Pineapple - useful properties, harm and contraindications. Is pineapple a fruit or a berry? Its useful properties Why is pineapple a fruit

A pineapple ( lat. Ananas - a genus of evergreen tropical plants of the family Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).

Unlike most plants of the bromeliad family, pineapple is not an epiphyte and in nature does not grow on other plants, but in the ground, receiving both water and nutrients from the earth.

Pineapple comes from Brazil, and it came to Europe at the end of the 18th century. After 30 years, the British for the first time managed to get pineapple fruits in a greenhouse, and since that time it began to be grown everywhere in greenhouses along with oranges - as a favorite dessert of rich people. Horticultural books published in the 19th century detailed how the pineapple was cultivated. At the end of the 60s, commercial export of pineapples from the Azores arose, where this plant began to be grown on an industrial scale, and interest in indoor breeding faded. In 1553, the first description of pineapple is mentioned in the book "Chronicle of Peru" by Cies de Leon.

A pineapple- it's herbaceous perennial with a strongly shortened stem and dense rosette of leaves. The leaves are rigid, linear, xiphoid, 50-120 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, serrated at the edges, prickly. Mature plants can grow up to 1 meter high and up to 2 meters in diameter. A fleshy stem grows from the basal rosette of leaves, on top of which a peduncle up to 30-60 cm long is formed. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, ending at the top with a "sultan" - a rosette of small bracts. It is this fetal rosette that can be seen on pineapple fruits, which are sold in stores. The spike-shaped inflorescence has more than a hundred greenish-white or slightly purple inconspicuous flowers. Each flower is covered with a red or green bract. Flowering is long, about one month. At the beginning, flowers bloom at the bottom of the inflorescence, then - adjacent to them, and so on to the top. The seed fruit, formed after the fertilization of numerous flowers of the inflorescence, in appearance resembles a large fleshy golden pine cone. yellow color. Thus, the pineapple fruit is a composite fruit, consisting of many ovaries fused with bracts and the axis of the inflorescence. The infructescence has a cylindrical, conical or ellipsoidal shape. Top covered with scales.

The peel and core of the fruit are inedible. Formation and ripening of fruits lasts 90-200 days. During the year they can harvest 2-3 crops. Sweet and sour, very juicy and fragrant seedless fruits of cultivar pineapple weigh from 800 g to 3.6 kg, in rare cases up to 15 kg. Fruit size varies greatly depending on variety and growing conditions. Pineapple fruits contain vitamins A, B, C, 11-12% sugars, 0.5% organic acids, etc.

Pineapple is consumed fresh and canned (most often in own juice). For processing, fully ripe fruits are used. Jam is made from it, sweets, juices, wine are made. Waste for the preparation of canned food and juices is used for the production of alcohol and vodka products, as well as the enzyme bromelain. Fiber is obtained from the leaves of some types of pineapple. Because of the wonderful fruits in many tropical and subtropical countries, crested pineapple (Ananas comosus) is cultivated.

In the tropical regions of America: Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia, 8 species of pineapple grow; widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. The leading areas of pineapple production are the Hawaiian and Azores, as well as the Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Ghana, and Guinea. Plantations in India expanded significantly. In Russia, pineapples can be grown in greenhouses. There are 4-6 species in greenhouse collections, 2-3 species are used in room culture. The largest pineapple plantations are concentrated in early XXI century in the Hawaiian Islands (about 30% of world production)

It is currently cultivated - at home as a purely ornamental plant, and if a small fruit appears on it - this is an additional reward to the owner.

Types of pineapple

. Synonym: Pineapple pineapple (Ananas ananas), Pineapple duckei (Ananas duckei), Pineapple seed (Ananas sativus), Pineapple seed diff. duckey (Ananas sativus var. duckei), Pineapple bromeliad (Bromelia ananas), Large crested bromeliad (Bromelia comosa).

This is a terrestrial plant with a strongly shortened stem and a rosette of rigid linear xiphoid leaves, in adulthood it has a height of 1 m and a diameter of 2 m. The leaves are gray-green, grooved, strongly narrowed towards the top, covered entirely with scales, seated at the edges with sharp spikes. The flowers are bisexual, 8 cm long, 4 cm wide, spirally arranged in simple dense spike-shaped inflorescences, where they sit in the axils of wide cup-shaped bracts. Petals 1.2 cm long, pinkish-purple, sepals do not grow together, prickly along the edge. After the end of flowering, a compact golden-yellow fruit is formed. The main axis continues to grow, and a shortened vegetative shoot, the “sultan”, is formed at the top of the seed. Blooms in March-April, July, December; fruit maturation lasts 4.5-5 months. Native to Brazil, found on open places, forest edges, in sparse herbage. In Europe in culture since 1650.

There is the most striking form of variegatus, which is distinguished by its smaller size and white longitudinal stripes along the edges of the leaves.

. The most beautiful view. Leaves up to 70-90 cm long, elongated, with sharp spikes, gray-green or green with a pinkish tinge and a yellow border. Compact infructescence, resembling a cone, consisting of many ovaries fused with bracts and the axis of the inflorescence. The fruits are pink in color. It bears fruit mainly in the summer-autumn period, but very rarely in room culture.

The plant should be protected from direct sunlight. When watering, it is better to use soft water.

Pineapple dwarf (Ananas nanus) . Synonym: Pineapple pineapple diff. dwarf (Ananas ananassoides var. nanus) . This is new dwarf variety 20-30 centimeter leaves.

Lighting. Pineapple light-loving plant, all year round he needs good lighting. Optimal for it is suitable for placement near south-facing windows. An indicator of sufficient illumination of a pineapple is the bluish color of old leaves and the reddish tips of young ones; the plant grows dense, strong, its leaves do not fall apart to the sides. In winter and cloudy days, it is advisable to illuminate with fluorescent lamps for 8-10 hours at a distance of about 20 cm.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for pineapple in the summer is about 22-30°C. In the autumn-winter period, not lower than 18°C. In winter, in order to avoid damage to the plant by the hot air flow emanating from the radiators central heating, pots with pineapples are set in wide pallets with wet sand.

Watering. In summer, the plant is abundantly watered with soft water. room temperature. In hot weather, water can be poured into the rosette of leaves, but if the air temperature drops below 20 ° C, then the water from the rosettes should be removed. In winter, watering is reduced, if the air temperature drops to 15 ° C, then watering is reduced and completely stopped in order to avoid rotting of the plant.

