Butterfly shape on the wall. DIY decorative butterflies for the interior: step by step instructions


You can update the bedroom, give it romance or refresh the nursery, decorate it for the holiday with the help of butterflies on the wall. Decoration with butterflies gives the room coziness, a sense of celebration and does not require large expenses. There are a lot of options to decorate the walls, and in this article we will consider the most popular and original ones.

Paper butterflies-beauties

The easiest and most economical option is to make paper butterflies on the wall using any paper that comes to hand. We will need:

  • colored paper or self-adhesive film;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape or glue;
  • pen or pencil.

We will apply a stencil to the cardboard, you can create several different ones in style and size.

Now, using a stencil, transfer the outlines to colored paper or cling film. You can glue beauties from plain paper with adhesive tape, glue or attach with needles. Distribute them in a chaotic manner or use them to form a heart or the same butterfly.

Butterflies on the wall in the photo in the form of a heart:

By the way, to make the wall panel look the most original, cut out not symmetrical, but slightly uneven marigolds, that is, nothing bad will happen if the wings on both sides are slightly different, in general, if there is some asymmetry.

In general, for applications in the form of these wonderful insects, you can use everything that comes to hand: printing paper, wallpaper trimmings, fabric, plastic bottles, cans, colored cardboard and even vinyl records.

Decorative butterflies from plates

Surely there were old records lying around in the house, which you certainly won’t listen to or those that you can no longer listen to because of their old age. So they make excellent wall moths.

To do this, you will again need butterfly stencils on the wall, plates, chalk, sharp scissors, and an oven.

Using the template, transfer the contours of the moth to the plate, touching its center.

The plate must be laid on the foil, it on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven on the top rack. Very quickly, the plate will become pliable, then you need to get it out and try to quickly cut the workpiece.

Now the wings need to be slightly bent, and now the blank for the wall decor is ready. Make as many beauties as you can various sizes and spread around the room.

Retro wall in butterflies

Paper fluttering from old books and newspapers will elegantly fit into the retro interior. What will be required:

  • old books and newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • White paint;
  • frames for photos of different shapes.

From old issues and books, you need to cut blanks of various shapes and different sizes. Then several blanks of different shapes need to be glued together with little bodies to get the following composition:

Prepared frames need to be painted in White color and place on the wall. And put a moth in the frames. Looks very comfortable and stylish.

Nylon tights to help you

What just does not go into the course in folk art. So the butterflies in the interior can also be made of multi-colored tights. What is needed for this:

  • wire;
  • tights;
  • thin nose pliers;
  • beads for decoration.

As you may have guessed, you need to create a frame for the future swallowtail from wire. Now this frame needs to be covered with a piece of tights. Make sure that the frame does not fall apart, tighten the material more tightly. When the base is ready, you can stick beads on it or decorate it with fabric paints.

For a composition, such machaons need to be made at least 15, or even 20. You can take children nylon tights and any other transparent fabric suitable for this, as long as it is easy to fit.

Butterflies made of clay or plaster

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands can be made from ordinary polymer clay, which is sold in the store for creativity. Gypsum is also suitable.

Take the clay, roll it out a little, not too thin, but not thick, so that the moths look elegant. Now, using a baking mold, mold the blanks. You also need to make a hole in them so that you can hang them later. We send the blanks to the oven to languish.

When all the beauties are ready, they need to be threaded with a decorative ribbon or any suitable rope and placed in the interior. For these purposes, pushpins are also suitable.

Glowing butterflies

How to decorate a room with glowing fireflies? Prepare the following materials:

  • special phosphor paint;
  • stencils for butterflies on the wall;
  • sponge;
  • brush.

Prepare some stencils. Let each have their own pattern.

Now the stencil with glue needs to be attached to the wall. And then with the help of a sponge you need to apply paint.

You can apply several colors at once to get a certain 3D effect.

Arrange natural beauties randomly, as if it were a flock of fireflies that had just taken off. This decor will wonderfully fit into the children's room, especially for the smallest children, who will look at everything around with joy and interest.

Openwork butterflies

Openwork, perforated paper moths look gorgeous. And they are pretty easy to make.

