Folk signs: ficus in your home. Values ​​​​and superstitions will take about ficus

Hello! I saw a ficus at home with friends and just fell in love with this plant. However, having begun to study in detail the information about the rules and conditions necessary for keeping this decorative tree at home, I encountered a number of negative comments. As it turned out, the flower cannot be kept in a house or apartment. Help me understand: ficus at home - is it good or bad? Is it possible to keep ficus at home? (Yana)

The presence of indoor plants in apartments and houses is mandatory. After all, flowers purify the air, contribute to the creation of a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, serve beautiful decorative design premises. Are all house flowers safe? Of course not, because there are many representatives of the flora that emit toxic substances that are harmful to human life and health.

Ficus is an evergreen tree that is in high demand among florists of various categories (both beginners and experienced). Attracts attention with its interesting appearance: lush crown, saturated color foliage, variety of varieties. The best and most popular subspecies are: Benjamin's ficus, Black Prince, Melanie, Robusta and others. The peculiarity is that the flower will harmoniously complement both home and office interiors.

Ficus in the house - keep the plant or abandon this idea? First of all, you need to decide on your preferences. If the flower is so to your liking that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuying such a pot for the home does not leave you, do not deny yourself this pleasure. Just do not expect to see violent flowering. Does ficus bloom at home? Extremely rare, plants usually bloom "in the wild". However, with proper and good care, a beautiful lush evergreen tree will appear in your home.

Most indoor flowers, including the Ficus family, have been carefully studied by researchers from research centers. According to scientists and professional florists, plants purify the air from harmful microelements and enrich it with oxygen.

Is ficus harmful? The unequivocal answer is no. Keeping a ficus in the house is useful, this decorative flower is able to absorb benzene, formaldehyde, phenol and other harmful substances that have a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state and physical well-being of a person. But be extremely careful if your family has small children and pets who like to try everything on the tooth. Eating green foliage is not safe for health, and you may even need medical attention.

If you belong to the category of superstitious people, then it is better to read various folk beliefs, study the good and bad omens about ficuses.

Interestingly, most of the people of various nationalities have good opinion about ficus, while the Slavs were negative, believing that this flower should not be kept in the house. Why can't you keep ficuses, you ask? According to ancient legends of the Slavic people, there was a belief that the plant contributes to the breakdown of marriages, does not allow a woman to find her soul mate. The appearance of a ficus in the house meant that bad changes and troubles in the relationships of family members were coming in the family. Demanding and domineering people became even more rigid and uncompromising.

Ficus in the bedroom is a harbinger of pregnancy. If you want to become a mother, be sure to get this tree in the bedroom. Notice the young shoots on the stem? Start collecting dowry for the baby! Remember that caring for a flower should reflect your attitude towards the baby. If in the near future you are not going to think about procreation, take the ficus pot out of the bedroom.

Did you put it in the kitchen? Thus, you attract good wealth and well-being.

The value of ficus in the living room is to hospitality and loyal friends.

Do you believe in such meanings? Keep ficus in an apartment, house or office? It's up to you to decide. It may be worthwhile to carefully study all the purposes associated with these colors, consider all the "bad" and "good" characteristics - only after that make a final decision.

The relatively unpretentious ficus settles in people's homes no less than geraniums. But, unlike a room colleague, an evergreen plant has to pay with its reputation for such popularity. Ficus is credited with positive and negative magical properties, and the flower is associated with the most incredible events in the life of the owners. Consider the most popular folk signs and superstitions associated with ficus in this article.

The meaning of an ornamental tree changes from country to country. In Asia, ficus symbolizes mostly good and kind:

  • the people of Thailand treat it as a sacred plant. Keeping a ficus at home means bringing peace and comfort to the family, protecting roommates from quarrels and disagreements. As a gift, a tree here will come in handy for both newlyweds and people who have been living in official relations for a long time - the marriage will only become stronger;
  • The Chinese consider the ficus a symbol of well-being. The plant often settles in the house in time of need and gives the owners access to cash flow. This property makes the tree welcome guest and in offices. Install this in the building - and the company's business is going smoothly.

And here are some Slavic peoples treat this representative of the flora with caution. Superstitions warn against placing ficus in the homes of single women and couples with relationship problems. The plant will only increase conflicts and weaken mutual understanding, destroying the family. Girls who do not have a couple will not be allowed to meet love for a long time.

