Comfortable air humidity in the apartment: methods of increasing and decreasing. What should be the humidity in the room: normal

Air quality, humidity and temperature important not only for humans. Yes, for indoor plants optimal humidity - from 40 to 70%; for electronics and household appliances- 45−60%; for books, antiques and furniture - 40-60%.

If you don't have a hygrometer, you can use folk remedies to determine the humidity in the apartment. They are based on the evaporation of moisture. Of course, the accuracy of their results is not as high as that of a special device, but at the right time they will come to the rescue.

Ways to determine the level of humidity in the apartment:

Of course, these methods will not give one hundred percent accuracy, expressed in numbers, but they will definitely tell you whether the air in your home needs to be humidified, or, conversely, to dry.

How to increase air humidity

The most optimal and modern way increase the humidity in the apartment - buy humidifier. This appliance is mainly designed for rooms with an area of up to 150 m³. Water is poured into a special container of the humidifier, which evaporates during operation of the device.

Humidifiers are:

  • traditional
  • steam
  • ultrasonic

Traditional(mechanical) using built-in fan they drive air through a container of water, where it is moistened and cleaned of dust. The disadvantage of a mechanical humidifier is the limited level of moisture (no more than 60%) and high noise.

Steam humidifier works like a kettle. The water in it boils and comes out in the form of steam. The disadvantage of such models is hot steam (up to 60° C), high noise and high power consumption. However, a steam humidifier can use even very dirty or hard water. Some models have special nozzles that allow you to use the device as an inhaler. You can increase the humidity of the air with a steam humidifier above 60%.

Ultrasonic The humidifier converts water into steam using a special membrane. It is not as noisy as mechanical or steam models. The water heating function helps fight germs in the air. The disadvantage of an ultrasonic humidifier is that it only needs distilled water or special cartridges for cleaning and softening water, which must be changed regularly.

How to increase humidity folk remedies

Folk remedies for humidifying the air will be an excellent help for those who have not yet managed to acquire a special device for regulating the humidity in the room.

  1. The most common way is put a wet towel or sheet on the radiator. The fabric heats up and the water begins to evaporate. When the towel dries, it must be wetted again.
  2. If you don't feel like going to the bathroom every time the fabric dries, you can arrange water containers on batteries. In this case, you will need to add water every few days.
  3. From water containers placed on pieces of furniture (on cabinets, for example), evaporation occurs slower, but the humidity is still rises.
  4. Can put a bowl of water near the battery. The end falls into it bandage folded in several rows. The other end is on the battery. The water on the bandage constantly rises to the top and evaporates from the heat.

Helps to humidify the air household stuff. Among them:

Lowering the humidity in the room

If the humidity level in the apartment is above the norm, you can purchase a special device - Air Dryer. It drives moist air through the “evaporator”, where the temperature difference (the temperature in the device is lower than in the room) turns moisture into condensate. Drops of condensate flow into a special container. The air is heated again and enters the room. In this way excess moisture disappears from the room.

When buying a dehumidifier, the main focus is on its performance, which is calculated in "liters per day". Household dehumidifier can absorb from 12 to 300 liters of water in 24 hours.

Dehumidifiers are portable and stationary. Portable can be used in different rooms. Stationary mounted in the wall and can not be moved. At the same time, they have greater performance.

The advantage of dehumidifiers is their ability to function in cold rooms, since the frost formed during operation is removed automatically. When filling the water tank and not emptying it in time the device turns off without the participation of the owner.

IN small room humidity can be reduced by moisture absorbers. The device includes a special tablet that adsorbs water from the air. It is designed for an area of ​​up to 20 m² on average. The inconvenience of the absorber is that the tablet needs to be changed frequently. The advantage is the absence of noise, compactness and price. Especially the moisture absorber is suitable for those who have moisture - a seasonal phenomenon.

Folk remedies for lowering humidity

Among folk remedies, the simplest - regular airing. The more often it is carried out, the drier the air will become. Even if the humidity on the street is higher than home, when airing in the apartment, it decreases.

Bathroom and toilet are unventilated rooms. They are provided for air circulation. hoods. However, they do not always cope with the volume of work. Therefore, it would be useful to set exhaust fan.

with a built-in fan will dry the humid air in a small room. The required temperature and humidity level will be maintained by the set air conditioner. Can dry the air well Sun rays through the uncurtained windows in the rooms.

The kitchen can also be equipped exhaust systems. They not only help in the fight against moisture, but also remove excess odors.

Sanitary norms and rules for heating are in this material:

Feeling comfortable at home is very important for any person. High-quality air in the apartment has a positive effect on the well-being of residents, helps to avoid chronic diseases and allergic reactions to dust or mold. Therefore, it is very important to determine the level of humidity in the home, and then maintain it within normal limits.

The microclimate in an apartment or house is an important component healthy lifestyle life. Too low or high humidity and temperature indicators negatively affect the health and well-being of households, and therefore it is important to monitor them and correct them in time.

Humidity rate

Humidity is a parameter that can be absolute or relative. Absolute humidity is the weight of moisture in one cubic meter of air.

Absolute humidity is measured in g/m3.

However, when determining the microclimate, not absolute, but relative humidity is used. This parameter depends on the largest water-to-air content at the current temperature. To determine it, you need to divide the weight of real water vapor in the air by the maximum possible and multiply by one hundred percent.

For example, if the air temperature is 24 ° C, then one cubic meter of it can hold up to 21.8 g of water. If in the same cubic meter of air there is 13 g of water, then the relative humidity is 60%.

Humidity norm according to GOST

Interstate standards determine the most comfortable indoor humidity for a person by the document GOST 30494–96. According to these settings, the optimal humidity in a residential building during the cold season is 30-45%, the maximum allowable is 60%. In summer, the most comfortable conditions are provided by relative humidity from 30 to 60%, but an indicator above 65% is considered unacceptable. These parameters are set for residential (bedroom, living room) and walk-through rooms (corridor).

