Open the entrance door without a key fob. How to open an intercom without a key - codes for opening

Codes for intercoms

Our universal key opens the following MODELS of intercoms:

Metacom MK-2003

Metacom MK-20TME4

Metacom M-10

Metacom MK-99.2-TM




CYFRAL CCD-20 (approx. 70%-80%)

Cyfral 2094/tc (max 50%)

Factorial DM-20TM

Metacom MK99.2-TM

Raikmann PROEL KDC-1803

Vizit SM-100


Visit BVD-341

Visit BVD-431

Visit BVD-311

Visit BVD-313

Visit BVD-342

Visit BVD-M200

Metacom MK-2003-RF

As you know, in order to set up the intercom, you need to enter the programming mode, for which you need to enter the installer code, i.e. dial a password. Entering the programming mode, the master gets all the rights to change the functions of the entire intercom.

Therefore, intercom manufacturers paid close attention to this part of intercom programming ... But they implemented it in different ways ...

Intercoms for apartment buildings, which have received distribution in Russia. We deliberately do not give here codes that do not serve to open the door, but for adjustment and which are needed by non-engineers, perhaps for hooligan motives.

Hacking information is provided for the following intercoms:

Barrier II and IIM, 4

VIZIT (various models)

Cyfral (various models)

First of all, the question is: are there special intercom codes for opening doors by special services? The correct answer is: no, there are no such codes in modern intercoms (except for the IIM Barrier). But there is a forgetfulness of engineers who, as a rule, do not change the master passwords during installation.

Hacking intercoms Barrier II and IIM

Remember, these are such old "Soviet" intercoms with mechanical locks and a flat magnetic key? For 2M, there is a non-replaceable opening code - 1013. But they were rare then, and even more so now. In general, these intercoms were opened with 2 magnets, for example, from a disassembled key. You just carry them around the key pad until they work.

Barrier - 4

The same, only without buttons (single-user, designed for front doors with concierges). The key has 3 magnets.

Codes intercom VIZIT

General note: If the keyboard does not have * and #, C and K instead. C - * K - #.

Displayless models with LEDs (SM/M/N 100-200):

If standard settings did not change the code * # 4230 or code 12 # 345 lead to the opening of the intercom.

In freshly installed intercoms, codes * # 423 and 67 # 890 are likely

You can enter the service menu:

#999 - beep 2 times - (master code, default 1234) - beep 1 time. If the code is not correct, it will beep with a two-tone signal. The master code can be 1234, 6767, 3535, 9999, 12345, 0000, 11639.

2 + # + 3535 Doorphone opening.

3 - Programming keys for entry. (Attach key + #, wait for squeak + *).

4 - Erasing keys from memory.

* - Exit the mode.

# - Installation confirmation.

For intercom VISIT BVD-3xx (without display and LEDs), (with right-hand or central location of the tablet)

opening the door - press 1 in the menu.

Does not always work in BVD-34x (with a left-hand receiver)

For them it is specified.

Each code system can be unlocked by simply entering the desired set of numbers. Home locks are no exception. How to open the intercom "Metakom" without a key? Just like the other - dial a special password. The codes listed in this article work if the installer (or someone from the residents) did not change the system settings of the combination lock or the universal password.

Ways to open the intercom without a key

Any code lock allows you to open the door without a key. Each of the methods presented here is suitable for certain common Metacom models, so if after the first attempt it was not possible to open the door, proceed to the next method. Try all of the above methods - one of them will definitely work. Note: in all combinations, "B" means the call button, regardless of whether it is indicated on the panel with a letter or a handset icon. Here effective ways, which will tell you how to open Metakom intercom models without a key:

  1. With the help of the apartment code. To models of code locks from Metacom, a password is assigned for each apartment number in this house. If you know the code cipher of your apartment, dial it and press the call button.
  2. With a generic code. If the installer or other residents of the house did not change it, then the standard combination "1234-B" should be.
  3. Press the call button and dial the number of the first apartment in the entrance. (Just look for the floor plate to identify it.) If you did everything right, COD should appear on the display. Dial the combination 5702, and after a couple of seconds the door will open.
  4. Dial 65535-B. Enter the universal code and press B-8.
  5. Enter the universal code and the combination B-6-B-4568.

