Jatropha gouty (Jatropha podagrica). Jatropha gouty, jatropha dissected, growing at home

Euphorbia families. Consists of approximately 190 species of succulents, shrubs and trees. Jatropha is native to Central America.

Jatropha - original perennial, deciduous - decorative belonging to the Molochaev family. Widely distributed in tropical America, Africa, in deserts and rocky places. Since precipitation is rare there, plants come in a variety of bizarre configurations and shapes. The jatropha plant is a small succulent tree or shrub that contains a milky sap inside. Beautiful flowering Jatropha, thanks to the unique appearance, able to decorate the interior of any room.

Plant features

Jatropha flower has unusual view, thanks to the specific shape of the barrel, resembling a pot-bellied bottle. It is this trunk that is the source of water accumulation. The stem, dropping leaves for the winter, remains completely naked. In early spring flower stalks appear in the form of umbrellas with red small flowers on long stems. Later, large leaves appear, the petioles of which can reach a length of up to 20 cm.

plant species

Jatropha dissected is a small shrub that can reach a height of up to 3m. In appearance, young plants look like ornamental palms. Beautiful dark green leaves, up to 30 cm in diameter, fall off over time. The lower part of the trunk of a stunted bush is exposed. IN natural conditions blooms almost all year round. Red coral bright flowers, collected in inflorescences in the form of an umbrella, are located above the leaves on high pedicels.

Jatropha gouty is an exotic shrub with a thickened trunk, which is thick at the base, and gradually tapers upward. Reaches a height of 60-70 cm. Lobed dark green leaves are round, glossy, up to 20 cm in diameter. Over time, they gradually lighten. The lower part of the leaf is covered with a bluish bloom. Petioles are firmly attached to the middle of the leaf blade. Every spring, the plant blooms with red flowers that do not smell. Jatropha gouty is original: the photo gives a complete picture of this exotic flower.

Jatrofakurkas is a shrub reaching a height of up to 6 m. Very poisonous plant, which grows in Mexico, South Florida, Asia, America, Hawaii. Pointed shiny leaves, having an oval shape, are arranged alternately. They reach a length of up to 40 cm. Flowers, collected in inflorescences, are pale yellow. From the fruits of this shrub, oil is obtained, which, after processing, is used as a biofuel.

Jatropha: home care

Lighting. Since the plant prefers bright places, it is better to grow it on eastern, western window sills. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent sunburn.

Humidity. Does not need spraying, perfectly tolerates dry air. Large leaves should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth, removing dust accumulation.

Temperature . Feels great in summer period at temperatures up to 22 °C, and in winter - at least 17 °C.

Watering. Jatropha is watered with settled water as soon as upper layer the land is dry. Water should be carefully, you can not fill the plant, otherwise it may rot. Reduce watering in winter. You can put a damp cloth in the pot and moisten it with water from time to time.

top dressing. The plant is fed with fertilizers for cacti during the flowering period in spring and summer - 1 time per month.

reproduction . The flower is propagated by seeds, but more often by cuttings. Cut cuttings after drying and treatment with a growth stimulator are planted in the ground. Within a month they will take root.

Where to buy jatropha flower?

If you are going to buy jatropha, then it is better to purchase it in a specialized online store. The range includes a wide variety of plants. Experts will give detailed advice on growing jatropha, give advice on caring for a stylish tree. We will deliver the order on the day of the application, if it is done before 16.00. Jatropha grows well at home, if you provide it with proper care.

Jatropha flower is a unique plant. On the one hand, it is a pronounced succulent, and on the other, a deciduous tree with an extraordinary structure. It belongs to the category of flowering flowers and is conditionally considered a potted flower.

Its peculiarity is that the stem looks like a bottle. In it, the plant stores water reserves. Among succulents - one of the most popular and amazing - unpretentious, diverse, and even blooms. In winter, the plant has only a stem, but it is looked after as a full-fledged individual.

Jatropha is great for beginner growers because it does not cause any problems, and from March to October it pleases with flowering.

