Formal business style is his characteristic. Official business style of speech, its main features

Used for drafting documents, letters and business papers in institutions, courts and in any kind of oral business communication, this is an official business style of speech.

general characteristics

This is a long-established, stable and rather closed style. Of course, he also underwent some changes over time, but they were minor. Genres that have developed historically, specific syntactic turns, morphology and vocabulary give it a rather conservative character.

To characterize the official business style, it is necessary to give the language dryness, compactness of speech, conciseness and remove emotionally charged words. Language tools already exist in a complete set for every occasion: these are the so-called language stamps or clichés.

A list of some documents that require official business style:

  • international treaties;
  • state acts;
  • legal laws;
  • various regulations;
  • military charters and charters of enterprises;
  • instructions of all kinds;
  • official correspondence;
  • various business papers.

General characteristics of language style

Genres can be varied, content can be different, but the official business style also has the most important common features. First and foremost: the statement must be accurate. If the possibility is allowed different interpretations, this is no longer a formal business style. Examples are even in fairy tales: execution cannot be pardoned. Only a comma is missing, but the consequences of this error can go very far.

To avoid such situations, there is a second main feature, which contains the formal-business style of documents, is the locale. It is he who helps to choose lexical, morphological, syntactic language tools when preparing business documents.

The order of words in a sentence is especially rigorous and conservatistic, here much goes against the inherent structure of the Russian language direct order words. The subject precedes the predicate (for example, the goods are released), and the definitions become stronger than the defined word (for example, credit relations), the control word comes before the controlled one (for example, allocate a loan).

Each member of the sentence usually has its own place, which is determined by the structure of the sentence and its type, its own role among other words, interaction and relationships with them. BUT character traits official business style - long chains of genitive cases, for example: the appeal of the Head of the regional administration.

Style vocabulary

The vocabulary system includes, in addition to commonly used neutral book words, certain clichés - clericalism, that is, language clichés. This is included in the features of the official business style. For example: based on the decision, incoming documents, outgoing documents, after the expiration date, follow-up and so on.

Here, it is not complete without professional vocabulary, which includes neologisms: shadow business, arrears, black cash, alibis, and so on. The official business style also includes the inclusion of some archaisms in the lexical structure, for example: this document, I certify it.

However, the use of ambiguous words and words that have figurative meaning, is absolutely not allowed. There are very few synonyms and they are included in the official business style extremely rarely. For example, solvency and creditworthiness, supply and delivery, as well as security, depreciation and amortization, subsidies and appropriations.

It reflects social experience, not individual, so the vocabulary has a generalized character. The conceptual series prefers generic concepts that fit well into the official business style. Examples: arrive instead of arrive, come, fly in, and so on; vehicle instead of a car, plane, train, bus or dog sled; locality instead of a village, a city, the capital of Siberia, a village of chemists, and so on.

So, the following elements of lexical constructions belong to the official business style.

  • A high percentage of terminology in texts: legal - law, owner and property, registration, transfer and acceptance of objects, privatization, act, lease, and so on; economic - costs, subsidies, budget, sale and purchase, income, expense, and so on; economic and legal - sequestration, implementation period, property rights, loan repayment and so on.
  • The nominal nature of the construction of speech due to a large number verbal nouns, most often denoting an objectified action: shipment of goods, deferred payment, and so on.
  • High frequency of prepositional combinations and denominative prepositions: to the address, to the force, in relation to the case, to the extent and so on.
  • The transition of participles into adjectives and pronouns to enhance clerical meanings: this contract (or rules), current rates, appropriate measures, and so on.
  • Regulated lexical compatibility: the transaction is only concluded, and the price is set, the right is granted, and the payment is made.

Style morphology

Morphological features of the official business style include, first of all, the frequent (repeated) use of certain parts of speech, as well as their types, which help in the language's striving for accuracy and ambiguity of statements. For example, these:

  • nouns that name people based on their actions (tenant, taxpayer, witness);
  • nouns that call people by position or rank, including women strictly in form male(salesman Sidorov, librarian Petrov, sergeant Ivanova, inspector Krasutskaya, and so on);
  • particle non- in verbal nouns (non-compliance, non-recognition);
  • the use of derivative prepositions in a wide range (due to, in connection with, to the extent, by virtue of, on the basis of, in relation to, and so on);
  • constructions in the infinitive (to help, to inspect);
  • the present tense of verbs in a different meaning (a fine is charged for non-payment);
  • compound words with two or more stems (employer, tenant, maintenance, logistics, below named, above, and so on).

