Vocabulary enrichment games for preschoolers. Enrichment of the active vocabulary of preschoolers

Synopsis of the frontal lesson

Theme: "SPRING"


Target: enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Spring".


Correctional and educational - to enrich the vocabulary of children, to consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of spring, about migratory birds, about the first spring flowers.

Correctional - developing - to develop the ability to hear the teacher, to form the ability to coordinate adjectives in gender, number and case, to develop speech hearing, to form a holistic impression of the image in the picture, to develop dialogic speech.

Correctional - educating - to work on perseverance, attention, memory, the ability to work independently.

Equipment: demonstration material - a painting by A. K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, reference pictures about spring.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment: Hello, children! For our lesson, I learned a very interesting poem. Now I will tell it, and you listen carefully and think - what is it about?

Spring has come in the snow

On wet carpet.

Scattered snowdrops,

She sowed grass.

Badger families by the deadline

Raised from the minks.

birch sap

I gave it to the guys.

I looked into the den:

Get up, bear!

Breathed on a branch -

Time to get green!

Now spring is beautiful

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings!

Did you like the poem? What is it about? Now I will read it again, and you try to remember the signs of spring.

Now the child will sit down who will tell me one sign of spring.

1. Do you remember how it was in the poem:

Now spring is beautiful

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

Guys, who are these - geese, swifts, storks, cuckoos, starlings? (birds)

What do we call these birds? (migratory)

What do you know about them? (they fly to warmer climes in the fall, and return in the spring, begin to build nests, breed chicks)

Right. And what migratory birds do you see in the painting by the Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov? (rooks)

What are they doing? (they build nests, are going to breed chicks, fly, scream, carry twigs and blades of grass in their beaks)

What signs of spring do you see in the picture? (the sky is gray, covered with clouds, but blue gaps are visible among the clouds, the sun's rays break through them, the snow melts, it became loose, wet, dirty, streams ran, water stands among the trees, it's early spring).

and let's check - do you know any other signs of spring - I will call the sentence, and you will continue it, finish it. Whoever finishes the sentence must stand up.

Icicles under the sun (melting)

Snowdrifts from solar heat (settle)

Buds on trees (swell, burst)

In the spring, bird nests (build, twist)

Bear from hibernation (wakes up, wakes up)

Birds of chicks (bred, fed)

Ice on the river (melting, cracking, bursting)

Trees in the gardens (bloom) in spring

On the thawed patches the first flowers (bloom)

Insects after winter (come to life)

In the fields people rye (sow)

From under the ground the first grass (breaks through)

Well done boys! Tired a little? Let's warm up! Repeat after me!

Outside the window, the icicle is melting (4 jumps on toes, hands on the belt)

The wind tears the clouds to shreds (hands up, tilts left, right)

Unclenching, unclenching (hands in front, in front of the chest)

Maple tight fists (elbows down, clench, unclench fists)

He leaned against the window (4 jumps)

And the snow barely melted (tilts left - right)

I have a green palm (turn to each other)

Maple will stretch before anyone else! (shake hands)

Sit down. Tell me - what three spring months do you know? Now we learn something new about them! Listen to the poem carefully and think about what it is about:

March - the beginning of spring,

Awakening of nature

Drop ringing

And melting white snow.

Women's holiday is beautiful,

The smell of yellow mimosa

The chirping of birds in the trees

And streams the first call!

What is this poem about? I will now read it again, and you will listen to it and name the signs of March.

April breaks the ice

Ice drift rumbles

The flood will cover

Water meadows.

Primrose tender

Decorate the earth

Carry away

Cold, ice and snow!

What is this poem about? I will now read it again, and you will listen to it and name the signs of April.

May - with flowering gardens,

yellow dandelions,

With young grass

The first May thunderstorm

Happy Victory Day people,

May Day fireworks

With sowing on arable land

And soft foliage.

What is this poem about? I will now read it again, and you will listen to it and name the signs of May.

5. Let's solve riddles!

White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley)

On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (dandelion)

It grows under the snowdrift

Drinking snow water. (snowdrop)

He is both stepmother and mother,

What is the name of this flower? (mother and stepmother)

What one word can we call riddles? (flowers)

What are these flowers if they appear in spring? (spring, first)

What color are the stems and leaves of all these flowers? (green)

What color is a lily of the valley flower? (White)

What color are coltsfoot and dandelion flowers? (yellow)

What good fellows you are! And now we need to rest a bit - we will get up from the tables, move to the carpet and stand in a circle.

1, 2, 3, 4 (4 steps back)

Widen the circle (widen the circle)

And now we are streams (running in circles)

Let's run a race.

