Figures for the garden and cottages, decoration and benefits for the local area. Garden figurines for summer cottages and gardens How to install garden figurines

More and more people are purchasing garden plots for country houses. In a quiet corner in the bosom of nature, there is a desire to show their creativity. You can purchase ready-made decorative figurines or come up with your own products.

The correct position of the figurines

Garden figurines should organically fit into the overall design of the site, emphasizing its features.

For example, you can first cut out figures from cardboard, put them in the selected places. From the side, see if they look good. If you don't like it, try swapping.

Advice! Don't overload your garden. Maybe only 1 figure will look better from the side, at the fountain, gazebo or flower bed among lush vegetation.

Proportions are important in the garden, on small plot there should be a small figure, on a large one - a large sculpture is possible.

Garden style

natural garden - The best decision in the presence of children. You can create Mowgli, who fell asleep on the back of Bagheera, funny elves and other creatures from myths.

For country (provincial design), multi-colored gnomes, goblin, elves, etc. are suitable. This is the most unpretentious design, where small garden figurines can be scattered throughout the garden: a dog, a cat, a cow, a frog or a lamb.

Chinese garden - a minimum of decor, here the figurine will be appropriate for internal walls. At the "Moon Gate" preference is given to the Dragon and the Lion, they will protect housing and bring good luck to the owners.

The Japanese garden is minimalist, so they often decorate the territory with stones rather than sculptures.

The classic version involves valuable materials: bronzes, natural wood or marble. It is better to turn to specialists.

Materials for garden figures

from wood

For large products, the most popular material is wood. Make a figurine for the garden various wood You can use a hacksaw, hammer, electric drill and chisel.

First, they make a sketch of the composition (figurine), in the form of a cylinder it is much easier to do. A gnome or an animal is best done in a standing position. A trial model can be molded from clay (plasticine), then repeated on wood.

Apply a pattern to a log, then you can cut a figure. Already being sanded ready product, minor errors are corrected to give the final image.

In conclusion, the entire composition is coated with an antiseptic, later with a varnish to protect the wood.


It is easy to make a multi-colored umbrella, there are rods on the outside, in the center there is a long curved handle. Inside you get a wonderful flower bed with petunias or other flowers.

The frog looks charming, made of metal large bowls. They are directed to the center, make a long tongue on the bottom, and eyes on the top.

The body of a frog from an ordinary teapot without a lid, the lower bowl is simply inserted into it. The spout of the teapot is one hand, we create the rest ourselves. Coloring everything in green color, red - tongue and edging of bowls.

From stone

Stones can be painted with acrylic bright colors so the rain doesn't hurt. After all, the trolls at dawn turned into stones. Stripes, graffiti or pattern are real works of art.

You can create interesting figures for the garden with your own hands with the whole family, combine ideas.

Smooth stones can become "ladybugs" that can be decomposed into different angles garden, on stumps, etc. You can clay pot put pebbles painted with strawberries.

The finished product is determined by the shape of the stone - a sleeping cat, a calf, etc.

From small pebbles, you can create a whole town with windows and bridges. Fasten them with cement and place them among greenery or bushes. Living stones are an amazing idea for decorating an area.

From car tires

Craftsmen come up with amazing compositions, which are then painted in various colors. Cut or bend tires.

Donkey. The body is made of 2 glued halves of tires, long ears. a little harder legs, they need to be bent, as in the figure. It is easy to make a small cart out of pieces of wood: connect 2 wheels with poles at a distance of up to 1 m, attach 2 long strips to the donkey. You can put a tire on the cart, where you can create a small flower bed.

The parrot is cut out of the tire, the “tail” is cut into several strips and bent. Circles are left in the center of the back, for which you can hang birds in the yard.


It is more difficult to make figures from plaster than from other materials. Execution steps:

  • Draw a rough sketch.
  • Make a frame from metal rods.
  • The finished frame is then covered with plaster, creating the necessary shape.
  • Leave the finished product for a few days, then paint.

