Derain planting and care, propagation by cuttings, pruning in the spring. Easy planting and caring for white derain Video: place of a plant in landscape design

Derain white or svidina is a unique decorative garden plant, which will decorate your site in any season. In summer, it will delight you with its magnificent flowering, which eventually turns into stunningly beautiful white-blue berries, in autumn - with charming foliage of purple hues, even in winter its red branches look very impressive against the backdrop of white snow. It is often used to create hedges. Look at the photo, how well you can apply white turf in landscape design.

Today we will talk about the features of caring for white turf, its reproduction, and talk about existing varieties and varieties. This knowledge will be enough for you to independently grow such an amazing plant on your site.

Derain white: varieties and varieties

The plant has strong wood. Depending on the species, the sod can be a shrub or a tree. It is characterized by opposite dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers collected in inflorescences. Its height can reach 3 m, and shrubs sometimes grow up to 5 m wide. In addition, svidina blooms twice a season: in early summer and early autumn. You can admire the beauty of this amazing plant in the photo.

Deren is a beautiful shrub that attracts not only with flowering, but also with interesting leaves.

There are three main types of deren:

  • white;
  • blood red;
  • proliferous.

The variety of their varieties is very large. Most famous varieties derain white stand out:

  • Atrosanguinea (has green leaves and crimson shoots, reaches about 1.5 m in height);

Variety Atrosanguinea

  • Argenteo-marginata (it is characterized by red-burgundy shoots, leaves with a wide white border and spots);
  • Alleman's Compact (characterized by bright green foliage and red young shoots);
  • Aurea Elegantissima (can reach up to 2 m in height, with yellow-pinnate leaves);

Sort Aurea Elegantissima

  • Blood good (rather tall variety, its representatives reach 2-3 m in height, this is the brightest of the red-coral varieties);
  • Budd's Yellow (variety with green leaves and olive-yellow shoots);
  • Gouchaultii (shoots have a blood-red tint, the leaves are slightly drooping, with characteristic red, white and pink spots);

Variety Gauchaultii

  • Ivory Halo (has red shoots, spherical crown, as well as foliage with a green center and white edging);
  • Sibirica Ruby (this variety reaches 1.5 m in height, its shoots are coral red and have rounded leaves that are dark green in summer, bright green in spring, and purple red in autumn);
  • Sibirica Variegata (coral shade of shoots and leaves with a white border);

Grade Sibirica Variegata

  • Spaethii (this variety is characterized by foliage with a wide golden border).

Features of planting white deren

Probably, there is no more unpretentious and beautiful plant than white derain. Planting and caring for it is quite simple and will not cause you absolutely no difficulties.

Deren grows well in shady areas

For him, open areas or those located in partial shade are best suited. Svidina prefers moist soils rich in humus.

Attention! Make sure the plant has a good drainage system so that water does not stagnate.

Before planting, the seedling is immersed in water for a couple of hours. AT landing pit do not forget to add compost and humus. Upper layer soil needs to be mulched. This procedure will protect a still young and fragile plant from harmful weeds and excessive drought in summer period.

How to provide the plant with proper care?

As mentioned earlier, svidina will delight you with its ease of care and its unpretentiousness. Mulch the soil around the plants with organic materials. Do not forget about timely moderate watering during the dry period, loosening the soil, as well as weeding. Not less than important point in the care of white turf, pruning comes into play.

Pruning turf before wintering

The nature of this procedure will depend on climatic conditions growth and your personal preferences. If you want to see beautiful red shoots in the winter season, then prune in early spring. At the same time, branches should be cut near the ground. Over the summer, the shoots will have time to grow. Such pruning of the derain will contribute to its greater splendor, however, it will reduce the abundance of flowering and the number of berries on the plant.

If you prefer its flowering and growth in height, then carry out the formative pruning in the fall. Just shorten the pork branches to the desired height. Such pruning will contribute to a neat appearance and the creation of a harmonious shape.

Advice. To renew old, overgrown plants, it is necessary to prune to the very root every few years.

Propagation, feeding and fertilizing plants

Svidina accepts two methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

White turf seeds will not ripen at the same time, so collect them one by one. They remain viable for up to 5 years.

