DIY stone mill for the garden. DIY decorative windmill

City apartments with a fixed area rarely stimulate residents to exquisite decorations. Strict set of furniture and household appliances for the most necessary needs - here ordinary interior Russians. Features of taste, specificity of character and level of income, as a rule, are expressed in smaller details of the situation - paintings, plants, knick-knacks and other trifles.

The only massive exception is the New Year tree for a month and a half, followed by the disposal of the dried tree. The modest size of the premises does not allow anything else.

Rural plot

Another situation is in countryside. Rural household plot presents a different picture for the total area. Even the Soviet "dachas" (6 acres) represent a sufficient size for the imagination of the owners, and even the post-Soviet areas, formed without much state control, could be significant.

It remained to pay attention only to the owners of the plots. And, given that Russia is filled with nuggets and skilled craftsmen, it is easy to understand what a serious interest the plots of individual unique handicrafts and structures are for such people. Now there is a place, money, materials. The state is indifferent to various structures on a private plot, as long as they do not affect some taboos (ecology, fire safety, ethics, rights of owners of neighboring plots, etc.). A windmill made of wood has become one of these popular buildings. Why?

decorative windmill

Decorative windmills in a rural landscape are of no practical importance. Such structures are reduced copies of their prototypes. Their main role is to symbolize beauty. For many modern people the mill on the site is very stylish. This is - natural harmony suggested by associative natural images. And although a large modern mill can still be used today as a kind of energy generator, in most cases, nevertheless, it is created as beautiful place on the site - whether it's just a decoration near a tree or a small house for the younger generation on a playground. Based on this, it is necessary to start construction, starting with building material and tools. But how to make a mill with your own hands?

Preparatory stage. Construction materials

A stylish and eco-friendly decoration is a do-it-yourself windmill for the garden. Step-by-step instructions begin with the search for material. The material can be chosen to the taste of the owner. It does not have to be particularly strong - the scale of construction does not require this. Quicker, we are talking about aesthetic interests. Will the building be made of natural ordinary tree and plywood) or artificial materials, from beautiful plastic or durable metal - it depends only on the decision of the owner. It is best to stop at the most popular option - a wooden mill. Therefore, you need to find timber for walls, boards for floor and ceiling, plywood, polyethylene and roofing material for decoration and roofing. Wood varnish is suitable for processing. For a possible foundation, bricks and stones are needed. For all sorts of needs, cement, gravel and other materials to the taste of the builders will be needed.


How to make a windmill with your own hands for the garden? Step-by-step instructions must be stopped on the characteristics of suitable tools. For the average Russian, a good craftsman, but not a professional, the tools should be quite simple, but solid. To prepare the foundation, you need at least a bayonet shovel, for processing wood - axes, a planer, a drill, a small hand saw for wood, a hammer. Painting will require a brush, bucket, grinder.

Of course, this is only a primitive base level. If you are versed in carpentry, you will need other, more professional tools.

Building site

The site for a decorative mill for a garden must be chosen even. The building should not warp so that it does not look like Baba Yaga's hut. Of course, such a structure will be colorful, but with a somewhat negative connotation.

When choosing a site, pay attention to the elevation, even a small one. Indeed, despite the fact that a decorative, theoretically non-working, wooden mill, this does not mean at all that its blades will not rotate. Therefore, the place for construction must be planned away from other houses, shrubs and trees.

The selected area must be cleared of debris, branches, tall grass. It must be assumed that the construction will require several cleaned square meters land, so that no obstacles interfere with the creation of a building.

building foundation

A do-it-yourself mill for the garden also needs it (at least decorative). The step-by-step instruction offers two basic options. The first option, more complex, time-consuming and expensive, is the construction of a powerful strong foundation. First you need to dig a pit, create in it brick base, fill the earth pit with filler and concrete. A bar is usually planted on a brick. Such a building will be strong and durable.

However, if you are building really only a decorative mill, that is, a light and not necessarily strong building, for simplicity and speed of construction, the lower beam can simply be placed on the ground. Of course, a tree, subjected to all the hardships of the elements of nature, will quickly begin to rot, but it will endure for several years. And if the building becomes really expensive for you, the base of the mill can be processed special fluid. You can use wood glue. Which is better to choose? What to choose? Any wood glue that is on the farm will do.


Next moment. Since the wooden mill will be quite simple in design, it is advisable to lay its frame at the same time. To do this, you need to take into account the scale of the product, install the most massive timber. If there is a pine among the harvested log stack, it is best to use it. Pine is not so afraid of water.

We proceed to the installation of the frame from a reliable wooden beam. Actually, we have two crowns: the lower one is the base of the case; and the upper, lighter and reduced size - the base of the roof. Ideal Ratio the scale of the lower and upper crowns is 1:1.5, that is, the lower crown is one and a half times higher than the upper one. These dimensions are needed to create a trapezoid - classical form windmill medieval.

