Winter scoop - pests of grain crops. Scoop - photo and fight against it on tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage Fight against winter scoop with folk remedies

Scoops are small cute butterflies of a faded color, reminiscent of a domestic moth, there are various species in nature. And they hurt no less. True, they do not eat wool and homemade products, but plants in the garden. Adults do not damage crops, but breed caterpillars - the main danger to crops.

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  • Owl fight
  • Means of struggle
  • Folk ways fight
  • Tips for folk remedies
  • Conclusion

Step-by-step instructions for fighting

With a butterfly scoop in the garden

The scoop and the fight against it has a number of features. How to deal with the scoop in the garden, read below.

  1. Prediction using pheromone traps. Traps show the exact time of the beginning of the summer of butterflies and the appearance of caterpillars. Initially, years passed during the flowering period of dandelions. But now all the deadlines are being shifted and stretched in time. Therefore, forecasting is very important for timely action.
  2. To avoid poisoning plants chemicals, first you should try to withdraw the scoop folk remedies.
  3. Attracting natural enemies of the scoop - trichograms and brakon.
  4. Hang bait traps around the garden.
  5. With insufficient effectiveness, biological preparations against scoops are used.
  6. If they did not help to completely get rid of butterflies, connect the "heavy artillery". Fall Armyworm control measures should include chemical insecticides.
  7. Finishing the garden season, it is worth digging deep all over the earth, as the scoops hibernate in the ground. After digging, most of the pests die.

Now you know how to get rid of scoops in the garden. About scoop caterpillars how to fight further. With caterpillars

  1. At the beginning of the season, dig the soil as deep as possible to reduce the number of overwintered pests.
  2. When planting, use the alternation of different crops of plants.
  3. Be sure to eliminate weeds that serve as the initial food base for the larvae.
  4. When the first single specimens appear, they begin to collect them manually.
  5. If the number of caterpillars begins to increase, they select a means to destroy them.
  6. If ineffective, biological products are replaced with chemical insecticides.
  7. After harvesting, deep digging of the site is again used.

Scoop gnawing methods of dealing with it below.

With a nibbling owl

  • the main measure to reduce the number is digging the soil to a depth of at least 25 cm. It is carried out twice a season - before planting and after harvesting. This procedure will get rid of most of the existing pests in the caterpillar and pupa stage;
  • after planting, the soil is regularly loosened between rows and beds with a thorough inspection. All found caterpillars are immediately removed and destroyed;
  • weeds should be eliminated not only in the garden, but also around the entire site;
  • to lure a butterfly of a nibbling scoop into traps from a drink that ferments - kvass, molasses, beer, compote;
  • to destroy the larvae that live in the ground, it is necessary to apply soil insecticides.

Some experienced gardeners use a tank mixture of the drug (1/2 of the required dose) with urea (100 g per bucket of water).

Cotton shovel control measures are slightly different, more on that below.

With a cotton scoop

The cotton bollworm is a quarantine pest against which special measures are applied. Scoop how to deal with it further. Quarantine procedures include:

  • unrelenting control over the acquired seedlings, seedlings and bushes. Special attention should be given to cotton, chrysanthemums, tomatoes, corn, roses and eggplants. But at the same time, remember that the cotton scoop is an almost omnivorous pest;
  • when a pest is detected, the entire batch of acquired sprouts is subjected to fumigation, as well as the container;
  • wide and active use pheromone traps.

Owl how to deal with it? The next fight is:

  1. In compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology in closed greenhouses and in open areas.
  2. Constant monitoring and detection of pests of all stages of development.
  3. Thorough and timely cleaning of weeds with their subsequent burning.
  4. Preventive treatment of suspicious plants with chemical insecticides.

Owl fight

on potatoes

The fight against the potato scoop is in many ways similar to the measures in the garden. How to deal with the potato scoop next.

Features include:

  • first of all, when harvesting weeds, pay attention to cereal species;
  • to destroy the larvae, insecticides are used both for soil cultivation and for spraying plants;
  • do not plant potatoes next to tomatoes - the potato scoop can move from one favorite crop to another.

Cabbage scoop measures to combat it, read below.

on cabbage

  • in the fight against weeds, the first to destroy the quinoa, white gauze, nettle. And also follow them reappearance;
  • when processing, use mainly biological or chemical preparations.

The drug from scoops on tomatoes can be purchased at a specialized store. Scoop on pepper how to fight next.

On peppers

The algorithm of actions is the same as in the garden in general and on potatoes in particular.

Means of struggle


They are divided into 2 groups - bacterial and avermectins. Bacterial agents contain toxins of microorganisms with a neurotoxin effect on pests.

Avermectins are waste products of the pathogenic fungus streptomycetes. They also kill ticks and nematodes.

  • Dendrobacillin. A bacterial agent effective against cutworms and safe for humans. Consumption rate - 25-30 g per bucket of water. You can do up to 2 treatments per season.
  • Bitoxibacillin. The product of bacterial activity, which inhibits the production of digestive enzymes, disrupts the functioning of the intestines. In addition, it provides Negative influence for all subsequent generations of scoops. The consumption rate is quite economical - about 20 ml per hundred square meters, pre-dilute in a bucket of water.
  • Lepidocide. A bacterial agent that acts against any leaf-eating caterpillars, including the scoop. The consumption rate is 25-35 g per bucket. Enough to process 1-2 acres.
  • Entobacterin. Microbiological remedy for leaf-eating caterpillars. The consumption rate is 3.5 kg per hectare.
  • Fitoverm. Bacterial preparation against many pests, including all types of scoops. Consumption depends on the type of crop being processed and ranges from 1 to 4 ml per bucket of water.
  • Agravertin. An agent derived from fungi. Has a long shelf life, safe for humans and environment, works against most pests. Consumption - 3 ml per liter of water.
  • Aktofit. An innovative remedy from a number of avermectins. Consumption 4 ml per 1 liter.
  • Natur Guard. Sophora plant insecticide with neurotoxin properties. Causes paralysis of limbs and death of pests. Consumption 10 ml diluted in 5 liters of water.