White berries

Before boarding seeds plants must undergo several months of stratification. A mixture of moss, peat, sand and sawdust is layered with seeds and stored at temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds in open ground late autumn or early spring. For each square meter area should be sown at 10-15 g of seeds. The planting depth should be about 5 cm. The bushes will grow to their usual size only after 5-8 years. With seed propagation, the sod will germinate only for 2-3 years.

Rooted cuttings of deren

breeding method cuttings will be more efficient and faster. To do this, you need to cut green, slightly lignified cuttings from a large bush. They are planted in June. Before the onset of autumn, they have time to develop their root system. In winter, young shoots are insulated or transferred to basement, and in the spring they are already planted on permanent place. The process of planting a plant in the ground, when propagating in this way, you can see in the following photo.

Top dressing for white sod is optional, but it will affect its healthier, more beautiful and blooming view. It does not hurt to make once a year in the spring mineral supplement, and in the summer - organic.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Adult mature plants are rarely exposed to various diseases, which cannot be said about young shrubs. They can be attacked (fungal infection). This infection appears on the leaves as a white coating, droplets of liquid and, most often, occurs in early spring. As a result, the deren ceases to bloom, and its foliage becomes pale and dry.

Scale comma-shaped

To avoid powdery mildew, the plant must be watered under the root, thin out the root system in spring and autumn. In already infected shrubs, diseased branches are removed and sprayed with special solutions.

Most dangerous pests comma-shaped scale protrude (damages the leaves) and.

Ornamental shrub for the garden - deren: video

Derain types: photo

Most Owners suburban areas they grow fruits and vegetables on their plots, but many try to plant not only vegetable products, but also make the dacha special, beautiful and unique.

Often, on the lawn near the house or in a specially designated recreation area, you can see coniferous or ornamental shrubs with unusual foliage.

They attract attention with their unusual coloring and bring their own zest to the design, and their use in landscape design makes the site unique, incomparable with others. Derain is one of these shrubs.

Shrub varieties

This ornamental shrub is well adapted to growing in the southern and middle latitudes of Russia, the Far East, and Siberia.

It belongs to the dogwood family, it includes several dozen varieties of various species.

Take note: deren has a beautiful unusual color of the leaves.

Description of some of the most popular:

All other species do not deserve much attention, since they have not won their place on suburban areas and grown only in botanical gardens or in experimental areas. These are offspring turf, Bayle turf, many East Asian species.

For those who are interested in this ornamental shrub and its varieties and species, you can find a video or see a photo on the Internet.


Deren variegated is well propagated by cuttings. If possible, it is better to purchase a bush ready for planting in a proven nursery.

Looks great in the background fruit trees. It can be planted as a natural barrier, to protect the recreation area from the fruit plantings of the garden.

Often common types of derain are grown as an ornamental hedge. In this case, they are planted in a checkerboard pattern along the border of the site.

Note: when choosing a place to plant derain, it is worth remembering that it grows well on any fertile soil with good drainage, but does not like coniferous neighborhoods.

For better survival, planting is done in spring or early autumn so that the plant can take root and take root, which contributes to better wintering.

When transplanting to a new permanent place, you should follow the necessary rules:

  • dig a hole, a little larger than the clod of earth with which the shoot was bought. The depth should be such that the root system does not remain above the soil level;
  • the fertile layer is set aside and mixed with mineral fertilizers, compost, humus, sand;
  • a small layer of the resulting fertile mixture is poured into the prepared hole, watered abundantly and mixed;
  • if the bush is quite high, then install a support for the garter;
  • the bush is placed in a hole, trying not to damage the roots, carefully covered with fertile soil and the soil is lightly tamped;
  • sprinkle the rest of the earth, water and mulch again;
  • thin branches must be tied to a support so that the bush does not fill up with wind, and it has a neat appearance, since the thin shoots of a young seedling are not yet able to keep their shape. If desired, too protruding and disproportionately long branches can be cut with pruners.