To make the workpiece neat and elegant, it is better to print the stencil in advance.

Now prepare the basis for the future openwork - both photo paper and colored double-sided paper or bright leaves from glossy magazines will do.

A sheet of paper must be folded in half and placed on some kind of stand, you can on plywood. It is better to attach it with tape so that it does not fidget.

Now you need to attach your template and carefully, using a pencil, transfer the contours to paper.

Then, using a clerical knife, carefully cut out the openwork wings. Then, with the help of nail scissors, cut out the lace itself.

The more blanks of different sizes you cut out, the more amazing and impressive the panel will look in the interior. In addition, you can decorate the wall with butterflies both plain and multi-colored, bright, cheerful.

Volumetric panel of butterflies on the wall

Another reception of 3d butterflies on the wall. For work, we need a familiar set: glossy multi-colored paper, old magazines, scissors, a stencil, glue or double-sided tape, foam rubber will do.

First you need to cut the magazine sheets into strips. The strips should be as wide as the future insects.

Let the strips be of different widths so that the patterns do not turn out the same.

Now, using a stencil, draw the outlines of butterflies to cut them out of the prepared paper.

In order for the composition to really create a 3D effect, you can stick a piece of foam rubber on the blank, on the reverse side.

Now you can safely glue your bright insects on the wallpaper or you can make a composition in a frame.

It is believed that butterflies should be literally in every house and in every room, because they bring positive energy and set up in a positive way. But, as in everything, the main thing is not to overdo it, try to compose various compositions in advance so that they look harmonious and spectacular. For example, a tree with butterflies:

Or passing from one wall to another and to the ceiling:

By the way, using this technique, they make a conditional division of the room into various zones: comes out very original and inexpensive.

Don't forget about origami

A good way to decorate the interior with butterflies can be origami, you should not dismiss this art. The main thing is to master the technique of creation and that's it, consider it beautiful and original wall you already have. We offer the following butterfly patterns:

Such charmers can be immediately glued to the wall with adhesive tape, or you can make a hole in each, thread a thread and make a floating composition. Place the charmers on different levels and distance, then the composition will seem more voluminous.

By the way, a similar composition can be created from lace. You already know how to make them. There is nothing difficult in this, connect the butterflies as if you are decorating curtains from threads. You can also use a wooden ring, to which you need to tie strings with pre-planted decorations, you get a kind of chandelier.

When decorating the interior, do not focus on just the wall, because the decor can be placed on the ceiling, on furniture, along the stairs, on mirrors, curtains, windows and even on the floor.

Remember the combination of colors in interior design: if the room is made in pastel colors, then butterflies can play the role of a bright spot, but if the interior is saturated, “active”, then plain, perhaps even muted tones of the blank will do. The cabbages of the same color look very stylish in combination with some of the elements of decor or furniture.

They also look great in a children's room, and it doesn't matter if it's a girl's or a boy's room. Believe me, everyone loves butterflies. It will be especially nice if you involve the children themselves in the creation of the decor. It's an amazing pastime.

Mobile from tin butterflies

A kind of mobile made of cabbages made from tin cans will look spectacular.

So, with the help of a stencil or by eye, if you have stuffed your hand, try to evenly cut out the beauties from the cans. Then each blank must be attached to a wire, which, in turn, must be fixed to the wall. The effect will be amazing when, from a light breeze, the butterflies will flutter as if alive. A little advice instead tin can you can use foil or you can combine the two materials.

And this is what the whole panel looks like - decorating the walls with butterflies:

For a more illustrative example, we suggest you watch a video tutorial on creating these charms and an equally charming application on the wall from blanks:

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Each of us in childhood cut paper butterflies as crafts, but then we did not even think that they could become an unusual element in interior design.

Butterflies on the wall - simple and original

The desire to update the interior often arises, and repairs are a very expensive and costly pleasure to do it too often. In such cases, design elements come to the rescue that can not only change the look of any room, but also create a special atmosphere in it. Such decor will cost mere pennies, but your family and guests will appreciate the original idea.

