Conspiracy for money. The most powerful conspiracies

on 2014-07-25

Signs of wealth and money helped the ancestors to increase and save wealth. In this article, you will determine how to follow their lead and drive poverty out of your own home.

In the article:

Household signs for wealth and money

In order for the kind of signs for wealth and money to be tips on how to conduct life, which have come down to us from our ancestors. it is very easy to navigate them. Such advice will help you get rid of poverty, unnecessary spending and get wealth.

In the past, under no circumstances did you sweep the floor towards the threshold. It is believed that in this way the hostess can sweep wealth and prosperity away from the house. Sweeping is directed from the threshold of the front door, and you need to start cleaning from the same place.

For the same reason, they do not sweep and do not wash the floor after sunset and before sunrise. To sweep with various brooms - to click poverty into the house. The broom should be one, and store it with the handle down.

Any thing in the house should have its own place. Folk signs do not recommend leaving the keys on the table for the night, so that money would be found and not leave the house. Keys on the table at night - to the loss of material treasures. They do not leave empty bottles on the tables either, this lures poverty.

They should be on the floor or in a trash can.

At the end of the departure of the guests, the tablecloth should be taken out into the street and shaken out. Don't do this at home, even if you plan on sweeping or vacuuming anyway, and then you'll have money.

Throwing garbage in the evening, at the end of sunset - to a robbery. This does not necessarily predict a meeting with a masked robber, but, in any case, promises a loss of money due to anthropogenic factor. Cleaning is best done during the day.

At a time when the weather outside is not encouraging, it is very undesirable to take things out of the house.

To notice a spider in the house - to receive money.

It is difficult to find a person who would not borrow salt like a neighbor, at a time when there is no salt in the nearest store, and the soup is already on the stove. They don’t lend salt, and even more so they don’t take it back. It is better to give salt for free.

Bread is not borrowed in the evening.

It is forbidden to sit on the table, otherwise there will be no money!

Folk signs - how to attract money to the house and handle it correctly

Proper handling of money is one of the keys to wealth. This is taught by ancient signs to attract money. They are a small set of rules that were followed in the old days, and some pay attention to them today.

Do not be jealous of someone else's wealth, this is a waste of energy. Direct it better to increase your own material wealth.

Money is not left on the table, especially at night, this leads to their loss. Keep money in your wallet or in a dedicated table box. They love money when they have a permanent "place of residence", whether it is a wallet, a safe or a locker compartment, and they do not adore if there is too much light in that place.

It is especially important that this place be comfortable for banknotes, in other words, it does not provide for storing money in a folded form, does not allow them to be crumpled, etc. Financial herbs, such as mint, cinnamon or cloves, are often placed in such places. But a trifle was often kept in a pile at a well-known place.

They tried not to carry it in their wallets, they distributed it to the poor on Sundays, in case it was already lying around.

It is not recommended to allow voids in the wallet. Get a large bill, it is possible to use the currency of a second country, just keep in mind that different currencies - different wallet compartments. It is undesirable to spend it, let it lie in your wallet and lure money into it. If you do not have such an opportunity, do not let your money run out entirely, at least a couple of bills should be in your wallet.

As we know that money goes to money.

Everyone knows the proverb that money loves an account. This is true, but calculate the money to be sent correctly. This is done alone, so that no one can see you now.

It is better to lock yourself in one of the rooms and leave it after you have counted the banknotes that you have available. Exist good scheme counting money, which is not only correct from a magical point of view, but also ergonomic:

  • Pocket money - three times a day
  • Money for essentials - every Friday
  • All banknotes you have - once every fifteen days, on even numbers
  • New arrivals - as long as they are received

Money must be adored, not to have negative feelings towards

him. They must not only be counted, but also carefully stored and spent in accordance with the needs and one's capabilities, acquired with pleasure and spent without regret. But you should not go too far in saving, greedy people money is not overly favored.

For the same reason, you need to give a generous tip if you have the opportunity to allow yourself to do this and you liked the service. Under these conditions, the money will be returned to you three times.

