescent spots and stains.

Stains on stainless steel utensils may occur after its first use, as well as in connection with the use of lime water.

What household chemicals to use for cleaning dishes

To clean a stainless steel pan, there are many tools, including specialized compounds available in stores. However, when using them, you should not use hard metal scrapers and coarse brushes, as well as sand and sandpaper, since all this can cause serious damage to the coating in the form of deep scratches.

Acidic liquids are suitable for cleaning stainless steel products, designed for washing a variety of kitchen surfaces. With their help, it is possible to easily get rid of traces of fat, as well as to wipe off strong and old dirt formed during the cooking process. Preferring purchased funds, able to cope with the most difficult pollution formed on the walls of pans, pay attention to the following options.

  1. "Chister". The cheapest tool, however, with less efficiency.
  2. "Bugs Shumanit". It contains aggressive components, has a good cleaning effect, and is sold at an average price.
  3. Oven Cleaner. Does not contain aggressive substances, has no smell, has the highest price compared to its counterparts.

Each of these products must be applied to a stainless steel surface, left for 10 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water. It should be remembered that the use of compounds with complex chemical formula, involves the obligatory use of gloves and following precautions to prevent the substance from getting into exposed skin or eyes. In addition, products such as "Chister" and "Shumanit" have a very strong smell. For this reason, it is advisable to clean pots with them in well-ventilated areas.

How to remove a burn using "Whiteness"

Very accessible means, allowing you to return the former chic to stainless steel pans, is "Whiteness". One tablespoon of the composition is enough to clean a medium-sized pan.

  1. The substance in the indicated amount must be poured into the water in the burnt pan, and then boil it for 30 minutes.
  2. Then the burn is cleaned with a sponge, then the dishes treated in this way must be boiled again in clean water, this will get rid of the peculiar smell and the remnants of "Whiteness" on its surfaces.

How to remove dirt at home

You can clean stainless steel pots with effective home methods. It is enough to use improvised means, which can be found in every home.

Get rid of burnt food with salt

The method of cleaning the pan with salt is the simplest and most affordable.

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan and leave it for a while.
  2. Drain the water, and sprinkle a few tablespoons of table salt on the bottom of the dish.
  3. After 2-3 hours, remove the remnants of burnt food with a kitchen sponge, without making any special efforts.

Attention! Using this method is best for enamelware and aluminum cookware. Reacting with stainless steel, salt dissolved in cold water, can cause darkening of the metal surface and corrosion.

A quick way to get rid of pimples

One of the favorite methods for cleaning stainless steel pots by most housewives involves the use of vinegar. With it, you can easily and simply clean the dishes from burning.

There are several ways to use vinegar to clean stainless steel. Let's consider the most effective of them. For the first method, only 9% vinegar is needed.

  1. It is necessary to pour 9% vinegar into the pan and leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. After the specified time has elapsed, thoroughly rinse the dishes with detergent.

For the second method, we use vinegar, water and laundry soap.

  1. The pot should be filled with water.
  2. Pour ½ cup of 9% vinegar into it with the addition of half a piece of 72% laundry soap.
  3. Boil the contents of the pot for 30-60 minutes.

Attention! In the process of using this method, toxic fumes are formed. To neutralize them, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room.

An effective way to clean dishes using vinegar - video

How to wipe carbon deposits from the bottom and outside of the product with citric acid

Cope with heavy soot, as well as with lime deposits appearing on the walls of stainless steel pots, citric acid will help. For this:

  • fill a pot with water and boil it. The water level should cover only the ashes, so too much water will not be needed;
  • put in boiling water 2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid powder and continue boiling for 15 minutes;
  • drain the water and use a sponge to start cleaning the burnt bottom. This process will be easy and will not take much time.

How to clean dishes with hydrogen peroxide - video

How to clean a pot with soap

Another simple and effective tool, allowing to cope with pollution of any complexity, is an ordinary liquid or laundry soap.

With a small amount of contamination that appeared during the process of weak burning, use the following method.

  1. Pour hot water into a saucepan.
  2. Pour the soap solution into it and mix well.
  3. Boil the contents of the pot for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the pan has cooled, take a kitchen sponge and wipe the sides with burnt.

The following method will help get rid of the most complex and fairly old contaminants.

  1. Measure out 4 liters of boiling water.
  2. Take a third of a bar of laundry soap and grate it, then pour the shavings into boiling water.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue and place in the resulting composition of the pan.
  4. Boil the product for 30 minutes.

