Ficus: what does this flower mean for home and office, what does it symbolize? Ficus Benjamin, rubber, Robusta: folk signs and superstitions. Ficus Benjamin for the home: good or bad what he brings to the house

This large-leaved shrub-like plant sometimes reaches the height of a small tree. Ficus grows in any conditions, with good care in one year it reaches a height of 1 m or more.

Upon reaching 1-1.5 m, the top is cut off so that a crown is formed from the shoots sprouting at the top. With the appearance of apical shoots, the lower leaves of the trunk gradually turn yellow and fall off, due to which the plant takes the form of a standard tree.

Description of ficus, homeland of the plant, photo of indoor flower leaves

ficus (Ficus)- a plant from the Mulberry family.

A genus of evergreens, 600 species distributed in the tropical forests of India, Indo-China, Ceylon, Java, Borneo and other islands. In the jungle, ficus is a huge tree up to 30 m tall, with leaves up to 1 m long. For the first time, an accurate description of the ficus plant was given 2200 years ago by the first botanist Theophrastus. Theophrastus accompanied the famous conqueror Alexander the Great on his campaign to India and was struck by the sight of a ficus: a mighty tree with a round crown of monstrous diameter. Roots descend from huge, horizontally outstretched branches. They gradually turn into trunks and form, as it were, an artificially planted covered green passage around the main trunk. A whole squad of cavalry can camp under their shadow. The shadow of a ficus at noon can cover more than a hectare of land. Ficus roots are also remarkable: winding, flat, like boards, rise 1.5-2 m above the ground.

Natural climatic conditions: tropics and subtropics of the islands and coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Also, the birthplace of the ficus plant is called South Africa and the Mediterranean.

Pay attention to the photo of ficus leaves - they are alternate, less often opposite, whole, serrated or lobed:

Variegated forms of ficuses are especially beautiful, there are also forms with golden and almost black foliage. The leaves of many varieties of f. Benjamin's have wavy edges. All parts of the plant contain milky sap. Even with good ficus care at home, these plants practically do not bloom. Ficuses are very popular with bonsai growers as they are showy and easy to shape.

Small annual ficuses are suitable for decorating rooms, large tub specimens are suitable for winter gardens, large and medium-sized rooms.

As shown in the photo, a ficus indoor plant is usually placed on a window in a saucer or on a wooden lattice, installed near the window on special stands:

Larger ficuses can stand on the floor by the window or at some distance from it. AT winter time ficus can be placed even in the depths of a bright, spacious, cool room, avoiding places near radiators and pipes.

The complexity of growing ficus flowers: average.

Interesting facts about ficuses. Many ficuses in their homeland are of very important economic importance.

So, rubber-bearing ficus (F. elastica Roxb.), or a rubber tree, living in our rooms, gives up to 18-20% rubber. In 1493, the ship of Christopher Columbus landed on the island, which he named Hispaniola (now Haiti). On the shore the Spaniards saw fun game similar to our basketball. To the beat of the song, the inhabitants of the island threw up black balls, which, having fallen to the ground, as if alive, made funny jumps.

These balls were quite heavy, sticky and smelled of smoke. The Indians explained that they were made from ficus juice - kaochu (translated as "tears of a tree"). In Europe, rubber appeared in 1770. At first it was collected from ficuses growing in the jungle, then they began to be bred on plantations. True, soon the ficus was replaced by Hevea Brazilian. It grows faster and contains up to 32% rubber.

Another important member of the mulberry family, ficus carica (F. carica), has beautiful palmate-lobed leaves and very tasty sweet fruits containing up to 70% sugar. They are called figs, figs, or figs. In ancient Egypt, sculptures and sarcophagi were carved from the wood of fig trees.

Temperature, lighting, watering and fertilizing ficus at home

Optimal location: the plant must be installed near the western, eastern and southern windows, but protected from drafts and cold air (when opening the window). Lighting ficus variegated forms should be complete and long. Ficuses with climbing shoots (rooting and undersized) are shade-tolerant.

Temperature requirements: the optimum maintenance temperature in summer is 25–30 ° C, in winter 16–20 ° C. The minimum safe temperature for ficuses of many species is 10 ° C, for variegated plants - 15 ° C.

Lighting requirements: bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer. Ficuses with hard leaves, for example f. rubbery, can be in the morning summer sun, other species require bright diffused light. Ficuses with dark green leaves are resistant to temporary lack of light, variegated plants can hardly tolerate even partial shade, losing the beautiful color of the leaves. An important condition growing ficus is an additional highlight in the winter. The plant will survive wintering better in a warm and dry living space if it is provided with additional lighting and spraying. The higher the temperature in the room, the more light is required.

Watering, spraying: in summer, watering is plentiful, but the earth between waterings should dry out. The need for watering is determined by touch: the finger is deepened into the ground by 2-3 cm (for tub plants - by 5-7 cm): if the earth crumbles and does not stain the finger, then watering is required, if the soil is moist and sticks to the finger - water early. Watered warm water, in summer - until it flows out of the drainage hole. 30 minutes after watering the ficus at home, the water from the pan is drained. In winter, careful watering is required. In summer, ficuses are more dangerous for lack of water; in winter, especially when kept in a cool room, - excess moisture. In hot summers and winters, when keeping ficus in a heated room with dry air, spraying leaves and showers is useful. Spray water is warm and soft. High humidity is required for ficus lyre.

Top dressing: in spring and summer 1 time in 10-14 days with organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them. In winter, the ficus is not fertilized. Vegetation during this period is undesirable, since there is not enough light, heat and moisture, and stimulation of the ficus to growth leads to the formation of weak and elongated shoots. Feeding ficus at home is not required for 1-2 months after transplantation, as long as the new soil contains enough nutrients.

Transfer: signals for transplantation - a clod of earth completely braided with roots, rapid drying of the soil after watering, roots crawling out of the drainage holes.

When grown and cared for at home, ficuses are usually transplanted in spring or early summer by transshipment. In large tub ficuses, the transplantation of which is difficult, they change 1-2 times a year upper layer soil.

Substrate: young ficuses prefer a light and permeable soil mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. Adult ficuses require denser soil, so turf soil and humus are added to the substrate. A good drainage layer of expanded clay and pieces of charcoal in the soil will protect plants from stagnant water and root rot.

Pruning: ficuses need rejuvenating and shaping pruning, which is carried out in early spring. Sanitary pruning can be done at any time. In summer, new shoots can be pinched for more tillering. Old plants should not be cut too low, as the buds on a lignified trunk do not always wake up.

How ficus reproduces at home and propagation video by cuttings

A simple and affordable way - cuttings. Tree-like and ampelous ficuses easily reproduce in such a vegetative way. The only difference is that ampelous ficuses (ivy-shaped and tiny) take root faster than shrub and tree-like forms.

No greenhouse boxes with peat, sand and covering material are needed. In an ordinary container of water, after two to three weeks, adventitious roots appear in ficuses.

For propagation of woody ficuses, you can take both apical segments and segments from the middle part with one node, but better with two or three.

