How to grow cedar at home. How to grow a cedar pine (Siberian cedar) from a nut? Seeds must be prepared before planting

Cedar is one of the most beautiful representatives of conifers. The duration of his life is 450-500 years, and the cedar pine reaches maturity by 80-85 years. This long-liver pleases not only with sprawling long needles, but also with delicious pine nuts, rich in vitamins, microelements, fats and protein.

Cedar can be grown from a nut

You can meet cedars on summer cottages, and on the territory country houses. Most often they are planted as annual seedlings, but not many people know how to grow cedar from a nut at home.

planting material

Growing a cedar from a nut is not an easy task, because there are no high-quality planting raw materials for sale. Nuts that you can buy in the store are absolutely not suitable for growing cedar at home. Most often they are peeled and fried. Not many decide to germinate seeds on their own, because it is much easier to buy an annual seedling and plant it in the ground.

Buying pine nuts from your hands is also not the most a good idea. Seeds retain their germination capacity for 1 year, in the second year it decreases by 50%, and after that the seed does not germinate at all.

In addition to the shelf life of nuts, its conditions may also be violated, which negatively affects the planting material.

To grow cedar from seeds at home, you will have to collect pine nuts yourself. This can be done in places where cedar pine grows in late October, November. At this time, the collection of ripe cones begins. You can take fallen seeds or seed cones, but they can be damaged by mold or rodents, and there is a high probability that this will be last year's crop.

It is better to pick a cone directly from the tree, but this is not easy to do because of the height of the cedar pines. Pickers use long sticks with mallets at the ends to knock the cones off the top. These seeds are more likely to germinate.

To collect seeds, it is best to pick a cone from a tree yourself.

Preparing seeds for germination

To plant seeds, you need to extract them from the cone. This is done quite simply. The cone is placed near heating appliances or quickly burned with flames from all sides. Under the influence of temperature, the scales open, releasing the seeds. On an industrial scale, special devices are used that crush the cone without damaging the pine nuts.

After extracting the seeds, you need to take care of their disinfection. To prevent many fungal diseases, pine nuts are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours before planting.

Planting seeds

An important point in growing cedar from seeds is stratification - the creation of conditions as close to natural as possible. In the forest, pine nuts, falling into the ground in November-December, hibernate under the snow and germinate only in spring. Creating something similar at home is quite simple:

  1. After soaking in potassium permanganate, pine nuts are planted in a specially prepared substrate to a depth of 1–2 cm. Too deep planting prevents seed germination.
  2. Seeds planted in a container are watered so that the whole earth gets wet, but does not become sour from excess moisture. Otherwise, the nuts will start to rot.
  3. 5–7 cm of snow is laid on the surface of the substrate. The container is covered with polyethylene and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 months. If the weather conditions do not allow you to immediately cover the plantings with a snow cover, then this can be done later.
  4. Once a month or as the soil dries, the nuts are watered with water at room temperature. It is advisable to use melted snow.

After 3 months of stratification, the container with the cedars planted in it is taken out of the refrigerator and placed on the south window. Most often, the first shoots appear already in the second week.

Cedar sprouts well on the south window

Substrate for planting seeds

The quality and composition of the soil play an important role in growing cedar at home. Seeds should be germinated in a mixture of:

  • river sand;
  • fine crumbs of gravel;
  • peat.

Sand and gravel are calcined before planting. This prevents the development of many diseases, kills mold spores. Sometimes cedar seeds are germinated in a mixture of coniferous sawdust and fertile soil. Such a composition is very similar to the soil of a cedar forest, but it dries up quickly enough, so you need to carefully monitor the watering of sprouted nuts.

Before planting nuts, the soil should be calcined

Seedling transplant

When the cedar sprouts have reached 3 cm, they must be planted in separate containers, where they will grow for the first year. The main thing when transplanting is to carefully handle the delicate roots so as not to damage them.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot, you can buy it at the store or use cedar cones. The second option is better, because it brings the growing conditions closer to natural ones. The substrate is made from river sand, fertile soil and coniferous sawdust.

A month after transplanting, you can start hardening the seedlings. First they arrange airing, and after a while they take it out into the street.

You can not leave a young tree under the scorching sun, but the shade does not suit him either. You need to put a pot of cedar in a place with a scattered shadow - under another tree or a canopy.

The first 10 years, the cedar pine grows very slowly, but with good care will rise sharply. It is better to plant a seedling in the ground before three years. Such a tree is well received and easily tolerates winter.

A three-year-old seedling can already be planted in the ground

young tree care

If it was possible to plant a cedar in the country house and the tree took root, then all the requirements for growing pine were carefully observed. Now you can start caring for the seedling. You need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. For full development, forest trees enter into symbiosis with mycelium. This useful neighborhood will help strengthen the cedar grown in the country. To do this, take 5 handfuls of forest litter and pre-crushed caps of ripe forest mushrooms, soak it all in a bucket of warm water. A day later, the cedar is watered with the resulting mixture.
  2. It is impossible to loosen the earth around the tree, because the roots are located very close to the surface, there is a possibility of damage.
  3. The soil around the seedling is mulched to retain moisture and control weeds. Crushed cedar or other coniferous cones, sawdust, pine nut shells are used as mulch.
  4. The plant is watered as the soil dries out, but the cedar reacts painfully to waterlogging and may die. Every year in spring and autumn, you need to make fertilizer for coniferous trees. If you take good care of the cedar for the first 10 years of its life, then it will actively grow and bear fruit well.

Cedar is a beautiful and slender tree, which can be called majestic without exaggeration. The unforgettable aroma of its needles, which many people like, also deserves attention. Therefore, it is natural that many gardeners are interested in how to grow a cedar from a nut at home, especially since it is much more economical than planting from a seedling.

Cedar can be grown from a nut. This is a cost-effective task

Nut selection and preparation for planting

Growing cedar from seeds is not the easiest, but quite realistic task.

The first thing that provides for its solution is a careful selection of nuts:

  1. Seeds intended for cultivation should not have an unpleasant odor.
  2. Nuts, the surface of which is covered with mold, cannot be considered suitable for planting.
  3. To avoid fungal infections, all seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.5% potassium permanganate solution is enough). The average duration of the procedure is 2 hours.
  4. For planting, nuts collected on the slopes of the Sayan or Altai are best suited.

The most suitable age for pine nuts used for cultivation is no more than three years. Practice shows that germination in such cases is maximum, and therefore young seeds should be a priority. If there are no such nuts, then others will do, whose age does not exceed 8–10 years.