The methods listed above are suitable for combination locks with a screen. If you want to figure out how to open a Metakom intercom without a display, use one of these methods:

  • enter this code: B-27-B-5702, wait a couple of seconds, and the door will open;
  • press B and dial the combination 1-B-4526.

How to hack a Metacom intercom

There are special codes that allow you not only to get inside the building without a key, open the door, but also edit the setting of the intercom itself. For example, you can change the passwords used by the system, delete or bind keys to a specific apartment, change the main entrance code, enter programming mode, learn how to open a Metacom intercom without a key in the user menu. For any action, you need to know the so-called "master code". The default password for Metacom is 1234.

  1. Door opening. How to open a Metakom intercom without a key? Find out and enter the universal code, press the call button.
  2. Working with keys You can remove or attach "pills" to a specific apartment. To do this, enter 65535-B-master-code-B-B. Then enter the apartment number. To write down the key, enter B-7. If you want to untie all attached chips from the apartment, press B-7-0-111.
  3. Changing system passwords. Using the menu of intercoms "Metakom" the adjuster can change the universal code of the intercom. To assign a new master password, enter 65535-B-master-code-B-9-3-new password-B. In the same menu, it is possible to change the apartment code. To do this, you need to know the already installed cipher. You are expected to be the owner of the apartment in order to change passwords. Dial the combination 65535B-master code-B-B-apartment number-B-0-new password-B.
  4. Codes for entering the intercom menu. Metacom is equipped with three different catalogs. To enter the standard user menu, enter the combination 65535-B-1234-B-B. Intercom service password: 65535-B-master-code-B. To change Metacom system settings, enter 65535-B- master code -B-9.

How to find out the universal code

Metacom assigns its own password for each apartment in the house - it is a set of four digits. The owners of the apartment are obliged to know it in order to get into the house even without a key or in another emergency. The apartment password is indicated in the agreement with the installer. There are universal codes for intercoms that are not tied to an apartment. By default, the main password for the Metacom intercom is 1234. If someone has already changed it before you, then you can only find out the new password from the service company.

Without knowing the universal access code, you will not be able to:

  • change it and set a new master password;
  • attach or detach key chips from the apartment;
  • change the system settings of the intercom;
  • assign a new code for the apartment;
  • to program the code lock.

Without a master code, you can:

  • open the Metacom intercom without a key;
  • enter the user menu.

Video instruction: how to open a combination lock

This short video tutorial gives a simple and clear explanation of how to open the door without a key. In the video, the author unlocks the Metakom model with a display. To use this method, you need to know the number of the first apartment in the entrance. It is very easy to find out - on each porch there is a sign with the numbers of apartments belonging to this part of the building. The photo preview shows which intercom model is used. If you have the same combination lock, then the password from the video should be suitable for opening the door without a key.

The main feature of the intercom is that in order to use it, a special code is required, which is set, in fact, by the manufacturer of the product itself or by the master who carries out the installation.

This is necessary so that an outsider cannot get into the facilities where the device is installed. However, there are several options for how to open an intercom without a key. This property is provided due to the fact that, if necessary, police, ambulance, housing and communal services and other organizations could get into the house.

To open many intercoms, special universal keys are provided. They can be ordered from most manufacturers of these devices for a very small fee.

Only employees of special services have the right to use these types of keys.

This is due to the fact that they sometimes need to freely enter the house to perform their own duties at work.

Universal keys for intercoms are often made in an oval shape. With their help, it turns out to open only some types of devices.

A single key for all intercoms without exception simply does not exist.

This is due to the need for safety, as well as a fairly significant number of manufacturers.

The latter are trying to come up with universal protection for their products, distinguished by originality and uniqueness of their own settings.

If during the installation of the intercom the master did not change them, it is possible to open the door without using a key.

Separately, it is worth noting that in some cases you do not need to understand the settings or have universal keys on hand.

Due to certain features of production and operation, some intercoms become less reliable over time. That is why they can be opened even with the use of a banal physical strength attached to right place or in a special way.

Thus, there are several possible ways opening intercoms, which are significantly different from each other.

Opening by physical force

It is quite possible to open some intercoms by using physical force. However, it may not be very significant.

