Low-growing conifers for an alpine slide. Magic transformation of the garden: which plants are suitable for an alpine slide

An alpine hill is called an artificial or natural mound of earth, a hill where evergreens grow, herbaceous plants and shrubs are decorated with stone elements.

This element of garden design got its name due to the fact that alpine plants are planted here, which in their natural state grow in mountainous and foothill areas.
Read a detailed illustrated article on how to make an alpine slide with your own hands.

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Basic rules for plant selection

A flower garden with a rocky garden is increasingly common in modern garden plots. It is not difficult to create an alpine hill or rock garden, it is enough to know the main plants that can be planted on a hill, as well as the principles of their placement.

In addition, the rock garden is easy to care for. The stone composition looks beautiful and original if you add several types of alpine plants to it.

We offer you the basic rules for selecting plants to create a decorative rock garden:

1. When creating a composition, it is worth Special attention give to low-growing plants. It is important that in size they correspond to the size of the slide, look harmonious.

2. Choose plants that will tolerate the local climate well. If the hill will be created in a sunny area, then light-loving plants should be planted, and vice versa.

3. The intensity of tillering and growth of green spaces should also be taken into account. If you plant plants that grow well next to short, small plants that love light, you will deprive them of the opportunity to grow and be pleasing to the eye. For example, beautiful and unpretentious soapwort, yaskolka, obrietta, rezuha will negatively affect plants in the neighborhood.

4. Plants on the hill should be combined with each other in appearance, growing conditions, rates of development and growth, according to the flowering period.

Types of plants to create an alpine slide

Alpine slide is created for a long time. Choosing plants for Alpine slide, give preference to cinquefoil, spirea, conifers, which grow rather slowly, but create a dense layer.

Tall herbaceous and woody plants look best next to large stones, and experienced gardeners are advised to avoid symmetry when planting such plants.

To eliminate the gaps between perennials, which at first cannot fill the entire space of the rock garden, such places should be planted with annual flowering plants: gazania, large-flowered purslane, marigolds, gypsophila, marine lobularia and others. These plants love the sun and are unpretentious to the constant receipt of moisture, so they will fit perfectly into the overall look of the slide.

A properly created alpine slide will turn any site into a small natural wonder.

Each gardener must answer for himself the question: in what colors does he want to see an alpine hill? It is also important to create a slide plan on paper - schematically draw the shape of the slide, mark the location of the stones in the figure, and also paint over the rock garden sections with different colors to see the whole picture.

Dwarf coniferous plants look beautiful on the alpine hill, which will favorably highlight your hill all year round. Popular dwarf spruces can have several shades and favorably emphasize the element of landscape design. The same group includes juniper - an unpretentious plant in care, cypress - a coniferous plant with a golden top, as well as thuja.

Preferring deciduous plants on an alpine hill, exclude species with falling leaves, which will only spoil the overall look. Among the evergreen deciduous plants for the alpine slide, Iberis is often used - a plant with white, purple or pink flowers in umbrella-shaped brushes.

The dryad looks beautiful due to white catchy flowers, as well as horizontal cotoneaster, which begins to blush in autumn and stands out favorably among other inhabitants of the alpine hill.

To make the alpine hill look harmonious and beautiful, it is worth planting shrubs and conifers one at a time, and filling the gaps between them with undersized plants.

Between the stones, along with coniferous plants, carpet plants should be planted, which in a few years will braid the hill with a beautiful canvas. These include rocky beetroot, which is distinguished by gray-green leaves that retain their color all year round. Burachok blooms with small bright yellow flowers in panicle inflorescences.

You can give preference to a short-stemmed carnation, which blooms richly with bright beautiful flowers. Saxifrage, forming dense beautiful pillows from their sockets, are an indispensable attribute of an alpine hill. Various types of saxifrage can bloom both in the shade and in the sun.

If you want your rock garden to start pleasing to the eye in early spring and retain color until late autumn, tuber-bulbous and bulbous plants should be planted.

Early color will provide blueberries, snowdrops, chionodoxes. But until late autumn, autumn crocuses, late tulips, birdmen, colchicums will please the eye with their flowering.

The Alpine hill will be perfectly complemented by a small "mountain" waterfall

The principle of tiered planting

To make the alpine slide a real decoration of your garden, you should follow the rules for planting plants, depending on the tiers. So, let's start with the top tier.

top of the hill

The top of your garden decoration is more open to the sun's rays, so it is advisable to place light-loving plants here. In addition, there is practically no moisture left at the top, so the top of the rock garden should be framed by plants that require the least moisture.

To ensure that the top of the alpine hill blooms all year round, choose ground cover plants that will bloom one after another. Browse through various plants for an alpine slide, photos and names of which will help you make your choice.

For example, in May-June, the top of the hill will be covered with fluffy iberis, and throughout the summer and autumn, the upper tier will delight you with the flowering of cushion-like bushes of perennial carnations that live in mountainous areas.

If you want butterflies and bees to always hover over the top of the rock garden, you should plant plants with a pleasant honey aroma, for example, creeping thyme, which forms a carpet on the surface.

Alpine edelweiss is one of the main elements of the top of the hill. This plant loves the sun very much, and in its natural environment lives on the rocky slopes of high mountains, however, for excellent plant growth, it will be necessary to prepare the soil mixture.

If you want to grow unpretentious plants on top of an alpine hill, then the best choice will be young.

We form the middle tier

In the middle of the hill should be plants that love the sun, but at the same time tolerate the shade well. In this place of the hill, the soil is more humid, so there will be a lot of variations for planting.

To ensure lush flowering in May, plant styloid phlox, blooming in blue, pink and white flowers. As a background plant for such bright colors, three-veined anfalis, woolly chistets, Schmidt's wormwood can act.

If you prefer to decorate the middle tier of the slide not only with flowers, but also with green foliage, then Aubrieta will be a universal choice. This plant not only blooms beautifully from the end of May, but also has decorative foliage.

In our latitudes, geyhers, alpine aster, armeria bushes, bulbous plants, primroses are perfect for the middle tier.

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Create the foot of the hill

The lower tier of the slide serves as its foot, a logical conclusion. This is where the slide should connect with the rest of the garden.

The lower tier of the rock garden should be filled with moisture-loving plants that feel calm in the shade. Shrubs and tree-like plants are well suited for this, which will be an excellent accent.

To make the foot of the hill bright, you can plant lyatris with spike-shaped flowers, as well as saxifrage in the form of bushes. Having planted rhododendrons and dwarf conifers at the foot of the hill, you will be satisfied with the result.

On the choice of plants for the alpine slide, see the video:

Examples of creating an alpine slide

Consider some examples of simple alpine slides.

A small alpine slide, consisting of fragrant plants, looks good.

Plant an oregano at the top to attract insects. Decorate the middle tier with the help of a beautifully growing hyssola, monard and sage. And decorate the lower tier of alipinaria with thyme, basil and nasturtium.

This combination of plants will create beauty in your area, and the combination of fragrant herbs will improve your mood.

Alpine slide scheme will help create beauty on your site

For lovers of a wide variety of plants, an alpine slide is suitable, on top of which coniferous plants, such as thuja, are planted. Near it, the coniferous ensemble can be supplemented with mountain pine and prickly spruce.

Lately in landscape design the so-called alpine hills or rock gardens are very popular - a rocky design site, as close as possible in appearance to a mountain one and planted with mountain slow-growing (no more than 2 cm per year) representatives of vegetation.

There are several types of rock gardens, defining its shape (horizontal, located on a slope or resembling a small mountain or hill), style and choice of vegetation:

  1. AT Japanese style the main attention is paid to the beauty of the stones (usually rounded), while the vegetation itself fades into the background and occupies the minimum possible space.
  2. To English style include alpine slides, consisting of sharp stones and slowly growing plants, mainly wormwood, coniferous and cereal species.
  3. To compositions European style include the types of landscapes closest to us, where primacy is given to flowering slow-growing plants. They are selected in such a way as to ensure flowering in rock gardens throughout the garden season, constantly replacing each other and maintaining its unique appearance.
  4. Recently, it has become very popular Czech rolling pins, which are also called "layered" or "slotted" rock gardens. Their appearance is closest to natural and is perfectly used in the design of large gardens and estates. This type of design is unmistakable as it uses flat stones of varying sizes and thicknesses with nearly parallel surfaces that are placed under different angles to the ground and to each other, and in between they grow various alpine plants.

Plants belonging to the alpine flora are quite rare in garden plots and therefore are of particular interest to connoisseurs of garden art. Such types are practically not used for curbs or lawn plantings because they require a special position and rarely take root in the wrong place.

It is very important to create exactly the right composition, which will allow alpine plants to feel comfortable and delight the eye for many years.

Alpine slides are placed, usually focusing on the south side and on most sunny areas taking into account the long-term prospect of no shadow in the future. Types of masonry can be quite varied and depend on the type chosen, but the most commonly used vertical installation flat stones maximally rotated by the larger surface to the south.

