Blacklisted products. Harmful sweets: "Roskontrol" made a black list of products

From the editor. A selection of quality and truly useful products for healthy eating- a difficult question. Are manufacturers always honest with us and are the labels on the packaging true? It is almost impossible for a simple buyer to check this on their own. The Lady Mail.Ru project is launching a series of materials together with the Roskontrol.RF expert portal. In them, we will tell you about the laboratory results of testing popular diet products.

This time experts tested 9 popular brands of sour cream

Sour cream has long been considered a dietary analogue: its calorie content is three times less than that of classic sauce. Sour cream with a 20% fat content is the most popular among consumers, which is why Roskontrol experts decided to study it. 9 products sent to the laboratory trademarks: "House in the village", Prostokvashino, "Rostagroexport", "Benefit", "Ostankino", "Dmitrov Dairy Plant", "Izbenka", "Brest-Litovsk", "Milava".

Products with antibiotics

Experts tested the product for the content of vegetable fats, antibiotics, preservatives and microbes - in total, more than 40 indicators were determined. In sour cream of three brands - "House in the village", "Milava" and "Rostagroexport"- found the antibiotic streptomycin, which can have a toxic effect on the kidneys, digestive and nervous systems.

Irina Konokhova, leading expert of the portal Roskontrol.rf, doctor, comments:

“Streptomycin is widely used to treat diseases in farm animals, including mastitis in cows. During the treatment period and a few days after it, milk from a sick cow should not be put into production; manufacturers often save and use it. The antibiotic gets into dairy products. Contacting fatty acids, it is concentrated in high-fat dairy products such as.

The systematic use of products containing streptomycin and other antibiotics can cause an imbalance in the intestinal microflora or allergic reactions. Streptomycin is practically not absorbed in the intestines of a healthy person, but it is better for children, pregnant and lactating women to refrain from products with it, since it can adversely affect the hearing organ of a child or fetus.

How much sour cream do you need to eat to appear side effects, hard to say. Technical regulation TR CU 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products" prohibits the presence of antibiotics in dairy products, even in a minimal amount. For violation of safety requirements, sour cream from three manufacturers is blacklisted by Roskontrol.

Sour cream of two more brands turned out to be unsafe: "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" and "Izbenka".

Sour cream was studied for a number of indicators, one of which is the microbiological composition

At first glance, the products of these manufacturers inspire confidence: sour cream "Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant" produced in accordance with GOST, as part of only natural ingredients. A brand sour cream "Izbenka" does not have a low price (a jar costs about 100 rubles), is sold in trading network VkusVill, which positions its products as farm products and recommended for a healthy diet.

In practice, the situation turned out to be different: in both samples, allowed content yeast mushrooms. In the product "Izbenka" the excess is 36 times, and in the sour cream "Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant" - 2000 times!

Larisa Ilyina, head of laboratory microbiological methods tests of CJSC FBU "Rostest-Moscow":

“They are dangerous because neither by sight nor by taste you can determine their content in the product. They develop very quickly, and when their content exceeds the permissible maximums many times over, the product becomes potentially dangerous. Healthy man, after eating such sour cream, you may endure a slight intestinal upset, and if you have chronic diseases, such as gastritis, or a weakened immune system, a more serious reaction is likely - up to poisoning.


A sign of good "real" sour cream is, according to most consumers, its thick consistency. But due to what sour cream can be thick? Most often - as a result of the use of certain stabilizers.

Yes, in sour cream "Benefit" starch was found, and in products "Milava", Prostokvashino, "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" and "Rostagroexport" with a high degree of probability some other stabilizers are contained, for example, modified starches (food additives E1400-1422), alginates or carrageenan. Experts came to such conclusions by analyzing the dry matter content, the mass fraction of fat and protein in each sample, as well as the level of acidity. Stabilizers, of course, are not indicated in the composition of these samples. It is worth noting that according to Technical regulations, a product containing any food additives cannot be called sour cream at all.

The content of the article:

Men and women differ not only in external indicators, but also in all other senses. Nutrition plays an important role not only for girls, who always pay much more attention to this issue. For men, it is also necessary to remember that the foods that they eat can not only harm them outwardly, but it is also likely to spoil or even worse - “completely kill” a man in them. To increase potency, as well as to increase sexual desire and desire, it is necessary not only to eat specific dishes, but, on the contrary, to exclude from your diet about ten foods that have a detrimental effect on a man's health.

For many centuries, mankind has been searching and continues to search for everything the best means, which can significantly enhance male potency. Means that affect potency and significantly increase sexual desire and pleasure are commonly called aphrodisiacs. This name has come from the time Ancient Greece, it reminded the Greeks of the name of the Goddess of love - Aphrodite. First of all, they include love dishes - products that significantly increase potency and form the basis of "erotic cooking".