The main thing is that the cutting is not the youngest, but already semi-woody. The cut is made with a sharp knife, the lowest leaf is removed from the cut, the milky juice is washed off with warm water, then the cut is slightly dried and again put in warm water for rooting.

Of course, those who are used to rooting in a loose substrate - please root like this, but this method is more laborious and there is no way to follow the rooting process, as, for example, in water.

For woody forms, it is advisable to twist large leaves into a tube and tie them to reduce evaporation, and deepen the stalk obliquely into the substrate by one knot. So, in the summer, there are no obstacles for the propagation of ficuses by cuttings.

The video of propagation of ficus by cuttings shows how this procedure is performed:

Stimulation of root formation. The development of roots in ficus comes from callus tissue, which is formed in places of mechanical damage. The more extensive the wound surface, the more actively the callus is formed, from which a more powerful root system develops. To stimulate callus formation, shallow oblique cuts (scratches) are made on the part of the cutting that will be buried in the soil.

The use of chemicals for root formation (such as "Kornevin") or growth regulators (heteroauxin) can significantly increase the yield of rooted seedlings and the further development of a powerful root system. Treatment with stimulants can be carried out by soaking the cuttings in a solution (which is advisable for subsequent rooting in water), or by dusting the cut with a powdered preparation. Dusting is applied when rooting in the soil substrate.

How else does ficus reproduce at home and how to perform this procedure correctly? It is possible to reproduce ficus by layering, this method is practiced mainly with the aim of "rejuvenating" plants that have lost their decorative effect. For example, when the ficus "lost" all the lower leaves.

To obtain "air roots", a strip of bark 2-3 cm thick is removed from the trunk with a ring, or oblique notches are made. The wound site is lined with wet moss and covered with a piece of polyethylene.

In the future, it is necessary to keep the moss moist. After some time, roots will develop at the site of damage, after which the upper part of the plant can be cut off and transplanted into a new flowerpot.

Pests and diseases of the ficus indoor flower (with photo)

Appearance brown spots on the leaves indicates root rot due to poor drainage, overflow, especially in cold weather. Watering cold water, lack of light, low temperature, drafts cause leaf fall. Ficuses can be affected by scabies, spider mites, mealybug.

See what diseases and pests of ficuses look like in the photo below:

Possible problems when growing ficuses. All ficuses do not tolerate drafts, waterlogging of the soil and direct sun. Also, the ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, do not transfer the plant, do not move or disturb it. With insufficient lighting, the internodes of the ficus lengthen, growth slows down, leaves fall. Ficus is sensitive to hypothermia of the soil, so it feels bad and can shed its leaves if it stands on a cold windowsill or floor.

Do not place caudex ficuses and plants grown as bonsai near radiators and in dry rooms, as well as where drafts are possible.

Ficus karika (figs) and plant propagation photo

Ficus karika, or, or fig berry (Ficus carica L.) belongs to the Tutov family. Homeland - the Mediterranean. Excellent deciduous ornamental fruit plant. For a room, it is better to take specimens of those varieties in which the fruits develop without fertilization.

Ficus karika is easily propagated by cuttings that quickly take root in sand without shelter or in water. Rooted cuttings are planted in a mixture of greenhouse and compost soil with the addition of sand (2: 2: 1). In room conditions, figs are grown in the form of low bushy specimens.

For this, as well as for annual fruiting, the plant must be cut and pinched. Pruning is done in the spring, shortening the branches by 1/3-1/4. In early June, young shoots are pinched. In spring and summer, they are kept in bright sunny rooms, watering and feeding abundantly, and taken out into the open ground for the summer.

In the autumn-winter period, figs shed their leaves. For storage, it is placed in any non-freezing bright room, carefully watering as needed. Figs hibernate at a temperature of 6-8 °C. With proper care, it grows and bears fruit in room conditions for several years. The fruits ripen in sunny windows.

As you can see in the photo, ficus karika is interesting not only because it gives edible fruits, but it is also an ornamental leafy plant, suitable in summer for landscaping residential premises, shop windows, etc .:

Creeping ficus forms and its reproduction (with photo)

Ficus creeping, or Ficus small (Ficus pumila L. (F. repens hort., non Willd.) graceful ampelous plant. The stems are covered with small (2-2.5 cm) heart-shaped oval leaves of bright green color. On the underside of the stems there are roots - suckers, with which the ficus is attached to any support. Shoots hanging from the pot with the slightest lack of water easily lose their leaves. Therefore, in a pot in which creeping ficus grows, a piece of cork, a board or a tree branch must be placed vertically. With constant spraying, they are soon covered with well-leafy shoots of ficus, which are attached to them with the help of sucker roots.

It is used for vertical gardening, as an ampelous one, it grows easily and occupies the entire free area.

There are several forms:

F. pumila var. minima- leaves are small, up to 1–1.25 cm long.

F. pumila var. macrophylla- the leaves are large.

Variegata- leaves with a white border.

Sunny- the border is not continuous, but in the form of separate spots.

White Sunny- with a wide cream border.

This view provides unlimited opportunities for the manifestation of the creative imagination of the owners.

Pay attention to the photo - creeping ficus can be used as a ground cover or ampelous plant:

They decorate vertical surfaces, however, it is necessary to remember the increased demands of this type of air humidity. In a pot with a plant, you can insert a figuratively carved piece of board, a branch of the original shape, wrap them with moss and fix them. Ficus easily “overgrows” these supports, forming original green figures. It is only necessary to constantly spray the plant and moisten the support, since with the slightest lack of moisture, the plant easily sheds leaves.

It is found in tropical rainforests, on rocks in China, Japan, and the Malay Archipelago.

Creeping ficus is propagated in spring by cuttings. Cuttings take root only under glass in warmth with abundant spraying. After rooting, they are transplanted into small pots in a mixture of soddy, leafy, humus soil and sand (1: 1: 1: 1/2). Young plants are carefully and gradually accustomed to dry room air.

In winter, creeping ficus should be in cool rooms.

Ficus rusty and rooting

Ficus rusty (Ficus rubiginosa L.). Mulberry family. Homeland - Australia. Indoor evergreen plant, quite common among amateurs. Rusty-leaved ficus in appearance is very similar to elastic ficus, but grows more slowly, it has smaller leaves, and it is more hardy in room conditions. The leaves of the rusty ficus are elliptical, obtuse, 12 cm long, smooth, dark green above, covered with felt brown pubescence below. In winter, it feels great at a temperature of 6-8 ° C. Ficus rusty-leaved cuttings take root poorly, but it reproduces well by layering. Care and maintenance are about the same as for elastic ficus. Ficus rusty is used to decorate warm, bright small rooms.

Ficus rooting (Ficus radicans Desf.). Mulberry family. Homeland - India. A climbing plant with thin graceful stems and medium-sized oval-elongated dark green leaves 5-7 cm long. The stems can twist around a support or hang down if it is grown as an ampelous plant. It is unpretentious, undemanding to lighting, heat and the composition of the land mixture, but it grows better on a mixture of sod, leaf, peat soil and sand (2: 1: 1: 1). Propagated in spring by green cuttings, which are planted in wet sand under a glass shelter. Can root in a water bottle. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in small pots. Care consists in abundant watering in spring and summer and careful watering in winter. On hot days, a daily 2-fold spraying of the entire plant is useful. During growth, it is necessary to give liquid top dressing recommended for elastic ficus. In the first 3 years, the rooting ficus is transplanted annually in early spring. Old plants are transplanted less often, after 2-3 years.