With this placement, the stones store heat and the plants have minimal competition for root development and sunlight. The disadvantage of this type of flower garden is the high consumption of stones and the need to use stone mulch to retain moisture and better develop the underground parts of plants, as well as to prevent the germination of weeds.

The range of colors for stone slides is very wide and allows you to combine alpine and subalpine species with their counterparts from forests and steppes, for example, bulbous, low coniferous and fern. In this case, special attention must be paid harmonious ratio their size and speed of growth, placing accordingly.

For example, such mountain species as antennaria, obrieta, awl-shaped phlox, grains are preferably cultivated on top tiers, having the name "plateau", and it is good to plant the slopes with a variety of sedums, stonecrops and ground cover species of flora (survival, sapling, carnation, ground cover phlox), which helps to preserve the shape of the hill from erosion.

The foot of the hill you can beautifully decorate with ephemeroid bulbs - muscari, quinodox, crocuses, tulips. As background species, low shrub and wood species (Japanese quince, creeping cotoneaster, junipers and dwarf varieties pines).

For northeastern parts of the rock garden usually shade-tolerant and shade-loving types are used, such as shade saxifrage, ferns, anemones and corydalis.

For top part sun-loving drought-tolerant plants are best suited. Bathing suit flowers can become a real decoration of the slide.

The rock garden will always look great if you correctly coordinate the timing of the flowering of the plants planted in it, allowing you to admire the change of colors and shades throughout the warm season, starting in spring, when the Carpathian bluebell, excellent tulip, saxifrage, narcissus, blueberry, Japanese quince, stonecrop bloom , snowdrop, and until late autumn (gentian, cinquefoil, small-petal and yarrow).

At the same time, the main law of creating a slide is the inadmissibility of planting large plants next to small ones in order to avoid drowning and shading some species by others and hiding the beauty of stones under their lush foliage.

In a general sense, a rock garden is a collection of undersized and graceful species growing on a flower garden among a well-visible stone composition, and this must be taken into account when planning it.

In order to choose the right culture for your rock garden, there are several rules which will help in choosing the most successful solutions.

Design harmoniously

For the harmonious design of the slide are best suited:

  • various types of l tuber and tuber crops(galanthus, crocuses, scillas, irises);
  • rosette crops(rejuvenated, cuffs, orostachis);
  • bud cover flowers(cloves, thyme, sedums, daisies, bluebells, periwinkle, St. John's wort);
  • low and creeping coniferous plants(junipers, boxwood, mountain pine).

Consider the external features of plants

When choosing the type of rock garden and flower crops for it, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme, flowering time and texture of plants and combine them with the selected stones, their shape, location and shades.

Pay attention to climate change

It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region and the soil, and select plants in accordance with these conditions, however, visually reminiscent of a mountain landscape.

Consider the size of plants and rock garden

The size of the plants should be proportional to the created rock garden. That is, it is necessary to choose low, compact plant species. For example, herbaceous flowers and low shrubs such as heather, gentian, cereals are perfectly used for a small stone hill. tall thuja, dwarf pines and juniper look great when creating large alpine compositions, which most often have a tiered structure.

The structure of the rock garden

Usually alpine slides are conventionally divided into 3 main zones: top, middle and bottom. Each of them has its own design features and different conditions for the growth of flowers:

  1. Microclimate the top of the stone hill characterized by an abundance of sun, the highest temperature and low moisture content, so for this part it is better to select light-loving, drought-resistant species that do not require special care. Ideal in this case can be a snow-white carpet of iberis, or a colorful masterpiece of perennial cushion carnations that will fill your garden with a gentle pleasant smell throughout the summer. They will also give an irresistible look to the top of the hill, rocky beetroot, young, thyme and edelweiss, which can go without watering for a long time and love the abundance of the sun.
  2. The middle part of the hill receives less heat and light, but at the same time it is more moistened and it is best to use ramonda, phlox, lobelia erinus, crocuses and daffodils for its design.
  3. The lower tier of the rock garden usually highly humid and least sunlit. Light coolness and partial shade reign here, therefore, to decorate the foot of a stone hill, it is best to choose shade-tolerant plants that love abundant watering, such as ferns, bathing suits, shady saxifrage, corydalis. Often, for greater resemblance to the Alpine mountains, the lower part of the hill is planted with coniferous plants.

What plants to choose?

Coniferous cultures for a stone slide

Evergreen conifers always give the rock garden some naturalness, imitating the forests at the foot of the Alpine mountains, surrounding it with lush greenery and emphasizing the beauty of flowering species. Alpine hill with coniferous plants looks harmonious and beautiful. At the same time, trees and shrubs retain the attractiveness and style of the slide even in cold season, making it a green island against the backdrop of a deserted garden. Thus, the design lower part of rock garden low-growing coniferous crops are always very advantageous.

In rock gardens, almost never use deciduous plants, because the foliage falling in autumn pollutes the hill, and it is almost impossible to clean it from the space between the stones. Moreover, this situation contributes to the processes of decay and the development of various diseases in a humid microclimate at the bottom of the hill, which will lead to the death of other "inhabitants" of the rock garden. Based on this, coniferous crops are always in priority, receiving, moreover, favorable conditions growth.

Today there is a huge variety of different coniferous plants, for any size and illumination of a rock garden from dwarf sun-loving pines, spruces, larches and junipers to shade-loving fir, cypress and thuja. And for very shaded places, you can choose hemlock and yew.

Another important feature of evergreen conifers is the variety of various forms of the crown, its color and appearance. They can be in the form of narrow pyramids or balls, they can creep along the ground, have an arrow-shaped shape or look like candles, and color shades from dark green to blue and yellow provide the landscape designer with a huge field for creative imagination.

In rock gardens use undersized and dwarf species coniferous plants, often with curved trunks, close to the species growing in the natural Alps:

  • Juniper medium- the owner of a dense light green sprawling (up to 0.8 m) crown, slightly "gilded" at the ends. Depending on the season, juniper changes color from lemon in spring to lime in summer. Loves sunny areas. Perfectly refreshes dark layered stones.
  • Thuja western– winter-hardy shade plant with an irregular narrow crown, which can take on a spiral shape, be in the form of a pyramid or column. Often has multiple tops. It loves loamy soil and grows about 5 cm a year.
  • Pseudotsuga Menzies- in appearance it is very similar to prickly spruce. However, due to the wax coating, it has a bluish tint and softer needles are somewhat randomly arranged, which gives the plant a unique “shaggy” look. Grows well in both sunny and shady areas. He loves loamy soils and grows by 4-6 cm per year. It requires regular prevention from fungal diseases.
  • Also good for rock garden decoration spruce varieties(Serbian, Oriental, prickly, common), mountain pine, dwarf pine, Korean fir, larches, microbiota, hemlock, tuevik and many others.

Creeping and ground cover species

Creeping and ground cover plants are excellent decorators for alpine slides, perfectly decorating the gaps between the stones, giving the slide an unimaginably picturesque look. Another plus in favor of these low, but surprisingly beautiful plants is the protection of the composition from drying out and weeds.

These cultures include:

  • Zvezdovka- decorative beautiful plant with bright jagged leaves and umbrella-shaped small flowers forming a yellow-green carpet. Each flower is framed by an asterisk of five green leaves, which gives the plant a surprisingly attractive appearance.
  • Dryad- the most beautiful alpine woody plant. It has small (2-3 cm) dark green leathery leaves on top and covered with light gray villi on the bottom leaves on low petioles, which gives it a particularly decorative look. The stems of the dryad are creeping, and this allows her to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and decorate them with her presence.
  • diascia- a magnificent creeping plant, which is very popular among gardeners due to its green foliage, creating a dense juicy carpet decorated with an abundance of arcuately drooping bright orange open small flowers collected in inflorescences.

The variety of creeping and ground cover plants for rock gardens is so great that it would take several volumes just to list them. Among them are such plants as brunner, rezuha (arabis), succession, daisy, tenacious, cat's foot (antennaria), anafalis, cuff, etionema (winged stalk), arundinaria (bamboo), acena, bergenia, periwinkle, euonymus, budra (glechoma ), buharnik (cholkus), viola, pansies, gentian, gentian, ramonda, saxifrage, yaskolka, soapwort, subulate phlox, iberis and many others.

Perennial plants for rock gardens

In rock gardens, perennials are most often grown, which makes it easier to care for them and makes it possible to enjoy the beautiful alpine landscape almost all year round, and bloom from early spring to late autumn.

The choice of perennials is very large. You can note such masterpieces of nature as:

  • ramonda- incredibly similar to violet. Delicate and delicately smelling, it will perfectly enliven any rock garden. It is very unpretentious, loves slightly shaded areas, therefore it is preferable on the northwestern slopes, painting them from May to early July in a light lilac color.
  • Alyssum (rocky alyssum)- during the flowering period, fills the air with a sweet honey smell and turns the place of its growth into a bright yellow carpet. It goes well with other colors and allows you to create picturesque paintings in rock gardens.
  • Orieta- an evergreen perennial blooming with magnificent flowers of lilac, purple and pale pink. This is a rather capricious culture and requires special treatment and care for it. He likes a temperate hot climate and fertile land.

