Beautiful Hoya: cultivation and care. Exotic hoya: home care secrets

Planting and caring for hoya (in brief)

  • Bloom: spring and summer, sometimes repeated in autumn.
  • Lighting and watering: for species with succulent leaves - bright sunlight and moistening of the substrate after the topsoil has dried; for varieties with light green pubescent foliage - bright sunlight and frequent watering; for species with thin leaves - bright diffused light and frequent watering; for plants with dark green pubescent leaves - shade and frequent watering.
  • Temperature: 17-25 ˚C in summer, 10-15 ˚C in winter.
  • Air humidity: for species with succulent and pubescent leaves, this indicator is not important, but it is advisable to spray thin-leaved plants in extreme heat.
  • top dressing: with a regular change of substrate, top dressing is not needed, but if necessary, apply fertilizers for succulent plants.
  • rest period: not pronounced.
  • Transfer: young plants - annually, adults - if necessary, once every three years.
  • reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: aphids, scale insects, red spider mites, whiteflies and nematodes.
  • Diseases: root rot, powdery mildew and gray rot.
  • Properties: The scent of hoya flowers can cause headaches.

Read more about growing hoya below.

Ivy hoya - description

In nature mature plant can reach 10 meters in length. Leafless young shoots have a purple-brown hue, but as they grow older, when leaves and aerial roots begin to appear on them, the shoots turn green, and eventually become woody. Fleshy and shiny at a young age, the leaves gradually become dull, they are oval in shape and pointed towards the top. The size of the leaves is 5-8 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. Hoya flowers, white or pinkish, bisexual, star-shaped, collected in umbrellas, located on the stem branches. The diameter of each flower is 1-2 cm, except for the flowers of imperial hoya, which reach 8 cm in diameter. In the center of the corolla of the flower is a five-membered crown, rising above the petals. The flowers are fragrant and produce nectar that attracts insects.

In culture, hoya flowering is possible only on brightly lit windows, in addition, the plant has become so domesticated that it no longer needs to be in the fresh air even in the warm season. Indoor hoya is divided into three categories:

  • - ampel hoya, or hanging;
  • - ivy hoya, wrapping around a support;
  • - upright hoya, forming a bush.

Types and varieties of hoya

Not so long ago, the houseplant hoya in culture was represented only by hoya carnosa, or fleshy hoya and hoya bella, she is also beautiful hoya.

Hoya fleshy (Hoya carnosa), or wax hoya

- an evergreen climbing plant, reaching a length of 6 meters and requiring support. fragrant flowers, white with a pink crown in the center, collected in a rosette. It has small oval leaves, thick and hard, covered with a wax coating and silvery marks on a dark green background, although there are among the varieties of this species:

  • - Hoya variegated (for example, the Crimson Queen variety with a cream border around the edge of the green leaf);
  • - hoya tricolor - variety "Exotica" with scarlet flowers, and the leaves, in addition to green, are painted in cream and pink shades;
  • – hoya compacta – grade c small leaves and a barely noticeable ornament on them.

Hoya beautiful (Hoya bella)

- a branching shrub with small, ovate-lanceolate, densely growing leaves on hanging shoots. The flowers of this species are so perfect that they seem like jewelry - small white stars with a purple crown, collected in umbrellas of 7-9 pieces. The leaves, depending on the variety, can be plain green or variegated. Hoya beautiful is often grown as an ampelous plant.

Hoya multiflora (Hoya multiflora), or multi-flowered

- a climbing plant with oblong-linear leaves and numerous yellow flowers with narrow petals and a crown with arcuate spurs;

Hoya majestic (Hoya imperialis)

- in nature, a shrub with oval-oblong leathery leaves 15-20 cm long on pubescent cuttings 5-7 cm long. Shoots are also pubescent. Fragrant flowers, collected in umbrellas of 6-10 pieces, with a shortly pubescent crown, dark red inside, and yellow-green outside;

Hoya lacunosa, or concave (Hoya lacunosa)

in nature - an epiphyte, in culture the shoots look like densely growing cascades of lashes, covered with dark green diamond-shaped leaves up to 6 cm long with wrapped edges, which is why the leaf plate seems concave. Young shoots are red-brown. The flowers collected in umbrellas have a white fleecy corolla with a yellow center;

Hoya Kerry (Hoya kerrii)

has leaves shaped like a heart, so it is called "valentine" or "hoya in love." The stems have to be tied up so that they do not fall. The leaves are succulent, 5 to 15 cm long and wide. The pubescent flowers are collected in 15-25 pieces in spherical umbrellas, their color depends on the amount of light in the room where the hoya grows: white with a barely noticeable lemon tint, yellowish, yellow-lemon or pale pink. Move the flower away from the window or, conversely, closer to it, and the shade of the flowers will change. Moreover, as they age, due to the dark-colored nectar, the petals of the flower become pink, then dark pink, then red-brown.

Hoya serpentine (Hoya serpens), fragrant hoya (Hoya odorata), cupped hoya (Hoya calycina), hoya mindorensis (Hoya mindorensis), southern hoya (Hoya australis) and others are also known in culture.

Hoya care at home

How to care for a hoya.

Different types of hoya are grown in culture, and each requires the fulfillment of its own conditions of detention, so it is difficult to give general recommendations for all types. The only wish common to all plants of the genus hoya: avoid waterlogging the soil, as a result of which liquid mud forms in the roots.

For convenience, we divide the hoyas into categories according to the amount of moisture consumed and the required level of lighting:

- Indoor hoya flower with hard succulent leaves (hoya fleshy, hoya Kerry). The optimal location is on the south window, under the rays of the sun. Watering is carried out after the top layer of the substrate has dried. The exception is the southern hoya (Hoya australis), which needs constantly moist (but not wet!) Soil.

- Types and varieties of hoya with thin leaves (multiflorous hoya) require constant moisture of an earthy coma and shading from direct sunlight, the ideal place for them is an east or west window, and they will be fine on the north window.

– Houseplant hoya with light green pubescent leaves (linear hoya) grows best in the sun and requires regular watering without drying out the coma.

- Hoyas with dark green pubescent leaves (Thompson's hoya, serpentine hoya) love shady coolness and regular watering without overdrying the earthy clod.

As for the temperature comfortable for the hoya, in summer it is 17-25 ºC, and in winter it is not lower than 10 ºC, although it would be better if it were a little higher - about 15 ºC. The exception is the beautiful hoya (Hoya bella), which loses leaves from the cold.

At home, the hoya does not have a pronounced dormant period, but if you notice that the plant has slowed down, reduce watering and stop feeding - let the hoya rest. Usually the hoya stops growing when the daylight hours get short, but if you decide on additional lighting for the plant, the hoya may skip the dormant period.

Hoya fertilizer.

In nature, different types of hoya grow in different places, in different soils, and therefore need different types of fertilizers. But according to many observations, the results of which have been published, it is best to feed hoyas with fertilizers for flowering succulents - all species respond well to them. And if you regularly transplant hoya into a fresh substrate, then you can not resort to top dressing at all.

Hoya transplant.

Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring, and adults - once every three years, if necessary. A large hoya pot is not needed, but each time you buy a new pot for transplanting - the one left after some other plant is not good. And even a new pot, before transplanting hoya into it, must be thoroughly washed with ordinary soap, and the substrate must be sterilized. Soil for hoya needs a breathable, neutral or slightly acidic reaction, preferably of this composition: one part of humus and leafy soil and two parts of clay-turf, but many grow hoya in an orchid substrate and even just in garden soil - it all depends on the type of hoya, therefore get creative with transplanting the plant, having previously studied in what conditions and in what soil your hoya grows in the wild. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot, the plant is transferred to a new pot along with an earthen clod.

Hoya breeding

Hoya from seed.

