The interior of the attic in a country house. Successful ideas for arranging the attic

So the long-awaited repair is completed: a damp and dark room under the roof of the house has turned into a warm living room in the attic. It remains to cope with the most interesting and creative task - to come up with a beautiful and stylish design of the attic floor. This is a really exciting process - to select the details of the situation, decorations, curtains, furniture, accessories and other components of the future interior. However, many of us are confused, and for a long time they cannot decide on the main question: in what style to decorate the room, and how to develop it for real? We are ready to help you and suggest a lot of great options! Here you will see how unusual the design of the attic can be, photos from our gallery are selected specifically for this. In addition, you will receive ready-made recommendations from professional designers, learn to distinguish the most relevant styles, get a lot of ideas and watch a video with step-by-step instructions for decorating an attic with your own hands.

The most beautiful attics: design ideas in the photo

Registration attic room begins ... no, not with a roll of wallpaper, and not with a bucket of paint. If everything is done correctly, then it starts with a project. And it’s better to draw the future interior not in your fantasies, but on a computer monitor or a piece of paper, whichever is more convenient for you. Before proceeding with modeling and design, it is necessary to determine several important points:

  • Appointment of the future room;
  • The general concept of design, that is, style;
  • Advantages of the layout to be emphasized;
  • Layout flaws that need to be hidden.

The purpose of the room is not as directly related to style as many people think. If we are talking about the bedroom, it does not have to be romantic, tender and pastoral. And the office, in turn, does not have to look like a minimalist office at all. It all depends on your tastes and preferences. Below you see the most unexpected, successful and diverse ideas for the attic floor.

Complex and beautiful mansard roofs, for example, broken gable roofs, leave the owners a lot of room to implement the most daring ideas. But even in a very modest space, you can create a real fairy tale. The area and dimensions of the room are not decisive when choosing a style, but they mean a lot when choosing colors and finishes for walls, floors and ceilings. With the help of texture, color and light, you can easily emphasize the advantages of the attic room, and hide its flaws. The photo below is a vivid proof of this.

What are the negative aspects of planning that most often cause concern among the owners of attic rooms? This, of course, is a low ceiling or its complete absence, as well as small windows, because of which the room seems to be a dark attic. You can visually raise the ceiling by plastering it or painting it in a very light shade, while decorating the walls and floor in a darker color.

To decorate an attic bedroom with a low sloping ceiling, use the lightest shades possible, and make the walls and floor darker.

Small windows can be made a kind of highlight of the attic room if you decorate them with original curtains. The use of lush and wide curtains for the purpose of "deceiving the eye" is not the best way. So you will more likely achieve a clutter effect. Try to decorate the windows with Roman or roller blinds.

How to use roller blinds to make skylights neat, beautiful and functional

Attic design in Provence style, loft, chalet and country

In what style is it now fashionable to decorate the attic? We will answer this way: there are design directions that are most often followed in the design of attic rooms, and this is not accidental. After all, what is really good and beautiful never goes out of fashion. One of the most striking examples of relevance for all time is the Provence-style attic interior. This style came to us, as the name implies, from the south of France. At this moment, the imagination must have helpfully drawn to you blooming green meadows, vineyards and fragrant thickets of lavender. Indeed, it was the captivating southern flavor of the French province of Provence that gave its name to this popular design trend all over the world.

This is interesting The Provence style is characterized by the use of artificially aged furniture, wood bleached by the sun and the colors of the summer landscape: grassy green, lemon, sky blue, lavender and cornflower blue.

Guest room decorated in Provencal style using shades of lavender and ivory

By the way, a country-style attic is the same Provence, but in the American style. Here, rural romance is expressed in rough unpainted wooden furniture, checkered tablecloths and bedspreads, cowboy paraphernalia.

Attic design option in traditional country style: massive wooden furniture, earthenware, agricultural tools

Another kind of provincial style is the Alpine chalet. The word "chalet" itself means a mountain hut made of wood with a pediment of the second floor that protrudes strongly forward, due to which snow does not accumulate at the entrance. An indispensable attribute of a chalet-style attic are: a fireplace, wooden ceiling beams, leather upholstered furniture, hunting souvenirs on the walls, many colorful pillows on sofas, hand-embroidered tablecloths and napkins.

Attic wooden house in style alpine chalet: rafters and beams, textile lamp shades, checkered sofa cushions

Let's move away from rural expanses and turn to the modern metropolis. Someone finds the harsh urban landscapes interesting and attractive, and seeks to beat them when decorating the attic. Surely, many of you have heard the phrase "attic loft", but not many understand the meaning.

A fashionable idea for arranging an attic in a loft style: brick wall decoration, abundance metal structures, industrial lamps

This is interesting The loft style is otherwise called the "turned inside out house." This is when the walls of the living quarters are finished, like the facade of the building: brickwork, gray concrete. And all communications, ventilation ducts, pipes are on display.

How to design an attic in a classic, Japanese and English style

The good old classic never loses its relevance. So attic rooms, especially bedrooms and living rooms, are often decorated in classical style. Such a decision will allow with the greatest confidence to expect that the interior will seem successful to most households and guests of the house. The design of the attic in a classic style is shown in the photo below.

Attic bedroom in a classic style: illuminated podium, pink and gold tones, exquisite wrought iron frame around the mirror

If you have always been fascinated by the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and you are ready for hours to be touched by the interior of Sherlock Holmes' apartment on Baker Street, your choice is the attic in English style. This design direction is characterized by massive dark-colored lacquered furniture, grandfather clocks, checkered rugs, rich dark colors: green, blue, burgundy, brown, terracotta shades.