You can choose funny animals on the Internet: a squirrel, a bird, a turtle, a raccoon, a mole or a hedgehog.

Anyone can create with their own hands to give mischievous animals or a whole composition. The main thing is to decide on the place, size, then with the material and animal (bird).

We bring to your attention the most interesting ideas figurines for the garden in the photo in our gallery.

Photo of figurines for the garden

To date, the choice of decorative figures for summer cottages and gardens is great, but many people want to see unique sculptures on their backyard.

The ability to create an interesting figure, express yourself and make a sculpture that fits your garden or summer house design will realize your most daring ideas.

Suitable materials for making decorative figures with your own hands are: cement, papier-mâché, gypsum, polyurethane foam, and other materials that you can find in the country and in the garden. Combining various materials, you can create a decorative figure for a summer residence or a garden with your own hands.

Using papier-mâché to make decorative figures

Papier-mache is made from pieces of various paper mixed with PVA glue. The mixture is wrapped around a base made of wire, or plastic bottles. To give gravity to the sculpture, sand must be poured into the bottles.

The first layer is made from papier-mâché of various papers, the finish layer is from egg trays soaked in very hot water. The sculpture must be well dried for several days.

You can strengthen the layers by gluing layers of gauze. Before painting, it is necessary to process the surface of the figure sandpaper, cut off excess paper. Replacements must be processed, with a brush, a figure from mold and fungi.

The surface of small parts must be treated with putty. After drying, sand again. Then we prime and apply the main colors of the figure. We finish work with a sculpture with a layer of varnish.

Such a sculpture has disadvantages: it is afraid of moisture and frost. The duration of its use depends on the care. When sheltering a figure from snow, rain or frost, they can last more than 2 years.

The use of gypsum for the manufacture of decorative figures

Difficulties when using gypsum arise due to the air bubbles that form when the structure is poured.

On an industrial scale, special machines are used to expel bubbles. At home, this problem can be solved by adding various materials to the plaster: pebbles, shells.

Using PVA to make decorative figures

For the manufacture of decorative crafts located in the garden or in the country, use alabaster. Also available in plaster for making sculptures. To give stability, ordinary gypsum is mixed with a plasticizer (glue, PVA).

Gypsum is diluted with water, then mixed with glue and applied to the base of the figure. Over time, all the water will come out of the plaster and the sculpture will turn white. Such a figure is dried in a dark place for 4 to 5 days.

The figure should be painted after its final drying. To protect the figure from moisture, it is necessary to impregnate the surface with wax or drying oil.

When using drying oil, the surface will be painted in yellow. When using wax, the surface will need to be polished.

Using concrete to make decorative figures

Concrete is more difficult to work with than gypsum, as it dries for a long time, spreads instantly, and cracks if the proportion is not properly prepared. positive quality concrete figures is their durability.

The frame of a figure made of concrete is made of metal rods, wire or metal mesh, it is also possible to cover the foam plastic, or plastic bottles with a layer of concrete.

Concrete is mixed in a ratio of 1 (cement): 2 (sand). By adding glue to concrete, you increase its plasticity. While the concrete dries, you can work with it. In order not to disturb the structure of concrete, it is necessary to dry such figures wrapped in polyethylene.

Concrete figures look good without additional decor. If it seems to you that such a figure is boring, you can decorate it with colored paints. Such sculptures are frost-resistant, not afraid of rain and snow.

The use of mounting foam for the manufacture of decorative figures

Polyurethane foam is used not only in construction. A decorative figure can be cut from a single piece of foam, or you can apply it to the reinforcement. A piece of foam can be created by extruding in layers mounting foam and spray it with water. Water contributes to the rapid drying of the foam.

To prolong the life of a foam sculpture, it must be covered with concrete or plaster plaster. You can decorate such a figure with any building paints.

The simplicity of creating decorative figures with your own hands is surprising. Anyone can decorate their household plot handmade sculpture.

