Ruby stone properties to whom to wear. What a ruby ​​looks like and what a stone will help with: valuable properties, jewelry and compatibility

The color of the stone depends on the amount of chromium impurities, this metal is responsible for the saturation of the color. Sometimes iron can replace it. But it is the presence of chromium that is responsible for the sparkling play of the stone. This phenomenon is called fluorescence - a bewitching glow of a mineral in the rays of natural light.

By the way, high-quality natural rubies are distinguished in this way: the stone must be looked at in daylight. Connoisseurs assure that buying a ruby ​​that has only been seen under artificial lighting is not worth it. The metamorphosis that takes place right before our eyes can be stunning: indoors, its color was dark red, and on the street it turned pale pink. Rubies from Sri Lanka have such a reputation.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> In general, the value of a stone depends on where rubies are mined. Interestingly, they can be found on any continent except Antarctica. Traditionally, stones of Asian and East African origin are in demand for jewelry. Rich mineral deposits are famous for India, Ceylon, Thailand, Kenya, Tajikistan. Well, the most expensive and best stones are supplied to the world by Myanmar.

Ruby value in culture and history

For many peoples, and in different eras, the ruby ​​is a stone of Fire. This is primarily due to the color of the stone. There is a beautiful ancient Indian legend in which the gods could not defeat the mighty huge dragon for a long time. After the long-awaited massacre, they decided to divide it into parts. The sun god got blood, and while he was getting home, drops fell to the ground, which became nothing more than precious stones.

Interestingly, there are similar legends about the ruby ​​of other peoples, only the giant replaces the dragon in them. Attributes the Sun itself and medieval esotericism as patrons to the ruby, this stone is also a sign of Fire there.

So the ruby, personifying the powerful element of Fire, became a symbol of power, strength, might and an attribute of the powerful of this world. The Greeks adorned with ruby ​​stones the famous statue of the goddess of the highest pantheon - Hera. In the Old Testament, one can find a description of 12 jewelry stones of Jewish high priests, where the ruby ​​is in the first place.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Monomakh's Hat" width="300" height="296">!} The Russians found a place of a whole placer of rubies on the Cap of Monomakh - a symbol of the supreme princely power. And in Russia they (together with emeralds) were called the ruby ​​\u200b\u200b“yahont”, and even when they wanted to express special love, they said to a person - “my yakhont”, in the sense of precious. This highlights another important magical meaning of the gem: the ruby ​​is also a stone of passion and love.

In Muslim traditions, a ruby ​​pendant distinguishes a strong person capable of a great deed. Where this stone is, there is wisdom and fearlessness, they believe in the East. And very poetically they say that the brilliance emitted by a mineral is a reflection of the flame of the soul of its owner. And in every culture there is a belief that the stone gives life-giving forces and gives high energy.

Healing properties of ruby

Of course, with such a magical interpretation of the properties of the stone, he was credited with great healing power. The ancients even added ruby ​​powder to wine or water. Today's lithotherapy - the theory and practice of stone treatment - excludes this method, emphasizing its danger. But drinking water, where the pebble just lay down, is highly recommended: this kind of drink will eliminate depression, nighttime anxiety, and insomnia.

Also, lithotherapists call the following ailments that can “leave” under the influence of a mineral:

  • blood diseases, anemia;
  • joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism;
  • asthma;
  • otitis;
  • epileptic manifestations, paralysis;
  • hypertension;
  • psoriasis;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • heart disease, rheumatic heart disease.

Of course, the precious stone miraculous ruby ​​yahont and its magical properties can be taken on faith and fully used, but still, in the treatment of serious diseases, lithotherapy should give way to traditional medicine. And let the gemstone ruby ​​​​better remain a jewelry value, and not a means of treatment.

Ruby and Zodiac

Who suits the ruby ​​in the first place, obviously. Since the stone is the personification of the element of Fire, it is natural that it is often associated with the signs of the Zodiac of this sphere (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Although there are exceptions, in the first place it is the sign of Pisces. But first things first.

For Leo

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Lion" width="80" height="80"> Наверное, сложно во всём Зодиаке подобрать знак, которому бы настолько органично подходил этот самоцвет. Лев, с его стойким стремлением к лидерству, властной натурой и обладанием высоким достоинством – лучший хозяин для рубина. Камень просто благоволит к столь могущественному владельцу и преданно служит ему, оберегая от неудач и уколов самолюбия, которые для вспыльчивого Льва просто непереносимы.!}

For Aries

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Aries" width="80" height="80"> Совместимость камня с энергетикой Овнов предопределена тем, что их покровитель – Марс. У римлян эту красную планету как раз и олицетворял рубин. Кроме того, носителям этого знака свойственна активная жизненная позиция, но они быстро утомляются и теряют энтузиазм. Талисман с этим красным камнем обеспечит Овнам подъем сил, позитивный подход к делам, поможет устранить стрессовые моменты.!}

