How to properly plant tulips, given the depth and planting distance. Planting tulips in the fall at the most suitable time, taking into account all the nuances

Who would have thought that tulips, the cultivation of which only five centuries ago was available only to the richest segments of the population, will now be found in almost every flower garden. These bright flowers have become real symbols of spring and the awakening of nature! But why does someone grow tulips so magnificent that it's hard to take your eyes off, while others don't look very presentable?

Preparing bulbs and choosing a place to plant them

Although growing tulips in open ground is considered a simple matter, accessible to any novice gardener, in fact, many important little things need to be taken into account in order for the plants to turn out to be even, beautiful, with large flowers. Sometimes even minor mistakes can lead to such undesirable consequences as slow growth of tulips, rotting of the stems or their curvature, the formation of small buds, drooping and rapid withering of flowers, etc.

The key to beautiful, healthy tulips is careful selection of planting material

Excellent results can be achieved if:

    • chosen appropriate place for planting tulips good soil and illumination;
    • bulbs were carefully sorted before planting, and unhealthy, damaged, small specimens were discarded;
    • the planting of the bulbs took place at the most favorable time for this;
    • when planting, the planting depth and the distance between the bulbs were observed;
    • right after the snow melted and until the end of flowering, the tulips were properly cared for.

Video about growing tulips

Let us consider in more detail what the technology of growing tulips is, and what points you should definitely pay attention to.

The key to beautiful, healthy tulips is the careful selection of planting material. You can buy already prepared and properly processed bulbs or prepare them yourself by digging up tulips at the end of the growing season. With self-harvesting of planting material, the bulbs are sorted and sent for storage in a dark place at a temperature of +20 degrees until autumn.

When will it come auspicious time for planting tulips, the bulbs are sorted out again, carefully inspecting for damage, signs of disease and rot. After that, the selected bulbs are cleaned from the upper husk, disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and immediately planted in the ground.

When the time is right for planting tulips, the bulbs are sorted out again

Place for planting tulips should be determined from the summer. Moreover, it is necessary not only to take into account the illumination, the reaction of the soil and the occurrence of groundwater, but also to think carefully about where the tulips will look best. To make multi-colored buds become a real decoration of the garden and cause constant admiration from your guests and passers-by, it is worth exploring the options.

Better conditions for growing tulips: a flat, unshaded area (under the trees and in the shade of the house only the most hardy varieties feel good), the soil reaction is close to neutral, the soil is light and fertile.

Highlights of planting tulips

Most gardeners prefer to plant tulips in the fall so that they naturally go through a cooling period during the winter, during which new flowers sprout inside the bulbs. Bulbs can also be planted in the spring, but be prepared for later tulip blooms.

Around the second half of September, when the ground temperature has already dropped to +10 degrees, and frosts have not yet begun, you should start planting tulips. To do this, you can make grooves of a suitable depth in the garden or dig a separate hole under each bulb with a scoop. On the large areas planting material laid out on a leveled surface and then evenly covered with earth.

Bury the bulbs into the ground so that the planting depth is equal to three times the height of the bulb - large ones deeper, small ones closer to the surface. When too deep landing children at the bulb are formed much less.

The distance between the tulips can be arbitrary, depending on your design ideas, but it is still undesirable to place the bulbs closer than 10 cm from each other, otherwise they will then grow very closely, and digging the bulbs in the summer will be difficult.

Bury the bulbs in the ground so that the planting depth is three times the height of the bulb.

The planted bulbs are sprinkled fertile soil and mulch plantings with peat or humus to protect plants from frost. Additional shelter landings for the winter is usually not required. You can learn more about the rest in the article on our website.

Tulip growing technology - what is important to consider?

In the spring, as the snow melts, mulch is raked from the flower bed and the earth is gently loosened. Further, it will be useful to apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer for better growth and development of the green part of plants. In the future, during the entire growing season, do not forget to regularly loosen the soil and regularly water the bed. But remember that you can not fill the tulips too much - any stagnation of moisture threatens to rot the roots.

When your flowers show their first sprouts in the spring, see if all the bulbs have sprouted and do all the sprouts look healthy? If signs of disease are found on some stalks, they should be immediately dug up and destroyed. Unsprouted bulbs can also be dug up without pity.

You can not be afraid of spring morning frosts, since tulips, even with the appearance of buds, calmly endure a short-term drop in temperature to -4 degrees. And as soon as good weather comes, the plants continue their development.

