Savory and thyme: what is the difference between plants? Thyme and thyme are the same or not.

Probably due to the consonance of words thyme And savory very often the questions arise: what do these two plants have in common and how do they differ from each other?

Both belong to the Lamiaceae family, decorative, spicy, honey-bearing - that's probably all common features. But there are much more differences, since these are two completely different plants.

Creeping thyme, thyme (Thymus serpyllum)

This is a beautiful plant 15-20 cm high. It is especially decorative during the period of long flowering (June-August), when it forms lively pink carpets.

Fragrant carpet of creeping thyme. A photo

Can be used on garden yards, especially straight and long ones, arranged in a patchwork style (clinker or brick arranged in a certain order, large pebbles and trampling-resistant ground cover plants). Suitable for decorating and securing slopes.

Features of the cultivation of creeping thyme

In one place thyme grows 4-5 years. Landing pattern 30x40 cm, in one seat place 2-3 plants. Prefers permeable, light, fertile soils.

Where can you find creeping thyme in nature

It occurs in places with sandy, stony soils: slopes, dry meadows, along roadsides, among shrubs, in light forests of the forest-steppe, steppe (less often - forest) zones of the European part, Western Siberia.

The use of thyme creeping

The apical parts of non-lignified twigs collected before flowering are eaten: as a seasoning for, and dishes, cheeses, as a fragrance for. For therapeutic purposes, a herb is used that has an expectorant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative, secretolytic effect. Contraindicated in pregnancy, cardiac decompensation, liver and kidney diseases.

Other types of thyme

In addition to creeping thyme, the culture uses:
  • common thyme ( T.vulgare) with lilac-pink, sometimes white flowers, fragrant with a delicate coniferous-citrus aroma;
  • flea thyme ( T.pulegioides) with small lilac-pink flowers, blooming in June-July; it creates a low, even carpet and will be an excellent backdrop for component plants, emphasizing their beauty.
In addition to them, in the gardens you can find a dozen more types of thyme, including: T . xcitriodorus,T.longiflorus,T. cilicicus and others, and several more different forms and varieties that only a specialist in thyme can already distinguish.

This is interesting: There are three versions about the origin of the Latin generic name for thyme - thyme . Some associate it with the word thymos - strength, courage. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that thyme instilled strength in people, so the image of its branches often adorned knightly scarves.

According to another version, this word is translated from Greek as breath of life, spirit .

On the third, it is associated with the word thyo, What means make sacrifices , since thyme is the oldest cult plant, it was usually burned in temples or on altars during rituals. It was believed that fragrant smoke (incense) ascended to the sky, caressing the senses of the gods and causing their favor. IN Ancient Greece he was dedicated to Aphrodite, in Rome - to Saturn, the god of time.

In Russia, thyme was called Bogorodsk grass . It was customary on the day of the Assumption of the Mother of God to decorate her icons with bunches of fragrant grass.

What else to watch on the site about thyme:

Savory garden, fragrant (Satureja hortensis)

Savory garden, fragrant ( naturejahortensis) - about annual (rarely biennial) herbaceous plant originally from the Eastern Mediterranean, Iran. Dense, rather compact, unobtrusive at first glance, but will conquer anyone with a peculiar subtle aroma.

Savory garden. A photo

When planting, keep a distance between plants of 10-15 cm, between rows of 20-30 cm. It is undemanding to soils, but it grows better on fertile, light ones. During the flowering period, it will support the pastel, white and lilac range of the composition. Recommended for planting on a spicy bed, in a mixborder - as an accompanying or filling element, as well as in a border, with a cut twice a season (at the beginning of flowering) at the height of the branching of the stem.

The use of garden savory

Fresh, salted, pickled young greens with the taste of hot pepper are used for food: as a seasoning for salads, sauces, meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. For therapeutic purposes, a herb is used that has a bactericidal, hypotensive, astringent, antispasmodic, carminative, weak diuretic, antiseptic, anthelmintic effect. In large doses, it is contraindicated in pregnancy.

