Are Capricorn and Cancer a good match? Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility

This is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles.

Despite the fact that Cancer and Capricorn are very different in character, together they fulfill their destiny well, they can realize their full potential and establish strong families.

Cancer and Capricorn compatibility: how to seduce a Capricorn man?

Capricorn men are prudent in love and choose a companion not with their heart, but with their mind. Moreover, the younger Capricorn, the stricter he is in his preferences, and with age they already have a share of recklessness and desire for pleasure. Therefore, the younger the man who attracted the Cancer woman, the more chances she has to win him. After all, she does not look like a vamp or a charming doll, on which a middle-aged Capricorn can pull. But when Capricorn evaluates a companion with reason, he will be interested in a gentle, modest and sensitive woman who will be a soft patient lover, a good housewife, a reliable wife and a caring mother. All these social roles are natural for a Cancer woman. She is gentle and receptive, caring and loves a quiet home life. She wants her man to take care of her and in turn give him warmth and love. The shell will conquer Capricorn with her character, attention to his needs, quiet caring, and in order to consolidate the interest of Capricorn, it is worth inviting him to her place more often so that he appreciates the comfort that she knows how to create.

What does the perfect couple look like: Capricorn and Cancer compatibility in love?

In this couple, the man takes responsibility for all decisions. A woman does not fight with him for leadership, but obeys him. Next to the gentle and reliable Rakinya, Capricorn develops his best features: responsibility and purposefulness. He knows how to find the right solutions and a woman does not risk anything by trusting him. If a disagreement arises in a couple, the Cancer woman softens the conflict with sincerity and tenderness. She does not interfere in "male" affairs, but provides Capricorn with moral rest. In return, he reliably protects her in difficult situations. It cannot be said that Rakinya is completely subordinate to Capricorn. She has her own sphere of influence - everything that concerns feelings and relationships, and in the family - at home, children and household issues. She skillfully manages the house of Capricorn and creates comfort in it. The Cancer woman sees her realization as a mother, wife, mistress of the house, and Capricorn is one of those signs that help her get what she wants. In the romantic couples of Cancer and Capricorn, a man becomes more confident and stronger thanks to his woman, as she gives him emotions, care and the opportunity not to think about business next to her. A woman in a relationship with Capricorn strengthens her psyche thanks to the stability and confidence in the future that Capricorn gives her.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man?

The Cancer Woman is sensitive, she lives with emotions and feels well the experiences of other people. She builds her relationships with people, looking not at the actions of others, but at their feelings. With this approach to life, she confuses the rational Capricorn: he does not have empathy and builds life rationally. He does not feel those waves of emotions that are available to Cancer, and because of this, her actions, convincing and reasoned for herself, seem to Capricorn whims. At best, he writes them off as “female intuition.” In fact, the world of feelings for Cancer is as material as for Capricorn - the world of things. But she cannot show this world to her reasonable partner! As a result, Capricorn blames Rakina for excessive sensitivity, resentment from scratch (and for her - not at all from scratch), whims and strange, illogical behavior. He, in turn, seems to her insensitive and callous. The emotionality of a Cancer woman is one of her strengths. She understands people well and intuitively sees the right decisions. But in addition to these pluses, mood swings, capriciousness and resentment are attached. If Cancer learns to control her feelings, this will not make her callous and will not reduce the positive manifestations of emotionality. But her behavior will become smoother, and it will be easier for others to communicate with her. It will become clearer to the rational Capricorn. The development of Lunar qualities (namely, the Moon is responsible for emotions) is not an uncontrolled manifestation of the Moon in any areas, but the ability to use them where and when it is needed. If Cancer learns to manage emotions, she will make life easier not only for her Capricorn man, but will also take a step forward on the path of self-improvement. As for the coldness of Capricorn, Rakinya can read even deeply hidden emotions, and she will be able to discern in him behind rationalism his feelings, doubts and hopes. The main thing is not to be offended by his dryness, but to try to understand him.

Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn men at work

If Rakinya is interested in work, cooperation can be very fruitful: she does not like to show off, she works responsibly and, despite her dreaminess, is one of the most practical and conservative workers. Capricorn with his purposefulness is easy to work with.

Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn in the relationship of colleagues or partners

They are both very persistent in achieving goals, work with dedication, do not like jerks and jobs and do not hope for luck. But for a good job, a Cancer woman must have an incentive. She forgets about whims if she has someone to work for, and Capricorn is such in character, regardless of the circumstances. If Rakinya is not interested in work, they will not be able to understand each other, as they will show opposite traits.

When the Cancer woman is the boss and the Capricorn man is the subordinate

This is a complex union. Capricorn is ambitious and does not like to obey. He respects ranks and positions and will not openly go against the boss, but will try to surpass her and get a position. While he is a subordinate, Rakina is difficult with him, and he with her. She often gives conflicting tasks, her behavior depends on her mood, and Capricorn appreciates certainty and stability. She also feels uncomfortable: she likes to take care of her subordinates, and Capricorn keeps her at a distance.

When a Cancer woman is a subordinate, and a Capricorn man is the boss

This is a very good business union. Capricorn is a tough boss, he appreciates diligence and respect for ranks. Rakinya is calm, non-conflict and executive. She does not challenge the authority of her superiors and works responsibly. Sometimes emotions prevent her from concentrating on work. If she manages to control herself, then her work with Capricorn will be successful.

Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility in Friendship

This is a bad friendship. A Capricorn man rarely makes friends with women. In Rakin, he sees the one who needs to be taken care of, who would be a good wife for him, but he will not perceive her on an equal footing. The relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is an example of a patriarchal relationship. Both partner is not interested as a friend, but they both perceive each other as a desirable couple for love and marriage. If suddenly they start a friendship, it will very quickly turn into a personal relationship. The “halves” of these signs should be on their guard: despite the loyalty and decency of both in love, their mutual attraction can be irresistible.

This is a couple made for each other. A Capricorn woman with a Cancer man can discover in herself the reserves of truly feminine qualities that are hidden for the time being for herself. And Cancer next to her will become more courageous and bold.

Capricorn-Cancer compatibility: how to seduce a Cancer man?