Pineapple tolerates dry air well, so it does not need additional spraying.

Fertilizer. Fertilizers are applied in spring and summer. It is best to use organic and mineral fertilizers alternately, applying them every 2-3 weeks.

The soil. The soil mixture for growing pineapple is made up of: 2 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of soddy, 1 humus and 1 sand or semi-rotted leaves, fibrous peat, rotten, lumpy soddy soil, taken in equal parts. Pineapples need acidic soil pH 4-5. Good drainage is necessary for pineapple, containers for growing pineapple must be taken wide and low, since the root system of pineapple is superficial.

Reproduction. Pineapples breed different ways: seeds, cuttings, children, root shoots.

Pineapple seeds are small, 1.5 x 4.0 mm in size, yellow-brown, sickle-curved. They are extracted from well-ripened fruits, washed in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate and dried in air. The substrate for sowing seeds can be leafy soil, coniferous soil, or a mixture of equal parts of peat soil and sand. In this case, the seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, watered with settled water and covered with a transparent film or glass on top.

Sowing is placed in a very warm room (the temperature should not fall below 20 ° C). The rate of emergence of the first shoots depends on the temperature in the room. At a temperature of 20-24°C, seed germination occurs after a month and a half, at 25-27°C - after 20-25 days, and at 30-35°C, the first shoots appear after 15-20 days. Pineapple seeds germinate unfriendly, at different times. So, the germination of some seeds can take 5-7 or more months.

Seedling care comes down to regular watering and spraying. Fertilizer watering is applied twice a month with a solution of mineral fertilizers or bird droppings at the rate of 15-20 g per liter. On hot days, young plants shade from the sun.

When the leaves reach 6-7 cm, the seedlings dive into a loose substrate. It is prepared from equal parts of leaf, sod, peat, humus soil and sand with the addition of a small amount (about 5% of the total substrate volume) of charcoal. In addition, plants must be gradually accustomed to drier air, systematically opening the film cover.

Barren shoots, which often develop under the inflorescence, and the suprafruit rosette of leaves, which are cut along with the top of the fruit, can be cut into cuttings.

To propagate pineapple with a rosette, you need to choose a fruit with a well-developed bunch of leaves and cut off the top 2.5 cm thick from it. The pulp should be cut off, leaving only a bunch of leaves on a fibrous cylindrical core. Sections on the cuttings are treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then with charcoal powder. After that, the cuttings are dried for 2 days in a dark and dry place. Planted in a substrate of equal parts of leaf, peat soil and sand with the addition of charcoal. Planted cuttings are cultivated under glass or film at a temperature of 22-24 ° C and good lighting. Rooting of cuttings under such conditions usually occurs within 1.5-2 months, at a higher temperature, rooting occurs faster. They are left under a transparent cover for some more time, and when the growth of new leaves intensifies, it is removed, the seedlings are often sprayed with water.

Pineapple can also be propagated by basal children. Side shoots and basal offspring are carefully broken out after they have reached a length of at least 20 cm. Basal offspring often already have their own roots. The cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal and allowed to dry for 5-7 days in a cool, ventilated place. To improve the formation of roots in coal, it is good to add a stimulant (heteroauxin) as well. Root cuttings only when the cuts are healed. After that, basal rosettes are planted in a substrate composed of two layers: a three-centimeter layer of soddy soil is poured onto the bottom of the pot, and a substrate consisting of one part of leafy soil, one part of humus and two parts of sand is poured on top. Or large washed and calcined sand, fine expanded clay or gravel, broken bricks or cuttings, perlite mixed with long-staple peat. Sometimes the cuttings are rooted immediately in a loose soil mixture for young plants mixed with coarse sand.

The optimum air temperature for the rooting of children is 22-26 ° C, but at the same time, lower heating must be provided so that the temperature of the substrate is not lower than 25 ° C. To increase the humidity, the stalk is covered with a jar or a transparent bag. To do this, stick 3-4 sticks around the cutting between the leaves and cover it with a plastic bag so that the leaves do not touch it. The edges of the bag are pulled together with an elastic band if rooting occurs in a pot. In this case, water droplets will not flow down the leaves, which can cause the cuttings to rot, but along the inner wall of the bag. The plant needs to create optimal conditions: bright diffused light (but not direct sunlight), high humidity and heat, the temperature of the substrate is not lower than 25°C. At home, it can be heated with fluorescent lamps, or fluorescent lamps, or simply from a central heating battery.

Under favorable conditions, roots appear within months. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the substrate, it is important not to overmoisten or overdry it, to systematically ventilate the plants, removing the bag or jar for several minutes daily. The first sign of rooting is the appearance of new light green leaves in the center.

For planting a plant that has given roots, a shallow bowl is used, since the root system of the pineapple is wide and superficial, the roots do not go deep into the soil. A large shard is placed at the bottom with the concave side down or pieces of aluminum wire are laid (you can use plastic or polyethylene gratings). The 2/3 bowl must be filled with drainage. Good drainage and a loose substrate contribute to the development of roots and prevent waterlogging and acidification of the soil during the cold season. Rooted young plants are transplanted into pots filled with a substrate consisting of 2 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of turf, 1 humus and 1 sand. They are kept in warm and bright rooms with a temperature of at least 25°C (optimal - 28-30°C).

Bloom. Pineapple blooms in the 3-4th year (when the length of the leaves reaches about 60 cm, and the diameter of the base is about 10 cm), but sometimes much later, or even does not bloom at all. Acetylene water can be used to stimulate flowering. To do this, dissolve a piece of carbide (15 g) in liter jar with water. After the end of gas evolution, the solution must be carefully filtered and stored in a refrigerator in a tightly closed jar (so it does not lose its properties for 2 days). A quarter cup of liquid at room temperature is poured into the center of the outlet, where the growth point is located. The next day, the procedure is repeated. Stimulation is possible only in adult plants and in the warm season. After 1.5-2 months, a reddish-red peduncle should appear from the center of the outlet. With a lack of light, it may have a light green color. At this time, it is necessary to maximize the lighting and increase the content of phosphorus and potassium in top dressing by reducing the proportion of nitrogen.

