Planting, reproduction and care of bamboo at home, photo. indoor bamboo

Bamboo... Where does it grow? amazing plant? Is it a tree or grass? Actually represents cereal crop which has high strength and flexibility. In height, it can reach forty meters. High speed plant growth strikes and delights at the same time.

What is it

Bamboo is a plant that looks like both tall grass and a tree. It has a straight stem, the leaves are wedge-shaped. This oriental cereal combines calm, soothing colors - yellow and green. There are many types of it. The plant is found not only in the wild. It is actively used by people in landscape design, decorative landscaping, for the production of furniture, interior items and even in cooking.

The stem has a fibrous structure. Roots and rhizomes are located underground horizontally. On the rhizome, buds are formed, which gradually turn into sprouts. Most species of bamboo bloom once every sixty or one hundred and twenty years. The plant reproduces quickly - through rhizomes or seeds. In the latter case, this happens quite rarely. The bamboo stalk is very strong, shoots with leaves depart from it. In places where the shoots exit, thickenings form on the trunk. They are called nodes, and the part of the stem between them is called internodes.

What does it look like

Bamboo (photo can be seen in the article) grows only in conditions high humidity and warm climate. It is the climatic conditions that determine its appearance and active growth. The stem of this plant resembles grass and a tree trunk. Bamboo is very tall, its crown is branched. The shoots of the plant are solid inside and out. In the middle of the trunk, the bamboo has a bright yellow color, there are hollow areas.

The leaves of the grass are lanceolate, with short petioles. Spikelets with large inflorescences are attached to the branches. On the branches are scale-shaped bamboo leaves. The root is well developed. It can grow over long distances. The rhizome produces many powerful stems. Bamboo fruit is formed only once every few decades due to a rare but abundant flowering.


Bamboo. Where does it grow, what climatic conditions are comfortable for this crop? The tropics are considered to be the birthplace of bamboo. It can be found in Australia, America, Asia. He is thermophilic, he is badly affected by frost and cold wind. Some species feel comfortable in the cold. However, northern and temperate climate little suitable for cereals, as well as intense heat. Frost-resistant varieties of culture are unpretentious. Their rhizomes develop in any soil. The plant takes root in Russia, but only as an indoor dweller.

Bamboo is evergreen. Life cycle long. It does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and drought. Able to survive in any conditions with proper care.


Is bamboo a grass or a tree? It is considered to be a plant or giant grass. There are about a thousand varieties of bamboo in the world. All of them differ in height, width of the stem. Some species are like bushes. Absolutely all of them eventually adapt to new living conditions. One of the most popular types is considered "bamboo of happiness". This is a small houseplant that grows in soil or water. It cannot be called a direct relative of culture.

The plant requires careful care, does not tolerate cold weather. Bamboo does not like clayey, waterlogged soil. Keep this in mind if you want to grow a culture at home. If culture grows at home in indoor pot, it is important to provide it with moderate humidity, heat, but keep it away from the heating system. It is recommended to wipe the stem and leaves with a damp cloth.


What are the characteristics of bamboo? Where does it grow and why is it able to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions? The most interesting and, perhaps, main view bamboo grows in the East Indies. Its trunk reaches a height of twenty-five meters, and a diameter of thirty centimeters. Features of the structure of bamboo make it possible to use it in construction. In addition, the old stems of the plant secrete a sweet-tasting liquid that is used to make polishes and porcelain. The features include rapid growth, massiveness, as well as the properties of the plant. Young cultures are eaten, the stem is used in the interior, household industries, including textiles.

Areas of use

Where is bamboo used? Where does this culture grow and what does it mean for the economy? The scope of cereal use is huge. From the bases of the trunks large species build houses, make musical instruments. Bamboo is highly valued textile industry. Bamboo fiber is used to sew clothes, linen, make blinds, wallpapers, carpets, blankets, pillows and much more. Bamboo yarn material has amazing properties. It perfectly absorbs moisture, hypoallergenic, antibacterial and very soft. In addition, things from it are durable, practical, beautiful.

