Plan for creating a flower garden of continuous flowering. Flowerbeds of continuous flowering perennials

Every lover of country life thinks about how to make their garden more attractive. A continuous flowering flower garden is exactly what you need, because it is a piece of land where flowers bloom from early spring to late autumn.

There are plants that can please the eye with their flowering appearance all season long. This feature is perfect for a flower bed of continuous flowering.

These plants include:

  • decorative yarrow (blooms in late spring and blooms until October);
  • craspedia (its buds stand until frost);
  • decorative bow.

When will these plants become dried flowers, they will still decorate the flower bed even under the snow.

A flower bed of several types will be very beautiful - 2 or 3. But to create it, you need different varieties of the same plant, with different periods of flowering. Chrysanthemums are excellent, both early and late. Early flowering can be obtained by planting seeds at the end of winter.

It is also important to choose place for frostbites, sleep-grass or blueberries. Daisies, daffodils, forget-me-nots are suitable for the spring season. And chamomile will perfectly dilute the flower bed. The main emphasis is given by perennial long-flowering plants.

In particular, badans and astilbes will look beautiful. It is also worth noting erigeron, catnip, garden geranium, sage and delphinium. So, let's take a closer look at the creation of such incredible flower beds of continuous flowering.

Varieties of flower beds of continuous flowering

In order to create a continuous flowering flower garden, you will need different types of plants:

  • annuals;
  • biennials;
  • perennials.

The best choice would be a flower bed from perennials. It is she who will be supplemented every year with more and more beautiful annual flowers. But do not forget about ornamental plants, among them there can be both deciduous and cereals. They make a great addition to a flower garden.

All flower beds of continuous flowering can be divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Spring flowering.
  2. Summer bloom.
  3. Autumn bloom.

Let's consider them in more detail.

spring flower bed

In the place allotted for a flower bed, you need to plant plants, blooming in spring. Usually these are flowers with a bulb. The ideal option would be to buy plants such as: muscar, crocuses, blueberries, daffodils and tulips. In addition, erantis, brunner, hellebore, etc. can be noted. There are also beautiful two-year-olds: pansies, daisies, viola.

Perennials bloom after small bulbs. These include primrose, iris, bathing suit, you can still plant phlox.

summer flowerbed

The flower garden in summer is a true riot of color, because the choice of flowering plants is very wide. Yes, you can't list them all. We note only the most beautiful of them:

  • garden geranium;
  • phloxes;
  • delphinium;
  • cloves;
  • roses;
  • lilies;
  • bells.

Among perennials, zinnia, marigolds, asters, and petunia will feel great. biennials are among the most popular. These include: mallow, bells, daisies, digitalis.

autumn flowerbed

In autumn, continuous flowering beds are especially good in combination with bright foliage. For the design of such a flower bed, the most popular are: chrysanthemums, asters, which are usually planted in the distance, and the anemone looks beautiful in front. A special flowering will also please the eryngium, lightning.

winter flowerbed

And there is one too. And although it differs markedly from the above, it also has its own features. Against a background of white snow frostbite looks nice. It is able to bloom even at zero temperature, and the limit is -5-6 degrees.

The main principles of creating a beautiful flower bed of continuous flowering:

  1. It should be in a convenient place, beautifully furnished.
  2. Planting materials must be carefully selected.
  3. The scheme must be thought out in advance.
  4. Maintenance should be as simple as possible.

Schemes of flower beds of continuous flowering

There are many options for schemes of such flower beds. Consider the main aspects:

  • planted in the middle of the flower bed high flowers;
  • then planted undersized;
  • summer flowers (usually bulbous) are planted in a circle (edges) of the flower garden at a distance of 15–20 cm: tulip, lily, muscar, crocus, etc .;
  • daffodils should be planted in separate groups among peonies;
  • gaps can be left along the edges of the flower garden, which are then filled with roses or other types of ground cover flowers.

If a flower garden is created along fence or fences, then plants of medium height are planted along its length, and ground cover and bulbous plants are added along the edges. For any flower bed, it is better to draw up a diagram in advance, even better on paper. So you can distribute the flowers by shades, sizes, taking into account the illumination and the flowering period.

If you have a country pond on the site, then you can use the following scheme:

  • white willow;
  • silver sucker;
  • basil;
  • marsh calamus;
  • valerian;
  • umbrella susak;
  • yellow ruler;
  • swamp iris;
  • Siberian iris;
  • swimsuit.

Another option for a flower bed of continuous flowering:

  • geraniums are planted along the edges (blooms the first 2 months of summer) and stonecrop (blooms in September);
  • then comes the iris (of different colors, its flowering period is May-June);
  • then peonies with roses are planted (May-July);
  • tall plants are planted near the fence: mordovnik and millet (bloom in August).