GOST specifies that optimal values relative humidity are not standardized for the following rooms:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom, toilet or combined bathroom;
  • pantry.
Humidity in the kitchen, bathroom and pantry is not regulated by GOST

The child's body needs a particularly gentle and delicate environment. Children suffer more from a lack or excess of humidity, and therefore it is extremely important to regulate the microclimate in the children's room. The optimal humidity for a nursery is 50–60%. At lower humidity, even if it meets the GOST standards, the child's mucous membranes and nasopharynx begin to dry out. Such a norm should be maintained at any time of the year - both in winter and in summer.
Humidity in the children's room should be higher than in the "adult" living space

Pediatricians recommend maintaining 60% humidity in the room healthy child and increase it to 70% if he catches a cold. This measure will improve the baby's well-being, reduce perspiration and itching, relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery. However, when increasing humidity, do not forget to monitor the air temperature - it should not be higher than 22 ° C. Otherwise, the child's room will have an unbearably stuffy "tropical" microclimate.

Deviations from the norm

If the indoor humidity is below 30%, the residents of the house may experience the following problems:

  1. Peeling of the skin. In people with the most sensitive and delicate skin, dry air quickly causes peeling and itching. Moisturizing creams and masks will only help temporarily if the bedroom or living room is set to low humidity.

    If your skin is flaky, the most likely cause is too low humidity.
  2. Constant dryness in the throat, perspiration. When the air we breathe is too dry, our mucous membranes are deprived of the moisture they need. Because of this, we constantly want to clear our throat, there is an unpleasant feeling of itching in the throat. If after a glass of water this feeling does not go away, then it is necessary to increase the relative humidity in the room.

    Dry air often causes such an unpleasant sensation as a sore throat.
  3. Decreased immunity, susceptibility to infections. This consequence follows from the previous paragraph - due to insufficient moisture, the mucosa becomes vulnerable to harmful bacteria, and therefore a person who constantly lives in a room with low humidity easily becomes a victim of all kinds of seasonal viral diseases.
    A person who is constantly in a room with dry air is at risk for seasonal diseases such as influenza.

High humidity (more than 70%) leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. Mold, fungus and other pests are actively growing in the house, which not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room, but are also the causative agents of allergic reactions. The spread of the fungus in the apartment where he lives is especially dangerous. Small child- this can provoke the appearance of chronic respiratory diseases.
    Mold in the house - a dangerous pest for breathing
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as rheumatism. If a person living in such a room undergoes a course of treatment, then after a short relief, the disease will return again - if the humidity in the room is not reduced.
    Chronic joint pain can be caused by too much humidity
  3. Repair damage. High humidity has an extremely negative effect on the quality of your interior. Swollen parquet or laminate, peeling wallpaper, unsightly appearance wooden furniture- all these are the consequences of high moisture content in the air.
    If in the room long time high humidity is maintained, the wallpaper may peel off at the edges

Optimum temperature

The optimum temperature in residential premises, as well as humidity, is established by the interstate standard GOST R 51617–2000. According to this document, in the bedroom, living room and corridor, the temperature should fluctuate between 20°C and 22°C. The upper threshold for the living room is 24°C. In the bathroom, GOST sets the standard at 25 ° C, in the toilet - 18 ° C, as well as in utility rooms (pantry, drying room). The kitchen is set to 19-21°C.

Air temperature is an important component of the microclimate of the apartment

In the hot season, the temperature in the apartment should rise by 1-2 ° C, no more. Maximum allowable temperature in the room in the summer - 25 ° C.

The microclimate in the children's room is somewhat different from ordinary living quarters, because the child, being active and mobile, needs a cooler environment. Moreover, the temperature in the nursery is highly dependent on the age of the child. So, the baby needs warmer air - 23–24 ° С. Children from three years feel more comfortable in the cool - 18–19 ° С. Further, as the child grows older, the temperature is brought to the “adult” value of 20–22 ° C.
Right set temperature in the children's room - a guarantee of well-being and sound sleep of the child

Excessively high temperature in the nursery forces the child's body to regulate its heat exchange using the sweat glands. As a result, the baby becomes sweaty, diaper rash, redness may form. Moreover, losing a significant part of the moisture along with sweat, the child begins to suffer from dehydration - this leads to pain, problems with digestion of food, as well as diseases of the oral cavity caused by insufficient saliva production.

The air in the bedroom should not be too warm - no more than 21 ° C, ideally - 19 ° C. Surely you have noticed that it is almost impossible to fall asleep in a hot room. Because of this, many people ventilate their bedroom before bed - by temporarily lowering the temperature, they help themselves fall asleep more calmly. Unfortunately, from the point of view of adjusting the microclimate, this measure is not entirely correct.
Cool air in the bedroom helps you sleep better

Coolness in the bedroom should be maintained not only at the moment of falling asleep, but also during the entire duration of sleep, so simply airing the room is not enough. Of course, it never hurts to freshen the air before going to bed, but if the temperature in the bedroom rises again to 22–24 ° C in the dead of night, sleep will be restless, and in the morning a person wakes up completely broken.

Another reason to support more low temperature in the bedroom is good appearance. In a cool environment, our body is better at releasing melatonin during sleep. This substance helps fight aging, smoothes age wrinkles and improves the color and tone of the skin of the face.
Cool air in the bedroom helps maintain youthful skin

The microclimate of the kitchen is highly dependent on the appliances installed in it and the intensity of their use. The optimum temperature in this room is 19°C, but it is often not necessary to regularly maintain this temperature.
The temperature in the kitchen can vary greatly depending on the use of various household appliances.

The main device that affects the temperature in the kitchen is the stove. A gas burner emits more heat into the air, and therefore in a kitchen equipped with it, it is worth lowering the temperature by 1 degree - the lack of heat is compensated by cooking on fire. Active use The oven also significantly insulates the room.

If households almost never use a stove or oven, preferring an electric double boiler or slow cooker, on the contrary, it is worth raising the temperature to 20 ° C - such devices emit little heat and do not warm the air in the room.
The multicooker, beloved by many housewives, has low heat dissipation

The temperature in the bathroom should be at least 23°C, optimally - 25°C. Such high rate due to two simple reasons. Firstly, high humidity at low temperatures creates a feeling of dank cold and unpleasant dampness, and secondly, wet skin feels the temperature is even lower than it actually is.
The bathroom should be maintained at a higher temperature than in living rooms

To prevent mold from developing due to the combination of heat and humidity, be sure to ventilate the bathroom after taking a shower or other water procedures. Leave the door open for at least half an hour - this prevention is usually enough to prevent the development of fungus on the walls.