Both frames must be connected with strong vertical boards that play the role of racks. Boards must be driven at a certain, well-defined angle, depending on the length of the racks. They will rest against the lower frame. For strengthening, you can use nails or wood glue. Which is better? Blends based on conventional PVA, such as Titebond II, are well suited. But it's cheaper to stay at

The other end must be aligned with the top frame. The boards should also be strengthened with poles or a thin beam. Thus, the frame of the decorative windmill will be made.

wood paneling

Before sheathing, it is necessary to check the appearance of the mill. The drawing will quickly help determine the holes for the future window (one or two) and doors (large sizes). It is immediately worth seeing how the life-size roof and blades will look. In those areas where openings will be created, reinforcement of the frame is provided. To mount the blades of the mill, reinforced boards / poles or a wooden beam are needed.

Sheathing is carried out using a lighter board (you can take "thirty" or "forty") and pieces of cooked plywood. In this way, the inside of the mill under construction will be quite well sealed, and the outer skin will be more beautiful. Boards are fixed with nails, and plywood can be used in the upper half. In addition to the area where the blades of the mill will be attached.

External and internal lining and decorative wood trim- an important stage of construction. During it, you can perfectly fit the new building into the landscape of the site.


Next, you need a do-it-yourself mill roof for the garden. The step-by-step instruction defines it as an important part of any building. Just as important in practical terms as the foundation. It is she who protects the entire mill from the influence of rain and snow, and, ultimately, from destruction. important and decorative plan- the overall appearance of the structure depends on the appearance. A roof can complete the overall look of a beautiful building, or it can destroy a good idea.

For a decorative mill, it can be a gable with original elements, a classic old Russian one, or a simple, even one with a slight smooth slope. In this case, it will be easier for water to drain from it. Since the appearance of a decorative mill is of great importance, it is necessary to spend significantly more time, but find the option that is most suitable for this building, taking into account its functionality.

Most simple option the frame for such a structure will be a light crate, bar wooden logs, thin long slats, stretched high-quality roofing material, and on top - a sheet of plywood. Another form of roof stretching upwards is also possible. As soon as the roof is built, the builders will see an almost finished wooden building that requires minor cosmetic improvements.

windmill blades

In fact, they are not part of the structure itself. But it is the blades that become the essential part that turns a standard building with incomprehensible functions into a windmill. It is not necessary to think about the shape and size of their design. But, if there is a desire for a decorative mill to have working blades, then simply putting together a structure from light boards and hanging it on the front side of the building will not be enough. It is necessary to calculate such important features as the scale and width of the blades, their specific gravity and the approximate inclination from the axis of the mill. These operating parameters will determine how the blades meet the wind and how fast they spin. The spinning blades will give the mill the final look of a working structure and will raise many interesting questions from the guests.

Blade materials

Since the creation of the blades has many nuances, and any failure will lead to the disruption of the overall plan, we should dwell separately on the process of working on them.

The following building materials can be used to form the blades:

  1. Lightweight wooden rail with a piece of plywood - they are considered very lightweight and, at the same time, useful.
  2. A thin wooden beam and a dense high-quality polyethylene film.

Both options are almost the same in terms of design, but differ in materials. And from here there may be a difference in appearance and working functionality.


The scale of the blades and their approximate weight are those parameters that must be calculated without fail. The blades are not a plane, they will not take off. And they will not rotate unless a number of the following conditions are met:

  • Separate parts of these structures should not outweigh, shifting the center of gravity. They do not need to scrape the ground, meet obstacles in their path.
  • The blades should not exert a lot of pressure on the rotating axis of the mill and affect the reliability of the entire structure. As a rule, the blades "pull" several kilograms. Their total weight reaches 10% of the total mass of the building. Excess weight will not allow the blades to spin.
  • When installing, pay attention to the connection of the blades with the axle. They must be lubricated and conducive to a smooth ride.

At the last stage of construction, it is necessary to install and strengthen the metal axis and reinforced wooden beams inside the building, then pull on the axis and securely fasten the blades. The housing at the site of installation of the working blades and the roof adjoining from above must be necessarily strengthened, without taking into account the dimensions of the structure as a whole.

decorative trim

And finally. Finishing a decorative garden windmill is usually not very difficult. First of all, it is necessary to guarantee the protection of materials from rain, snow, temperature extremes. For protection, they often take drying oil or varnish on wood. Existing windows and doors are subject to separate processing. In the case when the mill was planned as a room for children's games, a table with several chairs can be kept in the building. And also to make the floor of wooden polished flooring, thus providing excellent protection from adverse weather conditions. It all depends on your capabilities and desires. decorative trim makes an ordinary wooden mill look beautiful and stylish.

When planning and creating landscape design of the territory, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail. Plants, shrubs and trees are the basis, but attention must also be paid to decor. You can choose from many options, from clay figurines to wood crafts. The last group includes many interesting gizmos, but special attention should be paid to a small mill. Make a decorative windmill for the garden with your own hands, it can complement any site and become its highlight. This article will give instructions on how to make it.


It is not worth building a tall structure, as it will be inappropriate. Therefore, we will opt for an average height of 1 m. Such a decorative windmill can succinctly fit even into the landscape of a small garden plot. In order to understand in all the details how to make a mill, you should start from the very beginning, that is, with the selection necessary tools and material.

