Comparison of dicot and monocot plants. monocot and dicot plants presentation about plants biology presentation dicot monocot plants

According to the peculiarities of the structure of seeds, all flowering plants are divided into 2 classes: Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous. Dicotyledonous Seed is a rudimentary plant. It develops from the ovule and arose as a result of a long process of evolution as an organ that most reliably ensures their reproduction and distribution.

Dicotyledons The bean seed develops inside a fruit called a bean. On the concave side of the seed there is a scar - the place of attachment of the seed to the cusp of the fetus. Outside, the seed is covered with a dense peel. The seed germ is located under the skin. It consists of two cotyledons, a root, a stalk, a kidney. Cotyledons develop symmetrically against each other. Sometimes the embryo has one cotyledon (Chistyak, Corydalis species, some Umbelliferae). For 1 slide

The cotyledons contain a supply of nutrients. But in some (wild radish, shepherd's purse) the supply of nutrients is not only in the cotyledons, but also in other parts of the embryo - the root, the stalk. The cone of growth of the germinal stem is located between the cotyledons and already in the embryo forms rudimentary leaves. All together forms a kidney, which is the rudiment of the main shoot of the plant. Cotyledons usually with 3 main vascular bundles are brought to the surface during seed germination. Bean seed: peel, seed germ, 2 cotyledons, root, stalk, kidney. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 2 cotyledons, are called dicots. For 1 slide

Legumes Beans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The largest bean - climbing entada - one and a half meters. And the largest seeds in the world are from the South American oil-bearing mimosa. They are 17 - 20 cm long. Beans, peas, vetch, locust, soybeans, lupins, peanuts, mimosa - all these plants hide their seeds in beans. For 1 slide

Monocots Consider the structure of the wheat seed. A grain of wheat is not a seed, but a fruit. The tissues of the fetus in the caryopsis are represented only by a membranous outer layer, called the fruit membrane. The rest of the grain is the seed. A groove runs along the seed, on which the scar is located. A grain of wheat is made up of the germ, a nutrient tissue called the endosperm, and the skin of the seed. The embryo in the caryopsis occupies a very small place, the main part of it is the endosperm. A grain of wheat is essentially both a seed and a fruit called a caryopsis. The embryo of a caryopsis consists of an embryonic root, a stalk, a bud, and a scutellum. For 1 slide

It is believed that the scutellum is the only modified cotyledon of the embryo that does not contain a supply of nutrients, adheres tightly to the endosperm and looks like a thin plate. The shield is located as if it forms a partition between the embryo and the endosperm and takes nutrients from the endosperm during seed germination. In monocots, at the top of the longitudinal axis of the embryo is the cotyledon, and the kidney (with a cone of growth) is away from it. Cotyledon usually with two main vascular bundles; during seed germination is not brought to the surface. For 1 slide

Wheat grain: pericarp fused with the seed coat, endosperm, seed germ, shield, root, stalk, kidney. In other monocot plants (onion, lily of the valley), the seeds also have endosperm, but it surrounds the embryo, and does not adjoin to it on one side, as is the case with wheat and other cereals. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 1 cotyledon, are called monocots. For 1 slide

Worked on the project: Pupil of 7 "A" class, MOUSOSH 37 Androsov Artyom Thank you for your attention! Getting Started

According to the peculiarities of the structure of seeds, all flowering plants are divided into 2 classes: Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous. Dicotyledonous Seed is a rudimentary plant. It develops from the ovule and arose as a result of a long process of evolution as an organ that most reliably ensures their reproduction and distribution.

Dicotyledons The bean seed develops inside a fruit called a bean. On the concave side of the seed there is a scar - the place of attachment of the seed to the cusp of the fetus. Outside, the seed is covered with a dense peel. The seed germ is located under the skin. It consists of two cotyledons, a root, a stalk, a kidney. Cotyledons develop symmetrically against each other. Sometimes the embryo has one cotyledon (Chistyak, Corydalis species, some Umbelliferae). For 1 slide

The cotyledons contain a supply of nutrients. But in some (wild radish, shepherd's purse) the supply of nutrients is not only in the cotyledons, but also in other parts of the embryo - the root, the stalk. The cone of growth of the germinal stem is located between the cotyledons and already in the embryo forms rudimentary leaves. All together forms a kidney, which is the rudiment of the main shoot of the plant. Cotyledons usually with 3 main vascular bundles are brought to the surface during seed germination. Bean seed: peel, seed germ, 2 cotyledons, root, stalk, kidney. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 2 cotyledons, are called dicots. For 1 slide

