Tips for washing and cleaning dishes made of different materials. Washing and cleaning dishes

One of the quality and safe materials suitable for making utensils is stainless steel. Such pans are distinguished by their unsurpassed appearance, as well as low thermal conductivity, which allows you to cook food in a short period of time. Cracks do not form on steel, it does not enter into chemical reactions and does not have pores in which many harmful bacteria accumulate. However, like any other cookware, stainless steel pans are subject to various types of contamination. Wash burnt dishes, remove carbon deposits, grease, stains from its surface under the power of any housewife.

Types of dirt on a stainless steel pan

No one is immune from annoying oversights that occur during food preparation. Almost every housewife faced situations in her life when, due to her own carelessness, the contents of the pan burned, spoiling the aesthetic appeal of the product both inside and out.

Burnt pot is the most common type of stainless steel contamination.

In such cases, you can use simple and reliable ways efficient dish cleaning. They will help to provide her with a truly sparkling look.

The main contaminants that most people who use stainless steel products have to deal with include:

  • burnt food remnants;
  • old fat;
  • soot on the walls of the pan from the outside and inside;
  • iridescent spots and stains.

Stains on stainless steel utensils may occur after its first use, as well as in connection with the use of lime water.

What household chemicals to use for cleaning dishes

To clean a stainless steel pan, there are many tools, including specialized compounds available in stores. However, when using them, you should not use hard metal scrapers and coarse brushes, as well as sand and sandpaper, since all this can cause serious damage to the coating in the form of deep scratches.

Acidic liquids are suitable for cleaning stainless steel products, designed for washing a variety of kitchen surfaces. With their help, it is possible to easily get rid of traces of fat, as well as to wipe off strong and old dirt formed during the cooking process. Preferring purchased funds, able to cope with the most difficult pollution formed on the walls of pans, pay attention to the following options.

  1. "Chister". The cheapest tool, however, with less efficiency.
  2. "Bugs Shumanit". It contains aggressive components, has a good cleaning effect, and is sold at an average price.
  3. Oven Cleaner. Does not contain aggressive substances, has no smell, has the highest price compared to its counterparts.

Each of these products must be applied to a stainless steel surface, left for 10 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water. It should be remembered that the use of compounds with complex chemical formula, involves the obligatory use of gloves and following precautions to prevent contact with exposed skin or eyes. In addition, products such as "Chister" and "Shumanit" have a very strong smell. For this reason, it is advisable to clean pots with them in well-ventilated areas.

How to remove a burn using "Whiteness"

Very accessible means, allowing you to return the former chic to stainless steel pans, is "Whiteness". One tablespoon of the composition is enough to clean a medium-sized pan.

  1. The substance in the indicated amount must be poured into the water in the burnt pan, and then boil it for 30 minutes.
  2. Then the burn is cleaned with a sponge, then the dishes treated in this way must be boiled again in clean water, this will get rid of the peculiar smell and residues of "Whiteness" on its surfaces.

How to remove dirt at home

You can clean stainless steel pots with effective home methods. It is enough to use improvised means, which can be found in every home.

Get rid of burnt food with salt

The method of cleaning the pan with salt is the simplest and most affordable.

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan and leave it for a while.
  2. Drain the water, and pour a few tablespoons into the bottom of the dish. table salt.
  3. After 2-3 hours, remove the remnants of burnt food with a kitchen sponge, without making any special efforts.

Attention! The use of this method is best suited for enameled products and kitchen utensils made of aluminium. Reacting with stainless steel, salt dissolved in cold water, can cause darkening of the metal surface and corrosion.

A quick way to get rid of pimples

One of the favorite methods for cleaning stainless steel pots by most housewives involves the use of vinegar. With it, you can easily and simply clean the dishes from burning.

There are several ways to use vinegar to clean stainless steel. Let's consider the most effective of them. For the first method, only 9% vinegar is needed.

  1. It is necessary to pour 9% vinegar into the pan and leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. After the specified time has elapsed, thoroughly rinse the dishes with detergent.

For the second method, we use vinegar, water and laundry soap.

  1. The pot should be filled with water.
  2. Pour ½ cup of 9% vinegar into it with the addition of half a piece of 72% laundry soap.
  3. Boil the contents of the pot for 30-60 minutes.

Attention! In the process of using this method, toxic fumes are formed. To neutralize them, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room.

An effective way to clean dishes using vinegar - video

How to wipe carbon deposits from the bottom and outside of the product with citric acid

Cope with heavy soot, as well as with lime deposits appearing on the walls of stainless steel pots, citric acid will help. For this:

  • fill a pot with water and boil it. The water level should cover only the ashes, so too much water will not be needed;
  • put in boiling water 2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid powder and continue boiling for 15 minutes;
  • drain the water and use a sponge to start cleaning the burnt bottom. This process will be easy and will not take much time.

How to clean dishes with hydrogen peroxide - video

How to clean a pot with soap

Another simple and effective tool that allows you to cope with pollution of any complexity is ordinary liquid or laundry soap.

With a small amount of contamination that appeared during the process of weak burning, use the following method.