People who are initially tuned in to negativity should be wary of gossip and envy. A seemingly harmless tree attracts a similar one to negative energy. You can lose your luck in life and finances.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home?

Despite folk tales, people who are far from superstition should not be afraid of ficus. The plant will not bring harm to healthy and reasonable inhabitants of the apartment. On the contrary, the tree gives a number of positive effects:

  • absorbs from environment dangerous compounds like formaldehyde, phenol, benzene and thereby improves the quality of life;
  • positively affects the emotional and physical condition of the household. Stress and anxiety fade into the background, inspiration and a desire to move appear;
  • variety "Robusta" guards the health of the owners. The plant is capable of producing a large number of useful phytoncides that get rid of pathogens around the pot and in the room as a whole;
  • the flower improves the functioning of the human reproductive system. The space around is saturated with phytohormones that support the ability to reproduce;
  • It is popularly believed that ficus promotes weight loss. A tub with a room representative of the flora, left in the kitchen, reduces appetite.

Caution with the purchase of a plant is only for those who have pets, children or asthma. For the first two, the danger lies in the leaves. Children and animals love to try everything unfamiliar “by heart”, and eating parts of a new tenant threatens with poisoning.

Asthmatics and people allergic to essential oils plants are threatened by the proximity to rubber ficus. The variety emits substances that are aggressive for people with respiratory problems and can cause coughing, suffocation. At the slightest suspicion of such symptoms, get rid of the tree and consult a doctor.

In terms of signs and superstitions, before buying a ficus as a gift, you need to find out about a person’s attitude towards representatives of the genus. Suddenly, the recipient is initiated into the beliefs of the Slavs and will accept the offering for bad sign, disrespect. Or a person belongs to the adherents of the Asian theory, for whom an evergreen tenant will become a harbinger of good luck and wealth.

It is also important that the recipient generally likes to take care of the flowers. Although Benjamin's ficus, common in apartments, does not require recreating supernatural conditions, it still needs enough diffused light, heat and humidity. Without attention, the tree will wither.

If the stars did align, the recipient turned out to be a flora lover who is not familiar with the myths about magical properties flower - a gift will come in just the right place. Tell in the accompanying gift card about the ability of ficus to bring peace, luck, and the original congratulation is ready.

You can even appease your boss with such a gift. Just mention the Chinese sign that a tree brings new customers and increases the company's profits.

10 signs and superstitions associated with ficus

An inconspicuous ficus over the years of living in apartments has become a champion in the superstitions surrounding it. We have collected the most common 10 signs so that you are ready for the mystical abilities of a new household.

  1. We put a tub with a plant in the bedroom - get ready for replenishment in the family. Rumors about this property appeared among the people 3-4 decades ago, but many were skeptical about such superstition. It would be possible to continue not to believe in this, only above we have already mentioned phytohormones that awaken the instinct of reproduction.
  2. Two more signs are also associated with pregnancy. It is believed that if young shoots are born on the stem, a baby will appear in the house. And that those who want to have a child should steal an escape in a family with children. The explanation is the same - phytohormones will make the reproductive system work more actively. So pregnancy in the neighborhood of this stork from the world of flora threatens in any case if you are at the right age, conditions and, in principle, want and are able to bear a child.
  3. A tree in the kitchen attracts wealth. Money with a new resident will stop flying into a pipe or hood and settle in the wallets of the owners.
  4. If you put a ficus in the living room, friends will appear in the house more often. The comfort and tranquility that have come will attract other people to the apartment.
  5. There is also a negative side of the latter. It is believed that a flower placed in a guest room will bring trouble to negligent hosts. You see how the plant withers and does nothing - expect evil conversations behind your back and meanness from friends.
  6. Business owners have a sign about the ability of ficus to positively influence the course of business. People advise to put the tub in the center of the room, walk around 3 times and wait. Some, according to rumors, after a strange ritual, growing profits, others expand their business.
  7. You should not start a flower in a house with aggressive and evil men. Representative of the Mulberry family strips in a strong field worst features. If a person was already unbearable, after the acquisition, life with him will become simply impossible.
  8. Ficus is ideal for vulnerable people who are looking for support. The new neighbor will protect from negative impact and guide you to the safe path.
  9. It is best and most useful to receive a flower as a gift. Bought on your own does not have such a powerful energy as presented with pure intentions. If you want to strong plant, ask as a gift from a loving and close person.
  10. A capricious tree helps only those who treat it well. Even if they borrowed ficus from neighbors for money rituals and procreation, take care of him according to the rules. Otherwise, the guest will take revenge with discord in the family and trouble.