For Sagittarius

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Sagittarius" width="80" height="80"> Рождённые под этим созвездием уникальны тем, что обладают самой меньшей совместимостью с другими знаками Зодиака. А значит, их талисман должен нести посыл любовного огня и пламенной страсти. Справиться с этим сможет только рубин. А заодно камень предотвращает реальные опасности и негативные поступки и мысли в адрес своего хозяина.!}

For Pisces

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Pisces" width="80" height="80"> Удивительно, но факт: Рыбы тоже в числе счастливчиков, кого «любит» этот непростой камешек. А всё потому, что люди этого знака чутки к мистике и очень проникновенны к искусству и культурным явлениям. А чувственным натурам, как известно, рубин покровительствует. Он отлично воздействует на душевную природу, усиливает интуицию и чувство прекрасного.!}

For Scorpio

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:Scorpion" width="80" height="80"> Ещё один «водный» знак, кому рубин никак не помешает: ни в качестве украшения, ни в качестве оберега. Камень способен уравновесить агрессивные вспышки Скорпиона, сконцентрировать его творческий потенциал и привести в гармонию и ауру вокруг хозяина, и его внутренний мир.!}

How to wear a ruby

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:ruby ring" width="200" height="151">!} Spectacular jewelry will perfectly serve as a talisman with a ruby. The frames of pendants, rings, brooches and earrings should be gold, or at least silver. Ruby will not forgive negligence here. Rings with this stone are best selected to the size of the ring finger of the left hand. Amulets with a ruby ​​insert create a barrier from unclean people, especially at hand, and help to raise the status in society.

It is obvious that it is not for nothing that the ruby ​​has retained its reputation and high position in the hierarchy of precious stones. Suffice it to recall the most famous representatives that are stored in the largest museums and treasuries of the world: Caesar's Ruby (it was owned by Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Catherine II), Prince's Ruby (Shah Jehan, erected the Taj Mahal), etc.

The ruby ​​stone was loved and glorified by those who changed the course of world history. And it continues: leading jewelry houses today create ruby ​​jewelry for the richest and most eminent. And let not everyone be given to wear a ring with a dark ruby ​​​​of the color “pigeon blood”. There are more affordable types of stone. So everyone can pick up their own spark of power and passion.

The greatest of the precious stones in the world - that is what the ruby ​​was called in antiquity. Precious rubies have long been valued - stones with the properties of healing diseases, which were also able to influence the psychological state of a person, knew how to be faithful talismans for certain signs of the zodiac. This stone is shrouded in secrets and legends, sometimes quite ominous, it is not for nothing that the blood-red stone looks exactly like frozen drops of blood?

There is such an ancient Indian legend about the origin of this precious gem. There was one strong and powerful demon in the world who longed to gain power over all the gods. But of course they couldn't deal with it. The power of the gods was enough to fight the demon and kill him, but it seemed to them insufficient - what if the demon is resurrected? Then they divided his flesh into many, many parts and carried each to their homes. The god of the Sun took the blood of the demon. He was in such a hurry to return to his possessions that some drops spilled onto the ground. The blood drops soaked into the ground and hardened in its bowels, turning into deposits of precious rubies - stones of the color of demonic blood, stones with the power of the gods that killed him.

With such a legend, the magical properties of the stone are already becoming difficult to dispute. But this is also confirmed by the fact that the highest persons of the world bowed before the ruby ​​from time immemorial. It is a stone of monarchs, a symbol of courage, energy, strength, power and valor. The magic that envelops this gem is capable of endowing its owners with wisdom, courage, and a huge supply of vitality. A person gets the ability to charm, to discover in himself more and more new abilities. He becomes so confident and independent, so full of energy that any difficulties that stand in the way will simply not be noticed by him.

In the Chinese treatise "Chu fan chi" it is written about a huge (12 cm in diameter) ruby ​​that belonged to the king of Ceylon: the stone "did not burn with fire during the day, but was like a torch at night."

The gem was for the king an elixir of youth. The king (90-year-old!) stroked and massaged his face with a stone every day. There was not a single wrinkle on the royal face!

There are several versions about the appearance of rubies in Europe:

  1. The ruby ​​stone was brought by the warriors of Alexander the Great from India.
  2. Under the name "carbuncles" stones were brought from Africa.
  3. The most banal and most probable way is with trading caravans.

In one of the ancient Greek cities in the temple there was a statue of Hera (the wife of the main god).

Gilded, studded with gems, the goddess on her head carried a gem, which was called the "Light". And this is a quote from Lucian:

“It is worth dwelling in more detail on the stone that is on the head of Hera. His name is "Light", and this name fully corresponds to the action he performs: at night he shines so brightly that he illuminates the whole temple with himself, as it were, with a multitude of lamps. In the daytime, when this light weakens, the stone in appearance becomes like fire. By the way, who has not read Lucian - read it. His gossip about the gods and the details of their lives is no less exciting than the Brazilian series. And much more honest...

Since ancient times, a special property of the ruby ​​​​stone was considered to change color if you bring (or dip) the gem into food or drink. This property was of great value to the powers that be. Many of them were afraid of being poisoned - suddenly the heirs would get tired of waiting for the throne to be vacated.

What family is the ruby ​​from?