The Cancer man is drawn to women of the maternal type, caring, homely, soft. But he closes in on himself in response to severity and dryness. Therefore, the Capricorn woman has both all the data to conquer him, and those features that will repel him forever. To make the best impression on a Cancer man, show him that you are responsible, do not change decisions, do not give him an unexpected shake-up. You are able to take care of yourself and at the same time support him if necessary. Cancer values ​​constancy. He will also appreciate other traits similar to his own - prudence in feelings and frugality. What can't be done? You can’t rudely cut off Cancer when he opens his soul. You should not call him a whiner and a weakling, call him to pull himself together, declare that "men do not cry." In a word, one must respect the fact that he has a sensitive nature and much more emotions than a typical Capricorn woman. Let him feel that your seriousness, practicality, imperiousness is a wall that reliably closes him from worldly storms at times when he is vulnerable and prone to bad mood. If he trusted you, then consider that you have coped with the task - you have conquered your Cancer.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Capricorn woman - a Cancer man?

The perfect couple of a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man is one of the happiest couples in the entire zodiac. The fact is that from the point of view of astrology, these are two halves that complement each other, and not at all opposites, as many people think. These signs perform the same karmic task, they only approach it from different angles. The union with each other helps them to see their own sphere of interests from the other side and find new ways of self-realization. The Cancer-Capricorn axis is an axis from the past to the future, from the common goals of the family to personal social goals, from the family and a safe home to a career. Cancer acts as a domestic, emotional beginning, and Capricorn as a leader. It is the leading Capricorn who has high prudence, caution and stability, and domestic Cancer perfectly feels any changes. This couple can be a classic union of a wife whose task is to run the house, and a husband who is making a career. For the sake of the family, and even with such a reliable rear, not interested, in fact, in a career, Cancer is able to achieve a lot. Or the reverse option may also be successful, when Cancer is a homebody, and Capricorn is a business woman. In both cases, the couple will be happy and successful.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man?

It is difficult for a Capricorn woman to keep track of the mood swings of a Cancer man. She is not ready for the fact that he will suddenly need support, he will abandon plans due to sudden sadness, he is able to be offended by anything (in her opinion). The reason for a bad mood may not even be an event of this day, but an unpleasant memory. Faced with this, Capricorn tries to cheer up Cancer, urge him to restraint, or leaves him and begins to solve the problem that made her man despondent. But, it turns out, she is not at all grateful for this! She forgot that in moments of experience, nothing can be more important than Cancer himself, and he is not waiting for a solution to his problems, but for participation and encouragement. As a result, two become offended and dissatisfied. It is especially difficult when Cancer withdraws into itself and experiences difficulties in silence. Capricorn is also not a talker, but she is silent when there is nothing to discuss, and she prefers to constructively discuss and solve problems. It is difficult for her to understand what is happening in the soul of her Cancer. To understand Cancer, you do not need to have the talent of a psychologist. Patience will help, and Capricorn more than has it. When a Cancer man begins to trust a person, he will willingly talk about his feelings. Cancer is closed only from strangers, and with loved ones he discusses his experiences. After that, it is important not to cut him off, not to pour cold, but to show participation. A Capricorn woman needs to learn to restrain her efficiency. She is ready to rush to help, but in the case of Cancer, the best support would be to simply listen to him. It happens that Cancer became capricious at all inopportunely, and Capricorn was forced to ignore his mood, doing important things. Don't leave an apology for later, because Cancer is vindictive. In addition, past grievances are just as important to him as present ones. Sometime years later, Cancer will fall into melancholy, remembering this episode of your inattention.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Cancer man at work

This is an average business union in terms of success. They don't understand each other well. The Capricorn woman never involves her mood and feelings in her work, and Cancer can get emotional, close, worry, and this will have a bad effect on the overall results.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Cancer man - colleagues or partners

When Capricorn and Cancer work together forcedly, they do not understand each other well. This couple will not entertain the team with scandals, but business results will turn out to be average. When they choose to cooperate, they understand what role each one plays. Both are stubborn, prudent, a woman can support a Cancer man and inspire him to achieve. Although why she herself has this partnership is still unclear.

When the Capricorn woman is the boss and the Cancer man is the subordinate

It would seem that a businesslike, purposeful Capricorn woman should become the ideal boss for a cautious, not rushing forward Cancer. But this rarely happens: she often approaches work only from the standpoint of this work, and does not pay attention to the feelings of Cancer, which are important to him in any area of ​​life.

When a Capricorn woman is a subordinate, and a Cancer man is a boss

This is a very problematic union. If a Cancer has something (or someone) for which he makes a career, he becomes very tough. In a Capricorn woman, he will see a competitor.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Cancer man in friendship

People of these signs have nothing that would attract them to each other, if it is not about a love relationship. Cancer in friendship is looking for understanding, sympathy, emotional intimacy, and Capricorn cannot give this. The Capricorn woman is realistic, ready to help with advice and deed, but heart-to-heart talk is not her element. Cancer will not open before her, but he considers trust to be the main condition for friendship. The Capricorn woman is looking for a realist in a friend, the same as herself, with whom one can discuss business and plans. Cancer is not suitable for this role. Therefore, Cancer and Capricorn are rarely friends.

Compatibility in love relationships of such zodiac signs as Cancer and Capricorn is about 96%. This couple is able to conquer the whole world, fall in love with others and at the same time not cool down in relation to each other.

General characteristics of signs

Finely arranged souls of Cancers always strive to help everyone in the world, even if they have to do it to the detriment of themselves. Capricorns, of course, are also very good-natured, but in this union they “pull” the partner in every possible way from rash decisions.


Cancers are considered the most emotional representative of the zodiac ring. They are hypersensitive to various emotional upheavals and it is rather difficult to experience grief and joy. Each, even insignificant, event in their life is able to “knock down” Cancers.

Important! The impressionability of the representatives of this zodiac sign is due to the fact that the Moon patronizes them. It is she who gives Cancers a very developed intuition, vulnerability and an easily vulnerable nervous system.

A little childish and naive perception of the world around them sometimes plays a cruel joke with them - they cannot adequately assess problems and troubles.