We hurry straight to the lake, the lake will become large (spread the circle)

Get in the circle again (narrow the circle)

Let's play in the sun (running in a circle)

We are cheerful rays (stretch on toes, hands up)

We are frisky and hot (jump on toes, hands on the belt)

Have a rest? Now sit down at your desks.

What did we talk about today? (about spring)

And what happens in the spring?

The sun shines brightly

Snow melts

streams run

The first flowers bloom

8. See how many new and interesting things we have learned! Do you think your parents know what you now know? Let's check! Tell your parents everything at home - everything you know about spring!

9. Homework in a notebook - learn a poem, shade spring flowers, name 5 signs of spring.


Differentiation of sounds [d] - [g], [t] - [k].

Pronunciation of sounds [d] - [g], [t] - [k] in words:

G but d al to but G aze T a brie G but d but d ra G una G la d iolus G rani t g about d s d oro G but G lo tk but G op d th d at G but G ra d sleep to

G lo T about to g oro d about to about T wa G but G RU dk but G ors T och to but by G about d but

G udo to ra d at G but G runes t g mustache T oh av G mustache T floor G about d but

I G about d but tk Ah d about kt op

Pronunciation of sounds[d] - [g], [t] - [k] in phrases:

G lo T about to from with T but to ana

G olo d nye G dove

G ornaya d oro G but

about tg but d ah for G but d point

G but d ae T on the to ar T Oh

rass T e G well T and I to ur tk but

on G well T th G WHO [T] b

pronunciationsounds[d] - [g], [t] - [k] in sentences:

On by d about to unnie to e s T oi T G orsho to from to but kt mustache.

T RU d but descent to but T go with to RU T Oh G ora.

I G ryzu sla [t]k wow to aramel.

At TO is he d ra T but to ur tk but to oro tk ova T but.

From G ib d oro G and - take G and but G And.

TO he s T at to zero to ops T ohm y to stigmas.

TO api T en to uvi ship d ate about G onet to May to but.

Sun to we are to but T we go to to he to ah on for to dug to but tk e.

In av G mustache T e hour T oh I visit T G roses.

G blue G line d I visit T in to career for G oro d ohm.

G ruzovi to walked along G ornoy d oro G e.

My ba G up to dos T avili in wa G he drove d but.

G oro[ T] in the evenings G ori T about G yami.

I have G uara bys T rye d line paws.

TO urn-autumn to ii E G op to and sun to Arab to rushed to G op to y.

pronunciationsounds[d] - [g], [t] - [k] in the texts:

Tk e T tk Ah tk ani

on the pla T OK T but not.

So to from birch T e to,

Ste to from birch to.

By d oro G her d at Td ro G And,

D ro G and e d at T on d oro G e.

TO but to ruby with T al G wound T,

TO but to but G but T- wine G ra [T].

D RU [k] for d RU G ohm,

TO RU [to] behind to RU G ohm.

If where e- T oh no T to about G about- T about,

Mean T, kt about- T about where e- T about eu T b.

T ol to about where e or e T about T kt about- T about

AND to at d and he mo [to] climbed T b?

smell Tto is he d And T ep

Nut mus to but T nym,

D about kt op in challah T e -

Le to ars T vom priya T nym.

G rustic to lone be G emo T

G rustic G poe hair T

song G rustic pre G rustic:

I love la G eye in to oral.

On the very pen to res tk e

visi T to ol d un T rex G lazy,

He neither to about where not smo T ri T

T time G eyes right away.

Otherwise there would be an eternal dispute -

TO at d and the world is calling us T decoration

T at to, T at to, molo T about to,

Do not mind it G elevate to ov fr T about to.

T at to, T at to, T at to,

And in the d me tk at and in to abl to.

G os T b one with T taught by to ryshe,

G os T b d RU G oh w oh to nose T taught,

But to about where but in d thief I went out

T about G os T she doesn't feel good T spoke.

Beale by to ryshe d oh d And to re dk ii,

Pus T oh it was and T a little,

FROM T autumn elm tk Oh

me pos T at to willow in about to but.

Dale to oh left d RU [G],

G rustic with T hello all in to RU [to].

FROM to scientifically to but to without d RU G but,

Company to osh to om view G but.

On in to Pobe hall G y,

Behind to I speak on the b G at:

"Dru [to], it's time to come T b,

On the d sick with to teaching T b!”

Not T, in vain we decided

Pro to but T And T b to about T and in the car:

TO about T to but T but T don't get used to to -

Opro to inul G ruzovi to.


Gerasimova A.S., Zhukova O.S., Kuznetsova V.G. “Speech therapy encyclopedia of a preschooler. For children 1-6 years old. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House"Neva". 2004.

Uspenskaya L.P., Uspensky M.B. “Learn to speak correctly. Book for students. At 2 o'clock. Part 2. - M .: Education: JSC "Tucheb. lit., 1995.