The main functions of aphrodisiacs are the activation of sexual and erotic feelings, as well as drives; to some extent rejuvenation of the body as a whole; support to the maximum high level sexual functions; and the last on the list, but not the last in necessity for a man - raising potency.

The most offensive thing is that the tastiest is always the most harmful to human body. For women, this is a sweet that destroys the figure, and for men, this list is much longer, and if you want to save masculine strength, it would be better to heed our advice and limit the use of certain foods. We agree that it will not be as easy to do as it is to say, because not everyone will be able to forbid themselves to eat their favorite delicacies. After all, few men can deny themselves barbecue or beer with fish, and the list of foods forbidden for his health is much longer.

Blacklisted Products

  1. Beer takes pride of place. This drink is not only high in calories, but also contains phytoestrogens, which are analogues of female hormones - estrogens. Therefore, we can often observe that men who abuse beer not only get fat, but also gradually “turn into” a woman. It turns out that if you abuse this low-alcohol drink, then, as a result, you can get inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone due to the significant production of the female, thereby inflicting a “double blow” on the male endocrine system. There is an easy way to check how much testosterone your man has in his body, just measure his thallium. In a man with the norm of the male hormone, the waist will be no more than 94-95 cm, the wider it is, the more female hormones in his body, and over time this can lead to irreversible consequences with potency.
  2. The effect of smoking on male power. First of all, such an addiction causes vasospasm, which lasts for some time after the tightening. But if the vessels are still spasmodic, and the man is again "dragged", then this prolongs the obstruction of blood flow. As a result, you get a long spasm, which gives a serious failure in the supply to all organs. nutrients. Such a blow, in the first place, will be felt by the tissues that feed on small blood vessels.
  3. Strong alcohol. It can be safely called a poison for all human organs, and for testicles it is generally “death”. The higher the level of alcohol in the blood of a man, the lower the amount of testosterone he has. Basically, if a man drinks, then in order to cause a hangover, but he does not think at this time that the level of testosterone in his blood decreases by 20% within 12-20 hours after the hangover. And the worst thing is that those affected by the amount of testicles drunk per mille will never fully recover.
  4. The impact of soy on "male power". Soy contains phytoestrogens - analogues of the female hormone, only vegetable. It turns out that these hormones are completely opposite to testosterone, which means they are detrimental to “male power”. We can reassure you a little, if soy is used in small quantities, then it will not bring harm to either the female or male body, because it also contains a complete protein that the body needs. But if a man abuses it in his diet, then the inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone will begin.
  5. Coffee. This drink does not deserve positive comments if its effect concerns the sexual health of a man. Coffee lovers need to be more attentive to their health, because a large number of of this drink can cause great harm, especially to the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of the stress hormone. Accordingly, a decrease in stress hormones has a very bad effect on the male genital organs.
  6. Sodas and fizzy drinks. Such drinks contain a huge amount of sugar, one glass of such a pop contains a daily dose of sugar - 6 hours, in addition, it contains dyes, flavor enhancers and many other "nasty things" that will not bring anything good to your body. And yet, the frequent use of such drinks will certainly lead to dehydration and impair the delivery, as well as the distribution of testosterone molecules.
  7. Everyone's favorite smoked meats. The danger of these products lies in the liquid smoke, which can cause toxic damage to the testicles, namely the glands that produce 95% of testosterone in the male body.
  8. Fat meat. The main problem is not meat and directly the high content of cholesterol (animal fat) in it. We cannot say that cholesterol is harmful to the male body, since it is the main component of testosterone synthesis, it is its excess that is harmful. The fact is that male body produces its hormone in microscopic doses, only a few milligrams per day, and it is clear that this requires very little cholesterol. As a result, you can eat meat, but try to choose not too fatty, because even lean meat contains about 30% fat. And also, in which company, and with what goodies you would not encounter, you must always and in everything be extremely careful and know when to stop.
  9. Sugar and salt. Scientists, having made many experiments, came to the unanimous conclusion that sugar and salt can be safely called "white death". If salt, due to the sodium that is in its composition, only reduces the production of testosterone, then sugar provokes the production of insulin and, as a result, insulin generally stops the production of its hormone by the male body. Also, one cannot be categorical in this matter, in reasonable doses the body simply needs both sugar and salt. We give advice: it is necessary to gradually replace crystalline sugar with honey or sweet fruits. Just because the male body feels the need not for sugar, but for glucose, on which sperm motility depends.
  10. Monosodium glutamate and its colossal amount in fast foods and chips. If you are cooking at home fried potatoes or that same hot dog or hamburger, then this is not very good for your body, but sometimes you can afford it. But if you eat this on the street, in a cafe, then you don’t love yourself at all, and you don’t value your health. In such establishments, they cook in rancid oil, which leads to oxidative processes, both in cells and in tissues, which significantly disrupts the work of hormones.
  11. Homemade fat milk, or cheese from it. The main role here is played by quantity, if you drink no more than 1 liter of milk or 200 grams of cheese per day, then this amount is quite safe for you. The fact is that milk contains bovine estrogen, the female sex hormone. Milk and cheese are very healthy for babies and their mothers, but it is better for a man not to abuse these products.
  12. Last but not least important product is - pastries (pies, buns, various muffins, white and soft bread, cookies). The most useful thing in wheat grains is the vitamins, minerals and fiber that is in their shell. During grain processing, in order to achieve presentation flour, it goes through several stages of purification and completely loses its useful shell, and after that it does not bear any benefit. Not only are white flour products, especially 1 or premium they are high-calorie in themselves, so sugar, baking powder, yeast, acids and other rather unhealthy ingredients are almost always added to them. As a result, we get a "time bomb" that gradually kills the "man" in you. Black or yeast-free bread does not belong to this category, they are quite safe for the male body.
Men, think about it, if you are not indifferent to your health, then do not wait for problems to arise, it is better to prevent them in advance. After all, your health and masculine strength depends only on you, on how long you intend to be full of strength and energy. To extend this period longer, you just need to get rid of bad habits, adhere to simple rules in nutrition and change your diet a little.