Deviations from the norm

Reducing the air temperature in the apartment below the specified norms entails negative consequences:

  1. Risk colds. Hypothermia of the body very often causes such unpleasant symptoms as chills, runny nose, sore throat.
  2. Decrease in humidity. Cold air has less moisture than warm air.
  3. Constant tension in the body. If our body is not warm enough, it tends to spend energy and warm up. This, accordingly, reduces immunity and energy - constantly spending energy on warming, we leave ourselves little energy for active movements.

If the room is warmer than specified in the norms, this leads to the following consequences:

  1. Peeling of the skin. In young children, it can also manifest itself in the form of dermatitis. Due to the presence of microcracks, pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation easily penetrate the skin.
  2. Drying of the mucosa. Warm air, even well-moistened, does not provide our mucous membranes with sufficient moisture. If you regularly breathe such air, you can dry out the nasopharynx, which will result in a sore throat, vulnerability to pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  3. Digestive problems. Warm air also affects the condition of the mucous gastrointestinal tract. Without secreting enough mucus, our body cannot maintain proper digestion. Because of this, abdominal pain may appear, and in young children, colic.
  4. Risk of hypothermia. Oddly enough, the elevated temperature in the apartment can cause hypothermia. In a hot environment, our sweat glands begin to work actively, trying to cool us down. If at this time we go out, for example, to the street, where it is not so warm, then we can easily become overcooled and catch a cold.

What affects the microclimate

Humidity and temperature in a room depend on many factors other than dedicated devices (heaters, fans, air conditioners, and humidifiers). The temperature is significantly affected by the following points:

  1. Climate and weather outside the window. Of course, in the cold season, the temperature in the home, despite all the measures taken, is on average 2-3 degrees lower than in summer. This seasonal difference is especially pronounced in sunny, hot cities - for example, Krasnodar.
  2. The population of the apartment. The human body produces a lot of heat - the air we exhale is much warmer than what we inhale. The more people live on the square, the higher the temperature in the apartment rises. Accordingly, less heating by appliances is required to maintain the optimum temperature.
  3. Use of electrical appliances. Most household appliances heat up during use and, of course, heat the air in the room. If you actively use appliances (especially older models), then the temperature in the apartment can rise by a couple of degrees.
  4. natural lighting. The sun illuminating the room significantly raises the air temperature (especially in summer period). If the windows of the room face south, the temperature in it depends on the time of year and day - it is necessary to adjust the heating in time.
  5. Home textiles. The abundance of carpets, curtains, curtains, pillows, blankets and other textiles slows down air circulation and leads to an increase in the temperature in the room.

Humidity in the room is formed by the following factors:

  1. Ventilation and ventilation. Good ventilation removes excess moisture accumulated in the room.
  2. Season. In winter, the outdoor air that we let in together with ventilation is much drier than summer air.
  3. Houseplants. Green pets that require regular moisture and care make us increase the humidity of the air - spraying, regular watering support high level humidity.
  4. Air conditioners and batteries. Such devices for adjusting the temperature greatly dry the air. This becomes especially noticeable during the heating season - the already dry winter air is finally dried by a hot battery.
  5. Insulation of walls and windows. A sealed room has poor ventilation, which leads to the accumulation of damp condensation and an increase in humidity.

How to measure humidity and temperature

In order to measure the parameters of the microclimate, there are a wide variety of devices: from ordinary mercury thermometers to specially designed household stations with many "smart" functions. However, in order to determine whether the conditions in your home are comfortable for a person, you can also turn to improvised means.

Table: measurement of microclimate parameters

TemperatureYou can not measure the temperature with a thermometer on a clear day with open curtains - sunlight will bring down the indicators, increasing them by 1-3 degrees. To get the most accurate indicator, you need to measure three times with five-minute breaks and calculate the arithmetic mean.
HumidityHygrometerA hygrometer is a special device that is installed in a room and, like a thermometer, indicates the current humidity value on the display. Hygrometers can be either digital or analog. It is necessary to choose a device with an error of no more than 1%.
A special kind of hygrometer is a psychrometer, which consists of two mercury thermometers with a tank of water connected to one of them. Install the device in the room of interest and measure the temperature. It is necessary to calculate the difference in the readings of two thermometers and compare it with the table that is attached to the psychrometer - it indicates the humidity indicator.
wet glassFill up a glass cold water and put in the refrigerator for several hours to cool it to 3-5 ° C. Put a glass of chilled water in the room (away from the heating) and keep an eye on it. The outer part of the glass will be covered with drops and mist. If it dries up after 5–10 minutes, the air is very dry, additional moisture is needed. If drops flow, the air is too humid. If the condensate remains and does not flow for 10 minutes, then the air has optimal humidity.
This method can simulate the action of a psychrometer. Measure the temperature in the room and write it down. Then wrap the thermometer with damp gauze and measure the temperature again in the same room. Calculate the difference in performance and check with the psychrometric table (it is easy to find on the Internet).
CandleClose windows and doors and light a candle. If it burns evenly and brightly, then the humidity is optimal. But an uneven, jumping flame with bright patches along the edges indicates a too high moisture content.

