The benefits and harms of common, forest (wild), black raspberries. Common raspberry - useful properties, use in traditional medicine, contraindications

Common raspberry (lat. Rúbus idaeus) is a deciduous shrub and belongs to the class dicot plants, order rosaceae, family pink, genus rubus.

Common raspberry - description and characteristics.

Raspberry is perennial with a very developed and winding rhizome, on which many adventitious roots are formed. Above-ground shoots are erect, 1.5 to 2.5 meters high, green in the first year of vegetation, with a barely noticeable bluish bloom, grassy and covered with thin thorns. By the second year of life, raspberry shoots become stiff, acquiring bright Brown color. After a period of fruiting, they die, but a new shoot-stem grows from the same root bud in the spring.

On the stem of common raspberry there are complex oval leaves, consisting of 3-7 dark green ovoid leaves, each of which is pubescent with hairs below and has a whitish tint. Raspberry flowers are white, with many stamens and pistils, with a slightly perceptible honey aroma, are collected in miniature racemose inflorescences, which are located on the tops of the shoot or in the axils of the leaves.

The fruit of the common raspberry.

Sweet and very fragrant raspberries are numerous, small-sized drupes fused into a complex fruit. Interestingly, the color of the fruit can vary from light pink and burgundy to yellow, orange and even almost black.

Where does raspberry grow?

This semi-shrub is distributed almost throughout Europe and in the countries of America. In Russia, common raspberries are found in middle lane and in the south, in the cold climate of Siberia and the Urals, and also grows in the mountainous areas of Kazakhstan, Bashkiria and Kyrgyzstan.

Raspberry is often called a pioneer plant because of its unpretentiousness to soil indicators: it is the very first to appear on the site of burnt forest clearings, it feels comfortable both in dry zones and along the edges of swamps.

Wild (forest) raspberries are mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 3rd century BC. As a garden culture, they learned about this plant only in the 16-17 centuries.

Types, varieties, classification of raspberries.

A huge number of raspberry varieties can be divided into the following groups:

  • according to the size of the berries (large, medium, small);
  • by color (yellow, red, black, orange);
  • by maturity (early, mid-early, mid-season, mid-late, late-ripening);
  • by resistance to cold (winter-hardy, not winter-hardy).

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the standard and repair raspberries.

standard raspberry- a feature of the species is thick, powerful, branched erect shoots, after pinching, resembling a small tree, most often not requiring a garter.

Repair raspberry- a type of raspberry that bears fruit in summer and also in autumn.

Below are some varieties of raspberries:

Varieties of yellow raspberries.

Sweet yellow

mid-early, productive variety raspberries gives 3.5 - 4 kg per bush. Elongated berries, weighing 3-6 g, are distinguished by a pale yellow color and a bright aroma, ripened fruits do not crumble for a long time.

gold autumn

Middle late remontant variety raspberry differs in golden-yellow color of fruits with a slight pubescence. Raspberries are sweet, large, have a bright aroma, are well transported.

Morning dew

Remontant raspberry variety with golden yellow fruits. The shoots of this variety are hard, about 1.5 meters in height, covered with large quantity spikes. The berries are large, have a spherical shape, hard, weight up to 5 kg. Grown mainly on household plots and some plantations. Raspberry variety "Morning Dew" is suitable for transportation.

yellow giant

semi-repaired, winter-hardy variety yellow raspberries, fruiting until frost. It has a high yield (up to 6 kg per bush) and unusually large, very sweet berries, weighing up to 8-10 g.

orange miracle

The remontant raspberry variety got its name due to the non-standard, golden-orange hue of the fruit. Raspberries are large, weighing 5-6 g, there are specimens weighing up to 10 g. The berries are characterized by sweetness with a slight sourness and a delicate aroma. The variety has an excellent yield, very coldy and does not tolerate heat well.

Standard raspberry varieties.


The slender bush is highly decorative and has no thorns at all. The yield of one crimson tree» is more than 5 kg. A bright red berry with small seeds has a weight of up to 10 g. The aroma of raspberries is intense, but the taste is unexpressed, so the Tarusa raspberry variety is more suitable for harvesting. Variety medium early term ripening, lowering the temperature below 25 degrees can be detrimental to young shoots.


