How not to pay for heating if the apartment has cold batteries. What to do and where to complain? Where to go if the apartment has cold batteries and there is no heat in an apartment building

The state must guarantee one hundred percent protection from cold temperatures during the heating period of all people who pay for such services. But, unfortunately, this is sometimes not done, and people begin to upset local management companies with accounts in hand. According to universal human rules, malicious violators who do not fully fulfill their duties should be punished. It doesn't matter if it's cheating or bad luck and laziness.

Possible reasons why it is cold in the apartment

  1. Heavily worn out old communication infrastructure;
  2. Mistakes of designers or installers of heating systems.
  3. Third possible cause it may be that the regulator on the heating main was drunk and supplied heat incorrectly.
  4. And also - the culprits of this may also be those who unauthorizedly installed additional batteries or underfloor heating in themselves and thereby stole heat from all the residents of the house.

How many degrees of heat should be in the apartment: norms

According to the norms, heating in residential premises should be: plus twenty for corner rooms. For buildings not older than one year - plus twenty; for other living rooms - plus eighteen; for the kitchen - plus eighteen too; for the bathroom - plus twenty-five, for stairs or lobbies - plus sixteen.

Where to go if the batteries are cold

Yes, if not allowed low temperature in a heated room is stored for more than two days, then it is necessary with claims and complaints about cold batteries apply first to Rospotrebnadzor, then to the city communal administration, and then to the prosecutor's office. But all these appeals, so that they are not rejected, will have to be backed up with savvy knowledge and actions.

Complaint about the heating in the apartment it is possible if there is no trust in the housing office, but not in court. It must be left for last moment, since the whole thing can drag on for many months and without guarantees. After the communal shake-up, it is necessary to recover compensation from him through the court for the material damage caused.

But it is possible to send complaints to all organizations in order to surely solve the heating problem. All institutions will become controlling and executive in their own way. There is a certain procedure for this.

An example and a sample of a complaint about the lack of heating

First you need to identify the correct names and locations of organizations, after which you can start writing a complaint to. Management and supervision, administrative workers, the Criminal Code or ZhEK and their addresses indicate in the header of the application, somehow, the first original to the ZhEK, and copies to all the others. It is also worth entering the address and phone numbers of the applicant.

In the very text of the complaint about the heating of housing and communal services, it is necessary to write about the lack of proper heating and its period, along with the alleged causes, temperature, consequences, and the moral and material damage caused.

It is also necessary to indicate a time for correction in three days for public utilities to return normal heat supply and require written notification of all ongoing actions to resolve this issue.

Waiting for responses for a week. After that, in the absence of any action on the part of the communicant, you can write the following complaint against poor heating to the next instance. But it indicates the claim sent earlier to the Housing Office and their inaction and attach a copy of that statement.

Two claims to different organizations should definitely work properly. Usually, after the second call, everything returns to normal.

In the absence of a bilateral response to statements, it is already necessary to apply to the prosecutor's office with a complaint about officials who are not on duty. This statement also indicates that the unlawful actions of public utilities workers caused damage to the property and health of residents and their families.

What else can be done in the fight for heat

You also need to write an act with the wrong heating conditions included in it. You need to create such a document only in the presence of a commission, which should include representatives from the local government, other residents and a locksmith from the Housing Office.

Putting them all together will not be easy. And in order not to fall for the bait of bureaucrats, a resident must immediately apply in writing to these institutions, indicating in the application the date and place of the proposed inspection of the premises for drawing up an act.

If representatives of the written request are ignored, it is possible to conduct an inspection with other residents, and make a note on the sent invitations in the act. Then the document is signed without the presence of the authorities. Claims can be sent when the residential air is less than plus eighteen degrees.

It is also important for any officials that Complaint to the heating company was registered. Only in this way will there be a guarantee for a successful solution of the issue. Applications are recorded in the accounting journals of enterprises. The template for the applicant must indicate that the application has been accepted. F complaints about lack of heating submitted by registered mail with notification or in person. All written appeals must be in two copies.