Among the perennials for the rock garden, one can also list spring adonis, aquilegia (catchment), armeria, alpine aster, prostrate veronica, thyme-leaved veronica, wolfberry, or daphne, carnations, Dalmatian and Dalmatian geraniums, creeping gypsophila, gentian, dwarf iris, saxifrage, bluebells, cat's paw, cotoneaster, cypress, crocuses, euphorbia, forget-me-not, different kinds ferns, wormwood, primrose, and many others.

Thus, correctly selected flowers planted in rock gardens will bring a feeling of special comfort, peace and beauty to your garden.

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Thuja western

​3 main zones​

They include alpine slides, consisting of sharp stones and slow-growing plants, mainly wormwood, coniferous and cereal species.

"Mors" - crown shape - shrubby, spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.5 m; diameter - 0.5 m; the color of the needles is greenish-blue.

Evergreens that harmoniously and naturally complement the rocky ensemble of the alpine hill:

tenacious - groundcover, rapidly growing under the influence of the sun.

Another point - when you form a composition of stones, periodically move away from the hill at a distance of 3-5 meters to assess its harmony and integrity.

When choosing a place to create a rock garden on your land, you need to consider that you are creating an accent designed to decorate your garden, therefore, you need to place an alpine slide on open space so that it is a plot with good overview from all sides. As a rule, an alpine slide is broken in the center or on the edge of a grassy lawn. It is best to orient the rock garden to the south or southwest - this way it will be well lit by the sun and receive enough heat.


Conifers in the landscape design of the garden

​For a coniferous design, you will need much more large stones than if you were creating a classic alpine slide. Also, in our case, it is not necessary to make a foundation, since conifers are not alpine plants, any relief can be used to place them. Plant coniferous plants between rocks, but make sure that taller plants do not obscure the shorter ones. Give preference to miniature and slow growing crops. Fill the free space with pebbles, gravel or crushed bark. To keep the garden always neat, be sure to lay geotextiles under the backfill - this will help get rid of weeds. The conifers themselves, especially the miniature creeping forms, are planted according to the composition like flowering "alpines": so that over time they creep over the stones, form beautiful cascades. For such a "garden" you will need a lot of conifers, but the result is worth it.

Alpine slides are magnificent imitations of mountain reliefs, in which stones of different sizes are combined with plants characteristic of high-altitude landscapes. Despite the fact that rock gardens are, first of all, stone gardens, it is very difficult to imagine them without plants. It is the delightful drought-resistant, hardy and undemanding plant species that bring to the alpine slides bright colors, touching contrasts, openwork textures, enliven cold and gloomy landscapes with a unique variety of greenery and flowers. In addition to love for long dry periods, plants for an alpine slide should also take root well on poor stony soils, retain their decorative effect at least during the entire active garden season (and preferably all year). Of the large plants, perhaps most of all these requirements are met by such different, but delightfully decorative representatives of conifers.

Landscape design of coniferous plants (with a photo of hedges)

- a winter-hardy shade-tolerant plant with an irregular narrow crown, which can acquire a spiral shape, be in the form of a pyramid or column. Often has multiple tops. He loves loamy soil and grows about 5 cm a year.

​: top, middle and bottom. Each of them has its own design features and different conditions for the growth of flowers:

Garden design with conifers: border and heather garden

Northeastern parts of the rock garden

to the compositions

"Winter gold" - crown shape - shrubby, spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.5 m; diameter - 1.0 m; color of needles - in summer - bright green, in winter - golden yellow. Winter-hardy variety. Dwarf forms of spruce

Design from coniferous plants: forest corner and alpine landscape

Norway spruce and Canadian;

Fern - looks great at the foot of the alpine hill. After wintering, the rock garden is ready for planting in the spring. Usually, these are plants characteristic of the highlands of the Alps. Shrubs are planted first, then herbaceous plant species, and finally, ground cover "alpines". Plants for the rock garden should be selected in such a way that the hill looks spectacular at any time of the year, delighting the eye with the flowering of spring primroses, bright foliage of ground cover flora and evergreen conifers.

Alpine hill in the center of the green lawn will become the dominant element in the landscape design of your site

Design from coniferous plants: forest and garden

In the design of a garden of conifers on a slope, you can plant: juniper scaly, Chinese, Cossack, common (different varieties), prickly spruce, gray spruce, conic spruce, bird's nest spruce, mountain pine, pea-bearing cypress, yew berry, thuja western , thuja spherical. Most of these plants need to be protected from spring sun lutrasil. The exception is prickly spruce. Mountain pine needs to be covered only in the first three years after planting.

The best conifers for alpine hills include miniature and dwarf forms of Canadian spruce, microbiota, mountain and Weymouth pines, junipers (rocky, Cossack, horizontal, scaly), Canadian hemlock, western thuja, Japanese yew. Let's get to know these 11 beauties better.​

Pseudotsuga Menzies


Shade-tolerant and shade-loving types are usually used, such as shade saxifrage, ferns, anemones and corydalis.

European style

Plot design with miniature conifers

"Little Gem" - crown shape - spherical-flattened; height of an adult plant - 0.5 m; diameter - 0.5 - 0.7 m; needle color - light green.

Juniper Cossack, rocky or ordinary.

Primula - spring primrose.


Types and schemes of the rock garden device

To plant a plant in the ground, a hole is dug between the stones, the bottom of which is strengthened with gravel, where the plant is then placed. After planting, the ground around is rammed and mulched with fine gravel.​

The terraced alpine slide will harmoniously fit into the natural relief of the garden

In order to design a site with dwarf-sized conifers, it is not necessary to buy them. You can not only buy original miniature conifers in nurseries, but also prepare them yourself.

  • Mountain pine has amazing beautiful forms as if flattened airy crown with almost spherical "caps" of long straight needles. Among mountain pine varieties, there are both fast-growing and slow-growing, which are best suited for alpine slides. Mountain pines are selected according to the level of shade tolerance, decorative qualities, and maximum height. They tolerate drought well, do not need fertilizers, watering, shelter for the winter. A lot of varieties of mountain pine seem to be created for an alpine hill. For example, the surprisingly squat, not exceeding half a meter in height variety "Hesse" (Hesse) can boast of an unusual dark color of the needles, and the creeping mountain pine "Mugus" (Mughus), even if it reaches one and a half meters in height, will not overload any ensemble with its light crown . An even higher variety "Columnaris" (Columnaris) loves the bright sun and is absolutely undemanding to the soil, taking root even where it is sorely lacking. Meter "Kobold" (Kobold) is also delightfully good in rock gardens, always looking original thanks to the bright green color of short needles. Of all the mountain pines, Humpy is better than others adapted to the lower tiers of an alpine hill, because this pine tolerates shading very well. - in appearance it is very similar to prickly spruce. However, due to the wax coating, it has a bluish tint and softer needles are somewhat randomly arranged, which gives the plant a unique “shaggy” look. Grows well in both sunny and shady areas. He loves loamy soils and grows by 4-6 cm a year. It requires regular prevention from fungal diseases.
  • the top of the stone hill For
  • These include the types of landscapes closest to us, where primacy is given to flowering slow-growing plants. They are selected in such a way as to ensure flowering in rock gardens throughout the garden season, constantly replacing each other and maintaining its unique appearance. "Nidiformis" - the crown shape is nest-shaped, with a deep middle; height of an adult plant - 0.5 - 1.0 m; diameter - 0.8 - 2.0 m; needle color - dark green.
  • Shrubs that form an intermediate tier between low trees and ground cover crops in rock gardens: Stakhis is an unpretentious plant with bluish fluffy leaves.
  • Proper placement of plants will promote their growth and enhance the aesthetic sound of the alpine slide When laying the alpine slide, it is necessary to avoid places adjacent to buildings and in the shade of massive trees, however, shrubs or trees may be present in the background, at some distance create a background for the spectacular perception of the rock garden. Not bad when the rock garden is inscribed in the existing landscape land plot, located on a gentle slope or in a ravine, fitting into the natural elevation differences - lowlands and uplands of the site.
  • They are bred using clusters of branches (they are called "witch's brooms") by grafting onto an ordinary conifer of the same species. Therefore, you need to find several such “witch brooms” in the forest, cut the cuttings. Another type of pine, the weymouth pine, does not exceed 1 meter in height, representing a charming sight due to its rounded crown and the finest silvery needles. It also feels great with light shading.
  • For the design of the rock garden, it is also good for its abundance of sun, the highest temperature and low moisture content, so for this part it is better to select light-loving, drought-resistant species that do not require special care. In this case, a snow-white carpet of iberis, or a colorful masterpiece of perennial cushion carnations, which will fill your garden with a delicate pleasant smell throughout the summer, can be ideal in this case. watering and adoring the abundance of the sun.