How to propagate hoya if you happen to be the owner of a rare treasure - hoya seeds? Ripe and well-dried hoya seeds in the year of their collection are sown in a loose substrate consisting of an earthen mixture and cut sphagnum moss. Seeds germinate within a week, and as soon as shoots appear, you must ensure that the soil in the crops never dries out and at the same time is not wet. Keep the bowl with seedlings in a warm, bright place. To prevent fungal diseases, spray the seedlings with Bordeaux mixture or any other copper-containing preparation in strict accordance with the instructions. After 90 days, when the seedlings release a few pairs of leaves, they are seated in personal pots. However, growing hoya from seeds is difficult because it is not possible to find seeds for sale, and it is almost impossible to get seeds from hoya growing at home.

Propagation of hoya cuttings.

It is the lightest and reliable way get a new plant, because hoya cuttings take root easily. The stalk should be short, but have at least two nodes and one or two pairs of leaves. Root cuttings can be in water or in the substrate. For rooting in water, wrap the container with foil on all sides, making holes for the cuttings. Leave only the top pair of leaves on the cuttings, treat the lower sections with root hormone and push the cuttings through the holes in the foil until the bottom node is in the water. The temperature for rooting should be no higher than 22 ºC, but this process is also important high humidity air, otherwise the cuttings will simply fade. To increase the humidity of the air, put a transparent plastic bag on the container with the cuttings, but do not block the access of air under it. Hoya rooting occurs in two weeks, and it is important to transplant the cutting to a permanent place at an early stage of root formation, otherwise the cuttings become brittle and break.

How can I root hoya immediately in the substrate? The rooting soil must be permeable enough to allow excess water to flow easily through it. Treat the lower cut of the cuttings with root before planting. Sterilize the substrate and pot, place the cutting in the ground to such a depth that the lower node is in the soil. If the humidity in the room is low, loosely put a transparent bag on the pot with cuttings. After 2-3 weeks, signs of new growth should appear. If you receive your rooting cuttings in the mail and feel dry, soak them for a few hours in slightly sweetened water and they will regain their moisture.

Hoya pests and diseases

Insect pests.

Hoyas are very resistant to all troubles, but if they grow in inappropriate conditions and are poorly cared for, then the plants may have problems with scale insects, aphids and red spider mites, the fight against which is to treat the hoya with actellik or some other insecticide, but species and varieties with thick leathery leaves can be saved from pests by rubbing the leaves with a swab dipped in alcohol. And so that the hoya is not pestered by nematodes, the soil and the pot must be sterilized when transplanting the plant.

Why hoya does not bloom.

Usually the reasons that the hoya refuses to bloom are wintering in a room that is too warm, excessive fertilizing, too much pruning, or lack of lighting.

How to make hoya bloom.

What to do if hoya does not bloom? Correct care mistakes: let the plant rest in the winter in a cool room - on an insulated unheated loggia or balcony, reducing watering and stopping feeding, and in the spring bring the hoya into heat under bright diffused light, resume watering and feeding. Also make sure that the hoya pot is not too large - for an adult plant, 15-20 cm in diameter is enough.

Hoya turns yellow.

If your plant suffers from too much heat or too little light, its leaves will turn yellow. How to deal with this, decide for yourself by studying once again the rules for keeping hoya at home.

Can you keep a hoya at home?

Most often, hoyu is not grown in apartments, but in offices and offices, and the reason for this is superstition. It has long been popularly believed that wax ivy survives from the husband's family and expels adult sons from the house. Other, no less convincing sources claim that hoya relieves feelings of resentment and pacifies envy. There are publications that say that hoya is a “plant family happiness, it is desirable to put it in the bedroom. What to believe? Maybe you should try to grow hoya at home and clarify the degree of its influence on the fate of a person? You decide. I see in hoya only a cozy plant with beautiful flowers, the care of which is a pleasure.

Hoya is incredible interesting plant. Botanists and flower growers got acquainted with this miracle in the middle of the 18th century. And for more than two hundred years, hoya (often called wax ivy) has been holding the attention of professionals and amateurs. Articles and books are devoted to this flower, it gathers its fans in clubs and communities. And what is curious is that interest in hoya does not weaken over the years, but, on the contrary, increases. Scientists began to investigate the impact of hoya on the environment and its practical application. And amateur flower growers have reached such heights that at home they grow plants that were previously cultivated only in greenhouses. What is the attraction of wax ivy? Firstly, these are unusual, like toys, flowers. Secondly, bright, one-color or variegated, lush greenery on flexible stems. Thirdly, easy character. Among the hoya, of course, there are capricious beauties. But even a novice grower can make friends with a plant.

The long history of the showy flower called hoya

Hoya's homeland is southeast Asia, northeast Australia and the islands between these continents. She was born in the humid and sultry tropics, grows mainly in sunny light forests or on the edge of the forest. Wild hoya stems, covered with thick leaves, grow up to 10 meters, for development they need support: a tall tree or a rocky wall. Some species lead an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic lifestyle. That is, they can live without soil or, having settled at a height, take down roots and grow into the soil. Wild hoyas are good honey plants. Their flowers are attractive and exude a strong fragrance.

In pursuit of the sun, the hoya climbs tall trees and rocks.

It is believed that Malaysian sailors helped spread the flowering liana. They transported not only cargo, but also useful and beautiful plants, including hoya.

Hoya was first described in the 17th century by the Dutch missionary Guernius. He spoke about a plant with juicy and smelly flowers.

It is impossible to pass by the hoya inflorescences, they are fascinating

However, then hoya did not fall into the hands of scientists. This happened more than a hundred years later, partly due to famous traveler James Cook. His ship landed on the northeast coast of Australia. There, scientists Solender and Banks discovered an original plant with fleshy leaves and fragrant clusters of flowers that seemed to be made of wax. They delivered a strange plant to Europe, marking the beginning of "hoyemania", which continues to this day.

Long time new tropical plant did without a generic name, it appeared only in the 18th century. Varieties of the flower were given the names of famous scientists, but in the common name "hoya" the name of a simple English gardener Thomas Hoya is immortalized. He worked in the greenhouse of the Duke of Northumberland and managed to tame many exotic plants. They say that a brilliant gardener intuitively guessed the whims of his green pupils.

Over 200 types of hoya are now grown in indoor floriculture. These representatives of the tropics have adapted well in northern latitudes. But the study and selection of hoya is not completed. And the best breeder is nature itself. Scientists are discovering new varieties of hoya in Borneo, the Philippines and into the 21st century.

Hoya is often referred to as wax ivy. Its leaves and flowers seem to be covered with a wax coating. And the long stems resemble ivy lashes. However, hoya has nothing to do with real ivy. Ivy, unlike the beautiful impostor, never blooms. The only thing that brings them together is the form. These plants are vines and need a support or hanging planter to thrive.

Most hoi have fleshy, often variegated leaves.

Different types of hoya are quite different from each other. But everyone has common signs. These are long well leafy shoots with aerial roots. The leaves can be quite large (on average 10 cm) shiny and fleshy or small (2.5 cm) dull and thin. The coloration is monochromatic dark green or variegated, with contrasting spots, dots or a border.

Fleecy hoya flowers are fantastically beautiful

The flowers are juicy, collected in inflorescences, umbrellas or balls, almost always resemble an asterisk. But its tips can be flat, strongly bent or concave. And the surface of the flower is glossy and smooth or fluffy. The shades of the inflorescences also vary. From classic white-pink to chocolate-burgundy. Almost all hoyas smell. Opinions about their flavor vary widely. Some people find it pleasant, while others find it repulsive. Well-groomed hoya blooms for a long time, and sometimes several times a year.

Hoya bella has small, thin leaves, it is grown in hanging planters

Hoya, despite its exotic appearance, is not the most difficult plant to care for. At home, this flowering vine has been successfully grown for more than one century. During this time, flower growers have accumulated vast experience. It is only important to take into account the features certain types hoyi. What is good for a plant with succulent leaves is not always suitable for a small-leaved variety. This applies to lighting, humidity and winter conditions. There are several subtleties associated with hoya flowering. But they are easy to do. So hoya can be recommended even to inexperienced flower growers.