List of materials:

  • lining type block house (30 × 90 × 2000 mm) - 5 pcs.;
  • double-sided lining (8 cm) - 6 m;
  • self-tapping screws (6-7 cm) - 100 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws (2–2.5 cm) - 100 pcs. (replacement with nails is allowed);
  • rail (4 × 4 cm) - 9 m;
  • rail (3 × 3 cm) - 2.6 m;
  • plywood for the circle (18 × 36 cm);
  • layout (wooden slats 4.5 × 1.5 cm) - 8 m;
  • stem with a thread for a nut (5–7 cm) - 50 cm;
  • bearing ( inner diameter is 5–7 cm) - 2 pcs.;
  • antiseptic;
  • paintwork material (lacquer or paint);
  • wooden corner (3 × 3 cm) - 40 cm;
  • nut (diameter 5–7 cm) - 5 pcs.;
  • washer - 2 pcs.

List of tools:

  • roulette;
  • hand saw (jigsaw);
  • drill;
  • pen drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • square (to create right angles).
Note! When choosing all lumber, pay attention to the available tree species. These include pine, which will go well with other materials.

Parts manufacturing

In order not to get confused when performing all the actions, you should follow a certain order. The algorithm is quite simple and consists of the following steps.

blockhouse cutting

The planned structure will consist of the main part. In turn, it is assembled from 4 equal trapezoids: the facade, the back and 2 sides. Each element includes 6 segments of the block house, which are placed from largest to smallest. So, on the bottom side, each element should be 2 cm larger, which will result in the desired trapezoid shape.

Thus, as a result, 4 elements of different lengths should come out in increments of 2 cm from 35 cm to 25 cm. It is also necessary to make a square base for the structure from the remainder. For this, the elements are cut clearly at a right angle in the amount of 4 pieces.

Note! The size of the base must completely match the element of the smallest length. In this case, 25 cm.

Cutting other elements

With the help of a tape measure and a pencil, the slats are carefully marked out in order to get bars as a result.

From a rail 4 × 4 cm:

  • 54 cm - 8 pcs.;
  • 38 cm - 8 pcs.;
  • 35.5 cm - 4 pcs.

From a rail 3 × 3 cm:

  • 54 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • 10 cm - 4 pcs.

The length of the lining for the roof should be 36 cm. In total, 10 identical elements should be obtained. To obtain even and clear ends, a pattern is used. An isosceles triangle is drawn on paper, the base is 38 cm and the height is 30 cm. According to the resulting scheme, 5 strips of lining are cut in 2 copies. Use the drawings below as a visual aid.

In addition, the layout for the sail is immediately cut in the parameters of 4.5 × 1.5 cm. As a result, the following segments should come out:

  • 91 cm - 1 pc.;
  • 45.5 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • 19 cm - 20 pcs.;
  • 26 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • 17 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • 8 cm - 4 pcs.

On plywood, draw a circle with a diameter of 17 cm with a compass, and then cut it out with a jigsaw along the office.

Note! For the drawing, you can use any large sheet of paper, such as wallpaper. But it is better if it is cardboard or whatman paper of high density.

Parts processing

After all the components are completely ready and laid out, do not rush to start assembling. An important milestone here is processing and preparation. So, with the help of sandpaper, all the resulting elements are sanded. Special attention given to cut points and ends. To exclude the possibility of injury, the parts must not have nicks.

To protect the future mill from the influence of moisture and sudden changes in temperature, it is recommended to process wooden elements special antiseptics. Many modern remedies will also minimize the likelihood of fungus formation.

Mill assembly

The assembly of the entire structure is also divided into three main stages: the assembly of the mill, the roof and the windmill. Let's start with the most important part:

  1. We lay out the segments of the block house in the correct order from the bottom to the top: from 35 cm to 25 cm. We apply slats 4 × 4 cm 54 cm long to the resulting trapezoid on both sides and fix it with self-tapping screws (6–7 cm) along the edges. We carry out similar actions for the remaining three parties. We get ready 4 sides.
  2. Now it is necessary to assemble the mill box from the obtained sides, using a 3 × 3 cm rail 54 cm long. We apply them between the joints and fasten them with self-tapping screws (6–7 cm) along the bottom and top.
  3. There are 4 elements left from the block house, 25 cm long. We knock them together using a 3 × 3 cm rail 10 cm long. Please note that the height of the block house elements is 9 cm, so the rails should protrude slightly.
  4. The base is fixed to the bottom of the mill with long self-tapping screws. They must be screwed from the inside into the protruding rails.
Note! When performing work on assembling the base of the mill, it is necessary to carefully check everything and lay out all the elements in the correct order on the table so as not to confuse them. Otherwise, you will have to redo the work.

It is somewhat easier to assemble the roof, since the whole process is divided into only two stages. First, using the pattern drawn earlier, the ends are knocked together from 4 × 4 cm bars into a triangle. You also need to make two triangles. For them, you will need 2 bars 38 cm long and 4 x 35.5 cm. The ends of the bars must be cut at an angle, fixed with self-tapping screws, as a result, identical triangles will be obtained. They are connected using bars 38 cm above and below.

The second stage involves fixing the lining to the prepared frame with self-tapping screws on both sides. For the roof slope, you will need 5 elements 36 cm long. It remains only to fix the decorative ridge from the 3 × 3 cm corner.

Note! For beauty, the roof slope should protrude slightly on the sides, so the excess is not cut off.