When your flowers show their first sprouts in the spring, see if all the bulbs have sprouted and if all the sprouts look healthy

Tulips are very fond of fertilizing with fertilizers:

  • a lot of benefit will bring the application of complex fertilizer during the unfolding of the second or third leaf of tulip sprouts;
  • before flowering, be sure to feed the tulips with phosphorus and potassium so that the buds form beautiful and large;
  • comprehensive mineral fertilizer it will be useful even during the blooming of flowers;
  • do not use fertilizers containing chlorine for tulips;
  • it is more convenient and safer to fertilize in the form of aqueous solutions during irrigation, before rain or immediately after it on wet ground.

Finished complex fertilizers they are good because they contain the most important trace elements for tulips in the optimal ratio: boron, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc, sulfur, copper, iron, magnesium (while there is no chlorine harmful to tulips). The lack of any of these trace elements can adversely affect the development and health of tulips.

So, with a lack of boron, molybdenum or zinc, tulips may develop chlorosis, the stems will be weak if there is not enough sulfur in the soil, the leaves of tulips become light green or turn white at all, and turn yellow from a lack of iron. Strong disadvantage magnesium leads to the fact that the edges and tips of the tulip leaves begin to bend and die, the bulbs of such plants will no longer be suitable for forcing.

Video about the cultivation, care and reproduction of tulips

When the plants are finished, you should continue for a while if you expect to collect good, large bulbs for growing the next generation of beautiful flowers. In this case, it is recommended to break out the blossoming buds along with the pedicels - all the forces of the plant will go to the formation of bulbs, and not to the development of the seed box. Just do not cut off the leaves, otherwise the yield of bulbs will decrease several times.

The stems of tulips are left in the flower bed until they turn completely yellow, until the bulbs ripen. And if you don’t like how a garden looks with withered “stubs” of tulips, think in advance which plants can close the unsightly picture. Another option is to grow tulips outdoors in special baskets or containers that can be dug out of the garden immediately after flowering has ended and moved to a more inconspicuous place to grow bulbs.

When to plant tulips? In autumn? Or maybe it can be done in the spring? How to plant them correctly? How deep should the bulbs be planted? The answers to these questions will determine how our flower garden will look in the spring.

Tulips are bulbous plants. It is best to plant them in the fall. in the Kuban best timing it's mid-October, and for middle lane Russia - a month earlier.

How to plant tulips in autumn

They are among the first to bloom when other flowers have not yet risen or even planted. They look very beautiful blooming when planted in heaps, groups. The larger the group, the better impression it makes. How to arrange them will tell you the taste, as well as the place allocated for landing.

Soil preparation

I will not reveal any secret to you if I say that before planting tulips, you need to prepare the soil. It is best to do this two weeks before planting. What kind of soil do these flowers like? Loose, fertile. The place where they will grow must be sunny.

If the soil is dry, then first it must be well moistened, and only then only dig.

If you have dense soil on the site, then add sand to the hole or trench before planting - flowers love loose soil. I also add wood ash - this is both a good fertilizer, as well as additional protection against various diseases. Tulips are more suitable for alkaline soil, and ash just deoxidizes the earth well.

Regardless of how you arrange the bulbs - in rows or heaps, I advise you to sprinkle them with a small amount of humus or compost, and then cover them with earth on top.

And do not forget, they need the sun, and the breeze, so as not to disturb. If the site is at least partially closed from the sun, then the stems will stretch, thin, twist, and the bulbs will not be able to accumulate an adequate supply of food for themselves.

The site should be flat, with good subsoil. The roots of tulips go to a depth of a little more than half a meter, so if you have groundwater close to you, then the bulbs will get wet and die. In this case, you will have to plant tulips on a hill.

Processing bulbs before planting

When we dug tulips after flowering in summer, we dried them well and sorted them. Large bulbs separately - we will plant them in the most prominent place - they will bloom, delight us. Small or medium-sized ones will not bloom in spring, therefore, as experts advise, it is better to plant them in an inconspicuous but sunny place.

This is how I roughly sort the bulbs, after drying into three parts - large, medium, small.

From medium bulbs, next summer we will get large ones with a planted flower arrow. And from small - we get medium. That is, for small children, it may take at least two seasons until they bloom.

I plant tulips not in rows, but in round clearings. I think they look more natural this way.

