Ural forest berries (edible). Useful and harmful red berries

It's cold here today. In the morning it was -32 places. Therefore, it draws on all sorts of summer memories.
I'll try to organize something. In geology, this is called winter office work.
Some of the photos are mine and some are not.


forest cherry
The main undergrowth of birch forests in the Southern and Middle Urals. There are years when from it - red red. Forest cherry, although smaller than garden cherry, is much more fragrant.

Forest blackcurrant
He loves the banks of rivers and lakes, wet forests, the edges of swamps. It is practically not susceptible to diseases and frost, unlike the garden one, therefore it is often used by Ural breeders as the basis for local cultivars. Wild berries are small.
Currant has diaphoretic, diuretic and fixing properties. Leaves, buds and fruits black currant have a disinfecting effect associated with essential oils.



forest raspberry
Undergrowth in mixed Ural forests, and even in pure pine forests, sometimes grows. The berries are very fragrant. Fruits and leaves are used for colds, flu, as an antipyretic.


forest sea buckthorn
It grows along the banks of lakes, rivers, streams. The sand is very fond of. Berries are very useful. Stimulate the recovery processes in soft tissues, including in liver cells after alcohol intoxication, increases the protein content in the liver, regulates fat metabolism, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Forest animals and birds are very fond of these berries. Especially wintering here.



Rose hip
Undergrowth in deciduous forests. The fruits contain a lot of tannin.



It adapts to almost any conditions, but sunny edges are better, of course. Blooms early, flowers withstand frost. The berries are sweet, contain a lot of pectin, they are great for various marmalades, jelly ... Birds love irgu, so you have to fight for the harvest.


It tolerates our frosts easily, but it is photophilous, therefore it is more common near water in the forest-steppe. Although I met her in not very dark coniferous forests.
In folk medicine, everything except the root is used. Even the list is long. I recommend ladies to ask, a very useful plant for us.


It is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, therefore it grows everywhere. The fruits are used in medicine as a multivitamin agent and carotene-containing raw materials. To use them in their natural form, it is better to collect after frost, when the bitterness is gone.


bird cherry
It loves wet places, so it grows along the banks and in the lowlands. In folk medicine, fruits, bark, leaves, flowers are used ... you need to read.



It grows in shrub thickets, along forest edges, in rare deciduous and pine forests, in rivers, on screes and outcrops. It grows slowly, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Fruits and flowers are used in folk medicine for rheumatism, edema, atherosclerosis, increased thyroid function, migraine, mental disorders in menopause, epilepsy, and hypertension.



blue honeysuckle
Please do not confuse with red and yellow - they are poisonous. Blue wild honeysuckle grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests of the Middle Urals and its more northern regions. The berries are dark blue with a bluish bloom, are edible and are valued for their delicate aroma and bitter-sour taste, reminiscent of blueberries. Honeysuckle blooms very early. Flowers withstand up to -6 frost. Therefore, it is the most important honey plant. bushes in early spring just buzzing with bees.


Actually, it's a shrub. Just a short, short one from the heather family. I think it's evergreen. There is a thaw in the spring, and there are green lingonberry leaves. Whole cranberries are also used. Both leaves and berries. Lots of uses. Useful plant.



Do not believe it, it is also a heather shrub, only its branches are filamentous and creeping. It really needs water, so it grows in swamps. The berries are used as an antiscorbutic colds, rheumatism, tonsillitis, beriberi. The leaves can be used as a tea.


Another heather shrub. I will not talk about the taste of berries. You know him.
The fresh berry is considered useful in the treatment of scurvy. In medicine, both berries and blueberry leaves are used. They are mainly used for diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and in gerontology, as well as locally in the treatment of burns and ulcers, stomatitis and gingivitis. Leaves and shoots are used for initial forms diabetes, since the neomyrtillin glycoside contained in them has the ability to lower blood sugar



Again a heather shrub, but already 50 cm high. Sometimes up to a meter. Unlike blueberries, the stem is woody almost to the top. By appearance(especially due to the similarity of the leaves) blueberries can be confused with blueberries. Blueberries differ from blueberries in lighter stems and the shape of the receptacle on the berry: in blueberries it is even, almost round, in blueberries it is more broken; the taste of blueberries and blueberries is also very different. Blueberry juice is colorless. The taste is not bright, therefore, in desserts, blueberries are recommended to be mixed with berries that have a brighter taste: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries.




Wild strawberry
Herbaceous plant. Prefers glades, edges, clearings and clarified forests. Berries are very tasty - a favorite dessert. An aqueous infusion of wild strawberry leaves is used as a diuretic for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.


forest strawberry
Herbaceous plant. The leaves are larger than those of strawberries, more fluffy. Harder. It can also grow in dense grass, but prefers mowing. In folk medicine, infusions of fruits and leaves are used as a diuretic and diaphoretic, for colds and anemia. And yes, it is very tasty. And the smell is just amazing!