Windmill assembly

In its shape, the windmill resembles a cross, so the frame should come out cruciform. To do this, the longest rail is taken as the basis - 91 cm. Then the slats of 45.5 cm are screwed with self-tapping screws. The required shape is obtained. What follows is a step by step process.

  1. At each end of the 4 parts of the frame, planks 17 cm long are attached, so that as a result a swastika shape is formed. Now it is necessary to fix a 26 cm plank in parallel to the added plank, and close the resulting rectangle with a piece of 8 cm. We sheathe the frame with 5 planks 19 cm long in 2 cm increments, nailing them with small nails. The blades are ready.
  2. For the axis of rotation in the center of the windmill, we fix two circles of plywood with 4 self-tapping screws. In the center we drill a through hole with a drill, the diameter of which must fully correspond to the spire. At the ends of the roof of the mill, at a height of 9 cm, a hole is also drilled in the center in accordance with the diameter of the bearing. We hammer the bearings with a hammer. We thread the spire, put on the washers and fix it with a lock nut (a simple nut will do). From above we put on 2 nuts, then the windmill itself, again the nut.

It remains only to install the roof, which, together with the fixed windmill, is put on the frame of the mill and fixed from the inside with long self-tapping screws.

Note! To drill a small hole in the roof for the bearing, use a feather drill.

Finishing touches

At the final stage, the finished decorative mill is painted with varnish or paint. When the paint layer is dry, you can place the mill in the prepared area of ​​the garden. Avoid direct contact with the ground.

To do this, you can put it on a large flat stone or prepared concrete pad. You can also attach durable plastic legs to the mill frame that sink into the ground.

Note! Inside the mill is hollow, so the air will circulate well, which means that the likelihood of mold and rot is reduced.

A windmill made by yourself will look appropriate in any part of the garden. Ideally, if there is a beautiful and trimmed lawn nearby, as well as a few perennials. The decorative windmill looks good at any time of the year: among lush greenery, fallen yellow leaves, and also lightly covered with snow. But if you want it to serve you for a long time, then it is better to hide it for the winter.


with wheel

Summer cottages, decorated with soul and love, always cause tenderness and a desire to linger longer on well-groomed flower beds or green lawns. The opinion that it is possible to achieve the perfect "picture" only with the help of professional landscape designers is erroneous. It is enough to show a little imagination, and your cottage will sparkle with new colors. Why not, for example, build a decorative windmill with your own hands? Moreover, the options for drawings and detailed instructions How to do this, there are plenty on the Internet.

There are many options for mills that differ in size, base shape, roof, material of manufacture and other parameters, but conditionally they can all be divided into two main types:

  • Water. Installed in the center or next to artificial reservoirs, alpine slides, waterfalls and other decorative exterior structures that involve "playing" with water;
  • Windmills. The blades of the mill are set in motion under the influence of air masses. The stronger the wind, the higher the speed of their revolutions, respectively.

Additional functionality

With the right approach to future construction, you can achieve not only an aesthetic effect, but also significant practical benefits from its appearance on household territory. So, a false mill can perform the following functions:

  • Serve as a disguise for sewer manholes, electrical panels, compost pits, toilets and other unseemly household objects;
  • Act as a repeller of birds, moles and other uninvited guests of gardens;
  • Used as playhouses for children or original gazebos for tea parties and relaxation;
  • Transform into a barbecue, wood-burning stove, working kitchen area;
  • Combine the role of a flower garden;
  • Be a place to store garden tools, tools and various household items.

Preparation for construction

Any engineering idea begins with the development of a project. If you have sufficient knowledge, you can make a mill diagram yourself, but usually the initial data is taken ready-made from the Internet, and then adapted to personal taste and financial capabilities. AT general view subsequence preparatory work as follows:

  • Location selection. Since the blades of the mill are not fixed and will be in constant motion, the area must be cleared of excess vegetation (dry bushes, branches, tall grass), and exclude the presence of nearby trees, poles and stationary buildings (sheds, wells, fences). For better “catching” of the wind, it is advisable to choose land located on a slight elevation.

  • materials. It all depends on the budget allocated for the creation of the mill. In the classic version, a tree is used (bar, wooden lining, slats), but other building materials also show themselves quite well in operation: plywood, chipboard, plastic, brick, metal, roofing material, slate. For exterior finish you can take fake diamond, crushed stone chips, sawdust, polyethylene, seashells - in a word, everything that is at hand and fits into the format of the design idea.
  • Tools. Standard set: planer, hacksaw, Sander, drill, screwdriver, hammer, planer. You will also need nails, screws, metal corners, paint kits, buckets.

The order of construction work

Consider an example of the manufacture of a "fast" mill, lined with clapboard. Even a beginner with minimal knowledge of carpentry can cope with such a design. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

Frame manufacturing.

To do this, you need two square blanks, the width of which differs from each other by approximately 15% (for example, the lower one with a side of 400 mm, the upper one - 300 mm). The base will be a large part. A hole is made in the middle of each workpiece, where a rail about 600-650 mm high (based on the above dimensions of the bases) is installed and screwed with screws. After fixing the parts, the side edges of the resulting trapezoid are measured.

Then the slats are cut desired length and screwed with screws on the four sidewalls of the base. The frame frame is ready.

