Good omens. The most common superstitions and omens The most common omens

Even our ancestors planned their lives, relying on beliefs and signs. Many of these omens have survived to this day. Below we consider what bad beliefs and omens are popular today and what their meaning is.

Bad omens in Russia - top 10 superstitions

Many wonder why bad omens are considered superstition. The word "superstition" consists of two parts: sue - bad and faith - faith. In fact, every belief, like magic, can only work when a person sincerely believes in their power.

Below is a list of bad omens, which are a kind of warning of fate.

Tenth place is occupied, perhaps, by the most harmless of superstitions: "Spilled salt promises a quarrel."

Probably, every person has heard about this sign, however, not everyone knows why this particular spice is a harbinger of a scandal in the family. In ancient times, salt was a very valuable product. It was eaten only during significant holidays or when an important guest was expected. It was very difficult to get it. That is why our ancestors could have quarrels over spilled such a valuable ingredient.

By the way, to avoid conflict, you need to pour sugar on top of the salt.

The ninth place in the list of terrible beliefs is occupied by: “You can’t look in the mirror at night.”

The mirror is perhaps the most powerful magical attribute. He is considered a conductor between the worlds. Our ancestors attributed this item to inventions that came from the devil. All believers were forbidden to look at their image for a long time and, moreover, to approach this reflector in the dark. Night is the time when evil gains the greatest strength and is able to penetrate the consciousness of mere mortals.

It is considered a very bad harbinger to see a dark silhouette near your reflection in the dark.

Eighth place is given to the belief "Do not spit in the well from which you drink."

You can also find the same expression about the earth. Our ancestors lived off agriculture, and water is necessary for the existence of all living beings. Therefore, with his spitting, a person shows disrespect for everything that gives him life.

In ancient times, such an offense was punished in the form of crop failure or drought.

In seventh place is the Black Cat, which crosses the road.

Many modern people still believe in the terrible consequences of such an event. However, not many people know why an animal of this color is associated with misfortune. Previously, when people preferred to travel on horseback, a dark cat that suddenly jumped out at night could frighten the horse, thereby endangering the health and life of the rider.

Since then, it has been believed that if this animal crosses the path of a person, then you should either change the route or postpone your business.

In sixth place is the belief about a woman with an empty bucket.

It is believed that a meeting with such a lady, who, moreover, crosses the road, portends a bad day.

Our ancestors did not come up with any opposition to such an event. So, try to postpone your plans for a while so as not to fail.

In fifth place is the superstition "You can not greet someone through the threshold."

You can also find such a sign about the transfer of any items. Our ancestors believed that in this way a person loses his luck and gives it to the one he greets.

Fourth place on the Bad Omens list goes to the Knife, which must not be left on the table.

If you believe the belief, that is, it is also forbidden from this tableware. Such actions can lead to discord in the family. If our ancestors accidentally forgot the knife on the dinner table, then in order to prevent terrible consequences, they stuck it into the bread. It was also possible to cut off a slice from a loaf.

The third position goes to the belief: "You can not lend after sunset."

In ancient times, it was believed that in this way a person can transfer his luck to the one who asks. There are times when it is impossible to refuse help. In this case, you need to say the following words:

“You can’t put nutshells on the table” takes the second position in the top.

It is believed that these attributes are capable of summoning dark power into the dwelling. The ancestors believed that the cleaning left on the table is a kind of magnet for evil spirits. The worst thing that could happen is that evil spirits want to stay in the man’s abode and bring him a lot of harm.

And, finally, the leading position in the top is occupied by the Bird that beats out the window.

To this day, people believe that such an event is a harbinger of disaster, a terrible illness, or even death. To neutralize the terrible consequences, our ancestors acted as follows:

They went out into the field before sunrise, threw a handful of grains in front of them and said:

Bad and good omens in other countries

All over the world there are many beliefs that will seem somewhat strange to the inhabitants of our country. So, for example, it is customary to dispose of broken dishes in Russia immediately, but in Denmark, on the contrary, people collect such fragments and give them to their most beloved people on New Year's Eve. It is believed that these fragments will bring a lot of happiness and good luck to their owner.