The family is called corundum and contains several eminent "relatives".

Varieties of the mineral:

  • - the stone is opaque, granular, grayish in color;
  • , crystals from blue to deep blue:
  • ruby, color from pink to dark red;
  • leucosapphire - transparent colorless crystals are found;
  • green corundum, "oriental emerald";
  • purple corundum, "oriental amethyst";
  • padparadzhi, a stone of orange-yellow, greenish-yellow color.

Corundum crystals - sapphire and ruby ​​- are twins in composition. The whole difference is in a few percent of chromium oxide (in ruby) and iron, titanium - in sapphire. But what a difference in color! Fire and water, the heat of the flame and the coolness of the sea.

Ruby is a stone of the material world, sapphire is a spiritual one. But this is already from the field of esotericism.

Physics and chemistry of the crystal

Ruby characteristics:

  • hardness 9 on the Mohs scale (only diamond is harder);
  • line color is white;
  • the color of the stone is from pink-red to red-purple, with purple tones;
  • glass shine;
  • chemical formula of Al2O3 (class of oxides) with an admixture of chromium.

Ruby is a stone of the 1st (highest) group of the 1st order according to the Russian classification.

The colors of rubies range from pink to red-black. The most “correct” ruby ​​is “the color of pigeon blood”. It is a bright red color with a purple hue. Such crystals are extremely rare.

A gem with an asterism effect is considered very valuable. They contain inclusions of rutile, which cause the effect of "stars in stone".

How a ruby ​​is cut

There are technical conditions for the processing of rubies. The shape of the cut is determined by the shape of the girdle.

Traditional cuts:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • antique;
  • emerald;
  • marquis;
  • pear;
  • a heart;
  • fantasy.

The cabochons are cut with a flat or convex pavilion.

Ruby deposits

Every year they are mined less and less. And most of the found crystals contain defects.

The highest quality gems are mined in Myanmar. It was from there, from Burma (the former name of the state), according to the assumptions of mineralogists, that the first rubies spread.

Countries where gem deposits are located:

  • Madagascar;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Tanzania;
  • Kenya;
  • Tajikistan.

Russia does not have ruby ​​deposits, but occasionally gems are found where corundum is mined. These are Karelia, the Polar and Southern Urals, the Kola Peninsula.

Ennobled - also natural

Rubies are finding less and less. And the quality of most leaves much to be desired.

To improve the appearance of the stone, ennoblement is used. It improves the brilliance, transparency and color, purity of the stone.

Refining is not a falsification, it is a natural stone, slightly improved and corrected.

The International Jewelry Confederation (CIBJO) regulates when to inform the buyer about interference with the appearance of the stone, and when it is not necessary.

If the stone is subjected to:

  1. Filling cracks with unpainted resins, oils (excluding glass and synthetic resins).
  2. Thermal processing.
  3. Lightening.

In these cases, the buyer will not know that the stone has been ennobled.

If and when applied to the stone:

  1. HPHT processing.
  2. Irradiation.
  3. Carburizing with glass, synthetic resins and other suitable chemicals.
  4. laser processing.
  5. Coloring - then the seller is obliged to write in the stone certificate that the gem was ennobled (and in what way).

Rubies can be subjected to thermal and diffusion treatment, surface healing, crack filling with glass, coloring.

Growing crystals

Growing ruby ​​crystals at home is no joke. Such an activity can become a hobby or turn into a means of earning.

For those interested, the details:

  1. We buy a Verneuil apparatus. It won't work without it, unfortunately. Although on the Internet, craftsmen share the technology of "kitchen" manufacturing of the device.
  2. Pour the mixture into the funnel (salt of aluminum dioxide with chromium oxide).
  3. We turn on the burner.
  4. We wait.

The flame of the burner turns the powder into a melt, and a synthetic crystal grows on the stand.

Chemistry lovers select and change the composition of the charge, adjusting the color and shade of the future ruby.

The resulting artificial crystals are red, transparent. When you fill your hand, the crystals will look no worse than a natural gem.

The crystal is prepared in 2-3 hours, the cost of electricity and chemical powders is literally a penny. And the crystal will turn out weighing 20-30 carats.

Unprocessed homemade crystals are willingly bought by craftsmen who create crafts, jewelers for inexpensive jewelry.

Of course, any jeweler will understand that the gem is not real. But we wear fakes without knowing it. And here you will receive the joy of the creator.

ruby magic

This red gem is a stone of power. It has always been worn by people who have reached a high position, on which the position of other people depends.

Esotericists have long believed that ruby ​​magic does not change a person. It only enhances his character traits - both good and bad. Here the meaning of the stone is to be a catalyst for human qualities.

ruby ring

Therefore, a person with evil thoughts should not wear red ruby ​​products. In this regard, the stone is "unprincipled", it always indulges the passions of its owner. Whether it is passionate love or the same passionate desire to ruin an opponent by any means, to harm a rival ... Better not wish evil to your neighbors (and distant ones too).