Unfortunately, tulips are prone to fungal diseases. Therefore, before planting them, the bulbs should be kept for at least half an hour in a solution of some fungicide, for example, Maxim, Fitosporin or a weak solution of manganese.

Planting tulips in the ground or baskets for bulbs

A convenient device for planting - plastic baskets with a slatted bottom. Convenient in that they help shape flower arrangements in the flower bed, facilitate the process of digging up the bulbs after flowering. Usually you can buy special baskets 6-7 cm high. The average height of a large bulb is 4-5 cm. This means that the hole should have a depth of 12-15 cm.

For several years now I have been using special plastic baskets for bulbs for planting in the fall. But I always have a lot of tulips, so I use a plus for baskets plastic crates for vegetables, but not high, but with the lowest sides.

The time to dig tulips out of the ground in summer is much less with this method of planting. There are practically no unearthed or accidentally left. Even damaged by a shovel or pitchfork does not happen, since I actually dig out a box or basket, and only then shake out the contents on the ground.

I really like this way of planting tulips. Even if I sometimes do not have time to dig the bulbs in time in the summer, I leave them not dug out for another year, I am sure that they will not deepen, they will not go anywhere.

If you plant bulbs without baskets, then there is a good helper - a cone with a measuring scale, the purpose of which is to dig holes of a given depth.

Well, if you don't have baskets or a cone, it doesn't matter. You can do without them. In the area where I planned to plant them, I dig round or rectangular holes.

When planting tulips, you need to know the basic rule. Planting depth should be equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by three.

This depth guarantees good flowering, the appearance of a large bulb, strong, not very small children. A shallower fit will give you small flower and, accordingly, not a large onion.

According to agrotechnical rules, there should be a distance of 10-15 cm between the bulbs. But purely aesthetically, blooming tulips look more beautiful, located close to each other, like a living bouquet. If you dig up bulbs every year (experts advise doing just that), then do not be afraid to plant them with a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.

How to water tulips

Now a little about watering. Should I water newly planted bulbs? It all depends on soil moisture. If the soil is moist, then watering is optional. But in the case of landing in dry ground, it is necessary to shed a hole or groove well.

Tulips should be watered regularly, plentifully during the period of active growth, during budding, flowering, especially in dry years. Moisture should penetrate to the depth of the roots (0.5 m), and not just wet the ground. After flowering, watering stops.

Is it possible to plant tulip bulbs in spring

Usually best time autumn is considered for planting bulbs. But in February-March, the planted bulbs also take root well. It should only be remembered that the daytime temperature should reach + 8-10 ° C.

Fertilizing tulips during planting, during the growing season, after flowering

Ordinary tulips are practically not whimsical. It is enough to add ash, humus or compost to the hole when planting.

But for varietals, a more thorough inspection is needed. They need to be fed with mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season.

The first top dressing can be carried out even in the snow - scatter dry fertilizer - about 2 tablespoons per 1 sq. m.

The second top dressing - after emergence of shoots. The complete mineral fertilizer Kemira Universal is best suited. Prepare the solution according to the instructions, water the tulip seedlings at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 sq. m.

The third time I advise you to feed after flowering, but no later than 2 weeks later. Dissolve 1 Matchbox any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in a bucket of water, for example, potassium monophosphate. Pour the tulips that have lost color with the solution.

How to grow large tulips

When we sorted the bulbs, we knew what to bloom on next year will only be large. The size of the flower depends on the size of the bulbs, however, varietal characteristics still play a role here.

I will share one secret on how to get large bulbs and, as a result, large flowers. Sometimes this is important when you are going to propagate some wonderful variety, or you are selling bulbs. Professionals use a term such as decapitation - the removal of flower heads. I also advise you to use this technique.

How to properly decapitate? Let the flower bloom, admire its beauty. Make sure that the varietal characteristics are present, there is no stem curvature, that is, the flower is healthy. 3-4 days after the opening of the bud, remove the flower. At the same time, the mass of the bulb by the time of digging will increase by 30-40%.

Every amateur grower should know the features of growing tulips in the open field. These lovely flowers are among the first to delight in spring. But if before Soviet years, in the flower beds lit up with scarlet lights dutch tulips, and then “yellow ones” were added to them, today the choice of varieties is unusually large. You can pick up flowers of any shade - from white to black, and any shape. Early, middle and late tulips in their flowering will replace each other and delight the owners with a bright flower bed for a long time.

Well, of course. flower garden owners want tulips to grow normally, develop and not get sick. What needs to be done for this? So, tulips - planting and care in the open field for these "first-born spring".