In Egypt, people believe that if a person picks up scissors, then he is obliged to use them. If you open and close this item without using it, then this can bring a lot of misfortune.

The belief of the Japanese may seem comical enough for the Russians. This nobility always hides its navel during a thunderstorm. If you leave this part of the body open, then the lord of thunder will come and eat it.

From all of the above, we can conclude that all negative signs will harm a person only if he himself believes in their negative influence. Try not to take such signs to heart and nothing bad will happen.

Mankind has come up with a huge number of different signs and superstitions throughout its history. Conventionally, they can be divided into religious, everyday and mystical.

According to emotional perception, omens are regarded as good and bad.

Good omens and superstitions.

It is believed that if you pay attention to good omens, you can avoid not only the blow of fate or bypass failure, but also attract good events in life.

In fact, not all signs promise trials and some kind of hardship, there are a number of signs that promise a person success, luck, good health, tender feelings and well-being in family affairs.

A list of signs that are definitely good symbols

If your nose itches, good news awaits you.

· Accidentally see the light in your window - to a happy occasion.

· A wonderful love story awaits you if a ladybug has chosen your hand and stayed on it for a long time.

· If in the morning you met a man first, you can be calm, the day will be successful.

· They say that in order not to grow old, a woman should always carry a ripe acorn with her.

· A holiday is coming, and the weather forecast promises precipitation - the fun will be successful.

Many moles on the human body promise him longevity.

A woman in a red dress.

· A fellow traveler in clothes of red tones - to happy moments.

· If a flying bird rewarded you with its droppings right on your head, do not be upset, you will soon become successful and rich.

· To make the day successful for you, you should get out of bed with your right foot, then all your undertakings will end in success.

· If the daughter is more like her father, her life will be happy.

· Found a pin by accident - be sure that someone right at this moment remembers you with kindness.

The girl pricked her finger - soon you will be flooded with compliments.

If you saw death in a dream, a long life awaits in reality. Tears in a dream always portend joyful events.

Good news if it rings in the right ear.

Beating dishes for good luck is a good omen.

· Receive a silver item as a gift - good luck.

· A positive sign - to beat the dishes (plate) on Saturday.

Watching a rainbow in winter - to the happy news.

Good news awaits you if a sneeze attacks you before eating.

Violets in the house - to financial well-being.

If you come across a woman, and she has both hands busy with something, expect a successful day.

· When going on a date with a young man, a girl should wear an oval-shaped jewelry - this is a very good sign.

· Always try to step on the sidewalk or on the stairs with your right foot - the day will be successful.

If a fly got into your food, do not rush to be very upset, a happy winning event may soon happen in life or receive a gift.

A small child smiles in a dream - his house is surrounded by favorable events.

To meet three nuns is a good omen.

· Observe three nuns at once - to good events.

· The newborn should be immediately put on the mother's stomach, then his life will be happy.

Find a button - to promotion. This sign came to us from antiquity, when few people had buttons on their shirts, many simply used ribbons.

· You can't swear on the Annunciation, you should watch your words and thoughts, because from ancient times it was believed that on this day angels watch over people.

· To receive something in blue tones as a wedding gift - there will be prosperity in the family.

Good omens - believe it or not

Good signs can be listed for a very long time, especially since they are constantly replenished, because life does not stand still. Since ancient times, it has been inherent in man to believe in mysticism, even modern realities cannot change our nature.

In order not to spoil your life with bad forebodings, you should not take bad omens to heart, it is always better for optimists who believe in a brighter future.

A person’s thought is material, therefore, signs can come true only if you believe in them with all your heart.

Skeptical individuals, most likely, will never lure either good or bad events into their reality, no matter what sign they observe. After all, they do not trust what they see and feel, do not believe any superstitions to the end.

The fact that there will be more good ones than bad ones is a given. It is human nature to believe more in positive signs, so the number of good signs is growing much faster. Some superstitions live with us for several centuries, they are fixed at the genetic level and it is not so easy to get rid of them.