During that, at the time when you receive money, be guided to set yourself a goal. You must be aware of what you are getting. But don't own purpose accumulate as much money as possible. Goals should be more specific, this is what can be achieved through a solid salary.

For example, new clothes, car, housing, vacation in a respectable resort.

At the end of how you took the money, you should not immediately spend it. New money must be brought home safe and sound without fail. Let them stay for about a day in your apartment, and then you have the opportunity to dispose of them at your own discretion.

Otherwise, the money will not take root with you.

In fact, everyone has borrowed money at least once. There is nothing terrible in this, but it is forbidden to repay debts in the evening. Do these things in the morning or at least until sunset. There are many superstitions and will accept about money, which prohibit money affairs at night.

It is this belief that promises that if you begin to repay debts in the evening, you will need to borrow more and more. It is forbidden to lend in the evening for the same reasons. Do not give money except for this on the waning moon.

Money is not taken from hand to hand. The shops have special trays for coins and banknotes, use them. If there is no tray, go to put banknotes on any other surface, without giving it directly to your hands.

It is forbidden to take it directly from the hands, all the more, so it is possible to take damage and "grab" someone else's energy, which is rarely necessary. You can be jealous of, especially if you take expensive things or lend a large amount.

Folk signs for money are advised not to pass by bills and coins that lie on the street. They motivate this by the fact that indifference to money under no circumstances will lead to prosperity, and picking up a coin from the street is showing respect for the financial egregor. But common sense tells us that money from the crossroads is not the best find.

Negatives are often brought to coins, so it is better to avoid them. From time to time this also applies to wallets.

You should not intentionally change money if you have a large bill. It is better to buy something for yourself on it, for example, sweets. Then you can keep ancient omen, which prohibits changing money to smaller ones, and you will receive small bills.

Alms are served only in coins, it is forbidden to give paper banknotes to the poor, in the old days they thought that it was possible to impoverish oneself and start begging.

Other signs to attract money

Folk signs will be able to give advice not only on how to attract money to the house, but also how to save the accumulated wealth. First of all, you must not whistle indoors, otherwise you will call for poverty and the need for a home. And suddenly whistle about another person, you take away his financial energy.

And you will do it completely in vain, because it will not be given to you either.

It is forbidden to be on the threshold, so it is possible to close the road to well-being, which, perhaps, is already in a hurry to your house.

Friends and Neighbors quite often pray for help in loading operations, for example, during the move or the acquisition of new furniture. it is better to help those who load something into the car than to unload good. This is good omen to increase prosperity. Some even refuse to help those who unload their own property.

If blood has come out of the nose, it is dripped onto the largest banknote that is at hand. It will attract more a large number of such banknotes.

To notice feces in a dream is for money, and the more unpleasant such a dream is for you, the more money it promises. It predicts financial receipts, itching on the left hand, and bird droppings that accidentally appeared on your clothes.

If you see a growing moon to your right, show it an open purse so that its light falls on its contents. If you don’t have a wallet with you, look in your pockets for coins and do the same with them.

In general, financial signs will easily help you to constantly be in abundance and not feel needy if you stick to them. In addition, many of these signs relate only to the correct handling of money and assist in organizing household finances.


Hypnosis for Money and Wealth ★ Millionaire Mindset: Part 1 ★ Shaping Intention.

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Rituals of money magic Zolotukhina Zoya

« money magnet»

"Money Magnet"

Money is the basis of peace, the epicenter of waves of well-being. If you have a bank account or last resort, "Edge" at home, then admit it: waves of confidence and good mood come from them.

If your apartment does not have such a cherished wallet (jug, chest), start a "Money Magnet".

Of the money that arrived in any way (salary, gift, find, win), set aside 10% or more. This is an emergency reserve.

By storing it in a certain place, you create a magnet that attracts finances to the house. Banknotes must be of the same denomination in multiples of ten (10, 20, 100, 200, etc.).

Remember: from 20 to 40 bills work for attraction, from 40 to 60 - for the outflow of money (and so on, every next twenty). If your magnet is in a "minus" state, it is necessary or urgent to report required amount banknotes to the "plus" or enlarge the money, that is, change them for banknotes of greater denomination. It is undesirable to spend the stock, as well as lay it out into two wallets to change the quantity. You can only use it for something solid - a car, an apartment, etc.