To grow healthy tree, nuts should be carefully selected

Having decided on the seeds, you can proceed to the implementation of the sequence of actions, which is presented below:

  1. Soaking selected nuts for 72 hours (water should be changed daily).
  2. Mixing seeds with sand and moistening them.
  3. Placement of nuts in a cloth bag, which fits into a wooden box with ventilation holes.

The final step at this stage is to place the seed container in the refrigerator. There they should spend about 5 months at a temperature of 3-6 ° C, that is, in conditions close to winter, but not harsh.

In the future, pine nuts should be checked regularly to maintain moisture and prevent mold. If it appeared on some seeds, then you need to get rid of them, and replace the sand with a new one.

Pot and soil requirements

While the seeds are in the refrigerator, you can do another important thing - preparing a place for their future planting. It should not be large: it is quite possible to germinate pine nuts in a pot that holds about 200 g soil mixture, which can be:

If the gardener cannot spend time looking for suitable soil, in which cedar can be planted, he can always buy a ready-made composition for coniferous plants in a specialized store. The choice of soil should be approached responsibly, because the future of the plant directly depends on its composition.

Cedar needs potassium, and a high content of nitrogen is contraindicated for it due to the depressing effect on it. root system.

Planting and watering rules

The probability of growing cedar at home increases if you plant a nutlet in March or April. There are others useful advice that help to solve this problem accurately:

  • the optimal seed planting depth is from 0.5 to 2 cm;
  • you can place nuts close enough to each other (10 mm or more);
  • top seeds are sprinkled with sawdust or needles;
  • in the pot it is necessary to place the maximum possible number of nuts.

The last point is explained by the fact that in most cases only 10-15% of the seeds can germinate, that is, one out of seven or even ten nuts.

Particular attention must be paid to watering. Despite the fact that cedar belongs to moisture-loving plants, it perceives flooding negatively, and therefore it is extremely important to adhere to the following rules here:

  1. Nuts planted in the ground, it is desirable to spray from a spray bottle. This reduces the leaching of plant-friendly substances that are in top layer soil.
  2. Before you start watering, you should determine the degree of soil moisture. To do this, simply stick a match into it: if it turns out to be wet, then it is necessary to wait a little with the implementation of the planned procedure.
  3. The recommended frequency of watering seeds after planting is once every 2 days. If moistening is carried out less often, then the cedar grows much more slowly - experiencing great difficulties in reaching the surface and being characterized by a weak development of the root system.

The temperature should be room temperature, i.e., be in the range of 18–22 ° C. It is advisable to exclude the presence of the pot in direct sunlight, it is much better to place it in the shade.

Provided that all the above points are taken into account, the seeds germinate relatively quickly: about a month after planting. True, many gardeners call other terms - up to 90 days, explaining this by the difference in the quality of the selected nuts. Further, the pot can be placed in a brighter place, provided that the exposure to sunlight is moderate.

Further actions

It is worth noting that growing a cedar from a nut is a rather lengthy process, and therefore the appearance of sprouts should not be considered an unconditional success. Cedar in terms of development rate is noticeably inferior to most coniferous and deciduous trees. Observant gardeners have found that cedars grown from seeds at home add only 6-7 cm per year in the first few years.

In the first year, small cedars cannot be planted in open ground in a country house or local area, because they need this time to strengthen and adapt. The latter will pass faster if you take the pot outside in the warm season.

Transplantation of small cedar trees can be carried out for 2-3 years of their life. The procedure is tolerated by them without much difficulty, especially if the gardener takes into account the following points:

  1. Plant roots must be handled with care. When transplanting cedar shoots into open ground, bends and fractures of its roots should be avoided.
  2. The best transplant option is with a clod of earth from a pot. In this way, the microflora to which the plant is accustomed is preserved, which means that the chances of its successful adaptation in a new place are significantly increased.
  3. Refusing to feed cedar is not worth it - even if the land is in the country or adjoining area fertile enough. For this purpose, nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are optimally suited.
  4. It makes sense to place several stones around the trunk of a growing tree. Gradually, their lower surface will be covered with fungal growth, which has a very beneficial effect on the cedar.

Another useful procedure for a growing cedar is soil mulching. With its help, you can minimize the drying of the soil, stimulate the growth of grass around a young tree, and create an optimal microclimate for cedar. The composition of the mulch is recommended to include pine needles, fallen leaves and cut grass.

Cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree. It represents strength, health, beauty, longevity and purity. Cultivation of cedar is a noble cause, but extremely laborious. Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made seedlings, because after planting they will require practically no maintenance, except for regular soil moisture. But it is much better to grow a cedar from a nut - this way you will be next to your tree from the first minutes, and when through long years it will spread its rich crown over the earth, the pleasure will be incomparable with anything.

How to grow a cedar from a nut at home?

  1. For growing cedar, nuts bought in grocery store or in the market, as they are prepared for consumption by boiling in salted water. Your best bet is to find a flat, pleasant-smelling cedar cone with no signs of mold or staleness.
  2. Remove the nuts from the cone and rinse warm water. Additionally, you can rub the shell with a toothbrush or sponge - this will wash off the resin, which blocks moisture from accessing the core itself.
  3. After you have cleaned the nuts of excess resin, you need to stratify, that is, keep them in cold (about 0 ° C) water for three days, changing the water once a day. After this time, you will notice that some of the seeds have risen to the surface of the water, and some have sunk to the bottom. Floating nuts are empty or of poor quality, even if planted correctly, they will not sprout, but sunken seeds can and should be planted in the ground.
  4. After three days, drain the water and mix the nuts with peat, forest soil or coarse washed sand, then slightly moisten the mixture and place it in a wooden box with air holes or a perforated flower pot. After all the manipulations, the container with nuts can be removed in a dark, cool place - now the seeds should lie for several months (from 3 to 6 to simulate a natural winter) at a temperature of about + 4 ° C. Once every couple of weeks, take out the seeds and moisten the soil. Try to guess the time so that the planting of seeds takes place in March-April.
  5. After long preparation seeds, you can finally start planting. The soil is better to use natural forest, but in the absence of such, you can buy in flower shop special soil for conifers. The volume of the pot should be small, about 200 grams, and the planting depth should be about 2 cm. Seeds can be sprinkled on top with needles or sawdust. Protect the sown seeds from high temperatures and bright sun: it is better to put the pot with the future tree in a shaded place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. And, of course, the earth should be periodically moistened, at the same time preventing the seeds from “flooding”.
  6. It is best to plant the maximum number of seeds, because only 10-15% of them will sprout. Depending on the quality of the seeds, the first sprouts will sprout in 2-3 months and will be barely noticeable - up to five years, the cedar grows very slowly, and the growth is up to 6-7 cm. By the third year of life, the sprout can reach 15 cm, and after five to six years, it can be planted in open space.
  7. Cedar loves well-drained rocky or loamy soils. Therefore, it is advisable to mix the soil at the site of the proposed planting of cedar with sand and gravel.