Photo of garden figurines in landscape design on the site

To create an individual style, turn your brainchild into a place for resting the soul, the body will help figures for the garden and summer cottages, interestingly designed flower beds, gazebos, fountains. After all, every gardener, summer resident, owner of a private house or cottage strives to ensure that his site is aesthetically attractive, gives joy, positive emotions.

Garden figurines for giving, photo

If we mentally travel back in time, we will see that the only element of decorating a garden, a kitchen garden, was just a garden scarecrow. Today modern tendencies landscape design offers a variety of options for figures or figurines to decorate, give a fabulous atmosphere to your garden.

This fashion trend came to us from Europe, where for many centuries it has been successfully used to give individuality to house adjoining and garden areas. To date, the popularity of various figures is gaining momentum in our domestic spaces. They can be bought in specialized departments. construction stores or do individual order the masters working in this direction.

What garden figures can decorate a garden?

Lamp for the garden - the figure of a girl

In addition to the decorative function, figures for the garden can have a useful purpose, for example, act as a drinking bowl or bird feeder, in the form of flower pots or flower stands.

Fairy gnomes or cute animals with built-in electric lights (or solar panels) can illuminate garden paths during the dark hours of the day.

Bright, unusually executed figures are sure to attract attention, help divert attention from less aesthetic areas, if any. A competent combination of colors, semantic orientation, terrain features can work wonders, create your own little magical world.

Figures for the garden - a photo of the master's products from the village of Vyselki

Figure of a Cossack for the garden

This photo clearly shows us that human hands can handle any level of complexity in working with plaster, concrete or wood. The main thing is desire, creative aspiration, multiplied by diligence plus, of course, experience.

Cache-pot - figures of swans for the garden

Below are examples of simple flowerpots for flowers, more complex sculptures for decorating a garden, photos:

Planters for the garden
Figures of foresters - planters for the garden
Figure for the garden - the head of a giant

If you liked the above figures for the garden made of plaster, concrete, examples of home decor (photo below), then you can talk with the master himself - Oleg Stepanchenko by phone: 8-918-418-54-40, place an order The master works with various materials- plaster, concrete, wood, etc.

I am sure that all your fantasies will be fulfilled at a high professional level.

Home decor made of plaster, concrete or wood

Panno Swans - master at work

Separately, it is worth mentioning a kind of "offshoot" of garden decors - panels for the home, decorative fences, panel.

Home decor can act as an independent accent, as well as a single style direction, with garden figures. Such a creative presentation can be successfully beaten.

For example, a combination of a plaster panel on the most conspicuous wall (elephants, swans), small garden figurines of elephants (or swans) near the flower beds nearby will look very unusual.

Panel "Swans"
Panel "Elephants" on the wall of the house - the beginning of work
Panel "Elephants" on the wall
Fragment of a fence for a flower bed Panel "Gnome"

Harmonious placement of details and matching styles

Modern figures for the garden have different style, dimensions. From the variety presented for sale, you can choose the style of modern, country, European, old Russian, Japanese, fabulous, romantic. Different sizes, colors will also help you choose the option that is right for your garden.

In the desire to decorate their site, many novice gardeners make the mistake of mixing together different directions that do not correspond to each other. For example, in the garden Japanese style a gypsum bun or bright palm trees with bananas will look out of place. In order to figure out which gypsum, concrete, wood products are right for your garden, you need to harmoniously combine the owner's fantasies with the style decision of the site. decorative elements should be in harmony with plants, trees, not turn the garden into an "exhibition gallery".

Figure for the garden - concrete leaves

The garden in a romantic spirit will be decorated with swans, pigeons, cupids, various flower arrangements(pots, molds for mini-flower beds).

The figure of a frog on a stone

AT fabulous style gnomes, animals will look appropriate, big snails, frogs, ladybugs, "revived" trees or stumps.

