Modern one-story house with a fireplace. Fireplace in a small country house

The fashion for fireplaces, which can now already be attributed to a rarity, does not pass to this day. They are especially popular in country houses. Modern market for fireplace services is very wide and diverse: you can be offered a huge range of different models that will fit perfectly into any project of a house or cottage.

If you implement a project of a house with a fireplace, then a peculiar atmosphere of comfort will appear in your cottage, a certain highlight of the interior, but your family vacation or meeting with friends will be unforgettable. Watching the flame and its glare, you will enjoy the warmth of a blazing fire, feel how it leaves nervous tension accumulated over certain time You will feel peace of mind and body. A house with a fireplace will bring you, your children and grandchildren joy and comfort.

The fireplace in the house always creates a warm and cozy atmosphere.

This house is characterized by strict and simple lines. It can be attributed to economical and easy to build. TO added benefit The project includes a garage with two parking spaces with direct access to the house.

It should be noted interior layout Houses. It is very convenient to use. The living room combined with the dining and kitchen area also offers convenience. All rooms have separate places for wardrobes, the kitchen is built with a spacious pantry. A special decoration of the room is a fireplace, which is located near the sofa area, and you can immediately find an exit to the terrace. Operating costs can be significantly reduced by having a fireplace placed against a wall adjacent to the utility area.

Layout example one-story house with fireplace and garage

The recreation area includes three bedrooms and one bathroom. The delicate separation of this part of the house from the common living space is provided by a corridor, from which, by the way, there are exits to any rooms, which is very functional.

Project of a two-story house with a fireplace

The presence of a fireplace in the house, at least one, is important condition warmth and comfort. First, due to natural causes If there are any problems with heating, there is always a solution to this problem right there - when the fireplace is stoked, heat appears very quickly. Secondly, as they say: fire has a certain healing power. It helps not only with colds, but is also able to save you from negativity and accumulated fatigue, that is, it cleanses you of bad energy. When you sit by the fire, some calm and peace comes.

Chatting with family and friends around the fireplace takes place in an easy, relaxed atmosphere, as you relax and become more open. Nothing distracts from the conversation. Gathering all together near the fire, both adults and children immediately unite into one. As in ancient times, fire united, warmed, fed, helped to think, and now it promotes unity. The fireplace is the soul of your home and the whole family.

Submitted Project brick house can be attributed to the style of the landowners' estates of the nineteenth century. According to the project, this house has two floors. For the first floor characteristic feature is the presence of a two-height hall and a dining room with a terrace. This can be attributed to the center of the floor.

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New house projects in 2019

Also, the design elements include a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, dressing room, working room, lobby, study, laundry room, pantry, small gym and large fireplace, which are all around the hall along the perimeter of the first floor.

In order to get into the building, you need to go through the porch with decorative columns. On the second floor there are: a recreation area with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a bathroom and a staircase hall-gallery. Both bedrooms have walk-in closets and access to balconies.

The fireplace in this house is not only decorative element but also a symbol of warmth and comfort. It can be called the "heart" of the house, since it is near it that the whole family gathers in the evenings. The atmosphere of warmth and comfort created by the fireplace fits well into the family lifestyle. The fireplace is especially organic in large private houses and cottages, namely in the living rooms. And English houses or so do not appear at all without a fireplace corner.

Decoration and arrangement of the living room with a fireplace

A living room with a fireplace can be built not only in country house, but also a city apartment, preferably in a large room. If you are the owner of urban housing of sufficient size, or have tried to enlarge the living room by demolishing one wall, then you can safely get down to business and create an area with a fireplace.

In this case, it should be noted that during the construction of a fireplace, you immediately need to plan appropriate place for him.

And we will focus on others practical advice concerning the correct arrangement of furniture, and we will try to visually show this or that variation of the finished interior.

Arrangement of furniture in the living room

In small living rooms with unlimited space, you can apply the following arrangement: put the TV in front of the sofa and armchairs, and the chairs can be deployed either to the fireplace or to the TV, and it is better to place the fireplace near another, perpendicular wall.

If you equip a fireplace against a wall with a window, or, moreover, between two windows, then it will no longer be so effective, and even, to some extent, unprofitable. With such a layout, only outer wall, and not the whole room, since the street atmosphere will “take away” heat through the windows.

That's why the best option installing a fireplace will be its location against the wall bordering the bedroom or another room. In addition, a windowless wall does not distract, and it will be more comfortable to watch a fire with burning sparks.

It is best to place the fireplace on the side of the living room opposite the window.

With family gatherings and evenings, the fireplace will become an element of unification. Therefore, it would be convenient to sit near him in soft armchairs and sofas. On both sides of the fireplace, a couple of bookcases and whatnots will come in handy. Sitting comfortably, you just reach out and take out your favorite book.