Important: since the frame will be sheathed with clapboard on top, different used materials can be used as sources for it: plywood from old furniture, seats from stools, chipboard foxes, etc.

Roof manufacturing.

It is necessary to make two isosceles triangles, the dimensions of which will be proportional to the base of the future mill. Between the parts, rails 700-800 mm long are installed and fastened with self-tapping screws. To connect to the main body, several rails or a board are nailed to the bottom of the roof.

Sheathing frame and roof.

The lining is cut into pieces along the width of the sides. Measured workpieces are nailed to the rail-ribs with nails or "sit down" on self-tapping screws, for which holes are preliminarily marked with a drill. Sheathing is done horizontally.

The roof triangles, on the contrary, close vertically - so the finished windmill will look visually more beautiful. A decorative strip is applied to the corner joints. After completion of work, the roof is fastened to the body.

Blade manufacturing.

The appearance of the blades is a personal matter of taste and ingenuity of every craftsman. The main rule: their weight should be 10-15% of the total weight of the mill, otherwise the structural strength will be insufficient due to excessive pressure on the axle. The length of the blades is calculated in such a way that the propellers do not reach the ground and can freely turn around.

The easiest option is to use trimming rails, building a cruciform shape at the ends or creating a rectangle shape.

Blade assembly.

A hole is made in the center of the carrier bars, where a long bolt is inserted. After that, the blades are crossed with each other, mounted on a bolt and fixed with nuts.

A hole is also drilled in the center of the frontal part of the roof, where a prepared wind blowing cross is inserted.

Mill installation.

The finished structure can be placed on a stone or wooden foundation, and if the mill itself is sufficiently stable, then simply on flat ground.

Additional details

In order for the mill to look beautiful and be as similar as possible to its “live” prototype, it is necessary to pay attention to decorative details. In particular, make the front door, as well as windows on the roof, by cutting holes of the desired shape with a jigsaw.

Here are a few more ideas on how to give the building a more original and attractive look:

  • Paint the walls and roof with plain paint or combine two or three shades, giving the structure a bright summer look. Alternatively, you can use the stencil technique, using special paper blanks and a foam sponge for this;
  • Cover the surface of the mill with varnish or stain, giving depth to wooden surfaces;
  • Install LED lighting by swiping around the perimeter of the roof or by placing mini-lanterns inside the windows. Thus, a double effect will be achieved: interesting lighting in evening time, plus energy savings;
  • Place decorative pieces side by side garden figures: gnomes, baskets, animals, birds, etc. Everything that is combined with the theme of the overall landscape design. Forging elements go well with wood: fences, tables, benches, openwork canopies, flower stands and more.

As you can see, making a windmill with your own hands is absolutely easy. The main thing is to have the desire and free time to realize your ideas.

A decorative windmill or watermill will help make the garden more attractive. To create it on your own, you need a drawing and simple tools. Master class on making this decor with my own hands is in the article.

Mill in the garden: beautiful and functional

The backyard has long ceased to be only a place for growing vegetables and fruits. This is cozy corner for family gatherings and noisy parties, a recreation and entertainment area on fresh air. In an effort to make the dacha beautiful, well-groomed and original, the owners equip luxurious flower beds on the territory, plant rare and exotic plants, make a mini-fountain, a well or an artificial pond with fish and lilies, and sometimes install a decorative windmill. Of course, it does not fulfill its original function - to turn grain into flour - but, nevertheless, it successfully serves other purposes.

Decorative metal mill

With the help of a decorative mill it is possible:

  • hide communications, hatches, valves located on the site;
  • arrange a flower garden, providing small boxes on the sides of the structure;
  • create interesting element children's playground;
  • equip a barn or latrine;
  • do original gazebo or summer kitchen.

Of course, the last two options require a large area, a significant investment and the help of relatives or friends during construction. If you do not need such scales, stop at a mini-mill. It will certainly decorate your garden, and made from the heart, and even by the hands of the owner himself, will become the main attraction of your site.

How to make your own garden mill. Step by step instruction

Usually such a decorative ornament is made of wood, therefore this algorithm installation is designed specifically for this material. First of all, take care of the drawing. It will help not only to imagine how the finished model will look like, but also coordinate you in the right direction in the process of work. Mark on paper what you have already done and what stage you are moving to.

  • for marking - tape measure, ruler or square;
  • for grinding - sandpaper and a special machine;
  • for cutting wood - saw or jigsaw;
  • for fastening - nails, screws, self-tapping screws;
  • for assembly - a screwdriver or a screwdriver;
  • without fail - a hammer, a drill, a level, as well as pencils / markers.

From the materials you will need:

  • plywood or chipboard sheets;
  • a wide board for the base about 2 cm thick;
  • wooden slats;
  • bars;
  • corners;
  • lining for propeller blades and hull skin (can be replaced with rails).

Exact amount necessary materials depends on the size of the future mill. You can calculate them, already having a ready-made drawing in your hands.

Advice. When choosing wood, stop at pine. It is soft, easy to handle and long time retains a pleasant aroma of needles. Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, lubricate all wooden elements special composition, which will extend the life of the mill, protect against moisture and insects.