Ficus is one of the most beautiful and popular indoor plants, which can often be found in residential buildings or in office space. This flower has more than a thousand varieties and all of them are insanely beautiful and graceful. Therefore, if you decide to acquire a ficus, then you have a rather difficult choice. In addition, the ficus won the love of many flower growers not only because of its beauty, but also due to its rather unpretentious cultivation.

However, indoor flowers, like any other living beings, carry some kind of energy - or negative. That is why many housewives are afraid if it is possible to keep ficus at home, because there are so many signs on this topic? So, let's take a closer look at this issue and figure out what the ficus symbolizes in the house, how it is useful, and also why some botanists say that you can't keep the ficus at home?

The value of ficus in the house

Ficuses are one of the first indoor plants that have been closely studied by biologists. As a result of long-term research, it turned out that given flower helps to purify the air, and also saturates the atmosphere with oxygen in the room in which it is located. In addition, it has been proven that ficus is able to absorb some substances harmful to humans, such as benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, and thanks to the enzymes contained in the leaves of the plant, toxic impurities are converted into amino acids and sugar.

It is also known that the leaves, juice, stems and fruits of some ficus species are widely used in oriental medicine for the treatment of various diseases - intestinal, skin, cancer. However, we remind you that you should not experiment on your own health without consulting your doctor.

Is ficus harmful in the house?

Some botanists claim that one type of ficus can actually be harmful. human health. This fact due to the fact that the flower releases rubber, which, when released into the air, can adversely affect the health of asthmatics. In addition, it is believed that ficus juice is also poisonous, so you should not taste it, and also allow the juice to get on skin. In addition, it is strongly recommended to be especially careful with this houseplant for those who have Small child or pets.

Ficuses in the house - folk signs

Since ancient times, folk signs and beliefs about ficus have been passed down from generation to generation, according to which this flower is considered family plant. So, for example, in China they are sure that ficus brings comfort to the house, helps to find a way out of any problems, and also harmonizes the energy in the house. And in Thailand, Benjamin's ficus is a symbol of the state and is revered as a plant with unearthly power.

As for the Slavic peoples, the opinion here is rather ambiguous. According to some signs, ficus, as the owner of "wax leaves", promises the family quarrels, scandals and gossip. Other signs endow given plant only positive features. For example, it is believed that ficus has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house as a whole, absorbing negative energy and bringing good luck and prosperity to the house.

In addition, there is also a sign that this indoor flower helps couples have children. It is believed that for this, in a new, more spacious pot, place it in the bedroom of the spouses and wait for new shoots, which will become the harbingers of a long-awaited pregnancy.

As you can see, there is no unequivocal opinion whether it is good or bad to keep a ficus at home, so of course it’s up to you to decide whether to believe everything or just admire wonderful plant Houses!

Before buying a flower, many people are guided by the superstitions and signs associated with them. Beliefs can be not only positive, but also negative. There are also signs and superstitions about Benjamin's ficus, which is a popular plant.

What does the flower symbolize

Various signs and superstitions are associated with the ficus flower. This is partly due to the fact that ficus is considered common indoor flower. However, many flower growers are only superficially aware of the signs and superstitions that are associated with it.

According to known signs and superstition, not every plant can be kept at home. Especially if there are children in the family. Some couples carefully study superstitions or omens before planning a pregnancy. Beliefs also apply to ficus.

Important! Ficus Benjamin is grown in homes and public places.

AT natural conditions the tree reaches a height of several meters and survives drought and rain. During a drought, the ficus sheds its leaves to reduce the need for moisture.

Ficus at home: good or bad

Since the tree has been grown for many years, there are many signs and superstitions associated with it. Proven by experts positive influence plants for health. A small tree purifies the air, acting as a kind of filter.

A variety of Benjamin helps to eliminate microbes, negative particles in the air and oxygenate it. The flower can be grown in residential areas of large cities.

What brings ficus into the house

Initially, the Slavic peoples did not give preference to a beautiful plant. It was believed that ficus awakens negative emotions in a person. The tree was a sign of gossip, envy.

The influence of other countries contributed to the change of signs and superstitions. Currently, it is believed that the plant brings goodness and happiness, strengthens the family. A small tree improves the energy of a house or apartment.