There is another interesting nuance: they say that before planting, you need to hold pine nuts in your mouth for several minutes - this is how the future tree will absorb your energy and information about you, and only then will it truly grow into your grateful cedar. Of course, this moment is very similar to superstition, but in the first years of life, the cedar definitely needs your love and care.

Ornamental coniferous plants capture with their grace and beauty. Since for our climatic zone it is possible to grow various forms, the question arises, how to grow a cedar from a nut? A few facts about the cultivation and properties of the plant will help answer the problem.

Features of cedar wood

You need to know the characteristics of the plant in order to understand how to grow cedar. it evergreen attracts the eyes of gardeners due to its appearance features:

  • lush paws;
  • densely set profuse covering with needles;
  • rich green color;
  • beautiful bumps;
  • high straight trunk;
  • bright bark;
  • nice smell.

Growing a plant requires patience and careful adherence to all instructions. But the result can amaze the most demanding esthete. Because cedar can ennoble any area.

The cedar has a tall, straight trunk

The root system of the tree is strongly pronounced. The main root is surrounded by strong lateral branches, it keeps well in the soil. What makes it possible for the plant to hold a lump. Covering the area around the trunk with its needles, cedar creates a special temperature and exchange regime.

Collection of seed material

One of the sources of seed material may be its natural growing conditions. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the cedar forest, for the necessary samples you can go to the nearest Botanical Garden or write out the seeds from the forestry.

You need to get the seeds in the cone. Since various processes can occur during transportation with a nut:

  • drying out;
  • frostbite;
  • damage by various insects;
  • loss of surface integrity;
  • debate.

In a cone, they are protected from external mechanical and climatic influences. You should not buy nuts in a store or in the markets, as the seeds are treated with hot oil for culinary purposes. This means that they are no longer suitable for landing.

You need to get cedar seeds in a cone

Where to get the necessary seed composition

For a novice gardener, an important question is where to get necessary material. Buying samples from unverified sources does not guarantee the germination and viability of the seeds. You can write out cedar seeds through:

  • garden societies;
  • botanical gardens;
  • departments of botany and horticulture of universities;
  • thanks to independent sellers;
  • from forestry;
  • through seed almanacs.

Either way will give you the opportunity to required amount for germination and planting. To be sure of the result, it is worth ordering several cones at once. Pay attention to the date of collection of cones, they should have been taken in the period October-November. The date of collection is important, the average duration of seed germination is 2 years.

Pay attention to the collection period

What soils does it grow on

Preparation must take into account important fact about to undertake sprouting. One of the most significant factors in successfully obtaining resistant planting material where cedar grows. Knowledge of this issue increases the likelihood of obtaining normal seedlings.

In nature, cedar trees love gray podzols. This soil is:

  • humus;
  • silica;
  • trivalent metals;
  • sulfonic acids;
  • loams;
  • orstein grains;
  • forest floor.

Such soils are considered characteristic for:

  • Siberia;
  • Southern Canada;
  • Northern Europe;
  • Far East;
  • Central USA.

They have a pronounced shape. Gray loose composition from the upper horizon, denser reddish hue lower. Accordingly, germinated seed material should be planted in similar conditions.

Germination preparation requirements

To germinate pine nuts, you can carry out preliminary preparation:

  • soak the seeds in an aqueous solution with the addition of Kornevin;
  • endure a three-day period;
  • once a day to change the aquatic environment;
  • mix with purified river sand;
  • place in a canvas bag;
  • the container must have holes for air;
  • place in the refrigerator;
  • remove moldy specimens.

It is better to use small containers for seedlings

The next step will be planting the material:

  • after 6 months, land in the ground;
  • the substrate must contain a large amount of sand;
  • hole depth 1 cm;
  • the storage location of the container must be at room temperature;
  • the germinated material is brought to light.

Thus, seedlings suitable for further planting are obtained.

Grow container

Many are wondering how to grow a cedar from a nut in home pots. First rule, it shouldn't be too old. Even after treatment with manganese, the likelihood of mold is high.

It is better to use small containers for seedlings connected in palettes. They have a shallow depth, make it easy to extract the plant. Moreover, in this embodiment, it is easy to observe them. Any material will do, since the plant is only temporarily enclosed in a container.

You need to water a cedar seedling from a spray bottle

Watering mode

You need to water the plant with a spray bottle. To avoid washing out the necessary substances from the soil. The most common method is to check how dry the soil is with a match. Moisturize as needed, no longer than one day apart.

Moisture requirements are necessary because the sprout has to break through a thick skin. Gradual soaking of the surface gives a kind of swelling effect, after which the sprout can violate the integrity of the cover.

Successful germination can be achieved by adding one serving of various growth stimulants. Dosage guidance is indicated on the package. This will make it possible to obtain the necessary planting material more efficiently. Do not flood the plant, as this can cause it to rot.

When planting a nut in the soil, it should have an average temperature

Temperature regime

When planting a nut in the soil, it should have an average temperature, because in natural conditions the seed has similar conditions. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to add surface heating. This can be done with a lamp, turning it on for several hours. Or by placing palettes with sprouts in a more lit place. During this period, you should carefully monitor the watering, you will have to moisten every day.

How to grow a cedar - "Homestead" N6, 1988.

"Cedar is a tree for children and grandchildren"
M. Ignatenko, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honored Arborist of the RSFSR, Leningrad

Siberian cedar (the correct botanical name is Siberian cedar pine)- evergreen coniferous tree. It's true amazing plant absorbed, it seems, all conceivable useful qualities: decorative and healing, winter hardiness and durability. The main wealth of the Siberian cedar is its nuts. Collected near Leningrad, they contained 61% fat, 20% protein, 12% carbohydrates. Note that these are nuts grown in the north-west of the country, where the weather is capricious. Nuts are very tasty and nutritious. Academician P.S. Pallas wrote 200 years ago: “In Switzerland, pine nuts are used in pharmacies; milk is made from them, which is prescribed in chest diseases ..., they say that they were used with benefit by consumptive people.”

Pine nuts contain vitamin A (vitamin for growth), vitamins of group B (anti-neurotic), which improve cardiac activity and are generally necessary for normal activity nervous system. They are especially rich in vitamin E (tocopherol, which in Greek means “I bear offspring”). It is not for nothing that during the years of good harvests of cedar, the fertility of sable and squirrel increases significantly. Doctors say that pine nuts contain substances that improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis, anemia.