One of the options for making a decorative mill

Base Assembly. The lower part of the product can imitate a log house with 4 or 5 walls, or it can be made in the form of a stool. For this:

  • prepare a frame in the shape of a square;
  • cut 4 legs from the bars. They can be protected from moisture by inserting each into a piece plastic pipe and fixing with screws;
  • attach the legs to the inside of the frame, check the height with a level;
  • cover the frame with boards, carefully fitting them to each other;
  • make several holes in the surface of the resulting "stool". They are necessary for ventilation and removal of water after rain.

wood mill

Frame installation. For him, take 4 identical bars and nail to the base in such a way as to end up with a truncated pyramid. Outside, sheathe the structure with clapboard.

Attention! The overall appearance of the finished mill depends on how neatly and correctly the frame is assembled. Feel free to take measurements.

Roof manufacturing:

  • prepare 2 identical triangles of plywood or chipboard;
  • connect them at the top and sides;
  • attach to the base.

Creating a spinner:

  • take 2 identical boards;
  • in the center of each of them, make grooves in such a way that when the boards are laid on top of each other in the form of a cross, these notches are connected;
  • fix the joint with bolts;
  • cut out the wings of the mill - they can be in the shape of a triangle or trapezoid;
  • nail the wings to the blades;
  • attach the pinwheel to the horizontal axis.

Advice. If you are going to create a structure that rotates, screw a vertical rod to the middle of the roof base and the center of the frame using nuts and bolts. Place a horizontal axis above its middle, which will be parallel to the roof slope through boards with bearings. It is more difficult to assemble such a design, but it also looks much more impressive.

Mill decoration. How to fit it into landscape design

Ideas for finishing the finished structure:

  1. Treat the structure with stain. Coat with varnish on top. So you not only protect the mill from the influence of the weather, but also give it the most natural look.
  2. Color the finished product bright colors to give the impression of a toy thing.
  3. Make windows and doors, decorating them, for example, with beautiful openwork platbands.
  4. Place garden lanterns inside, placing them near the windows to admire the windmill even in the dark.
  5. Decorate the roof and walls decorative butterflies, insects.

The windmill itself is, of course, good, but the background that you choose for it is no less important. It should be a clean, spacious place. Harmoniously fit into her company ground cover plants. The mill is successfully combined with any reservoir on the site.

Advice. Since the windmill is a traditional element dutch style, then more than by the way look bulbous in her environment, and first of all - tulips.

DIY decorative windmill: video

Garden mill: photo

Your site will become cozy and just perfect if the main idea landscape design- this is a serene folk landscape with well-groomed green meadows and colorful flowers. main character any pastoral plot - a decorative windmill.

With less time spent, you can make this beauty yourself.

We bring to your attention three step-by-step instructions with photos for the manufacture of windmills of varying complexity and a few ideas for the design and construction of the finished structure.

Decorative mill for the garden with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

You will need: plywood, bars of various thicknesses, wooden planks, glue, adhesive tape, long hairpin, 4 short hairpins, 4 clamps, nuts, gaskets, self-tapping screws.

topmost block

Saw 6 long trapezoidal blanks, sawing off the edge at an angle of 45º.

Advice! All edges of parts that will be fastened at an angle of less than 180º are best cut at an angle of 45º.

Fold them with their sides tightly to each other, so that grooves form from the inside at the joints. Securely fix all six parts with adhesive tape on the front side.

Decorative windmill with your own hands. step by step photos

Turn the part over and fill the grooves with a reliable glue, apply the composition to the side edges of the structure. Do everything quickly until the mixture hardens.

Fold the extreme parts and assemble the entire structure, fasten it with adhesive tape and leave until completely set.

Cut off excess glue so that it does not affect the accuracy of the assembly of the finished structure.

Decorative mill for the garden with your own hands. A photo

Saw out hex cap according to the dimensions of the inner part of the top of the structure. Drill a hole in the center and, for ease of installation, do not screw in a small screw all the way.

Turn the mill frame over, install on the narrow part. Apply glue on the wrong side of the top of the tower, insert the cover, put a small weight.

Top base

This block with the lower parts will be connected using axle bar size 70x70 mm. Make two hexagon blanks with a side size equal to the length of the inner edge of the base of the tower.

In the bottom cover, make a square slot according to the dimensions of the bar - 70x70 mm, and in the top cover, drill a small mark hole in the center for subsequent connection with the axial part.

To cut out the sides to two covers - the walls of 6 pieces. Their width is equal to the length of the outer face of the base of the upper part. Side cuts of blanks should be done at an angle of 45º.

Fold 3 parts of the walls edge to edge, connect with adhesive tape on the front side. Apply glue to the grooves on the back of these bonded blanks and on three sides of the six of both covers. Connect the elements of the upper and lower bases with three walls. Additionally secure with screws and a vise. Attach the remaining edges in the same way.

When the block design is ready, insert the axial bar into the lower part and connect it to the top cover with a screw through the previously made hole.

Install the lower block vertically and glue it with top by placing a weight on top.

Finished construction polish.

Basic part

Base decorative windmill do-it-yourself made consists of three blocks, which are made according to the same principle as the upper blanks. The lower block is a hexagonal prism without covers. The sides of the walls and top are also sawn at an angle of 450 and assembled with adhesive tape and glue. Attach a board between opposite walls with screws or glue, in the middle of which place a square box with inside 70 mm - for the axle bar.