Precautionary measures

Crested pineapple can cause contact dermatitis.

Possible difficulties

Pale leaf color. The reason may be the lack of lighting. Adjust the lighting, on cloudy days, backlighting with fluorescent lamps is necessary.

The rosette of leaves is loose and falls apart to the side. The reason may also be a lack of lighting.

The tops of the leaves turn brown and dry out. The reason, most likely, is insufficient humidity in the room. Spray the plant and increase the humidity in the room.

The plant rots at the base. Probable Cause- waterlogging of the soil, and the room is too cold. Move the pineapple to a warmer and better ventilated area, dry the ground a little. If the rot spreads higher, the plant will die. Another cause of rot can be uncut top pulp that you planted in the ground when propagating pineapple tops.


Macronutrients in pineapple:

Tags: How to grow pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical plant, which supplies mankind with a very valuable and important fruit of world importance. The fruit is eaten both fresh and canned. Fruit production ranks second in the world among all tropical fruits after the banana, and is the economic backbone of many countries, especially Central and South America. Many people want to eat the fruit of this plant every day, which is not surprising, given its subtle and delicate sweet taste.

What is pineapple and its characteristics

This is tropical plant is a basic rosette of fairly coarse spear-shaped leaves. On the edges of the leaves you can see short spikes. The leaves are 30 cm to 1 m long, and are slightly concave. Such the shape of the plant allows the leaves to collect rain water and direct it to the center of the socket.

The stem of this plant is reddish in color., begins to stand out when the plant is more than two years old, and can reach a length of 1.5 meters. The stem has small hollows from which small sprouts grow and are used to breed pineapple.

Ears grow from stems, which will be the inflorescence of the plant. The stalk of these ears thickens, due to the presence of several dozen purple flowers. These flowers are hermaphrodites.

plant fruit

The pineapple fruit appears in the form of a small berry, which after a while acquires the characteristics of a combined fruit, that is, it combines all the parts adjacent to the berry. The stem of the fruit becomes its fibrous heart.

The prominent yellow flesh of the fruit, which is usually slightly fibrous and sweet, develops from the walls of the ovary at the base of the bract and sepals. The special "shell" of the fruit of the plant is formed from a flower and is transformed into a tough peel, in which the top of the bract is combined with three sepals, which give the peel a rough, spiked appearance. The characteristic smell of the fruit is associated with the presence of ethyl acetate in it.

What is pineapple good for health, and why it should be eaten every day

This paragraph describes the pineapple: beneficial features and contraindications.

The fruit of the plant, although it looks like an unripe berry, however, has great benefit for health, its taste is unique and exquisite. The fruits of this plant are rich in nutrients. and are strong antioxidants. The energy value of the fruit is expressed by the following values:

  • energy 577;
  • calories 138;
  • alcohol 22.7 g

One hundred grams of fruit contains:

  • 51 calories;
  • 10 g hydrocarbons;
  • 1.2 g fibers;
  • 160 mg potassium;
  • 12 mg vitamin C.

In addition, the most important beneficial properties of the fruit are the following properties:

  • Improve the human immune system. These fruits are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system. The use of pineapple is a good prevention of various viral diseases.
  • Strengthen bones and teeth. Also, these fruits are high in vitamin A, which is very important for strengthening bones and protecting teeth.
  • Strengthen the heart. The fruits of the plant contain a large amount of potassium, which controls blood pressure blood and, as a result, warns against heart failure, problems with the vessels of the brain, heart attacks and other diseases of the blood vessels and heart.
  • They are the strongest antioxidant. These fruits reduce the oxidation of the body and prevent various diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Prevent gastrointestinal problems. Pineapple fruits improve the movement of food in the intestines, as they are rich in fibers. Fiber also regulates blood cholesterol levels and prevents heart disease. These fruits provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • Increase your energy level. Here a dilemma arises: pineapples are good and bad. The fruits of this plant contain a high amount of carbohydrates, which is not very good for your weight, however, it keeps your body energized.
  • Are very beneficial for pregnant women. The benefits of pineapple for women are enormous. These exquisite fruits are rich in vitamin B, which is vital for the proper development of the fetus, and is ideal for the prevention of various birth defects.
  • Increase fertility. This property relates to the question of how pineapple is useful for men and for women. Any diet that is rich in antioxidants is universally welcomed as a fertility-enhancing diet, and the pineapple fruit contains vitamins and minerals such as zinc and copper. All these substances are recommended for couples who want a child. Pineapple is useful for both men and women. In addition, the fruit contains substances that help to avoid nausea, and therefore it is useful for pregnant women who have nausea in the morning, or who are motion sick while driving.
  • Gives skin a great glow. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the fruit is a fantastic remedy for skin problems both internal and external. external use. In addition to reducing redness and inflammation of the skin, pineapple increases the level of collagen in the body, which leads to soft and supple skin. Since pineapple fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, damaged skin tissue heals much faster. Take advantage of the anti-aging properties of the fruit by applying the juice of a squeezed pineapple on your face for 10 minutes, or the sliced ​​fruit, which stimulates blood circulation and removes dead skin.
  • Enhances hair density and softness. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in the fruits, it is possible to destroy free radicals, which cause inflammation of the skin with hairline. Enzymes found in the juicy pulp of this nutritious fruit also increase hair density, elasticity and growth rate. Mix some fresh pineapple juice with almond juice and olive oil and apply on the head for 10 minutes.

Despite all the useful properties, this fruit also has contraindications to its use. As a rule, they are associated with an allergy to this fruit, problems may arise when using pineapple in conjunction with medications. Also, pineapple can increase blood sugar due to its high content of carbohydrates, and can also damage tooth enamel if it is often eaten fresh, due to the high content of plant acids in it.

Ways to include pineapple in your diet

The answer to the question of how much pineapple you can eat per day is the following: it is recommended to consume about 80 grams of fresh fruit two to three times a week. Due to its seductive tropical taste, the fruit can be eaten on its own, as well as together with other dishes.


For breakfast, you can prepare the following dish: sprinkle dried coconut with pineapple flour, then put fresh pineapple slices and mint leaves on top, you get a truly tropical breakfast.


Add the tangy, sweet, and salty taste of a pineapple, shrimp, and cucumber salad to your meal. You can also put thinly sliced ​​pineapple in a sandwich with grilled ham, cheese and vegetable oil.


