What does the ellipsis mean in different cases? The meaning of the word "point.

POINT POINT? female a pile of salt, a heap, as it is folded, for sprinkling, on the shores of salt lakes (isn't it a point?). POINT (poke) female. a badge from an injection, from sticking to something with a point, the tip of a pen, a pencil; small speck. Pictures are cut on copper with lines, or dots. Telegraphs are written with dashes and dots. Point to point, point to point. A Slavic figure in a circle means tens of thousands, in dots - hundreds of thousands, and in commas - millions. Point to point, like a nail in a barrel! Give me a delay: it will be on point! If only not to the point, but to the bump (to get there would be fine). | In writing: a punctuation mark placed at the end of a speech containing the full meaning. Where the scribe needs to wipe his nose, there is a comma, and where to sniff tobacco, period. Semicolon, lowercase character separating (according to grammar) terms in a period; to the church this sign (;) is our question mark (?). | * Period, it's all over, end of business. We reached, lived to the point, to the end. | The smallest measure. There are 10 lines in an inch, 10 dots in a line. | old measure of time: second, moment. There are 60 points in a minute. | mat. end, limit line. The body is bounded by planes, the plane by lines, and the line by a point, or, at its two ends, by two points. There is no measure or extension in a geometric point. Solstice points, solstice. | Point, place, locality, side. Each point (place) of the globe has its own day, its own night. From this point, the best view of the area. | The same, in trans. sense: From this point of view, the judgment of the matter is in a different form. The case can be viewed from different points of view. | Point, children's toy, head over heels: a sharp-nosed pile, made of block wood, lowered and driven with a whip. Spinner, spinner, spinning top, dzyga, circle on a spindle, launched from the hand; spinning top, an empty ball on an axis, launched like head over heels. | Point, in val. action, see sharpening. Point, to a point, relating to points. Accurate, exactly the same, exactly the same, exactly, faithful, equal in everything, similar, without discord. Accurate shot, list. The son is the exact likeness of the father, the exact father. I am giving you the exact words of him, from word to word. This is an accurate translation. Your information is inaccurate, shaky or erroneous. The photo is exactly the same as the original. Guessed exactly the same as the measure. Exact execution of orders, without retreating in anything. An exact person, serviceable, decent, accurate, doing business clearly. I affirm this exactly, rightly, truly, rightly, authentically. Exactly so, yes, so, of course, true, true, true, oh yes. He walks, as if stunned, as if, as if. He laughs as if he were crying. Accuracy, property, quality of the exact. I can't say with accuracy. Calculation with an accuracy of a hundredth, a thousandth, where the infidelity cannot be more than this. For greater accuracy, the conclusions of several observations are added up, and the sum is divided by the number of them. Accuracy is good in a person, but pettiness is annoying. It's definitely his brother! I rewrote everything exactly, executed everything exactly. We had a precise business, precise, such a wife. The most accurate picture. There is nothing more precise than light painting. To sharpen what, to beat off, to mean with dots.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863-1866.

Bindi: what does a dot on the forehead mean for Indian women?

India... An amazing country with extraordinary color and old traditions does not leave any travelers indifferent. Folk rituals have been strictly observed in this area for centuries, which is why it has its own unique culture, which has been continuously developing for more than 4500 years. During this significant period of time, it changed and underwent various metamorphoses. This largely concerns the national clothes of the Indians and how the dot on the forehead looked like among Indian women. Many will agree that the Indian national dress has a special ethnic originality, which makes it even more attractive.

A colorful country with ancient traditions

The national image in clothes has been formed for centuries under the influence of various factors, but it is worth noting that it has absorbed the best and can now rightly be called elegant and comfortable. The most popular traditional women's attire today is the sari, which is invariably complemented by a dot on the Indian woman's forehead (the name is bindi or tilak). This piece of clothing is a piece of fabric measuring from 4 to 9 meters, which the girl ties around her waist and throws over her shoulder, covering her chest. The saree must be worn with an underskirt and a blouse, which is also called a ravika or choli. What is the name of the point on the forehead of Indian women and why is it an integral part of the Indian image? This and much more will be discussed further.

What does the dot on the forehead of Indian women mean?