Money cannot be kept in bundles with an odd number of bills: otherwise they will quarrel among themselves and quickly disperse. You can’t hold fifty bills either: it’s not for nothing that people say: “five tens is a disadvantage.” It is best to put ten or twenty bills in a pack.

? Packs of ten bills attract money girlfriends;

? packs of twenty bills are able to transfer their energy to a person, make the owner work harder and earn money, and help to manage money successfully.

And do not keep the same banknotes for a long time: put new ones - spend the old ones. Cash flow must always be in motion, otherwise it will dry out!

Home money talisman is best kept in the left farthest corner of the apartment from the entrance. It is unnecessary for us Orthodox to build our entire life according to the laws of Chinese Feng Shui, but it is necessary to check the house for the location of zones that carry good and evil. For if there is a bed or a desktop in a “bad place”, then you are clearly in trouble; if there is a bathroom in the wealth zone, you will, in the language of Zhvanetsky, “work for the toilet”, etc.

So look at the Chinese square, which can be found in any feng shui manual, which is clearly not located in your apartment. I think the change will be necessary for the majority.

Check the house for the presence of geopathogenic zones. Sometimes, by moving the bed 15 cm, you will get rid of a migraine or pain in your legs. What is the job here? Legs hurt - damage to the cause, head - even more so. An elementary rearrangement of furniture does not require much effort, but you will have to tinker with the psychological setting.

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Are you trying to save money and have been putting money under your pillow for months, but you are still haunted by financial failures and money goes to unforeseen expenses?

Probably, everyone at least once heard about a person they say that money sticks to him.

Explain such luck and fortune in financial affairs and not everyone can understand how to catch a bird of happiness. And the point here is not at all in the absence of diligence. After all, some people try all their lives, but all their affairs end with the fact that they remain in debt.

It turns out that well-being can be attracted with the help of special rituals or conspiracies. A properly performed ritual can not only improve the financial situation of the asker, but also give him the opportunity to feel monetary energy.
The latter circumstance will be the key successful management financial affairs in the future.

Some people are haunted by the blocking of the money channel from birth. They say that they are chronic losers. They have to live paycheck to paycheck, and besides, they have to borrow all the time. Fatal bad luck is often accompanied by health problems, which further exacerbates the situation.

Of course, you can sit and wait all your life for a chance, how to get rid of failures and lack of money, or you can start acting. And the first magic kick for you can be magical rituals from poverty.

The easiest way to get rid of failures and lack of money is with the help of a “payoff” - a small bundle that is left where people walk.

Ritaul for 13 coins

Change 13 five-ruble coins and wrap them in a bundle of natural fabric. Add a twig from a broom with which you sweep the floor at home and a small personal item to this “pouch”. It can be a ring, a brooch, a personal fountain pen.

Take the ransom to a crowded place, where you accidentally drop it and leave quickly, without looking back, and without talking to anyone. You need to do this in such a way that the people around you do not pay attention to the fact that you have "something fallen out of your pocket or purse."
If your parcel is suddenly returned to you, then you need to thank and leave. In this case, the ritual will have to be repeated.

Ritaul for 7 coins

Find the house's oldest glass or cup, and prepare seven coins of any denomination. It is best to do the ceremony on a full moon, so that the waning moon will then help you get rid of financial troubles.
After sunset, throw coins into the glass in turn and say an odd number of texts at the same time:

“Here is poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but do not touch me, the servant of God (name). Here's a ransom for you, here's a tribute to you, and poverty, stay away from me forever.

When finished, put the glass with coins in the kitchen (hide). When the moon begins to wane, take out a glass of coins, and pour earth or sand (snow) into it, then say:

“You, poverty, lie underground (snow), and I (your name), do not know grief, live in joy, be friends with money. Let it be so!"

Take the glass to a deserted crossroads and leave it there. Before leaving, cross him three times and say once:

“I paid off poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Truly!"

Remove lack of money

At the crossroads, you can easily get rid of poverty. First, speak money at night for a waning month.