For lovers of home tea drinking, a small table for these purposes would be appropriate, which will successfully fit between upholstered furniture (sofa and armchairs). So, after the tips above, there are a few basics.

  1. For a convenient and comfortable passage to the fireplace area with seating, the length between the sofa and armchairs that are opposite each other should be at least 1 meter.
  2. Small table in the middle upholstered furniture will give you comfort.
  3. Cabinets and shelves will fill the interior and make it more functional.

This project of the house impresses with a wide-spacious transverse pediment with a balcony, supported by columns made of solid log trunks. On the ground floor of the house there is an open space consisting of a living room with a fireplace and a dining room. Attic floor purely for recreation. The solarium or greenhouse can also be used as a second children's room, for example.

House with a fireplace

The area of ​​the 1st floor is 105 m2

Area 2 floors - 106.2 m2

Price for roofing material -

1 465 400 rub

Under the metal tile

1 589 000 rub

Wooden house with a fireplace

Fireplace in the house: design features, advantages and disadvantages

Some people think that the fireplace is the most complicated construction, which cannot be built independently, since this work is associated with enormous difficulties. It is not easy to say where this misconception came from, since the fireplace is a simplified stove. The only difference between a fireplace and a wood stove is the amount of heat stored and how it is released.

The oven heats the room by convection. What are the benefits wood stove? She keeps warm for quite a long time, because she has thick brick walls, several turns of the chimney and a closed firebox.

The fireplace, of course, is inferior to a wood-burning stove in this, since it has a larger open firebox, due to which more air enters the wood, which means that draft is deteriorating. Poor draft, in turn, makes it impossible to rotate the chimney, so the heat goes along with the smoke into the chimney. Consequently, only a small part of the heat will be given to the walls. It makes no sense to consider the fireplace as the main source of heat in our harsh winter, since its efficiency ranges from 10 -15%.

But the fireplace is indispensable at the time when autumn comes and it rains. What are its merits? A large firebox and a straight chimney let in large air currents that carry away unpleasant odors and dampness. The fireplace radiates heat almost immediately after kindling, although it heats well only when it burns.

All the shortcomings of the fireplace as a heating device make up for its aesthetic advantages. In the evenings in the house, he creates an atmosphere of detachment and peace. A fireplace is an attribute that defines a lifestyle, since an open fire has always attracted people and did not leave them indifferent, awakening various feelings.

The above cost for roofing material includes:

  • 1. Rounded log Ø180mm for winter harvesting.
  • 2. Log delivery within the Moscow region
  • 3.Installation of logs on site
  • 4. Mezhventsovy insulation (jute fiber)
  • 5. Overlappings (floor logs) - 1-2 floor. (100x200x6000)
  • 6. Rafter row (50x200x6000)
  • 7.Crate (25x100x6000)
  • 8. Temporary roof (roofing material)
  • 9. Installation of the roof under a temporary roof (roofing material)
  • 10. Installation of floors (insert log)
  • 11. Fasteners (pins, nails, corners, plates)
  • 12.Gidrostekloizol (under the log)

For each of us, a home is a fortress, a family nest, a place where you are always welcome, where you can return and feel the support of your dear eyes and warmly familiar walls. But, in addition, the house is also unique image bearing the imprint of all who live in it. It is a reflection of the habits of the owners, their ideas about comfort and aesthetics, speaks of the breadth of their views and the scale of their ambitions.

In order to build exactly your own, in every way perfect home, it is necessary already at the stage of choosing a project (or its individual creation) to imagine what your desires and needs are. They can be very different - from equipping swimming pools and gyms to creative workshops and weapon rooms. But there is one convenience that few can refuse. This is a sauna. Everyone knows about its usefulness for the health of people of all ages without exception. Regular use Finnish bath- these are healthy blood vessels, and normalization of weight, and strong nerves, and young skin.

Sauna can be designed:

  • as an independent separate building (in this case, the risk of fire is reduced, but construction costs increase, since it will be necessary to build walls, install a separate water supply and sewerage system);
  • right in a residential building, which will create convenience for the households visiting it, because they do not have to move from one building to another after visiting the steam room.

When installing a sauna in the house, the living quarters adjacent to it can be heated by the air that heats up during its operation.

