Group frontal work. and development of productive forces

Explanatory note

Document status

The work program in physics is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education, the Exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education: "Physics" grades 10-11 (basic level) and the author's program G.Ya. Myakishev 2006 (collection programs for general educational institutions: Physics 10-11 cells, M. "Enlightenment" 2006) recommended by the Department of Educational Programs and Standards of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (order No. 189 dated 03/05/2004), taking into account the methodological recommendations for improving the educational process set forth in the "Methodological letter on the teaching of physics in educational institutions of the Voronezh region in the 2009-2010 academic year in connection with the transition to the federal basic academic plan 2004". The work program concretizes the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the sequence of studying sections of physics, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of experiments demonstrated by the teacher in the classroom, laboratory and practical work performed by students. Thus, the work program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, provides ample opportunities for implementing various approaches to building a curriculum.The work programs for grades 10-11 (basic level) for G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky "Physics-10.11", Enlightenment 2009 .7) and the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education.

The program of secondary (complete) general education (basic level) is based on the mandatory minimum content of physical education and is designed for 70 hours per year (in grades 10 and 11), 2 lessons per week for a total of 140 hours.

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 140 hours for the compulsory study of physics at the basic level of the secondary (complete) general education, including in grades 10 and 11, 70 hours of study at the rate of 2 study hours per week.

The study of physics in secondary (complete) educational institutions at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • learning about the fundamental physical laws and principles underlying the modern physical picture of the world; about the most important discoveries in the field of physics, which had a decisive influence on the development of engineering and technology; about methods scientific knowledge nature;
  • mastery of skillsconduct observations, plan and perform experiments, put forward hypotheses and build models, apply the knowledge gained in physics to explain a variety of physical phenomena and properties of substances; evaluate the reliability of natural science information;
  • development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in physics using various sources of information and modern information technologies;
  • upbringing conviction in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature, using the achievements of physics for the benefit of development human civilization, the need for cooperation in the process of joint implementation of tasks; fostering a respectful attitude to the opinion of the opponent, readiness for a moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements, a sense of responsibility for protecting the environment;
  • use of acquired knowledge and skillsfor solving practical problems Everyday life to ensure the safety of one's own life, environmental management and environmental protection.

The study of the physics course in grades 10-11 is structured on the basis of physical theories as follows: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics. Familiarization of students with the special section "Physics and methods of scientific knowledge" is supposed to be carried out when studying all sections of the course.

MAIN CONTENT (140 hours)

Physics and Methods scientific knowledge

Physics is the science of nature. Scientific methods of cognition of the surrounding world and their differences from other methods of cognition. The role of experiment and theory in the process of cognition of nature.Modeling of physical phenomena and processes.scientific hypotheses. Physical laws. Physical theories.Limits of applicability of physical laws and theories. The principle of conformity.The main elements of the physical picture of the world.

Introduction (1h)

Mechanics (24h)

Mechanical movement and its types. Relativity of mechanical motion. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Galileo's principle of relativity. Laws of dynamics. Universal gravitation. Conservation laws in mechanics.The predictive power of the laws of classical mechanics. The use of the laws of mechanics to explain the motion of celestial bodies and to advance space research. Limits of applicability of classical mechanics.


Dependence of the trajectory on the choice of reference system.

Falling bodies in air and in vacuum.

The phenomenon of inertia.

Comparison of masses of interacting bodies.

Newton's second law.

Measurement of forces.

Composition of forces.

Dependence of the elastic force on the deformation.

Forces of friction.

Conditions for the equilibrium of bodies.

Jet propulsion.

Conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa.

Laboratory works:

Acceleration measurement free fall.

The study of the motion of a body under the action of a constant force.

(The study of the motion of bodies in a circle under the action of gravity and elasticity).

Study of elastic and inelastic collisions of bodies.

Conservation of mechanical energy when a body moves under the action of gravity and elasticity.

Comparison of the work of a force with a change in the kinetic energy of the body.

Molecular physics (20h)

The emergence of the atomistic hypothesis of the structure of matter and its experimental evidence. Absolute temperature as a measure of the average kinetic energy of the thermal motion of particles of matter.Ideal gas model.Gas pressure. The equation of state for an ideal gas. Structure and properties of liquids and solids.

The laws of thermodynamics.Order and chaos. Irreversibility of thermal processes.Thermal engines and environmental protection.


Mechanical model of Brownian motion.

Change in gas pressure with temperature change at constant volume.

Change in the volume of a gas with a change in temperature at constant pressure.

Change in the volume of a gas with a change in pressure at a constant temperature.

Boiling water at reduced pressure.

The device of the psychrometer and hygrometer.

The phenomenon of surface tension of a liquid.

Crystalline and amorphous bodies.

Volumetric models of the structure of crystals.

Models of heat engines.

Laboratory works:

Measurement of air humidity.

Measurement of the specific heat of melting of ice.

Measurement of the surface tension of a liquid.

Electrodynamics (25 hours in grade 10 and 36 hours in grade 11 in total 61 hours)

elementary electric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge. Electric field. Electricity.Ohm's law for a complete circuit.The magnetic field of the current.Plasma. The action of a magnetic field on moving charged particles.The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Interrelation of electric and magnetic fields. Free electromagnetic oscillations. Electromagnetic field.

Electromagnetic waves. Wave properties of light. Various types of electromagnetic radiation and their practical applications.

Laws of propagation of light. Optical devices.

Demos: Electrometer.

Conductors in electric field. Dielectrics in an electric field. The energy of a charged capacitor. Electrical measuring instruments.

Magnetic interaction of currents.

Deflection of an electron beam by a magnetic field.

Magnetic recording of sound.

Dependence of the EMF of induction on the rate of change of the magnetic flux.

Free electromagnetic oscillations.

AC waveform.


Emission and reception electromagnetic waves.

Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves.

Light interference.

Diffraction of light.

Obtaining a spectrum using a prism.

Obtaining a spectrum using a diffraction grating.

polarization of light.

Rectilinear propagation, reflection and refraction of light.

Optical devices

Laboratory works:

Measurement of electrical resistance with an ohmmeter.

Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of the current source.

Measurement of the elementary charge.

Measurement of magnetic induction.

Determination of the spectral limits of the sensitivity of the human eye.

Measurement of the refractive index of glass.

The quantum physics and elements of astrophysics (21h)

Planck's hypothesis about quanta.Photoelectric effect. Photon.De Broglie's hypothesis about the wave properties of particles. Corpuscular-wave dualism.

planetary model atom. Bohr's quantum postulates. Lasers.

Structure atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces. Mass defect and nuclear binding energy. Nuclear energy. Effect of ionizing radiation on living organisms.dose of radiation. Law of radioactive decay. Elementary particles. Fundamental interactions.

Solar system. Stars and sources of their energy. Galaxy. Spatial scales of the observable Universe.Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun and stars. Structure and evolution of the Universe.


Photoelectric effect.

Line emission spectra.


Counter of ionizing particles.

Laboratory works:

Observation of line spectra.

Repetition - 13 hours

Distribution of study time allotted for the study of individual sections of the course

Main content

Number of hours devoted to study

Grade 10

Grade 11

Total in fact



Molecular physics


A magnetic field. Electromagnetic in.

iiiinduk induction induction (9

Vibrations and waves


Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics



Grade 10

the date

Lesson topic

date actually

Introduction. Physics and methods of scientific knowledge (1 h)

Introduction. What is mechanics. Newton's classical mechanics and the limits of its applicability.

Topic 1. MECHANICS (24 hours)

Fundamentals of kinematics(9 h)

Movement of a point and a body. Ways to describe movement. Reference system. Move.

Speed ​​of rectilinear uniform motion. Equation of rectilinear uniform motion.

Graphs of rectilinear uniform motion. Problem solving.

Instant speed. Addition of speeds.

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.

Equations of motion with constant acceleration.

Tel movement. Progressive movement. Material point.

Solving problems on the topic "Kinematics"


Examination No. 1 "Kinematics"

Fundamentals of Dynamics (8h)


Basic assertion of mechanics. Newton's first law.


Force. Relationship between acceleration and force.


Newton's second law. Newton's third law.


Inertial reference systems and the principle of relativity in mechanics.


Forces in nature. Forces gravity. The law of universal gravitation.


First cosmic speed. Body weight. Weightlessness and overload.


Deformation and elastic forces. Hooke's law


Forces of friction. The role of friction forces. Forces of friction between contacting surfaces of solids.

Conservation laws in mechanics(7h)


momentum of a material point. Law of conservation of momentum.


Jet propulsion. Successes in space exploration.


Force work. Power. Mechanical energy of the body: potential and kinetic.


The law of conservation of energy in mechanics.


Laboratory work No. 1: “Studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy"


Generalizing lesson. Problem solving.


Test No. 2 "Dynamics. Conservation laws in mechanics"


Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gas(6h)

Chapter 7(2 h)


The structure of matter. Molecule. Basic provisions of the ICT. Experimental proof of the main provisions of the MKT. Brownian motion.


Mass of molecules. The amount of substance.


Solving problems on the calculation of quantities characterizing molecules.


Forces of interaction of molecules. The structure of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies.


Ideal gas in MKT. Basic equation of the MKT.


Problem solving

Temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules.(2 hours)


temperature and thermal equilibrium. Temperature determination.


absolute temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules.

(2 hours)


The equation of state for an ideal gas. gas laws.


Laboratory work No. 2: "Experimental verification of the Gay-Lussac law"

Mutual transformations of liquids and gases. Solids.(3 hours)


Saturated steam. Dependence of pressure of saturated vapor on temperature. Boiling.


Air humidity.


crystalline bodies. amorphous bodies.

Thermodynamics (7 hours)


Internal energy. Work in thermodynamics.


Quantity of heat.


First law of thermodynamics. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to various processes.


Irreversibility of processes in nature.


Principles of operation of heat engines. Efficiency factor (COP) of heat engines.


Iterative-generalizing lesson on the topics “Molecular physics. Thermodynamics".


Examination No. 3 "Molecular physics. Fundamentals of thermodynamics"


Electrostatics (9h)


Electric charge and elementary particles.


The law of conservation of electric charge. The basic law of electrostatics is Coulomb's law. Unit of electric charge.


Problem solving (Law of conservation of electric charge and Coulomb's law).


Electric field. Electric field strength. The principle of superposition of fields.


Force lines of the electric field. The field strength of a charged ball.


Problem solving.


Potential energy of a charged body in a uniform electrostatic field


Potential electrostatic field. Potential difference. Relationship between field strength and voltage


Capacitors. Purpose, device and types.

The laws direct current (8 h)


Electricity. conditions necessary for its existence.


Ohm's law for a circuit section. Consistent and parallel connection conductors.


Laboratory work No. 3: "Studying the series and parallel connection of conductors"


Operation and DC power.


Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.


Laboratory work No. 4: "Measuring the EMF and internal resistance of a current source"


Problem solving (DC laws)


Test No. 4 "Laws of direct current"

Electric current in various environments(8 h)


electrical conductivity various substances. Dependence of conductor resistance on temperature. Superconductivity.


Electric current in semiconductors. The use of semiconductor devices.


Electric current in vacuum. Cathode-ray tube.


Electric current in liquids. The law of electrolysis.


Electric current in gases. Non-independent and independent categories.


Solving problems on the topic: Electric current in various environments


Repetition of the topic: Electric current in various environments


Final test control work

Grade 11

lesson number

the date

the date

Lesson topic

Repeat 3 hours

Repetition of the topic "Mechanics", "Fundamentals of MKT and Thermodynamics"

Repetition of the topic: "Fundamentals of electrodynamics."

Cross-sectional control work.

A magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction 9h

Interaction of currents. Magnetic field, its properties.

The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Problem solving

The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current and a moving electric charge.

Lab #1"Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on current"

Solving problems on the topic "Magnetic field".Independent work

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Self-induction. Inductance. Electrodynamic microphone.

Solving problems on the topic: "electromagnetic induction".Independent work.

Electromagnetic field.Lab #2"Studying the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction"

Test No. 1 on the topic: “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction"

Oscillations and waves 12 hours

Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations

Oscillatory circuit. Transformation of energy during electromagnetic oscillations.

Alternating electric current.

electrical resonance.Independent work.

Production, transfer and use electrical energy Generation of electrical energy. Transformers.

Problem solving.

Production and use of electrical energy.

Electricity transmission.Independent work

Electromagnetic waves

electromagnetic wave. Properties of electromagnetic waves.

The principle of radiotelephone communication. The simplest radio receiver.

Radar. The concept of television. Development of means of communication.

Test No. 2 on the topic: "Electromagnetic oscillations and waves"

OPTICS - 15 hours

light waves

The speed of light. The law of reflection of light. Problem solving.

The law of refraction of light. Problem solving.

Optical devices.Independent work.

Lab #3"Measurement of the refractive index of glass"

dispersion of light. Problem solving.

Light interference. Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Problem solving.

Lab #4"Measuring the length of a light wave"

Transverse light waves. polarization of light. Generalization.
Test on the topic: " Light waves »

Control work for the first half of the year. on the topic "Fundamentals of Electrodynamics"

Elements of the theory of relativity

Postulates of the theory of relativity.

The main consequences of the postulates of the theory of relativity.

Elements of relativistic dynamics.

Independent work.

Radiation and spectra. Types of radiation. Spectral analysis.

Infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

X-rays. Scale of electromagnetic waves.

Test No. 4 on the topic: “Elements of the theory of relativity. Emissions and Spectra»


Quantum physics Light quanta

Photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect.

Photons. Independent work.

Application of the photoelectric effect. Light pressure.

Problem solving. Test

Atomic physics The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments.

Bohr's quantum postulates. Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom.


Physics of the atomic nucleusThe structure of the atomic nucleus. nuclear forces

Binding energy of atomic nuclei.Independent work

Nuclear reactions. Fission of uranium nuclei. Chain nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactor.

The use of nuclear energy. Biological effect of radioactive radiation

Examination No. 5

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 1, Okhansk


Head of ShMO

_____________/L.V. Peshnina/

Full name

Protocol No. ___

from "____" __________2015


Deputy Director for SD, MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Okhansk

_____________ / E.V. Novikova /

Full name

"__" ____________ 2015



MBOU secondary school No. 1, Okhansk

_____________ / N.G. Sokolova /

Full name

Order No. ___

from "___" __________2015


Nortseva Svetlana Alexandrovna,

teachers of the first category,

in physics

10 - 11 grade

Considered at the meeting

methodological council

Protocol No. ____

dated "__"_______2015

2014 – 2015 academic year


    Explanatory note ………………………………………….…………3

    Curriculum plan……………………………………………...8

    Requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions of complete general education in physics………………..17

    References (main and additional)…………..………18


    Information sources

    Description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process


The work program in physics for the basic school is developed in accordance with:

    with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education (FGOS LLC, M .: Education, 2012);

The physics program for a complete general education school is based on the fundamental core of the content of general education and the requirements for the results of complete general education, presented in the federal state standard for complete general education of the second generation. It also takes into account the main ideas and provisions of the programs for the development and formation of universal educational activities (UUD) for complete general education and observes continuity with programs for basic general education.