They are subdivided into neonicotinoids, organophosphorus compounds and pyrethroids. Modern means recent generations often have a combined composition.

  • Proteus. A two-component preparation consisting of deltamethrin (a pyrethroid) and thiacloprid (a neonicotinoid). The composition also includes oil, which protects the main substances from rinsing and evaporation. Up to 5 liters of a working solution obtained from 7 ml of the product are consumed per 1 weave.
  • Zolon. Phosphorus organic agent with high toxicity. Has selective properties, does not harm beneficial insects. Consumption - 2 ml per 5 liters of working solution.
  • Karate - Zeon. pyrethroid insecticide. Destroys caterpillars and adults. 100 ml of the drug is consumed to treat a hectare of area.
  • Dursban, Fufanon, Danadim also belong to organophosphorus agents with identical action.

  • Decis is a pro. Works against all types of scoops, including gnawers. It is used to treat the plant itself and the soil around it. To make a treatment solution, mix 1 g of the product with a bucket of water. The volume is enough for 2.5 acres.
  • Fury. Analogue - Kinmiks. Preparations of the pyrethroid group. Contact-intestinal agent against a variety of pests. Consumption per bucket of water - 1.5 ml of the product.
  • Bazudin. Granular soil conditioner. Use in wet ground increases its effectiveness. About 20 kg of granules are required to process a hectare of plantings.
  • Stefesin. Synthetic pyrethroid with enteric-contact route of penetration. Consumption of 1.5 ml of the product per bucket of water for treatment of 100 sq.m. landings.

Folk ways of fighting

Decoction recipes

  • Sagebrush. Soak 1 kg of fresh plant parts (stems and leaves can be used) in 3 liters of water and boil for 15-20 minutes. This decoction is completely harmless to humans, so it can be used frequently.
  • Tops of tomato. Acts against the cabbage scoop and its larvae. About 3.5 - 4 kg of fresh raw materials are taken per 10 liters of water. Cook for 25-30 minutes, filter and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Red or black elderberry. Flowers and leaves (300-400 g) must be boiled in a bucket of water for half an hour. Add liquid soap to the working solution - 40-50 grams.
  • Peppercorn (water pepper) is a very effective tool for the destruction of caterpillars. Apply fresh plants cut in June or July. A bucket of water requires 1 kg of raw materials. After 30 minutes of boiling, the broth must be cooled and filtered.
  • Hot red pepper. You can use both dry (500 g) and fresh (1 kg) raw materials. It must be boiled in 10 liters of water for about an hour. The broth must be infused for at least 24 hours. Before processing, it is diluted in cold water in the ratio of 1 part of the broth to 7-8 parts of water.
  • Sarepta mustard. Dry powder (50 g) must be boiled in a liter of water, left to cool for a while. Close tightly and insist at least a day. This volume is diluted cold water in the amount of 20 liters. The decoction is used for spraying affected plants and processing planting material.

Infusion Recipes

  • Great burdock (burdock). Finely chop the leaves and stems and put in a bucket, filling it to the middle, add water to the brim. Cover and leave for 2-3 days. To improve adhesion, you can add liquid soap - 40-50 grams.
  • Large-flowered delphinium. Chop inflorescences (100 g) and infuse for 2 days in a liter of water under a closed lid.
  • Onion or green onion. A quarter of an average bulb is required per liter of water. It is better to grind it, leave it to infuse overnight (10-12 hours), filter it and use it to treat plants. If you feel sorry for the onion, you can use the husk (7-8 g per liter).
  • Garlic. Infuse a couple of cloves in a liter warm water within 3-4 days. For spraying, dilute the infusion with 5 parts of water.
  • Black bleach. This plant becomes most effective during the flowering period. At this time, cut off the ground part, grind and pour water - 10 liters per 1 kg of raw materials. Insist 11-13 hours.

How to process tomatoes from scoops, read on. Other recipes

  • Wood ash, lime and tobacco powder. The components are mixed in equal amounts and the affected plants are pollinated. Used against scoop caterpillars.
  • liquid soap and wood ash. Pour 2 cups of ash and 1-2 dessert spoons of any soap into a bucket of cold water. Used for spraying plants.
  • Potassium permanganate. Treatment of plants with a solution of manganese has a triple benefit - it works as a means of combating the scoop, as a fertilizer and a disinfectant that kills bacteria and viruses. To spray bushes and young seedlings, make a glass of a strong dark solution of potassium permanganate and pour it into a bucket of water, stir very well.
  • Potassium chloride and superphosphate. Also helps with aphids. In a bucket of water, dilute 5 g of potassium and 10 g of superphosphate. The mixture is insisted for about a day, used several times with an interval of 8-9 days up to 3 times per season.
  • Double effect - destruction of scoop caterpillars and potash-phosphorus fertilizer.

  • Kerosene. 700-850 ml of kerosene and 350-450 g of soap (better than household soap, but any other is also possible). Dissolve soap in a liter hot water, carefully pour kerosene into the same place in a small stream and add another 9 liters of water. Mix all this and use immediately for processing plants.

To scare away butterflies, you can lay out or hang egg shells between plant beds and rows.

Baits for catching adult scoops are made from sweet drinks that can ferment. These include any syrups, molasses, kvass, juice, beer, liquid jam. Place the bait in small containers such as yogurt jars. Do not forget to remove the scoop that comes across.

Birds are very fond of cutworm larvae, so attracting them will significantly reduce pest populations. Flycatchers, titmouse and sparrows are especially helpful. For them, you can make feeders and hollows. Tits will be attracted to pieces of unsalted lard.

If you plant cilantro and basil next to possible victims, scoops will not approach the plantings, they will fly around them, as they cannot tolerate the smell of these herbs.

Scoops are quite amenable to destruction or scaring away from plants that are attractive to them. The most important thing in the fight against them is not to be lazy and not fold your hands.

Even if some remedy turned out to be ineffective, you can find another. A huge range of various modern preparations of biological, chemical or folk origin allows you to choose the most effective.