It would seem that a modern person should not pay attention to all kinds of signs, because many mystical phenomena of antiquity have already been scientifically proven.

But we always want to believe that life constantly sends us mysterious signs, deciphering which, we will come only to the brightest. Maybe this is good, because it is always more pleasant to know that the best achievements are ahead.

Video : Omens and superstitions - good and bad

Superstitions are a kind of "folk signs" that do not have a real physical or logical justification, but are based on a person's belief in some supernatural magical powers and patterns. Consider the most common superstitions that have come down to our days from time immemorial and in which people still continue to believe.

Let's start with a little theory. The word "superstition" comes from the fusion of two Church Slavonic words, and literally means "vain faith." Many superstitions originate from ancient times, or at least from antiquity. Most often, superstitions came from two sources. The first is folk signs that could not be explained by the scientific concepts of "that" time, and then mystical explanations were given to them. Over time, the very essence of the sign could be lost, and its explanation could be assigned to completely different things. Often, superstitions are not just omens, but also require the performance of some kind of “magic” action or ritual. For example, it is believed that returning from the floor of the road is a failure on the way or an upcoming enterprise, but this can be avoided if you look in the mirror before going out again.

The second source is fantastic parallels and analogies that people drew from some real events or religious traditions, and extended, again, to completely extraneous things. Lastly, in particular, a large number of near-church superstitions appeared in Orthodoxy. For example, such: on the feast of the Beheading of the head of the prophet John the Baptist, it is allegedly impossible to serve round foods, such as cabbages or tomatoes (similar to a severed head), and cutting and chopping objects, such as a knife or an ax; on the feast of the Maccabees, according to popular beliefs, poppies should be blessed in the church and winnowed by them (based on the consonance of the nickname of the biblical brothers and the words “winning poppy”, etc.

The Orthodox Church does not approve of superstition, because it considers them both a lack of faith in relation to God, and as a concession to demonic forces. But various magicians, sorcerers and psychics, adherents of pagan cults love to believe in such signs. And, oddly enough, atheists often believe in superstitions.

Why are superstitions so tenacious?

Superstitions live because we believe in them. Psychosomatics is a phenomenon long proven by science, which consists in the fact that our body can “work out” the secret commands of our subconscious. Therefore, for the most part, superstitions and “omens”, in which the person himself, his health or relationships with the outside world and people appear, come true, that a person is waiting for certain events. Knocking “on wood”, spitting over the left shoulder or looking in the mirror act similarly as an “antidote”, since a person believes that he has reliably protected himself from negativity and stops expecting something bad.

From the point of view of the Church, some superstitions are still not completely “empty” (although they do not cease to be sin because of this), although they do not have the same meaning as the “superstitators” put into them. After all, the fact that the non-material world exists in one form or another is no longer denied even by the majority of atheists. The Orthodox, on the other hand, know for sure that many dark non-material forces are constantly hunting for every person, wanting to catch him in their nets. And if a person voluntarily begins to believe in empty signs and rituals, then in order to gain power over him, dark spirits willingly “fill” these signs with their own meaning, convincing the unfortunate person of their truth.

However, it is interesting that some of the same superstitions exist among different peoples, however, they carry the opposite meaning. Some of them you can find below.

Let's find out what are the most common superstitions that keep modern people captive.

The most popular superstitions

1. "Bad" day Friday the 13th

This day has long had a bad reputation. It is believed that on Friday, which falls on the 13th, no important business can be done, and even more so, starting new business. And in general, expect continuous troubles on this day. In fact, in many countries, the number 13 itself is considered unlucky or even diabolical. In Russia, it was called the "devil's dozen." The roots of this superstition go back to the Church Tradition of the Old and New Testaments. It is believed that it was on Friday the 13th that Cain killed his brother Abel, and several thousand years later, on exactly the same day, Jesus Christ died on the Cross.

2. Black cat - unfortunately

However, this belief is typical for mainland Europe and the Slavs. But in England, a black cat, on the contrary, is considered to bring good luck, and a white one is a source of all kinds of trouble.