In this regard, there are the following options for solving the problem of closed doors:

  1. Pressing with a strong jerk on yourself.
  2. This method works in some cases due to the fact that all intercoms work by means of magnets.

    When exposed to a certain force, they can disperse from each other. Sometimes just one person doing the snatch is enough.

    In certain situations, the protection system is more reliable, so it requires the efforts of several people.

    The main thing is to make a good emphasis and synchronously make a sharp jerk, holding on to the door handle.

    The main problem with this method is that more advanced magnets are now used, requiring the application of significant forces.

    It is not always possible to do this by one person. At the same time, several people cannot pull the door towards themselves due to the banal lack of the opportunity to take the handle together, while making a reliable emphasis on something.

  3. Blow at the bottom of the intercom.

Below, at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the buttons, there is most often electronics, including the boards through which the device operates.

If they are hit with a heavy object - a hammer, stone or brick - there is a significant likelihood that the circuit will close and the doors will open.

Due to the fact that the latter are currently made of fairly durable metals, this method may not help in all cases.

The use of physical force is one of the ways to open doors, which has a low level of usefulness.

In many cases, it is not possible to achieve the set goal, although there are examples of how, due to a combination of certain circumstances, it was nevertheless possible to get into the house with a blow or with the application of considerable force.

Universal key: what is it and who owns it?

Universal keys most often have the shape of an oval. They are designed to open several types of different intercoms.

Sometimes they are suitable for devices from only one manufacturer, while in other cases they have the ability to “crack” the protection of devices from several companies.

Universal keys are mainly produced for employees of various services that provide their services to all citizens of the country without exception.

This applies to employees of organizations such as:

  • police;
  • emergency;
  • mail, etc.

Thus, regardless of whether there is an intercom on the doors of the houses, a doctor or a policeman can always get into it due to the presence of a special universal key.

Often, employees of various services have several such devices in their arsenal in order to have access to as many facilities as possible in the village.

How to open an intercom without a key, knowing the manufacturer?

The main problem of opening an intercom without the appropriate key is that there are currently a huge number of manufacturers of these devices.

In addition, there are dozens or even hundreds of different models on the market. As a result, it is sometimes quite difficult to choose the correct method of getting into the house.

Despite this, there are already a very significant number of methods that have proven their effectiveness and reliability.

All of them need to be sorted out in order to understand how, without a key, you can get into one or another building protected by an intercom.

Vizit (Visit)

One of the most popular brands producing intercoms is Vizit (Visit). Most often, if an old model device is used in the house, it is necessary to enter:

  • 12#345;
  • *#4230.

On new models, the security system has been slightly changed. Now the following codes are used:

  • 67#890;
  • *#4230;
  • *#3423;
  • 12#345.

The above codes are considered standard.

As a result, they almost always work. In some situations, the masters change them.

Most often, their choice falls on combination #196.

Open intercom Cyfral (Cyfral)

No less popular are intercoms from Cyfral (Tsifral). If there are apartments in the entrance, whose numbers are a multiple of a hundred, you must use the following door opening algorithm:

  1. First you need to press the call button.
  2. After you need to choose a code that can be in the range from 100 to 900.
  3. Then again you need to press the call button.
  4. At the end, you should use the code 7272 or 7273.

Models bearing the letter "M" have slightly different security settings. To open, you need a different scheme:

  1. After calling, enter code 4
  2. Once again, you need to press the call button.
  3. At the end, it remains to use the code 1410.

Digital intercoms with the designation "M" can be opened using the code 07054.

Codes for Metacom (Metacom)

To open the Metacom intercom (Metacom), you need to find out the number of the first apartment in the entrance.

  • It is he who needs to be typed on the keyboard after pressing the call.
  • Immediately after this, this button must be pressed again.
  • Such an algorithm of actions leads to the fact that COD appears on the monitor.
  • When this happens, it remains to enter a combination of numbers 5702.
  • After that, often the beast opens automatically.

If the above algorithm of actions did not bring the desired result, you can use the following methods:

  1. By entering the code 1234, you need to click on the call. After that, you must enter the number 6 and click on the call again. At the end, it remains to use the combination 4568.
  2. Some doors are opened by an algorithm of this type: pressing the call button, entering the number 1, pressing the call button and entering the combination of numbers 570

Metacom intercoms differ in that they have a large number of security settings.