Photo gallery: devices for measuring the microclimate

The well-known thermometer is a necessary and indispensable assistant in microclimate control
Thermohygrometer - a device that combines the measurement of temperature and humidity; now you can find both an analog and a digital device with various additional functions Psychrometer - a difficult device to use, and therefore rarely found in everyday life A burning candle is an unreliable way to determine the humidity of the air, but in the absence of special devices it can indicate an excessive amount of steam in the air A misted glass allows you to determine with some accuracy whether the humidity level in the room is optimal

Table: climate control

  1. The easiest option is to install a humidifier. Please note that after the start of use, it should take about 5-10 days until the humidity of the air begins to increase according to the hygrometer.
  2. Regular wet cleaning- a very useful procedure not only for maintaining order in the house, but also for the microclimate.
  3. Leave the door open after taking a shower or bath. The steam generated in the bathroom will spread to the rest of the rooms and increase the humidity.
  4. Install a clothes dryer in the room. Make sure that all cleaning agents and conditioners are thoroughly washed off the linen, otherwise your household will not breathe the cleanest air.
  5. During the heating season, you can hang wet towels on radiators.
  6. Arrange decorative water containers around the apartment: small aquariums, vases, water compositions.
  1. The air conditioner, set to cooling mode, noticeably dries the air.
  2. In winter, regular ventilation will help reduce air humidity.
  3. Sometimes cause high humidity there may be any leaks and breakdowns - inspect the pipes for damage and, if necessary, eliminate it.
  4. Install a hood over the stove - steam from cooking greatly affects the humidity not only in the kitchen, but throughout the house.
  1. Use special devices for heating: convectors, heaters, fan heaters, thermostats.
  2. Change wall covering. Today, in building materials stores, you can find special insulating wallpapers made of expanded polystyrene.
  3. Add textiles to the interior: fluffy carpets, pillows, blankets and tapestries will help keep the room warm.
  4. Check window frames And front door for drafts and insulate them if necessary.
  5. Move the curtains in the room during the day - sunlight even in winter warms the air.
  6. Install a piece of cardboard with foil between the battery and the wall. With this simple trick, you can increase the heat that the heating battery gives.
  7. Typing myself hot bath, open the door - this will allow warm air from the bathroom to circulate around the apartment, raising the average temperature.
  8. After cooking food in the oven, leave it open until completely cool to warm the air in the kitchen.
  9. Cover the vent with cardboard. A lot of heat escapes through ventilation. Remember that it cannot be completely blocked - leave at least a small gap.
  1. Install a household appliance to lower the temperature and improve air circulation - an air conditioner or a fan.
  2. Ditch soft flooring and opt for hardwood. It promotes more active air circulation, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in temperature.
  3. Ventilate rooms regularly (even in winter). Do not be afraid to catch a cold - a few minutes of coolness is much safer for health than stale air. In summer, you need to ventilate either in the morning or late in the evening - during the day, airing will only increase the temperature.
  4. Use blackout curtains. Even if the windows of the room face north side, the sun is involved in heating the air in the room. A cardinal measure is to seal the windows with an inexpensive reflective film for the summer.
  5. During the heating season, you can use the thermostat on the battery to reduce its heating. If there is no thermostat, install it, the cost of such a device, together with the installation, fluctuates around 1000 rubles.
  6. Change incandescent bulbs to fluorescent or LED. Incandescent light bulbs not only use more energy, but also generate more heat.
  7. If you want to go to bed, but the bedroom is unbearably hot, try putting the bedding in a bag and hiding it in the refrigerator for half an hour. This step will help you sleep soundly.

By regulating the temperature and humidity in your home, you can significantly improve your well-being. Inexpensive devices will help control the microclimate in the premises, and improvised means allow you to change it without cost.

The air is filled with water vapor to some extent. Its quantity is characterized by such an indicator as humidity. It can be absolute and relative. The first indicator indicates the volume of water contained in one cubic meter of air. The second term is used to define the ratio between the maximum possible amount of steam to the real one. If the humidity in the room is determined, it means a relative indicator.

Humidity in the house directly affects the health and well-being of all its inhabitants. If the indicators do not correspond to the norm, not only people suffer, but also indoor plants, furniture and other things. The amount of water vapor in the environment is not stable and changes all the time depending on the season.

Why is dry air dangerous?

Low indoor humidity is very common during the heating season. This leads to the fact that a person quickly loses water through skin and respiratory tract. As a result of such negative phenomena, the following effects are observed:

  • decrease in elasticity and dryness of the skin, which is accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, leads to the development of dermatitis;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes leads to their redness, burning, tearing;
  • blood loses part of the liquid component, which reduces the speed of its movement, creating an additional load on the heart;
  • a person suffers from headaches, feels tired and loses normal working capacity;
  • the viscosity of gastric juice increases, which impairs digestion;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract occurs, which weakens local immunity;
  • an increase in the concentration of pathogens in the air, which are usually neutralized by air droplets.

High humidity is no less harmful than low humidity. It leads to the active reproduction of fungus and mold, which negatively affects the well-being of people and the condition of household items:

  • increases the risk of developing various respiratory diseases, including asthma and bronchitis;
  • the person feels uncomfortable. He may feel stuffy;
  • appears in the room bad smell, from which it is impossible to get rid of;
  • clothes and bedding become damp and cannot dry;
  • spoil products that should be stored in conditions of normal humidity (cereals, coffee, tea and others);
  • wooden furniture and natural parquet deteriorate, lose their original appearance.

How to measure the humidity level?

To identify the lack or excess of moisture in the room, you can use several methods.

The use of special devices

To determine the humidity in the room, you can use a special device called a hygrometer. It shows relative indicators expressed as a percentage. This device can be:

  • electric;
  • condensation;
  • hair;
  • chemical.

To measure the air in an apartment, it is enough to buy the simplest device, which is usually combined with a thermometer or clock. It has a small error of 3-5%, which is not critical.

Using a glass of water

To determine the humidity of the air, it is necessary to draw water into an ordinary glass and send it to the refrigerator for 3 hours so that the liquid cools to 3-5 ° C. The vessel is taken out and placed on the table away from heating appliances. For several minutes, they observe the walls of the glass, where they detect the appearance of condensate in the form of water droplets. The results of the experiment are expressed as follows:

  • the glass dried quickly - the humidity is lowered;
  • the walls remained foggy - indoor humidity standards are met;
  • water began to flow down the glass - the humidity is increased.

The Assmann table is designed to determine humidity using a psychrometer. It consists of two thermometers - a conventional one and a humidifier. The indicators measured by the second device will be slightly lower. According to a special table, using the obtained values, determine the humidity of the air.

Using a fir cone

They take an ordinary spruce cone and put it away from heating appliances. In dry air, its scales will open, and in moist air, they will shrink tightly.

generally accepted norms

The norms of humidity in the room depend on its purpose and time of year. Compliance with the recommended parameters will ensure good health, and will not adversely affect human immunity.

