How to treat new aluminum cookware before use. Aluminum pan with non-stick coating

Aluminum cookware is very popular due to its low cost. She has undeniable pluses and obvious minuses, but knowing the rules for caring for such dishes, you can bypass the "sharp corners" and use all its features.

In the previous article () we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of stainless steel cookware, today, continuing the theme of caring for kitchen utensils, we offer hoopoe tips for aluminum cookware that will help extend its service life.

1. How to choose aluminum cookware

When choosing aluminum cookware, special attention should be paid to the following characteristics:

  • Thick walls. The fact is that aluminum is a very soft metal, so if it is dropped or hit, it is very easily deformed. Aluminum cookware with thin walls is short-lived and inconvenient to use.
  • Anti-deformation disk. The bottom of aluminum cookware can be fastened with an anti-deformation disk, which increases the service life by ensuring the resistance of the cookware to deformation.
  • Dishes dimensions. The dimensions of aluminum kitchen utensils should be chosen taking into account the fact that cooked food should never be stored in the same container. And this means that you need to have another special container for storing food or cook it for one meal.

2. Features of the care of aluminum cookware

  • A mandatory procedure before using aluminum cookware for the first time is calcination . It happens like this: sunflower oil should be poured onto the bottom of the dish so that it completely covers the bottom, then pour one tablespoon of salt and ignite well on fire. After the end of this procedure, the dishes must be rinsed and wiped dry.
  • When caring for aluminum cookware should be avoided abrasive products, as they can damage the protective ball, after which the dishes may darken.
  • Dishes that contain milk, eggs or dough should be washed first with cool water and only then with hot water.
  • Aluminum cookware can blacken and lose its appearance very quickly if unpeeled potatoes or unsettled water are boiled in it.
  • Another simple secret that will help make dishes shiny- this is the addition of a few drops of ammonia to the water during rinsing.
  • In aluminum bowl cannot be stored sauerkraut, pickles, mushrooms.
  • Aluminum cookware should be protected from drops, bumps and pressure, because it is easily deformed. This is especially true for lids.

3. How to wash aluminum dishes

  • Hot water + soap + ammonia. For cleaning aluminum cookware, a combination of hot water and soap and a small amount of ammonia is perfect, the latter will help remove grease from the surface of the dish. After washing, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Water + table vinegar. A common problem with aluminum cookware is a dark coating on the walls, which can be removed with a solution that consists of table vinegar and water (1: 1). After applying the solution, the dishes must be rinsed and wiped dry.
  • Baking soda. Food or jam burnt to the bottom at home can be easily cleaned by boiling baking soda in a saucepan for an hour.

Advice: If the aluminum cookware is badly burnt, then the solution should be more radical, such a solution will help to cope with this task:

  • large pot of hot water
    100 grams of silicate glue,
    100 grams of soda ash

The described solution must be brought to a boil, then lower the aluminum dishes into it and boil for about half an hour, then clean the pans with a sponge.

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum cookware


  1. Aluminum is an excellent heat conductor, which means aluminum pans heat up very quickly. Aluminum cookware is ideal for quickly boiling water and preparing a variety of cereals and pasta.
  2. All aluminum cookware is very light, it can be easily rearranged from place to place and not worry about the reliability of the kitchen shelves located above your head.
  3. Such dishes are one of the most inexpensive, for the same amount for which you can buy one, for example, a cast-iron frying pan, you can buy a whole set of aluminum dishes.


  1. It is not advisable to store cooked food in aluminum dishes for a long time, since aluminum easily reacts with organic acids, forming harmful compounds.
  2. In aluminum cookware, it is not recommended to cook spicy and sour dishes, stew and fry vegetables, boil milk. Already with a slight heating, even weak acids and alkalis destroy aluminum, and it gets into food.
  3. Aluminum cookware needs constant supervision, food in it burns easily and quickly.

Frying pan manufacturers offer us many varieties of frying pans: diamond, ceramic or Teflon coated, made of aluminum, steel and other materials. But not everyone likes the new dishes, many return to the old pans and cast irons. And if there is no such thing left from relatives, then cast-iron dishes are bought on their own. But after the purchase, it is worth calcining the utensils.

Why is the procedure needed?

Why do many return to the old utensils proven over the years, not everyone guesses. And all because in modern dishes it is impossible to achieve such a taste of fried potatoes, pancakes or meatballs. Modern utensils are more convenient and lighter, do not need pre-treatment before use, but the benefits and taste of food are no longer the same as before.

