How to quickly remove soot from the pan. How to clean a cast iron pan from rust: methods, remedies, prevention

11/19/2016 3 10 245 views

Demanded in the kitchen, the frying pan of a good housewife is contained in perfect condition. This is not easy to do, and the question of how to clean a cast-iron pan from many years of soot arises quite often for many women. This element of dishes is one of the most ancient.

The ancient Chinese called the frying pan wok, the Georgians called it ketsi, and the Slavs called it latka. Its modern counterparts among the Spaniards are great for making paella. All over the world, the younger sister of latka, the deep fryer, has been widely used. And it is a shame when it turns out that the product is in an unsightly condition.

Methods for cleaning a cast iron pan from years of soot

Shiny, shining clean dishes in the kitchen are the standard of a zealous housewife. Each of them knows perfectly well: one has only to run a metal product a little, leave traces of fat on it or vegetable oil as it instantly becomes overgrown with dirt.

An old soot is formed on it, which is almost impossible to get rid of with the usual household chemicals. Most quickly, it acquires an unsanitary crust on the outside, but if the hostess has no time all the time, then a black border appears inside, gradually occupying an increasing usable area products. In the end, the pan becomes completely unusable.

Make sure everyone has utensils new design, with non-stick coating and other marvels of science and technology, such problems would not arise. At the same time, using old products to make the same Shrovetide pancakes is a special chic. Many women do not part with cast-iron frying pans of the last century on purpose to emphasize their bright individuality and commitment to their ancestral roots. Do not be sad about a running product, it can be brought into perfect condition:

  • with the help of roasting;
  • by boiling in solution laundry soap;
  • using soda ash;
  • boiling it in a vessel, where the main component is silicate glue;
  • mechanical action, processing pollution with a metal bristle.

You can use other improvised means that are available in your kitchen and are perfect for these purposes: vinegar, salt, soda, as well as special preparations.

Boiling in solutions

Let's start with the most easy way. With the help of an easily obtained composition, you can forever leave long-standing soot in the past. We have two options, each of which is effective and full-fledged.

Soap, baking soda and glue

This is very reliable way used by previous generations of housewives. It's about oh very budget way. You do not have to buy expensive proprietary products in the store. Everything offered in this recipe, sold in trading network at the lowest prices. It may seem strange, but a layer of fat and burning that cannot be cleaned with modern detergents literally disappears after exposure to a composition of: silicate glue, soda ash, laundry soap.

There is one significant nuance here. Experts recommend using dark laundry soap as a component. That is, the classic, which was in use in previous years. Light counterparts, with all sorts of aromatic bells and whistles, will not give the desired effect.

The following steps are given in the format of a step-by-step method:

  • we take a standard piece of dark soap, which can be grated on a metal grater, using the side to obtain the smallest fractions;
  • mix the resulting sawdust with a tube of glue squeezed into a prepared shallow, wide container and add soda ash (200 gr.);
  • pour warm water, immerse the contaminated dishes and boil until the old layer begins to peel off.

A few tips along the way:

  • the boiling container should not be too deep and, at the same time, have a width sufficient for the product to be cleaned to fit freely in it;
  • the less water and the higher the content of the main components in it, the faster we will get the desired effect;
  • the time for the whole process is determined by the degree of neglect of the product, just like boiled potatoes, it must be tried “for readiness” with a knife or other suitable object;
  • if it was not possible to achieve the full effect in the first digestion, you should remove our cast-iron frying pan and try to scrape off the yielding places before cooling, and then put it back into the boiling solution.

Do not forget to open the window in the kitchen in time so as not to be poisoned by aggressive vapors of a specific liquid.

A solution of vinegar, baking soda and rock salt

And here is another, as budgetary as the previous one, the option of removing an old layer of grease and dirt from your dishes:

  1. We take soda, vinegar and salt in equal proportions.
  2. Fill with water from the same calculation as in the previous case - the greater the consistency, the faster the desired effect is achieved.
  3. To start, boil for half an hour.
  4. If the desired result was not achieved, we boil just the same.

As a rule, a systematic method of removing old traces of previous cooking will be faster and take much less time.

How to burn?

The high firing temperature will help remove the old grease and dirt. There are several recipes to clean a cast-iron pan from years of soot, they require different conditions. But, in any case, success is guaranteed.

First method

This option does not require any costs from you at all:

  • on the gas stove, the largest burner is selected;
  • the fire is made so that it completely captures the entire surface of your pan;
  • within a few minutes, the peeling process may begin, use a knife, screwdriver or other tools;
  • after all contamination on one side has been eliminated, turn the product over and repeat the same procedure from the very beginning.

Then the dishes must be washed using ordinary household chemicals and a foam rubber sponge.

Second method

This time, the blowtorch comes into play. Under the influence of a hard fiery jet on problem areas together the fat turns out to be soot. It can be removed much faster by conventional means. What you need to know to maintain safety: a kitchen is hardly suitable for such an experiment; a garage is the most optimal for this purpose; as in all other cases of handling this tool, do not forget about goggles or a special mask.