Recently, they have become very popular

"Will" s Zwerg "- crown shape - narrow conical, dense; height of an adult plant - 1.0 - 1.2 m; diameter - 0.4 m; needle color - young - pale green, old - dark green. ​

Choosing a place to stay

In alpine landscapes, plants of bizarre shapes and shapes are often found. A special place among them is occupied by coniferous plants. For an impromptu mountain landscape, any dwarf conifers are suitable - miniature pines, firs and spruces, as well as creeping, cushion-shaped arborvitae and junipers.

Hostas - grow in the form of rosettes of leaves of various colors - in white, blue, golden veins.

The center of the composition of the rock garden-conifer can be a dwarf weeping tree

Strive for the trees and shrubs in the background of the rock garden to be uniform in color. The motley background will distract from the whole perception of the alpine slide as an accent element of the landscape of the site.​

You need to graft in the butt: on the grafted branch and on the scion, make an oblique cut, connect the branches to each other, fasten tightly and cover garden pitch. Be aware that the conifers are poorly grafted, at best it will succeed with half the cuttings. As a result, you will get miniature conifers growing slowly growing - no more than 2 cm per year.

Hemlock is an amazing coniferous plant with a cone-shaped crown and thin hanging shoots, beautiful bark with deep furrows and scales. For alpine slides, representatives of Canadian hemlock are most adapted. In nature, it reaches a height of 60 meters, but decorative species often do not exceed one meter. This evergreen beauty has uniquely beautiful needles, flat, linear-lanceolate, with white veins or double color, creating a very lush twig. Strongly branched dwarf variety "Hussi" with densely set needles along the contours is similar to mountain pine. The inimitable variety "Jeddeloh" is also a dwarf hemlock with a rarely seen spiral arrangement of branches, a rounded crown and light green needles. "Minima" - amazingly openwork, emerald green, absolutely spherical in shape of the hemlock crown with small needles that create a unique pattern. Very similar to compressed into a dense uneven ball and hemlock "Minuta" with larger needles, densely located on lush twigs. Variety "Nana" (Nana), with its horizontal, wide branches, seems to be stretching shoots towards the viewer.

spruce varieties

Middle part of the hill

Sun-loving drought-tolerant plants are best suited. Bathing suit flowers can become a real decoration of the slide.

Czech rocks

"Echiniformis" - crown shape - cushion-shaped, compact; height - 0.2 - 0.6 m; diameter - 0.4 - 0.8 m; the color of the needles is green. Dwarf forms of spruce Canadian or gray

On an alpine hill, it is not necessary to plant coniferous plants too close to each other, otherwise the individuality of their forms is lost. Plants can be arranged into groups in two ways: 1) by contrast in shape or color; 2) by transitional forms, which, as it were, continue each other, creating dynamics of growth or decrease in composition.​

An effective solution for a rock garden in the form of a stone fence - a motley flower cover

Preparatory work for laying

It is important to know that a rock garden made of conifers can become a fairly unpretentious landscape design option when the stone composition is diluted with evergreen shrubs and trees.

A staircase leading up the slope can be beautifully complemented by an alpine slide that imitates a rocky landscape

Armed with patience and imagination, you can special work create a rock garden with your own hands. Let's look at how to properly plan and lay an alpine slide without the involvement of specialized specialists. Please note that the main component in the construction of a rock garden is a group of stones of various different sizes, the "gray silence" of which is diluted with representatives of the flora characteristic of the alpine area - conifers, cover and saxifrage plants. Creating a rock garden in the country or near country house, you form a mountainous fragment of nature, reminiscent of natural, therefore, stones and plants must be placed randomly, in a natural way.​

More than 60 species of a wide variety of conifers belong to the genus Juniper. All of them are united by light-loving, the need for a thick layer of drainage and watering once a month and leaves collected in whorls of three, resembling needles in young junipers, but scaly in adults. The juniper horizontalis is a low-growing species of juniper with needle-shaped needles, absolutely resistant and undemanding. The Adpressa variety with bright green needles grows very quickly, but Wiltonii, Prince of Wales and Glauca, which do not exceed 30 cm in height, differ bluish shade of muted emerald needles and grow more slowly, but do not like drying out. Various varieties of Cossack juniper are distinguished by a beautiful exfoliating crown and widely spread branches. The turquoise-green shade of the needles of the Rockery Gem, Nana, Cupressifolia varieties looks very original in a duet with stones, and the light-loving and drought tolerance of these junipers are combined with absolute winter hardiness. Dwarf forms of rocky juniper have incredibly beautiful lush bluish needles, an elegant ovoid crown shape, looser at the top than at the base. Representatives of this species grow very quickly. But scaly junipers grow more slowly, they have sharp, lanceolate needles with a beautiful grayish color.

(Serbian, Oriental, prickly, common), mountain pine, elfin cedar, Korean fir, larch, microbiota, hemlock, tuevik and many others.

It receives less heat and light, but it is more hydrated and it is best to use ramonda, phlox, lobelia erinus, crocuses and daffodils for its design.

The rock garden will always look great if you correctly agree on the timing of the flowering of the plants planted in it, allowing you to admire the change of colors and shades throughout the warm season, starting in spring, when the Carpathian bluebell, excellent tulip, saxifrage, narcissus, blueberry, Japanese quince, stonecrop, snowdrop, and until late autumn (gentian, cinquefoil, small-petal and yarrow).

, which are also called "layered" or "slotted" rock gardens. Their appearance is closest to natural and is perfectly used in the design of large gardens and estates. This type of design is unmistakable as it uses flat stones of varying sizes and thicknesses with nearly parallel surfaces set at various angles to the ground and to each other, with various alpine plants growing in between.​

Creation of the main composition of stones

"Conica" - crown shape - conical, dense; height of an adult plant - 1.0 - 1.2 m; diameter - 0.5 - 0.7 m; the color of the needles is green. May be damaged by sunburn.

Prepare a substrate for planting conifers on an alpine hill according to their biological features. In addition, the time of planting in open ground different coniferous species may also differ. Not all representatives of conifers prefer sunny places and put up with excessive soil moisture. Many of them prefer shelter for the winter, which is also important to consider when planning an alpine slide.

Periwinkle and carnation - traditional inhabitants of alpine hills

When choosing a stone for a rock garden, you need to pay attention to its size, shape and surface features. Considering that the rock garden imitates a mountain landscape, where the stones are polished by precipitation and winds, have an irregular but natural shape, it is undesirable to use a rounded stone of river origin or stone scrap with sharp edges for an alpine slide.

The starting point for creating a rocky hill can be a rock garden diagram, drawn to scale, where you pre-plan the location of the stones and the planting of plants. If the rock garden is supposed to be placed in the depths of the garden, you need to consider the paths and paths leading to it.

Selection and planting of plants

The rock garden serves as a bright decoration of the garden, standing out against the background of a green lawn

Thuja western with an ovoid or pyramidal crown and scaly small needles grows very slowly. Dwarf forms do not exceed 1 meter in height and often do not have a pyramidal, but a spherical crown, representing one of the most visually massive plants for an alpine hill, resembling boxwood bushes from afar. The charming variety "Globosa Nana" (Globosa Nana) does not grow above 30 cm at all, representing an elegant, lush ball with the smallest needles, resembling long fur with a refreshing green color. Slightly larger "balls" offers a variety of "Danica" (Danica) with a yellow-green color of denser needles. All representatives of the western thuja can grow both in the sun and in partial shade.

Creeping and ground cover plants are excellent decorators for alpine slides, perfectly decorating the gaps between the stones, giving the slide an unimaginably picturesque look. Another plus in favor of these low, but surprisingly beautiful plants is the protection of the composition from drying out and weeds.

The lower tier of the rock garden

At the same time, the basic law of creating a slide is the inadmissibility of planting large plants next to small ones in order to avoid drowning and shading some species by others and hiding the beauty of stones under their lush foliage.

How to choose the right stone?

Plants belonging to the alpine flora are quite rare in garden plots and therefore are of particular interest to connoisseurs of garden art. Such species are practically not used for curb or lawn plantings, because they require a special position and rarely take root in the wrong place.

"Alberta Globe" - crown shape - cushion-shaped, dense; height - 0.5 - 0.8 m; diameter - 0.7 - 1 m; needle color - green.

Light-loving alpine plants that are planted on the southern slope of the alpine hill:

A good choice for rock garden would be limestone or sandstone. Dolomite is suitable - sedimentary rock, slate with a layered structure, basalt, travertine, calcareous tuff, light gneiss. A particularly valuable specimen for a rock garden will be a forest boulder overgrown with moss and lichen.