English-style attic decor: dark lacquered furniture, lots of old paintings on the walls, a blanket, pillows, floor lamps and figurines

The attic in oriental style looks no less colorful and stylish: Japanese, Chinese. By the way, the Japanese style of interior design remains surprisingly popular in our country, although practice shows that not all people feel comfortable in an atmosphere of strict minimalism and are able to maintain impeccable order in such a room.

Unusual idea for the attic: arranging a bathroom in Japanese style, where the bath is located in the floor like ofuro

Another interesting style direction, this time not associated with a particular nation or folk culture - a marine style. We decided to mention it here, because the marine theme is in perfect harmony with non-standard layout attic rooms. Attic in nautical style looks very organic, because a room with low ceilings and small windows easy to turn into a kind of ship's cabin.

Design example attic room nautical style: anchor window, rope ladder and wicker hammock

Decorating skylights, walls and ceilings

Do-it-yourself attic decoration in the country house is a fascinating activity, especially if you have already decided on the general concept and are making the final touches. One of these touches is the design of skylights with curtains. We have already mentioned above that in this process it is necessary to show a sense of proportion, since a complex interior with sloping ceilings is easy to spoil with too bulky and sloppy curtains. Below you see what beautiful skylights can look like.

Beautiful design windows in the attic bedroom with curtains: the motif of the pattern is repeated in the bedspread on the bed

We bring to your attention wonderful video about the design of the attic in a fashionable eco-style, that is, using natural materials and emphasizing the unique color of real nature in your home.

Repair of a suburban Houses takes more time and effort than furnishing an apartment. Furnishing this huge space , harder to cover every corner. Therefore, such room like an attic often goes unnoticed.

If your private house has an attic, then it would be strange not to use these square meters for the benefit of the family.

This happens for various reasons: lack of ideas, materials, funds, desire, the idea that the work ahead is hard and will take a long time. We will suggest design ideas, necessary materials, all the nuances of work, and you will see that the arrangement attic interior - pure pleasure.

Living room, bedroom, guest room, dressing room, study or even an additional bathroom - the possibilities for arranging an attic are limited only by your desire, needs and budget for reconstruction.

People often confuse the terms attic ' and 'attic'. However, they have some differences. The attic is non-residential room , often unheated, with one or two small windows. Designed for storing various things, placing communications or technical equipment. Therefore, it may be without adequate ventilation, insulation and design.

We bring to your attention an impressive selection of design projects for the design of attic and attic spaces, due to the needs of their owners.

Attic in turn, it is residential space . It should be well insulated, equipped with high-quality ventilation. As a rule, it has a certain stylization and its own purpose (for children, bedroom , library, etc.). Also in the official docs attic , unlike the attic, is included in the calculation of living space, and is considered additional room along with the rest.

Let modern, practical and visually attractive interiors be the inspiration for your makeover.

These concepts are similar, and indeed one day one evolved into another. Before mid-seventeenth century" attic ' did not exist. This concept, like room in its current form, suggested the young architect Francois Mansart. In those days, multi-storey Houses only nobles could afford it. They hired servants who lived in their houses . Mansart suggested use attic, having previously ennobled it, for the residence of servants.

This is how the attic known to everyone at the present time, named after its inventor, appeared.

Design nuances

To date, this room is used for various purposes. Modern masters can pick up an interestingin a wide variety of styles. Given space has its own characteristics, which experienced designer will turn into virtues, and the inept into shortcomings.

In the modern realities of life, any piece of living space is priceless and is used to the fullest.

If you decide to carry out repairs yourself home and furnish , it is worth considering these features, leading to some of the nuances of design.

  • Technical

Room located directly below roof . Given its position, it is necessary to take care of high-quality equipment.

Attic interior design can turn these rooms into a standard of style and family comfort, if you approach the design correctly.

  1. Since this room intended for a long stay, it must be well insulated.
  2. The next aspect is lighting. Usually,has not a large number of windows. Therefore, you need to either redevelop, bringing in more daylight, or take care of sufficient artificial lighting.
  3. Ventilation. Room , located directly below roof , the most stuffy and hot. Warm air tends to move up. Having no way out of the building, it will accumulate under ceiling . In summer, the air here is especially stuffy and hot.

Therefore, be sure to consider the ventilation and air conditioning system.

Best when equipped with this rooms consult with an experienced master, use only quality materials. Well-thought-out technical points make it possible to create further and create a wonderful

In the process of determining the future purpose of the attic space, it is desirable to maintain a natural balance.

  • Designer

Characteristic features of the design also affect the design.

The first thing that has importance- the form premises . It usually has a beveled low ceiling . This determines the choice furniture , lamps and decorations.

Insufficient lighting makes it possible to come up with original window shapes to add more light.

Both factors affect the choice of colors. Here you can use both light and dark colors. But you have to be careful not to room dull or sterile.

In general, doing this work, you will get a lot of positive emotions and great opportunities for revealing your creative abilities. In this topic, there are three aspects that you should pay attention to in order to create a unique.

Careful study of the design of the attic will allow even a small room to be turned into a comfortable room.

window design

Due to the unique design, roof also plays a role walls. through the window embedded in this wall - roof , we will observe the starry sky, fluffy clouds, or we will admire the falling raindrops.

Therefore, the style of the window must also be special.