Harvest grade of standard raspberry of average term of maturing, comes into fructification at the end of July. The berries are large, red, shiny, weighing from 12 to 15 g. The taste of raspberries is excellent, the berries are sweet, juicy, do not crumble even when fully ripe. The level of winter hardiness of the variety is 23-25 ​​degrees, drought resistance is high.


A stably fruiting variety of standard raspberries of medium ripening. The fruits are red, weighing up to 10 g, very tasty and fragrant, easily separated from the stem, but do not fall off for a long time. One bush can produce up to 4 kg of berries. The variety does not respond well to snow-white winters and sudden changes in temperature.

Black raspberry varieties.


An early ripe black raspberry variety has increased winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. The fruits are round, medium-sized, weighing 2-4 g, at first red, as they ripen, they become glossy, black. The berry is dense, sweet, with a slight sourness and a hint of blackberry. The yield of a raspberry bush is 3-4 kg.


The most popular variety of black raspberries of a new promising selection. It is characterized by late ripening and gives exceptionally stable yields. Round raspberries weighing 3-5 g are black with a blue bloom, have a pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The Bristol variety does not tolerate extreme cold and is unstable to anthracnose - fungal disease stems.


A variety of black raspberries of early ripening. Berries weighing up to 2 g are dense, black in color, do not crumble when ripe. The taste is sweet and sour, the berries are perfectly stored without losing their taste and marketable condition. From one bush you can collect up to 5.5 kg.

Varieties of large-fruited raspberries.


Remontant high yielding variety raspberries, stand out large fruits weighing 5-8 g. Individual specimens weigh 15 g. The first crop is harvested in mid-July, the second from the end of August until frost. Under cover, ripening up to 2 weeks earlier is possible. Cone-shaped berries have a bright ruby ​​color, pleasant, sweet and sour taste and excellent presentation.


An early, winter-hardy, productive raspberry variety with velvety, red conical berries, weighing from 4 to 12 g. The yield reaches 8 kg per bush. The variety is characterized custom shape fruits prone to deformation. Patricia raspberry berries have an excellent taste, but they do not tolerate transportation and storage.


Mid-season raspberry variety with berries, weighing 7-12 grams, in some cases 15 grams. Oblong fruits of burgundy-orange color have a glossy sheen, velvety pubescence and a rich, sweet and sour taste. The variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness, tolerates frosts down to -35 degrees without damage.

Botanists conditionally divide raspberries into garden and forest. Forest (wild) raspberries love shady forests, the so-called "raspberries" - pine or pine-deciduous forests with moist, but not very damp soil.

In wild-growing raspberries, the berries are more fragrant, nutritious and healthier than in cultivated (garden). That is why for medical purposes it is better to harvest wild raspberries.

Wild raspberries must be harvested in dry weather, as they quickly deteriorate when wet.


Attention! After taking decoctions and infusions of raspberries, you must definitely go to bed!

1. Wild raspberries contain sugar, organic acids, vitamins B, C, PP, essential oil, pectins, tannins and dyes, carotene, salts of copper, iron and potassium, folic acid, catechins, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

2. Wild raspberry seeds contain fatty acid, and in the leaves - vitamins C, E, carotene, phenol carboxylic acids, catechins and flavonoids.

3. There is more iron in wild raspberries than in others. berry crops except for cherries and gooseberries.

4. 1 glass of wild raspberries, eaten daily, can provide a person's daily requirement for vitamin C.

5. Fresh raspberries are very useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension. They relieve intoxication after drugs and alcohol, help with headaches.

6. Unlike other berries, raspberries do not lose their healing (healing) properties after heat treatment. Therefore, raspberry jam - the best remedy with colds.

7. The combination of hematopoietic elements and vitamin B9 makes raspberries able to prevent anemia and leukemia (leukemia).

Read more about the beneficial properties of raspberries in the article "Raspberries".


1. In the acute stage gastrointestinal diseases(with acute anacid and hyperacid gastritis), as well as with gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is also better to refuse raspberries.

2. Some people have an individual intolerance to raspberries: the skin begins to itch, dizziness occurs. Therefore, when using raspberries, it is recommended to be careful when the body is prone to allergic reactions.

3. Fresh raspberries are contraindicated in the following diseases.

Raspberry is favorite treat all generations. This is a universal berry that is used by cooks, children also drink raspberry syrups with great pleasure when they have a fever and sore throat, and in pharmacy they use not only fruits, but also branches, leaves and roots of raspberries to prepare medicines.