  • A bench lost in the depths of the garden, surrounded by a wild corner of nature from the Alps, can be a great place for a secluded holiday
  • Depending on the principle by which stones are selected and placed, rock gardens are of the following types:
  • The dwarf Canadian spruce also seems quite voluminous due to the dense crown, which creates the effect of splendor and massiveness of the plant. The needles are located extremely densely, creating an almost carpet texture of a cone-shaped crown. She is quite unpretentious, but needs protection from strong wind(it can not be planted on the leeward side of the rock garden) and watering during a long drought. In the open sun, burns often form on a dense and lush crown, so a spruce growing at the foot of an alpine hill will feel better. Gray varieties of Canadian spruce require more active watering than ordinary grassy greens.
  • These cultures include:
  • usually highly humid and least sunlit. Light coolness and partial shade reign here, therefore, to decorate the foot of a stone hill, it is best to choose shade-tolerant plants that love abundant watering, such as ferns, bathing suits, shady saxifrage, corydalis. Often, for greater resemblance to the Alpine mountains, the lower part of the hill is planted with coniferous plants.
  • In a general sense, a rock garden is a collection of undersized and graceful species growing on a flower garden among a well-visible stone composition, and this must be taken into account when planning it.
  • It is very important to create exactly the right composition that will allow alpine plants to feel comfortable and delight the eye for many years.
  • Dwarf forms of junipers

Adonis is a perennial with bright colors.

To form an alpine slide, it is necessary to select a stone of different sizes - from huge boulders to fine gravel

  • It looks spectacular when a stony winding path or a dry stream of small stones crosses an alpine hill, and nearby there is a bench or a grotto with a bench, from where you can admire the result of your landscape creativity.
  • rock
  • The evergreen microbiota is a magnificent tracery ground cover shrub resembling a creeping juniper. Its thin, branched branches are arranged in strict tiers one above the other, creating an amazing pattern of scaly or needle-shaped needles. It grows very slowly and even in the garden will not exceed 2 meters, and on an alpine hill, most likely, it will be limited to a meter height. It can be planted anywhere in the rock garden. Its long, almost horizontal branches, reminiscent of bright green lace, stretching over the stones, echo the fronds of ferns, linking together conifers and other plants of the alpine hill.
  • Zvezdovka
  • If you have a flower bed, then you can organize drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands.
  • In order to choose the right culture for your rock garden, there are several
  • Alpine slides are placed, usually focusing on the south side and on
  • Lying juniper "Nana" - crown shape - semi-creeping, dense; height of an adult plant - 1.0 m; diameter - up to 2.5 m; the color of the needles is green or bluish-gray.

Juniper planting on an alpine hill is carried out in early spring or in September. Contrary to the recommendations of using container plants for planting in the ground at any time of the year, it is better to place juniper in a container on an alpine hill during the off-season. So root system will remain undamaged, and in the fall the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place. The distance between junipers and neighboring plants, depending on the form of growth, is from 0.5 to 1 m. The depth of planting depends on the clod of earth and the root system; for junipers, they usually prepare a planting hole 0.7 m deep and pour the earth to the desired volume. Soil mixture for juniper - soddy land, peat and river sand(2:1:1). Fertilizer for juniper is applied in the spring - nitroammofoska - 30 - 40 g / m2. Locations on the hill are open sunny places, green coniferous species are planted on any exposure of the hill, golden and variegated species prefer the western and southern ones, gray ones prefer the northern and eastern ones. Juniper care includes 2-3 times watering per season, and spraying in the evening once a week, mulching the soil with peat.​

Atsena - does not lose foliage in winter, and flowers after flowering take the form of red needle balls.

An excellent choice for an alpine slide is sandstone - a layered stone of light beige tones

  • The rock garden looks great in tandem with a small lake, overgrown with reeds and water lilies
  • - a steep alpine hill with dominant large boulders at the base, surrounded by medium and small stones located closer to the top.​
  • Yew is one of the most beautiful slow-growing representatives of the coniferous family. For an alpine slide, you can use a dwarf Japanese yew. Its amazing, irregularly shaped crown with strong widely spaced shoots will not exceed a meter in height, and despite the fact that it grows very slowly, it will not exceed 60 cm for many years. The dark green needles of this yew densely cover the shoots. Yew, unlike many other conifers, will need additional watering.
  • - an ornamental beautiful plant with bright jagged leaves and umbrella-shaped small flowers forming a yellow-green carpet. Each flower is framed by an asterisk of five green leaves, which gives the plant a surprisingly attractive look.
  • Ecowool is an excellent material for warming various buildings, but it also has its drawbacks. Read more here.​
  • rules

most sunny areas

  • Juniper Chinese "Echiniformis" - crown shape - semicircular; height - 0.7 m; diameter - up to 1.0 m; the color of the needles is green or bluish-gray.
  • Juniper in rock garden
  • ​Decorative bow - large leaves combined with long vertical arrows with a spherical color.
  • Stone options for rock garden device:
  • A rock garden with a pond looks very harmonious, especially if it is a slightly swampy reservoir with characteristic moisture-loving plants planted along the coast. An interesting solution the design of the pond can be planting a large tree or bush conifers on a tiny "patch" of land adjacent to the water. This technique will visually expand the boundaries of the site.
  • Scree or mountain slope
  • Coniferous trees in landscape design are used as widely as deciduous trees. They help to create the atmosphere of a real pine or spruce forest, not only decorating garden plot but also filling it with an incomparable aroma. In addition, the use of conifers in landscape design also improves the atmosphere of the site, because these trees have useful bactericidal properties.
  • Dryad
  • Evergreen conifers always give the rock garden some naturalness, imitating forests at the foot of the Alpine mountains, surrounding it with lush greenery and emphasizing the beauty of flowering species. Alpine hill with coniferous plants looks harmonious and beautiful. At the same time, trees and shrubs retain the attractiveness and style of the slide even in

Which will help in choosing the most successful solutions.​

​taking into account the long-term prospect of no shadow in the future. Types of masonry can be quite varied and depend on the type chosen, but the most commonly used

  • Common juniper "Green Carpet" - crown shape - creeping; height - 0.2 - 0.3 m; diameter - 1.0 m; the color of the needles is green. Winter-hardy variety.
  • FIR

Iris - perennial bulbous plant with flowers that look like an orchid.


Coniferous plants for the Alpine slide

White-green quartz - a fragmented stone, smoothed in fragments, ranging in size from 20 to 60 centimeters, mined in the Orenburg region;

Emphasis on form

Rock garden, created from huge boulders in combination with a small waterfall, will truly decorate your garden

Agricultural technology for growing conifers on an alpine hill

- a rock garden with one slope, where the overall stones are closer to the top, and a small stone scattering at the base.

You will receive photos of coniferous plants in landscape design, as well as recommendations on how to design a garden with conifers, on this page.

- the most beautiful alpine woody plant. It has small (2-3 cm) dark green leathery leaves on top and covered with light gray villi on the bottom leaves on low petioles, which gives it a particularly decorative look. The stems of the dryad are creeping, and this allows it to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and decorate them with its presence. Cold season
For the harmonious design of the slide are best suited: vertical installation Juniper Cossack "Tamariscifolia" - crown shape - cushion-shaped; height - 0.5 - 0.8 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is dark green or bluish-green. Winter-hardy variety.
Dwarf firs are planted in a permanent place in an alpine hill in April before the shoots begin to grow or in September after the formation of apical buds. The recommended distance to a neighboring plant is 0.5 m. The depth of the planting hole should be such that the root is in the hole in a straight state, and the root collar is at ground level. The landing pit is filled up with a soil mixture - leaf earth, peat and sand (3: 1: 1). If the plant is planted in the spring, then top dressing with complex fertilizer is necessary. Locations on the hill - penumbra, northern or eastern exposure. Fir care includes regular watering, providing air humidity, and mulching the soil with peat. In winter, it requires shelter not so much from frost damage as from burns from the winter sun. Lavender is an evergreen shrub with a small purple color. Milk quartz - a stone with an uneven rough surface from 30 to 70 cm, mined in the Urals;
An effective accent of an alpine slide combined with a pond can be a small waterfall falling from an artificial gorge or stone wall. mountain valley Conifers in landscape design are beautiful in themselves and perfectly complement compositions with other plants, besides, taking them as a basis, you can create wonderful groups in which they and only they will be the main characters.