They are used for wall decoration at windows in various suspensions, sometimes in combination with other climbing plants, in rooms and public places with sufficient air humidity, light and warm. It can grow on nutrient solutions in hydroculture or in an ion-exchange substrate.

Care and reproduction of elastic rubber ficus at home (with photo and video)

Ficus elastic, or rubbery (Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem.) often called Rubber fig - rubber fig, rubber bush - rubber bush, rubber plant - rubber plant, Indian rubber bush - Indian rubber bush.

Popular names indicate the presence in the tissues of this ficus of a large amount of rubber-like resins.

Evergreen trees 20–25, sometimes up to 40 m high, numerous branches, forms many aerial roots. The bark is reddish brown. The leaves are young at the top of the shoots, tubularly twisted, in reddish stipules, after opening, elliptical, large, up to 20 cm long and 8-10 cm wide, leathery, glossy above, dark green, dull green below, with a distinct midrib.

It grows in tropical rainforests, in shady, wetlands in India, Nepal, Burma, on the Malay Peninsula, on the Malay Archipelago, on the slopes of the Himalayas, rising to a height of 600–900 m above sea level.

Widespread deciduous ornamental plant. If you are sure that you will provide decent care for ficus elastica at home, this plant can be used for landscaping interiors. This flower is quite suitable for growing indoors, winter gardens, is contained in the collections of almost all botanical gardens.

Of considerable interest are the forms common in culture:

decora- the leaves are wide, leathery, the color of the leaves varies from dark green to olive.

Variegata- leaves with pale yellow, whitish-gray spots and stripes.

Black Prince- this variety has large rounded leaves of very dark green, almost black color.

Tineke- very showy leaves, with irregular white and gray spots, light or pink veins.

Schriveriana is a compact and indoor cultivar with chrome-yellow to orange-yellow young leaves and straw-yellow older leaves.

Robusta– leaves are slightly wrinkled, dark green.

Melanie distinguished by elegant dark green leaves with a reddish sheen, which is emphasized by a red, yellow and pink border.

Doescheri- this variety has leaves slightly narrower than the original species, they are decorated with a yellow pattern, which is set off by a red or pink central vein.

Burgundy- differs in the unusual color of broadly ovate leaves with a pointed apex - they are purple in color, dense, leathery, shiny.

Tricolor- has a marbled color of the leaves.

Rubber ficus is propagated by cuttings, air layering, a piece of stem, leaf and bud. In March-April, the tops of the shoots are cut off on the cuttings, bearing 1-3 leaves, with a growth point. The milky juice flowing from the cut is washed off with water, and the cut is dried.

The prepared stalk is planted in a clay pot in wet clean sand or expanded clay, covered with a jar and placed in a warm, bright place. The moisture content of the substrate must be uniform. When propagating rubber ficus at home, to prevent excessive dampness, the pot with the handle is placed in another, larger one, and the space between their walls is covered with sand, which is watered daily.

It is even easier to root a cut cutting in a bottle of water. From the bright sun, the cuttings shade. Roots develop in 20-30 days. When propagating by leaf and bud, the mature cut shoot is cut into segments with one leaf. The sheet is carefully rolled into a tube, tied and planted in the sand, a peg is passed through the tube of the rolled sheet, which is stuck in the sand.

As shown in the photo, when propagating rubber ficus, before planting, the lower cut of the cutting is split and a grain of sand, a pebble, a piece of wood chips, oat grain, etc. is inserted into the split so that the split does not close:

Rooted cuttings, depending on the size, are planted in a pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm in a mixture of soddy, peat, leafy soil (1:1:1) with the addition of a small amount of sand, horn shavings or blood meal. As the coma grows and weaves, the ficus is transferred to a larger pot using the same composition of the earth. Care for young plants is normal. Old ficuses, in which the leaves are preserved only at the very tips of the branches, can be rejuvenated. In such cases, resort to air layering.

In the spring, on a shoot intended for layering, a circular incision is made around the trunk or a narrow strip of bark is removed and a flower pot 7-9 cm in diameter is attached to this place, after cutting it in half or sawing a strip from the side to the very middle of the bottom, so that you can put into the pot trunk of the allotted shoot. The notched stem should fit in the middle.

The pot is fixed on the plant with the help of two pegs stuck in the ground, to which it is tied with twine. The cutout in the pot is laid with plywood or a piece of roofing paper so that the earth does not spill out. The bottom of the pot and the walls are covered with wet moss and peat or leafy soil is poured into it. The earth should cover the incision on the trunk well, the moss serves to maintain constant humidity. Instead of a pot, for the same purpose, you can use a piece of matting, polystyrene, polyethylene, rolled up around the trunk. Moss with earth is placed inside and pressed against the incision so that the moist earth and moss are in contact with the incision. You can simply cover the incision with one wet, clean moss. The moss lining should be dense and constantly moistened. Moss is tightly tied with twine to the trunk.

How to obtain air layers gives excellent results. After 1.5-2 months, roots develop around the incision. Then the wrapper is carefully removed, the rooted top is cut off below the place where the roots are formed and planted in a dish of the appropriate size. The result is beautiful, low, crowned, well leafy plants. Several air outlets can be removed from large specimens of ficus.

When propagating rubber ficus, care for the plant should be careful.

The remaining leafless cut trunks are kept dry for some time, watering very little, but sprinkling abundantly with water, until new shoots appear from dormant buds. After watering intensify, and the plant is covered with new shoots.

Watch a video of reproduction of rubber ficus at home:

Care and cultivation of lyre-shaped ficus flowers at home (with photo)

Ficus lyre (Ficus lyrata Warb. (F. pandurata hort. Sander))- figs with a violin-shaped leaf (violin-leaf fig).

Evergreen trees up to 10–12 m high; stem brown.

As can be seen in the photo, the leaves of the lyre-shaped ficus are broadly ovate, dissected, large, up to 50 cm long and 10–15 cm wide, dark green, with light veins, light green below, leathery, thickened:

Found in tropical rainforests in Tropical West Africa.

Annual ficuses can be kept in a sunny window, watering abundantly, shading, spraying and washing the leaves. It is useful to fertilize 2-3 times during the summer. Even better, if there is a greenhouse on the window or in the garden, place a young plant there. Soil temperature should be 22-24°C. Such a thermal regime is very important for the rapid growth of both the roots and the aerial parts. Since July, the ficus can be accustomed to the outside air, gradually opening the frames of the greenhouse. With this method of keeping one-year-olds, the ficus grows up to 50-90 cm by autumn. It will have a straight, strong trunk, covered from top to bottom with large leaves. For rapid growth, it is useful to heat young ficuses standing in a room once a week by pouring hot water heated to 45 ° C into a pan.