How to prepare a universal pot cleaner - video

How to clean stainless steel inside and out

Almost every housewife knows that baking soda has great cleaning properties. With its help, you can clean the stainless steel pan not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, simply apply the powder to the places of contamination, and then rub them with a sponge.

Use a deep bowl to clean the outside of the pot.

  1. Place the soiled dishes in a deep container.
  2. Prepare a soda composition (at the rate of 1 pack of soda (0.5 kg) per 5–6 liters of water) and fill it with dirty dishes. At the same time, the water level should cover it by 2-3 cm.
  3. Put the container with the dishes on the fire, wait for the solution to boil, then continue boiling for two hours.
  4. Cool the pans, then rinse them with water.

Milk whey against any pollution

With this method, you can easily and simply get rid of contaminants of varying complexity.

  1. Serum should be poured onto the bottom of the affected pan, which should cover the contaminated areas of the surface 1-2 cm above their level.
  2. Leave the pan with whey for a day.
  3. Drain the solution and wash the dishes with a sponge.

Activated charcoal against burnt porridge

If you have burned porridge, activated charcoal will be an excellent way to remove contaminants. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Activated charcoal tablets - a budget and safe dishwashing detergent

  1. Take right amount tablets and grind them into powder.
  2. Sprinkle them with dirt at the bottom of the dish.
  3. Add water to the pot until you get a paste. Leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, rinse the pan thoroughly with running water.

How to clean dishes with coffee grounds

A cleaning agent that has the same principle of action as activated carbon, and also allows you to get rid of various contaminants on the walls of stainless steel pots, is coffee grounds. By collecting it every time after drinking your favorite drink, you can clean stainless steel dishes without harming them.

Coffee grounds help clean stainless steel dishes

  1. Take an ordinary kitchen sponge, put some coffee grounds on it and wipe the dirty areas.
  2. Then rinse the pot with water. Thanks to this method, your she will once again delight you with the beautiful sheen of metal.

ammonia for iridescent stains

If stains form on the surface of the stainless steel pan, ammonia will help to cope with them.

  1. To do this, take toothpaste, which does not contain whitening microparticles, and mix it with ammonia to make a solution.
  2. Take a cleaning cloth, soak it in the resulting liquid and rub the surface of the pan.
  3. Wash off the solution with cold water.

Folk recipe using apple peel

One more folk way will help rid your pans of a lot of dirt. To do this, you need the peel of several sour apples.

  1. The peel must be put in a saucepan and pour water.
  2. Then put the container on the fire and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After that, you should clean the pan in the usual way. Accumulated dirt can be removed without any effort.

This method has low efficiency, however, it can be used to cope with small contaminants that have arisen on the walls of dishes.

How to care for a stainless steel pot

In the process of use, a layer of fat begins to form on stainless steel pans over time, which can accelerate the wear of the surface. Care of dishes means daily high-quality cleaning.

Cleaning pots using the above methods will ensure that your cookware has a great finish. appearance, and also take care of the possibility of its long-term operation. In addition, homemade cleaning products can be a guarantee reasonable economy and guarantee an excellent effect comparable to purchased counterparts.

In order for all things made of stainless steel to serve the owner as long as possible, you need to know all the rules for caring for the material than cleaning stainless steel at home.

Every day we are faced with the need to use kitchen utensils, electrical appliances and other items made of stainless steel. If you know the basic rules for cleaning, you can avoid damage and other defects in the device, which will make it almost eternal.

What is most commonly used

Before cleaning any stainless steel object, it is necessary to determine the degree of contamination of the device itself and only then proceed with the cleaning process. The product is selected based on the degree of soiling and the type of item that needs to be cleaned. Experts recommend using ordinary sponges and dishwashing liquids, citric acid, soda, salt, rubbing alcohol and special stainless steel cleaners.

If we are talking about small kitchen appliances(knives, forks, spoons), then the easiest way is to use an ordinary dishwasher sponge and a product that is sold in any store specializing in the sale household chemicals. After using such a liquid, it must be thoroughly washed off. In this case, the devices will serve the owner for a long time, provided that cleaning is carried out regularly and efficiently. Other stainless steel items can also be used.