Each scheme is good and beautiful in its own way, the main thing is place plants correctly so that they are pleasing to the eye and combined with each other.

Works to create a flower bed of continuous flowering

To create such a flower garden you will need:

  • garden tools;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • perennials;
  • fertilizers.

It is not very difficult to create a flower bed on your own. The main thing - choose a seat where the flower garden will be located. It is desirable that there was enough light. After choosing a place, you need to draw up a clear plan for where you will grow perennials. This is done on paper, the outline of the flower bed is drawn, the plants are numbered. With the onset of spring, you need to prepare a flower bed for planting. To begin with, all weeds are removed, a layer of sod is removed.

soil enrich with compost and baking powder is added to it: expanded clay, river sand, vermiculite, brick chips. Also, don't forget about fertilizers.

After you have prepared the soil, and also bought perennials, you need to mark out a place for plants. This is done with sand, which crumbles into thin paths. If perennials are purchased in containers, then it is important that the land is not overdried; you need to water it if necessary. Often plants are planted in peat, so it is better to shake off gently so as not to damage the roots, and then straighten the roots of the plant and plant in the hole.

First time the flower garden should not dry out. The soil should be moist, but not too wet. Pouring water into plants is no less harmful than overdrying it. Further care comes down to removing weeds, faded flowers, timely watering, loosening the soil. If you fertilized the soil before planting, then in the future it is already undesirable to do this.

In order to be comfortable in the garden, it must be ennobled. A bright element of the landscape will be a flower garden of perennials of continuous flowering. Both a beginner and an experienced gardener will cope with the organization of such a flower bed. The main thing is to understand at least a little the basics of landscape design and know how to care for flowering crops.

Fundamentals of landscape design

Having an idea about landscape design is necessary in order to create a real work of art from your garden or garden. Landscape architecture is based on several important principles:

  • Unity;
  • Simplicity;
  • Dominant choice;
  • Rhythm;
  • geometry and fluidity.

How to create a continuous flowering flower bed


Unity must be present throughout the territory. This principle is set from the most important object in the garden, namely the house. In what style the residential building is made, this should be followed in the garden. This also applies to flower beds. A constantly blooming flower bed should match the cottage.

If the house is the most ordinary, then it is better to plant meadow plants in a flower garden. Another option in this case is planting edible crops that look attractive. For example, you can plant ornamental and cauliflower, chocolate mint, lemon balm, curly parsley, etc. They will expressively emphasize the features of the garden.

If the house is brick, built in a simple style, then the flower garden should be formed classic and discreet. To do this, the gardener refuses pomp, artsy brightness and chooses noble calm tones and shapes.

Unity of colors


This category refers to the absence of pomposity and emotional overload. Don't overdo the details. The most attractive and attractive garden areas are organized simply but tastefully. Extra elements will make the garden untidy.

Choice of dominant

Here we are talking about the fact that there cannot be several main elements at once in one territory. Otherwise, they will overshadow each other, and the picture will be smeared. It is important to choose one dominant and build a design, taking into account the subordination of the main object. The dominant can be a pond, a stream, a sprawling tree, a bush of an unusual shape, etc. When arranging a flower bed, it is also necessary to decide on the dominant plants around which the subordinate cultures will be located.


The rhythm of the garden is created by repeating certain motifs. An example of rhythm - in different parts of the garden there are identical dwarf trees, columnar apple trees, standard currants, etc.

Schemes of flower beds of continuous flowering

Geometry and fluidity

Geometry implies the creation of clear lines in the garden and the subordination of vegetation to geometric shapes. For example, berry bushes will be planted in the shape of a square; paths, platforms, fences, hedges will be straight or with clear angles.

Smoothness is the opposite of geometry in garden architecture. It is resorted to by gardeners who are tired of the clear lines of the city. Therefore, all objects in the garden area are supposed to be smooth, soft and flexible.

All these principles directly apply to mixborders (combined flower beds). However, you should not strictly follow each of them in order to arrange a bewitching composition. These are not rules, just hints. Each gardener eventually creates his own unique flower garden from plants that are his favorites.

Creating an ever-blooming flower bed

Suitable Conditions

Starting to make a bright flower garden should be with the choice of location. Experienced designers advise making a flower bed of perennials a dominant feature in a small garden. But you should not organize it in an open space, for example, in the very center of the garden. In this case, there is a possibility that the sun will destroy some of the plants. Partial shade is best. Accordingly, it is recommended to plant a flower bed near the gazebo, arch, fence or wall of the house: where there is sometimes a shadow.

Note! The soil is selected loose and fertile. You can not grow healthy and strong flowers in a place where groundwater accumulates. Such areas are best avoided.