Adult plants can live indoors for many years, developing well, increasing in size, while maintaining the mass of leaves.

In order for the plants to be durable, it is necessary to properly care for them. Although ficuses are not demanding on temperature and light, nevertheless, certain conditions of detention must be observed for them. It is very important to distinguish between the features of care for the seasons.

In spring, adult plants are pruned, transplanted or transshipped. Since the elastic ficus does not branch in the first years of life, the tops of young and adult plants should be cut off annually. The trimmed ficus acquires a crowned shape and is well leafy. Ficus should not be transplanted into very spacious pots or tubs, as they new earth often manages to turn sour before the roots penetrate it. This is especially often observed with inept watering in winter. An increase in dishes is allowed 1-2 cm more than the size in which the transplanted plant was located. Adult plants are recommended to be transplanted or transshipped after 2-3 years. In untransplanted ficuses, it is useful in spring to change the top layer (2-3 cm) of the earth.

These photos show the care of lyre-shaped ficus at home in compliance with all basic agricultural practices:

Other types and varieties of ficuses with photos, names and descriptions

Here you can find the names of other varieties of ficuses, see their photos and read the description.

Ficus willowFicus salicifolia. It is an evergreen plant that reaches vivo truly impressive in size, with regular lanceolate leaves located at a short distance from each other. Even young plants bloom and produce at first green, and later from reddish to brown-violet, berries, resembling berries. By trimming, it is easy to get an expressive style (for example, a broom). The plant can be recommended to beginners. However, it must be remembered that with irregular and improper care, as well as with sudden changes in conditions environment ficus loose leaf can shed foliage.

Ficus small-fruitedFicus microcarpa. Evergreen tree with leathery alternate leaves.

Pay attention to the photo - the indoor ficus flower of this variety has green spherical inflorescences, as they ripen they become yellow or purple:

Fruits are inedible. Small-fruited ficus can be recommended even to a beginner: the plant has small leaves and is easy to form as an indoor bonsai.

Ficus NatalFicus natalensis. The birthplace of this type of ficus is Africa. An evergreen tree or shrub with dense, dark green leaves blunted at the end, forms large thickets under natural conditions. Ficus Natalis is one of the most unpretentious types of ficuses, so it is very suitable for beginner bonsai lovers.

Ficus boxwoodFicus buxifolia. It grows in Africa, characterized by small dark green leaves, similar to boxwood leaves, with smooth edges and a blunt top. The trunk and branches of this evergreen plant are covered with dark brown bark. The inflorescences, often very numerous, sitting in the axils of the leaves, produce at first green and then reddish-brown small clusters, which are not very palatable. Ficus boxwood with small leaves is well suited for the formation of bonsai.

Ficus sacred (tree "Bo" Buddhists)Ficus religiosa. The evergreen from India and Ceylon is characterized by strong grayish branches with heart-shaped leaves 8–12 cm in size, having smooth edges and a long drip tip. Leaf veins are clearly visible. Inflorescences in the shape of a bowler produce inedible seedlings, which, when ripe, acquire a purple color. Since the plant has large leaves, it minimum height in bonsai should be 50 cm. At home, this type of ficus is considered a sacred tree.

It is often necessary to trim the branch almost to the trunk to keep the tree compact. The branches remain elastic for a long time, which is why even old branches can be formed in the right direction using wire and without resorting to tensioners. Since the tree grows rapidly in thickness, you should constantly monitor the wire. In many cases, it must be removed after 6-8 weeks. Places of squeezing by too tightly fitting wire remain noticeable for a long time. In order for the bonsai to have a powerful and thick trunk, it is recommended to curl the trunks of 2-3 plants together.

The formation of figs is difficult due to thick branches and large leaves. However, all Japanese bonsai styles are possible. In early spring, before the appearance of new leaves, all shoots of the previous year should be greatly shortened. Branching begins only when the top of the shoot is cut off. Pruning sites should be treated in order to prevent the remaining buds from drying out and the penetration of infections.

The following pruning is recommended for shoots up to 10 cm long. Old branches can be removed at any time of the year. Annual branches easily take the desired position with a wire. Older branches become brittle, so it is advisable to use tensioners to change their shape to keep the bark intact.

And how to prune ficus boxwood for bonsai? Its branches, in comparison with other species of this genus, do not retain their plasticity well. When shaping, the interval between trimming procedures should be reduced. One- and two-year-old shoots are formed with a wire, older branches are fixed in desired position using tensioning devices. Pruning is done when the shoots are 5-10 cm long. Depending on the desired final height of the bonsai, one to five leaves are left.

Watch the video on how to make a ficus bonsai to better understand how to form a compact Japanese-style tree:

Most indoor ficuses do not require special treatment. Therefore, they are bred at home and placed in offices. Among the varieties of ficuses, there are plants that differ in the color and shape of the leaf, trunk. Perhaps someone will choose the most acceptable option for themselves. Consider varieties of ficuses with photos and names.

Ficus Bengal (Banyan)

Countries are considered the birthplace of this type of ficus South-East Asia. It has a very amazing crown - as if several trunks grow out of the ground. In fact, this is just one plant belonging to a special form of flora - banyan trees. In the process of trunk formation, roots form on the horizontal trunks of the ficus. Some of them, not having received the necessary moisture, dry up. Those that "get" to the ground take root, forming a new trunk.

Subsequently, they also start up shoots. Due to this cyclicity, the ficus grows in breadth. The plant has ovate or oval leaves with a leathery, veiny surface. In the process of flowering, syconia appear. These are such inflorescences of spherical different shapes, orange color. Their diameter is 2-3 cm. To have Benjamin's ficus, you need a large area and special conditions. For small spaces choose the form of bonsai plants.

ficus benjamina

The plant looks like a dwarf tree. The crown of the ficus is branched, gray-beige in color with a smooth surface, has the correct shape. The trunk of the plant is low, with drooping shoots, overgrown with aerial roots. The oblong-oval shape of the Ficus Benjamin leaf has a sharp point at the end. Their width is 2-5 cm, and the length is 5-20 cm. The crown of the plant is so dense that sometimes the trunk itself is not visible behind it. Depending on the conditions of care, it can reach a height of up to 3 meters.

Ficus Binnendijka

A plant with a long, rough trunk, along which tubercles of roots hang down. The shape of the leaf is lanceolate - oblong with a pointed tip. They have different colors of green shades. The edges of the leaves are white and the surface may be mottled. In the process of growing plants from below, they fall off, exposing the crown. The maximum width of the leaves is 2 cm, length 30 cm.

Ficus Ginseng (ginseng)

Most often, such a ficus, growing in the house, form it in the form of a bonsai. Refers to the forms of banyan trees. Above the many trunks grown from lateral roots, a lush crown of small twigs rises. Pouring plants have an oval slightly pointed shape. The yellow color of ficus fruits after ripening acquires a dark red hue. Once every three years, the plant completely changes its foliage.