  • Ruby is a stone of brilliance and vanity, pride and creative ups.
  • But these magical properties of the stone can energetically devastate the owner.
  • Active, energetic people will find a harmonious ally in the gem.
  • Ruby, its fiery color carries the symbolism of love, passion and fidelity.
  • The magical properties of the ruby ​​protect the owner of the stone from evil forces and from astral attacks.
  • The color or brilliance of the gem has changed - which means you should be wary. These are signs of possible danger.
  • Initiated magicians love the ruby ​​- the stone gives them strength and power over the lower astral.
  • Fire is the element of ruby. And the flames of passions are subject to the stone of the color of the flame.
  • It is important to know that the ruby ​​is a symbol of love, but carnal love.

Interesting: some esotericists believe that the property of a ruby ​​\u200b\u200b(lonely) is to attract loneliness. Therefore, it is recommended to wear rubies in a pair.

All properties apply only to real gems.

We are treated with a ruby

In the Middle Ages, healers tried to carry a ruby ​​amulet with them - it was believed that it would protect against the plague.

Esotericists insist that ruby ​​jewelry for healing should be worn so that the stone touches (or is as close as possible) to the sore spot.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that water, infused for several days on a ruby, has healing properties on a person.

Esotericists assure that the regular intake of such water will relieve insomnia.

In the treatment of inflammation of the tonsils or middle ear, lithotherapists advise wearing a necklace or earrings with a ruby.

The healing properties of the mineral will help (according to lithotherapists):

  • strengthen heart health (if you wear a crystal in a ring or pendant);
  • helps to recover from the effects of a stroke;
  • relieves symptoms of epilepsy;
  • promotes healing in inflammation of bone tissue;
  • useful to wear with chronic tonsillitis;
  • for women, the help of a stone is to conceive and safely bear a child;
  • relieves depression and nervous disorders;
  • helps to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for older men, a ruby ​​bracelet will help to cope with "male" problems.

Caution: one of the properties of the ruby ​​is to slightly increase blood pressure.

In case of blood diseases, you should not wear ruby ​​jewelry.

If the owner is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, in strong psychological stress, it is better to remove the jewelry with a ruby. Esotericists gloomily joke that a stone can "bring under the article" the owner in an inadequate state.

Astrological properties of rubies

Ruby's element is Fire. Now astrologers attribute the gem to the patrons of Leo and Aries. Their fiery ardent nature will quickly find a "common language" with the ruby. It is better to wear a stone in gold. And do not rush to put on the purchased jewelry. Wait until the Sun moves into the constellation Aries or Leo. Then compatibility with the stone will be complete.

ruby jewelry

Ancient astrologers believed that the gem is suitable for Sagittarius according to the zodiac sign.

Signs not suitable for a ruby ​​according to the horoscope:

  • Virgo;
  • Taurus;

The patron planets of the stone are the Sun, Mars.

Crystal care

For all its hardness, the ruby ​​is a fragile stone. It is necessary to protect products with ruby ​​from falling, from hitting hard surfaces.

But the ruby ​​is able to scratch other gems - its hardness is second only to the hardness of diamond. Therefore, a separate house is suitable for decoration - a case or a bag made of dense soft fabric. Rubies do not like to be in the scorching sun for a long time, so store them in the dark and do not wear jewelry with these stones in hot countries.

Cleaning at home is easy:

  1. Jewelry is dirty - dilute baby soap in warm water, carefully rinse the stone in this solution. Use a used (not hard) toothbrush or just a tissue. Rinse the jewelry and gently wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. If you are going to work with your hands - remove the ruby ​​ring. Household chemicals are not at all useful for gems.
  3. Heavily contaminated jewelry is better to take to the jeweler, he will clean it with special methods and means.

Interesting: choose a place to store ruby ​​jewelry in the southern part of the house. According to Feng Shui, this will increase the social status of the family in general and the owner in particular.

How to distinguish a fake

Even in centuries-old jewelry, an artificial ruby ​​can be set. Synthetic rubies sparkle in most Soviet jewelry.

Distinguishing a natural ruby ​​from an artificial ruby ​​is not easy. Without special equipment and analysis, the stone is easily confused with spinel.

The best advice for someone who wants to determine the authenticity of a stone in a piece of jewelry is to take the help of a gemologist or jeweler.

It is worth buying expensive jewelry with rubies in salons where you will be given a certificate. It certifies that the stone is natural, gives the size, cut and data of the gem.

It is difficult to determine the authenticity of a stone without specialists. Try:

  1. Swipe hard with your fingernail or coin. A cheap fake will leave a scratch. A natural ruby ​​can only be scratched with a diamond.
  2. Scratch the ruby ​​against glass or ceramics. There was a red scratch - in the hands of a mineral softer than a ruby. Or polished stone.
  3. Under ultraviolet light, a natural gem will glow like an ember. Synthetic will give an orange-crimson glow.
  4. In daylight, sunlight, natural stone will look deep pink. Indoors, under artificial lighting, the color will change to a darker one.
  5. The natural ruby ​​is reluctant to "share its warmth". Hold your finger (or attach to the eyelid, to the tip of the nose) a stone. If it heats up quickly, it's a cheap fake. Stays cold for a long time - it is highly likely that the stone is natural.