Matilda, optimist, megalaster, kerry, bella and description of other species

Those who started a hoya fall in love with this plant seriously and for a long time. They replenish their collections with new specimens. From the variety of hoya, each grower can choose the one that fascinates him. And almost everyone has their favorites. After all, hoya is a many-sided plant. Let's get acquainted with the brightest representatives of this beautiful family.

Hoya kerry is the most commercial variety. It is sold not only in flower shops, but also in souvenir shops. Rooted heart-shaped leaves in decorated pots go on sale on the eve of Valentine's Day. They have become a symbol of living, unfading love.

Leaves-hearts - an original gift for Valentine's Day

  • Hoya kerri has been known in floriculture since the beginning of the 20th century. The plant was named after its discoverer. Professor Kerry discovered a creeper in the Thai tropics. Hoya Kerry has large (up to 15 cm) dense, glossy, heart-shaped leaves on 2-meter stems. Because of this, the plant was nicknamed valentine or hoya in love. And the flowers of this variety are small, in inflorescences of 15-25 pieces, painted in the traditional pink-white color and can be yellow-lemon. The shade depends on the lighting and the age of the plant.
  • Kerry variegata - a variety with variegated foliage. Green heart-shaped leaves may have a white, yellowish or cream center. Its borders are blurred, as if the paint was carelessly erased. Or the middle is green, and the edges are colored. There are varieties with leaves, on which strokes and specks are randomly scattered.
  • Hoya fleshy (carnosa) is often referred to as wax ivy. It has long grayish shoots and fleshy, shiny leaves. They are medium in size (up to 10 cm), in the form of a pointed oval, emerald green, sometimes with barely noticeable lighter spots. The flowers, which have a pleasant smell, are pale pink, glossy in the form of a star, and in the middle there is a red corolla star. This variety has earned the recognition of flower growers for the unpretentiousness of growing at home. In nature, hoya carnosa is common in Japan, China, India, the Pacific Islands and Australia.
  • Hoya beautiful (Bella) comes from Indonesia and India. This is a compact plant that is often grown as an ampelous plant. She has matte small (2.5 cm) and thinner, compared to other varieties, leaves. Flowers are sometimes odorless, they have a classic hoya structure: on a larger white star there is a small bright transparent red.
  • Hoya bogor - liana with narrowish hard slightly variegated leaves. Its inflorescences consist of flowers, which have a larger lower "asterisk" with slightly curved lobes wavy along the edge.
  • Hoya red buttons - a variety of vines with large (up to 14 cm) narrowish leaves and fleecy inflorescences. Asterisks, covered with small pile, up to 2 cm in size, red-purple color in the center and pink-gray to the edge.
  • Hoya Matilda is a creeper with slightly pubescent shoots and leaves, which are also colorfully colored. The flowers are white and fluffy, in the center crowned with a ruby-red star with a yellowish center. The inflorescences smell strongly, the aroma is similar to a tulip.
  • Hoya optimistic is distinguished by dense and silky foliage and unusually colored flowers. They are juicy and glossy, bright red along the edge, gradually turn yellow towards the center, and the corolla is with a reverse color: the very middle is ruby, the edges are yellow.
  • Hoya megalaster is an unusual type of plant. On long tender stems, large elliptical leaves are rarely located. They are dark green with well-defined veins. But the most curious thing is the flowers. They are wine-red, and the outer star, even in a fully opened flower, is directed with the tips inward. So the pinkish underside is visible. The smell of hoya megalaster resembles a lily.
  • Hoya retuza is a very delicate plant, grown in the form of an ampel. On long stems, thin and narrow leaves, like blades of grass, grow in cascades. The flowers are solitary, small, classic star-shaped and white-calling color.
  • Hoya multiflora (multiflora) is not a vine, but a bushy plant common in Southeast Asia. On an upright stem are large thin leaves. Hoya actively and rapidly blooms. In inflorescences of several tens of non-typical forms. It does not look like a star, but like starships or satellites with antennas strongly bent back. According to flower growers, this variety of hoya is undemanding and easy to care for.
  • Hoya caudata is a liana with very large (palm-sized) fleecy and variegated leaves. There are white-green, yellow-red varieties. The flowers of this hoya are traditional in shape and color, but shaggy. They are covered not just with villi, but with fluffy hairs.
  • Hoya concave (lacunose) is common in Malaysia. The leaves of this vine are small, diamond-shaped. Small flowers have a fluffy ball with a yellow center instead of a star. By all accounts, lacunose has a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of a good perfume.
  • Hoya cystianta - the liana blooms with bell-shaped lilac, pale pink or vanilla flowers. They have a pleasant citrus scent. This is a fairly rare variety.

Photo: varieties of beautiful ivy

Hoya caudata Hoya bogor Kerry variegata Hoya concave (lacunosa) Hoya fleshy (carnosa) Hoya matilda Hoya megalaster Hoya multiflorous (multiflora) Hoya optimistic Hoya red buttontons Hoya retuza Hoya beautiful (Bella) Hoya cystianta

Video: different types of hoya

Hoya is an inhabitant of the tropics. And at home, she retained the habits acquired in nature. She still tends to the sun, prefers more humid than dry air and a fairly high temperature. Just about the winter temperature for hoya, flower growers often do not agree. The traditional point of view is that hoya prefers a cool wintering, + 12–16 0 C. But practitioners assure that hoya spends the winter well at moderate 18–20 degrees and even higher. Most likely, both are right. For some varieties, such as carnoses with succulent leaves, coolness will be useful. Only then should the humidity be low. And the gentle hoya bella wants to live in warmth even in winter. So when creating a climate for your hoya, consider natural conditions to which she is accustomed.

Table: conditions for hoya

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
Spring The brightest, best place is the western and eastern window sills, the southern ones require a little shading. Most of all light is necessary for motley forms. Uniformly colored varieties grow well in partial shade, but then there may be problems with flowering. High, 60–70 or more. Humidify the air with everyone accessible ways(double pot, pallet with expanded clay or moss, indoor fountains, electric humidifiers).
Spray the leaves and stems more often. During flowering, stop spraying so that the buds and flowers do not fade.
Moderate, not less than +18 0 С.
Keep away from drafts.
Summer Bright, scattered. Protect from midday sun. Moderate, increased is acceptable, optimally + 20-25 degrees.
Can be placed on a warm balcony or veranda. Do not take out to fresh air. The stems can be damaged by the wind.
And do not touch the plant that laid the buds. Hoya doesn't like changing places at this time.
Winter Bright, with a short light day needs artificial lighting. If there is enough light, it will bloom in winter. If the temperature is low, it does not need to be moistened.
The warmer the room, the higher the humidity should be. Spray the plant, humidify the air in other ways.
For varieties with succulent leaves, it is cool, 12–16 0 C. For more tender ones (bella) - moderate + 18–20. When the temperature drops, it can throw off the foliage.

Florists advise twice a year, before and after flowering, to bathe hoya. A large container is filled with warm (about 40 degrees) water. The plant is dipped along with the pot and kept in water for up to 40 minutes. As they say, after taking a bath, hoya blooms better, and the autumn procedure hardens the plant.


Young hoyas are usually transplanted every year. But the plant is not too fond of changing the pot. Therefore, adult 3-4-year-old specimens should be transplanted only when the need is ripe. The roots braided the whole earth and sprouted into drainage holes, and the flower stopped developing.

Hoya has a bad attitude towards changing the pot, do not disturb her unless absolutely necessary

In nature, hoya leads an epiphyte or semi-epiphyte lifestyle, so at home it needs a very airy and porous soil substrate. So that the roots receive enough air and do not suffer from stagnant moisture. Hoya soil options:

  • ready-made soil for orchids or succulents, loosening components can be added;
  • equally peat, perlite, coconut fiber and tree bark;
  • one part of soil for succulents, perlite, cut sphagnum and pine bark and half of vermiculite with the addition of charcoal;
  • into two parts of leafy land in terms of turf, peat, sand and humus;
  • in equal parts a mixture of peat soil, perlite, crushed bark and coconut fiber.

Both plastic and ceramic pots are suitable for hoya. But in favor of ceramics - good evaporation and high stability. Hoya - the plant is quite weighty and often overturns the pot. For long and high-quality flowering, a container is needed close, and more spacious for green growth.