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Fighting the scoop: chemicals and folk methods

Among Lepidoptera, the scoop family is the most numerous and has more than 100 species. The most common species are: garden scoop, cabbage, potato, exclamation and common core. Butterflies differ in size and color, are considered harmless to the plants themselves, as they feed only on nectar. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with scoop caterpillars, which eat various parts of plants.

Fighting cabbage scoop

The cabbage scoop is a polyphagous pest, but among vegetable crops it prefers cabbage, peas, lettuce, beets and onions. The brown front wings of the butterfly are decorated with a lighter spot, and darkening along the edges is clearly visible on the gray hind wings. Young caterpillars are light green in color, then turn brown-brown, oblique dark lines appear on the back.

The caterpillars are active at the end of July and August. Pests eat cabbage leaves, making oblong passages in them, climb inside heads of cabbage, gnaw leaves and spoil the presentation of vegetables.

How to deal with the cabbage scoop:

  • Early sowing of vegetables in the garden is recommended.
  • Mechanical method of struggle: manual collection of caterpillars and eggs.
  • The use of chemicals.
  • The use of infusions and decoctions to combat caterpillars.

Of the chemical insecticides to combat the scoop, you can advise KinMix, Decis, IntaVir, Zeta, Fas. All drugs are diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. In addition, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding with superphosphate and potassium chloride.

Biological preparations such as Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocid are recommended for multiple spraying. At least 1 week must elapse between the last treatment and harvest.

In addition to chemical preparations, it is effective to treat vegetable crops with an infusion of bitter wormwood, bitter pepper, burdock, tomato and potato tops.

Preparations and folk methods against potato scoops

The potato scoop, more precisely, its caterpillars, brings great harm to the plant. During the growing season of plants, caterpillars make moves in potato tops, after which it quickly withers and falls. damaging potato tuber, the caterpillars make a small hole, feed on the juice and pulp of the tuber, and then crawl out, making an even greater move and leaving behind waste products. Excrement of caterpillars leads to rotting of tubers.

The potato scoop does more damage to plants and tubers if the potatoes are planted in low-lying places where the soil is always moist. Great damage to the crop is brought by wet years, when there are prolonged rains.

Fighting the potato scoop is quite difficult, as the butterfly is nocturnal. Spraying plants for prevention with chemicals is not entirely justified, because all the work will have to be done late in the evening, waiting for the butterflies to fly out of their shelters. It turns out that you won’t get rid of pests either, and a large dose of chemicals introduced will be absorbed into potato tubers and will be harmful to health. We need to fight the caterpillars.

To reduce the pest population, you should:

  • Apply mineral fertilizers for planting potatoes.
  • Destroy caterpillars by carrying out frequent loosening of the soil in the aisle.
  • Carry out timely weeding, destroy weeds, wheatgrass, cereals, timothy.
  • Plant potatoes earlier.

In addition, during the planting of potato tubers, Bazudin in granules should be introduced into the aisle. On a plot of 1 ha, you will need 15 kg of bazudine. The application of the drug is recommended to be carried out in humid weather, thus it is possible to achieve greater effect.

There are also safe methods shovel control: attracting butterflies to fermenting molasses.

Pests like such a treat and numerous individuals flock to its smell. To do this, dilute the molasses with water in a ratio of 1: 3, add yeast and pour the prepared drug into bottles, jars or other containers that should be placed near the plantings. From time to time, add water and add yeast.

During fermentation, a specific smell is released, on which scoops flock and drown in this liquid. You can replace molasses with fermented jam, beer wort or beer. When using sugar syrup to catch scoops, the efficiency of the process will be markedly reduced. Those scoops that have tasted fermenting molasses become barren.

Garden scoop - methods of struggle

Most dangerous insect, harms many plants, but prefers tomatoes, radishes, swedes and cabbages. Bicolor butterfly wings are decorated with gray and yellow spots. Caterpillars are brown or green.

Why is a garden owl dangerous? The fact is that the female lays eggs in almost all cultures. She climbs under the leaf and on the inside sheet plate lays eggs. The emerging caterpillars feed on young leaves and fruits.

Methods of dealing with garden shovel:

  • Collecting pests by hand.
  • Installation of baits around the perimeter of the site.
  • Clearing the site from weeds: swans, nettles.
  • The use of chemicals and folk methods to combat the scoop.

AT spring time insecticides are used to treat plantings: Decis, Proteus, Karate, Fury. AT summer period it is required to carry out treatment with preparations containing phosphorus, zolon, fufanol. During the dilution of chemicals, one should start from the form of preparations: they are produced in powder form form, in the form granules, there are concentrated emulsions. The dosage should not be exceeded.

The preparations are absorbed into the vegetables, so the treatment is carried out no later than a month before harvesting.

Behind growing season double processing is allowed. Fitoverm, Aktofit and Agrovertin are biologically harmless drugs that are also used to combat the cutworm.

Piggy bank of folk wisdom: recipes for decoctions and infusions

Many gardeners do not use chemicals to control certain pests. There are a number folk recipes infusions and decoctions that help fight scoops in a way that is completely harmless to humans.

  1. Decoction of wormwood. Pour 3 liters of water into a container, add 1 kg of chopped wormwood and boil for 15 minutes. The broth must be given time to brew, then strain and process vegetables 2 times a week. Between the first and subsequent spraying should be 1 week.
  2. Infusion of onion skins. Scoop butterflies do not tolerate the smell of onions, so to scare them away, you can prepare an infusion of onion husks. To implement the method in practice, it is necessary to take liter jar filled to the top onion peel, pour it with 2 liters of boiled water and let it brew for 2 days. Strain the resulting infusion, pour into a container and add water to the contents until 4 liters of the product are obtained. For better adhesion of the infusion to cabbage leaves, laundry soap should be added during cooking, at the rate of 25 g per 4 liters of water.
  3. Burdock infusion. Grind the leaves of the plant, fill them with a 10-liter bucket to half, pour water to the top and insist for 3 days. Before spraying, the infusion should be filtered. To ensure long-term protection for plants and for better “sticking” of the infusion to the foliage, it is recommended to add laundry soap, at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters of water. In a similar way, you can prepare effective infusions from potato tops, tomato leaves, yarrow, pharmacy chamomile, dope, aconite, milkweed.