But only a real gemologist can distinguish a fake, give a guarantee (with a piece of paper and a seal). He will check (instrumentally) the authenticity of the ruby.

yoga and ruby

Ruby chakras - Anahata and Muladhara.

Rubies in Russia and the rest of the world

In describing the characteristics of the ruby, Russia has "its own, special path of development." The world's jewelers enjoy using the GIA system.

ruby jewelry

According to Russian specifications, the main characteristics of the gem:

  • Colour;
  • purity.

The definition of color is divided into hue, lightness, saturation.

The GIA tables and methodology apply to more than just rubies. It can be used to determine the quality of any gemstone.

We wear rubies - the price of pleasure

"I swear on my mother, a ruby ​​from Burma!" - be skeptical of such statements. Even if you know that Burmese rubies are the best in the world.

Firstly, they do not shine in size. It is difficult to find a stone weighing more than 4 carats. But the color of the ruby ​​from Burma is beyond praise.

The ratio of production of quality diamonds and rubies per year is approximately 100:2-3. That is, for a hundred high-quality diamonds, there are 2-3 found rubies of excellent color, transparency and quality. That is why the price of excellent quality rubies is higher than the cost of diamonds.

Important: silver and gold in jewelry are often given birth - they are covered with a layer of rhodium metal. The metal from this acquires a shine, but some people are allergic to rhodium.

By the way, if they try to sell you a "rare black ruby" - do not give in. Black ruby ​​does not exist in nature. Spinel is usually sold under the guise of this “rarity”.

Unique ruby stone properties which is studied by magicians, jewelers and geologists, contribute to changes in human life. A fiery bright ruby ​​is a stone of nobility. It is considered the most magnificent, king and king among all gems. It is known for its deep red color.

This crystal is suitable for recharging energy, stimulating the mind, making it more positive and self-confident. Its striking color gives vitality, sensuality and sexual energy, attracts new love.

The name "ruby" comes from the Latin word "ruber" which means red. It is a favorite gem among those in power and lovers.

It, like sapphire, is a type of corundum, an aluminum oxide with chromium, which gives it a pink to blood red color. Hardness on the Mohs scale is estimated at 9 points.

This mineral is one of the four rarest gemstones. Until 1800, when it was recognized as red corundum, many other red stones had this name, including tourmaline, garnet.

Like all natural stones, the ruby ​​has inclusions that determine its quality and authenticity.

To evaluate rubies, we are guided by the following indicators:

  • The first category includes stones with minor inclusions or clean;
  • Secondly: they have small defects, for example, cracks, stripes in combination with point inclusions in various zones;
  • The third includes stones with larger defects, stripes and inclusions throughout the stone. Clouding of individual zones is allowed, as a result of which they lose some of their transparency and brilliance.

According to the depth and saturation of the color, they are divided into bright, normal, medium, dark, rich red.

The most valuable - with a bright red color. This color is called "pigeon's blood". The second parameter is the presence of inclusions. Although their absence may indicate an artificial origin.

Many valuable quality rubies come from Burma. There are beautiful stones from Thailand. Thai stones tend to be a little darker, with a very deep red, closer to purple.

In Ceylon, which is called the "island of precious stones", lighter minerals are mined, almost pink in color.

There are deposits in India, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Mexico, Afghanistan, the USA, Madagascar and some other regions.

The meaning of the ruby ​​stone in history

Ruby is a precious stone that has been used by jewelers for a very long time for inserts into jewelry. Its history goes back to the distant past. The place of extraction was Burma and India. Over time and the development of trade relations between countries, rubies began to appear in Egypt, Greece and Rome. Mostly these precious crystals were in the jewelry of nobles, representatives of the royal family and the highest nobility.

Some ancient cultures believed that rubies, like other gemstones, grew on trees like fruits. At first they are small and white, then they begin to ripen, blushing from the sun. And when it turns red - it's time to shoot.

“A drop of blood from the heart of Mother Earth” - this is how it was described in the East. References to the ruby ​​can be found in the ancient writings of India and Burma. In these thousand-year-old texts, he is called none other than the king of all the precious stones of the world.

It was known in the Mediterranean countries and was highly valued for its properties. Ruby is mentioned even in the Bible.

Each nation gave the stone its own names. For the Greeks it is “anthrax”, for the Romans it is “carbunkulos”, and in Russia it had the name “yahont”.

Most often you can find rubies of red color. But in nature, this color is not the only one. There are various shades from pink to dark red with a purple hue. The most valuable and expensive is the latter.

In ancient times, it was believed that the ruby ​​has many healing properties: it stops bleeding, invigorates, gives courage and relieves complexes, causes a feeling of fun, strengthens memory and excites.

It is used to treat many ailments, cures diseases of internal organs: kidneys, liver. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Give it the ability to prevent chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

The stone neutralizes the depressive state, favorably affects the nervous system, helps with insomnia and nightmares, protects against epileptic attacks.

The precious mineral has healing properties for ulcers, skin diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It improves immunity, normalizes metabolism and has healing properties, has a beneficial effect on brain activity, and normalizes blood pressure. The stone will help those who have problems with potency. It will excite love passion and increase vitality.