This is not just a beautiful ethnic decoration. It has its own meaning and history. Without a doubt, one of the traditional elements of the image is precisely the dot on the forehead, famous among Indian women. It has several varieties and meanings. One type is tilak. Applied with clay, ash or other substance. So, what does the dot on the forehead of Indian women mean? Since India is a deeply religious country, it can have quite a few meanings that are in one way or another connected with the worship of the gods. But this is not the only purpose of tilak. In fact, it can tell a lot about lineage and caste. It all depends on the material, color and place where the point is applied.

Varieties and traditional color

Fans of this beautiful jewelry often wonder what is the name of the dot on the forehead of Indian women? Another variety is bindi. Like tilak, they differ in color. Most often in the expanses of Hindustan there is a black or red dot. It is worn by a woman bound by marriage, that is, married. Free girls by tradition should not apply bindi. Many are interested in the question of why Indian women have a dot on their forehead, and not between the eyebrows. The whole point is again in the religious worldview of the Hindus. They consider it the third eye that opens wisdom. Although tilak, unlike bindi, can be located not only on the forehead, but also in other places, which, according to some, open the wisdom chakras.

A tradition that has become a fashion trend all over the world

To date, tilak and bindi have spread widely beyond India and are more of an ethnic accessory and decoration than a symbol of religious affiliation. Today they have become additions to the everyday and even festive image of girls in different countries. However, for the Indians themselves, it remains a traditional symbol that is important in the culture and daily life of every inhabitant of India. Few people delve into history in order to find out its origin. Arriving on a tourist visit to the country, girls should be extremely careful not to accidentally offend the religious feelings of believers.

Standard Recipe

The composition of the bindi is quite simple. This red powder is nothing more than mercury sulfide, although sometimes an oil or wax base is added to it. It is noteworthy that in ancient times, cobra venom and ashes were also part of the bindi. A rather strange recipe, but who, if not the Indians, better know what this traditional element of the national image should be made from. According to ancient legends, the composition of the bindi should be such that the point is easily and accurately applied to the forehead and does not smear. The Hindus successfully managed to create just such a combination of ingredients so that tillak was as beautiful and convenient as possible for application. In Indian women, the dot on the forehead looks really excellent to this day.

Favorite decoration of modern girls

Girls train for quite a long time so that it turns out perfectly even. Today, the modern industry offers a huge amount of artificial jewelry like bindi. Girls wear it throughout almost all of South Asia. This accessory appealed not only to married women, for whom it was originally intended, but also to simply stylish girls who want to stand out and keep up with the fashion trends of the beauty world. Initially, bindi was traditionally red in color and round in shape, but over time, trends led to the fact that it changed beyond recognition, acquired a wide variety of colors and shapes.
Part of the history of the bindi is the fact that women are traditionally not allowed to draw it during these days. When India had not yet gained independence, a dot on the forehead of an Indian woman spoke of her belonging to one of the castes, the same applies to the tilak that some men applied to themselves. Indeed, each country has its own inimitable customs and traditions, and bindi and tilak are part of the great history of India, which should never be erased from memory.

What does a dot on the forehead mean for Indian women and girls?


A real Indian woman cannot be imagined without the famous dot on her forehead - bindi. By the way, "bindi" in translation simply means "dot". This point is placed in the middle of the forehead close to the eyebrows. It is difficult to say exactly when the tradition of wearing a bindi appeared and what significance this point had originally. According to Tantrism, this place is the sixth chakra - "Third Eye", the place of "hidden wisdom". It is believed that wearing a bindi helps to concentrate and hold energy, and also protects against bad luck and the evil eye. Initially, a red dot on the forehead was worn by married Indian women.
Now bindi has lost its ritual significance, it is worn by both married and unmarried women and girls, Indians and foreigners. Many Western stars - Madonna, Shakira, Gwen Stefani and others - are also very fond of appearing with a bindi. The shape and color of the bindi is no longer limited to a red or black circle, but can be the most bizarre. Self-adhesive bindis on a fleecy backing with shiny patterns in the form of flowers, stars, geometric shapes and various ornaments are widely used. Bindi can optically change the shape of the face. Round bindis make the face more rounded, oblong - slightly narrow and lengthen the face.