By nature, Cancerians are dreamers. They are used to assessing society with undisguised youthful maximalism, which is sometimes a very wrong decision. But it also happens that it is precisely such a “hovering in the clouds” state that allows the representatives of this sign to look at the world from a non-trivial angle and see more than the surrounding people notice.

Pretty romantic nature. All their love experiences can hide from the public for years and rarely take the first steps in a relationship. But if feelings are already revealed, Cancers are ready to “turn mountains” for the sake of their soulmate. Men gladly give gifts to their beloved, and Cancer women become wonderful housewives and exemplary wives.

They are very worried about the bad attitude towards themselves from others. Cancers want to please everyone and always, so when they notice hostility towards them, they get very upset. Instead of not paying attention to such trifles, they are trying in every possible way to convince ill-wishers of their "wonderfulness".

Interesting to know! It is very easy to offend representatives of this sign - just say an inappropriate joke, look askance in their direction, or reproach them for imperfection.

Even a trifling phrase Cancers are perceived as “a stone in their garden” and can immediately withdraw into themselves. Having hurt their pride once, it will be quite problematic to establish relations again.

One of the main abilities of this zodiac sign is the exaggeration of problems. They are able to "inflate out of molehills" with jet speed. When entering into an argument with Cancers, one should be prepared for the fact that even from one unsuccessfully thrown word, they can easily make a global tragedy.

By nature, Cancers are quite secretive people. They rarely open their soul wide open, and if they do, it is only for those closest to them. It is impossible to find out what is on Cancer's mind - they carefully hide their desires, fears and emotions behind seven locks. But if the representative of this sign has already taken a risk and told the most intimate secrets, then intimacy with him has certainly come. Despite such superficiality, Cancers are quite sociable.

In the article "" you can learn more about how representatives of this sign show their feelings.

Among their acquaintances you can meet very interesting personalities - from creative designers to calm writers. They get along well with representatives of almost all signs, as they know how to adapt to the interlocutor and rarely come into conflict.

Most often they are homebodies and do not attend noisy parties. Cancers do not like to leave their comfort zone and rarely go out. They prefer a quiet cozy evening at home or at the movies, frantic fun on the beach or in a club. It is extremely rare that they can afford to "break away", although after such holidays they do not feel emotional satisfaction.

They are very thrifty and do not like to throw money down the drain. They prefer to save money and spend it exclusively on useful things, rarely allow themselves financial liberties. Cancer men can seem somewhat greedy, as they don't often pamper their soulmate with cute presents.

Advice! It is alien to them to make meaningless purchases, so entering into a relationship with this zodiac sign, you should be prepared to receive a neck massager, a pot or a set of towels instead of a teddy bear.


Practical and stubborn people who are used to going to their goals no matter what. Capricorns do everything very carefully - their every step is carefully thought out, they carefully "step over" all the obstacles in their path. Many mistakenly believe that the representatives of this sign are used to "go ahead", but this is a false opinion.

In life, they are used to reaching heights exclusively by hard work, they do not recognize "handouts" from parents or friends. Capricorns are very collected and consistent in their actions. This is what allows them to rationally allocate time and quickly achieve the desired goal. In addition, representatives of this sign are often called workaholics.

Interesting to know! Without hesitation, they agree to any additional work, even to the detriment of their own rest.

By nature, they are very quiet and modest, rarely seek power and do not crave to get a managerial position. But thanks to their perseverance and diligence, they often become good bosses who are able to establish effective work in a team. Subordinates respect Capricorns and listen to their opinion. But despite this, many of them think that the boss is not doing his job well enough.

Representatives of this sign are quite static - they do not like global changes in life, they are afraid of moving and changing the situation. Such events can bring a calm Capricorn to a stressful state and even piss them off a little. If, during such changes in life, something does not go according to plan, “earthly” people can completely lose control of themselves.

Regarding life, Capricorns are very scrupulous. They protect their home from prying eyes like the apple of their eye. Women of this sign are usually the best housewives - they cook culinary masterpieces, their house is always clean and comfortable. But Capricorn men try to avoid everyday problems - they are removed from household chores and completely take on the role of "earner".

Important! Capricorn men believe that a woman should do household chores, and a man should fully provide for his family.

Unlike the enthusiastic Cancers, Capricorns are completely down to earth and prudent. They do not like to dream about something unrealistic in vain, but prefer to spend their free time with maximum benefit. Rarely give vent to feelings and show others their emotions. Many consider Capricorns to be quite dry and emotionless. But in fact, behind such a “steel shell” lies a rather vulnerable soul.

The first declaration of love to the representatives of this sign is very difficult. They are driven by the fear of disappointment - the worst thing for Capricorns is to become rejected. Therefore, they decide for a long time on the first step, take it very carefully and without pressure.

Advice! If you see that the Capricorn man is not indifferent to you, help him. Start a conversation about feelings on your own, and your chosen one will definitely support the conversation.

With children, representatives of this sign are quite strict, they try to educate them according to all the rules. They rarely pamper their kids, instill in them a sense of justice from childhood. When the child grows up a little, the Capricorn parent easily releases him into “free swimming” - they do not control every step of their child, as they completely trust him.

love compatibility

Romantic relationships between Cancer and Capricorn are considered quite common. Such a union is usually filled with vivid emotions, but at the same time it is quite balanced and calm. For such a couple, relationships will develop gradually, flowing from temporary friendship into strong bonds of marriage.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

A couple in which both halves rarely make concessions. They can argue for hours on a banal topic, but at the same time they will not allow a grandiose scandal to arise. Even the stubbornness of Cancer and Capricorn does not make such an alliance less strong. Lovers are accustomed to seeing reliable life partners in their second halves, so all quarrels pass without much fuse. For this couple, the most important thing is the ability to find a compromise that would satisfy the desires and needs of both partners.

The Cancer man will try in every possible way to surprise his beloved, he will try to surround her with attention and care. He will be very attentive to all her problems, he will try to solve any difficulties without the participation of the second half. By nature, Cancer men are strong and reliable partners, so a Capricorn woman will feel protected next to him.