Figure of a forester made of concrete
The figure of an angel in the center of the flower bed

Being carried away by the idea of ​​decorating the garden, it is important to observe the measure. Do not forget that the main decoration is nature, and figures, panels, and other decor are designed only to emphasize its harmony. It is also necessary to take into account the ratio of sizes: among large trees or lush flowers, small figures will simply get lost. Similarly, large figures in a young garden among thin trees or bushes will look out of place.

Garden figurines bring uniqueness to the garden landscape and bring it to life. With their help, you can create different moods in certain areas, emphasizing their design and adding color. In the article, we will consider what materials garden figurines are made of and how to make them with your own hands.

The main role of garden figurines is to accentuate a certain area in the garden. Carrying such an important function, they can both emphasize and spoil the overall impression of a harmonious landscape design. Today it is not difficult to buy a garden figurine for a summer residence, but because of their diversity, it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice.

  • When buying a finished figure in a store, you need to pay attention not only to its design, but also to the quality of workmanship.
  • There should be a small number of garden figurines, otherwise they will lose all their originality against each other.
  • It is not recommended to use figurines from different materials or different topics.
  • It is worth avoiding the standard figurines that all garden shops are filled with. Better spend more money, but to acquire a truly unique author's work that will decorate the garden for many years.
  • It is even better to make garden figurines with your own hands. And it is not necessary to have the talent of a sculptor and artist for this, it is enough to breathe new life old things, using a little imagination or peeping an idea on the Internet.

Variety of garden figurines

They are made from many materials. This is both a traditional tree and a modern polystone. Below is a description and photo of garden figurines from the most popular materials.

Gypsum garden figurines

  • These garden figurines are inexpensive and can be bought at any store. But, as a rule, they are of the same type, as they are made by casting into special molds.
  • Gypsum is environmentally friendly and safe material but fragile. No matter how well the figurine is made, if it falls, there is a high probability that it will break.
  • Despite all these shortcomings, the beauty and low price of gypsum products makes them popular.

Garden figurines made of polyresin

  • This is good combination price quality. Polystone figurines are durable, as they are made of acrylic resin (on the basis of which artificial stone is made).
  • Due to the properties of this polymer material, figurines can be in the sun all year round and not lose color saturation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Due to the low porosity of the material, cracks never form on them.
  • Given all these advantages, it is not surprising why it is from this material that the most wide selection decorations and accessories for landscape design.
  • The only drawback of polystone garden figurines is that most of them are made in China, so they are of the same type.

Wooden garden figurines

  • Wood is the most available material. But, despite this, ready-made figures from it are very expensive. This is due to the fact that they are all handmade and are unique author's works.
  • Wooden accents fit most harmoniously into landscape design due to the natural naturalness of the material.

Garden figurines made of stone

  • Stone, like wood, will fit perfectly into any plant composition.
  • Figures of animals and fairy-tale characters are laid out from smooth pebbles with the help of a cement-sand mortar.
  • The castle created from small stones will look beautiful from LED backlight, becoming a truly central focus of the entire garden.

AT last years painting on stones becomes popular. In most cases, these are highly artistic realistic images of animals. But you can decorate the stones yourself by drawing on them ladybugs.

Garden figures from tires

Although such art objects are low-eco-friendly, their popularity does not decrease from this. due to accessibility this material, in almost every garden plot and in every yard you can see garden figures from old tires in the form of swans, bears, hares, cars, steam locomotives, etc.

  • As a rule, they are made independently, but they can also be bought ready-made.
  • The service life is quite long, as the rubber tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Care for them will consist only in regular staining.

Figurines from plastic bottles

  • This is a great way to show your imagination, as these products can not be bought in the store.
  • There are a lot of options for figurines made from plastic waste. But the main thing is to choose the right paints that will not lose their color for a long time. Acrylic or oil paints are great for this purpose.
  • But it should be remembered that such crafts are very light, so they must be glued to the base, covered with sand or partially buried in the ground.