Plant selection

A gardener who decides to make a mixborder must competently approach the choice of perennial flowering plants. This question directly affects the appearance of a bright corner. Special attention should be paid to the selection of three points:

  1. Time of flowering culture;
  2. Suitable color;
  3. Height.

The choice of plants for the flower bed

flowering time

It is important to choose crops that will bloom in different periods of the warm season, alternately replacing each other. By observing this condition, you can ensure that the flower bed will be constantly in bloom.

Early cultures

The primroses that bloom after the snow melts include saffron, hellebore, hionodox, lungwort, galanthus. A little later, pansies, daisies, primroses, tulips, daffodils bloom. In May, hazel grouses, peonies, as well as a useful plant, whose name is lupine, bloom in the garden.

How beautiful to plant tulips in a flower bed

summer crops

In summer, aquilegia, marigolds, hydrangeas, delphinium, yarrow, roses, hibiscus, echinacea, levkoy, yanitochki, etc. bloom.

Autumn crops

Creating a flower bed will not do without autumn flowering crops. For example, carnations, begonias, asters, decorative onions, chrysanthemums, as well as phlox, which bloom until frost.

Important! It is impossible to accurately guess the change of flowering in different varieties of crops. In order for the garden bed not to look empty, it is recommended to plant some kind of annual or enrich it with greenery, that is, crops with beautiful leaves. A long-lived plant such as dwarf juniper is suitable. Also, flower growers plant ferns, bamboo leaves, curly parsley, saxifrage, mint, awl-shaped bryozoan, etc.

Suitable color

The designer's hand knows which plants make up the perfect combination of tones. An ordinary gardener, when forming a bright corner, should focus on his favorite colors or think about the compositional color scheme. There are several palette options:

  • ü Choice of contrasting colors. For example, combinations of yellow yarrows with pink armeria and blue bells.
  • ü One-color compositions. In this case, the bed has one main color. However, different plants produce different shades of dominant color. For example, if pink is chosen as the main color, then pink peonies, dicentra, primrose, purple asters, carnations, colchicum, etc. can be planted in a flower bed.
  • ü The choice of cultures of cold shades or warm. Bluebells, cornflowers, gentian, viola, blue hydrangeas are suitable for a cold flower bed. It is recommended to refresh such compositions a little by adding white.

How to plant daffodils in a flower bed


Dwarfs and undersized
  • Seaside armeria;
  • Phloxes;
  • Gentian;
  • Thyme;
  • Primrose;
  • Saxifrage;
  • Marigold;
  • Saffron;
  • Badan etc.

Planting saffron

medium height
  • Mylnyanka;
  • garden chamomile;
  • Solidago;
  • roses;
  • yarrow;
  • peonies,
  • Asters;
  • Daylily, etc.
  • Hydrangea;
  • Sunflower;
  • Juniper;
  • Mallows;
  • Miscanthus;
  • Kanna;
  • foxglove purple;
  • Buzulnik, etc.

Perennial flower beds

Flower bed planting scheme

There is a basic rule for the formation of a mixborder planting pattern. It lies in the fact that the smallest plants should be planted in the foreground. Sredneroslye - a little deeper. The background includes tall crops. In this case, the ever-blooming abundance will be presented in all its glory. Such a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials is justified if the flower bed is located next to some object, for example, near a fence or a garden house.

If it is necessary to develop a territory located in an open space, then the description of the scheme is as follows:

  1. The first row (about 50 cm) consists of undersized crops. Cirrus cloves, petunia, saffron, marigolds are suitable.
  2. The second row (50-70 cm) is formed from medium-sized plants. It is allowed to take perennial sage, yarrow, roses, chamomile.
  3. The third row (100-150 cm) will be central. A hydrangea is planted at the base of the row, it is framed by ferns, and purple foxglove can be planted along the edges of the central row.
  4. The fourth row copies the second row, the fifth row copies the first.

Additional Information. You should not thicken the landings. The flowers in the flower bed should be comfortable. On one square meter, either 3 tall plants, or 5 medium-sized, or 6-8 dwarf plants are planted.

geometric flower beds

You can make flower beds in the form of geometric shapes:

  • Circle;
  • Square;
  • Rectangle;
  • Triangle.

The gardener decides for himself whether to stick to clear edges or make the edges of the flower garden smooth and flexible.

A round flower bed of constant flowering from perennials, the planting pattern may be different. For example, a minimalist composition with climbing roses is suitable. Roses on the trellis become the central figure. They are framed by a low juniper, red epimedium. The foreground is decorated with dwarfs: saxifrage, thyme, saffron.

geometric flower bed

Square landing can be made blue-yellow. For this, marigolds, forget-me-nots, cinquefoil, Carpathian bellflower, daylily and irises are planted in irregular layers.

A rectangular garden bed will look beautiful if you break it into three sectors. In the central part of the first sector, a delphinium and snapdragon should be planted. Asters, carnations, petunias, purple echinacea are placed nearby. The lower tier is made up of large-leaved brunners, erigeron, cinquefoil, gentian. The remaining two sectors completely copy the first sector.