Ficus mountain (Montana)

In tea plantations, this crawling undersized shrub is considered a weed. In room conditions, mountain ficus is grown as a ground cover or ampelous plant. Its brown-green thin shoots have a smooth surface. If you touch the leaves of the plant, it will seem that they have a roughness. This is because of the bristly hairs they are covered with. Their shape is similar to oak leaves. Their maximum width is 5 cm, and the length is 8 cm. The diameter of the slightly pubescent ficus fruits reaches 1.3 cm. Their color is from yellow to red speckled.

Ficus deltoid (variegated)

The name of this plant comes from the Greek letter delta. This is due to the special shape of the sheet. It resembles the letter delta or triangle. The plant is characterized by heterophylly. That is, the presence of leaves different sizes and forms on the same plant. This can be observed even on one shoot. The surface of the leaves is leathery and glossy, with a slight bulge. The color of the bark is gray-brown, the crown is sinuous.

ficus dracaena

A tree-like plant that can reach three meters in height. The tall, strong trunk of this ficus ends in a lush crown. It consists of narrow long leaves. After they fall, a characteristic scar forms at the place of growth. There are varieties of ficus Dracaena, which differ in the color of the crown.

Ficus Karika (room fig)

The name of this plant corresponds to the region of Asia Minor in which it was grown. The rather thick, brown-gray trunk of the Karika ficus is no different great height. Unevenly serrated leaves covered with hairs below. They have a specific smell. All parts of the ficus, with the exception of ripened fruits, are capable of secreting milky juice. Once on human skin, it can cause irritation.

Ficus lyre

It occurs naturally in tropical Africa. Ficus lyre-shaped got its name due to its similarity with musical instrument. It is characterized by the absence or small number of aerial roots. Therefore, it is not considered a banyan. The rough crown of the plant has a gray-brown hue. Glossy, slightly wrinkled, leathery ficus leaves have wavy rounded edges. In the middle, a pronounced vein with 3-5 branches. The color of syconia is green with white specks.

Ficus Melanie

In Indonesia, which is the birthplace of ficus Melanie, these plants are considered sacred. The first time after landing, it has an unbranched lignified crown. Then, aerial roots form on the trunk, which, reaching the ground, form a banyan tree. Leathery, dark green leaves of an epilliptic shape at the end are slightly pointed. Indoor plants do not bloom, but form syconium fruits. Its parts secrete poisonous juice.

Ficus Parcel

It stands out among the ficus family with an unusual appearance. It is a small shrub with dense foliage and drooping branches. Crown color is brown-yellow. The leaves of the ficus Paracella are oval in shape with a narrowed tip, light green in color and with a pattern in the form of irregularly shaped yellow-white spots.

Ficus ivy

An interesting plant with a thin, weaving trunk. Dark green three-lobed leaves grow from it along the entire length. Their edges are painted white-yellow. For this plant, space and the ability to trail on any surface are important.

creeping ficus

Climbing creeping plant. Numerous additional roots form on its long stem. With its suction cups, it can attach itself to a crack, another plant, or a support. Hard oval leaves are heart-shaped. On its dark green surface, a yellow mesh pattern is formed.

Ficus Pumila White

The name of the plant is due to its small leaves. Pumila means small in Latin. This is a vine with long creeping shoots. Adventitious roots form on them along the entire length. The thickness of the stems of an adult ficus can exceed 5 cm. Oval-heart-shaped asymmetrical leaves are arranged in two rows. Their wrinkled, rough surface is covered with a mesh pattern.

Ficus heterophyllous

The name of this plant was given due to the fact that on its branches you can find leaves of various dissimilar shapes. Length of thin tree stem indoor ficus does not exceed 1 metre. Its oval-rounded leaves have a leathery surface. There are small spots on the dark green background of the leaf. Brown color. The decorative fruits of the plant are similar in size and color to an olive.

ficus retuza

Due to the thick, bizarre trunk, this type of plant is often used for growing bansai. He is also known as bay tree or Cuban ficus. The air exchange of the plant is carried out through reddish spots on its crown. The leaf shape of this ficus is ovoid with a sharp tip. Its dark green surface has a leathery texture.

Ficus rusty-leaved (Rubiginosa)

Shoots of a young plant are reddish in color. Aerial roots in this ficus are formed in the lower part of the crown. The leaves are large, leathery in length can reach 25 cm. Their color is dark green. From the bottom of the leaf and on its petiole, you can see fluffing of a reddish-brown hue. It is because of this that the ficus is called rusty.

Sacred Ficus (Sacred Fig)

Buddhists consider this plant sacred, because it was under it that Prince Gautama was transformed into a Buddha. Its lower part of the crown is covered with aerial roots. Heart-shaped ficus leaves at the end form a drip tip. When the atmospheric pressure changes, you can observe the “weeping” of the sacred tree. This is when juice appears at the end of the leaf. Their hue is greenish-blue with a yellow-white axial vein.

Ficus triangularis (triangular)

A woody shrub with a brown crown native to Africa. It is covered with leathery triangular leaves attached to the trunk at the top. Depressed vein with branches in the middle. Fruits abundantly with spherical syconia of a green or yellow hue.

Ficus rooting (dwarf)

Thin curly shoots are abundantly strewn with foliage. India is considered the birthplace of this ficus. The plant takes root with the help of nodular formations on its stems. Can braid large areas. Lance-shaped, smooth leaves have a leathery structure. They are attached to the stem with short petioles. The dark green shade of the leaves is diluted with a yellow-white pattern along the edges.

Ficus elastic (rubber)

It has a weakly branching trunk, which at home can reach two meters. Its juice contains rubber, which gave the plant its second name. In sufficiently damp rooms, it throws out aerial roots. The rough crown of a grayish-green plant is dotted with horizontal grooves. Elliptical leaves are pointed at the tip. Their surface is glossy and leathery. Siconia appear with a sufficient amount of moisture. They are spherical and yellowish green in color.

Most ficuses do not require special care at home. The main thing is to determine one place for them and not move them. They like lighted places, but without direct rays of the sun. It is very important that there is sufficient humidity in the room.

Belonging to the mulberry family. The homeland of ficus is countries with a hot climate, most of the species are found in Africa and South Asia.

In indoor floriculture, there are more than 20 types of ficus which are very popular due to their unpretentiousness.

Ficuses vary in size, color and leaf shape. They can have a straight stem, or they can be grown as an ampelous plant.

Of the many types of ficus, the florist can choose a plant for every taste. With the help of different types, you can create the most beautiful flower arrangements that fit well into the design of the room.

Location and lighting

Ficuses love constancy, so before deciding on a location, you must immediately take into account all its requirements so as not to rearrange the flower from corner to corner. Any movement can lead to shedding of leaves and slowing down in growth.

This houseplant loves light. Types of ficus with variegated leaves should be placed in well-lit places. If the ficus has dark green leaves, you can place it in a darker corner.

Low light will not greatly affect its development, but it will perfectly decorate those corners where other indoor plants do not grow.


A large number of different types of ficus also implies different conditions for their maintenance. Most species grow well in summer and develop at temperatures +25-27°С.

Ficuses with hard leaves easily tolerate being in the bright sun. Species with variegated and delicate leaves should definitely be shaded from direct sunlight in summer.