Norms for an apartment

For an apartment, all the rules are relative climatic parameters specified in GOST 30494-96. According to this document, air humidity in the cold season should range from 30-45%, and in the warm season - 30-60%. Despite these values, an indicator of 30% may be poorly perceived by the human body. Therefore, doctors recommend maintaining parameters of 40-60%, which are considered optimal at any time of the year.

Norms for a children's room

The child's body is unable to function properly when low humidity air. This leads to a rapid drying of the mucous membranes, which is fraught with a decrease in local immunity.


The norm of humidity in the workplace depends on the specifics of work. For example, for office workers it is 40-60%.

How to normalize the microclimate in the room?

To make the indoor climate comfortable for living, you need to use the following tips:

  • use of humidifiers. Indispensable during the heating season in any premises;
  • regular ventilation;
  • increase in the number of indoor plants;
  • exhaust ventilation. The supply hood will supply the room with fresh air and normalize the amount of water vapor;
  • in some cases it is recommended to use special dehumidifiers equipped with absorbent substances;
  • in residential premises it is forbidden to dry clothes, which negatively affects their microclimate.

Video: How to measure air humidity

When assessing indoor climate, many people pay attention only to temperature, but one of critical factors is humidity. It depends on its indicators whether a person will feel hot or cold. Let's try to figure out what air humidity is considered normal in the apartment.

What influences humidity?

The level of humidity in the room depends on the saturation of the air with water vapor. Separate absolute and relative values. The first shows how many grams of moisture are in 1 m3 of air. And the second value indicates the ratio of the absolute value to the highest probable indicator at the existing temperature.

When measuring air humidity indoors, the norm is determined in relative terms. According to this parameter, the comfort of the microclimate is judged. For a person and the surrounding furniture, a very large or low humidity.

dry air

Due to too dry air, the human body begins to lose moisture through the skin and respiratory tract. This results in the following:

Excess moisture

Too high humidity creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold, fungi and bacteria. As a result, a person can expect the following troubles:

  • the appearance of chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma and allergies;
  • the apartment will have a feeling of stuffiness or humidity;
  • in the process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, an unpleasant odor will occur;
  • washed clothes will take a very long time to dry.

For all items home furnishings both excessive and insufficient moisture is detrimental. Indoor flowers do not grow well, rot and dry out. Furniture made from wood will dry out and warp.

Factors Affecting Humidity

Temperature is the main factor influencing air humidity. If the air is warm, then the relative humidity will be lower. Many people think that airing in winter helps to cope with moisture. This is a delusion, though the air becomes fresh, but its humidity does not increase. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the room is 18-22ºC.

Dry the air in the room many different items:

  • any equipment for heat generation;
  • air conditioners;
  • items in the interior made of fabrics: furniture, toys, carpets.

Strong humidity in the room may occur due to an excess of sources that evaporate water:

We determine the humidity

There are several ways to determine the humidity in an apartment. The most popular method is the Assman table. The thermometer is required to record the temperature in right room. Further, its mercury tip is wrapped with a moistened cloth. After 5 minutes, the temperature is recorded again. If she was higher than in the normal state, this indicates that the rag was poorly wetted. In this case, you must repeat the process.

After receiving all the results, it is necessary to correlate them with the Assman table. The dry bulb temperature is searched for in the left column. At the top of the table is a symbol that indicates the difference between temperatures. After that, an intersection is searched for, which will indicate the approximate humidity of the room.

You can measure the humidity in a living space using folk methods:

Such methods will not help determine 100% humidity, but they will tell you in which direction this value needs to be adjusted.

When assessing the microclimate use the relative value of humidity, which is expressed as a percentage. Such a measurement depends on the available water vapor, which fly in the air, and the temperature in the apartment.

What humidity should be in the apartment? For a comfortable existence, a person needs a moisture level that is in the range of 30-45%. With this indicator, it will not only be comfortable for the human body, but for various animals and birds. In a residential area, the humidity level should not exceed 60%. These rules are good even for furniture and household appliances.

If we consider state building codes intended for residential space, then the humidity norm depends on the time of year and the purpose of the room. In the first case, it is 30-45% for winter, and 30-60% for summer. In the second case, there are the following valid values:

  • bathroom and kitchen - 40-60%;
  • living room and dining room - 40-60%;
  • library and office - 30-40%;
  • room for children - 45-60%;
  • sleeping room - 40-50%.

It should be borne in mind that the most reliable values ​​\u200b\u200bof the hygrometer will be in the depths of the apartment. It should not be affected by drafts and various heating devices.

We control air humidity

Various methods will allow increasing or decreasing the amount of vapors in the air. To do this, you should not spend money on expensive devices, everything is easily done with the help of improvised means.

We reduce moisture

Consider methods that allow remove unwanted moisture from the apartment:

We increase moisture

Raise the humidity too very simple:

  • it is worth buying a small fountain or getting an aquarium;
  • less use of air conditioners and heating devices;
  • it is advisable to hang damp cloths on the radiators;
  • spraying water from a spray bottle allows saturating the air with moisture;
  • daily wet cleaning;
  • acquire big amount indoor plants.

Thus, it is very easy to increase or decrease the humidity in the living room. You can use folk ways or purchase a special device to bring it back to normal. Most importantly, do not forget about regularly checking the humidity indicators and maintaining it at the required level. After all, human health and the safety of the environment depend on it. . Comfortable microclimate indoors allows you to create a pleasant and healthy stay in the house.

Humidity in the apartment is a very important indicator, on the value of which the well-being of residents will depend. Any deviation from the norm, whether it be an increase or decrease, is very noticeable by a person and can lead to a large number of troubles, for example, deterioration in health, discomfort, and more. In order to avoid this, it is simply necessary to know the norm of the amount of moisture in the air in a particular room and at different times of the year.