For dinner, you can make the following pineapple dish, from which you will lick your fingers: a delicious combination of lightly toasted pineapple with cooked rice and marinated meat with pepper. You can also make the classic Asian chicken and pineapple dish, which is refreshing and delicious.


For dessert, you can drink a cooling and invigorating pineapple juice. You can also melt some dark chocolate High Quality and pour over the pineapple.

Delicious tropical fruit has a huge number of fans. It is eaten fresh, canned, the fruit is added to dishes and eaten, excluding additives. But not many people know about the features of this fruit. How pineapple grows, what useful properties it has, etc. will be discussed in this article. In order to make the most of the properties of the fruit, as well as plant it at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about the types, usefulness and harm. A pineapple plantation will seem like an interesting, profitable and rewarding investment.

How do pineapples grow?

The fruit is a herbaceous plant. Considering that the average weight of a pineapple varies from 300 g to 3 kg in different types, it is rather difficult to imagine a grassy stem with such a fruit. But the fruit will not grow on thin stems. The stems of the plant are wide, able to withstand the load of the formation, with them the plant looks more like a shrub in size. The stem is not tall, strong, and the pineapple leaves are distinguished by the content of a sufficient amount of water, which is absorbed during precipitation and is used to saturate the fruit during a drought. Houseplants, on the other hand, need a plentiful watering regime.

In order to grow a fruit, you need a sprout or leafy top of the plant (the green part), which quickly gives roots. The ascent of sprouts planted with the help of seeds will be longer. How do pineapples of this origin grow? Months after planting, the fruit will grow, an inflorescence will form at the top (the flower is not demanding, its care is simple). Pineapple inflorescence - a large number of flowers that, when turned into berries, combine and form what already resembles a fruit from a store. At this stage, the plant can reach 150 cm in height, and the leaves with thorns - 70 cm in length.

When the fruit is ripe, the plant is ready to work on a new fruit, the leaves are replenished with side shoots, which will serve as the basis for vegetative propagation. The plant is a perennial, designed to ripen two fruits. After the first harvest, there will be a second, and after the second time the fruit is obtained, the pineapple field is uprooted, new shoots are planted in the ground. After the second harvest, the plants are uprooted due to the end of the fruitful period.

Interesting facts about the plant: when flowering, it should not be pollinated, otherwise seeds appear in fruits in one plant, and such a fruit will no longer be eaten. But where fruits grow without human intervention, fruits with seeds are to the taste of some animals.

With all its appearance, the fruit speaks of tropical places of growth. It has fleshy leafy shoots, a strong stem, a protective shell that defines the color of the pineapple as brown-gold on the outside. Since the environment suitable for fruit growth is exceptionally hot, with large quantity sunlight and warmth, then where pineapples are grown, a tropical climate prevails. These countries are:

  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Costa Rica
  • Brazil

At home, growing an exotic fruit takes place in a place that is well lit. Plant care in a tropical climate is characterized by the frequency of watering, preferably with warm water. The plant loves high air temperature, so it should grow in a greenhouse and in an apartment, a room or greenhouse should have a temperature above 15 degrees.

Landing with your own hands (the technique allows you to do this quickly and correctly) is of interest to many. It turns out that it is so easy to grow a fruit! Planting and care is not difficult. First you need to take the top of the plant and send it to the water for a few days. When the growth rate of the root part increases and the root is of sufficient length, we use it for planting on the site.


There are 6 types of plants, each of which has its own characteristics. Varieties of pineapples are derived due to the presence of certain characteristics in their representatives. The methods of their cultivation are also shown in the table of varieties. The views will tell about common features plants.

  1. Ananas nanus is a wild plant with long leaves and a stem height of up to a meter. The fruit tastes sweet, contains brown pits.
  2. Pineapple bract (Ananas bracteatus). Originally from tropical America, this species is characterized by an outstanding color of leaves in three colors: stripes of white and yellow on a green leaf. The scorching sun colors them in various shades red over time. The locals use the bract as home plant, on which fruits suitable for consumption as food appear from time to time.
  3. Real pineapple is the well-known large-tufted pineapple. It can be found in every supermarket in every country. This species is grown in Hawaii, as well as in Thailand, Costa Rica, the Philippines and Brazil. It grows on a stem up to 150 cm in height. The answer to the question, how much does a pineapple weigh on average, is this: 1-5 kg ​​(it all depends on the variety). And 86 percent of this mass is water, everything else is sucrose, citric acid and vitamin C.
  4. Pineapple shiny - unfit for human consumption, has red-brown-green leaves without thorns. The fruits are not big size, inflorescences are purple in color.
  5. Pargvazensky pineapple is a rare species, the distinguishing feature of which is the size of the fruit. This is the so-called mini pineapple, which is not used for trading purposes.
  6. Ananas sagenaria is a fruit that tropical Americans use to make wine and also use the plant as an ornamental. This species is similar to the species called "crested pineapple", which is sold in stores in our country. The fruits of the first are distinguished by a lower content of sucrose and a characteristic sour taste.


The benefits of eating a large berry depend on what vitamins the pineapple contains. And the exotic fruit is distinguished by the presence of B vitamins (1,2,5,6,9,12), vitamin PP, A (provitamin) and E. The high content of vitamin C in pineapple. Beta-carotene is available in small quantities.

The chemical composition of pineapple

In addition to the considered vitamin elements, the composition is distinguished by the presence of micro- and macroelements, among which are: potassium (the largest part), calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium (the smallest part).

15% of the composition is accounted for by fructose, sucrose and glucose. These 15 percent also include acid, which in pineapple is represented by citric tartaric and malic. Fruit from the tropics is considered useful due to the fact that it contains fiber (it improves digestion) and bromelain (it breaks down protein and prevents inflammation). The latter substance is not preserved in canned fruits.

BJU pineapple:

100 grams of fruit contains 0.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat. Pineapple contains a lot of carbohydrates. They account for 10.6 g per 100 g of product.

How many calories in pineapple

In the "exofruct" in its various forms, which arise from fraud with the preparation of fruit, it varies from 50 kcal in 100 grams of fresh fruit to more in dried or canned pineapple. The calorie content in canned pineapple reaches 78 kcal. For one hundred grams of dried pineapple, the calorie content is 92 kcal.