Respond to applications, as well as take action within three days. After unsuccessful appeals to the prosecutor's office, you will have to declare to the court.

Measurements are made by an employee on the internal floors in each room of the apartment, retreating from the wall by a meter, and from the floor - one and a half meters. After drawing up an act with a copy of the deviations, one is transferred to the communal service, and the other remains with the owner of the apartment. With confirmed complaints, specialists must put everything in proper order in a week.

For all deviations from the norm, they must reduce the payment for heating, since according to the rules there should be no differences in temperature at all. To recalculate, you need to write an application to the calculation department of the engineering service and add an act of temperature measurements. The communal management, not the tenant, should pay for the repair and fixing of the batteries.

Public utilities will be able to avoid liability only in case of an accident, such as an earthquake.

So that plumbers have nothing to complain about in the apartment, all windows and doors must be well sealed and insulated. In addition to direct appeals to the authorities, you can still call and complain about the poor performance of hotlines for heating issues.

And always and everywhere it is necessary to act confidently and persistently, without giving grounds for unnecessary bureaucratic delays on the part of the administrative bodies.

Persistence has always been in the price.

See also a video about the causes of poor heating in apartment buildings:

With the onset of October and the beginning of the heating season, homeowners in apartment buildings often face a rather serious situation - it becomes very cold in the apartments. Problems with heating in high-rise buildings are far from uncommon, and this is true both for secondary housing built 30-40 years ago, and for new buildings. How to solve this problem and where to turn - in the new material "Polygraph.Media".

Why are batteries cold?

Before you panic and rush to write complaints to all authorities, find out the specific reason for the lack of heating. They can be different: from the re-equipment of the house system and ending with an accident on the highway.

Problem in the home system:

  • neighbors spend repair work heating systems, for example, install additional sections to the battery. To carry out such work, it is necessary to turn off the heating. Therefore, neighboring apartments can also temporarily be left without it;
  • the tenants of the apartment themselves made the replacement of the old heating system on a new one and made mistakes during installation.

In order to find out whether this is a problem of one apartment or the entire entrance, you should find out how the neighbors are doing with heating. It is also advisable to call a specialist - a plumber who will search for the problem and fix it.

External problem:

  • an accident on the central heating main, as a result of which entire houses or even districts can be left without heat;
  • delay of the heating season by the municipal service, supply of heat energy of inadequate quality or with interruptions exceeding the normatively established permissible duration.

It is important to remember that the lack of heat in the premises is not always the fault of the organizations that provide it to consumers. Therefore, before writing a complaint about poor heating in an apartment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the cold.

Grounds for filing a complaint

The question "where to complain?" important, but not paramount. It is necessary, first of all, to establish precisely whether there are grounds for a complaint. To do this, you need to collect and document facts confirming that the temperature in the apartment is below the norm.

Time when utilities are required to start heating season, is established by the Rules for the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, which are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). In Russia there is no exact date when the heating should be turned on in each individual region. The date varies depending on the weather. If the temperature outside is below 8 degrees for five days, heat must be supplied to the houses.

The same rules establish requirements for the quality of public services, in particular:

1) Provide uninterrupted round-the-clock heating during the heating period.

Wherein for each hour of excess allowable duration break heating, calculated in total for the billing period in which the indicated excess occurred,

2) Install regulatory requirements air temperature:

For each hour of temperature deviation air in the residential premises in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15 percent the amount of the fee determined in accordance with the Rules.

If the temperature in the apartment is below normal, but problems in the heating network are not confirmed, you must contact the management company. The specialist from the Criminal Code should fix the deviation from the standard and draw up an act. In the event that it is cold at home, and the employee of the Criminal Code refuses to do this, the act can be drawn up by the owner of the apartment in any form in the presence of two witnesses.

How to measure air temperature correctly?

Methods for conducting air temperature control are established by GOST 30494-2011 " Interstate standard. Buildings residential and public. Indoor microclimate parameters.

It is allowed to take measurements in the cold season at a temperature of outdoor air not higher than minus 5˚С. Cannot be measured during daylight hours with a cloudless sky. This is due to the fact that penetrating into the rooms sunlight heats up the room, so measurements will be inaccurate.