What is air humidity

What is meant by the phrase "air humidity"? In this case, we mean the content of water vapor in the air, because it is constantly present there, regardless of the season and temperature. However, its amount may fluctuate up or down. And it already depends on a large number factors. For example, in winter, heating pipes dry out the air a lot. And if there is a leak somewhere in the house for a sufficiently long time, then this can significantly increase the level of humidity in the rooms.
To see clearly that there is moisture in the air, you can conduct a small and very simple experiment. Get a plastic or glass bottle and fill it with water. Place the container in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After the liquid has cooled, put the bottle on the table and watch what happens next. It will be covered with water droplets, or rather, condensation will form on it.

The consequences of low and high humidity in the apartment

The thing is that if the air in the room contains too much moisture, this can lead to the appearance and rapid development of fungi, mold, pathogenic microorganisms, as well as various insects. Such a deviation from the norm causes rapid damage to pieces of furniture, and especially antique ones. Yes, and a person does not feel comfortable in such a room. And you can understand that the humidity is increased by looking at the windows in the cold season. A large amount of condensation will accumulate on the glasses.
But if the humidity is less than the prescribed value, then this also does not have the most favorable effect on life. human body. The thing is that excessively dry air contains a huge amount of dust and pathogenic microorganisms, and they will be the cause of the development of some fairly serious diseases, in particular, SARS, upper respiratory tract diseases, various forms of allergies, and so on. And also from a lack of moisture in the air, hair and even human skin can suffer. For example, the hair will become dry, brittle and lose its shine, and the skin will begin to peel off and become very sensitive.

How can you measure indoor humidity

For a long time, people have come up with a large number of ways that can help to understand what kind of humidity is in a particular room. So, the most reliable way to set this value is to measure it with a hygrometer - specially designed for this device. It is very easy to use, and the amount of moisture in the air that it will show will be accurate.
But there are cases when it is simply impossible to use a hygrometer, and it is necessary to know the humidity in the room. Then you can use the methods invented a long time ago.

  1. way. You will need a glass glass, preferably with smooth transparent walls, ordinary water and a refrigerator. Fill a glass with liquid and place it in the refrigerator to chill for about an hour. After that, pull out the container and place it away from heating appliances. Watch him for five minutes. If moisture droplets appeared on the outer walls and quickly evaporated, then the humidity is low. The condensate remained and began to flow down, this indicates an excess of moisture. Normally, condensate should remain on the walls of the vessel for five minutes.
  2. way. Take a cone and put it away from the sun and heaters. If it begins to close, there is little moisture in the air; if it opens, there is a lot.

The norm of air humidity in the children's room

It is especially important how much moisture is contained in the air of the room in which the child lives, and especially if it is a baby. Most people seriously think about such indicators as air humidity only after they have a small child.
The norm is considered 50-60 percent. Pediatricians advise maintaining the moisture level for babies within these limits. The thing is that due to the presence of a large amount of dust in the dry air, the child may begin to snot. And he can develop much more serious diseases. You can often observe a situation where it seems to be always warm in the children's room, there are no drafts, and the baby constantly has snot, which greatly complicates his life, since not only breathing is difficult, but also the process of eating or drinking.
However, an excess of moisture in the air will not have the best effect on the well-being of the baby. Due to the presence in the air of a large number of spores of moldy fungi and due to a violation of heat transfer. That is why it is very important in this room to maintain the level of humidity in the norm. The best way out is to purchase a humidifier or make it yourself. And if necessary, you should buy a desiccant.

The level of air humidity in living rooms

In rooms such as the bedroom, kitchen, living room, it is also very important to maintain the humidity within the normal range, which is 40-60%. If there is normal humidity in the living rooms, then this will most favorably affect the health and life of a person. As well as furniture, household appliances, a computer, a TV will last much longer in this case than, for example, with high humidity in the room. By the way, for many pets it is also very important that this indicator is within the normal range, and a deviation from it does not have the best effect on their well-being.
However, often it is in the kitchen that there is increased humidity.

The norm of humidity and temperature in the room

This is due to the fact that a lot of moisture evaporates during cooking. As well as washing dishes, frequent wet cleaning is also the cause of an increase in humidity. However, there is a way out of this situation. The most effective will be the installation of a hood and frequent ventilation of the kitchen. It is also recommended to ensure that there are no water leaks anywhere.

What humidity should be in the bathroom

The level of moisture content in the bathroom is also very important. Indeed, in this room it is often excessively high. And as mentioned above, excessively high air humidity can lead to the formation of mold on the walls. And also in a warm and humid environment just feel great various insects, such as wood lice, centipedes and even mosquitoes.
The rate of moisture content in the air in this room will be slightly higher than in other rooms. 45-70% - this is exactly what the humidity in the bathroom should be. To achieve this, it is necessary to think over the ventilation system or install hoods during the repair. It is also just great if the bathroom has small window with a window for ventilation. But if there is none, then you should often open the door to this room and make sure that the floors and walls are always dry. And also in a timely manner to eliminate leaks, if any.
If you properly care for the bathroom, then it will even be possible to stick wallpaper on the walls, and generally forget about mold and wood lice. If all else fails and the humidity is still above normal, then purchase a desiccant. It will definitely help you get rid of this problem.

The norm of indoor air humidity in winter

In winter, as a rule, most often indoor air humidity is slightly below average, about 40-45%, which is the norm. This is due to the fact that in winter the rooms are ventilated much less often, and the plastic windows that are popular today are the cause of the violation. natural ventilation. Radiators and additional heaters dry out the air very quickly.
Due to the above reasons, the moisture content in the air can become catastrophically low. However, to prevent this, a number of measures must be taken. The most reliable will be to purchase a humidifier in the store, but this pleasure is not cheap. You will come to the rescue: regular airing, drying clothes in the room, growing special houseplants. You can also arrange containers with a wide neck in the rooms, which should be filled with a simple clean water, but it will need to be replaced regularly once every 2 days. If you need to raise the moisture level very quickly, you can hang a wet thick towel on a hot radiator. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise instead of a lack of moisture in the air, you will have an overabundance of it.