In addition to garden savory, they use in culture savory mountain (S.Montana), which is valued for its resistance (frost-resistant, drought-resistant, can grow in partial shade, but blooms profusely only in open sunny places) and late flowering (from July to September). The flowers are white-pink with purple spots, with a peculiar balsamic smell.

Does thyme or savory grow in your garden?

It is no secret that many non-professionals can easily get confused by the variety of different spices on the shelves. There are times when seasonings that seem to be similar in taste and aroma have various titles. This happened with thyme and thyme.

In various sources, you can find a variety of information that tells about the true origin of these herbs. In fact, thyme and thyme are the same plant, which is the basis of the famous seasoning.

What is the difference between thyme and thyme?

Like any plant, thyme has many varieties and types. Depending on the location, soil, humidity and amount of sunlight, plants that look different from each other can grow. The two most common types of thyme are:

  • common thyme;
  • creeping thyme.

It is the creeping subspecies that is commonly called thyme. Unlike ordinary thyme, creeping thyme grows better in dry soils and is more actively used for medicinal purposes. The leaves of the thyme plant contain many useful essential oils, which are used in pharmacology, and in traditional medicine, and for cosmetic purposes.

Among the most useful properties of thyme are:

  1. antiseptic effect.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Calming action.
  4. Painkiller.

What is another name for thyme basil or thyme?

Such confusion with the names of plants and spices occurred due to the many different languages ​​​​in the territory of one country in the past. If we consider what else is commonly called thyme, basil and thyme, then you can find more than a dozen different options.

As a rule, thyme is most often confused with cumin, although these are two completely different plants that are not similar in taste or aroma. The differences are so striking that even a non-specialist, seeing two spices, will not be able to confuse them.

Thyme is also often referred to as savory. Again, this is wrong, since these are two different cultures. Savory has a more spicy and sweetish flavor. However, it is not customary to eat it fresh. Immediately after harvesting, the plant is dried and ground into powder.

In many ways, the taste of a plant depends not only on the variety, but also on the place where it grew. So basil or thyme that grew in Central Asia, will be radically different in appearance and in palatability from a plant native to Europe. To distinguish what is the difference between different varieties, you can best try a few options. Each region is famous for its spices and sauces, which are prepared from them.

thyme and thyme during pregnancy

The choice of seasonings, spices and sauces should be especially carefully approached during pregnancy. The reason is that many natural ingredients, such as thyme (lemon thyme), have quite strong properties and can lead to an increase in uterine tone, dizziness, and a decrease in blood pressure.

If you are used to drinking tea with thyme or cumin, then during pregnancy it is better to replace these herbs with chamomile or regular green tea. It is important to consult with your doctor about which herbs you can and cannot use.

As for the use of thyme as a spice, in very small quantities during normal pregnancy it is not harmful, but rather improves digestion.

Based on the foregoing, one conclusion can be drawn - it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of spices and seasonings, since they largely affect the taste ready meal. Knowing the characteristics of plants and their beneficial properties can help not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

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It's time to answer the question that people interested in natural medicines ask: what is the difference between thyme and thyme? They are actually different names. perennial plant, known in Ancient Rome, and due to its healing properties, it is still used in medicinal preparations.

Key Features

evergreen shrub, belonging to the mint family, can be seen in the temperate zone of European countries and America, as well as in northern Africa. In rocky and steppe areas where creeping thyme grows (it is this species that is called thyme), it is easier to find it, but it will also be found in open areas of wooded areas. It's easy to find out:

  • the branches lie almost on the ground, and only the stems rise up;
  • small leaves resemble ellipses, whose length does not exceed 1 cm;
  • the roots are of the rod type, differ in thickness, go deep into the ground;
  • bundles pink flowers located closer to the end of the stem;
  • the petioles are short, and the leaves, smooth in the upper part, acquire a grayish color on the underside.