Species diversity

The most popular and, perhaps, the only known was and is:

  • gouty jatropha - a plant up to 80 cm in height, most of which is given to the peduncle. The stem is similar to a bottle, branches in the upper part. The leaves are large, lobed. The flowers, which are located at the very top of the peduncle, are small, red in color.

Jatropha gouty flower in the photo
  • Jatropha Kurkas (Barbados walnut) is a very vigorous shrub with large oval leaves.

In addition, species of dissected jatropha, whole-edge jatropha, as well as Berlandieri jatropha are known.

Jatropha flower: minimal care at home

  1. The complexity of growing this exotic is quite low. The only problem with the content is that, like all euphorbias, given plant contains poisonous juice. Therefore, it is unacceptable to keep him in the children's room and close to animals.
  2. This flower is also unique in that such a rare individual, almost a greenhouse, is so unpretentious and hardy. There is no need to create any special conditions for growing. They say that only watering is enough for her to feel great.
  3. Grow can be on any side, be it the south, east or west room.
  4. The flower is photophilous, but in the heat it is better to shade it. There is one more nuance: it can easily get burned not only when exposed to direct sunlight, but simply from a change in lighting. For example, it is sunny today and cloudy tomorrow. This change will have a negative impact.
  5. Prefers all year round moderate temperatures. In summer 18-22 degrees, in winter it can be reduced to 14-16 degrees. Does not tolerate drafts and "walks" in the fresh air.
  6. Easily tolerates dry air.
  7. It is absolutely unpretentious to the ground, any ready-made universal mixture is suitable for growing.
  8. From spring to autumn, the plant is watered regularly and moderately in frequency and volume. IN winter time when one stem remains from it, watering is carried out occasionally. These procedures can be performed only with warm, settled water.
  9. Spraying the plant is not needed at all. But it is necessary to wipe the leaves and stem with a damp cloth.
  10. Jatropha loves vitamins very much, and therefore it is advisable to feed her monthly in spring and early summer, but not earlier than a month after transplantation.
  11. The flower is transplanted only if necessary in the spring.
  12. Be sure to systematically loosen the soil.
  13. This exotic guest will get along well with you in the same house. It is only worth making the most minimal effort for this.

Video: A few words about the plant

Latin name: Jatropha

Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae)

Homeland: Central America

Interesting information about the wonderful, unusual, unpretentious jatropha

Jatropha (Jatropha) is a very eccentric, deciduous-decorative, among other things, beautifully flowering, most importantly, unpretentious in growing plant of the Euphorbiaceae family (Euphorbiaceae), the decoration of which is a trunk shaped like a pot-bellied bottle - a source of water accumulation. With this life-giving moisture, the jatropha flower, dropping its few broad-lobed leaves, which are located on long cuttings, feeds during the drought period.

This is understandable. Jatropha is native to South and Central America. More than one and a half hundred species grow here. Close to twenty species are succulents. perennial shrubs, trees of the genus Jatropha contain milky sap, which is very toxic, grow, multiply and thrive mainly in areas with a tropical climate, in rocky places and deserts that are deprived of water, because precipitation falls here seasonally. Therefore, thrifty succulent plants come in amazing and diverse, sometimes even very bizarre configurations and shapes.

Very interesting origin the names of jatropha from one of the world's oldest Greek languages, which in translation jatrys - doctor, and tropha - food, with reference to healing properties some messengers of the genus, for example, Jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas), (details later in the text).

Thanks to traders from Portugal, the original jatropha was noticed and quickly spread from the Caribbean to Africa and Asia, where it found practical use as hedges.

Jatropha species are especially beautiful, popular and most common

Jatropha dissected (Jatropha multifida)

A low growing shrub that grows up to two or three meters tall and thrives in its native areas of the United Mexican States (Mexico), Brazil and Central America. The most interesting thing is that young jatrophas are very similar to small decorative palm trees. In nature, this beauty is covered with leaves thirty centimeters in diameter, original, divided from 8 to 11 parts, dark green with a hint of blue, and light in the center. In the process of growth, the leaves crumble and thus the trunk of the plant is exposed from below.