Choosing bulbs for planting

Bulbs can be both own, grown on their site, and purchased - certain varieties. The main thing is that they are healthy. First of all, they are carefully examined.

Bulbs that have begun to rot or are affected by fungal diseases are thrown away.

The rest are sorted by size.

Tulips will grow from large bulbs, which will bloom in spring. Plants will form from small ones, the flowering of which should be expected in the next season.

Time and date of planting tulips

Plants are usually planted in open ground spring or autumn. The same applies to tulips.


This is best option planting plants in central Russia. Tulip bulbs are planted in their designated place from mid-September to mid-October. Of course, the terms can be lengthened if the autumn is warm, and shortened in case of an unexpected onset of cold weather. Soil temperature should not fall below + 7-10 C, otherwise root system bulbs will not have time to take root, and the flowers will freeze.

But subject to the rules, planting tulips in the fall will allow you to get next spring strong and healthy flowers.


Tulip bulbs can also be planted in the spring, when the earth has warmed up to the same + 7-10 C. This usually happens in the second half of April-early May. You should not rush to plant so that the tulips do not die during frosts.

How to plant tulips correctly?

Tulips are fairly undemanding plants. Therefore, even a novice florist will cope with planting them.

Tulips... Probably not more plants, the mention of which causes such a mass of positive emotions. Even small children know that with the first spring sun and Mother's Day, these bright and fragrant flowers always come to the house. Placers of tulips enliven city squares, village front gardens and numerous country flower beds, pleasing to the eye after boring and gray winter days.

Tulip is a perennial herb. bulbous plants Liliaceae family. Its height, depending on the group and variety, can vary from 10 cm to 1 meter. The region of origin of the species is the mountainous regions, semi-deserts and steppes of Central Asia.

Is it easy to grow a tulip?

Talking about tulips, someone admires him unpretentiousness and simplicity of agricultural technology and someone complains indignantly about constant failures in an attempt to grow this perennial. Who is right? To find the truth, let us briefly consider the structure of the tulip and its life cycle, as well as refer to the origins of its origin.

If you approach the cultivation of tulips from the point of view of a person versed in botanical features tulip, then you can easily calculate your mistakes, eliminate them and make sure that growing a healthy tulip is very simple.

What you need to know about tulip bulbs - myths and reality

The figure below shows the structure of a tulip bulb.

  1. Due to the fact that the plants are renewed annually from the primordia inside the bulb (numbers 3 and 5 in the figure), they can delight gardeners for many years. The bulb itself lives a little more than 2 years: the first year - inside the "matryoshka" - the mother (number 5), and the second year - on its own.
  2. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that the bulbs have “pollinated” and the flowers have changed shade. As you can see, young bulbs are not related to the pollination of the flower, their appearance is a vegetative process that occurs in the soil. Below we will try to consider the true reasons for the change in the original color of the tulip.
  3. Another interesting point: in young bulbs (which do not bloom in the first year), a stolon shoot grows down from the bottom, at the end of which a daughter bulb forms. This is another mistake of flower growers, who, having found new bulbs deeper than they planted them, believe that the tulip is allegedly “drawn in” by the roots deep into.
  4. In some types of tulips, such stolons grow intensively not only down, but also to the sides (Foster's tulips), and at the end of each shoot there is a young bulb. And for some, the appearance of stolons is a rarity, so getting an extra bulb of the right variety is a problem.
  5. It must be borne in mind that when disembarking flowering bulbs children are formed at the level mother plant and no recession occurs.

  • 1 - covering scales (dry, brown);
  • 2 - storage scales (juicy pulp inside the bulb, source nutrients);
  • 3 - kidneys of daughter bulbs (the closer the kidney is to the center of the bottom, the larger the "daughter");
  • 4 - bottom;
  • 5 - the kidney of the replacement bulb (the one that will replace the old plant);
  • 6 - flower rudiment;
  • 7 - leaf rudiments.

How does a tulip grow?

Like a typical ephemeroid, the tulip has clearly defined period of dormancy and vegetation. The time when a replacement bud and daughter bulbs are laid between the storage scales is the dormant period, which is very important for the further development of the plant.

Many people believe that from the moment a new bulb is dug up until spring, the plant is unchanged, but this is far from the case. Take a look at the drawing.