The place for firing must be equipped, foreign objects are not appropriate here due to the risk of fire.

Third method

This is the simplest solution. It can be combined with a trip to nature:

  1. Take with you on the road all items with similar pollution.
  2. On the outdoors(but not in the forest!) build a fire and place all the items that need cleaning there.
  3. If your pan has a handle made of plastic, wood or other material, it should be carefully dismantled, and after thermal treatment, returned to its original place.
  4. Exposure to fire in this case is allowed for 15 minutes.
  5. After that, with the help of a camping knife, an attempt is made to get rid of the dirt.
  6. If it doesn't work, repeat the process again.

And so on until all the dishes that require cleaning shine like new.

Using a wire brush

It is necessary if you follow the instructions above and boil or fire the item. Because when scraping, you still need to use a knife or other convenient tools. A metal brush in this regard is better suited than others.

Video: how to clean a cast iron skillet at home?

Special funds

There are special preparations that are available in the distribution network. Such tools are more expensive, but they perfectly answer the question: how can you clean the pan to a radiant state. You will need the Shumanite potential or the special power of Milam-Gel:

  1. We put on special gloves on our hands, and on the eyes - protection against chemistry in the form of special glasses.
  2. Apply a layer of cleaner to the surface and let it work thoroughly on the dirt.
  3. After that, wash off any dirt that has formed.

Strictly follow the attached instructions, because you are dealing with very potent drugs.

What additional funds may be needed?

A few more tips:

  • pour salt on the contaminated surface, pour vinegar and let this composition boil well;
  • a good effect will be given by sand poured into the dishes, and then thoroughly calcined in it;
  • leave the washing powder mixed with soda and water “for soaking”, and then boil the resulting mixture.

After completing all the above methods, it will be a good idea to calcine vegetable oil on the surface of the pan.

Reading time: 1 minute

Any frying pan - Teflon, aluminum, steel and even ceramic, is nevertheless covered with a repulsive-looking soot over time. Alas, his unattractive appearance is only the “tip of the iceberg”. Burnt, accidentally caught in food, may well provoke the development of stomach cancer. Metal scales, burnt fat, coupled with harmful microorganisms multiplying in this environment, are not very beneficial for our health. But how to clean the pan from soot, we will try to analyze in detail in this article.

All methods for effectively cleaning pans can be divided into three broad categories - chemical, thermal and mechanical. We will tell you in detail about each - and you will choose what you like best. In addition, they will tell you how to clean the pan from soot, the video in this material.


The following will help to mechanically clean the pan.


Even our distant ancestors cleaned their pans with water and sand. Nowadays, there is a rather convenient alternative - sandblasting, the best answer to the question "How to clean the pan from heavy carbon deposits?" Sand, pushed out by compressed air, will clean any stewpan from carbon deposits and dirt in minutes. There is only one minus - such a procedure can only be carried out in a tire shop.

Advice! Please note that sandblasting can damage the integrity of the surface of the pan.

A more masculine way - you will need a petal end circle. A complete cleaning of even a large frying pan will take no more than 5 minutes. An alternative is a drill with a suitable nozzle.

Metal brushes

You can buy such a tool in any hypermarket. Well, then - we clean the pan from soot. To help yourself, heat the pan over the burner from time to time. An alternative is a fire, a blowtorch. A metal brush can be replaced with a knife or a sharp scraper.

Advice! Mechanical cleaning is good for cast iron, but unacceptable for Teflon and ceramics.


For this method, stock up on the following:

  • Gas-burner ( as an alternative - a blowtorch);
  • Brick;
  • Wire washcloth;
  • Taz with cold water.

Perform the procedure either outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Put the brick on a vertical edge, and put a bowl on it in order to clean the pan from dirt and soot. Treat the bottom until it smokes. This effect can be achieved after 15-20 minutes. Then lower the skillet into a bowl of cold water. Due to the effect of temperature differences, it is easy to peel off the frying pan when cleaning it with a metal washcloth.

Advice! Be careful - a cast-iron pan can burst when using this method.


The method is the most common and acceptable at home. But when using it, do not forget about elementary rules safety: work only in well-ventilated areas, wearing thick rubber gloves and, in some cases, a respirator. Consider private methods.

Ideal for cleaning even the oldest saucepans. Therefore, this is the most appropriate answer to the question " How to clean a heavily soiled frying pan from soot?» However, the product is very aggressive, so do not start work without rubber gloves. Strong soot is removed with the exposure time of the product for 1-2 hours.

Household chemicals

What is most effective:

  • "Pemolux";
  • "Mr. Chister";
  • Amway oven cleaner;
  • "Fairy";
  • "Zepter";
  • "Sanita";
  • "Antinagar the Hedgehog" and so on.

"Antinagar Ezh" Line of products "Sanita" "Zepter"
"Mr. Chister" "Pemolux"

The tools shown in the photo cope well with mild to moderate pollution. Well, mechanical action, of course, is indispensable here.