Decorating with paper butterflies - budget, but at the same time original version decorate any room, a little patience and imagination - and the room will be completely transformed!

Creating butterflies for decorating the interior does not take much time, but it gives inspiration and is guaranteed to cheer you up. It is worth noting the mobility of such a decor, because if desired, the elements of the composition from paper butterflies you can easily move or replace others almost daily. With the right choice of shade, butterflies can both become the main color accent of the room, and unobtrusively complement the interior.

Many designers appreciate this method space decoration is positive and is used to design not only residential areas, but also shop windows, restaurant interiors and offices.

With the help of butterflies, you can attract the attention of visitors, whether they are your friends who have dropped in for tea or shoppers in a store.

Which room is suitable for decorating with butterflies?

Decor with paper butterflies can be called universal, and yet you need to observe some nuances. Butterflies look harmonious in the bedroom, living room, corridors and hallways, this design can be both permanent and seasonal. Professional designers claim that winged beauties are suitable for interiors of any style - high-tech, country, classic ... With right choice they will fit everywhere. Butterflies made of paper on the wall will help to give a boring room a festive or romantic look.

Designer butterflies in pastel colors blend harmoniously with the bedroom space. And by choosing bright, non-irritating shades, and building a whirlwind of butterflies on the wall, you can create a source of creative inspiration and cheerful mood. To create a romantic and relaxed atmosphere in the bedroom, you can choose laconic white butterflies, and if you want to add a little more magic, you should give preference to openwork carved models that will cast incredible whimsical shadows.

In the living room, butterfly decor can be created different ways and pursue different goals. If the space is made in light colors, and you want to place in it bright accents- give preference to butterflies rich colors, while for decoration you can choose elements of the same shade or create a rainbow swirl. In the living room, paper figures can replace boring paintings or complement wall mirrors large sizes. If you put a butterfly on a mirror, its reflection will add volume to the space. Therefore, such decorative elements look harmoniously on mirror wardrobes and glass partitions. You can also place them above the sofa in the living room, on the windows and even hang them on a lampshade.

Butterflies on the wall in the hallway will help create an atmosphere of hospitality. It will be interesting to look at a whirlwind of them, as if flying through front door.

With the help of paper figures, you can not only decorate the wall, but also decorate various interior items, for example, a switch

Of course, butterflies can be considered one of the the best options decorating a nursery, while not necessarily a girl's room - by choosing figurines in dark shades, you can decorate a boy's room. The wall design in the form of butterflies will give a sense of a fairy tale.

Butterflies in the nursery will certainly bring joy to the baby

By placing a similar decor above the crib, you will give the child a magical awakening. And the butterflies on the window will remind you of summer even in rainy autumn and cold winter.

Necessary tools and materials

So, you have decided to diversify the interior with such elements. What do you need to create paper butterflies with your own hands? A set of tools and materials depends solely on your wishes and capabilities. Modern interior butterflies can be made not only from paper, but also from textiles, plastic and even leather or metal. But, since paper butterflies are the most versatile and budgetary, we will talk about them. In the art supplies market, you can find metalized cardboard, corrugated paper, cardboard with a mirror or velvet surface, and even paper with a wood or leather texture.

Paper or cardboard

When giving preference to cardboard, it is worth remembering that it should bend well without breaking.

To create interior butterflies, we first need sheets of paper or cardboard. It is worth choosing a material that is suitable in shade and texture for the style of your interior. The number and format of sheets also depends on the size of the desired butterflies and their number. Therefore, before buying paper, we recommend making one template butterfly of the right size and, attaching it to the sheet, understand how many figures can be cut out of it. To the amount received, you need to add a few more in case of marriage.

You will also need sheets of ordinary thick cardboard to create fasteners for butterflies to the wall.


When choosing scissors, you should give preference to medium-sized models with thin tips, with the help of which you can easily cut all kinds of curls on butterfly wings. It is also recommended to have small nail scissors in the arsenal. And if you want to make the wings especially openwork, you can use curly scissors with special nozzles, which, when cut in a straight line, already form a pattern along the edge of the paper.