Flowering begins in June and ends in August. During this period, raw materials are collected (the entire ground part becomes it), and in the process it is important not to damage the roots, otherwise new shoots will not appear for a long time.

Harvested plants should be spread out in a layer up to 7 cm on paper, finding a shady place, and periodically mixed until completely dry. To get rid of the stems, it is recommended to grind the finished collection. After that, the dried product is poured into a well-closing container, where it will keep beneficial features within 2 years.

How to plant

Growth requires sunlight, so find a place with a good lighting. Preparation must begin in advance by removing weeds and root residues. After that, move on to fertilizer, and manure or products enriched with K and R will come in handy.

You can start planting as early as April:

  • dig up the selected area;
  • add urea (20 g);
  • after 24 hours, scatter the seeds, maintaining a distance between rows of 40 cm;
  • pour 1 cm of sand on top;
  • cover with foil.

Under these conditions, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. Take care of them, as well as other green pets: provide loosening without abusing watering, do not forget about weeding, and the bushes will decorate the site for about 5 years.

To get the result, you will have to be patient, because thyme is not happy with the growth rate. If you want to save yourself from a long wait, start preparing seedlings in advance. It is enough to follow the same rules, and after 2.5 months you will already plant young plants!

Beneficial features

The product, rich in valuable oils and vitamins, has found application in medicine, it has the following effect:

  • has a beneficial effect on the psychological state and allows you to calm the frizzy nerves;
  • eliminates pain in rheumatism;
  • produces a diuretic and diaphoretic action;
  • restores the work of the male reproductive system, helps with prostatitis;
  • relieves swelling, eliminates itching after an insect bite;
  • relieves flatulence, diarrhea, fermentation in the intestines and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates bad breath;
  • gives an expectorant effect in bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • can bring to consciousness at a syncope;
  • helps with vegetative problems;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • due to the disinfecting effect, it is used in the treatment of an infectious rash.

But the beneficial properties were appreciated not only by physicians. The tool was also adopted by cosmetologists, using it to strengthen hair and nail plates or eliminate skin rashes.

Dried herbs are useful even in everyday life, because a pleasant smell will help get rid of moths. Thyme was also adopted by culinary specialists, since its aroma allows you to add unusual notes. It is worth exploring the beneficial properties, and you can use the tool in different areas!


Like any medicine, misapplication thyme causes complications. Reception will have to be refused in the following cases:

  • kidney disease;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, heart attacks, cardiosclerosis);
  • individual intolerance.

It is undesirable to exceed the dosage, otherwise the body may respond with nausea, vomiting, headaches and pressure drops. In order to exclude an unpleasant development of events, consult a doctor who will take into account the nuances of the situation.

What form to use

To prepare a decoction, it is enough to pour 1 tbsp. l. healing collection with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the liquid will infuse, and you can use it in a spoon 3 times a day. A feature of this medicine will be a pleasant taste!

Bogorodskaya grass oil (another name for thyme), obtained by steam distillation, is also in use. The product has a pronounced smell, due to which it is used in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps and lotions. You will also need a remedy for the treatment of arthritis, colds, depression, skin diseases and PMS. At home, infusions are made from vegetable oil, later adding them to salads - the healing properties are preserved.

During pregnancy

During this period, it is especially important to study contraindications, because from the use thyme will have to be abandoned by future parents suffering from pressure problems. You need to be more careful if you are prone to high blood pressure: the use of the collection will aggravate the situation, and the effect will be lasting.

Nevertheless, at the initial stage, the use of thyme in different types gives positive result. Its disinfecting properties relieve infections that threaten the formation of a new life, so a specialist can recommend decoctions and infusions. If in the next trimester you control your blood pressure and, if necessary, stop taking it, then difficulties can be avoided!

Application in cooking

In order to reveal new shades of bored dishes, add fragrant spices to them! Dried or fresh thyme will be a new ingredient when cooking:

  • meat and fish;
  • salads and vegetable side dishes;
  • sweets;
  • sauces;
  • marinades for canning.