In tropical native places, jatropha multifida adorns itself with blooms throughout the year, and the peak of beauty occurs at the hottest time. On long pedicels, emerging from the point of growth, rise above the leaves of the inflorescence umbrella different shapes, dotted with bright red-coral flowers. Faded umbrellas turn into yellowish, trihedral configurations, fruits up to three centimeters in size, inside which three oval brown nuts grow, up to one centimeter in size. Seeds of jatropha dissected are planted by self-sowing and thus multiply.

Jatropha coral tree is the name of jatropha multifida.

The whole plant is highly toxic, especially the damaged parts of it, very abundantly secrete half-transparent juice, which causes irritation of the skin.

Jatropha gouty (Jatropha podagrica)

Jatropha gouty is one of the most common, deciduous, succulent pachykal plants that form a caudex - a very thickened basal part of the trunk, absorbing moisture like a sponge and long time preserving her. It came to us from the natural habitats of Central America, and today it has spread to African continent and in Asia.

And the fame of gouty jatropha was brought by the English botanist William Hooker, who in 1848 described this wonderful plant and appeared independent view jatropha.

A very wonderful, exotic shrub up to 70 cm high, with a growth form characteristic of rocky desert areas, where it is almost impossible to form root system. In addition, gouty jatropha also has an original feature - this is the attachment of petioles not to the edges, but to the middle part of the leaf plate. Unusual lobed round leaves, reaching a diameter of 15-20 cm, change their color depending on the age of the plant. Fresh glossy, dark green leaves gradually lighten, and already becoming adults, they acquire a dark color and an unusual dullness, and from below the leaf is covered with a bluish bloom. And reddish nondescript flowers appear in adult jatrophs every spring, by the way, at home too.

By the way, you can buy jatropha in flower shops at any time of the year, where it is sold already generously blooming. You can also buy the seeds of this plant. Jatropha seeds are relatively inexpensive.

IN different countries gouty jatropha has different peculiar names - the belly of the Buddha, the Australian bottle plant.

When handling gouty jatropha, you need to be careful and careful - the plant is poisonous.

Jatropha Curcas (Jatropha Curcas)

Jatropha kurkas belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, has other names - Barbados nut, physical nut. In essence, a very poisonous plant. Habitat in nature Mexico, Central America, Asia, Africa, Hawaii, South Florida.

Jatropha kurkas shrubs grow up to six meters high. Shiny, green oval-shaped leaves, pointed, their arrangement is regular, and the base is heart-shaped. They are three or five lobed, grow from six to forty centimeters long, and six to thirty-five centimeters wide. Flowers of yellowish color are collected in inflorescences, from which fruits grow in the process in a tricuspid capsule.

So, these tasty seeds have a terrible destructive power, they are very poisonous.

Nevertheless, a practical application of this plant in the agricultural industry has been found. The fruits of this shrub are very rich in oil, the content of which is up to forty percent. After certain processing, the oil is suitable for use as a biofuel and has been tested in diesel engines. Flower products are also rich organic fertilizers and insecticides. It seems amazing, but still, this poisonous plant is used in paper making. High Quality, balms, soaps, toothpaste, antitussive drugs. Tobacco is moistened precisely with preparations from jatropha kurkas.

Jatropha lobed (Jatropha Lobada)

The unpretentious lobed jatropha, also known as maple-shaped jatropha, is a forty-centimeter ornamental shrub. On short petioles, three or five-lobed, serrated leaves flaunt. Every spring, the jatropha blooms, forming an umbellate, non-aromatic inflorescence of red-orange hues. Jatropha lobed fruits have spherical shape which differ significantly from other types of jatropha.