Cast iron is an alloy of carbon and iron with a small amount of additional additives. When used correctly, it can be considered eternal. It does not emit toxic substances. Food cooked in cast iron cookware is especially tasty and healthy. Cast iron heats up evenly and for a long time, and then gives off its heat for just as long without burning food. But it's worth knowing how to prepare a new cast iron skillet for use and how to season an aluminum skillet.

Ignition is necessary because that the molds in the production of dishes are lubricated with a special composition, which is necessary for the quick extraction of the finished product. And before selling, the dishes are lubricated with a special anti-corrosion compound so that they do not rust. That is why the pan after purchase should be prepared for use and remove all grease from its surface.

Cast iron is considered a porous alloy. Therefore, only washing with detergent will not be enough. Baking is a good way to check the quality of a pan. If deformed areas or cracks form, then the dishes are of very poor quality. You should return this item as soon as possible.

Removing factory grease

Before calcining, the pan is well and properly prepared. Before the first use, it is worth completely removing the factory coatings, and then creating a new one so that food does not burn during cooking. Ordinary kitchen salt will help clean the pan from grease. If there are traces of rust, then they should be removed with a metal grater and proceed step by step:

It's impossible to say exactly how long it will take. It all depends on the composition covering the pan and the size of the dishes. It is worth paying attention to the color of the pan: when it turns gray and does not smoke, then the goal can be considered achieved. Salt will draw out the remnants of the lubricant from the pores and change its color. It will become almost black.

If there is a lid, then it should be washed with soap and cover the fire with it. It is worth waiting until it turns gray, and then cool it under running water and vigorously rub salt on all sides. Leave for a while, then wash and dry.

Ignition in a modern kitchen

In ancient times, cast iron was processed in stoves or on an open fire. If you do not have the opportunity to do it in the air, then There are several ways to do this at home.. But before proceeding with such processing, it is worth calcining the utensils with salt.

Method number 1

This method is very fast and simple. Thanks to him, you can create a new non-stick layer in the pan. The oil must be taken refined so that there is less burning and smoke. Can be greased. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

The technique for performing such a calcination is as follows:

After completing the manipulations, the utensils will remain greasy, but you do not need to wash them with detergent, as you will wash off the non-stick layer that you just created yourself. After that, you will have to do the manipulation again. To keep the pan clean, wipe it dry and dry over low heat.

Method number 2

This method will allow you to burn the cauldron at home correctly. After all, it is very difficult to achieve uniform heating of high walls on the fire of the burner. You will have to lay the cauldron on its side, periodically turning it over. But not to do this you can use this technology:

Before using this option, you should open the windows wide and turn on the hood, as there will be a lot of smoke. Because of this, it is better not to roast in the winter.

Method number 3

Why waste precious time if you can do without long roasting in the oven. But this will require a large amount of vegetable oil. It must be refined and sunflower, otherwise there will be a lot of offspring. Better not to use olive oil.

The step by step process looks like this:

  1. Pour the oil into the prepared skillet. It should occupy at least half of the container (the ideal option is to fill the dishes almost to the top with oil).
  2. For 30 minutes, heat the dishes with oil over medium-low heat.
  3. After that, wait for the container to cool and pour the oil out of it.
  4. Wipe the dishes dry.

It is impossible to carry out manipulations on high heat, as the oil may flare up. It will be better if the fire is weak and the calcination is longer. Don't leave the process unattended.

Roasting on an open flame

If you decide to ignite the dishes in the winter or you do not have the opportunity to do this on gas, then you can use firing on an open fire.

This method is suitable for various sizes and shapes of cast iron cookware. You can make a fire or use a wood-heated stove by opening the top cover in it. The procedure for performing manipulations is as follows:

In order not to get burned due to very hot dishes, you should be very careful. Here you can not do without a fabric folded several times, tacks or gloves.

Processing of old utensils

Do not rush to throw away the pan, which you inherited with a large layer of soot. With the right approach to solving this problem, such dishes can serve you for decades. To clean utensils from old soot, you can use the old, proven method with stationery glue and laundry soap. To do this, you should do the following:

  1. Take water in a ten-liter container and heat it.
  2. Pour a bottle of stationery glue into the water and rub ½ bar of laundry soap.
  3. Stir well until the soap is completely dissolved.
  4. Place cast iron utensils in a container with the mixture.
  5. Boil for 2 hours over high heat. When the water starts to boil away, add it little by little.
  6. When the process is completed, the solution must be drained.
  7. Cool the cast iron cookware under running cold water and use a metal brush to clean off the carbon deposits.

After that, it is necessary to return the non-stick layer to the pan. This is done by the same methods as for new appliances (calcination with salt, and then with oil).

