Rose Zones 6 9. USDA Garden Rose Zones


When choosing new plants, pay attention to such a criterion as winter hardiness zones.
Having data about your zone, you will be able to judge with a certain probability whether you can grow a particular plant in open field.

This system (USDA-zoning) is introduced by the US Department of Agriculture but it is also used in Europe.
Hardiness zones are a certain range of temperatures in which the plant stably overwinters.
The Moscow region is traditionally referred to as the 4th zone.
That is, if zone 4 is indicated on an imported plant, it is assumed that this specimen is able to overwinter in conditions, withstanding frosts down to minus 29 degrees.
However, there are many conventions in this topic.
There is convincing evidence of the successful cultivation of plants in the Moscow region classified both in the 5th and even in the 6th zones. For example, according to many reports, ginkgo winters well in the Moscow region, although it is classified as a 5th zone.
Winter hardiness also largely depends not only on the genetic properties of the plant, but also on its current state. Past illnesses, deficiency minerals or too big harvest weaken the living organism, and its resistance decreases. Plants for which proper care, shows the maximum winter hardiness inherent in this species.
Winter hardiness changes throughout the entire hibernation period of the plant: it reaches its peak by the end of deep dormancy (end of the year in middle lane Russia), and then decreases.
The period of transition from hibernation to the growing season is quite difficult. For example, at the beginning of spring, the bark of trees heats up during the day, and at night it cools sharply, which leads to its damage. Temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on the most vulnerable areas fruit trees- the lower parts of the trunks. Trees can be protected by whitewashing trunks at the end of winter.

Microclimatic factors affecting the winter hardiness of plants.

In addition to temperature, there are many additional factors that affect the development of plants: soil type, daylight hours, wind, humidity. It should be taken into account that the microclimate of areas within the climatic zone may not correspond to the baseline values.
Elevations, southern slopes, large reservoirs have a beneficial effect on plant growth, as opposed to lowlands and northern slopes. In the city, as a rule, the temperature is slightly higher than outside the city.
With careful observance of all the rules of agricultural technology, many trees and shrubs can be grown on the territory of colder zones in protected areas.
The plant can be suitable for five and more zones.
If your hardiness zone is colder than what is recommended for planting the selected plant, special care must be taken in deciding where to plant the seedling on the site.
Dry cold wind puts the development of evergreens at risk, as the process of evaporation from the surface of the leaves becomes more intense, and dehydration occurs. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to plant in places protected from the wind and ensure the correct development of the root system. For this, the soil must be deep, loose, permeable. Mulching works well.
wintering difficulties.
AT warm winters with abundant snow cover, plants are threatened with decay - exhaustion in a dark, waterlogged, warm environment, when plants "unscheduled" consume all their nutrients.
Wetting can occur in the lowlands during the period of snow melting or prolonged thaws: melt water is not absorbed into the soil and plants lack oxygen.
The lack of oxygen and mechanical pressures often also occur due to the formation of ice crusts. The formation of an ice crust occurs if, after frequent thaws, very coldy. The crusts are contact (tightly attached) or hanging (practically do not come into contact with plants, they are easy to destroy).
There may be frosts in the absence of snow cover or an autumn drought, or a thaw in which snow water has already been absorbed by the soil. In such conditions, freezing begins at a depth - where there is water. The layer of ice gradually increases and lifts, that is, “bulges out” the upper layers of the soil along with the plants, which leads to the breakage of the roots. Secondary rooting can save the plant from drying out, which can be stimulated with the help of timely rolling of the soil. Crops with roots capable of stretching are resistant to bulging.
Damage from winter drought (at the end of a snowless or little snowy winter with significant solar heating) poses a danger to fruit trees and shrubs in a number of regions of Russia. Under normal conditions, a stable winter cover protects the plant from drying out.

The area in which your garden plot, you can determine yourself - for this you need information about the most low temperatures in your area over the past 10 years (you can choose a longer time period). Then we calculate the arithmetic mean of all values ​​and see what zone number it corresponds to.
Obviously, this method cannot be considered absolutely accurate. For example, anomalous temperature jumps can affect the result of calculations. In addition, the same result can be obtained both with a large spread and with minimal fluctuations in values. It is believed that the territories of central Russia correspond to zone No. 5 and those below.
Below are two tables (table 1-short and more detailed table 2) by which the zone can be determined.