Let's start with the fact that we are moving away from the usual rectangular shape. Round, triangular, arbitrary shapes are welcome here. It looks interesting opening in the form of a trapezoid. Watching the stars through the window is a pleasure. And to achieve this, the use of a round frame will help.

Speaking of sizes. Since this is the last floor, full wall window will not do harm, and will look original, moreover, adding tomore daylight.

The large dimensions of the connector will only benefit.

The type also matters.The mechanism can be arranged as in a standard metal-plastic one, or in unusual types that open interesting way(rocking chair, accordion, etc.). There is an option window which transforms into a balcony. An original solution, but somewhat impractical, due to the fact that the glass is the floor of the balcony.

It is better that the window opens outward, since it will be inconvenient to open it inward.


This point should also be given special attention due to the technical characteristics rooms , and design considerations. Since we need a sufficient amount of light, and the structure ceiling does not allow the use ordinary chandeliers, we are free to use the most extravagant lamps.

If you want to add a splash of color to the mix, opt for multi-colored lighting fixtures.

So, for the attic interior spotlights are perfect, as well as various types of floor lamps. Often this is the place to incarnate unusual ideas decor, so find lamps in the form of deer antlers, stars, various built-in diode lighting compositions - this will create a special atmosphere and bring in more light for lack of natural.

Make sure that decorative lamps match the overall style.


About stretch ceilings speech is not. There are also several design options here. So, you can leave the ceiling beams open, treat them well.

It turns out original design at no extra cost.

Another option: cover the surface with drywall, covering the beams and the view roofs . Then you can paint it, apply patterns using a stencil, etc. If you plan to apply a drawing, please note that ceiling be at an acute angle to the floor, so consider in advance whether the drawing in this position will look good. Wallpaper for this ceiling in are not appropriate. And in general, this type of decoration is already a thing of the past.

Design Ideas

Considering all the nuances of the work and the design features of the "celestial rooms ', we offer some ideas attic interior design.

How this space can be diversified and what is needed for this.

How to use Colors What you need Special attention
Bedroom Light pastel colors It is better to choose a bed made of pure wood, give preference to natural materials Room should be well insulated
Cabinet Deep dark shades, the presence of blue or red is mandatory Massive oak table use tall furniture Should get a lot of daylight
gaming Bright cheerful colors Warm carpet for games, racks and boxes for toys Window must be childproof
Workshop Any suitable for the master Low shelving, large window openings, furniture can be made of chipboard (not necessarily natural wood) Make a good ventilation system

Let's take a closer look at what work we have to do.


Settle down for the night open sky, while being warm and comfortable is a feasible idea. To do this, it is enough to arrange bedroom under the roof.

The arrangement of a bedroom in a room whose ceiling is formed by a gable roof is the best option.

A lot here depends on the general mood that you want to create. For a romantic bedrooms good fit big window against the bed. At this time, the bed is represented by a large mattress placed directly on the floor. A bed made of construction pallets is also suitable.

The master bedroom or guest room can become a comfortable extra space in your home.

Rest of the room leave it empty or place a large closet in it that matches the overall style.


For a study, this option is perfect, especially if you live in a noisy family. Then take care of soundproofing. In general, work under roof » away from everyone is a great option in any case.

You only need a couple to decorate your office. square meters.

Now about the technical aspects of the arrangement. Better if in room will receive a lot of natural light. To do this, it will be necessary to do some redevelopment in the overall project. Houses , which will allow you to embed in roof large window . Against him we put a large oak table - a beautiful workplace ready.

The next is communications. Make high-quality electrical wiring, and think over the system of sockets. Count the number of electrical appliances needed, the length of their cords and their location.

The workplace should be illuminated by a table lamp.

For the rest premises just a few built-in diode lamps, or a floor lamp at the entrance. Should be well lit work zone, the rest space can be entrusted to only one lamp, located at the entrance. This will help to concentrate on work, and create a special atmosphere.


This is a great option for creative people. Quiet cozy "under heaven" will lift the dreamers even higher and help to focus on creativity.

Special design attic not needed for the workshop. Its arrangement can occur during operation premises . You can paint walls while working on a new painting. Or apply other techniques for processing, performing the next order.

But the base still needs to be created.

It is better to make the walls white by treating them with a primer, then you can decorate them in accordance with any fantasies.

Take care of the lighting. Sufficient natural or artificial light is required. Arrange racks for work tools along walls . They may be triangular or otherwise. non-standard shape due to the peculiar structure ceiling.

If you are working with paint, glue or other toxic substances, take care of a good hood so as not to get poisoned.

In general, for attic design a workshop is best suited for your author's ideas, which will present you as a master and display your inner world.


Another option attic interior - quiet and comfortable library. In that indoors you have the opportunity to create the look of an antique library with all its features. Pick the right bookshelves, build a fireplace, put a rocking chair covered with a blanket.

These basic elements will help create the perfect atmosphere for a quiet and lonely pastime with a book.

As we see, has many different options.

This room is unusual in its design and suitable for creating interesting and even magical ideas.

VIDEO: Attic floor: 60 tips for a dream interior.

50 original design ideas for the attic in the house:

Most of the attic is used for storage of various things, especially if it is too low to walk freely. But there are also attics that replace the bedroom, living room, bath, study, and so on. Today we will talk about how to stylishly decorate the design of the attic and equip a cozy room.

Using an attic for residential purposes is a smart way to save space in your home. You are just using free space. Please check out some useful tips. Our recommendations will help you achieve perfection and design a cozy attic.