“My poor, Maeta, get off my back.
Get off me, get off on a trifle.
Who picks up a penny, he will take the poor from my backbone.
Dasun, Dasun, come, take a penny"

On the waning moon at exactly midnight, go to the crossroads. Throw a handful of change over your left shoulder, read the plot and, without looking back, go home. The latter is very important. Don't look back even if someone calls out to you. Otherwise, lack of money will remain with you.

AT Old Slavonic mythologyDasun- a dark kingdom inhabited by dasu - demons or non-Slavic, non-Aryan peoples

Ritual on a skein of red thread

Take a small skein of red thread and rewind it, saying:

“I didn’t call you poverty,
You came to me uninvited.
Sit down, poverty, on the red thread,
From now on, you will not be with me.
Let it be so!"

On the first Thursday of the month, throw a skein at a pedestrian intersection and say the plot 3 more times.

Ritual for bread and salt

Roll three rounds from the crumb of bread. Put one penny and a pinch of salt inside each of them. Tie in a white napkin / rag and go with them to the crossroads.
Put on the ground and read the plot 3 times:

“Here you are, poverty and need, monetary losses, a gift: Money, bread and salt.
Take them and stay away...
Full of me, the servant of God (name), torment, need to execute, torment with poverty, torment with lack of money.
I'll leave, and you live here"

Leave without looking back.

Ritual for business success

Here's another little ritual for you to ensure that all your affairs and your plans go smoothly and turn out in your favor.
Take any coin in your hand, bring the palm with the coin to your lips, fingers away from you, lean it against your chin, blow three times and say three times:

“What’s stopping me, I’m blowing off, what I need, I’m attracting”

Do this three times for different coins. Then drop them at the nearest crossroads and start your activities.

Ritual to quickly receive a certain amount of money

Finally, one more simple ritual for sugar (refined sugar). Pour yourself tea, take sugar and slander it three times:

"Sugar-sugar, white side, how sweet you are, so I would have money in packing"

Then throw it into a mug of tea, stir and drink in small sips. This rite helps to get the intended amount of money. It is better to do it on the growing moon.

PS. Remember that a cheap wallet in itself carries the energy of poverty and large bills have almost no chance of being in it. Let your wallet be not super expensive, but decent, let it have compartments for both small and large bills. If you still spend a decent amount on your wallet, you can be sure that this money will quickly return to you, and, moreover, will multiply.
According to,

Having performed the simplest ritual, you will drive away poverty forever.

You want to live, if not richly, but at least with dignity.

Do not despair, but read the special magical lines, mentally turning your gaze to the waning moon.

At any time on the required calendar day, light 1 candle.

Seclude yourself in a locked room to keep the mystery of a simple ritual.

Looking at the burning flame, believe that poverty will recede. This is not a life-long rock, but a streak of bad luck, which will be interrupted by a magical conspiracy.

Read it 13 times:

Oh, Moon, you are declining powerfully, I do not appeal to you in vain. I ask, take away my poverty, send me wealth and generosity. Let the envious perish from the road, in poverty the legs will not give way. If you got poverty by karma, order it to be removed. Descending, you help me, save from the evil envious. May it be so! Done three times! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

It was strong defensive plot from poverty, allowing you to get rid of it in a few magical cycles.

When the moon is waning, anyone who wishes can speak to himself or his neighbor for monetary wealth, attracting a reciprocal feeling, as well as from damage, the evil eye and other merciless vices.

Those conspiracies that you receive, therefore, are called instant, which do not require special preparation, reducing all actions to the necessary minimum.
You do not have to light candles and visit the Orthodox Church.
Your main task is to wait for the calendar phase of the waning moon and proceed to a solitary and repeated reading.

Conspiracy to attract money:

As the moon wanes, so the money comes to me. I will dare poverty, I will bring generosity - an increase from people, from the boss - an increase. Let it be so. Amen!

Strong conspiracy for wealth:

I call on perishable wealth, let mortal lack of money go away. I will find wealth from a salary, from a lottery and a damn paycheck. Let it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for personal happiness:

Oh, Moon, send me happiness, deliver me from celibacy and failure. Endow with your power, give beauty, may I find my happiness forever. Let it be so. Amen!