Assortment of conifers for alpine hills

, making it a green island against the backdrop of an empty garden. Thus, the design
various types of l
Flat stones maximally rotated by the larger surface to the south.
Juniper scaly "Blue Carpet" - crown shape - creeping; height - 0.3 - 0.8 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is intense blue. Winter-hardy variety.
Korean fir "Cis"
Rejuvenated - small rosettes of fleshy leaves of light green color.
Sirpantenite - a stone of silver or green color, 25-45 cm in size, mined in the Caucasus, 15 rubles / kg;
Using a pre-created rock garden device plan, start laying it out by marking the selected site - determine the diameter of the slide, its height and the location of large accent stones. The height of the slide is calculated based on the diameter of its base - 1 m of the base is equal to 10-20 cm in height. The height of the rock garden is optimally within 0.5-1.5 meters.​
- horizontal rock garden composition with boulders, medium and small stones located in a free manner.​ Pay attention above to the photo of the design of coniferous plants: you can form a picturesque hedge, which will play the role of a garden partition - to separate garden areas.​
- A magnificent creeping plant, which is very popular among gardeners due to its green foliage, creating a dense juicy carpet decorated with an abundance of arcuately drooping bright orange open small flowers collected in inflorescences.
The lower part of the rock garden

​tuber and tuber crops
​In this arrangement, the stones store heat and the plants have minimal competition for root development and sunlight.​
Juniper scaly "Blue Star" - crown shape - cushion-shaped, compact; height - 0.5 - 0.1 m; diameter - 1.5 m; color of needles - bright, silver-blue. Winter-hardy variety. Natalia Vysotskaya, dendrologist, Ph.D. -X. Sciences. Source: Planting a Garden
The combination of cover plants with saxifrage and primroses creates a harmonious plant composition of rock garden
Elbrus - gray or beige stone 20-90 cm in size, 11 rubles / kg;
​Create a diagram of an alpine slide, indicating its dimensions and placement of the main elements of the composition
Terraced slope
Miniature conifers will allow you to create a border along the path. Creeping varieties will become the basis for an alpine garden, which will only need to be supplemented with stones, gravel and individual flowering "alpines".

How to choose plants for an alpine slide: useful tips

The variety of creeping and ground cover plants for rock gardens is so great that it will take several volumes just to list them. Among them are such plants as brunner, rezuha (arabis), succession, daisy, tenacious, cat's foot (antennaria), anafalis, cuff, etionema (winged stalk), arundinaria (bamboo), acena, bergenia, periwinkle, euonymus, budra (glechoma ), bukharnik (cholkus), viola, pansies, gentian, gentian, ramonda, saxifrage, sapling, soapwort, styloid phlox, iberis and many others.

Undersized coniferous crops are always very advantageous. (galanthus, crocuses, scillas, irises); The disadvantage of this type of flower garden

  1. See also: Coniferous plants for the garden, Coniferous plants for the garden: composition rules and Coniferous plants for the garden: protection measures in spring and winter Spruce trees are planted in a permanent place in April or September. The recommended distance to a neighboring plant is 0.5 - 0.7 m. The depth of the planting hole is 0.5 m. The soil mixture for spruce is leafy soil, acid peat and river sand (3: 2: 1). When planting, complex fertilizer is applied. Locations on the hill - sun, partial shade, any exposure. Spruce care includes watering once a week, 10-12 liters per plant, soil mulching with peat. In winter, it requires shelter from sunburn. Arabis is a perennial ground cover plant that blooms in May and late autumn.
  2. ​“Petrified tree” made of oblong yellow-beige quartzite with veins, size 20-50 cm, 16 rubles / kg; Form the slopes of the alpine hill so that one of them is flatter and oriented to the south​ ​ - this type of rock garden is organized on a gentle slope in the form of small steps supported by large boulders.​
  3. Plant several types of pines (it is better to choose miniature forms), and heathers and ericas next to them. In this case it will new form design with coniferous plants - a heather garden. In rock gardens, perennials are most often grown, which makes it easier to care for them and makes it possible to enjoy the beautiful alpine landscape almost all year round, and bloom from early spring until late autumn. In rock gardens, almost
  4. rosette crops is a high consumption of stones and the need to use stone mulch to preserve moisture and better develop the underground part of plants, as well as to prevent the germination of weeds.Recently, the so-called alpine slides or rock gardens have become very popular in landscape design - a site of rocky design, as close as possible in appearance to a mountainous one and planted with mountainous slow-growing (no more than 2 cm per year) representatives of vegetation.​

Gray spruce "Nana"

Bluebell - has a rich color from July to October.

Jasper green and red, size 20-60 cm, 12 rubles / kg; Many are wondering how to make a rock garden resistant to natural processes of destruction under the influence of wind, groundwater and precipitation? It is best to start arranging the rock garden in the fall and carefully prepare the foundation for it. Soil preparation, prior to the creation of an alpine hill, consists in clearing the site and removing the top layer of soil to a depth of 20-30 cm. Forest ravine If you grow edible mushrooms, for example, oyster mushroom, then its “plantation” can be made decorative by adding snags, wild forest flowers and plantings of coniferous trees. They should be classic "forest", without exotic forms. The choice of perennials is very large. You can note such masterpieces of nature as:

never use leafy plants (rejuvenated, cuffs, orostachis); The range of colors for stone slides is very wide and allows you to combine alpine and subalpine species with their counterparts from forests and steppes, for example, bulbous, low coniferous and fern. In this case, special attention must be paid

There are several PINE Crocus - corm plant, primrose.

Green serpentine - a stone 20-80 cm in size, 19 rubles / kg; Before laying the rock garden, form a drainage layer to drain water- such a rock garden is located in a shell-like recess, decorated with massive boulders overgrown with moss.

Conifers in the design of the garden are the best fit for creating a forest corner: in the center of the lawn or a large "module" in the paving, plant a classic spruce or pine, as an option - blue spruce or mountain pine. Around make a "carpet" planting of garden or wild lilies of the valley.Ramonda

, because the foliage falling in autumn pollutes the hill, and it is almost impossible to clean it from the space between the stones. Moreover, this situation contributes to the processes of decay and the development of various diseases in a humid microclimate at the bottom of the hill, which will lead to the death of other "inhabitants" of the rock garden. Based on this, coniferous crops are always a priority, and they also receive favorable growing conditions.​ bud-covering flowers harmonious relationship

Types of rock gardens Planted in a permanent place in March, planting depth - 0.8 m. The root neck remains at ground level. In no case should the root be bent during planting. Soil mixture for pine - sod land and river sand (2: 1). If necessary, add 250 g of lime to the pit. Locations on the hill - the sun, any exposure. Pine care includes watering 2 - 3 times per season in the amount of 15 liters per tree. You can slow down the growth of shoots and increase the density of the crown by pinching the buds. Muscari is a bulbous plant resembling a hyacinth.

Quartz "Rainbow" - a yellow-brown stone, 10-70 cm in size, 11 rubles / kg;

This deepening is necessary for the drainage device - the removal of water from the rock garden, for which it is covered with gravel, expanded clay, crushed brick or construction waste to a height of 10 cm. A 5-centimeter layer of coarse-grained sand is poured on top, then a 15-centimeter layer of soil, on which, subsequently, stones are laid and plants are planted.

rocky wall

Look at the photo: - incredibly similar to violet. Delicate and delicately smelling, it will perfectly enliven any rock garden. It is very unpretentious, loves slightly shaded areas, therefore it is preferable on the northwestern slopes, coloring them from May to early July in a light lilac color.Today there is a huge variety of different conifers, for any size and illumination of a rock garden from dwarf sun-loving pines , firs, larches and junipers to shade-loving fir, cypress and thuja. And for very shaded places, you can choose hemlock and yew.

Design harmoniously

(cloves, thyme, sedums, daisies, bluebells, periwinkle, St. John's wort);

  • Their size and speed of growth, placing accordingly, determining its shape (horizontal, located on a slope or resembling a small mountain or hill), style and choice of vegetation: The height of coniferous plants for an alpine hill should not exceed for small rocky areas (5 - 6 m2) - 0.5 - 0.7 m, for large ones (more than 40 m2) - 1.5 m. Therefore, when choosing a coniferous assortment for alpine slides, one must take into account the estimated height of an adult plant. Below is a list of decorative forms that do not exceed 1.5 m. Dwarf forms of western arborvitae
  • Mylnyanka - grows in limestone rocks, alpine perennial. Sandstone - a stone of an arbitrary rounded shape of sand or gray color, with a size of 30-90 cm.
  • When arranging a terraced rock garden, a large stone is laid at the base of each tier- This is a rock garden, formed mainly from a flat-shaped stone, folded in the form of a low curb.
  • Conifers in landscape design are ideal for imitating a high-mountain landscape. To create this composition, add several mountain pines of different heights with spirea, erica, veronica, make a backfill of white pebbles.

Consider the external features of plants

Another important feature of evergreen conifers is the variety of various crown shapes, its color and appearance. They can be in the form of narrow pyramids or balls, they can creep along the ground, have an arrow-shaped shape or look like candles, and color shades from dark green to blue and yellow provide the landscape designer with a huge field for a creative flight of fancy.

Pay attention to climate change

Low and creeping conifers

Consider the size of plants and rock garden

For example, such mountain species as antenaria, obrieta, awl-shaped phlox, grains are preferably cultivated on

The structure of the rock garden

​In​ "Danica" - crown shape - spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.8 m; diameter - 0.8 m; needle color - dark green. Sedum (sedum) - rosettes of succulent leaves with lemon color.

  1. If limestone is used to create a rock garden, then the soil poured between the stones will have an alkaline reaction unsuitable for some plants, so the soil will have to be acidified. When preparing the site for the rock garden, pay special attention to weeding to get rid of perennial weeds such as wheat grass which, when germinating, can destroy the slide from the inside. It is advisable to additionally treat the site for laying the rock garden with herbicides.
  2. Or a group of junipers and thujas at some distance from each other and complement the composition with large boulders. - during the flowering period, it fills the air with a sweet honey smell and turns its place of growth into a bright yellow carpet. It goes well with other colors and allows you to create picturesque paintings in rock gardens.​
  3. In rock gardens use(junipers, boxwood, mountain pine).

top tiers

Japanese style

What plants to choose?