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 140 hours for the compulsory study of physics at the stage of complete general education. Including in grades X, XI, 70 teaching hours at the rate of 2 teaching hours per week.

The work program in physics is compiled on the basis of a mandatory minimum in accordance with the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions for 2 hours a week in grades 10-11, the author's program of G.Ya. Myakishev and in accordance with the selected textbooks:

The program, in addition to the list of elements of educational information presented to students, contains a list of demonstrations and frontal laboratory work.

The most important features of the senior high school program are as follows:

    The main content of the course is focused on the fundamental core of the content of physical education;

    The main content of the course is presented for the basic level;

    Volume and depth educational material determined by the content of the curriculum, the requirements for learning outcomes, which are further specified in thematic planning;

    Requirements for learning outcomes and thematic planning limit the amount of content studied at the basic level.

The program for the senior school provides for the development of all the main activities presented in the programs for basic general education. However, the content of the program for the complete school has features due to both the subject content of the complete general education system and the age characteristics of the students.

In older adolescence (16 - 18 years), the leading role is played by the activity of mastering the system scientific concepts in the context of preliminary professional self-determination. The assimilation of a system of scientific concepts forms a type of thinking that orients a teenager to general cultural patterns, norms, standards of interaction with the outside world, and also becomes a source of a new type of cognitive interests (not only to facts, but also to patterns), a means of forming a worldview.

Thus, the best way to develop the cognitive needs of high school students is to represent the content of education in the form of a system of theoretical concepts.

The teenage crisis is associated with the development of self-awareness, which affects the nature of educational activities. For older adolescents, educational activities aimed at self-development and self-education are still relevant. They continue to develop theoretical, formal and reflective thinking, the ability to reason in a hypothetical-deductive way, in an abstract-logical way, the ability to operate with hypotheses, reflection as the ability to analyze and evaluate their own intellectual operations.

A psychological neoplasm of adolescence is goal-setting and building life plans in a time perspective, i.e. the most pronounced motivation is associated with the future adult life, and the motivation associated with the period of school life is reduced. At this age, the ability to design their own educational activities, build their own educational trajectory develops.

Given the above, as well as the provision that educational results at the subject level should be subject to assessment during the final certification, in thematic planning, subject goals and planned learning outcomes are concretized to the level of learning activities that students master in the process of mastering the subject content. In physics, where cognitive activity plays a leading role, the main types of educational activities of a student at the level of educational actions include the ability to characterize, explain, classify, master the methods of scientific knowledge, etc.

Thus, in the program, the goals of studying physics are presented on different levels:

    At the level of goals proper, divided into personal, meta-subject and subject;

    At the level of educational results (requirements) with a division into meta-subject, subject and personal;

    At the level of educational activities.

Program Structure

The physics program for a complete secondary school includes the following sections: an explanatory note with requirements for learning outcomes; course content with a list of sections indicating the number of hours allocated for their study, including the school component;requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions of complete general education in physics; recommendations for equipping the educational process; calendar-thematic planning is attached separately.

General characteristics of the subject

Physics as a science of the most general laws of nature, acting as a school subject, makes a significant contribution to the system of knowledge about the world around us. The school physics course is a backbone for natural science subjects, since physical laws underlie the content of courses in chemistry, biology, geography and astronomy.

The study of physics is necessary not only to master the basics of one of the natural sciences, which is a component of modern culture. Without knowledge of physics in its historical development, a person will not understand the history of the formation of other components of modern culture. The study of physics is necessary for a person to form a worldview, the development of a scientific way of thinking.

To solve the problems of forming the foundations of a scientific worldview, developing the intellectual abilities and cognitive interests of schoolchildren in the process of studying physics, the main attention should be paid not to transferring the amount of ready-made knowledge, but to getting acquainted with the methods of scientific knowledge of the world around us, posing problems that require students to work independently to resolve them.

The purpose of studying physics

The study of physics in educational institutions of basic general education is aimed at achieving the following goal:

    formation students have the ability to see and understand the value of education, the importance of physical knowledge for each person, regardless of his professional activity; the ability to distinguish between facts and assessments, to compare assessment conclusions, to see their connection with assessment criteria and the connection of criteria with a certain system of values, to formulate and justify one's own position;

    formation students have a holistic view of the world and the role of physics in creating a modern natural-scientific picture of the world; the ability to explain the objects and processes of the surrounding reality - the natural, social, cultural, technical environment, using physical knowledge for this;

    acquisition students experience a variety of activities, the experience of knowledge and self-knowledge; key skills (competencies) that are of universal importance for various kinds activities, - problem-solving skills, decision-making, search, analysis and processing of information, communication skills, measurement skills, cooperation skills, effective and safe use of various technical devices;

    development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities, independence in acquiring new knowledge in solving physical problems and performing experimental research using information technology;

    application of acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of everyday life, to ensure the safety of one's life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

    mastery system of scientific knowledge about physical properties of the surrounding world, about the basic physical laws and ways of using them in practical life.

This a whole b reaching ethanks to the decisiontasks , which can be calledvalue orientations of the content of the subject :

The basis of cognitive values ​​is scientific knowledge, scientific methods of cognition, and the value orientations formed by students in the process of studying physics are manifested:

    in recognition of the value scientific knowledge, its practical significance, reliability;

    in the value of physical methods for studying living and inanimate nature;

    in understanding the complexity and inconsistency of the very process of cognition as an eternal striving for truth.

The objects of the values ​​of work and life are creative creative activity, a healthy lifestyle, and the value orientations of the content of the course of physics can be considered as the formation of:

    respectful attitude to constructive, creative activity;

    understanding the need for efficient and safe use of various technical devices;

    the need for unconditional compliance with the rules for the safe use of substances in everyday life;

    conscious choice of future professional activity.

The course of physics has the potential for the formation of communicative values, which are based on the process of communication, grammatically correct speech, and value orientations are aimed at educating students:

    correct use of physical terminology and symbols;

    the need to conduct a dialogue, listen to the opinion of the opponent, participate in the discussion;

    the ability to openly express and argue one's point of view.

The results of mastering the course of physics.

General educational skills, skills and methods of activity

The program provides for the continuation of the formation of schoolchildren's general educational skills and abilities, universal methods of activity and core competencies. The priorities for the school physics course at the stage of complete general education are:

Cognitive activity:

    the use of various natural scientific methods for understanding the world around us: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling;

    the use of skills to distinguish between facts, hypotheses, causes, effects, evidence, laws, theories;

    application of adequate methods for solving theoretical and experimental problems;

    honing the experience of putting forward hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental verification of put forward hypotheses.

Information and communication activities:

    possession of monologue and dialogic speech, development of the ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the right to a different opinion;

    use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems.

Reflective activity:

    possession of the skills of monitoring and evaluating one's activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one's actions;

    organization of educational activities: setting goals, planning, determining the optimal ratio of goals and means.

Personal, subject and meta-subject results of learning a subject

The activity of a teacher in teaching physics in a full school should be aimed at achieving the following personal results :

    in the value-oriented sphere - a sense of pride in the Russian physical science, attitude to physics as an element of human culture, humanism, a positive attitude towards work, purposefulness;

    in the labor sphere - readiness for a conscious choice of a further educational trajectory in accordance with one's own interests, inclinations and opportunities;

    in the cognitive sphere - motivation for educational activities, the ability to manage one's cognitive activity, independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills.

In area subject results, the teacher provides the student with the opportunity at the stage of complete general education to learn:

        • in the cognitive sphere: to give definitions to the concepts studied; name the main provisions of the studied theories and hypotheses; describe both demonstration and independently conducted experiments, using the Russian language and the language of physics for this; classify the studied objects and phenomena; draw conclusions and conclusions from observations, studied physical patterns, predict possible results; structure the studied material; interpret physical information obtained from other sources; apply the acquired knowledge in physics to solve practical problems encountered in everyday life, for the safe use of household technical devices, environmental management and environmental protection;

          in the value-oriented sphere: to analyze and evaluate the consequences for the environment of household and production activities human associated with the use of physical processes;

          in the labor sphere: to conduct a physical experiment;

          in the field of physical culture: to provide first aid for injuries associated with laboratory equipment and household technical devices.

metasubject the results of mastering the physics program by graduates of the full school are:

    use of skills and abilities of various types cognitive activity, the use of basic methods of cognition (system-information analysis, modeling, etc.) to study various aspects of the surrounding reality;

    the use of basic intellectual operations: the formulation of hypotheses, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, identification of cause-and-effect relationships, search for analogues;

    the ability to generate ideas and determine the means necessary for their implementation;

    the ability to determine the goals and objectives of the activity, choose the means of achieving the goals and apply them in practice;

    the use of various sources to obtain physical information, understanding the dependence of the content and form of information presentation on the goals of communication and the addressee.

    mastering the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, organization of educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of their activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of their actions;

    development of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to express one's thoughts and listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view;

    the ability to work in a group with the performance of various social roles, to defend one's views, to lead a discussion.

    Educational and thematic plan







No. lab. slave.



Grade 10










    Conservation laws.

    Fundamentals of molecular-kinetic theory.









    Temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules.

    The equation of state for an ideal gas. gas laws.

    Mutual transformations of liquids and gases. Solids.

    Fundamentals of thermodynamics.


    Direct current laws.






    Direct current laws.

    Electric current in various environments.

Course repetition.




№ 4

Total: 13 topics

Grade 11




    A magnetic field.

    Electromagnetic induction.

    Mechanical vibrations.












    Mechanical vibrations.

    Electromagnetic vibrations.

    Production, transmission and use of electrical energy.

    mechanical waves.

    Electromagnetic waves.

    Light waves.











    Light waves.

    Elements of the theory of relativity.

    Emissions and spectra.

    Light quanta.

    Atomic physics.

    Physics of the atomic nucleus.









    Physics of the atomic nucleus.

    Elementary particles.

Course repetition.

Reserve time.



Total: 17 topics

Section 1. The scientific method of knowing nature.

Physics is the fundamental science of nature. Scientific method of knowledge.

Methods scientific research physical phenomena. Experiment and theory in the process of cognition of nature. Measurement errors of physical quantities. scientific hypotheses. Models of physical phenomena. Physical laws and theories. Limits of applicability of physical laws. Physical picture of the world. Discoveries in physics are the basis of progress in engineering and production technology.


    Free fall of bodies.

    Pendulum swings.

    Attraction of a steel ball by a magnet.

    The glow of a filament of an electric lamp.

Give definitions of the concepts studied; name the main provisions of the studied theories and hypotheses .

school component

The relationship of nature and human society. Environmental protection in the forest, on the river, in the city, at the place of residence and study. Safety measures when working in the physics classroom.

Section 2. Mechanics.


Reference systems. Scalar and vector physical quantities. Instant speed. Acceleration. Uniform movement. Movement along a circle with a constant modulo speed.


    1. Uniform rectilinear motion.

      Free fall of bodies.

      Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.

      Uniform movement around the circumference.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Calculate the path and speed of the body in uniform rectilinear motion. Present the results of measurements and calculations in the form of tables and graphs. Determine the path traveled for a given period of time, and the speed of the body according to the graph of the dependence of the path of uniform motion on time. Calculate the path and speed for a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion of the body. Determine the path and acceleration of the movement of the body according to the graph of the dependence of the speed of uniformly accelerated rectilinear movement of the body on time. Find the centripetal acceleration when a body moves in a circle with a constant modulo speed. Apply practical skills of vector addition, be able to distinguish a vector, its projections on the coordinate axes and the vector module. Apply acquired knowledge of physics to solve practical problems encountered in everyday life

school component

Vehicle speed and stopping distance.

Rules of the road and pedestrian traffic.Ice precautions. Safe behavior on the roads during ice and rain. Safe rappelling. Providing first aid for injuries. Safety behavior on the roads. Calculation of vehicle speed and stopping distance. Calculation of the trajectory of traffic. To be able to explain to younger children the principles of safe behavior on the road and demonstrate them on the example of a real street.

The speed of movement of vehicles and the reduction of the emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Saving energy resources when using the phenomenon of inertia in practice.

Gravitational dust chambers.

AES for the global study of the impact of human activities on the nature of the planet.

Problems of space debris. Centrifugal cleaners.

World achievements in space exploration.


Mass and strength. Laws of dynamics. Methods for measuring forces. Inertial reference systems. The law of universal gravitation.


        1. Measuring the force by the deformation of the spring.

          Newton's third law.

          Friction force properties.

          Center of gravity of a flat body.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Calculate the acceleration of a body, force acting on a body, or mass based on Newton's second law. Investigate the dependence of the elongation of a steel spring on the applied force, determine the stiffness coefficient. Investigate the dependence of the sliding friction force on the contact area of ​​the bodies and the normal pressure force, determine the coefficient of friction. Measure the forces of interaction between two bodies. Calculate the force of universal gravitation, the first cosmic velocity, body weight, weightlessness, overload. Experimentally find the center of gravity of a flat body. Give definitions of the concepts studied; name the main provisions of the studied theories and hypotheses; describe demonstration and independently conducted experiments, using the Russian language and the language of physics for this.

school component

Safe work with cutting and piercing tools. First aid for incised and stabbing wounds.

Water sources, Kamskaya HPP.

Changes in the composition of the atmosphere as a result of human activities.Rule of ventilation. The importance of ozone and the ozone layer for human life.

Environmentally harmful consequences of the use of water and air transport.

United world air and water oceans.

Safety behavior on the water. First aid prevention. Rules for extinguishing gasoline and alcohol. Know the means of rescuing a drowning person on the water in the warm and cold seasons, the sequence of actions during rescue and the ability to perform them.

Laws of conservation of momentum and mechanical energy. Mechanical oscillations and waves.

Law of conservation of momentum. Kinetic energy and work. Potential energy of a body in a gravitational field. Potential energy of an elastically deformed body.

The law of conservation of mechanical energy.

Mechanical oscillations and waves.


              1. Jet propulsion, device and principle of operation of the rocket.

                Observation of oscillations of bodies.

                Observation of mechanical waves.

Laboratory work and experiments:

    1. Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Apply the law of conservation of momentum to calculate the results of the interaction of bodies. Measure the work of a force. Calculate the kinetic energy of the body. Calculate the elastic deformation energy of the spring. Calculate the potential energy of a body raised above the Earth. Apply the law of conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the potential and kinetic energy of the body. Measure power. Explain the process of pendulum oscillation. Investigate the dependence of the period of oscillation of the pendulum on its length and amplitude of oscillation. Calculate the wavelength and speed of wave propagation.

school component

The concept of balance in the ecological sense. Environmental Safety various mechanisms. Relationship between the progress of human civilization and energy consumption.

Microclimate in the classroom and apartment. Human vocal apparatus. Human hearing aid. Prevention of normal human hearing. Percussion in medicine. Ultrasound and infrasound, their impact on humans. The role of ultrasound in biology and medicine. Acoustic glasses. Observation of the street, attention to sound signals, the noise of cars, especially when it rains, when hoods and umbrellas make it difficult for children to see cars approaching from afar.

Noise pollution of the environment. Consequences and ways to overcome it. Ultrasound. ultrasonic cleaning air.