According to some beliefs, it is believed that the ruby ​​can quench your thirst if you put a stone in your mouth.

magical properties

Among the followers of the Buddha, the ruby ​​​​was the most respected and revered stone among the rest. Its main magical property is to generate in a person the desire for the perfect and great.

The magicians of India believed that the stone has a huge influence on people's behavior and gives wide power to its owner. But, on the other hand, a precious mineral evokes in a person a feeling of compassion, generosity and a desire for unity with people around him.

Ruby is a powerful protection against the effects of evil forces, it adds vitality, eradicates melancholy and sadness.

A person who has this stone in his arsenal receives a new charge of vivacity. His desire to live intensifies and mental pain subsides, courage and strength of character appear.

People who are weak-willed, soft and shy, thanks to the stone, get rid of their complexes, acquire firmness in character. People with iron willpower who are used to going to their goal to the end will be able to cope with the power of the stone.

The owners of the red crystal will discover a craving for art, military affairs and the study of science. In the Middle Ages, the ruby ​​was considered a stone of beauty, spirituality and courage.

Thanks to him, it is possible to avoid conflicts, to bring some kind of harmony and completeness to life.

Independence and discipline are qualities that arise under the influence of ruby.

There is a legend saying that a ruby ​​placed in a bowl of poison changes its color. Thus, the mineral protects from trouble and warns of danger.

Jewelry with inserts of rubies are the strongest amulets. It is important to wear them on the body away from prying eyes, and then a person is not afraid of either enemies or trouble. The amulet will protect him from danger.

If a woman has lost faith in herself to become a mother and cannot bear it for a long time, a ruby ​​will help her get pregnant sooner.

The main thing is that it sharpens those qualities of a person that are inherent in him from birth. An evil person becomes even worse, and a good person becomes even kinder.

The stone has a very strong energy and therefore it is not recommended to wear it to people with a weak character, as a person may not be able to cope with its strength.

Ruby, as a talisman, is shown to people involved in activities associated with risk: firefighters, soldiers, rescuers, police. The stone will protect the one who wears it from evil spells and accidents.

For a couple in love, a ruby ​​will help ignite passion and love. After all, the stone has a great power of love energy. Owners of products from this mineral will always experience burning feelings of love in their hearts.

If a person is in a state of psychological depression or depression, then he simply needs a talisman with a ruby ​​insert. Such a charm will inspire the owner and cheer him up.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

For people under the sign of Aries, the ruby ​​will become the strongest amulet. Aries are prone to increased working capacity and the stone will help the owner to restore their strength. For people who have their own business, it will become an indispensable protection against unscrupulous partners and competitors.

Taurus, suffering from loneliness, the ruby ​​will help to find their soul mate and find themselves in this world. It will help to revive interest in life, will protect from troubles.

Gemini can wear ruby ​​jewelry as a talisman against ailments and ailments. Gemini women will gain calmness and restraint in character, and will also become more accommodating.

For Cancers and Scorpios, ruby ​​is a more suitable mineral. He will save you from depressive thoughts, give you courage and a clear mind, inspire you to new achievements.

People born under the sign of Leo are strong, intelligent and powerful. Their most powerful amulet in life is precisely the “fiery” ruby.

To whom the ruby ​​is strictly contraindicated, it is Virgo and Libra. The energy of the stone will not benefit the representatives of this sign.

Sagittarius and Capricorn "lord of the stones" will give charm and respect from others, relieve fears and doubts.

Aquarius magical mineral will help build relationships with people and realize creative ideas.

And reasonable Pisces - to find answers to many questions of interest.

How to clean rubies

Since rubies are very strong and durable, they are easy to care for. However, it is not recommended to wear the jewelry if you are doing any rough dirty work or using strong chemicals.

Rubies should be stored in a cloth box away from other jewelry as they can scratch softer gemstones.

You can clean the stone with soapy water and a brush. Cleaning with a special detergent for jewelry is allowed. It is important to thoroughly rinse the stone and dry it after cleaning. If you take good care of your ruby, it will retain its beauty for years to come.

At all times, people have been attracted to stones not only for their beauty and unique distinctive external features, but also for their healing and magical properties! In the Vedic scriptures, God Vishnu wore the Kaustubha gem, priests, emperors, kings wore gems.

In Ayurveda, Chinese, Tibetan medicine, stones were used to rejuvenate and cleanse the body. The Gitopanishad says: The purpose of the Gita is to describe the path of love - Bhakti, which, like the jewel of Chintamani, fulfills all desires.

This stone, Cintamani, is safely kept in the middle of the Bhagavad-gita, as if in a treasure chest. According to other sources, it is stated that fallen Yogis with siddhis live in stones, and in German and Scandinavian folklore we find mention of dwarves living in stones and owning countless treasures of the Earth (gold, silver, precious stones).

The great alchemist and mystic Hermes Trismegistus, who possessed the philosopher's stone, in his work "The Emerald Tablets of Hermes" describes the recipe for making the philosopher's stone. You can endlessly draw parallels, immerse yourself in history, scriptures, medicine, astrology, studying the magical properties of stones, etc.