Stone berry
Herbaceous plant. Sweet and sour fragrant berries. Very useful for anemia and colds. In folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and stems is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tumors, gout, inflammation of the joints and as an antiscorbutic agent. In Siberia, leaf infusions are used as a painkiller. cardiac remedy, for migraines, dandruff, to strengthen hair and as a sedative.
Perfectly stored just sprinkled with sugar. The most delicious thing I remember from my childhood.


Grows in the northern regions of the Urals. Frost-resistant. The fruit is a juicy polydrupe, sweet in taste when ripe, similar in size and shape to common raspberry, but its color is more complex. The aroma of ripe berries reminds a pineapple . Very tasty.
The juice of the princess helps to reduce the temperature, quenches thirst. Recommended as a tonic and tonic. The leaves can be used as a tea.


"Royal berry". Prefers northern areas. North of the Middle Urals and Subpolar Urals. Swampy places.
The fruit is a combined drupe with a diameter of 1.5 cm, shaped like raspberries, but has a special smell and taste, sweet; unripe berries are red, and ripe ones are orange color, almost transparent, reminiscent of pure bright amber. The berries change color three times. Very tasty and healthy. Cloudberries contain three times more vitamin C than oranges. Taiga residents also respect her. The places of its growth are the favorite pastures of white partridges and lekking capercaillie.
Cloudberry berries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots. Cloudberries are a source of tocopherols, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and birth. healthy child. Fruits can be used as an aid in the treatment of beriberi and hypovitaminosis. Cloudberry juice lubricates the areas of skin affected by scabies. Cloudberry is effective in the treatment of non-healing wounds. In this case, berries and other parts of the plant are used: leaves, roots, sepals.



So... What did I forget? Who is local, Ural?
What grows in your forests?

" Garden

Regardless of the season, berries are always one of the favorite dishes on the table. The pleasant and sweet smell of berries just asks in the mouth. Among all types of berries, red berries are the most popular..

Exist big variety red berries to taste, size, ripening time, useful properties. Let's take a look at the most common types.

It is worth finding out whether it is possible to benefit from it without harming the body. Few know that this berry can really bring harm, which is hidden under the beautiful peel of this berry.

Recently, watermelon has become dangerous, thanks to unscrupulous farmers who grow them in inappropriate conditions, and suppliers store them incorrectly and do not follow the rules of sale. In order for watermelons to grow faster and become as heavy as possible on farms, they began to “feed” them with nitrogen fertilizers. These fertilizers include nitrates, which are very dangerous for humans.

Nitrates accumulate in the pulp of the berry because they lack sun and water during ripening. If we consider nitrates as an ordinary substance, then they are not toxic, but when they enter the stomach, they turn into nitrins, which contribute to the development cancer cells. And if the watermelon is stored for a long time, then the same process begins to occur in the pulp. Nitrites affect and destroy the transport ability of blood, as a result of which a person may develop hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This can be especially dangerous for children and people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels and diseases of the respiratory and excretory systems.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly which watermelon is dangerous, only if you grow this berry yourself. Therefore, it is better not to give watermelon to children under 2 years of age.

But of course, watermelon also has useful properties! The main thing is to choose and store it correctly. Watermelon contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Antioxidants- carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine and others
  • Promotes strengthening immunity, stabilizes vision
  • Folic acid helps the formation of DNA and contributes to the proper development of a person.
  • Removes excess waste from the kidneys, does not allow salt to be deposited and stones to form, cleanses the body completely.
  • Magnesium promotes the absorption of minerals and vitamins


Everyone has heard about this delicious berry, about her medicinal properties, but few people know which ones are exactly useful, and which ones are not very attracted by the use of this berry.

The benefits of this berry are difficult to exaggerate. Consider these properties:

  • It contains benzoic acid, which is a natural antioxidant and strengthens cell membranes
  • Used as remedy for rheumatism because it contains tartaric and salicylic acid.
  • Ursolic acid positively affects the hormonal background helps fight stress.
  • Diuretics help cleanse the body.
  • Chrome and copper help in the fight against heart disease and.
  • Potassium, magnesium and manganese help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, treat gastritis and anemia.
  • Sugar helps fight depression.
  • Helps fight constipation, headache, weakness.
  • Helps in the fight against hangover syndrome.

Perhaps the most popular lingonberry dish is lingonberry juice. Juice is useful for those suffering from anemia, neuroses, poor eyesight, high pressure . Juice is useful for colds, has positive influence on skin and hair.

Despite the fact that lingonberries contain many useful trace elements, there are also properties that can harm the human body:

  • It should not be eaten by those who have the secret function of the stomach is increased and there is an ulcer.
  • Harm can be caused people with low blood pressure.
  • Lingonberry and its juice should not be consumed after meals.
  • Berries accumulate radioactive substances, so it can not be collected near burial grounds, factories.


There is a lot of controversy about is a strawberry a berry, because according to the concepts of biology, it does not apply to such. However, for many decades, in the summer, strawberries are the queen of berries, but like others, they have both beneficial and harmful properties.