Interesting to know! In such a pair, she will be able to relax and become more “soft”. The Capricorn woman is used to achieving everything on her own, but the strong rear that her partner will provide will help to discover femininity and lightness in herself.

He is more often in charge of the family budget in this pair. Due to their nature and scrupulousness, Cancers do not trust financial affairs to the weaker sex. In their opinion, rash purchases are characteristic of women, and this alignment is clearly not suitable for a thrifty man. Global acquisitions are always carefully planned, and the same goes for day-to-day spending.

Sometimes it seems to the Cancer man that he is too soft in this pair. Indeed, the stubborn and persistent lady Capricorn does everything confidently and in stages. Such organization can scare the windy and light representative of the stronger sex.

Advice! On the other hand, Cancers are attracted to such women - they are able to inspire them with confidence and a sense of constancy.

Cancers are quite conservative and have well-established views on marriage and family. In pairs with representatives of this zodiac sign, the percentage of divorces is minimal, as they are trying in every possible way to maintain the union even with strong quarrels. Capricorn women are also in awe of family relationships, so they rarely initiate a break.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

Both signs of the Zodiac value comfort, coziness and home very much. Cancers and Capricorns are very similar in this - they do not tend to noisy parties, going to bars and restaurants. It is very important for a Cancer woman to understand that they are waiting for her at home. They do not like to be alone with their own thoughts and avoid loneliness in every possible way.

The Capricorn man is ready to patronize his beloved, to bring everything necessary into her life. A certain vulnerability and sincerity of Cancers are very appealing to strong and self-sufficient men. Next to such a fragile lady, they feel their importance and are ready for even greater achievements.

Important! Inspiring Capricorn to new exploits is quite simple - just praise and admire him.

The main household problem in this pair may be the issue of children. Cancer women are the keepers of the hearth and do not understand how to do without children's laughter in the house. Capricorns "ripen" in this regard much later, they are sure that they should think about offspring only after both partners have built a successful career. So to speak, first plant a tree, build a house, and only then talk about the "heir".

In addition, the frivolity of the Cancer woman can also strain the serious Capricorn a little. But if it is in moderation, such a spouse with her spontaneity will help her husband relax after a hard day and forget about all the troubles.

Another positive point in this pair is the same attitude towards money. If financial conflicts for most couples occur due to the rash spending of one of the partners, then in this union this is simply impossible. Cancers and Capricorns are equally frugal and even sometimes greedy. They can easily save up a large amount of money for something grandiose, while the lack of funds in everyday life will not frighten the representatives of these signs.

Astrologers say that love relationships between representatives of these signs most often develop successfully. Their values ​​and outlook on life completely coincide, so that disagreements, if they arise, do not gain strength.

According to the theory, there is a master-servant tendency in the Capricorn-Cancer pair.

Relationships at work

Cancers and Capricorns are somewhat similar in their stubbornness. But the former can sometimes take liberties at work, while the latter are extremely unacceptable to loafers. Therefore, such colleagues may sometimes quarrel among themselves, but finding a compromise will be able to achieve maximum results and productivity.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

The Capricorn woman will become the most responsible employee in any team, she can be entrusted with complex tasks and not worry that she will not cope with them. Representatives of this sign easily overcome all obstacles in their path and achieve their goals by any means. But despite this, Capricorn women are very "clean" - they will not "go over their heads", but will achieve the desired result in an honest way.

Cancer men in the team are very impressed by such employees - they themselves always “fight” for justice, so they will not refuse such support. In tandem, such a couple can move mountains - the creativity of Cancers, combined with the sharp mind and perseverance of Capricorns, can bear fruit in any business.

In addition, if a man in a couple takes a leadership position, he can easily direct all efforts in the right direction.

Interesting to know! In turn, the Capricorn woman will partially listen to the advice of her boss, but in any case she will try to bring something new into her work.

If the Capricorn woman leads the process, things can go a little worse. Freedom-loving Cancers will try to "go against the system", putting their own Ego in the first place. Such a tandem will not be able to succeed until the wise boss Capricorn finds an approach to such an obstinate employee.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

The frivolous and windy girl of Cancer is very important to always keep under control. At work, she may start to give out absolutely inappropriate and even slightly wild ideas. To Capricorn, such behavior may seem absolutely unacceptable, since he himself is more balanced and rational.

Working in the same team with a Cancer woman can be torture for many signs. They are very changeable and fickle in their judgments.

Interesting to know! But it is precisely such a "flaw" that attracts Capricorns to them - the men of this sign find some kind of "vent" in such colleagues and strive for long-term cooperation with them.

But if such a lady gets a leadership position, the Capricorn man will simply go crazy. She will not be able to logically formulate tasks for her subordinate, which is why she will not be able to achieve the required result in the future. Of course, the boss Cancer will blame the unfortunate Capricorn for everything, who has already done 200% more than was required of him.

In the event that the reins of government fall into the hands of a representative of the stronger sex, the success of the company is more likely. He easily organizes the work and puts all the requirements on the shelves for unorganized Cancers.


Among comrades, the union of Cancers and Capricorns is also often found, as well as among happy married couples. They are very devoted to each other and will never go to meanness. In addition, both signs are able to experience a strong sense of attachment to friends, which further strengthens such relationships.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

Friendship between a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man is quite common, they easily find a common language and can support any conversation. Both are very educated and well-read, so they like to chat not only on everyday topics, but also discuss something more interesting.

A Capricorn woman often treats such a friend with mild condescension. She turns a blind eye to his frequent rash decisions and only shakes her head doomedly at Cancer's every crazy idea.

Important! Despite the difference in personalities, these signs get along well with each other.

But such an idyll does not always last long. It is worth starting some kind of dispute, as both begin to pull the rightness to themselves. Unfortunately, representatives of these signs absolutely do not know how to concede and lose. Therefore, not finding an approach to a friend, one of the signs can interrupt friendly relations.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

A woman in such a friendly union will play a very important role - she will become a kind of "buffer" in case of quarrels and disagreements. Due to her femininity and softness, she will be able to “smooth the corners”, and Capricorn, in turn, will fairly assess the conflict.