Sewer pipe cleaner

The liquid must necessarily contain sodium hydroxide ( pure alkali). Naturally, you must work in tight rubber gloves. How to clean the pan from soot in this way? Pour the solution ( 500 g of product per 1 liter of water) into a non-metal bucket and leave the pan in it.

Alkali in this case is added to the water, and not vice versa! Otherwise, it will go stormy chemical reaction. After the pan is sufficiently soaked, it will be enough to rub it from the remnants of burning. Be sure to dispose of the toxic liquid in the bucket immediately after cleaning.

Advice! This method can lead to the formation of rust.

Acetic acid

If the pan does not have severe damage on the surface, then it is enough just to soak it for several hours in a bowl with a solution of acetic acid. Otherwise, be sure to wear gloves, wipe the pan with a sponge generously dipped in vinegar.

So that the dishes do not smell of vinegar, after cleaning, boil them in a container with the addition of soda.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Most safe way. Mix both of these components until a slurry is formed. Heat up a frying pan and add this mixture to it. After 5-10 minutes, you can start mechanical cleaning - soot should noticeably easier to move away from the surface.

Citric, acetic acid and soda

If you are looking for how to clean the frying pan from soot with folk remedies, this is the tool for you. Find a bowl or vat that is suitable in size, place a frying pan in it, fill it with water so that the bowl is completely hidden in the liquid. Add citric and acetic acid, taking into account 1/4 cup of the first and ½ of the second, per 1 liter of water. When all this mass boils, reduce the heat.

In 15 minutes you will already see the first fruits of this process. Take out the pan and rub it with a mechanical sponge - it is not necessary to completely erase the dirt, your task is to break the integrity of the burnt layer. Return the pan to the bowl on the stove again, adding a couple of tablespoons of baking soda. Leave to boil for 15-20 minutes. Then it remains with a metal sponge to remove the softened cinder.

Salt and soda

Heat the pan a little, moisten its surface, which then coat with a layer of baking soda or table salt. Then return the dish to the turned off but heated burner and leave to languish for an hour. Then it remains only to wipe off the fumes with an iron washcloth.

Oven cleaner

To begin with, the pan should be properly washed with ordinary dishwashing liquid. Then generously treat with oven cleaner and wrap overnight in a bag. The next day, you will have to use a hard sponge a little.

silicate glue

Now we will tell you how to clean the frying pan from soot. silicate glue. You will need:

  • two bottles of silicate glue;
  • one piece of laundry soap;
  • 500 g of soda;
  • large capacity for peculiar " cooking» frying pans.

Before the process, be sure to remove the wooden and plastic handles. Then proceed according to the algorithm:

  1. Fill the container with water, put on fire.
  2. Rub the soap on a grater and pour into the water. Add glue and soda there. Mix all the ingredients and wait until they are completely dissolved.
  3. Now lower the frying pan into the container.
  4. Boil the pot for 15 minutes.
  5. Turn off the burner, close the container with a lid and leave it for 2-3 hours.
  6. Finally, peel off the pieces of soot with a hard sponge or scraper.

You can visually get acquainted with this process in the video in this article.

Activated carbon

The method is good if something has recently burned in the pan. Grind 10 tablets of coal, sprinkle on the surface of the pan. Then add some water, soak for 1-2 hours. Next, just wash the dishes.

Ammonium chloride and borax

How to whiten a pan from soot yet? This method It will clean well not only the saucepan, but also the rest of the dishes. The method is quite simple: mix 1-2 drops of "ammonia" and 10 g of borax in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to the pan, leave to soak for a while. After that, rinse it off thoroughly.

Sunflower oil and washing powder

We will tell you how to boil the pan from soot, and present the ideal tool for cleaning corrugated surfaces. In a vat of water, add some powder and 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Then place the pan in the solution, and put the vat on the fire. Bring to a boil, let the dishes soak a little and wash them in the usual way.


For lovers of experiments, we suggest using an electrolysis plant. Here are the instructions for you:

  1. Pour 4.5 liters of water into a plastic bowl, add 1 tablespoon of soda there and lower the pan. Place a steel plate ( ideal baking tray).
  2. The red clamp is fixed on the baking sheet, and the black clamp is fixed on the pan. Turn on the machine at 10 amps.
  3. Only the part of the pan that is immersed in water and facing the pan will be cleaned. The closer it is located to him, the greater the effect on the burning. But they should not touch - otherwise the effect will come down to " No».
  4. As soon as bubbles appear in the water, the process is started!
  5. After such an impact, you will only have to scrape off the now easily supplied soot.

Frequent cases

Now is the time to look at tips to help you clean specific types frying pans.


Let's imagine two ways that suggest how to clean a steel pan from carbon deposits.

Required components: Method description:
Soda Pour over the pan on all sides hot water and generously sprinkle all its surfaces with soda ash.

Rub, applying force, areas with soot, and then leave the saucepan to soak in soda for half an hour. Then rinse with water and repeat if necessary.

