Scenario of the educational and entertaining game "Merry etiquette". Scenario of entertainment in the senior group "etiquette and courtesy" Scenario of the competitive program etiquette lesson for children

Floral etiquette - script for a summer event

The scenario of the event is held in the summer with school-age children.

The hall is decorated with bouquets of flowers and greenery.

Teacher. Flowers are with us all our lives, they are wonderful children of nature. Giving flowers is a wonderful tradition.

Boys! Today I will give you all the flowers, and you will give them to the girls. But in order to get these flowers, you must answer the quiz questions. Divide into 2 teams.

For the correct answer, the team receives a point (flower). Whichever team has the most flowers in their vase will be the winner.

Each team has its fans. In the event that a team does not answer a question, they may score a point by giving the correct answer.

Cups are given to each team.

So, quiz. The team in which the participant raised the circle first answers first.


1. How to pick flowers correctly? (They are not torn off, but cut off.)

2. Who do they give flowers to? (Mom, dad, relatives, teachers, friends, etc.)

3. You go to visit. What flowers are best to present? Own-made bouquet or purchased? (Your own is better, but you can also buy it.)

4. What should a gift bouquet look like? (It must be completely wrapped in paper or cellophane.)

5. You entered the apartment. Your actions? (Remove the paper from the flowers or open the bouquet halfway.)

6. How many flowers should be in a bouquet? (If there are up to 10 colors, then their number should be odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9). If there are more, it is arbitrary.)

7. In which hand should you hold the bouquet. (First in the left, after the greeting, the bouquet is taken in the right hand and presented.)

8. Show me how to hold a bouquet correctly? (Stalks down, flowers up.)

9. What should the hostess (owner) do when she receives flowers as a gift? (Say "thank you" and immediately put in a vase in a prominent place.)

10. On what holidays do they give flowers? (March 8, birthday, housewarming, graduation, wedding, etc.)

11. What flowers are better to give to a man, and which ones to a woman? (It is better for a man to give flowers large with long stems, for a woman - any.)

12. With what colors is it better to visit a sick person? (Better with gentle, without a strong smell.)

13. What rules do you need to know when making a bouquet? (Flower heads should be placed in different planes; do not cross at the top; thorns, thorns, and other sharp parts should be destroyed; large flowers should not be turned heads towards each other or down, and even more so, hang down.)

For each correct answer and addition, the team receives a point.

14. On what occasion is a basket of flowers presented? (Retirement, wedding, artists at a concert.)

Teacher. Baskets with flowers, bouquets are presented not only during a celebration or a concert, they are sent home. A greeting card with the name of the congratulator is inserted into the bouquet or basket.

The bride at the wedding is most often given pink and white roses, as well as carnations, tulips, lilies of the valley. The bouquet should be small and match the bride's outfit. The bouquet for the bride is not wrapped in cellophane.

15. On the day of the holiday, you were late to present flowers. When will you do it? (Not later than noon the next day.)

16. Solve riddles. For each riddle - a flower.

Forever dark under the spruce,

Smells damp and musty.

Under the furry paw

Glowing lamps. (Lily of the valley.)

In the meadows sister - a golden eye, White cilia. (Chamomile.)

Head on a leg, peas in the head. (Poppy.)

What is the name of the flower in which the woman found Thumbelina? (Tulip.)

The jury sums up: Which team's vase has more flowers. The winning team is announced. Boys give flowers to girls. (Trace the correct presentation of the bouquet.) The holiday ends with mass games.


The already existing boys' teams are joined by their fans - girls. Two new teams line up in a column one by one in parallel rows. The captain is at the head of the team. Each team has its own song.

For example, the first one has “Good flowers in the garden in spring” (music by Mokrousova, poetry by Alymov). The second team has the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” (music.

Dunayevsky, poetry by Isakovsky).

When the melody of the selected song is heard, the whole team begins to move around the site behind the captain, turning either in one direction or the other. When another song sounds, the team stops immediately, the other team starts moving to the melody of their song. This is repeated several times.

The captains must lead the columns so that they intertwine with each other in different directions. When they get completely confused, the leader blows a whistle. At this signal, both teams must return to their original position as soon as possible, while raising their hands up.

The team that does it faster wins.


The players stand in a circle. A rope is lying on the floor, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied).

Children pick it up from the floor and, holding it with their right hand, walk in a circle to the music of the song “Million Roses” (music by Pauls, verses by Voznesensky).

The melody abruptly changes to another, for example, "Lilies of the Valley" (music by Feltsman, verses by Fadeeva). When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction. **********************************************

Scenario of the game-travel "Etiquette show"
5-6 grades

Exit leading to the fanfare.

Host: It seems to me that "hello" is the best of words,
Because "hello" means be healthy.
Remember the rule, you know - repeat.
Say this word to the elders first.
We parted in the evening, met in the morning,
So, the word "hello" is time to say.

Hello dear friends! (children's answers)

It was not by chance that I started our event today with this poem, because saying “Hello” at a meeting is one of the rules of etiquette. And our event is called “Etiquette Show”.
What is etiquette? Etiquette is the established order of behavior of people in society. Everyone needs to know it, because each of you respects a person who observes the elementary rules of etiquette. Uncultured, rude people are more likely to be feared, but not loved or respected.
And today we will test ourselves: how well do you know the rules of good manners. You will show how cultured, polite, tactful you are, and we hope that you will forever learn the “golden rule” of etiquette for yourself:
And now I would like to introduce the teams of participants: 5a ______________, 5b __________, 5c ____________, 6a ___________, 6b __________, 6 c ______________.
You will be evaluated by a competent jury: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We are announcing the first business card contest, which assesses the name, emblem, team appearance, originality, compliance with the theme of the contest. The maximum number of points is 10.

Team performance.

1. Business card on the topic:
5a- What is etiquette?
5b– Rules of conduct in the theater (museum)
5c - Rules for talking on the phone, using a cell phone
6a- Internet communication rules (netiquette)
6b- Rules for communicating with others
6c- Rules of hospitality
Well, then I propose to continue the competition of experts in the rules of etiquette at the stations.

Distribute itinerary sheets
I remind you that at each stage you will receive points, the team with the most points in total becomes the winner. Working time at the stations is 5 minutes, 1 minute per transition.
1. Intelligent.
Answer with signal cards by choosing the correct answer. The highest score - 8 points (1 correct answer - 0.5 points).
1. Senior and junior met. Who should say hello first?
- younger,
- senior.
2. Who is the first to reach out when meeting?
- junior - senior,
- senior - junior.
3. Who gives up their seat in transport to the elderly, women with children?
- young woman,
- young man,
- both.
4. Who hangs up the phone first?
- young woman,
- young man.
5. You accidentally pushed someone. How to say?
- Sorry,
- I'm sorry.
6. You have arrived at the theater and are making your way to your seat in the row. How do they walk down the row in front of the people sitting?
- back to the seated,
- facing the seated
- sideways to the seated.
7 Is a noisy expression of delight acceptable in a museum, at an exhibition?
- undesirable. In any case, restraint is preferable.
- noisy behavior is acceptable everywhere.
8 How should gifts be received?
- to thank without revealing the gift
- expand, rejoice and thank
- expand and thank with restraint, so as not to offend the guests who presented less successful and significant gifts with delight.
9 Is it necessary to remove the price tag from a gift?
- necessarily,
- if the label indicates a high price of a gift or a prestigious manufacturer, then it is better to leave it.
10. How to deal with sweets, fruits received as a gift?
- open, thank for the gift and put aside (it is advisable to place fruits and sweets in the refrigerator
- to uncover. Thank and treat those present.
11. How is a linen napkin used?
- put her on her knees
- put next to the plate,
- tucked into the collar.
12. How is bread taken from a common dish?
- hands
- fork
13 Sitting at the festive table, how do you eat bread?
- bite off a piece
- break off small pieces with your hand and eat them
14 How to introduce your friends to your parents?
- introduce parents to friends
- introduce friends to parents
15 Is it possible to eat on the street, in the theater, in transport?
- it is forbidden
- you can if you're hungry
- possible in all cases
16 Having met a friend (girlfriend) on the street who walks with his
friends, you will say hello:
- only with a friend
- with everyone

2. Culture of speech.
The class is divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sheet with headings written on it. You need to write as many polite words and phrases as possible in 3 minutes, which are used when:
- meeting
- parting
- if you make a request
-if you apologize
- if you thank
- express good wishes
- express sympathy
For each word: 0.5 points.