Today, bamboo is actively used in interior design. Decorative partitions, furniture, accessories are made from it. It brings naturalness, environmental friendliness, naturalness into the room. In countries with a warm climate, strong dwellings are built from the culture, and the shoots of young plants are eaten. The popularity of bamboo is due to its resistance to climatic changes and mechanical stress. Bamboo is also used to make thick silk paper and tableware.

growth rate

The fastest growing plant in the world is bamboo. A photo of this cereal shows how it looks and how high it reaches. Young bamboo per day can increase in length by ten centimeters. Some types of this culture grow fifty centimeters in 24 hours! The main difference between bamboo and wood is that the former grows to its final height in a season, while the latter takes years. The reason for the high growth rate lies in the internodes. They simultaneously stretch, increasing in size. However, the growth rate is uneven and decreases from the root to the top. During the growth period, the plant does not only grow upwards. Its stem thickens and the nodes become larger. There is evidence that a babuk can stretch one meter in just a day!

Indoor bamboo plant is an evergreen, perennial, with a green fleshy trunk, on which lanceolate leaves are located on top. In nature, it can reach a height of up to several meters, at home its height is usually limited, preventing it from growing above 1 m - a plant that is too tall loses its decorative appeal, unless we are talking about some very sophisticated trunk shape.

In fact, a houseplant, which we usually call "indoor bamboo", looks like a real wild bamboo only in appearance. But in fact, it is called Dracaena Sander and is one of the types of shrubs. dracaena. In culture, it blooms extremely rarely, with small white flowers that have a sweetish aroma. Indoor bamboo is valued for decorative look, attracting with its green foliage and the ability to form an unusually shaped trunk. And yet - according to Feng Shui, it brings good luck and attracts money to the house.

Indoor bamboo: care and reproduction

As a houseplant, bamboo is not very demanding, caring for it is relatively easy. It is very important for him to choose the right lighting - he loves bright, but diffused light, while his leaves do not tolerate the direct rays of the sun - they turn yellow and may wither. The best place for him - east or southeast windows. If the leaves began to turn yellow, then one of the reasons may be an excessive amount of light, in which case the plant can even be rearranged in partial shade


Despite its tropical origin, indoor bamboo does not tolerate too high temperatures; if it exceeds 35 ° C, it will die. Optimum temperature, at which care will give the best results - within 22-24 ° C, in winter the temperature in the room can drop to 14-16 ° C, but not lower than 12 ° C.


The plant is not demanding on the level of humidity, but if the air is too dry, it is recommended to spray. Once a month, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


To grow bamboo, you can use ready-made universal soil (or special for dracaena), or prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, peat, sand, soddy soil and leaves in equal parts. An important requirement is good drainage, so the pot should not only have a hole, but also additional drainage at the bottom of expanded clay or pebbles. Despite the fact that bamboo loves moisture very much, its stagnation will lead to damage to the root system.

Indoor bamboo grown in water looks very decorative and impressive. To do this, they select a beautiful transparent vase, pour it inside beautiful pebbles and install a bamboo stalk. Water is used necessarily distilled, as an option - rain or melt, at room temperature. The main care for such a “landing” is to completely change the water every two weeks, while it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers used to feed dracaena. Otherwise, due to a lack of nutrients, bamboo leaves turn yellow and may fall off.

If the water began to smell unpleasant or lost its transparency, became cloudy, then it must be replaced without waiting for the expiration of 2 weeks. Another sign that the water is not suitable and needs to be replaced is that the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. Bamboo grown in aquagel looks very expressive in the photo, while the rules of care remain the same as when grown in water.

Advice! It is necessary to maintain a low water level in the vase, otherwise small, but very unattractive roots will begin to break through the entire length of the trunk in the water.


In summer, bamboo needs frequent and abundant watering once the soil in the pot has dried out. In the off-season and in winter, the plant is watered sparingly, keeping the soil slightly moist.


Up to three years young plant transplanted annually, while choosing a larger pot, because bamboo grows quickly enough. An adult copy of bamboo needs to be transplanted every 3 years.

top dressing

In summer, the flower is fertilized with mineral fertilizers for dracaena once every 3 weeks, in winter - once every 2 months. Allows the introduction of liquid organic fertilizers based on peat.


Strongly grown bamboo does not look very attractive, so it is advisable to prune it annually.

Advice! To make the cut look beautiful, it is carried out with special scissors immediately above the knot.