This small shrub- a real treasure, which has a huge range of applications and many useful properties.


It is customary to call raspberries a shrub, but in fact this plant belongs to the rose family and is a semi-shrub. Its branches are like rods. New shoots are light green with a greyish finish, while older shoots are becoming a light brown wood color and full of thorns. Raspberry foliage is bright. The outer plate has a rich green color, and the inner part of the leaf is almost white.

The plant blooms several times during the summer. Flowering begins in June and ends at the end of September. Inflorescences are usually small white color have a subtle pleasant aroma. The first fruits ripen by mid-June. They are bright red, pink and yellow. Usually they are rounded, but there are also elongated berries. The size of the fruit depends on the type of bush. Allocate according to the classification: wild, garden and forest raspberries. For example, wild berry much smaller than the garden one, and to find it because of small size more difficult. The raspberry bush is located in the middle tier. It can grow in swamps, forests and places where there is enough moisture.

Raspberries were first discovered by ancient Greek scientists in the 3rd century BC. At that time, it was collected in the forests and considered wild, and was eaten as a treat. Later it turned out that this plant has many useful properties. The forest plant was dug up and transplanted into gardens. For treatment, they began to use not only fruits and leaves, but also branches with roots.

In order to procure raw materials, it is necessary to collect them correctly and on time, taking into account the following nuances collection:

  • Berries should be picked as they ripen. Since they are very fragile, it is best to put them in a clean dish, as raspberries are usually not washed, so as not to crush the fruits.
  • It is best to collect young leaves during the flowering period of raspberries.
  • Branches must be collected in the fall, when the leaves fall, that's when they are full useful substances.

It is necessary to prepare each type of collection, observing certain rules:

  • Raspberries can be harvested for the winter different ways: freeze, dry in the oven, grind with sugar, preserve. But first you need to sort out the berries from leaves, sticks and insects. For harvesting, use only ripe and fresh fruits, as only they have many useful substances.
  • Dry the leaves in a hot room that is well ventilated. Use only whole and healthy leaves for harvesting raw materials.
  • Branches do not need to be prepared. But they must be stored in a dry place, such as in a paper bag or glass jar.

The chemical composition of raspberries

Wild raspberry berries contain a large number of different components, unlike other components of the semi-shrub:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • keratin;
  • vitamin E;
  • glucose;
  • pentose;
  • fructose;
  • pectins;
  • malic, salicylic, tartaric and citric acids;
  • isoamyl and tartaric alcohols;
  • protein substances;
  • ketones:

  • anthocyanins;
  • catechins;
  • fixed oils;
  • diacetyl;
  • essential oils.

There are not many components in the leaves of wild raspberry, but they also have a wide spectrum of action. They contain:

  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectin;
  • flavonoids;
  • salicylic acid.

  • organic acids;
  • quercetin;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins C and E.

Beneficial features

Due to such a large number various substances the spectrum of action of forest raspberries is very wide:

  • The antibacterial effect is due to the variety of organic acids and phytoncides.
  • The antipyretic effect of raspberries occurs due to the abundance of various vitamin and diaphoretic components.
  • The anti-inflammatory property is characterized by the content of ascorbic acid in raspberries.
  • The removal of harmful cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body is due to the large amount of antioxidants and water.
  • Antioxidant action is carried out due to flavonoids and other substances.

  • Increases weakened immunity vitamin composition.
  • The diuretic effect is due to pectin and mineral salts.
  • The antianginal effect is carried out with the help of anthocyanins.
  • The antidiarrheal effect of raspberries is inherent in the content of tannins in it.
  • Improve the secretory activity of the acid.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the vascular wall and heart muscle.
  • Increase sweating ketones.
  • Antioxidants perfectly quench thirst, and they also improve the supply of oxygen to the organs.
  • Also, this berry has a tonic effect and uplifting.
  • It also increases intestinal peristalsis.

Application and contraindications

Remember that wild raspberry is not the main medicine, which is why it should be taken only after consulting a doctor. It is effective in many diseases such as:

  • Diseases nervous system: stress, depression, emotional disorders.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis with reduced secretory activity, colitis, diarrhea.
  • Diseases associated with a decrease in immunity, such as SARS, acute respiratory infections.
  • Metabolic disorders such as obesity.
  • Diseases of the urinary system: nephritis, urethritis and cystitis.