How to transplant hoya?

  1. Decontaminate all components of the planting substrate. Boil the bark and chop. The rest is calcined, steamed or treated with a fungicide.
  2. Pour drainage (small expanded clay, pebbles, brick chips) at the bottom of the pot with holes. Some soil on top.
  3. Remove the hoya from the old container without disturbing the earthen clod. Install it in a new pot. If the support for the creeper is in a pot, put it right away.
  4. Pour the substrate between the wall of the pot and the earthy clod, tamping a little. Pay attention to the strengthening of the support.
  5. Water the plant, you can spray it, put it in diffused light or in partial shade.

Support chores

Most types of hoya stretch fairly quickly. At first, its stems are elastic, but over time they become brittle. They are easy to damage. Therefore, from a young age, Hoya needs a reliable support.

The support is installed in the pot during planting

Ideally, it should be installed during planting or transplanting the plant right in the pot. To do this, you can use arches made of vines or lattices made of bamboo and other materials.

Liana will comfortably sit on a bamboo lattice

External supports, twine stretched nearby, or a net, a wooden grate on the wall, will also do. Do not prepare something to cling to, the hoya itself will find support. Most likely, these will be nearby plants.

Hoya climbs well on a vertical wooden lattice

Sometimes, especially at first, you will have to tie or wrap the stems around the support yourself. Many flower growers complain that hoya does not always accept such care with gratitude. Strives to climb in the other direction or the shoots grow worse. When tying the hoya stems, be careful, especially bending the shoots. They are very fragile.

Hoya lovers have noticed that the plant, which wraps itself around the support, makes turns counterclockwise. This trick can be used. Wrap the stems in this direction to help them adapt better.

Some types of hoya - bella and multiflora - do not need support at all. The first is grown as an ampelous form, and the second is an upright bush. True, during flowering it is better for him to rely on something.

A multi-flowered hoya may also need support to hold the flower clusters.

Video: hoya transplant

Hoya: home care

Hoya is considered easy to grow. But still, flowering vines have some requirements. One of them is cleanliness, this is especially important for forms with fleshy leaves. They should be wiped with a damp cloth so that the plant breathes better, in order to increase humidity and decorative effect. For small-leaved forms, a warm shower will be useful. Just rinsing the hoya, cover the soil with a film so as not to overmoisten it.

Watering and feeding

When watering hoya, follow the rule: underfilling is better than overfilling. Hoya is able to survive a short drought, but waterlogging of the soil almost always leads to disease or even death of the plant.

Between waterings, the top layer of soil must dry out so that air can penetrate the roots. In the summer, water as soon as it is discovered, most likely 2-3 times a week. In winter, take a break: 2-3 days of dryness will be appropriate, especially when the air is cool. If the hoya is kept warm, you need to water a little more. And be sure to drain the water from the pan. Excess moisture at the roots will not lead to anything good.

For irrigation, prepare soft (thawed, filtered, aquarium, settled) water. Hoya does not like cold moisture. Irrigation water should be slightly warmer than the temperature in the room.

Flower growers advise using peat to soften water. Take a piece of about 100 grams, wrap in gauze and immerse in a container of water (about 2 liters). After a day, remove the peat, the water for irrigation is ready.

When the hoya is actively growing and blooming, it must be fed twice a month. But you don't have to worry about food. Some nutritional deficiency is more useful than its excess. When applying mineral complexes (by the way, fertilizers for flowering succulents are suitable for hoya), dilute them a little more than in the instructions. Pour the nutrient solution only on moist soil to prevent root burns.

flowering time

Some varieties of hoya bloom a year after rooting, others will need 3 years. Some species bloom 2-3 times a year, bloom even in autumn and winter. But sometimes time goes by, but there are no flowers. What's the matter?

Most important condition for the full flowering of hoya - bright and fairly long lighting. If the vine grows in partial shade, it will feel good, but you will not see flowers. Try to move it to a lighter place, but it is better to put a backlight next to it. Hoya is not good at moving. It takes a long time, and sometimes painfully, to settle down in a new place.

If the hoya does not have enough light, she will refuse to bloom.

Do not touch the hoya if buds appear on it. It can not only be rearranged, but even rotated. The stress of change will cause the hoya to drop flower buds.

Another reason why there is no flowering is that last season you removed old flower stalks. Hoya prefers that wilted inflorescences remain on it. All that is needed, she will throw off on her own. Therefore, do not touch it after flowering is over so that it blooms in a year.

Sometimes hoya postpones flowering due to too poor soil. Try to feed her. And pay attention to the capacity where the plant lives. If you planted a hoya in a voluminous pot, it will grow roots and leaves, and only after that it will take up the flowers.

Hoya flowers are not only attractive in appearance, but also fragrant.

Hoya flowering is a beautiful phenomenon and almost always odorous. There is no unequivocal opinion about its smell, someone likes it, and someone can’t stand it. But the aroma is strong and can cause malaise or allergies in a person - this is an individual reaction. If you do not have it, blooming hoya can even remain in the bedroom. Do not believe the superstitions about this flower. In the East, hoya is considered a plant that strengthens family ties and refreshes marital relationships. And Feng Shui masters give her a place in the bedroom.

Video: hoya flowering secrets

Winter and illumination

There is an opinion that a cool (12–16 degrees) dormant period in winter is necessary for the development and high-quality flowering of hoya. But, as practice has shown, this is not true for all types of tropical plants.

Succulent-like hoyas may be happy with the chill of winter. But then significantly limit watering and humidity. And heat-loving varieties (Bella, Retuza) prefer high temperatures all year round. They get sick in the cold.

Many practicing gardeners claim that hoya does not need winter holidays. Of course, she, like other plants, stops growth at this time. But if, with the help of artificial lighting, the daylight hours are increased to 14–16 hours, the hoya will also grow and sometimes bloom. Ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable for illumination, it is necessary to install simple fluorescent or special phytolamps (Flora, Reflux). Illumination is especially important for rooting cuttings in autumn and winter.

Is pruning necessary?

Hoya, growing in the form of a vine on a support, does not need formative pruning. And sanitary involves the removal of dried stems and leaves. But sometimes the vine branches reluctantly, then pinching the tops and light pruning help the growth of side shoots. Carry out the procedure before flowering or after. But be careful: do not remove old flower stalks, so as not to deprive the hoya of future flowers.

Care errors - table

Manifestation Cause Correction
Yellow spots on leaves. Too much sun, burn. In spring and summer, shade your hoya at noon. Too intense sun in the heat burns the leaves.
Hoya sheds leaves. Waterlogging of the soil, possibly in combination with low temperatures. Keep watering, let the soil dry out. The colder the room, the less moisture the flower needs.
The growth of the stems has become slower, the leaves turn pale. Nutrient deficiency. Transplant your hoya to a new, more nutritious substrate or fertilize regularly.
Leaves shrivel and die over time. The plant has been refrigerated. Another reason is frequent watering with cold water. Move the plant to warm place water just above room temperature.
The tips and edges of the leaves dry out. Too hot and dry air. Spray the plant (if it does not bloom), moisten the air. In winter, do not keep near heating appliances.

Hoya diseases and pests

Table: who harms?

Manifestation Who harms? What to do?
Hoya stopped growing, spherical swellings are visible on the roots. Root nematode. With a knife, remove the affected roots, lower the remaining ones into a container with hot water then sprinkle them with charcoal. Treat with an insecticide (Phosfamide, Mercaptophos, Lindane). Prevention: Be sure to sterilize the soil, drainage and pot before planting.
hard plaques Brown below the leaves and on the stems. Shchitovka. Remove insects manually, then treat the plant with an insecticide solution. Repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. Treat until the pest is completely destroyed.
Lumps resembling white fluff on leaves and stems. Mealybug. Remove insects with a damp cloth, spray the plant with an insecticide solution.
Part of the shoots becomes soft, stained, rots. Stem rot is a fungal disease. The fungus multiplies very quickly and kills the plant. With a strong spread, it is not treated, but destroyed so as not to infect the rest. At the initial stage, try to help, remove the affected tissues, sprinkle these places with activated charcoal. Prevention: do not overmoisten the soil, especially at low temperatures, ventilate the room.
The leaves lighten, turn yellow, white spots appear on them. This is chlorosis. The process of photosynthesis is disrupted. Infectious chlorosis is caused by viruses and fungi. Treat the plant with a phytofarm several times with a break of 3-4 days. Feed the hoya, as a rule, weakened plants get sick.
To prevent chlorosis, spray the leaves with iron chelate (antichlorosin).