Note: if the planting material was purchased in a nursery, then it is usually sold either in a container or with a clod of earth. In this case, the soil, for better survival, should be watered with Kornevin, or the process, together with a lump, should be placed in a container with a solution. The remaining liquid is poured into the near-stem circle of the planted plant.

You can also propagate deren pinnately by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seeds are sown in spring, after stratification. Such seeds are able to germinate in 100%. Collected in own garden in the fall, they will germinate well in the spring.

The simplest and cheapest type of derain propagation is cuttings, while retaining all the features and decorativeness of the mother bush.

Cuttings intended for further cultivation, should have 7-8 live buds. Cut in early spring, they are dug in the greenhouse. By the fall, they are overgrown with roots and they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

It is not difficult for a summer resident to propagate sod by layering. Having bent down one of the branches, it is pinned to the ground with a metal bracket and sprinkled with soil. The layering that has given roots can be transplanted like an ordinary bush. The main thing is to carefully separate it from the mother bush.

How to care

The shrub does not require increased care. Grows on any acidified soils, tolerates slight shading.

All species common in Russia are winter hardy, but some varieties can freeze slightly, so the bush can be mulched in autumn.

Expert advice: plant care consists of one or two top dressings per season and pruning to form a beautiful crown.

At the beginning of the season, nitrogen fertilization is introduced, and at the end of August, phosphate fertilizer. This contributes to the growth of decorative leaf mass, and, thanks to phosphates, preparation for winter.

Its useful to note: for decoration and maintaining the shape of the bush, it must be pruned a couple of times a season. All dried or weak and thickening bush shoots are cut out.

Pruning and shaping the bush should begin at the age of three. An old, sprawling bush is best cut off completely in the spring and begin the formation of new shoots by pinching the growing shoots. Thus, the deren will look neat and well-groomed.

Watch the video in which the gardener talks about caring for one of the most unpretentious and showy shrubs for suburban area- derene:

The genus includes approximately 50 species of deren, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and only one species in Africa and South America. As a rule, these are decorative deciduous, sometimes evergreen shrubs, sometimes trees, bright in summer with their foliage, as well as white flowers. In autumn, deren attract attention with white and blue fruits - drupes, burgundy or pink leaves.

They are no less effective in winter period, with colored shoots (burgundy, bright red, yellow and green). Derain is frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil, perfectly tolerates the conditions of the city. Deren is propagated by seeds, cuttings, root offspring. Most of the types of deren are widely used in landscaping.

Derain white

It is one of the most common species in horticulture. Under natural conditions, it is found in floodplains, among shrubs throughout Russia, Korea, China, and Japan. It grows in the undergrowth of dark coniferous, sometimes swampy forests.

Derain white- shrub 3 meters high, with flexible, thin, coral-red branches, sometimes black-red or red-brown. Young shoots with a bluish bloom. The leaves of the white turf are dark green, they are bluish-white below, somewhat wrinkled, broadly ovate, about 12 cm long, turning purple-red in autumn. The flowers are white, small, collected in corymbose inflorescences 5 cm in diameter. Flowering is lush in the first half of summer, and then again in the fall, when you can see spherical, ripe, berry-shaped fruits of snow-white color with a bluish tint immediately with flowers. White deren begins to bloom and begins to bear fruit at the age of 2.

Heat-resistant, very winter-hardy, grows on different soils, shade-tolerant, tolerates city conditions. Propagated by layering, seeds and cuttings. White turf is used to create edges, undergrowth, hedges and large groups. It can also be grown in standard form. If you do not cut the bush form, the bush begins to become bare at the bottom and does not look neat. Therefore, low pruning of old specimens in early spring makes the bush much more magnificent. Young shoots appear very quickly.

Derain white deserves the most widespread in the landscaping of the middle and northern zones of Russia, not only for frost resistance and its unpretentiousness, but also due to its high decorative effect. During the summer beautiful foliage has a whitish-gray color, dark and red-violet in autumn, in summer the foliage goes well with red shoots. White derain is especially decorative in winter against the background of snow and conifers. Looks great in single, group plantings. Very effective in the undergrowth of birch groups.