In the daytime, it is almost impossible to fight the scoop. Due to the fact that she leads an active image at night, during the day she sleeps quietly and peacefully in the trees or in the grass, merging with the vegetation with the color of her body. The gardener has no choice but to fight caterpillars and larvae. Timely processing of vegetable crops from garden, cabbage, potato scoops will help preserve the harvest.

More information can be found in the video.

Scoop - methods of struggle

When a small, dim butterfly, a scoop, appears in your garden, you should be wary, as its caterpillar, very voracious and omnivorous, can cause great damage to the crop. More than a hundred species of scoops harm various plants in our gardens and dachas: gnawing, garden, winter, cabbage, swamp, etc. And despite the large number existing methods fight against cutworms, as garden pests, they spread very well.

All cutworms, their butterflies and larvae, are active only at night. According to the method of nutrition, they are divided into:

  • leaf-eating (cabbage, alfalfa, garden) live on the ground;
  • gnawing (winter, swamp, gnawing, wild) lead an underground lifestyle.

Getting rid of the armyworm is not easy, as it is unpredictable and harmful different plants: tomatoes, beans, cabbage, swedes, turnips, corn, sunflowers, rhubarb, onions, beets and even garlic, cereals, and especially winter crops - wheat and rye.

Methods of dealing with scoops

Gardeners in the fight against the scoop use different methods for each state of the scoop: butterflies, caterpillars and pupae.

How to get rid of a butterfly owl?

  • hang pheromone traps or containers with fermenting kvass or molasses at a height of 1 meter (then be sure to add a little water and fermenting liquid);
  • destroy weeds, especially flowering ones, which leads to the depletion of scoop butterflies due to the lack of nectar for food.

How to get rid of caterpillars and pupae?

Its effectiveness depends on the timely start of the fight against scoops. The most difficult thing is to determine the time of appearance of pests in order to establish the correct timing of the start of treatment. If you are late with spraying for a few days, then after the penetration of the caterpillars into the fruit, the treatment becomes practically useless. predict development harmful insects It is possible with the help of pheromone traps that help determine the period of mass arrival of scoop butterflies and the appearance of caterpillars.

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How to get rid of armyworm caterpillars: common methods and precautions

Back in 1969, the moth was brought to the American continent for industrial purposes to breed silkworms. But attempts to develop this area failed, and the delivered insect, as a result, became the main pest on greater territory USA and Canada. Every year there are more and more new methods of dealing with this problem. These pests include the scoop, which causes significant harm to gardeners every year.

Scoops - who are they, and what is their harm?

This family contains about 100 species. They are butterflies of various colors - gray, brown, often dark. Scoop butterflies do absolutely no harm to the plant, since they feed exclusively on their nectar. But their offspring - caterpillars - eat everything that comes in their way.

Depending on the feeding method, these insects were divided into two groups:

  • Gnawing scoop feeding on underground fruits of plants. Its species includes: potato, exclamation and winter scoop.
  • The leaf-eating scoop eats fruits and plants that are on the surface of the earth, and leads a terrestrial lifestyle. This species includes: alfalfa, cabbage and garden scoop.

Both species are active only at night. Both butterflies and larvae hide during the day and are in a stationary phase until dark. Let's take a closer look at each pest separately.

potato scoop

This insect breeds on ordinary non-chernozem soil. This species leads to enormous crop losses of potatoes, onions, rhubarb, sorrel and other plants. I would especially like to note the reproduction of scoops on tomatoes. Its appearance on a plantation with tomatoes is very common, leading to almost 100% yield loss. The butterfly of this species is characterized by large grayish-yellow wings with red or brown tint. Its caterpillar is bright yellow or red in color with a longitudinal stripe on the back reaches a size of half a centimeter.

Laid eggs of the potato scoop successfully endure wintering, and already in May begin their revival.

The initial food for young caterpillars are leaves and stems of cereals. Already adult insects move to more large plants, damaging the stems and root system in its path. The period of transformation of caterpillars into pupae is carried out at the beginning of summer right in the soil near the affected plants. The adult butterflies that have bred fly out and lay new eggs on the ground until mid-autumn. wild plants, such as timothy grass and wheatgrass. Eggs can also be laid on potato and rhubarb leaves. This species reproduces only one generation.

How to destroy

Methods for combating this pest are the destruction of all plant residues after harvest, as well as the disposal of all weeds belonging to cereal varieties. Such measures are often used to destroy many other pests.

exclamation owl

The exclamatory scoop reproduces very successfully and is distributed almost everywhere. This species affects the root crop of the crop. The insect got its name due to the presence of color in the form exclamation mark on the surface of the wings. The caterpillar has a gray-brown color with a yellowish tint and reaches a size of half a centimeter. Mature caterpillars tolerate cold well and hibernate in the soil at a depth of about 30 cm, where the pupation process takes place in the spring.

Eggs are laid in small groups on the leaves of weeds, sometimes just on the ground. The viability of the caterpillars comes in a week.

At first they lead an open lifestyle, and then hide, but after dark they crawl out for reinforcements. Young insects gnaw out succulent green leaves plants to the very veins, then bite into roots, roots, eat embryos and seedlings directly in the soil. During the summer period, only one generation of this pest has time to breed.

The methods of dealing with the exclamation scoop are as follows:

  • Careful destruction of all weeds that serve as food for young caterpillars;
  • Treatment of cultures with a solution of lepidocide. It is necessary to dilute 2-3 grams of the substance in 1 liter of water.

cabbage scoop

Another harmful insect, common almost everywhere, is the cabbage scoop. Her preference is the following crops: cabbage, peas, beets, lettuce and onions. This is a butterfly with brown wings with a kidney-shaped gray spot on the surface. Initially, its caterpillar has a juicy green color, then it changes to a brownish-brown hue with dashes on the back.