Conspiracy for pregnancy:

I turn to you, Luna. Decreasing, give me joy. Give strength to pregnancy. May there be no empty barrenness, I trust in your nobility. Let it be so. Amen!

Live well!

Since ancient times, magical powers have been attributed to conspiracies, Slavic people have been using them since time immemorial. Rituals were passed down from generation to generation, and many of them have survived to this day.

There are a considerable number of conspiracies: for good luck, from the evil eye, for healing, for love, and many others. Most commonly used white magic and sorcery. In this article, we will talk in detail about rituals to attract money. They are classified into three categories: debt repayment (when someone borrowed money and is in no hurry to return it), hopeless situations (when funds for treatment or surgery are very urgently needed) and classic lack of money (when everyone works, but the money is still catastrophically missing). what is missing). Let's look at the most popular conspiracies, rites and rituals, often used to attract money, as well as examples from real life.

Top 15 powerful money spells:

Attracting money with a red thread

To carry out this ritual, you need to buy a ball of red thread, then take a high-denomination banknote (the higher, the better) and wrap it with a thread seven times. At the same time, with each measurement, whisper in a whisper: “I have money and good luck, and you - goods and change.” Seven turns of thread around the banknote - a conspiracy uttered seven times. Then the thread must be cut, unwound and tied around the right wrist. Such a “bracelet” must be worn for exactly a week and, after the expiration of the period, removed from the hand, cut and burned.

Raising money with a bowl of rice

The following simple ritual will help improve your financial situation. Fill the most beautiful plate in the house with dry rice, but not with a slide, and put it somewhere in the corner by the front door. Make sure that the plate is hidden from prying eyes. Every day, different coins should be buried in rice, saying: “Let money be attracted to me, as a magnet is attracted to metal.” This ceremony must be carried out exactly 27 days, after which all the coins should be taken out and spent on some useful thing for home. For example, a cup, towel, saucer, etc.

Rite with a ball

To attract money, you can make a home talisman, for this you need to buy a small skein of thread, and always green. Next, you should take a small coin (preferably copper) and wrap it with thread so that you get a ball. Then you need to drop essential oil on it (preferably eucalyptus, you can buy it at any pharmacy) and fix the ball with a coin somewhere above front door. Such an impromptu amulet will attract financial luck to the house.

Ritual with a pencil

This ritual is considered very powerful because your energy is involved in it. It is best to do it right after sunset. Buy a new pencil, take a bill of any denomination (preferably not very small) and hold it between your palms, charging it with your biofield. After that, on one side with a new pencil, write: “Wealth, abundance, prosperity,” and on the other side: “I attract money, let it come to me often and easily.” Then again, hold the bill between your palms for five minutes, transferring your energy to it and mentally repeating the written words. You will get a personal talisman, which should be kept in a wallet separately from other money.

Ritual for money with the help of sugar and honey

This ritual is done on the night of the full moon on outdoors, and spend it should be three nights. Take a coin and put it in such a way that moonlight falls on it. Great option - on the windowsill with open window. This is done so that during the night the coin is charged with the energy of the moon. On the second night, pour sugar into a cup, bury a charged coin in it and put it back in the same place under the moonlight. On the third night, you need to add a little honey to the cup with sugar and repeat the ritual again. After that, the coin should be removed, wrapped in cellophane (do not wash!) And carried in a wallet.

Raising money with a wallet

This is a very simple but effective ritual, which also needs to be performed three nights in a row on a full moon. Every evening, put your wallet (necessarily empty) in a place where the light of the moon falls. Just make sure that the sky is clear, without clouds. After every night, in the morning, you need to put money in your wallet and use it when shopping, after which you should take out the money and put the wallet back in the moonlight. It is desirable that the wallet is not new, because the old one stores your energy.