If we are talking about larger kitchen utensils (pots, pans, etc.), then the range of products can be completely different. It depends on the degree of pollution. If the pan is practically clean, except for the presence of fat on it, then it will be enough to wash it with dishwashing detergent. In addition, dry mustard is often used instead of soapy liquid. This option, according to many experts, is even better than the previous one, because in human body fewer toxic substances are ingested.

For more serious contamination (scale, obsolete fat), it is recommended to draw water into a contaminated container and add soda with salt or citric acid there. After that, boil the solution contained inside and cook for 20-30 minutes. Electrical devices, as a rule, are cleaned with a special tool for stainless steel.

Some housewives have come up with a number of their own methods for cleaning soiled dishes and other stainless steel items. Some are convinced that this material is perfectly washed with coffee grounds, and many believe in the miraculous effect of potatoes. But all these assumptions are considered by real professionals to be absurd and ineffective.

What is the prevention of persistent pollution

A group of professionals has put together a list of recommendations for cleaning stainless steel. First of all, metal sponges should not be used to wash such devices. Such a washcloth can damage the surface once and for all, after which it is contraindicated to use the item. In the case of removing burnt food or old fat from stainless steel, it is recommended to apply special agent, but, most importantly, it must have time to soften all the dirt on the surface, and this takes time. Experts advise leaving the device to soak for at least half an hour, then the cleaning process will be simple and quick.

If it is necessary to clean the grates, grill and even stoves, you should remove all unnecessary parts that interfere in the process of obtaining free access to the surface. This will reduce the amount of time spent and create comfortable conditions. In addition, experts advise to eliminate grease and dirt as soon as possible after contact with stainless steel. Thanks to this attitude, washing appliances will not be a long and complicated procedure.

For a more acceptable look of stainless steel items, it is worth adding a few drops of ammonia to the water with which the device is washed.

Thanks to this approach, it is enough old crockery in appearance will be able to claim the title of new kitchen utensils. Well, the last thing you need to know about stainless steel is that the material does not like moisture, so immediately after washing, you should wipe the item dry.

Why You Should Clean Stainless Steel Regularly

As already mentioned, despite the incredible resistance to dirt, burning, erosion and other adverse processes, stainless steel requires regular maintenance. All quality characteristics that are not inherent in other materials, in this case, provides protective film from chrome. If, however, fat and dirt accumulate on this miraculous shell, beneficial features chromium is reduced or disappear altogether. In this regard, rust may appear on a neglected surface, after which it is dangerous to use the device.

In addition, you need to try not to erase the chrome layer, which is why experts do not recommend the use of hard metal sponges, because they can completely wash off protective layer. After that, of course, you can use the device, but very soon it will wear out and rust. By complying with all of the above simple rules can be prevented Negative consequences, the main thing is not to be lazy and regularly observe them.

Caring for stainless steel is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you follow all the recommendations of experts, then you can make such stainless steel items almost immortal.

Dishes made of stainless steel tend to lose their visual appeal over time. Spoons, pots and pans should have special care, however, since this is a very complex and painstaking work, few hostesses like to do this. So, let's look at how to clean stainless steel.

How to clean stainless steel

In order to carefully clean dishes made of special stainless steel, you must adhere to special rules created specifically for this.

  • First, we put stainless metal cutlery at the very bottom of the pan and pour boiling water, add salt and soda there. We put the pan on a slow fire and keep it that way for about 15-20 minutes. Now we take out the spoons and forks from there and rinse them under the tap, wipe them dry with a towel. Now they should shine like new. This method is ideal if you do not know how to clean stainless steel spoons.
  • You can wash stainless steel dishes in hot water, without forgetting to add soda and dry mustard to it first. The brush will help you clean hard-to-reach places on spoons and forks. Then also rinse the dishes in warm water and dry with a soft towel.
  • The best way to clean stainless steel is baking soda. You can simply wipe the cutlery with an ordinary sponge, which was previously dipped in soda.
  • The second thing that also copes well with plaque on metal utensils is vinegar. You can wet the surface of the device with it, and they will shine like new.
  • The blade of a knife that has become covered thin layer rust, can be cleaned with a simple half onion. In addition, stainless steel knives are well cleaned with cork.
  • If you notice that incomprehensible spots have appeared on the dishes, then first treat them with lemon juice, and then wipe them with a woolen cloth specially prepared for this. This is the most efficient folk remedy used for how to clean a stainless steel pan.
  • Also, as an option for getting rid of dishes from stains, coffee grounds are suitable. Put a small amount of it on a sponge and rub it on forks, knives and spoons. After that, do not forget to rinse in water and dry with a towel.
  • The next stainless dish cleaner is potato broth. Remove the boiled potato tubers and lower the dishes into the broth for 15 minutes.
  • You can also find professional metal cleaning paste in stores. It is ideal for stainless steel, as it removes dirt and oxides, while being completely safe.