Decorative forms of white turf:

Derain white Elegantissima ("Elegantissima"). The height of the shrub is about 3 m. This variety is very winter-hardy. Red shoots are very spectacular, they are especially bright in winter. The leaves of White Elegantissima have a creamy white wide border of uneven width, as well as stripes and spots. It grows very fast.

Derain white Siberian ("Sibirica"). Shrub, whose height is 3 m, crown diameter is about 440 cm. Plant grows from April to October. Blossoms and bears fruit deren whiteSibirika annually. Flowering occurs at the end of May. The fruits ripen in late July until frost. Full winter hardiness.

Derain white Siberian Variegata ("Sibirica Variegata"). Shrub up to 2 meters tall, leaves with creamy white wide margins, stripes and spots. In autumn, it also acquires very beautiful shades. During this period, the white border does not surround the green, but already the purple middle of the sheet. In winter, shoots of white Siberian turf Variegata have a bright, rich red color of the bark. Fruiting is weak.

Deren Couza

Homeland is China and Japan. Deren Couza is a tall deciduous shrub or tree about 9 meters in height. Its bracts look more elegant and graceful. In autumn, the foliage color is bright red. Deren Couza prefers light shade and acidic soil. Winter-hardy.

Derain red

It grows in the undergrowth of light mixed and deciduous forests, along the banks of lakes and rivers in European zone Russia and Western Europe.

Derain red- This is a deciduous shrub 4 meters tall, with a branched crown and drooping shoots of various colors. The leaves are bright green, roundly ovate, with fine hairs, green or whitish below, blood red in autumn. Corymbose inflorescences about 7 cm in diameter, downy, of 50 small, dull white flowers. The duration of flowering is about 15-20 days. It looks very elegant in autumn in black, pea-sized fruits.

Derain red undemanding to the soil, perfectly tolerates the conditions of the city and drought. Good for a haircut. Differs in high winter hardiness and shade tolerance. In culture for a very long time.

Has decorative forms:

At the red derain Compress (Compressa) unusual small glossy leaves look beautiful on vertical shoots. Shrub about 1.8 m tall, crown width about 2 m. Vertical, compact crown. Shoots are green-brown, slow growing. Small leaves, glossy, wrinkled, dark green, the upper end of which is gracefully tucked up to the stem, when falling off a reddish hue. Derain red Compressa does not bloom. Shade-tolerant. Prefers drained, moderately moist soils. Does not tolerate moisture stagnation. Frost-resistant. Does not need supplements. Derain red Compressa is used for planting in rockeries, as well as Alpine rollercoaster. Looks great in the foreground for low groups of shrubs and flower beds.

Deren offspring

Homeland is North America. Grows with others deciduous trees in moist forests, as well as in thickets of shrubs along the banks of rivers.

This type of derain is close to white deren. It differs only in that it is able to give around the bush a large number of root offspring, and the shoots of "spreading" bushes are able to come into contact with the ground. Shrub 2.5 meters high, with red shiny shoots and green leaves.

Hanging long shoots, when in contact with the ground, take root very easily. Blooms from 4 years of age. Inflorescences bloom in May with a diameter of about 5 cm with milky flowers. The fruits are bluish-white.

The offspring derain also has variegated forms and varieties:

Derain offspring Flaviramea ("Flaviramea") is a wide, rounded shrub, 5 m high and 3 m wide, fast growing. In winter and spring the bark is yellow, in summer it is yellow-green; once every few years, you need to cut to the ground in order to restore color. Flaviramea offspring deren has white umbellate inflorescences. Leaves: oval, pointed, green. The root system is stable, superficial, gives offspring. Frost-resistant. Flaviramea offspring sod grows on moist soil, tolerates excessive moisture.

In the conditions of the cold Russian climate and constant employment, amateur gardeners in ornamental plants they appreciate, first of all, unpretentiousness in care and lighting, high winter hardiness, attractive appearance, good energy growth. Few representatives of the flora are able to pass these strict selection criteria, and among them, deren is an elegant shrub, recognizable in summer and autumn by spectacular foliage and tassels of white berries, in winter and early spring by bright red stems.