When pruning, long shoots are cut from all sides, if necessary, external reeds are removed at ground level. Removing from the right sides side shoots, you can simulate the look and shape of bamboo by shaping it own will. The resulting cuttings can later be used for propagation. If, after cutting, a new shoot does not germinate, then the top is cut - after that a new shoot should break through.

Advice! Be sure to cut off yellowed stems and leaves. After letting the cut point dry a little, it must be sprinkled with powder charcoal or lubricate with soft wax.


The best way to propagate indoor bamboo is vegetative, for this they use the cuttings left after cutting, while discarding the yellowed sections of the trunk. Propagation by cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. And although in flower shops you can sometimes find seeds homemade bamboo, its reproduction in this way at home is almost impossible.

The stalk must be placed in water until it has roots. After that, it is rooted by choosing a spacious pot and filling it with ready-made soil mixture for dracaena. The main requirements for reproduction to go well and the young plant to take root and grow well are sufficient watering, plenty of light and fertilization once every 2 weeks.

How to twist a bamboo stem

Many buyers of indoor bamboo are attracted by the opportunity to get a stem unusual shape, the most common type is twisted (spiral-shaped). This will require special care, this process is not fast, so patience is required:

  • when planting a young cutting, it is placed vertically, but at the time when the buds are formed, it must be completely covered with something, leaving only a small hole (window) through which light will penetrate. The sprouts will tend towards it, and in order to “curl” them, it will be necessary to periodically turn either the flower, changing its position towards the window, or the opaque structure itself. A variant of this design is cardboard box, which completely hides the bamboo. One side is cut out in it, as the stem grows, the box is gradually turned. Only one spiral can be obtained in a year with this method.
  • place the cutting in the water horizontally to rise above the water, the plant will tend to grow upwards. When the direction of the trunk changes slightly, the plant is turned again. The disadvantage of this method is that the bamboo can grow roots while it is in the water.

House bamboo - evergreen, ornamental plant, with which you can bring a little exotic China into the interior. In fact, with genuine bamboo growing in nature, indoor flower has no related roots. In the conditions of apartments, everyone is used to seeing Sander's dracaena, which, thanks to its amazing resemblance to the Asian shrub, got its name. To grow indoor bamboo, caring for it will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Features of caring for bamboo at home

Dracaena is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. The plant can reach a height of more than 1 m, the leaves are bright green, slightly twisted, no more than 20 cm long. Longitudinal stripes on the trunk - dormant buds - give the flower similarity to real bamboo.


Caring for homemade bamboo does not require too much bright lighting, the flower tolerates penumbra quite well, and the scorching sun's rays can cause leaf burns. The best location - rooms facing east, you should not put bamboo on the windowsill, it is better to place it near the window on a special stand or pedestal. So he will not only feel more comfortable, but also decorate the interior.

Air temperature

The temperature range at which it is recommended to grow a plant is quite wide. Home bamboo will feel great in rooms with air temperatures from +17 ° C to +28 ° C. The flower does not have a pronounced dormant period, therefore, in winter time you don't have to change the conditions.

Attention! The plant should be protected from drafts, especially in winter when ventilating the premises.

Air humidity

Indoor bamboo plant will require a special microclimate, similar to the tropics familiar to it. Regular humidification of the air is the key to a beautiful and strong flower. Spraying is not recommended, the accumulation of moisture on the stems can lead to their decay. It is better to put a decorative wide container filled with water and river pebbles next to the pot. Dust particles from the leaves and trunk can be removed with a damp cotton pad or a finely porous sponge.

Watering homemade bamboo

The flower prefers a moist habitat, so watering is necessary frequent and plentiful. You need to ensure that the soil never dries out and always remains slightly moist. AT winter period the plant will require less moisture, so watering can be slightly reduced, but continue to focus on the state of the substrate.

Water is needed only melted or rainwater, which somewhat complicates the care of indoor bamboo. Experienced flower growers it is recommended to “prepare” melt water using the freezing method. Pour tap water into a plastic bottle and put it in the freezer. After, the resulting ice is thawed at room temperature.

Soil composition for growing homemade bamboo

The soil should be loose, well permeable to water, however, compositions containing a large amount of peat should be avoided. Best Option - garden soil mixed with sand:

  • garden soil - 3 parts,
  • medium-grained sand - 1 part.