After planting in October, along the edges of the bottom, roots begin to grow intensively, which develop up to 0.5 m in depth, and in November, a young shoot is thrown almost to the surface of the earth. Thanks to this over-readiness of the plant, we can admire the early spring flowering of tulips and other primroses.

Let's move on to the rules for growing tulips.

Wrong actions when caring for tulips

How does tulips usually plant in open ground in the garden of an ordinary summer resident?

  1. In the garden center, the bulbs you like are bought, without taking into account the height of an adult plant and the timing of its flowering.
  2. Bulbs are planted at a time convenient for the gardener - sometimes very early or too late.
  3. Landing is carried out without taking into account the size of the bulb - both large and small parsing - at the same depth and at a close distance from each other.
  4. The place intended for tulips is sometimes insufficiently lit due to the proximity of buildings or fences.
  5. Often, planting is carried out without proper soil preparation - digging to the required depth and without applying basic fertilizers and dressings.
  6. To accommodate tulips, various inconveniences are chosen, up to places flooded in the spring, and with a high standing of groundwater.
  7. After flowering, the green foliage of tulips is cut off due to the loss of decorativeness.
  8. Bulbs are not dug up and divided long time.

Familiar situation? Under no circumstances should this be done. What is the correct algorithm for caring for tulips?

Planting and caring for tulips - how to?

Planting time is considered optimal when the soil temperature drops to 9-10 C. Usually in the middle lane this time comes from mid-September. Finish planting tulips until mid-October, so before frost, the bulbs have time to take root well and adapt to wintering. It is important not to forget to disinfect the bulbs before planting in open ground in a solution of Vitaros or Maxim preparations!

It happens that for some reason the gardener does not get around to the timely placement of children. Do not be upset - you can use three ways to "attach" the bulbs.

  1. Despite the timing, plant tulips in the ground until the end of November, slightly increasing the planting depth (up to 20 cm). After watering, mulch plantings with peat or dry foliage. The probability of winter loss of plants in this case decreases.
  2. Use the bulbs for early spring forcing on the windowsill, after consulting the special tables on the timing of cooling and germination.
  3. Store tulips in a cold basement all winter, and in early spring plant the bulbs in the warmest place of the site, where the soil has thawed a little. Tulips may bloom in this case, but the timing of flowering will move closer to summer.

How to choose the right place

Tulips are children of mountains and semi-deserts. This should not be forgotten when planning a place for laying out a spring flower garden. Only when good lighting the plant will take on the color and shape of the variety.

With a lack of sun, the peduncle will be curved, the flower will be small and partially deformed. Insufficient amounts of nutrients will be deposited in the storage scales, which can lead to the appearance of weak replacement bulbs, and then to the complete loss of the variety.

The landing site should be dry, without prolonged stagnation of moisture (however, regular watering in drought must also be ensured). If the bulbs are in damp soil for a long time, they become ill with fungal and bacterial infections and die.

If the soil is dense, clayey, leavening agents must be added - peat, sand, vermiculite.

Another important addition - the predecessor in the garden (in the flower garden) should not be classified as bulbous, otherwise there is a high probability of viral or fungal diseases.

How deep are tulips planted?

When planting tulips in the ground, as well as when planting many ephemeroids, they are guided by the rule of height of 3 bulbs. Three times the size is counted from the bottom and dug landing pit just such a depth. For tulips, this value is usually 15 cm. A little sand is added to the bottom to drain the bulbous bottom area. Young children are planted in accordance with this rule at a shallower depth.

With excessive deepening of the bulbs, the flower does not grow so large, and the children are small and bloom weakly.

What interval is maintained during landing

The bulbs located nearby should be at least 2 sizes (10 cm) apart from each other. How larger bulb- the farther apart they are seated, otherwise the plants, competing for light and food, quickly grind.

To organize a group, very effective planting of tulips, they dig one common hole, fill it with fertilizers and lay out the bulbs evenly.

Now tiered flower beds have become very popular, when hyacinths are planted as the bottom layer, and smaller bulbs of birdman, muscari or chionodox are laid out on top of lightly sprinkled tulips.

Location in the flower garden and neighboring plants

First of all, you need to decide on the composition of the composition, which will include tulips. If early spring flowering is foreseen (suppose, with muscari or early daffodils), then varieties are selected early term, well combined in color - contrasting or monochrome (of the same shade). Usually with bright blue muscari, terry ones look good. yellow varieties tulips, and with sunny daffodils - white and bright red.