Western Europe, as well as the Slavs, traditionally associated black cats with evil spirits, witches and sorcery. During the heyday of the Inquisition, many of these animals suffered innocently from the “witch hunt. Accordingly, it is believed that a black cat that crosses the road brings misfortune and illness. Even a dream about a black cat among the Slavs could predict the approach of trouble.

In order to protect themselves from the "devilish influence" of a black cat, our ancestors made a 360-degree turn, while breaking a tree branch into two parts and throwing them in different directions. However, one could simply spit over the left shoulder - a universal remedy in many such cases. :-)

3. You can not pass anything through the threshold

This superstition arose from those pagan times, when it was customary to bury the ashes of ancestors under the threshold, so that their spirits would protect the home. Of course, passing something across the threshold, especially if one of the parties was a stranger (neighbor, wanderer), was considered simply dangerous. Another interpretation of this superstition suggests that the threshold has long been considered a symbol of the barrier that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. Accordingly, transfers from one world to another were considered not very safe.

4. You Can't Celebrate 33rd and 40th Birthdays

The age of 33 is considered the age of the crucifixion of Christ, so the onset of the 34th year of life in Christian countries was traditionally expected with not very good premonitions. Where is the celebration! However, a variation of this superstition says that since Christ was a man, women can celebrate this birthday without fear.

Similarly, the number 40, according to Christian tradition, has often been associated with unpleasant and negative events. So, with a 40-day outpouring of water from “the abysses of the earth and heaven,” God drowned the first civilization of sinners in the Flood; For 40 years Moses led the Jews through the desert as a punishment for idolatry and violation of God's commandments; 40 Sevastian martyrs were frozen alive in an icy lake for refusing to worship pagan idols; finally, the 40th day is considered the end of the stay of the soul of the deceased on earth and the moment of sending it either to Paradise or to Hell.

5. Break the mirror - get seven years of misfortune

Since the mirror, from the point of view of poorly educated medieval people, had completely inexplicable and magical properties, it was believed that it not only reflects objects and people, but also receives a part of the soul of those who look into it. This superstition was actively supported by the Catholic Church, wanting to wean its parishioners from the habit of preening in front of a mirror. Therefore, breaking a mirror is a sure way to get seven years of misfortune and failure. Why just seven? Again the "magic of numbers", based on the Christian tradition.

The same superstition, by the way, formed the basis of the ritual of hanging mirrors in the house of the deceased until the 40th day (see above about the 40th day).

6. Let's sit "on the track"

In the old days, it was believed that house spirits (brownies), guarding the dwelling and its owners, cling to a person who is going on a long journey, trying to prevent him from leaving and interfering on the road. On the way, they do all sorts of petty dirty tricks to turn the traveler away from his intentions and force him to return home. Well, if you sit down “on the path”, then the spirits can be deceived: they will think that no one is going anywhere, relax and let the person leave.

7. Devil number "666"

The number 666 is mentioned in the most mysterious prophetic book of the New Testament - the Apocalypse of St. John the Theologian. It is called the "number of the beast" or the "seal of the Antichrist." It is believed that those who take it are doomed to eternal torment, and in general, all this is connected with the End of the World and all other unpleasant moments. And although none of the known interpretations clearly explains in what form and under what circumstances this number acquires its diabolical meaning, however, Christians traditionally try to stay away from it. On the contrary, Satanists have high hopes for him and often use three sixes in their rituals.

8. Nothing can be picked up at the intersection

It is believed that you can transfer your illness or misfortune to some thing, and then throw it at the crossroads, where it will be taken away by evil spirits. That is why it is impossible to pick up and, moreover, take away things found at the intersection of roads. Moreover, the more expensive the found thing, the more serious the misfortune or illness reduced to it.

In general, the mystical power of crossroads has long been noted both by pagans and adepts of magic, and by the Church. For a long time, criminals have been hung at crossroads to intimidate the passing people. At the crossroads, robbers attacked merchant caravans and lone travelers. Modern bioenergetics believe that it is in the places of large intersections that geopathogenic zones are located. And the Church considered crossroads to be a favorite habitat for evil spirits, which is why it placed chapels, temples and worship crosses there to counteract this force.