  1. Pour hot water into a saucepan.
  2. Pour the soap solution into it and mix well.
  3. Boil the contents of the pot for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the pan has cooled, take a kitchen sponge and wipe the sides with burnt.

The following method will help get rid of the most complex and fairly old contaminants.

  1. Measure out 4 liters of boiling water.
  2. Take a third of a bar of laundry soap and grate it, then pour the shavings into boiling water.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue and place in the resulting composition of the pan.
  4. Boil the product for 30 minutes.

How to prepare a universal pot cleaner - video

How to clean stainless steel inside and out

Almost every housewife knows that baking soda has great cleaning properties. With its help, you can clean the stainless steel pan not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, simply apply the powder to the places of contamination, and then rub them with a sponge.

Use a deep bowl to clean the outside of the pot.

  1. Place the soiled dishes in a deep container.
  2. Prepare a soda composition (at the rate of 1 pack of soda (0.5 kg) per 5–6 liters of water) and pour dirty dishes with it. At the same time, the water level should cover it by 2-3 cm.
  3. Put the container with the dishes on the fire, wait for the solution to boil, then continue boiling for two hours.
  4. Cool the pans, then rinse them with water.

Milk whey against any pollution

With this method, you can easily and simply get rid of contaminants of varying complexity.

  1. Serum should be poured onto the bottom of the affected pan, which should cover the contaminated areas of the surface 1-2 cm above their level.
  2. Leave the pan with whey for a day.
  3. Drain the solution and wash the dishes with a sponge.

Activated charcoal against burnt porridge

If you have burned porridge, an excellent tool for removing contaminants will be Activated carbon. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Activated charcoal tablets - budget and safe remedy for cleaning dishes

  1. Take right amount tablets and grind them into powder.
  2. Sprinkle them with dirt at the bottom of the dish.
  3. Add water to the pot until you get a paste. Leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, rinse the pan thoroughly. running water.

How to clean dishes with coffee grounds

A cleaning agent that has the same principle of action as activated carbon, and also allows you to get rid of various contaminants on the walls of stainless steel pots, is coffee grounds. By collecting it every time after drinking your favorite drink, you can clean stainless steel dishes without harming them.

Coffee grounds help clean stainless steel dishes

  1. Take an ordinary kitchen sponge, put some coffee grounds on it and wipe the dirty areas.
  2. Then rinse the pot with water. Thanks to this method, your she will once again delight you with the beautiful sheen of metal.

ammonia for iridescent stains

If stains form on the surface of the stainless steel pan, ammonia will help to cope with them.

  1. To do this, take a toothpaste that does not contain whitening microparticles and mix it with ammonia to make a solution.
  2. Take a cleaning cloth, soak it in the resulting liquid and rub the surface of the pan.
  3. Rinse off the solution cold water.

Folk recipe using apple peel

Another folk way will help rid your pans of a lot of pollution. To do this, you need the peel of several sour apples.

  1. The peel must be put in a saucepan and pour water.
  2. Then put the container on the fire and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After that, you should clean the pan in the usual way. Accumulated dirt can be removed without any effort.

This method has low efficiency, however, it can be used to cope with small contaminants that have arisen on the walls of dishes.

How to care for a stainless steel pot

In the process of use, a layer of fat begins to form on stainless steel pans over time, which can accelerate the wear of the surface. Care of dishes means daily high-quality cleaning.

Cleaning pots using the above methods will ensure that your cookware has a great finish. appearance, and also take care of the possibility of its long-term operation. In addition, homemade cleaning products can be a guarantee reasonable economy and guarantee an excellent effect comparable to purchased analogues.

We encounter washing dishes regularly, there are usually no difficulties in this process, but from time to time they still arise. Difficulties arise when you need to wash various dishes and objects from old fat kitchen utensils, about which we forgot, and they lay in a polluted state long time.

Getting rid of fat and soot is our constant problem.

For example, it is quite difficult to wash a frying pan or a baking sheet from burnt fat, even a glass plate with abundant greasy spots found in the open spaces of the kitchen, it can be extremely difficult to wash to a shine. But where classic detergents fail, they will always come to the rescue folk recipes. Today we just want to discuss with you the issues of removing old fat from different dishes.

We wash fat

To wash traces of burnt fat from your household kitchen utensils, Fairy or Pemolux often can not help, so you should look at the means for washing the stove or oven. Of course, these compositions are extremely strong, but they do an excellent job.

Among the popular aggressive detergents are: Amway, Shumanit, Sanita, Cif, Comet, Mr. Proper. It is worth listening to before taking one or another composition.

Strong household chemicals, of course, will cope with any, even the most chronic pollution, but it is not always at hand, and you don’t always want to run to the store to buy one can of funds.

Crockery requiring more thorough cleaning

In addition, not all housewives like to use such strong chemical compositions, mindful of allergies and other misfortunes, and if small children live in the apartment, then the use of such funds will be simply dangerous.

In addition, the cost of detergents with extra strong qualities high, and buying a jar for a single use is, in principle, unreasonable.

But do not despair, because experienced housewives have developed a large number of most different recipes to remove fat, based on substances familiar to us from childhood. Such ways of washing dishes will not take much effort from you, but it will take some time.