You can’t confuse the rich palette of derain with anything

Shrub with Siberian character

Deciduous shrub deren belongs to the dogwood family and is represented by almost 50 species. There are among them vigorous sprawling forms, standard representatives that grow into a tree, creeping varieties that cover the soil with a dense carpet. The main area of ​​growth is moderate climate zone northern hemisphere, which affected the resistance of the plant to adverse external factors.

Among cultivated species that gave parent material to numerous decorative forms, the most demanded is white derain, also known in botany as svidina. This is a fast growing shrub up to three meters high, forming a branched bush of many flexible stems with bark of red shades - blood-purple, coral, red-brown. Quite large, clean leaves (the plant has practically no diseases and pests) retain their decorative effect throughout the season. In spring and summer they are juicy, dark green, covered with a bluish-white bloom on the reverse side, in autumn they are bright, purple-red.

Deren blooms profusely, large inflorescences crown the tops of young shoots reminiscent of snow-white caps of bulldenezh, spirea or hydrangeas. In autumn, in place of inflorescences, clusters of rather interesting fruits appear, similar to rowan berries, only white with a bluish tint.

For exceptional frost resistance, deren is often referred to as Siberian plants, although it is found and feels comfortable throughout Russia.

Note! To the classic garden forms belongs to the white deren Sibirik - undersized, exceptionally cold and drought-resistant shrub. It will decorate the garden at any time of the year - with delicate light green foliage, boiling white inflorescences, autumn purple, reddish shoots.

Types and garden forms

Derain or white svidina has been known in culture for over 200 years, but there are other equally interesting species and varieties.

  • Deren Coase is valued for its ability to grow into a single trunk and form a low spreading tree. Varietal varieties are distinguished by beautiful yellow-white or creamy-white foliage, which acquires a purple-red hue in autumn.
  • Blood-red derain, named for its bright autumn outfit, spectacularly complemented by black fruit beads, has an unusual look. Without pruning, it grows up to 4 m, the same can reach in diameter. In cold climates, some of the branches may freeze and require shelter.
  • From North America offspring turf was introduced, biologically having much in common with white pork. Differs in long flexible shoots, capable of rooting tops when in contact with the soil. Another feature is the long flowering (June - September) with the simultaneous setting and ripening of fruits.
  • Of the creeping varieties, Canadian sod deserves attention. A plant 20 cm high is interesting with whorls of leaves, in the middle of which flowers first appear, and then a small brush of red berries.

Tree variety of Coase

Autumn crimson blood-red svidina

Variegated varieties

Sod of variegated varieties is of particular attractiveness, and, therefore, in demand among gardeners. Variability is manifested in the bordering of the leaf plate with white, yellow or cream color, strokes, stripes, spots in the center of the sheet.

  • Deren white varieties Sibirik Variegata is valued by gardeners for its compact bush, not as prone to growth as other members of the genus, and the special decorativeness of the crown. Green during the summer sheet plate along the edge is decorated with a wide white border. It looks even more elegant in autumn, when the green part turns purple. No less interesting are coral shoots, flaming in winter against the backdrop of snow or coniferous trees.
  • Similar to Sibirika, but more whitish variety - Derain Elegantissima. It is distinguished by rapid growth - a bush, cut into a stump in spring, in one season drives out young shoots with red shiny which and variegated-yellow foliage. In addition to the light border, the center of the sheet is decorated with white or cream stains and stripes.
  • The undersized group of Siberian includes white derain Aurev. A compact shrub with a height of no more than 1.5–2 m is suitable for hedges, tapeworms in small gardens. Against the background of coral shoots, pale yellow leaves and creamy white flowers look very elegant. It blooms twice - in early summer and autumn.
  • Unusual leaf color general series Shpet's deren stands out. At the time of blooming, they are painted in reddish-orange tones, in summer the golden border gives elegance to the shrub, in autumn it dresses it in crimson and purple. Without pruning, this variety grows up to 2.5 m, in middle lane freezes without shelter.

Note! Variegated forms are not only in white, but also in other types of deren. In offspring - varieties White Gold and White Spot, in red - Mitch, Variegata.