3. "Table setting". Highest score - 10 points (3 points for serving and 1 for each question)
Behavior at the table: In one minute, you have to correctly position the cutlery on the table? A plate, a fork, a knife, a spoon, a glass, a glass, a napkin (The dishes are placed in a straight line, retreating from the edge of the table at least 4-5 cm, to the right of the plate they put the knife with the blade to the plate, spoon, to the left - the fork with the convex side down. Before a glass is placed on the right plate.Napkins in napkin holders.
- How should you eat bread, sandwiches? (They take the bread with their hands and put it on a napkin or a special plate, eat it, breaking it off in small pieces)
- You have grapes, an apple, an orange on your plate. How should they be eaten? (Grapes are eaten by the berry. It is advisable to peel the apple with a fruit knife, cut into slices, cut the middle, eat in small slices. Cut the orange into slices or rings, cutting them, in turn, in half)
- What is a buffet? (A reception, the visitors of which can repeatedly approach the tables on which the dishes are displayed, and, if desired, choose the ones they like the most. Having filled the plate, the guests leave and give others the opportunity to come to the table. Then they settle down on chairs, armchairs, sofas)
- How do they eat cakes, cakes, pies? (Pieces of biscuit are eaten by breaking off small portions with a teaspoon. Puff pastries and pies are eaten by holding them in hands)
- How to say without words that you have finished eating? Demonstrate it (knife and fork crosswise - a pause in the meal, in parallel - the end of the meal)
- From which end should the egg be cracked to eat? (it doesn't matter, it's just more convenient with a dumb one)
- At the end of dinner, how to leave the table? (They leave the table with others, thanking the hosts, pushing a chair behind them)

4. Auction of ideas - for each correct answer - 1 point, max - 9 points
Situation 1:
A smart, lively woman enters the bus; When he sees her, a boy rises next to her.
-Sit down please!
- Well, what are you ... Thank you ... No need ...
- Sit down, sit down. I always make way for older people.
What's wrong with the boy?
Situation 2:
Two girls, passing by a boy, scattered apples from a bag. Bent down and collect. The boy, watching carefully, says: “Pick up over there, please, it has rolled behind the chair.” What's wrong with the boy?
Situation 3.
"On the street". A passer-by asks you how to get to the cinema. The cinema is right next to it. What gesture do you use when answering a passerby? (PC for the jury: no finger pointing, only with the whole hand)
Situation 4.
"On the lesson". The teacher silently points out the error to the student writing on the blackboard. The student immediately remembers, annoyed at himself. Which gestures are used by the teacher and which by the student?
Situation 5. At dinner, your grandmother offers you to eat porridge, and you silently refuse. What gestures and facial expressions do you use? And how to say in words so as not to offend your grandmother?
Situation 6.
"On the march". Imagine this: you are camping around a campfire. One boy went to the river for water. Suddenly he comes running and excitedly talks about the fact that he was frightened of something there, on the river. What gestures and facial expressions does he use?
Now I will offer you several situations of meetings and farewells. Assignment: I describe the situation, and you answer the question and argue, explain your answer.
Situation 7.
Two familiar boys meet. How do they greet each other?
Situation 8.
The boy is dating a girl he knows. Who is the first to reach out?
Situation 9.
The boy meets a familiar adult. Who is the first to reach out?

5. My phone rang - 2 points for each situation, max - 10 points
Listen to the conversation on the phone and answer the question: did the guys have a conversation on the phone? Why do you think so?
Two boys are sitting by the phone.
First: Hello! Hello!
Second: Hello!
First: Do you hear anything?
Second: Listen. Do you hear?
First: Listen. That's great! Can you hear well?
Second: Good! And you?
First: And I'm fine. Ha ha ha! Can you hear me laughing? Let's talk.
Second: Come on. What to talk about?
First: Well, about what... About anything... It's good that we bought a phone, right?
Second: True.
First: But if they didn’t buy it, it would be bad. Truth?
Second: True.
First: Well?
Second: What is "well"?
First: Why aren't you talking?
Second: Why aren't you talking?
First: I don't know what to talk about. It always happens like this: when you need to talk, you don’t know what to talk about, and when you don’t need to talk, you talk and talk like that.
The disadvantage of this conversation is that it is empty of content.
Scene number 2.
Two students are sitting by the phones. The first one dials a number, the second one's phone rings.
Who? Who am I talking to?
Hello. And who do you need?
What? Where am I?
Hello comrade! Where did you want to go?
The first one hangs up. The beeps sound.
Jury PC.
First you need to greet the interlocutor and ask for the phone of the one you need. For example: “Hello. Please ask Petya on the phone"
If you were told that you were in the wrong place, you can ask again: “Excuse me, is this number 1-58-17?” If they say no, then you need to apologize and say goodbye.
The one who was called should not ask who he needs, but should ask what phone he is calling.
- They called and asked for your older brother. What formulas of speech etiquette do you use in a conversation? (Please wait. Sorry, but it will be later)
A girl calls her sick friend, but her mother answers the phone. How can a girl turn to her? Where to start a conversation? Is it okay to use the word "hello" when saying hello? What is the best way to express your request?
- List the rules of telephone etiquette. (*Children in advance, when preparing, can use drawings illustrating these rules. The conversation on the phone should be meaningful. It should be short. You should speak politely, say hello, introduce yourself, address by name)

6. Creative
Team captains (or anyone who wants to) draw a card with a proverb written on it. It is necessary to depict a proverb using facial expressions and gestures. The team guesses the proverb. The maximum number of points is 8 (4 points for artistry, 4 points if the team guesses the proverb).

Gathering in the auditorium

"Let's compliment each other"
A compliment to the neighboring team and a compliment to your favorite school.

Behavior of the results, rewarding.

Be kind or be kind -
These words are useful in conversation.
It is easy with them on a walk and at home,
It would be nice to hear from others.
If you are educated, even if you are polite,
They will never say bad things about you.
You will give way to the old lady in the transport.
Helping mom, buy bread for dinner.
You will not chat with a friend in class
And don't forget to say "thank you".
You will put things in order in the room, of course.
And congratulate your friends on the holiday cordially.
You can't interrupt adults in a conversation.
And in misfortune, you will always help a friend.
The weak in defense, right, you can’t refuse,
About the other, of course, you can’t say bad words.
A polite child is a treasure!
Everyone will be happy to meet you!

I hope that today you have become a little more polite! We will be glad to meet you, our polite children, and we will not forget to say a simple word at parting - goodbye!

Subject : "Modern Etiquette"


Education of ethical, cultural behavior of a person is an integral part of the process of formation of personal moral relations. A modern person for maximum successful socialization must possess the necessary skills of cultural behavior in all spheres of life.

Conduct form : educational lesson with quiz elements

educational goal :

    the formation of sustainable skills of ethical behavior in students.

Educational tasks:

    to teach students to build ethically correct relationships with people in everyday communication.

    show the practical necessity of ethical relationships in professional activities, in everyday life.


    exhibition of books and textbooks on business, diplomatic and everyday etiquette.

    poster number 1 "Components of etiquette."

    poster number 2 "Basic rules of etiquette."

    exhibition of photographs of students.