Note that even when using folk remedies and recipes for washing and cleaning, you should follow the basic safety rules.

For most household chores, the use of rubber gloves is mandatory.

  • All work must be done with rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of the hands.
  • When using detergents, both chemical and household, you need to open the windows in the kitchen to ventilate the room, if you do not plan, you can also turn it on.
  • When using harsh dishwashing detergents, it's best to use an old sponge that you plan to throw away.

Let's start with the most well-known cleaning agent, baking soda.


To wash old, dried fat from dishes, you can use recipes using soda. This substance is present in any kitchen, since its range of applications is impressively wide, from cooking food to cleaning up dirt and removing odors. In addition, soda does not harm others and can be safely considered an environmental cleaning agent.

The first way to build on a tandem of soda and citric acid:

  • dirty, greasy dishes: a frying pan or a saucepan, it is necessary to wet it with plenty of plain warm water;
  • then a mixture of soda and citric acid must be applied to its surface;
  • now you have to wait until the reaction occurs, and the mixture begins its cleansing action;
  • literally in a few minutes, the spent mixture must be washed off the dishes and additionally rinsed with warm water and ordinary detergent;
  • now your dishes are sparkling clean.

Note that when using soda and lemon, the surface of the dishes does not even need to be rubbed hard, the chemical reaction will perfectly break down the fat, and make it easy to wash. It is good to wash in this way not only a pan or pan, but also glassware.

Baking soda will help remove these stains.

For thorough and gentle washing of dishes, in particular pots, pans, baking sheets, vinegar is often used together with soda, the usual 9% vinegar solution.

The second method is based on the use of soda and vinegar:

  • first, a special mixture of soda and vinegar is prepared in equal proportions;
  • then rubbed with this mixture dirty dishes with hardened fat, and remains in such a processed state for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, the dishes can be easily washed with a regular sponge.

By the way, for the pan, they came up with a special method for cleaning carbon deposits and fat without using water, using salt and vinegar. To remove dirt, pour a few tablespoons of salt into the pan to fill the entire bottom, and then pour table vinegar in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Then put it on fire and ignite until the dirt moves away from the walls in pieces. After that, the surface of the pan is perfectly washed using ordinary detergent and water. Recall that the use of metal brushes is not permissible for all pans, so as not to tear off a special, non-stick coating.

For most modern frying pans, such a brush is not suitable.

Fat deposits in pans can be removed with soda and vegetable oil. To do this, a similar mixture must be applied to the contamination and allowed to soak a little, and then washed.

original methods

One of the effective detergents, according to our grandmothers, is mustard powder. Regular mustard will help you wash even old fat from dishes.

  • For example, to remove soot and fat from a frying pan, it must first be properly warmed up. Then pour the melted remains, and rub the pan with mustard powder. After 10-15 minutes, the pan is perfectly washed with plain water, all dirt is removed, including old fat and soot.
  • If it is necessary to wash ceramic or glassware that you cannot put on fire, then for this it must be properly soaked in a mustard solution. To do this, water is poured into the container, mustard powder is poured out, the composition is mixed and dishes are loaded into it. It takes half an hour to marinate the dishes in mustard, after which all the dirt is easily washed off with a normal wash.

It can cope with soot in a frying pan, which is permissible to simply rub the pollution. Not the best way, but apple acid really helps to remove carbon deposits.

Softening fat and soot in pans

The original recipe for washing old, battered pans came to us from our grandmothers. The recipe involves washing dishes with PVA glue and laundry soap:

  • First of all, you need to find a huge tank or bucket in which we will boil our frying pan, you need to pour water into it and put it on fire.
  • Bringing the composition to a boil, pour 100-150 grams of PVA glue into it and throw in the grated shavings of laundry soap, about half a piece.
  • Now we need to cook this mixture until the soap is completely dissolved, and then immerse our pan in it.
  • It is desirable to cook the pan in the resulting soap-adhesive solution for a couple of hours, in some cases more is possible.
  • Long-term heat, alkaline treatment of the pan will melt fat and soot, so after boiling, it will not be difficult to wash it to a shine. It is permissible to use a metal brush to clean old household items.

Folk recipes have been tested in practice, with the help of them, more than one mountain of dishes was washed. Perhaps some of them will appeal to you, which means you will not use formidable chemicals, and wash the dishes with simple, affordable substances.

Nowadays, more and more glassware appears in the kitchen. Such utensils are practical, convenient, and besides, it is now fashionable. But glassware can only look beautiful if it is perfectly polished.

Stores offer a variety of dishwashing detergents that are really easy to remove dirt and stains. However, many housewives consider household chemicals harmful, and do not want to use it too often.

How to wash glassware in this case? Some improvised products are able to cope with the issue of cleaning glass utensils, and are no worse than purchased ready-made products.

Competent care

You can often notice that some time after buying glassware, it has lost its attractive luster.

Even after intensive cleaning and rubbing, it is difficult to return the original appearance. This is due to the fact that glass products are not properly cared for and glasses and plates covered with microcracks will not shine like new.