Consider Access to the Attic Room

These aspects are important in the design of any room in the house. This is especially true of the attic. You can get to this place with the help of convenient steps or ladders. But the best option is to use a full-length ladder. This will make it easier for you to keep order. In the interior of the attic there should be enough free space. Since there is an area that is too low, you can place some items and decorative items there. Avoid littering things in your attic.

Take care of the proper height of the canvas

Living rooms with sloping ceilings should have at least a 50% slope or a height of 220 cm. This will allow people to fully use the attic while in an upright position. When choosing a ceiling height, consider the height of all family members.

Pay attention to the slope of the roof slope

It would be great to have in the attic as possible more space. Steeper roofs can provide usable space in the side areas. The lower parts can be used for arranging furniture, storing things, and so on.

Add skylights

This will also expand the usable space. The attic raises the roof in the part where you place it. Thus, the attic becomes not only higher, but also lighter. Such an element will also make the room more comfortable and attractive for both your family members and guests.

The construction of floor coverings must be durable

The floor must be able to withstand the expected amount of stress. The rafters must support the weight of the ceiling ending. You can also use special beams to support the floor. Take care of strength and safety.

Pay due attention to temperature

Naturally, in a cozy room should not be too hot or cold. During a fairly warm summer, it is in the attic that the temperature will rapidly rise. In winter, the situation may be the opposite. Use dielectrics for the ceiling. In addition, you can buy air conditioning.

Use a glazed roof and windows.

Without a doubt, the attic will be much more comfortable if you add these elements. Thanks to this, natural daylight will constantly flow into the room. This will also provide the necessary ventilation. By placing windows on the north and east side, you will get soft light, on the west and south - hot. Carefully approach the location of the windows.

Get creative with storage

Storage areas are an essential area of ​​attics. It is advisable to equip such a site in low places. People will not be able to mix freely there, but you can create a creative place to store various utensils.

Take care of your own comfort

Of course, we constantly think about convenience. Make sure that in the attic you can safely arrange all necessary furniture And technical devices and install the necessary lighting. If you decide to equip your living room or bedroom here, get soft carpets. You only need to follow the basic rule: do not allow disorder. The attic is a rather small room, so extra items are clearly useless here.

The attic can be used as you please, provided that you decorate the room correctly. These tips will help you design a cozy and beautiful room. It is possible that you want to equip your home library or even your personal office in the attic, where no one can disturb you. This is a great place to read and work away from the usual noise.

We wish you success and endless creative inspiration!

PS. A few photos of interesting attics

Attic - photo from pink wall

Arrangement of the attic - living room

Anyone who lives in an apartment or house with an insufficient number of rooms or simply with a lack of square meters will appreciate the opportunity to increase the living space. Thanks to such an opened perspective, someone moves into apartments with big amount rooms, or the neighbor's apartment is simply bought out, if suddenly the neighbors decided to move. But for people living in their own homes, there is a less radical opportunity, requiring neither relocation nor spending additional millions on expansion. The problem of lack of space is solved very simply - the dusty and dark attic is converted into a living room.

The advantage of this solution is also good opportunity get rid of old unnecessary trash stored away from human eyes. If you ask about the benefits of such a restructuring with the removal of everything superfluous from the attic of Feng Shui masters, they will give a lot of arguments in favor of such an idea. Therefore, if you are still thinking about how to make your country house bigger, take a look at your attic floor. In this article, we will give a lot of photo ideas for attic improvement projects from leading interior designers.

What should you be concerned about in advance?

The geometry of the attic room, of course, cannot be called correct, the gable roof forms a bevel, which will not always allow you to move to your full height. Which somewhat complicates its improvement in a full-fledged living room, but everything is individual. On the other hand, this is a huge plus - namely, there are prerequisites for creating an interior that is different from the design of the rest of the rooms in the house. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the attic floor to become a family's favorite habitat due to its unusualness. But in order for it to become such, you need to take care of other equally important things.

The living room at any time of the year should be comfortable for living, it should be warm in winter and not hot in summer. And not vice versa. Since the ceiling in the attic is the roof, behind which the weather is raging: snow, rain and the scorching sun and others natural phenomena, for her this issue is particularly acute.

Therefore, in the attic you need to equip the following:

  • thermal insulation - so that it is not cold in winter and cool in summer.
  • vapor barrier - will allow you to get rid of moisture in the attic and, as a result, from mold and other fungi.
  • soundproofing should also be sufficient for a comfortable life. Drumming rain on the tiles strong wind etc. they will not let you sleep peacefully if it is planned to place a bedroom or a recreation area in the attic.
  • the interior of the room must be provided with sufficient sunlight. To do this, you will have to build in special skylights or, by slightly changing the design of the roof, install a dormer window.
  • it is necessary to carry out communications: electrical wiring, heating, ventilation and, if necessary, plumbing, etc.

But before all the work, you will have to decide what exactly to place in the attic: a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a nursery, a library, a billiard room or an office? After all, the wiring of all communications, finishing options and the final interior design depend on this.

Bedroom in the attic - dreams of the stars!

Sleeping in a gloomy, unfurnished attic is not comfortable and scary, but a bedroom in a cozy, warm attic is another matter. Falling asleep on a soft bed looking out the window at the starry sky is a pleasure, dreams will definitely be bright and fabulous. Therefore, if you have your own private house, do not miss this opportunity and boldly equip the bedroom in the attic. So dark, dusty and scary place, may well become your favorite room.