The flower triangle can be planted with yarrow, cushion aster, garden primrose, forget-me-nots, twig millet, curly parsley, daisies. Gardeners can make the spectacular flower of Buddley David the dominant of the composition.

Note! The described schemes with color names are only examples. In each of them, the summer resident can add something of his own. Experienced gardeners advise beginners to start by designing small beds that will have 4-6 suitable plants.

Caring for an ever-flowering flower bed

  1. Mixborder should be watered at least once every 10-15 days.
  2. The bed is weeded as needed. Approximately the procedure is carried out every 15 days. Weeds should not be allowed to grow, not only because of the untidy appearance of the flower garden - weed grass takes food from the ground, which is necessary for flowering crops.
  3. After a heavy downpour, the soil must be carefully loosened with a chopper. Thanks to this work, enough air and moisture will penetrate into the ground.
  4. Be sure to fertilize the plants once a month with mineral dressings. Complex mixtures are suitable, where potassium and phosphorus predominate. Nitrogen should not be carried away. It helps crops grow green mass, and not form buds with flowers.
  5. Once a week, the flower bed is inspected and wilted and dried flowers and leaves are removed.

A flower bed of perennials of continuous flowering will decorate any garden. Especially if it is done, adhering to the basics of landscape design. When forming a mixborder, it is important to know the flowering periods of the selected plants. In this case, you can admire different inflorescences throughout the warm half of the year.

Every person who has a dacha or his own house would like to have a unique flowerbed of continuous flowering on the territory of the site. This means that from spring to autumn, various plants would please the eye with their bright inflorescences. To create such a flower garden, you need to know the timing of flowering of certain representatives of the world of flora. To facilitate the work, you need to draw up a scheme according to which landing work will be gradually carried out. Additionally, plants should be arranged in the form of a table: in one column the name of the flower, in the second - the time of planting, in the third - the flowering period.

It is better to carry out preparatory work in advance in the fall by digging the site and planting bulbs.

It is not necessary to plant shrubs on the flower garden, such as barberry or Japanese quince, even in the background. A large root system will not allow other flowers to develop, and quince, with its shoots, can completely destroy the embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcontinuous flowering flower beds.

Master class on creating a flower garden of continuous flowering

spring flowering flower bed

In the fall, you need to choose a place for a flower garden and plant bulbous ones, it is they who will give a flower start to spring flowering. We plant low-growing flowers in the foreground, and from a height of 20 centimeters in the center or at a distance. Bulbous groups are planted, for example, 5-9 tulips in one place, a group of daffodils in another, crocuses in the third, mouse hyacinth or muscari in the fourth, primrose looks great next to blue muscarias, which blooms with raspberry flowers.

A beautiful spring flower is the hyacinth, which looks both in a single arrangement and in a group of its fellows.

An example of creating a flower bed of continuous flowering. The picture shows a flower bed, each flower is numbered, and the names of the flowers are painted below. Use this scheme to create a beautiful flower bed that will bloom all year round.

So, as now, a large selection of bulbous varieties in the store is worth looking at the color combination chart for yourself. If the flower garden is large, then you can purchase varieties of tulips and daffodils of different flowering periods, for example, ordinary red ones bloom first. After a gentle solo, the lily-colored perform. Bright rich colors add yellow and dwarf tulips, which will look great next to muscaria and primrose.

A polyanthus rose is a great solution for your flower bed. Whatever the season is in the yard, this flower will always show off in your flower garden

In the background of the flower garden we place a catchment area or aquilegia. In addition to the varietal plant, there are wild ones that are shorter, but no less expressive.

Summer flower bed

Since the bulbous plants were planted in groups, there should be islands of free land between them, where we plant a stock rose and a delphinium. These tall flowers have a place in the center of the composition or in the background. The dark pink corollas of the stock-rose will be located next to the cultivated aquilegia, which has purple and pink inflorescences. Next to the blue "candles" of the delphinium, plant Bonar verbena with its purple flowers. On the border of the composition we will plant a lobelia, either an ampelous multi-colored inflorescence, or a pure blue “Emperor Willy”.

Plant a petunia with blue-colored lobelia flowers that bloom all summer long. It will create a contrast and relentless flowering is guaranteed until frost. The accent of your composition can be given by a pot, for example, with the same petunia, but ampelous. Lilies bloom well in pots, which can be removed after flowering, as well as pansies.

In summer, our flower bed will reach its maximum beauty, all the flowers will bloom and decorate your site.

Plant roses in the center, and lilies at a distance. When the lilies bloom in July, the rose will cover them with its stems, giving coolness to the lower part of the plant. In the background, plant rudbeckia, which will open its sunny inflorescences from July. Next to it, plant groups of gladioli in the spring. The flower will release its arrows from July to September, which must be cut when flowering reaches its apogee, so that the bulb increases and gains strength before digging for the winter.