That is why universal codes for accessing them do not exist.

Generic methods for Eltis (Eltis)

Some houses have intercoms from a manufacturer such as Eltis (Eltis). In order to hack them, you must use the following instructions:

  1. First you need to press the call button.
  2. After that, enter the code 100.
  3. Next, press the call button again.
  4. At the very end, you must select one of these codes: 2323, 7273 or 7272.

Sometimes code 100 is not suitable due to setting changes. Instead, codes from 200 to 900 can be used in increments of 100 units.

If the intercom was handed over to the manufacturer for repair or service, its code changes. In order to find out, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Press the call button.
  2. Wait about 20 seconds.
  3. Remember the 5 digits that appear for seconds.

The above information is enough to open the Eltis intercom without a key.

Opening intercom Factorial (Factorial)

In some regions of the country intercoms Factorial (Faktorial) gained popularity. Initially, you need to enter a combination of numbers of this type: 000000 or 123456.

Some devices are opened using these codes.

If the first method failed to gain access to the house, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. It is worth pressing the keyboard button with the designation of the number 5.
  2. After 3-5 seconds, you need to dial the combination 180180.
  3. After pressing the call button, select the number 4 on the keyboard.
  4. At the end, you need to click on the call again.

The above list of actions most often open intercoms Factorial.

How to open intercom Marshal (Marshal)

In order to bypass the protection of Marshal devices (Marshal), you need to know the number of the last apartment in the entrance. After that, the following steps should be taken:

  1. First you need to enter a number that is 1 more than the apartment number.
  2. Then you need to press the button with the letter K.
  3. At the end, you should enter the code 5555.

After the above steps, the door should open.

Door opening with intercom Lascomex (Lascomex)

  1. By pressing the call button, you should enter the combination 100.
  2. After a few seconds, you need to use the code 789.
  3. As soon as a sound signal occurs, you must use the service access key - 123456.
  4. At the end, you need to press button 8.

As soon as the above steps are completed, it will be possible to get into the menu. It is he who can be used to eventually open the door.

Opening of the intercom Rainmann (Reinmann)

One of the most popular models of intercoms from Rainmann (Reinmann) is the 2000 device. In order to open it without having a key with you, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Initially, you need to press the button with the key.
  2. After that, enter the combination of numbers 987654.
  3. When a double signal occurs, it is worth entering the code 123456.
  4. After entering the code, the letter P should appear on the screen.
  5. After entering the menu system, you should press button 8, which allows you to open the door. Button 6 is responsible for the complete shutdown of the device. Button 4 allows you to lock the door.

Other Reinmann intercom models are less popular.

Instructions on how to open the Kron intercom system

Intercoms of the "Kron" type are distinguished by the fact that they do not have a keyboard and a screen.

Most often they are used in houses in which there is a concierge. To enter these structures, you need to have a battery with you. right size. These can be products D9-0.1 or 6F22.

At the moment, there is too little data on the intercoms of the Forward brand (Forward). Keys most likely to match are:

  • 123*2427101;
  • K+1234;
  • 2427101.

If the above codes do not fit, then the installer has changed the initial settings.

Ways to open by rough exposure

At the moment, there are also some ways to open doors protected by an intercom in a rough way.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following possible methods, which are not very popular due to the complexity of their implementation and low efficiency:

  1. Electric shock.
  2. It can be either purchased or handmade. The safety of the latter can put the whole event in doubt.

    The stun gun must be directed directly at the reader. Often, too much voltage leads to the fact that the used boards burn out.

    As a result, the door opens automatically, as the magnetic system ceases to perform its functions.

  3. Removing the panel.

In most cases, this is quite difficult to implement.

In addition, sometimes it is impossible if the door is made of special armored metal. In order to remove the intercom panel, you must have the appropriate tools.

This process can be quite lengthy, so it is far from certain that it will remain invisible to passers-by.

It is important to understand that opening a house without a key using fairly aggressive methods is a very dangerous activity that is accompanied by damage to property.

Such actions may be subject to appropriate administrative liability if similar crime will be proven in court.

Universal magnetic chip

To date, special universal magnetic chips in the form of key fobs are being produced.