It is worth taking raspberry medicine carefully, as there are the following contraindications:

  • Allergy is a dangerous condition that can occur when eating raspberries and lead to a life-threatening condition.
  • Children under 3 years of age should not take raspberries with therapeutic purpose, since the final process of adaptation occurs only by 5 years.
  • An increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees.
  • Diseases of the stomach, especially gastritis and ulcers. Raspberry enhances secretory activity, which adversely affects the gastric mucosa.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, take the berry with caution.

Forest raspberries will not contribute to the treatment of severe infectious diseases.

What is the best way to prepare raspberries for the winter?


After placing the berries in the dish, close it tightly with a lid and place in the freezer. This is necessary so that there is no admixture of odors from other products. You can store until the next harvest of raspberries.

Fresh raspberries with sugar

This recipe perfectly saves beneficial features raspberries, but harmful to those who are on a diet or have diabetes.

You will need 1 kg of sugar and berries. Pour the berries with sugar, then mix everything with a mixer, it is there that the fruits will be crushed, and the sugar will dissolve a little. The product should only be stored in the refrigerator.


Everyone knows such a delicacy from childhood. With the help of conservation, you can store raspberries for more than one year.

For 1 kg of raspberries, you need 1 lemon and 1 kg of sugar. You need to cook all the components for about 6 hours, then pour the composition into pasteurized jars and tighten the lid tightly.

Raspberry compote

This drink is very beneficial. You can store it up to 3 years. Of course, when boiling, some of the beneficial properties of raspberries are lost, but a huge plus is that with the help of compote you can enrich your body with vitamins all year round.

Pour 1 kg of fruits with 3 liters of water, add sugar to taste. Cook over low heat until boiling, and boil for 15 minutes. Next, you need to pour the compote into pasteurized jars and tightly close the lids.

There are many ways to prepare raspberries for the winter so that as few useful substances as possible are lost. The article outlines the most basic and proven methods.

Eat raspberries in your diet, heal your body with natural medicines, prepare a summer treat for the winter, but do not forget about dosed consumption so as not to harm your body.

In the next video, you will learn the beneficial properties, contraindications and traditional medicine recipes from wild raspberries.

But raspberries began to spread quite widely in Europe only in the sixteenth century. From the forest, berry bushes began to be transplanted into the gardens at the monasteries, trying to cultivate them.

In America, raspberries appeared even later. At first, varieties brought from Europe did not adapt well to new climatic conditions. But gradually, mainly in North America, the berry began to enjoy great success. Hybrids have appeared that are fully adapted to the local climate.

In Russia, the appearance of raspberries as a garden crop was due to Yuri Dolgoruky. The raspberry garden, founded by him in the twelfth century, is mentioned in ancient chronicles. Nevertheless, the berry, as a garden crop, gained recognition only in the seventeenth century, and a hundred years later there is a description of three varieties of cultivated raspberries. In 1831, there were already 12 varieties, and a few years later - 150. Until the twentieth century, breeders could not boast of diversity, unlike today, when there are a huge number of varieties of berries in the world that differ in color, taste, fruiting time and others. characteristic features. But people still not only grow raspberries in gardens, but also collect them in the forest.

Wild (forest) raspberry

Wild (forest) raspberry grows almost throughout Russia, stretching far to the north. It can also be found in the CIS countries, Europe, America, Japan. Favorite places are river banks, ravines, bushes, forest clearings and clearings. Raspberries often form impenetrable dense thickets. Wild shrubs prefer fertile and moist soils.

The forest berry is an excellent honey plant; one hectare of raspberry thickets can produce up to 100 kg of honey. Wild raspberries are very fond of forest dwellers: animals and birds. The fruits of the wild berry in terms of aroma, nutritional and healing properties superior to garden ones, but they are smaller.

Unfortunately, every year there are less and less raspberries in the forests. Main reasons: unmotivated deforestation and fires. In nature, everything is interconnected, therefore, when certain species of trees and shrubs adjacent to raspberries are destroyed, the berry itself disappears. Respect for nature is a top priority. A person must always remember this and do everything to save the forest.