What should be the humidity in the apartment in summer

As a rule, during the hot summer months, the moisture content in the air in the rooms increases. The norm is considered to be 40–65%, but often this figure is much higher in many residential premises. And this can have a very bad effect on a person’s well-being, because due to the high concentration of moisture in the air, heat transfer is disturbed. Imagine this picture: it's hot outside, all the windows are closed, something is being cooked on the stove, things are drying. A person is exhausted from stuffiness, and even a cool shower can only slightly alleviate suffering.
In order to avoid an increase in the amount of moisture in the air in the room, you just need to regularly ventilate the rooms, and it is best to keep the window open throughout the day. Also, the situation can be corrected by installing hoods in the kitchen and in the bathroom. And you should, if possible, hang wet clothes outside or on the balcony.

Ideal indoor humidity

Of course, very few people can boast of ideal indicators of humidity in an apartment. However, this is always worth striving for, especially if small children, elderly or sick people who have weakened immunity live in the apartment. In this case, the acquisition of a hygrometer and constant maintenance required amount moisture in the air is simply necessary.
Such an indicator as air humidity is very important and therefore should not be ignored. And by providing a normal concentration of moisture, you thereby make people living in this room more than comfortable, increase the life of furniture and household appliances. And your beloved pets will feel just wonderful. So the forces applied to raise or, conversely, reduce the concentration of moisture in the air will not be wasted.



Temperature standards for public and administrative buildings


Period of the year: Cold*:

Air temperature, °С

Resulting temperature, °С

Relative humidity, %






admissible, no more

Not standardized

Not standardized

Bathrooms, showers

Not standardized

Not standardized

Period of the year: Warm*:

* The warm period of the year is considered the period, the average daily temperature of which is above 8 °C. Source: GOST 30494-2011.

The cold period of the year is the period, the average daily temperature of which is below 8 °C. Source: GOST 30494-2011.

This standard adopts the following classification of public and administrative premises:

  • premises of the 1st category: premises in which people in a lying or sitting position are in a state of rest and rest;
  • premises of the 2nd category: premises in which people are engaged in mental work, study;
  • premises of category 3a: premises with a mass stay of people, in which people are mainly in a sitting position without street clothes;
  • premises of category 3b: premises with a mass stay of people, in which people are mainly in a sitting position in street clothes;
  • premises 3 in category: premises with a mass stay of people, in which people are mainly in a standing position without street clothes;
  • premises of the 4th category: premises for practicing mobile sports;
  • premises of the 5th category: premises where people are half-dressed (changing rooms, treatment rooms, doctors' offices, etc.);
  • premises of the 6th category: premises with temporary stay of people (lobbies, dressing rooms, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, smoking rooms, pantries).

Humidity in the room depends primarily on human health, and secondly on the normal growth and development of plants. If there is not enough moisture, the furniture may deteriorate. If the humidity in the room is constantly elevated, this will lead to the appearance of mold and fungus. If the air in the apartment is dry, dust and dust mites may appear, to which many children are allergic.

Ways to measure humidity in an apartment

What should be the humidity? There are standards for air humidity in each room according to GOST.

There is a special device for measuring the humidity in the apartment, it is called a hygrometer. The display shows the coefficient of humidity and room temperature. In the summer, the humidity can not be raised artificially, but in the winter it must be done. In summer, the humidity in the room is usually normal.

Moisture determination methods:

  • Humidity is determined using the device and the table of standards. It is necessary to identify the correlation of norms.
  • You need to collect water in a container and put it in the refrigerator. The container must be transparent. After 3 hours, it must be pulled out and left in a room, but away from heating systems. Observation should last 5-10 minutes. If the walls of the container are foggy, and then immediately dry, then the air in the room is dry. If the glass remains foggy, then the humidity is medium. If streams flowed through the glass - high.
  • What is the humidity in the room, you can determine with the help of a spruce branch.

    Humidity in the apartment: normal

    Its length should be 25-30 cm. The branch is attached to the board and the position of the loose part of the spruce is marked with a pen. If the room is humid, the branch will drop. If not, then the air is normal. It is necessary to observe the position of the coniferous branch every day and note the changes. The more the branch descends, the higher the humidity.

  • It is necessary to take a spruce cone and put it away from the battery and look at its scales. If they begin to shrink, then the humidity is high, if fluffy, then dry air prevails in the room. If it remains unchanged, then the humidity level is normal.

When it is necessary to increase the humidity in the apartment:

  1. In winter.
  2. When a child has a dry cough.
  3. If it becomes difficult to breathe.
  4. When a child has an exacerbation of allergies.

Ways to increase humidity

  • Traditional humidifier - it has a built-in fan that forces air through a bowl of liquid. But air humidity is not more than 60%, and the apartment will be noisy.
  • Steam - there are special humidifiers in which water boils, and the steam comes out, thereby increasing humidity. With it, you can achieve normal room humidity.
  • Ultrasonic – This humidifier also turns liquid into vapor using a unique membrane. Also, many models destroy the microbes present in the air, from which it will become cleaner.

How long does it take to humidify an apartment with humidifiers? This will take approximately 2-3 hours.

Folk methods to increase indoor humidity

The air in the room will become humid if a wet cloth is placed on the heaters. It will begin to warm up, and the water from it will evaporate. How many times a day do you wet it? This should be done 3-5 times a day.

You can put cups of water on the windowsills under the batteries, the water will evaporate from the high temperature.

To increase the humidity of the air, it is necessary to dry the laundry indoors.

Houseplants help keep moisture levels normal.

You can set up an aquarium.

Leave after showering or bathing open door, humid air will enter other rooms.

How to lower the humidity in the apartment?

With an air dryer. Works due to temperature difference. Excess moisture turns into condensation. When choosing a device, you should pay attention to its performance. They can absorb moisture up to 300 liters per day. Such devices are installed in combined bathrooms and kitchens, if they do not have a normal hood.

As often as possible, ventilate all rooms in the apartment, this will maintain the standards of air humidity. Fresh air is very beneficial for health, especially in times of illness. In a ventilated room, bacteria spread more slowly.

In bathrooms, monitor the serviceability of hoods and ventilation.

Use oil coolers. They dry the air very well.

Air conditioning will help keep the level normal in the room. It can both increase and decrease the humidity in the apartment.

Sunlight coming in through windows will help reduce humidity.

The humidity of the apartment must always be normal, for a normal existence. The health of loved ones and pets depends on this. What will be the humidity of the apartment, in order to live comfortably, its owner must determine, but still it is worth adhering to the norms. Comfortable humidity will help not only the speedy recovery of children, but also a quick fall asleep, this is true for people with sleep disorders.