At the right edge of the flower bed, plant a peony a little further away, and let a lily flower grow on the other side. If the flower bed is large enough, then you can plant three flowers, if it is small, then one at a time. Godetia, which is beautiful with its most delicate inflorescences, may not please with its beauty if it rains. Therefore, this representative of the flower world is best left for planting on the balcony.

Autumn flower bed

Juicy colors in autumn are the care of colorful chrysanthemums and asters. It is desirable to place them in the background, and in front it is better to land a Japanese anemone and a simple black cohosh. Rudbeckia continues to bloom, and autumn colchicum will surprise with its flowers, the flowers of which resemble crocus, but they surpass it in size.

Are you afraid of the approach of autumn? Do you think that your flower bed will become ugly and you will have to get rid of it? Well, following our advice and scheme, your flower bed will delight you even in autumn.

The autumn sol, located in the background of the flower bed, will play amaranth with its raspberry leaves and cochia, which will change color from green to burgundy during autumn.

When arranging a continuous flowering flower bed, it will be difficult for a beginner to create a perfect flower bed, however, there are a number of secrets that will help ensure the charm of any flower garden.

  1. Place a large boulder or a trio of stones in the center of the flower bed to add a touch of originality to any flower garden.
  2. Use portable structures such as pots and planters. If any island of earth is exposed, then putting a pot there, for example, with a petunia, correct the situation. Such accent inserts can be figures of birds or animals. However, it is important to show a sense of proportion. One figurine will be enough.
  3. In the background or on the side, but without blocking the sun, you can plant clematis or girlish grapes that will cling to the decorative lattice.
  4. Cut off faded flowers, thereby extending the flowering time, and the flower bed looks neat.
  5. Weed regularly. Sometimes weeds give a sloppy look to any of the most beautiful compositions, and a well-groomed flower bed, on the contrary, catches the eye.
  6. Apply fertilizer in a timely manner, they are needed both in spring and in summer and autumn.

Creating a flower bed of continuous flowering is not a matter of one day, it is painstaking work through trial and error. But in any case, you need to rely mostly on long-flowering annuals, which you can buy as seedlings in the store, or plant them yourself in the spring.

Plant familiar flowers that will decorate the flower bed. Experiments are best done elsewhere to be sure of the unfading beauty of creation.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials is a beauty that does not require serious sacrifices and is ready to delight with itself every year during the warm period. Perennial beds have advantages over flower arrangements with plants that bloom only one season.

If you create a bright spot in the landscape with perennial flora, you can not worry about the design for several years. The flowering process will be renewed annually. It is only necessary to provide the plants with proper care in order to preserve the beauty of the flower bed.

All flowers suitable for creating compositions can be divided into three categories. The first is undersized. Their height usually does not exceed thirty centimeters, and they are suitable for the formation of multi-colored carpets, as well as for "drawing" on the ground. A list of beautiful undersized perennials is in front of you:

  • dwarf aster;
  • shaving;
  • phlox;
  • aquilegia;
  • gentian;
  • soapwort;
  • Carpathian bell.

Before planting undersized flowers, you need to take into account a small set of rules:

  1. Do not place undersized flowers in shady areas. If you ignore the condition, you can not expect gorgeous flowering.
  2. Use not nitrogen, but flower fertilizers. The first category of dressings has a positive effect on the increase in green mass, and not on the quantity and quality of flowers.
  3. Plant low-growing perennials tightly. Large gaps are acceptable only when planting tall and medium-sized plants, and in this case they will not make the overall picture unaesthetic.
  4. Remove weeds promptly. They will not only introduce unattractive notes into the floral canvas, but will have an extremely negative effect on undersized flowers.

The second category is medium. The approximate height of plants is from thirty to eighty centimeters. Such flowers will be useful for those who want to diversify a boring landscape with tiered island or mono-compositions. Here are some options for medium-sized flowering perennials:

  • day-lily;
  • peony;
  • rose flower;
  • radiola pink;
  • yarrow.

The third category should include tall plants. Their height exceeds eighty centimeters. A chic island flower bed will not do without them. Here are a few plants that fall into this category:

  • mallow;
  • stock-rose;
  • window sill;
  • basilisk;
  • winding sunflower.