So, Let's start with the beneficial properties of this delicious berry:

  • Fights germs, avitaminosis, improves immunity
  • Useful for hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis
  • Strawberry tincture can serve good diuretic
  • Tincture is treated oral diseases
  • Heals joint diseases, kidneys, liver
  • Helps get rid of insomnia
  • Used in the fight against eczema
  • Helps with weight loss used in face masks.

Along with useful, this berry has harmful qualities:

  • Strawberries should only be eaten by those who are not allergic to them.
  • You do not need to eat strawberries if a person is sick with a stomach and intestinal ulcer
  • Do not buy the first berries that appeared on the market - they may contain nitrines.
  • Berries may contain helminth eggs Therefore, before eating, the berries should be washed well under running water.
  • Do not use infusions for young children and pregnant women
  • It is better to consume strawberries with dairy products, as they help to soften the effect of the active components of this berry.
  • Those fruits that were not eaten the first time are best stored in the refrigerator, because only in the cold are useful properties preserved.

It is difficult to meet people who do not like fresh raspberries. The berry and branches of the bush itself have a lot of useful properties, and its help in the fight against colds is only a small part of them.

  • With a cold helps because it has a lot of vitamin C and salicylic acid, so it works almost the same as an aspirin tablet
  • Essential oils in raspberries increase appetite, and fiber has a good effect on the muscles of the intestine.
  • Lemon, apple and tartaric acid in a berry promote digestion.
  • Helps with constipation, since raspberries are a natural laxative, which acts very gently.
  • Raspberries contain pectins, which remove salts of heavy metals from the body. This quality is preserved after the heat treatment of the berries.
  • helps to lose weight, as it contains elements that contribute to the breakdown of fats.
  • in raspberries many vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, PP, macro and micronutrients.

Raspberries, of course, are very useful, but in some cases they can be harmful. There are people who are better off limiting themselves to eating this berry:

  • People suffering urolithiasis
  • People with gout
  • Can't eat raspberries with gastritis and ulcers
  • Dosing the use allergy sufferers and diabetics
  • Can't give raspberries babies up to a year.


This berry is known by the same name of sweets, always welcome guest on any table.

Berry benefits:

  • Barberry has a choleretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect.
  • Decoction is consumed in diseases of the gallbladder
  • Infusion of barberry leaves helps with hepatitis and jaundice
  • Helps with bowel disorder, chronic diarrhea, dysentery
  • Elements that make up the bark and leaves lower blood pressure and improve heart function
  • Useful berries after childbirth as they help the uterus shrink to its natural size

With all the obvious beneficial properties of barberry, There are also contraindications to the use of this berry:

  • You can not use barberry people with cirrhosis of the liver
  • For gallstone disease barberry can become a source of exacerbation of the disease
  • Barberry contraindicated in pregnant women and breastfeeding women
  • Children under 12 barberry will not be useful in the treatment of colds
  • When making tinctures you need to remember that only ripe barberry berries are useful, but green ones are poisonous


Red viburnum berries rightfully deserve the title of pantry useful substances for the human body.

  • Apply in the prevention of colds and viral infections. The beneficial effect is provided by the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants in the berry.
  • Kalina even after heat treatment retains useful properties and helps to strengthen all organs and systems gives energy to the body
  • viburnum helps get rid of insomnia and acts as a mild sedative
  • For the gallbladder and kidneys is a good diuretic
  • Berry consumption helps to cope with ulcers, eczema, abscesses
  • The bark of the berry is also useful, from which the tincture is prepared, helping to stop bleeding
  • Bones of viburnum are used for restoration of bowel functions
  • With the constant use of viburnum seeds, you can feel better, the body is cleansed, lightness appears in the body, stop tormenting migraines, fatigue disappears the heart rate will be restored.

There are some contraindications for the use of viburnum red, and they cannot be ignored:

  • It is not recommended to use viburnum with enuresis
  • You can not eat viburnum pregnant, since the berry can cause uterine contractions, and cause premature birth or miscarriage
  • breastfeeding they also do not recommend using viburnum, as the berries will cause allergies in babies
  • viburnum contributes to the formation of blood clots therefore, people with increased blood clotting should not use viburnum
  • You can not use viburnum for people, suffering from kidney disease and gout.

The valuable properties of this berry fully justify the laborious process of growing berries - after planting at proper care The berry gives fruit only after 16 years. The taste of dogwood is similar only to dogwood. Dogwood is very popular in cooking, it is used to make jam, compotes, liqueurs, wine, pita bread.

What are the benefits of this berry?

  • dogwood renders anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, choleretic and diuretic effects
  • Decoction of dogwood berries strengthens the immune system, tones the body
  • helps cleanse the body from harmful products decay
  • With constant use reduces the risk of infections and colds
  • Berry masks help heal wounds get rid of inflammation on the skin
  • used by women for weight loss. Berries stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and remove unnecessary waste from the body.