Valentina Kochergina
Summary of the GCD on enriching and activating the vocabulary of children of the preparatory group “We all know about everything”


Enrichment and activation of the dictionary.


Improve the main types of movements in accordance with the text in physical education minutes;

To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of animals;

Cultivate respect for nature;

Compose a collective story according to the mnemonic table;

Expand and activate vocabulary;

Develop motor skills, speech breathing, auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Save correct posture sitting, standing, moving.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, making up stories about animals, reading fiction about nature and animals, viewing illustrations, etc.


Mnemotable, pictures of animals, envelopes, laptop, presentation, tape recorder, audio recording with background music, Kuizener sticks, bells, maracas, pointer, chips.

Methodical methods:

compiling a story on a mnemonic table,

game situations,

physical minute,

view presentation,

analysis (summarizing).

Lesson progress

Educator: guys, today we will have interesting activity. Today we will go on a journey through countries and continents, and talk about the animals that live there. Let's not waste a minute and hit the road.

Our first station is called "Journey through countries and continents", and we will stop in Hot countries. We will need to remember what animals live here.

Children are divided into two teams and answer questions. For a correct answer, the team gets a token.

Educator: second stop - Cold countries. We have remembered the animals that live in hot countries, and now we have to remember the animals that live in cold countries.

Educator: Well, we remembered some animals with you and saw them, but only in pictures. And can we meet these animals here, in Moscow, in reality?

Children's answer.

Educator: right, now we will go to the zoo and look at the variety of animals.

Dad, mom, me and brother -

We went to the zoo.

Loved and walked.

Learned a lot of new things.

So many different animals there

Beautiful birds, even snakes.

I still want to be on time

See crocodile.

Lion and tiger and jackal.

It's a pity that mommy is tired -

Kangaroo to look

And how the bear swims.

Let's go again on Sunday

Only with dad - the three of us.

He loves animals too

And there will be no hurry home.

On the table, each team has an envelope with the image of animals (5 pictures each). From each team, 5 people are called and the task is given:

1 team - stand in height in ascending order;

Team 2 - stand in height in descending order.

Educator: well done! Both teams completed this challenge. Well, let's move on, shall we?

Children's answers.

Educator: our next station is called "Guess". Here you will have to work hard.

Each team has Kuizener's counting sticks on the table. The guys of each team need to fold the animal (its outline) from these sticks. After that, the other team needs to name this animal and tell a little about it.

Fizkultminutka - a fun massage "Rain"

Rain runs on the roof - bom, bom! (clap hands)

On a cheerful sonorous roof - bom, bom! (tap fingers)

Stay at home, stay at home - bom, bom! (beat fists)

Don't go anywhere - bang, bang! (rubbing with the ribs of the palms)

Read, play - bang, bang! (rubbing shoulders)

And I’ll leave, then walk - bom, bom! (stroke with palms)

Educator: well, after such a massage you will work even better. Now we will check this at our next station, which is called "Riddles".

On the table in front of each team are bells and maracas. If the team has an answer to the riddle, then it gives its signal and says the answer. For a correct answer, the team gets a token. If the signal was given at the wrong time, then the answer automatically goes to another team.

Educator: well done! We guessed all the riddles, and now it's time for the whole team to work hard. Ready?

Children's answers.

Educator: now you will need to make a story about the animal according to the mnemonic table. What do you think, what should we report in our story, that is, where should we start the story?

Table discussion: Who is it? What color is the coat? What parts of the body? What is his body covered with? How does it communicate (what sounds does it make? What does it eat? Where does it live (what is the name of its dwelling? What are its cubs called?

There are 2 pictures of animals on the table. The team captains come up and choose one picture and make up a story using the table.

Educator: well done! You have completed all the tasks today. And I would like to ask you a few questions: Did you enjoy our trip? Let's remember which stations we visited today? Which station did you like best? Why? What was your mood when we first started our journey? And now what?

In the end educational activities All children receive real diplomas of scientists.

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- enrichment, clarification and activation of word formation of children's vocabulary;

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the children's verbal vocabulary;

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of nouns in children;

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of adjectives in children;

Enrichment, clarification and activation of the numeral in children;

Learning to understand and use prepositions and particles in speech;

Specially selected and developed by us didactic games and play tricks meet the tasks that solve the previously indicated areas and methods of logo-correction work.

The complex of games presented below offers game techniques for practical acquaintance of children with the use of nouns in speech, introduces children to the concept of “word”, teaches children to distinguish between the concept of “living” and “non-living”. At the same time, the game gives the speech therapist the opportunity to set an additional goal for himself, for example, grouping objects according to their characteristics or purpose, working on different types of word meanings (conceptual, situational, emotional). These games teach children how to use plural nouns, distinguish the gender of nouns, and are also aimed at creating and consolidating generalizing concepts. Also, these games teach the use of case forms.