Despite their stubbornness, men of this sign can sometimes give in to a lady, attributing everything to the fact that "she's a girl." But such nobility will last only as long as it is convenient for Capricorn. At some point, he will understand that friendship between a man and a woman simply cannot exist and will break this connection.

Interesting to know! According to statistics, the strongest marriage bonds between Cancers and Capricorns begin with friendships.

But the fact that the charming young lady Cancer will be able to win the heart of the stubborn Capricorn is not unlikely, and such friendship will make an excellent romantic union. But in this case, the girl will have to take the initiative into her own hands and try to establish deeper relationships on her own, since it will be very difficult for the representative of the stronger sex to cross this line.

At first it may seem that the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman, who formed a couple, cannot allow one another to fully open up. Capricorn is rude in command, Cancer is constantly offended, and relationships are steadily deteriorating because of this. But few people can notice that it is in this union that partners can cultivate in themselves the qualities that they lack so much. The horoscope will tell about the features of the relationship between the two signs of the zodiac.

Brief information in the table

Signs: Capricorn - Cancer.
Order: 10th character - 4th character (both even).
Elements: Earth - Water (opposite elements).
Relations: sustainable union. Stairway up.
Compatibility in love: 70%.
Marriage Compatibility: 100%.
Friendship Compatibility: 90%.
Compatibility in bed: 80%.
Compatibility in work and business: 50%.
Intelligent Compatibility: 60%.

What you need to know about Capricorn and Cancer

Capricorn ♑

The tenth sign of the zodiac, is under the auspices of the planet Saturn and belongs to the elements of the earth. Incredibly stubborn and purposeful, he is one of the most hardworking and persistent signs of the zodiac circle.

Differs in good health and resistance to life's troubles. Capricorn is a realist and a pragmatist. He does not like demagoguery around the case, is laconic and prefers action to empty chatter. Careerist and natural leader.

He needs to be involved in the process of managing the masses, because in this he successfully realizes his main quality - a sense of superiority over others. He himself obeys reluctantly, this sign, which has not realized itself in the professional field, begins to work out the skills of a leader in its close circle.

Straightforward, frugal, old-fashioned, predictable, conservative. Solid ground under one's feet is an indispensable condition, without which one cannot imagine its existence. He was going to go much further than the rest, he needs a clear plan and the right calculation.

“Spontaneity and intrigue are not to the liking of this person, he will not tolerate them in any relationship. He wants to know what to expect from you tomorrow, next week, next year. Therefore, do not enter into any contacts with this person if specificity and directness are not your forte.

Cancer ♋

It is under the auspices of the Moon and belongs to the water element. People of this sign are very deep and sensitive. They do not like to be in the spotlight, but they have an extremely powerful energy. Representatives of this zodiac sign believe in their own exclusivity, often not without reason.

They love honor and recognition, but all this in life is not so easy for them. All his life, Cancer has been walking along light and dark stripes, alternately achieving stunning success, then suffering bitter defeats.

Thoughtful, careful, thrifty. Puts family values ​​and peace of mind in the foreground. Calm, slow, not aggressive. The desired is achieved according to the principle "quieter you go - you will continue."

“If you are interested in a partner to create a strong family, do not hesitate to choose Cancer. He is the most family sign of the entire zodiac circle.

Characteristics of the signs of men and women

Capricorn Man ♑

He has good health, is persistent and purposeful in everything that is significant to him. The Capricorn man is laconic, seeks to lead, give orders. Often does this in an impartial way for people whom he considers his subordinates. He can be rude and cynic, and cynicism in him can border on periods of awareness of his own mistakes and attempts to correct them.

Incredibly hardy at work, copes well with psycho-emotional stress. He tends to keep tension in himself, from which, in adulthood, he is prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

With women, he is straightforward and specific, but he can deceive them in his own interests, demonstrating feelings that he does not really experience. Being in love, it changes before our eyes, becoming caring, devoted and generous. For life, he chooses women who are ready to serve his desires, and who put his interests above their own. Honor and respect are the main feelings that the Capricorn man seeks from others.

“The horoscope warns: a man should at least occasionally throw out psycho-emotional stress, which, accumulating, can seriously undermine his health.”

Cancer Woman ♋

An impressionable, feminine and vulnerable girl, she has soft features and manners, a warm, penetrating voice. conservative and traditional. In the best way manifests itself as a mother and mistress of the hearth.

Cancers are neat and attentive, they try to surround with care not only their family members, but even friends and colleagues.

Extremely economical and thrifty, prudent, not prone to rash acts and spending.

By nature, they are anxious and suspicious, but they try to overcome this trait in themselves. A woman of this sign has a heightened sense of justice, seeks to protect the weak. She is prone to hyper-custody not only over children, but also over her spouse.

Jealous and touchy, very painfully perceives criticism addressed to her, not prone to self-irony. A Cancer Woman usually marries late, because she approaches men very slowly, carefully choosing a partner. Not prone to frequent change of partners.

monogamous The initiator of a divorce is only in the most extreme case, when all attempts at reconciliation have been exhausted. He strives for comfort, but not for luxury. For life, he chooses a man who is stable and predictable, capable of dedication and care.

« It is worth considering that the Cancer woman makes high demands on men, which she often does not meet herself.

Who has what role

Relationships in a couple will develop according to the classical model. The Cancer Woman, in principle, is not inclined to compete with a man for primacy in relationships. She is satisfied that the Capricorn man successfully realizes himself in work and has a good income. In turn, she strives to provide the couple with everything necessary - delicious cooking, cleanliness and comfort in the house, care for the health and hygiene of their loved ones.

The Capricorn man is also pleased with this state of affairs. But often, when he comes home, he forgets to leave his "inner boss" on the threshold of his office, and continues to command at home. A sensitive Cancer woman, expecting gratitude for her domestic work, not only does not receive it, but can also often face the fact that a man will point out shortcomings to her, sometimes even in a rude way. This will not become a reason for conflict, but it will leave a residue in the female soul.

Compatibility in love 💕

The Capricorn man and Cancer woman are like aliens from two different planets. He is purposeful, straightforward, assertive. She is deep, sensitive, suspicious. What a guy usually decides in half a minute, a girl tends to think for a long time. They are used to expressing emotions and desires in different ways, so a significant imbalance will be observed in the pair for the first time.