Silver Grade Elegantissima…

… and Shpeta gold

Applications in garden design

Landscape designers love to use shrubs for urban landscaping. Variegated forms, thanks to light leaves, set off dark green plantings; in parks and squares they create volume in the wings of trees.

Variegated varieties of white deren - Sibirika, Elegantissima are often used for hedges. Gardeners choose this particular plant because it is beautiful all year round.

In single plantings on lawns, red turf and its garden forms look original.

Such a hedge is good without leaves!

Features of shrub agricultural technology

Derain is white and its variegated forms are extremely easy to plant and propagate, do not require special care.

Under natural conditions, the culture grows in the undergrowth, therefore, in the light mode, it prefers alternating sun and partial shade. Variegated varieties are more demanding on the light - they fade in the shade, lose the contrast of colors. And yet, when choosing a place, it is not light that plays an important role, but the protection of the site from the withering north and east winds. In an open area, a draft, the plant will periodically freeze over, it may even die.


In terms of soil, the shrub is not picky - any will do, as long as there is no stagnation of water in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots. If a ground water close to the surface, plant sod on a hill or when planting, provide drainage from crushed stone, pieces of stone, broken brick, sand.

The plant loves a spacious planting hole in which it is advisable to put a stock nutrients for several years ahead. It is better if it is organic - compost, rotted manure, humus. When planting a hedge between seedlings, leave an interval of 30–40 cm.

Advice! Before planting, a seedling with a closed root system (in a pot), together with a container, is immersed in water for several hours so that the roots straighten out and the earth ball is saturated with moisture.

Trimming nuances

Of all the maintenance activities, trimming the turf in the spring is the most important. If the plant is not formed, then in a few years it forms shapeless thickets, displacing more modest neighbors in its path. What pruning options are there?

  1. annual sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry, frozen, deformed and growing shoots inside the bush.
  2. The hedges are sheared, thinning out from the dead wood and giving the crown the desired shape.
  3. Rejuvenation and formation of an adult bush is achieved by annual pruning of about a third of the old branches. Each of them will give several young stems, give the planting splendor.
  4. In order to annually obtain compact young bushes of white-edged derain with bright stems in the winter, they practice full pruning in the spring “on the stump”. During the summer, the shrub fully grows, although it does not bloom so profusely.

Reproduction methods

Gardeners prefer vegetative methods shrub breeding, since they are less troublesome, completely retain the varietal characteristics of the plant, allow for a few years to form a full-fledged bush.

An almost 100% result is obtained by propagating the deren by cuttings in the spring. They are cut from last year's shoots (not older!), The lower cut is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in a cold greenhouse, container or garden bed. By autumn, the stalk will take root, but the seedling is not yet ready for wintering in open ground. Therefore, it is carefully covered and left in a greenhouse, the potted version is brought into the room with a cool, but not sub-zero temperature. In the spring, the seedling continues to grow, and in the fall they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Offspring species reproduce well with young shoots, which form a viable root system by autumn.

(Cornus alba)

Derain white is a deciduous shrub that retains its attractiveness not only in summer, but also in winter thanks to its red shoots. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. It has high frost resistance. Grows fast. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges.

(Cornus alba Argenteomarginata)

Derain white Argenteomarginata is decorative for its variegated foliage. It is not picky about soils. It grows well in sufficiently moist places. Shade-tolerant, while not losing its decorative effect when grown in the shade. Frost-resistant. Handles pruning well. Decorative at any time of the year due to variegated leaves and red shoots, especially bright in winter, quite often used in urban gardening. Recommended for single and group plantings, as an accent in decorative compositions, for creating hedges.

(Cornus alba Aurea)

Derain white Aureya - deciduous shrub with matte yellow leaves and burgundy shoots. Prefers damp landing sites, although there is enough drought tolerant plant. It has high winter hardiness. It is used in single and group plantings, when creating hedges, tree and shrub groups, mixborders.

(Cornus alba Gouchaultii)

Derain white Gouchalti is decorative with its variegated, yellow-green foliage. It is unpretentious to growing conditions. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. It has high frost resistance. Grows fast. Used for urban and park plantings as a color accent.