But it is important for us to understand that from the standpoint of Astrology and Ayurveda, the influence of stones is colossal, and stones have a powerful effect on the psyche and human health. Stones must be selected individually!

Each planet has its own zodiac signs, has everyone heard or searched in different sources for information about which stones according to the signs of the zodiac suit you? And so the planets, through the Signs of the Zodiac, conduct through themselves the energy of special precious, semi-precious stones.

It is important to know that with the help of stones you can enhance opportunities in different areas of life, or harmonize and correct unfavorable trends in life.

Many people, when purchasing precious stones (they give them to someone, someone comes to the store and buys a stone or jewelry they like), unfortunately they cannot wear them, as they greatly affect the energy, psyche, subtle body, causing discomfort, headaches, health problems, and other important areas of life suffer - financial, personal, etc.

Most often, people do not suspect that the cause of the problems is in an incorrectly selected stone (jewelry, ring, pendant), as well as wearing it on the wrong finger, etc.

Each finger corresponds to a particular planet, as the planets have relations with each other - friendly, enemy and neutral. Therefore, it is very important to wear a stone on the right finger, that is, a planet ruled by a finger, or a planet with which the ruler of a particular stone is in friendly relations!

If the stone is chosen correctly, then the person will have a completely different effect:

  • The surge of strength, energy
  • Health will improve
  • The psyche will be strengthened, consciousness will become clearer
  • There will be a positive correction of human energy
  • Strengthening, improvement of life positions in different areas of life controlled by the planet!

Following the recommendations of the astrologer on the selection of stones according to the planets and signs of the Zodiac, if we wear a well-chosen stone, in this case the precious stone acts as a conductor or retranslator of planetary energies into our subtle and physical body, enhancing the influence of this particular planet in the individual horoscope.

By strengthening the influence of the necessary planets, we are able to really influence many areas of our life, for example: improve the psycho-emotional state, strengthen health and memory, increase the ability to concentrate consciousness, meditation, and much more.

I want to emphasize that the influence of each planet is far from the same for different people and depends on the individual horoscope built by a professional astrologer! There are many examples in world history when stones saved a person's life, but there were no less sad cases of the opposite effect.

In India, China, even today, a person can be mistaken for, to put it mildly, “not educated”, twisting his finger at his temple, if he tells that he has acquired and wears a precious stone without consulting an astrologer. In the culture of the East, the ancient Vedic knowledge has largely been preserved, and people know about the most powerful effect of precious stones.

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Ruby and esotericism

Ruby stone is included in the list of the most expensive minerals in the world. The first data on these gems date back to 2300 BC, it was especially common in the East, where magical properties have long been attributed to it. Rubies were used to decorate amulets and amulets. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the value of purple minerals far exceeded the value of diamonds. It is worth noting that even today the large sizes of these stones are more expensive than diamonds of similar carats. Currently, they are inlaid with the most expensive and luxurious jewelry, which are presented in gold and silver.

Gem deposits can be found on any continent except Antarctica. But the main countries involved in the extraction of rubies are Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar. There are no centralized stone mines in Russia, however, it can be found in the Urals, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula.

Healing properties of red corundum

Alternative medicine in the old days used rubies to cure a number of diseases:

  • Epilepsy - a stone relieves symptoms, in some cases it heals completely;
  • Paralysis;
  • Depression and other types of nervous disorders;
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Normalizes blood pressure, it is recommended to wear a gem for hypertensive patients;
  • Impotence;
  • Restores memory;
  • For women, the stone is useful in planning the conception of a child;
  • Relieves fatigue and gives a charge of vivacity;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - in particular, eliminate inflammation, ulcers and internal bleeding.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, rubies were worn on the body in such a way that the stone adjoined the skin, preferably near the sore spot. Rubies were also infused with water and a few days later they drank in small portions. Newborns were showered with ruby ​​powder to maintain immunity and ensure a happy life.

ruby magic

In terms of magical properties, rubies are currently used to achieve the following effects:

  • It acts as an amulet from the evil eye and evil thoughts of the surrounding people;
  • It acts as a symbol of love and fidelity, allows you to carry a mutual feeling throughout your life;
  • Promotes the growth of confidence, minimizes indecision and unreasonable doubts;
  • Extends life;
  • Provides financial wealth.

It is believed that rubies develop psychic abilities, so this gem is often used by magicians and healers. The mineral enhances all the positive qualities of a person due to the strong energy field created around him. At the same time, people with evil thoughts are not recommended to use gems.

It is also worth noting that, despite the large number of positive effects, it is impossible to wear a stone all the time. Since the energy of the stone is too strong and the body must periodically rest from it.

Red ruby ​​stone magical properties

The most common ruby ​​is red. The scarlet color is formed with the help of chromium ions in the structure of the mineral. The color saturation depends on the amount of additional impurities. You can also find a separate subspecies of crimson stone - a star-shaped mineral. The name is due to the fact that after processing the gem, a shining star with six, and sometimes more, rays is visualized on its surface. Most often, a star ruby ​​does not transmit light, but sometimes transparent options can be found in nature. Such stones are especially valued during magical procedures.