The Capricorn man is determined to come, see and win, without unnecessary and tedious details. The Cancer Woman is not inclined to give up so immediately. It is important for her that the partner not only recognizes her, but also feels what she is silent about. Solving mysteries is very difficult for a guy. He sincerely does not understand why such preludes are needed if two people are in love and they feel good together. But in the head of a woman there is already an ideal model of behavior, from which she is not ready to move away.

A couple's love runs the risk of being complicated and controversial if each does not stop at some point and try to go beyond their expectations. The Capricorn man must understand that not everything in life can be taken by storm and impudently, and the Cancer woman must think about the fact that the partner does not have telepathic abilities in order to unravel what is hidden behind her silence. Compatibility 70%.

“The mystery of the Cancer woman is sometimes so confusing to everyone around that it becomes almost impossible to understand what she is thinking about and what she wants at the moment. In love, it is better for a girl to turn off the rational and talk more about her feelings. This will help avoid misunderstandings.”

Marriage Compatibility 👪

The marriage of representatives of the two signs of the zodiac will be strong and reliable. It is based on a clear and correct distribution of roles, well-coordinated teamwork and an understanding of why the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman created a family. In addition, their relationship in marriage is their continuous work on themselves.

Being nearby, the Capricorn man gradually learns gentleness and diplomacy, and the Cancer woman learns the ability to specifically formulate her thoughts and desires. Over time, they become so accustomed to interaction that they discover in each other their own habits and tastes that were not there before.

Promising and purposeful children are born in the family, who feel like a mother and strong like a father. The couple devotes almost all their free time to them, thanks to which they manage to develop many talents at an early age. Marriage as a whole can be described as stable, without unnecessary emotions, with a good material base. 100% compatible.

“Marriage is the best way to reveal the potential of a man and a woman, making them truly close people.”

Compatibility in friendship 🤝

A Capricorn man from an early age can choose this girl to protect and protect her, and she will admire his strength and courage, which will strengthen his faith in himself and his abilities. She can simply become his decoration and outlet.

Their friendship often goes from school to adulthood. Having become independent people, the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman will not stop communicating. They gravitate toward permanent and lasting friendships. Friendship will be especially dear to a girl who hardly lets people into her soul and just as hard to part with them.

Their friendly relations will not be reckless and especially exciting, but they will find support and support in each other. Probably, a Cancer woman next to a Capricorn man may experience some lack of emotionality, because the guy is not prone to psychoanalysis and reflection, but the image of a reliable and strong man, whom she can always rely on, eliminates some emotional stinginess. Compatibility 90%.

Compatibility in bed 🛌🏻

In the sexual sphere, disagreements are possible. The Cancer woman cannot stand haste, she needs much more time to reach the peak of pleasure than a man. And this applies not only to the physical act. Caresses, hugs and touches are important to her. And the Capricorn man is always in a hurry somewhere.

A Cancer Woman is able to open a real world of sensual pleasures to a guy if he finally stops rushing forward under the motto “further, higher, stronger”. She will show him the way she loves. And, imbued at least once with her love, the Capricorn man will no longer want to return to what he knew before her.

The endurance of a man and the languor of a woman, combined together, give fundamentally new sensations in the life of lovers. They are imbued with the energy of each other and gradually come to mutual understanding and harmony. Compatibility 80%.

“The horoscope advises a man not to be jealous of his partner from scratch. There is hardly a second such faithful lover as the Cancer woman.

Compatibility in work and business 💼

About work, the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman have opposite ideas. The man is accustomed to act without hesitation, literally going ahead. He always keeps before his eyes the goal to which he follows, and for him it justifies all means. As a boss, he will focus on the result, and only when it is achieved will he pay attention to the human factor, and even then, if there is a desire.

The Cancer Woman works slower and prefers an even, light load to the race. She is diligent and has good analytical skills. It is hard for her to work with Capricorn, she does not maintain the pace that he requires from everyone who finds himself in a working alliance with him. The Capricorn man is an uncompromising commander, and he cannot stand sick leave, decrees, and simply emotional downturns.

If, by some strange coincidence, the Capricorn man turns out to be subordinate, then the Cancer woman is very tormented with him and his desire to constantly prove to his leader that he does not know or cannot do something. As a rule, in any combination in work and business, such a tandem is unfavorable and the horoscope advises to avoid it. Compatibility 50%.

“A Cancer woman is too soft and smooth to agree to run a hundred meters under the guidance of an unshakable Capricorn. She needs an approach that a man is guaranteed not to waste time searching for.”

Smart Compatibility 💡

A Capricorn man and a Cancer woman can be good conversationalists. It cannot be said that they are especially interested in communication, but they will find a common language. A man of this zodiac sign does not like, in principle, long conversations and discussions. In total, his conversations mainly concern the professional sphere.

In turn, the Cancer woman is too closed to enter into confidential conversations with unfamiliar people. Long and interesting discussions among these interlocutors are rather a rarity than a rule. Both have a good vocabulary, they may be of interest to each other, but in view of different life orientations, they simply do not have such a need. Compatibility 60%.

Pros and cons of relationships

Compatibility with other signs

How to conquer a Capricorn man 💘

The Capricorn man appreciates femininity and softness in a girl, as well as the ability to create comfort in the house and always look brilliant. Therefore, a Cancer woman will immediately attract his attention. But the horoscope recommends that a girl in communication with a guy be more open and straightforward, clearly articulate her desires. He really doesn't like female things like “Guess what I want” or “Think for yourself what I was offended by”.

But if a lady is able to formulate desires without unnecessary drama and mystery, the guy will move mountains for her. It is worth talking with this man only in the language of compromises, and sometimes concessions. Yielding to him in small things, the Cancer woman will receive disproportionately more.

How to Woo a Cancer Woman 💓

It will not be easy for a guy who is interested in a mysterious and mysterious girl. It seems to be all woven from contradictions and doubts. She needs a stable, reliable partner, without unnecessary emotions, able to evenly endure her mood swings.