Foam garden figurines

  • To create a garden figurine from polyurethane foam with your own hands, you will need the skills of an artist. Although the process itself is simple, and the materials are available and cheap, experience or talent is needed to obtain a beautiful result.
  • Their service life is quite long, but on condition that the mounting foam is protected by a layer of paint and varnish, since ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to it.
  • For stability, it will be necessary to create a rigid and heavy frame so that the sculpture can withstand strong winds.

Plywood garden figurines

  • Figures carved from plywood look very beautiful and original in garden plots. It is easy to make them, it is enough to cut out the desired pattern on a stencil with a jigsaw and decorate it with acrylic paints.
  • They decorate not only flower arrangements, but also the veranda, front door or a playhouse.

Garden figurines from isolon

  • More and more often seen in stores beautiful birds with carved feathers. All this handmade, which craftsmen bring for sale.
  • Despite the artificial material, this type of garden figurine fits very harmoniously into the natural landscape.
  • Their only drawback is a short service life, since the isolon is destroyed over time under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, extend the life of the data garden decorations, you can put them in a shaded area.

Making garden figurines

As mentioned above, beautiful and exclusive garden figurines are very expensive. And not everyone will dare to decorate with them an unguarded country cottage area. An excellent option, in this case, would be to make them with your own hands from improvised materials. Next, we will talk about several of the most popular ways to make garden figurines with your own hands.

DIY wooden garden figurines

Solid wood can serve as a blank from which a sculpture will be cut. But this is a complex process available only to sculptures.

But from thin sticks and branches, you can weave original and beautiful sculptures of animals.

  • To do this, you first need to make a frame from wire and firmly fix it on the site. After that, with branches of different thicknesses, the main figure is gradually made. All small parts are made separately and ready-mounted on the base.
  • To prolong the life of such an art object, but not spoil the natural beauty of the tree, the material is impregnated with colorless antiseptics and covered with a matte varnish.

It is also easy to build from the stumps left on the site children's table or a chair.

  • The saw cut must be leveled and sanded well. Then it is painted with acrylic paints and varnished for outdoor use.

  • The stump can also act as a beautiful support for the countertop.

DIY garden figurines from plastic bottles

Most often, they are used to make colorful and small decorations in the form of animals for playgrounds.

But they can also be used to create a vibrant tropical world in the playground or garden. To do this, you will need both five-liter and two-liter green plastic bottles.

  • First of all, for a stable structure, it is necessary to make a frame. It is desirable that in length it be equal to the height of the finished palm tree.
  • Next, the bottom is cut off from the bottles, and they are tightly installed on top of each other.
  • Palm leaves are also cut from plastic bottles and attached with glue to the top. Or they can be made from artificial finished leaves.

A cute pink pig will become an original decoration not only for the playground, but also for flower beds.

To create a pig on legs you will need:

  1. one 5 liter bottle;
  2. 4 necks cut at an angle from 1.5 liter bottles - for legs;
  3. 2 tops cut in half 1.5 liter bottle- for ears;
  4. Wire for a ponytail;
  5. 2 beads for the eyes;
  6. glue;
  7. dye.

  • All parts are connected, as shown in the photo above. For reliability, the joints are recommended to be glued.
  • The finished pig is painted with oil or spray paint.
  • Such a garden figurine can serve as a simple decoration, then it must be weighted by filling it with sand. Or play the role of a flower garden, in which case the top is cut off, the bottle is filled with soil and plants are planted in it.

Do-it-yourself garden foam figures

This is one of the most popular ways to create gardening at home. It is best to start with the simplest figure - a bun.

For work you will need:

  1. mounting foam;
  2. round frame;
  3. sharp knife;
  4. dye;
  • An old rubber or inflatable ball can act as a basis. Having firmly fixed it on the base, a uniform layer of foam is applied. It has a frame for the legs.
  • For curly elements, the frame is cut out of thick cardboard or thin plastic. You will need to leave the workpiece for a few minutes for the foam to solidify.
  • Then, in the same way, several more layers are applied in stages.
  • With a sharp knife, the surface is smoothed and places for the mouth, eyes and nose are marked on it with a pencil.