Event participants

    2 students - leading

    1 students - "an expert in etiquette for acquaintances and greetings"

    1 student - "expert in street etiquette"

    1 student - "expert in religious etiquette"

    1 student - "an expert in dance etiquette"

    1 student - "expert in theatrical etiquette"

    1 student - "expert in table etiquette"

Event progress

First presenter : Etiquette is an integral part of the external culture of a person and society. The words "ethics" and "etiquette" are perceived as close in meaning. And it's natural. Such a perception is prompted not only by the similarity of words, but also by the connection of these concepts. However, in fact, these words converged relatively late. The word "etiquette" is borrowed from French. "Ethics" - from the Greek ("ethika', from ' ethos- habit, disposition). One of the meanings of the wordetiquette" - inscription.

Second host: Etiquette inherits the customs and traditions of almost all peoples from hoary antiquity to the present day. Basically, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems that exist in the modern world.

As the conditions of human life change, education and culture grow, some rules of behavior are replaced by others. What used to be considered indecent becomes generally accepted and vice versa.

First presenter : The norms of etiquette come down to the basic rule: strictly, everywhere and in everything, respect society as a whole and each of its members individually and treat them the way you treat yourself.

Components of etiquette:

    Good manners

    Ability to behave correctly in public places, in various situations


    A culture of speech

Second presenter : etiquette is the behavior of people at home and at work, in public places and on the street, at a party and at various official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations.

First host: Consider the theoretical foundations of modern etiquette in a variety of situations. Experts in etiquette will acquaint us with this.

"Connoisseur of etiquette for acquaintance and greetings":

In a narrow circle, it is important that everyone knows everyone, especially if people meet often - at home or in the house of mutual friends. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a new person.

The man is introduced to the woman, the younger to the elder, the subordinate to the boss. Age and authority have an undeniable advantage. The upstream always "accepts" the introduction (as well as the greeting).

If you need to introduce peers or people of equal status, it is better to introduce the person closest to you first, for example, your sister to your friend. Acquaintance with mother and father is an exception to this rule: all acquaintances must be introduced to parents, and not vice versa.

If the person introducing you has already said your last name, you should not repeat it while shaking your hand. The first to give a hand is the person to whom the other was introduced, i.e. a woman holds out her hand to a man, an older one to a younger one, a leader to a subordinate. The person who has been introduced waits patiently, is ready to lend a hand, but is in no hurry to do so and only responds to the handshake.

Greeting at a meeting is the first demonstration of your polite, courteous attitude towards others. Every greeting must be answered. By refusing to say hello, you are publicly insulting the person.

If the person you are in the company of greets his friend, you need to join in the greeting. As well as it is necessary to respond to the greeting that was addressed to the person accompanying you, even if it comes from a person you do not know. If your acquaintance is surrounded by people, you should say hello to everyone: it is a very gross mistake to greet one person from the company.

"Street Etiquette Expert" : In order not to violate the norms of decency and not to attract too much attention to yourself, you should not wave your arms too vigorously when walking, tap your heels, take too wide or too small steps (especially for women).

It is not customary to walk down the street in four, and even more so in five in one line, blocking the entire sidewalk and interfering with other passers-by. Even if you don't feel like it, you need to split into smaller groups.

You should not stare at passers-by, but you should be careful not to push anyone or step on anyone's foot.

It is not customary to talk loudly and laugh on the street.

An oncoming passer-by on a narrow sidewalk is let through, stepping back (younger in age or a man). If next to him is a young and an elderly woman, then the elderly goes in the middle.

Having met a friend on the street and stopping with him for a conversation, you should step aside so as not to interfere with passers-by.

If, being in an unfamiliar place, you turn to a passerby with a question, then you must first say “sorry”, and then thank you for your help. The answer should be “please”, “not worth it”. In the event that you cannot help someone who has approached you with a request or question, you should politely answer:"Unfortunately, I can't help you."

"Connoisseur of table manners": According to the rules of etiquette, sitting at the table, you should only rest your wrist on its edge. A woman can briefly lean on the table with her elbow. You should not roll up bread balls, play with cutlery, a glass, roll the edge of the tablecloth into a tube, stretch your legs to the full length under the table.

When eating, do not spread your elbows and bow your head low over a plate. The head is only slightly tilted and a fork or spoon is brought to this height. You should not blow on hot food and drinks, champ, smack and sip. Eat and drink without sound.

Today, the "role" of the knife on the dining table has become much wider than it used to be. Older people look with horror at how they cut with a knife, for example, pancakes or pancakes. But this is acceptable. You can also use a knife for chopped schnitzel, potato pancakes, vegetable cutlets, in extreme cases, even for dumplings. If desired, you can do with one fork.

The use of a knife for pasta, vermicelli, noodles, hodgepodge, brains, omelettes, puddings, jelly, vegetables is completely excluded. These dishes are eaten only with a fork.

After eating, the knife and fork are folded in a plate in parallel, with handles to the right. When the same utensils are supposed to be used for the next meal, they are placed on the table.

If you are using a knife and fork, keep the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand all the time, without shifting them from hand to hand.

In cases where a drink is offered for food, one should swallow what is in the mouth first and only then drink it. It’s good to wipe your lips with a napkin before that so as not to leave greasy spots on the glass.

It is ugly to top up from a bottle only to yourself. Taking a bottle or a decanter, first offer to a neighbor on the table.

It is impolite to choose the best from the portions on the dish. Take the piece that is closest to you.

You should not dip the bread in the sauce, but if you can’t resist, help yourself with this with a fork, not your fingers. In any case, do not wipe the plate dry with bread.

If there is no spoon in the salt shaker, pick up the salt with the tip of your knife, but the knife must be clean.

It is absolutely forbidden to sit down at the table with a cigarette, and at home receptions to smoke between courses. You can afford to smoke only after a full treat, during coffee. In the most extreme case, between the last course and dessert - usually at this moment there is a short break due to the change of appliances. But it is better to wait until the owners offer.

Devices are held by the tip of the handle, and not in the middle. A knife should only cut food, in no case should it be taken into the mouth. Some dishes that can not be cut, for example, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, are eaten only with a fork. It is held in the right hand and is helped in eating with a piece of bread held in the left hand. After finishing the meal, the knife and fork are placed on a plate next to each other in parallel as a sign that you will no longer eat. If you have not finished eating yet, the device is crossed, knife to the right, fork to the left. A napkin, paper or fabric, is placed next to the plate. Usually it is only applied to the mouth, this is done before drinking, so that there are no traces of oily lips on the glass. If non-smokers are sitting at the table, then smoking at the table is excluded.

How should you eat?

Sitting at the table, we do not cut the bread with a knife, but break off small pieces from a piece taken from the bread box.

For a snack, for example, if it is ham, do not put it on a piece of bread. We eat ham with a knife and fork, small pieces of bread can be spread with butter. At the same time, we take a little oil from the butter dish on the edge of our own plate.

We are more free with bread at breakfast. You can spread a piece of bread with butter and bite off a piece. Buttered bread is not cut with a knife.

During breakfast, it is better to put ham or cheese on such a piece of bread, it will be a sandwich that can be cut in half to make it more convenient to eat. It is permissible to eat such a sandwich from a plate using a knife and fork.

Sausage, if served unpeeled, then we clean each piece on a plate with a knife and fork. We eat dry sausage with skin. Thin-skinned sausages can be eaten with it. It is better to remove the thick skin.

Pate - separate a piece with a fork. You can spread pate on bread only in the family circle.