Jatropha home care

Jatropha indoor plant is absolutely trouble-free and unpretentious. And in order to see your pet cheerful and cheerful every day, it is advisable to observe completely simple rules flower care. And the most important thing is to provide the jatropha with a high-quality rest period.

Location and temperature

The place vital for jatropha in the spring-summer period should be bright and warm, but without direct sun. In the dormant phase, jatropha sheds leaves and does not need bright lighting.

Favorable temperature for jatropha in summer is from twenty to twenty-five degrees, and in the winter months it is desirable to maintain an air temperature of about fifteen degrees.

Air humidity and watering jatropha

Moderate air humidity is ideal for jatropha, it calmly tolerates dry air, does not need frequent spraying, but it does not hurt to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth to remove dust. And in winter it is desirable to spray the ground in a pot.

Moderate watering as the top soil crust dries. In winter, jatropha does not need to be watered.

Jatropha breeding

Jatropha can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. Sow seeds in the soil, cover with glass and maintain a temperature of about 25 degrees. We transplant young sprouts into pots.

Jatropha is propagated by woody cuttings at a temperature of 27-30 degrees, placing them in a rooting box for a month. Ready seedlings are transplanted into pots with nutrient soil.


It is desirable to transplant jatropha in the spring with an interval of three years, picking up a low pot slightly larger than the previous one in size. The earth mixture should consist of sand, peat, soddy and leafy soil in equal amounts. Good drainage is required.

Jatropha pests

To prevent jatropha from being affected by thrips and spider mites, it is necessary to prevent excessive dryness of the air in the room.

How to avoid jatropha diseases?

  • Rotting roots - excessive watering.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall - perhaps the plant is affected by a spider mite. Wash the plant immediately warm water, spray regularly. If a severe lesion, treat chemicals.
  • Flowers fall - the plant is affected by thrips. Urgently under a warm shower and urgent treatment with insecticidal preparations.
  • The plant grows very slowly - it is possible to bust with fertilizers. You need to feed the jatrohu after abundant watering.
  • Sluggish and discolored leaves - low water temperature during irrigation. It is necessary to water the plant with slightly warm water.

Jatropha care does not require supernatural. You just need to follow all the above methods of plant maintenance. As a result, your whimsical jatropha will amaze with its splendor and originality.

Jatropha is a perennial plant. Belongs to the Euphorbia family. The genus Jatropha includes more than 150 species, which are represented by herbs, shrubs, small trees. They can be evergreen and deciduous, small and taller, different in leaf shape and corolla color. But, like other representatives of euphorbia, they contain a milky liquid in their tissues, which is toxic in its chemical composition.

In nature, Jatropha grows mainly in Central America. But some of its species are found in North America, Africa, India. In our country it can be found in greenhouses, botanical gardens or in the apartments of florists.

Jatropha is mainly original in the shape of its trunk. From the root, at the base, it is wide, and tapering upwards. In this way it resembles the shape of a bottle. In the thickened part, the plant, familiar to natural environment to the conditions of rocky deserts, accumulates a supply of water. This is similar to succulents.

Leaves at different types Jatropha different in shape, color and appearance. They are quite large, their long petioles end in the center of the leaf. With the advent of the cold season and the beginning of the dormant period at home, the leaves fall off. With the onset of heat, they grow again.

Jatropha blooms from early spring. flowers small size, of various shapes are collected in umbrella inflorescences or grow singly. Peduncles appear before the leaves begin to grow after winter shedding. But at favorable conditions shrubs can bloom all year round.

Species Jatroph

Jatropha gouty (PODAGRICA)

Jatropha gouty - shrub tall about 50 cm. It is the most commonly grown in room conditions type of Jatropha. The barrel of the "bottle" shape is covered with growths.

The leaves of the plant resemble maple in shape, dark green in color at a young age. Over time, their lower surface brightens and is slightly covered with plaque.

Leaves fall from Jatropha gouty in autumn. The trunk remains bare all winter. In March, first long peduncles with buds grow on its top, and then bright red flowers. Then the leaves begin to sprout.