The harmful effects of vibrations on the human body.

Section 3. Molecular physics.

Molecular-kinetic theory of the structure of matter and its experimental foundations.

absolute temperature. The equation of state for an ideal gas.

Relationship between the average kinetic energy of the thermal motion of molecules and the absolute temperature.

The structure of liquids and solids.

Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways of changing internal energy. First law of thermodynamics. Principles of operation of thermal machines. Problems of thermal power engineering and environmental protection.


    Diffusion in solutions and gases, in water.

    Model of chaotic motion of molecules in a gas.

    Brownian motion model.

    Cohesion of solid bodies.

    Demonstration of models of the structure of crystalline bodies.

    The principle of operation of thermometers.

    The phenomenon of evaporation.


    Observation of condensation of water vapor on a glass of ice.

    melting phenomenon.

    The phenomenon of crystallization.

Laboratory work and experiments:

    Experimental verification of Gay-Lussac's law.

    Measurement of air humidity.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Observe and explain the phenomenon of diffusion. Explain the properties of gases, liquids and solids based on the atomic theory of the structure of matter. Know the properties of crystalline and amorphous bodies. Determine the change in the internal energy of the body during heat transfer and the work of external forces. Calculate the amount of heat and the specific heat capacity of a substance during heat transfer. Observe changes in the internal energy of water as a result of evaporation. Calculate the amount of heat in heat transfer processes during melting and crystallization, evaporation and condensation. Calculate specific heat melting and vaporization of matter. Measure air humidity. To be able to solve problems to determine the main macro- and micro-parameters. Know the system unit of temperature. Be able to solve problems on gas laws by algebraic and graphical methods. Apply acquired knowledge of physics to solve practical problems encountered in everyday life. Know statistical laws, probability theory, irreversibility of processes in nature. Discuss the environmental impacts of internal combustion engines, thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

school component

Distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere and water bodies.

Sources of solid, liquid and gaseous substances polluting the environment of the Perm Territory and Okhansky District.

Safety measures when meeting with unknown substances. Effect of mercury vapor on the human body. Diffusion in wildlife, its role in the nutrition and respiration of humans and living organisms. Skin hygiene. Detergents and rules for the storage and use of cleaning products in the home.

Influence of environmental characteristics (temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity) on human life.Know how to measure body temperature. The influence of increased and low temperature on the human body. Providing first aid at high temperature (physical methods of cooling the human body at high temperature and warming the body during frostbite). Compliance with the thermal regime at school and at home. Hygiene requirements to air exchange in the classroom. The air cycle in nature. The role of evaporation when the temperature drops during illness and when food is cooled in the summer in nature.Influence of humidity on human well-being.

Clothing for the season. Explain why it is dangerous to grab iron with wet hands in the cold. Vascular responses to temperature increase. Hardening principles. Rules for ventilation of premises. Factors contributing to frostbite. How to dress in winter so as not to get frostbite, admission rules sunbathing. First aid for heat stroke and frostbite.

Air pollution by exhaust gases and their impact on human health. Environmental protection. The greenhouse effect. New types of fuel.

Violation of the thermal balance of nature. Advantages and problems of using heat engines.

Section 4. Electrodynamics.

electrical phenomena

elementary electric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Potential difference.

DC sources. Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete electrical circuit. Electric current in metals, electrolytes, gases and vacuum. Electrical conductivity of various substances. Dependence of conductor resistance on temperature. Superconductivity. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity of semiconductors. Semiconductor devices. The law of electrolysis. Non-independent and independent categories.

Magnetic field induction. Ampere power. Lorentz force. Self-induction. Inductance.


      1. Electrification of tel.

        Two kinds of electric charges.

        Coulomb's law.

        Conductors and dielectrics.

        Semiconductors. Diode. Transistor.

        Cathode-ray tube.

        electrostatic induction.

        Capacitors and electrical capacity.

        Conductor connections.

Laboratory work and experiments:

        1. The study of the series connection of conductors.

          Study of parallel connection of conductors.

          Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of the current source.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Explain the phenomena of electrification of bodies and the interaction of electric charges. Investigate the action of an electric field on bodies made of conductors and dielectrics. Assemble the electrical circuit. Measure the current strength in an electrical circuit, the voltage in a circuit section, electrical resistance, electrical capacitance and inductance for various types of conductor connections. Investigate the dependence of the current strength in the conductor on the voltage at its ends. Measure the work and power of the current of an electrical circuit. Measure EMF and internal resistance of a current source. Explain the phenomenon of heating conductors with electric current. Know and follow safety rules when working with power sources.

school component

Electrification of clothes and methods of its elimination. Safety rules for transportation and transfusion of combustible substances. Effect of electricity on biological objects.

Rules for safe work with electrical appliances at school and at home.

Short circuit and its consequences. Fuses and the harm of "bugs". The role of grounding. Behavior during a thunderstorm.

Explain to students why it is dangerous to touch high voltage poles or a transformer box. Bioelectropotentials. Rules of conduct near a place where a broken high-voltage wire is in contact with the ground. atmospheric electricity.

Electric way to clean the air from dust.

Lightning discharge and sources of ozone destruction. Change in electrical conductivity of polluted atmosphere.

Magnetic phenomena

The magnetic field of the current. Interaction of currents. The energy of the magnetic field. Magnetic properties of matter. Ampere power. Lorentz force. Electromagnetic induction. The law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. Induction generator of electric current. Self-induction.


          1. Oersted's experience.

            The magnetic field of the current.

            The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.

            Ampere power.

            Lorentz force. Particle accelerators.

            Faraday's experiments.

            Electromagnetic induction.

            Electrical measuring instruments, loudspeaker and microphone.

            Lenz's rule.


            Induction generator device.


Laboratory work and experiments:

    Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on a current.

    Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Experimentally study the phenomena of magnetic interaction of bodies. To study the phenomena of magnetization of matter. Detect the magnetic interaction of currents. Know how to use the left hand rule. Learn how electricity works measuring instruments, speaker and microphone. To study the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Be able to determine the direction of the induction current, applying the Lenz rule. To be able to solve problems on the law of electromagnetic induction. Learn how an electric motor works. Study the phenomenon of self-induction.

school component

The influence of magnetic storms on human well-being. The use of magnets in medicine. The use of magnetic earrings, bracelets, magnetic devices for germinating seeds.

Section 5. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves.

Oscillatory circuit. Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations. Harmonic electromagnetic oscillations. electrical resonance. Production, transmission and consumption of electrical energy. Transformers.

Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. Velocity of electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves. Principles of radio communication and television. Effect of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms.

The speed of light. Laws of reflection and refraction of light. dispersion of light. Light interference. Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Emissions and spectra. polarization of light. dispersion of light. Lenses. Thin lens formula. Optical devices.

Postulates of the special theory of relativity. Full energy. Peace energy. relativistic momentum. Mass defect and binding energy.


              1. Rotation of a frame with current in a magnetic field.

                Resonance in an electrical circuit.


                Properties of electromagnetic waves.


                Principles of radio communication.

                Rectilinear propagation of light.

                Reflection of light.

                Light refraction.

                Ray path in a converging lens.

                Ray path in a diverging lens.

                Taking pictures with lenses.

                Newton's rings.

                Diffraction grating.

Laboratory work and experiments:

    Measurement of the refractive index of glass.

    Determination of optical power and focal length of a lens.

    Measurement of the length of a light wave.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Experimentally study the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Receive alternating current by rotating a coil in a magnetic field. Know how to work with a transformer. Experimentally study the phenomena of geometric and wave optics. Measure the refractive index of glass. Explore the properties of an image in a lens. Measure the optical power and focal length of a converging lens. Observe the phenomenon of dispersion, interference, diffraction, total reflection and polarization of light. Measure the wavelength of light. Be able to solve problems of wave optics and special relativity.

school component

Influence of a magnetic field on biological objects.

The advantage of electric transport. Ways to save electricity. HPS. power lines. Visual impairment and ultraviolet radiation. Methods for correcting visual defects.

Change in the transparency of the atmosphere under the action anthropogenic factor and its environmental consequences.

Prevention of eye protection on a bright sunny day, on a clear winter day, on the water.

fiber optics.

Section 6. Quantum physics.

Planck's hypothesis about quanta. photoelectric effect. Laws of the photoelectric effect. Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect. Photon. Light pressure. Corpuscular-wave dualism.

Models of the structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's quantum postulates. Line spectra. Explanation of the line spectrum of hydrogen based on Bohr's quantum postulates.

Composition and structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces. Properties of nuclear forces. mass defect. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Radioactivity. Types of radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. Methods for registration of nuclear radiation. Law of radioactive decay. Properties of ionizing nuclear radiation. dose of radiation.

Nuclear reactions. chain nuclear reaction. Nuclear reactor. Nuclear energy. thermonuclear fusion.

Effect of radioactive radiation on living organisms. Environmental problems arising from the use of nuclear power plants.

Elementary particles. Fundamental interactions.


    Spectral devices.

    Observation of tracks of alpha particles in a cloud chamber.

    The device and principle of operation of the counter of ionizing particles.


Characteristics of the main activities of the student (at the level of educational activities):

Observe line and band emission spectra. Know the scale of electromagnetic radiation and their properties. Be able to solve problems on the equation of the photoelectric effect. To study the device and principle of operation of lasers. Observe tracks of alpha particles in a cloud chamber. Calculate the mass defect and the binding energy of atoms. Find the half-life of a radioactive element. Discuss the problems of the influence of radioactive radiation on living organisms. Know the structure of the atom and Bohr's quantum postulates. To study the course of chain and thermonuclear reactions.

school component

The danger of ionizing radiation. Natural radiation background.

Nuclear power plants and their relationship with the environment. The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its consequences.

Environmental problems of nuclear energy (safe storage of radioactive waste, the degree of risk of accidents at nuclear power plants).

Radiation sickness.

Nuclear war is a threat to life on Earth.

Reserve time, repetition of material.


As a result of studying physics at a basic level, the student should

Know, understand:

    meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory, substance, interaction, electromagnetic field, wave, photon, atom, atomic nucleus, ionizing radiation, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, universe;

    meaning of physical quantities: speed, acceleration, mass, force, momentum, work, mechanical energy, internal energy, absolute temperature, average kinetic energy of matter particles, amount of heat, elementary electric charge;

    meaning of physical laws classical mechanics, gravity, conservation of energy, momentum and electric charge, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, electromagnetic induction, photoelectric effect;

    contribution of Russian and foreign scientists which had the greatest influence on the development of physics.

Be able to:

    describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies : mechanical movement; movement of celestial bodies and artificial earth satellites; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electric field; direct electric current; electromagnetic induction, propagation of electromagnetic waves; wave properties of light; emission and absorption of light by an atom; photoelectric effect;

    distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data; give examples, showing that: observations and experiment are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; physical theory makes it possible to explain the known phenomena of nature and scientific facts, to predict yet unknown phenomena;

    give examples practical use physical knowledge : the laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics in the energy sector; various types of electromagnetic radiation for the development of radio and telecommunications, quantum physics in the creation of nuclear energy, lasers;

    perceive and independently evaluate information based on the knowledge gained contained in media reports, the Internet, popular science articles.

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

    ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications communications;

    assessment of the impact on the human body and other organisms of environmental pollution;

    rational nature management and environmental protection.

    Bibliography(main and additional):


    Algorithm for compiling work programs in physics. RO IPK and PRO, Department of Mathematics and Natural Disciplines.

    G.Ya. Myakishev, Programs for educational institutions. Physics 10-11. M.: Education, 2012. - 248 p.

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

    Federal State Educational Standard of General Education GEF LLC, M .: Education, 2012.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Physics grades 10-11, Moscow: Education, 2011. - 46 p.

    The program of the course "Physics". 10-11 cells. / aut.-stat. THIS. Izergin. - M .: LLC "Russian word-textbook", 2013 - 24s. - (FGOS. Innovative school).


    G.Ya Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky, Physics grade 10, textbook for educational institutions, M .: Education, 2011.

    G.Ya Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, V.M. Charugin, Physics grade 11, textbook for educational institutions, M .: Education, 2011.

    L.A. Kirik, Physics-10, independent and control work, "Ileksa", 2011

    L.A. Kirik, Physics-11, independent and control work, "Ileksa", 2011

    A.P. Rymkevich, Collection of Problems in Physics 10-11, Bustard, 2011

    Collection of test items for thematic and final control, Physics -11, LAT MIOO, 2012

    Collection of test items for thematic and final control, Physics -10, LAT MIOO, 2012

    KIM, Physics, Grade 10, Moscow "Vako", 2010

    E.A. Maron, A.E. Maron Test papers in physics 10-11 M .: Education, 2012

    USE 2010. Physics. Training tasks / A.A. Fadeeva M.: Eksmo, 2011

    USE 2010: Physics / A.V. Berkov, V.A. Griboyedov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2011

    USE 2010. Physics. Typical test tasks / O.F. Kabardin, S.I. Kabardin, V.A. Orlov. M.: Exam, 2011

    G.N.Stepanova Collection of problems in physics: For grades 10-11 of educational institutions.


    Kabardin O.F. Problems in physics / O.F. Kabardin, V.A. Orlov, A.R. Zilberman.- M.: Bustard, 2010.

    Kabardin O.F. Collection of experimental tasks and practical work in physics / O.F. Kabardin, V.A. Orlov; ed. Yu.I. Dika, V.A. Orlova.- M.: AST, Astrel, 2010.


    Sources of information and learning tools


    Educational complex "Physics, 7-11 cells. Library of visual aids»

    Physicon programs. Physics 7-11 cells.

    Physics lessons of Cyril and Methodius. multimedia textbook.

    Cyril and Methodius. Library of Electronic visual aids. Physics.

    Computer course "Open Physics 1.0"



    Electronic textbook

    The biggest digital library Runet. Search for books and magazines

    Computer learning environment "Inter@active physics"

    Criteria and norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students

2.1. Evaluation of students' oral responses

Rating "5" be set if the student shows a correct understanding of the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns under consideration, laws and theories, as well as the correct definition of physical quantities, their units and methods of measurement: correctly performs drawings, diagrams and graphs; builds an answer according to his own plan, accompanies the story with his own examples, knows how to apply knowledge in a new situation when performing practical tasks; can establish a connection between the studied and previously studied material in the course of physics, as well as with material learned in the study of other subjects.

Rating "4" be set if the student's answer meets the basic requirements for grade 5, but is given without using own plan, new examples, without applying knowledge in a new situation, 6ez using connections with previously studied material and material learned in the study of other subjects: if the student made one mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently or with a little help from the teacher.

Grade "3" be set if the student correctly understands the physical essence of the phenomena and regularities under consideration, but there are separate gaps in the assimilation of the questions of the physics course in the answer, which do not prevent further assimilation of the questions of the program material: he knows how to apply the knowledge gained in solving simple problems using ready-made formulas, but finds it difficult in solving problems that require the transformation of some formulas, made no more than one gross error and two shortcomings, no more than one gross and one non-serious error, no more than 2-3 non-serious errors, one non-serious error and three shortcomings; made 4-5 mistakes.