We insert a soft-boiled egg into a glass, then with the edge of a spoon we hit close to the top and remove it. Such a movement must be fast and energetic, otherwise the top will not bounce. But if this is exactly what happened, you can remove it with your fingers, the trouble is small. There is an egg with a spoon.

Scrambled eggs can be eaten with a spoon or fork, depending on the consistency.

Soups often make you confused: how to tilt the plate - away from you or towards you. We do not tilt the plate at all, just a small amount of soup remains in the plate. In a family circle, you can slightly tilt the plate away from you. We don’t put a spoonful of soup on the table either during meals or after meals, we leave it in a plate.

We drink broths, soups, which are served in cups, as we would drink coffee or tea, without using a spoon. We use a spoon when we want to catch croutons floating in the soup, an egg, pieces of meat. But if the soup is served in a cup with two ears, we use a spoon.

The chicken in the broth is both the first and the second, so we eat the broth with a spoon from the plate first, then the chicken pieces with the help of a fork and knife.

Fish, both cold and hot, does not allow a knife. We exclusively use a knife for pickled herring.

If special devices are served with a fish dish - a spatula and a fork, then we take the spatula in the right hand (plays the role of a knife), the fork in the left. Hold a piece with a fork, separate the bones with a spatula. If two forks are served, then the right one is used to separate the bones, while the left one sends pieces of fish into the mouth. As a last resort, if we have only one fork at our disposal, we take it in the right hand, in the left - a piece of bread. Now the bread is used to hold a piece of fish, and the fork is used to separate the bones, with its help we bring a piece to our mouth.

If there is a whole fish (boiled or smoked) on our plate, then first we separate the upper part of the fillet from the skeleton, eat it, then we separate the spine and bones, put it aside, then we eat the second part. After we cope with this dish, a relatively aesthetic "still life" in the form of a fish skeleton should remain on the plate.

The fish bone lost in the mouth is imperceptibly placed with the tip of the tongue on the fork.

Crayfish cannot be eaten without the help of fingers, and although this is simply a mockery of civilization, nothing can be done about it.

We eat poultry with a knife and fork. At the same time, it is not necessary to juggle instruments on a plate in the sweat of your brow, striving, by all means, to completely clean all the bones. You need to come to terms with the fact that a little meat will remain with the bone. At home, you can afford to take a chicken leg in your hand.

Meat with vegetables is a problematic dish. Today in the world there are conflicting recommendations on how to eat such a dish. According to the first, the meat should be cut into small pieces and put the knife aside. According to the second - not for a minute should you let go of the knife from the right hand, from the left - the fork. The first rule is guided by the Americans. In the European sense, this method is far from elegant. Sticking to the second, it will be correct to cut off a piece of meat, holding it with a fork turned notch down. On a cut piece of meat, pierced on a fork, put mashed potatoes, which are kept quite tolerably here. We carry the fork with this side dish to the mouth. And if, in addition to meat and potatoes, there are also peas or other "restless" vegetables? Peas on a piece of meat will not hold, so everyone has a frank desire to put down the knife, take the fork in the right hand, eat some peas, take the fork again in the left hand, etc. What to do?

The first exit: holding the meat with a fork, cut off a piece, then turn the fork with this piece with the notch up, put peas in it and, all the time holding it in your left hand, bring it to your mouth.

The second exit: hold the fork with the belly up, put peas on the cut piece of meat as much as it can hold. We eat all the meat, then, holding the fork already in our right hand, we finish eating the peas (note: we do not put the peas with a fork, but pick them up on it, like on a shoulder blade). If the potatoes are served whole, they should not be crushed on a plate.

We eat salad served with meat on a separate plate from the same plate, picking up a little in order with what lies on the main plate. Green lettuce, as far as possible, should not be cut with a knife. If it is served in such a way that the leaves are too large, then cut them with a fork or carefully wrap the leaves on it, trying not to leave sour cream streams on the chin.

Spaghetti, or straw pasta, is very difficult to eat in a way that looks pretty. There are three ways to adequately cope with this Italian dish.

The first is to use a fork and spoon. We hold the spoon in our left hand. We lower the edge of the spoon into the plate, wrap the pasta on the fork in the deepening of the spoon. Having wound a little pasta on a fork, cut off this portion from the rest with a spoon.

The second way: we hold the fork like a knife prepared for cutting. We lower the fork into the thick pasta and lift them up, separating a small portion. Then again we lower the fork with pasta into the plate, here we wind them on the fork and quickly send them into the mouth.

Using the third method, we prick pasta on a fork, which we hold vertically, and in this position we wind a portion corresponding to our capabilities on it. The basic rule is to pick up no more than two or three strings of pasta on the fork.

Sweet dough is good to eat with forks specially designed for this purpose. If there are none, you can use a spoon.

Dry cakes, gingerbread, gingerbread can be taken with your hands.

Apples, pears, in order to eat them beautifully, require some balancing act. For this we need a knife and a fork. We cut the fruit into quarters, and then, taking a slice on a fork, remove the skin with a knife, the ability to hold the object of our delicacy on the fork requires special skill. Then, we eat the peeled piece on a plate, using a knife and fork.

It is permissible to peel the fruit in your hand, but eat it on a plate with a knife and fork.

Cut the peach on a plate, remove the stone. Then we remove the skin, using a knife and fork, with their help we eat it, cutting off a piece.

Bananas are peeled and eat with a knife and fork, cut into circles.

Oranges can (theoretically) be peeled with a knife and fork, just like apples and pears. But in the case of oranges, this would require the talent of a circus performer. So, turning to practice, we clean the orange as follows: we cut the peel crosswise, remove it and divide it into slices.

We do not peel oranges or tangerines in a spiral!

Grapefruit is served cut across, the middle is separated from the peel, but remains inside. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and eat with a spoon.

We take cherries and cherries by the twig and send them to the mouth. If possible, imperceptibly spit the bone into a fist, and then onto your plate. Do not spit the bones directly on the plate! We do not collect them in an ashtray!

You can do the same with grapes if you don't like seeds and skins. But grapes are usually eaten whole.

Plums are broken with fingers, the bones are placed on a plate.

Strawberries should be served peeled, without greens. It is ugly to crush strawberries served with sugar and sour cream on a plate. The resulting mass does not look very aesthetically pleasing. The same applies to strawberries.

Melon doesn't like a knife. We use a spoon. The watermelon really asks to be eaten in the most primitive way, i.e. holding a juicy chunk with both hands. Don't be tempted! A semicircle of watermelon should be put on a plate, cut off a piece with a knife and, freeing it from seeds, send it to your mouth on a fork.

Compote, served in a vase, we eat all the time with a spoon. Drinking directly from a vase is ugly. We spit out the fruit seeds on a spoon and put them on the one standing next to or under the vase. Do not put the bones back into the compote! And not in an ashtray!

Lunch serving

Rice. one

Fig 2

Usually the first course is placed on the table before the guests have taken their seats. Otherwise, the dinner napkin is on the shallow plate, and not to the left of the forks, as shown in the picture. The fish fork can be placed in three ways, one of which is shown in Figure 1.

Ashtrays are also needed. The informal dining menu is not very strict. It may include only two dishes, but usually their number is limited to five. Soup can be omitted, especially if lunch begins with an appetizer. At an informal dinner, soup is never served in traditional shallow soup bowls.

Salad is usually served with an intermediate dish - it's easier that way. A special knife is used depending on the type of salad and whether cheese is served with it.

Salad can be served separately, as a fourth course; it can also replace dessert, especially if it is accompanied by different types of cheese.