This dot - DOES NOT HAVE ANY RELATIONSHIP TO MARRIAGE, and such a dot is worn in a variety of colors (usually in tone with the color of the clothes) and even shiny dots for decoration and married women and unmarried girls.
Such a point is called BINDI, which means "point of light."
This is a symbol of the fact that the human soul, illuminating a living human being, is a "point of light" and is located in the middle of the forehead, reminds that the wisdom of a person is in his intellect.
This is from the point of view of Yogic knowledge.
And Indian girls wear BINDI just as an ornament.
It was said earlier about a wonderful person: "Bright brow" or "The eyes are the mirror of the soul."
It was not by chance that A. S. Pushkin wrote about the beautiful Swan Princess: And a star burns in the forehead ...
because the Swan Princess had wisdom.
Source: Om


Before India accepted independence and the abolition of the caste system, the color of the bindi (the so-called "dot" on the forehead of an Indian woman in Hindi) most often meant that she belonged to one or another varna ("caste"). For example, the red caste of the Brahmins, black - kshatriyas, etc. Currently, these are nothing more than an elegant decorative addition to the costume, they are made of paper of different colors, often of an unusual curved shape, sometimes decorated with rhinestones and selected by Indian women to match the color of the sari or, for example, bracelets. They should be distinguished from the tilaka ritual sign, which is placed on the forehead of believers (both women and men) during worship in an Indian temple - "puja". This sign is bright red, sometimes slightly elongated and has a sacred meaning.
Another such option:
The next, sixth main chakra is called Agniya (Agnia or Ajna) and is perhaps the most famous of all chakras. It is sometimes called the "third eye", since with the full opening of this chakra, the abilities of clairvoyance (proscopia), telepathy, etc. appear. Agia is located in the brain, at the intersection of the optic nerves. It has two petals and its projections on the body are the ring fingers and toes, the back of the head, temples and, finally, the center of the forehead. That is why Indian women mark a red dot in the center of their forehead with a special dye - turmeric. A smaller dot is applied between the eyebrows, at the location of the Hamsa Chakra.


A dot on the forehead was placed not only for Indians but also for white people, regardless of gender. This meant that a person could see with the brain. Sometimes they drew an eye. After all, the knowledge of the Hindus about Vedism was transferred to them by the white gods who came from the north. Even now in India, white people are highly respected and, regardless of caste, in temples to white people, monks put dots on their foreheads.

What does the dot on the forehead mean?

A dot on the forehead of Indian women.

When we watch Indian films, the first thing that catches our eye is a strange red dot on the forehead of an Indian beauty.

What does the dot on the forehead mean.

No, this is not a mole or birthmark at all, as many would think. This dot is called bindi (chandra, tillak, tika), which translates as “point”, “droplet”. And in Hindi it is “full moon”, “full moon”. It's great when your forehead is decorated with a full moon ....

Nobody knows for sure why they started to put this point. However, according to Tantrism, it is commonly believed that this place is the "Third Eye" (the eye of Shiva), symbolizing "hidden wisdom." They say that bindi saves from the "evil eye" and evil ailment.

Teak is applied between the eyebrows. Why?

It is believed that it is there that the “sixth chakra” is located, in which all life experience is concentrated. Trusting the tantric custom, we can believe that when a person thinks, all his latent (hidden) energy (“kundalini”), “making a journey” from the spine to the head, passes through this very red dot. The purpose of the bindi is to conserve energy. Also, it "participates" in activating the improvement of concentration.

In ancient India, there was such a custom: the groom had to put his blood on the forehead of his bride, as it was believed that the red dot was a symbol of blood. Now, reading about it, we even somehow become creepy. Distract yourself from the “creepiness” of your thoughts: this rite is long in the past. And we, in fact, are not from India.

Now, a bride without a bindi, loses her attractiveness in the eyes of men. And when the bride and groom (with a red dot on their foreheads) enter the house, fate itself “gives” them well-being and happiness. The widow does not wear a bindi. I think that in our time, at a wedding, bindi, as a decoration, should not be applied. Although…. Why not?

D evushka, on “critical days”, also do without applying red dots.

Until the very moment of the “appearance” of Indian independence, this dot denoted belonging to some kind of caste. For example, if the dot was red, the woman was from among the Brahmins; if, on the forehead of a woman, a black dot flaunted, the woman belonged to the number of kshatriyas. Still, all this “charm” can also symbolize beauty and purity.

Indian point on the forehead of the Indians.

Men also apply bindi (tillak), in the form of white voices from the ashes. Tillak on the forehead of a man tells which of the gods of India he worships. Do you think it might look funny? Not at all. It just takes some getting used to. Each country has its own customs, its own rituals, its own signs. And the fact that at first, it seems unusual to us, will soon become "attributes of everyday life."