Table 1.
Zone Temperature
1 below - 45°C
2 from -45 to -40° С
3 -40 to -34°C
4 from -34 to -29°C
5 from -29 to -23° С
6 from -23 to -17°C
7 from -17 to -12° С
8 from -12 to -7° С
9 -7 to -1°C
10 from -1 to +5° С

Table 2.
Hardiness zone From To
0 a< -53.9°C
b -51.1°C -53.9°C
1a -48.3°C -51.1°C
b -45.6°C -48.3°C
2 a -42.8°C -45.6°C
b -40°C -42.8°C
3 a -37.2°C -40°C
b -34.4°C -37.2°C
4 a -31.7°C -34.4°C
b -28.9°C -31.7°C
5 a -26.1°C -28.9°C
b -23.3°C -26.1°C
6 a -20.6°C -23.3°C
b -17.8°C -20.6°C
7 a -15°C -17.8°C
b -12.2°C -15°C
8 a -9.4°C -12.2°C
b -6.7°C -9.4°C
9 a -3.9°C -6.7°C
b -1.1°C -3.9°C
10 a +1.7°C -1.1°C
b +1.7°C +4.4°C
11 a +4.4°C +7.2°C
b +7.2°C +10°C
12 a +10°C +12.8°C
b > +12.8°C

According to

USDA hardiness zones

The specified climatic zoning of territories is an artificial division of places for growing plants, based on the ability of plants to survive in winter conditions. This division is based on a long-term study of winter temperatures.

The assignment of a plant to a particular zone is based on knowledge of the variety's requirements for growth and development conditions. However, even in the same area climatic conditions are not the same. It is well known that with south side houses are always warmer, and in a place protected from the winds (for example, a courtyard or urban development), even the largest "sissies" can grow. Therefore, the given zoning of plant varieties is rather conditional.
With the help of the correct placement of plants (in a warm and calm place), as well as the use of covering materials (spunbond, foliage, spruce branches, hilling, etc.) and “laying” shoots to the ground for the winter, you can increase the climatic zone of your site by 1-2 units. Improvement of the soil regime also helps in this (for example, the introduction of clay on sandy soils, making organic fertilizers, covering the soil with manure, mulching with sawdust, peat, etc.). Then, for example, in the conditions of the third climatic zone, it is possible to grow varieties belonging to the fourth or fifth zone without any problems. Besides, special events, such as whitewashing the trunks of fruit trees in November, shading evergreens with covering material in February or autumn will help to avoid frost and sunburn in conditions of sudden temperature changes and weather changes.

Table of frost resistance zones:

Zone From Before
1 -45.6 °C -53.9 °C
2 -40°C -45.6 °C
3 -34.4°C -40°C
4 -28.9 °C -34.4°C
5 -23.3°C -28.9 °C
6 -17.8 °C -23.3°C
7 -12.2°C -17.8 °C
8 -6.7 °C -12.2°C
9 -1.1°C -6.7 °C
10 -1.1°C +4.4 °C
11 +4.4 °C +10°C
12 >+10°C

The map of plant frost resistance zones was developed on the basis of a study by W. Heinze and D. Shreibera. In practice, the zone number placed on each plant indicates the degree of winter hardiness, the larger the number, the less frost resistance, and thus the greater the sensitivity to frost. For example, in the 7th zone, plants from the 6th zone overwinter better than plants from the 8th. For example, on the northern coast of the Black Sea, zone 6 is mainly located. This means that in this zone all plants from zones 1 to 6 can survive in winter, and for plants of zones 7 and 8 it will be too cold here. Moscow region is located in the 4th zone. This means that plants from zones 1 to 4 will be able to survive the winter here.

The information included in the description of plants determines the zone in which this plant will grow in optimal conditions. Snow may provide additional cover, but despite this, this factor was not taken into account when determining winter hardiness.

Local deviations may occur in each zone, so it is worth considering that all zones are approximate and are given for general guidance. So, in urban conditions, the climate will be half the zone to the south, compared to rural areas; proximity to large bodies of water, slopes, ridges can also have a beneficial effect on the climate, while location in valleys, lowlands and areas open to cold winds has the opposite effect.

Frost susceptibility and consequent damage to buds, foliage, and bark due to low temperatures and expansion of plant fluids depends on many factors, including topography. In addition, it is worth considering soil conditions, water availability and nutrients, weather during summer and autumn and, accordingly, the growth of shoots, temperature changes during winter, spring and early summer.

At good knowledge microclimate, you can choose such a protected place, for example, in the forest, on the southern slopes or in cities, where you can plant a plant that is not frost-resistant in this zone.

The distribution of plants into zones that are optimal for their growth will certainly help you in planning and choosing. planting material. But besides this, it must be taken into account that more favorable microclimatic conditions for plants can be created by providing protection from the wind and improving soil conditions.