Salt Pour half a glass of salt into the pan and put it on fire. Heat up for 15 minutes. Then leave the pan with salt for a few hours. In conclusion, rub the surface of the dish with a sponge.

Cast iron

There are two ways to wash such a pan.

Required components: Method description:
Laundry soap,


PVA glue

Take a large pot, iron basin or vat, place a frying pan there and fill it with water. The vessel must be completely immersed in the liquid.

Grind a piece of laundry soap into this container on a grater, add 500 g of soda and 200 ml of PVA glue.

Bring to a boil and keep on fire until the soot comes off in chunks. Don't forget to ventilate the kitchen.

At the end of the procedure, spoil the walls of the pan with a metal washcloth.

Hardening in the oven And now - how to clean the grill pan from soot. Remove all plastic elements from it, heat the oven to 250 degrees and place the pan there. During the procedure, the kitchen should also be well ventilated.

Now let's look at how to clean a softer and " capricious» metal.


We will tell at the same time how to clean a stainless steel pan from soot. Aluminum should not be cleaned mechanically - heating and boiling the dishes will be quite effective.

Required components: Method description:

PVA glue,


The above can be replaced with 300 g of table salt

Pour ten liters of water into a large iron container, add the listed “ingredients” and, in fact, the pan - it should be completely hidden in the water. Put the vat on the fire and boil for at least 2 hours.
Sand - to remove carbon deposits inside the pan Pour sand into the pan to the very brim, put it on the fire and heat it for 2 hours. Then it remains only to throw away the sand along with the layer of burning.

And now a frying pan made of atypical material.


Ceramic frying pans are very convenient in the household and are almost indispensable in the preparation of quick breakfasts - pancakes, scrambled eggs. However, carbon deposits can also form on this easy-to-clean coating. In no case do not try to remove it with abrasive products - you are guaranteed to ruin the coating of the thing. It is better to refer to the following methods that we have placed in the table.

Required components: Method description:
Alcohol How to clean a pancake pan from soot if it is ceramic? Rub the soot stain with a cotton pad - a few gentle movements and it will quickly come off the surface.
Boiling - if food is burnt in the pan Pour water into the bottom of the pan to cover it. Then put the saucepan on the burner. Leave to boil for about 15 minutes.

In most cases, after this, carbon deposits can be easily removed with a soft sponge. If this did not help you, then repeat the procedures by adding a bag of powder to the water. citric acid.


How to clean a non-stick frying pan from carbon deposits quickly and safely? One effective method will help to clean such a “capricious” material.

Having figured out how to clean a non-stick pan from soot, let's move on to the next question.

Oily coating restoration

If the pan is not ceramic or Teflon, then such an effective cleaning will deprive it of an oily layer, and the food on such a dish will burn. To prevent this from happening, you can return it in two ways, the price of the money spent on which is very symbolic.

With the help of salt

Follow this simple algorithm:

  1. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan generously with salt and roast it for 15-20 minutes. As soon as you hear crackling, start stirring the salt, touching the bottom of the pan. Ignite it for another 20 minutes.
  2. Once the pan has cooled, remove the salt and rinse the saucepan.
  3. Heat the pan well again - when it becomes hot, grease its surface with a brush dipped in vegetable oil.
  4. As soon as the oil starts to burn, quickly remove it. paper napkin clean and refill. You will have to repeat the described procedure three times to achieve the effect.

In the oven

This method at the same time and perfectly cope with rust. Stick to the following algorithm:

  1. Bake the pan in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for 40 minutes.
  2. Lubricate the pan with oil - sunflower, burdock or olive oil, and return to the oven. However, this time the temperature should be already 230 degrees. To prevent oil from splattering the oven, protect its walls and bottom with foil.
  3. After the pan has cooled, it will again need to be greased with oil.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of soot than to remove it. We will share with you simple recommendations that will help you keep the pans in a presentable form for a long time:

  • Make it a habit to wash dirty dishes as soon as they appear. From the soaks for tomorrow» the first layers of fat appear, which later turn into soot.
  • Use laundry soap that effectively fights grease.
  • Wipe the pan with a hard towel after washing - it will help remove the remaining particles of fat.
  • Teflon pans are best washed with laundry soap, and when cooking, use special wooden spatulas.
  • Periodic calcination before cooking will help keep a clean cast-iron pan longer.
  • Cast iron is "afraid" dishwashers- it is better to wash such a pan by hand so that rust does not appear on it.
  • In no case do not clean aluminum with a metal washcloth or “sandpaper” - it is dangerous to eat food cooked in such dishes! Damaged aluminum is highly oxidized. Oxide, getting into human body, is deposited in the bone tissue, displacing calcium, which makes the bones brittle.
  • If you decide to clean the aluminum pan with abrasives, then generously grease it with soapy water and leave it in this state overnight. During this time, a film of aluminum dioxide is formed, which will stop the formation of harmful compounds.
  • The safest and easiest to clean dishes are ceramic. But such a pan has a significant disadvantage - it is very fragile.