These healthy berries can also cause harm, as they have contraindications for admission:

  • Acidity
  • Chronic constipation
  • Insomnia


This berry is primarily known for being highly nutritious and thanks to nutrients has a number of useful properties:

  • Cranberry is storehouse of vitamins C, K, A. High content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. The composition contains iron, iodine, manganese and copper. The berries also contain organic acids - citric, quinic, oxalic, malic and others. Phenolic compounds protect against radiation and provide cancer prevention.
  • Due to their high pectin content, cranberries helps to remove salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. Pectin binds and removes lead, cesium and cobalt compounds
  • Cranberry cures scurvy, viral and colds
  • Cranberry is a natural antibiotic
  • raw berry relieves hemorrhoids and varicose veins
  • Amino acids help strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • Fresh berry compresses relieve headaches
  • For wound healing an ointment is prepared from cranberry burns. The ointment also treats herpes and fungus.

There are also contraindications for the use of this berry:

  • Allergy sufferers cranberries are not recommended
  • Women who are breastfeeding and babies under three years old, cranberries should be excluded from the diet
  • Do not recommend cranberries people with increased level acids in the stomach

This berry can be seen on almost all summer cottages, it also happens to be black. Most often, people simply do not know all the properties of red currant and treat it with disdain, but this berry is very useful:

  • Redcurrant contains vitamin A and P, ascorbic acid. This is positively affects the condition of hair, skin and also strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. Indications for use - diseases of the heart and blood vessels. good remedy for the prevention of strokes. This composition also helps to strengthen the immune system.

  • Potassium, which is part of this berry, helps to restore the work of the heart muscle, removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Pectin in redcurrant helps to bind and remove toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, and also restores bowel function
  • Coumarin in redcurrant helps reduce blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Currant berries contain fiber, which has a mild laxative effect on the intestines.

It is better to observe the measure in the use of red currants, since I can provoke unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea and dehydration.

There are also contraindications to the use of this berry:

  • Due to organic acids, intestinal irritation occurs, therefore do not eat berries on an empty stomach
  • People with stomach ulcers, gastritis and liver disease should refrain from red currant
  • With pancreatitis redcurrant may worsen the condition, due to the stimulation of the production of enzymes by the pancreas
  • Redcurrant stimulates appetite, therefore should be used carefully, without overeating.

Rowan red

Widespread low value fruit tree, noticeable for its bright fruits. This berry is very affordable, but few people know about its beneficial properties:

  • Rowan berries contain a lot of keratin, which helps restore visual acuity
  • The high content of vitamin C in berries, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries
  • In berries during the ripening period accumulates a large number of vitamin PP, which good effect on the nervous system relieves stress, irritation, fights insomnia
  • Sorbic and pasarbic acids fight harmful microorganisms, prevent the development of infectious and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • red rowan lowers blood pressure
  • Berries can be used as a diuretic, choleretic and laxative
  • Juice made from rowan berries helps heal wounds and stop bleeding.

Red rowan is contraindicated in certain diseases:

  • Acidity stomach
  • Increased clotting blood
  • Ischemia
  • Allergy on a berry
  • After transferred heart attacks and strokes.

This berry has a lot of useful properties:

  • Strengthens the immune system increases the body's ability to fight viruses
  • Strengthens blood vessels and restores metabolism. The composition of the berries includes minerals that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and stimulate blood circulation. Vitamin P strengthens capillaries. Recommended for atherosclerosis and anemia
  • Lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for people with hypertension, and also has diuretic and choleretic properties. Strengthens the stomach and intestines, fights ulcers.
  • Stimulates digestion. A decoction of wild rose helps the absorption of sugar and fats, increases appetite
  • Source of iron, therefore, it is useful for those who lack this element in the body.
  • Antioxidant. Removes toxins from the body and harmful waste
  • Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis
  • Heals wounds

Possessing obvious beneficial properties, rose hips also have a number of contraindications.. You need to know about them in order to save yourself from unpleasant consequences:

  • Bad for the kidneys when using too large doses
  • Rosehip is not recommended people with high blood clots and thrombophlebitis
  • Not recommended with increased acidity of the stomach
  • After eating rose hips, you need to rinse your mouth, as berries adversely affect tooth enamel
  • Do not use rose hips with gastritis and ulcers
  • The use of wild rose in large doses contributes to the development of non-infectious jaundice

has long been known as a berry that is healthy and as a product - a source of youth.