Also, to create butterflies, you will need a simple pencil and double-sided tape. Scotch is recommended to buy highest quality so that it not only sticks firmly to surfaces, but also easily peels off without leaving marks on the wall.


You can create a stencil for paper butterflies yourself by hand or in a graphics editor. You can also find a high-quality image of a butterfly on the Internet, and print it on photo paper using a high-quality color printer, get a blank that you just have to cut and fix. If you still want to create a butterfly on your own to your taste, your attention is several stencils of various shapes and styles, which must be printed either immediately on design paper or on plain paper and transferred through glass or carbon paper on the selected material. You can find stencil options on the Internet or draw them yourself in various programs.

Four Butterfly Cutout Patterns Butterfly Cutout Pattern - Dark Butterfly Cutout Pattern - Simple Outline Patterns for Butterfly Cutout Patterns

Step by step instructions for making

Butterflies for interior decoration can be made according to the following universal instruction, which, depending on the wishes, can be changed and supplemented with optional items:

  1. Come up with a sketch of the composition in advance, counting the approximate number of butterflies and the number of sheets of paper or cardboard.
  2. Print or draw stencils.
  3. Prepare all the materials necessary for creativity.
  4. Transfer the stencils to paper if necessary.
  5. Cut out the shapes along the stencil lines.
  6. Bend each of the butterflies so that the wings on both sides are symmetrical, and there is a place for fastening between them.
  7. Glue a small square of double-sided tape to the underside of the butterfly. If the figurine is made of thin paper, it is recommended that you first glue a small square of thick cardboard to the back, and only then attach double-sided tape to it.
  8. After manufacturing required amount shapes, start placing them on the wall. Label with small butterflies extreme points compositions so as not to move from the desired zone, and then proceed to the gradual design from the center.

If you want to change something in the composition, you can always re-glue the butterfly to a new place.

There are also more complex options creating these decorative elements - origami butterflies or openwork butterflies. Origami butterflies are made according to patterns that can be found on the Internet.

Various ways manufacturing decorative elements provide a wide scope for imagination, because you can place them in the most in unusual ways in different places

The creation of openwork butterflies practically does not differ from the manufacture of classic interior models, only in addition to cutting out the stencil and folding in half, various patterns need to be cut on the wings.

To cut thin parts you will need special knife with a thin and sharp blade

Such butterflies look great on the walls next to a sconce or floor lamp, and also cast magical shadows in diffused lighting.

Creating graceful figures is a very painstaking work, but the result looks very worthy.

Double or multi-layer interior butterflies are created by stacking paper blanks of various sizes on top of each other - a large one on the bottom and a small one on top. This decor looks more voluminous and luxurious.

Made from two layers different color and size, such butterflies look very lively and voluminous. Usually only the bodies of butterflies are glued together, while the wings remain free and bend under different angles

A few ideas on how to decorate a wall with paper butterflies

Now let's talk about how to properly decorate the wall with butterflies so that they do not look pretentious, but only set the necessary style for the interior and create the right positive mood.

White concise butterflies

Such butterflies are in harmony with plain interiors of dark or muted shades, and are also great for decorating a country-style room, as they look like lace from afar. They will look good in an office or a crowded office, suitable for decorating a high-tech space using metal, glass or plastic.

White paper moths will look gentle and seem to refresh the interior.

Compositions of white butterflies can be made both in a simple style and in a more romantic one, it all depends on the purpose of the room for which it is created. White butterflies decorated in black frames look original. This design looks formal and suitable for office decoration. You can place whirlwinds of white butterflies in such a room and in a recreation area, in this case, preference should be given to more chaotic asymmetric compositions.

In living rooms, compositions of white butterflies can have various forms- you can decorate a round wall clock with them, placing them around the dial, or you can decorate the fireplace area by gluing moths over it. White butterflies in the bedroom look good in compositions where they scatter to the sides, or, conversely, twist into a spiral.

Black strict butterflies

Black butterflies look very advantageous on the wall in a contrasting color.

Black butterflies look rather strict and graphic in the interior. Therefore, the best areas for their application are office rooms, living areas and offices. The composition may have strict form, form a square or rhombus with grid filling. Black butterflies can also be framed in contrasting white frames.

gradient butterflies

Butterflies decorate anything: walls and ceilings, pieces of furniture, pillows, lamps, paintings and panels are made with them.