Good drainage is necessary for growing homemade bamboo, it should occupy at least 25% of the total volume of the pot. Can be used broken brick, clay shards or expanded clay of the middle fraction.


When growing bamboo at home, its care should include regular feeding. The plant responds well to minerals, especially to the content of trace elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, for this reason it should be purchased special composition for dracaena. The fertilizer contains all the necessary substances in the right amount, suitable composition can be found in the "Flower Happiness" line.

Frequency of fertilizing: in the active growth phase every 20 days, from October to March - 1 time in 2-3 months.

Important! If the leaves turn yellow, this is a signal that the flower may not have enough nutrients.

Planting and transplanting indoor bamboo

The root system of the flower grows quite quickly, so young specimens are recommended to be transplanted annually. With each transplant, a new pot of larger diameter should be selected. The container should be deep enough and moderately wide, at least 5 cm should remain from the stems to the edge of the pot. A little earth mixture should be poured onto the drainage layer, then planted, the rest of the mixture should be evenly distributed around the bamboo, slightly compacted and moistened. After planting, the flower especially needs moist soil, so watering will need to be given special attention.

Growing indoor bamboo in water

Instead of soil, bamboo is successfully grown in water containers. Under such conditions, the flower will feel much better, in addition, the grower will be able to create intricate compositions that decorate the interior.

Bamboo will look most beautiful in a glass vase in the form of a cube or cylinder. Can be placed on the bottom decorative stones or shells, but before placing them in a container, they should be well disinfected by dousing with boiling water.

To prevent the development of bacteria in the vase, giving the water bad smell, it is recommended to periodically add charcoal. It not only has a slight disinfecting effect, but will also benefit the plant. Water for caring for indoor bamboo should be taken exactly the same as for watering - melt or rain, and change it in a vase every week. Infrequent water changes can lead to the formation of mold on the root system of the flower.

Features of propagation of home bamboo

Most easy way for reproduction - rooting shoots. The resulting shoot can be put in a glass of water and wait for the root system to appear or immediately root in the ground. To grow young bamboo, you can use peat and sand mixed in equal parts, there must be drainage holes in the container to ensure good aeration of the soil. For successful rooting, dracaena should be kept in a well-lit room, watered abundantly and often.

Diseases and pests of indoor bamboo

Serious diseases rarely affect the plant, most often worsening appearance provokes poor care of home bamboo. Yellowing of stems and leaves usually occurs when:

  • lack of nutrients
  • water for irrigation is too hard or chlorinated,
  • heavy soil composition or lack of drainage.

Dry leaves should be cut off immediately, after 5-6 hours, after the cuts have dried, they can be treated with charcoal powder. Leave the coal on the plant for a couple of hours, then remove it, and cover the cut with soft wax.

Sometimes you can notice that the stems of the plant begin to dry out. Most often this happens due to too bright lighting, you should rearrange the flower to another place and watch it.

Pests also try to bypass bamboo, but in dry and hot weather they can be seen on the leaves. spider mite or thrips. To combat them, modern chemicals, for example, Fitoverm, or folk remedies.

Homemade bamboo can not only be a wonderful interior decoration, but also great gift. It is believed that the plant brings happiness, good luck and prosperity, and is also a symbol of stamina and masculinity.

Bamboo home care video

Knowing how to care for a bamboo plant, you can save for a long time green color stems and visual appeal. Dracaena sander can symbolize prosperity and success. Feng Shui signs say that it attracts auspicious qi energy, charging a person’s house. positive energy.

How to grow bamboo at home

The plant is often called lucky, so many people try to plant it at home, creating East style apartment interior. Dracaena stems are able to survive in a pot with clean water or soil under a wide variety of conditions. They can easily be twisted into a spiral, bent, make decorative compositions. Bamboo lacquer is unpretentious, but its care must be competent so that the leaves do not turn yellow. To grow a healthy plant will help:

  1. competent watering;
  2. top dressing;
  3. desired temperature air;
  4. correct form container.

Knowing how to care for bamboo in a container, you can grow beautiful plant. The size and height directly depend on the root system. Since the area of ​​the pots is limited, the length of the stems will also be limited. In this case, they will be thinner and shorter. In order to completely limit the growth of dracaena, it should be replanted every three years, changing the soil. You also need to remember that bamboo leaves are toxic, so they should not be stored in a place accessible to animals or small children.