It is also added to honey, which gives the smell pleasant and unusual notes. A similar component is good for health, and men will notice an improvement in sexual function - thyme retains substances that relieve impotence.

A mixture with the usual herbs and bay leaves has proven itself well, because it is added to soups, casseroles, pizza or homebaked bread. It is only necessary to take into account that dried herbs give a sharper aroma and spicy taste than the fresh component.

With the help of the ingredient, you can also enrich vegetable or butter. If in the first case the usual insistence is made, then in the second case you need to follow a simple procedure:

  • remove the oil in advance so that it softens;
  • add a mixture of fresh Bogorodsk grass, salt and a pinch of sugar;
  • place in refrigerator.

The next day you will have a supplement that can be used for sandwiches or used when roasting meat!

In cosmetology

If you want to get luxurious hair, then it will be enough to add a couple of drops of oil from useful plant. Use it for rinsing, and the strands will become more shiny, and hair loss will decrease.

The remedy is also used for dandruff, pouring 1/3 cup of dry collection of 1 liter of boiling water. After the liquid has been infused for 1 hour, use it for rinsing. A similar decoction will cope with acne, if you freeze it and use it to wipe the disturbing areas. Fix the result by washing with distilled water with a couple of drops. healthy oil, and the skin will not cause problems!

Useful bogorodskaya grass and those who want to improve the condition of the nail plates, because the regular application of its extract will cope with the task.

For diseases

To improve your health, you can resort to recipes traditional medicine, since they cover different areas:

  • In case of rheumatism, dry powder should be heated, then wrapped in cloth or gauze and applied to the disturbing place.
  • To combat prostatitis and enhance potency, take 1.5 tbsp. l. dried component and ½ tbsp. l. mint. Pour this mixture into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of water. The liquid should stand for at least 8 hours, after which it can be used instead of tea.

Additional components can be varied at will, because rose hips, linden or oregano will also benefit. The main thing is that thyme must be present in the drink!

Another way to restore strength to a man will be rubbing: take a handful of a dry plant, pour it with ordinary oil and put it in a dark place. The medicine will be ready in 30 days, after which you filter out the amount needed for grinding, and leave the rest to infuse further. Ancient Roman doctors wrote about the benefits of this method for men! And they will complement the effect of the bath, where you need to add not a large number of thyme.

  • To keep you cold, pour 1 tbsp. l. boiled water (1 cup), and after half an hour strain the infusion. To improve the taste, put honey, and you will get a medicine that will help with whooping cough or pharyngitis.
  • Thyme will become a natural remedy for allergies and furunculosis, if you pour 6 g in a glass of water. The liquid is boiled for a couple of minutes and removed from the heat, letting it brew for 1 hour. It remains only to strain the medicine and drink 3 times a day. A similar method will please with effectiveness and with bleeding, kidney stones, skin rashes.
  • Those who want to reduce blood pressure, eliminate inflammation or manage diabetes will adopt the following method: mix 1 tbsp. l. main ingredient with an equal amount of dry blueberry shoots, add a glass of boiling water. After cooling the liquid, drink in 2 doses.

Remember that the plant should not be harvested near the road, so get it from pharmacies or rely on your own growing. Use natural medicines, and you can defeat ailments!

With alcoholism

Bogorodskaya grass helps with alcohol cravings: it contains thymol, which, when combined with alcohol, causes nausea and vomiting. To consolidate the aversion to drinking, you should pour 15 g of dry collection with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath.

After 15 minutes, the liquid is filtered and an equal amount of boiling water is added, after which the patient should drink 200 g of a healing decoction daily, divided into 4 doses. He retains his properties for 3 days, and after their expiration it is necessary to prepare a new portion. A similar method can be used even in secret from the patient, which will not affect the effectiveness.

Creeping thyme has become an affordable and inexpensive natural medicine, and recipes delight in simplicity. Do not forget to read the contraindications, consult your doctor, and get healthy!