Thus, fresh fruit is a product with least amount calories.

What is useful pineapple

The composition of the exotic fruit allows it to be used as a product that prevents certain diseases. It is also popular to use it in the diet of people who follow the figure and the state of health in general, who know how pineapple is useful for the human body. People tend to consume fruit in connection with the following properties.

The medicinal properties of pineapple are manifested in any type of product (fresh fruit, canned, juice from it, etc.). Main medicinal property is its effect on the digestive system. Bromelain, which was found in the fruit, breaks down protein and makes the process of digestion easier. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a piece of goodies or drink a glass of pineapple juice after a meal. Fresh pineapple exhibits this property, the benefits and harms of which are equated with the benefits of pineapple juice. Canned fruit, for example, no longer has this property.

The presence of fiber also has a positive effect on the digestive system. Digestion occurs with its help seamlessly.

Eating a healthy product leaves a mark on the work of the cardiovascular system. The effect is manifested in the strengthening of blood vessels under the action of bromelain, as well as its prevention of the formation of blood clots. Bromelain is a protection against the formation of inflammatory processes, including tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc. The fruit will act as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as strengthen the heart vascular system if taken on an empty stomach. After eating, the tropical fruit exhibits a protein-burning property.

What is useful pineapple for women

The benefit of the product for women is the ability to alleviate the condition of a woman during menstruation. If menstruation is painful and plentiful, the mood is changeable and there is nervous tension, it is necessary to eat fresh fruit or juice.

Fruit pulp has a special effect on the skin. Women have learned to use the fruit for their own purposes. It rejuvenates the skin, if present in masks, and also prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes on the skin in the form of acne, etc. The benefits of pineapple for women are also manifested in the generating properties: wounds, scratches heal, calluses go away.

Benefit and harm to the body due to the presence useful substances as well as irritants.

Are canned pineapples healthy?

Canned fruits are common all over the world. Banks with the image of exotic fruits look very presentable, and most importantly, appetizing. But are they really?

Yes, they are useful if the fruit is canned in its own juice. If the preservation is made in sugar syrup, then the product becomes less useful. The amount of sugar increases, which means that the calorie content increases, besides, bromelain is destroyed during conservation, respectively, there will be no such easy digestion, and there will be no benefit for the cardiovascular system.

Preservatives, which are present in every canned product, pose a danger to the body of pregnant women and young children. Also, people with allergies should look closely at the composition of canned fruits.

Harm of pineapple

What is the harm of pineapple on the human body? In fact, pineapple has many more beneficial properties than harmful ones. The main harm is caused due to the fact that the composition of the fruit is characterized by a large amount of acid. People with high acidity, diseases associated with this, it is not desirable to eat a tropical delicacy. For those whose diagnosis has not yet been confirmed, but there are suspicions of hyperacidity, even pure pineapple juice should be avoided. It is recommended to dilute it. The same applies to the use of pineapple juice by young children.

The fruit also has a negative effect on the tooth coating. The acid attacks the human tooth enamel, so after the product has been eaten, it is necessary to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

There is evidence that pregnant women with constant eating of a product containing acids can lose their unborn child.

The core of a pineapple is not considered edible. But the answer to the question "Why not eat the core" is very simple. She is not poisonous. The core is a very rough part of the fruit, it can cause damage oral cavity. And then the acid contained in it will penetrate the micro-wounds and become an irritant.

But such a core, rough and tasteless, is inside old fruits, if the fruit is young, accordingly, it has not only juicy pulp, but also a core.

Is pineapple a fruit, berry or vegetable?

For more than a year there has been a debate about what it is. The most common opinion is that it is a fruit. But many claim that he is a berry. The most exotic suggestion that juicy sweet fruit is a vegetable. But all the opinions of pineapple lovers on this issue diverge from the conclusions of scientists.

Structural features

To correctly answer the question of what a pineapple is, you need to find out what this plant and its fruit are. After all, scientific classification is always based on certain features.

Important! Pineapple has a good effect on digestion, helps the body absorb fatty foods. Its juice is used in weight loss diets.

The plant is relatively small, undersized. Its leaves rise from the ground like a bush of grass. But they are quite dense, have a length of 30 cm to 1 m, and in some species grow up to 2 m. The edges of the leaf are decorated with thorns, like the top of the fruit. Another feature that pineapple has in common with cacti is the ability of leaves to accumulate moisture.

Strong elastic leaves grow in a rosette that produces many adventitious roots. This allows you to absorb more moisture during the wet period, so that later you can safely survive the drought. There are few underground roots: they go into the soil only to a depth of 25-30 cm. Such a bush can be conveniently grown in greenhouses.

An inflorescence up to 60 cm long appears at the top of the rosette. About 10 small buds bloom on this stem every day. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, then mini-fruits begin to ripen. In the future, they grow together and the usual pineapple is formed. Its peel is the keratinized remains of the petals.

In the wild, flowers are pollinated and seeds ripen. But pineapples with seeds are considered less tasty, so for gastronomic purposes they are protected from pollination.

Advice. Buy only ripe pineapples. Greens have a pungent taste and can lead to indigestion.

The plant reproduces not only by seeds. When the fruit is ripe, the bush throws out shoots for vegetative propagation. Can be grown by rooting a tuft.

What type of plant resembles all of the listed features of pineapples?

Berry, vegetable or fruit?

In everyday life, pineapples are most often called fruits. But from a scientific point of view, they cannot be called that. Fruits in botany include the fruits of trees or shrubs. Pineapples don't grow on trees. Culture cannot also be attributed to shrubs. Thus, the hypothesis about the relationship of this juicy delicacy with fruit disappears.

Scientists call berries fruits with a thin edible peel, juicy pulp and seeds. Very similar, but not completely. The prickly delicacy does not fit into this category because of its tough peel.

The last of the common assumptions claims that the beautiful golden fruits with a prickly tuft are vegetables. Scientists call vegetables fruits, tubers or greens of herbaceous plants. Therefore, the statement that pineapple is a vegetable is closest to the truth. Botany really relates it to herbaceous plants. However, scientists do not call pineapples vegetables. They claim it's grass, just like the banana. This is the correct answer to the question "What is a pineapple?".