Style Syntax

The characteristic of the official business style consists of the following syntactic features:

  • Simple sentences are used with many rows of homogeneous members. For example: An administrative penalty may be fines for violation of labor protection and safety in construction, industry, agriculture and transport in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • There are passive structures of this type: payments are made strictly at the specified time.
  • Nouns prefer the genitive case and are strung with beads: the results of the activities of customs control units.
  • Complex sentences are filled with conditional clauses: in cases of disagreement of subscribers to the processing of their personal data in terms of the methods and purposes of processing or in full, subscribers sign a corresponding statement when concluding an agreement.

The sphere of official business style in genre diversity

Here, first, you need to highlight two areas of subject matter: official documentary and everyday business styles.

1. Official documentary style is divided into two categories: legislative documents related to work government agencies, - The constitution, statutes, laws are one language (J), and diplomatic acts related to international relations, - memorandums, communiques, statements, conventions - this is another language (K).

2. Everyday business style is also subdivided: correspondence between organizations and institutions is the j language, and private business papers are the k language. The genres of everyday business style include all official correspondence - commercial correspondence, business letters, as well as business papers - an autobiography, a certificate, an act, a certificate, a statement, a protocol, a receipt, a power of attorney, and so on. The standardization characteristic of these genres facilitates the preparation of papers, saves language resources and does not allow information redundancy.

Standardization of business papers

Specially selected official business style words provide communicative accuracy that gives legal force to documents. Any piece of text must have a unique interpretation and meaning. For such high accuracy, the same words, terms, names are repeated many times.

The form of the verbal noun complements the features of the official business style with an analytical expression of actions and processes: instead of the word "complete" the phrase "make additions" is used, instead of "decide" - "make decisions" and so on. How much harsher it sounds to be "responsible" instead of just "responding."

Generalization and abstractness to the highest degree and at the same time the specific meaning of the entire lexical system are the main features of the official business style. This unthinkable combination, used simultaneously, gives the document the possibility of a single interpretation and, in the aggregate of information, legal force. The texts themselves are saturated with terms and procedural vocabulary, and, for example, annexes to treaties contain nomenclature vocabulary. Questionnaires and registers, applications and specifications help the terminology to be deciphered.

In addition to emotionally colored text, the use of any swear words, reduced vocabulary, jargon, colloquial expressions is unacceptable in documents. Even professional jargon is out of place in the language business correspondence. And most of all, because it does not meet the requirements of accuracy, since it is assigned purely to the sphere of oral communication.

Oral business speech

Emotionlessness and dry logic of texts, the standard arrangement of material on paper differs significantly from oral speech, which is usually emotionally colored and asymmetric according to the principles of text organization. If oral speech is emphatically logical, the communication environment is clearly official.

Features of the official business style is that oral business conversation, despite the professional theme, should proceed in the sphere of positive emotions - sympathy, trust, respect, goodwill.

This style can be considered in its varieties: clerical and business style is simpler, but the language government controlled, diplomatic or legal requires special attention. The spheres of communication in these cases are completely different, therefore the style of communication must also be different. Statements, protocols, orders, decrees - everything that is thought out, written down, read, is not as dangerous as oral negotiations, business meetings, public performance etc. The word, like a sparrow, cannot be caught if it flies out.

The main features of the official business style of speech are brevity, accuracy and influence. To achieve these goals, it will be necessary to use the appropriate choice of words, the right constructions, the correct syntax, and the standardization in the mind of entire blocks of prepared speech. Just like in a written business text, there is no place for emotionally colored vocabulary in oral speech. It is better to choose a neutral one, to be closer to the standards of clerical language means, in order to state your plan as accurately as possible.


The most striking characteristic of the official business style is not even the text itself, but all the indispensable elements of its design - the details. Each type of document has its own information set provided by GOST. Each element is strictly fixed in a certain place on the form. Date, name, registration number, information about the compiler and all other details are always located in the same way - one at the top of the sheet, the other at the bottom.

The number of details depends on the content and type of document. The sample form shows the maximum details and the order in which they are located on the document. This is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, emblems of an organization or enterprise, images of government awards, code of an organization, enterprise or institution ( all-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations - OKPO), document form code (all-Russian classifier of management documentation - OKUD) and so on.