Legumes Beans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The largest bean - climbing entada - one and a half meters. And the largest seeds in the world are from the South American oil-bearing mimosa. They are 17 - 20 cm long. Beans, peas, vetch, locust, soybeans, lupins, peanuts, mimosa - all these plants hide their seeds in beans. For 1 slide

Monocots Consider the structure of the wheat seed. A grain of wheat is not a seed, but a fruit. The tissues of the fetus in the caryopsis are represented only by a membranous outer layer, called the fruit membrane. The rest of the grain is the seed. A groove runs along the seed, on which the scar is located. A grain of wheat is made up of the germ, a nutrient tissue called the endosperm, and the skin of the seed. The embryo in the caryopsis occupies a very small place, the main part of it is the endosperm. A grain of wheat is essentially both a seed and a fruit called a caryopsis. The embryo of a caryopsis consists of an embryonic root, a stalk, a bud, and a scutellum. For 1 slide

It is believed that the scutellum is the only modified cotyledon of the embryo that does not contain a supply of nutrients, adheres tightly to the endosperm and looks like a thin plate. The shield is located as if it forms a partition between the embryo and the endosperm and takes nutrients from the endosperm during seed germination. In monocots, at the top of the longitudinal axis of the embryo is the cotyledon, and the kidney (with a cone of growth) is away from it. Cotyledon usually with two main vascular bundles; during seed germination is not brought to the surface. For 1 slide

Wheat grain: pericarp fused with the seed coat, endosperm, seed germ, shield, root, stalk, kidney. In other monocot plants (onion, lily of the valley), the seeds also have endosperm, but it surrounds the embryo, and does not adjoin to it on one side, as is the case with wheat and other cereals. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 1 cotyledon, are called monocots. For 1 slide

Worked on the project: Pupil of 7 "A" class, MOUSOSH 37 Androsov Artyom Thank you for your attention! Getting Started

The seed is the germinal plant. It develops from the ovule and arose as a result of a long process of evolution as an organ that most reliably ensures their reproduction and distribution. According to the peculiarities of the structure of seeds, all flowering plants are divided into 2 classes: n Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous.

Dicotyledons n n The bean seed develops inside a fruit called a bean. On the concave side of the seed there is a scar - the place of attachment of the seed to the cusp of the fetus. Outside, the seed is covered with a dense peel. The seed germ is located under the skin. It consists of two cotyledons, a root, a stalk, a kidney. Cotyledons develop symmetrically against each other. Sometimes the embryo has one cotyledon (Chistyak, Corydalis species, some Umbelliferae). For 1 slide

n The cotyledons contain a supply of nutrients. But in some (wild radish, shepherd's purse) the supply of nutrients is not only in the cotyledons, but also in other parts of the embryo - the root, the stalk. The cone of growth of the germinal stem is located between the cotyledons and already in the embryo forms rudimentary leaves. All together forms a kidney, which is the rudiment of the main shoot of the plant. Cotyledons usually with 3 main vascular bundles are brought to the surface during seed germination. Bean seed: peel, seed germ, 2 cotyledons, root, stalk, kidney. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 2 cotyledons, are called dicots. For 1 slide

Legumes Beans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The largest bean - climbing entada - one and a half meters. And the largest seeds in the world are from the South American oil-bearing mimosa. They are 17 - 20 cm long. Beans, peas, vetch, locust, soybeans, lupins, peanuts, mimosa - all these plants hide their seeds in beans. For 1 slide

Monocots Consider the structure of the wheat seed. A grain of wheat is not a seed, but a fruit. The tissues of the fetus in the caryopsis are represented only by a membranous outer layer, called the fruit membrane. The rest of the grain is the seed. A groove runs along the seed, on which the scar is located. A grain of wheat is made up of the germ, a nutrient tissue called the endosperm, and the skin of the seed. The embryo in the caryopsis occupies a very small place, the main part of it is the endosperm. A grain of wheat is essentially both a seed and a fruit called a caryopsis. The embryo of a caryopsis consists of an embryonic root, a stalk, a bud, and a scutellum. For 1 slide