In winter, many types of ficus require temperature + 16-20°С., although some specimens easily tolerate a decrease up to +8°С.

At this time of the year, you need to protect the plant from hypothermia of the earthy clod on the windowsill, otherwise this indoor flower will easily throw off its beautiful leaves.

Watering and humidity

Ficuses love moisture, especially in the spring and summer, when the plant develops and grows. But do not abuse frequent watering. The top layer of the earth must be dry.

In winter, frequent water procedures. For the normal development of the plant at this time of the year is enough 1 watering in 10 days.

High humidity is also a necessary component for the normal growth and development of ficus. In summer, during the heat, and in winter, with the heating turned on, it is necessary to carry out frequent spraying of plants.

He loves ficus and shower very much, especially contrasting (warm and cool water). It should be remembered that ampelous species require more moisture, due to the close location of the roots to the surface of the earth.


Ficus responds very well to top dressing, especially during the period of active growth. In spring and summer, it is necessary to feed the plant with various fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. 1 time in two weeks.

You can fertilize the indoor flower with ashes or an infusion of green herbs such as nettle, dandelion, yarrow.

In the autumn-winter period, top dressing is reduced to 1 once a month. After transplanting into a new soil, there is no need for additional fertilization for 3-4 months.

Transplant and reproduction

Transplantation of adult plants must be done 1 once every two years, always in the spring. In this case, the capacity should be only 3-4 cm more than the previous one.

You should not transplant the plant into a very large pot, the ficus will not like it and can lead to waterlogging of the earthy coma and the death of the plant.

As soil, use purchased land designed specifically for ficuses, or mix sand, peat and leafy soil in equal proportions.

Best of all, all types of ficuses reproduce by apical cuttings. To do this, carefully cut at an angle in 45 degrees stalk, leaving three large leaves on it. If some kind of ficus has small leaves, the stalk should have a length 12-15 cm.

The cut must be treated in charcoal or a root stimulator and placed in water. The container must be opaque. Through 14 days small, white roots will appear.

Pests and their control

Most often, all types of ficus are attacked by spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects. To control these pests, it is recommended to use insecticides that effectively help in pest control.

The most popular means is actellik, actor, karbofos and many other preparations, which are presented in a large assortment in flower shops.

To combat the scale insect and mealybug, you can use the old folk method and wipe the leaves of the plant with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Many ficuses (Mulberry family) thrive in our homes, offices, libraries, etc. These plants are decorative and, according to the observations of most people caring for ficuses, have a beneficial effect on them, increasing their life potential. They say that if you put your hand on the leaf and concentrate on the sensations, then the soul will become calmer. Even psychics appreciate this plant and sometimes get answers to their questions from it. Esotericists consider ficus a talisman and keeper of family peace.

Or rubbery (ficus elastic). Ficus elastica, or "rubber tree, for a long time was ficus number 1. When he grew up, he was transplanted into an old bucket, which was decorated with paper. After all, voluminous flower pots and tubs were then in short supply. Not so long ago, other ficuses were rarely found on sale, and few people had the opportunity to purchase a ficus shrub or liana. Especially with variegated leaves. Amateur flower growers could not dream that the time would come when it would be possible to freely buy a variety of ficuses.

Shiny oval leathery leaves grow up to 30 cm long and 10–20 cm wide. They have a pointed tip curved down. Rolled young leaves are hidden under a soft pink coverlet. The color, shape and dimensions of the leaves depend on the variety. At Robusta they are green and wide, at Black Prince they are almost black, at Belize they are pinkish, with a cream-colored border at Brazil. A marble pattern adorns the foliage of the Dosheri. For small spaces, we can recommend the Melanie bush form with dark glossy leaves.

There is a lot of rubber in the juice of the ficus elastica, which is why it is called the Indian rubber tree. Huge heat-loving giant trees (30-40 meters high) grow in humid forests. They are good at home room temperature air (20 - 23 ° C), in a bright or semi-shady place, with regular watering and spraying in the summer.

In order for the ficus not to grow with a “stick”, but to begin to branch, it is pruned from spring to early summer. If this is done during a period of rest or at a time of intensive growth, then the desired shape may not be. The gradual fall of the lower leaves of this species is the norm, characteristic of many tree-like ficuses.

Planting in a cramped pot inhibits the growth of a fast growing tree. Ficus elastica reproduces well by cuttings (the milky juice must be washed off with water or removed with a cotton swab) and air layering.

(ficus benjamina). This species with glossy leaves pointed at the ends (5-10 cm long and 2-5 cm wide) is sometimes called "birch". In nature, "she" grows up to 25 meters tall. Houses are much smaller. For small rooms a dwarf form can be recommended.

There are many varieties with different leaf colors: green, light green, dark green or grayish green with a border. Interesting varieties with lemon leaves. Decorate and white-green foliage with white stripes, spots and strokes. The edges of the leaves are very different: even, wavy, etc.

In winter, Benjamin's ficus is sometimes naughty, dropping some of the leaves. It happens by different reasons: from cold, lack of light, dry air or waterlogging of the soil. Sometimes "leaf fall" can be stopped by frequent spraying with warm water. Watering in winter is moderate, only when the topsoil is dry.

Ficus Benjamin can be propagated by cuttings. They easily root in water or soil.

ficus carica, or figs, fig tree, fig, fig tree (ficus carica). It is a beautiful deciduous tree (or shrub) with large palmate leaves. The most interesting thing is that ficus karika can bear fruit even in a room, surprising with delicious and sweet fruits. It must be remembered that figs are a dioecious plant, in which flowering is not a guarantee of further fruiting.

For this type of ficus, you need to choose a bright place in the house. In summer, you can put it on the balcony or in the garden. In winter, figs rest, they need an air temperature of about +5 - 10˚С. Watering is plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. Formative pruning is carried out from mid-March to early June.
Ficus karika is propagated by seeds, cuttings, air layering and grafting.

Ficus Binnendijka (Ficus binnendijkii). This unpronounceable species is often referred to as ficus ali(by the name of the most popular variety). Sometimes instead scientific name species use motivated - "ficus willow".

Among the advantages of this houseplant is not only decorative, but also high shade tolerance. Variegated forms are more demanding of light. Ficus Binnendijk has narrow leathery leaves (up to 25 cm long and 3.5 cm wide). Popular varieties: "Ali"; "Amstel King" and "Amstel Queen" (with wider leaves); "Variegata" and "Amstel Gold" (variegated, need more intense lighting). Watering is regular, but without waterlogging the soil. Useful spraying of the crown. This is a heat-loving species, which, when the air temperature drops to + 13 ° C in winter, can shed its leaves. Ficus is usually propagated by cuttings.

Or banyan, Indian (Ficus benghalensis). This giant ficus, 35 meters high, forms many aerial roots that thicken, turning into thick trunks. In its homeland, a long-lived tree lives for almost five thousand years. Of course, the Bengal ficus growing in the house does not have such "indicators". But the famous aerial roots appear. The Audrey variety is widespread, which has a light grayish-brown trunk and leathery leaves (up to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide). This is a light-loving and heat-loving species, losing leaves when the air temperature drops. Bengal ficus is propagated by cuttings and air layering.