Measure the temperature in the room at a distance of 10 cm, 1 m 10 cm and 1 m 70 cm from the floor. Measurements at these heights are taken in the center of the room and at a distance of 50 cm from the outer walls. The temperature of the walls and floor is measured at the center of the surface.

Where to complain about poor heating in the apartment?

Knowing this, you can quickly solve the problem. First of all, you can contact the following authorities:

  • to the management company serving the house;
  • to the City Housing Authority.

Please note that with 2018, amendments were made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (FZ No. 59-FZ of 04/03/2018). Now tenants apartment building can enter into direct contracts with resource providers and, accordingly, transfer payment for electricity, water, heating and gas directly to the organization that supplies these resources, and not to the account management company.

But, even if there is a direct agreement with resource providers, you can still complain to the management company. By law, she is required to keep all the systems in the house in order, even if tenants do not pay for communal resources.

Therefore, if there are problems with heating, you can contact the Criminal Code. The management company is obliged to accept the appeal and respond. But the supplier, and not the management company, will be responsible for the quality of services under a direct contract.

If complaints to the management company and the housing inspection did not bring any result, you can subsequently contact:

But a claim about the lack of heating should be sent to these authorities if the utility service specialists ignore the complaint of the residents of the house and have not taken any measures.

How to file a complaint?

Regardless of which structure the claim will be sent to, it is important to draw it up correctly and competently.

You can follow the following general rules design:

  • in the upper right corner, you must indicate the name of the structure to which the document is submitted. Below is the name of the tenant, address of residence. In order for the organization to contact the owner of the apartment, you should write contact details (phone, Email);
  • the problem is detailed below. It should be indicated from what date there is no heating, what measures were taken, to which authorities and to whom exactly they turned. If there are acts, responses from any authorities or other important documents, their copies must be attached to the complaint;
  • in conclusion, it is necessary to state the requirement that the selected structure take measures to solve the existing problem. It can also be added that if the heating issue is not resolved, then in the future the complaint will be sent to the court;
  • at the very end, the date of the document and the signature of the person who filed the complaint is put.

Regardless of where the complaint is filed, it is desirable that it be collective from several residents of the house. Since public appeals are usually considered first. Appeals are considered within 30 days after receipt of the document. Complaints must be submitted in multiple copies. Residents of the house must have a second version of the document in their hands. In addition, you can contact a lawyer to file a complaint for help.

To leave comments

> If the apartment has cold batteries, where to contact, call and what to do

In accordance with Russian legislation during system operation central heating residential buildings should be provided with the optimal (not lower than the permissible) air temperature in the heated premises.

If the temperature regime is violated in some rooms, the contractor (management company, service organization) is obliged to establish a heating system, install additional heating devices.

Indoor air temperature residential buildings in cold period year must not be lower than the values ​​provided for by the standards.

In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +18 degrees Celsius, in corner rooms - not lower than +20 degrees.

Step by step instructions for independent

What should you do if you have cold batteries in your apartment?

You need to start with home service organizations. If this is a management company, then all claims should be addressed to it, if the HOA - go to the chairman. If the contracts are signed directly with service providers - water supply and energy supply organizations, then you will have to deal with them yourself.

First, carefully review your contract. It may contain some special procedure for filing a claim. For example, only by registered mail or only to the head office managing organization etc. A written claim is submitted in two copies, one of which is given to the contractor, and the other is marked with acceptance. Make sure that the name of the recipient is not just written on the mark, but the stamp of the organization, as well as the date and time of admission. If the claim is not accepted, then it must be sent by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. If you are offered to file a complaint by phone, then you need to find out under what number in the log book the appeal was registered and who took the call. If necessary, this will help you prove the fact and time of contacting the public utilities.

The claim must indicate that the temperature in the apartment is below the standard, established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN, paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 paragraphs. 49-n), require temperature measurements in the apartment in accordance with SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LIVING CONDITIONS IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND PREMISES.