Ritual for money using a deck of cards

For this very effective ritual, you will need a deck of 54 cards, which you need to buy on the first Friday of the new moon. In such a deck, there are always two jokers, they are either the same or different colors. If you come across a deck with jokers of the same color, then choose any and put it in your wallet. If they are multi-colored, then you need to put red. The second card with the joker must be burned away from home (in the color version, this joker must be black). The rest of the cards should be hidden in your room, wrapped in a light-colored cloth. Playing or guessing with this deck is prohibited. A joker stored in a wallet will attract money like a magnet. But if you lose it, then the rest of the cards need to be burned and the ritual should be performed again, but with a new deck.

Attracting money with a bottle

cook regular bottle(necessarily from green glass), pour a little sugar and dried basil on the bottom (you can take it from a bag of seasonings). Add three drops essential oil bergamot (sold in pharmacies) and put the bottle in some inconspicuous place in the house. Every day, throw a coin into it (the denomination does not matter), saying these words: "Coin to coin, ruble to ruble - everything is in order." It is desirable that all the money thrown into the bottle be from your country.

Ritual with a flower pot

Buy a beautiful pot and a sprout of any houseplant that you most like. Plant it on Wednesday morning, after putting seven small coins on the bottom of the pot. At the same time, say the following words: “As a mighty oak grows, so let well-being come to me.” Speak this plot every time you water and care for a flower - and yours.

Attracting money with a green candle

A very powerful effect gives a ritual with candles. At exactly midnight, lay a new tablecloth on the table (it is very important not to wash or iron it) and light a green candle (color is also important for attracting money). When the flame stops swaying and becomes even, then say three times in a whisper: “As the green flame flares up, so I collect money.” If the candle goes out or falls, reschedule the ritual for the next day.

Attracting money with the help of rubles

This ritual is carried out for a month and requires patience, but the result is worth it. It must begin on the first day and continue until the end of the month. On the first day, set aside one ruble, on the second - two rubles, on the third - three, each time saying: "I put a ruble, but I'll take a thousand." After ten rubles have accumulated, exchange small money for a bill. Then exchange dozens for one hundred rubles, and at the end of the month you will have four bills of one hundred, plus 65 rubles. Add another 35 rubles to them and exchange them for a banknote with a face value of five hundred rubles. Then hide it in the house and don't touch it again. She will serve you money talisman for financial well-being.

Ritual for money using mirrors

Rituals that involve mirrors always have a powerful effect. If you want to spend effective rite to attract money, you will need two small mirrors, six church candles, a new wallet (preferably bright red) and five large denomination bills (preferably new ones too). The ritual should be performed in the evening alone in dim light. Place the lit candles in the shape of a circle, in their center place mirrors opposite each other and put banknotes between them. Accompany your actions with the words: “As a mirror is seen in a mirror, so money goes to money. I will collect them and not know poverty. After that, put both face-to-face mirrors in the new wallet, and bills between them. Put your wallet in a secluded place for 21 days. At the end of this period, the money can be spent, and the wallet can be used.

Raising money with coins

This ritual to attract financial luck must be done exclusively on the 13th (the month does not matter). On the right day, you need to go to church, buy 13 candles, put 12 of them on all the apostles and one candle for your patron saint. It is very important to pay for the purchase of candles with a large bill in order to get change, which should then be exchanged for small coins. After that, when you come home, throw them on the floor and say: “As I came to church with money, so now let them come to me.” Leave the coins lying on the floor, collect them the next morning, tie them in a rag and hide under the bed. Money knot will attract financial well-being.

Rite with a pear

To conduct an effective ritual to attract money, buy a large ripe pear at the market on Saturday. Cut it into two parts, remove the core and put a folded bill inside, writing your name on it. Then fold the halves of the fruit again, pierce with a toothpick and bake in the oven. After that, the pear should be wrapped in a scarf and hidden under your pillow for five days. At the end of the term, throw away the pear along with the bill, and wash the scarf and wear it on your head, neck, or just with you.

Ritual for money with a banknote

This ritual is money luck should be done at work. Wait for the moment when you are left alone and say the following conspiracy on a large bill three times: “How many trees grow in the forest - let me have so much money. Increase money, give me riches! Hide the charmed banknote for 12 days in a secluded place where no one will find it, then spend it with benefit, be sure to buy the right thing.