Late-flowering tulips are selected in combination with ground cover rampant at this time - arabis, splayed phlox, sapling, as well as forget-me-not, badans and late daffodils.

If annuals are planted in place of faded tulips, then in this case special baskets for bulbs are used. These plastic nets are convenient in that plants that have lost their appearance can be easily moved to a secluded place for the bulbs to ripen.

Often tulips are planted with perennials with powerful foliage (hostas, panicled phloxes, meadow geraniums). Growing up by the time the tulips dry up, they perfectly decorate the unsightly appearance of the bulbs.

Video "Planting tulips".


To ensure a quick and friendly start in the spring, under autumn digging apply fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus ("Autumn Fasco" or slow-acting granules (for example, "AVA").

spring tulips should be fed with a solution of urea, and in the second half of May - with superphosphate. Top dressing is combined with watering or carried out after rain.


During the growing season and flowering, tulips require sufficient soil moisture, but without waterlogging, which can result in damage to plants by various diseases.

In addition, excess moisture leads to the fact that cracks appear on the bulbs, which, of course, worsens the quality of the bulb and, subsequently, the plant, moreover, such a bulb is stored worse.

The lack of moisture depletes the plant, it gives smaller and less beautiful flowers, and also forms fewer daughter bulbs.

So correct mode watering is important. Tulips are watered infrequently, up to 3 times during the growing season, this even applies to southern regions. But at the same time, each watering should be plentiful, the water consumption is about 50 liters per 1 sq. meter. Water should reach a depth of 30-35 cm, where the roots of the bulbs are located.

The myth of "pollination" of tulips

The most common complaint among novice flower growers is the following: “All my beautiful tulips have pollinated and become ordinary.” This was discussed above when it was said that the pollination of one variety by another does not in any way affect the cloning of its children by the bulb through vegetative propagation.

However, the fact of replacing chic parrot, lily-colored, fringed varieties with ordinary simple ones over time is obvious, and it happens very often. What's the matter?

And the point, as a rule, is the elementary laziness of summer residents, coupled with a lack of knowledge on tulip farming. Its most important rule says: in order for the plants to be always beautiful, powerful and correspond to the variety, they need:

  • dig out in time
  • disassemble,
  • properly store and
  • planted again in due time.

Tulip digging and storage

    dig out in time

    This means that you need to wait until the outflow of nutrients from the leaves into the scales occurs, a replacement bulb and children are formed. As a rule, this period falls on the end of June - the beginning of July. If you are late - the nest will fall apart, and many babies will be lost, dig out earlier - the new bulb will not have time to ripen. How to find golden mean? Use the old Dutch way: if the tulip stem has lost its fragility and easily wraps around your finger, dig boldly!


    This means making an analysis of the size of the bulbs and varieties. As a rule, simple tulips (especially red ones) are very stable and unpretentious, they give a lot of stolons with children and literally crowd out the weak and pampered, which are modern varietal specimens. Hence the myth of "pollination". As soon as the grower starts marking the best varieties beacons and dig out in time, immediately spring will begin to be painted only with your favorite colors.

    Properly store

    Dug and sorted bulbs are placed in lattice boxes and dried for 2-3 days under a canopy. Then they are laid out in 2 rows, layered with newspapers, and sent to a moderately warm (25 ° C) and ventilated place (attic, barn). There they will be stored until September, periodically subjected to revision and rejection of dry and rotten children.

    Plant on time

    We repeat once again that when planting tulips, it is important to observe correct timing, indicated in the section "When to plant tulips"

flower history

Among the ephemeroids grown in our gardens (the so-called plants with a short growing season), tulips confidently occupy a leading position. Not a single early-flowering perennial can compete with them in the beauty of the flower, the variety of forms, and unpretentiousness.
Europe has been admiring this magnificent plant for a little less than 500 years. Trial batches of tulips, brought by Byzantine merchants to Vienna in the 26th century, quickly won the recognition of European flower growers. Obviously, merchants, acquiring placers of bulbs in their homeland - the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, did not even imagine that this product would be more promising than spices and silks.

The flower-tulip fever that swept through Holland, France, and Italy in those days testified to the extreme popularity of the new perennial. It raised the poor to the crest of wealth and plunged the rich into the abyss of bankruptcy. The tulip fascination has spawned hundreds of incredible new shapes and varieties, from the mysterious "black tulips" to the fantastically unusual parrot and fringed ones.
The Netherlands has still remained true to its love for these beautiful bulbs and is confidently leading the world in sales, offering planting material in millions of batches every year.