Pupae of the cabbage scoop, like other species, hibernate in the soil, burrow to a depth of no more than 4 cm. At the beginning of summer, butterflies fly out and lay their eggs on the inside of the leaves of plants growing in areas with high moisture. The mass appearance of caterpillars falls on July-August. Wet and cold environments are favorable conditions for their reproduction. They penetrate into the head of cabbage and eat through the root crop from the inside. Eaten leaves to holes are a sign of the appearance of this pest. The cabbage scoop is especially dangerous because it can breed in several generations over the entire summer period.

How to destroy?

But fortunately, there are methods to combat this insect:

  • In order to avoid damage to the crop by a scoop, early planting of seedlings is recommended.
  • As an option - manually collecting caterpillars and eggs of the pest.
  • Implementation of foliar feeding of plants with potassium chloride and superphosphate.
  • Highly effective method spraying cabbage with insecticidal infusions based on burdock, wormwood, potato tops.
  • Not a single application of lepidocide, phytoverm 5 days before the harvest.
  • Spraying is also effective, according to the instructions of Zeta, Inta-vir, Fas.

All these measures are really very good. But, nevertheless, experts are developing new ways to deal with this harmful insect, since every year the scoop adapts to existing drugs.

pith scoop

One of the most popular pests that affect both root crops and plants that produce fruits on the surface is the common heartworm. Potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb and about three dozen more plants that are affected by this type of pest. The butterfly has a bright and two-tone color of the wings of rusty yellow and brown-violet hues. Its caterpillar is large in size, reaching up to 0.5 cm, and has a yellow, sometimes off-white color.

Eggs successfully endure winter at the bases of plants, as well as at elderberry bushes. Especially dangerous are young caterpillars in the active phase. They penetrate the stems and gnaw them from the inside. Such plants no longer have a chance to recover, they break down and simply dry out. At the beginning of summer, mature caterpillars descend along the passages made in the stems and gnaw holes for the butterflies to fly out, after which they successfully pupate. One plant can be affected simultaneously by several caterpillars.

The methods of dealing with this scoop are the same as for the destruction of the potato scoop.

garden scoop

The most dangerous for almost all cultivated crops is the garden scoop. It is distributed almost throughout the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. The list of plants affected by it includes about 40 crops. But most of all she prefers turnips, tomatoes, cabbage and radishes. The butterfly has bicolor wings of brown and red hues with two spots of yellow and gray on the surface. Caterpillars are both green and brown.

The garden cutworm can produce two generations per southern regions and one in the north. Corn, millet, sugar beets are the first crops that begin to infect young caterpillars. Then they move to cereal and melon plants. Successfully enduring wintering at a depth of up to 25 cm, the caterpillars rise to the surface and, with the onset of heat, pupate. In mid-June, butterflies appear, the life span of which lasts until August. The females lay eggs on inside leaves on absolutely all nearby plants. The caterpillars that have appeared gnaw through the leaves of plants, and also infect unripe tomato fruits.

How to destroy?

use different ways control of this pest

  • Catching butterflies for bait.
  • Collecting caterpillars during the harvest.

Destruction of all weeds, especially deaf nettle, quinoa, white mari, on which the scoop especially likes to lay its eggs.

Spraying with compounds used to destroy cabbage scoops.

All these measures to combat the armyworm are very effective, the main thing is that they must be carried out in a timely manner and according to the instructions. Then the plants will be healthy and give you a wonderful harvest.

The cutworm caterpillar is a fruit pest and a threat to future crops, eating leaves and buds on trees and shrubs. She is so tenacious that she is able to survive even in the tropics and the Arctic desert. Only effective measures to combat the scoop at all stages of its development will help protect horticultural crops from damage.

Description of butterflies and caterpillars

Scoops are flying insects that look like a gray moth. The greatest harm to plants is caused by its caterpillars, which are so voracious and insatiable that in a few days they can deprive a tree or shrub of all green parts. They live in the soil, and find food for themselves by climbing the trunk and branches of horticultural crops.

In total, a large number of such butterflies are distributed in the world, the main ones are: cabbage, garden, pea, gamma, winter, exclamation and gnawing.

Scoop caterpillars can reach a length of 4-5 cm. The average from egg to adult is 1 month. The larvae hatch after 4-10 days from the eggs laid by the female. During its existence for 14-20 days, the caterpillar actively feeds and grows, experiencing 5-6 age generations and molting 3-5 times. After that, it turns into a chrysalis, which develops underground for another 14-16 days. Only then do scoop butterflies appear, whose life is not very long and is up to 25 days.


The scoops got their name for their external resemblance to the birds of prey of the same name, which manifests itself in the form of a collar of thick hairs above the head, as well as a nocturnal lifestyle and wing colors. According to these features, they differ from.

As you can see in the photo, the scoop caterpillars have a thick, hairless body and a characteristic stripe pattern: one light longitudinal one runs along the back, dark, thinner ones on the sides. Its color depends on the species: gray, green, yellow, brown, with pink or purple hues.

Harm from scoops

Scoop butterfly larvae are caterpillars, pests of the garden and garden, eating various types of plants, almost all that are found on their way. Scoop caterpillars belong to the group of polyphages.

Scoop caterpillars are divided into 3 groups:

  • leaf-eating - feed on the green mass of plants (young stems, leaves, buds and inflorescences), attack trees and shrubs;
  • gnawing scoops - the so-called gray caterpillars that cut the plant near the roots, live in the soil and eat garden crops;
  • intrastem - live in thicker stems, gnawing them from the inside, which leads to the death of the plant.


To destroy a dozen plants in one night, it will take the efforts of 3-8 caterpillars of several types of such pests. Damage to the crop, which scoops can cause, is estimated at 100%. The older caterpillars of 5-6 generations destroy plantings as much as possible. There are also granary varieties that feed on grain in storage: common and grain cutworms.