If you still had to use a detergent to wash a cast iron product, then dry it over a fire and grease it with a thin layer of oil until the product has cooled down. Wipe off any excess and heat it on fire for 30 minutes. This procedure can be performed after each wash and as a preventive measure.

How to season an aluminum frying pan

There are several ways with which you can ignite an aluminum pan. The main ones are:

Folk methods for processing aluminum and cast iron before the first use always work and are time-tested. It is only important to do everything right. It is worth remembering that high-quality cast iron cannot be cheap. There is no need to be under any illusions if they are trying to sell you a great product at the “lowest prices”. The main thing is to understand that this is a fake, which even repeated annealing will not save (if it does not crack during the first heating). Do not forget about elementary care, and then kitchen utensils will serve you for a very long time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Don't avoid. Aluminum utensils still have to be used for a number of reasons, and the main one can rightfully be considered the low cost of such utensils in comparison with the service life.

Aluminum pots and pans can cope with such ordinary tasks as stewing stews and roasts, browning with a golden crust, cooking cereals from cereals. In metal aluminum cookware, sticking can be easily avoided if several conditions are met for the commissioning of a completely new - just purchased cookware, and hygiene requirements are observed in the process.

The industry produces aluminum pans of three types:

  • pans and pans with a non-stick Teflon coating (the presence of which increases the cost of an aluminum pan twice at once, but the thin film is easily damaged after a short period of time, as soon as you forget that you can only stir in such dishes with a wooden spatula),
  • polished thin aluminium,
  • ducklings and frying pans made of thick-walled cast aluminum alloy, which have practically replaced heavy thick-walled cast-iron pots, cauldrons and ducklings from our kitchens. It is more difficult to find cast iron on sale, or the cost of cast iron cookware seems sky-high at first glance.

Consider the basic rules for handling aluminum in everyday life. Using an aluminum pan, you can not neglect the postulates:

  • do not cook milk porridge in it,
  • do not leave cooked food for storage, but immediately evacuate it to a more inert and healthier dish,
  • aluminum dishes cannot be cleaned and washed using abrasive products and soda, it is better to use non-abrasive detergents or simple laundry soap,
  • the darkened walls of an aluminum pan can be wiped with a cloth dipped in vinegar, and then rinsed thoroughly with water,
  • if the food is burnt to the bottom of the pan, it is better to pour salt into it and put it on a boil, but do not clean it with abrasives and brushes,
  • for cleaning aluminum pans, only chalk or a mixture of chalk and clay can be used as abrasives,
  • aluminum dishes blackened from the inside can be washed if you boil water in it for 10-15 minutes with the addition of 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Aluminum is not so "afraid" of an acidic environment as an alkaline one,
  • do not salt or ferment pickles in it; during fermentation and fermentation, alcohols are released in some quantities (and this is already an alkaline environment), especially during storage.

When buying an aluminum pot or pan, in order not to harm your health, carefully look at the packaging and information from the manufacturer. The utensils must be accompanied by information on the sanitary-ecological conclusion indicating its registration number, as well as the compliance of aluminum utensils with the requirements of current industrial standards - GOSTs, or, in extreme cases, the manufacturer's specifications.

Before the first use, aluminum utensils must be carefully prepared, namely, washed in hot water with laundry soap or a Fairy-type agent with surfactant additives-foamers and degreasers, depreserved from industrial lubricants (fuel and lubricants or oils that were used to press the product or cast in form). After washing, the dishes must be dried thoroughly and ignited. Calcining aluminum cookware is necessary to create a passive film on the surface, consisting of aluminum oxide salts. This film will protect the metal in the future from further oxidation and the ingress of harmful compounds into food. That is why it is impossible to use products with high alkalinity (soda) or an abrasive for cleaning aluminum, they destroy and remove the protective oxide film from the surface of the aluminum pan.

How to make an aluminum frying pan or pot? After washing and drying, it is necessary to pour sunflower oil into a new dish so that it completely covers the bottom, and add 1 tablespoon of salt, put on fire and ignite. The end of the process can be recognized by the specific smell of hot oil and by the appearance of the dishes.

It is best to monitor the process of cooking in aluminum cookware so as not to char. Among the cleaning methods for old and heavily soiled aluminum utensils, in particular pans, annealing is common. But this method is not safe: aluminum utensils are not recommended to be heated and overheated without contents, and black carbon deposits are often removed by annealing pans with a blowtorch. At first, the dishes blacken even more, then they begin to smoke and heat up to red, after which the soot flies around, turning into ashes. This method is not entirely good, because. calcining aluminum in a kitchen is not safe: gas contamination, smoke, flying and charring soot ... Only cast iron is not afraid of calcination. From overheating, deformation can occur in both steel and aluminum dishes.