Ficus tiny, or creeping, dwarf(Ficus pumila). How good is this fast-growing ficus with creeping shoots, in which everything is miniature. Charming small leaves (up to 3 cm long and 2 cm wide). In nature, it grows in the shade of trees. The room also puts up with a lack of light. True, this applies more to forms with green leaves. Variegated forms need good lighting, without which color contrast is lost.

Tiny ficus needs moist air, so it is useful to spray it with warm water. The plant feels great in glass containers. For example, in round aquariums (of course, without water). This ficus is grown as an ampelous or ground cover plant. With frequent pruning of the tips of the shoots, it becomes more magnificent. This species is well propagated by cuttings.

(Ficus lirata). The shape of hard leathery leaves (50 cm long and 25 cm wide) resembles a violin. If the plant is not pruned (preferably in spring period), then it will resemble a powerful vine. For indoor conditions, we can recommend a reduced copy of the usual lyre-shaped ficus. This is the Bambino variety.

Ficus is suitable for a warm and bright (without direct sunlight) place. If red dots appear on the leaves, then either the scorching sun or the dryness of the earth and air are to blame. From drafts and a decrease in air temperature, its leaves turn black. Ficus should be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge.

There is another feature of agricultural technology that should be taken into account. Excessively abundant watering leads to waterlogging of the soil, from which the root system suffers, leaves fall, unsightly exposing the trunk. We have to correct the situation, "letting" the ficus on the cuttings.

ficus palmera, or "Desert Fig" (ficus palmeri). In the dry areas of California and Mexico, this thick-bodied succulent ficus (" bottle tree”) grows even on rocks. Kind of light-loving. In winter, ficus Palmera rests at an air temperature of 15 - 18 ° C. Over watering can kill the plant. It will look better if you adjust the crown with pruning. This species can be recommended to bonsai lovers.

In ficus Palmer, the roots develop the top layer of soil, therefore, when planting, they pick up shallow flower pots. For reproduction, cuttings with a “heel” are taken.

Or ginseng (Ficus microcarpa ginseng). Sometimes it is sold as ficus-bonsai, small-fruited, blunt. A feature of this species is thickened roots, resembling swollen twisted tubers of a bizarre shape. As soon as growth inhibitors that cause temporary inhibition cease to act, rapid growth of branches begins. Without pruning, the decorative effect of ficus-ginseng is reduced.

Agricultural technology is simple. It is worth paying attention to regular, but moderate, watering and top dressing.

With formative pruning, “waste” remains, which take root perfectly even in water. They make fast-growing branched trees, the shape of which has to be maintained by pruning.

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Today, about 1000 species of ficus are known to science, but only a few varieties are adapted for home breeding. Separate varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home maintenance. This evergreen representative of the mulberry family appeals to many flower growers. It is easy to care for decorative leafy ficuses, you just need to observe certain conventions regarding a particular species. Due to the low requirements for care, along with external attractiveness, ficuses decorate the interior of a living space, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or cafe.

Rubbery Melanie

All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, the leaves have dense structure, bright green color (some varieties may have spots, edging), different shapes.

The plant can be designed as a potted tree, a falling ampelous form or a miniature bonsai. The natural habitat allows them to reach enormous sizes, to become full-fledged trees. Domesticated representatives of the ficus family have dimensions acceptable for the premises, they grow slowly.

Ficus - where does it grow and where is its homeland? He prefers tropical countries, Pacific coasts, Indian Oceans, Mediterranean, South Africa. It is also common in the Crimea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, and India. The tropical rainforests of Malaysia and the Philippines, where ficuses grow and bear fruit, are the birthplace of the plant.

Ficus - types, photos and names

We often grow representatives of the ficus family at home, moreover, they are one of the most beloved. bushes different varieties not always similar, but they are united by almost the same growing methods and care requirements.

Variety of Benjamin - Lovely

One of the most popular varieties - Benjamin's ficus, has a universal size, resembles a small tree.

Starlight (Benjamin) Photos

This variety has several sub-cultivars that differ in the shape of the leaves. The egg-shaped Benjamin leaf has a slightly pointed tip. They can be saturated green shade, have white blotches, edging (variegated varieties). To give a beautiful shape to the crown, frequent pruning is recommended. The trunks lend themselves to weaving: gardeners often use this technique to achieve an unusual decorative effect. To do this, several seedlings are planted together or types of ficus Benjamin are used to create bonsai.

Photo of Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Ficus rubbery, also known as elastic (elastic) - the most common variety for pot growing. Buddhists revere it, consider it sacred. In its homeland (northeast India, south Indonesia), it can reach a height of 30 meters. This variety forms branches as it grows, and also forms aerial roots, especially when high humidity. Due to this structure of the root system, the elastic ficus is also called the "snake tree".

At home, it does not give color, the leaves are rather large, oval in shape with a sharp tip. The Melanie variety got its name due to the white milky juice that sometimes stands out on the surface of the leaf. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to produce rubber on an industrial scale.

Ficus elastic should not be over-moistened, especially with the onset of winter.

Rubbery (elastic) - Belize

very interesting from dwarf varieties- creeping ficus. It has curly creeping shoots, roots with suckers that can cling to any surface.

Pygmy Creeping - Pumila Green Sunny

Grows well in sunlit places, loves moisture very much. Creeping ficus has small leathery oval leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this ground cover variety are prone to woodiness. In bright light (but not in direct sunlight), the variegated leaf pattern becomes even brighter, and if it is scarce, it can become just green.

Its other name is pumila ficus (ficus pumila), the most popular varieties for home breeding are: Sunny (with an uneven white border along sheet edges),

Dwarf creeping - Pumilla Sanny

White Sunny (with a continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white spots on the sheet). Dwarf creeping feels equally comfortable in hanging pots (like an ampelous plant) and ordinary pots.

Pygmy creeping - Pumila White Sunny - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Dwarf ficus can be wrapped around special decorative poles, setting right direction run away.

Ficus goblet-leaved (Ficus Cyathistipula). He also has one name - Tsiatistipula. This is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plants from the ficus family. One of the distinguishing features is strong branching and closely spaced leaves. Hence the admirable view - it always looks magnificent.

The goblet leaf is large, leathery, elongated: length up to 20 cm, width no more than 7-8 cm. The top of the leaf is rounded, and the tip is pointed. The leaf is dark green on the front and light green on the back. The reverse side of the sheet looks interesting and unusual: in the form of a mesh.

Photo of the reverse side of the Cyatispula leaf:

And another sign: brown scales. This is clearly visible in the photo above. Scales always appear at the ends of branches. They play the role of protecting young leaves from external factors. They fall off over time, but stay on the branches for a long time.

The name Ficus Lyre is obtained precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm in length (25 cm in width), have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. A fairly large tree grows out of it, which does not like neighborhood, preferring to stand apart from others. It does not apply to banyans (plants with aerial roots). It has an upright trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background. In their form, the leaves expanding towards the top resemble a violin.