How to grow a pineapple: video

Pineapple has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, improves mood no worse than chocolate, and also muffles the feeling of hunger. We are used to seeing it on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, it is an ornament holiday tables and is included in many delicious salads, but probably not everyone knows what kind of fruit it is and how it grows. Pineapple is a perennial herbaceous fruit crop grown in many tropical countries. He loves the sun and warmth, but the most patient amateur gardeners can successfully grow him in their greenhouses and even at home.

What is Pineapple?

Large-tufted pineapple (from lat. Ananas comosus) is a prominent representative of the Bromeliads. A feature of plants of this species is the ability to accumulate fluid in leaves, internodes and rosettes. This helps them to endure long dry seasons, and the shoots during vegetative propagation retain the ability to take root when stored for 2-4 months.

Pineapple is a perennial herbaceous fruit crop, which, however, does not apply to trees (palms), fruits, berries or vegetables.

A rosette of leaves about 60-80 cm long grows near the ground, the flower can be one and a half meters high. The fruit, weighing 2-15 kg, is a fused faded flower stalks. On the long side, this "oval" is up to 30 cm.

When grown at home, the size of the pineapple will not be so impressive: up to 70 cm in height, and the fruit is 300-1000 gr.

How it blooms

Pineapple, in the case of self-pollination, does not form seeds, and it is such fruits that are valued as a food crop and grown in many tropical countries of the world. The flowering period lasts about 10-22 days, and after the formation of the fruit, a tuft is formed on its top - additional (vegetative) leaves.

Just about the complex structure of Pineapple leaves

The main ones are unique in their own way - teeth with spines are formed along the edges, inside they have air channels for taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, as well as special cells for storing moisture. Because of its ability to withstand drought, this grass is classified as a succulent, like. To obtain water, in addition to the main root system, there are adventitious roots in rosettes of leaves, similar to the aerial roots of orchids.

Determine where it grows and find out its distribution history

The tropics of South America, regions of Argentina, the territory of Paraguay and Brazil are considered the birthplace of Pineapple. For Europeans, it was discovered by Christopher Kolub in 1493, who described it as looking like cones. In the 16th century, there were attempts to cultivate it in the Mediterranean, tropical regions of Africa and in India. After two centuries, this representative of the Bromelievs migrated to Europe. During the reign of Peter I, they tried to grow pineapples in Russia, in the royal greenhouse and winter gardens in St. Petersburg, but with the development of transport links, it became more rational to import them.

Pineapple as an industrial crop

The volume of annual production of pineapples in the world at this hour is 3 million tons, and the leaders in exports are Thailand, the Philippines, the USA, and the Hawaiian Islands. Russia is mainly imported from India and China.

About the history of the name and BONUS historical note

The name pineapple comes from the Indian language, where "ana-ana" is translated as "the smell of smells."

From the history. April 30, 1881 by the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III the Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy was adopted, which was nicknamed by the people as pineapple, thanks to the speech turnover contained in the text “... and entrust us with the Sacred Duty of Autocratic Rule”

Useful properties and contraindications of Pineapple. Recommendations for pregnant, lactating and weight loss

Pineapple can both cure and cripple. Let's take a look at all its properties.

About the beneficial properties of Pineapple

Pineapple has a positive effect on the entire digestive system, sanitizes the intestines, thins the blood (reduces the likelihood of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis), reduces swelling, and facilitates the work of the heart and kidneys. Ingredients in pineapple chemical elements affect the synthesis of serotonin in the body, which in turn improves mood, and muffles the feeling of hunger.

Sanitation - cleansing from harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that interfere correct work organ.

Watch out, acid!

The fruit has high acidity. Its frequent use destroys tooth enamel, and for people with hypersensitivity of teeth it may be contraindicated. It will be useful to rinse the mouth area to remove active substances.

Bromelin and Papain, what kind of chemicals?

Papain and bromelain (bromelain), which are part of Pineapple (mainly in the outer shell), are chemicals, which break down proteins, therefore, in acute diseases digestive system pineapple is banned. To a healthy body, on the contrary, it helps the absorption of decomposed proteins and fats, facilitating the work of the pancreas.

It is worth noting that pineapple promotes the absorption of fats, and not their splitting, therefore, as a product for weight loss, it is not suitable.

Vitamin cocktail

Pineapple is distinguished by the presence of vitamins A, B, C, the group of vitamins PP, trace elements thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), pectin, and minerals. Vitamin B12 is absent in pineapple, contrary to the misconception.

B1 - Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, intestinal function, central nervous system(CNS), vascular activity.
B2 - Regulates protein metabolism. Improves the functioning of the liver, nervous system, nourishes nails, skin and hair.
B6 - Promotes the absorption of proteins, fats and amino acids. It has a positive effect on the immune system, central nervous system, contributes to the health of teeth and gums.

Vitamins A, C are good antioxidants that bind free radicals that are excessively present in the body.

Free radicals in too large quantities are harmful to the body in that, trying to fill the lack of their electrons, they take them from healthy cells of the body. Thus, the cellular structure is disturbed, this leads to a general rapid aging of the body. Violating the ability of cells to correctly transmit hereditary information to newly appearing cells in the body.

Beneficial features

Due to vitamins C and B, pineapple has an anti-inflammatory effect on human organs, in particular, relieves swelling from muscles and joints, and alleviates the course of diseases such as tonsillitis and pneumonia.

Pineapple juice has a beneficial effect on human memory, it is recommended for people who have constant mental stress. The risk of cancer is reduced by 65%. Also, the constant use of juice cleanses the blood vessels in the body and is a good remedy prevention of diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

In cosmetology, due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it is used to combat acne, it also reduces the fat content of the skin, accordingly evens out its color and reduces oily sheen.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The three bulk substances in pineapple are >80% water, ~5-6% sugar, and a fraction of a percent citric acid. Magnesium and potassium are released from minerals, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and kidneys. The energy value of the pulp is 52kcal/100g, juice 48kcal/100g. Fiber gives pineapple satiety, and dietary coarse insoluble fibers greatly facilitate the work of the digestive system.

During pregnancy

Use with caution. Specific substances in unripe fruits can lead to premature birth due to uterine contractions. You should halve the daily intake of pineapples.