Coniferous cultures for a stone slide

"Little Dorrit" - crown shape - spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.8 m; diameter - 0.6 m; the color of the needles is dark green. Winter-hardy variety. Scylla - primrose with blue inflorescences. Shade-tolerant alpine plants that are planted on the northern slope of the rock garden: Start creating a composition of stones by laying large blocks at the base of an alpine hill Czech rock

The composition "coniferous forest" is easy to make. Tall conifers of various types can be planted as an "island" at the border of the site, near the fence, and at their foot they can be filled with gray pebbles. Orieta Undersized and dwarf species of conifers

When choosing the type of rock garden and flower crops for it, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme, flowering time and texture of plants and combine them with the selected stones, their shape, location and shades.

Having the name "plateau", and it is good to plant the slopes with a variety of sedums, stonecrops and ground cover species of flora (survival, sapling, carnation, ground cover phlox), which helps to preserve the shape of the hill from erosion.

The main attention is paid to the beauty of the stones (usually rounded), while the vegetation itself fades into the background and occupies the minimum possible space. “Hoseri” - the shape of the crown is spherical; height of an adult plant - 0.5 m; diameter - 0.6 m; the color of the needles is dark green. Winter-hardy variety. Dwarf forms of mountain pine Violet is an unpretentious plant that blooms almost the entire warm season.

  • Astilba - blooms in July, has small pink flowers collected in pyramidal inflorescences. A composition of stones is the basis of any rock garden. It is important to choose stones of the same type for the entire slide, but of different sizes - several large boulders, stones of medium and small size. Provide flat stones - they will serve as a kind of steps for movement when caring for an alpine slide. You need to start laying stones from the bottom up - from large to small, grouping and distributing them. It will be erroneous to lay the stones in a regular way with equal distances between them. Rock garden stones should be placed randomly, as close as possible to the natural mountain landscape.​
  • ​“. We wrote a separate article about him - you can read it here.​ Finally, you can create a whole coniferous garden ik. To do this, use as many conifers of different types, shapes, heights, with different shades foliage. Combine cultures according to the classical laws of garden compositions.​
  • - an evergreen perennial blooming with magnificent flowers of lilac, purple and pale pink. This is a rather capricious culture and requires special treatment and care for it. He likes a temperate hot climate and fertile land, often with curved trunks, close to species growing in the natural Alps:
  • It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region and the soil, and select plants in accordance with these conditions, however, visually resembling a mountain landscape. The foot of the hill K

Creeping and ground cover species

"Mughus" - crown shape - shrubby, spreading, sometimes creeping; height of an adult plant - 1.5 m; diameter - 0.6 m; needle color - dark green.

Phlox is a carpet plant with a small pink color.

  • Badan is a perennial from the saxifrage family with bright green fleshy leaves and raspberry inflorescences. When arranging an alpine hill, the stones need to be buried a little into the soil
  • Sometimes an alpine hill is called a rockery. In fact, rockery differs from rock garden in the selection of stones - when laying it, not only rocks are used, but also rounded river boulders or large pebbles. Apply special effects - for example, bouquet planting, or plant plants close to each other. Such a composition will be perfectly complemented by ceramic figurines, stones - boulders and pebbles, and decorative bark dumping. But such gardens are usually not decorated with flowers. However, it is acceptable to place some spring bulbs here to revive the "garden" in the spring. Bushes will look good remontant strawberries. You can also lay a dry gravel stream, decorating it with a decorative bridge.
  • Among the perennials for the rock garden, one can also list spring adonis, aquilegia (catchment), armeria, alpine aster, prostrate veronica, thyme-leaved veronica, wolfberry, or daphne, carnations, Dalmatian and Dalmatian geraniums, creeping gypsophila, gentians, dwarf iris, saxifrage, bells , cat's paw, cotoneaster, cypress, crocuses, euphorbia, forget-me-not, various types of ferns, wormwood, primrose, and many others.

The size of the plants should be proportional to the rock garden being created. That is, it is necessary to choose low, compact plant species. For example, herbaceous flowers and low shrubs such as heather, gentian, cereals are perfectly used for a small stone hill. Tall arborvitae, dwarf pines and junipers look great when creating large alpine compositions, which most often have a tiered structure.

Perennial plants for rock gardens

You can beautifully decorate with ephemeroid bulbs - muscari, chinodox, crocuses, tulips. Low shrub and wood species (Japanese quince, creeping cotoneaster, junipers and dwarf varieties of pines) are perfect as background species.

English style

  • "Gnom" - crown shape - shrubby, dense, spherical; height of an adult plant - 1.5 m; diameter - 1.5 m; the color of the needles is dark green. An interesting move in the design of a rocky path is the combination wooden steps and rock garden-conifer
  • Periwinkle - the owner of shiny dark green foliage and blue 5-petal flowers. When laying an alpine hill, the stones are buried to 1/2 or 1/3 of their height, and then, they are additionally covered with fertile soil, which includes turf, peat, humus and sand in equal parts. After the sinuses between the stones are sprinkled, the earth is rammed and watered with a spray stream so that the soil is not washed out. It is not recommended to plant plants immediately after arranging the composition of stones - the hill should be given time for about 2-3 weeks so that it settles down and sinks a little. It is best if the hill survives the winter, and in the spring it is already time to start planting.
  • An original solution for decorating a fence can be a rock garden in the form of a rocky wall made of layered stone As you can see in the photo, conifers in landscape design can be located not only in groups, but also turn the entire territory into a coniferous garden - this is a great alternative to the usual alpine slides. Arrange plantings on both sides of the garden stairs. Make its steps from natural stone - sandstone - or strengthen them with wooden bars treated with an antiseptic, and inside make an embankment of fine gravel. A garden staircase can lead to a house, a gazebo, a recreation area, or simply to a picturesque bench on a hill. On both sides of the stairs, picturesquely lay out large stones - boulders - and smaller stones according to the same principle as in the case of alpine slides.
  • Alpine slide photos What to choose a walk-behind tractor or a walk-behind tractor

Alpine Hill - a reduced copy of the highlands. Usually, in the central part of such a flower bed, a cobblestone or several cobblestones are installed, which are a symbol of a mountain peak. Terraces are created on the slopes, on which low-growing vegetation is planted.

In the natural environment, such areas are formed in the place where natural fractures of rocks appear. Under the influence of the environment, they appear fertile layer, on which plants subsequently grow. To recreate such a mountain landscape in your backyard or dacha, you need certain knowledge.

For such a large-scale structure as a rocky flower bed is suitable spacious plot . When building an alpine slide with your own hands, you should strive to ensure that the composition of vegetation and cobblestones looks naturally.

Video. Alpine slide device

Creating an alpine slide with your own hands

Do-it-yourself Alpine slide will decorate the whole adjoining territory. To decide on the design of your future rocky garden, you can study photographs of alpine slides. In order to create such a composition, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and a certain order of work.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an alpine slide with your own hands

First, determine the location. In order to do this, you need to pay attention to lighting. For a rock garden, a site is suitable that is illuminated as long as possible. sun. Also, the composition should be clearly visible from all sides.

  1. Designation base contour(soles) slides and removal of the upper fertile layer to a depth of about 30 cm.
  2. Device drainage system. The bottom layer can be made from small gravel, pieces of brick or, on extreme case from construction debris. After that, a layer of sand about five centimeters thick is laid. A fertile layer of earth is laid on top of the sand. You can do without a drainage system if a slope with not too dense soil is chosen for arranging an alpine hill.
  3. At this stage, start placement of stones and core erection slides. Of all the stones, the largest and most beautiful cobblestone is chosen. He will be the main one in the lower tier. The stone must be stable. To do this, you can add soil or gravel. The classic alpine slide in the country house consists of an odd number of tiers. Between these tiers, moist soil is laid, which must be well compacted.
    Tip: when laying stones, symmetry should be avoided. Between the stones, you can leave places for planting plants or group stones next to each other. It is also necessary to immediately determine the supporting stones on which it will be possible to stand when caring for vegetation. They should be sealed and fixed.
  4. plant vegetation.

Alpine slide plants - selection rules

Building an alpine slide with your own hands requires knowledge and certain skills. This is especially true for the choice of vegetation. The first step is to decide on the color palette of the rock garden. After that, you should draw a sketch of the future rocky garden. To trace the color scheme, you need to decorate the sections of the slide with the appropriate colors. Only after that you can start choosing a plant for an alpine hill to the country.

Alpine hill with their own hands. A photo

look good low coniferous plants. You can also use small shrubs that bloom in spring and bear fruit in autumn.