Machine processing, computerized office work - new era in the process of standardization. Economic and socio-political life is becoming more complicated, technological progress is gaining momentum, therefore, the peculiarities of the official business style are to justify economically the choice of one language option from all possible ones and consolidate it in practice.

Using a stable formula, an accepted abbreviation, a uniform arrangement of all material, it is much faster and easier to draw up a document. This is how all standard and template letters, tables, questionnaires, etc. are compiled, which allows information to be encoded, providing an informative capacity of the text, with the possibility of deploying its full structure. Such modules are introduced into the text of contracts (on lease, performance of work, sale and purchase, etc.)

Fifty to seventy percent of the word usage in a document is procedural vocabulary and terminology. The topic of the document determines the unambiguity of the context. For example: The parties undertake to comply with the above rules. The word "parties", used outside the document, is very ambiguous, but here it is read purely legal aspect- persons who enter into a contract.

Business style is a set of linguistic means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations, that is, relations that arise between state bodies, between organizations or within them, between organizations and individuals in the course of their production, economic, legal activities. Thus, the scope of business speech can, in principle, be represented as a wide network of actual official business situations and as a set of corresponding genres of documents. At least five consequences can be deduced from this.

1. The breadth of this sphere makes it possible to distinguish at least three sub-styles (varieties) of business style: 1) official business style (clerical, as it is often called), 2) legal (the language of laws and decrees) and 3) diplomatic. With a number of differences, these substyles are close to each other in their main characteristics. (Official business and diplomatic documents are similar in that they are focused on reaching an agreement between the two parties or on formulating the positions of the parties, with the especially “etiquette” nature of diplomatic formulas; in contrast to them, the “language of laws” is characterized by the desire to enumerate conditions and circumstances entailing legal liability.

In this chapter, we will turn almost exclusively to the material of official business speech itself: not only because the specific features of the official business style as a whole are most clearly and consistently expressed in clerical speech, but also because, in terms of the scale of its distribution and penetration into speech practice of any activity official business speech affects the mass of speakers to the greatest extent.

2. The ratio "official business situation - the corresponding genre of the document" means that the content of the document covers many real business circumstances, corresponding not to a single circumstance, but to their whole type - a situation. As a result, the form and language of documents in an official business style act as standardized (corresponding to a single model), and the very requirement of standardization permeates the entire sphere of business speech.

3. In the field of business speech, we are dealing with a document, i.e., with a business paper that has legal force, and this fact itself determines the written nature of the implementation of language means of an official business style. At the same time, the purely written nature of a business document cannot but affect its language: written speech is speech in the absence of an interlocutor, requiring a detailed and complete presentation, because “the situation must be restored in all details in order to become understandable to the interlocutor (= reader. — B. Sh.)”.

4. In linguistics, it is customary to contrast two types of texts: informative (scientific, business) and expressive (journalistic, artistic). The belonging of business speech to the first type explains some of its features, and above all, its stylistic character. The ultimate informative purpose of a business text is reflected in the writer's desire for the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation, and thus in the desire to use stylistically neutral and / or bookish elements. This, in turn, excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally colored linguistic means in business speech texts (for example, colloquial vocabulary or interjections), figurative means or words used in a figurative sense - all this would contradict the requirement of accuracy of business speech. Read, for example, Chekhov's story "The Exclamation Mark", where an official, going over in his memory the punctuation marks that he used during 40 years of service in the papers passing through his hands, cannot remember in which case one should put in them exclamation mark! (Do you remember which one? Think about it.).

5. The foregoing also determines the requirement of unambiguity, which is characteristic of business speech. (Let us note in this regard the difference between scientific and business speech: in the first, unambiguity is necessary, and in the second, ambiguity is simply unacceptable). This requirement predetermines the use of terms or terminized (close to unambiguous) terms in business speech. special means language (it is clear that this trend is organically linked with the legal force of the document, which does not tolerate ambiguity or, as L. V. Shcherba said, "rumored interpretations"); such, for example: a decision, a resolution - in a clerical style, a plaintiff, a defendant - in a legal style, to testify to someone one's deep respect - in a diplomatic one. It is no coincidence that researchers note that “Professional idioms that have developed in business writing, perform the same function as the terms in scientific speech". For the same reason, the desire not to use in business texts personal-demonstrative pronouns he (she, it, they), since their use in a context - if there is more than one noun of the same gender in it - may contradict the requirements of accuracy and clarity of presentation.