Collection projects

In the basement

Such a solution is very convenient due to the isolation of the steam room and related premises - a shower room and a bathroom from residential volumes. As a rule, a rest room is placed next door, where you can relax between visits to the high temperature zone and after the end of the bath procedures. Examples include:

  • in the economical one, despite the dimensions in terms of only 7.5 x 9 m, in the basement, in addition to the bath complex, there are two more pantries - heated and cold;
  • where preference is given to the location of the sauna and gym under the house, and for the car a parking lot-canopy was built at the zero mark;
  • the volume of the sauna can contain not only a shower, but also a jacuzzi bath, as in a modern cottage

On the first floor

In this category, most of the buildings are one-story. The drawings show that a comfortable living environment in them is created by separating the active and relaxation zones. It is convenient in country houses, where the owners come to take a break from the city noise and relax in nature. These are the projects:

  • from a log beam with a pitched roof;
  • economical aerated concrete with a covered terrace and a carport;
  • guest house with a laconic plan geometry.


Of course, this layout option is possible mainly in large mansions, where the dimensions allow not only to create conditions for comfortable placement of the sauna, but also to make sure that this does not pose a danger to residents. By ensuring proper ventilation, waterproofing and giving preference to finishing natural wood, (which will reduce the risk of fire) it is quite possible to enjoy all the benefits that this wonderful method of washing and healing provides.
Examples include:

  • two-story cottage with three bedrooms and a carport;
  • - here one of the variations of the second floor project is the arrangement of a sauna there along with a shower room and a bathroom.

If, for some reason, you do not want to place a sauna in the house, it is possible, along with the purchase of the project, to order its project as a separate building. Specialists will consult you and create the necessary drawings.

A fireplace in the house is the dream of many people, but not everyone can make it come true, especially if housing has already been built. Much easier themes who are only considering or trying to develop suitable projects houses with a fireplace, because in such a situation the design will be laid down initially, which means it will be correct and of high quality. Thanks to the hearth, a special cozy atmosphere, it is pleasant to spend a lot of time in the room, relaxing in the company of relatives and friends.

House drawn in modern editors

One-story option

Majority construction companies offer their customers projects of houses from a bar. The choice of this particular material is justified by its high degree of environmental friendliness, ease of working with materials and the speed of building construction.

If the customer wants to have a fireplace in the room, then the creation of the plan should be approached with particular pedantry, strictly follow all the rules fire safety and expert advice during construction, because wood is not resistant to high temperatures and

It is worth noting that the building is characterized by strict, but at the same time simple, concise lines. Due to this, less materials are spent, respectively, the construction budget needs a minimum. A special feature is also the fact that a project of a house with a garage is presented here. It, in turn, is designed for two cars, and also has an entrance to the main room.

Single storey building with garage

Inside, the plan of the house is quite concise and comfortable. hallmark The layout is a combination of a dining room, a kitchen and a guest room, but at the same time, each zone is designed to install a closet, and there is a small pantry near the kitchen.

Naturally, the centerpiece is a real working fireplace. For greater convenience, it is located in the recreation area, where sofas will be installed in the future. In addition, the plan notes that the room has access to the terrace.

Thanks to the presence of a fireplace, the owners will be able to significantly reduce the cost of general heating, and all due to the fact that the building itself is located near the wall that separates the utility area, that is, it does not go outside.

Another simple option at home

As for the place to rest, everything is also thought out here and the project of the house with a fireplace provides for three beds (rooms) and one restroom (bathroom with toilet). These zones are separated from each other by means of a corridor, and due to the presence of access to all rooms in it, they are isolated from each other.

Two-storey house

One of the most popular two-story projects is an aerated concrete house with a fireplace. A characteristic feature of such a building is its direct stylistic connection with the estates of the landlords of the early nineteenth century. As you can understand, the project provides for the construction of a house on two floors.

In the central part of the first floor there will be a hall and dinner Zone, combined with a glazed veranda. As for the rest of the area, it is planned to plan such rooms as: a kitchen, a bathroom, a wardrobe, a toilet, a lobby, a laundry, a small gym. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is impressive, then the first floor is supplemented big room with fireplace, office and lobby.

The house can be either full-fledged in two floors, or erected with an attic. As for the entrance area, people will enter the room through the porch, on which decorative columns are installed.

House with a beautiful facade

The second floor is reserved for a place for guests and owners to relax. Here, the location of two bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom, stairs is preferable. Also a characteristic feature of the house plan under consideration is the fact that each bedroom has its own exit to a private balcony.

Considering that the project of the house provides for the presence of a fireplace, this design will not only be the central decorative part of the entire interior, but must also perform a certain function, that is, heat the room. In the plan, the entire wiring system is developed in detail, the place for the chimney and other technical aspects are determined.

The house is best or stick to the direction, so the fireplace will best fit into the overall interior, because these design styles cannot be imagined without a cozy corner with an open flame, where it is so nice to gather with the whole family in the evenings.