Gnawing species that attack garden plants include:

  • winter scoop, whose caterpillars hibernate in the soil at a depth of up to 30 cm, and in spring move closer to the surface and plants. Every night they crawl up and devour leaves and young rosettes. They grow up to 5 cm in length, have a gray-earthy color with a greasy sheen, a light line on the back. Young gray caterpillars live in the ground in June-July and eat seedlings of beets, corn, sunflowers and other crops, in August they damage vegetables ripening in the beds, in autumn they can eat sown winter cereals and their seedlings.
  • Exclamation Scoop: its caterpillars are dark gray in color, body length up to 3 cm. vegetable crops: cabbage, carrot, potato, etc.
  • Garden - develops in 2 generations: young caterpillars about 3 cm long have a color of various green shades (from light to dark brown). They are polyphagous, attack plantings of cabbage, beans, peppers, tomatoes, including in greenhouses. The adult generation of green and black caterpillars in the ground prefers not only leaves, but also the pulp of fruits, gnawing holes in them.
  • The caterpillar of the cabbage armyworm emerges from eggs laid by the female in May-June and from July to September on the undersides of the leaves of horticultural crops. Prefer cabbage, lettuce, beets and peas. Color of larvae: gray-green or yellow-brown, rarely black. Damaged cabbages spoil quickly and can spread phytopathogenic infections. ineffective, and chemicals are dangerous to humans.

Among leaf-eating scoop species, the most common is the yellow-brown moth scoop, which has yellowish-gray wings with spots and lines, framed by a light fringe. Its caterpillars differ from others by yellow dots and 5 longitudinal light lines along the back. Females lay their eggs on the buds and leaves of trees and shrubs from May to June, after a few days voracious larvae appear from them.

Caterpillar fight

Methods of dealing with caterpillar scoops are divided into folk and chemical.

The first ones include:

  • Manual collection of earthen caterpillars, which is best done at night, armed with a flashlight. At such hours, they crawl out onto the leaves of plants, where they are easy to detect, to then be thrown into a bucket of soapy water for destruction.
  • Place a plastic or cardboard fence up to 10 cm high around garden crops, which will prevent the larvae from reaching their roots.
  • Sprinkle cornmeal in the habitats of the caterpillars, after eating which they will die from its negative effect on digestion.
  • In greenhouses, butterflies can be controlled using pheromone and light traps.

The use of biological preparations and methods of combating caterpillars:

  • Lepidocide is a concentrated bioinsecticide, diluted 40-50 g per bucket of water.
  • Bitobaxicillin - a solution is prepared at the rate of 50 g of the product per 10 liters of water.
  • Bacterial preparations containing Bacillus thuringiensis are effectively used against young caterpillars. The bugs that have emerged from the spores destroy the eggs, sucking out their contents, and then the young larvae that have appeared.
  • Used to destroy caterpillars and special means containing Podisus maculiventris and Picromerus bidens L.

On a note!

If the caterpillars continue to multiply, then the plants should be re-treated. Spraying with biological products is carried out at a temperature of more than + 18 ° C in dry weather in the absence of dew, the optimal period is from 18 to 20.00 in the evening.


There are methods and techniques, scoops, which have already bred heavily on plants in the garden or in the garden. To do this, use chemicals containing deltamethrin: Biorin and Super Fas, which will quickly and effectively get rid of pests. However, treatment should be carried out every 3-7 days, taking into account different time emergence of larvae from eggs.

Another group is preparations of the neonicotinoids group: Aktara, Komfidor, which are designed to combat leaf-eating insects and larvae. They have a systemic long-term effect, poisoning pests through the green parts of plants and fruits.

Caterpillar Prevention

In order to reduce the damage from the appearance of scoop butterfly larvae, experts recommend using folk remedies and other methods of prevention:

  • regularly destroy weeds, especially flowering ones, in the aisles and along the border of the plot, on which butterflies land for food;
  • during periods of reproduction and the creation of egg laying, females should more often deeply loosen the soil in the aisles of the garden;
  • during the mass summer of butterflies, traps are set from containers with water, to which beer or jam is added, which attracts the smell of pests;
  • carry out spraying of vegetable plantings with an infusion of flowering wormwood, which is prepared at the rate of 300 g of raw materials, 1 tbsp. ash and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap per 10 liters of boiling water, then cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours, spray immediately after cooling;
  • after harvesting vegetables, be sure to do deep digging in the fall to collect and destroy scoop pupae;
  • for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to annually treat plants before flowering with complex preparations: Fufanon, Kinmiks, Aktellik, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Kemifos, etc.

The fight against caterpillars and scoop butterflies continues almost the entire season using various methods and funds. Only constant thorough inspection and care of horticultural and horticultural crops will make it possible to take all necessary measures to exterminate such pests in a timely manner.

Winter scoop (northern locust, winter worm) - a nondescript gray butterfly, which in reality is dangerous

Its field of activity is quite wide: an insect can spoil up to 20 beet root crops in just a day, and with wheat on one square meter 12-14 copies of crawling pests will cope. Corn, gourds, rapeseed, tobacco, grapes, tree seedlings, sunflower and the main "weakness" - winter crops - are far from full list"taste preferences" of the winter cutworm.

Description of the winter scoop

Outwardly, the winter scoop (photo presented in the article), belonging to the family of night bats, is not very remarkable: the forewings are monochromatic gray or yellowish-brown, with brown scales, have a clear pattern of wedge-shaped spots and transverse dark-light stripes, in a span of 30 46 mm. The hindwings are greyish in females and white in males. Body length - 18-22 mm. The head and chest of the insect are covered with small hairs, there is a long strong proboscis and an elevation of hairs on the forehead. Antennae: filiform - in females, comb - in males.


The territory of distribution of the winter scoop is all climatic regions, except for arid zones and the Far North. It is natural for a pest to produce two generations, south side- three, in the north - one. In the stage of an adult caterpillar, the winter cutworm inhabits areas, winters in the ground at a depth of up to 30 cm and is able to survive at a temperature of -11 ° C. With the onset of spring, when the soil warms up to +10 ° C, insects migrate to the upper layer and pupate. Month - period for full development pupae characterized by a reddish-brown color, 20 mm long and 2 spines at the posterior end. The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis from the underside of the head part - through a crack. Having escaped to freedom, the insect, under the pressure of blood in the veins, spreads its wings, which in less than half an hour become suitable for flight.