The middle part will be attached to the lower block - a hexagonal pyramid without a top. The width at the top of each of the trapezoids is equal to the width of the wall of the lower block of the upper part, and at the bottom - to the side of the hexagon. The side edges and base of the 6 blanks are sawn at an angle of 45º and glued together as the very first block made.

The upper element of the base is made according to the principle of the lower one. On all structural elements, grooves are made in the upper part of the joints for installing an observation deck along the width of the bars of its frame.

Glue all three base blocks into one structure and install oppression on top, but not too heavy so that the seams of each of the blocks do not separate. Cut off the glue.


Prepare 6 bars of the frame, at the ends of which make small holes-marks for screws. You also need to cut 5 sets of planks for the platform track, which together form hexagons of various sizes.

Advice! It is more convenient to make a drawing with markings on the board in advance and then proceed to prepare all the elements. Stick double sided tape on the template.

When the parts are prepared, assemble all the planks according to the markings on sticky tape, glue 5 hexagons and bars at the joints. Additionally press down the frame with a vise. After drying, carefully separate the platform from the template.

Screw to the bars along the outer edge with self-tapping screwsfence posts.

Planks are glued to them. railing.

Turn the upper part of the mill over and attach the bars of the viewing platform frame to it with self-tapping screws. Install this structure in the glued grooves of the base and press down with a load.


This element of a decorative mill is made of a hollow polystyrene hemisphere. The mounting ring and base have the same outer diameter as the dome.

Make a hole in the center of the circle. Aligning the base with the ring, drill 4 more holes in both parts one above the other for self-tapping screws. Combine the central holes of the circle and the top of the assembled mill, fasten them with a screw.

Rotating mechanism

Make two square blanks for frame. Put them together, fasten with a vise and, moving to one edge, make holes according to the size of the existing bearings. Put the parts with the thin side up, drill a mark for screws in two places with a length below the middle of the hole. Cut these blanks in the middle of the circles. For stability, lay the bars between the two parts, glue everything together, attach it to the platform bar. On the one hand, the base rises on a small bar so that the entire mechanism is located, not horizontally, but at an angle. In the platform, make holes in the corners for attaching the mechanism to the mill.

How to make a decorative windmill with your own hands. A photo

Insert the bearings into the grooves of the holes and fix the second parts of the square blanks with screws.

Insert a stainless steel stud into both bearings, secure with washers and nuts.

To make the mill neat, to accurately mark the hole for the pin in the dome, assembled mechanism set inside the ring, and the hemisphere with one edge on the hoop, and the opposite - exactly the same height. In the place where the hairpin rests on a semicircle, a mark is made and then a hole.

The dome is glued to the ring, secured with adhesive tape.

Mechanism screwed to the round base of the mill and put on a hemisphere.

The dome is fixed in four places with self-tapping screws.

We fasten the blades

For the central mount, a wide square bar 40 mm thick is suitable, on which the circle is marked. Stepping back from the edges a quarter of the length of the side, drill four non-through holes in the center with a large drill. On the reverse side with a round nozzle, make a notch with a diameter of 30 mm. Drill a hole in the center with a drill equal to the thickness of the mechanism pin. On the sides, make one hole exactly in the middle. Give the finished part a round shape.

Cut out 4 according to the template blades, the size of the mill depends on their dimensions.

For each wing, prepare one frame bar, make a hole in the end, in which to fix a threaded stud or bolt. On the other hand, glue the blade to the bar.

AT big holes insert clamps on the mount, screw the blades into them, fix them with nuts and washers.

Mount the assembled structure on the mill stud.

The next modification of the windmill is designed much simpler, but it looks no less attractive.

"Quick" mill lined with clapboard: step by step instructions with a photo

Prepare two square parts for the frame: the top with a side of 300 mm, the base - 400 mm. These blanks, like the entire frame, will be lined with clapboard on top. Therefore, for their manufacture, you can use chipboard sheets or plywood from old furniture or other used materials. Make holes in the center of both pieces.

For assembly accuracy, a rail about 600 mm long is installed between the two bases, which is screwed to both squares through the central holes. After that, the length of the side ribs of the trapezoid is measured, the slats of the desired length are cut. They are screwed with screws to both bases - the frame is ready.

For the roof, two isosceles triangular blanks are made, choose their sizes to your taste. Between the parts, rails of the desired length are installed. They are attached to the triangles with self-tapping screws. At the bottom of the roof, be sure to nail a couple of rails in the center to connect to the hull. Mill size in finished form will be about one meter excluding wings.

Sheathe the lower part of the frame with clapboard. Nail the measured part with special nails to the rails, or mark a hole in the drill with a drill. right place and fasten with screws.

The triangles of the roof are sheathed with clapboard in the vertical direction - this looks better. After that, the roof is screwed to the body. Such a mill will look more interesting with windows and a door that are cut out with a jigsaw in the casing.

In the center of the triangle of the roof, make a hole into which to insert the bolt pancakes. Secure it with two washers and a nut. Close the roof with clapboard, and that's all corner connections close with a decorative corner strip.

How the blades of the finished mill will look like is a matter of taste and imagination of everyone. In this project, they are made from pieces of wooden lath, knocked down with small finishing nails. A hole is made in the center of the two bearing bars and they are mounted on a bolt, fastened with a nut and two washers.