To keep the shine after washing as long as possible, you should:

  1. Before the dishwashing event, be sure to remove bracelets and rings from your hands. Otherwise, they will scratch glass or crystal, and spoil its structure.
  2. Immediately after it has been washed, it is undesirable to wipe it with a towel. Lint may remain on the walls from the fabric. It is enough just to put the products on the delivery. Let the glass dry naturally.
  3. Washing glass utensils is allowed only with soft sponges. If you use hard ones, the walls will be scratched. This will not only violate the aesthetic appearance, but in the future can lead to cracks or chips.
  4. Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, otherwise microcracks appear on the glass, it becomes brittle and loses its attractiveness.
  5. For shine kitchen products made of glass, it is recommended to wash them in cool water. But how to clean glassware from carbon deposits at low temperatures? If the pollution is of such high complexity, then the water can be made hotter and filled with it. You can add soda and leave the product to soak for a while. After that, the dishes are rinsed with cold water.
  6. To make new glassware less susceptible to mechanical stress and shine for as long as possible, it will be useful to harden it. To do this, place the products in a pan sprinkled with sand, and pour cold purified water. Next, the water is brought to a boil, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of kitchen salt, and leave to boil for 20 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool, after which they simply rinse the dishes under cold running water.

Even if glasses, vases or plates made of such fragile material are not used for a long time, they still need to be washed periodically.

It will be enough to wash the dishes with cool water once every 3 months, and wipe them with a dry cloth with starch to add shine. Apply any detergent not necessary.


Often, ordinary water is not enough to make glass kitchen utensils shine. There may be stains, fingerprints or deposits on the products, even after washing.

In order for the dishes to shine from perfect cleanliness, you need to use cleaning products. At home, you can prepare simple products that will give fragile products a dazzling shine.

Laundry soap

It may seem strange to some, but this can really make the dishes sparkle.

It is enough just to wash the wine glasses or plates with soap and cool water. Then you should rub them well with a linen towel that does not leave lint.


Table vinegar can clean glass to a shine without streaks.

You will need to collect cool water in the basin and add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of substance. Next, we immerse the utensils in the solution, rinse thoroughly, and rinse already under the tap.


You need to fill the bowl with water and immerse the dirty glass in it. For each liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia, and then rinse the products well in the solution.

Ammonia can not only clean crystal and glass well, but also give them shine.


Salt solution also helps to cope with the contamination of glass products.

Washed vessels do not need to be wiped, let them dry naturally. After drying, the dishes will shine like new.


You can fill a small basin with slightly warm water and add 2-3 teaspoons of mustard powder.

Clean the products and rinse them in running cold water. It is not necessary to wipe with a towel.


Remove grease, soot and soot from glassware with lemon juice.

It can be used for washing in its pure form, or mixed in required quantity with water. In addition, lemon juice gives the glass an extraordinary shine.


To remove plaque from the walls of glass utensils, as well as to give it shine, ordinary soda will help.

Items must be washed warm water and rub them with a sponge sprinkled with soda. Leave the dishes in this form for 5 minutes, and rinse in cool water.

Checking the cleanliness of a glass or a glass glass is very simple. Must be poured into a container clean water so that it flows along the walls. If the drops flow down in streams, then the product is clean. On soiled material, water usually collects in droplets.

Eliminate plaque

On some kitchen glass products, including decorative vases, limescale may form over time. Any hostess knows that it is quite difficult to wash it.

You should not try to wipe off cloudiness with scratching brushes or sponges.

How can you wash glassware at home without using household chemicals? There is an easy way to properly remove plaque. It is necessary to pour ordinary vinegar into a crystal vessel, and rub the walls with it. Leave for 15-20 minutes, the pollution will begin to dissolve under the action of acid. After that, the dirt can be simply washed off with water.

The solution works on the same principle. citric acid. It is enough to pour water into a contaminated container and pour 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon, then stir thoroughly until dissolved.

All home cleansing methods are not only safe for health, but also effective. Following useful advice, glassware will delight hosts and guests with dazzling brilliance and cleanliness for a long time to come.

Cleaning and boiling dishes is quick and easy. Read the cleaning recipes in this article.

The dishes in which we cook food on fire require permanent care. Burnt spots of fat spoil the appearance of dishes. It is not very aesthetically pleasing and ugly when pots with black coating are in the kitchen.

  • Nagar can be so persistent that even the latest cleaning agent cannot cope with it. How to remove such pollution?
  • Every kitchen has pots made from different materials: aluminum, glass, ceramics, enamel coated and others.
  • Any material has its own characteristics, so let's look at what effective detergents from the store exist, and what folk ways can be used to permanently get rid of the burnt black plaque on the dishes.

Means for boiling dishes from the store: list

Fairy Detergent

Now in store big choice innovative cleaning products. If you don’t want to mess with “grandmother’s” recipes: boil for a single day and wait a long time until the dishes are cleaned, then buy products in the store that are designed to clean soot and stubborn fat deposits.

Store-bought products are not designed to boil dishes, they can only wash them. But for efficiency, many housewives simply dissolve the product in boiling water and therefore lower the pots into this solution for 15-20 minutes. If the dirt is very ingrained and old, then you can leave the dishes in the solution overnight.