Cedar resin - resin- has embalming properties. For a long time, the inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals used it to treat purulent wounds, cuts, burns. During the Great Patriotic War cedar resin was successfully used in hospitals to treat wounded soldiers. She protected wounds from infection, stopped gangrenous processes.

The needles are rich in vitamin C, carotene. It contains a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt.

Valuable and cedar wood. Since it has bactericidal properties, moths do not start in cabinets made of cedar wood. Wood is used for the manufacture of about 10 thousand different products (pencil sticks, battery veneer, furniture, musical instruments).

The tree is beautiful with its green attire at any time of the year. High and antimicrobial properties of stone pine forests. The air in its plantations is practically sterile.

Siberian cedar has long been bred in our country. Successfully growing cedars planted in the suburbs, near Leningrad, Yaroslavl; some of them are over 100 - 200 years old, they successfully bloom, bear fruit and give mature seeds even in the Arctic. Many cedars have been planted by amateur gardeners on household plots and in community gardens. When breeding Siberian cedar, it must be taken into account that it cannot grow in dry sandy places, but prefers sandy or loamy, moist fertile soils.

Propagated cedar vegetatively, by grafting a cutting on Scots pine, but mainly by seeds. When tender, still immature seedlings are just knocked out of the soil, they are immediately pecked by birds (mainly crows). Therefore, plants have to be grown under plastic wrap.

Good results are obtained with the autumn sowing of seeds. To do this, in late September - early October, that is, a month before the soil freezes, the seeds are sown in prepared ridges and covered with spruce branches to protect them from mouse-like rodents. And in the spring of next year, the seeds give friendly shoots.

Seeds sown in spring Siberian cedar require mandatory stratification. To do this, they are soaked in warm water (25 - 300) for 4-6 days. Every 1-2 days the water is changed. Then the seeds are mixed with well-washed river sand or peat chips and kept at room temperature. The mixture is periodically stirred and moistened. With this stratification, the seeds peck in 50-60 days. The seeds that have hatched are taken out to the cold and stored until sowing at a temperature close to zero. In spring, sowing is carried out in late April - early May (depending on weather conditions). For 1 sq.m. 50 to 300 g of seeds can be sown. The depth of their embedding is 3-4 cm. The polyethylene film that protects the seeds and seedlings from birds is removed only after the shell has fallen off the seedlings that have appeared.

With thickened crops, seedlings dive. As soon as the sprouts appear in the form of a curved knee, they are dug up, sorted, cut the roots and planted under a peg on the ridges to the same depth at which they were. Planting pattern 20x20 cm or 20x10 cm. You can dive seedlings in the second year after germination. Subject to agricultural technology, the survival rate of cedar seedlings after picking is very high - up to 95%. 2-3 years after picking, a good planting material with a developed root system is obtained, which contributes to a better survival of seedlings after transplanting to a new place.

Plant Siberian cedar! It deserves to be bred both in the central regions of the European part of the RSFSR and in the northwest.

A. Klebanov.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Sciences, Ural Forest Engineering Institute, Sverdlovsk

Many rural residents of Altai, Siberia, the Urals are planting cedar in their backyards, streets and squares. Cedar is the beauty and pride of the taiga. True, trees do not always take root, but sometimes they grow up to 25 m, their trunk diameter reaches 2 m. How similar is the cedar to Scotch pine. At first glance, you can't tell them apart. But you pay attention to the needles. In cedars, it is surprisingly soft, long, trihedral, collected in whorls of 5-6 pieces, and in Scots pine, 2 and very rarely 3 needles. Cedar is famous for its longevity - it lives even up to 800 years. It is difficult, of course, to wait for the harvest. In forest plantations, it begins to bear fruit at the age of 40-70, sometimes later, and in gardens where care and fertilizing are carried out in a timely manner, at 15-20 years. But it continues to give a harvest of seeds for 250 years. Residents of the taiga regions call the cedar "breadfruit".

Of course, the question comes up again and again: where to buy planting material?

In areas where cedar grows in the forest, in spring or autumn you can contact the nearest forestry or forestry and buy seedlings 2-5 years old. Sometimes, only with the permission of forestry workers, it is possible to dig up cedar seedlings on skid trails, loading areas, cutting areas, oil pipeline routes, etc. In no case should you dig out a cedar from under the canopy of the forest, in forest plantations, in burnt areas. This is regarded as poaching and is punishable by a fine. But if you are allowed to prepare cedar planting material, dig it out carefully, preserving the roots as much as possible. Moisten the earth, as it should, and plant it on the same day. If this is not possible, then the seedling must be dug in immediately. Significant damage, fragments of taproots or their "drying" in the air are the most common mistakes when planting a cedar.

Another common mistake is planting single trees. It is known that all coniferous trees are wind-pollinated, pollen from one tree is carried by the wind to another, contributing to cross-pollination. If it occurs inside the crown of a tree, and there is no other plant of the same breed in the neighborhood, then its seeds either do not set at all, or in the fall of the next year (the seed development cycle of the cedar lasts up to 18 months!) Ripe small and dissimilar. Therefore, planting material for cedar must be from different places to prevent inbreeding. It is advisable to plant seedlings on the site immediately on permanent place, sufficiently lit, better in groups of 3-4 trees, at a distance of 5-8 meters from each other. Fruit trees can be planted between cedar seedlings. stunted trees and berry bushes. It is very good to sow lupine - this "biological fertilizer" for several years will contribute to better growth and the development of cedar seedlings, will bring the beginning of its fruiting closer. It is advisable to systematically water the soil along the perimeter of the tree crown, simultaneously applying mineral and organic fertilizers in the spring.

From the very first days after planting, care for the shape of the crown is obligatory. The most effective formation of the so-called " garden forms"- low-pubescent, sprawling, it is good if the crown is multi-topped, since female flower buds are laid along its periphery, mainly in the upper part. You can remove the lower branches to a height of 2-2.5 meters in the first 10-15 years of the tree's life, stretching pruning time by year.Secateurs remove the branches "flush" with the trunk of the tree.In this case, the wounds heal faster.To prevent infection with spores of wood-destroying fungi, cover the cuts with garden pitch.

Pruning can be abandoned if, in the first 3-5 years after planting a 2-3-year-old seedling, break off the lateral buds on the axial shoot. In this case, all nutrients and growth substances enter one central bud of the axial shoot. The growth of this shoot per season increases by 2-2.5 times, and the need for pruning lateral shoots subsequently disappears. It is desirable to break out lateral buds or cut off lateral shoots in the autumn-winter period, before the start of the growing season.