A wise and strong man is the ideal woman of the constellation Cancer. In addition, he must be sensitive enough to understand the mood of his chosen one and correctly interpret her conflicting views. But if a Capricorn man enters the circle of her trust, he will immediately find himself surrounded by care and attention, which only a Cancer woman is capable of.


Briefly about the main

  1. The classic model of the distribution of roles in a pair.
  2. In love, there can be difficulties due to the dissimilar needs of a man and a woman and a different interpretation of love.
  3. Marriage is stable and strong, good children are born in it. The family stays together and united.
  4. Good compatibility in friendship. Friends are able to learn from each other the positive qualities that they lack.
  5. There may be some “roughness” in bed, however, partners will learn a lot from sexual experiences with each other.
  6. Unfavorable compatibility in work and business. The horoscope recommends refraining from business relationships.
  7. They can be good interlocutors, but the lack of common topics for conversation does not contribute to their long-term communication.

The compatibility of Capricorn and Cancer is favorable in all star horoscopes - the Moon, the Sun and the constellations favor them. These people are simply made for each other, and their family life promises to be wonderful. By creating a couple, Capricorn and Cancer find themselves in an environment in which they can show their best qualities, with the support of a partner. If we look at all the talented and famous people, we find out that Cancers and Capricorns make up a large percentage of successful zodiac signs.

General compatibility characteristics of Capricorn and Cancer

Such a zodiac combination is favorable in all respects, because in the family a man and a woman clearly know and perform the task that they face. The Capricorn woman and the Cancer woman may prefer home comfort and parenting to a better job, while the Cancer and Capricorn men touchingly care for their selfless soul mates.

Both Cancers and Capricorns are a little secretive, they do not like scandals and hot situations, so no one ever raises their voice in the couple's house.

Partners pay special attention to comfort, responsibly and “scientifically” approach the issue of raising children.

Their characters are different, but they complement each other well, avoid cheating, save together and spend together. A man and a woman do not argue about material income, and it would never occur to them to reproach their soulmate for low earnings. This marriage fits under the star of mutual understanding and mutual respect, and love is in second place.

The couple does not have time for empty arguments and showdown, such behavior is simply not in their nature, as evidenced by the reviews of real families. For the first half of their life together, they build a cozy family nest, and then, when the children have grown up, the couple will gladly acquire a dacha where they will spend time.

Sexual Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn

Cancers are very sensual, and in bed, emotions are important for them, not experiments. And Capricorns with any partner, be it Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, will be restrained.

The sexual maturation of Capricorns can be divided into 3 stages by age:

  1. Youth. During this period, Capricorns, like Cancers, are shy, they think about their future, and pay little attention to sex. They cannot be called closed, but in their youth they prefer the classics, and will never go to experiments.
  2. The second milestone of sexual maturation occurs for Capricorns after 30 years. They have already achieved success, their complexes and failures are in the past, why not catch up? If during this period Capricorn already has a permanent partner, then he will not cheat on her, at least until his 40s. Capricorn becomes passionate and relaxed, he already relates to relationships more easily.
  3. After 40 years, Capricorns return to their usual character again, sex does not play a major role for them in life. People of this sign take intimate relationships for granted.

Such changes in the behavior of Capricorns suit Cancer quite well. His sexual maturation is similar to that of Capricorn, so the couple has the same temperament. They are both romantic, they like subdued light, candles, tenderness and intimacy.

What qualities keep Cancer near Capricorn?

Yes, sex is not in the first place for Capricorn, but romance alone is not enough for him. We remember that Capricorns love it when a partner submits to them, so Cancer must support all suggestions and ideas.

Do not be surprised if, after 15 years of marriage, Capricorn wants to try something new - in sex, in life, for example, he will become interested in extreme sports. Behind the external timidity and calmness of Capricorn lies something that is inaccessible to your gaze.

Capricorn personality in love and marriage

Adult Capricorn, after 25 years, begins to treat women as his next achievement. Winning the lady he likes, he uses the entire gentleman's package: flowers, compliments, but no empty promises.

The ruling planet of this sign is Saturn, which gave it the definition of sluggish, gloomy. Some astrologers believe that such a definition most accurately describes the character of Capricorn in love and work. In principle, for Capricorns, it doesn’t matter how others evaluate their actions, because they put themselves above everyone else.

The happiness of this sign is in its success. If a beautiful woman is nearby, he has a good and well-paid job, then Capricorn will be pleased. If all this is absent, then he is not averse to venting his anger on someone.

Capricorns treat a calm and obedient partner with tenderness and respect.

It is important for them that the wife or husband does not interfere in their personal affairs. Therefore, it is difficult for Capricorns to build a strong union with those born in the year of the Monkey, Rat, Rabbit, Ox or Tiger - too active and efficient people.

Perfectly develop from a relationship with the zodiac Horse, Dragon, especially those born under the star of Cancer, Virgo, Pisces.

Cancer personality in love and marriage

Cancers are mysterious people who cannot be understood by everyone. They are dreamers and visionaries, and prefer to hide behind their partner when entering into marriage.

For them, a spiritual connection is important, and Cancer sexual relations are put on the back burner. They avoid uncomfortable situations, are afraid of conflicts and simply idolize their soul mate. A wife or husband is an indisputable authority for them, which will help them get through all the jungle of life.

Cancerians know how, but do not like to solve work issues without support. Although Cancer women can easily cope with sales and, without the advice of their husband, they raise children perfectly. Such a partner will never commit adultery, although he may become depressed due to the sharpness of his wife or husband.

In work and everyday life, they rely on luck, and believe that tomorrow will be better than today. These are such unbridled optimists, and at the same time pessimists - these are Cancers.

They are monogamous and not traitors, they prefer to live in the past, savoring the memories of their first love, even idealizing it.

Compatibility in love relationships for Cancer is based on love, not sex. They prefer platonic relationships to physical ones, they are rather shy.

Compatibility Capricorn Man and Cancer Woman

In a couple where he is Capricorn, the woman takes the initiative into her own hands. A partner chooses a lady with his mind, not his heart, and the younger Capricorn, the stricter his requirements. Note that Capricorn men with age, which rarely happens, acquire a share of recklessness.