Most often, hoya is propagated by cuttings - this is the simplest and most effective method. Propagation by seeds is extremely rare. Hoya does not set fruit in captivity. And you can’t even find them on sale, they have a very short shelf life.

After pollination, a pod appears on the hoya, after ripening you will find fluffy seeds in it


  1. In the spring, cut cuttings (10 cm each) of hoya from the tops of last year's shoots. Each should have at least 2 internodes, and preferably 3-4.
  2. Treat the cut of the cutting with phytohormone (Epin, Zircon, others).
  3. Fill the container with a mixture of peat and sand, moisten.
  4. Deepen the cuttings, carefully tamp the substrate, leaving no voids.
  5. Cover the seedlings with a film, bag or jar.
  6. Place in a bright and warm (18–24 0 С) place.
  7. Humidify and ventilate plantings regularly.
  8. When new leaves begin to appear, transplant the cuttings into small (7–10 cm) pots of hoya soil.

You can root cuttings in an impromptu greenhouse

Video: rooting hoya cuttings in different soils

March madness - this is how those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves perceive the first calendar month of spring. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first crops in the greenhouse and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely diving, but also considerable care. But only her efforts are not limited. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

One of the most important rules for growing strong and healthy seedlings is the presence of the “right” soil mixture. Usually, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either purchased soil mixture, or made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings, to put it mildly, is doubtful. This means that the seedlings will require additional nutrition from you. In this article we will talk about simple and effective top dressing for seedlings.

After a decade of dominance in the catalogs of the original variegated and bright varieties of tulips, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the world's best designers offer to recall the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Glittering under the warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Meeting spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind you that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In the conditions of the apartment they are hot and dark. Quality seedlings in this case, it is impossible to obtain. And without strong, healthy seedlings, it is difficult to count on a good harvest. Gardeners with experience know that it is better to sow cabbage for seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants for themselves, replacing one with another. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because the requirements for their content in plants are different. Lovers of beautiful flowering plants often face difficulties. Indeed, in order for the flowering to be long and plentiful, such specimens require special care. unpretentious plants There are not very many blooming in the rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house, or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems that it has always grown here. Read about interesting ornamental varieties of calendula, as well as the use of calendula in cooking and medicine in our article.

I think many will agree that the wind is well perceived by us only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window ... In fact, the wind walking through our sites is a problem and there is nothing good in it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect the site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

A shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner is easy to make! Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch, while extra centimeters will not appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants of antiquity, which, despite the passage of time and all sorts of cataclysms, not only survived, but in many respects were able to maintain their former appearance. In a room format, of course, it is not possible to grow any of the representatives of ferns, but some species have successfully adapted to living indoors. They look great as single plants or adorn a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is an Azerbaijani plov, which differs from the traditional oriental plov in the way of cooking. All ingredients for this recipe are cooked separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, pumpkin slices as well. Separately, prepare onions with carrots. Then everything is laid in layers in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil is a wonderful all-purpose seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil greens are surprisingly versatile. For several seasons now, our family has been drinking fragrant basil tea with pleasure. In a flower bed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, a bright spicy plant also found a worthy place.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? Such a question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and in the market where these plants are sold. He, of course, is not entirely correct and correct. Well, it's like asking which is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet ... And what if we approach without prejudice and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Red Cauliflower Cream Soup with Crispy Smoked Bacon is a delicious, tender and creamy soup that adults and children will love. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including toddlers, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for some it is a difficult necessity, and someone thinks about whether it is easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Whatever it was, even if you refused to grow vegetables, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, coniferous plants and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you plant.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it is an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, pafinia is rightly credited to the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Or a bush of the family Asclepiadaceae (Lastovnevye). Homeland: southern regions of Burma, Central China, India and up to Australia. Plants live in the natural environment in light forests, on tree trunks or on the slopes of rocks. The name of the culture was given by the scientist R. Brown in honor of his botanist friend, who was a gardener in the greenhouse of the Duke of Northumberland and was engaged in the selection of exotics. His name was T. Hoy.

What does hoya look like and how does it bloom in its natural environment

In summer, hoya blooms with fragrant, porcelain-white, pinkish, yellow-greenish and other shades of bisexual flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Both the botanical description of the flowers of the hoya plant, and numerous photos confirm that they have a star-shaped appearance, consist of petals and a central five-membered crown towering above them. The average diameter of flowers is from 1 to 2 cm, except for the majestic appearance (8 cm). While the hoya plant blooms, a pleasant perfume aroma prevails around the bush or creeper. Representatives of certain species are even able to secrete nectar, which is attractive to many insects. AT natural environment The plant can reach 10 meters in length. Young shoots are immediately painted in a brown-violet color, and growing up, they acquire a rich green hue, then they gradually become woody. The foliage is fleshy, oval, with a pointed top. Average length leaves - from 5 to 15 cm, width - from 3 to 8 cm. Both the color and the leaves are dense, have a matte appearance, which creates the visual impression that they are poured out of wax. Check out some of the types and varieties of hoya from the photo with official names to get a general impression of the plant before a detailed acquaintance:

Is it possible to keep hoya at home and the quality of wax ivy

Many cultivars are grown indoors. This plant has decorative qualities and is often used for landscaping offices and offices. Regarding the issue of growing hoya at home, there are a large number of legends and superstitions, many of which, oddly enough, contradict each other.

For example, according to one belief, this flower "expels" men from housing (husband, sons). According to other legends, culture is able to pacify resentment and envy. Third sources, on the question of whether it is possible to keep hoya or wax ivy at home, say that given plant- a source of happiness in the family, so the ideal place for its cultivation is the matrimonial bedroom. Which version to take into account is the individual decision of the gardener. But whatever the choice, it will not cancel the fact that the exotic is able to conquer everyone with its beautiful color - even the most demanding florist.

Popular types and varieties of houseplant hoya: photo, name and description

Today, approximately 200 species of the hoya plant are known. For growing indoors - the most popular among them:

noua bella(hoya is beautiful).

noua carnosa(hoya fleshy).

Much less often, the following types of this plant are cultivated at home:

Hoya imperialis(hoyu majestic).

Hoya longifolia(hoyu longleaf).

Hoya lacunosa(hoya concave)

Hoya publicalyx(hoyu fluffy-cup).

Hoya kerrii(Hoyu Kerry).

Hoya multiflora(hoya multicolor).

The hoya species called beautiful is undersized branched, covered with small foliage (reaches a length of about 3 cm) and has hanging-type shoots (their length varies from 30 to 50 cm). The leaves have a fleshy structure, lanceolate-ovate shape, convex surface. The foliage grows very densely on the shoots. Flowers in appearance resemble small stars, the color of the petals of which is white, and the core is raspberry. The color is collected in umbrellas, each of which has from 7 to 9 "stars". Description of the type of hoya is beautiful, compare with the photo below:

This is an epiphyte plant; in nature, its habitual habitat is tree branches in tropical forests. In room conditions, it is grown as an ampelous culture.

within the species noua bella many varieties of bush type have been bred. The main difference between them is the color of the leaves.

Bush varieties of hoya and vines

Hoya bella var. Louis Buis - a bush variety of a beautiful hoya with leaves that have golden spots in the center and a reddening central vein in good light conditions.

Hoya bella Variegata - a plant with foliage with a thin border of white or yellowish tint.

Hoya bella wee - a variety of beautiful hoya with especially small leaves, which are placed in a whorl not in two, as usual, but in three.