Is it possible to keep a ficus at home for an unmarried girl

Ficus Benjamin, located in the house, according to superstition, scared men away from girls. An unfavorable omen warned that a girl growing a tree would not marry.

It is noteworthy that ficus, for example, Benjamin, had a negative effect on men. Given the generally accepted superstition, people did not want to grow a tree.

Who and why should not keep a ficus at home

In addition to signs and superstitions, individual allergic reactions, which are due to the presence of milky juice, must be taken into account. With severe allergies, keeping ficus at home is not recommended. Ignoring severe allergic reactions can lead to asthma.

Attention! Allergy is manifested by fever and deterioration of the general condition.

The magical properties of the plant

In some countries (China, Thailand), Benjamin's ficus is considered a sacred plant. Owner beautiful flower expect happiness and good fortune. It is a source of comfort and pleasant atmosphere. Besides, beautiful tree able to cleanse a person's home from negative emotions.

Ficus Benjamin is often acquired in order to replenish the family. Signs and superstitions for the home associated with ficus say that for successful conception, you can even borrow a ficus. However, the sign is only valid if good care behind the plant. To conceive, you must treat the tree like a child.

Varieties of ficuses: photos, names and signs

The plant belongs to the Mulberry family and is also known as the "weeping tree". Ficus includes many varieties. Experts number about 900 plant species. A significant part of ficuses grows in the subtropics and tropics. The following varieties are grown at home:

  • rubbery;
  • Robusta;
  • Melanie;
  • Kinki.

Important! The most common species is Benjamin's ficus, which is given special importance in the home.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Benjamin

It is believed that it was Benjamin's ficus leaves that Adam and Eve covered themselves with after their expulsion by God from the Garden of Eden. Thus, superstitions and signs about Benjamin's ficus (variety "Natasha") also developed as a result of various historical events.

At home, ficus Benjamin is more often grown. It is an evergreen tree growing up to 20 m (in the wild). Beautiful green leaves have a smooth surface.

Popular varieties of ficus Benjamin include:

  • exotic;
  • goldenking;
  • starlight;
  • natasha.

Signs and superstitions about Benjamin's ficus are related to whether it is possible to grow a tree at home. The health benefits of the plant are also significant.

Signs and superstitions about rubber ficus

People's opinions about this species are divided. Some signs say that the rubbery appearance brings happiness. While according to other superstitions, it is not recommended to grow a flower at home or in an apartment.

There is a sign that the rubber-bearing variety can be called a muzhegon. Thus, men do not live long in the house where this flower grows. If you give it to a wedding celebration, the marriage will not last long time. It is undesirable to keep the rubber-bearing variety in the house not only for married couples, but also for single girls. The flower will scare off potential suitors.

According to some superstitions, the rubber-bearing species attracts money. It should be given to people who urgently need permission money question. To make the sign come true, the tree is placed in the office or on the table. Such localization contributes to increased income and career growth.

You can place a rubber variety in the kitchen to attract wealth and prosperity. unpretentious flower helps to get pregnant and bear a child, as well as facilitate childbirth.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Robusta

Ficus elastica, such as Robusta, is considered common because of its beautiful appearance and good omens. The plant differs from Benjamin's ficus in large dense leaves of a dark green color. Due to the large leaves, the flower looks quite impressive. That is why it can often be found in apartments and office buildings.

Leaves absorb bad energy like a sponge. Experts say that the flower not only purifies the air, but is also useful for gastrointestinal tract. This arrangement helps to accumulate positive energy. The atmosphere in the apartment and the house becomes calm.

Attention! In order to carry out good signs, the pot must be placed so that the leaves are turned to the west.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Melanie

It's comparatively new variety, which grows in a compact bush. The plant is recommended by an inexperienced grower because of its unpretentiousness. The disadvantages of the variety include the almost complete absence of flowering at home. To eliminate fatigue, the pot is placed near the desktop. To attract guests, the Melanie variety is placed in the corridor.

Melanie's variety restores harmony intimate relationships when located in the bedroom. It should be borne in mind that the tree is undesirable to be placed in the center of the room.

Signs and superstitions about ficus Kinki

This is a dwarf form of the famous Ficus Benjamin. Height is up to 40 cm. Small narrow leaves painted light green. Flower care is easy. From it you can easily form a bush.

Attention! The Kinki variety does not like permutations.