They allow you to open almost any intercom that can be used in the village.

The work of the universal magnetic chip is carried out by means of radio waves exchange. This is due to the fact that it has an appropriate antenna in its design.

It is this scheme of this device that allows you to influence the intercom, forcing it to open the doors at the right time.

Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers of intercoms, whose products help to secure both residents and property of houses in settlements. There are several ways to get into structures without the proper key.

This is due to both the ingenuity of people and certain shortcomings in the intercom security system. It is important to understand that hacking a device can end up quite badly, which is why you need to seriously think about whether it is worth doing it.

To date, this kind of equipment is installed in almost all entrances. The mechanism activates a special electronic key or a set of code combinations. In practice, there are situations when the key to the intercom for various reasons is missing. In this case, you can use the universal code to gain access to the premises.

To configure intercom equipment, you must open access to program mode. In most cases, special codes from intercoms are dialed on the call panel. After entering the programming mode, you can open the door and change installed settings. Service ciphers are set during production. When installing the device itself, the masters, as a rule, do not change them. This allows you to open the intercom without using a key.

The scope of application of universal ciphers

Using the code for intercoms of any kind, you must remember that the same passwords for all models of equipment various manufacturers does not exist. At the time of production, each model of the access mechanism has a programmed special code. The code information is contained in the settings menu. There are situations when the code information was changed during the installation process. Then only a professional master who carried out the installation of a particular mechanism can provide assistance.

There are no universal codes, as well as universal keys for all types of intercoms. This is related to the manufacturer, type of equipment, installation process, etc.

Universality lies only in the coincidence of code information on intercoms of the same brand and different models but from the same manufacturer. When attempting keyless entry, remember that unauthorized entry is punishable by law. The exception is emergencies, in which the residents of the house fall.

Pictured intercom Vizit

Special passwords for Vizit intercoms

Mainly in apartment buildings Vizit intercoms are installed. They are activated with a magnetic key. In the absence of an identifier, you can use a special code for the intercom. The default password is #4230 or #423. If the factory firmware has not been changed during the installation process, the front door will open.

Universal passwords for intercom Cyfral CCD

The code for the intercom Cyfral CCD is also not the same. The variety of cipher information depends on model range. The following passwords are suitable for such mechanisms:

  • Call button + 41;
  • Call button + 1410.

Sometimes the door opens after entering the code 07054. In a situation where there are apartments in the entrance with a multiple of hundreds, you can try the following codes:

  • Call, apartment number (100,200,300, etc.), call button, number 7272;
  • Call, apartment number (100,200,300, etc.), call button, number 7273.

If the listed intercom codes did not fit, and the front door did not open, you can try to perform other actions. On the calling panel, dial the combination 0000 and press the call button. After about a couple of seconds, an inscription will appear on the screen. Next, you need to enter the code 123456 or 456999 and press the call button.

For the Cyfral CCD 2094 model, these tips may also be useful:

There are some models where you need to enter the code 123400. After a few seconds, the universal key will give you access to the settings menu. If there is no purpose of changing the settings, just enter the password 601 for quick access to the room.

Intercoms Metacom and codes for them

The video shows several ways to open it, after watching you can choose the right one for your model:

Codes for intercom Marshal

And again, a practical video in which several models are considered, including Marshal video intercoms:

Code for the Forward model

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the code with your own version in Forward brand models:

Special ciphers for some intercom models (Rainmann, DomoGuard, T-Guard)

The code for the Rainmann intercom can only be called universal if the display has a dot on the left. For opening front door on the calling panel, you must press the "key" button. After that, a combination of numbers 987654 is entered. After completing these steps, a double beep should follow. Next, you need to enter the code 123456. If all the steps are performed correctly, the display will show information about entering the settings. The number 4 can be used to lock the door. By pressing the number 6, you can turn off the equipment. By pressing the number 8, the door will open.

Intercoms trademark DomoGuard is more difficult to open without using the provided master key. Special codes will allow the door to be opened only after entering the service menu. It is necessary to press the "C" button on the panel, a single-tone sound signal should follow. Next, enter a combination of numbers 669900. Immediately after that, press the call button and the apartment number. In this case, the number of the apartment must be one unit higher than the number of the limiting apartment in this entrance. If all actions are performed correctly, the service menu will open. To open the door, code 080 is entered. To program a new key - 333, to disable the door lock function - 071.