The plant is poisonous.

Jatropha is popularly known as the "belly of the Buddha".

Jatropha Kurkas (CURCAS)

perennial shrub, growing up to 5 m. The leaves of Kurkas are oval in shape with a pointed end. The size can be small - 6 cm - and large - up to 40 cm. Color - light green.

plant flowers - yellow color . Females are collected in inflorescences, and males are single. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a trihedral nut with seeds inside.

All parts of the shrub are poisonous, the seeds being the most toxic. They contain a component of curcin, which is a potent poison. As a result of poisoning, dehydration of the body begins, death occurs due to heart failure.

The second name of Jatropha Kurkas is "Barbados nut".

Jatropha whole-edge (INTEGERRIMA)

Jatropha whole-edge is an evergreen low tree up to 4 meters high. Leaves are oval, variable. The flowers are small, with five petals, collected in tassels.

IN winter period when the temperature drops, the leaves may fall off. At good care and in a favorable environment, year-round flowering is possible.

The plant is poisonous.

Jatropha Dissected Multifida (branched) (MULTIFIDA)

Shrub up to 2 meters high. The leaves are large, dissected into 8-10 parts. There are leaves with 12 parts.

The color is dark green with a silver tint.

The flowers are red, form complex umbrella inflorescences.

The plant is poisonous.

Jatropha home care

Jatropha is considered a plant very easy care.

It is drought-resistant, rarely exposed to various diseases and pest attacks.

The place where Jatropha will grow should be well lit and warm.

The soil for planting the plant should be loose, with the possibility of good air circulation. It is necessary to mix leafy and soddy soil, peat and coarse sand in equal quantities. Add small stones, fine gravel or crushed bricks. The pot must have good drainage.

Jatropha transplant is carried out every 1-2 years in a larger capacity pot. This is best done in spring or summer. In the cold season, the plant will not tolerate this procedure well. Before planting or transplanting a shrub, it is necessary to prepare a pot of a suitable size, on the bottom of which pour good drainage. Then transfer the plant with a clod of earth and add the prepared soil. Slightly compact the top. The soil in the pot can be watered or sprayed a little. Do not forget that Jatropha is poisonous, so all work with it must be carried out with gloves.

Lighting for Jatropha should be bright. Its deficiency can affect its decorative effect: leaves and flower petals can turn pale and lose their appearance.

It is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight in order to avoid thermal burns of the surface parts.

The temperature in the room with Jatropha must be maintained sufficiently high - 20-25 degrees. During the dormant period, from October to March, it can be a little cooler - 10-15 degrees. More low temperature can kill plants.

Air humidity for Jatropha should be average. In warm weather, you can spray the leaves of shrubs every three weeks or wipe them with a damp cloth.

During the growing season, from March to September, the plant needs top dressing in the form of fertilizers containing magnesium, calcium and sulfur. This will help Jatropha with leaf growth and during flower formation and flowering.

Jatropha should be watered sparingly. It does not tolerate both excess and lack of moisture.

In summer, during flowering, you can water every week, in autumn period- 1 time per month is enough, and in winter, after the leaves fall, watering can be stopped before the plant begins to grow.

Jatropha is propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Seeds are formed in the fruits after the flowering of the shrub. They need to be planted to a depth of about 5 cm in soil consisting of soddy soil, leafy soil and peat, or use ready-made soil mixture for indoor plants. Sprinkling the seeds when planting, compact the soil only slightly. Jatropha seeds have a very dense shell, so they must be soaked before planting. The container with the planted seeds must be closed with glass or polyethylene to create the required temperature, approximately 25 degrees. Jatropha seeds can be planted directly in pots.

When propagated by cuttings, they must be cut off from the stem with a sharp tool, dried for several days at the cut point and placed in water or moist soil. Within a month, the stalk should take root. Plant the rooted plant in a pot.

Jatropha is a poisonous plant

All types of Jatropha are a plant with very toxic parts. Its seeds are especially poisonous. When working with shrubs, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, observe all precautions during planting, transplanting, cuttings, pruning.