It has a large number of miraculous properties that are enhanced in cases of finding a stone consisting of several types of mica. For example, a ruby ​​in fuchsite adds self-respect to the owner, and also strengthens fortitude and stamina. Consider the characteristic features of minerals and their effect on humans:

  • The gem is a symbol of passion and mutual love, which is accompanied throughout life;
  • If there are envious or negative people nearby, you should wear jewelry with a ruby, it will protect the owner from evil eye and damage;
  • The red mineral contributes to financial profit; before an important event, you should keep the stone next to you;
  • Fuchsite with ruby ​​​​provides confidence and a cold mind;
  • It has a positive effect on the human body, prevents depression, drives away despondency, in some cases relieves epilepsy;
  • Stones framed in gold or silver improve blood circulation in the body and have a positive effect on the work of the heart.

A person who owns a red gem has a truly royal dignity and great vitality.

Pink ruby ​​stone magical properties

It is less common than its crimson counterpart. It is formed by a small amount of chromium and iron impurities in the main component of the gem - corundum. If the saturation of the red color is less than 60%, this pink mineral is no longer classified as a ruby, but as a sapphire. For information, rubies are a variety of sapphires and are distinguished by a rich red color.

Pink rubies are a symbol of youth and longevity. For women, they are also the personification of the birth of a new life, so they are often given to newlyweds at a wedding.

What properties does this gem have?

  • The stone promotes the healing of internal bleeding, enhances the effect of drugs in diseases of the abdominal cavity, including having a beneficial effect on stomach ulcers;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • It has a calming effect on a person in stressful situations;
  • Heals male problems, including helping to avoid impotence;
  • Protects from evil eye and curses, often pink gems are used in amulets and talismans;
  • Stones are recommended to be worn by insecure and reserved people, as they add decisiveness and openness;
  • Promotes financial well-being.

In nature, a pink ruby ​​\u200b\u200bis also found in zoisite, a green mineral. In jewelry stores, you can often find jewelry, including bracelets and beads with pink-green stones. Such variants of gems enhance the miraculous properties of rubies several times. In addition, their action is aimed at improving intra-family relations. Zoisite with ruby ​​is often used by psychics and esotericists, since such a stone increases the biomagnetic field and makes it more powerful.

Black ruby ​​(picotite) magical properties of the stone

The dark mineral spinel is often popularly called black ruby. They are similar in appearance and have a similar luster and radiance in the sun, but these gems have a different composition. Large copies are quite expensive acquisition. Typically, black spinel stones are found in the same deposits as rubies.

Black ruby ​​has inexplicable miraculous properties, namely:

  • The mineral has an incredibly strong energy, however, from time to time the stone goes into “sleep mode” and stops working. In this regard, it should not be worn constantly, it is necessary to give the stone a rest and gain strength.
  • The gem provides protection from trouble and adversity. At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not have bad thoughts in your head, otherwise they may be directed against you;
  • supports the family hearth, it symbolizes fidelity and eternal love.

The stone is also used for medicinal purposes. Even in the Middle Ages, the healer Paracelsus used black ruby ​​powder to improve the functioning of the digestive system. For this, he recommended to use it inside. Currently, water is insisted on gems and drunk in small portions. Such procedures help to improve complexion, relieve insomnia, improve the circulatory system.

Natural and synthetic rubies

There are two types of rubies:

  1. Gemstone - located in the bowels of the earth, after which it is processed to create a beautiful expensive jewelry;
  2. Synthetic ruby ​​is a stone obtained artificially as a result of cultivation from corundum. According to its physical characteristics, it fully corresponds to the gems found in the mountains. It is used in jewelry of a cheaper segment.

It is worth noting that only a gem found in mine deposits has powerful magical and healing powers. An artificial analogue has no energy value.

How to distinguish natural stone from synthetic? It is best to contact a specialist. But if you need to check "here and now" - you should look at the stone through a magnifying glass. In a natural precious mineral, you can see minor defects and cracks on the surface. An artificial gem is usually flawless on the outside, but a small amount of bubbles are visualized inside it.

During the use of stones, many different properties were attributed to them. So, Buddhists endow the stone with the ability to develop art, other Indian religions claim that the ruby ​​gives the owner power. They are also considered a sign of love and fidelity.

How to care for a ruby

Ruby is a very hard gem, second only to diamond in hardness. However, do not forget that, like any gem, it can break if accidentally hit with a blunt object. In view of this, it is recommended to remove jewelry before starting household or other physically demanding activities.

If the stone is dirty, it is best to wash it in warm soapy water with a soft cloth or toothbrush. After that, the gem must be wiped dry. Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the mineral. If it is too dirty, it is better to take it to a jewelry workshop, where specialists will clean it with special mild products.

Jewelry should be stored dry, in a box or a special bag. The ruby ​​itself is quite hard and cannot get defects when rubbed with other stones. However, it may scratch other jewelry.