Using the universal codes for T-Guard intercom devices, you can gain access to the premises without much effort. To do this, the call is pressed on the call panel, then the password 00000 and again the call button twice.

When performing these actions, it is important to make the last double press of the call button very quickly. After entering the password, the door opens.

Codes for Factorial Models

Intercoms Factorial are similar in their system to Tsifral devices. Universal codes allow you to enter the service menu. Often the combinations 000000 or 123456 are used. Professional craftsmen who carry out the installation and subsequently Maintenance Factorial equipment claim that it is impossible to open them without a key. This is due to a change in the factory firmware and a change in codes.

It is possible that when installing equipment of this company, one of the conditions is a change in service settings. The cases are different, and yet you can try to enter unique codes to open the door. The number 5 is pressed on the call panel. Within five seconds, a message appears on the monitor about entering the service settings. Then the combination is dialed: 180180, the call key, the number 4 and again the call button.

On the video - the use of a universal code:

Why is it so easy to get into service mode? But because when installing the intercom, the installation master was too lazy and did not change the standard code from the manufacturer. Therefore, I advise you, if you find that your intercom has standard settings, I recommend changing the entry code to the service mode. Below in the article we will consider the codes with which you can open the doors of most of the intercom models I know. But I must say right away that there is no universal password.

Opening visit without a key is a little more difficult, because they do not have the * and # keys, instead you need to press C and K. If the factory settings have not been changed by the installer, then the door can be opened by entering * # 4230 or 12 # 345. You can also try this combination * # 423 or 67 # 890

To enter the vizit service menu: press:

#999 then wait for two short beeps,
and then enter the master password (1234 - but it can be changed by the installer).

The intercom should answer with one short beep. If the combination does not match, then the signal will be two-tone. In this case, you can try some standard master passwords - 6767, 3535, 9999, 0000, 12345, 11639.

So, we were lucky, we got into the service menu, what can be done.

Press 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535 - and the door to the entrance opens without a key.

By pressing button 3 in the service menu, you can attach the key to the reader, press # and wait sound signal. Now, with this key, you can always open the door.

If you press the 4 key, then all keys will be erased from memory

* exit from the service mode.

# commit changes.

How to open "Visit" BVD-3xx. To open the door, press 1, after entering the service menu

The first option, if there are apartments in the entrance with numbers that are a multiple of 100 (100, 200, 300), then enter the combination as follows: call key and code 1 call key and code 2. Instead of code 1, enter the apartment number that is a multiple of 100, and instead of combination 2 - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

Applicable to Cyfral with M prefix next rule: call key + 41 or call key + 1410. On some models, the door can be opened by entering 07054.

Intercom Cyfral CCD-2094.1M.

You need to type the following on the keyboard<вызов + 0000>either the door will open immediately, or you will get to the service menu and the inscription ON will light up on the display, then press the number 2, after which the door should open.

If the display shows OFF, the quick entry mode is disabled.

Secrets of Cyfral CCD-2094M Dial the same way<0000 + клавиша посылки вызова>. The display should show . Then enter 123456+<Вызов>or 456999+<Вызов>, in some cases the combination 123400+ helps<Вызов>. We wait a few seconds. If the display lights up , then we got into the system menu To open the door, enter the combination 601.

In order to add your own key to the memory, press the call button and without releasing it, wait for the message to appear on the screen about entering the service mode. Then we press<пятёрку>and enter the number of the existing apartment. TOUCH appears on the display. As soon as this happens, we bring a new key. Sometimes, instead of the apartment number, you can try to dial 600, then attach the key and the call button.

Metacom is opened in accordance with the algorithm: press the call key, then enter the number of the first apartment in the entrance and again send a call. The display will show "COD". After that, enter - 5702. If it didn’t work out, then try another option: 65535 + call + 1234 + call + 8 or 1234 + call + 6 + call + 4568.

The secret combination Metakom MK-20 M/T is “call button + 27 + call button + 5702” or so “call + 1 + call + 4526”.

We press button C and wait for a squeak. Then enter the service combination.