Grade "2" is set if the student has not mastered the basic knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program and made more mistakes and shortcomings than necessary for a grade of "3".

2.2. Evaluation of written tests

Rating "5" is put for work done completely without errors and shortcomings.

Rating "4" is given for a job that is completed in full, but if it contains no more than one gross and one minor error and one defect, no more than three defects.

Grade "3" is set if the student correctly completed at least 2/3 of the entire work or made no more than one gross error and two shortcomings, no more than one gross error and one minor error, no more than three minor errors, one minor error and three shortcomings, if any 4 - 5 shortcomings.

Grade "2" it is set if the number of errors and shortcomings exceeded the norm for grade 3 or less than 2/3 of the entire work was correctly performed.

2.3. Evaluation of laboratory work

Rating "5" is set if the student performs the work in full in compliance with the necessary sequence of experiments and measurements; independently and rationally mounts necessary equipment; all experiments are carried out in conditions and modes that ensure obtaining the correct results and conclusions; complies with the requirements of labor safety rules; in the report correctly and accurately performs all records, tables, figures, drawings, graphs, calculations; correctly performs error analysis.

Rating "4" is set if the requirements for the mark "5" are met, but two or three shortcomings were made, no more than one minor error and one shortcoming.

Grade "3" is set if the work is not completed completely, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows you to get the correct results and conclusions: if errors were made during the experiment and measurements.

Grade "2" it is set if the work is not completed completely and the volume of the part of the work performed does not allow drawing correct conclusions: if experiments, measurements, calculations, observations were made incorrectly.

In all cases, the mark is reduced if the student did not comply with the requirements of the safety rules of the pile.

2.4. List of errors

I. Gross mistakes

    Ignorance of definitions of basic concepts, laws, rules, provisions of the theory, formulas, generally accepted symbols, designations of physical quantities, unit of measurement.

    The inability to single out the main thing in the answer.

    Inability to apply knowledge to solve problems and explain physical phenomena; incorrectly formulated questions, tasks or incorrect explanations of the course of their solution, ignorance of methods for solving problems similar to those previously solved in the classroom; errors showing a misunderstanding of the conditions of the problem or a misinterpretation of the solution.

    Inability to prepare the installation or laboratory equipment for work, to conduct experiments, the necessary calculations, or to use the data obtained for conclusions.

    Careless attitude to laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.

    Inability to determine the readings of the measuring instrument.

    Violation of the requirements of the rules of safe work during the experiment.

II. Non-gross errors

    Inaccuracies in formulations, definitions, laws, theories, caused by the incompleteness of the answer to the main features of the concept being defined. Errors caused by non-compliance with the conditions for the experiment or measurements.

    Errors in symbols on schematic diagrams, inaccuracies in drawings, graphs, diagrams.

    Omission or inaccurate spelling of the names of units of physical quantities.

    Irrational choice of the course of action.

III. Shortcomings

    Irrational entries in calculations, irrational methods of calculations, transformations and problem solving.

    Arithmetic errors in calculations, if these errors do not grossly distort the reality of the result.

    Individual errors in the wording of the question or answer.

    Careless execution of records, drawings, diagrams, graphs.

    Spelling and punctuation errors.

    Description of the educational, methodological and logistical

ensuring the educational process

To teach secondary school students in accordance with exemplary programs, it is necessary to implement an activity approach. The activity approach requires the constant support of the process of teaching physics on a demonstration experiment performed by the teacher, and laboratory work and experiments performed by students. Therefore, the school physics classroom must be equipped with a complete set of demonstration and laboratory equipment in accordance with the list of educational equipment in physics for secondary schools. (80% equipment is obsolete)

Demonstration equipment should provide the possibility of observing all the studied phenomena included in the exemplary secondary school curriculum. The system of demonstration experiments in the study of physics in high school involves the use of both classical analog measuring instruments and modern digital measuring instruments.

Laboratory and demonstration equipment is stored in cabinets in a dedicated laboratory room.

The physics room is supplied with electricity and water in accordance with safety regulations. An alternating voltage of 36 V is supplied to the laboratory tables from the shield of the power supply set.

The voltage of 36 V, 42 V and 220 V is connected to the demonstration table. The board in the office is magnetic.

The physics classroom has:

    fire fighting equipment;

    first aid kit with a set of dressings and medicines;

    instruction on safety rules for students;

    register of instruction on labor safety rules.

Banners of fundamental constants and the scale of electromagnetic waves are placed on the front wall of the office. The blackout system is black curtains.

In addition to demonstration and laboratory equipment, the physics room is equipped with:

    a set of technical training aids, a computer with a multimedia projector and an interactive whiteboard;

    educational and methodical, reference and popular science literature (textbooks, collections of tasks, magazines, etc.);

    a file cabinet with assignments for individual learning, organizing students' independent work, conducting tests;

    a set of thematic tables for all sections of the school physics course.


Municipal state educational institution

"Krasnopartizanskaya secondary school"

Aleisky district of the Altai Territory

Work program on the subject

"Physics" for grades 10-11 (basic level)

Developed on the basis of the Exemplary Curriculum for Academic Subjects

Physics 10-11, Moscow "Enlightenment" 2010, A.A. Kuznetsov

Implementation period - 1 year

Compiled by: Pilipenko S.E.

Physics teacher,

First qualifying

with. Borikha


Work program in physics

For grades 10-11

(2 hours per week)

(A basic level of)

Explanatory note

Document status

The work program in physics is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for secondary (complete) general education, the Sample program for academic subjects: "Physics" grades 10-11, M. Education 2010. The work program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the sequence of studying sections of physics, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of experiments demonstrated by the teacher in the classroom, laboratory and practical work performed by students.

Document structure

The work program in physics includes three sections: an explanatory note; the main content with an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course, the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of graduates, educational and thematic planning and KIM.

The goals of studying physics

The study of physics in secondary (complete) educational institutions at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • learning about fundamental physical laws and principles underlying the modern physical picture of the world; the most important discoveries in the field of physics, which had a decisive influence on the development of engineering and technology; methods of scientific knowledge of nature;
  • mastery of skillsmake observations, plan and carry out experiments, formulate hypotheses and build models, apply the acquired knowledge of physics to explain a variety of physical phenomena and properties of substances; practical use of physical knowledge; evaluate the reliability of natural science information;
  • development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in physics using various sources of information and modern information technologies;
  • upbringing belief in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature; using the achievements of physics for the benefit of the development of human civilization; the need for cooperation in the process of joint performance of tasks, respect for the opinion of the opponent when discussing problems of natural science content; readiness for a moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements, a sense of responsibility for protecting the environment;
  • use of acquired knowledge and skillsfor solving practical problems of everyday life, ensuring the safety of one's own life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

The work program provides for the formation of schoolchildren's general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies. The priorities for the school physics course at the stage of basic general education are:

Cognitive activity:

Information and communication activities:

Reflective activity:

General educational skills, skills and methods of activity

The exemplary program provides for the formation of schoolchildren's general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies. The priorities for the school physics course at the stage of basic general education are:

Cognitive activity:

  • the use of various natural scientific methods for understanding the world around us: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling;
  • the formation of skills to distinguish between facts, hypotheses, causes, consequences, evidence, laws, theories;
  • mastering adequate methods for solving theoretical and experimental problems;
  • acquisition of experience in hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental verification of hypotheses.

Information and communication activities:

  • possession of monologue and dialogic speech. The ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the right to a different opinion;
  • use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems.

Reflective activity:

  • possession of the skills of monitoring and evaluating one's activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one's actions:
  • organization of educational activities: setting goals, planning, determining the optimal ratio of goals and means.


As a result of studying physics at a basic level, the student should


  • meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory, substance, interaction, electromagnetic field, wave, photon, atom, atomic nucleus, ionizing radiation, planet, star, galaxy, Universe;
  • meaning of physical quantities:speed, acceleration, mass, force, momentum, work, mechanical energy, internal energy, absolute temperature, average kinetic energy of matter particles, amount of heat, elementary electric charge;
  • meaning of physical lawsclassical mechanics, gravity, conservation of energy, momentum and electric charge, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, photoelectric effect;
  • contribution of Russian and foreign scientists, which had the greatest influence on the development of physics;

be able to

  • describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies:movement of celestial bodies and artificial earth satellites; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electromagnetic th induction yu , propagation of electromagnetic waves;wave properties of light; emission and absorption of light by an atom; photoelectric effect;
  • differ hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data;give examples showing that:observations and experiment are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; physical theory makes it possible to explain known phenomena of nature and scientific facts, to predict still unknown phenomena;
  • give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge:laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics in power engineering; various types of electromagnetic radiation for the development of radio and telecommunications, quantum physics in the creation of nuclear energy, lasers;
  • perceive and, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, independently evaluateinformation contained in media reports, the Internet, popular science articles;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

  • ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications communications;
  • assessment of the impact on the human body and other organisms of environmental pollution;
  • rational nature management and environmental protection.


Rating "5" is put in the event that the student shows a correct understanding of the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns under consideration, laws and theories, gives an accurate definition and interpretation of the basic concepts, laws, theories, as well as the correct definition of physical quantities, their units and methods of measurement; correctly executes drawings, diagrams and graphs; builds an answer according to his own plan, accompanies the story with new examples, knows how to apply knowledge in a new situation when performing practical tasks; can establish a connection between the studied and previously studied material in the course of physics, as well as with material learned in the study of other subjects.

Rating "4"- if the student's answer satisfies the basic requirements for an answer to the mark "5", but is given without using his own plan, new examples, without applying knowledge in a new situation, without using links with previously studied material and material learned in the study of other subjects; if the student made one mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently or with a little help from the teacher.

Grade "3" it is set if the student correctly understands the physical essence of the phenomena and regularities under consideration, but the answer contains separate gaps in the assimilation of the questions of the physics course, which do not prevent further assimilation of the program material; knows how to apply the acquired knowledge in solving simple problems using ready-made formulas, but finds it difficult to solve problems that require the transformation of some formulas; made no more than one gross error and two shortcomings, no more than one gross and one minor error, no more than two or three minor errors, one minor error and three shortcomings; made four or five mistakes.

Grade "2" is set if the student has not mastered the basic knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program and made more mistakes and shortcomings than necessary for a grade of "3".

Rating "1" is put in the event that the student cannot answer any of the questions posed.


Rating "5" is put for work done completely without errors and shortcomings.

Rating "4" is given for a job that is completed in full, but if it contains no more than one minor error and one flaw, no more than three flaws.

Grade "3" is set if the student correctly completed at least 2/3 of the entire work or made no more than one gross error and two shortcomings, no more than one gross and one non-gross error, no more than three non-gross errors, one non-gross error and three shortcomings, in the presence of four five flaws.

Grade "2" it is set if the number of errors and shortcomings exceeded the norm for a mark of "3" or less than 2/3 of the entire work was correctly performed.

Rating "1" is set if the student has not completed any task at all.


Rating "5" is set if the student performs the work in full in compliance with the necessary sequence of experiments and measurements; independently and rationally mounts the necessary equipment; all experiments are carried out in conditions and modes that ensure obtaining the correct results and conclusions; complies with the requirements of safety regulations; correctly and accurately performs all records, tables, figures, drawings, graphs; correctly performs error analysis.

Rating "4" is set if the requirements for the mark "5" are met, but two or three shortcomings were made, no more than one minor error and one shortcoming.

Grade "3" is set if the work is not fully completed, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows you to get correct result and output; if errors were made during the experiment and measurement.

Grade "2" is set if the work is not fully completed, and the volume of the completed part of the work does not allow drawing correct conclusions; if experiments, measurements, calculations, observations were made incorrectly.

Rating "1" is set if the student did not complete the work at all.

In all cases, the mark is reduced if the student did not follow the safety rules.


Gross mistakes

  1. Ignorance of definitions of basic concepts, laws, rules, basic provisions of the theory, formulas, generally accepted symbols for the designation of physical quantities, units of measurement.
  2. The inability to highlight the main thing in the answer.
  3. Inability to apply knowledge to solve problems and explain physical phenomena.
  4. Inability to read and build graphs and schematic diagrams.
  5. Inability to prepare the installation or laboratory equipment for work, to conduct experiments, the necessary calculations, or to use the data obtained for conclusions.
  6. Careless attitude to laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.
  7. Inability to determine the reading of a measuring instrument.
  8. Violation of the requirements of the rules of safe work during the experiment.

Non-gross errors

  1. Inaccuracies in formulations, definitions, concepts, laws, theories caused by incomplete coverage of the main features of the concept being defined, errors caused by non-compliance with the conditions for conducting experiments or measurements.
  2. Errors in symbols on schematic diagrams, inaccuracies in drawings, graphs, diagrams.
  3. Omission or inaccurate spelling of the names of units of physical quantities.
  4. Irrational choice of the course of action.


  1. Irrational entries in calculations, irrational methods in calculation, transformation and problem solving.
  2. Arithmetic errors in calculations, if these errors do not grossly distort the reality of the result.
  3. Individual errors in the wording of the question or answer.
  4. Careless execution of records, drawings, diagrams, graphs.
  5. Spelling and punctuation errors.

Main content of the program

10-11 grades

(a basic level of)

1. Scientific method of understanding nature (3 hours)

Physics is the fundamental science of nature. Scientific method of cognition and methods of investigation of physical phenomena. Measurement errors of physical quantities. Estimation of the margins of errors and their presentation in the construction of graphs.

2. Mechanics (20 hours)

Classical mechanics as a fundamental physical theory. The limits of its applicability.

Kinematics (6h) . mechanical movement. Material point. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system. Coordinates. Radius vector. The displacement vector. Speed. Acceleration. Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration. Free fall of bodies. The movement of the body in a circle.centripetal acceleration.

Dynamics (7h). Basic assertion of mechanics. Newton's first law. Inertial reference systems. Force. Relationship between force and acceleration. Newton's second law. Weight. Newton's third law. Galileo's principle of relativity.

Conservation laws in mechanics (7 hours).Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion. Force work. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy.

The use of the laws of mechanics to explain the motion of celestial bodies and to advance space research.

  1. Measuring the acceleration of a body in uniformly accelerated motion.
  2. Measurement of the coefficient of thorn slip.
  3. Measurement of free fall acceleration with a pendulum.

3. Molecular physics. (7 pm)

Fundamentals of molecular physics (10 hours).The emergence of the atomistic hypothesis of the structure of matter and its experimental evidence.Dimensions and mass of molecules. The amount of substance. Moth. Avogadro constant. Brownian motion. Forces of interaction of molecules. The structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies. Thermal motion of molecules. Ideal gas model. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of gas.

Thermal balance. Temperature determination. absolute temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules. Measuring the speed of movement of gas molecules.

Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation. gas laws.

Thermodynamics (9 hours).Internal energy. Work in thermodynamics. Quantity of heat. Heat capacity. First law of thermodynamics. Isoprocesses.adiabatic process. The second law of thermodynamics: a statistical interpretation of the irreversibility of processes in nature. Order and chaos. Thermal engines: internal combustion engine, diesel. engine efficiency.Problems of energy and environmental protection.