Here is a list of really effective dish cleaners from the store that you can use to make a solution and soak dishes for a long time in boiling water:

  • Fae
  • Gala
  • Silit gel
  • Winnie's
  • De la Mark
  • Calgonit Finish Gel

It is enough to dissolve just a few drops of these products in water with a temperature of 90 degrees to get rid of old fatty deposits on pans. But remember, if you work with store-bought products, then you need to follow the safety precautions:

  • Rinse thoroughly after cleaning. Many cleaning products, especially gels, do not wash off well.
  • Work only with gloves to protect the skin of the hands from allergies.
  • Ensure air flow- during cleaning in the kitchen, the window should be constantly open, at least for ventilation.
  • Put on a respirator. If you have one, then when using a chemical cleaner, you should wear such protection. This will help protect the respiratory system from harmful fumes.

Sometimes the soot on the dishes is so persistent that even boiling with ordinary detergents is powerless. Then the housewives use aggressive products, which are sometimes not intended for cleaning dishes. When using such "nuclear" means, you need to protect yourself by wearing a protective mask and gloves. Two products from the store are mainly used to remove stubborn dirt:

  • "Shumanit" - cream-grease remover. Its action is fast, and it will be able to dissolve even many years of carbon deposits on the surface. Just a few minutes is enough, and the product will perfectly cope with the dirt, the dishes will become spotlessly clean. But remember the high toxicity of this product, so work with gloves and a respirator.
  • Gel for cleaning sewer pipes. Such remedies are considered aggressive, but very effective. They must be stored in a place protected from children. Any plaque will be removed if the dishes are soaked in a solution of 0.5 liters of this product and 5 liters of water. It is necessary to keep the products in the solution for as long as the dirt itself begins to come off the surface.

Important: Be careful with utensils non-stick coating. Even one scratch can ruin a pot or pan and render it unusable.

For such dishes, it is better to use not store-bought cleaning products, but folk methods of dealing with soot, which allow you to remove dirt without effort.

How to boil dishes from fat and soot with stationery glue, soda ash: a recipe

If you need to remove persistent soot from the surface of the dishes, without putting much effort, there is one recipe that has been proven by many housewives.

  • With it, you can make a solution in which it is enough to boil the dishes and the dirt comes off by itself - no need to clean and scrape. But the older the soot, the longer it will take to boil.
  • For efficiency, you can leave the dishes in the solution until it cools overnight and then it remains only to rinse the clean surface with water.
  • Such a solution is non-toxic, but its vapors can be harmful to an organism prone to allergies.
  • Therefore, the boiling process must be carried out in a kitchen with closed door and an open window.

Here is a recipe to help clean dishes from grease and soot by boiling with stationery glue, soda ash:

What you need:

  • Tank for 30 liters. You can also use a 10-liter bucket, but then reduce the amount of ingredients by three times.
  • Soda ash - 0.5 packs.
  • Stationery glue - one bottle per 150-200 grams. The glue must be clean, without PVA admixture - transparent, like glass.

Now do this:

  • Grate one bar of brown laundry soap on a coarse grater. White soap will not work, only the bars that used to be sold in Soviet time- a real brown soap, with a pungent smell.
  • Now pour water into a 30-liter tank and put it on gas.
  • When the water is hot, add the grated soap and stir. At the same time, pour in the soda and pour in the glue. Stir the solution constantly to dissolve the soap and baking soda.
  • When the solution boils, put the dishes in it. If the dirt is not resistant, then you will immediately see how it starts to come off. Black or brown plaque should be boiled for 15-30 minutes, and then leave the dishes in this solution for several hours, until cool.
  • If after the time you see that the dirt does not come off, then repeat the procedure the next day, and boil the dishes, you can in the same solution.
  • After that, rinse the dishes under running water and continue to use them.

Important: This method is not suitable for cleaning aluminum cookware, as it may darken.

How to boil dishes from fat and soot with baking soda?

Less aggressive for cleaning dishes - baking soda. It can also be used to remove stubborn dirt. It is necessary to boil the dishes from fat and soot with baking soda with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Here is the prescription:

  • Pour water into a 30-liter saucepan and dissolve 1 cup baking soda.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.
  • Put the tank on fire and stir until the soda is completely dissolved.
  • Then put the dishes in it and boil for half an hour.
  • Then turn off the heat, and when the solution has cooled, remove the clean dishes from the tank and rinse with water.

This method is suitable if you follow the dishes and there is no thick layer of old soot on them. If the dirt is old, then use the previous surface cleaning recipe.

How to boil dishes from fat and soot with laundry soap?

Many people are allergic to soda ash and therefore cannot use products with it. But with a touch and old fat Laundry soap works great too. Buy a bar of brown soap with a pungent smell in the store and start removing dirt:

  • To boil dishes from grease and soot with laundry soap, you need to put a large tank of water on the gas.
  • Then grate a bar of soap on a grater and dissolve this shavings in water.
  • Add a little of any cleaning agent (1-2 tablespoons), stir and dip the dishes into the solution. It should boil in this tool for at least 15 minutes.
  • Then turn off the gas, cool the solution, remove the dishes and rinse with running water.

Remember: When boiling dishes in soapy water, a window should be open in the kitchen so that there is air movement.