You can conquer Capricorn with an ugly figure or sex, he has an interesting partner’s soul, her ability to manage the household, and even her attitude towards relatives. After all, Capricorn tenderly loves his loved ones, and expects the same feelings from the second half.

A pair of Cancer woman and Capricorn man can form at a young age, when a man is looking for a wife, not a girl for one night.

Usually, a woman of the Pisces sign does not look like a fatal lady, her trump card is a well-developed intuition, a flexible mind and the ability to keep up a conversation. All these qualities will surely attract a Capricorn guy.

He will be interested in a gentle, slightly modest and old-fashioned woman, and will try to win her heart as soon as possible. In his eyes, she is an ideal wife, and love for this couple comes after the stage of friendship.

The perfect couple, or all about love between a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman

In this union, Capricorn becomes the commander from the first days, if she is Cancer, then she obeys with a light soul. He is flattered by the love and complete trust of his partner, and he will do everything not to lose admiration in her eyes. He includes his best qualities, such as responsibility, a penchant for careerism and purposefulness.

It is important for a man to provide his family with housing, and a woman does an excellent job with her social role. Of course, there will be disagreements, but the wise woman Cancer softens them with her tenderness. He will give in to a man in his wrong, but he will never allow a break.

Cancer and Capricorn at the beginning of their journey together shared their roles. And if the woman in this couple never intervenes in her husband's work issues, then he, in turn, will not teach her how to run a household and get involved in other household issues. His task is to protect, and it is to provide comfort.

What difficulties can a couple of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman face?

The relationship of this couple, like any other, is not without quarrels and problems. Here it is worth saying that a man and a woman resolve conflicts rather quickly.

The Cancer woman lives with feelings and emotions, she is a very kind and sympathetic person. She divides the people around her into good and bad without semitones. With her offender, even after reconciliation, she tries to end the friendship.

This behavior of the Cancer wife confuses the Capricorn husband, because he is used to living rationally and thinking about his every step. He attributes the sensitivity and gentleness of his wife to female whims and "hormones", most often not taking her words seriously.

But for a Cancer woman, her emotional world is just as important as his world of things is important for Capricorn.

The difficulty is that she will never show or tell him her true thoughts. On this basis, they have a misunderstanding. The man accuses his partner of tearfulness and resentment, but she does not understand his callousness and inability to show true feelings.

She must understand that after 40 years, her husband can embark on a dizzying journey for new experiences. There are betrayals here, perhaps the spouse will even leave for another woman for several months. But the Cancer wife is his anchor, and he will always return to her.

Compatibility in love and marriage Capricorn woman and Cancer man

This couple is perfect too. A Capricorn woman and a Cancer man are drawn to each other. The couple is built on the same values ​​as the couple of Capricorn man and Cancer woman - trust, mutual care, a common beloved child.

The union allows Capricorn to discover his best sides - mothers, hostesses, passionate women. All these qualities are combined in her, and Cancer becomes a real man. In the union, the leading position is occupied by a man, and a woman does not dispute his opinion. This is especially true for women born in the year of the Rat, Snake and Tiger.

Capricorn can completely devote himself to cute female activities, a partner will never demand a high income from her, will not stifle a lady with jealousy and humiliating suspicions.

The course of life of this couple is more intense, Capricorns born in the year of the Ox, monkey or Rabbit interfere in the affairs of their partner, which he does not always like. But the couple quickly gets used to each other's lifestyle, and everything stabilizes.

How will a Capricorn woman like a Cancer man?

Men born under the star of Cancer are attracted to women - mothers who are sensitive to their state of mind. A man can withdraw if he feels the dryness and indifference of his partner. In this matter, the tactful Capricorn woman has a significant advantage, because she is always interested in the life of her husband or boyfriend.

With a funny joke and a kind word, she can cheer him up so that a man immediately feels a disposition towards her. You should not do this to Cancer men:

  1. Cheating is the first thing a man won't forgive.
  2. You can not interrupt him if he decided to reveal his soul to you. Having started talking about what worries him, Cancer can no longer stop.
  3. Never tell Cancer that he is weak, whiny, avoid the phrase "you are worse than my friend's husband." Such words will turn the partner away forever.
  4. He feels that he needs your courage and practicality.

The man trusted you, do you feel that he is relaxed in bed too? Congratulations, you won him over with your tact!

What difficulties can a family face in which Cancer is a man and Capricorn is a woman?

Life together cannot be perfectly smooth, and the union where the husband is Cancer and the wife Capricorn most often faces such problems:

  1. The compatibility of the signs Cancer and Capricorn can be broken by misunderstanding. Cancer suffers from the harshness and low emotionality of the partner, and she wants to see him as a "real man."
  2. How can you cancel your plans because of a bad mood? This question is often asked by a woman who married a Cancer man.
  3. She does not want to obey, but will be forced to do so if she loves her partner.
  4. A man in a couple often accuses, by the way, groundlessly, his woman of self-interest. This is not so, Capricorns love to have a cash reserve somewhere. They are not misers, but they live quietly if a penny is hidden in the "stocking under the bed" for a rainy day.
  5. Looking at the despondency of Cancer, the Capricorn woman cannot restrain herself, and begins to act. She solves his problem and understands that he is not happy and ungrateful! Both offended, both dissatisfied.

How to keep the peace in the house of Capricorn's wife and Cancer's husband?

Peace in the family, in which the wife is Capricorn, and the husband is Cancer, reigns thanks to the patience of a woman. She is not a psychologist, but very quickly learns to understand the mood of her partner. Cancer is closed to strangers, but not to his beloved wife. Listen to him, and he will gladly share his worries with you in the future.

Perhaps understanding is the only thing a man needs in such an alliance. And if a woman shows interest in his problems, then he will carry her in his arms all his life.

Cancerians, on the other hand, should devote more time to their wife and children, and not revel in their own successes and failures. Despite all the disagreements and differences in the nature of the Capricorn - Cancer pair, one of the most successful in the zodiac circle of compatibility, as Linda Goodman wrote about in her book on the compatibility of zodiac signs.

Summing up, it is worth saying that even partners who are incompatible in years and zodiac sign can build a successful relationship. The main thing is mutual love, and everything else is decided through dialogue.