Once upon a time, chandra was a sign that a woman was married. Nowadays, the red dot is a kind of decoration. Now this dot on the forehead is painted not only in red, and not only by Indian women. Bindi can be drawn using multi-colored felt-tip pens, they are (waterproof), special pencils for tattooing and henna-based paste. By the way, today there are bindis - “self-adhesives”. Among them you can find a “dot” for every taste: in the form of butterflies, stars, ornaments, various patterns, shapes (geometric) and so on.

A dot on the forehead of Indian women.

If a woman does not know how to apply a bindi correctly, they use a coin (hollow) or something that is round in shape to draw the bindi properly. You can also use small stencils. Bindi won't ruin it.

What else does a dot on a person's forehead mean?

If you are an observant person, then you have already noticed bindi on “starry” foreheads more than once. Remember Shakira, Madonna, Gwen Stefani? They are very fond of such bindis. And by the way, I like bindi. There is something mysterious about this piece.

Previously, the composition of the paint of this "charm" included very interesting ingredients, among which was even cobra venom. In addition to it, there were ashes and sandalwood oil. Now, of course, chandra is made differently: in creamy and powdered form. As for the second type, it is much more difficult to apply it. Therefore, I do not recommend that you choose it if this is your very first experiment. Generally speaking, the easiest way is to buy stickers: there will be no problems and difficulties with them.

The size of the "full moon" can also be chosen (as well as the color). You do not need to choose a very large chandra: it will look, to put it mildly, not very beautiful. In principle, if you doubt my words, try it, and you yourself will understand everything. It should be noted that often, instead of dots, various precious and colored stones are “put” on the forehead. Looks great.

A dot on the forehead of Indian women. Do you want to use chandra as a cosmetic? Then you will be interested to know, - what:

  1. For women with dark skin, it is better to choose orange or pink chandra, avoiding chocolate, steel gray and red.
  2. For women with a small forehead, it is better to apply an oblong dot.
  3. Light - red bindi is very suitable for women with a slender figure.
  4. For women who have a narrow forehead, it is better to apply or draw chandra right between the eyebrows.
  5. For those who want to visually narrow the forehead, an oblong bindi is suitable.
  6. Round bindi should be made by women who have a very wide forehead.

Bindiya (bindi) can also be selected to match the color of clothing. Imagine yourself, for example, in a luxurious red dress. Now draw the bindi. Well, how? Like? If not, you can redo or put on a different outfit.

If your boyfriend loves surprises, then you can surprise him with a bindi on your beautiful forehead. However, if he does not immediately notice the frontal decoration - do not be discouraged. Men are arranged in such a way that they, first of all, tend to notice your beauty and attractiveness, and not the attributes of beauty. The following situation may happen. You meet and say to your loved one: "Don't you notice anything?" Your man, having examined you from head to toe, without hesitation, will answer: “Oh, love, you dyed your hair!”. Believe me, he will start to name a lot of options. But he “risks” not to name the true version. Hint is useless, since men understand only what is said straightforwardly.

There are many manuals for determining the nature of the handwriting. But in our computer age, it is not always possible to evaluate the handwriting of the "object" that interests us. And here punctuation marks come to the rescue.

Dot. A person who "fundamentally" does not put a full stop at the end of a sentence is simply spineless. A period instead of a comma and short phrases are a sign of clear, precise, well-structured thinking.

Comma. A multifunctional sign, it is difficult to judge the character by it. But it is possible - according to some syntactic constructions.
A large number of unnecessary commas speaks of an uneducated but conscientious person who knows that he should put commas in the text, but does not know exactly where and how much.
Introductory words are typical for solid people who do not get down to business "with a tip" - they need to prepare, build roads, lay water supply and electricity, and only then build the building itself.

Exclamation point. Too many exclamation points indicate youthful enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Exclamation points are often placed anywhere in the letters of schoolchildren, without any justification.

Dash. This sign is preferred by emotional and demonstrative people. A sort of sweeping sign, somewhat akin to an exclamation point.

Colon, especially instead of a dash - a sign of restrained people. Where the dasher flies, the colonist moves slowly, deliberately, and with stops, with a pronounced desire to figure things out.

ellipsis. It is used to indicate the incompleteness of a statement caused by the speaker's excitement, a break in the logical development of thought, an external hindrance, to indicate a hitch or breaks in speech.