The requirement of consistency and argumentation of presentation in the field of syntax of business speech explains the abundance complex structures. This refers to the great use of complex sentences with conjunctions that convey logical relations (subordinate causes, consequences, conditions), the productivity of all kinds of clarifications in the text (participial and adverbial phrases, plug-in constructions), differentiation of semantic relations with the help of complex unions (such as due to the fact that ) and prepositions (such as for what).

Listed distinctive linguistic features business style (stylistic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) organically fit into the written sphere of the use of this style, into its genres of documentation. But not only this makes up the features of the norms of the official business (clerical) substyle.

Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina and E.N. Shiryaeva - M., 1999

Today, the relevance of studying and applying this concept is difficult to overestimate. The role of business etiquette is important in the life of each particular organization, and is also of great importance at the international level. Competent possession business style increases the status and authority of a person, opening up new career and personal prospects for them. It can be described as a formula for success, the result of which is influenced by a person’s speech, behavior and dress code.

Definition and origins of business style in speech

Business style in speech is a set of linguistic and other means that can be applied in the field of official communications. Such relationships can arise between people, organizations and states. This format of communication has its roots in antiquity. In the era of the Kievan state, documents began to appear that had legal force. Among other book styles, origins of business style originated in the 10th century. Until now, it has been used to draw up legislative documents, orders, agreements, and in official correspondence.

Formal business stylefunctional variety a language characterized by stability and standardization. It does not allow for ambiguous and poorly structured sentences and phrases. Words are used exclusively in direct meaning. Examples of this style are the reports of figures at solemn and official meetings and sessions. It is also applied in working atmosphere at meetings, presentations, meetings.

Forms of manifestation of business style

The official format finds its application in writing, oral communication, wardrobe. The manner of dressing is peculiar business card person, whether he is in the presidency, manages the company or performs ordinary functions in it. In addition to the first impression, clothes can have a psychological impact on interlocutors. Business style clothing requires more attention.

Corporate manners are manifested in human behavior. Components: the ability to remain calm and behave with dignity in a non-standard situation, the will to act, the willingness to take responsibility, not to be afraid to be flexible, to be objective. Business behavior obeys certain: common sense, ethics, expediency, conservatism, efficiency and others.

Business style of speech

Dress code of the company and its functions

Every major company has its own dress code. It helps to unify appearance employees and maintain the image of the company. positively affects the reputation of the company and creates an overall impression of it in the eyes of customers. Each employee should have at least four suits in their wardrobe, which should be changed periodically. Walking in the same suit for two or more days in a row is not recommended.

In some large companies specific and rather stringent requirements are prescribed. The dress code in the contract with the employee is given several pages with detailed description clothing and materials from which it should be made. In comparison with foreign firms, in the CIS countries they are more loyal to the uniform of employees. Separate requirements are established for mandatory business style for negotiations, presentations or field meetings. Friday is considered "no tie day" if no important meetings are scheduled for that day.

The introduction of a dress code affects not only the general corporate culture. Tastefully selected wardrobe makes the employee more disciplined. He feels the personal responsibility that lies with him when. Such people are more likely to succeed in negotiations.

The importance of business style in business

In the business world, it is extremely important to follow a certain set of rules and norms that dictate the manner of speaking and behaving in different situations. Adhering to these requirements, you can count on an effective meeting, negotiations, signing a contract. Even a dinner or a meeting without ties should be held in the appropriate way.

Compliance with business style is not something unattainable for beginners. Everyone can learn the basic principles according to which a meeting, conversation, presentation should take place. In theory, the main models of behavior have long been defined, important principles and norms have been described. For example, at the first meeting, the dating algorithm is as follows: greeting, introduction and exchange of business cards.

In practice, difficulties can arise, since experience is needed in everything. Don't be afraid of your own mistakes. It is considered good form to directly ask for advice from a more knowledgeable person. At the same time, one should maintain an acceptable distance, avoid familiarity in behavior and not curry favor with the interlocutor.

Norms of business style at meetings without ties

At such meetings, important issues are not resolved and documents are not signed. The informal atmosphere is conducive to discussing common prospects and plans for the future, casual conversations about family and hobbies. You can relax and deviate from compliance with strict norms. informal business attire allows you to wear more comfortable things. In whatever free format the communication takes place, the interlocutors should behave with dignity and friendliness in order to have a good time together.