A simple decorative windmill with your own hands. A photo

Coat the structure with varnish, and it is ready for installation.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo on how to make a hexagonal log mill for a garden.

This spectacular and extremely beautiful garden decoration is made from materials that will always be found in hardware store. But the quality and attractiveness of it depends on the skill, patience and imagination of the master.

Decorative windmill with your own hands. Photo step by step

The lower part is made of shovel cuttings. Recesses can be performed using a hole saw or special cylindrical nozzles on a drill. For the hexagonal version, they need to be made at an angle of 600, and for this you will need an angle of 300 and a special mount for two cuttings at the same time.

You can fasten ready-made “logs” with glue or, for reliability, put them on studs. To do this, a hole is drilled in each connection of two blanks, and a metal rod is mounted on them.

Advice! It is more convenient to make windows and doors in no more than two parts.

Step by step instructions on how to make a decorative windmill

The basis is hexagon blank with pins attached to it. The first row is the details embroidered in half lengthwise. When lower frame fully assembled it should be treated with impregnation or varnish.

A hexagonal base is installed on the studs for the next level. At the ends of the studs, furniture corners for the frame rails are installed and the entire structure is clamped with stops. It is better to immediately attach decorative stable heavy oak legs to the base of the log house.

The slats of the second tier are screwed to the furniture corners at the bottom, and at the top - to the hexagonal base of the next level. This floor of the decorative windmill is sheathed slats, and the joints are closed decorative strips .

Advice! As often as possible and from all sides, cover the assembled structure with varnish and impregnation - the mill will still stand on the street.

A rectangular or square base for the roof is installed on the upper hexagon of the second tier. The roof frame is attached to it: two triangular parts interconnected by planks. The roof is sheathed with a glazing bead, and the ends with smaller chopsticks for sushi. Connections are hidden under decorative strips.

The axis of the blades passes through the ends of the roof through, and these holes serve as stops for it. It is made from a chopper handle. The ends of the cuttings, mounted on the axis, were used as plugs.

To fit the blades on the axle, a thick bar cut in the shape of an octahedron was used. Holes for fastening the wings are made in the four ends.

Advice! In order for the blades to rotate and serve for a long time, it is important to make them light, about the same weight, from a durable material.

In order for the design of the wings to be the same and accurate, it is better to make a template. The strips are fastened to three bars: two side and central, turned at the base to fit the hole in the octagonal mount. The vane slats are a disassembled shutter door with perfectly matched and machined slats. They are glued to the frame.

Frame wings insert into the mount and balance - inserting them deeper into the groove or, on the contrary, pulling them out slightly. You need to install them slightly at an angle to the plane so that they catch the wind.

Advice! To make the mill correctly, you need to center the blades. They do not fall under the weight of one of them down and rotate easily.

Other original design projects of windmills

Taking one of the presented master classes as a basis or drawing interesting ideas from all three, you can make an original and decoration - a decorative windmill for the garden with your own hands.

Featured design finished product not suitable for your site or do not like you personally? View a selection of the most interesting windmills for the garden.

Classic variant Western European mill design. Best suited for a lawn decorated in the traditional Scandinavian, French, German spirit. The first two master classes are taken as a basis, the shape of the roof and wings are being finalized.

The basis for this design option will be the first project, and interesting details- a roof covered with soft tiles, and a vane tail of a windmill. It would be original to make the upper part of the roof movable and rotating in the wind.

Photo of a decorative windmill in the garden

Two in one - combine playhouse for children and a decorative landscape windmill. To build such a capital structure, it is necessary to become more familiar with the design and construction of non-residential premises.

Photo of a decorative windmill in the garden

A simpler, but very juicy and colorful version of the first master class. Ideal for bright flower garden or garden. You just have to figure out how to make the platform-base.

The base of this mill is octagonal. Unlike hexagonal ones, it is easier to make it, and both plywood and more embossed lining are suitable as a sheathing material.

Photo of a decorative windmill in the garden

Spectacular model with a sheathed roof soft tiles, luxury finishes wooden slats and decorative cornice. Beautiful one-piece blades for the mill are attached to the crosspiece and the accuracy of this particular part is very important for balancing.

The upper part of these three windmills is made in the form small house superstructures, due to this, the structure becomes collapsible. But anything can serve as a frame ... even an old metal tank.

Photo of a decorative windmill in the garden

Simple and uncomplicated. Metal mill weather vane will delight you with dynamic movement in windy weather. Especially if you paint the blades with an interesting pattern.

Powerful Ancient stone structure, as if built by the ancient Germans or Saxons. If you want to shock neighbors and acquaintances and please children, this is exactly such a model.

Another interesting model, sewn decorative strips. The principle of creation is the same as in the second master class and may well be made from high-quality lining. The main thing is to carefully and accurately make the details and choose a deep and elegant color.

DIY decorative windmill photo in the garden

Beautiful plank windmill largely repeats the project from the lining. It's up to you which material and design you prefer.

Making a decorative wood mill with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems, and not as easy as we would like. Especially if you want the blades to spin in the wind. But the garden with her becomes unspeakably beautiful, cozy, sweet and picturesque.