Who is it? What's this?

Purpose: clarification, enrichment of word formation of the dictionary of children, teaching children the correct use in speech of words denoting a living and inanimate object.

Equipment: living or inanimate objects (table, book, toys, birds, fish, etc.)

Game description: A speech therapist addresses the children: “There are many different objects around us. And we can ask about each of them. I will ask you, and you answer me with a question: What is this? Speech therapist points to different inanimate objects: books, toys, table. “How can you ask about these items?” (What is it?).

The speech therapist says: “And now I will ask you differently: who is this?” The speech therapist points to living objects: a bird, a fish, a nanny, children - and asks the children: “How can I ask? (who is it?). I will name different objects for you, and you will ask me questions about these objects. The speech therapist names living objects, and the children ask the question "who?". Thus, the speech therapist gradually brings children to the concepts of "alive" - ​​"inanimate".

The speech therapist puts a girl and a doll next to each other and asks how the girl differs from the doll. Children name the difference and together come to the conclusion that the doll is inanimate, a toy, and the girl is a living being. Next, a toy bear is compared with a live bear drawn in the figure. It turns out that the bear toy is inanimate, and the drawing depicts a living bear. Summing up, the speech therapist concludes: all words denoting inanimate objects answer the question “what?”, And the words denoting living objects answer the question “who?”.

Consider the drawings.

Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children words denoting living and inanimate objects.

Equipment: subject drawings depicting living and inanimate objects, flannelgraph.

Description of the game: The speech therapist puts all the subject pictures on the flannelograph and asks the children to carefully consider them. After that, the speech therapist gives tasks:

1) name pictures depicting living objects, put questions to them;

2) name pictures depicting inanimate objects, ask a question.

Complicating the game: the game is played without relying on drawings. Speech therapist selects different words(living and non-living) and names them mixed. Children should put a question to these words. The most active are marked at the end of the game.

What did they hide?

Purpose: enrichment, activation and clarification of the word formation of the children's vocabulary and the correct use of nouns in speech.

Equipment: models of vegetables, fruits, flowers.

Game description: Flowers, vegetables and fruits (2-3 pieces) are laid out on the table. Children are invited to carefully consider what is on the table, and remember what is where. Then the children turn away, and the speech therapist hides one object. The child must answer what is hidden. (you can answer in one word).

Name what I'm pointing to.

Purpose: enrichment and activation of word formation of the vocabulary of children and teaching them the correct use of nouns.

Equipment: real and toy furniture.

Description of the game: the teacher seats the children so that they see individual pieces of furniture in front of them, and offers to name them. If this is difficult, the speech therapist himself names the object and invites one of the children to transfer, for example, a doll, to a sofa, etc. After that, you can offer a riddle: “A boy came to kindergarten, sat down and invited another boy to sit next to him. What were they sitting on? (on a bench, on a sofa).

Who will bring the items faster?

Purpose: clarification and activation of word formation in children. Development of skills for classifying lexical topics "Vegetables-Fruits".

Equipment: replicas of vegetables and fruits.

Description of the game: players sit on chairs, 2 chairs are placed opposite, 5-6 items from two different categories are placed on them: vegetables - carrots, cabbage, cucumber; fruits - apple, pear, cherry. Two empty chairs are placed at a distance. Two children from each team stand near the chairs with objects and on a signal: one, two, three - take the vegetables! - begin to endure necessary items on the empty chairs opposite. The winner is the one who more correctly and earlier transfers all the items that belong to the named category and names them.

How do we dress?

Purpose: activation of word formation with words according to lexical topic"Cloth". Teaching the correct use of nouns in speech.

Equipment: items of children's clothing.

Description of the game: each child thinks of some item of clothing, for example, a scarf, a skirt, panties, a T-shirt and quietly calls it to the speech therapist so that other children do not overhear (the teacher makes sure that the children do not choose the same thing). Then the teacher talks about something, for example: “Vasya was going to sled and put on himself ....” interrupting the story, he points to one of the participants in the game. He names the item of clothing that he conceived. Other children must judge whether the boy dressed correctly.

What's with what?

Purpose: clarification of the word formation of children and learning correct use nouns in speech. Phrasal language development.

Equipment: various items necessary in everyday life. (key, plate, hammer, etc.)

Description of the game: the child is invited to find something from which they eat soup, how they open a lock, how they hammer nails, etc.

Children's speech pattern: Soup is eaten from a plate. The lock is opened with a key.

Pair drawings.

Purpose: activation of the dictionary, word formation in children.

Equipment: paired drawings of household items.

Description of the game: 1 option. The speech therapist shows the child a drawing, and the child must find the same one and name it correctly. The game continues until the child names and returns all the drawings.