Butterflies of several shades of the same color look extremely unusual and elegant - from the darkest to almost white. Compositions of such interior butterflies allow you to visually change the volume of space, creating new depth and unusual shadows. It is recommended to arrange them with a large mass in the form of a symmetrical or asymmetric vortex, since the necessary gradient effect in this case looks the most advantageous.

colorful butterflies

You can decorate any room with butterflies, because they bring positive - it is only important not to overdo it

Compositions from colorful butterflies help to improve mood, so they are best placed in children's rooms, hallways or living rooms. Colored butterflies look most harmonious in asymmetrical compositions, for example, in the form of a flying swarm. Remember that the design with colorful elements draws attention to the area in which they are located. Use this effect to highlight your interiors.

On a large plain wall, colored butterflies can be glued in the form of a circle, placing them quite close to each other. So you can achieve the appearance of additional volume. Colorful butterflies in high-rise building can be located along the stairs, for example, as signs of the way to the children's room. Butterfly compositions look interesting, which seem to fly out of vases or bottles standing on a fireplace or shelf. And also with the help of these decorative elements, you can create messages for relatives and loved ones, arranging them in the shape of a heart or composing whole romantic phrases from them.

Butterflies of various sizes

Entering the room with moths, you want to take a deep breath, it seems that even the air here is unusual and saturated with the scent of flowers.

The combination of butterflies of various sizes allows you to make the composition dynamic and light. In this case, you can arrange the figures both in a chaotic manner and in a “gradient” from large models to small ones.

Butterfly design is trendy and stylish decorative solution for residential and office areas, traditional decoration who got pretty bored. Butterflies create an atmosphere of joy, cheerfulness and freshness. Such decor is appropriate in any room, the main thing is to choose the right models in style and shades.

When all repair work the house is finally completed, the most exciting time is coming: the time to restore beauty! Wall decor with butterflies is one of the most fashionable trends in interior decoration. Butterflies, also called winged flowers, fit perfectly into any type of room, giving it airiness and extraordinary charm. In addition, for folk beliefs these moths - albeit artificial ones - bring joy, love and good luck to every home. Therefore, it is not surprising that many owners spare no time to create original wall panels with their own hands.

How and from what are such panels created? Let's take a look together.

Materials for making butterflies at home

You can create stencils of winged flowers at home from ordinary stationery, cardboard, thickened polyethylene film and fabrics.

Decor with paper butterflies is the simplest and most affordable option wall decorations. Paper is easy to process: you can cut a template of any shape from it, give it a natural asymmetry. In addition, stationery can be bought at any store, in unlimited quantities and in any color. This allows you to fantasize without limits: combine butterflies of one or more colors and formats in one composition.

Cardboard ornament is more durable, but less malleable. Cardboard is a fairly durable material that retains its shape well. To cut a moth of the required shape, you will have to work hard. The result of painstaking work will delight you with the elegance of the curves and the originality of the positions.

Decorating walls with butterflies made of thickened film (or vinyl film) is a real pleasure. From the film, you can cut a stencil of absolutely any shape and fix it on the wall with ordinary glue. The combination of moths with a matte and glossy surface will help to make the composition more expressive. Glossy elements will shimmer like a chameleon when changing lighting.

Special stencils made of vinyl film have a self-adhesive backing; to attach the ornament, it is enough to remove the protective layer - an unusual panel is ready! You can not glue the whole moths to the wall, but create the effect of "fluttering wings". To do this, the film is glued to plain paper, which is used as a rigid base, the wings are bent and the butterfly is fixed in the bend of the wings. The slightest breath of air - and the butterflies flap their wings together. A unique spectacle!

Fabric butterflies will be appropriate on the walls, in the design of which fabric elements have already been used (for example, draperies or liquid wallpaper imitating fabric). The fabric ornament looks very warm and cozy.