Dessert serving Rice. 3

At an informal dinner, dessert utensils can be placed on the table in advance by placing them in front of a small plate. Otherwise, they are brought on a dessert plate, or the hostess herself puts them on a dessert plate and passes them to the guests along with dessert. When the dessert is served in advance and the dessert utensils are on a filled plate, they are not shifted. If the cutlery is on an empty dessert plate that can hold a bowl for rinsing fingers, the guest should place the dessert fork to the left and the dessert spoon to the right of the plate. Left: how to serve a dessert set to a guest: a dessert fork and a dessert spoon are on a dessert plate, between them on a napkin and (or) a small plate there is a bowl for rinsing fingers (a mandatory accessory for a formal dinner and lunch).

Right: the guest lays out the dessert set as follows: a napkin and a bowl - for rinsing fingers are placed in front of the plate on the left, the fork is placed on the left, and the spoon is placed on the right of the dessert plate and they wait for dessert to be served. At an informal dinner, black coffee in small cups can be served along with dessert.

"Connoisseur of Religious Etiquette": Whether you are present at a solemn service, at one of the sacraments - baptism, a wedding - or at an ordinary prayer in an Orthodox church, a Catholic cathedral, etc., you must behave in full accordance with the customs and rituals accepted in this religion.

behavior during service.

The behavior of each person in the temple is determined by the canons of his faith, however, regardless of religion, all those present at the service demonstrate concentration, dignity and silence.

Before the start of the service, you can smile and nod or lightly wave your hand to a friend, and if he is sitting in front of you or next to you, lean towards him and say hello. However, one should not start long conversations, whispering, or otherwise attract the attention of others. If you want to introduce someone to your acquaintance, it is best to wait until the end of the service.

How to dress?

Over time, restrictions and prohibitions regarding clothing for visiting church have weakened, but, nevertheless, when going to the temple, one must dress strictly.

In Christian churches, the presence of a headdress is no longer mandatory, but in an Orthodox synagogue, married women must be in a headdress - at least in a wig. Many women still prefer to wear a hat or veil to church, and Catholics, brought up in a time when head coverings were required in church, will never enter a church without at least a scarf or headscarf over their heads. In any case, a hat is acceptable, and if you like it and suit your face, you can safely wear it to church. And don't be upset if you find yourself in the minority.

Men always take off their hats when entering a Christian church, while they never enter an Orthodox synagogue with their heads uncovered.

Gloves are worn mainly in cold weather, but in any case, it is always appropriate to come to church with gloves on.

Where to sit?

If there are church servants in the temple, they escort all the parishioners to the pews, but they do not take women by the arm during the usual service.

How to behave in the service if you profess a different faith?

In the event that the service does not contradict your religious beliefs, you must perform all the rites accepted in this church on an equal basis with the parishioners of this temple - get up, sing, pray at the same time they do. If the canons of the religion you profess do not allow you to take part in some rites, just sit still and silently until this rite or part of the service is completed.

dance etiquette expert

How to invite to dance?

The word "Let's dance?" a close friend, lover or husband can invite a woman to dance. An unfamiliar man, inviting a woman to dance, comes up to her, bows slightly and asks permission to invite her.

The woman expresses her agreement with a friendly look and a nod of her head.

A cavalier can offend if a lady makes a mocking or arrogant face at the same time. It is better for her to give up dancing than to go dancing with such a mood.

If a woman has already promised this dance to someone else, she affably thanks the inviter and says, “Thank you, this dance has already been promised.”

In this case, the man bows and leaves. If he wants to dance with this partner, then he invites her a second time. After the second refusal, he must understand that he should not invite her again.

You should not invite a woman who has a companion. Such an invitation would be impolite to her partner, who would have to be left alone while his companion was dancing. This applies to those cases when a dance evening takes place in a restaurant hall and the couple is sitting at a table. At an evening in a hall without tables, you can not adhere to this rule, but here it doesn’t hurt to know a sense of proportion.

A lady who has come accompanied by a gentleman can dance with men she does not know, without fail having previously agreed this with her gentleman.

It is not customary in a restaurant to invite the same woman sitting at someone else's table.

It is not customary to introduce yourself to a partner by inviting her to dance in a restaurant or on a dance floor. If the gentleman dances with the same lady several times, then after the fourth or third dance he should introduce himself to her. The lady does not need to give her name.

After the dance, the man is obliged to take his partner to her table and thank her for the dance.

"Connoisseur of theatrical etiquette": They will not let you into the auditorium after the third bell. Therefore, it is advisable to come to the theater a little earlier, calmly undress in the dressing room, and put yourself in order.

A polite man will help the woman take off her coat, take the numbers.

Try to avoid harsh perfumes, colognes, deodorants.

A man enters the auditorium first, and if you are in the theater with children, it is better to let them go ahead. If two couples enter, the man goes first, followed by two ladies, and then the second man.

Do not make a disgruntled face if you are already sitting, and along the row someone makes his way to his place; Get up early to let the latecomer through.

Do not sit in other people's seats, as this can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the owners of these seats are late.

The man usually sits on the left hand of the woman, but if his place is more convenient, the attentive man will give way to his lady. Avoid noise when you sit down and get up. Do not occupy both armrests. Do not lean on the back of the front seat.

You can leave, but only during the intermission, without drawing attention to yourself. It is very indecent to leave during an action or performance.

Remember, it is customary to applaud:

At a jazz orchestra concert, you can applaud after the performance of the soloist who has performed his part, even if the orchestra continues to play.

You can applaud the singer at the beginning of the performance if he starts singing at the request of the audience, in gratitude, but, as a rule, this applause is not long.

At large symphony concerts, it is customary to applaud at the moment when the conductor turns to face the audience.

If you don't like the performance, don't applaud at all. But do not express your dissatisfaction in any other way.

In the foyer, smoking rooms, canteen, lobby, when meeting with acquaintances, you behave as if you were meeting on the street. This is facilitated by the fact that during the intermission it is customary to stroll around the foyer, to warm up after a long sitting. It is not worth walking arm in arm through the foyer.

You should also not examine the audience through binoculars before the start of the performance or during the intermission. This is not appropriate. Binoculars serve only to better see what is happening on the stage.

When visiting a cinema, you should be guided by the same rules: try to be polite and helpful, do not whisper with a neighbor, constantly turning your head, do not share your impressions during the session, do not laugh out loud.

Second presenter : Let's have an etiquette competition. To participate in the competition, it is necessary that all those present are divided into two teams and sit opposite each other. I will ask questions on practical etiquette, and each team, after consulting among themselves for 1 minute, will give the correct answer. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. If the team that will be asked the question does not know the answer, then the opposing team can answer and receive an additional incentive point.

Question for the 1st team:

How historically can one explain why a man takes off his hat when entering a room?

Question for the 2nd team:

How historically can we explain that, when we greet each other, we shake hands?

Question for the 1st team:

Why does a man walk ahead of a woman when going down stairs?

Question for the 2nd team:

Why, when entering a store, you must first let those who leave?

Question for the 1st team:

If a man and a woman enter a restaurant, who should be the first to enter the hall?

Question for the 2nd team:

The teacher called you at home, but the conversation was interrupted for technical reasons. Who should call back?

Question for the 1st team:

Is it possible to let a dog or a cat into the room where the guests have gathered for your party, and why?

Question for the 2nd team:

What should a man do if a woman invited him to a white dance, but for some reason he cannot dance?

First presenter :

Let's sum up the competition. The team that knows the best etiquette and gets the most points receives an etiquette book as a gift.

At the end of our meeting, I would like to remind everyone of the saying of the English philosopher John Locke, “A graceful manner and form in everything is what adorns a person and makes him attractive.”

Tournament of etiquette connoisseurs

Purpose of the event:

Contribute to the formation of students' ideas about etiquette, the development of the ability to behave in accordance with its basic criteria, determining the level of upbringing and proficiency in etiquette speech, instilling the skills of cultural, correct behavior in a social environment, consolidating knowledge about the rules of good manners; stimulate the development of speech skills, acting abilities; contribute to the education of a sense of beauty, aesthetic perception.