In a room where there are children and animals, the plant should be excluded.

Diseases and pests

Jatropha is quite resistant to various fungal diseases. It can be damaged by spider mites or thrips.

thrips- small insects that suck the juices of the leaves. Most often appear at very low humidity. If pests are found, it is necessary to wash the leaves with soapy water or increase the humidity on the shrub. If the infestation is severe, it is necessary to use insecticides, e.g. Fitoverm.

spider mite
- a pest that also sucks the juice from the plant. Yellow spots appear on the leaves. It is necessary to fight with it, as with other insects, wiping the leaves with water or using chemicals.

Jatropha- a very original shrub. It is unusual in its appearance and completely unpretentious to care for. Having planted such a plant in his apartment, the florist will admire his not very lush, but rather long flowering.

Jatropha (Jatropha) is a plant (herbaceous, shrub, tree) belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. There are about 170 varieties of jatropha. IN natural environment found in the tropical forests of America and Africa.

The name of the plant is formed by two words Greek: jatrys - doctor and tropha - food, since some members of the genus have medicinal properties. But be careful: absolutely all parts of the plant are poisonous. The milky juice of jatropha, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause a burn.

How to choose jatropha in the store

In flower shops, the plant is still rare, but due to its exotic appearance and unpretentious care, it is gaining popularity. Before buying, carefully inspect the plant for the absence of pests, be sure to check the trunk: it should not be limp.

Botanical description

The stem is bottle-shaped, lignified, reaches a height of 0.5 m at indoor cultivation. The plant is deciduous: the entire winter period the stem will stand bare. In spring, flowering will come, which is small flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences.

May last until autumn. The color is bright: orange, dark pink, burgundy. Flowers are bisexual. For fruiting it is necessary to carry out cross pollination. The fruit is triangular, about 2.5 cm long, contains only 2-3 oval-shaped seeds. Closer to summer, palm-shaped leaves will begin to appear, the color is all shades of green.

How to care for jatropha at home

Air temperature

Jatropha needs to be provided with an air temperature of 18-25 ° C during the warm season. With the onset of winter, lower it to 10-15 ° C, but the tree is able to adapt to normal room temperature air in the winter season.

Be sure to protect from drafts!


The tree will need bright lighting, but jatropha categorically does not accept direct sunlight. Remember that intensive lighting should be accustomed to gradually: whether it's adaptation after purchase, a change in season, or even a change from cloudy to sunny weather. The most suitable location will be the eastern and western window sills.

How to water

Moderate is needed in spring and summer: the top layer of soil should dry out between procedures. Avoid waterlogging the soil, which is fraught with rotting of the plant. Thanks to the water reserves accumulated at the base of the trunk, the jatropha can endure temporary drought. In winter, watering is completely stopped. Renew it with the beginning of flowering.

No need to maintain high humidity air. You can occasionally wipe the leaves from dust with a damp sponge.

top dressing

During active growth (spring-autumn), it should be administered monthly from complex mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

Jatropha transplant: frequency, soil, capacity

  • It is enough to transplant the plant 1 time every 3 years. Do it in spring or summer.
  • The container is not deep, but wide, stable (consider the width and weight of the “bottle”).
  • Use the transshipment method with maximum preservation of the earthen clod.

Lay a drainage layer at the bottom, consisting of small pebbles, expanded clay, clay shards, occupying about 1/3 of the pot. After planting, it is recommended to mulch the soil surface with similar materials.

The soil will require light, with good water and air permeability. You can use ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents. If possible, prepare a soil mixture consisting of leafy, soddy soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

Jatropha from seeds at home

Jatropha is carried out by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so it is better to sow them in the first couple of months after ripening.

  • Soil mixture: in equal proportions sand, peat, leaf and sod land.
  • Plant the seeds one by one in a cup to a depth of 05-1 cm, moisten the soil, cover the crops with film or glass.