But it happens that the text is simply full of dots: to the place and out of place. The ellipsis suffers from talkative people, whose thoughts do not keep up with words. They are in a hurry to say, they are reluctant to think out to the end. Graphologists consider the abundance of dots a sign of a weak character.

Often ellipsis is abused by people who do not know the rules of punctuation, they are put instead of commas. The inability to express one's thoughts in writing, the lack of vocabulary - also leads to the abuse of ellipsis.

If the letter is written in short incoherent sentences with an abundance of dots, or long sentences in which dots are used instead of punctuation marks, then this is already a diagnosis. In psychiatry, this disorder is called schizophrenic punctuation.

Quotes - a sign of lazy people. They are abused by those who do not want to look for the exact wording, and they get by with an approximate one, taking it into quotation marks.

Question mark. He is loved by people who are insecure. When expressing an opinion, they leave themselves the opportunity to retreat: "I only assume and do not insist on anything."

Parentheses - for those who are important to separate the main idea from the secondary ones, who strive to streamline their thoughts (and maybe life), but not very successfully - putting things in order, the bracket lover gets even more confused.

Semicolon - a sign of pedants and people who are attentive to the language, those who value accuracy in the transmission of intonation. Most get by with a regular comma.

Love for long, complex sentences as a rule, not a sign of a "complex personality" - rather, it speaks of a lack of ability to understand oneself and / or the desire to seem more complicated than you are.

The text will become impoverished and crumble in phrases that do not express anything. And periods and commas are natural barriers, without which it is impossible to come up with a single sentence.

There is another sign that deserves attention - the ellipsis. What does it mean and where does it apply? How not to overdo it with dots, is it appropriate to insert them for more emotional text? Find out in this article.

What is an ellipsis?

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark in a text. Depending on the language, it consists of three dots (Russian, English) or six (Chinese). Also, the ellipsis can be horizontal or vertical.

Interestingly, dots are used not only in writing, but also in mathematics, for example, when compiling number series: 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 100.

In this case, the ellipsis means that digits that can be deduced in a logical way are skipped. There are too many of them to prescribe everything, so several dots are put in place to replace them.

Sign history

It is impossible to name the exact date of the appearance of the ellipsis, which means its undoubted antiquity.

One of the first cases of this use can be considered the treatises of Ancient Greece. In them, the ellipsis replaced the semantic part of the sentence, which was already clear to everyone. For example, "Do not mind your own business, otherwise you will suffer!" could be written as "Don't climb, otherwise ..."

In Greece and Rome, dots in sentences signified incomplete thought. The same sign was used in records in Latin.

Quintilianus, one of the ancient thinkers, urged his compatriots not to abuse ellipsis, because because of them, sentences merged into one large piece of text that no one understood. This cry caused a lot of controversy: how to understand where it is "appropriate" to use a sign, and where it is not needed? How to use the ellipsis correctly and what does its overabundance mean?

The use of dots in Russian literature began in the eighteenth century with the light hand of Karamzin. He introduced the sign as an artistic device to enrich the text. In prose, ellipsis denoted emotionality and incompleteness of thought.

After a while, this sign passed into ordinary life, the letters were full of dots, which means: the sign took root and "went to the people."

Ellipsis in literature

In a literary text, you can find ellipsis much more often than in non-fiction. The fact is that the dots at the end of the sentence mean the incompleteness and incompleteness of the thought, which the authors of scientific articles cannot afford. In addition, the ellipsis in the literature can:

  • Talk about the depression of the character. If the hero’s monologue contains an abundance of dots, then most likely he is saddened by something and speech is given to him with difficulty.
  • Ellipsis also denote thoughtfulness. Imagine: the hero mutters something, his speech is interrupted and incomprehensible. To accurately convey the sensations of such behavior, the author can write his speech in continuous text, separating the words with ellipsis.
  • Dots can be used to convey understatement, to keep a secret, as in Greek manuscripts. This sign is able to hide behind itself what is already clear to everyone.
  • Dots are a sign of an open ending. If they are at the very end of the book, then the author allows the reader to come up with his own ending based on the information already known.
  • In the speech of heroes, dots can also become a sign of intermittent breathing, difficult speech, and difficulties with pronunciation.

And that's not all. Since the eighteenth century, dots have firmly entered Russian literature and have acquired many meanings. It is usually not necessary to explain the meaning of this punctuation mark. From the context, it becomes clear to the reader what the ellipsis at the end of sentences means.