A representative of the management company should come to your apartment and draw up an act stating that utilities are not provided or are of poor quality. If there is a disagreement between you and the public utilities about the quality of services, then the check is repeated. A representative of the Housing Inspectorate is invited to it. In addition, you yourself can call an independent specialist. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up, which is signed by you and representatives of the commission. The document can also be signed by all those present. The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with you, the other - with the public utilities. If it is known that the cause of the outages is an accident, no further verification is required.

If the management company does not respond to your letter, or responds with an unsubscribe, but does not take measures to eliminate your problem, CONTACT the following organizations in sequence (or better, several at once, of your choice):

1. To the State Housing Inspectorate of your area.
2. To the district office Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).
3. To the local authority of the Federal antimonopoly service(Teploenergo, CHPP, Vodokanal and other suppliers are usually monopolists, and their actions are controlled by the Federal Antimonopoly Service).
4. To regional (regional) and municipal (city, district) authorities - to the governor, etc.
5. To the prosecutor's office - they are also obliged to protect the rights of consumers.
6. To the court - and demand compensation for your losses. For example, if you used heaters in the cold and the electricity bill is significantly higher than the usual amounts. You can also claim compensation for non-pecuniary damage.


When is recalculation due?

The law establishes deadlines for interruptions in the provision of public services, after which the service organization is obliged to recalculate the fee for them.


In case of an emergency shutdown, heating must be restored no more than 16 hours in advance - if the air temperature in the apartments is not lower than twelve degrees. And in 4 hours, if the temperature dropped below 10 degrees. Exceeding the deadlines entails a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost at the rate for each hour of excess. And by the same amount - for each degree of deviation from temperature regime.


If there is no water for more than eight hours in total within one month, or for more than four hours at a time (and in case of an accident on the pipeline - within 24 hours), the amount of water payment is reduced by 0.15 percent of its cost for each hour of lack of water.


Its temperature should be at least 50, maximum 75 degrees. Deviations are allowed at night by no more than five degrees, during the day - no more than three degrees. For every three degrees of water deviation from the standard, the fee is reduced by 0.1% of the cost for each hour of deviation. If the water temperature is below forty degrees, then for hot water you can pay according to the rates for cold.


If it is not there, the fee is reduced by 0.15% of the cost according to the tariff for each hour of non-provision of the service.

In apartments, he can be absent for no more than four hours in total within one month. Its pressure must meet the requirements of federal standards. If there is no gas longer than this time, you can demand a reduction in the fee by 0.15% of the cost at the rate for each hour. The absence of normal pressure gives the right to exclude from payment the days during which substandard gas was supplied.

Sample application to the management company with the requirement to measure the temperature in the apartment

To ________________ (name

management company)

From: _____________________,

The address: ___________________.


I, ______________________ (full name) am the owner of the apartment at the above address in a building managed by your organization.

There are cold batteries in my apartment from ______ to ________, and the temperature in the apartment is below the norm, established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN, paragraphs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 paragraphs. 49-n),

Based on the foregoing

I demand to measure the temperature in the apartment in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

"____" ____________2016 _____________ (________________)

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Every year, with the onset of autumn, the residents apartment buildings are entering a stressful period. A variety of household heaters are used to heat residential premises. The level of comfort in city apartments during the cold season directly depends on the quality of heat supply services. The work often causes fair criticism from the inhabitants. multi-storey buildings. Situations when there is no heating in the apartment, and the question is where to call at the same time, are quite common.

Let's try to figure out the algorithm of consumer actions in cases where there are problems with heating in an apartment.

There is no heating in the apartment - steps towards solving the problem

In accordance with existing legislation, during the cold season, it must comply with the parameters provided for by the standards.

For reference: The temperature in residential premises should not fall below 18 0 C, and in rooms with a corner location at least 20 0 C. The corresponding norm is enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. .

The problem can affect all residents of your home. In such cases, the solution of the issue is of a public nature and vice versa, if the heating does not work only for you, then you will have to deal with the problem individually.