The conditions and proper care for bamboo in a pot are as follows:

  1. The soil should always be moderately moist: dracaena does not like too wet or dry environments.
  2. The temperature is about 18-28 degrees.
  3. Good drainage.
  4. Soft light, no bright sunlight.
  5. Every month it is necessary to feed a houseplant.

bamboo in water

Dracaena Sandera grows slowly. Her main feature is that it cannot bloom. However, with proper care, the plant will give a large number of leaves of a bright green hue. You should first place the segment in a test tube with water, wait for the roots to appear, then transplant into the ground. To get started, you should learn how to keep bamboo at home in water:

  1. A long and thin container should be chosen to keep the bamboo cuttings upright.
  2. Fill the container with water approximately three-quarters full.
  3. Change water weekly.
  4. Fertilize the plant every 2 months.
  5. Put the planted stalk on the windowsill, but protect from too bright light.

Bamboo care at home

To bring good luck to the house by growing a solid plant, you should consider following rules:

  • You can plant a houseplant in water or soil.
  • It is better to use a pot 5 cm wider than the stems.
  • Periodically fertilize indoor bamboo.
  • Do not forget to water, otherwise the stems may dry out.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Remove dead or yellow leaves regularly.


How to care for bamboo in the apartment? Regardless of where the cultivation takes place (in water or soil), the light requirements will be the same. The influence of light on plants is enormous: the color of the leaves, the height of the stems and their viability depend on it. Dracaena loves a lot of light, but suffers from the influence of bright sunlight, which causes leaf burn. If the lighting is dim, it contributes to slow growth. Deprived of sunlight, the plant reaches for it, the stems are deformed, become crooked and ugly. Leaves are losing saturated color and quickly turn yellow.

Temperature regime

Dracaena requires moderate air temperature. The plant is afraid of drafts, so you should not put the pot next to doors or windows that open frequently. At what temperature does bamboo grow? It fluctuates between 18-30 degrees. However, it is not recommended to place the container under a heater or air conditioner so that the leaves do not turn yellow.

Air humidity

Bamboo home loves moderate humidity (about 35-50%), especially in hot weather. To provide him comfortable conditions, you should use a humidifier, and also spray the leaves every couple of days with a spray can. By creating familiar indoor conditions for dracaena, you can avoid the appearance of cracks on the stems and prolong the life of a houseplant.

How to water bamboo

Dracaena loves regular watering, but the process must be correct. It all depends on where it grows - in soil or water. If the plant is in a container, then the roots should be covered with water. This level must be constantly maintained by adding liquid to the vase. Every couple of weeks, the water should be changed to fresh and clean. Only distilled or melt water should be used, because dracaena is very sensitive to salts and chemicals, especially in moderately moist soil.

Watering bamboo should be done every few days, along with spraying foliage from a special spray can. Sometimes the soil in the container is dry to the touch, but this does not mean that you should increase the amount of liquid. It should be remembered that excessive watering can harm the plant: the tips of the leaves will become brown shade and it will start to dry.

Bamboo nutrition

Dracaena does not require a large number fertilizer and can long time to be in clean water. For the first 2 weeks, it is better not to feed the plant at all, because an excess of nutrients will harm the plant. How to fertilize bamboo at home? To feed sander dracaena, you can use ordinary aquarium water (if the plant is in a vase) or a water-soluble fertilizer for indoor plants with a high content of nitrogen (N). Feed should be every month, starting with the arrival of spring.

How to transplant bamboo from water to soil

Dracaena can grow in water or hydrogel vases, but it does best in the ground. Planting lucky bamboo in a suitable container and new soil will improve the health and prolong the life of the plant. How to plant bamboo in a pot:

  1. You need to choose a container whose diameter is a few cm larger than the base of the bamboo stems. Transplant to a deep, wide pot fit better Total. The container must have at least one drainage hole.
  2. Fill the container with moistened soil by 1-2 cm. There should be no fertilizer in the soil.
  3. How to transplant bamboo from water to soil? Should:
    • Grasp the stems at the base, pull them out. Gently shake the roots if necessary.
    • Place the dracaena in the prepared pot.
    • Add more soil, filling most of the container.
  4. You can water the plant until moisture begins to flow from the bottom of the pot. As soon as this happens, the drain pan should be emptied.