(Cornus Alba Kesselringii)

Derain white Kesselringa is a deciduous shrub with bright green leaves and purple-black shoots. Unpretentious. Handles a haircut very well. Frost-resistant. Shade-tolerant. Very decorative in winter when planted with deren having yellow or red shoots. It is used as a hedge, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Cream Cracker)

Derain White Cream Cracker is a fast-growing shrub with thin decorative shoots. The bark on young shoots is blood red. Leaves with creamy white stripes. Young growths with bright golden leaves. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant, winter-hardy. Very resistant to damage by diseases and pests. It is used for group plantings, creating tree and shrub groups. Looks great as a backdrop for low groups of shrubs and flower beds, unshaped hedges, for winter-spring effects in the garden.

(Cornus alba Sibirica)

Derain white Siberian - deciduous vigorous shrub. Young shoots are bright coral red, erect. Unpretentious, tolerates pruning well. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist soils. It has high frost resistance. Effective as an edge and in the undergrowth of a birch stand.

(Cornus alba Sibirica variegata)

Derain white Siberian Variegata is a deciduous shrub with variegated, green-white leaves with a pinkish edging. The soil is not picky, but prefers sufficient moisture. Disease resistant. Handles haircut well. In winter, it is decorative with its shoots, which become bright crimson by the cold. It tolerates urban conditions well. Used for hedges, in single and group plantings.

(Cornus alba Spaethii)

Derain white Shpeta is interesting for the autumn purple-purple color of the leaves, with which the brushes of white fruits effectively contrast. In winter, the stems turn deep red. In summer, the leaves are yellow-green. Grows fast. It is not picky about soils. Shade-tolerant. Frost resistance is average, young shoots partially freeze, but quickly recover in spring. Used in single plantings, groups, hedges. Can be beautiful color accent in each garden composition.

(Cornus alba Elegantissima)

Derain white Elegantissima is a large, sprawling shrub with variegated leaves and red decorative shoots. The growth rate is fast. Winter-hardy. It tolerates urban growing conditions very well. Drought tolerant. It is used for hedges, in single and group plantings, as a lining for tall trees.

(Cornus canadensis)

Canadian derain is a creeping shrub no more than 20 cm high. The leaves are green, collected in corollas of 4 - 6, from the core of which small ones appear. green flowers with large white bracts. After flowering, bright red fruits are formed. Grows slowly. Likes slightly acidic moist soil with good drainage. Can grow in partial shade. Pairs well with rhodedrons and azaleas. Grows great in heather gardens, as well as under tree trunks, allowing you to create a beautiful and unusual carpet.

(cornus mas)

Derain male is a large deciduous shrub that blooms profusely until the leaves appear. Its other name is common dogwood. Its berries are not only decorative, but also edible. It is not picky about soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partial shade. Drought tolerant. Frost-resistant. perfectly tolerates urban conditions. Responds well to haircuts. It is used in single and group plantings, hedges, as an undergrowth in sparse plantations.

(Cornus stolonifera Kelsey)

Deren offspring Kelsey - small shrub, giving a large mass of shoots. Annual shoots are thin, red-brown, very decorative in winter. The leaves are bright green, slightly convex, bright yellow to orange-red in autumn. May suffer from late frost but recovers quickly from frost damage. It is not picky about soils. Prefers moist landing sites. It grows very widely due to rooting shoots. Recommended for tamping taller bushes.

Derain offspring Flaviramea is a deciduous shrub with a dense crown. In spring and autumn, the shoots are yellow-olive. Used to create tree and shrub groups, mixborders, hedges, decorative compositions. It is not picky about soils. Prefers moist landing sites. Winter-hardy, photophilous. Recommended for creating tree and shrub groups, hedges.

(Cornus sibirica)

Derain Siberian is a large deciduous shrub. It is not picky about soils, but prefers moist planting sites. Drought tolerant, but grows best in moist soils. Loses leaves early in autumn. Handles pruning well. Used in groups single landings, in the undergrowth, forest edges. Suitable for arranging hedges, for fixing the banks of reservoirs, ravines.