Rules for arranging a living room

Specialists in the field of design emphasize that not only large country houses or villas. The owners of the apartment can also afford such a structure, although it is rather difficult to implement such a project in which the hearth will be active.

In this case, help electric fireplaces, which look no less impressive. They can be located in the center of the room, be built into the wall or attached to the ceiling. Again, everything directly depends on the size of the room and the main design style.

Fireplace complex in a spacious living room

If the layout of the house has already been completed and the place for the fireplace in the living room has been determined, you should also understand how to properly arrange furniture and other interior and decor items.

If houses with a fireplace or apartments do not have a large area, for example, a cottage or a studio-type odnushka, then ideally, you should install a hearth under one wall, and near the other perpendicular side, already equip a recreation area where there are two armchairs, a sofa and a TV opposite it. As for the chairs themselves, they can be directed both towards the hearth and away from it, which will allow not to clutter up an already small room.

Ideally, install a hearth, especially when it is active, near the wall that goes adjacent to the bedroom. With this arrangement, all the heat emitted by the fireplace will be accumulated in the room, heating both zones.

If the customer is a happy owner of a large and friendly family, then he should carefully consider the layout of the furniture in the living room as carefully as possible. With these questions, you can also contact the designers who will help you create a separate plan for a house with a fireplace, which will indicate the location of certain items.

In the future, this approach will help save money by not allowing you to buy extra interior items, will not let you litter the room, but at the same time, each family member will be able to determine for himself cozy corner around an open hearth.

Own house It is the most precious possession of every person. Regardless of whether it is bought, or it is your own project, new ideas appear over time, overhaul. It happens that the renovation project includes the installation of a fireplace.

A house with a fireplace gives a more comfortable perception of life, since a living flame has been identified by a person with prosperity since the Stone Age. Certainly, it is easier to fold the portal during the implementation of a house project from scratch. In this case, the portal project can be implemented with optimal layout rooms according to its location.

Fireplace design

Regardless of the stage at which the portal is being built, its the project has common features:

  • The portal should rest only on its own foundation, that is, on the ground, and not on the floor, especially the wooden one.
  • The area of ​​the fireplace insert window should be 0.02 of the area of ​​the room for which the portal will be folded.
  • The ratio of height to width at the window of the fireplace insert, as well as the depth of the fireplace insert to the height of the window should be 0.67;
  • For other dimensions, check the table:

How and in what house to install

If brick or wooden house is just under construction, and it is possible to include a portal in its project, you should choose such a layout so that the fireplace chimney is arranged in the wall between the rooms.


  • The back wall of the firebox in such a fireplace is best made of cast iron. This will allow you to get more heat from the fireplace.
  • Between brickwork pipes and wooden structures needs to be installed at home steel sheets 2 - 3 mm thick.
  • A gap of 20-25 mm must be left between the steel sheet and the brick of the pipe.,.

If the portal is installed in an already built brick house, it is best to disassemble a part of the wall adjacent to the rooms and make a fireplace pipe in it as described above.

If the wall cannot be dismantled, the fireplace is best placed against the north wall of the room. Wherein necessary:

  • At a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour inside it, drive in steel pins with a step into the brick along the entire contour.
  • Make the laying of the fireplace so that the masonry brick lays on the pin at the wall.

Read also: Facing the stove and fireplace with fireclay tiles

If the portal is installed in an already built wooden house, it is also best to place it against the north wall of the room.

Wherein necessary:

  • In accordance with the design of the fireplace, draw the contours of the portal and chimney on the wall.
  • At a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour inside it from the floor to the ceiling for the chimney and for the portal along the height of the portal, fasten rectangular pipes with a side of 20 - 25 mm to the wall of the room with strong screws. You will need two pipes for the chimney and four pipes for the portal.
  • Two pipes are located inside the contour at a distance of half a brick from the edge of the contour, two - outside the contour, each at a distance of one meter from the inner one relative to the pipe contour, respectively.
  • Pins must be pre-welded to rectangular pipes.
  • On pipes threaded connection steel sheets with a thickness of 2 - 3 mm are attached. The gap between the sheet and the wall must be filled with thermal insulation.
  • It is necessary to make the masonry of the portal so that the brick of the masonry lies on the pin at the wall.

What to do

To make a fireplace you will need:

  • lumber- beam, board. Lumber is needed for the manufacture of auxiliary structures in the course of work.
  • Fireplace accessories- grate, gate valve, doors.
  • knitting wire. Used as an auxiliary fastener.
  • fasteners- self-tapping screws, nails.
  • Steel sheet. Used as part of thermal insulation.
  • Steel Rectangular Pipe.
  • Steel corner. Used in bricklaying.
  • Mineral wool. Used in the composition