Cultivated (garden) raspberry

The largest number garden varieties- "relatives" of wild red raspberries. Cultivated berries are of two types. The first includes raspberries that yield once per summer, the second - two or more times (repair). The fruits of garden raspberries are different color: red, yellow, white and black, similar to blackberries. Unlike forest raspberries, most often growing in shady places, garden berry loves open spaces. The yield of raspberries largely depends on proper care and soil selection. The earth should not be too wet or too dry. An excess of moisture interferes with the development of bushes, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the fruit. They become smaller and more watery. fertile black soilthe best option for growing raspberries. The lack of moisture also affects the yield and palatability berries.

Garden raspberries must be protected from pests and diseases. Recently, breeders have bred a large number of varieties that resist diseases and insects. Therefore, preference should be given to these varieties. Unlike wild-growing raspberries, garden berries require additional measures to prepare for winter, as they grow on more open spaces. So that the stems of the bushes do not freeze and dry out, it is better to bend them down for the winter. Garden raspberries winter well under snow cover and are able to withstand even severe frosts (up to 40 degrees).

Valuable qualities of raspberries

Wild and cultivated raspberries, thanks to their valuable properties, has long been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. For the treatment and prevention of various diseases, not only fruits, but also leaves and branches are used. Raspberries help with colds, flu, metabolic disorders, diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart and other problems in the body. Excellent taste, aroma, the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals minerals make raspberries one of the favorite berries not only in our country, but all over the world.

Biological description

Common raspberry is a deciduous shrub with a perennial rhizome, from which two-year aerial stems up to one and a half meters high develop.

The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots forming a powerful branched system.

Stems erect. Shoots of the first year are herbaceous, green with a bluish bloom, juicy, covered with thin, usually frequent miniature thorns.

The leaves are oval, alternate, petiolate, compound, with 3-7 ovate leaflets, dark green above, whitish below, pubescent with small hairs.

The flowers are white, about 1 cm across, collected in small racemose inflorescences, located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. Petals shorter than calyx.

The fruits are small, hairy drupes fused at the receptacle to form a compound fruit. Fruits appear not only on the shoots of the second year. In the southern regions, the fruits also appear on the shoots of the first year in mid-autumn. These shoots become stiff and turn brown, fruit-bearing branches grow from the axils of the leaves with flower buds. Immediately after fruiting, the side branches dry up, but from the same root on next year new stems grow.


In central Russia, raspberries bloom from June to July, sometimes until August.


Dried fruits are used as a diaphoretic.

Honey plant. When raspberries bloom, the bees work from sunrise to sunset, flying past other flowers of honey plants, not paying attention to them. Due to the fact that the raspberry flower is tilted down, the bee extracting nectar is, as it were, under a natural canopy or umbrella and can work even during rain. From nectar collected from 1 ha of flowering forest raspberries, bees get 70 kg of honey, and from 1 ha of garden raspberries - 50 kg. Raspberry honey contains 41.34% levulose and 33.57% glucose, has a pleasant smell and taste.


The leader in growing raspberries in the world market is Russia.

Semantics of the word raspberry



  • Raspberry: Taxonomy on the GRIN website
  • RASPBERRY ORDINARY, OR FOREST (Rubus idaeus L.) Retrieved September 17, 2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    common raspberry

    Raspberry ordinary- Rubus idaeus L. Rosaceae family. Root-weed semi-shrub 0.6-1.5 m high. Shoots of the first year are barren, twig-shaped, green with a bluish bloom, herbaceous, covered with thin spines. The shoots of the second year are fruitful, slightly ... ... Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

    Raspberry ordinary- 301. Rubus idaeus L ... Flora of the Central Forest State Reserve

    RUBUS IDAEUS L. - COMMON RASPBERRY- see 380. Shrub. R. idaeus L. M. common Sp. pl. (1753) 492. Cult. fl. XVI (1936) 183. Divided into 2 subspecies: ssp. vulgatus arrhen. rub. Succ. Mongr. (1839) 12. Der. and bush. III (1954) 594. European raspberry; ssp. strigosus Michx … Plant Directory

    Rubus ideus - Rubus idaeus, Common raspberry- From the Rosaceae family. Shrub or semi-shrub 0.5-1.2 m tall, with erect stems covered with thin thorns. The stems of the first year of life are herbaceous, green, barren, the second year is yellowish, stiff, fruit-bearing. Roots… … Handbook of Homeopathy

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