The bedroom at the top of the house contributes good sleep, also because it is far from active premises, kitchen, living room, nursery, etc. Extraneous sounds disturbing sleep are less heard from her. Yes, and it is energetically comfortable in the bedroom when there is no overhead more room. Peace of mind is guaranteed in this way. Perhaps the gable roof of such a bedroom also contributes to peace, because it is known that pyramidal forms can bring special energies to the interior.

If the attic is low and it is almost impossible to stand at full height in it, then the rest room in it will be an almost ideal solution. It is unreasonable to place a double bed in such a bedroom, since it will be inconvenient to get up from it, and space will be lost. It is more ergonomic to install two beds along the bevel of the ceiling. Then the highest place in the attic will remain free and, as a result, it will become much more convenient to lie down and get out of bed.

The bed in the center is relevant in more spacious attics. Thus, the interior of the bedroom can be fully equipped for two people. In addition to the bed, you can place other attributes necessary for the bedroom: bedside tables, dressing table, chest of drawers, wardrobe. It is better to purchase large cabinet furniture made to order according to the desired dimensions. Built-in wardrobes made according to the geometry of slanting walls will help create the most harmonious atmosphere in the interior. Often, a bed frame serves as a place to store things in a bedroom in the attic. Drawers can accommodate the necessary things.

In order for the attic bedroom to be light, sometimes windows and artificial lighting are not enough. To dispel the established stereotype that the attic is a dark place, light colors should be chosen for decoration. For example, light wallpaper they will bring to the flower not only light, but also originality and comfort. The bright design of the walls will also bring more emotions to the room's decor.

Separately, we should talk about attics with a high roof, reaching up to 3-5 meters. A bedroom with such a high triangular top will not be very cozy. Therefore, in order to cover a high space, it is often supplemented with transverse beams (if they are not available). Thus, not only will the height be blocked, but it will be easier to bring the main main lighting into the room.

A country house always evokes associations with a cozy hearth, so many happy owners of both wooden and stone houses try to implement interior design in cozy rustic styles: country and Provence. Why not use this idea when decorating the interior of the attic. In addition, structures such as beams, rafters are direct elements of these styles. Complementing them with appropriate wallpaper, textiles and furniture, it is easy to create a warm, peaceful environment.

A fully sheathed ceiling without load-bearing structures, as in the photo below, looks no less stylish and comfortable, moreover, such a solution is fully justified when providing thermal insulation for the future living room.

Bathroom in the attic

The main difficulty in decorating a bathroom in the attic is to provide it with plumbing, sewer drainage systems, and floor waterproofing. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that high humidity should be easily ventilated and at the same time the room should not be cold. In view of the fact that there is already a street behind the ceiling, this somewhat complicates the provision of suitable conditions for comfortable bathing and showering.

But, if communication and constructive issues can be resolved, the entire attic can be given over to a relaxation zone. In addition to a bathtub and a shower cabin, you can place a sauna cabin and even a small pool, a massage table and other contributing attributes good rest and recuperation.

Due to the fact that the walls in the attic are slanting, it is necessary to make proper planning. As a rule, the bath is installed directly under the pitched ceiling. It is very convenient if a window is located above it. Take a bath and look at the stars or clouds evening time- amazing fun.

Shower cubicles are placed accordingly in the highest place. Rest plumbing equipment should be more compact. Therefore, sinks combined with cabinets are perfect for the attic, in addition to this, the washbasin area is complemented hanging shelves And of course, a towel holder.

Living room in the attic - how to decorate?

A properly planned living room with an unusual arrangement of walls, and even with a skylight, will definitely not leave indifferent any guest of the house. In the attic of a small area, sofas and armchairs are located in places with the lowest ceiling height. But the TV should be hung on a gable vertical wall, if any. Otherwise, it is placed on a bedside table near one of the walls. An alternative is the construction of a special partition, as in the photo below.

Stylish cozy living room in the attic with light walls and wooden floors in the photo below, a visual demonstration rustic style.

A fireplace in the attic would be very handy. The play of flames and the twinkling of stars in the attic windows will become attributes that create a fabulous, romantic atmosphere in the evening. Therefore, if you are the owner of a private house, do not miss this opportunity. The attic is a real storehouse of ideas from which even the most daring can be realized. About the living room in the attic, we can safely say that it will be the second in the house, in which it is not at all necessary to let guests in. Why not just make it a family room. Guests will not even guess about it.

Spacious bright living room in the attic with a dining area and a kitchen in the photo.

As a rule, the design of the living room is done in time with the main design of the house. Another interior, different from the rest of the rooms, with its own colors and charm is not excluded. As a rule, the living room in the attic is made out in light colors. White, beige, sand colors are taken as the basis. Their main goal is to fill the decoration of the room with light. Wooden structures may not be painted.

In the evening, in addition to the main ceiling light, it makes sense to add floor, table and wall lamps. In this way, it will be possible to create good zone lighting. In addition, as needed, you can turn on and off the lights in different parts of the room.

It is not uncommon for wood to be taken as the basis for interior design of the attic, since large wooden elements abound in the attic structure: beams, rafters, etc. You can decorate the ceiling planes to the beat: lining, wood-veneered MDF panels and other wood-based materials will become good addition to the idea. It is worth mentioning that the idea - wooden beams and a white plastered ceiling, took root well in Provence and Scandinavian styles.

Important attributes of any room are, of course, textiles: a carpet on the floor, curtains on special holders or roller blinds on the skylights they will radically change the living room, it will immediately smell of comfort and warmth. In addition, you can "throw" a warm blanket and a couple of three colored pillows on the sofa. And then the interior will become not only cozy, but also beautiful.