The similarity of plants in terms of names and useful properties has created confusion between the two plants: savory and thyme. Small plants with a fragrant smell and small flowers have been known for a very long time, but are used for different purposes. It is quite easy to distinguish them externally. The issue of differences and similarities between these plants will be described in our article.

Thyme and savory: difference and similarity

Many gardeners are sure that savory is one of the varieties of thyme and is its relative. The similarity in the name created such a situation. In fact, these are dissimilar plants in appearance.

The common features of savory and thyme are as follows:

  • both belong to the family Lamiaceae;
  • are melliferous, spicy medicinal plants;
  • similar composition useful substances: vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, tannins, antioxidants;
  • used in medicinal purposes: antiseptic, expectorant, source of vitamins, choleretic and diuretic, heal wounds and soothe;
  • added to cooking as a condiment.

That's all the similarities between savory and thyme. There are many more differences.

Outwardly, savory and thyme are easy to distinguish:

thyme bush

savory bush

thyme flowers

savory flower

The use of these plants in cooking is different. Savory is used as a spicy seasoning, replacing, added at the end of cooking. Thyme is placed at the beginning or middle of cooking and used as a fragrant remedy. The seeds are used for pungency. Dried leaves and flowers are brewed into tea.

In Russia, thyme was called Bogorodskaya grass and used as a sedative. IN Ancient Egypt it was used in embalming.

Savory: description

Savory refers to dicotyledonous flowering plants. Savory is native to the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. Garden savory is grown in gardens. It is more odorous than other types of savory. Mountain savory grows in mountainous areas: it is more frost-resistant, blooms much later garden species and only on open places. It has a strong smell of balsam.

In Georgia, savory is used as a seasoning for meat dishes. He is called kondari. The seasoning is prepared from savory species that grow in these areas.

What does savory look like?

It is a herbaceous plant up to half a meter tall. It has small flowers at the top of the branch. blooms different colors at the end of July-August. Seeds ripen in autumn.

Dried savory is made from the whole plant: the twigs, along with the leaves, are crushed and dried dark-colored greens are obtained. Seeds are used as a separate seasoning in various dishes. Great for meat dishes rabbit and beef.

Where does savory grow?

Savory spread to the entire continent of Eurasia. It also occurs in middle lane Russia. Often found in the Moscow region, Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod regions. There are many in the south and in Europe. Very coldy does not tolerate. Grows on any soil and mountain slopes. Likes lots of sun. Therefore, it is found in Asia and steppe zones.

Savory is rich in useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Used to treat various diseases and use the concentrate for medical purposes.

Medicinal properties of savory:

  • Antiseptic, disinfectant.
  • Helps with digestion: improves appetite, copes with bloating, indigestion and vomiting.
  • Helps with cough and respiratory diseases.
  • Improves the functioning of the gallbladder, kidneys and lymph.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Soothes and helps fight cancer.

Savory is consumed in the form of tea or decoction. A small amount of herbs is brewed with hot water.

At the same time, do not forget about contraindications:

  • allergies;
  • acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • complex heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest from large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Thyme: description

Thyme is a perennial plant. In one place grows up to 5 years. Garden thyme is more often grown in gardens. There are also other types of thyme. One property unites them is that they are all medicinal. Thyme is used in medicine and cooking as a seasoning.

Thyme is a type of thyme. In fact, they are one and the same.

What does thyme look like?

Depending on the species, thyme grows in height from 5 cm to 30 cm. Small leaves are located on petiolate stems, white, pink or pink flowers bloom on the top of the head. purple. blooms almost all summer.

One bush forms a large cap of spicy aroma grass with honey flowers. The stem with flowers is cut and dried for winter use and storage. The stems are crushed and dried. Dry thyme is a light beige color, common for dried herbs. Exudes a delicate fragrance.

Where does thyme grow?