Pruning dracaena sander

The plant can reach huge size. If the lucky bamboo is too tall to fit in, trim the stems off 1/4 of the length. Cuttings are best planted in a pot to grow a young dracaena. The plant is very tolerant of pruning, so its height can be easily adjusted. How to cut bamboo:

  1. It is necessary to remove dried or small shoots at the soil level.
  2. To prevent the stem from growing, it should be cut off above the branch point.
  3. Regular removal of thin branches promotes vertical growth.
  4. You can trim the lower branches for aesthetics.

Why does bamboo turn yellow

Dracaena - evergreen, which periodically sheds leaves. At first they turn yellow, then fall off, and this is an absolutely normal process. The biggest loss of foliage is observed in spring. However, there are other reasons why bamboo leaves turn yellow:

  • low nutrient content in the soil;
  • excessive feeding;
  • lack of water, light;
  • poor drainage;
  • low temperature air;
  • low humidity;
  • drafts;
  • the presence of harmful chemicals in the water.

Reproduction of bamboo at home

Dracaena is one of the fastest growing plants. It can propagate by seeds, rhizomes or cut parts. How to grow bamboo from cuttings? Need:

  1. Water the plant the day before pruning.
  2. Choose the right escape. It should be long and green.
  3. Remove the foliage from the shoot, leaving a few mature leaves at the top. This promotes the formation of new roots.
  4. Remove escape. A very sharp knife or scissors should be used to make a 1 cm cut from where the shoot meets the stem. The smoother the cut, the less chance of bacterial infection.
  5. To save the stem, it will also have to be cut 1 cm below the area where it connected to the shoot.
  6. Treat the circumcised area with candle wax to prevent bacterial growth.
  7. Place the cutting in water (it stimulates root growth better than soil).
  8. Place the vase away from light, as direct sunlight can harm the plant. After 1-2 months, the dracaena should give a few roots. After that, it can be planted in a pot with soil.

Diseases and pests

A healthy stem of dracaena is surprisingly resistant to pests and diseases. If spots appear on it, this may indicate a variety of problems. Some bamboo diseases and pests are spread by stores that sell infected plants. For this reason, you should not buy it via the Internet, focusing only on the photo. It is better to ask the seller if special processing has been carried out, and also inspect the dracaena yourself. It should not have spots and yellow leaves.

Not knowing how to care for bamboo can lead to various diseases. What problems may arise:

  • the appearance of spots;
  • fungus;
  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • mold on the stem;
  • root rot.

Video: How to care for a dracaena sander flower

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AT last years indoor bamboo can be found in many homes, and for good reason.

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Firstly, indoor bamboo has an original, even exotic appearance.Secondly, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, indoor bamboo helps to bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

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Ornamental bamboo belongs to the category of indoor plants of the Dracaena family, and has little in common with real woody bamboo. scientific name indoor bamboo - Sander Dracaena (Dracaena Sanderiana). In fact, the name Dracaena Sanderiana consists of the botanical name of dracaena (by the way, dracaena in translation is a dragon tree), and the surname of the famous English collector and seller of plants - Frederick Sander (1847-1920), who discovered this amazing plant to the whole civilized world. However, due to its resemblance to natural bamboo, this plant is more often referred to as decorative home bamboo or indoor bamboo.

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Indoor Bamboo Care
Indoor bamboo is quite easy to grow at home. He is not very whimsical and does not require any special care and increased attention to himself. The main condition for successful cultivation decorative bamboo is timely plentiful watering and exclusion of direct sunlight on the plant. At proper care homemade bamboo grows up to 70 cm (sometimes up to 2 meters), and serves as a great addition to the room interior.

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Decorative homemade bamboo in water
Gardeners and houseplant sellers recommend growing decorative bamboo at home directly in water (or gel) rather than in soil. This is due to the fact that it is in the water that the most comfortable conditions are created for the growth of indoor bamboo.



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In addition, the constant presence of the root system in the water avoids the lack of moisture, the absence of which is very detrimental to ornamental bamboo plants. In fact, the only necessary condition for growing indoor bamboo - the presence of moisture. Therefore, water is the most optimal environment for its growth.