  • Cherry is rich in vitamins B, C, PP and B12, minerals- potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Organic acids in help in the fight against a variety of diseases
  • Cherries contain inositol which speeds up metabolism
  • Anthocyanins in cherries strengthen capillary walls
  • Chlorogenic acid helps restore kidney function and liver
  • pectin and fiber help remove harmful substances
  • Iron and copper in cherry increase hemoglobin

Not everyone can eat cherries, namely, the presence of the following diseases can serve as a contraindication:

  • stomach ulcer
  • Increased acidity of the stomach and intestines
  • Obesity
  • Chronic lung disease
  • Impaired function of the digestive tract
  • Gastritis

Beneficial features:

  • Bone berries used for colds as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Lowers the temperature
  • Used as diuretic for edema
  • Applied in joint treatment
  • Leaf infusion relieves headache
  • For rheumatism and inflammation of the eyes lotions from berries of bone marrow help very well
  • In the treatment of dandruff bone broth is used
  • Berry Juice helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • Applies in the treatment of cystitis and hemorrhoids

There are also contraindications to the use of bone marrow:

    raises blood pressure Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for hypertensive patients.
  • Bone is not recommended with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

A well-known berry is able to prolong life and improve the condition of the body.

Useful properties are found in the treatment of the following diseases, as well as for prevention:

  • Heart diseases- tachycardia, some forms of arrhythmia, myocardial disease, angina pectoris. Hawthorn relieves pain behind the sternum, normalizes the heartbeat, tones the muscles of the heart. Indicated in recovery after heart attacks and strokes
  • Hypertension - normalizes blood pressure
  • Diseases nervous system - irritability, insomnia, overexertion. Hawthorn has sedative properties, does not cause drowsiness, does not scatter attention
  • Kidney cleanser, you can use hawthorn to normalize urination
  • normalizes the work of the intestines and stomach promotes healing of ulcers
  • Berries remove toxins and waste from the body, cholesterol
  • enhances blood clotting makes red blood cells more elastic
  • Tincture and decoction of hawthorn can cleanse the liver
  • positively affects the functioning of the brain being a vasodilator treats inflammation, prevents viruses and microbes

Any of the varieties of hawthorn has a whole range of healing properties, however, the abnormal use of this berry can cause damage and form an allergic reaction.

There are a number of main contraindications to the use of hawthorn:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Liver disorders
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Autism of all forms
  • Toxicosis
  • Hypotension
  • Renal failure.

All the berries that are written about above, of course, are a pantry of useful substances and have a beneficial effect on the human body. By eating berries, you can become healthier, improve your general condition and cleanse the body.. The main thing is to observe the measure and know which berries are better not to eat with a particular disease.

Bon appetit!

What kind of berries are not in our forests! Red, blue, black, yellow, various. The red berry of any plant is always appetizing in appearance. Bright, beautiful, with a glossy barrel, it hangs on a branch between green leaves. The hand reaches out to pick it up and put it in your mouth. But be careful! Not all red berries are safe. There are among them ruthless poisoners, eating which, you can pay with your life. wonderful plants gave us nature. These are raspberries, strawberries, rose hips, cranberries, viburnum, lemongrass, lingonberries and many others. Their red berries are known to everyone and, perhaps, everyone knows about their benefits. They are used to make jams and compotes, bake pies and prepare tinctures, they are eaten raw and successfully used in medicine. But in the forest clearings you can find no less beautiful red berries that need to be avoided. The people dubbed them "wolf", although each of them has its own name.


This one is most often called. It is found not only in forests almost throughout Russia, it is also planted as hedge. Honeysuckle has pretty nice creamy, white, or bee-like colors. Among the many varieties of this plant, there are edible ones.

Their fruits are slightly elongated, dark blue or almost purple. In either the forest, or the common one, about which in question, the fruit is a red berry. It is small in size, spherical, very juicy, bright, shiny, perfectly decorates the bush. Often two berries grow together in pairs. Children mistake them for red currants. The berries of real honeysuckle taste bitter, so you won’t eat a lot of them, but it’s better not to try. No deaths have been reported after consuming a small amount of inedible honeysuckle. But those who have tasted these berries may experience poisoning with fever, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and impaired stools.

Lily of the valley

This gentle fragrant flower, which pleases us in the spring, is unusually poisonous. The fruit of the lily of the valley is a round red berry, located on a stalk on thin, slightly curved stalks. Lily of the valley grows almost everywhere - in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, in oak forests, in gardens and flower beds. He especially likes edges and clearings with fairly moist soil.

The berries stay on the plant for a long time. They are especially dangerous for animals. People are rarely poisoned by them. The poison contained in all parts of the flower is called convallatoxin. Once in the body, it can cause cardiac arrest. Those who have eaten a small amount of berries have all the signs food poisoning. It is noteworthy that even the water in which there are lilies of the valley becomes poisonous. But in strictly fixed doses, the plant is used in official medicine for the treatment of heart disease. Traditional medicine uses lily of the valley much more widely, for example, for rheumatism, headaches, and eye diseases.

deadly wolfberry

Wolf's bast, plohovets, wolfberry - all this is one and the same shrub with red berries. You can see it in the forests of Russia up to the Arctic zone. It blooms earlier than other trees and shrubs, decorating the edges already in March. Its berries are bright, juicy, very beautiful, about the size of a cherry stone.