Methods for attaching stencils

You can attach the finished stencil to the wall with glue, special pins or foam. PVA glue or wallpaper mix is ​​the perfect fixative for butterflies made of any material. Despite the ease of use, it is necessary to dose the amount of glue applied to the base so that it does not protrude beyond the edges of the template.

Pins are a more sophisticated way of attaching templates. This is because to fix it on the wall, you will need to bend the pin at an angle of 90 degrees with pliers (or pliers), and then put the bent part under the wallpaper or other finish. It is easiest to glue the hairpin to the stencil itself. For greater decorativeness, it is better to choose studs with beautiful heads made of stones or beads.

Finally, you can use pieces of foam to decorate the walls with butterflies. Fixing the foam to the wall, like the moth to the foam, is done using glue. This method of fastening is only suitable for light paper ornaments, since heavier items will quickly fall off.

Stages of creating decor with butterflies

Before you start cutting out butterfly patterns, you should decide on the pattern of the future application. To do this, take a look at the wall and evaluate how much free space can be allocated for the panel, and then fantasize. For an idea, you can take finished projects, but your own application will look more impressive. As soon as you decide on a drawing, fix it first on paper, and then on the wall with a chalk or pencil.

The next stage is the development of the design of butterfly patterns, the choice colors and manufacturing materials. Remember: such an unusual ornament should be a bright spot against the background of the interior, but at the same time, it should harmoniously fit into the environment. Depending on the allotted space on the wall, the number of elements in the composition can vary from 10 to infinity.

Next, you can start creating templates. It is better to cut moths with a clerical knife. The shape of the moth does not have to be symmetrical; on the contrary, a certain asymmetry adds volume and dynamism to the application. The last step is to directly attach the butterflies to the wall.

Wall decoration with white paper butterflies

For creating unique interior used today different variants. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material - original way revive an empty wall. The repair is finished, the furniture is arranged, the curtains are already hanging, but something is missing to complete the image of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall creative idea which cannot fail to attract attention.

An interesting solution to decorate the mirror wall in the bedroom with paper butterflies

Wall decor from bright large butterflies

Panel of paper butterflies on the wall

Collage on the wall from the collection of butterflies in frames

Wall arrangement of black paper butterflies

Creating such a decor will require a minimum of material and the availability of free time. Even if there is no suitable paper in the house, it is sold in any stationery department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for embodying the idea. This will be discussed.

Finished colored butterfly wall decoration

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They decorate the frames of photographs and paintings, chandeliers and floor lamps, mirrors, ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And it's not just beautiful element scenery: according to the laws of Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Decor wall clock do it yourself

Their appearance in the bedroom will give marital relations new colors, bring back slightly extinguished feelings, kindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

The pastel colors of the bedroom are diluted juicy shades wall decorations

For the manufacture of bright moths, different materials are used:

  • Colored paper.
  • Rough cardboard.
  • Vinyl records.
  • Starched fabric.
  • Thin metal (cans of beer, Coca-Cola).

Refined ceramic butterflies will help to decorate the room

The sizes of the soaring beauties can also be different, it is also allowed different forms and colors. The embodiment of the idea depends on the imagination and the material at hand.

Homemade butterfly composition will transform any room

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a swift whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

Butterfly decoration looks advantageous in any interior

What style is suitable for such decorations

Decorating the wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any style of interior:

  • rustic provence;
  • teeming with high-tech technology;
  • ascetic modernity;
  • stingy minimalism;
  • noble classics.

Classic bedroom with contrasting wall decor

The main thing is that miniature appliqués are in harmony in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just do not need to make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls, they will simply merge with the background and will be almost invisible.

Children's room in Art Nouveau style with bright decor of multi-colored butterflies

The following combinations are ideal:

  • green or red moths on a beige wall;
  • black or dark brown on a white or gray background;
  • a combination of bright blue and bright red on a pink wall.

Imitation of a wall picture of butterflies and wire in modern interior studio apartments

Light coloured pastel style Provence in the nursery with delicate butterflies on the wall

Preparation for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies on the wall. Photos of ideas can be peeped on the Internet, this is in case your own imagination does not suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to the stationery or arts and crafts store.