Terms of Use

There are some rules for using this sign:

  1. When writing an ellipsis, it is separated from subsequent letters by a space. At the same time, it adjoins the closing word: she was ... very beautiful.
  2. If the ellipsis is supposed to coexist with a comma, then it will "eat" it: I loved her ... but she was angry with me.
  3. If you want to write both an ellipsis and a question (exclamation) mark, then they are combined: really? .. Incredible! ..
  4. It is interesting to write question-exclamation marks with ellipsis: How dare you?!.
  5. Direct speech, where there is a dash after the sign, is not separated by a space if there is an ellipsis: - Did you know? .. - she asked.
  6. These punctuation marks in direct speech remain in quotation marks: She said: "I'm not sure ..."
  7. When using an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence, it is not separated by a space: ...he came late in the autumn evening.
  8. In numerical series, dots are not divided by spaces: 1, 2, 3...7.
  9. When quoting an incomplete expression, the missing part is replaced by ellipsis: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the quotation, depending on where the text was cut from.
  10. If a significant part of the quote was cut out, then the ellipsis is framed by an angle bracket on both sides.
  11. If the quote ends with an ellipsis, then an additional period is placed after the brackets:

M. V. Lomonosov wrote that “the beauty, magnificence, strength and richness of the Russian language is quite clear from books written in past centuries ...”.

What does ellipsis mean in correspondence

Dots have passed not only into literature, but also into everyday correspondence. If your interlocutor sends you an SMS with a bunch of extra dots, then they want to tell you something.

So, what does the excess of ellipsis in correspondence say:

  1. Your interlocutor is dissatisfied with you, your words or behavior. Perhaps with the help of dots they want to shame you.
  2. An excess of dots may mean that it is difficult for the interlocutor to collect his thoughts, the topic of correspondence touched him.
  3. Your interlocutor wants his letter to be more mysterious and lengthy.
  4. Separately sent ellipsis can be a sign of confusion or unpleasant surprise.
  5. Another separate ellipsis can be deciphered as "are you serious?" or "I won't even comment on it."
  6. An ellipsis at the end of a message can be a sign of sadness. Pay attention to the general tone of the letter.

When to install and when not?

You should intuitively understand when an ellipsis is appropriate and when it is not. In the same case, if you are not sure whether to use this sign, it is better to refrain from it.

Remember, punctuation marks are like spices in a dish. No one will like too many seasonings, everything should be in moderation!

A tattoo in the form of a dot in most cases refers to a prison theme. The meaning of this little label is to characterize the carrier. Depending on the number and location, a person with such a tattoo can be a bandit, a drug addict, or a convict at the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder.

Point tattoo meaning

The number of dots could tell how many years the zone has been given or mean escape attempts. Those inclined to escape were also distinguished by the image of a cross with rounded ends. Prisoners with such a mark were especially controlled by the prison guards.

A single tattoo in the area of ​​​​the eye or at the corner of the mouth will betray the wearer's sexual slavery. The dot on the nose characterizes the informer, and the same sign on the chin will warn about a person who is able to steal from cellmates. The convict, unable to keep his word, wears a distinctive mark on his earlobe. The convicts who have violated the laws of thieves, accomplices of the authorities, are despised in their environment and are marked with a tattoo between the eyebrows. A dot in a circle on the forehead or three such signs in camp slang mean the lower caste of the downtrodden.

A tattoo in the form of three images inside a black square diagonally is stuffed with a forced prisoner who has been subjected to violence by fellow inmates or omitted. This is a kind of warning to other convicts that contact with a cellmate who wears such a seal is fraught with serious troubles.

In places of detention, a tattoo is traditional, symbolizing the most convict in the cell - a single dot in the center of four. The winged translation “one within four walls” is familiar even to those who saw the zone only in the movies. The same symbol can tell about five years behind bars. A place for such a sign is more often on the hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb and forefinger or on the bone.

A tattoo is popular not only in Russian prisons, but also in foreign ones. The design of the crown with five dots on the prongs and the inscription ALKN on the hand is the calling card of a member of one of the largest and most famous Latin American gangster clans. The number of dots indicates the attitude of the South American criminal monarchs to the People's Nation gang, and the letters represent the boundless power of the Latin language of kings.

The three dots at the corners of the triangle represent the gangster lifestyle: jail, hospital, churchyard. The right to a symbol is received by those who have entered the criminal path, but have not yet deserved to be on an equal footing with other members of the group.