If there is a frontal wall in the attic and it is made of brick or stone, there is no need to hide it. It is enough to clean it of dust and cover it with a special solution to ennoble it. Then she will become calling card attic style living room. The loft is a great idea that will 100% fit into the living room in the attic.

The loft style is perfectly expressed by the presence of aged wood and rough furniture on black. metal frame.

Children's room in the attic

Children are different, some are sociable and love to visit different places with friends. mysterious places, others, on the contrary, prefer to retire and play alone in their own space. Both will be delighted if you organize a nursery on the attic floor. The attic always gives the impression of mystery, and sometimes causes awe in the soul because of the mass of existing legends that various kinds of fabulous creatures can live in such a remote teak place.

In the attic, you can freely place a children's room with a sleeping place, a play area and a place for learning. At the same time, the correct distribution of the functionality of the nursery is very important. Where the floor closes with slanting walls, it is best to place furniture for storing things and toys, on the opposite side you can safely place a bed. But the desktop should be installed at one of the windows. There should be enough light in the nursery in the evening, firstly, so that the child does not spoil his eyesight, and secondly, so that the child is not afraid to be in the room alone. For the same reason, nightlights should be attached not only by the bed, but also in remote dark places in the attic.

They decorate the walls of the nursery in the attic mainly in light shades, as already found out due to the lack of sunlight in daytime. But the main thing at the same time is to maintain a balance, you can’t go too far with them either, given that the room is made out for a child, you need to bring bright, interesting colors to its interior. It can be multi-colored curtains, colored furniture, lamps with catchy shades, a beautiful multi-colored carpet, or just bright pictures in the interior. This will create a contrasting and cheerful atmosphere.

Dressing room in the attic

By default, the attic always becomes a place to store things that have already become obsolete, which seem to be still well preserved, so it’s a pity to throw them away. But as practice shows, all the same, they will eventually be thrown away or given to someone. So why not speed up the process. We free the attic pantry from the old, dusty "junk", and in its place we build a full-fledged functional dressing room. It will be much more useful, the place will not be wasted in vain and there will be cleanliness and order in the attic. And most importantly, space in the house will be saved, because it is not always possible to place a full-fledged dressing room in the bedroom, and even more so in a separate room at home.

Of course, it will not be very easy to purchase ideally suitable ready-made wardrobe systems for rooms with sloping ceilings, it is unlikely to be on sale. turnkey solutions. Although you can sometimes get by with standard cabinets and shelving, as shown in the example in the photo above. But even in this case, part of the usable space is lost, and the interior does not seem very harmonious. Such problems are solved by furniture workshops that manufacture storage structures, taking into account the individual height, width and geometry of the opening, where you need to build a cabinet or rack.

In addition, the designer-designer available in the state will help you choose the right materials and wardrobe systems, as well as solve the issue of lighting the dressing room and the correct placement of the mirror. Agree much better when a professional deals with the issue. With it, even such disadvantages of a room as a complex ceiling and sloping walls can be turned into advantages.

With built-in furniture, not a single centimeter of usable space will be lost, and lighting in the right place will help you find the right thing much faster.

Office or workshop in the attic.

For any productive work, at least you need to retire and focus. For this, offices and workshops organized in separate rooms in the house serve. An office in the attic is a very correct decision, on the one hand, all the fuss remains below, which helps to work calmly. Secondly, a whole room in the house is freed up, which can be used for other needs. For example, in case of the appearance of another family member. And it doesn’t matter if the attic turns out to be quite small, because 4-5 sq.m is enough for a comfortable office (which is not enough for bedrooms, living rooms and other rooms), which can be found in any house even with a sloping roof. On the other hand, it’s even good that the office will not be large, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on its arrangement.

To organize a workplace in the attic, it is not necessary to close the attic structures with an additional ceiling. The peculiarity of the attic room lies in the fact that it has a unique geometry and additional structural elements. If an attic office is formed in the gable roof area, this is very good. There is no overhanging oppressive flat ceiling, and as already mentioned earlier, the pyramidal shape has a positive effect on the human condition, this to some extent increases efficiency and improves work results.

It is better to place a desktop in the attic closer to the window, it is useful not only for vision, but also for the psychological state. Working next to a source of natural light is much more pleasant.

You do not need to limit yourself in the interior design of the office, you can experiment on your own, or you can invite a designer who will create a classic or optionally creative or any other environment.

Why not organize a workshop in the attic. If you like to work with your hands without leaving your home, you will surely like this idea. Solitude at the top doing what you love will bring not only satisfaction and possibly additional money. Indeed, in our days, good and necessary things made by hand are highly valued.

Recreation area and library in the attic

There is no better place in the house to organize the storage and reading of books than the attic. If you like to read or you have a large collection of books, then organizing a library in the attic will solve the problem of storing and relaxing while reading an interesting book. In order for everything in the library to be in its place, it is better to immediately seek help from furniture designers and whose work profile we have already discussed with you.

Perfectly built-in bookshelves can be placed against the front wall, while the armchair and sofa with soft pillows on a sloping roof. A pair of curtains on the window, a fluffy carpet on the floor and a blanket on the sofa - these details will help create a cozy, warm atmosphere conducive to relaxation and serene reading of an interesting book.

It's always nice to retire to some secluded place with a cup of tea and a book with an interesting storyline. The armchair is an integral part of the home library.