  • Maintain the air temperature at 25 ° C, ventilate the greenhouse, spray the soil. The germination process will take 1-2 weeks.
  • If sown in a common container, young shoots with 2-3 true leaves should be planted in separate containers. They will grow quickly.

  • After a couple of months, a crown will appear, like in adult plants, but the leaves will be rounded.
  • Over the course of 2 years, they will acquire a palmately divided shape. The trunk will also gradually thicken.

Propagation of jatropha by cuttings

  • For use apical cuttings 8-12 cm long.
  • They must be dried until the juice ceases to stand out.
  • Then treat the cut sections of the cuttings with a growth stimulator (dip in water and root stimulator powder).
  • Plant in a mixture of humus, sand and sod land in equal proportions.

  • Be sure to cover with a transparent cover (glass or plastic wrap), keep the air temperature at 30°C.
  • Rooting will take about a month.

Diseases and pests

Mistakes in care and consequences

Jatropha is practically not affected by diseases and harmful insects, but difficulties still occur when caring for at home. Be careful when watering: avoid getting the ox on the trunk, do not flood the soil, because the rotting of the stem leads to the inevitable death of the plant. An excess of moisture will lead to wilting of inflorescences, falling leaves, rotting of the stem and, finally, death of the plant.

  • Too low air temperature leads to yellowing and leaf fall.
  • From watering cold water leaves become discolored and fall off.
  • Overzealous with top dressing - growth rates will slow down.

Jatropha pests:

  1. Spider mite (leaves will begin to turn yellow, fall off, you can see cobwebs on the plant);
  2. Whitefly (on the reverse side of the sheet you can see small insects with wings, the surface of the leaf plate will be covered with white specks);
  3. Thrips (flowers will deform and fall off).

If pests are found, they must be washed off under warm shower and treat the plant with an insecticide.

Jatropha species with photos and names

Native to mid-America. The shape of the stem is similar to an amphora: the base is round, wide, and the neck is elongated. The height together with the peduncle is about 1 meter. Small flowers of a coral-red shade are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The development of peduncles is rather slow, until they are equal in height to the leaf plates, then their beauty will be revealed to the fullest. Flowering lasts a month. Leaf plates, consisting of 5 rounded lobes with elongated tips, are 18 cm in diameter. Young leaves are light green and shiny. As they grow, they acquire a darker shade and dullness. The reverse side of the leaf plate and petiole have a bluish tint.

Jatropha dissected or branched Jatropha multifida

The natural habitats are Mexico, Brazil, middle lane America. The height of the stem reaches 3 meters. Leaf blades are divided into 11 lobes. They have a green-purple color with streaks of a lighter shade. Externally, the plant looks like a palm tree. Peduncles rise above the crown with coral-colored corollas, collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Jatropha Berlandieri Jatropha berlandieri or Jatropha cathartica Jatropha cathartica

Jatropha berlandieri photo

Originally from Mexico. The diameter of the lower part of the stem can reach 15-20 cm. In the natural environment, this part of the stem is hidden under the soil, and in room conditions it rises above it. The height of the stem is about 30 cm. The leaf blades are palmately divided, have jagged edges, and are painted dark green with a bluish tint. Inflorescences are umbellate, loose. The color of the flowers is red-orange, dark pink. The lower part of the stem reaches a diameter of 20 cm. Five-lobed leaves are attached to petioles 30 cm long. sheet plates dark green with a bluish-silver tint. Pink or red-orange flowers are collected in loose inflorescences.

Jatropha curcas or Barbados walnut Jatropha curcas

Rare view. has oval leaves with pointed tips, their color is light green. The flowers are bright yellow. male flowers grow singly, and female ones gather in umbrella inflorescences.

Jatropha whole-edge Jatropha integerrima

Shrub reaching up to 4 m in height (in the natural environment). A plant with oval leaves. The inflorescences are racemose, the flowers in the form of stars are painted in a dark pink, burgundy shade.