Coniferous plants that are suitable for landscaping an alpine slide with their own hands

  • dwarf spruce. This plant tolerates drought well;
  • juniper. This unpretentious plant grows in its shape resembles a cone. Foliage - green;
  • thuja grows in the form of a bush. In good light, it acquires a reddish-brown color;
  • cypress- a plant with a golden apex and a dark green base.

Deciduous plants for an alpine slide

For landscaping an alpine slide with your own hands, you should not choose deciduous plant species. Since fallen leaves must be cleaned regularly so as not to harm other vegetation. For slides choose the following plants:

  • cotoneaster horizontal. This shrub with a dense crown has dark green foliage in the warm season, and acquires a reddish tint by autumn. The plant blooms with small flowers;
  • iberis. Semi-shrub that does not lose its attractiveness throughout the season. The flowers, collected in an umbrella-shaped brush, are painted in white, pink or purple. Later, in their place, fruits appear in the form of pods;
  • dryad. A miniature shrub with large white flowers. The flowering period falls on July-August. Later, fruits of an unusual shape appear in their place. They look like fluffy balls.

Flowers for the Alpine slide

For the construction of a classic alpine slide with their own hands, low, creeping, "carpet" plants are used. It is best to give preference to perennials. The following flowers can be used for landscaping:

  • carnation short stem. This low-growing, rich-flowering plant with narrow gray-blue-green leaves is unpretentious. Suitable for landscaping open sunny areas;
  • beetroot rocky- perennial, the leaves of which are painted in a gray-green color. A feature of this plant is that its leaves remain green even in winter. In multi-flowered inflorescences-panicles are small bright yellow leaves;
  • young- perennial with a wide color palette of leaves. They can be green, silvery, yellowish, pink, burgundy;
  • saxifrage- traditional inhabitants of rock gardens. Flowering period - May-August. Five-petal flowers are painted in white, pink or yellow.

In order for the alpine hill in the country to please with its beauty every year, bulbous and bulbous flowers should be planted. To create a contrasting background, long-flowering crops are suitable. Also, a well-groomed lawn will be an ideal frame.

What to do if the alpine hill settles in the spring?

Sometimes an alpine slide, made in violation of the construction technology, can settle. There may be several reasons for this.

  • Poorly matched plot or lack drainage. It is better to equip a rock garden on a natural hill or on a site with a slope. If the slide is located on loamy or clay soils, then it is necessary to make a drainage layer. For these purposes, gravel or stones can be used.
    Tip: not recommended for drainage construction garbage. It is better to give preference to small pebbles or specialized drainage stones.
  • Wrongly matched substrate, vegetation and cobblestones. For an alpine slide with your own hands, it is better to choose the following mixture of earth: compost, sand and peat in equal proportions.

How to avoid flower bed shrinkage

  • take into account the slope of the site and the type of soil;
  • make a drainage layer and let the earth sag in time;
  • for planting, choose vegetation with powerful rhizomes;
  • correctly select vegetation, cobblestones and soil substrate;
  • remove fallen leaves in time, dig up wilted plants, weed weeds.

Alpine hill of conifers

To create rock gardens, not only traditional "Alpines", but also coniferous plants can be used. For these purposes, pines, thuja, shooting juniper, barberry, gray or Japanese spirea, conic spruce are ideal. In the classic version, only shrubs and trees should not be present. They should grow there in small numbers.

Stones for alpine slides

For such rocky gardens, natural flat cobblestones of various sizes and original shapes are suitable. You should also give preference to stones with a heterogeneous surface, with all kinds of "inclusions", recesses in which you can plant moss or a small plant. Limestones, boulders, sandstones, granite, slates look good.

Decorating an alpine slide with your own hands

Stones and vegetation are used to decorate the alpine slide. In order to properly position them, you need to follow some recommendations, namely:

  • laying stones begins from the bottom row, moving up;
  • for the top of the composition, you must choose the most beautiful cobblestone;
  • for each large stone, it is necessary to make a “foundation” of one to three flat stones;
  • stones should be laid in such a way that their tops are parallel to each other;
  • several stones should be stacked so that they can be walked on;
  • after laying each row, a layer of earth is laid, which is well compacted and spilled with water;
  • at the top of the hill they set the most beautiful cobblestone.

Rock garden and rockery: differences and similarities

Rock garden and rockery - two various ways flower bed devices. Rockery is a flower bed of stones, most of which is occupied by stones of the same breed. Cobblestones are stacked parallel to each other or in random order. Randomly placed stones imitate the natural environment. Vegetation is also present in rockeries, but in the form of a background that plays a secondary role. In an alpine hill, bright vegetation comes to the fore.

Alpine hill with their own hands. Video instructions

Video. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide

Alpine hill with their own hands. Video

Alpine hill with a waterfall. Video instruction

Currently, rock gardens have gained immense popularity, which are now used to decorate gardens and plots.

Let's look at which coniferous plants can be used for a home alpine slide. For this purpose, they are just perfect - very spectacular, decorative, retaining an attractive appearance all year round.

It is impossible to imagine a modern alpine hill without coniferous plants. Some prefer to create compositions that are almost entirely composed of their conifers. This allows you to simulate a unique and natural mountain landscape.

In addition, coniferous plants aromatize the air and make it healing.

The advantage of conifers is also that they do not need to be selected according to the timing of flowering. The slide will turn out as planned, almost immediately and looks bright and fresh almost all year round. But seedlings of coniferous plants are not so cheap. Although you can do it this way - plant young plants, they will grow over time, and decorate empty places, for example, with some kind of ceramic elements or stones.

To design a rock garden, it is best to use small trees and shrubs, possibly dwarf species. Creeping views look impressive. Can be combined different forms crowns and coloring of needles. There are needles green, bluish and even bright yellow.

Coniferous plant groups

Before buying plants for decorating an alpine slide, it is advisable to carefully consider the future composition. The choice is wide enough.

There are dwarf conifers with various crown shapes: flat, spherical, ovoid, creeping and conical.

  • coniferous plants with ovoid or cone-shaped crowns are planted in the middle part or at the base of the alpine hill.

  • And pillow-shaped or rounded, lower forms fill the space between them.
  • At the base are creeping plant species.

To achieve the best decorative effect, do not overload the composition. large quantity plants. It is also not advisable to plant coniferous plants at a short distance from each other. In this case, the beauty of forms will not be visible, and as a result, individuality may be lost.

It is better to use contrasts of color or shape. decorative stones in no case should they be completely obscured by greenery. Only in this case you will get a beautiful and original alpine slide, a real decoration of your garden.

Coniferous plants that are used for decoration should not be higher than 1.5 m in height. If the hill is up to 10 m², the plants should be even lower, up to 80 cm.

Currently, you can find a large list of dwarf conifers that are just perfect for decorating a slide.

Prickly spruce Herman Nau

Most beautiful in spring, summer, autumn. This dwarf Christmas tree reaches a height of only 60-70 cm. It has an amazing bluish-steel color of the needles.

Serbian spruce Karel

Resistant to urban conditions, tolerates air pollution and smoke. This is a small dwarf coniferous shrub with a spherical or cushion-shaped crown.

Fir mountain Compacta

One of the most beautiful varieties of dwarf trees.

Cotoneaster hybrid Coral Beauty

Most beautiful in summer and autumn. A low creeping shrub with numerous small coral-colored berries will strengthen the slopes of the alpine hill.

Cotoneaster Dummer Eicholz

Most beautiful in autumn. A low-growing shrub, perfect for strengthening alpine hills and slopes. It has bright red berries and an indescribable autumn color of leaves in orange and orange-red tones.

Stephanandra incised Crispa

Most beautiful in autumn. It is used due to the graceful crown and decorative foliage. It is especially attractive in autumn, when the leaves are painted in lemon, pink and even red colors.

Barberry thunberg Maria

Charming shrub of a columnar form, characterized by a rich yellow color in summer and intense orange in autumn.

Potentilla shrub Tangerine

Nice shrub with flowers of a very original copper-orange color. Valued for its decorative coloring.

Juniper scaly Honnethorp

The amazing needles of this "dwarf" allows you to decorate any corner of the site and enter interesting element design when creating contrasting landscape compositions from plants of various architecture.

Juniper scaly Blue Carpet

The name of this juniper speaks for itself - it has very beautiful silver-blue needles. Decorative all year round.

Juniper scaly Loderia

A very picturesque strictly vertical juniper, known for its bluish-green color that practically does not lose its color all year round.

Canadian hemlock Nana

A low growing, slow growing shrub. Sheared at any time of the year.

thuja Western Little Champion

Valuable ornamental variety. If you plant thuja along the path, you get a very beautiful border.

The top of the alpine hill can be decorated with spruce or thuja, the middle layer can be covered with various varieties of juniper, and at the foot of the hill, saxifrage and dwarf conifers can be planted. This composition looks very beautiful and elegant from any side.

Creating a rock garden on the site is a very, very exciting activity, in which all your efforts will definitely pay off with a spectacular, bewitching landscape of a natural mountain landscape.