Find what you need.

Purpose: activation of word formation, vocabulary of children.

Equipment: A set of subject drawings.

Game description: Distribute a set of pictures to the children: a basket, a spoon, a towel, a sled, etc. The speech therapist says: “Vova went for a ride down the mountain. What did he take with him? (Sled). The child who has the desired drawing must answer with a word or phrase.

Whose children?

Purpose: to fix nouns in the active dictionary of children

enrichment work,

consolidation and activation of the vocabulary

The work on enrichment, consolidation and activation of the vocabulary occupies a significant place in common system speech development children. Without extension vocabulary it is impossible to improve their verbal communication.

Strengthening the principle of developmental education at school imposes certain requirements on preschool education.

For the successful education of a child at school, it is necessary that the system of the native language, its elements act as an object of his conscious activity. Therefore, one of the tasks of speech development in kindergarten is the formation in preschoolers of an initial, elementary knowledge of linguistic reality, on which teaching at school can rely.

In the development of vocabulary great place occupied by classes on familiarization with the environment, with nature, various observations, excursions, conversations, during which children form and refine knowledge and ideas.

Learning the world around, the child learns the exact names (designations) of objects and phenomena, their qualities and relationships. Thus, a feature of the speech and vocabulary development program is that it is essentially connected with all sections of the kindergarten education program and its implementation is provided for in different types children's activities.

Vocabulary work is closely related to the development cognitive activity, but it should be, first of all, a work of language. This means that in working on the word, it is necessary to take into account the actual language characteristics words, namely polysemy (because polysemy is the majority of words in the Russian language), as well as synonymous and antonymic relations.

The speech of preschool children differs from the speech of adults. Often the child tries to comprehend the words himself, giving them a different meaning, for example: “A loafer is a person who makes boats”, “A village is where there are a lot of trees”, etc.

Working with polysemantic words is part of dictionary (lexical) work. Its purpose is to ensure the actual language, speech development, improvement of language proficiency. In addition, the disclosure of the semantic richness of a polysemantic word plays an important role in the accuracy of word usage. The habit of correctly using words brought up in a child in kindergarten largely determines his culture of speech in the future.

The leading place in the assimilation of the polysemy of words is given to synonyms and antonyms.

Such methods of dictionary work as the selection of synonyms and antonyms in order to clarify the understanding of the meanings of words are not used enough.

It is necessary to pay attention to the qualitative side of the development of the dictionary from a young age, that is, to solve the following tasks:

work on the correct understanding of the meaning of words

expand the stock of synonyms and antonyms

to form the ability to use words, correctly combining them in meaning

to activate in the speech of children such parts of speech as adjectives and verbs.

Solving the problems of the qualitative development of children's vocabulary is impossible without simultaneously working to get acquainted with an ever-expanding range of objects and phenomena, to deepen knowledge about them.

In order to ensure the full development of the dictionary, it is necessary, along with classes, to widely use moments Everyday life, which provides great opportunities for consolidating and enhancing the speech skills acquired by children in the classroom.

Of course, all the tasks of vocabulary work (enrichment, consolidation, clarification, activation of the dictionary) are interconnected and are implemented in each age group.

Yes, in the second junior group the main attention is paid to the task of accumulation, enrichment of the dictionary, which is closely related to the expansion of knowledge and ideas about the environment.

At this age, a significant place is given to the use of visibility (toys, pictures), as well as the speech of the educator.

IN middle group necessary Special attention pay attention to the correct understanding of words and their use, expanding the active vocabulary of children. In this group, work continues on the formation of generalizing concepts, much attention is paid to the isolation of qualities, properties and the correct designation of them with appropriate words.

The task of using words with opposite meanings (antonyms) is introduced. For this purpose, you can use a comparison of toys, objects.

At this age, all kinds of visualization still occupy a significant place, but lexical exercises and verbal didactic games should be used more.

For example, to activate verbs, an exercise is used to select actions for objects: “What is the iron for? What can be done with a broom? Why do you need a watering can? In the exercise "Who does what?" the child should name as many actions as possible: “What is the cat doing?” “Meows, purrs, plays, laps milk.”

To form the ability to isolate the qualities, properties of objects, toys, the method of comparison should be used more widely. So, for example, when comparing two dolls, the question is asked: “What do they have the same and what is different? How else do dolls differ from each other? Children consider and name the color of eyes, hair, details of clothing (for example, soft, fluffy, fur collar). When telling from pictures, in order to teach you how to choose definitions, they ask questions: “What kind of snow? (White, fluffy, cold.) And how can you say about winter, what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, cold.) Then you can read a poem.