Important nuances for attracting money

In addition to rituals and conspiracies, there are also simple everyday rituals that will help attract financial luck, increase income and save the budget. For magic to work, it is necessary to observe certain and sufficient simple rules:

If you find a coin on the street (except for an intersection), put it in your wallet, or under a rug or linoleum. Such a coin is considered lucky and will serve as a talisman for you.

The received large amount (for example, salary) should not be in a hurry to spend, even if it is very necessary. Money at least overnight should lie down and recharge homely atmosphere.

Do not buy a cheap wallet - it initially has the energy of poverty. It is better to spend money on a more expensive model, but there will always be large bills.

Try not to have in the house junk, old clothes or cracked dishes. Financial well-being is best attracted to vacant premises.

Many people like to carry photographs in their wallets, this is absolutely impossible to do. Any photo interrupts monetary energy and brings bad luck to the one depicted on it.

No ritual should be performed during any illness, even if we are talking about a slight runny nose. Also, before any ceremony, it is desirable to fast for three days.

Banknotes should be folded in the wallet so that they "look" in one direction. In addition, money is always given right hand, but are taken with the left.

Even in the old days, it was believed that financial flow they attract a sprig of heather, a mint leaf or a piece of cinnamon put in a wallet. You can also put a mirror.

Money cannot be thrown, crumpled and torn, lending after sunset and keeping small and large bills together. Money loves accuracy in relation to itself.

The wallet should not be allowed to be empty even for a short time. At least the smallest coin should lie in it all the time, then money will always be found.

Real examples of rituals from life:

All of the above rituals and conspiracies to attract money are often used by people who needed financial luck. Here are a few real stories from life, when these rituals really helped many people in difficult times:


“In my life there was such an unpleasant situation as a divorce, I was left alone with two children and a disabled mother in her arms. At work, I received a penny, which was barely enough for food and pay utilities. And then, on the advice of a friend, I decided to do some kind of ritual to attract money. After all, it won’t be worse, I reasoned, and performed a ritual with 13 candles and coins in a bundle (especially since I often go to church). Some time passed and a miracle happened! I was promoted, I began to earn more, and even managed to send my mother to rest in a sanatorium. The bundle with coins is still under the bed: I believe that it was he who brought me financial well-being!


“Before, I did not believe in money rituals and never did any rituals. But when I lost my job, my despair was so great that I decided to try the ceremony. After going through a bunch of options, I chose a simple ritual with cards and jokers. Honestly, I did the ceremony and forgot about it. Imagine my surprise when, after some time, I was unexpectedly returned a large debt, which I no longer hoped to receive. Soon a job offer came in. I can’t call this a coincidence, and now I’m sure that the ritual was carried out correctly!


“Never in my life have I believed in rituals, it always seemed to me some kind of nonsense. Until one day I found out that my old sports injury required urgent medical attention, otherwise there could be irreversible consequences. I needed to have an operation for which there simply wasn’t enough money, and I really didn’t have enough. I didn’t want to borrow such an amount, and I didn’t have anyone, and my salary as a simple office worker left much to be desired. It was then that I decided to try some kind of ritual, opting for the simplest one that I managed to find: speak a bill at the workplace and hide it. He spoke, hid, and after 12 days bought a useful thing (a set of tools). And just a week later I managed to profitably sell my design project! Enough not only for the operation, but also to rest! I'm happy".


“Recently, I began to get involved in various rituals and conspiracies, I read about them with interest, but I somehow had little faith in their effectiveness. But I decided to try anyway. Like an amateur indoor plants I bought in flower salon a sprout of my favorite azalea and did everything that the ceremony required. And she continued to pronounce the plot, caring for the flower. And soon amazing things began to happen! First I was offered Good work in a specialty that I could not find for a long time, then they bought a beaded picture from me. I am amazed, the ritual really works!”


“It so happened that due to life circumstances, my financial situation was greatly shaken, I almost fell into depression. And I remembered that there is such a ritual for attracting money when you can “charge” your wallet with moonlight - and this supposedly will attract money. Not hoping for even the slightest success, I performed the ritual - and my situation magically improved! They began to repay my debts, I found a good part-time job, and even my health improved! And after that, how can you not believe in magic?

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