For reading books, the reading room should be well lit. The windows on the roof of the attic will do this best during the daytime.

Other photo ideas for the attic

No matter how big or small an attic space is, it is always possible to make a cozy home nest out of it. The main thing is to plan everything in advance and, of course, decide on initial stage with an idea. What kind of room it will be, everyone will decide for himself. In addition to the options described above, in the attic, many equip gyms, swimming pools, yoga and fitness areas, someone arranges an observatory with telescopes, a billiard room, a kitchen and more - there are a lot of ideas. Below we offer a couple of dozen photos implemented projects in the attic.

It is not too easy to make the attic rooms comfortable, beautiful and functional. Extraordinary geometry - that's what delivers the most inconvenience. Therefore, the design of the attic floor has a special approach: it is also necessary to select finishing materials, taking into account possible changes in size.

Ceiling finish

One of the most difficult questions- trim flow in the attic. The ceiling in such rooms is either sloping or broken. Both options are not too easy to finish. In principle, you can use any material that finishes the ceilings in ordinary rooms, but the installation must take into account the possibility of displacement of the supporting structures. The beams are made of wood, and it changes in size with changes in temperature / humidity, so that the rigid fastening of frames or finishing materials threatens to crack.

You can even sew up with panels ... if you want

With or without beams

Before you start finishing the ceiling in the attic, decide whether you want the load-bearing beams to be visible. The method of filing depends on this: it will be necessary either to close the beams or leave them in sight. The first option “takes away” the height from the room, but there are no problems with insulation and sound insulation - you can choose without paying attention to the thickness. In the second case, the height of the room will be greater, but you will have to look for materials with a minimum thickness - you want the beams to be visible ...

Some visible load-bearing structures are considered a disadvantage that prevents a standard design from being made. But it is worth emphasizing the “flaw” as it turns into an interesting design solution. If we talk about style, then the attic with beams looks much more “interesting”. The space between them can be sewn up with a board, tightened with tension or closed suspended ceilings. They are combined with any type of finish. You just have to pick color solution, which fits the overall design of the attic floor or a specific room.

This way of finishing the ceiling - with contrasting edging - is suitable for spacious rooms. In small ones, it will eat up volume You can use stretch ceilings - if you want a “neutral and standard” design A little more dark color allows you to highlight the beams without too "weighting" the ceiling

Bearing structures fit perfectly into modern styles, expand the possibilities of finishing, give the interior an individuality. They can be highlighted or painted in the same tone. The visual perception will change, but in any case they look very “trendy”. The only thing to avoid is varnishing the beams - this method of finishing has lost its relevance. In any case, you should not use varieties that create a shiny "varnish" surface. Lacquer, if used, is water-based, matte or semi-matte, but not glossy.

Plasterboard on the ceiling in the attic floor

If you want to have a standard design of the attic floor as close as possible to the modern "neutral" style, you can sew up the ceiling in the attic with drywall (gypsum plasterboard). In order to prevent cracks on the surface and at the joints of the sheets with fluctuations in dimensions, all guides are mounted on suspensions.

The second trick is not to rest the sheets against the walls, leaving compensation gaps. The joints, as usual, are glued with mesh tape, the ceiling is puttied. At the junction of the GKL to the walls, there are gaps to close them, you can use polyurethane or wooden skirting boards of a suitable shape. They can be painted to match the walls or ceiling. When attaching this finish, we fix it only to the walls, but not to the ceiling. We don't even get too close to him. It is necessary that the gap is closed, but without rigid fastening. So, with seasonal movements of the load-bearing beams, the plasterboard ceiling in the attic will not crack.

There is a very interesting use of drywall on the ceiling of the attic floor. They can only sew up the gaps between the proteins, leaving the beams themselves in plain sight. Due to the greater contrast between the smooth surface of the putty surface and the structure of wood, such interiors are very bright and memorable.

White smooth ceiling - it can also be done on the attic floor. Even the support beams are not a drawback ... if the design of the attic floor is done correctly

With this method of finishing the attic ceiling, many joints are obtained between wood and drywall sheets. Covering them all with moldings is too clumsy. It is reasonable to grease the joint silicone sealant which remains elastic after drying. Since the distance between the beams is not too large, the gap can be left small to compensate for dimensional changes - it will be easy to fill it with sealant. That's just the paint will need to be selected one that can hold on to silicone normally, but this is not such a problem.

By the way, the plasterboard ceiling in the attic can not only be painted. You can also wallpaper it, and so that the design is not too colorful or overloaded, make the walls plain painted. There is a second option - use the same wallpaper on the ceiling and walls, but you can get a "box", so the first method is preferable.

Stretch ceiling

Can be used in the attic without restrictions. They are not afraid of small deformations, so no problems are expected during operation. They can arise only at the stage of installation. If you want to tighten the distance between the beams with canvases, you will need a large number of edge baguettes. But that's all, there are no other difficulties.

The beauty of this option is that you can get perfectly flat ceilings without special trouble. If you want gloss - choose a film. Need frosted ceilings- mount the fabric.

Behind the stretch ceiling, all layers of insulation and soundproofing of the attic will perfectly hide, and there are a lot of them. For light films, you only need to sheathe everything with white material, otherwise the “insides” may shine through. "White material" - any. Whether the fabric or nonwoven fabric. You can fasten it with brackets directly to the beams and crate.