Ficus lyre

Ficus with the female name Natasha belongs to Benjamin's sub-cultivars.

Natasha (Benjanin)

It's evergreen perennial shrub, which can grow up to 2 meters in room conditions. The bush has many thin shoots with densely growing small leaves, which are the smallest among other varieties of Benjamin. The leaves themselves have a leathery structure, an elliptical shape with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can vary from white-green to deep green.

Photo of ficus leaves Natasha and Cypress - for comparison

Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, frequent movements, prefers to grow in one permanent place. He likes irrigation (twice daily), regular shaking of the crown (for airing lush foliage).

Photo of Microcarp Retuza

The Microcarp variety looks very similar to one of the Benjamin varieties. He is different accelerated growth root system, so it is often used to create bonsai. Microcarp leaves can be of different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On the shelves of our flower shops you can often see this variety grown in a special way, in which the roots resembling ginseng rhizomes become visible. The label that is attached to the pot says - Ficus microcarpa Ginseng (Ficus microcarpa ginseng).

To achieve this form of roots, it is necessary to do complex agrotechnical work using hormonal supplements and appropriate fertilizers. Under natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 25 meters, it is also called the "strangler" because of the tendency to wrap around the trunks of a number of growing trees, preventing their further growth and development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a raw material for the subsequent formation of a plant to get a bonsai style.

Photo Microcarp - bonsai style

Separately, it is worth mentioning the formation of bonsai - miniature trees that, with their appearance, repeat their large counterparts (roots and crown). The translation from Chinese "bonsai" is "grown in a tray." Varieties are used for harvesting ordinary trees or bushes, but with the use of cunning technologies of pruning, pulling the stems with wire, a special method of watering, amazing mini-gardens are created. Ficus is optimally suited for growing bonsai - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this area.

Ficus bonsai is created from varieties:

The Robusta variety belongs to rubber-bearing ficuses.

Rubbery (elastic) - Robusta - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk

Under natural conditions, it can grow up to 50-60 meters in height (but specimens of 30-40 meters are more common), it is the tallest representative of this family.

This is one of the most unpretentious species. Not really experienced flower growers, lovers of ficuses, are recommended to start their activities with it. Ficus Robusta has fleshy large leaves (approximately 30 cm long), which can be either solid (dark green) or with white or yellow patterns.

Photo of Robusta with leaves of different colors

It looks great in floor containers, likes frequent but moderate watering, and is not too picky about light.

Another representative of the Benjamin variety is Kinky.

Photo by Kinka (Benjamin) — photo by Yulia Semenyuk (Mirekina), Krasnoyarsk

This is a dwarf ficus with small, narrow, light-colored leaves. Green colour and cream edging around the edges. Light-loving Kinki, who prefers diffused lighting, does not like hot air (do not place near radiators or heaters), as well as drafts. It is highly undesirable to move it from one place to another (it can drop foliage). He will feel comfortable with moderate regular watering, irrigation.

AT natural environment characteristic feature Bengal ficus is a banyan tree - a special form of the structure of the root system, in which one plant from the side looks like a forest of many trees growing nearby.

Bengali - Banyan Tree

Bengal ficus has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves, at home it grows up to 2 meters in a few years. Loves good lighting sunlight, although it needs to be shaded to avoid burns on the leaves.

Photo by Andre (view of Bengalsky)

Light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower. If a daylight meager then installation additional source artificial light becomes relevant. Not too active watering is recommended.

Variety Melanie belongs to the family of rubber-bearing ficuses, once it was also used to produce rubber, but now it is a full-fledged ornamental plant.

Photo by Melanie (rubber-bearing)

Melanie's ficuses are neat bushes with a voluminous crown, they look equally harmonious in offices, home interior. This variety is unpretentious in care, loves frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering, it starts to hurt from too bright lighting. It has glossy leaves of a leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk, a crown that lends itself well to shaping. Allergy sufferers should take a closer look at this variety before the establishment, as its milky juice is toxic and can cause allergies.

Ficus Moklame is a tall bush with a neat compact crown.

Photo of Microcarp Moklaim (Moklame) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg

The shoots of this plant are directed upwards, the oval leaves of a rich green color have a very dense structure - they slightly resemble plastic ones. This flower loves diffused lighting. With a lack of light, Moklamé leaves turn pale, and with sufficient light, they acquire a rich shade. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in summer).

Ficuses in the house - signs

Ficuses are living plants, like all creatures, they carry an energy charge. Whether it is positive or negative is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums you can read the fears of the owners, discussions about whether ficuses should be kept at home.

If we consider the signs, then it is worth highlighting a few of the main, most often mentioned:

  • If you are experiencing a sudden impulse to purchase this plant, then it is likely that replenishment in the family will soon await you. However, in order for this sign to start “working”, the ficus must be presented to you by a positive, pleasant person for you.
  • If a girl or woman wants to get married, then she should grow a ficus from a small petiole with her own hands. Only she should take care of the plant, direct communication with the flower is also recommended, that is, the layering of favorable energy on it.
  • If you place a flower pot in the kitchen, then the financial situation of the family will improve, and incomes will grow. If you sleep badly or are under stress, then put it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere in a favorable way, optimizes energy in general.

According to biological studies, it has been proven that the presence of ficus purifies the air of the room, saturates it with oxygen (releasing phytoncides). This plant is able to absorb a variety of compounds harmful to humans (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, and others). Special enzymes that contain plant leaves can transform individual poisonous elements into sugar and amino acids.

There is information about the use of ficus folk medicine Eastern countries: with its help, skin, oncological, intestinal diseases are cured. However, you should not try little-known methods of treatment, but it is better to consult a competent doctor.

A plant can only be harmful if a person is allergic to it. Separate types ficuses, the same rubbery ones, secrete juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people with asthma. This juice cannot be tasted, and its contact with the skin is also undesirable.

Be doubly careful if you have small children, curious pets - contact with this plant may not be the best for their health.

As we can see, the positive qualities of ficus are much greater than the possible prohibitions on keeping it at home.

This is a beautiful evergreen plant, the care of which will not require you to spend a lot of time or some tricky conditions of detention. Any member of this family can decorate your home with their decorative effect. We hope that the varieties of ficus described here with photos and names will help you realize right choice and settle a new green friend at home.

Below are varieties of ficuses - photos and names of varieties:

Anastasia (Benjamin) Lovely (Benjamin) Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Daniel (variety of Benjamin) Baroque (variety Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Starlight (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin)
Baft (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Regidan (variety of Benjamin)
Safari (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo by De Gantel (Benjamin) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamin) Photo of Ali (a variety of Binnendik) - photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol
Amstel Gold (a kind of Binnendik) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo Opposite - one of the varieties of figs
Dwarf - Pumila White Sunny - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Variation of Benjamin - Midnight Lady Photo Esther (Neon) - a variety of Benjamin
Deltoid ficus - photo
The deltoid ficus has a triangular leaf, tapering towards the stalk
Deltoid (variegated) ficus with a triangular leaf