Several points pricked along the veins will indicate the convict who used drugs.

Another tattoo of three dots on the tongue of foreign inmates, more often of Spanish or Mexican origin, has a philosophical connotation and is interpreted as “my crazy life”, with which one can quite agree.

word meanings dot in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language:

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.


- see it's over (Example: It is necessary - etc. I don’t go to him anymore - i.e.
2. - place, point in which something is located, a tent is placed)
Example: Broadcasting t. Trading t. (shop, stall,
3. - the limit at which a substance passes from one state to another Spec
Example: T. melting. T. boil. At the freezing point (also trans.: without any advance; often ironic).
4. - a punctuation mark (.), separating a complete sentence, as well as use. with abbreviated spelling of words, for example: etc., i.e.
Example: T. with a comma (;). Two dots (:) (colon). Three dots (ellipsis in 1 value,. . .). To put an end to something, (trans.: finish with some kind of business).
5. - a certain place in space, in some area, surface
Example: The highest point of the mountain. Painful t.
6. - a trace of a touch, a prick with something sharp (the tip of a pencil, pen, needle), generally a small round speck
Example: Chintz with red dots. > with a dot (j). To put a dot(s) over (on) > (trans.: specify without leaving anything unsaid).
7. - the basic concept of geometry - the intersection of two lines that does not have a dimension
Example: T. intersection of lines. T. application of forces. T. reference.
8. - see sharpening

Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


1. g.
1) a) A mark, a trace from the pressure of a writing or a prick of a stabbing instrument.
b) What seems to be such a trace.
2) a) Punctuation separating sentences.
b) A sign that performs various functions in writing and printed graphics.
3) A graphic sign as a symbol of smth. (in telegraph code, on
maps and plans, in mathematics, musical notation, etc.).
4) A place that does not have a dimension, the border of a line segment (in geometry).
5) a) Place in space, on the ground, inside or on the surface of the body.
b) A place where a certain thing is concentrated. property, action, state (in
6) The location of a particular destination (usually in a system of the same
7) a) A moment in development, the course of smth.
b) Question, object of attention, interest.
c) A circumstance that causes or determines the occurrence of something.
8) The temperature limit at which some kind of physical phenomenon (in
9) a) A certain level, a phase of smth. measurable, countable.
b) The degree characterizing the quality, level of development of smth.
2. g.
Action by value verb: sharpen (1 * 1.2).
3. predicate dec.
That's it, that's enough.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


. -and, well.
1. A trace of a touch, an injection of something. sharp (point
pencil, pen, needle), generally a small round speck. Chintz in red
points. "I> with a wheelbarrow (1). Put a dot (dots) over (on) to clarify, leaving nothing unsaid).
2. Punctuation mark (.),
separating a complete sentence, as well as use. in abbreviated form
words, for example: etc., i.e. G. with a comma (;). Two dots (:) (colon).
Three dots (ellipsis in 1 value, ...). Put an end to something - ^ n. (trans.:
end with some deed).
3. The basic concept of geometry is the intersection
two straight lines that have no dimension. T. intersection of lines. T. application of forces.
T. reference.
4. A certain place in space, on some. plot,
surfaces. The highest t. mountains. Painful t.
5. Place, point, in Krom
located, located Broadcasting t. Trading t. (shop,
stall, tent).
6. what. The limit at which a substance from one state
goes into another (spec.). T. melting. T. boil. At the freezing point
(also trans.: without any progress; often ironic).
7. dot, at
value skaz. The same as over (see end in 5 meanings) (colloquial). Must-it.
I don't go to him anymore. * Beat in one point (colloquial) - stubbornly
act in the same direction. To the (very) point (to hit, please) (colloquial)
- about what has been done, it is said exactly as it should be, unmistakably. In one
point to look - to direct somewhere. fixed gaze. To the point (reach,
bring) (colloquial) - to the extreme, to the extreme limit. Dot to dot (colloquial)
- exactly, exactly. The point of view of someone-something - someone's. opinion about
com-thing-n., look, Everyone has their own point of view. It's too early to put a point -1) on
what, the matter, the conversation is not over yet, we have yet to return to them; 2) on
com, about who else can improve. From the point of view of what, in meaning. excuse
from the genus n. - in relation to sth., meaning sth. Useful in terms of
health. Departure point (book) - starting, starting point
2. see sharpening.