Venue: auditorium.

Equipment (the hall is decorated in the styleXIXcentury): poster-announcement, emblems of dynasties, flags with the name of the event, candelabra, piano with music, 2 tables, 2 tablecloths, 2 sets, napkins, playing cards, scrolls, certificates.

Technical equipment: presentation, laptop, projector, screen, musical equipment.

Announcement of the beginning (poster in front of the entrance to the hall):

"Oh, young masters of souls! Connoisseurs of courtesy and courtesy! Come to the call of the tournament trumpets! The Tournament of Etiquette awaits you! Your armor is courtesy and courtesy, attention and goodwill. May the strongest win! The tournament will take place..."

(Solemn music plays. The sound of a horn or trumpet is heard.)

Herald 1 and 2.

Attention! Attention! We begin our holiday "Tournament of Etiquette Connoisseurs".

Herald 1.

Today we have an unusual meeting, we will hold a tournament of etiquette experts, where various tests await you.

Herald 2.

To do this, we came to this wonderful hall, where we are met by the Marquise de Etiquette.

The Marquise de Etiquette comes out to the music.

Marquise de Etiquette:

Dear guests, I greet you and congratulate you on a wonderful event! Everyone is happy with the opening of the festive, long-awaited tournament, large and significant. Many participants came to the competition. I want to wish you to pass all the tests, to show what you are capable of.

Herald 1:

Two famous dynasties participate in the tournament. Dynasty backgroundAB salt and dynasty de laAT sharpness G .

Herald 2:

Let's greet each other.

Dynasty background Absolute.

Good afternoon! We're glad to see you!

Dynasty de la Rapture.

Hello! We are happy to greet you!

Herald 1:

It's very hard to win a tournament

Here they fight for every point.

To win the tournament

You have to be very smart and cultured.

Herald 2.

Dynasty von Absolute is your motto!

Dynasty background Absolute.

Accuracy and nobility!

Herald 1:

Dynasty de la Rapture is your motto!

Dynasty de la Rapture.

Politeness and hospitality!

Herald 1 and 2:

Attention! Etiquette Connoisseurs Tournament is declared open!

Herald 2:

What is etiquette?

Shall we make trouble with him?

Herald 1:

Here we will all learn

What is the best way to say goodbye

How to introduce yourself, to be called,

How can we communicate properly?

Herald 2:

You answer questions

You will not find without etiquette.

Marquise de Etiquette : I will open this book for you.

After all, all her advice helps.

Let's learn etiquette

And we will find an answer to any question.

Herald 2:

What is etiquette? This everyone knows

That is impossible and that is impossible. Who is objecting?

We joked, friends, there is no doubt about it.

Now let's get serious.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Etiquette is the rules of human behavior among other people.

History reference.

On one of the historic days of the 17th century, the French king Louis 14 hosted a reception. Louis, who had the loud nickname "Sun King" and unusually fond of splendor, ordered that cards be handed over to all guests. They listed the rules of conduct that must be observed. Such a card was called a label. It was from her that the word etiquette appeared - rules of conduct. Thus, we see that "etiquette" is a word of French origin.

Herald 1:

What is etiquette?

It's possible,

It's not...

Etiquette as a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary,

In people's language...

It is very easy to live culturally.

Everything is fine,

Which is not bad.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Before we test your knowledge, we will do a little warm-up. True connoisseurs of etiquette very often use"magic words" So, a moment of poetry - "Tell me a word."

    Even an ice block will melt from a warm word...(Thank you).

    The old stump will turn green when it hears...(Good afternoon).

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...(Thank you).

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say ...(I'm sorry).

    A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello)

    Both in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

You know the magic words well, but the main thing - do not forget to use them in speech and with a special intonation. And also, honored guests, do not forget to follow the rules of conduct!

Rules of conduct for our esteemed guests:

    Compliment each other.

    Speak only the truth.

    Be able to admit and correct your mistakes.

    Do not fight back, but solve problems with words.

    Always thank you for your help with a smile on your face.

    Never be rude, never shout, talk to everyone in a calm and polite tone.

    If you notice any mess, fix it without waiting to be asked about it.

    Do not boast if something is good, but teach it to others.

    Take care of kids, help adults.

    Be able to listen without interrupting the interlocutor.

    Learn to walk and dance beautifully.

    Know how to properly use cutlery.

Marquise de Etiquette :

Well done, you know a lot of rules. I hope you follow them.

The song "Politeness" (minus the song "Miracle Childhood")

Hello please,

Excuse me -

It's easy

We all repeat.

The best traditions

Good manners

We will certainly

We all comply.

Chorus (2 times):

Politeness, politeness is the main science!

We are always glad to meet her

And he, and you, and me.

Politeness, courtesy,

Pass without knocking.

We will always be with you

Good friends.

Marquise de Etiquette:

Well, first of all, we will find out how well you are oriented in theoretical issues of etiquette. Each dynasty takes turns answering the question. So, let's begin:

    What is etiquette?(Behavior rules)

    Who makes up the rules of conduct?(the people themselves)

    Who is called a cultured person?

    Why follow the rules of etiquette?

    What words can replace the word "thank you"?

    Is it possible to give one flower?(Undoubtedly).

    Is an argument allowed in a conversation?(Yes, but without unnecessary emotions) .

    Is it customary to express gratitude for a small service to a well-known person?(Yes, always).

    You have come to visit. Who invites guests to the table and determines your place at the table?

    Who greets first if the younger and older meet?

Thanks to the members for the replies!

Stage miniature "Meeting"

Herald 1:

Dear public! We offer you a stage miniature. You have to detect errors in observing the rules of etiquette speech.

Met Masha Petya:

You are the best in the world!

Petya answered her immediately:

Masha, I send you greetings!

How are you?

Yes, all the way!

Shall we go to the cinema now?

No, that's all for now, come on!

Okay, come on, goodbye!

Herald 2:

Valiant members! Are our heroes well brought up? How would you behave in such a situation?

Marquise de Etiquette:

You have to teach our heroes good manners and ethical standards.Correct the situation by inserting etiquette words where necessary, replacing vernacular with normative vocabulary.

Met Masha Petya:

- ..., the best friend in the world!

Petya immediately answered her:

- ..., I send you greetings!

Petya, how are you?

- …, well! How is your life?

Everything is good. And in the cinema

Shouldn't we go?

Masha, ..., for a long time

I promised to help my mother.

Definitely another time

We'll watch Yeralash.

That's good. …!

- ... good evening!

Words for reference: sorry, Masha, see you, hello, thank you, goodbye.

Marquise de Etiquette:

You did a great job!

Marquise de Etiquette:

And now I suggest you listen to Agnia Barto's poem. What words are used by the hero of the poem when meeting and parting? Is he polite?

    Friends, just in case

Poems about a schoolboy one:

His name is .. but better

We will not name it here.

    He is often lazy

Say at the meeting: "Good afternoon!"

And he is shy, silent.

And at best "great"

He says hello instead.

    "Thank you", "hello", "sorry"

He was not used to speaking.

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

    And instead of the word "goodbye"

He doesn't say anything.

Or say goodbye:

“well, I went, bye, just…”

    He will not tell his school friends:

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He calls his friends only:

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

    Guys, we can't

Tell you what his name is.

We honestly warn you

We don't know his name.

    But maybe everyone knows him

And you met him somewhere.

Then tell us about it

And we ... we will tell you - thank you!

What words are used by the hero of the poem when meeting and parting?

What does he call his friends?

Is he polite?