Beautiful butterflies made of thick colored paper

Moths are drawn on paper or vinyl using a stencil desired shape and size. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will differ in variety. When choosing a mounting method, you need to consider some points:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next repair, then you can use glue to fix them;
  • if the owner of the apartment is not sure that the butterflies are for a long time, it is better to fasten them with pins or small buttons.

Mounting decorations on the wall with double-sided tape

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawing up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the location of the butterflies on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from what was planned, which may well happen during the gluing of the elements.

Self-made butterflies will help cheer you up, freshen up the room and save the family budget.

Colored paper moths

This is the most common decoration option, which requires colored paper. To create a sketch, you can use computer program. Buying paper won't hit family budget, which is an important factor.

Great idea for placing colored butterflies over a crib

There will be no problems attaching the paper to the wall, because it is light, and the thin wings of butterflies will sway at the slightest movement of air. If the presence of moths on the wall begins to bother, they can be removed at any time without receiving material damage and without damaging the wallpaper.

Putting butterflies near lighting device, you can create beautiful effect bulkiness

Bright, shiny butterflies come from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are coated with acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! Compositions with fluorescent paint look no less tempting.

Beautiful colored butterflies from an old magazine

Advice! When fixing butterflies on the wall, only their middle should be fixed, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Wall arrangement of colored butterflies of different sizes and shapes

Fabric composition and painted butterflies

If the room is finished with liquid wallpaper, decor with butterflies on the wall - perfect solution, but it is better to choose fabric as a material. Any colorful or plain patches that are sure to be found in any home will do. For fastening it is better to use PVA.

Textile bow ties on a newspaper base

So that the edges of the matter do not crumble and fray, and the fabric is more rigid, it is recommended to pre-wet it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Large fabric butterflies on the wall in the nursery

Drawn moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • a stencil, which is made of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent paint;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Wall decor with acrylic paints

Using a wall stencil acrylic paint the main drawing is applied, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, soaring moths will mysteriously twinkle.

Little artists can decorate the wall of their room on their own

Advice! You need to prepare several identical stencils and fix them on the wall with masking tape. The stencil should be removed only after the paint has dried, otherwise it may flow along the wall and ruin the finish. For the same reason, the paint cannot be applied in a thick layer.

Thin cardboard stencil for wall decoration

Butterflies on the wall: photos and ideas of a panel of butterflies on the wall

Wall panels are made from bright moths. To create a masterpiece, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Old glossy magazine.
  • Scissors.
  • Scotch.
  • Stencils of different sizes and shapes.
  • Frame.

Wall panel of bright butterflies on a beautiful turquoise background

The bright pages of the magazine will be used to make butterflies, the number of which is determined by the size of the frame - there should not be few figures, but they should not be sculpted too thick either.

First, a background is made, for which a sheet of colored paper is used or the base is simply painted with acrylic paint. You can fix the elements of the composition with PVA glue or double sided tape. It is better if the butterflies do not fit snugly to the base, but slightly rise above it. To achieve this effect, you need to put small fragments of foam rubber under the adhesive tape. The finished panel is framed and hung on the wall.

Beautiful picture of butterflies in pastel colors

To create a luxurious room design, it is recommended to use several techniques at once, which will be combined with each other and make the room harmonious:

  • One wall is decorated with a composition of butterflies.
  • A panel is hung on the opposite wall.
  • They attach moths to a fishing line or a colorless thread and hang this origami on a chandelier.

DIY multi-colored butterflies will replace the chandelier

Butterflies go well with flowers, small figurines of birds, bees and ladybugs. If pins are used, they must be decorative (beads, beads). For fastening on wallpaper, the sharp end of the pin is bent 90 ° and driven under the paper cover. Butterflies seem to float in the air.

Garlands of beads and paper butterflies will help decorate the room for any celebration.

For such creativity, any ideas are suitable, but patience is also required. The reward for perseverance and diligence will be the unique decoration of the room.

The original idea of ​​​​decorating a children's room

Instructions for making butterflies with your own hands. Decor options with butterflies.