An indicator of good survival and growth of cedar seedlings is dark green needles, a spreading crown with needles of 4-5 years of age, the growth of axial shoot in the first years is at least 5-10 cm per year.

And take into account one feature of the Siberian cedar. This tree species is very sensitive to air pollution. That's why undesirable planting of cedar close to large industrial enterprises with increased gas or dust content in the air. In addition, large-sized seedlings require careful care, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. But in gratitude, you will receive delicious, high-calorie pine nuts. And your grandchildren, great-grandchildren for more than 200 years will remember the Man who planted and grew this majestic tree.

Professor MGUL, doctor of agricultural sciences Sciences I.I. Drozdov

Any natural talent is fully revealed only in certain favorable conditions with appropriate upbringing. So and Siberian cedar- only with appropriate attention and targeted care fully realizes its rich natural potential.

In wild cedar forests, trees are not productive enough. Here they are formed under the conditions of biogenosis - a kind of plant complex with high environmental properties, the possibility of side use of the forest and the production of valuable wood in ripe forest stands. In the settlement cedar forests, original cedar orchards, formed and groomed by man, the trees are presented in all their splendor. Trees with lush, evergreen crowns adorn the village landscapes in the best possible way, ennobling them with their colorful appearance. Phytoncides revitalize the atmosphere, walnut yields in the cedar forests near the village are almost 5-6 times higher than the yield of forest plantations every year.

However, with all the attractiveness of the cedar, growing it is more difficult than other conifers (Scotch pine, larch, spruce). Foresters call the culture of Siberian cedar a school of patience. Its seeds are distinguished by deep dormancy and they germinate only after a winter stay in the cold for at least 3-4 months. Cedar crops require protection from rodents and birds. The first ten years the cedar grows slowly, reaching a height of 1.5 m. However, in the future, this breed is able to thank for the attention to it. Cedar gets along well in individual plots, near buildings. At 30 years old, it reaches a height of 9 meters, forms a lush crown, reaching 3 meters in diameter. By this time, there is little space for spruce, Scotch pine and larch, they are cramped on the site, and there is a problem with their felling.

Siberian cedar breed mainly seed way, less often - vegetative (grafting, rooting of cuttings).

It is preferable to import cedar seeds from flat and low-mountain regions Western Siberia. When breeding this breed in the European part of Russia, it is better to focus on spring term sowing (end of April, first half of May). To do this, the seeds are pre-prepared, stratified for at least 3 months in the cold, following the following procedure.

Seeds are soaked for 3 days, changing the water daily. Benign seeds during this period swell and sink to the bottom of the vessel. Empty and poor-quality seeds remain on the surface, they are removed. Benign seeds are etched in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. Then their seeds are mixed with a moist (50%) substrate (sand, peat, sawdust, conifers, etc.) in a ratio of 1:2 and placed in the cold (under snow, in a refrigerator, etc.). With a small amount of seeds, they can be placed in bags of several layers of loose fabric. It is important that the seeds are kept moist during the entire period of stay in the cold. Under the snow, they retain moisture well, in the refrigerator they must be periodically moistened. Seeds in bags can be placed in plastic bags without closing tightly.

Before sowing, the seeds are separated from the substrate, again pickled in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (up to a day) and dried for sowing.

It is better to plant them in a greenhouse, greenhouse, etc. on a loose peat-soil substrate. Here crops are reliably protected from damage by birds. AT comfortable conditions seed germination increases, seedlings grow 1.5-2 times faster than in open ground. Before sowing, it is advisable to add to the bottom of the sowing furrows at the rate of 1 meter: superphosphate 1 g, potash fertilizers - 0.5 g or wood ash - 2 g, mixed with 20 g of peat. Distance between sowing lines - 15-20 cm. Seeding rate - 30 g (125-150 seeds) per 1 meter. The depth of planting seeds in the soil is 3 cm. The surface of the crops is covered with a layer of loose mulch (peat, sawdust or other covering material) with a layer of loose mulch (peat, sawdust or other covering material) with a layer of 0.5-1 cm. During the season, it is necessary to weed and loosen the soil 3-4 times. Before emergence of mass shoots (10 - 12 days) watering is required. In the future, the seedlings develop a fairly deep root system.

To protect crops from infection of seedlings caused by the Fusarium fungus, in addition to preventive dressing of seeds, it will be necessary to pour sowing furrows with seeds sown in them with a 0.4% solution of potassium permanganate. When lesions appear, the stems of seedlings turn red, a constriction forms, they fall and dry out. Control measures: the first 2 weeks, seedlings are treated with a 0.4% solution of potassium permanganate 1-3 times with a solution flow rate of up to 10 liters per 1 m.

After 3 years, before the start of their growth, the seedlings are dug up and transplanted into a tree school with a placement of 0.4 x 0.4 m, where they are grown for 3-5 years to obtain larger seedlings. It is allowed to store seedlings dug out before the start of the growing season for 2 weeks in the cold. Bundles of seedlings (50 - 100 pieces) are packed in wet burlap, then in polyethylene film and placed in the basement or in a snow pile prepared in advance under a layer of sawdust.

You can grow seedlings with closed roots, i.e. in peat, plastic or other containers prepared for seedlings with a height of at least 8 cm and a volume of 200 - 300 cm. The containers are filled with a substrate from a mixture of peat and loam (1: 1) with the addition of a mixture (10 l) of granulated superphosphate - 50 g to a bucket, potassium salt - 25 g, dolomite lime 250 g.

The containers are filled with the substrate in mid-April and placed on the ground in the greenhouse. Cedar seeds after stratification are washed, pickled for a day in a 0.4% solution of potassium permanganate and germinated 7-10 days before sowing on wet sand or wet burlap.

Sprouted seeds are sown 1 piece in each container, covered with peat, sand or sawdust with a layer of 1 cm and watered with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate (5 l per 1 m of container surface). Care consists in timely watering, two or three times loosening of the substrate surface, and removal of weeds. If lesions of seedlings (fusarium) are found, they are watered with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. If several seedlings died, empty seats supplement with germinated seeds or seedlings from additional crops.

The growing period is 2-3 years. In the first case, seedlings are grown for 2 years under a film cover, in the second - the first year in closed ground, the next 2 years in open ground with mandatory regular watering. The slightest overdrying of a small amount of substrate has a detrimental effect on plant growth. Grown seedlings are taken out of containers or directly into peat pots transplanted into large containers (paper-plastic milk bags, ceramic flower pots, plastic bags, etc.) or planted in the soil of a tree school (0.4x0.4 m) to germinate them and obtain 6-8-year-old seedlings .