It is possible to independently identify the cause of cold batteries and fix the problem only in one case. It's about about if you have an air lock in the radiators. You can let the air out of the battery on your own, or you can invite a locksmith from the management company or from the housing office for this. With more serious problems with heating, you need to contact the following authorities:

  • city, district housing inspection (JI);
  • management company that services your home;
  • homeowners association, which includes you, as the owner of an apartment in the same house.

Each of the listed authorities is engaged in solving problems with heating by virtue of its powers, areas of responsibility and duties. Your activity should be adequate to the scale of the problem. If it is not possible to eliminate the identified malfunction in the operation of central heating at the level of the service organization, it is necessary to connect higher authorities, which are in charge of the public service sector.

Important! To achieve this goal, it is necessary to apply immediately to all instances. Otherwise, the resolution of the issue may take time. Here we must take into account the sluggishness of the bureaucratic system and the human factor.

Let's start with filing a complaint at the very first level. If your house is serviced by a management company, call and write there, if the HOA, contact the chairman of the partnership.

When homeowners directly have direct service contracts with energy companies, the situation looks different. The affected person will have to deal with service providers. The contract must contain a clause providing for the procedure for filing a claim. For example, a heat supplier company is ready to consider customer complaints in deadlines and only in writing. These points are worth paying attention to.

On a note: Any of your application (complaint, claim) to an official organization must have the details of an official document (date, incoming number). It is best to file a complaint in writing and in duplicate, one remains with the organization or company, the other remains with you. Without the appropriate details, without a mark on the acceptance of the document for consideration, your complaint will not have any legal force.

In cases where you are asked to leave a complaint over the phone, take the trouble to find out who received your phone call and what number in the registration log is assigned to your appeal.

Complained - do not sit idly by

Regardless of where exactly you turn to in the absence of heat in the house, the complaint itself must be drawn up on the merits of the issue. In the absence of proper heating, it is worth indicating the actual temperature parameters of your apartment. If the temperature does not comply with SanPiN, require an official temperature measurement. As a rule, such appeals, drawn up legally competently, with reference to legislative norms and standards are accepted for consideration an order of magnitude faster.

In accordance with the current legislation, only a day is allotted for utilities to eliminate technical malfunctions in the house central heating system. Provided that the faults are local. More complex technical tasks must be solved within a week, otherwise fines may be imposed on the heat supplier, and business leaders may be held administratively liable.

In order to consider a complaint, a representative of the management company or the housing office will come to you, who must establish the fact that the quality of heating in the apartment does not match or is completely absent. When the representative of the company does not agree with your reasonable requirements, raise the issue of the need for a re-examination of your apartment, only with the participation of a representative of the housing inspectorate.

On a note: The law does not prohibit you from inviting an independent expert for such an examination - a specialist in the field of thermal energy.

Based on the results of the check, he draws up an act, which is an official document for your further fight against public utilities.

If there is no proper response to your complaint from the management company, the housing office or the service provider company, you need to call Rospotrebnadzor, the local antimonopoly service, city, district self-government bodies. Edge case- file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office. When you already have a drawn up Act on the discrepancy between the temperature regime in the SanPiNam apartment, you can go to court with a claim for damages and moral damage.

To receive complaints and claims from citizens during the heating season, the housing inspectorate should work hot line, calls to which are accepted around the clock. Today, many official authorities are implementing systems for electronic processing of documents received from citizens. Complaints about central heating operation can be sent to in electronic format. With Rospotrebnadzor, the situation is as follows. Only a written complaint, in which you indicate the reason for your claims and the details of the service company, will take effect. Rospotrebnadzor has quite a lot of levers of pressure on business entities that violate existing legislation in the field of public services. This is especially true for companies that provide heat supply to housing and infrastructure facilities in the winter.

Based on all of the above, when there is no heating in the apartment, you should not panic. Observance of the form, terms and order of treatment, you can achieve tangible results. Usually, public utilities try to quickly eliminate the interruptions in the operation of the central heating system, both at the apartment level and on a district or block scale. A collective complaint filed by the owners of an apartment building has a better chance of resolving the heating problem soon.