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It must be remembered that plants are more frost-resistant at the beginning of winter (December, early January), with the approach of spring, their frost resistance decreases, and the process of "unhardening" occurs. At the same time, even very frost-resistant plants, hardened well, at the beginning of the vegetative season and leaf blooming, can be damaged even with slight frosts. Frost losses of plants most often occur in February, March, during the sunniest months, when after a frosty night the plants heat up and cannot withstand a sharp temperature drop. This is especially dangerous for evergreens. Covering these plants with shade cloth or spruce branches coniferous plants can provide the necessary protection.

Young plants are always more sensitive, because the more "older" ones are already quite deeply rooted. Plants that are more sensitive to frost may need special protection and shelter for the first 2-4 years after planting. You can also cover with straw, forming "stacks".

Between different parts plants also have a significant difference in frost resistance. For example, plant roots are several times more sensitive to frost than lignified shoots. In areas where there can be severe frosts without a thick layer of snow, an insulating layer should be created by mulching the soil around the plants, such as bark. It is also necessary to sprinkle the base of the plants to a height of 10-15 cm, which will ensure the preservation of buds from which plants can grow, even when its entire above-ground part freezes. Mulching is also necessary in summer, because it will retain moisture in the soil and reduce the growth of weeds.

USDA zone minimum temperature
2a down to -45.5 °C (-50 °F)
2b down to -42.7 °C (-45 °F)
3a down to -39.9 °C (-40 °F)
3b down to -37.2 °C (-35 °F)
4a down to -34.4 °C (-30 °F)
4b down to -31.6 °C (-25 °F)
5a down to -28.8 °C (-20 °F)
5b down to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)
6a down to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
6b down to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
7a down to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
7b down to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
8a down to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
8b down to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
9a down to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
9b down to -3.8 °C (25 °F)

Russia is a country that occupies a huge area. Many peoples and ethnic groups live on its territory. But, in addition to this, it is also subdivided into various climatic zones. Depending on this, various flora and fauna settle in different parts of the country. What are the climatic zones of Russia, according to what criteria is the division and what are the features of these zones - read about all this in the presented article.

Total number of climate zones

Initially, you need to understand how many climatic zones exist in general. So, in nature there are four of them (the countdown comes from the equator line):

  • Tropical.
  • Subtropical.
  • Moderate.
  • Polar

Generally speaking, the division into climatic zones occurs in accordance with the average temperature of the surface heating by the sun's rays. At the same time, it should be noted that such zoning took place on the basis of long-term observations and conclusions drawn from analytical data.

About the climatic zones of Russia

What are the climatic zones of Russia? The territory of the country is very large, which allowed it to be located in three of them. So, if we talk about belts, then there are three of them on the territory of Russia - moderate, arctic and subarctic. However, the natural and climatic zones of Russia are divided into meridians, of which there are 4 on the territory of the state, related to the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th meridians. That is, there are four climatic zones, the fifth is called special.

Table of climatic zones

There are 4 climatic zones in Russia. The table is presented for easier perception of information:

Climate zone Territories Peculiarities
1st zone South of the country (Astrakhan region, Krasnodar region, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, Republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, etc.) Warm regions of the country, winter temperature is around -9.5 °С, in summer it can rise to +30 °С (the maximum recorded in the last century is +45.5 °С)
2nd zone This is Primorsky Krai, as well as regions located in the west and north-west of the country The zone is very similar to the 1st. Here also the average winter temperature is around -10 °С, summer - about +25...+30 °С
3rd zone Regions of Siberia and the Far East that are not included in the 4th zone The winter temperature is much colder, on average it reaches -20...-18 °C. In summer, temperature indicators fluctuate in the range of +16 ... +20 ° С. Windiness is low, wind speed rarely exceeds 4 m/s
4th zone Northern Siberia, Far East, Yakutia These areas are below the Arctic Circle. Winter temperature is around -41 °С, summer temperature is close to 0 °С. Windiness - no more than 1.5 m / s
special zone Here are located the territories that are beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka The winter temperature here is around -25 ° C, the wind speed in winter can reach 6.5 m / s

Considering the climatic zones of Russia, it should be noted that most of the country is located in the arctic and subarctic zones. Also, quite a lot of territories occupy a moderate zone. There are not so many subtropics, it is less than 5% of the entire territory of Russia.

arctic climate

It is necessary to start considering the climatic zones of Russia with the Arctic climate. It is characteristic for a special, and also partially 4th zone. Mostly arctic deserts and tundras are located here. The soil almost does not warm up, the sun's rays just glide over the surface, which prevents the flora from growing and developing. The fauna is also scarce, the reason for everything is the lack of food. Winter takes up most of the time, which is about 10 months. Behind summer period the soil does not have time to warm up, since the heat in the region of 0-+3 ° C lasts no more than a couple of weeks. During the polar night, the temperature can drop to -60 °C. Precipitation is practically absent, it can only be in the form of snow.

subarctic climate

Widely distributed in Russia. So, it includes the 4th zone, as well as partially special and third. Winter is also long, cold, but less severe. Summer is short, but the average temperature is 5 degrees higher. Arctic cyclones cause strong winds, cloudiness, there are precipitations, but not heavy.