Is it possible and how to boil, boil glass, ceramic, aluminum, plastic dishes and what kind?

Experienced housewives know that not all dishes can be boiled. High temperatures do not tolerate such materials:

  • Aluminum- at temperatures above 90 degrees and under the influence of detergents, this material darkens. Such traces of reaction can remain forever.
  • Glass- if the dishes made of this material are heat-resistant, then it can be boiled, but separately from other products, so as not to break. If the dishes are made of ordinary glass, then it is not recommended to boil it with detergents, as it can leave an ugly and indelible white coating.
  • Ceramics- under the influence of high temperature, the glaze, which is usually covered with dishes from this material, can collapse.
  • Plastic- Deformation of the product will occur due to high temperature. Soap solution leaves a persistent coating.

Worth knowing: glass, ceramic, aluminum, plastic utensils do not boil!

  • If there is persistent contamination on the surface of pots, stewpans or other utensils, then you need to make a solution of soda ash, laundry soap and silicate glue according to the recipe described above.
  • Boil these ingredients in water until completely dissolved, then turn off the gas, and lower the dishes into a slightly cooled solution (temperature not higher than 80 degrees).

Important: It is better to wash ceramics and aluminum in a solution with a temperature not higher than 40-60 degrees.

Baking soda, glue and soap will remove stubborn stains even in warm water. Therefore, keep an eye on the dishes and clean them more often in such a gentle way.

How and how to clean aluminum, enameled, cupronickel, stainless steel, copper, cast iron, nickel-plated dishes: useful tips

Each housewife has several effective recipes to help prepare a solution for cleaning dishes made from a particular material. Remember that aluminum, nickel-plated and enamelware do not clean with hard brushes and abrasives, as this may damage the surface. Also cupronickel, aluminum and copper should not be boiled, the surface may darken.

Here are a few useful tips how and with what to clean dishes from different materials:


  • Fears hot water so boiling is prohibited.
  • Can be washed with a soft sponge dipped in a soapy solution or a cleaning gel solution.
  • Do not use alkaline or acidic solutions, as they destroy the surface of this metal.


  • Do not clean with abrasive pastes and hard brushes as they can damage the enamel.
  • Can be boiled in soapy water with the addition of soda and silicate glue.
  • Well cleans unstable plaque ordinary mustard, baking soda and table salt.


  • It is unacceptable to boil, as the surface of such dishes may darken.
  • To clean cupronickel products, dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt and powdered shells of two eggs in 3 liters of water. Put on gas until boiling. When the water boils, wait until it cools down, and put spoons, forks, knives and other cupronickel utensils into this solution overnight. Rinse in clean water in the morning.
  • The water in which the eggs were boiled helps to remove old stains on cupronickel. Take them out, cool the water and put cupronickel dishes in it for a couple of hours. Then rinse with water.
  • If the cookware is made of real stainless steel, and not the usual nickel-plated metal, then you can clean such cookware with anything.
  • stainless steel not afraid of boiling, abrasive pastes and hard brushes.
  • Use any of the methods above to eliminate light or old contaminants: boiling, store-bought products, and so on.

Nickel-plated tableware

  • The nickel-plated coating must not be cleaned with abrasive products or hard brushes.
  • Ammonia does an excellent job of removing dirt on this metal: soak a cotton pad in ammonia and wipe the surface.
  • If the dirt is persistent, then you need to rub the surface of the dishes with any fat and leave it like that for a couple of days.. Then remove the fat with a touch of a napkin dipped in ammonia.
  • Vinegar and salt they clean dirt well on such dishes: dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and the same amount of vinegar in 1 liter of warm water. Wipe the dishes with a cloth soaked in this solution.

Copper kitchen utensils

  • This metal is soft and therefore it is forbidden to clean it with hard brushes and abrasive powders.
  • Kerosene and chalk Works great on copper utensils. First wipe the products with kerosene, and then with chalk powder.
  • A solution of hydrochloric acid and water in a ratio of 50: 1. Contaminants are wiped with a cloth soaked in this solution. Don't forget protective gloves and a respirator.
  • Tartar and lemon juice. Dissolve some potassium salt, tartaric acid, in lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this mixture to the copper surface and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Cast iron cookware

  • Soak this cookware immediately after use in warm water. After 30 minutes, the surface of the cast iron will be well cleaned of grease with a washcloth dipped in any detergent.
  • Such dishes can be boiled in a solution of soda, soap and glue.
  • Vinegar and baking soda also help to cope with soot on cast iron cookware. Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of baking soda in water. Boil the solution and soak the dishes in it overnight. Remove the products in the morning and rinse with water.

If you are not a follower folk methods fight dirt, or you can’t clean the surface of dishes with ordinary soap, soda or vinegar, then use the products offered by stores.

Cleaning products and powders for dishes from the store: a list

Procter & Gamble

The ideal cleaning agent should remove carbon deposits from the surface of the dishes within a few minutes. The foam that forms on a washcloth or napkin when using these products should be well washed off even with cold water. In addition, the tool should have a low price.