Basic principles for creating any continuous flowering flower bed

A perennial flower bed is not just a collection of flowers planted in a chaotic manner. You need to think over the scheme, take into account all the recommendations and, of course, provide the flowers with proper care. Check out the list of tips:

  1. Tall flowers should be in the middle, and undersized - along the contour. This applies to island compositions. This principle of placement will allow small flowers not to remain in the shade of long plants.
  2. When creating a multi-colored flower bed, it is better to combine bright tall and pale undersized flowers. Expressive spots will look great on a faded background.
  3. Near the curbs you need to plant tall plants, and then short ones. A row of long flowers will favorably decorate the border, and the subsequent strip of undersized perennials will complete the composition, giving it neatness.
  4. Give each component of the flower bed the required care. If each flower needs a specific watering regimen, you must either arrange plants that are similar in requirements, or prefer varieties that need to be cared for in the same way.
  5. If you decide to use seasonal flowers, i.e. irises, tulips, etc., do not plant them in the foreground. After withering, they will spoil the "face" of the flower bed. It is advisable to separate a site for them near the lush and bright flowers, so that they obscure the withered buds.

Schemes for creating carpet beds from perennials

In order to form a living carpet on the landscape, you need a scheme and undersized flowers. They will create the illusion of a three-dimensional colorful pattern. It is advisable to look for plants of the same variety so that there are no prominent areas on the flower carpet in terms of height and other parameters. Another important condition is that the flowering must be thick, otherwise the effect of a dense picture will not work.

One of the most simple carpet patterns is a flower. It will take only four components to get the coveted three-dimensional image. One of the most suitable flowers is phlox. Their lush flowering hats will cover the ground and foliage. The number 1 in the scheme means white phloxes, the number 2 - purple, and the number 3 - pink. But, in place of the number 4, you can plant a yellow aquilegia.

Schemes for creating figured flower beds from perennials

To create this type of flower bed, it is best to use either undersized or medium-sized flowers. Due to the length of the tall flowering plants, the splendor of the image can only be seen from above. Simple in execution, but attractive and versatile picture of flowers - a heart.

The contours of the heart are easy to form with peonies. Such lush and luxurious borders will be worthy of attention. To fill the space of the figure, the queens of flowers - roses - are perfect. As for tones, you can give preference to a single tint range, for example, pink. Arrange majestic pink peonies along the contours, alternating them with burgundy ones, and plant deep pink, pale pink and bright pink roses inside the composition.

Schemes for creating island flower beds from perennials

Island compositions do not require clarity, time-consuming and special care for them. Given that the flower bed will be created from perennials, you can forget about planting seeds and collecting them.

Flowerbeds-islands can be either one-color or multi-colored. The second option looks more attractive and natural. It seems as if nature itself decided to create a small corner of paradise.

In such a composition, flowers of different heights must be present, otherwise it will lose its charm. The image below is an example of a flower island layout.

The smallest figures inside the left side are undersized bright perennials. Their role can be played by pink soapwort bushes. Instead of small figures on the right side of the image, it is recommended to place gentian on the site. Two medium-sized identical figures on the right would be nice to replace with daylily bushes, and instead of what is between them, several rose bushes should be planted. The two similar images on the left are great places to plant stock roses. The area of ​​the large remaining image can be filled with a bright decorative sunflower.

Schemes for creating curb beds

Are there many paths and fences on the territory of your dacha that you just want to revive with beautiful flowering? Your attention is presented with a plate with variations of living bright contours from perennial plants.

Name of the flower bedFlowers
Living border "Sky in the clouds"The area near the fence - a combination of Carpathian bellflower and gentian, the second row - white phlox
Flower fence "The charm of pink"The combination of shaving and soapwort (both flowers should be planted hardly in a chaotic manner)
Contour of flowers "Royal"Combination of yellow roses and Carpathian bluebell
Floral border "Extraordinary"A row near the artificial fence - purple aquilegia, the second row - lilac phlox
Living fence "Brightness and tenderness"The first and third row - yarrow, the second - daylily

Video - Continuous flowering flower garden

Consumption ecology. Every summer resident would dream that his garden would be fragrant and delight with a beautiful view for as long as possible. The scheme of a flower bed of perennials of continuous flowering will make this idea a reality and enjoy the beauty and smell of planted flowers throughout the summer.

Every summer resident would dream that his garden would be fragrant and delight with a beautiful view for as long as possible. The scheme of a flower bed of perennials of continuous flowering will make this idea a reality and enjoy the beauty and smell of planted flowers throughout the summer.

Basic moments

For a novice gardener, the question of how to create a flower bed of continuous flowering can lead to a dead end, but experienced summer residents know that the secret of creating it is very simple. When compiling such a flower garden and selecting plants, you only need to know exactly in what period they will bloom. By planting several varieties on the same bed, which will gradually replace each other, you can not worry that the site will look untidy or empty.