Hoya fleshy gained its popularity due to pickiness to growing conditions and ease of care. Unlike the previous species, this is not a bush plant, but an evergreen weaving vine. Its length can be 6 m, so when growing a crop, you should take care of the support. The foliage of the plant is oval, thick, hard, dark green, has a shiny surface, reaches a length of about 8 cm. The inflorescences are umbrellas, which include 20 flowers with a strong pleasant aroma. The main color of the petals is white, in the central part there is a pink crown. Evaluate in the photo what varieties and varieties the fleshy hoya species has:

The images show those that are most popular in home gardening.

Hoya carnosa variegata(hoya variegated), in particular its variety called Crimson Queen, which is famous for its unusually delicate cream-colored edging along the edges of rich green leaves.

Hoya carnosa Tricolor(hoya tricolor) and its variety with the original name "Exotica", which is loved by many professional and amateur gardeners thanks to scarlet flowers and green-pink-cream foliage.

A hoya flower of this kind, as majestic, is also climbing liana. It is densely dotted with lanceolate-oval foliage, the length of which reaches 15 cm, and the width is up to 8 cm. The color of this plant is considered the largest among known species: the diameter of the flowers is 8 cm. The peduncles are long, they form flower umbrellas, in each of which contain from 8 to 10 smooth star-shaped flowers with rich red petals and a white central crown.

On the reverse side, the petals are decorated with an admixture of green or yellow. Hoya imperialis is widely known for its pleasant perfume smell. A description of the popular varieties of this type of hoya with photos and official names is presented below - study and choose a green "pet" that is most suitable for your greenhouse:

Hoya imperialis var. rauschii characterized by foliage with wavy edges, white-green flowers with pink and purple hues.

Hoya imperialis 'Borneo Red' popular due to the fact that it grows very quickly, blooms lilac with a fruity sweet smell.

Hoya imperialis var. .Palawan famous for its yellow-golden flowers, which have an original slightly reddish tint. The photo below shows a long-leaved hoya:

This is a weaving plant, the thin shoots of which contain a large amount of milky juice. Liana is densely dotted with foliage that has a lanceolate shape, smooth edges, rich green color, fleshy structure without visible veins. Each leaf is approximately 13 cm long and approximately 2 cm wide.

The surface is without pubescence, does not differ in shine. Fragrant flowers in an amount of 5 to 12 pieces are collected in a spherical umbrella. The diameter of each flower varies from 1.5 to 1.7 cm, there is pubescence on the surface. The color of the petals is white, the central crown is pale pink or pure white.

What a long-leaved hoya looks like, check out the colorful photos.

concave hoya- This is an epiphytic plant, very branched, with flexible branches that look like growing very densely cascading lashes. The foliage is diamond-shaped, thickened, with edges wrapped inward, saturated green. The length of each leaf does not exceed 6 cm. The inflorescence is an umbrella, resembling a fluffy ball in shape. One umbrella contains 15 to 20 hairy white or cream flowers with a white crown topped with a yellow center. Description of popular varieties of concave hoya with a photo, study below:

"Tova"- a hybrid with plain foliage, having a light green color.

"Eskimo"- a cultivar with leaves decorated with a marble pattern of a lighter shade.

Other varieties of indoor flower hoya: photo and description

The fluffy species is one of the most striking plants of this genus and is very often used by breeders to develop new hybrids. This is a light-loving plant with a curly stem, leathery foliage, on the surface of which there are silvery stripes and spotting. Fleecy flowers of 30 pieces are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. The diameter of each flower is no more than 2 cm. Their colors are varied - from delicate pink to maroon. This type of hoya also has well-known hybrid varieties:

"Silver Pink"

"Silver Prince"

"Red Button"

"Dark Red"

"Philippine Black"



fresno beauty and etc.

Hoya Kerry in Western countries is popular on February 14 - on Valentine's Day - due to the fact that its fleshy leaves resemble in appearance inverted hearts. They are leathery, without visible venation. Their length and width can reach from 5 to 15 cm.

The flowers are pubescent, ranging in diameter from 1 to 1.5 cm. Collected in umbrella inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. The color of the petals is determined by the amount of sunlight and can be pure white, yellow-lemon, pale pink. If you move the flower to another part of the room, the shade can change dramatically. A feature of the plant is the darkening of the flowers as they age due to the dark nectar released in them. You can compare the description of the Kerry hoya with the greenhouse flowers shown in the photo:

The multi-flowered species of the plant is a shrub that has lignified stems dotted with 12-centimeter leaves with wavy edges. In one inflorescence-umbrella, from 15 to 20 flowers are collected, which are painted in a white-yellow hue and exude lemon flavor. Distinctive feature plants - thermophilicity: if the temperature environment drops below +20 ̊С, it will shed both leaves and color. The bush needs to be sprayed in the mornings and evenings and watered abundantly. Look at the photo below, what varieties of indoor flower hoya multiflora has, and check out their brief description:

Hoya multiflora Variegata endowed with foliage with a white border.

Hoya multiflora Speckles has spotted foliage and cream flowers.

Hoya multiflora Shooting Star is famous for its petaled flowers, which are shaped like a comet's tail.

This is not a complete list of species, varieties and varieties of plants that are cultivated by modern gardeners and are used to develop new hybrids that enchant with their unique flowers and an endless variety of perfume aromas.

How to care for a hoya at home

Caring for a hoya flower at home is generally not difficult and does not take much time, as the plant is considered non-capricious. For a green "pet", a well-lit location is suitable. The plant is tolerant of direct sunlight. Although caution is in order in this respect: due to the impact of direct ultraviolet radiation burns may occur on the hoya. To prevent such a disastrous outcome, it is recommended to provide diffused light for the flower at noon by shading the window in one of the following ways:
  • Tracing paper.
  • Tulle.
  • Marley.
For growing a hoya flower at home, an east or west window sill is well suited. You can not put the plant on a window facing north: due to the lack of sunlight, flowering will not occur at all. If you purchased a bush or vine that was in a shaded place in the store, it is not recommended to immediately put them in a part of the room with intense lighting - you need to gradually increase the amount of light so that the plant has the opportunity to gradually, without stress, adapt to new conditions.
In the question of how to properly care for hoya at home, the temperature regime plays an important role. Temperature: in summer, the plant loves heat (+18 ... +23 ° С), in winter - a cooler atmosphere (+14 ... + 18 ° С).
Many species can overwinter even at + 10 ° C, but the beautiful hoya is more thermophilic: if it is not provided with a warm winter, then it can completely shed its foliage. Humidity in general is not a significant factor in plant growth. But, as in the case of temperature, the type of hoya requires special conditions - the flower loves a humid environment, it grows better in it and blooms more profusely. In summer, during the period of shoot growth, bushes or vines should be regularly sprayed with a spray bottle.
Proper care, organized at home for wax ivy hoya, implies that once every six months the plant must be bathed with complete immersion under water.
To do this, fill the bath with warm water (from +30 to +40 ° C) and lower the green “pet” there (still at the stage before the buds appear!) In a flowerpot for 40 minutes. After this time, the shoots must be lifted and "hung" to dry, and the flowerpot with the rhizome should be left for another 1.5 hours. You can do it a little differently: just lower the pot under water, heated to the temperature indicated above, for 2 hours, and arrange a warm shower for the leaves. This procedure will help stimulate flowering.