They contain poisonous juice, in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, itching, redness, inflammation are observed. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to those that occur with gastroenteritis. All parts of the wolfberry are poisonous. They contain a large number of substances dangerous to humans - diterpenoids, coumarins, daphnin, miserein, coccognin and others. A wolfberry is planted as ornamental plant and in gardens. Avicenna used it in his recipes. Folk healers use this plant externally, in the form of decoctions and tinctures for rheumatism, gout, tonsillitis, dermatosis, toothache and many other diseases, but officially use it in medicinal purposes forbidden.

swamp calla

This very beautiful graceful plant is commonly known as calla. It is grown with pleasure in flower beds, used in bouquets. In nature, calla can be found where there is sufficient moisture. It grows in the European part of Russia, and in Siberia, and on Far East. All parts of it are poisonous. Calla flowers are small and inconspicuous, collected in cobs. They are decorated with a white veil, taken by many for a large petal.

The fruit of the plant is a red berry, somewhat reminiscent of a large stemmed mulberry. Calla juice causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, and if it enters the stomach, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, heart rhythm disturbances appear. Pets are often poisoned with leaves and fruits of calla lilies. They begin to salivate profusely, trembling, bloating, the pulse becomes very weak, but frequent. Death without urgent action occurs within an hour. For medicinal purposes, calla rhizomes are mainly used, they are added to some dishes even after special processing.


This is herbaceous plant with red berries can be found in coniferous and mixed forest belts, on marsh hummocks, on clay and rocky slopes. It is sometimes used in gardens as decorative ornament flower beds, mainly because of the beautiful carved leaves. The crow has many other names, including the bug (because of bad smell), stinker, Christopher's grass, again wolfberries. Voronets blooms in May-June. In place of small white flowers that stay on the stem for only a couple of days, berries appear.

Depending on the species, they can be not only red, but also white and black. There are up to two dozen of them on the stalk. They are also small, round, shiny, reminiscent of a small cluster of grapes and very attractive to look at. All parts of the crow are poisonous. When ingested, people experience nausea with vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen, convulsions, clouding of consciousness.


By the appearance of the flower, this plant resembles a calla, only its cover is not white, but dirty green-purple, similar to decaying meat. The smell is about the same. This is necessary for the plant to attract carrion and dung flies - its only pollinators. But the fruit of the aronnik is quite nice.

On an upright leg, its bright, shiny red berries look unusually attractive. The photo shows that they form something like an ear and look like beads stuck to one another. They are poisonous only when fresh. Dried berries are used in folk medicine to treat bronchitis, hemorrhoids and some other diseases. Aronnik grows almost throughout Europe and Asia. It can be seen on river banks, meadows, pastures, in bushes and on rocky mountain slopes.

Nightshade bittersweet

In about 1000 species. Poisonous is the one in which the variety of berries is red. Black berries are quite edible, they even make jams, compotes, and bake pies. There is a nightshade in many regions of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus. Grows like a weed. Some gardeners plant it to decorate fences and hedges.

Nightshade fruits are bright red, slightly elongated, reminiscent of greatly reduced clusters of cherry tomatoes. Alkaloids, steroids, carotonoids, triterpenoids were found in their pulp and bones. The taste of nightshade berries is sweet at first, but after that bitterness is felt in the mouth. In case of poisoning, coordination of movement is disturbed, the heartbeat quickens, abdominal pains appear.

elderberry red

Walking in the second half of summer along the edge of the forest or in the park, you can see a sprawling shrub, decorated with lush berry tassels. This is elderberry. Just do not confuse it with black edible.

This type of elderberry does not mean at all that it has not yet ripened. It's just a completely different species of the same plant family. Red elderberry is very beautiful, so it is willingly cultivated to decorate alleys, parks and squares. Its berries are a bit like rowan brushes, but the leaves and the plant itself are completely different. Birds eat its red berries with pleasure, but for humans they are poisonous due to the presence of amygdalin in them, as it turns into hydrocyanic acid in his stomach. Small doses of red elderberries ethnoscience suggests using it as a medicine. Important: it has already been proven that red elderberry does not save from cancer.


Probably, many will be interested in what the red berry is called. unusual look- bright, juicy, with black dotted eyes. This is a warty euonymus. Its fruits have a rather pleasant taste, so they are eagerly pecked by forest birds.

People seeing this may think that the berries are safe. But the euonymus is poisonous, and all parts of it are dangerous. beautiful plant. Symptoms of poisoning with attractive berries are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, general weakness, disruption of the heart. Euonymus grows in broad-leaved groves, forests, loves oak forests and places with lime-rich soils. AT settlements it can be seen in the form of a living spectacular hedge.

What to do in case of poisoning

Some authors give recommendations on how to recognize whether berries are poisonous or not. One of the main signs of safety is the use of berries for food by birds and animals. However, focusing on this, you can pay with your life. So, birds, without the slightest harm to themselves, eat berries of euonymus, elderberry, nightshade, honeysuckle and others. To avoid trouble, you need to be guided by another rule - if you don’t know what the red berry is called and what it is, it’s better not to touch it. According to statistics, berry poisoning is more common among children. Adults should explain to them which berries grow in their area. If, however, poisoning has occurred, before the ambulance arrives, you need to wash the victim's stomach, give adsorbents to drink and ensure peace.