9. Sprinkle salt - unfortunately or quarrel

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally where the roots of this superstition grow from. Let's try to simply describe what salt is in the minds of the people of the past. Let's start, of course, with the mystical meaning. The reason for this lies in the gospel words of Christ, who gave her an outstanding significance, comparing the apostles with her: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its potency, how will you make it salty?”

Salt is considered an item capable of absorbing good and bad energy. In the Church there is a special rite of consecration of salt. Of course, the people could not but interpret all this in their own way, according to the pagan beliefs rooted in them. Hence such near-church superstitions as "Thursday salt" and the use of salt as amulets. It was believed that with the help of salt, witchcraft objects could be cleansed. Salt scattered on the floor was even used as a protective agent against evil spirits. Therefore, if salt was spilled by someone by accident, then this was perceived as an action of evil spirits with the aim of disturbing peace in the family.

On the other hand, salt was an ancient and very valuable seasoning. Because of salt, there have been violent conflicts and salt riots in history. Salt has been both a currency and a preservative for food storage in warm countries. It was then, perhaps, that the belief was born that scattering such a value is not good.

10. Do not whistle - there will be no money!

From ancient times, whistling was considered an appeal to the other world and the call of evil spirits. It is interesting that such a belief exists not only among the Slavs, but also in Japan. In some countries of Western Europe, the whistle was traditionally considered a tool of witches. And in Poland and Romania, for example, there is a proverb that when a girl whistles, the churches shake, and the Mother of God cries. The whistle in the house threatens its owners with the fact that there will never be money in this house, and the sailors believed that the whistle on the high seas could attract a storm.

Don't believe in superstition!

In fact, we talked about an insignificant number of superstitions out of that huge number that spoils people's lives and pleases evil spirits. We have listed perhaps the most popular of them, but perhaps you can give your own rating? Leave your options in the comments! On our own behalf, we want to advise you to believe less in superstitions, because much of what you believe in sooner or later comes true. Even when there are no objective reasons for this. Simply because you believe in it.

Based on materials from open Internet sources

Superstitions - for those who believe in them - are a way to “negotiate” with fate and influence what usually depends only on chance. And even those who believe only in the interconnection of things that directly affect each other will name one or a couple of the most popular superstitions in Russia.

We all remember about spilled salt and “knock on wood”, but we don’t always know why exactly this should be done, where it came from and how to protect ourselves from failure due to a black cat running across the road. So, let's look at the list of the most popular superstitions.

As a sign of the imminent appearance of money, many random unpleasant events are interpreted. A kind of consolation.

  • Step into the doggy 'gift"- to profit and good luck in business. There are especially many of them in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, with our missing culture of cleaning up after pets.
  • The bird has marked you- also for money. One of the few positive signs associated with birds, usually birds are messengers of misfortune.
  • You can't whistle in the house- there will be no money. It is believed that the whistle attracts evil spirits, which steals good luck and prosperity (or even just money that it is not clear where they disappeared from the savings envelope).
  • You can't take money out of your hands- will be transferred. It is better to ask them to put them on the table, so that you can take them calmly later. The same with the transfer - do not give directly to the hands.
  • Can't sit on the table- attract poverty. The table is a symbol of satiety, everything valuable that is in the house, there is nothing to offend him.
  • Don't lend in the evening- not only will the debtor most likely forget to return the money, but also their own will suddenly run out.
  • Also don't take out the trash in the evening- money goes with it.

Life and death

It is better to live long and in good health than to be sick and die early - the truth for all ages. Superstitions that foreshadow death and allow you to measure the length of the remaining life, more than enough. List of fateful signs and superstitions:

  • Can't sit on the doorstep- attract illness. Drafts in the doors are not useful to anyone, plus - the symbolism of the threshold as a transition from one world to another. It's not worth staying there.
  • Celebrate fortieth birthday- to call trouble. Forty (days, years) is an unlucky number, it is better to pretend that you are still thirty-nine.
  • Crows circling over the house Someone will die there soon. What else can carrion birds symbolize if not death?
  • If a ask the forest cuckoo how many years to live, she will cuckoo the answer.
  • After the death of a person, the mirrors in the house must be closed.. Through mirrors nothing otherworldly looks at us.
  • Meat dreams to illness. Your body is clearly telling you something.