The Kinki variety is considered great gift. The flower has the power to repel evil forces from its owner. The tree is recommended to be placed in the bedroom when planning a pregnancy.

Who can give a flower

Donated ficus Benjamin - best option purchasing a tree. If it is given by good friends, it will bring luck and good luck to life. Folk signs say that it is very good to give a ficus when it blooms. In general, flowering indicates the fulfillment of hopes and wishes, the increase of well-being.

A variety of Benjamin can be given to everyone without exception. The tree often becomes a gift for couples dreaming of adding to the family.

Important! The plant will be able to reach its potential only if proper care and related care.

Where is the best place to plant

There are also signs for the house associated with Benjamin's ficus. The location of the tree in the dwelling is important.

The flower can be placed on the east and south sides. Proximity to the light matters, as the energy of the tree will be able to fully open up. It will bring harmony and peace to the house.

In China, trees are placed on the windows. People are convinced that the flower harmonizes the home and gives comfort.

This plant is especially useful when located in the kitchen. According to superstition, the inhabitants will not have to experience the need that concerns food. For this purpose, it is recommended to bury a coin in a pot. Along with the growth of the tree, well-being increases. The family will always be loving and happy. The house will have prosperity and a comfortable atmosphere.

Ficus Benjamin, located in the kitchen, will help build relationships between relatives. It is believed that any variety will help to cope with germs in the kitchen.

Attention! A plant located in the kitchen can reduce appetite.

Signs also apply to Benjamin's ficus and pregnancy. If a woman plans to conceive a child, the plant should be placed in the bedroom. In order for a man to be confident in his abilities, a tree is placed next to the bed.

There is a superstition that walking around a tub with a tree promotes conception. You can also ask for a sprout from a family with children.

A small tree growing in the bedroom improves sleep and eliminates nightmares. If the plant is in the living room, it attracts important people to life.

Different types of unpretentious plants can be grown in office space. A tree growing at work is a sign Have a good mood. Flowers help to focus and concentrate attention.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Sometimes flower growers prefer not to start beautiful plant, fearing superstitions and will accept. Experts say that, first of all, it is necessary to conscientiously take care of the tree and not tune in to negativity. Only in this case, Benjamin's ficus will bring happiness and good luck.

To prevent bad omens, you need to choose for flowers correct location in home. According to superstition, a small tree should not be placed:

  • away from windows and sunlight;
  • on the north side;
  • on the windowsill by the west window.

These places are unfavorable for growth. Located in an unfortunate place, the flower spends all available strength to maintain its vital functions. Thus, he will not be able to help in creating harmony and a friendly atmosphere in the house.

Attention! To come true good omens, you need to properly and diligently care for the flower.


Signs and superstitions about Benjamin's ficus indicate its good energy. The flower attracts good luck and happiness, prosperity in the family. It is recommended for couples planning pregnancy. The Benjamin variety is the most common due to easy care and decorative qualities.

Ficus is quite common indoor plant. Nowadays, it can be found in almost every lover of home flora. According to folk signs and superstitions, this flower had a special meaning. It is not for nothing that a large number of beliefs and legends have developed about its essence.

It is believed that ficus energy affects a person depending on his character, goals, and even social status. That is, this plant will bring good luck and happiness to someone, and only trouble to someone. We decided to divide all signs about ficus into good and bad.

To whom ficus will bring happiness

  • There is a version that ficus helps to get rid of negativity and protects all the inhabitants of the house from damage and the evil eye. So if strange things often happen in your house, and the atmosphere leaves much to be desired, then it's time to start a ficus.
  • Ficus will help attract money to the house to all those who need it. According to Chinese philosophy feng shui, all plants with succulent large leaves are strong magnet for money. So if you often have difficulties with money, then put a ficus in the center of the house - it will guard your financial well-being.
  • There is folk omen about ficus associated with pregnancy. With the help of this flower, you can get rid of infertility and conceive healthy child. To do this, it is recommended to take a ficus sprout from a family that already has a child and plant it at home. It is necessary to take good care of this plant, like a baby. Pregnancy can occur when the ficus shoots appear.
  • Bad omens about ficus

    Fortunately, bad omens much less about ficus. This flower is dangerous only for single women and young girls who want to get married. It is believed that the ficus scares men away from its mistress and dooms her to loneliness.

    Whatever the signs about the ficus, the main thing is to believe only in good superstitions promising happiness and prosperity - then it will certainly come to your home! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    11.10.2014 09:16

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