Saplings of 6-8 years of age are more reliable than seedlings when transplanting cedar to a permanent place. In the tree school, they are dug out with a clod of soil (0.2x0.2x0.2 m) and transferred to the landing site, after wrapping the clod with a film or a damp cloth. Seedlings with a closed root system are freed from containers before planting.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in areas with previously loosened (dug up) not soddy loamy or sandy loamy soil. The planting hole is dug 30% more than the volume of the root systems of the seedlings. The excavated soil is mixed with fertilizers (peat, humus, rotted manure, wood ash), it is advisable to add 3-4 handfuls of forest litter from under the coniferous forest. The latter contributes better development on the root systems of mycorrhiza (symbiosis of root endings and hyphae of forest fungi), which provides good mineral nutrition of forest woody plants. The prepared substrate is poured onto the bottom of the hole and placed in the center of its seedling root system so that root collar its (the border between the stem and the root system) was at the ground level of the site. Next, the hole is filled with prepared loose soil, compacted by trampling and watered (0.5 buckets).

Seedlings are placed for seedlings linearly or in groups with a distance between them of at least 3 m. good harvest cones in the future. With a rare standing of trees, cedar begins to yield crops from the age of 18.

Caring for cedar seedlings

When a white coating appears on young shoots (more often manifested in wet weather), it is necessary to treat them with a solution laundry soap. It is diluted in warm water, the foam is whipped and then the affected shoots are thoroughly washed 2-3 times with a sponge or soft cloth swab. Otherwise, with the active development of whiteness, the shoots may die off. In this case, the tree, however, does not die, but the annual growth is lost.

Vegetative propagation of cedar, most often by grafting cedar cuttings on cedar or cedar on Scots pine, is carried out to clone valuable selected forms (in terms of growth intensity, decorativeness, yield), to speed up the time for the appearance of the first cones. A sexually mature plant develops from a cutting - a scion taken from an adult tree from the upper female tier of the cedar crown. After 4-5 years, cones may appear on such a grafted tree.

Cedar cuttings can be rooted in special greenhouses, like blue spruce cuttings. But the technology of this process is quite laborious. Generally vegetative propagation cedar is a rather complicated matter, and it is better to leave it to specialists.

Seed production of cedar is one of the main attractive qualities of this tree. In a free state, cedar grown from seed begins to form cones at the age of 18-20.

Siberian cedar is a monoecious tree, in the upper, most illuminated part of the crown, female ovules are located, below are male strobili. "Blossoms" cedar in June. Female "bumps" of crimson-violet color are hidden in the needles near the apical bud of the shoot. Male "flowers", orange-crimson, collected in large "inflorescences" at the base of the shoots. After 3-5 days they turn brown and fall off. Pollen is carried by the wind. After pollination, the female cones close, become green-brown, grow up to 2-3 cm, and until the next spring they are called "winter". Fertilization and seed formation occurs from the end of August and throughout September. To provide cross pollination it is desirable to have a group of cedars (from 3 or more). To increase the reliability of pollination of female "flowers" in young cedars, artificial additional pollination can be carried out: shake off the pollen of male "flowers" on paper, place it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator for several days. As the female "flowers" open, apply pollen to them with a soft brush or gently blow off a piece of paper.

Cedar grows and bears fruit for several centuries. Near Yaroslavl, in the Tolgsky Monastery, about 50 cedars from the monastery garden, founded four centuries ago, have been preserved. Separate age-old fruit-bearing cedars are often found in the Yaroslavl region. Near Suzdal, an alley of 150-year-old cedars is successfully bearing fruit. In the Ivanovo region in the Ples tract near the town of Furmanov, a 120-year-old cedar grove (about 1 ha) bears fruit and gives natural renewal of cedar. In the Moscow region, near the town of Dolgoprudny, in the Klyazma parkleskhoz, there is a century-old grove of two hundred cedars. Near the city of Zaraisky in the Novinkovsky forestry of the Lukhovitsky forestry enterprise, a 25-year-old cedar plantation on an area of ​​3.2 hectares (about a thousand cedars) bears abundant fruit. In the Dmitrovsky district near Yakhroma M.V. Tvelenev conducts observations in a half-century grove with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares. It is possible to plant new cedar groves not only in Siberia, but also in the European region of Russia. This is not only possible, but must be done.

More detailed information about the biology of the Siberian cedar, methods of its reproduction and cultivation can be found in the books:

  1. Bekh L.I., Taran I.V. Siberian miracle tree. Novosibirsk: "Nauka", 1979. - 126 p.
  2. Drozdov I.I. Coniferous introducents in forest cultures. M.: MGUL. 1998. - 135 p.
  3. Ignatenko M.M. Siberian cedar. M.: "Nauka", 1988. - 160 p.
  4. Krylov G.V., Talantsev N.K.; Kozakova A.F. Cedar. Moscow: Forest industry. 1983. - 216 p.
  5. Parfenov V.F. Complex in the cedar forest. M.: Timber industry, 1979. - 240 p.
  6. Rodin A.R. Drozdov I.I. Guidelines for growing seedlings of Siberian cedar. M.: VASKHNIL, 1978. - 30 p.
  7. Tvelenev M.V. Growing Siberian cedar outside the natural range. M.: TsBNTUleskhoz 1974. - 16 p.

P.S. If you think that this information should be shared with others, share it on social networks.

Cedar is a beautiful and slender tree, which can be called majestic without exaggeration. The unforgettable aroma of its needles, which many people like, also deserves attention. Therefore, it is natural that many gardeners are interested in how to grow a cedar from a nut at home, especially since it is much more economical than planting from a seedling.

Cedar can be grown from a nut. This is a cost-effective task

Nut selection and preparation for planting

Growing cedar from seeds is not the easiest, but quite realistic task.

The first thing that provides for its solution is a careful selection of nuts:

  1. Seeds intended for cultivation should not have an unpleasant odor.
  2. Nuts, the surface of which is covered with mold, cannot be considered suitable for planting.
  3. To avoid fungal infections, all seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.5% potassium permanganate solution is enough). The average duration of the procedure is 2 hours.
  4. For planting, nuts collected on the slopes of the Sayan or Altai are best suited.

The most suitable age for pine nuts used for cultivation is no more than three years. Practice shows that germination in such cases is maximum, and therefore young seeds should be a priority. If there are no such nuts, then others will do, whose age does not exceed 8–10 years.

To grow a healthy tree, you should choose nuts carefully.

Having decided on the seeds, you can proceed to the implementation of the sequence of actions, which is presented below:

  1. Soaking selected nuts for 72 hours (water should be changed daily).
  2. Mixing seeds with sand and moistening them.
  3. Placement of nuts in a cloth bag, which fits into a wooden box with ventilation holes.