Many people enjoy hiking in the forest. Often they are accompanied by picking berries. A fascinating activity, but in the process you need to be careful, because not everything that can be found is edible. And in order to avoid troubles that can manifest itself in indigestion or poisoning, it is worth knowing which berries grow in the forest, and which of them is edible.

Red and scarlet wild berries

Due to their color, they are the easiest to see, so the story should start with them. So, what berries grow in the red forest and are edible at the same time?

Cowberry, it should be noted first of all, the berry is rich in carbohydrates, carotene and pectin. This sweet and sour wild berry grows on shrubs - low-growing evergreen perennials. The fruits are shiny, resembling small red balls (up to 0.8 cm in diameter). Ripens in late summer and early autumn.

Stone berry- a herbaceous plant with a maximum height of 30 centimeters. characteristic feature are long, sprawling shoots along the ground. A berry is a fairly large combined drupe of 4 fruitlets with large seeds inside. It ripens in mid-late summer, and to taste it resembles a juicy pomegranate.

viburnum- a small scarlet berry-drupe growing on a leafy tree in "groups". It is impossible not to recognize her. And it is better to collect after the first frost. Before them, it has not a sweet, but a bitter and sour taste.

orange wild berries

What berries grow in the forest and have this pleasant shade?

Cloudberry. It grows on herbaceous semi-shrub plants up to 30 cm high. The fruit is a prefabricated drupe, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter. It could be confused with raspberries, if not for the delicate orange hue and tart-sweet taste. They are collected in July-August.

rowan fruits- Another edible berry in the forest. Grow in bunches (like viburnum) on tall trees sometimes reaching 10 meters in height. The fruits are dense, small, up to 1 cm in diameter. They taste juicy, but bitter, that’s why they don’t just eat them - they cook jam, compotes, pour honey or sugar.

Talking about what berries grow in the forest, one cannot but mention sea buckthorn.
Sea ​​buckthorn- This is a large bush, rather like a tree, with bright orange fruits that grow very interestingly. Looking at the photo provided above, you can see that the fruits literally stuck around the twig (in fact, hence the name). So you can't confuse them with anything.

Blue shades of wild berries

Perhaps the most beautiful "berry" color. And not rare. Everyone knows the amazing blueberry.

Blueberry - Blueberry on the outside, when crushed it will turn purple, and when peeled off, you can see that the flesh is green. The berry grows on a branchy shrub, the height of which is usually 30-50 cm (maximum - 1 m). It is easy to confuse it with blueberries (about it - a little later). But lighter stems and a broken receptacle distinguish it. And the blueberry berry has a sour, sugary taste.

Blueberry. In fact, it can be distinguished from blueberries not only by the above-mentioned features. Certainly these are similar berries. Blueberries are still darker, and purple inside. By the way, you can conduct a verification test right in the forest: stain your hand with berry juice, then try to wash it off. Failed, dark purple hue stay on the skin? So this is .

Honeysuckle- a wild berry that has a "blueberry" color, but an elongated shape. It resembles a bell - even the "bottom" is flat. The taste is unique - it has sweetness, bitterness, slightly sour shades. But the most important thing is that blue honeysuckle contains a complex of minerals and vitamins. And it ripens early - in early June.

Black wild berries

In nature, this shade in its pure manifestation does not exist. But there are a lot of things that are close in color. For example, blackberries. The berry grows on semi-shrubs, the stems of which are covered with sharp thorns - therefore, it is worth grabbing tight gloves for assembly. The fruits are almost black, but are actually dark purple. There is a slight coating that is easy to remove.

Blackberry- an interesting berry. first it grows to its usual size (up to 2 cm), and then it acquires a shade - it turns from green to red, then to brown, and then to rich dark purple.

Bird cherry and buckthorn- another almost black berry. They are often confused. The berries are small, round, grow on trees. But the fruits grow in "groups", on pink twigs. From the side it seems that the tree is decorated with long dark earrings. And buckthorn rarely grows - 5-7 berries on branches densely covered with leaves. Cherry has a pleasant sweetish-astringent taste. Buckthorn is bitter-sour and non-aromatic. It is used in medicine and added to alcoholic tinctures.

Currant, where without it! Large berries grow on shrubs with lobed leaves. not only black, but also red and white. But the sweetest are black berries.

Other forest representatives

strawberries- many go to the forest just for this sweet berry. It grows in sunny glades, in the grass. Due to its resemblance to the well-known berry, loved by many with cream, it was nicknamed the "wild strawberry".