What is inside the seed? Inside the seed, in the cotyledons, reserves of nutrients are deposited. Cereals, in particular wheat, contain the most starch. It is necessary for the nutrition of the germinating embryo. Per 1 slide

It is believed that the scutellum is the only modified cotyledon of the embryo that does not contain a supply of nutrients, adheres tightly to the endosperm and looks like a thin plate. The scutellum is located as if it forms a partition between the embryo and the endosperm, and during the germination of the seed it takes nutrients from the endosperm. In monocots, at the top of the longitudinal axis of the embryo is the cotyledon, and the kidney (with a cone of growth) is away from it. Cotyledon usually with two main vascular bundles; during seed germination is not brought to the surface. For 1 slide

Wheat grain: pericarp fused with the seed coat, endosperm, seed germ, shield, root, stalk, kidney. In other monocot plants (onion, lily of the valley), the seeds also have endosperm, but it surrounds the embryo, and does not adjoin to it on one side, as is the case with wheat and other cereals. Conclusion: Flowering plants, the embryos of which have 1 cotyledon, are called monocots. For 1 slide

n Worked on the project: Pupil of the 7th "A" class, MOUSOSH No. 37 Artyom Androsov Thank you for your attention! Back to work 04.05.2008

"Nightshade Plants" - 13 species of nightshade grow on the territory of the Perm Territory. The Solanaceae family contains from 2000 to 2500 plant species. The formula of the nightshade flower is Ch (5) L (5) T5 P1. Poisonous nightshades. Class Dicotyledonous. Homework 165 in the textbook. Medicinal plants. Mushrooms. The root system is fibrous with a large number of adventitious roots.

"Cruciferous family" - Yarutka. Cabbage. Horseradish roots secrete phytoncides. Ginger, a genus of annual herbs of the cruciferous family. 15 species, in Eurasia, Sev. flower formula. Medicinal. Cruciferous. St. 3 thousand species (approx. 350 genera), mainly in the North. hemisphere. Herbs, rarely subshrubs and shrubs. The mass of the root crop is from 7 to 400 g or more.

"Dicotyledonous Plants" - Class dicotyledonous characteristic features of the cruciferous and nightshade family. Belena is black. The petals of the corolla grow together. Stamens 5. Plants and fruits are poisonous. Many plants are good honey plants. Cabbage varieties. Flowers, fruits of the nightshade family. Stamens 4 long, 2 short.

"Family of legumes" - Melilot officinalis and white. Name the cultivated plants of the families. Wild plants of the family. Russian beans. Assess your knowledge. Major plantations in China and the USA. Define plants. Mouse peas. Cultivated plants of the family. Meadow clover. Features of plants of the family. Beans. Class Dicotyledonous, family Legumes (Butterflies).

"Composite family" - Sow thistles are also called some species of the genus (bodyak.). Europe, Sev. OSOT, a genus of perennial herbs and subshrubs of the Asteraceae family. Calendula. The leaves are used medicinally (expectorant). Asia, Transcaucasia. St. 200 species, in the Northern Hemisphere. Some sow thistles are difficult-to-eradicate rhizomes weeds; are used for livestock feed.

“Leguminous” - Grain yield up to 25-30 centners per 1 ha, green mass 200-300 centners per 1 ha. Beans are a genus of single and perennial plants of the legume family. The legume family. OK. 26 species, in Eurasia, Sev. Grow sweet clover white and yellow. Grown in a mixture with cereals and in its pure form, mainly red clover. Common soybeans are cultivated - grain, fodder, etc. The main plantations are in China and the USA.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

BIcotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants

Biology, 6th grade

Presentation for the lesson

We pose a problem


I saw a swollen bean seed break into two equal halves? Why?

Biologist :

Yes, there are seeds that break into two halves, but there are also those that do not separate. This is one of the signs of plants. And here are some

today we have to find out.


What signs and

Why are there different types of plants?

Remember what you know

The smallest unit of classification?

As evidenced by similar signs in different plants.

Life forms of plants.

What forms of venation do you know?

What is the Red Book?





new knowledge

dicotyledonous plant:





Describe the plants shown according to the plan.

Lyre-shaped core

Rose hip


Learn a paragraph of the textbook, prepare a drawing of a plant according to the plan, monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous.