The final step at this stage is to place the seed container in the refrigerator. There they should spend about 5 months at a temperature of 3-6 ° C, that is, in conditions close to winter, but not harsh.

In the future, pine nuts should be checked regularly to maintain moisture and prevent mold. If it appeared on some seeds, then you need to get rid of them, and replace the sand with a new one.

Pot and soil requirements

While the seeds are in the refrigerator, you can do another important thing - preparing a place for their future planting. It should not be large: it is quite possible to germinate pine nuts in a pot that can hold about 200 g of soil mixture, which can be:

  • natural forest;
  • loamy;
  • containing a large amount of humus.

If the gardener cannot spend time looking for suitable soil in which to plant cedar, then he can always buy a ready-made composition for coniferous plants in a specialized store. The choice of soil should be approached responsibly, because the future of the plant directly depends on its composition.

Cedar needs potassium, and a high nitrogen content is contraindicated for it due to the inhibitory effect on its root system.

Planting and watering rules

The probability of growing cedar at home increases if you plant a nutlet in March or April. There are other useful recommendations that help to accurately solve this problem:

  • the optimal seed planting depth is from 0.5 to 2 cm;
  • you can place nuts close enough to each other (10 mm or more);
  • top seeds are sprinkled with sawdust or needles;
  • in the pot it is necessary to place the maximum possible number of nuts.

The last point is explained by the fact that in most cases only 10-15% of the seeds can germinate, that is, one out of seven or even ten nuts.

Particular attention must be paid to watering. Despite the fact that cedar belongs to moisture-loving plants, it perceives flooding negatively, and therefore it is extremely important to adhere to the following rules here:

  1. Nuts planted in the ground, it is desirable to spray from a spray bottle. This allows you to reduce the leaching of plant-friendly substances that are in the upper soil layer.
  2. Before you start watering, you should determine the degree of soil moisture. To do this, simply stick a match into it: if it turns out to be wet, then it is necessary to wait a little with the implementation of the planned procedure.
  3. The recommended frequency of watering seeds after planting is once every 2 days. If moistening is carried out less often, then the cedar grows much more slowly - experiencing great difficulties in reaching the surface and being characterized by a weak development of the root system.

The temperature should be room temperature, i.e., be in the range of 18–22 ° C. It is advisable to exclude the presence of the pot in direct sunlight, it is much better to place it in the shade.

Provided that all the above points are taken into account, the seeds germinate relatively quickly: about a month after planting. True, many gardeners call other terms - up to 90 days, explaining this by the difference in the quality of the selected nuts. Further, the pot can be placed in a brighter place, provided that the exposure to sunlight is moderate.

Further actions

It is worth noting that growing a cedar from a nut is a rather lengthy process, and therefore the appearance of sprouts should not be considered an unconditional success. Cedar in terms of development rate is noticeably inferior to most coniferous and deciduous trees. Observant gardeners have found that cedars grown from seeds at home add only 6-7 cm per year in the first few years.

In the first year, small cedars cannot be planted in open ground in a country house or local area, because they need this time to strengthen and adapt. The latter will pass faster if you take the pot outside in the warm season.

Transplantation of small cedar trees can be carried out for 2-3 years of their life. The procedure is tolerated by them without much difficulty, especially if the gardener takes into account the following points:

  1. Plant roots must be handled with care. When transplanting cedar shoots into open ground, bends and fractures of its roots should be avoided.
  2. The best transplant option is with a clod of earth from a pot. In this way, the microflora to which the plant is accustomed is preserved, which means that the chances of its successful adaptation in a new place are significantly increased.
  3. It is not worth refusing to feed cedar - even if the land in the country house or house adjoining area is fertile enough. For this purpose, nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are optimally suited.
  4. It makes sense to place several stones around the trunk of a growing tree. Gradually, their lower surface will be covered with fungal growth, which has a very beneficial effect on the cedar.

Another useful procedure for a growing cedar is soil mulching. With its help, you can minimize the drying of the soil, stimulate the growth of grass around a young tree, and create an optimal microclimate for cedar. The composition of the mulch is recommended to include coniferous needles, fallen leaves and mowed grasses.

Hello reader!

I am opening a new section with this article - trees. I want to tell you how to grow a cedar (officially - a cedar pine) myself from a nut. Cedarunusual tree, everything is healing in it - bark, needles, wood, and, of course, fruits - cedar cones.

Ways to get a seedling

  • Sow in the fall in the ground;
  • Sow in the spring;
  • Plant in cups at home.

I'll tell you more about everyone. But first you need to prepare the nuts for planting - wake up the sprouts. It's called a terrible word - stratification .

preparing the ground

Now we are preparing the ground for planting. Where do cedars grow? In taiga. The earth there is rotted needles and leaves. Therefore, in the ground where our cedars will grow, be sure to add soil from a coniferous forest (from under pines, firs, cedars), otherwise they may simply not ascend.


The nuts are ready, the ground has been prepared - you can finally start planting. I tried all the landing methods, I will tell you about all in detail.

Planting in the ground in autumn

The easiest way - 2 in 1 - is to plant in the fall in the ground. It is not for nothing that it is called “2 in 1” - and we are going through the stratification, and the nuts are already in place (we are waiting for shoots!) Shoots will appear somewhere in early June. We follow it like a regular garden bed: weeding, watering, loosening. To reduce all these procedures are small cedars.

Of course, not all nuts will sprout, some will die, others may sprout in another year, keep in mind. Of those that have risen, not all will become trees - you still have to survive the summer and winter. Conclusion: plant more nuts!

Planting in the spring

We plant in the spring in April-May after stratification. We choose beautiful, healthy, already hatched nuts. Remove spoiled ones (black, moldy). Seedlings are expected in June-July . This year I planted half a glass of nuts in this way - not a single one came up!


They went through stratification well - they sat in a snowdrift for 3 months and when planting, there were nuts that had already hatched. We had rain all summer and it was cold - I'm afraid they're rotten. And I didn’t prepare the ground in the garden for them (I myself learned about needles in the summer!), I planted them in loam - this is the result - the sprouts could not break through the heavy, rain-beaten ground.

Of course, I could describe how well everything has risen and is growing by leaps and bounds. And soon I will collect cones from cedars in buckets. But I want you not to repeat my mistakes, but to do better and more correctly. So that your cedars are sure to rise.

In cups

We got to the third method - plant in cups. Just choose everything here flower pot about 1-1.5 liters, prepare the ground and plant the nut to a depth of 3-5 cm. Water regularly, but do not flood. My experience of growing cedar at home was also unsuccessful. Kedrick rose, but then withered - I'm afraid I flooded him. More at home I did not try to plant, I sow immediately in the garden in the garden. But this good way for those who live in an apartment. Not everyone has a garden at hand. What do you all wish!