Here is a list of the best cleaning products and dish powders from the store:

  • Nefis Cosmetics
  • "Neva cosmetics"
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Greenfield Rus
  • Alphatechform LLC
  • Winnie's
  • "Energy Harmony"
  • De la Mark
  • Sarma
  • Fairy
  • "Surprise for Cinderella"

Here is the list the best means, which do an excellent job of dirt on kitchen utensils in the dishwasher:

  • Reckitt Benckiser
  • Claro
  • Frosch

Any of these tools will cope with unstable pollution quickly and efficiently. The dishes after washing will have a slight creak and shine, like new ones.

How and what dishes can be cleaned with toothpaste?

Few housewives know that they do an excellent job with fatty contamination in the kitchen. toothpaste. It even cleans the facades of furniture, the surface of refrigerators and tiles. But how and what dishes can be cleaned with toothpaste? With the help of this tool, dishes made of such material will shine:

  • Aluminum
  • Steel with enamel
  • Melchior
  • Stainless steel
  • Copper
  • Cast iron
  • Porcelain
  • Faience
  • Glass
  • Nickel
  • Ceramics
  • Plastic

In general, almost all materials can be cleaned with toothpaste. It does not leave scratches and does not darken - this is an indispensable tool for cleaning modern housewives. Apply a little paste to a napkin (if you are afraid that scratches will appear on the dishes) or a brush (for stainless steel, cast iron and other metal that is not afraid of scratches), and rub the surface of pots, pans, spoons, forks and other products. Then rinse the paste with water and you will see that the dishes shine like new.

How and what dishes can be cleaned with ammonia?

Ammonia does an excellent job of removing dirt on glass, copper, cupronickel, aluminum, porcelain, earthenware, nickel-plated and ceramic dishes. With this tool, you can both rub the surface of the dishes, and dissolve in water with tooth powder. Effectively cleans impurities ammonia dissolved in a small amount of water with the addition of lemon juice and water.

There are many recipes for making cleaning products for kitchen utensils. All of them are effective and quickly remove carbon deposits. Create your own recipes and share the secrets of quick dish cleaning. Good luck!

Video: Dishwashing liquid. Natural selection

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Not every housewife can wash dishes immediately after cooking. But even with timely washing, an unpleasant black soot forms on the surface of the pans. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the kitchen as a whole, but also harms health.

How to remove it, what means to use, and what to remember?

5 effective ways to clean frying pans from carbon deposits

Nagar is a "mix" of soot and old fat.

It would seem, well, what's wrong with not cleaning the pans to a shine after each cooking? Many, over there, even consider soot to be the secret of cooking especially delicious food.

But cleaning the soot is still important and necessary. And main reason- This is the release of carcinogens that occurs when exposed to high temperature.

According to numerous studies, soot often becomes a "springboard" to the development of oncology due to the slow intoxication of the body.

Therefore, pans should be cleaned as often as possible. The main thing is to choose the right way.

The following are recognized as the most effective methods for cleaning cast-iron pans from heavy soot:

  1. We apply an oven and brazier cleaner to the pan, tightly wrap it in polyethylene, leave it for 12 hours. Remove carbon deposits with a melamine sponge or a regular metal sponge. Next, it remains only to wash the dishes with a sponge using a regular dishwashing detergent.
  2. We carefully calcine the pan on the stove, in the oven or on the fire, having previously poured salt or sand inside. Next, remove from the fire (with an oven mitt!) And tap the dishes so that the soot is showered from it. The remains are removed with a metal sponge. You can also use a blowtorch for this purpose.
  3. Grinding. Using a drill and a metal brush nozzle, we remove carbon deposits, as if “grinding” the pan. The result is 100%, but this work is not for women. It is also important to protect your eyes and face from flying metal chips.
  4. Ammonium chloride and borax. A great way that is suitable even for cleaning the grate from the stove. We mix a couple of drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax in a glass of warm water, apply the solution to the pan, pack it in a sealed bag, shake it and leave it overnight. In the morning, it remains only to thoroughly rinse the used product.
  5. Soviet method. We heat water in a large container (so that the pan fits), add a bar of ordinary laundry soap, 2 packs of silicate glue and a pound of soda. We dissolve the components and mix, lower the pan into the solution and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and leave the pan in it for 3 hours. Then you just have to wash the dish with a regular sponge. Important: the smell from the glue is very unpleasant, without exhaust and open windows not enough.

We remove the scratches that arise after radical cleaning with fine sandpaper.

These methods are not suitable for ceramics, Teflon and even aluminum.

We remove soot in a pan with folk remedies - the best ways

  • Vinegar (for cast iron skillet) We dissolve vinegar in water (1: 3), pour the product into a pan and heat it over low heat, sometimes adding a little water. After you have to boil the pan in soda solution to remove the smell of vinegar.
  • Laundry soap (for almost any pan). We rub it on a grater, dissolve it in boiling water and lower the pan into the solution - let it cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • Oil with powder (for any frying pan). Pour into a container 3 spoons sunflower oil add a few tablespoons washing powder, add water and after boiling, lower the pan into the solution - soak.
  • Citric acid (for cast iron pan). We dilute 1 tsp of acid in 1 liter of water, after which we soak the pan in it for 1 hour. If the soot is old, the procedure may have to be carried out twice.