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It is recommended to change the water in a vase with indoor “happiness bamboo” at least once a week, and once every three months you should add special mineral fertilizers to it, which are necessary for proper growth and plant development. Don't forget about it. Indeed, in natural natural environment bamboo gets it all nutrients straight from the soil. At home, if bamboo is deprived of the necessary nourishment, it will stop growing and shed its leaves.

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It is also important to consider that the usual tap water absolutely not suitable for indoor bamboo. Moreover, such water is harmful to any indoor plants.



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It contains chlorine and biocidal additives, which negatively affect the development of the plant, and can lead to its death. It is best to use rain or melt water for irrigation.

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Such water can be easily obtained at home. For this you need an ordinary plastic bottle fill with water and put it in the freezer. When the water in the bottle is completely frozen, it should be taken out and left to settle at room temperature. As a result of this, the water will acquire the necessary softness, and it can be used to water indoor bamboo.


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Sometimes, over time, the water acquires an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to replace such water, or in the simplest case, you can add a small amount of charcoal to the water, which has antibacterial properties and prevents the development of bacteria in the aquatic environment, and as a result, the spread of unpleasant odors.

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By the way, if you transparent vase with indoor bamboo, then it can be further decorated by adding pebbles or multi-colored pebbles to the bottom.

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However, they need to be rinsed first. hot water, to destroy possible infections and bacteria that may be on their surface, and cause your little “piece of happiness” to get sick and wither.

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Primer for indoor bamboo
At home, “happiness bamboo” can also be grown in the ground. Moreover, its growth does not require any special soil, but almost any land for flowers and indoor plants, which is sold in any flower shop. In the ground, homemade bamboo grows just as well as in water, and sometimes even better, because bamboo plants do not like stagnant moisture.

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If you change the water in the vase infrequently, this can lead to rotting of the root system, which will cause the death of the plant. In the soil, this will not happen, unless of course you water the plant in a timely manner. Please note that at first the bamboo flower should be watered more abundantly, since when transplanted from water to soil, it has a weaker root system.


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The only important requirement when breeding Dracaena Sander is the obligatory presence of drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. If there are no holes in the pot, then sooner or later this will lead to the formation of mold, which will first affect the roots, and then the whole plant.

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Bamboo will begin to turn yellow, and then completely dry. By the way, to the bottom flower pot it is recommended to lay additional drainage from pebbles and expanded clay, which can be bought at any flower shop.

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Watering homemade bamboo
Decorative home bamboo needs timely and plentiful watering, especially in summer. In the cold periods of the year, indoor bamboo should be watered sparingly, as the soil dries, preventing it from drying out. Watch the plant. If the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, then most likely you have violated the rules of watering.


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indoor bamboo lighting
When choosing a place for decorative indoor bamboo, avoid a sun-drenched window sill, as well as other places with high solar activity. The leaves of indoor "happiness bamboo" are very sensitive to sunlight, under the intense influence of which they can turn yellow and fade.

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Better not put it exotic home plant on the sunny side of the room, and place it in partial shade. At the same time, indoor bamboo is not picky about temperature regime, and feels great at temperatures from +17 C to +35 C.

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Why does bamboo turn yellow?
Perhaps the only one, but at the same time quite common, is the complaint of the owners of the “lucky bamboo” about the yellowing of the plant. Why is this happening? The reason for the disease of indoor bamboo and its yellowing may be the defeat of the plant by bacteria or fungus. Homemade bamboo may turn yellow from not quality water, or the absence of the necessary replenishment in the form mineral fertilizers. An excess of these same fertilizers can also cause bamboo disease, and as a result, yellowing of its leaves, or even the trunk.



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In any case, if you notice yellow spots, you need to act immediately. Yellow leaves should be removed. And if a characteristic yellow spot formed on the stem, then today there is only one effective method treatment is cutting off the diseased section of the home bamboo stem. After the “operation”, the cut site should dry out for several hours. Then it should be disinfected with powdered charcoal, and after that, carefully removing excess coal, cover the cut with soft wax.



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indoor bamboo and feng shui


If you believe in feng shui and want indoor bamboo to bring you good luck in business, put it in the southeast part of the room. In addition, organize special care for him so that the egregor of money sees worthy nourishment in your actions, and plant a talisman next to him - a three-legged toad.

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