Evaporation and boiling. Saturated steam. Air humidity. Crystalline and amorphous bodies. Melting and solidification. Heat balance equation.

Frontal laboratory work

1. Determination of the specific heat capacity of a solid.

2. Determination of atmospheric pressure using the Boyle-Mariotte law.

4. Electrodynamics (25 hours)

Electrostatics (5h).Electric charge and elementary particles. The law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electric field. Electric field strength. The principle of superposition of fields. Conductors in an electrostatic field. Dielectrics in an electric field. Polarization of dielectrics. Potentiality of the electrostatic field. Potential and potential difference. Electrical capacity. Capacitors. The energy of the electric field of the capacitor.

Constant electric current (10h).Current strength. Ohm's law for a circuit section. Resistance. Electrical circuits. Series and parallel connections of conductors. Work and current power. Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

Electric current in metals. Dependence of resistance on temperature. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity of semiconductors, p - n transition. semiconductor diode. Transistor. Electric current in liquids. Electric current in vacuum. Electric current in gases. Plasma.

Magnetic phenomena (10 hours).Interaction of currents. A magnetic field. Magnetic field induction. Ampere power. Lorentz force. Magnetic properties of matter.

Discovery of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. magnetic flux. The law of electromagnetic induction. Vortex electric field. Self-induction. Inductance. The energy of the magnetic field. Electromagnetic field.

Frontal laboratory work

1. Determination of electrical resistance.

2. Determination of the resistivity of the conductor.

3. Determination of EMF and internal current source.

5. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves (30 hours)

Electromagnetic oscillations (8h).Free oscillations in an oscillatory circuit. The period of free electrical oscillations. Forced vibrations. Alternating electric current. AC power.

Energy generation. Transformer. Transmission of electrical energy.

Wave interference. Huygens principle. Diffraction of waves.

Electromagnetic waves(6).Radiation of electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves. The principle of radio communication. A television.

Optics(12h) Light rays. The law of refraction of light. Prism. Thin lens formula. Taking an image with a lens. Optical devices.Light is an electromagnetic wave. Speed ​​of light and methods of its measurement. dispersion of light. Light interference. Coherence. Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Transverse light waves. polarization of light. Radiation and spectra. Scale of electromagnetic waves.

Frontal laboratory work

1. Measurement of the refractive index of glass.

Special Relativity (4 hours)

Postulates of the theory of relativity. Einstein's principle of relativity. The constancy of the speed of light. Relativistic dynamics. Relationship between mass and energy.

6. Quantum physics (24 hours)

Physics of the atom (10 hours).Thermal radiation. Planck constant. Photoelectric effect. Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect. Photons. Experiments by Lebedev and Vavilov.

The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Bohr's quantum postulates. Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom. Difficulties in Bohr's theory. Quantum mechanics. De Broglie's hypothesis. Corpuscular-wave dualism. Electron diffraction. Lasers.

Physics of the atomic nucleus (14 hours).Methods for registration of elementary particles. radioactive transformations. The law of radioactive decay and its statistical character. Proton-neutron model of the structure of the atomic nucleus. Mass defect and binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Fission and fusion of nuclei. Nuclear energy. Physics of elementary particles.

7. The structure of the universe (6 hours)

Distance to the Moon, Sun and nearby stars. The nature of the sun and stars. Physical characteristics of stars. Our galaxy and other galaxies. The idea of ​​the expansion of the universe.

Reserve (20h)

Physics grade 10

Educational and thematic plan

(2 hours per week, total 70 hours)

lesson number

Lesson topic


Scientific method of understanding nature (3h)

1.Methods for the study of physical phenomena.

2. Measurement errors of physical quantities.

3. Estimation of the margins of errors and their presentation in the construction of graphs.


1.Mechanics. mechanical movement. The main task of mechanics.

2. Trajectory, path and movement. Acceleration, uniformly accelerated and uniform motion.

3.Lab. work #1 .Measuring the acceleration of a body with uniformly accelerated motion.

4. Uniform movement in a circle. Symmetry principles. Galilean transformations.

5. Solving problems on the topic "Kinematics of a material point".

6. Control work No. 1on the topic "Kinematics of a material point".


1.Sila and mass. Newton's laws. Types of forces in mechanics. The movement of a body under the action of several forces. Problem solving

2. Lab. work #2 Measuring the coefficient of sliding friction.

3.Gravitational forces. Gravitational interaction.

The law of universal gravitation.

4. Gravity. The movement of a body under the influence of gravity.

Body balance. Problem solving. Movement of artificial earth satellites.

5.Lab. work #3 Study of the movement of a conical pendulum.

6. Body weight. Overload and weightlessness. Problem solving.

7. Control work No. 2on the topic "Fundamentals of dynamics."

Conservation laws (7h)

1. Mechanical work and power. Kinetic energy. Potential energy.

2. The law of conservation of total mechanical energy.

3. Impulse of a material point. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

4. Free mechanical vibrations. Characteristics of oscillatory motion. Dynamics of free oscillations, transformation of energies.№4 "Measuring the Acceleration of Free Fall with a Pendulum."

6. Forced vibrations. Resonance, its application. Mechanical waves and their characteristics. Sound waves.

7. Control work No. 3 on the topic "Conservation laws."

Theory of Relativity (4h)

1. Classical idea of ​​space, time and movement. Einstein's postulates.

2. Relativity of time intervals and spatial lengths.

3. Relativistic dynamics. Mass and energy in SRT.

4. Control work No. 4 on the topic "Theory of Relativity"

Electrodynamics (25h)

1. Electric charge and its properties. Lorentz force.

2. Movement of a charged particle in an electric field.

3. Movement of a charged particle in a magnetic field.

4. Application of the Lorentz force. Electric field of a point charge. Coulomb's law.

5. The principle of superposition for an electric field. Basic theorem of electrostatics.

6. Energy characteristics of the electric field.

7. Relationship between tension and tension. The nature of the magnetic field.

8. Law of the ampere. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying loop.

9. Electromagnetic field in vacuum. Problem solving.

10. Control work No. 5 on the topic "Electromagnetic field

In a vacuum"

11. Dielectrics in an electrostatic field. Conductors in an electrostatic field.

12. Electrical capacity. Capacitors. Electric field energy.

13.Basic presentation of the electronic theory of metals. DC current in a conductor. Joule-Lenz law.

14. Conductor resistance. External EMF field. Ohm's laws.

15. Calculation of electrical circuits. DC power.№5 . "Determination of electrical resistance" #6 "Determination of the resistivity of a conductor."№7 "Determination of EMF and internal current source."

19. Semiconductors. Electron-hole transition.

20. Semiconductor devices. Thermionic emission and vacuum devices.

21. Electric current in gases. Plasma.

22. Electric current in electrolytes. The law of electrolysis.

23. Magnetic field of matter. Earth's magnetic field.

24. Electromagnetic field in matter. Problem solving.

25. Control work No. 6 on the topic "Electromagnetic field

in matter."

Electromagnetic oscillations and waves (14h)

1. Electric current induction. Lenz's rule.

2. Law of electromagnetic induction.

3. Current generators. Self-induction.

4.Alternating current.

5. Resistance in the AC circuit.

6. Problem solving.

7. Oscillatory circuit. Self-oscillations.

8. Transmission of electricity over a distance. Transformer. Maxwell's hypothesis.

9. Electromagnetic waves. Discovery of electromagnetic waves.

10. Properties of electromagnetic waves.

11. The principle of radio communication.

12. Variable electromagnetic field. Problem solving.

13. Problem solving.

14. Control work No. 7 on the topic "Variable electromagnetic field."

Final repetition (4 hours)

1. Repetition of the theme "Mechanics"

2. Repetition of the topic "Electrodynamics"

3. Final test

4. Final lesson

3. Refraction of light.

4. L \ r No. 1 "Determination of the refractive index of glass."

5. The speed of light. dispersion of light.

6. Spectral analysis.

7. Interference of light.

8. Diffraction of light.

9. Geometric optics. Lenses.

10. Infrared, ultraviolet and X-rays.

11.Preparation for the test.

12. Control work No. 1 "Wave and geometric optics"

Molecular Physics (12+ 7rh)

1.Basic provisions of the ICT. The first position of the MKT.

2. The second and third provisions of the MKT. phase space.

3. Internal energy. Ways to change internal energy.

4. The first law of thermodynamics.

5. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy.

6.Temperature. The third law of thermodynamics.

7. Thermal engines. efficiency.

8.L \ R No. 2 "Determination of the specific heat of a solid"

9.Preparation for the test.

10. Control work No. 2 "Basic provisions of the ICT"

11. Ideal gas. Internal energy of an ideal gas.

12. The equation of state of an ideal gas.

13. Isoprocesses in an ideal gas.

14. Solving problems on the topic "Isoprocesses"

15.Basic equation of MKT gases.

16. Preparation for the test.

17. Control work No. 3 "Ideal gas"

18. The atmosphere of the earth. Air humidity.

19.L \ R No. 3 "Determination of atmospheric pressure using the Boyle-Mariotte law"

Quantum Physics (24h)

1. The plank hypothesis. Photons.

2. Photoelectric effect.

3. Corpuscular-wave dualism.

4. Nuclear model of the structure of the atom. Bohr's postulates.

5. Hydrogen atom.

6. Stimulated emission.

7. Solving problems on the topic "Hydrogen Atom"

8. The structure of the atomic nucleus.

9. Nuclear forces. Binding energy and nuclear mass defect.

10. Radioactivity. Law of radioactive decay.

11. Problem solving


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Glukhiv secondary school"

Work program for


Level of education (class): secondary general education (grades 10-11)

Teacher: Dmitry Dikalov

Number of hours: 2 hours per week total 68 hours.

Glukhovo - 2017

The work program has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the federal component State standard secondary (complete) general education, developed on the basis of an exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education in physics grades 10-11 (basic level) and the author's program G.Ya. Myakishev in physics 10-11 grades of the basic level.

The program is provided by the TMC in physics for grades 10–11, author G.Ya. Myakishev (basic level).

The implementation of the program requires 136 hours for 2 years of study (68 hours - in the 10th grade, 68 hours - in the 11th grade) at the rate of 2 hours per week annually.

I. Explanatory note

The program compliesmain school development strategy:

Orientation of the new content of education topersonal development;

Implementations activity approach to learning;

learning core competencies(the readiness of students to use the acquired knowledge, skills and methods of activity in real life for solving practical problems) and instilling general skills, habits, methods of activity as essential elements of culture, which are a necessary condition for the development and socialization of students;

Ensuring propaedeutic work aimed atearly profilingstudents (in connection with the chosen strategy for the development of two specialized high school education - humanitarian and natural sciences) with a possible transition to IEP.

Key Competence

Targetschools in the level of formationcore competenciesstudents at the II stagegeneral education

General cultural competence(subject, mental, research and information competence)

Ability and willingness:

Benefit from experience;

Organize and organize your knowledge;

Organize your own learning methods;

Solve problems;

Do your own learning.

Social and labor competence

Ability and willingness:

Engage in socially significant activities;

Actively participate in projects;

Be responsible;

Contribute to the project;

Prove solidarity;

Organize your work.

Communicative competence

Assimilation of the basics of the communicative culture of the individual:

Ability to express and defend one's point of view;

Mastering the skills of non-conflict communication;

The ability to build and conduct communication in various situations and with people who differ from each other in age, value orientations and other characteristics.

Competence in the field of personal definition

Ability and willingness:

Be critical of one or another aspect of the development of our society;

To be able to resist uncertainty and complexity;

Take a personal stand in discussions and forge your own opinion;

Assess social habits related to health, consumption, and the environment.

The target in terms of the level of formation of key competencies corresponds to the goals of studying physics in the basic school, laid down in the program of G.Ya. Myakisheva:

Formation a holistic view of the world based on the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of activity;

- gaining experiencea variety of activities (individual and collective), experience of knowledge and self-knowledge;

Training to the existence of a conscious choice of an individual or professional trajectory;

Upbringing personal culture of conviction in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature, in the need for a reasonable use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the comrades of science and technology; the relationship of physics as an element of human culture.

II. General characteristics of the subject "Physics"

Physics as a science of the most general laws of nature, acting as a school subject, makes a significant contribution to the system of knowledge about the world around us. It reveals the role of science in the economic and cultural development of society, contributes to the formation of a modern scientific worldview. To solve the problems of forming the foundations of a scientific worldview, developing the intellectual abilities and cognitive interests of schoolchildren in the process of studying physics, the main attention should be paid not to transferring the amount of ready-made knowledge, but to getting acquainted with the methods of scientific knowledge of the world around us, posing problems that require students to work independently to resolve them. We emphasize that it is planned to familiarize schoolchildren with the methods of scientific knowledge when studying all sections of the physics course, and not only when studying the special section "Physics and methods of scientific knowledge".

The humanitarian significance of physics as an integral part of general education lies in the fact that it equips the studentscientific method of knowledge,allowing to obtain objective knowledge about the world around.

Knowledge of physical laws is necessary for the study of chemistry, biology, physical geography, technology, life safety.

The course of physics in the approximate program of secondary (complete) general education is structured on the basis of physical theories: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, electromagnetic oscillations and waves, quantum physics.

A feature of the subject "physics" in the curriculum of an educational school is the fact that mastering the basic physical concepts and laws at a basic level has become necessary for almost every person in modern life.

III. The objectives of the study of the subject "Physics"

The study of physics in secondary (complete) educational institutions at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

assimilation of knowledge about the fundamental physical laws and principles underlying the modern physical picture of the world; the most important discoveries in the field of physics, which had a decisive influence on the development of engineering and technology; methods of scientific knowledge of nature;

mastery of skillsconduct observations, plan and perform experiments, put forward hypotheses and build models, apply the knowledge gained in physics to explain a variety of physical phenomena and properties of substances; practical use of physical knowledge; evaluate the reliability of natural scientific information;

development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in physics using various sources of information and modern information technologies;

upbringing conviction in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature, using the achievements of physics for the benefit of the development of human civilization; in the need for cooperation in the process of joint performance of tasks, respect for the opinion of the opponent when discussing problems of natural science content; readiness for a moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements; a sense of responsibility for protecting the environment;

use of acquired knowledge and skillsfor solving practical problems of everyday life, ensuring the safety of one's own life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

The study of physics in grades 10-11 at the basic level introduces students to the basics of physics and its applications that affect the development of civilization. Understanding the basic laws of nature and the influence of science on the development of society - essential element general culture.

Physics as an academic subject is also important for the formation of scientific thinking: using the example of physical discoveries, students comprehend the basics of the scientific method of cognition. At the same time, the goal of training should not be memorizing facts and formulations, but understanding the basic physical phenomena and their connections with the outside world.

Effective study of a subject involves continuity, when previously acquired knowledge is constantly involved, new connections are established in the material being studied. This is especially important to take into account when studying physics in high school, since many of the issues being studied are already familiar to students in the physics course of the main school. It should be taken into account, however, that among high school students who chose to study physics at the basic level, there are also those who had difficulties in studying physics at the basic school. Therefore, this program provides for the repetition and deepening of the basic ideas and concepts studied in the basic school physics course.