Room temperature and humidity parameters:

IN cold period years in living rooms optimum temperature is 20-22 degrees, and the optimum humidity is 30-45%. Similar figures are given in SNiP 2.04.05-91 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", Appendix 5 as a mandatory, cold (winter) and transitional (spring and autumn) period - the optimum humidity is 30-45%. The same figures are given in SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises."

Condensation does not say anything about the quality of the window and is allowed by the Gosstroy of Russia: “International standards (ISO, EN standards) also allow temporary condensation on the inner glass of an insulating glass unit.” (Letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 21, 2002 No. 9-28/200)

According to the norms of SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" for residential premises, the nominal flow rate of outdoor air should be 3 m3/hour per 1 m2 of residential area. (For example: According to GOST 30674-99 "Window blocks made of PVC profiles" maximum air permeability of 1 m2 of a window should not exceed 3 m3/hour. The area of ​​a double-leaf window, for a room of 15m2, is approximately 1.8 m2. That is, the supply of fresh air quality window, does not exceed 5.5 m3. Which is about 7 times lower than necessary ...).

Good question: Do I need to humidify the air in the room?

In other words, for a normal microclimate in the room, it is necessary either to ventilate the room, or to install additional systems ventilation.

Normal humidity in residential premises is defined in SanPiN "Requirements for residential buildings and premises". Normal humidity in a room where there is no compulsory system ventilation, maintained by regular ventilation.

In accordance with SNiP II-3-79 * "Construction climatology", the following room conditions are distinguished by the degree of humidity: dry (less than 40%), normal (40 ÷ 50%), humid (50 ÷ 60%) or wet (over 60 %). According to GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, air humidity of more than 60% is not allowed in residential premises (the optimum humidity value is not more than 45%).

The new norms SNiP 23-02-03 "Thermal protection of buildings" determined the design parameters of the relative humidity of rooms to determine the dew point and temperature requirements on the inner surface of windows:

5.9 ... Relative humidity of indoor air to determine the dew point temperature in places of heat-conducting inclusions in enclosing structures, in corners and window slopes, as well as anti-aircraft lamps, should be taken:

- for the premises of residential buildings, hospitals, dispensaries, outpatient clinics, maternity hospitals, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, general education children's schools, kindergartens, nurseries, nursery gardens (combines) and orphanages - 55%, for kitchen premises - 60%, for bathrooms - 65%, for warm basements and undergrounds with communications - 75%;

- for warm attics of residential buildings - 55%;

- for premises of public buildings (except for the above) - 50%.

5.10… The temperature of the inner surface of the structural elements of the glazing of the windows of buildings (except for industrial ones) must not be lower than plus 3 ° C, and for non-transparent window elements - not lower than the dew point temperature at the design temperature of the outside air in the cold season, for industrial buildings - not lower than zero °C

This article provides data from SNiPs, GOSTs (quite “soft” compared to European standards) so that you can take necessary actions to create a comfortable microclimate (in terms of standards) in your home.

The norm of air humidity in the apartment

Air humidity is a very important indicator that affects the microclimate of the house and the well-being of a person. What is the normal humidity level? How to determine it and what are the standards in different rooms? Read below!

The humidity indicator indicates the content of water vapor or the degree of saturation of the surrounding air with them. As a rule, relative humidity is used in everyday life, which is determined by many devices (household hygrometer or MagicAir base station, which is part of the breathers).

Standards according to GOST in residential premises

GOST 30494-96 regulates the following humidity standards, based on the season: 30-45% in the cold months, 30-60% - should be in the warm season. The limit in winter in an apartment according to GOST should be no more than 60% and no more than 65% in the summer.

GOST indicators are standard values, but physiologists recommend listening to them and maintaining air humidity in the apartment in the range of 40-60% at any time of the year.

The lower figure is 30% and this is already dry air, uncomfortable for a person, causing dry eyes, overwork, fatigue, and a decrease in immunity. With dry air in the room, the leaves of indoor flowers begin to dry quickly, the likelihood of developing an allergy in a person is high.

Norm for the children's room

The microclimate in the nursery is very important for the health, activity of the child and maintaining comfortable humidity this is one of his indicators.

Dry air in the children's room is strongly not recommended! And that's why. On adults, it acts more slowly, children are more difficult to tolerate dryness, their body begins to actively lose moisture. The nasopharynx dries up and, as a result, the body “picks up” various infections faster. The child feels itching in the eyes, he has peeling of the skin, he is lethargic and inactive.

The temperature in the children's room is desirable all year round maintain at a level of 23-24 degrees, since strong fluctuations are harmful to children. You should not overheat the room, because at the norm of air humidity in the apartment of 60% and a temperature of 25-26 degrees, a feeling of the tropics will be created. And children tolerate heat worse than coolness. Yes, and for a middle-aged man it is hard and tiring.

Norm for the workplace

Much depends on the industry in which the person works. So, in pharmacies, pharmaceutical industries, the air will be drier than in greenhouses, in the kitchen of a restaurant. High humidity is not usually maintained in offices, as it greatly affects the operation of office equipment and the safety of documents. 40-60% - it is this normal air humidity for a person that should be maintained at home and in the office.

What to do if the humidity is above or below normal

You can use a humidifier to increase the humidity level. This is an easy way to create a comfortable microclimate at home or in the office.

How to lower air humidity?

We make the normal humidity in the apartment

First, ventilate the room more often! Regularly supplied fresh air can improve the microclimate and have a beneficial effect on a person. If you live near highways or industrial enterprises, it is possible to organize ventilation even when closed windows. To do this, you need to install a breather in the room - supply ventilation, which will adjust the level of humidity and will ventilate even with the windows closed. You can choose the breather that suits you on our website

One of the reasons for high air humidity can be leaks in the pipes, which are important to fix. If it is humid in the kitchen, then installing a good hood over the stove will help reduce this figure.

Maintaining optimal air humidity in the apartment, you can reduce the number of diseases in children and adults, increase their activity, efficiency, concentration and attention.