Watering and fertilizing when caring for hoya (with video)

An important aspect of caring for a homemade hoya flower is watering: moderate in summer, even less in winter. A feature of the culture is the ability to tolerate moisture deficiency well. In the warm season, you need to water the plant as the soil dries out, but it’s still better not to let the earthen one dry out. In order for the liana or bush to please with abundant flowering next season, a minimum amount of liquid is required during the winter dormancy. If the soil is waterlogged, the plant may begin to drop both leaves and shoots. Water for irrigation should be used settled, soft.
Top dressing: during the growth period - from March to September - once every 2 weeks. Hoya in the process of growing must be fertilized with mineral compounds.
Ready mix "For blooming succulents" can be purchased at flower shop, but you can do it yourself at home, given the recommended ratio of components:
  • 2% magnesium.
  • 10% nitrogen.
  • 11% phosphorus.
  • 18% potassium.
The solution must be poured into the pot along the edge. During winter dormancy, the plant does not need to be fertilized. Also, top dressing is not needed at all if you carry out an annual transplant of the crop into a new, not yet depleted substrate. For information on how to organize the proper care of a hoya, see the video presented to your attention below:

Reproduction of hoya by apical and stem cuttings

There are three ways to propagate a hoya flower at home:
  • Apical or stem cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • Sheets.
Propagation of a hoya plant by cuttings is considered the least difficult and most reliable way to grow a new specimen. It is necessary to take into account two main characteristics of the handle:
  • Age.
  • The size.
Both the apical and stem cuttings chosen for the purpose of propagation should not be too young - their tissues tend to rot when trying to root. Therefore, it is better to give preference to mature, but not yet woody cuttings.

In terms of size, the rooting material should not be long. It is better to take cuttings, which have two nodes each, covering two pairs of leaves. If it is planned to propagate plant species with large foliage, then you can make an exception and take cuttings, keeping one node at a time.

How to cut hoya to properly root the plant

In the question of how to properly cut hoya, special attention should be paid to cutting the cutting. The best place for the appearance of roots is considered to be the zone located under the very node. Therefore, under it you need to leave a couple of centimeters of the stem, cut off the rest. After the appearance of a new sprout from the sinus of the first node, you can cut off the second node and also root. Rooting is possible in one of two ways:
  • Immediately in the substrate (at soil temperature + 20 ... + 25 ° С).
  • In water (at a temperature of + 22 °C).
The first option is considered to be more reliable. Before rooting hoya cuttings, you need to prepare the soil according to one of the "recipes":
  • Mix in equal parts sphagnum moss (or peat), vermiculite (or perlite), fine expanded clay (or polystyrene).
  • Combine fine expanded clay (1/5 part), perlite or vermiculite (1/5 part), planting soil (3/5 part).
The prepared substrate must be breathable so that the cutting does not rot. Perlite or vermiculite will help to ensure this property of the soil. You should also take care of proper soil moisture, but the higher the level of air permeability, the faster water evaporates from it. You can solve this problem with a plastic bag (how exactly - will be discussed later).

Before rooting, for a 100% result, it is possible to process the cutting with Kornevin, but this is not necessary.

Planting homemade hoya cuttings and caring for the plant

Planting hoya with apical or stem cuttings is carried out as follows: the stalk is placed in a plastic bag filled with a slightly moistened substrate so that the lower node is covered with soil. The bag is then placed horizontally and after 10 days it will be possible to observe the appearance of roots.
You can do otherwise by planting a cutting in a flowerpot. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, then a substrate, into which the cutting is deepened, as in the previous version. To maintain moisture, a transparent plastic bag is loosely put on the pot.
After 14-21 days, a germinated cutting can be obtained, ready for planting in a permanent place of growth in the soil, prepared according to one of the previously described technologies. Rooting in water is carried out as follows. The container with the liquid is wrapped in foil on all sides, and holes for the cuttings are made in the top of the wrapper. Planting materials processed at will by Kornevin are lowered into the vessel so that the lower node is under water. A plastic bag is also put on the container loosely (for free air flow). Roots will appear after 14 days. It is necessary to transplant the cutting into the ground immediately, as the roots will become very fragile and can break off.

Reproduction of hoya seeds and leaves at home

Reproduction of hoya seeds at home, it is carried out using well-dried seed in the year of its collection. The substrate can be prepared according to one of the above "recipes". Shoots appear after 7 days.
As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to monitor the soil moisture: Do not flood, but do not let it dry out. The container with seedlings should be placed in a warm and well-lit place.
To prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat them with some preparation with copper in accordance with the instructions on the package. After 90 days, the seedlings will already have several pairs of leaves - from that moment on, they can be transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Reproduction of hoya from sheets is considered the most difficult and lengthy process. It is recommended to take leaves of those plants that live in the natural environment. Therefore, breeders use this method. But amateur florists also have the opportunity to experiment with houseplants. The leaf is planted in a loose substrate, observing an angle of 45 ̊. Roots will appear in 2-3 weeks. The problem with this propagation method is that a leaf that has taken root may not sprout for several years. To speed up this process, one drop of "Heteroauxin" is dripped onto the base of the leaf with a pipette.

How to transplant hoya into a new pot

The "plus" of growing a crop is that it does not require frequent transplantation. It is carried out if necessary once every 1-3 years in the spring. Recommended substrate: flower soil mixture "For flowering succulents" or prepared independently according to one of the "recipes" discussed above.
Usually, the plant itself signals that a transplant is needed: the root system protrudes from the drainage into the holes at the bottom of the flowerpot, the bush or vine does not grow, the leaves become drooping.
Before transplanting a home hoya, you need to choose the right new pot. If there is a goal to get abundant flowering, then the capacity should not be much larger than the one in which the culture grew before. If it is necessary to stimulate the growth of a bush or creeper, then the pot should be taken much more spacious than the previous one. Do not forget to lay drainage at the bottom (pebbles, broken shards, stones ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 cm, foam chips).

Transfer a healthy culture into a new container and a fresh substrate is carried out by the transshipment method - that is, an earthen clod braided with roots does not collapse, but is transferred to another container and supplemented with the necessary amount of soil. When planting, the hoya does not deepen much; care for the transplanted plant requires standard care - described above.

Red spider mites.


root nematodes.

If the presence of any insects on flowers, leaves, branches is noticed, it is necessary to treat the bush or vine with an insecticide (for example, Actellik). If you have suffered from a pest attack indoor views hoya flowers with fleshy and thickened foliage, you can simply wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol.

If the rhizome of the culture is affected by nematodes, it is also necessary to transplant it into a fresh steamed substrate and a new disinfected flowerpot.
Among the diseases of room hoya diseases, the most common are:

Gray, black, root rot.


Powdery mildew.

If the soil is waterlogged, the room temperature is too low, the plant suffers from a fungus. It leads to rot. The presence of the disease is evidenced by spots - brown, gray - on the stems, leaves, buds, wilting of the plant.

To cure the affected culture, a soap-copper solution treatment can be used. If there is focal root rot, then you need to extract the rhizome with Bordeaux liquid or colloidal sulfur and transplant the vine or bush. In case of decay of most of the root system, the plant will have to be destroyed.
The appearance of a white bloom on the flower indicates the spread of powdery mildew. Moisturizing the air in the room where the crop is grown, optimizing irrigation, and improving ventilation will help get rid of the disease.

Look at the photo of what a hoya flower affected by powdery mildew looks like in order to be able to recognize the disease in time:

How to revive and make hoya bloom at home

Many gardeners - both beginners and professionals - are faced with the phenomenon of massive leaf fall in a house flowering hoi plant. The reason for this may be an excess of moisture, hypothermia of the soil in winter or summer when watering with cold water, moving the flowerpot with the culture to another place in the room. To reanimate a flower, you need to eliminate irritating factors.

If the sheets are stained, this may indicate a lack of lighting or burns from direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to change the location of the flowerpot with a flower.

If the foliage has become too light, dried out, twisted, this is a clear sign that the plant needs to be shaded, as it dies under the scorching sun.

Due to insufficient lighting, incorrect wintering temperature, color may not appear on the crop at all. An effective method on how to quickly make hoya bloom at home is to bathe it under a warm shower using the technology described earlier.

Advice! At the fleshy hoya, do not cut off the flower stalks: new inflorescences form on them next year. Do not move the flowerpot with the plant as soon as the buds appear on it, otherwise they may crumble, like all the foliage.
Only with proper care, an adult plant will bloom profusely for a long period.

Hoya, or wax ivy, is a flowering vine that is most often grown indoors. Evergreen has thin and long shoots that are attached to supports. Outlandish star-shaped flowers are distinguished by elegance and originality, so hoya is grown at home. However, in order to see the flowering of the vine, it must be properly looked after.