  • Next, carefully cut out the mouth and eyes. Round beads are inserted into the eye sockets.
  • The resulting figurine is painted oil paint and covered with a layer of varnish.

Do-it-yourself garden figurines from plaster

For work you will need:

  1. figurine-prototype;
  2. plaster for artificial stones or special sculptural (they are the most durable);
  3. warm water (the higher the water temperature, the faster the gypsum hardens);
  4. plasticine;
  5. sharp knife;
  6. tassel.

Stages of work:

  • First of all, you need to create a shape of a figurine for pouring plaster. To do this, plasticine is laid out in a thick layer on a flat surface and a prototype figure is gently pressed into it.

  • Next, gypsum is mixed. The recommended proportion is always given on the packaging, but it is usually too liquid. For a higher strength of the finished garden figurine, the consistency of the stirred gypsum should resemble liquid sour cream.
  • Then the mold from plasticine is filled with diluted plaster. If the figure is small, then it is simply poured in one stage. But at big size sculptures, first you need to fill in half, put a reinforcing mesh and top up the rest.
  • It will take no more than half an hour to harden (with a layer thickness of up to 5-7 cm). In the same way, you need to do the second (mirror) half.
  • After they were taken out of plasticine, 2 weeks are allotted for complete hardening (preferably in a sunny place).
  • Further, plaster figures can be painted with any paints or left in white. But before you put them in the garden, you should cover with two layers of varnish.

DIY garden figurines from old tires

Let's consider an example of creating such a decoration using the simplest example.

To create a swan old tire you will need:

  1. tire without metal cord;
  2. jigsaw;
  3. sharp knife;
  4. wire for fixing the neck;
  5. dye.

Stages of work:

  • First, two lines are marked on the tire, along which the wings will be cut. Along the edges, they end in a triangle, which will become the head and tail of the future swan.

  • Further, according to the finished pattern, cuts are made with an electric jigsaw. After that, the tire, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture wings, must be turned outward. Do it better with an assistant.
  • To give the neck and tail a curve, thin holes are drilled along their entire length. A thin wire is inserted through them, which fixes a thicker one, acting as a frame.
  • Everything, the figure of a swan from tires is ready, it remains only to decorate it.

Plywood garden figurines

Such figurines are a great alternative to decorations made of plastic or tires. In the garden, they look more organic and individual.

To create it you will need:

  1. stencil;
  2. moisture resistant plywood 2 cm thick;
  3. acrylic paints, varnish, brushes;
  4. jigsaw;
  5. drill;
  6. self-tapping screws and a screwdriver;
  7. sandpaper;
  8. pegs for the base.

Stages of work:

  • Using a stencil, the contour of the future character is applied to a sheet of plywood and cut out with an electric jigsaw. The edges are carefully sanded with sandpaper.

  • Next, you need to attach the pegs to the legs of the figure. To do this, several paired holes are made with a drill with a nozzle of the desired diameter, into which pegs will be inserted. They, in turn, should be fixed with screws. The total length of the pegs directly depends on the size of the figure, but for stability, they must go deep into the ground by at least 50 cm.
  • Now it's time for creativity. Character elements are drawn on the workpiece and painted with acrylic paints. When all the details are painted, it is necessary to let the paint dry, after which it will be necessary to paint over all the ends of the figure. The final step will be the application of a layer of varnish.

Garden decor from old things

To make an original garden figurine, you can use old things, such as: a cart, a basin, a watering can, etc.

  • If the garage is gathering dust old bike, then this is a great occasion to breathe new life into it and make it a unique decoration of the garden.

  1. To do this, it is enough to sand it well, cover it with a primer and paint it with acrylic paint from a spray can. For uniform coloring, it is desirable to apply at least three layers.
  2. In the garden, you can simply lean it against the wall of the house or make a stable base. To make it fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site, you need to decorate it with small flowerpots with unpretentious flowers.
  • An excellent decoration for the garden is obtained from old watering cans, basins, buckets.