Now you know exactly how to quickly clean the pan from soot - mechanical, thermal and chemical method. But any problem is easier to prevent than to solve - so do not disregard our tips for caring for these dishes.

A frying pan, in comparison with other utensils for cooking, is exposed to soot the most. It is not easy to wash an old tefal pan from external soot and dirt, as well as a stainless steel pan with a ceramic coating from many years of soot and from a thick layer of black soot. Some suggest using a drill, and one forum suggests doing everything with pva glue from the inside, but this article offers real and effective ways to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits.

How to clean a cast iron skillet

To clean a cast-iron pan, even from an old soot, you can put it empty for 5-7 minutes on an open flame. After this time, the still hot pan is turned over, and the soot softened by the flame is removed with a metal brush or a construction spatula.

How to clean an aluminum pan

The best way to clean an aluminum pan from soot is by boiling it in a solution of planed laundry soap with a handful of baking soda and a few tablespoons of bleach.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to boil the pan for several hours, and then manually scrape off the fat that has stuck over time. In advanced cases, this procedure will have to be done several times.

How to clean a non-stick pan

The best way to clean a non-stick or Teflon-coated pan from soot is to boil it in a solution detergent for dishes with the addition of calcined salt - it is strictly contraindicated to clean carbon deposits with a metal washcloth from such surfaces. Therefore, after each use of a pan with a non-stick coating, it is so important to thoroughly wash it of fat so that it cannot burn during further use of the dishes.

How to quickly clean the frying pan

If the coating allows, you can quickly clean the pan from soot using a metal washcloth and laundry soap. The pan is lathered and rubbed with a washcloth to the desired state of cleanliness. Old soot can be scraped off the pan if it is well heated over an open flame and also rubbed with a metal brush or washcloth.

You can clean the outside of the pan from carbon deposits using the oven. Place the empty skillet in the oven preheated to the maximum, and leave it there for an hour and a half. After this time, remove the pan and try, while it is still hot, scrape off the carbon deposits with a spatula or a metal brush. At heavy pollution the procedure will have to be done several times.

The inside of the pan will be a little easier to clean. Before putting it in the oven, pour the solution into it along its very edges. liquid glass mixed with soda and water. It will take approximately 1 pack of soda and 1-2 bottles of liquid glass to clean one pan - the rest is water.

How to clean a frying pan from soot coca cola

Non-old and slight soot in a pan, the coating of which is not recommended to be treated with a metal washcloth, can be eliminated by boiling in Coca-Cola.

old and thick layer soot is removed by boiling in another solution - in 5 liters. water is diluted with a pack of calcined or baking soda and one bottle of glue. The pan must be completely immersed in this solution. Boiling time - from half an hour to 2 hours, after which the soot softens and can be scraped off with a spatula or a metal washcloth.

How to clean the pan from soot with citric acid

A proven way to clean the pan from soot is citric acid. A heaping teaspoon of acid is added to a liter of water. The pan is immersed in the solution and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool in the same water, and then proceed to remove carbon deposits.

A good result is also obtained when, to remove soot, the pan is boiled in a solution of laundry soap and soda. Per liter of water - 0.5 packs of soda and half a bar of soap, which must first be cut. Boil for about 1.5-2 hours, after which the soot softens and can be cleaned.

Of the folk remedies for cleaning the pan from soot, the simplest is a fire. All the soot burns out in it, it remains only to first unscrew the plastic handles, which will melt in the fire flame. In urban conditions, a fire can be replaced by a gas stove. The essence of the method lies in the fact that an empty frying pan is heated on an open fire and the soot disappears by itself, or is easily scraped off from the surface of the frying pan.

Light soot from the pan can be removed by washing the pan each time with an iron washcloth soaped with laundry soap.

How to clean a frying pan from soot with sand

It will be easier to clean the pan from soot if ordinary sand is heated in it for several hours. The pan is filled with sand up to the very sides and placed on the burner of the stove. At the end of the specified time, the sand is poured out, and the carbon deposits are removed with a spatula or an iron brush.

Of course, you can’t remove the old soot from the pan with an apple. But stains and stains from aluminum pans are easy to remove. The apple is cut and the entire surface of the pan is wiped with its halves. After 10 minutes, the pan should be washed with warm water, and it will shine like new.

To clean pots and pans from soot and fat, you can use a solution whose main component is soda ash or stationery glue. For greater effectiveness, you can add laundry soap, baking soda or liquid detergent to the composition.

These compositions are not suitable for any coating, therefore, before processing dishes, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of its manufacturers.

soda ash

Both components do not pose a risk to human health, they are non-toxic. Wash ceramic, enameled, aluminum, cast iron cookware compositions based on soda ash will help without damage.

Method number 1. For pots

To clear kitchen utensils from soot, burnt fat, it is necessary to prepare a special solution. Dissolve 5 in a liter of warm water teaspoon soda ash.

The prepared product must be poured into the dishes that need to be cleaned, bring the liquid to a boil. Simmer on low heat for twenty minutes, then leave until the solution has cooled completely. Rub the contaminated areas with a foam sponge, pour out the solution, and rinse the dishes thoroughly under warm running water.