If we talk about design, then bulky multi-level structures will not work here, except that you have the entire attic without partitions and the height of the room is around three meters. The very structure of the ceiling of the attic floor is broken. complicate it additional elements hardly worth it, except to make a box with illumination from the side farthest from the window.

Boards, lining, imitation of timber or logs

One of the most common ways to finish the ceiling in the attic is lining with clapboard, edged board, imitation timber and other moldings. Against the background of the beams, this design is quite logical, the ceiling fits into most of the current ethnic styles: Provence, Scandinavian. It can be wonderfully beaten in style and rustic. You can find options for modern interiors. Each style requires a specific wood finish:

  • For interiors in the Provence style, boards or lining, like beams, are painted with delicate paints, pastel colors, with a matte or semi-matte surface. The hemming board can be wide or narrow - it doesn't matter.

  • For scandinavian style the natural color of wood can be used (be careful with yellow shades), but either “aged” or bleached boards are more characteristic. For such interiors in the attic, the beams can be made dark, the filing is very light.

    Not necessarily very dark… maybe almost white

  • There are no rules for a loft - it all depends on the idea and color. You can leave it in a “natural” color, you can darken or bleach it a lot.

  • Rustic is a peculiar style in which some elements are intentionally rough and "raw". If you come across curved beams, this is a godsend for this style. It will be necessary to emphasize the texture of wood more strongly. To do this, it can be "scraped" with a metal brush. Softer fibers will break out, hard ones will remain, the relief will appear more clearly. You can facilitate the process by passing the surface with a blowtorch. When heated, the soft fibers will burn, which will make processing faster and easier, but when working with open fire and wooden structures you have to be very careful.

    Rustic - a rough style, but very artistic

There is another style that can be implemented on the attic floor with a wood-trimmed ceiling - Russian. But in this case, for finishing, you will have to choose an imitation of a log or timber. Accordingly, it will be necessary to select other interior components. Everything is easy here. We just do not recommend varnishing wood or other compounds with yellow tints. Very quickly they set the teeth on edge, although, at first, they “warm” and create a sunny mood.

Exotic materials

Ceilings in the attic can be finished with unusual materials. It is important not to forget that the design can shrink. Therefore, the finish must be elastic, or, if it is rigid, its installation must leave the possibility of slight movement. Here's another way to decorate the ceiling on the attic floor:

Perhaps there are other options, but we have not met them yet.

Wall finishing options

What is interesting about the walls of the attic? The fact that a closet or a large niche that runs along the entire room can be hidden behind the sheathing. Often this is how they get out of the situation if the roof of the attic floor is gable. Using the space near the wall is problematic due to the small height of the ceiling. Coming out of the situation, either a bed is placed at the window, or part of the area is fenced off with a false wall. And it would be unreasonable to lose a significant amount, so cabinets are often arranged on the sides of the attic.

The walls of the attic floor can be finished with the same materials as in ordinary rooms. frame house. To begin with, a sheathing made of sheet materials is attached (to the crate), then puttied. After you can at least paint, at least apply, at least. There are also faster options: wall cladding MDF panels, wood, etc. Finishing material is attached directly to the crate, finishing is not required. All is well, but little blood It will be impossible to change the design - only to remove and redo it all over again. So if you like to redo the interior often, this is not your option.

In this design, the most interesting "false windows" Billiard room on the attic floor - the design is classic, the walls and ceiling are smooth, white

If the ceiling is hemmed with a board or clapboard, the same material can also be used on the walls, or it can be combined with painted walls or decorative plaster. But with the second combination, you need to be careful: not all combinations look equally good. For example, it is better not to experiment with a Venetian - she is not friendly with wood in any way, give her a perfectly smooth ceiling and no beams. Not that style.

But the wooden ceiling gets along well with brick, stone. This is a win-win combination. If there is no "natural" stone or brick, you can use. It is many times lighter than usual, easy to install, and looks no worse. There is another option: a flexible stone. It is somewhat reminiscent of linoleum, but designed for walls. Mounted in general "one or two", it looks quite plausible.

And even in almost classic interior Dark ceiling - risky

Another interesting combination of wood and stone / brick is that it is appropriate in rooms for any purpose. Looks great in the hallway, bedroom. You can make the interior of the living room, but the style will be loft or Scandinavian. But there are a lot of ideas in this area, and one is better than the other. And all of them are "unused".

Decoration of windows on the attic floor

If the windows in the attic are vertical, they can be decorated in any way - with curtains of any type. If the windows are made in the plane of the roof, they can be closed by making special curtains. They make drawstrings from above and below, into which a braid or elastic is threaded. With them, the curtains are tied to the latches fixed on the sides of the window frame.

So the windows have a more or less familiar look, but even light fabrics sag a little. So a complete adjoining to the plane of the window will not work. If you want the curtains to sag less while closed, you can support them with a special rod. But opening and closing such curtains is not very convenient.

Another possibility to decorate the windows of the attic floor is roller or Roman blinds and blinds - vertical or horizontal. In any case, you will have to use models with guides that will hold the fabric closer to the window, but such models are more expensive and more difficult to install.

Roller blinds - perfect solution, which fits almost any interior Roman blinds are another solution
Curtains on frames - a good solution

However, very often windows that “look at the sky” are left without any curtains at all. There is practically no chance that someone will walk on the roof and look out the window. But, if you are uncomfortable, you can choose one of the proposed options.

Photos of interesting design options

Fireplace in the attic, beams… very cozy atmosphere

Venetian plaster in the attic ... Cabinet in a classic style

White is the most neutral and lightest of colors.