I think we figured out the landing. It is important to keep seedlings after appearing! If you sow nuts on sunny place, then transplant the cedars in the shade or shelter from direct sun. Of course, it is better to choose appropriate place, but just know that as long as they are small, they tolerate the transplant normally.

In dry weather, be sure to water. Imagine for yourself how they grow in the Siberian taiga. High humidity + shade. While the sprouts are small for the winter, cover them with leaves.

Cedars grow very slowly. They will continue to grow up to 80 years. Well, the first cones, perhaps your children will try. Although I read that the first cones grew at the age of 25, but officially after 35-50 years. But still, the cedar on the site must be planted. It's great if you nurture and cherish him from birth. He will answer you

Cedar is truly the king of the Siberian forests. In many ways, the forests of this frosty area won their popularity precisely thanks to this tree. And that clean air and the flavor it gives.

Cedar is a very beautiful coniferous tree that is resistant to frost, therefore, you often want to have such a plant in your garden, turning it into a piece of home Siberia. How realistic is it to grow cedar at home? How to grow a cedar from a nut at home? Or is it better to use special seeds for planting from a gardening store? All these questions have answers. But first things first.

Features of the cedar plant

Cedar is a fairly powerful and large plant with a thick trunk. AT vivo habitation height of this coniferous tree can reach 40 meters. And if we add a lush crown of a tree to this height, the question arises, what should be the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site in order to afford to grow a cedar? Yes, if you use natural-looking seedlings, you should take into account that the tree will take up a large area. Not everyone can afford it.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

It was for such cases that a breed of undersized cedars was bred, which will fit in a compact area, and will grow no less beautiful and luxurious than a tree in the Siberian forest.

In nature, there are 5 types of Siberian cedar. There are much more decorative varieties, and some of them are able to bear fruit - pine nuts. It is these varieties that will be discussed below.

Why do many people want to grow cedar at home

Cedar is an unusual ornamental plant that will delight with its attractive appearance both summer and winter. This is one of the reasons why gardeners are so passionate about growing a tree in their yard. In winter, the cedar stands out with its green crown above snow-white snowdrifts, which gives the site an unusual aesthetic appearance.

Secondly, the cedar gives fruits - pine nuts, which are not only a tasty product. From pine nuts you can make cedar oil, which has healing properties. Also, tree resin promotes wound healing. Well, many people know firsthand about the benefits of pine needles. From the needles, you can make various tinctures, inhalations, or simply enjoy the smell of coniferous trees while relaxing in the shade of a tree.

Given all these advantages, and the benefits that this tree gives, many people want to grow cedar from a nut at home.

How to grow a cedar from a nut at home?

Nuts purchased at a grocery store or market are not suitable for growing cedar, as they are cooked for consumption by boiling in salted water. Your best bet is to find a flat, pleasant-smelling cedar cone with no signs of mold or staleness.

  1. Remove the nuts from the cone and rinse with warm water. Additionally, you can rub the shell with a toothbrush or sponge - this will wash off the resin, which blocks moisture from accessing the core itself.
  2. After you have cleaned the nuts of excess resin, you need to stratify, that is, keep them in cold (about 0 ° C) water for three days, changing the water once a day. After this time, you will notice that some of the seeds have risen to the surface of the water, and some have sunk to the bottom. Floating nuts are empty or of poor quality, even if planted correctly, they will not sprout, but sunken seeds can and should be planted in the ground.
  3. After three days, drain the water and mix the nuts with peat, forest soil or coarse washed sand, then slightly moisten the mixture and place it in a wooden box with air holes or a perforated flower pot. After all the manipulations, the container with nuts can be removed in a dark, cool place - now the seeds should lie for several months (from 3 to 6 to simulate a natural winter) at a temperature of about + 4 ° C. Once every couple of weeks, take out the seeds and moisten the soil. Try to guess the time so that the planting of seeds takes place in March-April.
  4. After a long preparation of seeds, you can finally start planting. The soil is better to use natural forest, but in the absence of such, you can buy special soil for conifers in a flower shop. The volume of the pot should be small, about 200 grams, and the planting depth should be about 2 cm. Seeds can be sprinkled on top with needles or sawdust. Protect the sown seeds from high temperatures and bright sun: it is better to put the pot with the future tree in a shaded place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. And, of course, the earth should be periodically moistened, at the same time preventing the seeds from “flooding”.
  5. It is best to plant the maximum number of seeds, because only 10-15% of them will sprout. Depending on the quality of the seeds, the first sprouts will sprout in 2-3 months and will be barely noticeable - up to five years, the cedar grows very slowly, and the growth is up to 6-7 cm. By the third year of life, the sprout can reach 15 cm, and after five to six years, it can be planted in open space.
  6. Cedar loves well-drained rocky or loamy soils. Therefore, it is advisable to mix the soil at the site of the proposed planting of cedar with sand and gravel.

Caring for young cedar trees

In the summer, it is necessary to carry out the adaptation of young plants to the air and the sun. To do this, they are taken out into the garden. After that, they can be gradually planted in light, loose and nutritious soil. Young cedars successfully tolerate the transplant procedure. They can be planted close to each other. The next cedar transplant will be transferred to three years old. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring. Older plants are transplanted very rarely. Such frequent procedures can lead to drying of the roots. As a result of this, cedars may not take root at all.

If, nevertheless, a transplant is necessary for an adult plant, then first you need to create a root ball. Before transplanting, about a year in advance, an incision with a diameter of 1 m is made around the tree. Only horizontal roots are incised. The deep root system is not affected. Tree replanting is preferred in early spring, since only half of the seedlings take root during the autumn transplant.

Only in this case, you can wait for fruiting.

Trees that have reached the age of one year require shade. best place planting young plants will be a shaded area in the depths of the garden. Also, seedlings can be shaded with a covering or other material. As for watering, then cedar - moisture-loving plant, but excessive excess moisture can lead to its death. Therefore, proper care is important here. Grown seedlings also require proper care. First of all, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the plants. The trunk circle must be mulched. As this, you can use sawdust, fallen needles and foliage.

That's all the secrets on how to grow a cedar from a nut at home. Caring for a cedar at home after planting is not a problem. Trees should only be watered when the soil dries out. Cedar responds positively to top dressing. Nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are best suited for this. Many experienced gardeners stones are laid around the cedar trunk. Over time, fungal growth forms under them, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the tree. In order to learn how to grow a cedar from a nut at home, you can watch the instructional video material.