Butterfly is a cute insect that is associated with grace and sophistication. Butterfly-shaped hairpins are often used to decorate hair, clothes and bags. Jewelery and bijouterie are also popular. Brooches in the form of a butterfly will complement the most strict outfit.

How to make a beautiful voluminous butterfly out of origami paper: templates for printing and cutting, photo

Origami is the art of paper folding that dates back to Ancient China. More recently, the origami technique has spread to European countries, that is, it has gone beyond China.

There is a certain set of conventional signs necessary in order to sketch the folding scheme of even the most complex product. Most of the conventional signs were put into practice in the middle of the 20th century by the famous Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa.

Classical origami prescribes the use of one square evenly colored sheet of paper without glue and scissors. But now origami is closer to Ukrainian vytynanka, where beautiful figures are cut out of a piece of paper.

Below are the patterns for making origami butterflies. To complete the work, you will need small and very sharp scissors, as well as patience.

templates for printing and cutting templates for printing and cutting

templates for printing and cutting

Butterflies are often used in New Year's decor. They are tied to garlands, combined with cotton snowballs and artificial snow. In addition, such products are attached to the Christmas tree. Below you can find a butterfly stencil for decorating the New Year's room and Christmas tree.

How to make a flying butterfly out of paper?

The flying butterfly looks very interesting and harmonious. The main task is to make an elegant insect that will be as close to the present as possible. After hanging on a thread vertically, it should give the impression that the insect is flying.

You can see how to make a flying butterfly in the video.

VIDEO: Flying paper butterfly

Basically, such applications are used to create paintings. Also, a paper butterfly will be an excellent option for developing fine motor skills of children's hands. preschool age. Depending on the age of the baby, the complexity of the application is selected. For toddlers, it's best to cut out the templates yourself. Kids should only glue the details. Below are a few options for applications for children different ages. Usually voluminous applications made using the lace technique look beautiful. Such techniques should be performed by children from 4 years old.

VIDEO: Paper Butterfly Application

Butterflies are called winged flowers, they are able to give the room airiness and some windiness. It is very easy to make a panel of paper butterflies. The easiest option is a picture with glued paper butterflies.


  • Scissors
  • The basis for the panel
  • Paper of the desired color


  • Decide on the size of the panel and the drawing itself. Also find out what kind of drawing you will create.
  • After choosing a stencil, cut out butterflies from colored paper and glue to the base canvas
  • It is advisable to mark in advance with a pencil the line along which it is worth gluing butterflies

Such decorative elements are made of paper and can either be glued or hung over the wall. Such butterflies can be mounted on furniture, a wall or hung on threads.

Butterfly decor options:

  • Fluttering butterflies under the ceiling
  • Butterflies on the wall or furniture
  • Decoration of chandeliers and lamps with butterflies

Silhouettes on the wall can be both voluminous and flat. Initially, a base silhouette is selected. Most often, butterflies resemble a flock, sometimes small butterflies make up a huge moth. It can be a cup with flying butterflies or a watch. In this case, butterflies symbolize the transience of time. A swirl of butterflies also looks harmonious and interesting.

Butterflies made of colored paper will be a great addition to the interior. They are made using the technique of origami or quilling. These are insects made by folding and gluing pieces of paper. Openwork butterflies are obtained. It looks very nice, especially if you combine colored paper. Below are templates and photos of colored paper butterflies.

Such figurines are used to decorate the children's room. They look very gentle and unusual. Such butterflies are hung on threads and decorate play areas with them. Such butterflies are very cute combined with bright and colored lighting. It can be side lighting or direct beams.

Large butterflies are used for wedding or holiday decor. Despite the cheapness and simplicity, such decor can significantly improve the room and make it festive. Usually thick paper is used, which holds its shape well. This prevents the wings from bending. Such butterflies are hung on ropes, fishing lines or threads.

How to decorate a wall with paper butterflies: wall decoration

If you do not have such experience, then it is better to carry out such decor on painted walls or non-woven wallpaper. In this case, if you do not really like the result, you can remove the butterflies. It is best to mount butterflies not on glue, but on double sided tape. It goes well against wallpaper and painted walls. Should not be used if paper wallpaper. How to decorate a wall with paper butterflies: wall decoration