The main difference between the high school physics course and the basic school physics course is that physical phenomena were studied in the basic school, and in the 10th-11th grades the fundamentals of physical theories and their most important applications are studied. When studying each educational topic, it is necessary to focus the attention of students on the central idea of ​​the topic and its practical application. Only in this case will an understanding of the topic be achieved and its value, both cognitive and practical, will be realized. In all educational topics, attention should be paid to the relationship between theory and practice.

IV. The place of the subject "Physics" in the federal basic curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 136 hours for the compulsory study of physics at the basic level of the secondary (complete) general education, including in grades 10-11 for 68 teaching hours per year at the rate of 2 teaching hours per week.

V. General educational skills, skills and methods of activity

The exemplary program provides for the formation of schoolchildren's general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies. The priorities for the school physics course at the stage of basic general education are:

Cognitive activity:

The use of various natural scientific methods for understanding the world around us: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling;

Formation of skills to distinguish between facts, hypotheses, causes, consequences, evidence, laws, theories;

Mastering adequate methods for solving theoretical and experimental problems;
acquiring the experience of putting forward hypotheses to explain known facts and to experimentally test the put forward hypotheses.

Information and communication activities:

Possession of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the right to a different opinion;

Use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems.

Reflective activity:

Possession of the skills of monitoring and evaluating one's activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one's actions:

Organization of educational activities: goal setting, planning, determining the optimal ratio of goals and means.

Grade 10 (68 hours, 2 hours per week)

Physics and the scientific method of cognition (1 hour)

What and how does physics study? Scientific method of knowledge. Observation, scientific hypothesis and experiment. Scientific models and scientific idealization. Limits of applicability of physical laws and theories. The principle of conformity. Modern physical picture of the world. Where are physical knowledge and methods used?

Mechanics (22 hours)

1. Kinematics (7 hours)

Reference system. Material point. When can a body be considered a material point? Trajectory, path and displacement.

Instant speed. Direction of instantaneous velocity in curvilinear motion. Vector quantities and their projections. Addition of speeds. Rectilinear uniform motion.

Acceleration. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Speed ​​and displacement in rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.

curvilinear movement. The motion of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon. Uniform circular motion. The main characteristics of uniform motion in a circle. Acceleration in uniform circular motion.

Dependence of the trajectory on the choice of reference system.

2. Dynamics (8 hours)

The law of inertia and the phenomenon of inertia. Inertial reference systems and Newton's first law. Galileo's principle of relativity.

Man's place in the universe. Geocentric system of the world. Heliocentric system of the world.

interactions and forces. Elastic force. Hooke's law. Measuring forces using elastic force.
Force, acceleration, mass. Newton's second law. Examples of the application of Newton's second law. Newton's third law. Examples of the application of Newton's third law.

The law of universal gravitation. Gravitational constant. Gravity. Movement under the influence of the forces of universal gravitation. The movement of artificial earth satellites and spaceships. First cosmic speed. Second space velocity.

Weight and weightlessness. The weight of a body at rest. The weight of a body moving with acceleration.

Forces of friction. Sliding friction force. The force of static friction. Rolling friction force. Resistance force in liquids and gases.

The phenomenon of inertia.

Comparison of masses of interacting bodies. Newton's second law. Measurement of forces.

Composition of forces.

Dependence of the elastic force on the deformation. Forces of friction.

Laboratory work

1. The study of the movement of the body in a circle.

3. Conservation laws in mechanics (7 hours)

Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion. Space exploration.

Mechanical work. Power. The work of gravity, elasticity and friction.

mechanical energy. Potential energy. Kinetic energy. Law of energy conservation.


Jet propulsion.

Conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa.

Laboratory work

2. Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

Molecular physics and thermodynamics (21 hours)

1. Molecular physics (13 hours)

Basic provisions of molecular-kinetic theory. The main task of molecular-kinetic theory. The amount of substance.

Temperature and its measurement. Absolute temperature scale.

gas laws. Isoprocesses. The equation of state of the gas. Clapeyron equation.

The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation.

Basic equation of molecular-kinetic theory. Absolute temperature and average kinetic energy of molecules. Molecular speeds.

States of matter. Comparison of gases, liquids and solids. Crystals, amorphous bodies and liquids.

Mechanical model of Brownian motion. Isoprocesses.

The phenomenon of surface tension of a liquid. Crystalline and amorphous bodies.

Volumetric models of the structure of crystals.

Laboratory work

3. Experimental verification of the Gay-Lussac law.

2. Thermodynamics (8 hours)

Internal energy. Ways to change internal energy. Quantity of heat.

First law of thermodynamics.

Thermal engines. Refrigerators and air conditioners.

The second law of thermodynamics. Irreversibility of processes and the second law of thermodynamics.

Ecological and energy crisis. Environmental protection.

Phase transitions. melting and crystallization. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling.

Humidity, saturated and unsaturated steam.

Models of heat engines.

Boiling water at reduced pressure.

The device of the psychrometer and hygrometer.

Electrostatics (8 hours)

The nature of electricity. The role of electrical interactions. Two kinds of electric charges. Carriers of electric charge.

Interaction of electric charges. Coulomb's law. Electric field.

Electric field strength. Tension lines. Conductors and dielectrics in an electrostatic field.

Electrostatic field potential and potential difference. Relationship between potential difference and electrostatic field strength.

Electrical capacity. Capacitors. Electric field energy.



conductors in an electric field.

Dielectrics in an electric field.

The energy of a charged capacitor.

The laws of direct current (7 hours)

Electricity. DC sources. Current strength. Actions of electric current.
Electrical resistance and Ohm's law for a circuit section. Series and parallel connections of conductors. Current and voltage measurements.

The work of the current and the Joule-Lenz law. Current power.

EMF of the current source. Ohm's law for a complete circuit. Transfer of energy in an electric circuit.

Laboratory works

4. Study of series and parallel connection of conductors

5. Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of the current source

Current in various environments (6 h)

Electric current in metals, liquids, gases and vacuum.Plasma. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity of semiconductors. semiconductor diode.Semiconductor devices.

Summarizing school year(3 h)

Grade 11 (68 hours, 2 hours per week)

Electrodynamics (continued) (10 hours)

1. Magnetic interactions (6 hours)

Interaction of magnets. Interaction of conductors with currents and magnets. Interaction of conductors with currents. Relationship between electric and magnetic interaction. Ampère's hypothesis.

A magnetic field. Magnetic induction. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor and on moving charged particles.


Magnetic interaction of currents.

Deflection of an electron beam by a magnetic field.

Laboratory work

1. Observation of the action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current.

2. Electromagnetic induction (4 hours)

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. The phenomenon of self-induction. Inductance. The energy of the magnetic field.


Laboratory work

2. Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Oscillations and waves (10 hours)

  1. Mechanical vibrations and waves (2 hours)

Mechanical vibrations. Free vibrations. Conditions for the occurrence of free oscillations. Harmonic vibrations.

Energy transformations during vibrations. Forced vibrations. Resonance.

mechanical waves. Basic characteristics and properties of waves. Transverse and longitudinal waves.

Sound waves. Pitch, volume and timbre of the sound. acoustic resonance. Ultrasound and infrasound.


The oscillation of a thread pendulum. Oscillation of a spring pendulum.

Connection harmonic vibrations with uniform circular motion.

Forced vibrations. Resonance.

Laboratory work

3. Measurement of free fall acceleration with a pendulum.

2. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves (8 hours)

Production, transmission and consumption of electricity. Alternator.

Alternative energy sources. Transformers.

Electromagnetic waves. Maxwell's theory. Hertz's experiments. Light pressure.

Transfer of information using electromagnetic waves. The invention of radio and the principles of radio communication. Generation and emission of radio waves. Transmission and reception of radio waves. Prospects for electronic means of communication.


Dependence of the EMF of induction on the rate of change of the magnetic flux.

Free electromagnetic oscillations.


Emission and reception of electromagnetic waves.

Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves.

Optics (13 h)

The nature of the world. Development of ideas about the nature of light. Rectilinear propagation of light. Reflection and refraction of light.

Lenses. Construction of images in lenses. Eye and optical devices.

Light waves. Light interference. Diffraction of light. Relationship between wave and geometric optics.

dispersion of light. Coloring of objects. Infrared radiation. Ultraviolet radiation.


Light interference. Diffraction of light.

Obtaining a spectrum using a prism.

Obtaining a spectrum using a diffraction grating.

polarization of light.

Rectilinear propagation, reflection and refraction of light.

Optical devices.

Laboratory works

4. Determination of the refractive index of glass.

5. Determination of the optical power and focal length of a converging lens.

6. Measurement of the length of the light wave.

7. Observation of continuous and line spectra.

Quantum physics (13 hours)

Equilibrium thermal radiation. Planck's hypothesis. Photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect. Application of the photoelectric effect.

Rutherford's experience. Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's postulates. Atomic spectra. Spectral analysis. Energy levels. Lasers. Spontaneous and forced emission. The use of lasers.

Elements of quantum mechanics. Corpuscular-wave dualism. Probabilistic nature of atomic processes. Correspondence between classical and quantum mechanics.

The structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces.

Radioactivity. radioactive transformations. Nuclear reactions. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Reactions of fusion and nuclear fission.

Nuclear energy. Nuclear reactor. Chain nuclear reactions. The principle of operation of a nuclear power plant. Prospects and problems of nuclear energy. Effect of radiation on living organisms.

World of elementary particles. Discovery of new particles. Classification of elementary particles. Fundamental particles and fundamental interactions.


Photoelectric effect.

Line emission spectra.

Structure and evolution of the Universe (10 hours)

Dimensions of the solar system. The sun. Source of energy from the sun. The structure of the sun.

The nature of the bodies of the solar system. Terrestrial planets. Giant planets. Small bodies of the solar system. Origin of the solar system.

Variety of stars. Distances to the stars. Luminosity and temperature of stars. The fate of the stars

Our Galaxy is the Milky Way. other galaxies.

Origin and evolution of the Universe. Retreat of galaxies. Big Bang.

Summing up the academic year (12 hours)

VII. Requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions of basic general education in physics

As a result of studying physics at a basic level, the student should


meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory, substance, interaction, electromagnetic field, wave, photon, atom, atomic nucleus, ionizing radiation, planet, star, galaxy, Universe;

meaning of physical quantities:speed, acceleration, mass, force, momentum, work, mechanical energy, internal energy, absolute temperature, average kinetic energy of matter particles, amount of heat, elementary electric charge;

meaning of physical lawsclassical mechanics, gravity, conservation of energy, momentum and electric charge, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, photoelectric effect;
contribution of Russian and foreign scientists,which had a significant impact on the development of physics;

be able to

describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies:movement of celestial bodies and artificial earth satellites; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electromagnetic induction, propagation of electromagnetic waves; wave properties of light; emission and absorption of light by an atom; photoelectric effect;

differ hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data;give examples showing thatobservations and experiments are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; physical theory makes it possible to explain known phenomena of nature and scientific facts, to predict still unknown phenomena;

give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge:laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics in power engineering; various types of electromagnetic radiation for the development of radio and telecommunications; quantum physics in the creation of nuclear energy, lasers;

perceive and, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, independently evaluateinformation contained in media reports, the Internet, popular science articles;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications communications;

Assessment of the impact on the human body and other organisms of environmental pollution;

Rational nature management and environmental protection.

VIII. Educational and thematic planning

in physics grade 10, 2 hours a week

lesson number

the date

Lesson topic

Physics and knowledge of the world

Basic concepts of kinematics

Speed. Uniform rectilinear motion

Relativity of mechanical motion. The principle of relativity in mechanics

Analytical description of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

Free fall of bodies - a special case of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

Uniform motion of a material point along a circle

Test No. 1 on the topic "Kinematics"

Mass and strength. Newton's laws, their experimental confirmation

Solving problems on Newton's laws

Forces in mechanics.

Gravitational forces

Gravity and weight

Elastic forces - forces of electromagnetic nature

Lab #1"The study of the motion of a body in a circle under the action of forces of elasticity and gravity"

Friction forces

Test No. 2 on the topic “Dynamics. Forces in nature"

Law of conservation of momentum

Jet propulsion

Work of force (mechanical work)

Theorems on the change in kinetic and potential energy

Law of conservation of energy in mechanics

Lab #2"Experimental study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy"

Test No. 3 on the topic "Conservation laws in mechanics", correction

The main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation

Solving problems on the characteristics of molecules and their systems

Ideal gas. The basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of an ideal gas


Ideal gas equation of state (Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation)

Gas laws

Solving problems on the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation and gas laws

Lab #3"Experimental verification of Gay-Lussac's law"

Test No. 4 on the topic "Fundamentals of the molecular-kinetic theory of an ideal gas", correction

real gas. Air. Steam

Liquid state of matter. Liquid Surface Properties

solid state of matter

Test No. 5 "Liquid and solid bodies", correction

Thermodynamics as a fundamental physical theory

Work in thermodynamics

Solving problems for calculating the operation of a thermodynamic system

Heat transfer. Quantity of heat

First law (beginning) of thermodynamics

Irreversibility of processes in nature. Second law of thermodynamics

Heat engines and environmental protection

Test No. 6 on the topic "Thermodynamics"

Introduction to electrodynamics. Electrostatics. Electrodynamics as a fundamental physical theory

Coulomb's Law

Electric field. Tension. The idea of ​​short range

Solving problems for calculating the electric field strength and the principle of superposition

Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field

Energy characteristics of the electrostatic field

Capacitors. Energy of a charged capacitor

Test No. 7 "Electrostatics", correction

Stationary electric field

Schemes of electrical circuits. Solving problems on Ohm's law for a chain section

Solving problems for the calculation of electrical circuits

Lab #4"The study of series and parallel connections of conductors"

DC operation and power

Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit

Lab #5"Determination of the electromotive force and internal resistance of a current source"

Introductory lesson on the topic "Electric current in various environments"

Electric current in metals

Regularities of the flow of electric current in semiconductors

Regularities of current flow in vacuum

Regularities of current flow in conductive liquids

Test No. 8 on the topic "Electric current in various environments", correction


Molecular physics. Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of electrodynamics

Calendar-thematic planning

in physics grade 11, 2 hours a week

lesson number

the date

Lesson topic

Stationary magnetic field

Amp power

Lab #1"Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on current"

Lorentz force

Magnetic properties of matter

Test No. 1 on the topic "Stationary magnetic field"

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

The direction of the induction current. Lenz's rule

Lab #2"Studying the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction"

Test No. 2 on the topic "Electromagnetic induction", correction

Lab #3"Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a filament pendulum"

Analogy between mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations

Solving problems on the characteristics of electromagnetic free oscillations

Alternating electric current


Wave. Wave properties and main characteristics

Hertz's experiments

The invention of radio by A.S. Popov. Principles of radio communication

Test No. 3 on the topic "Oscillations and waves", correction

Introduction to optics

Basic laws of geometric optics

Lab #4"Experimental measurement of the refractive index of glass"

Lab #5 « Experimental definition optical power and focal length of the converging lens"