Popular superstitions about the road

The road, especially the long one, is a small adventure full of unforeseen circumstances or even dangers. Our ancestors were serious about any trips beyond their own yard.

  • Returned - there will be no road. It is believed that if the path did not work out from the very beginning (I forgot the keys, gloves), then nothing good can be expected. To ward off trouble, you need to make a face in the mirror.
  • Need to sit on the track- to good luck and an easy path. You need to sit down to deceive the evil spirits, who will think that you were not going anywhere and will not follow you.
  • On the train, you need to eat immediately after it starts. This is not from a great hunger, but from the desire to make a new place, albeit temporarily, one's own. Where you ate is a branch of your house, and no harm will be done to you there.
  • The bird is beating on the car window- Danger lurks on the road. A variant of a sign with a bird beating through the window of the house, which portends death. The ancient peoples did not have cars, and the sign migrated from real estate to cars only recently.

Relationships and family happiness

What is most important for survival? And in ancient times, and now it is a community of people who are ready to help. Quarrels weaken our ties with people, so it is better to avoid them.

  • spill the salt- quarrel. To prevent this from happening, you need to throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder. Having previously made sure that no one is standing there, otherwise there will be no need to invent a reason for a quarrel.
  • Putting underwear inside out to frustration. Or at all - to be beaten. Upside down, inside out means wrong, and this attracts bad events.
  • Can't eat with a knife- become evil . Apparently, the meaning of a knife as a weapon will be transferred to a person. Or the tongue will be as sharp as a knife.

How not to stay in girls

Although why not? Single now is better than ever. It was our ancestors who were terribly afraid of being alone, and superstitions on this score multiplied and accumulated. Take it into service - it will come in handy to take marriage away if you are not going there at all.

  • The girl sits in front of the corner of the table to remain unmarried for seven years. Long lasting remedy!
  • Trying on someone else's wedding dress before the wedding - to secure a few free years. But the dress already participating in the marriage ceremony has no effect.
  • Sitting on the windowsill (especially dangling legs) - ward off suitors.
  • Pass food and things through the threshold - delay the day of your marriage.

Failure and protection from it

What signs of fate promise us failure, how to protect ourselves from them and what should be avoided so as not to invite trouble ourselves?

  • You can not sew things on yourself- "You will sew up the memory." It is not known why it is memory that suffers, but the danger of being pricked with a needle is quite real. To neutralize the effect, you need to take a piece of thread or cloth in your teeth.
  • A black cat ran across the road- to failure! famous superstition. How to deal with harmful animals? Find a detour or circle around you three times.
  • You can not pick up things (especially coins) at intersections- pick up failure. Magical rituals for getting rid of unnecessary things prescribe to speak and throw away the change exactly at the intersection or road, so you don’t want other people’s problems - it’s better to leave the coins where they are.
  • Knock on wood- protect your optimistic plans for the future from evil spirits who love to spoil everything. Tell how you are doing well, and it will be even better - knock on wood to avoid bad changes.
  • Friday the 13th- an unsuccessful day, and it is better not to start anything serious and requiring effort and good luck on it.

The existence of folk signs and superstitions has been going on since the dawn of mankind. And they accompany us throughout our lives. Their origins go to the distant depths of antiquity. This was helped by the absolute and undeniable meanings that generally accepted signs and superstitions about life have. Existing in a wide variety of forms and manifestations, often folk signs and signals contain an accurate reflection of the essence of the processes that happen to us almost daily.

Interpretation may vary

Folk omens and superstitions about life are human observations that have been passed from mouth to mouth for several millennia. Very often there are situations when the interpretation of the same symbols and signs among representatives of different peoples is completely different from each other. For example, a Russian person perceives a black cat that crosses the road as a very negative sign, while an Egyptian, regardless of color, perceives this animal from the position of a sign of upcoming good luck.