  • Depending on the given style in landscape design, garden figurines from watering cans can be decorated using decoupage technique, painted with oil paint or left as is, additionally giving them the look of aged objects. But in the latter case, it is necessary to plant flowers in them or put a bouquet of dried flowers.
  • Also, do not rush to throw away the old leaky barrel. It can be beautifully decorated by making bright accent garden plot. An interesting idea is that the barrel itself acts as a face, and the plant planted in it imitates hair. It is easy to bring this idea to life:

  1. first, the barrel is cleared of old paint using a skin or a metal brush, then primed and painted with oil paint;
  2. drainage holes are made in the bottom or it is completely removed. The barrel is filled with earth and a plant with lush greenery or a profusely flowering plant is planted in it.

Have you already noticed that many summer residents use their plots as a place to implement garden decorating ideas? Decorative homemade figurines have become widely popular for this purpose.

Let's figure out how beautifully to make a figurine for the garden with your own hands.

What are garden figures made of?

What are garden figures? Often these are cute little creatures made of any materials, such as gnomes, squirrels, frogs or kids.

You choose which is best for your garden. The main thing is to follow the rule: if your area is small, then the figure should be small.

do it yourself garden sculptures much more interesting and enjoyable than just buying a finished figure in a store. More pleasing to the eye is a product made by hand.

You can make figurines for the garden from any materials. Suitable: stones, wood, metal, plastic, plaster, polystyrene, polyurethane foam, unnecessary utensils or other things.

Now let's take a closer look at what figures are made from these materials.

How to make a garden gnome with your own hands?

The first thing people think of when they hear about garden figurines is gnomes. This character is popular in our and other countries.

And not in vain - a bright gnome will improve the look of any suburban area. We talk about two ways to make a little man.

Making a gnome from wood. If you have already carved wood, then you can easily carve a wooden man.

If not, be sure to try it. After that, process your gnome antiseptic- it will make you happy longer. Then boldly apply bright acrylic paints. The gnome is ready!

Creation of a gnome from plaster. The method is a little more complicated than the previous one, but also interesting. First of all, draw your little man on paper, and then make a frame from metal rods according to the drawing. After that, the most important part begins - sculpting on the frame.

Give the future gnome the necessary shape with the help of plaster. Then leave the figure to dry for a few days, and then apply paint.

It is worth noting that not only gnomes are made in such ways, but also any other creatures.

Create a Styrofoam Duck in 10 Steps

It is easy enough to make garden figures from polystyrene foam. It is convenient to work with this material with improvised means, and it is moisture resistant. Consider how to make a simple duck out of it.

Mark the outlines of the head, neck, body, wings and legs of the future duck with a marker on the foam.

  1. Cut out the blanks. Do this with a quality utility knife, but slowly and carefully so that the foam does not break.
  2. Glue the parts of the torso in at least five places. Use foam or liquid nails as glue.
  3. Remove excess material that comes out with a knife.
  4. Paste with foam and glue a small tube or bar to the body - this is the future neck.
  5. Attach the head to it.
  6. Glue the paws and wings to the resulting figure.
  7. Cover the duck with putty and leave to dry.
  8. Sand the resulting sculpture.
  9. Color the duck.

Other animals are also made from foam plastic. Duck is one of the easiest options.

How to make a garden figurine from improvised materials?

It is very easy to create small sculptures from natural materials, for example, from stones. You only need to paint them with bright colors. So you can create a hedgehog, ladybugs, a snake, a kitten and other animals.

A wonderful figure for the garden is made from logs, as well as from old things. For example, unnecessary tires or an extra kettle. Funds for such a sculpture will be spent minimally, but it looks attractive.

Tip - garden figures will transform your summer cottage, and making them with your own hands is entertaining and interesting.

The simple tips above will help you make a figurine, even if you haven't done it before. Let your imagination run wild!