Marquise de Etiquette :

Oh, how there are not enough true gentlemen in the modern world! But in our kingdom, for sure, there are cavaliers in every dynasty. I'm just sure of it! I propose to holdcompetition duel "Compliment to a beautiful lady" .

I invite to the stage one gentleman from each class. Before you is a beautiful lady. Your task is to compliment her as much as possible. Take your starting positions. When you take a step, you say one compliment. If we do not hear a compliment to a beautiful lady, you are eliminated from the competition.

Marquise de Etiquette : Dear participants of the tournament, you proved that there are true gentlemen in our kingdom!

The game "Good - bad" (Fizminutka)

"Good" - clap your hands, "bad" - stomp your feet.

    Say hello when you meet.

    Push and don't apologize.

    Help pick up a fallen item.

    Don't stand up while addressing the teacher.

    Take a ticket on the bus.

    Do not give up your seat on public transport.

    Sit in a hat at the table.

    To cut - to disfigure tree trunks.

    Break branches of trees and bushes.

    After resting in the forest, leave a dump behind.

    Congratulate relatives on the holiday.

Marquise de Etiquette :

The next task is the knowledge of the Russian language. There are cards on the tables. Choose synonyms for the word politeness. The task is clear, the time has come.

Marquise de Etiquette :

The teams are ready. And the dynasty “___________” was the first to do it! Read the synonyms for the word courtesy. Well done!You have completed the task. I wish you to be POLITE, ATTENTIVE, TACTICAL, DECENT, KIND. After all, we so lack this in our modern world!

Game with the hall "Catch the smiley"

Marquise de Etiquette :

Highly appreciate in communication between people such mimic movement as a smile. When a person smiles, his face becomes incomparably better. Surrounding gratefully accept a smile expressing friendliness and friendliness.

Now I will “throw a smile” to any participant in the tournament, who will “catch” it with his hands and “put” it on his face, then “wipe it off” and “throw it” to another.

A smiling person is quicker to win favor. Smile more often!

Marquise de Etiquette :

You have successfully completed the first competitive tasks of the tournament and are ready to move on to the next ones.

Musical break: "Courtesy Ball"

Marquise de Etiquette :

Today, being at the Connoisseurs of Etiquette tournament, we will undoubtedly talk with you about the rules of conduct at the ball.

1. When inviting a lady to dance, you should bow and say: “Let me invite you!”

2. After the dance, the lady should be seen off and thanked.

3. Refusing an invitation to dance, the girl sayspolitely: "Sorry, I don't dance"

Marquise de Etiquette :

Please note that kind, tactful and caring gentlemen and very nice ladies came to the ball. The task is as follows:the gentlemen of the teams invite their ladies to dance, while fulfilling the first rule of behavior at the ball. After the dance, the gentlemen escort the ladies to their place and thank them for the dance. Is the assignment clear? Then we'll ask for music.


Musical break announced!

Children perform a dance.

Marquise de Etiquette :

So, both dynasties showed themselves and coped with the task.


Marquise de Etiquette :

Now you will be offered situations for knowledge of generally accepted norms of behavior.

Situation 1. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, an unfortunate king lives: all his 13 smartest ministers speak together at all councils, so no one hears anyone and can’t really decide anything. Which of the rules of etiquette would you advise this king to make the First Law in his Realm?

Situation 2. ... A formidable knight in heavy armor stopped his horse at the threshold of the house. No one dared to meet him - it was scary... He slowly turned to the door, took off his helmet and went in: "Hey, masters! I brought greetings from your relatives..." - and smiled, young and handsome... Since then all men, entering a house with good intentions, what do they do?

Situation 3. Two passers-by walked along the street: one is 62 years old, the other is 8 years old. The first one had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books and a large bundle. One book fell. "Your book fell" - the boy shouted, catching up with a passerby. "Is it?" - he was surprised. "Of course. You had 5 items: 3 books, a briefcase and a bundle, and now there are 4 items left," the boy explained. "I see that you know mathematics well," said the passer-by, lifting the book with difficulty. - "But, however, there are rules that you have not learned." What was the boy supposed to do?

Situation 4. One girl complained indignantly to her mother: "The boy in the yard is so impolite, he calls me Tanka." "And what do you call him?" Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all. I just shout to him: “Hey, you!” Tanya answered. Is Tanya right?

Situation 5. Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Oleg saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Igor Semyonovich.” Tell me what's wrong? Or maybe everything is in order?

Table setting

Marquise de Etiquette :

Next table setting competition. Sadly, table etiquette in our country is by no means popular. Hand on heart, answer me which of you at the home table uses a knife and a fork at the same time.Each dynasty is provided with a set of dishes in order to set the table according to the rules of etiquette. The one who sets the table correctly wins.

So let's set the table. (music plays)


Scene 1. On the bus.

The lady asks:

I'm sorry, are you leaving?

I'm leaving.

Are they ahead of you?


Did you ask them?

I asked, I asked.

And what did they answer you?

Scene 2. Mother teaches her son.

Never reach across the table if you need something. Don't you have a language?

Yes, but the arms are longer.

Scene 3. Grandmother is raising her grandson.

Andrei, when you cough, cover your mouth with your palm.

Don't be afraid, grandma, my teeth won't fall out.

Scene 4. Two people are talking in the theater during a performance.

One of the spectators sitting in front turns around and says:

I'm sorry, monsieur, I can't hear anything.

And why, in fact, do you need to hear what we are talking about?

Stop game Red light"

You know that when the traffic light is red, it's dangerous to walk. Here and in relation to people it is necessary to remember about such signal. You will now listen to small episodes, as soon as you notice unethical, impolite behavior - raise a red signal card, if you approve - raise a green card. Get your cards ready.

    Two boys were arguing about something enthusiastically in the bus and so loudly that everyone began to look at them.(Red.)

    At recess at the buffet door, two boys, having overtaken the girl and pushed her aside, were the first to run into the buffet.(Red.)

    Two girls in the dining room "squish" their noses, chatting at the table while eating.(Red.)

    The boys of our yard take ice cream from the kids, pull the tails of dogs and cats, throw stones at the birds.(Red.)

    We make our bed in the morning.(Green.)

    After the game, we put away toys, books, colored pencils in the right place.(Green.)

    Adults will take care of all household chores, and boys and girls will have fun living and living in this world.(Red.)

    If I am offended by my friend for something, I will try to quickly forget and forgive him my offense.(Green.)

"Bad Advice"

Marquise de Etiquette:

And now the guys will give you bad advice, and you will find mistakes in the behavior of the characters and correct them.

If you came to friends - do not say hello to anyone.

Don't say "please" or "thank you" to anyone.

Turn around and don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say about you that you are a talker.

If your best friend slipped and fell,

Point your finger at a friend and grab your stomach.

Girls should never be seen

And do not let them pass anywhere and never

They need to substitute legs, scare from around the corner.

If a friend invited you to his birthday party,

You leave a gift at home, come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake, do not enter into conversations.

You will eat half as much sweets during a conversation.

Marquise de Etiquette :

In our kingdom, at our tournament, as we have already seen, true connoisseurs of etiquette have gathered. Are you curious to know what is happening with our neighbors? Then I propose to make a trip to the neighboring kingdom.

Video content questions:

And now attention! We have guests from the neighboring kingdom. They decided to show us their customs and their vision of etiquette.


Marquise de Etiquette :

Yes, modern etiquette has become less ceremonial, more simple. Etiquette today is primarily a means of communication. I turn to the next page of my wonderful book.

Marquise de Etiquette :

We had a good time today, visited the Etiquette Connoisseurs Tournament and learned a lot.

Marquise de Etiquette :

It's time to say solemnan oath. (The oath is read in unison)

We swear to be polite

Always say "thank you"

And "good afternoon" and "goodbye."

There is no higher rank in the world.