Thyme is found in sunny glades, in the steppes. In Russia, it is often found in the southern steppe zones, mountain slopes in Altai.

Grows in the middle lane:

  • Moscow region;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region;
  • and other temperate regions.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of thyme have been known to man for a long time. Due to the presence of essential oils, the plant has found application in medicine.

Decoctions and teas from thyme help with diseases:

And also thyme is used for nervous disorders, stress and depression. Coping with heavy fatty foods helping digestion. Ointments and compresses are used for wound healing and as an antiseptic. Thyme flowers help with alcohol addiction.

The use of thyme or thyme is contraindicated in diseases:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • pregnancy.

Types of thyme

Some popular types of thyme:

Growing and caring for herbs in the garden

Savory and thyme are not whimsical in growing in the garden. They do not require much care and excessive attention. To grow good harvest these odorous and medicinal herbs follow the simple rules.

Savory cultivation

Savory cultivation technology includes the following:

Recommendations for growing thyme:
The system itself waters the garden, which of course has a good effect on the crop. I have never had such tomatoes and cucumbers! Now I want to spend another one in the greenhouse. I recommend."

Collection and preparation of herbs

Savory and thyme are harvested in approximately the same way:

Provencal herbs

Provence herbs include garden savory and thyme species - thyme.

Provencal herbs have a special aroma that gives dishes an unusual taste.

In addition to savory and thyme, the composition includes:

  • Oregano. small plant with similar flowers, like thyme. It has healing properties especially for women.
  • Rosemary. Evergreen shrub with special notes of pine needles and citrus. Used in cooking in various dishes.
  • Marjoram. Outwardly, it resembles mint: soft leaves are located on a red stem. A common spice in cooking. Used almost everywhere.

Provencal herbs are united primarily by the smell. All of them are spicy plants with a coniferous-citrus aroma. They belong to the same family. Plants have a large number of nutrients, essential oils, vitamins and trace elements.


Savory and thyme are similar in medicinal properties and micronutrient composition. Two spicy herbs are used in medicine and in cooking. Teas and decoctions are popular. Leaves and seeds are used as seasoning.

Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish by height and flowers. Savory is taller and more fragrant, and thyme is a low bush with a delicate and delicate aroma of needles and citrus fruits.

There are situations where cooking interesting dish or the formulation of a drug for medicinal purposes is complicated by the choice of ingredients. Quite a part of people get confused in the names and definitions. For example, thyme and thyme are the same plant?! Let's try to figure it out...

Thyme photo description

Thyme (from the Latin Thymus) is a shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Attractive appearance made him popular with fans landscape design. Thanks to the pleasant aroma of foliage, he received wide use in cooking. And the unique composition of the plant made it indispensable for use in medicine and cosmetology.

Know! Experts distinguish about four hundred varieties of thyme. The main place of growth is the temperate zone of Europe, North Africa, Asia. It can grow in various climatic conditions, from steppes to forests.

The maximum height of shrubs reaches forty centimeters. The stems of the plant are branched, can be either flattened on the soil or ascending. Their base is woody, and the stem itself is covered with straight or recurved hairs. Thyme has a woody tap root. This semi-shrub is characterized small flowers growing inflorescences. They can be dyed white, pink or purple.

The leaves are rigid, may differ in shape, type of venation, size. A variety of forms is represented by leaves that have an oblong, oval or round configuration. The flowering period of the shrub falls on summer months. Fruit ripening occurs in August or September. The fruit is a box, inside of which there are dark-colored nuts.

Thyme photo description

Attention! It is customary to call thyme a variety of thyme, which has a creeping shape.

The place of its growth is the steppe and rocky regions. It sometimes grows in open wooded areas. You can meet thyme in the countries of Europe, America, North Africa, belonging to the temperate zone.