Light dispersion

Lab #6"Measuring the length of a light wave"

Lab #7"Observation of interference, diffraction and polarization of light"

Elements of the special theory of relativity. Einstein's postulates

Elements of relativistic dynamics

Generalizing and repetitive lesson on the topic "Elements of the special theory of relativity"

Radiation and spectra. Electromagnetic radiation scale

Solving problems on the topic "Radiation and Spectra" with the implementation

Test No. 4 on the topic "Optics", correction

Laws of the photoelectric effect

Photons. De Broglie's hypothesis

Quantum properties of light: light pressure, chemical action of light

Bohr's quantum postulates. Emission and absorption of light by an atom


Test No. 5 on the topics "Light quanta", "Atomic physics", correction


Binding energy of atomic nuclei

Chain nuclear reaction. Nuclear power plant

Application of nuclear physics in practice. Biological effect of radioactive radiation

Elementary particles

Test No. 6 on the topic "Physics of the nucleus and elements of elementary particle physics", correction

Physical picture of the world

Celestial sphere. starry sky

Kepler's laws

The structure of the solar system

Earth-Moon system

General information about the Sun, its energy sources and internal structure

The physical nature of the stars

Our Galaxy

Origin and evolution of galaxies. Redshift

Life and mind in the universe

A magnetic field

Electromagnetic induction

Mechanical vibrations

Electromagnetic vibrations

Production, transmission and use of electrical energy

mechanical waves

Electromagnetic waves

light waves

Elements of the theory of relativity

Emissions and spectra

Light quanta. Atomic physics


Physics of the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles

IX.Ateducational and methodological support of the educational process

in the subject "Physics"

1. Myakishev GE, Bukhovtsev BB, Sotsky NN. Physics. 10-11 grade: basic level. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.
2. Rymkeevich AP. Collection of problems in physics. 10-11 class. – M.: Bustard, 2006.
3. CD "Physics of the Atom"

4. CD "Electric current in metals and liquids"

5. CD "Electric current in semiconductors"

6. CD Physics. 12 labs

7. CD “School physical experiment. A magnetic field"

8. CD “School physical experiment. Electromagnetic induction"

9. V.A. Volkov Lesson developments in physics. 10-11 class. – M.: Vako, 2009.


1. Unified state exam. Control measuring materials Physics M: Education, 2016.

  1. Gendenstein L.E., KirikL. A. Physics. Grade 10. Tests forthematic control. TO:Lyceum, 2001.
  2. GendensteinL. E .. KirikL. A. Physics Grade 11 Tests for thematic control. TO:Lyceum, 2001.
  3. Gelfgat I.I., Nenashev I.Yu. Physics. Grade 10 Collection of tasks. Kharkov Gymnasium. 2009.

Shubina Olga Vladimirovna, MKOU secondary school No. 2, Orlov, Kirov region, teacher of physics

Work program in physics grades 10-11 (basic level).

Explanatory note

The work program corresponds to the federal component of the State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education in Physics. When compiling the work program, an exemplary program of secondary (complete) general education in physics for the basic level was used (letter of the Department of State Policy in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07.07.2005 No. 03-1263), a program in physics for grades 10-11 of educational institutions (basic and profile levels) (authors V.S. Danyushenkov, O.V. Korshunova).

The program is focused on the textbook G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky "Physics grade 10: a textbook for general education institutions: basic and profile levels", "Enlightenment", 2010, "Physics grade 11: a textbook for general education institutions: basic and profile levels", "Enlightenment", 2010.

The program is designed for the basic level of studying physics, is intended for classes of a social and humanitarian profile, 136 hours of study (68 - 10 grade, 68 - 11 grade, 2 hours a week).

The study of physics at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· development of knowledge about the fundamental physical laws and principles underlying the modern physical picture of the world; the most important discoveries in the field of physics, which had a decisive influence on the development of engineering and technology; methods of scientific knowledge of nature;

mastering the skills to conduct observations, plan and carry out experiments, put forward hypotheses and build models; apply the acquired knowledge of physics to explain a variety of physical phenomena and properties of substances; practical use of physical knowledge; evaluate the reliability of natural science information;

· development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of acquiring knowledge in physics using various sources of information and modern information technologies;

· fostering conviction in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using the achievements of physics for the benefit of the development of human civilization; the need for cooperation in the process of joint performance of tasks, respect for the opinion of the opponent when discussing problems of natural science content; readiness for a moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements, a sense of responsibility for protecting the environment;

· the use of acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of everyday life, ensure the safety of one's own life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

As a result of studying physics at a basic level, the student should


· meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, hypothesis, law, theory, substance, interaction, electromagnetic field, wave, photon, atom, atomic nucleus, ionizing radiation, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, universe;

· the meaning of physical quantities: speed, acceleration, mass, force, momentum, work, mechanical energy, internal energy, absolute temperature, average kinetic energy of matter particles, amount of heat, elementary electric charge;

· meaning of physical laws classical mechanics, gravity, conservation of energy, momentum and electric charge, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction, photoelectric effect;

· contribution of Russian and foreign scientists, which had the greatest influence on the development of physics;

be able to

describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies: the movement of celestial bodies and artificial satellites of the Earth; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electromagnetic induction, propagation of electromagnetic waves; wave properties of light; emission and absorption of light by an atom; photoelectric effect;

· differ hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data; give examples, showing that: observations and experiment are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories, allow you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; that physical theory makes it possible to explain known phenomena of nature and scientific facts, to predict still unknown phenomena;

· give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge: the laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics in the energy sector; various types of electromagnetic radiation for the development of radio and telecommunications, quantum physics in the creation of nuclear energy, lasers;

· to perceive and, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, independently evaluate the information contained in media reports, the Internet, popular science articles;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

Ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications communications;

assessment of the impact on the human body and other organisms of environmental pollution;

rational nature management and environmental protection.

Main content

Grade 10

68h (2 hours per week)

1. Introduction. Key Features

physical research method

Physics as a science and the basis of natural science. Experimental nature of physics. Physical quantities and their measurement. Connections between physical quantities. The scientific method of cognition of the surrounding world: experiment - hypothesis - model - (conclusions-consequences, taking into account the boundaries of the model) - criterion experiment. Physical theory. Approximate character of physical laws. Scientific outlook.

2. Mechanics

Classical mechanics as a fundamental physical theory. The limits of its applicability.

Kinematics. mechanical movement. Material point. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system. Coordinates. . Radius is a vector. The displacement vector. Speed. Acceleration. Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration. Free fall of bodies. The movement of the body in a circle. centripetal acceleration.

Kinematics of a rigid body. Progressive movement. Rotational motion of a rigid body. Angular and linear speeds of rotation.

Dynamics. Basic assertion of mechanics. Newton's first law. Inertial reference systems. Force. Relationship between force and acceleration. Newton's second law. Weight. . Newton's third law. Galileo's principle of relativity.

Forces in nature. Gravity force. The law of universal gravitation. First cosmic speed. Gravity and weight. Elastic force. Hooke's law. Forces of friction.

Conservation laws in mechanics. Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion. Force work. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy.

The use of the laws of mechanics to explain the motion of celestial bodies and to advance space research.

The motion of a body in a circle under the action of forces of elasticity and gravity.

Study of the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

3. Molecular physics. Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of molecular physics. The emergence of the atomistic hypothesis of the structure of matter and its experimental evidence. Dimensions and mass of molecules. The amount of substance. Moth. Avogadro constant. Brownian motion. Forces of interaction of molecules. The structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies. Thermal motion of molecules. Ideal gas model. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of gas.

Temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules. Thermal balance. Temperature determination. absolute temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules. Measuring the speed of movement of gas molecules.

Thermodynamics. Internal energy. Work in thermodynamics. Quantity of heat. Heat capacity. First law of thermodynamics. Isoprocesses. The second law of thermodynamics: a statistical justification for the irreversibility of processes in nature. Order and chaos. Heat engines: internal combustion engines, diesel. engine efficiency.

Mutual transformation of liquids and gases. Solids. Evaporation and boiling. Saturated steam. Air humidity. Crystalline and amorphous bodies. Melting and solidification. Heat balance equation.

Frontal laboratory work

Experimental verification of Gay-Lussac's law.

4. Electrodynamics

Electrostatics. Electric charge and elementary particles. The law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's law. Electric field. Electric field strength. The principle of superposition of fields. Conductors in an electrostatic field. Dielectrics in an electric field. Polarization of dielectrics. Potentiality of the electrostatic field. Potential and potential difference. Electrical capacity. Capacitors. The energy of the electric field of the capacitor.

Constant electric current. Current strength. Work and current power.

Electric current in various environments. Electric current in metals. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity of semiconductors, p - n junction. semiconductor diode. Transistor. Electric current in liquids. Electric current in vacuum. Electric current in gases. Plasma.

Frontal laboratory work

The study of series and parallel connections of conductors.

"Determination of the electromotive force and internal resistance of a current source"

Main content

Grade 11

68h (2 hours per week)

A magnetic field. Interaction of currents. A magnetic field. Magnetic field induction. Ampere power. Lorentz force.

Electromagnetic induction. Discovery of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. magnetic flux. Self-induction. Inductance. The energy of the magnetic field. Electromagnetic field.

Frontal laboratory work

"Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on current"

Vibrations and waves

Mechanical vibrations. Free vibrations. Mathematical pendulum. Harmonic vibrations. Amplitude, period, frequency and phase of oscillations. Forced vibrations. Resonance.

Electrical vibrations. Free oscillations in an oscillatory circuit. The period of free electrical oscillations. Forced vibrations. Alternating electric current. Active resistance, capacitance and inductance in an alternating current circuit. Power in the AC circuit. Resonance in an electrical circuit.

Production, transmission and consumption of electrical energy. Energy generation. Transformer. Transmission of electrical energy.

mechanical waves. Longitudinal and transverse waves. Wavelength. Wave propagation speed.

Electromagnetic waves. Radiation of electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves. The principle of radio communication.

Frontal laboratory work

"Determining the Acceleration of Free Fall Using a Pendulum"


Light rays. The law of refraction of light. total internal reflection. Thin lens formula. Taking an image with a lens. Light electromagnetic waves. dispersion of light. Light interference. Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Transverse light waves. polarization of light. Radiation and spectra. Scale of electromagnetic waves.

Frontal laboratory work

"Determination of the optical power and focal length of a converging lens"

"Measuring the length of a light wave with a diffraction grating"

"Observation of continuous and line spectra"

Fundamentals of special relativity

Postulates of the theory of relativity. Einstein's principle of relativity. The constancy of the speed of light. Relativistic dynamics. Relationship between mass and energy.

The quantum physics

Light quanta. Thermal radiation. Planck constant. Photoelectric effect. Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect. Photons. Experiments by Lebedev and Vavilov.

Atomic physics. The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Bohr's quantum postulates. Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom. Quantum mechanics. Corpuscular-wave dualism. Physics of the atomic nucleus. Methods for registration of elementary particles. radioactive transformations. Law of radioactive decay. Proton-neutron model of the structure of the atomic nucleus. Mass defect and binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Fission and fusion of nuclei. Nuclear energy. Physics of elementary particles.

The structure of the solar system. Earth-Moon system. The sun is the closest star to us. Stars and sources of their energy. Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun, stars, galaxies. The applicability of the laws of physics to explain the nature of space objects.

The Importance of Physics for Understanding the World

and development of productive forces

Unified physical picture of the world. Fundamental interactions. Physics and scientific and technological revolution. Physics and culture.

Educational and thematic plan


Number of hours


Laboratory. works

Control. works

Physical Methods nature studies




Conservation laws in mechanics.

Molecular physics. Fundamentals of thermodynamics.

Fundamentals of ICT

Fundamentals of thermodynamics

Fundamentals of electrodynamics


DC Laws

Electric current in various environments



Educational and thematic plan


Number of hours


Laboratory. works

Control. works

Fundamentals of electrodynamics (continued)

A magnetic field

electromagnetic induction

Vibrations and waves

Mechanical vibrations

Electromagnetic vibrations

Mechanical and electromagnetic waves


Light waves. Radiation and spectra

Elements of the theory of relativity

The quantum physics

Light quanta

Physics of the atomic nucleus

Structure and Evolution of the Universe




Lesson topic

Lesson form

Content elements

Type of control


Date of the lesson


Scientific method of knowledge of the surrounding world.

Physical picture of the world.




nature. Physics


science of nature.


Physical laws and theories. The limits of their applicability. physical models.

Understand the essence


knowledge. Drive

experience examples.


methods of scientific


Understand that the laws of physics have limits of applicability.

Synopsis, introduction

MECHANICS (23 hours)

Kinematics. (9 hours)

Movement of a point and a body.

Combined Lesson

mechanical movement. Material point. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system. Coordinates. Radius is a vector. The displacement vector. Speed.

Know the concepts of mechanical motion and a material point, Understand the relativity of mechanical motion.

§ 3-6, exercise 1, exercise 2(1)

Uniform movement of bodies. Speed. Equation of uniform motion





Material point, movement, speed, path

Know the basic concepts of speed, movement, path

Know the equation of rectilinear motion.

Physical dictation. Analysis

§ 7-10, exercise 2(1)

Graphs of rectilinear motion





Relationship between kinematic quantities

Build a dependency graph (x from t, V from t). Graph analysis





Speed ​​with uneven movement





Experimental determination of speed

Lama form test

Movement with constant acceleration.

Combined Lesson

Acceleration. Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration.

Know the equations of acceleration, speed, coordinates of a straight line uniformly accelerated motion

Free fall

Combined Lesson

Free fall of bodies.

Understand the concept of free fall acceleration. Be able to apply the equations of uniformly accelerated motion to free fall.

Problem solving

Uniform motion of a body in a circle

Combined Lesson

The movement of the body in a circle. centripetal acceleration.

Rotational motion of a rigid body. Angular and linear speeds of rotation.

Know the formulas for calculating acceleration, linear and angular velocity for curvilinear motion. Know the concepts of period and frequency, be able to calculate them

§ 17, notes, exercise 5

Repetition. Problem solving.

Problem solving lesson.

Be able to solve problems on the topic

problem solving

Test No. 1

on the topic: "Kinematics"

Control of knowledge and skills


Be able to apply knowledge to solve problems in kinematics


Dynamics (7 hours)

The interaction of bodies in nature. The phenomenon of inertia. Newton's 1st law. Inertial reference systems

Combined Lesson

Mechanical motion and its relativity. Inertial and non-inertial frames of reference. Inertia, inertia.

Understand the meaning of the concepts: mechanical movement, relativity, inertia, inertness. Give examples inertial system and non-inertial, to explain the motion of celestial bodies and artificial satellites of the Earth





The concept of force as a measure of the interaction of bodies

Study lesson



Force - the reason for the change in the speed of bodies, a measure of the interaction of bodies. Addition of forces

Be able to illustrate the points of application of forces, their direction

Group frontal work

Newton's second law. Newton's third law

Study lesson



The principle of superposition of forces

Give examples of experiments illustrating the limits of applicability of Newton's laws



§25-27 exercise 6

The principle of relativity in mechanics.