We are all diligent people

We will always be polite.

Kind and diligent

And be attentive to everyone!

Marquise de Etiquette :

Thank you my friends

I will reward you for your valor.

Marquise de Etiquette presents the participants of the tournament with a certificate confirming their participation. Order of Etiquette.

Song "Polite-impolite" Malyshariki

Hello, goodbye, Thank you for your attention

Sorry, come through may I ask you?

These simple words help us to live in the world

So glad, how useful be polite.


Everyone should be polite - and shy and brave

Even someone very important should not forget

Hello, goodbye, thank you for your attention,

How easy and how important be polite.


And it's time for us to say goodbye. After all, the harsh rule of etiquette says: bowing out on time is no less important than arriving on time.

(To solemn music, after taking pictures, the children leave the hall.)

Scenario of entertainment in the senior group "Etiquette and politeness"

Soft music plays before the event starts.

Host: Good afternoon, dear children! Here, in the music hall, you learn to play various musical instruments, learn the secrets of musical notation. But today we will talk about something completely different. We dedicate our meeting to etiquette and courtesy. Let's start with a smile and a song.

Song "Smile"

The children are invited to form 2 circles. (external and internal),

counting on the first and second and standing opposite each other.

A game "Greetings" .

Sounds music background

- (in chorus) Hello Friend! - shake hands.

How are you here? - pat on the shoulder.

Where have you been? - tug on the ear.

I missed! - hands to heart.

You came? - spread your hands.

Well! - hug.

Host: After greeting each other, we set off on a journey through the country of Etiquette. And for this, let's all say the words together: “We must be polite, we are friends with Etiquette!”

music sounds.

I. Etiquette and politeness.

First of all, let's think together what etiquette is.

The children answer. The teacher summarizes the statements of the children.

Etiquette is the rules of conduct adopted in a given society and at a given time.

What does the word mean "politeness" ?

Word "Politeness" comes from the Slavic word "vezhe" - connoisseur, know. Being polite means knowing how to behave

Whatever the rules of etiquette, they are all caused by a good attitude towards people. Undoubtedly, many rules of etiquette are familiar to you. The game will help us remember them. Be careful.


At school, together we always say deuces only ...

And the fives, it's no secret, we always say ...

Will we say thank you to mom for a bag of sweets?

Are we going to the buffet now, pushing everyone there?

Oh, what nonsense, crushing flowers in a flower bed.

Can we easily throw candy wrappers past the urn?

We forget sometimes "Hello" say we? Will we be older in response to tell a lie? ... Grandfather is riding next to us.

Will we make way?

Shall we wash our dirty bicycle? Certainly…

Polite Riddles

1 The word, though not simple, but there is no wisdom here.

This word "golden" we heard from childhood. We pronounce this word if we ask for something. We would like to have another, to be reputed to be educated. (You are welcome)

2. Well, this will be a shorter word, at least the price

High, and even very high, the words of this always.

Since childhood, we also know him, here the secret is quite simple,

Like the sun shines, starting with the letter that.

This word is gratitude for good deeds,

As if the sun brings clarity to our kind words. (Thanks)

Now let's talk about actions. If I'm talking about a polite act, you clap your hands. If not, stomp your feet.

A game "polite-impolite"

Say hello when you meet.
Push and don't apologize.
Whistle, shout, make noise at school.
Give way to elders.

Don't stand up to the teacher.
Come visit uninvited.
Leaving, say goodbye.

Having found out what etiquette and politeness are, we will go further. Let's all say the magic words again “We must be polite, we are friends with etiquette!”

Today we will talk about etiquette at a concert, theater and cinema.

Etiquette in the theater and at the concert.

Usually the question immediately arises - what to wear to the theater or to a concert. Not so long ago, when visiting the theater, change of shoes was necessary. Clothes don't really matter these days. At the same time, it should be elegant, but not defiant. You should not wear worn jeans, stretched sweaters and T-shirts, tops that expose the stomach, as well as sports or youth clothes with holes and cuts. If you are going to a classical music concert, remember that classical music requires a classical costume. Of course, no one will stop you if you come in jeans, a sports T-shirt and sandals on your bare feet, but this will be disrespectful not only to the artists, but also to others. Avoid strong perfumes and cologne.

Illustration: drawing with young people in modern or beach clothes.

It is better to enter the theater or concert hall 10-15 minutes before the start. Then you will have time to buy a program and calmly sit down in your seats. If your seats are in the middle of the row, try to get them early, without waiting for the third call, and you will not have to disturb those sitting on the edge. You need to go to your place facing those who are sitting. Noticing those walking along a narrow passage, you should not wait until you are asked for permission to pass, but get up in advance. Be sure to thank the polite people who got up to let you through.

Standing up and sitting down, try not to make noise. Lower the chair seat silently. Taking up both armrests is impolite, as your neighbor may also want to lean on them. Do not lean on the back of the front seat or rest your feet on it. You should not look at the audience through binoculars, tell them the content of the play.

By the beginning of the performance, 3 calls are given. After the start of the play or film, you need to stop all conversations. The interrupted conversation can be continued during the break or after the performance. Don't forget to turn off your cell phone ringer.

Cinema etiquette.

We go to the cinema much more often than to the theatre. And despite the fact that the atmosphere in the cinema is more democratic and less solemn, when visiting the cinema one should be guided by the same rules.

In the cinema, you usually do not take off your outerwear. If you have removed your outer clothing, carefully, without hitting your neighbor, put your coat on your lap. If you have a furry hat, you need to take it off.

At a regular film show, you should follow the same rules as in the theater: do not make noise, come before the start of the show, take only your seats, go, if necessary, facing those sitting, do not chew, do not litter, do not leave until the end of the show. You can leave the hall only if the film did not meet your expectations at all, while trying not to disturb others.

At festival premieres, various film festivals, the rules of conduct apply, as in the theater, including applause during and after the screening.

  • Host: Our journey will end with a blitz tournament "How well do you know the rules of etiquette?" Let's split into 2 teams. To determine the winning team, we need a jury.

Blitz tournament.

  1. Can I eat in the foyer or auditorium of the theatre? No. That's what the buffet is for.
  2. Should you applaud after the curtain goes up? Yes, if you need to approve the scenery.
  3. What can be seen in the theater with binoculars? Only the stage. It is unacceptable to consider the auditorium and the public.
  4. Is it necessary to exchange impressions during the performance? No. This can be done during the intermission and after the end of the performance.
  5. How to walk along those sitting in a row to your place: facing them or with your back? Face and only face.
  6. Two girls, passing by a boy, scattered apples from a bag. Bent down and collect. The boy, watching carefully, says: "Pick it up there, it rolled behind the chair." What's wrong with the boy?
  7. Etiquette says to thank even for the smallest service. If a friend put black pepper in your tea, and now helpfully offers his handkerchief - according to etiquette, do you need to thank him?
  8. A polite Martian is no different from a polite Earthman. Is it customary for Martians to greet their neighbors?
  9. Petya and Sasha, who are the same age, do not yet know each other, although they live in the same entrance. And every time they meet at his door - Petya politely makes way for Sasha, Sasha smiles, politely thanks and passes. Why do you think everything happens the way it does?
  10. Today Malvina gives another lesson of Politeness to Pinocchio:

- If you meet Someone at the door of a small room, the one who LEAVES goes through the door first, and the second - who enters ...

- I will not give way to any Nekt !!! - Pinocchio shouts!

Is he right? And why?

Summing up, performance of the jury, rewarding teams. Medals are awarded "Connoisseur of etiquette in the theater and at the concert" and "To the most active participant" .

So, today we learned new things about etiquette in the theater, at a concert, in a cinema, during performances. And I trust that you guys will be the most polite, well-mannered, and tactful at any concert.