The best plant varieties

Wax ivy is often used in ornamental gardening and belongs to the genus evergreen shrubs and liana. The plant is widespread in India, China, the tropics of South Asia, and it is also found on the coast of Australia. Such a liana grows in rare forests, where it finds support for shoots in the form of a tree or stones.

In the wild, hoya reaches a length of more than 8 meters., but at home this plant is characterized by smaller sizes. The flowers are very beautiful, they can be white, yellow, red or even black. Their smell attracts pollinating insects, and the inflorescences also secrete nectar.

Hoya wax or fleshy (Hoya carnosa) has been cultivated by flower growers for many years. The leaves of this creeper are small, oval in shape, have a light wax coating.

The flowers are white, with a pink crown inside. The plant is very hardy, is not afraid of drought and heat, and it is also unpretentious and survives in shady places. Varieties of this type of wax ivy are presented in the table below, as well as other equally beautiful hoyas.

Name Peculiarities
Hoya fleshy (Hoya carnosa) The species is represented by such varieties as "Crimson Queen", "Compact". The first has dark green leaves, decorated with a thin beige border. Especially beautiful is the small hoya, which has twisted leaves and small white-pink flowers.
Hoya beautiful (Hoya bella) This plant is distinguished by its special beauty, its shoots are strongly branched and hang down. Therefore, such a liana is often found in hanging planters or wickerwork. Inflorescences are umbellate, pure white with a lilac crown. It is important to know that this hoya is thermophilic and does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.
Hoya royal (Hoya imperialis) The species is characterized by curly pubescent shoots. The flower is large, dark red. It exudes a pleasant aroma and attracts attention.
Hoya painted (Hoya picta) The flowers look like candies. They are painted in apricot or orange colors.
Hoya wayetii (Hoya wayetii) The plant is characterized by small pinkish-burgundy inflorescences, the leaves are narrow and oblong.
Hoya Kerry (Hoya kerrii) The leaves of the creeper are heart-shaped, long lashes must be tied up. The flowers are pubescent, pale pink. But often there are varieties with canary and cream inflorescences.
Hoya longifolia (Hoya longifolia) The leaves of this species are thin and long, reminiscent of knife blades. The flowers are light, pubescent, have a weak aroma.
Southern Hoya (Hoya australis) Such a hoya has long shoots that resemble wood in structure. Umbelliferous inflorescences, white petals with crimson crown
Hoya pale (Hoya acuta) A climbing vine that has yellow flowers with a mint or lemon scent. Differs in unpretentiousness and is often used for interior decoration

To successfully grow a home liana, you should know the most important rules that will help you maintain exotic plant healthy.

Wax ivy, regardless of the type chosen, will decorate the room with unusual bright flowers. In addition, it is available to all lovers of indoor flowers.

Hoya: varieties (video)

How to care for a hoya

Despite the unpretentiousness of wax ivy, the soil for this plant must be balanced and breathable. You can take ready-made soil for orchids or prepare a mixture yourself from the following components:

  • leaf ground (2 kg);
  • turf (1 kg);
  • humus (800 g);
  • river sand (500 g).

Any pot for creepers is suitable - both clay and plastic. The main thing is that drainage holes are made in it and moisture does not stagnate in the soil. For a small creeper, a container is enough, the volume of which is up to 1 liter. In the future, the plant should be transplanted into a wider pot as it grows.

The optimum temperature for wax ivy varies from 17 to 25 ° C during the warm months, in winter it can drop to 15 ° C. Liana can be planted in a winter garden or greenhouse, as it withstands a short-term drop in temperature without the risk of falling leaves.

It is known that hoya does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is recommended to grow it in a room with windows facing south. Growing a plant requires permanent place for him, since moving the vine is fraught with the loss of flowers.

Home vine shoots often grow very long, so it is a mandatory procedure. The choice of the shape of the bush allows you to get a lush and beautiful plant, the main thing is to have time to do this after the end of flowering. Hoya is best shaped with thin garden shears.

Wax ivy feels good in a humid environment, so periodically the foliage should be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. In spring and summer, hoya is watered abundantly as the soil dries., however, liquid stagnation in the soil must not be allowed. In addition, the ingress of water drops on flowers and buds contributes to their deterioration. appearance, so the plant should be moistened carefully.

In spring and summer, the liana is fed with complex fertilizers for indoor plants no more than 1 time per month. In winter, food is not brought in, and irrigation is stopped. If you do not have plant nutrition available, watering with onion peel is allowed, thanks to the hoya infusion, it will grow and develop intensively.

How to transplant hoya (video)

Technology and timing of transplantation

Young vines need to be replanted annually, it is best to do this in the spring. Adult specimens should be moved to a new pot no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Pour the substrate into the prepared container, and also prepare a support for the plant in advance. It is quite easy to transplant a hoya, it is important to water it well and put it in a place with good diffused light.. If you have purchased a new plant, then you should not transplant immediately. Place the vine in a separate room and watch it. You need to make sure that the ivy does not have garden diseases or pests. In addition, the state of rest helps hoya cope with stress after a change of scenery.

Ways to propagate wax ivy

The easiest way to propagate a home liana is with the help of cuttings. At favorable conditions they take root and grow without problems.

Carefully cut off a twig with a couple of leaves, while the stalk should have at least 2 knots. They form roots and leaves. Next, put the part of the plant in a dark vase and leave it in a warm, bright place. But do not forget to add fresh water, as moisture evaporates quickly. Fortified young plant can be transplanted into a pot with a special substrate.

Reproduction of wax ivy by cuttings gives an excellent result. But you should be aware that they should be short, as too long parts of the hoya are prone to drying out. It will be easier to root the vine if the room temperature is maintained at least 22 ° C, and you also need to regularly spray the stalk with water from a spray bottle.

Some flower growers are interested in how to propagate hoya with a leaf. The fact is that the petioles at the base of the leaf contain a certain number of roots. When placed in a nutrient substrate, this part of the plant takes root in the soil, but shoots are allowed infrequently. You can additionally stimulate the leaf by adding hormones based on plant cells to the water for irrigation.

At home, you can also grow hoya from seeds. Fresh seed should be slightly dried and placed in a well-permeable substrate. For example, you can prepare a mixture of soil and sphagnum. It is important to know that the seeds should be sown quickly, otherwise they will lose their germination.

As a rule, seeds germinate 1 week after they are placed in a nutrient medium. In no case should seedlings dry out, therefore they are regularly moistened with warm water. A young plant needs a sufficient amount of light, so it is best to place the sprouts in a spacious container on the windowsill. 3 months after germination, vines can be transplanted into separate pots. By this time, the hoyas have strong roots and leaves.

About the features of flowering vines

Hoya flowers look like artificial decorations and are very beautiful. However, you should not pluck them, this is fraught with a lack of ovaries next year. As a rule, you can see inflorescences in spring or autumn, when the room is cool, but there are exceptions.

In some cases, the plant does not at all please the owners of the house with bright flowers. This may be due to the following factors:

  • frequent movement of hoya;
  • a lack of fresh air;
  • improper watering.

Why does the liana not tie flower stalks? First of all, you need to remember when the plant pot was last moved. In some cases, after buying or moving, the hoya does not bloom for 2 years. The room intended for wax ivy must be free, otherwise the flower will lack fresh air. In addition, the plant should not be watered too often.

Signs and beliefs associated with hoya

Superstitious people believe that hoya cannot be raised at home, as it attracts misfortune and loneliness. In the old days, some flower growers believed that the pronounced aroma of wax ivy flowers could cause a person’s death. However, this judgment is fiction, even in small room the smell of hoya can only cause a headache. The sap of the plant is poisonous, but the domestic liana is incapable of seriously harming health.

How to make hoya bloom (video)

Hoya care is simple and understandable even for beginners, and keeping this plant in the room is useful, because it cleans the air of toxins. The main thing is that ivy is inaccessible to children and pets. It is not difficult to plant and grow a vine on your own if you learn the rules easy care for her.