Method #2. For frying pans

When the pans are covered with a thick layer of soot, the best composition for removing it is a mixture of soda ash and liquid agent for dish washing. The latter contributes to the faster dissolution of burnt fat.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Take 1 tablespoon of soda ash, mix with 2 drops of dishwashing detergent and a little water.
  2. 2. Pour the prepared composition into a pan, put on fire and boil for 40 minutes. To prevent the solution from completely evaporating during this time, the fire should be reduced to a minimum.
  3. 3. Pour out the composition, wipe off the remaining fat with a hard sponge.
  4. 4. To eliminate the risk of microparticles of cleaning agent getting into food, pans should be boiled again after cleaning for clean water.

If soda ash was not at hand, then it can be replaced with laundry soap:

  1. 1. Grate 1/2 bar of laundry soap into a frying pan or saucepan, pour boiled water over it, boil for half an hour.
  2. 2. Pour out the solution, rub the dishes with detergent, rinse several times with clean water.

Stationery glue

Silicate stationery glue can corrode even the oldest soot and dirt. A cleansing composition with this component is able to restore the original shine to pans and pots.

To wash dishes, you can choose one of several ways to use it:

  1. 1. Prepare the mixture in proportions: 10 liters of warm water, 1 tube of glue and 1/3 pack of baking soda. Boil in this composition dirty dishes about half an hour, then rinse with clean water.
  2. 2. Fill a dirty pan 1/2 full of water. Add 1/3 pack of baking soda and 1 tube of glue. Boil the product for half an hour, leave to cool for three hours. This time is enough to activate the solution to destroy the layer of soot, soot and dried fat. After this procedure, the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed under running water with a soft sponge.
  3. 3. You will need 10 liters of water, 4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and 1 tube of silicate glue. Pour everything into a large saucepan, bring the liquid to a boil and place dirty kitchen utensils in it: plates, pots, pans. Boil for half an hour, remove the dishes and clean with a hard sponge, rinse in clean water. In no case should you leave the dishes in this solution, because the mixture can dry out, and then it will be problematic to wash it off.
  4. 4. In 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 cup of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tube of glue and a piece of laundry soap (grind on a coarse grater). Pour the mixture into a large saucepan or basin, put the dirty dishes in the same place. Boil from 25 minutes to 3 hours - the duration depends on the strength of the contamination. After the solution has completely cooled, remove the dishes and rinse them under running water.
  5. 5. In a bucket (10 liters), dissolve 100 grams of glue, 150 grams of baking soda. Load dirty utensils into the container, bring the composition to a boil. It is not necessary to remove the dishes from the container, this will destroy the carbon layer by 95%. Remains of dirt and soot can be cleaned with a metal brush or knife, rinsed with water.
  6. 6. For 4 liters of warm water, take 1/3 bar of laundry soap and 125 grams of silicate glue. Soap grate or crumble with a knife. In the resulting mixture, lower the pan, frying pan with old fat deposits, soot. Boil for 30-40 minutes. Then you can proceed as follows: remove the dishes from the solution and put them to cool separately or leave them in the same container with a hot composition. Regardless of the further method of action, the utensils must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water after cooling.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!

Achieving perfect cleanliness and shine of kitchen utensils is not always easy. A frying pan is one of the most necessary items in the kitchen, and it is necessary to keep it clean. It is known that black deposits on frying utensils contain carcinogens that are not the best way to affect health. To clean carbon deposits, fat from the bottom and walls of this kitchen utensils, housewives resort to special means, because easy wash not enough. It is important to choose an effective and efficient way so as not to spoil the accessory and not harm your health.

Ways to clean a frying pan

Each type of pollution requires different kind cleaning. The pan is often spattered with fat, which gradually turns into a dense layer of soot. It is easier to clean it if you wash the dishes immediately after stains appear on them. Otherwise, you can use one of two methods to eliminate scale - mechanical or impact method chemicals.

mechanical cleaning

You can clean the pans from soot and fat with a knife, scraper, steel wool, sandpaper. Rules:

  • Cleaning movements should be made away from you, and you need to scrape the dishes with a washcloth in a clockwise direction.
  • This method is only suitable for cast iron or metal products. Accessories with a Teflon, ceramic coating cannot be scraped in this way - the non-stick surface can be damaged.
  • From the outside, the utensils are sometimes covered with enamel or paint - in this case, it is undesirable to clean it from the outside with a knife.

Chemical cleaning

A little easier, but not always safer for dishes, to proceed with special means. There are mass folk recipes, according to which you can prepare a composition for cleaning kitchen utensils. These methods are easy to use, time-tested, and all components can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores. If you don’t want to prepare the mixture yourself, you can buy funds at the hardware store. household chemicals for cleaning pans. Some of them are universal - these are gels for cleaning grills, barbecues, gas stoves, hoods.