Periods of mass summer of butterflies winter scoop

In mid-May (in the southern areas - from the end of April), the first generation of butterflies begins, which lasts about three weeks, until about mid-July. From the middle of this month until the beginning of autumn, butterflies of the second generation fly en masse.

The summer activity of butterflies of the winter scoop can be determined by installing light traps or troughs with fermenting molasses at a height of 20-25 cm from the ground (part of molasses + three parts of water + 50 grams of pre-fermented yeast per liter of water). The average life expectancy of a winter cutworm butterfly is 5-25 days, the maximum value is 35-40 days.

The most active winter cutworm, the control measures of which require an integrated approach, is at night. Intensified years are observed on calm nights, at temperatures from 12 to 15 o C above zero.

During the day, the harmful insect hides under the foliage of weeds, heaps of straw, lumps of soil and in other shelters. As an additional food, for optimal maturation of eggs, butterflies consume flower nectar.

On the fertility of the winter scoop

Oviposition is observed in the second half of August and occurs on vegetable crops, various flowering vegetation, weeds and fields that are reserved for winter crops. For this process, the winter scoop chooses well-heated areas with low herbage, plantings of millet, corn, beets and other vegetable crops, or fields with loose

The eggs are hemispherical in shape, milky white, radially ribbed, up to 0.9 mm in diameter. One female is able to lay up to 1000 eggs. The fertility of the winter scoop directly depends on its nutrition. If a flowering plants absent, there is a mass death of butterflies. According to the experiment, females lived without food for up to 10 days and laid up to 44 eggs; when fed with flower syrup, life expectancy increased to 22 days, and the number of eggs laid - up to 860 pieces.

In regions with a dry climate, there have been cases of almost complete infertility of butterflies. Offensive favorable conditions promotes mass reproduction of winter scoops.

Winter scoop in caterpillar stage

Caterpillars are born within 4-15 days and are characterized by a reddish head, fine-grained skin, distinct dark stripes on the sides, an earthy-gray body 40-50 mm long and eight pairs of legs (three pectoral, five abdominal).

At first they live under rosettes of leaves or on their underside and gnaw out small holes; upper part do not touch. Also at this time, their main food is thistle, quinoa, bindweed. Caterpillars cause significant damage to seedlings by gnawing different cultures, sown seeds of cotton, corn. It is during the period of the first and second age, until the damage caused to plants has become global, that it is recommended to carry out protective measures with chemical and biological preparations.

The scale of the harm caused

In the third age, the caterpillars are always in the upper layer of the soil and crawl out to the top only to satisfy hunger. During the night, such specimens are capable of destroying up to a dozen plants and feed on various vegetable crops, millet, cotton, melons, and corn. Now they already gnaw holes in the leaves, then they completely eat the leaves, leaving only the central vein.

Caterpillars of the first generation cause harm in June-July, after which they sink into the soil to a depth of 3-10 cm for pupation. The biggest damage agriculture caused by caterpillars of the second generation, damaging the sown grain and emerging seedlings of winter cereals.

Winter scoop and measures to combat it

In order to reduce the number of winter scoops and reduce the damage caused by it, the soil must be carefully and timely cultivated, especially directing activities to:

  • global destruction of weeds - food for winter scoops;
  • deep plowing, pre-sowing cultivation and loosening of row-spacings, causing the destruction of most of the pupae and caterpillars of the harmful insect;
  • irrigation of irrigated fields;
  • carrying out early sowing of sunflower, sugar beet and other crops, reducing the harmfulness of the first generation of pests;
  • coincidence of carrying out cultivation field work with the timing of mass egg-laying;
  • removal along roadsides and near cultivated plantings of flowering weeds - this measure is aimed at a significant deterioration in the nutrition of scoops.

The fight against winter scoop is effective when spraying plants with such chemicals as Fitoverm, Decis Extra, Agrovertin. It is possible to fight the winter scoop in a biological way: the release of trichograms, which is required to be carried out during the period of mass oviposition.

When gardeners have questions “who gnaws onions, cabbage or potato tops”, then it may be time to get to know such a pest as the winter scoop (Agrotis segetum) and determine suitable measures to combat it. The appearance of a winter scoop on the site promises a long and painstaking work to protect against a voracious and arrogant pest. The butterfly itself will not bring any harm to the site, but the caterpillars are a real horror for plants and gardeners.

How to understand that a winter scoop started up on the site

  1. Abrupt and sudden wilting of plants.
  2. The stems are gnawed right at the base.
  3. Caterpillars themselves can be found next to damaged, weak and withering plants. But they don’t have a certain color, they can be completely different shades, interspersed, striped and without. However, they are often gray in color. Caterpillar droppings are also visible near the plants on the ground.
  4. There are bald spots on solid crops.

The habits are the same as those of the cotton bollworm: in the daytime, the caterpillars hide. Their ideal time to eat is at night. The list of plants they prefer is huge, and in one night they are able to destroy plants in a large area. In root crops, caterpillars gnaw out large areas of pulp, gnaw seedlings and even seeds.

You can fight the nibbling scoop without using any drugs, but you need to have time before they breed. Having missed the moment, the invasion of caterpillars will become natural disaster, which will be too difficult to deal with.

Winter scoop and measures to combat it

Winter scoops develop in 2 generations. Caterpillars of the last age hibernate in the soil at a depth of 20 cm. In spring, they rise to the upper layers of the soil and pupate in such small earthen holes. In the second decade of May, the flight of butterflies begins, which also lead a nocturnal lifestyle.

Mechanical way to deal with the caterpillars of the nibbling scoop

Since the pest feeds at night, you will have to collect caterpillars at the same time. No matter how uncomfortable, and maybe even funny, you need to go out at night with lighting fixture and collect them. To kill the caterpillars, you need to pour half a bucket of water, add soap, and send all the collected individuals there. This work will have to be done throughout the summer season, a couple of times a week.