Thyme and thyme are the same shrub with identical characteristics and beneficial properties. As for the appearance, the difference can be seen in the shape of the stem and rhizome. So in thyme, these parts are thickened. Thyme, on the other hand, has a thin tall stalk, and its root dives deep into the ground. Do not confuse thyme and savory, this is perfect different plants although they belong to the same family.

plant history

Thyme was first mentioned in writing in the third century BC. It was used by the Sumerians as an antiseptic, and by the ancient Egyptians as an important component of the embalming composition.

Interesting to know! The name of the plant comes from Greek like fragrant incense or incense. The ancient Greeks used it for ritual actions held in temples dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. Hence one of its names - incense. Received thyme and many other names, namely: thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, chebarka, hog pepper, swan, fly fly, verest and others.

The ancient Romans did not ignore the shrub, who prepared a special vigor drink called kykeon from its foliage. In addition, they widely used it for medical purposes. With the help of thyme, they treated asthma, got rid of worms, and even helped women during childbirth.

Over time, thyme has become increasingly popular. The mention of this wonderful shrub can be seen even in the Bible. After all, at the place where Jesus was born, the flooring was made of Bogorodsk grass. Knights of the Middle Ages used thyme tea to enhance their courage. They considered the verest to be a kind of symbol of courage, which was often embroidered on shirts intended for combat.

In Europe, there are many legends relating this amazing plant with magic. It has also been used for practical purposes. Fumigation with incense repelled poisonous reptiles and insects. The presence of grass in the pillows caused good dream. And thyme-fumigated fishing gear guaranteed a solid catch.

Know! The ancient Slavs also used thyme for both medicinal and ritual purposes. The use of the plant to decorate temples in honor of the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, was the reason for the appearance of another name - Bogorodskaya grass.

Verest was used in many pagan rites. He served important component in the preparation of various potions. Many folk traditions with the use of thyme have survived to this day, for example - fumigation of premises, kitchen utensils. Today it is actively used:

  • in medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • perfumery;
  • cooking;
  • landscape design.

The same plant can be called both thyme and thyme. Different names were formed depending on the place of growth.

Interesting to know! There is an opinion that thyme is the Ukrainian name for thyme. The explanation lies in the fact that in the territories of the Ukrainian steppes the creeping form of the semi-shrub, which is commonly called thyme, is most often found.

It is worth noting that other folk names are inherent in certain regions.

What is their difference?

As mentioned above, thyme is a creeping form of thyme, and their external differences are related to this. Thyme is characterized by a supple crown, a thick rhizome, and a wide stem.

Thyme, on the other hand, has a longer and thinner stem, and its root system deeper. The inflorescences of the second are distinguished by brightness and splendor. Some flower growers claim that thyme significantly outperforms its counterpart in antiseptic properties.

Beneficial features

The widespread use of Bogorodsk grass in various areas of life is due to its rich composition, including vitamins C and B, organic acids, useful resins, tannins, gum, and fats.

Verest used in various forms, can have a healing effect on the body, namely:

  1. Relief from rheumatic pains.
  2. Providing a diuretic, diaphoretic effect.
  3. Favorable effect on the emotional state.
  4. Return male power, treatment of prostatitis.
  5. Elimination of itching, swelling, provoked by insect bites.
  6. Getting rid of fermentation processes, flatulence, diarrhea, similar ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. elimination bad smell from the oral cavity.
  8. Expectorant action in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  9. Elimination of inflammatory processes.
  10. Treatment of rashes of an infectious nature.
  11. The return of consciousness when it is lost.

In cosmetology, Bogorodskaya grass is used as a fragrance or component of products intended to eliminate inflammation on the skin, strengthen hair and nails.

Know! The unique aroma provided Verest with wide culinary use. Bogorodskaya grass can be used in everyday life, because its smell helps to get rid of moths.

Creeping thyme in landscape design

Attractive appearance and long flowering period made the shrub a frequent participant in the beautiful landscape compositions. Creeping thyme, popularly called thyme, can grow in the same place for up to five years. This plant is unpretentious in care, endures cold, drought.