At the next lesson, the teacher offers to consider the proposed toys (for example, a ball, a car, a doll, a nesting doll) and consistently asks questions: “What is this? What is she? What is it for? What can you do with it?" Such a preliminary vocabulary exercise prepares children for conducting the didactic game “Parsley, guess my toy” at the same lesson. Thinking of any toy, children must use all the words mentioned and draw up their coherent statement.

In the group of senior preschool age, the leading task in the development of the dictionary is to clarify the understanding of the meaning of words, to activate vocabulary. For these purposes, special lexical exercises are carried out and word games lasting 5 - 7 minutes. at every lesson.

The exercises were developed by E. I. Tikheeva, their goal is to develop children's attention to the word, to teach them to distinguish its shades, to accustom them to the exact use of words. When conducting these exercises, a large place is given to such a technique as a question. The direction and content of the mental activity of children depends on the wording of the question, the question should cause their mental activity. By asking questions, the educator not only achieves the reproduction of knowledge, but teaches children to generalize, highlight the main thing, compare, reason.

We need to ask questions more often: “Is it possible to say so? How to say better? Who will say otherwise? And so on. At the same time, one should not rush to evaluate the answer, let the children think, discuss which answer is more correct. As many children as possible should speak up, answering questions such as: “Why do you think you can say that? Tell the children how you understand it."

The following types of tasks are used to develop the vocabulary:

Selection of synonyms for phrases.

In the process of vocabulary work in the classroom, children encounter such a phenomenon as synonymy (words that are different in sound, but close in meaning), the understanding of which is already available to them. Working with synonyms helps understanding different values polysemantic word, teaches to think about the meaning of the words used, helps to use the most the right words, avoid repetition.

To select synonyms, phrases and sentences should be offered, for example: “The river is running”, “The boy is running”.

The teacher asks: “What word is repeated? Let's try to replace it. “The river runs” - how to say it differently? (It flows, murmurs, pours.) To the second phrase, the following answers: “It rushes, hurries, flies.”

The ability to select synonyms will help children to more accurately formulate their statements.

Work on antonyms useful in that it teaches to compare objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Antonyms, in addition, are also a means of expressiveness of speech.

The selection of antonyms should first be made using visual material (objects, pictures). So, for example, you can offer pictures of a high and low house, a large and small apple, a short and long pencil, etc.

Exercises with a single word help to clarify its meaning, systematize the knowledge and ideas that children have.

At first, tasks for the selection of synonyms and antonyms are difficult for children. But this is until they have learned the meaning of the task.

To select synonyms, you can ask questions after the children retell a particular work.

To activate verbs (actions), set similar questions, for example: “Leaves are falling from the trees. How else can you say it?" (They fly, spin, pour.) Or: “Seeing the hunters, the fox runs away. How else can you tell what she's doing?" (He runs away, takes off his legs, rushes, flies like an arrow.)

In the formation of the ability to select synonyms and antonyms, special speech situations when children are placed in conditions that require precise verbal designation.

For example, the following situation was given: “If it often rains, the sky is overcast, a cold wind blows, then what words can you say about autumn, what is it like?” (Cloudy, rainy, cold.) Then the opposite situation is given: “If in autumn blue sky, the sun is shining, it is still warm, the leaves have not yet fallen on the trees, then how can you say about autumn, what is it like? (Sunny, warm, golden, clear.) Such tasks take a short time and can be used on a walk.

The performance of such tasks contributes to the formation of the accuracy of word usage, the ability to choose words that accurately designate an object, action, quality. For example, the following situation was given: “Dad began to make swings for children. Misha brought him a rope. Dad said: “No, this rope is not good, it will break,” and he took another rope. “But this one won’t break for anything.” How can you say about such a rope? What rope did dad take? Choosing the right answer from the synonymous series "strong, strong." Any of these words will be appropriate in the corresponding phrase, that is, you can say both “strong rope” and “strong rope”.

To explain other meanings of the word “strong”, sentences were given: “Sasha grew up as a strong boy”, “Yura felt strong ice under his feet”. Questions to them: “What does “strong boy” mean, as you understand? How to say differently? (Strong, healthy.) And what does “strong ice” mean? How can you say it differently?" (Strong, solid.) Correct selection synonymous words will indicate an understanding of the meanings of the word "strong".

To form the ability to use words, one should practice tasks for compiling sentences with a single word, and polysemantic words are offered as initial ones. different parts speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs. Combining words into phrases and sentences, children thereby learn the meaningful use of words in various grammatical forms and meanings. At first, they make up two-word phrases and sentences, for example, with the word “light” - “Light wind”, “Light fluff”. Then common sentences appear with the same word: “A light leaf fell from the trees”, “There were light clouds during the day”, “A light butterfly circles over a flower”, etc.

Suggestion writing tasks should be used more often because even with correct understanding meanings of words, the inability of children to compose a sentence, using them correctly according to the meaning, is noted.