Study lesson



Galilean transformations. The law of addition of speeds. Galileo's principle of relativity.

Know the concept of relativity in mechanics, the formula for adding velocities

gravitational force. Law of gravity

Combined Lesson

gravitational forces. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity and body weight.

Understand the nature of forces. Be able to explain their action. Know how to calculate forces.

Elastic force. Friction force.

Combined Lesson

Elastic force. Hooke's law.

Forces of friction.

Laboratory work No. 1 "Studying the motion of a body in a circle under the action of elastic and gravity forces"

Workshop Lesson

The forces of elasticity and gravity, the movement of the body in a circle

Work report

Work report

Conservation laws in mechanics (7 hours)

body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum.

Combined Lesson

Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

Know the formulas for calculating the momentum of a force and a body, the law of conservation of momentum, understand the meaning of jet propulsion

Test, messages

§ 39-40, communications,

Jet propulsion.

Combined Lesson

Jet propulsion

Understand the meaning of jet propulsion

§41,42 exercise 8 (1-3)

Job. Power. Energy.

Combined Lesson

Force work. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy.

Know the physical meaning of the concepts of work, power, potential and kinetic energy. Know how to calculate them.

Exercise 9 (1,3,4)

The law of conservation of energy in mechanics.

Lesson of generalization and deepening of knowledge

Law of energy conservation

Reveal the meaning of the law of conservation of energy and indicate the boundaries of its application

Laboratory work No. 2 "Studying the law of conservation of mechanical energy"

Workshop Lesson

Law of conservation of mechanical energy

Development of experimental and research skills

Work report

Work report

Conservation laws in mechanics

Generalized repetition lesson

Conservation laws in mechanics

Be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice


Test No. 1

on the topic: "Conservation laws in mechanics."

Control of knowledge and skills


Be able to apply knowledge to solve problems in mechanics



Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory (15 hours)

Basic Provisions of Molecular Kinetic Theory

Combined Lesson

The main provisions of the ICT and their experimental substantiation.

Know the basic provisions of the MKT, the concept of the mass of molecules, the amount of substance. Explain the causes of Brownian motion, the structure of bodies on the basis of MKT.

Experimental proof of the main provisions of the theory. Brownian motion





Order and Chaos

Be able to draw conclusions based on experimental data, give examples showing that: observation and experiment are the basis for theory, allow you to verify the truth of theoretical conclusions






Mass of molecules, amount of substance





The mass of an atom. Molar mass

Understand the meaning of physical quantities: the amount of matter, the mass of molecules



The structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies





Types of aggregate states of matter

Know the characteristics of molecules in the form of aggregate states of matter. Be able to describe the properties of gases, liquids and solids





R. No. 459

Crystalline and amorphous bodies.

Combined Lesson

Crystalline and amorphous bodies. Melting and solidification. Heat balance equation.

Know the properties of crystalline and amorphous bodies.

Ideal gas in MKT. Basic equation of the MKT.

Combined Lesson

Thermal motion of molecules. Ideal gas model. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of gas.

Know the basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of gas.

§ 61, 63, exercise 11(8,9)

temperature and thermal equilibrium.

Combined Lesson

Temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules. Thermal balance. Temperature determination.

Understand the principles of building temperature scales, know examples of scales

absolute temperature. Energy of thermal motion of molecules.

absolute temperature. Temperature - a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules

Absolute temperature scale. Understand that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules.

§66 exercise 12 (2,3)

The equation of state for an ideal gas.


The equation of state for an ideal gas. The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation. gas laws.

Know the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, know the equations and graphs of gas laws

gas laws.

Combined Lesson


Know isoprocesses and their importance in life





§69, exercise 13 (2.4)

Laboratory work No. 3 "Experimental verification of the Gay-Lussac law"

Workshop Lesson

gas laws

Development of experimental and research skills

Work report

The dependence of the pressure of saturated steam on temperature. Boiling





Mutual transformation of liquids and gases. Solids. Evaporation and boiling. Saturated steam. Experimental proof of the dependence of saturated vapor pressure on temperature

Describe the changes that occur when a substance changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state and vice versa. Know the freezing and boiling points of water at normal pressure




§70.71 R. No. 497

Air humidity.

Combined Lesson

Air humidity.

Be able to determine the relative humidity of the air

§ 72, exercise 14 (1-3)

Properties of solids, liquids and gases

General lesson

Properties of solids, liquids and gases

Be able to apply knowledge to solve qualitative and computational problems

Problem solving

Chapter 10.11

Molecular physics



Properties of solids, liquids and gases

Know the properties of solids, liquids and gases

Self work

Fundamentals of thermodynamics (5 hours)

Internal energy and work in thermodynamics






Thermal motion of molecules. The law of thermodynamics. Order and Chaos

Be able to give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge (the laws of thermodynamics - changes in internal energy by doing work)

The amount of heat, specific heat capacity





The physical meaning of specific heat

Know the concept of "heat-exchange", physical conditions on Earth, ensuring the existence of human life





§77 exercise 15 (1,2,)

First law of thermodynamics. Irreversibility of thermal processes in nature.

Combined Lesson

First law of thermodynamics.

The second law of thermodynamics: a statistical justification for the irreversibility of processes in nature.

Know the first law of thermodynamics, know the meaning of the second law of thermodynamics.

§ 78-80, exercise 15 (4)

The principle of operation of heat engines.

Combined Lesson

Thermal engines Efficiency of engines.

Know the principles of operation of heat engines and ecological problems associated with the use of heat engines

§ 82, exercise 15 (5, 11)

Examination No. 5

on the topic: "Fundamentals of Molecular Physics of Thermodynamics."

Control of knowledge and skills

Fundamentals of thermodynamics

Apply knowledge to solve problems



Electrostatics (9 hours)

Electric charge. Electrification of tel.

Combined Lesson

Electric charge and elementary particles. The law of conservation of electric charge

Know the concepts of elementary charge, the law of conservation of charge, Coulomb's law

Coulomb's law.

Combined Lesson

Coulomb's Law

Know Coulomb's law, be able to solve problems.

Problem solving

§87.88 exercise 16 (1.3)

Electric field. Email tension. fields

Combined Lesson

Electric field. Electric field strength.

Know the concept of el field and tension. Be able to calculate the field strength of a point charge

Problem solving

§ 90 - 91, exercise 17 (1.2)

Force lines of the electric field. Principle of superposition of fields

Combined Lesson

Graph of the image of electric fields

Be able to compare the tension at different points and show the direction of the lines of force. Know the principle of super-position fields

Problem solving

Conductors and in an electrostatic field.


Conductors in an electrostatic field. electrostatic induction.

Understand the behavior of conductors in an electric field

Dielectrics in an electrostatic field.


Dielectrics in an electric field. Polarization of dielectrics

Understand the behavior of dielectrics in an electric field

Potential energy of a charged body. Potential and potential difference.

Combined Lesson

Potentiality of the electrostatic field. Potential and potential difference.

Know the concepts of potential energy of a charged body, potential and potential difference.

§ 96 - 98, exercise 17(6,7)

Electrical capacity. Capacitors.

Combined Lesson

Electrical capacity. Capacitors. The energy of the electric field of the capacitor.

The concept of electrical capacity. Know the principle of operation and types of capacitors. To be able to calculate the electrical capacity and energy of a flat capacitor.

§ 99 - 101, exercise 18(1,3)

Fundamentals of electrostatics

Lesson of systematization and generalization

Fundamentals of electrostatics





DC Laws (8 hours)

Electricity. Current strength.

Combined Lesson

Constant electric current. Current strength

know the conditions necessary for the existence of an electric current

§ 102 - 103, exercise 19 (1)

Ohm's law for a circuit section. Resistance.

Combined Lesson

Ohm's law for a circuit section. Resistance.

Know Ohm's law for a circuit section, be able to calculate the resistance of a conductor

§ 104, exercise 19 (2.3)

Conductor connections.

Combined Lesson

Electrical circuits. Series and parallel connection of conductors.

Be able to calculate circuit parameters for various connections

Problem solving

Laboratory work No. 4 "Studying the series and parallel connection of conductors."

Workshop Lesson

Electrical circuits. Series and parallel connection of conductors.

Know the methods of measuring circuit parameters; be able to calculate circuit parameters for various connections

work report

Work and current power.

Combined Lesson

Work and current power.

Be able to calculate the work and power of the current and the amount of heat generated

§ 106 exercise 19 (4)

Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

Combined Lesson

Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

Know the concept of EMF, Know the formula of Ohm's law for a complete circuit

§ 107, 108 exercise 19 (5.6)

Lab #5

"Determination of the electromotive force and internal resistance of a current source"

Combined Lesson

Measurement of electromotive force and internal resistance of a current source

Train practical skills in working with electrical measuring instruments



Test work No.

on the topic: "The laws of electrodynamics"

Control of knowledge and skills

Electrostatics. DC Laws

Know physical quantities, formulas


Electric current in various environments (6h)

Electrical conductivity of various substances. Conductivity of metals

Combined Lesson

Dependence of conductor resistance on temperature. Superconductivity

Know the formula for calculating the dependence of the conductor resistance on temperature





Electric current in semiconductors. The use of semiconductor devices

Combined Lesson

Practical application in everyday life of physical knowledge about the use of semiconductor devices

Know the device and application of semiconductor devices




Electric current in vacuum. Cathode-ray tube

Combined Lesson

Practical application in everyday life of physical knowledge about the cathode-ray tube

Know the device and principle of operation of the ray tube


Electric current in liquids

Combined Lesson

Electric current in liquids

Know the application of electrolysis


Electric current in gases. Non-independent and independent categories

Combined Lesson

The emergence of independent and non-self-sustaining discharges

The use of electric current in gases




Electric current in various environments

Generalizing lesson


Electric current in various environments

Be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities



Lesson topic

Lesson form

Content elements

Requirements for the level of training of students

Type of control


Date of the lesson

BASICS OF ELECTRODYNAMICS (continued) (10 hours)

Magnetic field (4 h)

Interaction of currents.

A magnetic field.

Oersted's discovery; interaction of currents; closed circuit with current in a magnetic field

Understand that the magnetic field is a special kind of matter

Know the meaning of the concepts: magnetic field, magnetic induction vector.

Magnetic induction vector.

Lesson learning new material

Direction and modulus of the magnetic induction vector. The "Gimlet" Rule

Be able to determine the direction of the magnetic induction vector and calculate its numerical value.

Ampere Force Laboratory work No. 1 "Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on current"

Lesson learning new material

Ampere's law. Left hand rule

Interaction of parallel currents. Current unit

Understand the meaning of Ampère's law. Know the formula for Ampere's force and determine its direction.

Lorentz force.

Lesson learning new material

Lorentz force, its modulus and direction

Understand the effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge. Know the formula for the Lorentz force and determine its direction.

Physical Dictation

Electromagnetic induction (6 h)

Lesson learning new material

Discovery of electromagnetic induction. magnetic flux.

Understand the meaning of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, magnetic flux as a physical quantity

Lesson learning new material

The direction of the induction current. Lenz's rule.

Be able to determine the direction of the induction current according to the Lenz rule.

Problem solving

The law of electromagnetic induction.

The law of electromagnetic induction.

EMF of induction in moving conductors.

Know the formulas for calculating the EMF of induction.

Self-induction. Inductance.

Lesson learning new material

Self-induction. Inductance.

Understand the meaning of self-induction. Know the concepts: inductance,

The energy of the magnetic field.

Electromagnetic field.

The energy of the magnetic field.

Electromagnetic field.

Know the concepts: magnetic field energy, electromagnetic field,

Test. No. 1 on the topic: “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction"


A magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction

Apply knowledge to solve problems



Mechanical vibrations (4 h)

Mechanical vibrations.

Lesson learning new material

Free vibrations. Mathematical pendulum.

Dynamics of oscillatory motion.

Know the conditions for the occurrence of free oscillations. Know the main characteristics of free vibrations.

Harmonic vibrations.

Lesson learning new material

Harmonic vibrations.

Oscillation phase.

Know the equation of harmonic oscillations, formulas for calculating the period of oscillation of pendulums

Laboratory work No. 3 "Determining the acceleration of free fall using a pendulum"

Laboratory work

Thomson formula

Practicing experimental skills

work report

Repeat §18-23

The transformation of energy during vibrations. Forced vibrations. Resonance.

Deepening Lesson

The transformation of energy during vibrations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. The use of resonance and the fight against it.

Know the change in energy during vibrations. Understand the phenomenon of forced oscillations, the conditions for the occurrence of resonance.

Phys. Dictation

Electromagnetic vibrations (5 hours)

Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations.

Lesson learning new material

Oscillatory circuit. An equation describing the processes in an oscillatory circuit. The period of free electrical oscillations.

Know the device of the oscillating circuit .. Determine the main characteristics of oscillations

problem solving

Oscillatory circuit. Energy conversion during electromagnetic oscillations



The device of the oscillatory circuit. Transformation of energy in an oscillatory circuit. Characteristics of electro-magnetic oscillations. Thomson formula

Know the device of the oscillatory circuit, the characteristics of electromagnetic oscillations. Explain the transformation of energy during electromagnetic oscillations

problem solving

Alternating electric current.

Lesson learning new material

Alternating electric current. active resistance. Effective values ​​of current and voltage.

Resonance in an electrical circuit.

Understand the meaning of alternating current, effective value of current and voltage. Know the conditions for the occurrence of resonance.

Problem solving







Alternator. Transformers

Understand the principle of operation of an alternator. Know the device and principle of operation of the transformer

Production, transmission and use of electrical energy.

Lesson learning new material

Generation of electrical energy. Transformers.

Electricity transmission.

Understand the principle of operation of an alternator. Know the device and principle of operation of the transformer.

Phys. Dictation

Mechanical and electromagnetic waves (6 hours)

mechanical waves

Deepening Lesson

Waves and their distribution.

Wavelength. Wave speed. Traveling wave equation.

Waves in the medium.

Know the types of waves, the main characteristics of the waves.

Phys. Dictation

Electromagnetic wave. Properties of electromagnetic waves



Macwell's theory. Theory of long-range and short-range action. The emergence and spread of the electromagnetic field. Basic properties of electromagnetic waves

Know the meaning of Maxwell's theory. Explain the occurrence and distribution electromagnetic field. Describe and explain the basic properties of electromagnetic waves

Be able to substantiate Maxwell's theory

The invention of radio by A. S. Popov. Principles of radio communication. Amplitude modulation



The device and principle of operation of the radio receiver A. S. Popov. Principles of radio communication

Describe and explain the principles of radio communication. Know the device and the principle of operation of the radio receiver A. S. Popov

Essay - the future of communications

Propagation of radio waves. Radar. The concept of television vision. Development of means of communication



The division of radio waves. The use of waves in broadcasting. Radar. The use of radar in technology. Principles of receiving and receiving a television image. Development of means of communication

Describe physical phenomena: propagation of radio waves, radar. Give examples: the use of waves in radio broadcasting, communications in technology, radar in technology. Understand the principles of receiving and receiving a television image


Vibrations and waves

General lesson

Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves

Generalization of knowledge

Examination No. 2