Some may think that this is a fairly simple job. Indeed, there is nothing easier - to plant flowers with different flowering periods and just enjoy the work done. But at this moment it is important to take into account all the nuances of such flower beds. First of all, take into account that each planting needs different care, excellent watering levels, illumination, soil conditions, and much, much more. Therefore, when planning a mixborder, you need to select all those varieties that have similar care requirements.
Plants for a flower bed of continuous flowering, as it has already become known, are selected carefully, but even with 5-6 different types of plantings, you can create an amazing and unique mixborder. The main rule, which is important to observe both in the preparation of small beds and large lawns, is considered to be a more or less accurate calculation of flowering periods. Usually it does not exceed a couple of weeks. In order to somewhat smooth out the moment of withering of some buds and the blooming of others, some deciduous plants with a high decorative effect should also be placed on the garden bed.

In order to make it easier to navigate, it is better to draw a rough plan on a sheet with a mark on the types of flowers that will grow. So, if it is planned to create a flower garden in a vast open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage, then the scheme of a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials should look like this:

  • The center of the whole composition should be higher varieties of plantations. Here it is also permissible to place plants that do not bloom, but create a decorative effect. However, it is not recommended to concentrate them in one place. It is better to place them in the garden evenly so that they grow in bouquets of flowers.
  • The closer to the edge, the shorter the plantings should be. At the end of the garden, you can even plant small plants creeping along the ground that can hide the outlines and add visual naturalness.
  • When choosing different shades, be sure to observe some compatibility of shades with each other. But at the same time, do not forget about bright spots that can attract attention and thus place accents, making even a simple flower bed unusual and bright.

If the placement of the flower garden is supposed to be done near any fence or fence, then tall plantings should be planted closer to it. Their length should also decrease in accordance with how far the mixborder will go to the site.

Types of plants used

There are a variety of examples of continuous flowering flower beds, depending on what effect you want to give to the site.

Flower arrangements usually have names that are consonant with the seasons.

Spring tenderness

As you know, many people associate spring time with the growth of the most delicate flowers. Therefore, it is imperative to provide flowers such as daisies, primroses, pansies, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, lungworts. These plants bloom almost the very first and delight all gardeners for at least a month. Gradually by May they are being replaced peonies, late types of tulips and daffodils, aquilegia, forsythia, lupins and aquilegia. By the end of this month, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouse, sweet peas, as well as other types of flowers are gaining strength.

summer chic

Gradually, one season is replaced by another, and in the flower beds you can already find many more species of a wide variety of flowers. For example, You can plant the following plants:

  1. Amaranth;
  2. Marigold;
  3. Hibiscus;
  4. Levkoi;
  5. Zinnias;
  6. roses;
  7. Hydrangeas;
  8. Liatris;
  9. Delphiniums.

At the same time, a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials should also be made up of different types. daylilies and lilies, rudbeckia, monards, echinacea,. The buds of these plants are able to smell fragrant almost all summer, if, of course, they are properly cared for. By the way, the empty places that appear between them in the spring can be sown with annuals. So the usual riot of colors can be diluted with new types of plantings and create more interesting compositions.

autumn nobility

As the range of summer colors subsides and autumn arrives, it's time for new types of flowers. As you might guess, they already need more coolness than summer heat, so they adapt perfectly to this time.

In flower beds gradually begin to bloom buds of phloxes, lobelia, chrysanthemums, cannes, colchicum. At the same time, it is possible to achieve re-blooming in some flowers. For example, repairing plants are able to please again with beautiful fresh buds. roses, ageratum, carnations, delphinium, begoni I. To do this, it is important to remove the faded petals immediately after the flowers wither, cutting them off with garden shears.
If you want to return the garden to its former bright colors, then you need to find a place for planting seeds of sage, coreopsis, gelenium, asters and sedum. At the same time, plantings of ornamental onions can grow in the garden almost to the very frost, yarrow, craspedia.

Ready schemes and ideas

There are quite a few different types of flower beds of this kind. It is worth talking about the most spectacular. By the way, a flowerbed of continuous flowering with your own hands can turn out to be unique if you develop it yourself.

Create an illusion

For those summer residents who dreamed of decorating their site with the construction of a fountain or a stream, but for some reason could not do it, it is possible to build a fake, but very natural “dry” source.
It is important to take into account all the nuances when working, so that it visually seems that the water is really running.

First of all, you should lay out the channel with the help of oblong pebbles of various sizes. For greater naturalness, it can be painted blue, so that from afar it really seems that it is a liquid. Along with this, you can fill the "bed" of our stream with transparent blue beads.