Signs played an important role

In ancient times, generally accepted signs and superstitions about life accompanied people not only in their personal lives, but also when making decisions at the state level. There were frequent cases when the outcome of the war was determined only by what foot the leader got up in the morning. People's signs and superstitions are considered to be those that have already gone out of use, but continue to influence the commission of our actions.

Very often, in various signs, the true essence of what is happening to a person is displayed in the best possible way. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that folk signs and superstitions about life also contain a large number of false assumptions and delusions, giving an explanation for almost any sacrament in the form of a manifestation of forces of a supernatural, mystical nature. That is why one should not take the various signs encountered at every step as exceptionally correct explanations of the events that are happening to us. This may be just parting words for making an internal decision.

What can be signs

There are a huge number of folk signs and superstitions, but it just so happened that in most cases a person remembers and attaches more importance to bad omens. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most famous and popular beliefs in a significant amount do not bode well for us. Good folk omens and superstitions come across much less frequently.

The generally accepted signs regarding our life are associated with the daily manifestation of household activities, important events that occur regularly. It is necessary to consider in more detail those folk signs and superstitions that may be associated with our daily activities.

Beliefs that can accompany people in everyday life

Bad and at the present stage, many are not noticed. And this happens until the moment when something happens. This is due to the fact that we simply ignore superstitions. Of all the signs, many speak of failures in business or undertakings. And it was they who attracted more attention, since a negative result in solving problems is always stored in memory. In addition, there are many more bad ones.

The most famous negative superstition is the one that claims that if a black cat crosses your path, then nothing good can happen after that. And if the plate breaks, then you have to wait for happiness. But such a sign will speak of good only if everything happens by chance.

Popular superstitions

Some notes should be highlighted.

  1. If you leave the slippers in which you walk at home in a crossed position, then in this way you invite trouble.
  2. Damp salt portends bad weather.
  3. Sweeping the dust out of one's own house means sweeping good luck out of one's family.
  4. In no case do not put a hat on the table, as this leads to lack of money.
  5. A bad sign is the exchange of glasses during a meal.
  6. Misfortune promises running out of porridge from the pan.
  7. In order to avoid misfortune, you must return the knife that was taken to cut an apple or other fruit. This must be done with a smile.
  8. A change in the weather is indicated by creaking and crackling furniture in the house.
  9. What other signs and superstitions about life are there? A mirror that has fallen and broken has a negative meaning. This speaks of the imminent death of a loved one.
  10. Passing salt to someone at the table during a meal portends a quarrel with this person. To prevent this, you must laugh when you pass this product.
  11. If you are returning a bucket, basket, bag, plate, jar you took earlier, you need to put something in them. Do not give these items empty. Then you will have more.
  12. It is believed that laughter at the table contributes to the fact that the demon will shit in food.
  13. Half-eaten food and half-drunk drink are considered abandoned evils.
  14. Leaving the keys on the table - to the lack of money in the house.
  15. If you put on your left sleeve first in clothes, expect trouble.

What are the birds trying to tell us?

There are signs and superstitions about birds. Even in ancient times, many feathered peoples were used in mystical rites, casting spells or simply guessing. The bird symbolized the human soul. And this association persisted. Today there are not only good, but also superstitions about life. Birds play the main role in them. And it is worth noting that some signs were scientifically substantiated.

Among the verified observations, one should highlight the belief regarding swallows that fly low. This means that it will rain soon. The veracity of this sign is very easy to explain. Before the rains, there is a decrease in atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, insects caught by swallows begin to fly very low.

A large number of folk signs are associated with crows, hens and sparrows. For example, there is a belief that if all the hens start clucking at once, then there will be a quarrel in the family. If the chicken starts to crow like a rooster, then you have to wait for trouble.

The hero of both bad and good omens is the titmouse. If she suddenly flies out the window or knocks on it, expect trouble. There are other interpretations that explain the behavior of the bird. Her arrival suggests that good should be expected soon. This is due to the fact that in some peoples the tit is considered a representative of the forces of light. And in folk legends, it is often equated with the Blue Bird, which symbolizes happiness.