Video: How to clean a frying pan, burners, pots and other utensils from years of soot and old fat?

5 safe home remedies for cleaning pans at home

Unlike cast iron pans, which can be cleaned by simply dropping it over a fire, non-stick cookware requires extremely delicate care.

  1. Digestion. We dissolve a glass of detergent and 50 g of soda (preferably soda ash) in 3 liters of water, lower the dishes into a container with this solution and boil for 30-35 minutes on low heat.
  2. Coca Cola. Pour a glass of soda into the bowl and boil for 30 minutes. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, boil the entire pan in the drink.
  3. Dishwasher. Option fit for dishes with light soot. Important: carefully choose the temperature, detergent. Abrasives are not allowed. And one more thing: pay attention to whether the manufacturer allows washing a particular pan in the dishwasher.
  4. Food disintegrant. We mix a glass of water and a couple of tablespoons of the product, pour the solution into a bowl and boil. After the liquid has cooled, remove the carbon deposits with a regular sponge. For external soot, we make more solution and lower the whole pan into it.
  5. Melamine sponge. An option that is suitable for any frying pan. Naturally, a sponge will not give in to a thick and old soot, but if you have not yet managed to bring the pan to such a state, then a melamine sponge is in your hands! More precisely, in gloves, because this tool is not safe for health. By itself, a melamine sponge is ideal for cleaning deposits, rust and other contaminants, but you should wash the dishes thoroughly after using it (preferably twice and pour over with boiling water for reliability).

7 best store-bought products for cleaning frying pans from soot and old grease

The chemical industry never ceases to delight customers, and today there are a huge number of various means for the kitchen, helping the hostess to keep her nerves - and pens - intact.

Among the most effective remedies for soot, fat and soot, buyers distinguish the following:

  • Domestos. Average price: 200 rubles. An effective product with a powerful scent. Wear gloves and open window.
  • Unicum Gold. Average price: 250 rubles. Quality grease remover from an Israeli company. Ideal for cleaning dishes from soot and old dirt. Not suitable for aluminum or scratched surfaces.
  • Mr. Muscle (note - Expert for the kitchen). Average price: about 250 rubles. This product has already proven itself with better side. It will easily clean from fat and frying pans, and grates of the stove, and the oven, and a baking sheet. The action time is about 30 minutes.
  • Shumanit. Average price: about 500 rubles. The tool is expensive, "thermonuclear" in smell, but fantastically effective. Impeccable cleanliness can be achieved in a matter of minutes: no fat and soot! Minus - you need to work with gloves.
  • Cillit. Average price: about 200 rubles. This remedy also does not smell of roses and requires open windows and a respirator, but it removes even the oldest and most powerful contaminants that have not succumbed to any folk remedy. For enameled and other delicate surfaces, the product is not suitable.
  • Miracle-Antinagar from Himitek. Average price: 300 rubles. Patriotic, effective remedy for quick and easy removal of food soot.
  • Any pipe cleaner. Average price: 100-200 rubles. Although such products are aggressive in their effect, they still remain the most effective for cleaning the most difficult contaminants. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for Teflon, but a cast-iron pan can easily be subjected to this cleaning method. With the help of such a tool, soot will come off the pan, even with its thickest layer. For 5 liters of water, use ½ liter of the product. Important: do not add water to the product, but the reagent itself - to the water!

Video: How to clean a frying pan from soot without chemicals?

Top tips for cleaning and caring for different types of pans

Most important tips for cleaning pans, they concern, first of all, the health of housewives. Why do we need clean pans if you can at least get poisoned by inhaling the fumes of toxic household chemicals?

Therefore, the most important thing...

  1. Use rubber gloves. Remember that household chemicals can also act through the skin.
  2. Wear a respirator if you use "vigorous" household products. AT last resort, you can use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. High-quality wash dishes after using household chemicals. The ideal option is to boil so that there is not even a hint of the use of "chemistry".
  4. Open windows while cleaning and, if possible, do it outside.
  5. Drive children and animals out of the room at the time of using household chemicals. Unless this is the kind of eco-chemistry that even apples can be washed with. But you can’t wash off carbon deposits with such chemistry.

What should you remember about cleaning pans?

  • Thoroughly wash the pan immediately after cooking . So you will greatly simplify your work.
  • If the outside of the pan is covered with a layer of fat and soot after cooking, put it in a bowl of boiling water - let it get wet. You can boil for 15 minutes, and then easily clean with a simple sponge. Easier to clean light soot than fat and old.
  • Avoid using metal sponges and abrasive cleaners for washing pans. The more scratches, the more unsafe it is to wash the dish with chemicals, the stronger the soot sticks, the more dangerous it is to cook in such a pan.
  • Cast iron pans should be heated as hot as possible before cooking in them. How better frying pan warms up, the less soot will be.
  • Wash aluminum pans without abrasives - warm water, sponge and baking soda. Aluminum oxidizes after hard cleaning, and this oxide, if it enters the body, is very harmful to health. Therefore, such pans should be washed only with gentle means and tools.
  • Use regular laundry soap when washing - it is more effective than even the most modern means for dish washing.
  • Wipe pans after washing hard waffle towels.
  • Teflon dishes should be changed every six months.