Characteristic for legal, administrative and social activities. For such a phenomenon as the culture of speech, the official business style is very important, because it is used to draw up documents and business papers related to state tasks, court cases and diplomatic communication. It is characterized by isolation, the stability of many speech turns, specific vocabulary and special syntactic turns. Documents written in a formal business manner are compact and filled with clichés and language clichés. This international treaties, government decrees and acts, legal laws and court orders, various charters and official correspondence, as well as other types of business papers that differ in accuracy and language standard.

This is a special culture of speech. The official business style, in addition to clichés and language clichés, includes professional terminology and archaisms in abundance. Polysemantic words are not used at all when using this style. Documents also avoid synonyms, and if they are used, then their style is also strictly observed and the vocabulary, as it were, is shackled into a framework, beyond which it is forbidden.

But the official business style uses nouns in abundance, naming people on the basis of activity, positions are always called in the masculine gender. Often words with a particle are used not as antonyms for the same words when they are used without a negative particle. Popular in business documents are both complex and infinitives in the designations of actions performed or being performed. Enough great place in this style of speech, complex words are also assigned.

Formal business style is preferred homogeneous members. Passive constructions are often used, that is, impersonal sentences without specifying the person performing the action. The genitive case of nouns forms a chain of syntactic constructions, sentences are often very common and burdened with a clause clause.

The official business style has two varieties: official documentary and everyday business style. The first group is the language of such legislative acts as the Constitution Russian Federation and its subjects, statutes and programs of parties, as well as diplomatic documents of international importance, such as a communiqué, memorandum, convention, etc. The second group includes the language used in the process of conducting official correspondence and compiling private business papers. These include various certificates, business letters, powers of attorney, announcements, statements, receipts, autobiographies, etc. It is known how the listed papers are standardized, which greatly facilitates their compilation. The information they contain is brief and used in a minimal amount.

English is known to be a means international communication. Therefore, formal business style in English used in the diplomatic substyle when business papers are to be translated. Varieties of business speech in this case are determined by the scope of use. Trade agreements and contracts are maintained in the style of commercial correspondence. In the field of law, the language of codes, legal provisions, state and parliamentary decisions is used. Separately, the language of paramilitary business papers stands out.

Thus, the official business style of the English language is intended to play the role of a tool by which an understanding of the essence of the matter is achieved by the parties, which leads to the signing of various agreements.

The official business style (ODS) serves the sphere of official relations, in which communication participants perform certain social functions. Situations in such communication are as typical as possible, which gives rise to the standard speech behavior of their participants, therefore, many documents are ready-made forms in which only the passport data of the submitter of the document needs to be entered.

The term "official business style" is used to denote the features of the language of official (organizational and administrative) and diplomatic documents. The main function of the official business style is that, requiring a certain form in the written presentation of the content, it gives the text the character of a document and translates the various aspects of human relations reflected in this text into the category of official business documents.

The main features of the ODS are the accuracy of the wording, the standard arrangement of the material, the regulation (a limited set of language tools), the rigor and simplicity, the richness of information, the written form of presentation and the impersonality of the statement.

ODS is subdivided into three sub-styles - legal, diplomatic and clerical and business. Each of them is reflected in a number of genres. The genres of the legal sub-style include the constitution, code, law, charter, resolution, the genres of the diplomatic sub-style include a letter of credence, protest note, declaration, communiqué, the genres of the clerical and business sub-style include an order, contract, notification, order, as well as all types of documents. personal nature (statement, complaint, receipt, power of attorney, letter, memorandum / service / explanatory note, autobiography, etc.).

From language features official business style, the following should be highlighted. To the lexical features of the ODS include the presence set expressions and terms denoting the realities of social life, as well as clericalism, which are immediately evident, imprinted and later, in a spontaneous and unprepared form, emerge in colloquial speech (proper, undersigned, hear, plaintiff, individual, consumer and etc.). In the texts of the ODS, there is no emotionally expressive vocabulary, evaluative and introductory-modal words ( good, bad, like, want, probably, maybe, etc.). The words used in the texts are characterized by limited lexical compatibility, for example, official letter not spelled, but is drawn up.

IN morphologically the use of short forms of adjectives with the meaning of obligation is noted ( obligated, responsible, accountable) and participles ( the decision was made, the candidacy was supported), an abundance of denominative prepositions and conjunctions ( accordingly, in continuation, for the purposes of, due to the fact that). To express imperativeness, infinitive constructions are used, reinforced with adverbs and modal words ( repairs should be made, I order measures to be taken, it is necessary to proceed to ... etc.).