Temperate climate

The 3rd, as well as the 2nd climatic zone of Russia belong to a temperate climate. Covers most of the country. The seasons here are pronounced, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Temperatures can range from +30°C in summer to -30°C in winter. For convenience, scholars this zone Russia is subdivided into 4 more:

  • Moderate continental. Summer is hot, winter is cold. natural areas can replace each other from the steppes to the taiga. Atlantic air masses prevail.
  • Continental. The temperature fluctuates from -25 °С in winter to +25 °С in summer. A large number of precipitation. The zone is formed mainly by western air masses.
  • Sharply continental. Partly cloudy, little precipitation. In summer, the soil warms up well, in winter it freezes deeply.
  • Maritime as well as monsoonal climates. Characteristic strong winds called monsoons. Precipitation is heavy and there may be flooding. Summer is not hot, the average air temperature is +15...+20 °С. Winters are very cold, the air temperature can drop to -40 °C. In coastal areas, winter and summer are smoother.

subtropical climate

1 climatic zone of Russia partially covers a small area of ​​the country in the region of the Caucasus Mountains. Summer here is long, but not hot. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 0 °C. Due to the proximity of the mountains, there is quite a lot of precipitation, they are plentiful.

There are no tropics and the equatorial zone on the territory of Russia.

Road-climatic zones

Few people know, but there are also road-climatic zones in Russia. They are divided according to the features of the building. highways for a certain territory (depending on temperatures, precipitation and other climatic indicators). In this section, you can find 5 zones.

Zone Peculiarity
1 These are cold tundras, permafrost zone. The road goes through the following settlements: De-Kastri - Birobidzhan - Kansk - Nes - Monchegorsk
2 This zone is characterized by forests, where the soil is very abundantly moistened. Tomsk-Ustinov-Tula
3 Forest-steppe, soils are also very moist. Turan - Omsk - Kuibyshev - Belgorod - Chisinau
4 The soils are not so wet. The road passes through the cities of Volgograd - Buynaksk - Julfa
5 These are desert roads, arid soils, which are also characterized by high salinity.

The benefits of division into climatic zones

Why single out the climatic zones of Russia? Table 1 and Table 2 indicate that there are many of them. All this is for convenience. Thus, this division is important for many areas of activity and knowledge. Most often, such zoning is important:

  • For tourism business, resort planning.
  • During the construction of buildings, roads (including railways), designing communications.
  • When assessing the possibility of living in the area of ​​people.
  • When planning the extraction of minerals, natural resources.
  • When organizing agriculture, farming.

Well, speaking in general, knowledge of climatic zones helps many people improve their lives in various parts of the country. This knowledge helps many to optimize and master this or that territory for living. For example, cold areas require high costs, in temperate climate it is best to breed livestock and grow useful vegetation.

In international reference books, nursery catalogs and seed packages, almost always indicate the number of the winter hardiness zone recommended for this plant. The system of division into climatic zones depending on the minimum winter temperatures was proposed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA - United States Agriculture Department). This development, also known as "hardiness zones" or "USDA zones", was originally intended for the needs of agriculture, but then received wide use from gardeners around the world.

The area on the map is divided into regions with similar climates. Each of them has its own average annual temperature range. minimum temperature. Additionally, the dates of the first autumn frost and the last spring frost. Having data about your zone, you will be able to judge with a certain probability whether you can grow a particular plant in the open field.

You can find out the zone in which your garden plot is located by looking at the map. For greater accuracy, you can determine it yourself - for this you will need information about the lowest temperatures in your area over the past 10 years (you can choose a longer time period). Then we calculate the arithmetic mean of all values ​​and see what zone number it corresponds to.