Now you know how to clean stainless steel dishes from plaque in folk ways.

Hello dear hostesses! Today I will give practical advice how to clean stainless steel at home. Almost every family has stainless steel items - various kitchen dishes, household items, and relatively recently even the surfaces of various household appliances. Pots, forks, spoons, frying pans, sinks, stoves, kettles, microwave ovens, coffee makers - this is not the whole list kitchen items made from this alloy.

The pleasant silver color and luster of stainless steel look very attractive in any kitchen, however, even such a wonderful material has its visible disadvantages. On any item made of stainless steel, fingerprints are always visible, as well as the slightest contamination. If you are used to polishing the surface of stainless steel, then you will have to clean it even more often and harder.

Most housewives opt for stainless steel, as this alloy has excellent performance properties, but often when using stainless items they are disappointed, faced with the problem of maintaining cleanliness.

After all, stainless steel even the droplets of water must be wiped off because they also leave their mark on the surface. However, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. If you use when cleaning the surface correct methods and funds, then many will understand that caring for stainless steel is not so difficult.

  • Soft foam sponges;
  • Juice of one lemon or citric acid;
  • Baking soda;
  • Cloths (only soft);
  • Usual dishwashing detergent;
  • Ammonia;

Very important point is that it is impossible to use metal brushes and abrasive pastes when cleaning stainless steel, as they will deprive the surface of its shine, constantly scratching it.

  • Appliances, if they are not very dirty, can be washed with your usual Fairy, Aos, or other dish washing gels. The main thing is to wash everything in time so that the food does not have time to dry on the appliances;
  • Stainless bowls and pots can be wiped with lemon juice (for 200 ml of water 1 large spoonful of juice), pay more attention to too polluted places . Then the dishes must be washed under water and wiped;
  • Grease stains can be removed with baking soda. Pour a small amount of soda on a damp sponge, and then wipe the contaminated places (just do not press the sponge too hard). After the dishes must be rinsed with water and left to dry completely;
  • In order to restore the lost shine of stainless dishes, sinks or stoves, you need to wipe the surface with diluted ammonia (10 drops per liter of water). Thanks to these simple manipulations, your kitchen utensils and appliances will sparkle like new again;

Unfortunately, there are situations where stainless pans food burns. If you are overtaken by such a misfortune, you should not immediately scrape off the remnants of food, because by these actions you can worsen the appearance of the dishes. The most difficult thing is to clean burnt porridge from the bottom, but there is a cleaning method for such difficult cases.

Sprinkle salt on the burnt places, then leave the saucepan for 20 minutes, then wash it off. If milk is burnt to the ladle or pan, then you can use activated carbon. A couple of tablets are ground into powder, which is poured into the bottom of the dish. After a while, everything is washed with water and rubbed with lemon juice in order to restore shine.

Cutlery can be cleaned by boiling. They are placed in a large saucepan, pour water into it, add salt. The devices are boiled over low heat for about half an hour, and then washed under the tap and wiped dry.

How else to clean stainless steel items

  1. Also, stainless steel can be cleaned with a mixture made from soda and mustard powder, and for hard-to-reach places and small details it is better to use a soft brush.
  2. There is another method for cleaning stainless steel - potato. Cut the raw vegetable in half and wipe the dirty surface with a piece. After this procedure, the stainless steel will become shiny. You can boil appliances in potato broth. Such manipulation will give objects a good shine.
  3. Vinegar It is also a good tool for cleaning stainless steel, they wipe objects that are then rinsed in water and wiped.
  4. When dark spots appear on stainless steel, the same lemon juice. Just wipe the stainless steel with a wool cloth soaked in this juice. This method remarkably removes plaque from the surface.
  5. Cleans stainless steel well coffee grounds.

Of course, in our time there is a huge amount of detergent foams, creams, gels designed specifically for stainless steel, which can also effectively cope with dirt, plaque and specks on electric stoves, sinks and dishes. In addition, cutlery and other utensils can be safely thrust into dishwasher, applying the maximum mode.