The most common use of shrubs for landscape design is to use it when decorating rocky gardens for:

  • designation of the edge of group plantings;
  • hedges in the Mediterranean style;
  • filling empty areas between tiles or beds.

Attention! Gardeners often use in the form design solution combinations of different varieties shrub. For example, they combine variegated forms with varieties of anthocyanin color. Such a composition looks spectacular even after the end of the flowering period.

Quite often, gardeners plant a shrub instead of lawn grass. For gardeners this best option, because the unpretentiousness of the plant ensures the attractiveness of lawns for a long period. The beautiful greenery of creeping thyme varieties serves as a spectacular backdrop for fellow gardeners. She will emphasize the beauty of peonies, roses, chrysanthemums, daffodils, tulips, lilies.

Thyme and thyme in cooking

For culinary purposes, the leaves of the plant are used fresh or dried. Verest has a strong pleasant aroma and a sharp spicy taste. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in the production of canned food, alcoholic beverages. From the leaves and stems of Bogorodsk grass, you can make tea.

Interesting to know! Thyme is one of the components of the popular seasoning called "Provencal herbs".

Fresh or dried herbs are used in cooking to give a special taste when cooking:

  • fish, meat dishes;
  • vegetable side dishes, salads;
  • marinades, sauces;
  • sweets.

How to grow plants differences and similarities

For the rapid growth of Bogorodsk grass, the sun is needed, this is important to consider when choosing a place for growing it. You can plant a shrub in spring or autumn. For successful landing you need to follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Prepare the site in advance, freeing it from weeds, enriching it with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.
  2. Dig up the prepared area, add a little urea (20 g).
  3. At the end of the day, sow the seeds, observing the row spacing (40 cm).
  4. Sprinkle some sand on top (1 cm).
  5. Cover the landing with a film.

Know! If you did everything right, then in a couple of weeks the seeds will begin to germinate. Proper care for "kids" requires loosening, moderate watering, as well as weeding.

To speed up the growth process, you can prepare seedlings in advance using the recommendations above. You can propagate the plant by dividing shrubs or cuttings during the active growing season. From the first days to a year, "kids" need to be provided with mulching and weeding. To avoid regular feeding, it is advisable to initially add a small amount of compost.

In the future, shrubs are fertilized in late spring or in the first days of summer with any mineral supplements liquid consistency. In spring or autumn, shrubs are recommended to be shortened by cutting the stems to the place of lignification. This will make them look more attractive.

Know! Bogorodskaya grass is resistant to diseases and pests. Features of planting, reproduction, care various varieties shrubs are identical.

Dosage forms of the herb

Earlier we talked about wonderful healing properties verest. For healing, it can be used in various forms.
Powder from dried foliage is a folk analogue ammonia Effectively helps to bring consciousness to fainting, regardless of age.

Quite often, an infusion of dry leaves is used. Its recipe is very simple. Pour a glass of boiling water over the grass - one tablespoon. The infusion helps in the fight against acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, whooping cough.

Chebarka tea is used as a cough remedy. Contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of women during pregnancy.

Bogorodskaya grass is one of the components of the well-known medicinal syrup called "Pertussin".

Important! Verest oil is actively used for health purposes. With it, you can get rid of depression, PMS, skin defects. Apply oil in the treatment of colds, arthritis.

For general strengthening of the body, crushed leaves of the plant can be added to food.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any other plant, verest has properties that, under certain situations, can harm the body. It is strongly not recommended to use chebarka in the presence of:

  • liver or kidney disease;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • violations of the pancreas;
  • arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis, heart attack;
  • individual intolerance.

Important! With great care should be taken to the use of herbs throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first consult a doctor.

If Bogorodsk grass is used in excessive amounts, then nausea, vomiting, headaches, and pressure drops can be provoked.


We hope that the material of the article has become useful for those who asked the question, are thyme and thyme the same plant? Listen to the advice of experts, and this wonderful shrub in one form or another will undoubtedly come in handy.

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