During breastfeeding

Once a baby is born, no one can say for sure if he has a food allergy or not. Therefore, a mother who is breastfeeding is strongly recommended to follow a strict diet in the first month of a baby’s life and completely exclude a number of highly allergenic foods from the diet, including pineapple. This does not mean that you will have to give up your favorite treat for a long time: mom's diet will expand. However, it is worth remembering that a new product must be administered every 3 days in order to check for an allergic reaction in crumbs.

Moms whose babies suffer from food allergies will have to give up pineapples for the period of breastfeeding.

You can serve Pineapple to the table in any form

It can be eaten raw, in the form of freshly squeezed and reconstituted juice, thermally processed, canned, frozen, as part of salads, first and second courses.

It can also be processed into fabric thanks to strong spinning fibers.

How to easily choose the sweetest Pineapple, and how does it grow on plantations?

Only the ripest pineapples have a rich sweet taste. We figure out how easy it is to choose them and how they grow.

5 signs of a first-class fruit

  1. The ripeness of a pineapple when buying can be determined by trying to pull out the leaves at the top: they should be easily removed.
  2. Darkening, watery formations, softening on the surface of the fruit indicate that they are spoiled.
  3. The presence of thick and dense leaves indicates a juicy fruit.
  4. In the process of ripening, the color of the pineapple changes from green to brown, when buying it is better to choose something in between.
  5. Try to put some pressure on the fetus, it should be slightly soft, but on the rise it should be heavy (heavier than expected).

Peeling a Pineapple in 4 Easy Steps

The easiest way to peel a pineapple is in the following sequence:
cut a layer a centimeter thick from below to form a stable platform;
holding the top of the head, cut off the skin (as if peeling a potato);

clean the remains of inflorescences in the form of black dots on the surface of the fruit;

remove top of leaves.

How is pineapple grown and how long does it take

Pineapple goes through several stages of growth from planting to harvest:

  1. The period of active growth for 12 months is a set of green mass in the form of a thick trunk at the base and dozens of leaves around it;
  2. The second year of life begins with a flowering period - the flowers of both sexes are red, yellow or purple, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence about 60 cm high and "live" on the plant for no more than a month (10-22 days), when cultivating pineapple is protected from cross pollination insects so that seeds do not form in the berries;
    ripening lasts 3.5-4 months - a small berry with a diameter of up to 1 cm is formed from each flower;
  3. Fruit formation - the berries on the inflorescence are located so close that over time, increasing, they close and even grow together. The outer skin darkens, the veins of the flowers disappear, the center of each of the flowers becomes overgrown with pulp and becomes flat, the fruit acquires a specific pleasant aroma;
  4. Vegetative propagation - 2-4 shoots grow from the axils of the leaves, which are used to propagate the plant. At the top of the fruit, a tuft of additional leaves is formed, in the future it can also be used for planting
  5. Harvesting - the fruit is cut off, and the leaves with the trunk and roots are left in the soil for re-fruiting.

Growing a pineapple in a tight pot encourages the formation of lateral shoots in an adult plant after the end of the flowering period.

For larger fruits, pinch off the top growing point of the pineapple's "tuft", this will not allow nutrients to go to the development of additional leaves, and they will be spent on the growth of the fruit.

More than two harvests from one plant are not collected, and after the second it must be dug up.

If insects are allowed to pollinate the pineapple, the berries will produce many seeds suitable for sowing, but the fruit will be much smaller and the taste will deteriorate. The second condition is the presence of a second flowering pineapple nearby, because the plants are cross-pollinated.

The requirement for continuous improvement palatability, fruit size, resistance to pests, makes breeders use clonal selection for vegetative propagation of pineapples - only the best specimens from the crop harvested last season are selected for planting.

Some flower growers ask the question: “Is it possible, and if so, how, to grow pineapple at home?”. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but there are a number of subtleties, ignorance of which can ruin the whole process. Let's consider them in detail.

We choose a breeding method and determine the basic requirements for planting

For reproduction at home, the seed method is not suitable due to the complexity and laboriousness. The disadvantage is the poor heredity of parental traits, in the case of vegetative propagation this shortcoming does not exist. The size of berries in pineapples grown from a tuft is often much larger than those grown from seeds or lateral shoots.

For growing at home, in the vast majority of cases, a tuft of leaves cut from the fruit is used. Planting material must be free of pulp, foreign matter and rot. It is dried for about a day, and the cut is treated with diluted potassium manganese or crushed coal.

I put the cut and dried tuft of pineapple in a glass of water for germination. The water in the glass must be changed every 2 days to prevent rotting. When roots appear on the process, you can proceed to planting in the ground.

Planting or transplanting pineapple must be done in the warm season, when during the day the temperature in the future location of the pineapple will not fall below 25 degrees Celsius.

Choosing a cozy potty

Since when grown at home, pineapple has a compact root system, a small pot is enough for it:
for planting up to 0.5 liters;
for the period of active leaf growth 1.5-2.5 liters;
by the beginning of flowering and fruit formation, i.e., an adult plant 3-4 liters.

The diameter of the plate should be much larger than the height - this is important for the aeration of the root system, which is mainly located near the surface of the earth.

Under natural habitat conditions, pineapple forms 3 levels of roots:
surface - located in the upper layer of soil 10-20 cm thick;
deep - going to a depth of a meter to one and a half;
axillary - formed between the lower tiers of leaves, rooting in the upper layer of the earth.

Due to the difficulty of providing pineapple with a large volume of soil, due to the lack of its depth, the fruits of the plant in room conditions significantly less fruits grown in greenhouses or open ground.

Soil selection

It prefers acidic soil with a pH reaction of 4 to 6. The composition of the soil, regardless of the age of the pineapple, is recommended as follows: two parts of leaf humus and one part of peat, sand, sod land. If available, you can also add one part of sawdust there. To preserve soil moisture, the upper part can be sprinkled with sand, and for bait during watering natural way sheet humus is laid on the surface. If desired, these two components are mixed in equal proportions and form a layer 2-3 cm thick on the soil surface.

An important quality of the substrate for planting: friability and lightness, and consequently enriching it and the root system with oxygen.

At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay or pebbles with a layer of 2-4 cm is necessarily arranged. To be safe from infection of pineapple with diseases, as well as to destroy possible pests, the prepared soil is steamed or heated in the oven.