How to wash the pan from soot and fat

Household chemicals intended for cleaning soot are made on the basis of acid, alkali with the addition of auxiliary ingredients. Alkaline compounds are softer, they do not always cope with old scale, grease. Acid-based products "work" more efficiently, but they can damage the delicate coating of the product, burn the skin of the hands. On the same principle, you can prepare a tool for cleaning the pan at home - on an acid or alkaline base.

Household cleaning products

In the household departments of supermarkets, you can find a huge range of cleaning products for kitchen utensils - Mr. Muscle clean, Frosch, Master Cleaner, etc. To choose the right product, it is important to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the composition, purpose:

  • Bugs Shumanit. Quickly removes stubborn, burnt traces of grease. They can wash the stove (gas and electric), grill, barbecue, pots and pans. In the composition - a complexing agent, surfactants, solvents, sodium hydroxide (alkali), flavors. Advantages - equipped with a sprayer, there are different volumes - 0.4, 0.75, 3 liters. Cons - refers to aggressive substances, if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.
  • L.O.C. Plus from AmWay metal cleaner. A drop of concentrate will quickly and effectively help to wash off the remnants of burnt food, grease, and polish the surface. The tube contains 200 ml of a thick creamy mass, which is easy to apply with a dispenser. Advantages - in the composition of less than 5% anionic surfactants, which guarantees the absence of irritation of the hands. Disadvantages - small volume (200 ml).
  • Helper liquid for cleaning grills (deep fryers, pots, ovens, etc.). The product belongs to professional cleaning products, in the composition - alkali, surfactants, water. It copes well with burnt food residues, soot. Alkali dissolves fat, a complex of surfactants activates the washing ability of the concentrate. Its validity period is 40-60 minutes, and when the treated surface is heated - only 15-20. Plus - it's inexpensive. Minus - not the most environmentally friendly product.
  • Oxyday. Unique Formula chemical composition based on the action of probiotics that break down fat and dirt. Oxyday is an eco-friendly product that can gently clean any surface. In addition to the probiotic components in the composition of sodium lauryl sulfate, alcohol. Advantages - the liquid not only cleans carbon deposits, grease and works in microcracks, but also destroys harmful types of bacteria. Disadvantages - not suitable for advanced cases.
  • Carbon cleaner Dr. Beckmann. This product will effectively clean kitchen utensils from fatty layers, containing less than 5% of surfactants, flavorings (hexyl cinnamal, limonene). Plus - the gel is environmentally friendly, almost completely harmless. The downside is it's not cheap at all.

Prices for dishwashing detergents depend on the composition, volume of the container, brand. The cost of popular products in Moscow, which can be used to wash grease and scale from pans:

The product's name

Volume, ml

Price, rubles

Bugs Shumanit

Helper for grill cleaning fryers, pans, ovens

Oxyday for cleaning soot and soot

Carbon cleaner Dr. Beckmann

L.O.C. Plus from AmWay for metal products

Mr Muscle Kitchen Expert

Improvised means and folk

It is not always possible to purchase a special tool for removing scale. Folk methods will come to the rescue to help wash soot and fat. Methods that are still relevant today:

  • Laundry soap. This is universal remedy, and its main property is the dissolution of fat. Soot on kitchen utensils is 90% burnt oil, animal fat, and under certain conditions, soap chips can soften it. The mixture is activated by heating, adding glue or soda to the composition.
  • Salt. Our grandmothers used table salt to clean the pan and give it non-stick properties. White crystals, when heated, react with fat and other organic layers, soften them. After calcining with salt, kitchen utensils can be easily washed.
  • Food and caustic soda. Alkalis perfectly destroy a dense layer of burnt splashes of fat. To enhance the effectiveness, soda is diluted with water, the contaminated product is immersed in the solution for certain time. Another way to stimulate the "work" of alkali is to add hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. The effervescent substance will make the carbon layer porous - this will help soda solution deeper penetration.
  • Acids. Acetic essence and citric acid have strong destructive properties. Aggressive substances quickly penetrate into microcracks on the scale, partially dissolve layers, “undermine” entire layers of burnt fat.
  • Two-step cleansing - using alkali to soften the layers, then acid. Interacting, these components contribute to the loosening of caked areas of soot, the dissolution of fat. Washing a metal product after exposure to these substances will become easier.

Precautions and safety rules

Regardless of what tool is used to wash off carbon deposits, it is important to observe safety measures when working. Work with aggressive substances should be according to the rules:

  1. Protect the skin of the hands. The most effective household remedy protection against acids, alkalis are rubber gloves. It is advisable to use dense products with cuffs that cover the hands and part of the forearm.
  2. When working with boiling water, boiling dishes, you must remove them from the kitchen, and preferably from the apartment of children and pets.
  3. Using ready-made cleaning compounds, it is worth preparing even more carefully - put on a respirator or gauze mask, open the window. Volatile substances of aggressive products can cause intoxication of the body, dizziness and vomiting.
  4. The rest of the concentrates, even those that the manufacturer positions as harmless, must be thoroughly washed off so that their components do not get into food. It is recommended to keep the product with detergent composition under running water for at least 20 seconds.
  5. When grinding dishes with sandpaper, it is necessary to ensure that small fractions of soot do not get into the eyes. It is advisable to use safety goggles for this.