For more information on what is undesirable for men, see here:

The Russian market is flooded with low-quality and unsafe products. This conclusion was made by Roskontrol specialists after an independent examination of the goods. Both daily consumed products (milk, cottage cheese, water, kefir, butter) and those that the average buyer rarely purchases (caviar, champagne, sets of chocolates) got under the test.

Among the hundreds of brands examined, 65 percent of the cases revealed violations. They checked it and were horrified... Roskontrol specialists found something that should not even be close to being in the most popular provisions on our table. Vegetable fat was found in milk, antibiotics in eggs, microbes in water, poisonous dyes in soda, trout and salmon, as it turned out, are stuffed with preservatives, and animal skins and cartilage, soybeans and starch were found in meat. Quite surprised and cottage cheese. Milk often comes with completely unappetizing additives, director of the expert department of Roskontrol Maxim Rudakov shares his impressions:

"For cottage cheese - standard problems. All manufacturers have mold, which manufacturers do not fight. They do everything they can and cannot, add preservatives to keep the level of yeast normal. Out of 10 purchased samples, 7 were blacklisted."

They even found something in the caviar that should not be in it. Prohibited preservatives are put into this very expensive product, Maxim Rudakov continues:

"Among the well-known brands, we found many problems with bacteria, mold, yeast. In one sample, we found something that we did not expect at all - the banned preservative urotropin. It has been banned in our country for several years, and it is banned in many countries of the world." In this case, we are saved from serious health problems only by the fact that caviar is rarely eaten in large quantities. But it’s a shame that even a delicacy is unsafe, says dietitian Alexei Kovalkov:

“Most likely, this caviar was made in an artisanal way and they took the cheapest preservative from the earliest times. Indeed, it is then converted into formaldehyde. And formaldehyde is the substance that destroys everything in its path. Suffice it to say that corpses are treated with formaldehyde. vapors, but there is not much of it, so if a person does not overeat red caviar, nothing bad will happen. If we eat one can, we won't get poisoned."

Once again, the experts were convinced that soda should not be trusted either. Of the 12 samples, 10 do not correspond to the norm. The brightly colored water contains synthetic dyes E122 (Azorubin) and E104 (Quinoline Yellow). They are dangerous for children, says Maxim Rudakov:

"In some types of water, we found the number of microbes, tens of times higher than allowable norms. In addition, toxicity indicators were violated."

All harmful additives that have got into the products are divided into 2 types: bacteria and poisons. And if we are able to suppress the former, then the latter poison our lives for a long time, Alexey Kovalkov explains:

"If we get bacteria, then this is always an intestinal disorder. Someone will survive here, someone will not survive. Depending on immunity. But with poisons it is more difficult. They can accumulate. If we constantly use products that have been processed at the factory, there are a lot of chemical components that seem to be safe, but despite this, from year to year they injure our immune system disrupting our metabolism, disrupting the immune response."

However, there are pleasant exceptions, which were revealed by Roskontrol. The most prosperous categories were children's juices, baby puree and beer. Manufacturers of these products practically do not allow violations.