  1. Leaves-bamboo. This is not a flowering plant, but in this composition it plays one of the key roles, as it gives the stream a natural look. If you think about it, you will remember that near many springs such types of herbaceous plantings grow. If there are no seeds of this plant, you can replace it with an ostrich. Both of them have the ability to add volume to the flower garden.
  2. Bearded irises are planted near him at the mouth of a stream.
  3. Opposite these types of flowers, lobelia is planted.
  4. A creeping tenacious similar to the required care is located next to the irises.
  5. Next, you should provide for a very small distance, at which there will be only pebbles. Immediately after them, on the right side, Poskharsky's bell can be planted. It is not too high and will fit perfectly into the "channel" of our stream.
  6. Shaver hybrids can be placed right next to them to ensure a smooth transition of shades.
  7. On the left edge, directly opposite the shaving, a plant should be planted, which, in addition to bright flowers, will also have lush greenery. For example, large-leaved brunner will be the best choice in this case.
  8. On the opposite bank of this plant, you will need to plant an awl-leaved bryozoan. Its soft greens add the desired shade and naturalness.
  9. The composition should be completed with a red creeping tenacious. This is a ground cover planting that fits perfectly into the whole composition.
  10. The last plant will not bloom. It can be, as in the first case, a bamboo leaf grate or any other green planting of this kind.

Composition "for the impatient"

Every summer resident would dream of seeing the fruits of his labors as soon as possible. Of course, with perennials it is quite difficult to achieve violent flowering in the year of planting, but this is possible. The most important rule when planting this mixborder will be the obligatory choice of a well-lit side in order to provide the plantings with a need for constant heat. This mixborder is best planted near fences. The background, among other things, can also be coniferous plantations or a wall.

The scheme of a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials in this case will look like this:

  1. The background is decorated with different types of stock roses. Here you can make a mix of different shades;
  2. A decorative sunflower is planted near them;
  3. Icelandic poppies are capable of giving great brightness;
  4. Gaillardia are located not far from them;
  5. A bright accent is cardinal lobelia. It will run across most of the garden like a red ribbon;
  6. Blue shades will add depth. This will require three varieties of flowers. The first of them is a catnip;
  7. Next, Poskharsky's bell is planted;
  8. On the edge, you will need to place a blue katananhe;
  9. Red spots will be gravilate;
  10. Stonecrop is able to please until the very autumn;
  11. Also, right up to frost, the geyher summer resident will be pleased.

All these flowers are matched to each other as well as possible and need general care. Despite the ease of cultivation, you can get a really beautiful flower bed. If there is a blank wall or an ugly structure on the site, then with the help of this composition it can be quite easily hidden.

Gate decoration

If your site has a gate with an arch above it, then you can decorate it with flowers so that the building looks elegant and beautiful throughout the warm season. In this flower garden, all plantings are selected in such a way, so there will be no problems with this.

For the best understanding, you should divide the entire garden into tiers.

  • The first will be located at the very bottom, which will allow the formation of a curtain that creeps densely along the soil. You can achieve this effect if you use Pozharsky's bell (20), cushion aster (3), foxtail featherweed (19), oak sage (9), rock stonecrop (2), stonecrop creaker (5).
  • The middle level is based on yellow yarrows arranged symmetrically opposite each other (16 and 8). In the center on the left, you will already need to arrange longer flowers compared to the first types of plantings. Long-leaved speedwell (7), spikelet liatris (1) and rod millet (6) are well suited here. On the right in the center it will be necessary to place plantings related to chamomile-like flowers. These can be brilliant rudbeckia (17), New Belgian (15) and cushion (18) asters.
  • The background will already be made up of giant plants that are able to hide the fence and rise above it if it is small. Sunflower (10) will decorate the flower bed with bright shades, stock-rose (9) will dilute the summer riot of colors with delicate burgundy buds. On the right, glossy rudbeckia (14) and David's budley (13) will look best.
  • The plants that will braid the arch should be of two colors to give zest to the whole composition. An excellent solution in this case would be to use a climbing rose (12) on one side and Jacquemann's clematis (11) on the other.

The main difference of such a flower bed will be its versatility. It is perfectly capable of decorating both stone and wooden, forged and other types of fences.

For partial shade

Not every summer resident has the opportunity to place a flower garden in a sunny area. The next option is suitable just in the event that partial shade is constantly present in the garden.

The main idea of ​​this composition is to dilute the dull landscape and a spectacular combination of bright plantings with lush greenery. An unusual combination of shades on the leaves has a function (1). She will delight throughout the warm period of time. Already in May, a magnificent dicentra blooms magnificent (2), which in any case will look spectacular. In early June, bright yellow-red leaves of red epimedium (3) begin to appear above the flower bed, and next to it is one of the brightest accents - muscarine-like liriope (4).
Starting from May and almost until October, geraniums will create a special mesh pattern (5). The gentle lungwort dilutes these shades (6). In the spring, the main accent of the mixborder is the spring navel (7), and it will gradually be replaced by no less soft and delicate shades of violet (8).

Based on the diagrams and material from this article, and you will be able to form a beautiful composition of perennial flowers in the country, which will delight with its flowering throughout the summer. Most importantly, follow all the necessary recommendations and adhere to the landing rules. Indeed, when compiling such a flower bed, it is very important to select those plantings that can get along well next to each other. published