How to clean a frying pan at home

Cookware for frying on the stove is made of different materials– stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron. In addition, there are all kinds of coatings that provide the product with non-stick properties. It is necessary to clean kitchen utensils, taking into account the material of manufacture, the presence additional elements- plastic or wooden handle, teflon, ceramic coating.

Cleaning a cast iron skillet

A heavy, thick-walled cast iron pan, which our grandmothers used, can be washed from plaque in several ways. It is important to check if it has a non-stick coating, the presence of which implies some limitations. Good way wash dishes made of carbon-metal alloy from carbon deposits - ignite on fire for 40 minutes, after pouring 2 cm of table salt or sand on the bottom.

Cast iron skillet can be cleaned mechanically using sand, a knife or steel wool. Such utensils are well cleaned by heat treatment: the product can be ignited over an open fire - gas burner, take it to a picnic and heat it over a fire. In some cases, the use of a blowtorch is effective. Reliable helpers will be less extreme means of cleaning cast iron - household chemicals.

Non-stick frying pan with teflon coating

Aluminum or steel products (and sometimes cast iron) may have a non-stick coating. More often it is made from a polymer with special properties - Teflon or fluoroplastic. Teflon is afraid of mechanical impact and all kinds of abrasive particles. In this regard, when cooking, it is recommended to use silicone or wooden spatulas.

You can wash a frying pan coated with soot using special products for the care of products with Teflon. The dishes can be washed by boiling soda, vinegar in it or wiping with mustard powder. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a nylon washcloth or a sponge for caring for dishes with a polymer coating. outer side cleaned mechanically if there is no paint or enamel on the product.

Cleaning aluminum cookware

Inexpensive and convenient pans made of aluminum "live" on many modern kitchens. It is not recommended to clean dishes from this metal mechanically - scrape with a knife, clean with a metal washcloth. The walls and bottom can be deformed, scratches, dents will appear on the surface. Do not use soda for cleaning - light metal is not "friendly" with alkali.

Oily stains from the walls can be washed with citric acid, vinegar, salt, laundry soap. Aluminum products can be treated with household chemicals. A delicate and effective cleaning method is water with the addition of grated laundry soap. It is necessary to lower the pan into a concentrated soapy solution, bring to a boil and remove from heat after an hour.

Folk remedies

If you have time, you can use improvised means for cleaning kitchen utensils. Since it is not always possible to wash the pan from soot and fat, laundry soap, soda, salt, dish detergents, non-traditional ingredients - Coca-Cola, medical preparations. Folk methods softening scale on the walls of dishes is economical, almost harmless, but not always effective. Many of them work only when the utensils are heated, therefore, they require compliance with safety rules.

Laundry soap

To prepare a detergent, you will need a bar of 72% laundry soap, a large pot of water, and 100 g of PVA glue. It is necessary to boil water (about 5 liters), add grated soap to boiling water, pour in glue. Lower the pan into the boiling composition, turn off the burner after an hour. After the concentrate has cooled, you can start cleaning. Wash the softened soot:

  • hard brush;
  • scraper;
  • metal washcloth.

Using stationery glue

A mixture of soda ash (300 g) and silicate glue (65 g) gives a good effect. Add the ingredients to boiling water (4-5 liters), stirring, wait until the soda granules are completely dissolved. Then place the dirty pan in the pan and boil for at least an hour. After the procedure, fat and soot will begin to peel off from the dishes and can be easily washed off with metal washcloth. The mixture of glue and soda can be reused for other dishes - the cleaning efficiency will remain high.

Salt and soda

A simple and unpretentious method of thermal cleaning is extremely effective. For him, it is necessary to pour a layer of baking soda with salt into the pan and ignite it on fire for 2-3 hours. After that, the dishes need to be cooled and the soot should be washed with a brush under running water - fragments of soot will fall off before our eyes. This method cleans well, gives shine to the product from the inside, but it is impossible to remove corrosion near the handle and wash off the carbon from the outside of the pan.

Soda and vinegar

For this recipe, you will need a large saucepan in which you need to boil water. Then add 1 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and place the pan in the solution. Boil for half an hour, pour in 1 cup of 9% vinegar, turn off the burner. Leave for 1-2 hours, let the soot sour, then wash it off with a hard washcloth or brush. Such cleaning is effective for small contaminants - a multi-year layer of fat may not succumb.

Citric acid with baking powder

This method is suitable for any cookware, including those with an anti-stick coating. You will need one bag of baking powder and citric acid (20 g each), which must be poured into the pan, add 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing liquids (Fairy). Pour the resulting mixture with water and put the dishes on the stove, turning on the heat for half an hour. After that, wait until the metal cools down and wash the carbon deposits with a dishcloth or scrape it off with a knife.

hydrogen peroxide

You can wash the layer of burning and fat from the outside of the dishes with a self-made paste. Work order.