We offer you a method that is suitable for cleaning enameled, steel and aluminum pans if you are very fond of cleanliness. But you should not achieve shine from aluminum dishes, this method is acceptable only when the dishes are “fouled” with a layer of scale and soot.

Remove all plastic handles from the pot before cooking. In a large basin or saucepan, in which aluminum dishes intended for cleaning will fit, you need to make an aqueous solution from a piece of grated simple laundry soap, a good handful of caustic soda and a 150 gram tube of ordinary stationery glue (which is transparent). In this solution, the dishes are boiled for 30 minutes, and if the soot layer turned out to be very thick, leave the aluminum dishes in it after boiling for another night. After processing, the dishes are thoroughly washed with cloth rags under running water and dried.

Many people have aluminum pans in their kitchens. They are favorably distinguished from dishes made of other materials by their lightness and ability to quickly heat up. In order for them to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules of care and operation. If the dishes turn black or become burnt, do not despair. You can clean aluminum pans at home.

Why can an aluminum pan darken?

Like any kitchen utensil, an aluminum pan is not immune to burnt food and soot. Carelessness and ignorance of the rules for handling such dishes can lead them to a very unsightly appearance.

In addition to the usual contaminants, such as burnt food, soot or grease on the outside, the inside of an aluminum pan can turn black for various reasons:

  • prolonged boiling of water in it without salt;
  • cooking unpeeled potatoes;
  • cooking sour foods, such as sauerkraut soup.

It is not recommended to clean the pan with abrasive materials, especially if its surface is polished. It is better to use a soft sponge and a simple detergent without aggressive components (acids and alkalis).

The use of soda in the process of washing an aluminum pan is prohibited. The alkali contained in it destroys the surface of the dishes.

How to remove pollution outside and inside: homemade recipes

You can clean an aluminum pan from blackness or soot and remove carbon deposits with home remedies. They are almost always at hand for any hostess:

  • salt;
  • Activated carbon;
  • vinegar;
  • milk serum;
  • lemon acid;
  • apples;
  • soap;
  • ammonia.

How to clean a mild burn

If the plaque on the bottom and walls has appeared recently, do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Try to return the pan to its original appearance with the help of improvised means.

To immediately remove fresh soot, fill the pan with whey, leave for a day and rinse with a soft sponge. The remains of burnt food or milk will disappear.

Sour apples help to remove minor dirt inside and outside the pan. Cut them into pieces and rub the problem areas hard, the blackness will disappear.

Another remedy is laundry soap. Grate it, add it to water and boil for 20 minutes.

After cooling, rinse the inside of the pan with a sponge.

All these tools are only suitable for removing weak burns. To remove stubborn dirt, use salt, vinegar or ammonia.

We remove strong plaque from burnt food and darkening on the inner walls

You can remove the remnants of burnt food from the bottom of an aluminum pan with ordinary salt.

  1. Fill the pot with cold water, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, cover the burnt bottom with salt.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Remove carbon deposits with a soft kitchen sponge and regular detergent.

A solution of salt and water copes with darkening on the inner walls:

  1. Mix water and salt in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the cleaning sponge.
  3. Wipe the dark places on the pan.

How to wash the remains of burnt milk

Activated charcoal helps to remove burnt milk from the bottom of the dish.

If you have such a trouble, use a simple recipe:

  1. Grind 3-4 activated charcoal tablets.
  2. Pour the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour.
  3. Without removing the powder, fill the pan with cold water for another 30 minutes.
  4. Wash off the dirt with a sponge and detergent.

We remove fat and dark soot with table vinegar

Stubborn traces of fat and soot inside the pan are removed by table 9% vinegar.

  1. Fill the pan with water with vinegar (a glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cool and wash with a sponge and soap.

When boiling this solution, ventilate the room. Vinegar fumes are hazardous to health.

How can you remove limescale from the bottom and walls

With daily use, lime deposits form on the bottom and walls of aluminum pans. You can remove it with citric acid.


  1. Fill a saucepan with a burnt bottom with water.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. citric acid.
  4. Boil for another 15 minutes.
  5. Cool to room temperature.
  6. Wash with soap and sponge.

Recipe for removing severe burn or soot

To remove old traces of soot or soot, you will need laundry soap and ammonia.

Cleansing mix recipe:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve it in water.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Boil 15 min.
  6. Cool and rinse the pot.

When using this recipe, ensure that fresh air enters the kitchen. In the process of boiling the mixture, caustic fumes of ammonia are released, which can be hazardous to health.