Tulips are very popular flowers, which can be found in many dachas and household plots. But novice gardeners often face questions when cultivating them. So, in order to achieve luxurious flowering, it is advisable to plant tulip bulbs in the fall. This is a fairly responsible event, since the attractiveness of your summer cottage in the spring depends on it. So, the topic of our conversation today will be to clarify the question of how to plant tulips in autumn in open ground correctly.

We plant tulips correctly, planting dates

When is the best time to plant tulip bulbs outdoors??

In order for the bulbs to successfully take root in the ground, they need to spend at least four weeks. If you are a little late with planting, then they will not have time to grow roots, and in the spring they will not bloom or flowering will be very late.

Optimal time for landing work experienced gardeners called the period from the end of September to the end of November. But to choose the right time for a particular site, you can only focus on the climatic features and weather this year.

It is believed that it is best to plant tulip bulbs when the soil temperature at a depth of ten centimeters is within seven to eight degrees. At the same time, the daytime air temperature is usually at around seven to ten degrees, and the night temperature does not fall below three degrees.

If the bulbs are planted in autumn in warmer soil, in advance, then they can continue the growing season and actively grow leaves.

It is advisable for residents of central Russia to start such work in the period from September 20 to October 15. AT Leningrad region planting tulips should be done at about the same time, maybe a couple of days earlier.

For those readers of "Popular about Health" who live in the Urals, it is best to do planting work, focusing on the weather. In the Middle Urals, landing is usually performed on the tenth - twentieth of September, and in the South - up to the tenth of October.

If you plan to plant tulips in the ground in Siberia, it is best to do it at the end of August, with favorable conditions. weather conditions terms for tulips can be pushed back and pulled from earthworks until mid September.

Let's plant right! Landing features. Site and soil selection

Before you start planting tulips, you should prepare the right place for such flowers. It is best to identify them in a sunny area that will be protected from the wind. ground water should lie low. The soil in this area should be loose, neutral or slightly alkaline. An excellent option would be sandy soil, and it is desirable to dilute heavy earth with sand.

If the soil on the site is acidic, it is necessary to carry out its liming, making each square meter about two hundred - five hundred grams of chalk or slaked lime.

Regardless of the composition of the soil, you should do deep digging in advance. In autumn, fertilizers are applied to the soil along with digging. Add about one hundred and fifty grams of wood ash, a couple of buckets of peat, fifty grams of superphosphate, as well as thirty grams of potassium sulfate and about twenty-five grams of ammonium nitrate for each square meter of soil. Under no circumstances is it recommended to use fresh manure(including as mulch), as it can cause root burns or cause the development of fungal diseases. Also, do not use chlorine-containing fertilizers.

Landing features

In order to ensure correct location bulbs, tulips in open ground are buried on optimum depth. It should be equal to three diameters of the onion. Thus, a small planting material must be sent to a depth of seven to eight centimeters, and a larger one to a depth of twelve to fifteen centimeters. However, the depth also depends on the composition of the soil. If the earth is on your section easy, you can land a couple of centimeters deeper than the specified parameters, and if it is heavy, respectively, a couple of centimeters smaller. If the bulbs are deepened excessively, they will not be able to form children, and if they are not deepened enough, they will freeze.

Immediately before planting, it is necessary to inspect the bulbs well, selecting only whole and intact ones. Also, it will not be superfluous to dip them for half an hour in a bright solution of potassium permanganate. Dry soil should be spilled with water.

If you want to receive beautiful site in flowers, plant tulips in the ground at intervals of eight to ten centimeters, while the optimal spacing between rows should be twenty to twenty-five centimeters. When planting onions, sprinkle them a little wood ash, send a hole or furrow inside and carefully look for an air pocket under it. Slightly press the bulb into the soil, sprinkle with sand, and then with peat mixed with humus. After planting, compact the soil by tamping it, then water.

By grouping tulips by variety, you can easily care for them. Also, when planting, it is worth placing small bulbs closer to south side, in which case they will receive a sufficient amount of light.

After the temperature drops to minuses, and the ground begins to freeze, it is advisable to cover the tulips for the winter. Cover the area with mulching material such as sawdust, shredded bark, or straw. The optimal thickness of the mulch is three to five centimeters. If you do everything described above in the fall correctly, then in the spring you can expect beautiful flowers. They will definitely make you happy!