Cranberry- Many willingly go to coniferous sphagnum forests for. Absolutely all of its species are edible. Globular red berries are rich in vitamin C. Its amount is comparable to that of grapefruit, lemon and orange. Cranberries also contain vitamins K, B, PP and many other substances needed by the body. Perhaps this is the most useful marsh-forest berry.

crowberry- an interesting delicacy. It grows on undersized shrubs, the leaves of which are more like needles. When viewed from afar, it may seem that this is a juniper. But no - this is a bush with edible berries. They are sour, and there is practically no pulp in them. Juice inside! Hence the name. Recommended for removing radionuclides from organisms and making delicious jelly.

What can't be eaten?

Poisonous berries are also enough
. Above we talked about blue honeysuckle - and so, there is also red, growing on large bushes. Its berries are round and poisonous, like the fruits of a wolf's bast. Only these are even more dangerous. They look like sea buckthorn - only red and round, they also stick around a twig. You can’t even touch them - the poison is too strong, it can quickly penetrate the skin.

Amazing healing properties has honeysuckle. This berry every year confidently expands its habitat. Farmers and gardeners just adore her. A small shrub found in breeders' gardens. In addition, breeding institutes continue to delight with new bred varieties that take root well in any region.

  1. Excellent winter hardiness. For most varieties, a temperature of 50 degrees below zero is not a threat. Even if the plants were hit by frost, they tend to recover quickly. Moreover, they delight with tasty and fragrant fruits, while other shrubs lose almost their entire crop.
  2. fruiting duration. This is one of the most fruitful shrubs. A long period of life allows fruiting for 25-30 years.
  3. The honeysuckle crop is always in demand in any market. Even from the very small plot land you can collect a lot of berries.
  4. Honeysuckle fruits ripen very quickly. Honeysuckle is an early crop. Some varieties can please with fruits in the first year after transplantation.
  5. Fruits can be harvested at a time when strawberries and raspberries are just beginning to bloom.

Honeysuckle is available for any summer resident. Almost all varieties are very resistant to pests and many diseases. special care does not require. There is no need to treat the shrub with various chemicals. Fruits can be consumed even by small children.

The most popular varieties

Honeysuckle long-fruited

A variety with an unusual name is characterized by:

  • the bush does not grow very quickly;
  • honeysuckle branches are thin spreading, have weak purple shoots;
  • blue berries are distinguished by an elongated shape, have a bright refreshing taste.

The shrub begins to bear fruit early. The harvest will sing in mid-May. This variety is valued for its good resistance to winter cold. He is not affected by such a disease as. Can be planted in partial shade, soil of various composition. It is also characteristic that the fruits do not crumble, unlike other varieties.

honeysuckle berel

Variety Description

According to the degree of ripeness of the crop, it belongs to medium-late varieties. It has a number of the following characteristics:

berel best planted in fall or early spring.

On the Internet you can often find photos of this variety and this is no coincidence. Due to its high yield and excellent winter hardiness, it is a huge success among honeysuckle lovers. Often sellers deceive buyers and sell a completely different variety under the guise of a blue bird. To avoid an incident, it is better to read the description.

What are variety features Blue bird:

The color of the berries is black with a slight blue tint. Fruit shape is oval. They are not only sweet in taste, but also have a delicate and pleasant aroma. But the variety requires special place in the garden. Mail must include all the necessary components for good growth and fruit ripening. The place must be sunny and at the same time protected from the wind. drainage system soil will provide bush good harvest. If there is not enough moisture, then the bluebird begins to shed its fruits. Therefore, in especially hot weather, you should think about additional watering of this variety.

honeysuckle gourmet

A photo of honeysuckle confirms the fact of good fruiting. In addition, it is an early productive variety.

Variety characteristic:

  • shrub of medium height, compact size;
  • the characteristic shape of the crown is oval;
  • leaves also have an oval shape, bright Green colour, the shoots are located densely to each other;
  • berries are juicy, dense, sweet and sour without bitterness;
  • average shedding of fruits;
  • good yield - from 2 to 3 kg per bush;
  • honeysuckle of this variety is not afraid of frost and disease;
  • fruits can be eaten fresh or processed for further use;
  • bushes play the role of a hedge on the site.

Honeysuckle sorceress

The honeysuckle variety is characterized early term maturation. The berries are very large, dessert-like, refreshing. The skin is thin, almost not felt. The berries themselves, as a result of ripening, begin to crumble to the ground. The variety tolerates drought well, so you can safely plant in a region with a hot climate. Bush has a compact size, grows weakly. Reaches a height of 1.5 m. The shoots are thin and drooping. The dark green leaves are oval in shape and can be damaged by aphids and different kind sucking insects. As a rule, the berries of this variety are grown for processing. Honeysuckle looks great with roses and hazel bushes in the garden.

The benefits of honeysuckle for humans

Average honeysuckle begins to bear fruit at the age of 3 years. From one honeysuckle bush you can collect about 3 kg of berries.

Probably the only drawback of honeysuckle is that as a result of ripening, the berries immediately begin to fall off. Their skin is very thin, so when it hits the ground, it bursts. The berry is damaged. But even a minus can easily be turned into a plus. If you follow the shrubs and harvest in a timely manner, then everything will be fine.

Honeysuckle and its varieties