To activate the dictionary, it is effective making riddles by the children themselves. It is very important that the child can not only name the object, but also correctly identify its qualities, actions with it. First, the teacher guesses the subject, and then the children. Here are some of the riddles invented by the children: dark room a white canvas hangs to watch movies”, “Rectangular and says”, “Nose with a snout, she grunts”, etc.

The ability to identify and name signs, qualities must be developed using everyday observations and excursions. So, for example, when conducting a tour in autumn, the teacher pays attention to the color of the leaves, to the autumn sky, and asks questions: “What kind of sky? What leaves? And so on. In his speech, he should use more different kind definitions.

Lexical exercises, which are carried out as part of the lesson, perform, as it were, a dual function: they help develop vocabulary and prepare for tasks in coherent speech.

Thus, lexical work is important for the development of arbitrariness of speech, the ability to consciously choose the most appropriate statements for a given statement. language tools, that is, ultimately serves to develop the coherence of speech.

Advice for parents

In children with speech disorders, the poverty of the vocabulary, both active and passive, is often noted, mainly subject-household vocabulary prevails. Children poorly classify objects into groups, confuse the names of vegetables and fruits. In their vocabulary there are few verbs denoting the state and experiences of people, nouns characterizing the moral character of a person, and a group of adverbs and adjectives that characterize actions and deeds is especially small. All this limits verbal communication children.

To expand and activate the vocabulary in pedagogical practice, didactic games are used.

Didactic games are one of the main means of developing speech and thinking. The role of these games in enriching the vocabulary is especially great.

Since parents, one way or another, have to be the main teachers for their child, we suggest that you use the following speech games and exercises. Teaching does not mean sitting down at the table and behaving like in a lesson; we are talking about showing your child and doing with him what you do in everyday life.

Game exercise "Who? What?"

Show your child any illustration to the fairy tale. Let him name the words-objects that answer the question: “Who?” or "What?"

For example: Ch. Perro's fairy tale "Cinderella"

Who: girl, sisters, stepmother, fairy, prince, mice, horses, coachman, etc.

What: a house, a broom, a carriage, a shoe, etc.

Useful advice:

Play with your child the game "Who is more?"

Name words for the sound (letter) M

Selects words on a given topic, for example "Furniture"

Game exercise "Riddles-riddles"

Recognize the subject by description - (Green, white-barreled, curly. What is it? - Birch)

Shaggy, clumsy….

Hungry, grey, angry….

Bright, warm...

Grey, small, prickly...

Game exercise "Who eats how?"

The cat is drinking milk. The dog chews on a bone. The cow chews hay. The chicken pecks at the grain. Etc.

Option: “Who or what is swimming? Flying?"

Fish, leaves, plane, butterfly, etc.

Game exercise "Confusion"

What words are formed from:

OGURBUZES - cucumbers and watermelons TOMATOES - tomatoes and melons

REDISBEET - radish and beetroot CHESLUK - garlic and onion

TURP - turnip and cabbage

Help me figure it out.

Game exercise "Words-enemies"

Practice choosing antonyms.

Day Night

Winter - …

Friend - …


Lie down -…

Talk - …

Laugh - …

The elephant is big, but the mosquito...

The stone is heavy, and the fluff ...

Game exercise "Words - friends"

Exercise in the selection of words - synonyms

building - house

Buddy -…

Look -…

Brave -…

Tiny -…

Game exercise "What does it look like?"

Invites children to choose similar words(comparisons)

White snow looks like...

Blue ice is like...

Thick fog is like...

Pure rain is like...

Game exercise: Where and for what can the object that I name be used?

For example: button

1) for attaching paper to the board;

2) can be thrown out the window to give a signal;

3) to hand over in scrap metal;

4) draw a small circle

5) put on the table, etc.

Nail - ..., shoe - ..., lace - ...

Game exercise "Find an extra object"

Offer several pictures, among which one picture depicts an object that does not belong to the same thematic group as other objects

The child must show the “extra” picture and explain why it is superfluous.

Game exercise: Guess what the fourth word will be(semantic series)

A nail is a hammer, a screw is ...

The house is the roof, the book is...

A bird is an egg, a plant is ...

Good - better, slowly - ...

School is teaching, hospital is…

Man is a child, dog is...

Coat - button, boot - ...

Game exercise "New words"

The fox has a long tail - how to say in one word? - long-tailed;

The boy has long legs

Game exercise "Finish the sentence"

Misha went for a walk (when?) ...

Misha felt sad (why?) ...

Misha was delighted (when?) ...

The game “Who will remember more what is made of what?

“children name metal, paper, plastic objects from memory. A chip is given for the correct answer. The one with the most circles wins.

All the proposed didactic games contribute to the formation of a dictionary, as well as the development of speech skills.

Enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers

with general underdevelopment of speech

The development of a child's speech in ontogeny is closely connected with the development of thinking and other mental functions. With the help of speech, the child denotes what is available to his understanding. In this regard, words of a specific meaning first appear in his dictionary, and only then - a generalizing one.

The zero degree of generalization are proper names and the name of a single item. Then gradually the child begins to understand the generalizing meaning of the names of homogeneous objects, actions, qualities. By the age of three, children learn words denoting the simplest generic concepts (toys, dishes, clothes), conveying generalized names of objects, signs, actions in the form of a noun (flight, swimming, cleanliness). By the age of five, normal speech development, children learn words denoting more complex generic concepts (plants: trees, herbs, flowers; color: white, black; movement: running, swimming, flying). TO adolescence they are already able to assimilate and comprehend such words as state, sign, objectivity, etc.

Enrichment life experience child leads to the growth of his vocabulary. The vocabulary of an older preschooler can be considered as a national language model. During this period, the core of the child's vocabulary is formed.

Analyzing the vocabulary colloquial speech children aged 5-6 years, the most common words can be distinguished: nouns, adjectives, verbs. There is also a gradual expansion of the semantic field of the meaning of the word.

Thus, with the development of mental processes (thinking, perception, ideas, memory), enrichment of sensory experience, changes in activity, the child's vocabulary is formed in quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Dictionary principles:

the development of vocabulary should be inextricably linked with the expansion of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality;

work on vocabulary should be inseparable from work on other components of the speech-language system;

the child's vocabulary should develop in parallel with the development of mental operations;

when working on vocabulary, special attention should be paid to the relationship between lexical and grammatical meanings words;

the main task when working on vocabulary is the formation of full-fledged semantic fields.

The specific content and structure of speech therapy work on the formation of systemic lexical representations in children with ONR is determined by the time of appearance of various language units in ontogenesis , the specifics of the speech defect, the characteristics of the general mental status of the child and other factors. Proceeding from this, it is methodologically expedient to carry out correctional and developmental work in two stages.

At the first stage, the main attention should be paid to the accumulation of lexical units, at the second stage, it is necessary to carry out work related to the ordering of lexical units in the mind of the child. However, it should be remembered that in ontogenesis such a clear division during the formation of the lexical system is not observed. Language signs are not acquired linearly. Actively expanding his vocabulary, the child immediately begins to establish the simplest semantic relations between words: antonymic relations, generic relations, relations between an object and its part, etc. Therefore, at the first stage, in addition to actively expanding the child’s vocabulary, attention must be paid to both the simplest and most obvious semantic connections between words.

The expansion of the nominative and predicative vocabulary in children is carried out according to the thematic principle. It is this principle of organizing corrective action that makes it possible, from a methodological point of view, to optimally solve the problem of the formation of semantic fields in children with ONR. The introduction of words united by the same topic into the lexicon makes it possible to group in the child's linguistic consciousness words-centers, or semantic dominants (the core of the semantic field), and words with more or less pronounced thematic attachment to them (the periphery of the semantic field). The range of vocabulary from various thematic groups is determined by the age of children and the level of their ideas about the world around them. Given the poverty of visual and auditory representations of children with OHP, the difficulty in isolating the most significant differential features of objects, in speech therapy work it is necessary to pay attention to the distinction between words denoting situationally or visually close objects (cup - glass - mug, shower - watering can, peach - apricot, sugar - sugar bowl, fluffy - soft, sew - knit, sew - sew on).

The possibility of conscious distribution and ordering of lexical units on the basis of various semantic relationships, the child acquires only at a certain level of his speech and cognitive development (approximately by 5-6 years). Therefore, at the second stage of correctional and developmental education, the main attention should be paid to the purposeful formation of the ability to establish more complex types semantic relations between words: relations of synonymy, homonymy, relations between related words, polysemantic words and much more.

Directions of speech therapy work

The work on enrichment and activation of the vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech includes the following tasks:

familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the formation of concepts;

disclosure of the ambiguity of the word;

expanding the stock of synonyms and antonyms;

formation of the correct use of the word in connected speech.

Mastery work word is carried out according to the following algorithm:

clarification of the pronunciation of the word;

demonstration of samples of the use of the word (in phrases, in a sentence);

development of the ability to select a synonym, antonym for the word;

fixing the word in the active dictionary. Selection own examples illustrating the use of the word.

Synonymous and antonymic comparisons help to reveal the semantics of a polysemantic word to preschoolers. Consider an example with the adjective "fresh" (Novikov L.A. Antonymia in Russian. 1973).


Fresh evening - cool evening.

Fresh air is clean air.

A fresh collar is a clean collar.

Fresh magazine - new magazine.

Fresh bread is soft bread.