For planting in the center of the pot, a recess of 2-3 cm is made, on the bottom of which it is desirable to lay pieces of coal (double drainage). The cut outlet should be 1-1.5 cm below the soil level. If necessary, a rosette of leaves is fixed on several sticks stuck into the same container (or lying on its edges) where the plant is located.

Growing conditions

After landing, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions:
air and soil temperature 25-27 degrees Celsius (in winter time year, location on the board on the radiator is possible);
air humidity 65-80% (achieved by covering with a film or flask, jar);
daily soil moisture;
daily ventilation of the greenhouse for 5-10 minutes;
bright diffused lighting.

It is NOT ALLOWED to touch the leaves of a young plant with covering material, so as not to provoke stagnation of condensate in this place and rotting of the leaves. When using film, use wooden sticks as stops.

The appearance of new leaves of a light green color in a month or two indicates the beginning of the formation of a new root system, but one should not rush to abandon the greenhouse, a new plant is covered with a film for another 2 months after the formation of roots. Over time, the old leaves seem to fall, losing elasticity, this is normal.

During the flowering period, pineapple should be protected from pollinating insects in order to prevent the formation of seeds in the fruit.

We propagate pineapple

After the fruit ripens, lateral shoots will probably form on the stem of your plant, you can also try to root them like a rosette of leaves from a pineapple fruit, according to the method described above. The difference will be in the separation of the process and the tuft from the main plant: the tuft is cut off, the children break off. Young shoots are considered ready for separation from mother plant when they are more than 15 cm long.

The shoots before planting, just like the cut tuft, must be dried and treated with insecticides, such as potassium manganese. You can dry in any position, horizontal or hanging up, but not in the sun, for 3-7 days until a hard crust forms.

Transplantation is performed once a year in early spring by transshipment with a depth of a couple of centimeters lower, without cleansing the root system from old earth. In plants of the bromeliad family, there is no obvious root neck, this allows you to deepen the pineapple during transplants. In the second year, rotted manure can be used as a nutrient.


Bright, for an adult plant, direct sunlight is possible. In winter, daylight hours must be increased with the help of artificial lighting up to 14-16 hours. Indoors, pineapple can and should be placed on south sides. Good lighting necessary condition for flowering, fruiting, health and beauty of leaves. It is not recommended to rotate the pineapple around the axis, so as not to change its position relative to the light source.

Content temperature

It can reach 30-32 degrees. In summer, content is allowed on outdoors, but provided that at night the temperature does not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. Due to low temperature sensitive roots, in winter, pineapple is FORBIDDEN to be kept on cold window sills or drafts. For wintering, flower stands are suitable, which are located near heating sources.


Perform soft water with an acidity of about pH 6. At home, use lemon or oxalic acid. Better water prepare in advance, first letting it settle, and then acidifying. A special tester or litmus papers (quite cheap) will help to check the acidity. It will be easier if you prepare 30 liters of water at once, thus saving yourself from frequent fuss with its preparation. Before watering, bring the water temperature to 29-31 degrees, and water over the leaves, this will allow the rosette of leaves to fill with water by 2/3 of its volume. The frequency is set by the humidity of the surrounding air, after the top layer of soil a centimeter thick dries out, you can start watering.

It is better to dry the soil in which the pineapple is planted than to let the water stagnate, because bromeliads can accumulate it in the leaves, and stagnant moisture leads to rotting of the root system.

Spraying is carried out daily with warm acidic water. Once every 2-3 days, it will be useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. A warm shower is good for pineapple in especially dry weather.


It is carried out every 2 weeks from mid-spring to early autumn with universal mineral fertilizers. organic fertilizers are also used, infusion on horse manure is suitable for these purposes.
It is FORBIDDEN to use alkaline fertilizers due to intolerance to alkali by pineapple.

To prepare the infusion:
mix manure with water in a ratio of 1: 2, stirring the first 5 days;
leave in a dark place for 2 weeks;
dilute the resulting concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10.

When to expect the first fruits?

At home, the period of flowering and fruiting falls on 3, sometimes 4 years. It is possible to stimulate flowering, for this it is necessary to cut off the oxygen supply to the flower, and give it the maximum amount of carbon dioxide. At home, this condition can be fulfilled by fumigation: under plastic bag put pineapple and a couple of not extinguished coals for 8-12 minutes. After a week and a half, the procedure is repeated. As a result, an inflorescence should appear in 2-3 months.

For safety reasons, fumigation is carried out outdoors. fire safety and exclusion of the possibility of suffocation.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous pest is the false shield. Manifested by the appearance of yellow and brown spots on the leaves of pineapple. The size of the flat shell varies from 0.5 to 5 mm in diameter. With a weak lesion, it is enough to treat the pest attachment points with alcohol or soapy water with a brush. With extensive lesions, chemicals such as Aktara, Actellik, Bankola are used. Favorable conditions for infection and spread: warm and dry air.

One of the ways to fight with chemicals: dilute 2% karbofos at the rate of 7 grams per liter of water and spray the affected areas. The validity period of malathion (it is he who is part of most insecticides) is 7-10 days, so the treatment must be repeated after a week.

A dangerous disease for Pineapple is root rot. Reason for the appearance low temperature and excessive watering, especially in winter. Growth retardation, yellowed watery or blackened leaves indicate the need for urgent resuscitation. Pineapple in this case is subject to re-rooting with the complete removal of damaged roots. As they grow, the lower leaves will wither and must be removed from the soil of the pot. At the point of contact, it is possible to establish high humidity, which is a favorable microflora for the development of mold and fungi. Use fungicides to control pests.

If the Pineapple is too close to the heaters, the tips of the leaves may turn yellow. Be sure to change its location in the room.

Also, with excessive watering, mold may appear on the surface of the soil and the walls of the pot. It is removed with warm water soaked in potassium manganese, iron sulfate or with the help of fungicides. Suitable for these purposes and apple cider vinegar. Remember, the use of alkaline products harms the plant due to incompatibility.

Less common pests are spider mite and mealybug. Still, purchased drugs will be reliable means of dealing with them.

Signs and superstitions

ancient Indian tribes pineapple, its leaves, stems and even roots were used in rituals. Even then, they knew that its beneficial properties help in the treatment of various diseases.

As a plant in the home, pineapple is considered a harbinger of good luck and luck.

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