How to restore the shine of an aluminum pan - video

A freshly purchased aluminum pan requires preliminary preparation before use. First of all, it is necessary to clean it from industrial lubricants. To do this, simply wash it with a sponge and soap and rinse thoroughly. Next, you need to ignite the pan. After this procedure, a film of aluminum oxide salts is created on the inner surface. It is a protection against further oxidation of the walls and a barrier to harmful compounds that can get into food.

The calcination process consists of several stages:

  1. Rinse and dry the pot thoroughly.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into the bottom.
  3. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. table salt.
  4. Ignite on the stove for 3-5 minutes until the smell of hot oil appears.
  5. Wait until the pan has cooled down and wash with a sponge and soap.

Preparing an aluminum pan for use - video

The appearance and service life of aluminum cookware depends on daily care. Wash it properly:

  1. The pan should cool to room temperature, only after that it can be washed.
  2. Soak burnt food on the bottom immediately in warm water with detergent for more than an hour, after which it is easier to wash off.
  3. Wash the pot by hand without using the dishwasher. Exposure to hot water may warp the cookware.
  4. Use a soft sponge to wash.
  5. Rinse off the detergent thoroughly.

How to care for aluminum cookware daily - video

Basic rules for the operation of aluminum pans

Compliance with simple rules helps to preserve the appearance and functional qualities of aluminum cookware for a longer time.

Aluminum is a wear-resistant lightweight material suitable for kitchen utensils, pots, pans and other cooking containers are made from it. Such dishes are inexpensive, but despite the advantages of this metal, many housewives are faced with the question: does an aluminum pan burn, what should I do?

Here we will look at all the proven ways to prevent food from burning on aluminum cookware so that the taste and color of the dish does not deteriorate.

Why does an aluminum pan burn?

Aluminum metal is not perfectly smooth. It has small pores that are not visible to the eye. Food particles are clogged into these micro-holes, which begin to burn.

To fix the problem, you need to clog these same pores by creating a protective film.

How to treat an aluminum pan so that it does not burn

The most effective way to get rid of the constant sticking and burning of food to an aluminum pan is to ignite it. This can be done in three ways.

Method 1

If the utensil is new, then it is enough to rinse it with water beforehand. If you have already used the dishes, first clean them with any non-abrasive product.

  • In a dry, clean frying pan, pour vegetable oil, desired cottonseed oil, so that it completely covers the bottom.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the oil, dissolving it.
  • Put the utensils on a slow fire and kalite for at least half an hour.
  • Then put out the fire and when the oil has cooled, drain it.

Do not wash the pan, but wipe it with paper towels to remove any remaining oil. Let the dishes lie in this form for three days, you can not use it during this period. During this time, a protective film is formed and fixed on the metal, which closes all the pores.

After 3-4 days, rinse the pan with detergent and it is ready for use.

Method 2

  • Thoroughly rub the pan with any fat. If there is no fat, then vegetable oil can be used.
  • Place on a baking sheet or wire rack in the oven.
  • Heat the dishes at a temperature of 120-150ºC for 40-60 minutes.

Then cool it and also do not wash for 3-4 days.

Method 3

  • Pour fine salt into an aluminum pan so that it covers the entire bottom with a thin layer.
  • Put the utensils on the fire and heat for an hour, stirring the salt.
  • Then extinguish the fire and wait for the metal to cool completely.
  • As the pan cools down, using a napkin or a piece of soft cloth, carefully rub the salt along the bottom, as if rubbing it into the surface.
  • Then remove the salt, do not wash the pan for several days.

Then rinse it under water and use.

Now you know what to do so that the aluminum pan does not burn. But this is not enough to prevent trouble in the future. The metal must be properly looked after, otherwise the problem will return.

How to care for an aluminum pan

  • When cleaning aluminum utensils, do not use metal brushes and products with abrasive particles. This damages the soft metal and micro-cracks appear on it, scratches that again cause food to stick.
  • When cooking in such dishes, it is recommended to use wooden or plastic ladles, spoons, spatulas.
  • It is advisable to wash such dishes in warm, not hot water.
  • To make aluminum utensils shine, rinse them at the end with a weak solution of ammonia.
  • This metal oxidizes, so highly salty and acidic foods cannot be stored in it.
  • If the burnt spots cannot be removed with dishwashing gel, rub the stained areas with baking soda.

Aluminum frying pan burns, what if the problem persists? Unfortunately, there are no other, more effective ways. Sometimes, to achieve a lasting non-stick effect, it is necessary to repeat the annealing several times. Usually after this, the pan, in general, ceases to stick and serves for many years.