TO syntactic features ODS texts are active use passive constructions ( order completed, not possible, negotiations completed) and an abundance of sentences with homogeneous members and isolated phrases, various kinds of clichés and clichés with elements of archaism ( according to the deed, the punishability of the act).

SDS texts are characterized by sentences with inversion - the subject with an objective meaning follows the predicate ( Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience). Sentences with participles and participle turns allow you to make the text informative rich. The texts are dominated by constructions with "stringing" genitive cases of nouns without prepositions ( Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation is prohibited).

Official business texts are characterized by a high degree of segmentation, which allows you to clearly structure the text, dividing it into articles, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs. The text is built according to a template (form), which includes all the elements required for a given genre.

Texts of the ODS, or documents, occupy a significant place in life modern man. They regulate our social life, so we feel the need for them every day. That is why each of us must be able not only to correctly interpret the document, but also to compose it correctly. The author compiling this or that document must use in it those linguistic means that the genre of the document requires from him, and not “invent” his own, different from the standard phrases.

The document is created in accordance with the genre model of the text with an unchanged composition, which includes the obligatory thematic blocks, i.e. details.

For example, a job application contains the following details:

1) indication of the addressee (name of the head and enterprise);

2) indication of the addressee;

3) the name of the genre of the document (statement);

4) the main content of the request (please accept me ...);

5) indication of the date of preparation of the document;

6) signature (handwritten signature).

It is necessary to strictly observe the requirements for the location of details in relation to each other. In the application, the addressee and the addressee are indicated in the right upper corner sheet. Name of the document (with a capital letter and without a dot at the end, if the addressee with the preposition "from", or with lower case and with a dot at the end, if the addresser without the preposition "from") is located in the middle, and the main content is the width of the sheet. The date is placed on the bottom left, and the signature is placed on the right, on the same line as the date. In this case, blank lines are left between the details. Under the date and signature, free space is left for resolution. Resolutions are also located in the upper left corner.

The official business style is the most common style that functions not only in office work and diplomacy, but also in any official relations, for example, in production, at a university, in medical institutions, in the newspaper, etc.

When compiling documents, generally accepted stable speech turns are used: I ask for your permission to…; I, the undersigned ...; reference is given ... that ... really ...; let me invite you…; I, who live at the address ..., trust ...

The correct use of verbs such as trust, assure, guarantee, declare, notify, insist, confirm, notify, offer, order etc. These verbs are used in the first person plural or singular in sentences without a subject, as well as a third person singular when referring to the addressee, for example: “I ask”, and not “I ask”; “commit” not “we commit”.

The drafter of the document should be able to accurately and concisely state his point of view on the problem of interest to him. To do this, he must know the language means expressing causal and other logical relationships, which, first of all, include complex conjunctions and denominative prepositions: due to, for the purpose of, on the basis of, in order to avoid, according to, according to, thanks to, due to etc.

In official business papers, it is necessary to use correctly etiquette formulas appeals indicating the respectful attitude of the addresser to the addressee: Thank you for…, We kindly ask you…, Unfortunately… It should be borne in mind that in a business letter, second person pronouns ( you, your) are written with a capital letter, while in ordinary written speech such a spelling contradicts the norms of Russian spelling.

In official business papers, familiar address to the addressee is not allowed ( Expensive…), indication of the response time in the ultimatum form ( Please answer me immediately...) or refusal to the addressee's request without giving reasons.

Typical business speech errors include the following violations:

1) unmotivated use of foreign words ( roll over instead of extend; appeal instead of address);

2) the use of archaisms ( which instead of which the, this year instead of this year);

3) incorrect use of paronyms ( graduated from high school instead of graduated from high school; introduce the products instead of familiarize yourself with the products);

4) violation of the rules for the use of prepositions ( thanks to, according to, in spite of, according to combined with the dative case; as a result, during differ in their spelling from prepositional case combinations an experienced detective is involved in the investigation; there are rapids along the river.

Here are two options for writing a statement.

Option 1 (statement from whom):

prof. A.M. Shammazov

from a second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich


I ask you to transfer me to a correspondence course for family reasons. An extract from the academic certificate of the tests and exams I passed is attached.

07/25/2012 Personal signature

Option 2 (whose statement):

Rector of the Ufa State

Petroleum Technical University

prof. A.M. Shammazov

second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich


In connection with the request of the enterprise that sent me to study at its own expense, I ask you to transfer me to the specialty “Drilling oil and gas wells”. The letter from the HR Department of Burintekh LLC is attached.