Obviously, this method cannot be considered absolutely accurate. For example, anomalous temperature jumps can affect the result of calculations. In addition, the same result can be obtained both with a large spread and with minimal fluctuations in values. It is believed that the territories of central Russia correspond to zone No. 5 and those below.

hardiness zoneOptionFromBefore
0 a
0 b-51.1°C-53.9°C
1 a-48.3°C-51.1°C
1 b-45.6°C-48.3°C
2 a-42.8°C-45.6°C
2 b-40°C-42.8°C
3 a-37.2°C-40°C
3 b-34.4°C-37.2°C
4 a-31.7°C-34.4°C
4 b-28.9°C-31.7°C
5 a-26.1°C-28.9°C
5 b-23.3°C-26.1°C
6 a-20.6°C-23.3°C
6 b-17.8°C-20.6°C
7 a-15°C-17.8°C
7 b-12.2°C-15°C
8 a-9.4°C-12.2°C
8 b-6.7°C-9.4°C
9 a-3.9°C-6.7°C
9 b-1.1°C-3.9°C
10 a+1.7°C-1.1°C
10 b+1.7°C+4.4°C
11 a+4.4°C+7.2°C
11 b+7.2°C+10°C
12 a+10°C+12.8°C
12 b> +12.8°C

winter hardiness

The category denoting the adaptability of a culture to low temperatures is frost resistance. Winter hardiness is the ability of a plant to withstand all adverse conditions environment in winter time.

The cold itself is not always dangerous. What happens to a plant in the cold? Ice crystals form in its tissues, which can harm cells if there is a sudden warming. However, in the case of gradual thawing, plantings are not in danger. But numerous thaws, followed again by frosty periods, as is often the case in winter, for example, in Leningrad region, inflict great harm representatives of the flora: after each thaw, the plant becomes less and less protected from unexpected frosts.

winter hardiness in many respects also depends not only on the genetic properties of the plant, but also on its current state. Past illnesses, lack of minerals or too much harvest weaken the living organism, and its resistance decreases. Green pets, which are properly cared for, show the maximum winter hardiness inherent in this species.

Winter hardiness changes during the entire period of hibernation of the plant: it reaches its peak by the end of deep dormancy (end of the year in central Russia), and then decreases.

The period of transition from hibernation to the growing season is quite difficult. For example, at the beginning of spring, the bark of trees heats up during the day, and at night it cools sharply, which leads to its damage. Temperature fluctuations also negatively affect the most vulnerable areas of fruit trees - the lower parts of the trunks. Trees can be protected by whitewashing trunks at the end of winter.

Additional factors

In addition to temperature, there are many additional factors that affect the development of plants: soil type, daylight hours, wind, humidity. It should be taken into account that the microclimate of areas within the climatic zone may not correspond to the baseline values.

Elevations, southern slopes, large reservoirs have a beneficial effect on plant growth, as opposed to lowlands and northern slopes. In the city, as a rule, the temperature is slightly higher than outside the city. With careful observance of all the rules of agricultural technology, many trees and shrubs can be grown on the territory of colder zones in protected areas. The plant may be suitable for five or more zones. If your hshe winter hardiness colder than the one recommended for planting the selected plant, it is necessary to show particular trepidation in deciding where to plant the seedling on the site, in particular, to identify additional negative factors in order to reduce their impact if possible.

Dry cold wind puts the development of evergreens at risk, as the process of evaporation from the surface of the leaves becomes more intense, and dehydration occurs. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to plant in places protected from the wind and ensure the correct development of the root system. For this, the soil must be deep, loose, permeable. Mulching works well.

Difficulties of wintering

Scientists note a number of difficulties that may lie in wait for the plant during the wintering period. In warm winters with abundant snow cover, plants are threatened with decay - exhaustion in a dark, waterlogged, warm environment, when plants "unscheduled" consume all their nutrients.

Wetting can occur in the lowlands during the period of snow melting or prolonged thaws: melt water is not absorbed into the soil and plants lack oxygen.

The formation of an ice crust occurs when severe frosts occur after frequent thaws. The crusts are contact (tightly attached) or hanging (practically do not come into contact with plants, they are easy to destroy). Plants do not receive oxygen and are subjected to mechanical pressure.

Bulging can occur for several reasons. These can be frosts in the absence of snow cover or an autumn drought, or a thaw in which snow water has already been absorbed by the soil. In such conditions, freezing begins at a depth - where there is water. The layer of ice gradually increases and lifts, that is, “bulges out” the upper layers of the soil along with the plants, which leads to the breakage of the roots. Secondary rooting can save the plant from drying out, which can be stimulated with the help of timely rolling of the soil. Crops with roots capable of stretching are resistant to bulging.

Damage from winter drought (at the end of a snowless or little snowy winter with significant solar heating) poses a danger to fruit trees and shrubs in a number of regions of Russia. Under normal conditions, a stable winter cover protects the plant from drying out.

Thus, basic information about climatic zones will help you navigate the selection of plants for the garden, perhaps it will open up some new horizons for you: it is no secret that some exotic species can overwinter even in severe winters with proper shelter. However, for successful cultivation microclimatic factors must always be taken into account.