A few signs with birds

What other signs and superstitions should be highlighted? Birds often make people nervous with their behavior. Some superstitions should be cited as an example:

  1. If a bird flies into the house through the window and immediately flies out, then this indicates that a message will come soon. In some beliefs, this symbolizes that soon someone will die.
  2. Is the stork nesting on a pipe? This is for wealth and happiness.
  3. If a bird flew into a fireplace chimney, this is to someone's death.
  4. The raven that croaks over the house speaks of the disease.
  5. If the bird sits on the window, then the owner of the house will expect material costs.
  6. If a woodpecker starts knocking on the roof of the house, then you should expect trouble.
  7. If a bird dies in a cage on the morning of the wedding, the marriage will be unhappy.
  8. If the stork begins to move away from a certain place before the allotted time, then misfortune will occur in this area.
  9. When a bird hovers over or around a house, it means that someone will get sick soon.
  10. The triple cawing of a crow flying over the house speaks of death.
  11. The flight of a bird of prey around the house symbolizes betrayal.
  12. When a swallow, having built a nest for itself, leaves it, disaster will occur.
  13. An unexpected change in flight direction indicates the approach of danger.
  14. If the rooster begins to walk importantly at the door and scream at the same time, then we must wait for the stranger to come to visit.
  15. The flight of a bird at you will speak of good luck. If they fly away from you, this is a bad omen.

Maybe the birds aren't trying to warn us?

If we analyze the behavior of birds and understand it, then it does not have any signs. They can be affected by the weather, predatory animals, lack of food. Good and bad omens and superstitions do not play any role in this case. Birds can knock on the window if it's cold. They are attracted to food and light. Do not think that the tit is calling trouble to you, it is just hungry.

Is it possible to protect yourself from bad omens?

If you are interested in signs, then take into account not only their interpretation. We must also take care of how to protect ourselves from the consequences if the belief is bad. For example, if you return home half way, then this indicates bad events that will happen in the future. To correct this situation, you need to look in the mirror before leaving again. This way you can protect yourself.

Has the salt crumbled? This is a bad omen. According to interpretations, such carelessness in actions will lead to a quarrel. But this can also be avoided. You just have to laugh, and the promised disagreements and quarrels will not happen. And if they happen, it is no longer the fault of the salt. Did a bird fly in the window? This is also a bad omen. Try to get her out of the house as soon as possible. And we should try to spend a few nights, for example, with friends.

What can insects talk about?

Signs can be associated not only with the weather, clothes, money and things. Animals or birds may be affected in them. But the insects are not left out. Some superstitions should be cited, in which spiders and flies play the main role:

  1. If you killed the firefly, then your love was also killed. Or maybe even a loved one dies.
  2. What else do signs and superstitions say about life? The spider, or rather, its fall on the face from the ceiling, promises pleasant consequences.
  3. If a white spider nests above the bed - expect happiness. If black - the consequences will not be very pleasant.
  4. A fly falling into a glass from which you are going to drink or is already doing so is a success in business.
  5. The descent of a small spider before your eyes - to a message, a letter.
  6. Ants in the house symbolize happiness.
  7. What other signs and superstitions about life can be identified? Flies that get into food promise a gift.
  8. If you find a spider on a dress, then you should expect profit.
  9. Killed a ladybug? Expect trouble. Killed a bug? The result will be exactly the same. Killed a spider? 40 sins will be forgiven and misfortune should be expected.
  10. Is there a beetle in the house? It speaks of trouble.
  11. Bad news must be expected if you saw a spider and got scared. And if you are not scared, everything will be fine.

You should not always look for a double meaning in what you see.

Signs and superstitions do not have an unambiguous interpretation. Yes, and people are quite ambivalent about them. Someone is convinced that these are just prejudices, and they are not worth attention. Others believe in signs, whether they are good or bad. You choose how you treat superstitions. Sometimes they can come true. But sometimes one should not look for any signs in them, since they can be explained quite simply.