Biological protection of the garden from scoops

Scoop caterpillars feed on various birds, frogs, fireflies and moles, but the latter are undesirable in the garden. To attract birds on the site you need to install several feeders, and try in every possible way not to scare away the birds.

Entomophages help in regulating the number of all gnawing insects. At night, ground beetles eat caterpillars with appetite, and Trichogramma and other riders damage eggs.

Infusion of bird cherry

Bird cherry is often advised to be placed between rows of branches, but in a large garden this is very inconvenient, as too many branches will be needed. To prepare the infusion, you will need branches, a hammer, a large container and water. The branches must be thoroughly softened with a hammer, sent to a container and poured with boiling water, it is best to insist for three days.

Tobacco dust, yarrow and wormwood scoops are also not to their liking. The number of ingredients can be selected independently, the most important thing in the infusion is a pungent smell. This infusion should be watered plants, poured directly onto the stem, at a height of up to 10 cm above the ground. Periodically, you need to repeat the procedure, as vegetable essential oils disappear quickly.


To keep out the caterpillars, which are mainly engaged in cutting through the stems of plants, you can put barriers around the stems. The cardboard boxes are impregnated with a solution of tar soap and fastened with a paper clip around the plant with a rim. However, this is not very convenient, since you will have to put a "fence" almost around each stalk.


For cutworm treatment, a mixture of BTB and Lepidocide is also used as soon as signs of damage to the sprouts appear. The main thing is to do the processing on time, as older larvae are more resistant.

Predatory nematodes are very effective - Nemabakt or Zashchita soil. It is a composite of a predatory nematode and a symbiotic bacterium. They work amazingly: the roundworm penetrates the larva with food or, excuse me, through the anus, and the bacteria decompose the insides of the pest from the inside. It turns out a kind of broth from the insides, which is then eaten away by nematodes. After an empty shell remains, they leave it. Bacteria and beneficial nematodes take root well and live in open field.

Site care and agricultural practices

It was once believed that the number of pests could be reduced by deep digging to make it difficult for the caterpillars to winter. But, firstly, no one digs to such a depth. And secondly, there is more harm from digging. Therefore, in practice natural farming other agricultural practices are used, namely:

  • If there is too much damage this year, this bed is covered with black agrofibre for the winter and until the end of June to make it difficult for the larvae to get out. If you have to resort to such a measure, fill the garden bed well with organic matter - for such a long period of time, the organic matter will pereperet well, and in the middle of summer it will be possible to plant beans, daikon, kale or any greens on it.
  • The bed can also be sown with perennial siderates of the legume family (comfrey, alfalfa) and not used for a year. For the second winter, also layer it with organic matter and cover it with agrofiber so that the roots, tops and top layer are processed by earthworms.
  • Annual flowers and / or green manure can be planted along the perimeter of the site, in which female pests will lay eggs. Annuals bloom until autumn, and their natural enemies-entomophages breed here.

It will take a lot of time to fight the winter scoop; rather, it all depends on the desire to get rid of this pest. Only by constantly monitoring the site, it will be possible to first reduce the number of individuals, then protect yourself from the pest more reliably. As for chemistry, it is hardly possible to eat onions after being treated with pesticides. It is better to choose a biologically safe drug or folk remedies to combat the winter scoop.

When a small, dim butterfly, a scoop, appears in your garden, you should be wary, as its caterpillar, very voracious and omnivorous, can cause great damage to the crop. More than a hundred species of scoops harm various plants in our gardens and dachas: gnawing, garden, winter, cabbage, marsh, etc. And despite the large number of existing methods of fighting scoops as garden pests, they spread very well.

All cutworms, their butterflies and larvae, are active only at night. According to the method of nutrition, they are divided into:

  • leaf-eating (cabbage, alfalfa, garden) live on the ground;
  • gnawing (winter, swamp, gnawing, wild) lead an underground lifestyle.

It is not easy to get rid of the scoop, as it is unpredictable and harms various plants: tomatoes, beans, cabbage, swedes, turnips, corn, sunflowers, rhubarb, onions, beets and even garlic, cereals, and especially winter crops - wheat and rye.

Methods of dealing with scoops

Gardeners in the fight against armyworm use different methods for each state of the armyworm: butterflies, caterpillars and pupae.

How to get rid of a butterfly owl?

  • hang at a height of 1 meter pheromone traps or containers with fermenting kvass or (then be sure to add a little water and fermenting liquid);
  • destroy weeds, especially flowering ones, which leads to the depletion of scoop butterflies due to the lack of nectar for food.

How to get rid of caterpillars and pupae?

  • digging for the winter and loosening the row spacing is very effective, as they hibernate in the soil at a depth of up to 8 cm;
  • collect larvae by hand;
  • alternate planting (for example: potatoes with black fallow);
  • spray with insecticides: in spring - Decis, Karate, Proteus, Fury, and in summer with organophosphate preparations - Fufanon, Zolon, Dursban, Danadim. The rates of use depend on the form of release of drugs (granules, powder, emulsion concentrate). Use, observing the dosage indicated in the instructions, carry out processing in the evening, no later than a month before harvesting. No more than two treatments are allowed per year;
  • applying granulated Bazudin when planting potatoes (15–20 kg/ha) in moist soil is an effective control measure against caterpillars of the nibbling cutworm;
  • spray with biological preparations Agrovertin, Aktofit, Fitoverm and organic insecticide Natur Guard.

How to destroy the scoop folk methods?

Its effectiveness depends on the timely start of the fight against scoops. The most difficult thing is to determine the time of appearance of pests in order to establish the correct timing of the start of treatment. If you are late with spraying for a few days, then after the penetration of the caterpillars into the fruit, the treatment becomes practically useless. Predicting the development of harmful insects is possible with the help of pheromone traps that help determine the period of mass arrival of cutworm butterflies and the appearance of caterpillars.
